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Womens Emancipation Movement
Historically women have participated in all spheres of life with courage and gusto. Indian Higher
Education system is no exception. Indian mythology is rich with stories of highly educated and
evolved women. So much so that our deity of learning is also a woman! One can trace the historical
evidence of ancient Indian Education to the 3rd century BC. Those days education was imparted
orally and many women scholars participated in this. When Buddhism spread to India, some world
famous educational institutions such as Nalanda, Vikramshila and Takshila were established.
Research shows that a number of women were enrolled in these temples of learning. These
universities flourished from about 5th century to 13th century. In the 11th century the ... Show more
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Once women were recognized as an integral part of the work force, higher education became a
necessary stepping stone.
However the development of educational opportunities for girls was held back because of child
marriage and Purdah. Not only that, but Women's education was not smooth as several traditional
and orthodox forces came in the way. For instance, Sardar Dayal Singh, speaking on behalf of the
Indian Association of Punjab, stated "the object of female education in this country is not to make
sound scholars but to make better mothers, sisters and wives''. "Girls should be taught suitable
subjects and not be made to swallow history and geography indiscriminately'', opined Lahore Arya
Many universities were established during this period. Benaras Hindu University in 1916, Aligarh
Muslim University in 1920, and Delhi University in 1922, became new hubs of women's liberation.
At this stage many enlightened national leaders took much interest in this area and strove hard to
bring about a change in the mindset of the people.
After independence women's education, especially higher education, took off. Education started
playing a great role in the emancipation of women from traditional dependencies. Women became
more vocal, articulate and assertive. Our constitution granted equal rights to women and that
included the Right to education. Jawahar Lal Nehru said, "You can tell the condition of a nation by
looking at the status of
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Personality Of C. Raman
Title: Facts On Great Personalities – C V Raman
C V Raman was one of the India's greatest scientists. Recognized internationally, he is famous for
his discovery of Raman Effect and Raman Scattering.
Great Indian Personalities, scientists, C V Raman, Raman Effect, Raman Scattering, kids, kids world
Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman or C V Raman was a famous Indian scientist. He is known for
his work on the scattering of light and for the discovery of the Raman Effect. He received the 1930
Nobel Prize in Physics for his work and contribution to Physics.
Raman was born in Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu on 7 November 1888. His father's name was
Chandrasekhar Iyer and his mother's name was Parvathi Ammal. His father was a lecturer of Physics
and Mathematics.
After completing his ... Show more content on ...
He won many prestigious awards, such as the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930, followed by the
Bharat Ratna in 1954. He also was the recipient of the Lenin Peace Prize in 1957.
Sir C.V. Raman continued his work at the Raman Research Institute, until his sudden death in 21
November 1970.
Thanks to the invention of the laser, the 'Raman Effect' has proved to be a very useful tool for
Raman's attractiveness as a person was rooted in his aesthetic approach to science, with his choice
of subjects for investigation. Some of his other interests were the optics of colloids, physiology of
human vision, and the electrical and magnetic anisotropy. Raman also worked on the acoustics of
musical instruments.
His sincere advice to aspiring scientists was that scientific research was not based on equipment and
facilities, but hard work and independent thinking.
Twenty Eighth February has been declared as National Science Day by the Indian Government to
commemorate Sir C V Raman and his
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Essay On Mahalanobis
INTRODUCTION Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis, also known as P.C Mahalanobis. He was an
Indian scientist and statistician who had contributed large–scale sample survey in statistics. With the
" Mahalanobis Distance", a statistical measurement that he had discovered, he become famous in
science and statistic territory. P.C Mahalanobis belonged to a Bengali family who live in Bikrampur
(today's Bangladesh). His grandfather, Guruchanran was an active person who always involved
in social movements and acting as treasurer and president of Brahmo Samaj through influences of
Rabindranath Tagore, the first non– European winner of Nobel Prize. Gurucharan had moved to
Calcutta in 1854 to starting a chemist shop. In 29 June 1893, P.C Mahalanobis was born, grew up in
a socially active and intellectual's family by his father and mother, Prabodh Chandra and
Nirodbasini. Prabodh Chandra was the younger son of Gurucharan. He was an active member of the
Sadharan Brahmo Samaj. P.C Mahalanobis also the founder of Indian Statistical Institute (ISI),
which is research and training of statistics and development of theoretical statistics. P.C
Mahalanobis' uncle, Subodhchandra was a Head of ... Show more content on ...
He had went to England in year 1913 and his host's friend, M.A Candeth suggest him to join the
famous King's College, Cambridge. At the later time at Cambridge, he was taking interaction with a
mathematical genius, Srinivasa Ramanujan and he doing well in the college. Tripos in Mathematics
and Physics from King's College, Cambridge had been completed by P.C Mahalanobis and the
college had awarded him a senior research fellowship for him as a prize. After it, Mahalanobis
worked with C.T.R. Wilson at the Cavendish Laboratory and he had took a short break and went to
India. The Principal of Presidency College had introduce Mahalanobis to taking classes in
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The Namesake By Jhumpa Lahiri
Jhumpa Lahiri's "The Namesake" examines an immigrant bengali family that has moved from India
to America, and tries to hold their bengali culture while trying to accept American lifestyles. Ashima
and Gogol each struggle with their cultural identity throughout Lahiri's novel. The pressure of
western society and the crisis of losing one's culture and identity is demonstrated through the
characterization and Gogol and Ashima's relationships while living in America. Ashima is Gogol's
mother, who moved to America for her husband Ashoke after they were arranged for marriage.
Ashima misses her family and life back in Calcutta, she has trouble setting in to the American
lifestyles. "On more than one occasion [Ashoke] has come home from the university to find her
morose, in bed, rereading her parents' letters." Ashima feels lonely and homesick. Ashima tries to
keep Bengali tradition by always wearing a sari and a bindi in her forehead, and always cooking an
Indian dinner. "For being a foreigner, Ashima is beginning to realize, is a sort of lifelong pregnancy
– a perpetual wait, a constant burden, a continuous feeling out of sorts. It is an ongoing
responsibility, a parenthesis in what had once been ordinary life, only to discover that that previous
life has vanished, replaced by something more complicated and demanding." (49) In America,
Ashima is surrounded by people she does not know, and she does not quite feel that she fits in.
There are new customs and a new way of doing
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The Determinants Of Customer Satisfaction
2014 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 2 1.1. Background of the Study 2 1.2 Objective of the
Study 4 1.3 Significance of the Study 5 1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study 5 2. LITERATURE
REVIEW 5 2.1 An Overview of Theoretical Review 5 2.2 Dimensions of Customer satisfaction in
Banking Industry 7 2.3 Customer Satisfaction 8 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 9 3.1 Data Type
and Source 9 3.2 Research Strategy and Design 9 3.3 Sampling Method 10 3.4 Data Collection
Method and Instruments 10 REFERENCES 10 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of the Study
Every business enterprise including banks exists to serve customers. Therefore, to satisfy the
customer should be the mission and purpose of every business. Customer can be defined in different
ways, for example Gustafson and Lundgren (2005) described "a customer" as: A customer is the
most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us, we are dependent on him. He is
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The Namesake Chapter Summaries
As I stated earlier the Namesake focuses mainly on the upcoming of Gogol Ganguli. However, the
story changes hands and is told from multiple peoples point of view as the book continues. The main
people who narrate the story are Gogol, Mrs. Ganguli, Mr. Ganguli, and Moushumi. The book
which covers a significant time gap or about thirty years starts off with Mrs. Ganguli pregnant with
Gogol. Gogol was names so after the Russian author Nikolai Gogol. He is named so because his
father Ashoke had been reading a book written by Gogol years prior while on a train ride that we
find out ended up crashing. Ashoke had survived the train accident by dropping the page of the book
he had been reading which rescue workers had found. Per traditional values their family believes ...
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Shortly after that Gogol find out from a voicemail his mother leaves, that Ashoke has dies of a
massive heart attack. It's not too long afterwards that Gogol ends his relationship with Maxine. In
the recent time after this Gogol starts to accompany him mother and sister more often that he had
done prior to the death of his father. It is during this time frame that Ashima mentions a girl,
Moushumi Mazumdaar to Gogol and suggests that he call her. Moushumi was the daughter of past
family friends, and had been one of Gogol's friends as a kid. Gogol contacts Moushumi and after a
few dates the two enter a relationship, a relationship that leads into them being married. The couple
visit Paris not to long after being married, and meet up with some of Moushumi's friends Astrid and
Donald. Gogol is not to fond of her friends, and is usually uncomfortable being around them. About
a year after the two are married Moushumi learn that a past acquaintance Dimitri Desjardins had
applied for the university. Having recognized his name, she contacts
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Saroo's Identity And Belonging
Firstly, Saroo experiences a lack of identity and belonging. Saroo came from a very loving family in
India. He always felt like he belonged, but that all changed when he was adopted by fair skinned
parents, being 5 and dark skinned completely different to his family would be confusing. At some
points frustrating, Saroo questioned whether he belonged or not, "I did I become the Saroo who used
to live on the streets Calcutta rather than just Saroo, mostly wanted to be just Saroo." This evidently
shows that not just Saroo noticed something different about his home life, this put Saroo under a llot
of stress. Sarro has had multiple troubles with wanting to find his family, Saroo's peers really pushed
him in the right direction to weather finding
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Bharati Mukherjee's The Management Of Grief
In Bharati Mukherjee's, The Management of Grief, an airplane, bound for India, is bombed mid–
flight. Friends and families of the victims are left to wait and eventually identify the remains of their
loved ones. The Canadian government's mandates for relief clash with India's cultural belief that a
parent must always have hope. The conflict of the story occurs with the unlucky families of the
victims that are never found or identified. This conflict affects each family differently as they
determine how and how long to manage their grief. Shaila, the main character, awaits for the return
of her husband and sons, identification of their bodies, or a sign that she can let go of her hope and
move on with her life. The conflict resolves itself ... Show more content on ...
Shaila Bhave is described as "a pillar–because you've taken it more calmly" (977), while the other
families are described as "hysterical"(977) and "a real mess" (985). Yet, Shaila feels hysterical on
the inside, "I want to say, I wish I could scream, starve, and walk into Lake Ontario, jump from a
bridge" (978). In fact, according to her culture she is handling her grief poorly, "By the standards of
the people you call hysterical, I am behaving very oddly and very badly" (978). Mukherjee also uses
irony to relay cultural misunderstanding. Dr. Ranganathan plucked roses from someone's garden to
play tribute to his wife, who loved roses. Misinterpreting the gesture, an article was published in the
local newspaper, "When you see an Indian person, it says, please give them flowers" (979). Further,
as Judith Templeton attempts to be hospitable and offer the "human touch" (977), her refusal of the
proffered tea,"out of politeness" (977), is a rejection of their
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The Mistress Of Spices, Sister Identity, By Chitra...
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni was born in 1957 in Calcutta, India. She attended a convent school in
India run by Irish nuns during her childhood and later she got her bachelor's degree from the
University of Calcutta. In 1976, at the age of 19, Divakaruni immigrated to the United States. She
continued her education in the United States by earning a master's degree in English from Wright
State University in Dayton, Ohio, and a Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley.
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni is a versatile writer and her novels have won many literary awards, her
eloquent novels treat the subjects of cultural accommodation, adaptation, assimilation, and
acculturalisation. Some of her famous works are The Mistress of Spices, Sister ... Show more
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As the cows run dry at the time of her birth she was fed with the milk of ass which helped her in
getting the sight and words sooner than others. Being neglected by her parents she led a very
careless life. Tilo was named Nayan–Tara at the time of her birth. Nayan–Tara means a Star of the
Eye, but it could also be interpreted as a person who is starry–eyed. Just like the name, she has very
high aspirations and is not content with whatever she has. She yearns for something more in life
despite being worshipped by thousands of villagers as a goddess. She wants something drastic to
break the monotony of her life. The filial love of a daughter is not received by Nayan Tara. She
suffers from not being accepted and loved by her biological parents. Her parent's reaction contrasts
with the meaning of her first name, "Star of the eye", yet, Nayan Tara is scared by her family and
village because of her supernatural powers to see the future. Nayan Tara is forced to look for other
persons who would bring her love. It is at this juncture that the pirates loot her village and kidnap
her. She is renamed as Bhagyavati or one who is in charge of destiny. The pirates regard her as their
lucky charm which would bring them to their destiny, while she herself is far away from her own
destiny in
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two ways to belong in america
BHARATI MUKHERJEE Two Ways to Belong in America Born in 1940 and raised in Calcutta,
India, Bharati Mukherjee immigrated to the United States in 1961 and earned an M.F.A. and a Ph.D.
in literature. Mukherjee is the author of several novels, including Tiger's Daughter (1972) and
Jasmine (1989), and short story collections, such as The Middleman and Other Stories (1988). She
teaches literature and fiction writing at the University of California, Berkeley. "Two Ways to Belong
in America" first appeared in the New York Times. It was written to address a movement in
Congress to take away government benefits from resident aliens. Like her fiction, though, it is also
about the issues that confront all immigrants in America. This is a ... Show more content on ...
She, for the lack of structure in my life, the erasure of Indianness, the absence of an unvarying daily
core. I, for the narrowness of her perspective, her uninvolvement with the mythic depths or the
superficial pop culture of this society. But, now, with the scapegoatings of "aliens" (documented or
illegal) on the increase, and the targeting of long term legal immigrants like Mira for new scrutiny
and new self–consciousness, she and I find ourselves unable to maintain the same polite discretion.
We were always unacknowledged adversaries, and we are now, more than ever, sisters. "I feel used,"
Mira raged on the phone the other night. "I feel manipulated and discarded. This 8 is such an unfair
way to treat a person who was invited to stay and work here because of her talent. My employer
went to the LN.S. and petitioned for the labor certification. For over 30 years, I've invested my
creativity and professional skills into the improvement of this country's preschool system. I've
obeyed all the rules, I've paid my taxes, I love my work, I love my students, I love the friends I've
made. How dare America now change its rules in midstream? If America wants to make new rules
curtailing benefits of legal immigrants, they should apply only to immigrants who arrive after those
rules are already in place." To my ears, it sounded like the description of a long–enduring,
comfortable yet loveless 9 marriage, without risk or
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Energy and Environment
Cover Letter
I, Vineet Kr. Gupta, am completed M.Tech (Energy & Environmental Management) from
Kurukshetra University, Haryana, India. I wish to apply for the suitable position (Environment
Management Division) in your organization in the thrust area of Environment Management.
As a professional of Energy and Environmental Management, I am willing to pursue my career in
the same field and hence seeking an opportunity to get a professional position in your esteemed
organization. My course scheme is basically dealing in the Energy Conservation and Management
and Energy from Waste. It also provides knowledge in the field of Environmental Management,
Sustainable Industry, Aspect of Climate Change & Energy Conservation and various laboratory ...
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|Employment Experience |
1. Duration: July 2006 – June 2007
Place: Hydroair Techtonics Ltd. Navi Mumbai
Post: Assistant Environment Officer
Key Responsibility: Looked after the project related with solid waste management, waste water
treatment technologies.
2. Duration: July 2007 – September 2008
Place: Eco–Men Laboratory Pvt. Ltd, Lucknow
Post: Environment Scientist
Key Responsibilities: Environment Monitoring and Analysis (Air, Water, Soil,) Experiment design
and analysis result, report preparation
|Industrial and Research Experience: |
1. Place: Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Corporate Office, New Delhi
Post: Trainee–S&EP, Duration: June–5th August, 2010.
Project: Carbon Management Strategies in IOCL and Green Inventory.
2. Place: Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai
Post: Trainee–Environment Assessment Division
Duration: January–May, 2010
Project: Determination of Sedimentation Rate using 210Po and 210Pb depth profile in
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The Importance Of Language In Education
It was during the 1800s that a decision was taken which had ended up being the turning point for the
language in education scenario in India and changed the orientation of language priority in Indian
education. The decision was taken to ignore the vernacular medium education and concentrate
entirely on English as the single language for instruction (Paranjpe & Prasad, 2010)(Sridhar, 1989).
It was made clear that those who had attained education in English would be preferred over the
vernacular educated class. English had become the language of higher education and with the
establishment of the prestigious universities in the major cities like Bombay, Calcutta, Madras,
Lahore, Allahabad and Punjab, English had achieved its supremacy (Sridhar, 1989) (Krishnaswamy
& Krishnaswamy, 2006). From this point onwards education came to be equated with English
education and those who studied in vernacular medium were put permanently in the background
(Sridhar, 1989), a mindset prevalent in the mind of Indians even today. Despite the changes which
were made in the language policies in the 1900s to make space for vernacular languages in the
educational setting did not meet with the expected success (Krishnaswamy & Krishnaswamy, 2006)
(Sridhar, 1989). By 1970s and 1980s about one–third of the India had its schools using English as
their medium of instruction (Paranjpe & Prasad, 2010). Hence the language in education policy
during the colonial era had created two different media of
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The Journal Of Fairy Tales
This article by Christy Williams was published by Marvel and Tales, the journal of fairy–tale
studies. This article emphasize how the idea of a wicked stepmother became a staple of popular fairy
tales traditions. The author uses different grimm's fairy tales such as, Cinderella, Snow White,
Hansel and Gretel, etc. To support her argument of the use and image of an evil stepmother. She
gave opinions of actually stepmothers and how they felt about this stereotypes. Finally she
emphasizes that postmodern fairy tales have made a change in the use of evil stepmother as a villain
and how this could improve the use of negative gender roles. The audience for this article can be
specifically blended families and writers. This article by Nilanjana
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Gogol & Quot ; Similarities And Differences Between Gogol...
Gogol & Ashoke: Compare & Contrast Throughout the novel The Namesake you see the similarities
and the differences between Gogol and Ashoke. Ashoke is born in India and he has made himself an
educated man, he has also worked hard for his family to provide for them and show them how to
succeed in America. Gogol is Ashoke's son, Gogol has some hard times trying to figure out who he
is as a person and who he wants to be. Both father and son seem to be so different on the surface
when really, deep down they are so much alike. For starters, Ashoke and Gogol were different
because they didn't really have the same culture even though both of them are Indian. Ashoke was
born and raised in India, unlike Gogol who was born and raised in America. Ashoke felt as if he was
living in a foreign land because even though he had lived in America for many years, it was not a
part of his culture. When they move back to Calcutta for eight months Ashoke felt alive and he felt
like he could enjoy life because he wasn't being judged by others. On the other hand, Gogol was
born and raised in America and he had adopted the American culture. Gogol hated leaving The
United States to move to Calcutta for eight months. In addition, he felt like an outsider because even
though he was Indian he had never been around that culture so he didn't really see the Indian culture
as being a part of him. Gogol was more American than he was Indian, because he had been raised in
America rather than India. Also,
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Essay On LIS
Library and Information Science (LIS) education in India is presently growing very fast as a subject
with a multidisciplinary approach. Now–a–sdays LIS education not only includes library related
subjects but it has so many extensions like computer application, statistics, mathematics,
management studies and operational research. LIS education in India has expanded since
independence in the form of increase in number of LIS departments in the universities and
institutions offering specialized courses in LIS and in the increase in number of students as well as
courses. Research has also been initiated and accelerated in different facets of the subject with the
support of the universities and different funding agencies (Satija, ... Show more content on ...
While Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS) is offered by 105 universities, Master of
Library and Information Science (MLIS) courses is provided by 78 universities and 21 universities
offer two–year integrated courses . Seventeen universities provide M.Phil in Library and
Information Science, 53 universities provide Ph.D in Library and Information Science and 2
universities provide D.Litt Degree (Jain, Kaur, & Babbar, 2007).
Different Courses of LIS:
The different LIS courses available in India, including regular and distance education, are as
1. Certificate course in Library and Information Science (C.Lib.Sc)
2. Diploma in Library and Information Science
3. B.Lib.Sc. /BLIS (Bachelor Degree in Library and Information Science)
4. M.Lib.Sc. /MLIS (Master Degree in Library and Information Science)
5. MS–LIS (Master of Science in Library and Information Science)
6. M.Phil (Master of Philosophy) in Library and Information Science
7. Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy) in Library and Information Science
8. D.Litt in Library and Information Science (Banaras Hindu University and Utkal
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Dorothy Day Research Paper
Courage is a cardinal virtue every human being needs. Courage is doing something frightening you
are for the right being even if you are alone in your belief. Many regular humans have used courage
also. For example Dr. Martin Luther King jr. stood up for all African Americans, even though almost
everyone did not agree with him. He eventually helped end segregation by raising awareness. Sadly,
Dr. Martin Luther King jr. was killed just for his beliefs. Today we celebrate a holiday for his great
bravery. Bravery is a synonym of courage. Almost all saints in their life have shown courage. One
saint that had courage was Saint Francis of Assisi. Saint Francis was a rich man, however he ignored
all his money for God. He gave up his wealthy life just for his savior. Saint Francis would help sick
people just like how Jesus did. He would approach Lepore's even if people thought he was crazy.
Saint Francis of Assisi was a brave soldier in the army, having no fear knowing that God was
present with him. Saint Maximilian Kolbe had a vision of Mary and she was holding two crowns,
and he had to choose one. Later on his his life he was ... Show more content on ...
I try to base my courage of my role model of courage. My role model of courage is Dorothy Day.
Dorothy Day was born on November 8, 1897. She had 3 brothers and one sister. Later on she got a
scholarship to attend The University of Illinois. She then moved to New York. Much like Blessed
Mother of Teresa Dorothy set up a care home for the shelterless and needy. She would provide
shelter, water, food, and clothes. Dorothy made a sacrifice living like the homeless so she could care
for them. Dorothy did not have much money either. Dorothy was later arrested for her actions, even
though she was helping. Dorothy Day died on November 29. 1980. She used a great amount of
courage. She sacrificed her life for others. Dorothy Day is a great role model, teaching us to put
others before
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Mother Teres The Life And Dignity Of The Human Person
Vander Mel 1
Christian Vander Mel
Mr. Sagona
Eighth Grade Religion
May 18, 2015
Mother Teresa: The Life and Dignity of the Human Person Life and dignity of a human person is the
basis for all Catholic Social Teaching. Mother Teresa embodied this statement throughout her entire
life as she served the poorest of the poor throughout the world. Mother Teresa built schools to teach,
hospitals to cure, orphanages to love, and hospice homes to comfort. All of these projects were
based on the Catholic Church's proclamation " human life is sacred and the dignity of the human
person is the foundation of society." ( ) By establishing Missionaries of Charity in 1948, which
served society 's poor and marginalized, Mother Teresa influenced world leaders by living the social
teachings of the Catholic Church. Mother Teresa grew up in a very loving family that was
committed to their Catholic faith. Her mother always told her children that they should never eat a
bite of food without sharing it with another. Mother Teresa recalls that her mother often invited the
poor of the their town to come and dine with her family. Her mother's commitment to the needy was
deep rooted. She didn't waver from this commitment even after her husband died leaving her with
three young children including Teresa, who was only eight years old. This family commitment to
serve among many experiences in her homeland of Macedonia is what set the stage for Mother
Teresa's life of charity. In
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Realism in Poetry of Rabindranath Tagore
Topic: "Realism in Tagore's Poetry" Research Scholar : (Sumer Prasad) S/o Late Mahendra Prasad
Vill. Semari, P. O. Gothain Dist. Ballia, U. P. Supervisor : Dr.( Ravi Shankar Singh) P. G. College,
Ghazipur U. P. Co–Supervisor : Dr. (A. K. Mishra) Reader, Dept. of English D. C. S. K. (P. G.)
College, Mau, U. P. Research Centre : D. C. S. Khandelwal (P. G.) College, Maunath Bhanja Mau,
Scheme Introduction Chapter 1: Towards an understanding of Realism Chapter 2: Realism in
Tagore's Poetry ... Show more content on ...
It is thus, not concerned with idealization with rendering things as beautiful when they are not, or in
any way presenting them in any guise as they are not; nor, as a rule, is realism concerned with
presenting the supra normal or transcendental" Though, of course, the writings of Richard Rolle of
Hampole, for example, or the mystical poems of St. John of the Cross, are realistic enough if we
believe in God and the spiritual order. The writing of the mystic and the visionary perhaps belongs
to a rather special category which might be called 'Super reality; on the whole one tends to think of
realism in terms of the everyday, the normal, the pragmatic, more crudely, it suggests jackers off,
sleeves rolled up, a 'no nonsense' approach. The term realism in 20th century trends and movements
can be better understood as, "a mode of writing that gives the impression of recording or reflecting
faithfully an actual way of life" (Oxford Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms). The term,
sometimes confusingly, suggests both to a literary
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The Pain Of Cultural Alienation In Mrs. Sen, By Boori Me
At the time of evening, she went to her neighbour's house where she welcomed by them and
sometimes passed to a tea but she could not sit on the furniture, she was only allowed to sit on the
doorways or hallways. They sympathize with her for the loss of her family. The housewives in the
building in an attempt to explain her exaggerations collectively take her to be a homeless migrant in
Boori Ma tries to escape from the hardship she is facing by reminiscing about her early life in her
own country. She does not home for herself which reminds her own. For instance, in the other
stories characters like Mrs. Sen, they talk and think about her native and longing for that. Boori Ma
also has no home but she has her past memories only, ... Show more content on ...
Sen, and her collection of saves, gold bangles, her braided hair, bowls and her colanders and one
thing particularly strike him. That is the Sens, both are not wear shoes in their home and her Indian
blade o cutting vegetables, fish and chicken, these are deeply contrasted with Eliot's culture.
Throughout these contrast the boy compared himself about the two way of culture and compared his
mother with Mrs. Sen. Mrs. Sen preparing food for two but, his mother does like that, she goes
without lunch and order pizza for dinner.
Mrs. Sen depending on her husband but his mother does not like that. Mrs. Sen is actually home sick
always she longs for her home that means her own native, India and in particular Calcutta. She
always thinks about her memories of homeland and shared with Eliot. When she told one day, "a
large celebration of any kind, my mother sends out word in the evening for all the neighbourhood
women to bring blades just like this one, and then they sit in an enormous circle on the roof of
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Summary Of City Of Joy
In the decades after City of Joy was published, the world's focus on climate change and sustainable
living increased greatly. People started to look to the future and realize the actual costs of a rapidly
changing world. The World Bank report called, "Turn Down the Heat" reports on new research
related to climate change and alayses the impacts and risk to developing countries. Lapierre's novel
certainly does not tackle an issue like climate change explicitly, but he does show nature to have a
large effect on people's lives, and several natural disasters in the City of Joy have only increased in
frequency since the book was written. Most importantly, City of Joy displays the "impacts and risks"
section of the World Bank report, as the effects of climate cut deep to exacerbate many of the
development problems in Anand Nagar. Hasari Pal is forced out of farming due to the unmanageable
climate. When the monsoon arrives, "The sky is rendering the earth fruitful. This is rebirth, the
triumph of the elements" (CoJ, 14). However, for Hasari Pal and his village, the downpours never
arrived. Lapierre details the quick destruction of lifestyle that is caused by the drought, as wells
were guarded 24/7, fish floundering in the dried up creeks were divied up, and livestock was
obliterated. Hasari reflects, "There was a treasure in my field, but today someone else holds its key
and the treasure is no longer mine" (CoJ, 17). The World Bank report spends some time talking
about the
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Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
Subhas Chandra Bose (Bengali: সুভাষ চন্দ্র বসু, Shubhash Chôndro Boshu) was an Indian
revolutionary who led an Indian national political and military force against Britain and the Western
powers during World War II. Popularly known as Netaji (literally "Respected Leader"), Bose was
one of the most prominent leaders in the Indian independence movement and is a legendary figure in
India today. Bose was born on 23 January 1897 in Cuttack, Orissa to Janakinath Bose and
Prabhabati Debi, and is presumed to have died 18 August 1945 (although this is
disputed[clarification needed]).[citation needed] Subhas Chandra Bose (Bengali: সুভাষ চন্দ্র বসু,
Shubhash Chôndro Boshu) was an Indian revolutionary who led an Indian national political and
military ... Show more content on ...
His political views and the alliances he made with Nazi and other militarist regimes at war with
Britain have been the cause of arguments among historians and politicians, with some accusing him
of fascist sympathies, while others in India have been more sympathetic towards the realpolitik that
guided his social and political choices.
He is presumed to have died on 18 August 1945 in a plane crash in Taiwan, though the evidence for
his death in such an accident has not been universally accepted (see below).
[edit] Early life
Subhas Chandra Bose was born in a Bengali Kayasth family on January 23, 1897 in Cuttack, Orissa,
to Janakinath Bose, an advocate and Prabhavati Devi. He was the ninth child of a total of fourteen
siblings. He studied in an Anglo school at Cuttack until the sixth standard and then shifted to
Ravenshaw Collegiate School. From there he went to the Presidency College where he studied
briefly. His nationalistic temperament came to light when he was expelled for assaulting Professor
Oaten for his anti–India comments. Bose later topped the matriculation examination of Calcutta
province in 1911 and passed his B.A. in 1918 in philosophy from the Scottish Church College under
University of Calcutta.
Bose went to study in Fitzwilliam Hall of the University of Cambridge, and matriculated,
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The Namesake By Jhumpa Lahiri Cultural Identity
Cultural Identity is the framework that shapes who one is, as a person. It helps one to sustain self–
identity and belonging anywhere in society. Although it might be transformed over time, it is the
way people undergo adversity. This sense of cultural identity is portrayed through the character,
Ashima Ganguli, who was ordained to reshape her identity when she migrated to America with her
husband, Ashoke. This move to America specifically Boston, allowed Ashima to be faced with
tribulations within herself. Ashima is characterized as a hesitant migrant who did not understand
how to deal with her situation (Lahiri–Roy). Throughout the text of The Namesake, Jhumpa Lahiri
develops the character of Ashima Ganguli to shed light on the progression ... Show more content on ...
Ashima surrounds herself with other Bengali migrants who are able to relate to her situation. "They
all come from Calcutta, and for this reason alone they are friends" (Lahiri 38). This sense of
socializing with others from the same culture gives Ashima a sense of connection and belonging.
Although, she begins to slowly do American things, "she sti;; foes not feel fully at home...on
Pemberton road" (Lahiri 280). Ashima's only exception to the American–South Asia lives within her
children, when she chooses not to protest against her son Gogol's relationships. "They've even gone
so far as to point out examples of Bengali men they know who've married Americans, marriages that
have ended in divorce" (Lahiri 117). Ashima and Ashoke have a completely different outlook of
love and marriage than Gogol. They see love as something tied to marriage, but Gogol is not even
interested in that stuff. It is clearly inferred that Ashima and Ashoke have the old–frame of thinking
when it comes to marriage. It is not seen till later where Ashima is accepting of her daughter Sonia's
relationship with an American. This acceptance of her daughter's relationship shoes he willingness
to accept others who do not always meet her
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Plassey And Buxar Essay
Plassey and Buxar were fought with the purpose to establish English regime in the land of India by
English East India Company. Actually, battle of Buxar was the supplementary part of the battle of
Plassey. After this battle, the regime of English East India Company began in Bengal, and also its
influence was spread. During the existence of regime of Mogul empire in India, Europeans had
already entered. Mogul emperors were ruling their empire deputing or appointing representatives in
their emperors' provinces. Mogul Emperor Aurangajeb had deputed Mursidkulizafer Khan as the
representative (governor or Subedar) to Bengal in 1705.
* Author Adhikari is working as Associate Professor in teaching History Committee of Padmakanya
Multiple Campus, Tribhuwan University, Nepal.
During his regime, getting safe from the French power after the third Karnatak war, English
company officers thought to strengthened their dominants the fertile land of Bengal, which was
regarded as one of the important and fertile territorial part of the Mogul Empire. Not only
suppressed other European races remaining in India but also the English men dealt the Indian races
as the favorite. First of all, they got the custom exempted for convenient trading in the ... Show more
content on ...
Robert Clive has accepted the battle as a revolution in the history of England. Likewise, as per the
saying of the historian Nelson, there was no another event which was such permanent and having
influencing result like it. In this way, English men have regarded the battle of Plassey as an extreme
conspiracy against the Indian princes and people. This battle is regarded as an important event from
both political and economical points of view. Reason of occurring war was that the Bengal was very
fertile state because English were discharging salvia (in the sense of greedy) willing to capture this
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My Experience In My Life
I had only left the United States once before in my life. It was a small trip to London with my
mother to visit a distant relative. It was a quick trip, maybe 3 or 4 days and I could hardly remember
it because it was 12 years ago. I didn't have much motivation to leave home again except for
university. Until I got a call. On Wednesday, April 24th at exactly 3:37 pm I got a call from my aunt
Kaasni. This was no ordinary phone call, as we normally had pre–organized phone calls every other
Sunday evening and she hardly talked to me when I had school work. That was the deal with my
parents after my father left – I could speak to my aunt who he lived with every other Sunday and on
certain holidays. I picked up the phone and my father, drunk and hazy spoke. "Sasha my dear ba–
ba–baby how are you," he slurred "you know what, I think you should come spend some time with
me, here in Calcutta, get a different taste of what life is like for your old man." It took a moment for
me to process what he had said – he wanted me to see him, after 15 years, he wanted me in his life
again. Then I heard my auntie on the phone "Sasha? I am so sorry, your father drank a little too
much. We are on holiday here and I hope he hasn't disturbed you," she said. "Oh no Auntie Kay, its
fine," I replied, still deep in thought. The line went silent for a moment as I heard her shush my
intoxicated father while she held her palm to the phone. She picked up once again and continued
apologizing until I
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The Internal Cultures Of Diaspora, By Bharati Mukherjee
Bharati Mukherjee was an Indian born American writer. Her writings explored the internal culture
clashes of immigrant. She was born on 1940, July 22 she belong to an upper middle class Hind
Brahmin family in Calcutta. She is second daughter of three for the parent of Sudhir Lal, a Chemis
and Bina Banerjee. Until all age of eight she lived with big family with 40–50 relatives. Mukherjee
and her sister had opportunity to receive rich excellent schooling. In 1947, her father move to
England for his job and he brought his family too. Until 1951 they lived in England. Her life in
England gave opportunity to develop and perfect her in English language skills. Calcutta is a native
for Mukherjee. She attended schools in India, England and Switzerland. ... Show more content on ...
"To scatter about" is the meaning for Diaspora". The people immigrant from their native place to
another place across the world spreads their culture as they go. In Bible Jews exiled from Israel by
the Babylonians so the Bible refers to Diaspora. It's a small example for Diaspora. The origin of
Diaspora started at 1st century itself. The movement of the population from one place to another is
also refers to the Diaspora. Africa, Asia, Europe per some of the countries having Diaspora. The first
mentioned Diaspora is found in Septuagint. According to the oxford English Dictionary, the first
usage of the word Diaspora is recorded in the English language in 1876. So after the Bible's
translation in Greek the Diaspora word used to refer to the Northern kingdom out between 740–722
be from Israel by the Assyrians. The term Diaspora becomes more involved into English in the
middle of 1950s. The study of Diaspora became the sense of the world. William Safran published in
an article in 1991, he distinguish six rules to Diasporas from migrant communities. Rogers Brubaker
(2005) says that, Diaspora is widening now. Most early discussions of Diaspora rooted in the
concept of 'homeland'. They were concerned with the paradigmatic case or a small number of care
cases. The Jewish Diaspora is the paradigmatic case. Now a day there is a Diasporas in
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Bioscience Personal Statement
Bioscience has helped me to develop the urge to know the unknown which consequently led to the
growth of my character. I completed my secondary education scoring a first division (80.03%) and
this gave me the opportunity to select the subject of my preference and I choose biology as one of
my main subjects and completed my higher secondary in 2010 scoring a first–class mark
(77.4%).After my schooling I had decided to study further in bioscience field so I took zoology in
BSc where I achieved a first division (69.25%) under Calcutta University. I then pursued MSc and
took up Zoology to further my knowledge in the field. I have attended some significant seminars
during that period and also worked in some projects like 'disorder in sex development'.
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A Practitioner Of Yoga
ŚU 1.15: Like oil in sesame seeds and butter in curds, like water in the river– bed and fire in the
fire–drills, so, when one seeks it with truth and austerity, one grasps the self (ātman) in the body
(ātman) – that all– pervading self, which is contained [in the body], like butter in milk. ŚU 1.16:
That is brahman, the highest objects of the teachings on hidden connections (Upaniṣad), an object
rooted in austerity and the knowledge of self. BhG 5.28: The sage whose highest path is release,
whose sense, mind and insight are controlled, whose anger, fear and longing have ... Show more
content on ...
BhG 6.13: One is firm, unmoving, holding in the balance the head, the neck And body, looking at
the tip of the nose, not looking in any other direction. YS 2.46: Posture should be steady and
comfortable. Both, the ŚU and BhG are very specific that the head, neck and trunk should be
aligned. In contrast, YS is more general in the correct meditating posture description. One reason, as
I proposed previously, for that could be that it was accustomed that the guru is present to
demonstrate and teach the student the physical postures, or as Bryant suggests: 'One could also
suppose that other extant texts concerned themselves with the specifics of asana [posture].' While
numerous modern yoga traditions, especially in the West, accentuate the attainment of the physical
posture as the highest aim of yoga, the old texts treat the physical posture as only a preparation to
the body (physically and energetically) to serve the long meditation practice. As Bryant
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Anita Desai 's ' Desai '
She finds totally alone and helpless in her husband 's house. Anita Desai 's language is marked by
three characteristics of sensuous richness, high sensitiveness and love for the sound words. She is
chiefly interested in the emotional world of woman, and her fiction reflects a rare imaginative
awareness of the various forces in operation and a genuine understanding of feminine sensibility as
well as psychology. Her central characters are sensitive and respond faithfully to the needs of the
Anita Desai uses words for their own sake. She displays her skill in using words for music and
magic. The title of the novel also symbolizes the agony of an unfulfilled desire. Though living as
man and wife they are strangers to each other. In the two novels of Anita Desai Where Shall We Go
This Summer and Cry, The peacock both the heroines are not a maladjusted couples. They are
constantly faced with the spectacles of endless frustration in the unending series of hope and
Maya and Sita 's understanding of the present situation is disturbed and distorted by memories of the
past expectations of the future. Instead of trying to live in the present, they move backward into the
past and search for happiness in the memories of the bye gone days. They refuse to fully in the
present. Desai 's characters reflect an acute sense of time and Space as the major dimensions of
human life. Their awareness of these, sometimes, leads them to examine the nature of time and
space in
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Rabindranath Tagore
Rabindranath Tagore
Rabindranath Tagore was born on May 9, 1861 in an affluent family in the Jorasanko Mansion in
Kolkata. His parents were Debendranath Tagore and Sarada Devi.Rabindranath Tagore was born in
Calcutta, India into a wealthy Brahmin family. After a brief stay in England (1878) to attempt to
study law, he returned to India, and instead pursued a career as a writer, playwright, songwriter,
poet, philosopher and educator. During the first 51 years of his life he achieved some success in the
Calcutta area of India where he was born and raised with his many stories, songs and plays. His
short stories were published monthly in a friend's magazine and he even played the lead role in a
few of the public performances of his plays. ... Show more content on ...
Tagore's reputation as a writer was established in the United States and in England after the
publication of GITANJALI: SONG OFFERINGS, about divine and human love. The poems were
translated into English by the author himself. In the introduction from 1912 William Butler Yates
wrote: "These lyrics – which are in the original, my Indians tell me, full of subtlety of rhythm, of
untranslatable delicacies of colour, of metrical invention – display in their thought a world I have
dreamed of all my life long." Tagore's poems were also praised by Ezra Pound, and drew the
attention of the Nobel Prize committee. in London. Gradually... Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941)
was the youngest son of Debendranath Tagore, a leader of the Brahmo Samaj, which was a new
religious sect in nineteenth–century Bengal and which attempted a revival of the ultimate monistic
basis of Hinduism as laid down in the Upanishads. He was educated at home; and although at
seventeen he was sent to England for formal schooling, he did not finish his studies there. In his
mature years, in addition to his many–sided literary activities, he managed the family estates, a
project which brought him into close touch with common humanity and increased his interest in
social reforms. He also started an experimental school at Shantiniketan where he tried his
Upanishadic ideals of education. From time to time he participated in the Indian nationalist
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Apush Unit 2 Research Paper
There was a high food shortage in 1946 and this caused many to ration. World War II left a deep
wound in India as two and a half million Indian soldiers were sent to aid the allies and 24,000 killed.
Many were unemployed as they lost their jobs after the war since there was no need for war
production. Gandhi's party, Indian national congress, created in 1885 seemed it would be the power
that ruled after Britain left. This changed, however, as the All Muslim league became popular during
World War II. Muslims were a minority compared to the Hindus. The Partition of 1947 created
Pakistan, where the Muslims would live, and India, where the Hindus would live. II) Cultural
Differences There were conflicts in the early 1940s at religious events. An example is when the
Hindu event Holi, also known as the festival of colors, featured riots. There were also cases when
sacred cows were murdered. Additionally, there were times when Hindu music was loudly played by
mosques during the prayer time. Segregation of the religions was promoted as Muslim's could only
use 'Mohammedan refreshment room' at train stations. Muslims could only use the tap waters
labeled 'Muslim water' and Hindus could only use the taps labeled 'Hindu water'. The president of
the Muslim League, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, told a British interviewer, "We are different beings,
there is nothing in life which links us together. Our names, our clothes, our foods–they are all
different; our economic life, our educational ideas, our treatment of women, our attitude to
animals....We challenge each other at every point of the compass". Professor Mohammad Mujeeb
from the distinct ... Show more content on ...
Muslims feared that if Hindus acquired the party, they would be inclined to hire only Hindus for
governmental jobs like policeman. This meant they would also control the
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Essay Comparing No-No Boy And The Namesake
The idea of "home" can be very different for different people. For some, home can mean where they
were born or grew up. For others home may be the best place they have lived so far, or where they
are currently living. The idea of where home is can also change from one place to another as people
go through their lives. In the novels No–No Boy and The Namesake we see two different
perspectives of how different immigrants from different cultures view the idea of home after making
their journey to America. Depending on the character, there are many differences and similarities
between the two experiences in the books. In this collection of novels, there is no set idea of what
"home" really is, but that it depends on each person's own beliefs and ... Show more content on ...
Since birth, Gogol learned both American and Bengali culture but felt more in touch with the
American side due to living there for the majority of his live and only occasionally visiting Calcutta.
Gogol's parents try to raise him in the Bengali culture, but not living there or being active in the
culture has made it a struggle for him to do, causing Gogol to never really consider Calcutta his
home. Living in America, Gogol still goes through conflicting situations throughout his professional
and social life where by the end of the novel he does not know where he truly feels at
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Origins of the British East India Company and Its...
The British East India Company played a key role in one of the most successful periods of British
history. The East India Company was responsible for the invasion of the Indian subcontinent, which
became one of the empire's leading supplier of profits. The East India Company was responsible for
the overthrow of Hong Kong and other Asian countries; it was responsible for creating Britain's
Asian empire. The British East India Company began as a joint–stock corporation of traders and
investors which was granted a Royal charter by Queen Elizabeth 1 to trade with the East. The
original name of the corporation when it first formed was Governor and Company of Merchants of
London Trading into the East Indies (Landow). They joined together to ... Show more content on ...
The Mughal territory included northern and central India and it was rich in merchandises that would
profit the enterprise. Final agreements were reached in 1615 that allowed the corporation to start a
base. It sent "Indian textiles to the market at Bantam [from Surat]" (The [British East India]
Company Story). This led the group to become the major trading business over the French, Dutch,
and Portuguese trading companies in the Indian subcontinent. India had great proficient dyers and
weavers that created cloth which went in demand throughout Asia and England. The company by
1690 "had trading centers (known as factories) all along the West and East of India" (The [British
East India] Company Story). For instance, major bases were at Calcutta and Bombay. London was
also an essential trading base "where goods were imported, exported and transferred from one
country to another." The British East India Company was allowed by the Chinese to trade at Canton
in 1699. The conglomerate purchased products like tea and silk from China, covered the charge with
silver. England began to worry that too much silver was being used to compensate for the tea; as a
result, the British East India Company started to grow Opium in India to pay to the Chinese. By
1750, Indian silks, cottons and calicoes formed 60 percent of the organization (The [British East
India] Company Story). Throughout this time, the Mughal Empire was subsiding. Provincial states
began to emerge and they were
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Pre-Independence Period In The Pre Independence Period
2.2 English in India:
2.2.1 Pre–Independence Period:
English language was widely exposed to our country due to the British conquest. It was started to
accept by the people when the British first came to India after the incorporation of the East India
Company in 1600, and gained roots especially by the educational policies of a Governor–general
Lord Macaulay.
The growth of English in India is well explained by Timothy J. Scrase in the following words:
"Since the days of the British Raj, English remained the language of domination, status and
privilege in India. The hegemonic colonial project in India was to create and maintain a class of
administrative officers, clerks and compliant civil servants to carry out the task of ruling the vast and
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Britishers in India, and as a colonial subjects people had no other choice but to learn, to know and to
speak English. In this way the language started gaining roots in India.
Meanwhile two groups came in existence. One group was the 'Anglicists' advocated the revival of
English and second was the 'Orientalists' who advocated the revival of Sanskrit and Persian learning
in India but the noted Hindu leaders like Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Christian missionaries like
William Carey advocated Western education through the medium of English. and thus a controversy
arose between these groups. It withheld the smooth progress of English in India.
Then Lord Macaulay was appointed as the president of the committee in 1834. His main contention
was that the study of English could be beneficial to those Indians who were pursuing higher studies
than Arabic and Sanskrit. He pointed out that there was already an effective demand for English. He
argued that:
"since indigenous languages were inadequate and chaotic, and indigenous arts and literature were
petty futile things. Only 'Western' education with English as the sole medium would deliver the
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The Namesake Belonging Quotes
Moving around can be difficult for many people with new neighborhoods, new people, and new
atmospheres. Alienation is an unavoidable aspect of modern life. There are a variety of ways to
accommodate people in new places such as community gatherings and public events such as
parades, festivities, and nearby school events. However, it becomes complicated when there are
language barriers, cultural differences and internal belonging. Many immigrants are haunted by the
sense of alienation when arriving in a new country, no matter how many obstacles they happen to
overcome. Not only does it take a toll on relationships, but on internal struggles on what it means to
come from, call home, and belong. To this present day, many people looking for new life in America
have to face an overwhelming amount of difficulties in an attempt to create a comfortable life. Yet
their sense of belonging will ultimately never feel real, and that struggle and last more than one
lifetime. In the novel The Namesake one of our main protagonist, Ashima, is a foreigner from India
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The different aspects of life in a different world she experienced had created more than a life times
of suffering, and she had managed with the help of Ashoke and many new friends she had made in
her new life. Friends that came together to celebrate the birthdays of her children, with eatings and
old practices such as deciding the future through plates of dirt, money, and writing utensils. How she
passed time with writing christmas cards to her family in Calcutta, and how she sent more parts of
her life to them through letters about how different life was. Lahiri pictures the dramatic life
adventures of immigrants how they feel all around the world. These immigrants are distraught
because they recognize that they do not gain anything even through their sufferings that have
plagued them for so many
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Satyajit Ray Protest And Rebellion
Protest and Negotiation in Satyajit Ray's Calcutta Trilogy
I. Introduction
Satyajit Ray (2 May, 1921– 23 April, 1992) is one of the best directors from the golden era of
Bengali cinema (1952–1975). During that period parallel cinema movement emerged in India. This
parallel cinema movement was mainly led by Bengali cinema. Satyajit Ray was born in Calcutta,
and his family was very prominent in the field of arts and literature. He earned his reputation with
his first film Pather Panchali (1955), it won eleven international awards, and with this film, he
introduced Bengali cinema to the world. And now he is widely admired as one of the best
filmmakers of the 20th century. He received his bachelor from the University of Calcutta in
economics. ... Show more content on ...
However, Naxalism in Bengal should also be seen in the context of the vast wave of international
protest sweeping the world in the 1960s and 70s the centered on American aggression in Vietnam,
but which also denounced such things as apartheid in South Africa and nuclear arms, as well as
expressing antagonism towards capitalism, privilege and neo–colonialism, no matter how vaguely
they may have been. The anger of protest in Kolkata in the seventies, with Naxalism in its vanguard,
was fanned strongly by the various elements of international protest as
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Obesity In Mexico
Mexico is currently going through a nutrition transition. Mexicans are moving away from a
traditional diet toward a highly processed diet making them particularly vulnerable to chronic
disease. Trade liberalization plays a huge role in this regard. After NAFTA had been implemented in
1994, the number of unhealthy food products from the United States to Mexico increased
substantially. According to FAO and the OECD, Mexico has one of the highest obesity rates in the
world. According to national nutrition survey, Mexico is leading the world in childhood obesity with
30% under 15 years, 40.8% are overweight over 15+, and 32.2% are obese, placing the country
second in the world. The indigenous population suffers from a higher nutritional risk and ... Show
more content on ...
Prior to joining McGill in 2007, she has been a Post–Doctoral Research Fellow and subsequently a
faculty at the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta and Madras School of Economics, India. She
has received number of international fellowships and awards by the World Bank, ADB, Indo–Dutch
program, and Ford Foundation. She was a Post–doctoral/ Visiting Fellow at the Faculty of Business
Management, Oulu University Finland; Stockholm Environment Institute; the SOM Research
School–Groningen University, UNU–MERIT–Maastricht University; and the SERD, Asian Institute
of Technology. She was also a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the De La Salle University,
Manila. She has numerous publications in peer–reviewed journals and five authored
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My Own Boswell : Memoirs Of M. Hidayatullaha
Book Review
ISBN: 978–81–7534–260–6
Publication year 2011
Pages: 304
Price Rs. 295/–
Published By Universal Law Publishing Company Private Limited
G.T. Karnal Road, New Delhi– 110033, India
Reviewed by Prabhansu Gupta* The MY OWN BOSWELL : MEMOIRS OF M.
HIDAYATULLAHA is the autobiography of an eminent Indian lawyer M. Hidayatullah who has
won most of the prizes available to one of his profession in India. The title, he explains in the
preface, was taken from the subtitle of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes ' Aristocrat of the Breakfast
Table: Every man his own Boswell. The author was born on 17 December ... Show more content on ...
In the given interval he wrote several books and spent some time in the United States. The latter
visit resulted in a book known as, U.S.A. and India. As there indicated, he was in residence for a
week at Southern Illinois University School of Law and gave several lectures, one of which was
published in the Southern Illinois University Law Journal. At the age of forty he was appointed by
the Crown to be a judge of the High Court at Nagpur where he served for ten years. In the second
year of that service he entered into a very successful inter–religious marriage to Pushpa Shah, and
during the last two years he served as Chief Justice. Then, in 1956, the State of Madya Pradesh was
recognized and his court was moved to Jabalpur. Chapter 19 discusses some of the problems arising
from the reorganization and includes some sharp criticism of the politics involved. It also talks about
author's humour by specifying a difficulty arose in finding housing for the clerical staff. The district
administration found accommodations in a large house where some families could be stationed, but
there were complaints about the neighbourhood. The author and his two senior judges inspected the
locale and found that the house was "in the red–light district. One of them suggested that the
bachelors ' dormitory might be shifted there, "to the horror" of another of the judges. Alternative
arrangements, of
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Jane Tagore 's The Living And The Dead Essay
Even though women were center stage in the 19th–century colonial nationalist conversation in
Bengal, they were not invited to be a part of it. High caste, Brahmin Hindu traditionalists had a
strong foothold on not only women's freedom, but their simple value as individuals. The woman
went from an innocent child–bride, to being a confined wife, and then an outcaste widow. Against
their policy to stay out of the conversation, the British colonizers finally decided to step into the
growing dialogue. Even though there were advocates for them, women continued to be discussed as
objects between the British colonizers and Indian men, not as an individual to be considered.
Exploring the literature of the time, written both by men and women, shows that though the women
may not have been summoned to speak, their voice was being raised. In his short stories, "The
Living and the Dead" (1991) and "Exercise–book," (1991) Rabindranath Tagore brings forth the
unnoticed woman's voice in the Bengali nationalism colonial conversation, and he does so
specifically through references to nature imagery. Through this imagery and in contrast to men's
conservative, oppressive, and "pure" desire for women in the nationalism conversation, one is able
to realize what each woman was uniquely able to call out and contribute– the desire for societal,
individual, and intellectual freedom.
Within "The Exercise Book," Tagore uses nature imagery to both express how young brides felt, but
also to critique the
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Amit Chaudhuri Diasporic Themes
Diaspora is a displacement of a community or individual from one geographical region to another
geographical region. Indian English Fiction is repleted with several instance of diasporic issues
where the artist makes an effective endeavour to present India's rich varied culture, tradition, and
heritage while living in abroad. Like Amit Chaudhuri's fourth novel "A New World" under the
prespective of diasporic issues such as rootlessness, identity crisis, nostalgia, homesickness, conflict
between tradition, and modernity etc., He is not a diaspora writer. Amit Chaudhuri is writing in the
great Bengali tradition. Chaudhuri differ in almost everything realities being portrayed to their
intellectual mooring, narrative concerns and use of language. The central character Jayojit
Chatterjee, ... Show more content on ...
The new worlds emerging from such phenomena go beyond the personal, for the country they left
behind is changed as well as the one to which they go. The Indian diaspora contains a high number
of professionals, making for a global expatriate community with a strong measure of influence and
clout. Chaudhuri's novel is a gently told, convincing glimpse into the life of one ordinary non–
resident Indian, stated in deceptively simple, elegantly rendered.
Works cited: Chaudhuri, Amit A New World. Picador, 2000. Ganguly, Dabjani. "Of Unremarkable,
Un–Rushdie–like Lives: the Diasporic 'Local' in the Latest Fiction of Amit Chaudhuri." Crnle
Journal (2000): 84–95. Gokhale, Namita. "The Business of Living." Rev. of "A New World". The
Book Review 24.8 (Aug 2000):35. Gerenin, James. Rev. of "A New World". World Literature Today
75.2 (Spr 2001): 316–317. Khair, Tabish. Rev. of "A New World". Wasafiri 32(Aut 2000):62–64. isbn=339658061.
... Get more on ...

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  • 3. Personality Of C. Raman PERSONALITIES AND THEIR CONTRIBUTION – 31102015–05 Title: Facts On Great Personalities – C V Raman Description: C V Raman was one of the India's greatest scientists. Recognized internationally, he is famous for his discovery of Raman Effect and Raman Scattering. Keywords: Great Indian Personalities, scientists, C V Raman, Raman Effect, Raman Scattering, kids, kids world fun Text: Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman or C V Raman was a famous Indian scientist. He is known for his work on the scattering of light and for the discovery of the Raman Effect. He received the 1930 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work and contribution to Physics. Raman was born in Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu on 7 November 1888. His father's name was Chandrasekhar Iyer and his mother's name was Parvathi Ammal. His father was a lecturer of Physics and Mathematics. After completing his ... Show more content on ... He won many prestigious awards, such as the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930, followed by the Bharat Ratna in 1954. He also was the recipient of the Lenin Peace Prize in 1957. Sir C.V. Raman continued his work at the Raman Research Institute, until his sudden death in 21 November 1970. Thanks to the invention of the laser, the 'Raman Effect' has proved to be a very useful tool for scientists. Raman's attractiveness as a person was rooted in his aesthetic approach to science, with his choice of subjects for investigation. Some of his other interests were the optics of colloids, physiology of human vision, and the electrical and magnetic anisotropy. Raman also worked on the acoustics of musical instruments. His sincere advice to aspiring scientists was that scientific research was not based on equipment and facilities, but hard work and independent thinking. Twenty Eighth February has been declared as National Science Day by the Indian Government to commemorate Sir C V Raman and his
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  • 6. Essay On Mahalanobis INTRODUCTION Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis, also known as P.C Mahalanobis. He was an Indian scientist and statistician who had contributed large–scale sample survey in statistics. With the " Mahalanobis Distance", a statistical measurement that he had discovered, he become famous in science and statistic territory. P.C Mahalanobis belonged to a Bengali family who live in Bikrampur (today's Bangladesh). His grandfather, Guruchanran was an active person who always involved in social movements and acting as treasurer and president of Brahmo Samaj through influences of Rabindranath Tagore, the first non– European winner of Nobel Prize. Gurucharan had moved to Calcutta in 1854 to starting a chemist shop. In 29 June 1893, P.C Mahalanobis was born, grew up in a socially active and intellectual's family by his father and mother, Prabodh Chandra and Nirodbasini. Prabodh Chandra was the younger son of Gurucharan. He was an active member of the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj. P.C Mahalanobis also the founder of Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), which is research and training of statistics and development of theoretical statistics. P.C Mahalanobis' uncle, Subodhchandra was a Head of ... Show more content on ... He had went to England in year 1913 and his host's friend, M.A Candeth suggest him to join the famous King's College, Cambridge. At the later time at Cambridge, he was taking interaction with a mathematical genius, Srinivasa Ramanujan and he doing well in the college. Tripos in Mathematics and Physics from King's College, Cambridge had been completed by P.C Mahalanobis and the college had awarded him a senior research fellowship for him as a prize. After it, Mahalanobis worked with C.T.R. Wilson at the Cavendish Laboratory and he had took a short break and went to India. The Principal of Presidency College had introduce Mahalanobis to taking classes in ... Get more on ...
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  • 8. The Namesake By Jhumpa Lahiri Jhumpa Lahiri's "The Namesake" examines an immigrant bengali family that has moved from India to America, and tries to hold their bengali culture while trying to accept American lifestyles. Ashima and Gogol each struggle with their cultural identity throughout Lahiri's novel. The pressure of western society and the crisis of losing one's culture and identity is demonstrated through the characterization and Gogol and Ashima's relationships while living in America. Ashima is Gogol's mother, who moved to America for her husband Ashoke after they were arranged for marriage. Ashima misses her family and life back in Calcutta, she has trouble setting in to the American lifestyles. "On more than one occasion [Ashoke] has come home from the university to find her morose, in bed, rereading her parents' letters." Ashima feels lonely and homesick. Ashima tries to keep Bengali tradition by always wearing a sari and a bindi in her forehead, and always cooking an Indian dinner. "For being a foreigner, Ashima is beginning to realize, is a sort of lifelong pregnancy – a perpetual wait, a constant burden, a continuous feeling out of sorts. It is an ongoing responsibility, a parenthesis in what had once been ordinary life, only to discover that that previous life has vanished, replaced by something more complicated and demanding." (49) In America, Ashima is surrounded by people she does not know, and she does not quite feel that she fits in. There are new customs and a new way of doing ... Get more on ...
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  • 10. The Determinants Of Customer Satisfaction "THE DETERMINANTS OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN STATE BANK OF PATIALA, PUNJABI UNIVERSITY, PATIALA BRANCH" A SYNOPSIS SUMITTED TO THE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF MBA, PUNJABI UNIVERISTY, PATIALA FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSNISS ADMINSTRATION SUBMITED TO: DR. APAR SINGH BY: ABDI AHMED Roll .NO; 130423542 PATIALA, PUNJAB, INDIA SEPTEMBER, 2014 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 2 1.1. Background of the Study 2 1.2 Objective of the Study 4 1.3 Significance of the Study 5 1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study 5 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 An Overview of Theoretical Review 5 2.2 Dimensions of Customer satisfaction in Banking Industry 7 2.3 Customer Satisfaction 8 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 9 3.1 Data Type and Source 9 3.2 Research Strategy and Design 9 3.3 Sampling Method 10 3.4 Data Collection Method and Instruments 10 REFERENCES 10 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of the Study Every business enterprise including banks exists to serve customers. Therefore, to satisfy the customer should be the mission and purpose of every business. Customer can be defined in different ways, for example Gustafson and Lundgren (2005) described "a customer" as: A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us, we are dependent on him. He is not ... Get more on ...
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  • 12. The Namesake Chapter Summaries As I stated earlier the Namesake focuses mainly on the upcoming of Gogol Ganguli. However, the story changes hands and is told from multiple peoples point of view as the book continues. The main people who narrate the story are Gogol, Mrs. Ganguli, Mr. Ganguli, and Moushumi. The book which covers a significant time gap or about thirty years starts off with Mrs. Ganguli pregnant with Gogol. Gogol was names so after the Russian author Nikolai Gogol. He is named so because his father Ashoke had been reading a book written by Gogol years prior while on a train ride that we find out ended up crashing. Ashoke had survived the train accident by dropping the page of the book he had been reading which rescue workers had found. Per traditional values their family believes ... Show more content on ... Shortly after that Gogol find out from a voicemail his mother leaves, that Ashoke has dies of a massive heart attack. It's not too long afterwards that Gogol ends his relationship with Maxine. In the recent time after this Gogol starts to accompany him mother and sister more often that he had done prior to the death of his father. It is during this time frame that Ashima mentions a girl, Moushumi Mazumdaar to Gogol and suggests that he call her. Moushumi was the daughter of past family friends, and had been one of Gogol's friends as a kid. Gogol contacts Moushumi and after a few dates the two enter a relationship, a relationship that leads into them being married. The couple visit Paris not to long after being married, and meet up with some of Moushumi's friends Astrid and Donald. Gogol is not to fond of her friends, and is usually uncomfortable being around them. About a year after the two are married Moushumi learn that a past acquaintance Dimitri Desjardins had applied for the university. Having recognized his name, she contacts ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Saroo's Identity And Belonging Firstly, Saroo experiences a lack of identity and belonging. Saroo came from a very loving family in India. He always felt like he belonged, but that all changed when he was adopted by fair skinned parents, being 5 and dark skinned completely different to his family would be confusing. At some points frustrating, Saroo questioned whether he belonged or not, "I did I become the Saroo who used to live on the streets Calcutta rather than just Saroo, mostly wanted to be just Saroo." This evidently shows that not just Saroo noticed something different about his home life, this put Saroo under a llot of stress. Sarro has had multiple troubles with wanting to find his family, Saroo's peers really pushed him in the right direction to weather finding ... Get more on ...
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  • 16. Bharati Mukherjee's The Management Of Grief In Bharati Mukherjee's, The Management of Grief, an airplane, bound for India, is bombed mid– flight. Friends and families of the victims are left to wait and eventually identify the remains of their loved ones. The Canadian government's mandates for relief clash with India's cultural belief that a parent must always have hope. The conflict of the story occurs with the unlucky families of the victims that are never found or identified. This conflict affects each family differently as they determine how and how long to manage their grief. Shaila, the main character, awaits for the return of her husband and sons, identification of their bodies, or a sign that she can let go of her hope and move on with her life. The conflict resolves itself ... Show more content on ... Shaila Bhave is described as "a pillar–because you've taken it more calmly" (977), while the other families are described as "hysterical"(977) and "a real mess" (985). Yet, Shaila feels hysterical on the inside, "I want to say, I wish I could scream, starve, and walk into Lake Ontario, jump from a bridge" (978). In fact, according to her culture she is handling her grief poorly, "By the standards of the people you call hysterical, I am behaving very oddly and very badly" (978). Mukherjee also uses irony to relay cultural misunderstanding. Dr. Ranganathan plucked roses from someone's garden to play tribute to his wife, who loved roses. Misinterpreting the gesture, an article was published in the local newspaper, "When you see an Indian person, it says, please give them flowers" (979). Further, as Judith Templeton attempts to be hospitable and offer the "human touch" (977), her refusal of the proffered tea,"out of politeness" (977), is a rejection of their ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. The Mistress Of Spices, Sister Identity, By Chitra... Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni was born in 1957 in Calcutta, India. She attended a convent school in India run by Irish nuns during her childhood and later she got her bachelor's degree from the University of Calcutta. In 1976, at the age of 19, Divakaruni immigrated to the United States. She continued her education in the United States by earning a master's degree in English from Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, and a Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni is a versatile writer and her novels have won many literary awards, her eloquent novels treat the subjects of cultural accommodation, adaptation, assimilation, and acculturalisation. Some of her famous works are The Mistress of Spices, Sister ... Show more content on ... As the cows run dry at the time of her birth she was fed with the milk of ass which helped her in getting the sight and words sooner than others. Being neglected by her parents she led a very careless life. Tilo was named Nayan–Tara at the time of her birth. Nayan–Tara means a Star of the Eye, but it could also be interpreted as a person who is starry–eyed. Just like the name, she has very high aspirations and is not content with whatever she has. She yearns for something more in life despite being worshipped by thousands of villagers as a goddess. She wants something drastic to break the monotony of her life. The filial love of a daughter is not received by Nayan Tara. She suffers from not being accepted and loved by her biological parents. Her parent's reaction contrasts with the meaning of her first name, "Star of the eye", yet, Nayan Tara is scared by her family and village because of her supernatural powers to see the future. Nayan Tara is forced to look for other persons who would bring her love. It is at this juncture that the pirates loot her village and kidnap her. She is renamed as Bhagyavati or one who is in charge of destiny. The pirates regard her as their lucky charm which would bring them to their destiny, while she herself is far away from her own destiny in ... Get more on ...
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  • 20. two ways to belong in america BHARATI MUKHERJEE Two Ways to Belong in America Born in 1940 and raised in Calcutta, India, Bharati Mukherjee immigrated to the United States in 1961 and earned an M.F.A. and a Ph.D. in literature. Mukherjee is the author of several novels, including Tiger's Daughter (1972) and Jasmine (1989), and short story collections, such as The Middleman and Other Stories (1988). She teaches literature and fiction writing at the University of California, Berkeley. "Two Ways to Belong in America" first appeared in the New York Times. It was written to address a movement in Congress to take away government benefits from resident aliens. Like her fiction, though, it is also about the issues that confront all immigrants in America. This is a ... Show more content on ... She, for the lack of structure in my life, the erasure of Indianness, the absence of an unvarying daily core. I, for the narrowness of her perspective, her uninvolvement with the mythic depths or the superficial pop culture of this society. But, now, with the scapegoatings of "aliens" (documented or illegal) on the increase, and the targeting of long term legal immigrants like Mira for new scrutiny and new self–consciousness, she and I find ourselves unable to maintain the same polite discretion. We were always unacknowledged adversaries, and we are now, more than ever, sisters. "I feel used," Mira raged on the phone the other night. "I feel manipulated and discarded. This 8 is such an unfair way to treat a person who was invited to stay and work here because of her talent. My employer went to the LN.S. and petitioned for the labor certification. For over 30 years, I've invested my creativity and professional skills into the improvement of this country's preschool system. I've obeyed all the rules, I've paid my taxes, I love my work, I love my students, I love the friends I've made. How dare America now change its rules in midstream? If America wants to make new rules curtailing benefits of legal immigrants, they should apply only to immigrants who arrive after those rules are already in place." To my ears, it sounded like the description of a long–enduring, comfortable yet loveless 9 marriage, without risk or ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Energy and Environment Cover Letter I, Vineet Kr. Gupta, am completed M.Tech (Energy & Environmental Management) from Kurukshetra University, Haryana, India. I wish to apply for the suitable position (Environment Management Division) in your organization in the thrust area of Environment Management. As a professional of Energy and Environmental Management, I am willing to pursue my career in the same field and hence seeking an opportunity to get a professional position in your esteemed organization. My course scheme is basically dealing in the Energy Conservation and Management and Energy from Waste. It also provides knowledge in the field of Environmental Management, Sustainable Industry, Aspect of Climate Change & Energy Conservation and various laboratory ... Show more content on ... |Employment Experience | 1. Duration: July 2006 – June 2007 Place: Hydroair Techtonics Ltd. Navi Mumbai Post: Assistant Environment Officer Key Responsibility: Looked after the project related with solid waste management, waste water treatment technologies. 2. Duration: July 2007 – September 2008 Place: Eco–Men Laboratory Pvt. Ltd, Lucknow Post: Environment Scientist Key Responsibilities: Environment Monitoring and Analysis (Air, Water, Soil,) Experiment design and analysis result, report preparation |Industrial and Research Experience: | 1. Place: Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Corporate Office, New Delhi
  • 23. Post: Trainee–S&EP, Duration: June–5th August, 2010. Project: Carbon Management Strategies in IOCL and Green Inventory. 2. Place: Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai Post: Trainee–Environment Assessment Division Duration: January–May, 2010 Project: Determination of Sedimentation Rate using 210Po and 210Pb depth profile in ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Importance Of Language In Education It was during the 1800s that a decision was taken which had ended up being the turning point for the language in education scenario in India and changed the orientation of language priority in Indian education. The decision was taken to ignore the vernacular medium education and concentrate entirely on English as the single language for instruction (Paranjpe & Prasad, 2010)(Sridhar, 1989). It was made clear that those who had attained education in English would be preferred over the vernacular educated class. English had become the language of higher education and with the establishment of the prestigious universities in the major cities like Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Lahore, Allahabad and Punjab, English had achieved its supremacy (Sridhar, 1989) (Krishnaswamy & Krishnaswamy, 2006). From this point onwards education came to be equated with English education and those who studied in vernacular medium were put permanently in the background (Sridhar, 1989), a mindset prevalent in the mind of Indians even today. Despite the changes which were made in the language policies in the 1900s to make space for vernacular languages in the educational setting did not meet with the expected success (Krishnaswamy & Krishnaswamy, 2006) (Sridhar, 1989). By 1970s and 1980s about one–third of the India had its schools using English as their medium of instruction (Paranjpe & Prasad, 2010). Hence the language in education policy during the colonial era had created two different media of ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. The Journal Of Fairy Tales This article by Christy Williams was published by Marvel and Tales, the journal of fairy–tale studies. This article emphasize how the idea of a wicked stepmother became a staple of popular fairy tales traditions. The author uses different grimm's fairy tales such as, Cinderella, Snow White, Hansel and Gretel, etc. To support her argument of the use and image of an evil stepmother. She gave opinions of actually stepmothers and how they felt about this stereotypes. Finally she emphasizes that postmodern fairy tales have made a change in the use of evil stepmother as a villain and how this could improve the use of negative gender roles. The audience for this article can be specifically blended families and writers. This article by Nilanjana ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Gogol & Quot ; Similarities And Differences Between Gogol... Gogol & Ashoke: Compare & Contrast Throughout the novel The Namesake you see the similarities and the differences between Gogol and Ashoke. Ashoke is born in India and he has made himself an educated man, he has also worked hard for his family to provide for them and show them how to succeed in America. Gogol is Ashoke's son, Gogol has some hard times trying to figure out who he is as a person and who he wants to be. Both father and son seem to be so different on the surface when really, deep down they are so much alike. For starters, Ashoke and Gogol were different because they didn't really have the same culture even though both of them are Indian. Ashoke was born and raised in India, unlike Gogol who was born and raised in America. Ashoke felt as if he was living in a foreign land because even though he had lived in America for many years, it was not a part of his culture. When they move back to Calcutta for eight months Ashoke felt alive and he felt like he could enjoy life because he wasn't being judged by others. On the other hand, Gogol was born and raised in America and he had adopted the American culture. Gogol hated leaving The United States to move to Calcutta for eight months. In addition, he felt like an outsider because even though he was Indian he had never been around that culture so he didn't really see the Indian culture as being a part of him. Gogol was more American than he was Indian, because he had been raised in America rather than India. Also, ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Essay On LIS Introduction: Library and Information Science (LIS) education in India is presently growing very fast as a subject with a multidisciplinary approach. Now–a–sdays LIS education not only includes library related subjects but it has so many extensions like computer application, statistics, mathematics, management studies and operational research. LIS education in India has expanded since independence in the form of increase in number of LIS departments in the universities and institutions offering specialized courses in LIS and in the increase in number of students as well as courses. Research has also been initiated and accelerated in different facets of the subject with the support of the universities and different funding agencies (Satija, ... Show more content on ... While Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS) is offered by 105 universities, Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) courses is provided by 78 universities and 21 universities offer two–year integrated courses . Seventeen universities provide M.Phil in Library and Information Science, 53 universities provide Ph.D in Library and Information Science and 2 universities provide D.Litt Degree (Jain, Kaur, & Babbar, 2007). Different Courses of LIS: The different LIS courses available in India, including regular and distance education, are as follows: 1. Certificate course in Library and Information Science (C.Lib.Sc) 2. Diploma in Library and Information Science 3. B.Lib.Sc. /BLIS (Bachelor Degree in Library and Information Science) 4. M.Lib.Sc. /MLIS (Master Degree in Library and Information Science) 5. MS–LIS (Master of Science in Library and Information Science) 6. M.Phil (Master of Philosophy) in Library and Information Science 7. Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy) in Library and Information Science 8. D.Litt in Library and Information Science (Banaras Hindu University and Utkal ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Dorothy Day Research Paper Courage is a cardinal virtue every human being needs. Courage is doing something frightening you are for the right being even if you are alone in your belief. Many regular humans have used courage also. For example Dr. Martin Luther King jr. stood up for all African Americans, even though almost everyone did not agree with him. He eventually helped end segregation by raising awareness. Sadly, Dr. Martin Luther King jr. was killed just for his beliefs. Today we celebrate a holiday for his great bravery. Bravery is a synonym of courage. Almost all saints in their life have shown courage. One saint that had courage was Saint Francis of Assisi. Saint Francis was a rich man, however he ignored all his money for God. He gave up his wealthy life just for his savior. Saint Francis would help sick people just like how Jesus did. He would approach Lepore's even if people thought he was crazy. Saint Francis of Assisi was a brave soldier in the army, having no fear knowing that God was present with him. Saint Maximilian Kolbe had a vision of Mary and she was holding two crowns, and he had to choose one. Later on his his life he was ... Show more content on ... I try to base my courage of my role model of courage. My role model of courage is Dorothy Day. Dorothy Day was born on November 8, 1897. She had 3 brothers and one sister. Later on she got a scholarship to attend The University of Illinois. She then moved to New York. Much like Blessed Mother of Teresa Dorothy set up a care home for the shelterless and needy. She would provide shelter, water, food, and clothes. Dorothy made a sacrifice living like the homeless so she could care for them. Dorothy did not have much money either. Dorothy was later arrested for her actions, even though she was helping. Dorothy Day died on November 29. 1980. She used a great amount of courage. She sacrificed her life for others. Dorothy Day is a great role model, teaching us to put others before ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Mother Teres The Life And Dignity Of The Human Person Vander Mel 1 Christian Vander Mel Mr. Sagona Eighth Grade Religion May 18, 2015 Mother Teresa: The Life and Dignity of the Human Person Life and dignity of a human person is the basis for all Catholic Social Teaching. Mother Teresa embodied this statement throughout her entire life as she served the poorest of the poor throughout the world. Mother Teresa built schools to teach, hospitals to cure, orphanages to love, and hospice homes to comfort. All of these projects were based on the Catholic Church's proclamation " human life is sacred and the dignity of the human person is the foundation of society." ( ) By establishing Missionaries of Charity in 1948, which served society 's poor and marginalized, Mother Teresa influenced world leaders by living the social teachings of the Catholic Church. Mother Teresa grew up in a very loving family that was committed to their Catholic faith. Her mother always told her children that they should never eat a bite of food without sharing it with another. Mother Teresa recalls that her mother often invited the poor of the their town to come and dine with her family. Her mother's commitment to the needy was deep rooted. She didn't waver from this commitment even after her husband died leaving her with three young children including Teresa, who was only eight years old. This family commitment to serve among many experiences in her homeland of Macedonia is what set the stage for Mother Teresa's life of charity. In ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Realism in Poetry of Rabindranath Tagore SYNOPSIS OF THE RESEARCH PROGRAMME FOR Ph. D DEGREE IN ENGLISH Research Topic: "Realism in Tagore's Poetry" Research Scholar : (Sumer Prasad) S/o Late Mahendra Prasad Vill. Semari, P. O. Gothain Dist. Ballia, U. P. Supervisor : Dr.( Ravi Shankar Singh) P. G. College, Ghazipur U. P. Co–Supervisor : Dr. (A. K. Mishra) Reader, Dept. of English D. C. S. K. (P. G.) College, Mau, U. P. Research Centre : D. C. S. Khandelwal (P. G.) College, Maunath Bhanja Mau, U. P. VEER BAHADUR SINGH PURVANCHAL UNIVERSITY, JAUNPUR (U. P.) Chapter Scheme Introduction Chapter 1: Towards an understanding of Realism Chapter 2: Realism in Tagore's Poetry ... Show more content on ... It is thus, not concerned with idealization with rendering things as beautiful when they are not, or in any way presenting them in any guise as they are not; nor, as a rule, is realism concerned with presenting the supra normal or transcendental" Though, of course, the writings of Richard Rolle of Hampole, for example, or the mystical poems of St. John of the Cross, are realistic enough if we believe in God and the spiritual order. The writing of the mystic and the visionary perhaps belongs to a rather special category which might be called 'Super reality; on the whole one tends to think of realism in terms of the everyday, the normal, the pragmatic, more crudely, it suggests jackers off, sleeves rolled up, a 'no nonsense' approach. The term realism in 20th century trends and movements can be better understood as, "a mode of writing that gives the impression of recording or reflecting faithfully an actual way of life" (Oxford Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms). The term, sometimes confusingly, suggests both to a literary ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. The Pain Of Cultural Alienation In Mrs. Sen, By Boori Me At the time of evening, she went to her neighbour's house where she welcomed by them and sometimes passed to a tea but she could not sit on the furniture, she was only allowed to sit on the doorways or hallways. They sympathize with her for the loss of her family. The housewives in the building in an attempt to explain her exaggerations collectively take her to be a homeless migrant in pain. Boori Ma tries to escape from the hardship she is facing by reminiscing about her early life in her own country. She does not home for herself which reminds her own. For instance, in the other stories characters like Mrs. Sen, they talk and think about her native and longing for that. Boori Ma also has no home but she has her past memories only, ... Show more content on ... Sen, and her collection of saves, gold bangles, her braided hair, bowls and her colanders and one thing particularly strike him. That is the Sens, both are not wear shoes in their home and her Indian blade o cutting vegetables, fish and chicken, these are deeply contrasted with Eliot's culture. Throughout these contrast the boy compared himself about the two way of culture and compared his mother with Mrs. Sen. Mrs. Sen preparing food for two but, his mother does like that, she goes without lunch and order pizza for dinner. Mrs. Sen depending on her husband but his mother does not like that. Mrs. Sen is actually home sick always she longs for her home that means her own native, India and in particular Calcutta. She always thinks about her memories of homeland and shared with Eliot. When she told one day, "a large celebration of any kind, my mother sends out word in the evening for all the neighbourhood women to bring blades just like this one, and then they sit in an enormous circle on the roof of ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Summary Of City Of Joy In the decades after City of Joy was published, the world's focus on climate change and sustainable living increased greatly. People started to look to the future and realize the actual costs of a rapidly changing world. The World Bank report called, "Turn Down the Heat" reports on new research related to climate change and alayses the impacts and risk to developing countries. Lapierre's novel certainly does not tackle an issue like climate change explicitly, but he does show nature to have a large effect on people's lives, and several natural disasters in the City of Joy have only increased in frequency since the book was written. Most importantly, City of Joy displays the "impacts and risks" section of the World Bank report, as the effects of climate cut deep to exacerbate many of the development problems in Anand Nagar. Hasari Pal is forced out of farming due to the unmanageable climate. When the monsoon arrives, "The sky is rendering the earth fruitful. This is rebirth, the triumph of the elements" (CoJ, 14). However, for Hasari Pal and his village, the downpours never arrived. Lapierre details the quick destruction of lifestyle that is caused by the drought, as wells were guarded 24/7, fish floundering in the dried up creeks were divied up, and livestock was obliterated. Hasari reflects, "There was a treasure in my field, but today someone else holds its key and the treasure is no longer mine" (CoJ, 17). The World Bank report spends some time talking about the ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Subhas Chandra Bose (Bengali: সুভাষ চন্দ্র বসু, Shubhash Chôndro Boshu) was an Indian revolutionary who led an Indian national political and military force against Britain and the Western powers during World War II. Popularly known as Netaji (literally "Respected Leader"), Bose was one of the most prominent leaders in the Indian independence movement and is a legendary figure in India today. Bose was born on 23 January 1897 in Cuttack, Orissa to Janakinath Bose and Prabhabati Debi, and is presumed to have died 18 August 1945 (although this is disputed[clarification needed]).[citation needed] Subhas Chandra Bose (Bengali: সুভাষ চন্দ্র বসু, Shubhash Chôndro Boshu) was an Indian revolutionary who led an Indian national political and military ... Show more content on ... His political views and the alliances he made with Nazi and other militarist regimes at war with Britain have been the cause of arguments among historians and politicians, with some accusing him of fascist sympathies, while others in India have been more sympathetic towards the realpolitik that guided his social and political choices. He is presumed to have died on 18 August 1945 in a plane crash in Taiwan, though the evidence for his death in such an accident has not been universally accepted (see below). [edit] Early life Subhas Chandra Bose was born in a Bengali Kayasth family on January 23, 1897 in Cuttack, Orissa, to Janakinath Bose, an advocate and Prabhavati Devi. He was the ninth child of a total of fourteen siblings. He studied in an Anglo school at Cuttack until the sixth standard and then shifted to Ravenshaw Collegiate School. From there he went to the Presidency College where he studied briefly. His nationalistic temperament came to light when he was expelled for assaulting Professor Oaten for his anti–India comments. Bose later topped the matriculation examination of Calcutta province in 1911 and passed his B.A. in 1918 in philosophy from the Scottish Church College under University of Calcutta. Bose went to study in Fitzwilliam Hall of the University of Cambridge, and matriculated, ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Namesake By Jhumpa Lahiri Cultural Identity Cultural Identity is the framework that shapes who one is, as a person. It helps one to sustain self– identity and belonging anywhere in society. Although it might be transformed over time, it is the way people undergo adversity. This sense of cultural identity is portrayed through the character, Ashima Ganguli, who was ordained to reshape her identity when she migrated to America with her husband, Ashoke. This move to America specifically Boston, allowed Ashima to be faced with tribulations within herself. Ashima is characterized as a hesitant migrant who did not understand how to deal with her situation (Lahiri–Roy). Throughout the text of The Namesake, Jhumpa Lahiri develops the character of Ashima Ganguli to shed light on the progression ... Show more content on ... Ashima surrounds herself with other Bengali migrants who are able to relate to her situation. "They all come from Calcutta, and for this reason alone they are friends" (Lahiri 38). This sense of socializing with others from the same culture gives Ashima a sense of connection and belonging. Although, she begins to slowly do American things, "she sti;; foes not feel fully at home...on Pemberton road" (Lahiri 280). Ashima's only exception to the American–South Asia lives within her children, when she chooses not to protest against her son Gogol's relationships. "They've even gone so far as to point out examples of Bengali men they know who've married Americans, marriages that have ended in divorce" (Lahiri 117). Ashima and Ashoke have a completely different outlook of love and marriage than Gogol. They see love as something tied to marriage, but Gogol is not even interested in that stuff. It is clearly inferred that Ashima and Ashoke have the old–frame of thinking when it comes to marriage. It is not seen till later where Ashima is accepting of her daughter Sonia's relationship with an American. This acceptance of her daughter's relationship shoes he willingness to accept others who do not always meet her ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Plassey And Buxar Essay Plassey and Buxar were fought with the purpose to establish English regime in the land of India by English East India Company. Actually, battle of Buxar was the supplementary part of the battle of Plassey. After this battle, the regime of English East India Company began in Bengal, and also its influence was spread. During the existence of regime of Mogul empire in India, Europeans had already entered. Mogul emperors were ruling their empire deputing or appointing representatives in their emperors' provinces. Mogul Emperor Aurangajeb had deputed Mursidkulizafer Khan as the representative (governor or Subedar) to Bengal in 1705. * Author Adhikari is working as Associate Professor in teaching History Committee of Padmakanya Multiple Campus, Tribhuwan University, Nepal. During his regime, getting safe from the French power after the third Karnatak war, English company officers thought to strengthened their dominants the fertile land of Bengal, which was regarded as one of the important and fertile territorial part of the Mogul Empire. Not only suppressed other European races remaining in India but also the English men dealt the Indian races as the favorite. First of all, they got the custom exempted for convenient trading in the ... Show more content on ... Robert Clive has accepted the battle as a revolution in the history of England. Likewise, as per the saying of the historian Nelson, there was no another event which was such permanent and having influencing result like it. In this way, English men have regarded the battle of Plassey as an extreme conspiracy against the Indian princes and people. This battle is regarded as an important event from both political and economical points of view. Reason of occurring war was that the Bengal was very fertile state because English were discharging salvia (in the sense of greedy) willing to capture this ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. My Experience In My Life I had only left the United States once before in my life. It was a small trip to London with my mother to visit a distant relative. It was a quick trip, maybe 3 or 4 days and I could hardly remember it because it was 12 years ago. I didn't have much motivation to leave home again except for university. Until I got a call. On Wednesday, April 24th at exactly 3:37 pm I got a call from my aunt Kaasni. This was no ordinary phone call, as we normally had pre–organized phone calls every other Sunday evening and she hardly talked to me when I had school work. That was the deal with my parents after my father left – I could speak to my aunt who he lived with every other Sunday and on certain holidays. I picked up the phone and my father, drunk and hazy spoke. "Sasha my dear ba– ba–baby how are you," he slurred "you know what, I think you should come spend some time with me, here in Calcutta, get a different taste of what life is like for your old man." It took a moment for me to process what he had said – he wanted me to see him, after 15 years, he wanted me in his life again. Then I heard my auntie on the phone "Sasha? I am so sorry, your father drank a little too much. We are on holiday here and I hope he hasn't disturbed you," she said. "Oh no Auntie Kay, its fine," I replied, still deep in thought. The line went silent for a moment as I heard her shush my intoxicated father while she held her palm to the phone. She picked up once again and continued apologizing until I ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Internal Cultures Of Diaspora, By Bharati Mukherjee Bharati Mukherjee was an Indian born American writer. Her writings explored the internal culture clashes of immigrant. She was born on 1940, July 22 she belong to an upper middle class Hind Brahmin family in Calcutta. She is second daughter of three for the parent of Sudhir Lal, a Chemis and Bina Banerjee. Until all age of eight she lived with big family with 40–50 relatives. Mukherjee and her sister had opportunity to receive rich excellent schooling. In 1947, her father move to England for his job and he brought his family too. Until 1951 they lived in England. Her life in England gave opportunity to develop and perfect her in English language skills. Calcutta is a native for Mukherjee. She attended schools in India, England and Switzerland. ... Show more content on ... "To scatter about" is the meaning for Diaspora". The people immigrant from their native place to another place across the world spreads their culture as they go. In Bible Jews exiled from Israel by the Babylonians so the Bible refers to Diaspora. It's a small example for Diaspora. The origin of Diaspora started at 1st century itself. The movement of the population from one place to another is also refers to the Diaspora. Africa, Asia, Europe per some of the countries having Diaspora. The first mentioned Diaspora is found in Septuagint. According to the oxford English Dictionary, the first usage of the word Diaspora is recorded in the English language in 1876. So after the Bible's translation in Greek the Diaspora word used to refer to the Northern kingdom out between 740–722 be from Israel by the Assyrians. The term Diaspora becomes more involved into English in the middle of 1950s. The study of Diaspora became the sense of the world. William Safran published in an article in 1991, he distinguish six rules to Diasporas from migrant communities. Rogers Brubaker (2005) says that, Diaspora is widening now. Most early discussions of Diaspora rooted in the concept of 'homeland'. They were concerned with the paradigmatic case or a small number of care cases. The Jewish Diaspora is the paradigmatic case. Now a day there is a Diasporas in ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Bioscience Personal Statement Bioscience has helped me to develop the urge to know the unknown which consequently led to the growth of my character. I completed my secondary education scoring a first division (80.03%) and this gave me the opportunity to select the subject of my preference and I choose biology as one of my main subjects and completed my higher secondary in 2010 scoring a first–class mark (77.4%).After my schooling I had decided to study further in bioscience field so I took zoology in BSc where I achieved a first division (69.25%) under Calcutta University. I then pursued MSc and took up Zoology to further my knowledge in the field. I have attended some significant seminars during that period and also worked in some projects like 'disorder in sex development'. ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. A Practitioner Of Yoga ŚU 1.15: Like oil in sesame seeds and butter in curds, like water in the river– bed and fire in the fire–drills, so, when one seeks it with truth and austerity, one grasps the self (ātman) in the body (ātman) – that all– pervading self, which is contained [in the body], like butter in milk. ŚU 1.16: That is brahman, the highest objects of the teachings on hidden connections (Upaniṣad), an object rooted in austerity and the knowledge of self. BhG 5.28: The sage whose highest path is release, whose sense, mind and insight are controlled, whose anger, fear and longing have ... Show more content on ... BhG 6.13: One is firm, unmoving, holding in the balance the head, the neck And body, looking at the tip of the nose, not looking in any other direction. YS 2.46: Posture should be steady and comfortable. Both, the ŚU and BhG are very specific that the head, neck and trunk should be aligned. In contrast, YS is more general in the correct meditating posture description. One reason, as I proposed previously, for that could be that it was accustomed that the guru is present to demonstrate and teach the student the physical postures, or as Bryant suggests: 'One could also suppose that other extant texts concerned themselves with the specifics of asana [posture].' While numerous modern yoga traditions, especially in the West, accentuate the attainment of the physical posture as the highest aim of yoga, the old texts treat the physical posture as only a preparation to the body (physically and energetically) to serve the long meditation practice. As Bryant ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Anita Desai 's ' Desai ' She finds totally alone and helpless in her husband 's house. Anita Desai 's language is marked by three characteristics of sensuous richness, high sensitiveness and love for the sound words. She is chiefly interested in the emotional world of woman, and her fiction reflects a rare imaginative awareness of the various forces in operation and a genuine understanding of feminine sensibility as well as psychology. Her central characters are sensitive and respond faithfully to the needs of the self. Anita Desai uses words for their own sake. She displays her skill in using words for music and magic. The title of the novel also symbolizes the agony of an unfulfilled desire. Though living as man and wife they are strangers to each other. In the two novels of Anita Desai Where Shall We Go This Summer and Cry, The peacock both the heroines are not a maladjusted couples. They are constantly faced with the spectacles of endless frustration in the unending series of hope and disappointment. Maya and Sita 's understanding of the present situation is disturbed and distorted by memories of the past expectations of the future. Instead of trying to live in the present, they move backward into the past and search for happiness in the memories of the bye gone days. They refuse to fully in the present. Desai 's characters reflect an acute sense of time and Space as the major dimensions of human life. Their awareness of these, sometimes, leads them to examine the nature of time and space in ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Rabindranath Tagore Rabindranath Tagore Rabindranath Tagore was born on May 9, 1861 in an affluent family in the Jorasanko Mansion in Kolkata. His parents were Debendranath Tagore and Sarada Devi.Rabindranath Tagore was born in Calcutta, India into a wealthy Brahmin family. After a brief stay in England (1878) to attempt to study law, he returned to India, and instead pursued a career as a writer, playwright, songwriter, poet, philosopher and educator. During the first 51 years of his life he achieved some success in the Calcutta area of India where he was born and raised with his many stories, songs and plays. His short stories were published monthly in a friend's magazine and he even played the lead role in a few of the public performances of his plays. ... Show more content on ... Tagore's reputation as a writer was established in the United States and in England after the publication of GITANJALI: SONG OFFERINGS, about divine and human love. The poems were translated into English by the author himself. In the introduction from 1912 William Butler Yates wrote: "These lyrics – which are in the original, my Indians tell me, full of subtlety of rhythm, of untranslatable delicacies of colour, of metrical invention – display in their thought a world I have dreamed of all my life long." Tagore's poems were also praised by Ezra Pound, and drew the attention of the Nobel Prize committee. in London. Gradually... Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941) was the youngest son of Debendranath Tagore, a leader of the Brahmo Samaj, which was a new religious sect in nineteenth–century Bengal and which attempted a revival of the ultimate monistic basis of Hinduism as laid down in the Upanishads. He was educated at home; and although at seventeen he was sent to England for formal schooling, he did not finish his studies there. In his mature years, in addition to his many–sided literary activities, he managed the family estates, a project which brought him into close touch with common humanity and increased his interest in social reforms. He also started an experimental school at Shantiniketan where he tried his Upanishadic ideals of education. From time to time he participated in the Indian nationalist movement, ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Apush Unit 2 Research Paper There was a high food shortage in 1946 and this caused many to ration. World War II left a deep wound in India as two and a half million Indian soldiers were sent to aid the allies and 24,000 killed. Many were unemployed as they lost their jobs after the war since there was no need for war production. Gandhi's party, Indian national congress, created in 1885 seemed it would be the power that ruled after Britain left. This changed, however, as the All Muslim league became popular during World War II. Muslims were a minority compared to the Hindus. The Partition of 1947 created Pakistan, where the Muslims would live, and India, where the Hindus would live. II) Cultural Differences There were conflicts in the early 1940s at religious events. An example is when the Hindu event Holi, also known as the festival of colors, featured riots. There were also cases when sacred cows were murdered. Additionally, there were times when Hindu music was loudly played by mosques during the prayer time. Segregation of the religions was promoted as Muslim's could only use 'Mohammedan refreshment room' at train stations. Muslims could only use the tap waters labeled 'Muslim water' and Hindus could only use the taps labeled 'Hindu water'. The president of the Muslim League, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, told a British interviewer, "We are different beings, there is nothing in life which links us together. Our names, our clothes, our foods–they are all different; our economic life, our educational ideas, our treatment of women, our attitude to animals....We challenge each other at every point of the compass". Professor Mohammad Mujeeb from the distinct ... Show more content on ... Muslims feared that if Hindus acquired the party, they would be inclined to hire only Hindus for governmental jobs like policeman. This meant they would also control the ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Essay Comparing No-No Boy And The Namesake The idea of "home" can be very different for different people. For some, home can mean where they were born or grew up. For others home may be the best place they have lived so far, or where they are currently living. The idea of where home is can also change from one place to another as people go through their lives. In the novels No–No Boy and The Namesake we see two different perspectives of how different immigrants from different cultures view the idea of home after making their journey to America. Depending on the character, there are many differences and similarities between the two experiences in the books. In this collection of novels, there is no set idea of what "home" really is, but that it depends on each person's own beliefs and ... Show more content on ... Since birth, Gogol learned both American and Bengali culture but felt more in touch with the American side due to living there for the majority of his live and only occasionally visiting Calcutta. Gogol's parents try to raise him in the Bengali culture, but not living there or being active in the culture has made it a struggle for him to do, causing Gogol to never really consider Calcutta his home. Living in America, Gogol still goes through conflicting situations throughout his professional and social life where by the end of the novel he does not know where he truly feels at ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Origins of the British East India Company and Its... The British East India Company played a key role in one of the most successful periods of British history. The East India Company was responsible for the invasion of the Indian subcontinent, which became one of the empire's leading supplier of profits. The East India Company was responsible for the overthrow of Hong Kong and other Asian countries; it was responsible for creating Britain's Asian empire. The British East India Company began as a joint–stock corporation of traders and investors which was granted a Royal charter by Queen Elizabeth 1 to trade with the East. The original name of the corporation when it first formed was Governor and Company of Merchants of London Trading into the East Indies (Landow). They joined together to ... Show more content on ... The Mughal territory included northern and central India and it was rich in merchandises that would profit the enterprise. Final agreements were reached in 1615 that allowed the corporation to start a base. It sent "Indian textiles to the market at Bantam [from Surat]" (The [British East India] Company Story). This led the group to become the major trading business over the French, Dutch, and Portuguese trading companies in the Indian subcontinent. India had great proficient dyers and weavers that created cloth which went in demand throughout Asia and England. The company by 1690 "had trading centers (known as factories) all along the West and East of India" (The [British East India] Company Story). For instance, major bases were at Calcutta and Bombay. London was also an essential trading base "where goods were imported, exported and transferred from one country to another." The British East India Company was allowed by the Chinese to trade at Canton in 1699. The conglomerate purchased products like tea and silk from China, covered the charge with silver. England began to worry that too much silver was being used to compensate for the tea; as a result, the British East India Company started to grow Opium in India to pay to the Chinese. By 1750, Indian silks, cottons and calicoes formed 60 percent of the organization (The [British East India] Company Story). Throughout this time, the Mughal Empire was subsiding. Provincial states began to emerge and they were ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Pre-Independence Period In The Pre Independence Period 2.2 English in India: 2.2.1 Pre–Independence Period: English language was widely exposed to our country due to the British conquest. It was started to accept by the people when the British first came to India after the incorporation of the East India Company in 1600, and gained roots especially by the educational policies of a Governor–general Lord Macaulay. The growth of English in India is well explained by Timothy J. Scrase in the following words: "Since the days of the British Raj, English remained the language of domination, status and privilege in India. The hegemonic colonial project in India was to create and maintain a class of administrative officers, clerks and compliant civil servants to carry out the task of ruling the vast and ... Show more content on ... Britishers in India, and as a colonial subjects people had no other choice but to learn, to know and to speak English. In this way the language started gaining roots in India. Meanwhile two groups came in existence. One group was the 'Anglicists' advocated the revival of English and second was the 'Orientalists' who advocated the revival of Sanskrit and Persian learning in India but the noted Hindu leaders like Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Christian missionaries like William Carey advocated Western education through the medium of English. and thus a controversy arose between these groups. It withheld the smooth progress of English in India. Then Lord Macaulay was appointed as the president of the committee in 1834. His main contention was that the study of English could be beneficial to those Indians who were pursuing higher studies than Arabic and Sanskrit. He pointed out that there was already an effective demand for English. He argued that: "since indigenous languages were inadequate and chaotic, and indigenous arts and literature were petty futile things. Only 'Western' education with English as the sole medium would deliver the ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Namesake Belonging Quotes Moving around can be difficult for many people with new neighborhoods, new people, and new atmospheres. Alienation is an unavoidable aspect of modern life. There are a variety of ways to accommodate people in new places such as community gatherings and public events such as parades, festivities, and nearby school events. However, it becomes complicated when there are language barriers, cultural differences and internal belonging. Many immigrants are haunted by the sense of alienation when arriving in a new country, no matter how many obstacles they happen to overcome. Not only does it take a toll on relationships, but on internal struggles on what it means to come from, call home, and belong. To this present day, many people looking for new life in America have to face an overwhelming amount of difficulties in an attempt to create a comfortable life. Yet their sense of belonging will ultimately never feel real, and that struggle and last more than one lifetime. In the novel The Namesake one of our main protagonist, Ashima, is a foreigner from India ... Show more content on ... The different aspects of life in a different world she experienced had created more than a life times of suffering, and she had managed with the help of Ashoke and many new friends she had made in her new life. Friends that came together to celebrate the birthdays of her children, with eatings and old practices such as deciding the future through plates of dirt, money, and writing utensils. How she passed time with writing christmas cards to her family in Calcutta, and how she sent more parts of her life to them through letters about how different life was. Lahiri pictures the dramatic life adventures of immigrants how they feel all around the world. These immigrants are distraught because they recognize that they do not gain anything even through their sufferings that have plagued them for so many ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Satyajit Ray Protest And Rebellion Protest and Negotiation in Satyajit Ray's Calcutta Trilogy I. Introduction Satyajit Ray (2 May, 1921– 23 April, 1992) is one of the best directors from the golden era of Bengali cinema (1952–1975). During that period parallel cinema movement emerged in India. This parallel cinema movement was mainly led by Bengali cinema. Satyajit Ray was born in Calcutta, and his family was very prominent in the field of arts and literature. He earned his reputation with his first film Pather Panchali (1955), it won eleven international awards, and with this film, he introduced Bengali cinema to the world. And now he is widely admired as one of the best filmmakers of the 20th century. He received his bachelor from the University of Calcutta in economics. ... Show more content on ... However, Naxalism in Bengal should also be seen in the context of the vast wave of international protest sweeping the world in the 1960s and 70s the centered on American aggression in Vietnam, but which also denounced such things as apartheid in South Africa and nuclear arms, as well as expressing antagonism towards capitalism, privilege and neo–colonialism, no matter how vaguely they may have been. The anger of protest in Kolkata in the seventies, with Naxalism in its vanguard, was fanned strongly by the various elements of international protest as ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Obesity In Mexico Mexico is currently going through a nutrition transition. Mexicans are moving away from a traditional diet toward a highly processed diet making them particularly vulnerable to chronic disease. Trade liberalization plays a huge role in this regard. After NAFTA had been implemented in 1994, the number of unhealthy food products from the United States to Mexico increased substantially. According to FAO and the OECD, Mexico has one of the highest obesity rates in the world. According to national nutrition survey, Mexico is leading the world in childhood obesity with 30% under 15 years, 40.8% are overweight over 15+, and 32.2% are obese, placing the country second in the world. The indigenous population suffers from a higher nutritional risk and ... Show more content on ... Prior to joining McGill in 2007, she has been a Post–Doctoral Research Fellow and subsequently a faculty at the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta and Madras School of Economics, India. She has received number of international fellowships and awards by the World Bank, ADB, Indo–Dutch program, and Ford Foundation. She was a Post–doctoral/ Visiting Fellow at the Faculty of Business Management, Oulu University Finland; Stockholm Environment Institute; the SOM Research School–Groningen University, UNU–MERIT–Maastricht University; and the SERD, Asian Institute of Technology. She was also a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the De La Salle University, Manila. She has numerous publications in peer–reviewed journals and five authored ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. My Own Boswell : Memoirs Of M. Hidayatullaha Book Review MY OWN BOSWELL: MEMOIRS OF M. HIDAYATULLAHA by M. Hidayatullah. ISBN: 978–81–7534–260–6 Publication year 2011 Pages: 304 Price Rs. 295/– Published By Universal Law Publishing Company Private Limited G.T. Karnal Road, New Delhi– 110033, India Reviewed by Prabhansu Gupta* The MY OWN BOSWELL : MEMOIRS OF M. HIDAYATULLAHA is the autobiography of an eminent Indian lawyer M. Hidayatullah who has won most of the prizes available to one of his profession in India. The title, he explains in the preface, was taken from the subtitle of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes ' Aristocrat of the Breakfast Table: Every man his own Boswell. The author was born on 17 December ... Show more content on ... In the given interval he wrote several books and spent some time in the United States. The latter visit resulted in a book known as, U.S.A. and India. As there indicated, he was in residence for a week at Southern Illinois University School of Law and gave several lectures, one of which was published in the Southern Illinois University Law Journal. At the age of forty he was appointed by the Crown to be a judge of the High Court at Nagpur where he served for ten years. In the second year of that service he entered into a very successful inter–religious marriage to Pushpa Shah, and during the last two years he served as Chief Justice. Then, in 1956, the State of Madya Pradesh was recognized and his court was moved to Jabalpur. Chapter 19 discusses some of the problems arising from the reorganization and includes some sharp criticism of the politics involved. It also talks about author's humour by specifying a difficulty arose in finding housing for the clerical staff. The district administration found accommodations in a large house where some families could be stationed, but there were complaints about the neighbourhood. The author and his two senior judges inspected the locale and found that the house was "in the red–light district. One of them suggested that the bachelors ' dormitory might be shifted there, "to the horror" of another of the judges. Alternative arrangements, of ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Jane Tagore 's The Living And The Dead Essay Even though women were center stage in the 19th–century colonial nationalist conversation in Bengal, they were not invited to be a part of it. High caste, Brahmin Hindu traditionalists had a strong foothold on not only women's freedom, but their simple value as individuals. The woman went from an innocent child–bride, to being a confined wife, and then an outcaste widow. Against their policy to stay out of the conversation, the British colonizers finally decided to step into the growing dialogue. Even though there were advocates for them, women continued to be discussed as objects between the British colonizers and Indian men, not as an individual to be considered. Exploring the literature of the time, written both by men and women, shows that though the women may not have been summoned to speak, their voice was being raised. In his short stories, "The Living and the Dead" (1991) and "Exercise–book," (1991) Rabindranath Tagore brings forth the unnoticed woman's voice in the Bengali nationalism colonial conversation, and he does so specifically through references to nature imagery. Through this imagery and in contrast to men's conservative, oppressive, and "pure" desire for women in the nationalism conversation, one is able to realize what each woman was uniquely able to call out and contribute– the desire for societal, individual, and intellectual freedom. Within "The Exercise Book," Tagore uses nature imagery to both express how young brides felt, but also to critique the ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Amit Chaudhuri Diasporic Themes DIASPORIC CONSCIOUSNESS IN AMIT CHAUDHURI'S "A NEW WORLD" Abstract Diaspora is a displacement of a community or individual from one geographical region to another geographical region. Indian English Fiction is repleted with several instance of diasporic issues where the artist makes an effective endeavour to present India's rich varied culture, tradition, and heritage while living in abroad. Like Amit Chaudhuri's fourth novel "A New World" under the prespective of diasporic issues such as rootlessness, identity crisis, nostalgia, homesickness, conflict between tradition, and modernity etc., He is not a diaspora writer. Amit Chaudhuri is writing in the great Bengali tradition. Chaudhuri differ in almost everything realities being portrayed to their intellectual mooring, narrative concerns and use of language. The central character Jayojit Chatterjee, ... Show more content on ... The new worlds emerging from such phenomena go beyond the personal, for the country they left behind is changed as well as the one to which they go. The Indian diaspora contains a high number of professionals, making for a global expatriate community with a strong measure of influence and clout. Chaudhuri's novel is a gently told, convincing glimpse into the life of one ordinary non– resident Indian, stated in deceptively simple, elegantly rendered. Works cited: Chaudhuri, Amit A New World. Picador, 2000. Ganguly, Dabjani. "Of Unremarkable, Un–Rushdie–like Lives: the Diasporic 'Local' in the Latest Fiction of Amit Chaudhuri." Crnle Journal (2000): 84–95. Gokhale, Namita. "The Business of Living." Rev. of "A New World". The Book Review 24.8 (Aug 2000):35. Gerenin, James. Rev. of "A New World". World Literature Today 75.2 (Spr 2001): 316–317. Khair, Tabish. Rev. of "A New World". Wasafiri 32(Aut 2000):62–64. isbn=339658061. ... Get more on ...