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Knowledge Management Principles
for Project Managers
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The purpose of this webinar is to:
Look at knowledge management through the lens of project
management from a practical perspective
Review how knowledge management practices are changing
and factors that influence knowledge transfer
Discuss screens, obstacles and barriers to knowledge transfer
Outline the roles and responsibilities of project manager as it
relates to knowledge management

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Knowledge Management
from a Practical Perspective

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Lens of Project Management - Bifocals
Project Management sees initiatives as being:
Focus 1


For a specific purpose

It looks to produce a:

Focus 2
Near Term
Tactical Project Planning

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Long Term
Strategic Project Planning
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What is Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management (KM):
Is the over-arching umbrella that comprises the strategies and
practices an organization uses to discover, create, capture,
document, categorize, classify, protect, secure, file, obsolete
destroy and renew knowledge.
Includes external processes to identify, reference, adopt, share,
archive and maintain knowledge assets.
Focuses on transferring know-how that involves retrieving,
exchanging, accessing, and disseminating understanding

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Knowledge Management Illustrated




Knowledge Transfer






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Knowledge Management Illustrated (cont.)
Inner Sphere:
Discover: identify, observe, or find

Create: conceptualize, make or invent
Capture: gather, collect or get
Document: Disseminate, review, interpret,
Categorize: compartmentalize, segment or organize
Classify: prioritize, sequence or order

Protect: copyright, patent or reserve rights
Secure: password protect, limit access to, encrypt
File: save, store or record
Obsolete: discontinue, version control, outdate
Destroy: delete, throw away, regard as no longer useable
Renew: recycle, update or improve
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Knowledge Management Illustrated (cont.)
Outer Sphere:
Identify: view, upload or download
Reference: obtain through purchase
or agreement

Adopt: accept as if it were your own
Share: give to under terms of provision or freely
Archive: compress, put away and discontinue active use
Maintain: allow to remain active or viewable

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Knowledge Management Illustrated (cont.)
Retrieve: get, obtain or acquire
Exchange: share, give or make available
Access: open, view or read
Distribute: send out, enable permissions or decrypt

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Changing and Evolving
Knowledge Management Practices

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What is Changing in the World of KM?
Knowledge management has evolved from limited:
Written and verbal forms of communication:
Person to group

To widespread:
Electronic means of communication
Transcending different languages

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What is Changing in the World of KM?
Since the mid-1990’s, the world of KM has continued to
improve in its ability to leverage the Internet to enable:
Information websites, which are designed to be providers of
information, i.e.,

Communities of information where knowledge users upload
information, i.e., Wikipedia
Communities of practice, which target discussion groups to
specific job functions, i.e., professional associations

Specialized gateways that support advanced
functionality, such as real-time business intelligence
to support just-in-time decision making
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What is Changing in the World of KM?
Knowledge management as a process depends heavily upon:
Methods of communication – written and spoken, ensuring
barriers are eliminated internally and/or externally
Approaches to managing knowledge through documentation –
electronic and hard copy
Types of systems – organize and control information through
stand alone, premise-based and cloud-based solutions
Kinds of repositories – enable access and archiving of data and

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What is Changing in the World of KM?
Knowledge management:
More knowledge is being shared than every before
Much of knowledge that was previously paid for is now freely
available as a result of the Internet
The speed at which knowledge can be exchanged is faster than
ever before
The demands for even faster transfer of knowledge is increasing

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What is Changing in the World of KM?
Knowledge management is becoming re-defined:
Traditional views of knowledge management is that it serves
purposes for
Succession Planning
Strategic Planning
Change Management

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What is Changing in the World of KM?
Knowledge management is becoming re-defined:
Emerging views of knowledge management is that it serves
purposes for
Business intelligence
Decision support

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What is Changing in the World of KM?
Knowledge management is becoming a cross-functional
People throughout the organization are expected to participate
in knowledge management related activities

Sharing lessons learned
Discussing best practices
Conducting benchmarking activities

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What is Changing in the World of KM?
Knowledge management is having an increased focus on
knowledge Transfer:
Knowledge is viewed as dynamic and changing
Just-in-time access and retrieval of information is critical
Servicing the point of need or location is essential
Providing only what is required, when it is needed

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Screens, Obstacles and Barriers
to Knowledge Transfer

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What Factors affect Knowledge Transfer?
Knowledge transfer can be affected by:
Screens: things can filter the amount of knowledge that gets
Obstacles: issues or concerns that must be overcome to transfer
Barriers: significant challenges that create a reluctance to
transfer knowledge

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About Screens
Screens: things that filter the amount of knowledge that gets
There are different ways to categorize screens.
Are conceptually protective devices or shields that are designed
to inhibit, slow down or reduce the amount or degree of
something getting through
Allow things to get through to a partial or full degree depending
upon the circumstances

Can be positive (beneficial) or negative (damaging) because it
can limit (prevent) things from entering
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About Screens – Case In Point
A particular culture that is located in Asia is hard to
communicate with initially for a person in the US.
The individuals in Asia prefer to communicate in writing (not
verbally) with those who speak English in the US.
After months of sending emailing, trust begins and
communications change from emails to speaking on the phone.
A face to face meeting is set up, and it is customary to exchange
gifts upon the first meeting, which goes smoothly.
The knowledge transfer process now begins.
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Ex. Screens that Filter Knowledge Transfer




Values /




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Ex. Screens that Filter Knowledge
Transparency: Comfort with being open, honest and direct
Relevance: Application to the person or their job
Comprehension: Ability to understand it

Personality: Behavior, style or attitude’s can impact on someone else’s ability to
understand or transfer knowledge
Relationship: The level of acceptance and how they get along can impact their
ability to transfer knowledge
Values/Beliefs: What one believes is in line with their values and beliefs can
impact their willingness to transfer knowledge
Culture: Ways of living may handle knowledge differently
Language: The ability to use familiar terms affects knowledge transfer
Geographic Location: Where someone lives, i.e., country and region may impact
how they perceive knowledge
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Dealing with Screens from a PM Perspective
The Project Manager’s Role when dealing with screens:
Embrace the fact that you must be a communications expert
Acknowledge that screens to exist and develop a plan of action
for dealing with different types of screens

Demonstrate competencies when managing and leading teams
across cross cultural boundaries
Support virtual teaming by getting personnel to work together
collaboratively across time zones
Break through differences in personality styles, time zones and
languages by helping each individual to be remain actively
engaged in knowledge management related initiatives
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About Obstacles
Obstacles: issues or concerns that must be overcome to
transfer knowledge
Is their a perception that transferring knowledge has a real value
to the organization or recipient

Are people recognized or rewarded for transferring knowledge,
or do they believe they will not receive anything for investing
time in transferring what they know
Is the process formal where people are required to get together
as specific times to transfer knowledge

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About Obstacles – Case In Point
An organization headquartered in the UK has been collecting
vast amounts of information on customer databases
The information technology department has significant data
processing capabilities and are able to extract information upon
The sales department would like to launch a new product, but
does not know where to begin from a strategy perspective

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Ex. Obstacles in the way of Knowledge Transfer
Unwillingness to
Share What a
Person Knows

Regular Meetings are
not Scheduled for
Knowledge Sharing

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The Organization
does not know how
to value Knowledge

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Ex. Obstacles that Filter Knowledge
Unwillingness to Share What a Person Knows:
This may occur do to an absence of rewards and recognition for
sharing know-how

Regular Meetings are not Scheduled for Knowledge Sharing:
Town hall meetings, regular team meetings, team building

The Organization does not know how to value Knowledge
What represents knowledge and what it is worth is not known
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Dealing with Obstacles from a PM
The Project Manager’s Role when dealing with obstacles:
Take on the role of a change agent
Help people see that organizational hurdles require agility
Let groups know that dealing with obstacles is a normal growth
process that requires commitment

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About Barriers
Barriers: significant challenges that create a reluctance to
transfer knowledge
Groups feel threatened that sharing information will result in a
loss of competitive advantage.

This is common within the same company that some people
feel that power is knowledge
Teams are concerned that information should remain within a
certain group and only shared under certain circumstances even
though there is no rationale or justification for doing so
Information becomes obsolete or is lost because it is not
common knowledge within the organization
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About Barriers – Case In Point
A company located in Chicago, IL in the US has determined that
the knowledge management system that they have invested
$200,000 is totally ineffective.

Information is stored in the knowledge base, but it is essentially
They have contacted project management for help to determine
next steps to get people to use the knowledge management

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Ex. Barriers that Prevent Knowledge Transfer
No Policies or
Procedures in Place to
Formalize Knowledge
Transfer Practices

No Endorsement from
Top Management to
Require Knowledge

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Environment is not
conducive to enable
people to effectively

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Ex. Barriers that Prevent Knowledge
No Policies or Procedures in Place to Formalize Knowledge
Transfer Practices
No Endorsement from Top Management to Require Knowledge
Environment is not conducive to enable people to effectively

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Dealing with Barriers from a PM
The Project Manager’s Role when dealing with barriers:
Barriers must be broken down

Paint a positive picture that dodging what appears to be moving
objects is a normal part of increasing organizational capacity
Get departments talking to each other to develop solutions.
Look at these initiatives as projects and put plans together to
come up with good alternatives for key stakeholders.

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The Role of the Project Manager in
Knowledge Management

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The Role of the Project Manager
With regards to KM, the role of the PM is to:
Work closely with functional managers on initiatives that are
knowledge management related and perform a needs
assessment and preliminary project plan to help determine
feasibility of implementing a proposed solution
Cost Justification
‒ Return on Investment
‒ Return on Quality

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The Role of the Project Manager
With regards to KM, the role of the PM is to:
Work side-by-side with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to
formalize the project plan for knowledge management practices

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The Role of the Project Manager
With regards to KM, the role of the PM is to:
Work side-by-side with key stakeholders to:
Educate them on the benefits of KM
Teach them how to effectively transfer knowledge
Reinforce positive behaviors that support overall knowledge
management initiatives

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The Role of the Project Manager
With regards to KM, the role of the PM is to:
Work in conjunction with external resources to:
Coordinate vendors and help them understand the
importance of how knowledge is managed and transferred
so that they can participate as business partners where
Engage with consultants to incorporate good ideas in
support of continuously improving the organization’s
knowledge management practices
Manage other third parties service level agreements to
ensure optimal performance of software and systems
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Take Away – Responsibilities of the PM for

Lead communications regarding a common language for PM and KM


Identify KM best practices for your industry


Serve as a change agent concerning PM and KM initiatives


Seek sponsorship from top management for KM


Keep up-to-date with technologies that support KM


Facilitate KM discussions on a regular basis


Conduct analyses to show the value of KM


Educate key stakeholders on how to transfer knowledge


Recognize positive outcomes of KM through publicity

10. Transition KM related projects to ongoing operations
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Knowledge Management Principles for Project Managers

  • 1. Knowledge Management Principles for Project Managers Thank you for joining us today. This webinar is brought to you by IIL a global leader in: Project, Program and Portfolio Management Microsoft® Project and Project Server Lean Six Sigma | Business Analysis PRINCE2® | ITIL® Leadership and Interpersonal Skills ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 1
  • 2. Global IIL Companies IIL US IIL Germany IIL Asia (Singapore) IIL Hong Kong IIL Australia IIL Hungary IIL Brasil IIL India IIL Canada IIL Japan IIL China IIL Korea (Seoul) IIL Europe (United Kingdom) IIL México IIL Finland IIL Middle East (Dubai) IIL France IIL Spain ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 2
  • 3. Overview The purpose of this webinar is to: Look at knowledge management through the lens of project management from a practical perspective Review how knowledge management practices are changing and factors that influence knowledge transfer Discuss screens, obstacles and barriers to knowledge transfer Outline the roles and responsibilities of project manager as it relates to knowledge management ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 3
  • 4. Topic Knowledge Management from a Practical Perspective ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 4
  • 5. Lens of Project Management - Bifocals Project Management sees initiatives as being: Temporary Focus 1 Unique For a specific purpose It looks to produce a: Product Service Result Focus 2 Near Term Tactical Project Planning ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Long Term Strategic Project Planning Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 5
  • 6. What is Knowledge Management Knowledge Management (KM): Is the over-arching umbrella that comprises the strategies and practices an organization uses to discover, create, capture, document, categorize, classify, protect, secure, file, obsolete destroy and renew knowledge. Includes external processes to identify, reference, adopt, share, archive and maintain knowledge assets. Focuses on transferring know-how that involves retrieving, exchanging, accessing, and disseminating understanding ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 6
  • 7. Knowledge Management Illustrated Reference Capture Create Discover Document Categorize Exchange Retrieve Knowledge Transfer Disseminate Classify Protect Access Secure Renew Destroy Obsolete File Archive ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 7
  • 8. Knowledge Management Illustrated (cont.) Inner Sphere: Discover: identify, observe, or find Create: conceptualize, make or invent Capture: gather, collect or get Document: Disseminate, review, interpret, Categorize: compartmentalize, segment or organize Classify: prioritize, sequence or order Protect: copyright, patent or reserve rights Secure: password protect, limit access to, encrypt File: save, store or record Obsolete: discontinue, version control, outdate Destroy: delete, throw away, regard as no longer useable Renew: recycle, update or improve ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 8
  • 9. Knowledge Management Illustrated (cont.) Outer Sphere: Identify: view, upload or download Reference: obtain through purchase or agreement Adopt: accept as if it were your own Share: give to under terms of provision or freely Archive: compress, put away and discontinue active use Maintain: allow to remain active or viewable ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 9
  • 10. Knowledge Management Illustrated (cont.) Core: Retrieve: get, obtain or acquire Exchange: share, give or make available Access: open, view or read Distribute: send out, enable permissions or decrypt ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 10
  • 11. Topic Changing and Evolving Knowledge Management Practices ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 11
  • 12. What is Changing in the World of KM? Knowledge management has evolved from limited: Written and verbal forms of communication: Person-to-person Person to group Group-to-group To widespread: Electronic means of communication Transcending different languages ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 12
  • 13. What is Changing in the World of KM? Since the mid-1990’s, the world of KM has continued to improve in its ability to leverage the Internet to enable: Information websites, which are designed to be providers of information, i.e., Communities of information where knowledge users upload information, i.e., Wikipedia Communities of practice, which target discussion groups to specific job functions, i.e., professional associations Specialized gateways that support advanced functionality, such as real-time business intelligence to support just-in-time decision making ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 13
  • 14. What is Changing in the World of KM? Knowledge management as a process depends heavily upon: Methods of communication – written and spoken, ensuring barriers are eliminated internally and/or externally Approaches to managing knowledge through documentation – electronic and hard copy Types of systems – organize and control information through stand alone, premise-based and cloud-based solutions Kinds of repositories – enable access and archiving of data and information ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 14
  • 15. What is Changing in the World of KM? Knowledge management: More knowledge is being shared than every before Much of knowledge that was previously paid for is now freely available as a result of the Internet The speed at which knowledge can be exchanged is faster than ever before The demands for even faster transfer of knowledge is increasing ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 15
  • 16. What is Changing in the World of KM? Knowledge management is becoming re-defined: Traditional views of knowledge management is that it serves purposes for Succession Planning Strategic Planning Change Management ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 16
  • 17. What is Changing in the World of KM? Knowledge management is becoming re-defined: Emerging views of knowledge management is that it serves purposes for Business intelligence Decision support ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 17
  • 18. What is Changing in the World of KM? Knowledge management is becoming a cross-functional activity: People throughout the organization are expected to participate in knowledge management related activities Sharing lessons learned Discussing best practices Conducting benchmarking activities ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 18
  • 19. What is Changing in the World of KM? Knowledge management is having an increased focus on knowledge Transfer: Knowledge is viewed as dynamic and changing Just-in-time access and retrieval of information is critical Servicing the point of need or location is essential Providing only what is required, when it is needed ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 19
  • 20. Topic Screens, Obstacles and Barriers to Knowledge Transfer ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 20
  • 21. What Factors affect Knowledge Transfer? Knowledge transfer can be affected by: Screens: things can filter the amount of knowledge that gets through Obstacles: issues or concerns that must be overcome to transfer knowledge Barriers: significant challenges that create a reluctance to transfer knowledge ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 21
  • 22. About Screens Screens: things that filter the amount of knowledge that gets through There are different ways to categorize screens. Are conceptually protective devices or shields that are designed to inhibit, slow down or reduce the amount or degree of something getting through Allow things to get through to a partial or full degree depending upon the circumstances Can be positive (beneficial) or negative (damaging) because it can limit (prevent) things from entering ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 22
  • 23. About Screens – Case In Point Screens: A particular culture that is located in Asia is hard to communicate with initially for a person in the US. The individuals in Asia prefer to communicate in writing (not verbally) with those who speak English in the US. After months of sending emailing, trust begins and communications change from emails to speaking on the phone. A face to face meeting is set up, and it is customary to exchange gifts upon the first meeting, which goes smoothly. The knowledge transfer process now begins. ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 23
  • 24. Ex. Screens that Filter Knowledge Transfer Relevance Screen Comprehension Screen Personality Screen Relationship Screen Values / Beliefs Screen Culture Screen Language Screen Transparency Screen ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Geographic Location Screen Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 24
  • 25. Ex. Screens that Filter Knowledge Transparency: Comfort with being open, honest and direct Relevance: Application to the person or their job Comprehension: Ability to understand it Personality: Behavior, style or attitude’s can impact on someone else’s ability to understand or transfer knowledge Relationship: The level of acceptance and how they get along can impact their ability to transfer knowledge Values/Beliefs: What one believes is in line with their values and beliefs can impact their willingness to transfer knowledge Culture: Ways of living may handle knowledge differently Language: The ability to use familiar terms affects knowledge transfer Geographic Location: Where someone lives, i.e., country and region may impact how they perceive knowledge ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 25
  • 26. Dealing with Screens from a PM Perspective The Project Manager’s Role when dealing with screens: Embrace the fact that you must be a communications expert Acknowledge that screens to exist and develop a plan of action for dealing with different types of screens Demonstrate competencies when managing and leading teams across cross cultural boundaries Support virtual teaming by getting personnel to work together collaboratively across time zones Break through differences in personality styles, time zones and languages by helping each individual to be remain actively engaged in knowledge management related initiatives ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 26
  • 27. About Obstacles Obstacles: issues or concerns that must be overcome to transfer knowledge Is their a perception that transferring knowledge has a real value to the organization or recipient Are people recognized or rewarded for transferring knowledge, or do they believe they will not receive anything for investing time in transferring what they know Is the process formal where people are required to get together as specific times to transfer knowledge ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 27
  • 28. About Obstacles – Case In Point Obstacles: An organization headquartered in the UK has been collecting vast amounts of information on customer databases The information technology department has significant data processing capabilities and are able to extract information upon demand The sales department would like to launch a new product, but does not know where to begin from a strategy perspective ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 28
  • 29. Ex. Obstacles in the way of Knowledge Transfer Unwillingness to Share What a Person Knows Regular Meetings are not Scheduled for Knowledge Sharing ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. The Organization does not know how to value Knowledge Assets Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 29
  • 30. Ex. Obstacles that Filter Knowledge Unwillingness to Share What a Person Knows: This may occur do to an absence of rewards and recognition for sharing know-how Regular Meetings are not Scheduled for Knowledge Sharing: Town hall meetings, regular team meetings, team building sessions The Organization does not know how to value Knowledge Assets What represents knowledge and what it is worth is not known ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 30
  • 31. Dealing with Obstacles from a PM Perspective The Project Manager’s Role when dealing with obstacles: Take on the role of a change agent Help people see that organizational hurdles require agility Let groups know that dealing with obstacles is a normal growth process that requires commitment ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 31
  • 32. About Barriers Barriers: significant challenges that create a reluctance to transfer knowledge Groups feel threatened that sharing information will result in a loss of competitive advantage. This is common within the same company that some people feel that power is knowledge Teams are concerned that information should remain within a certain group and only shared under certain circumstances even though there is no rationale or justification for doing so Information becomes obsolete or is lost because it is not common knowledge within the organization ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 32
  • 33. About Barriers – Case In Point Barriers: A company located in Chicago, IL in the US has determined that the knowledge management system that they have invested $200,000 is totally ineffective. Information is stored in the knowledge base, but it is essentially useless They have contacted project management for help to determine next steps to get people to use the knowledge management system ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 33
  • 34. Ex. Barriers that Prevent Knowledge Transfer No Policies or Procedures in Place to Formalize Knowledge Transfer Practices No Endorsement from Top Management to Require Knowledge Sharing ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Environment is not conducive to enable people to effectively communicate Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 34
  • 35. Ex. Barriers that Prevent Knowledge Transfer No Policies or Procedures in Place to Formalize Knowledge Transfer Practices No Endorsement from Top Management to Require Knowledge Sharing Environment is not conducive to enable people to effectively communicate ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 35
  • 36. Dealing with Barriers from a PM Perspective The Project Manager’s Role when dealing with barriers: Barriers must be broken down Paint a positive picture that dodging what appears to be moving objects is a normal part of increasing organizational capacity Get departments talking to each other to develop solutions. Look at these initiatives as projects and put plans together to come up with good alternatives for key stakeholders. ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 36
  • 37. Topic The Role of the Project Manager in Knowledge Management ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 37
  • 38. The Role of the Project Manager With regards to KM, the role of the PM is to: Work closely with functional managers on initiatives that are knowledge management related and perform a needs assessment and preliminary project plan to help determine feasibility of implementing a proposed solution Cost Justification ‒ Return on Investment ‒ Return on Quality ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 38
  • 39. The Role of the Project Manager With regards to KM, the role of the PM is to: Work side-by-side with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to formalize the project plan for knowledge management practices Cost Time Scope Resources Quality Risk ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 39
  • 40. The Role of the Project Manager With regards to KM, the role of the PM is to: Work side-by-side with key stakeholders to: Educate them on the benefits of KM Teach them how to effectively transfer knowledge Reinforce positive behaviors that support overall knowledge management initiatives ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 40
  • 41. The Role of the Project Manager With regards to KM, the role of the PM is to: Work in conjunction with external resources to: Coordinate vendors and help them understand the importance of how knowledge is managed and transferred so that they can participate as business partners where appropriate Engage with consultants to incorporate good ideas in support of continuously improving the organization’s knowledge management practices Manage other third parties service level agreements to ensure optimal performance of software and systems ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 41
  • 42. Take Away – Responsibilities of the PM for KM 1. Lead communications regarding a common language for PM and KM 2. Identify KM best practices for your industry 3. Serve as a change agent concerning PM and KM initiatives 4. Seek sponsorship from top management for KM 5. Keep up-to-date with technologies that support KM 6. Facilitate KM discussions on a regular basis 7. Conduct analyses to show the value of KM 8. Educate key stakeholders on how to transfer knowledge 9. Recognize positive outcomes of KM through publicity 10. Transition KM related projects to ongoing operations ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 42
  • 43. At IIL, Our Greatest Accomplishments are Yours We invite you to get a closer look at what IIL can do for you and your organization, by visiting or email and let us know how we can meet your learning needs. Please connect with IIL Socially: Like us on: Follow us: Join our Discussions on LinkedIn ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 43
  • 44. Evaluations Thank you for joining us today. Please give us your feedback by completing our webinar evaluation now. ©2014 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation 44