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userneeds @anous
October 16, 2018
Workshop User Research
by Anouschka Scholten
Success depends on
Your Relationship with
Your Users
Social UX presents
userneeds @anous
userneeds @anous
Make people’s
lives better.
userneeds @anous
More about this: Peter Morville Experience honeycomb
Solution ≠
userneeds @anous
userneeds @anous
… an app for everything?
‘Natural Cycles’ Contraceptive App Has People Furious After Causing 37 Accidental
userneeds @anous
Fill in destination
+ start location
Be on time for my
Prepare my journey
How long does it take? Which route does it take?
I really have to be on time!!
Are there alternatives in case of traffic jams?
I have to do (task)
Is my goal
Are my needs
… also emotiona
userneeds @anous
Where do I fill in my
start location?
I do not want to share or
save or call the destination..
Let’s try again
Oh no, I have no more time, I
really need to leave now
How is this
I’m so stupid!
Okay, I know the web
version does work … [Opens
the mobile browser]
userneeds @anous
userneeds @anous
userneeds @anous
Disability isn’t
black & white
Source image
Accessibility for UX
designers. A clear and
comprehensive presentation
with lots of examples, tips
and tooling:
Dutch video about this topic
– fun and enlightening:
userneeds @anous
Try it out with Chrome
extension Funkify
Social Impact Factory site accessible?
userneeds @anous
UX Change Agent
Interaction Designer / User Experience Consultant / UX trainer en coach
I design with intention and I’m passionate to empower people and organizations
to make products and services people love to use.
I help to innovate and improve.
Anouschka Scholten
@anous – Userneeds
userneeds @anous
Product or Service development
userneeds @anous
userneeds @anous
Learn from your users
userneeds @anous
Measuring = Knowing?
userneeds @anous
What happens
How often
Net Promotor Score
CRM Data
How better ?
Measuring = Knowing?
userneeds @anous
what the UX- or Conversion expert says?
userneeds @anous
userneeds @anous
You can’t possibly predict/find/be aware of all the issues
userneeds @anous
Understand Users
Source: IDEO
userneeds @anous23
UX – U = X
user experience
without users is a no go
User Research is key
userneeds @anous
test Remote
tracking Usability testing
User drivenMarketing driven
User Research?
userneeds @anous
People do not always do what
you think
you tell them
they think
they say
they do
Observing and asking why makes you
find out what people
really do and need
userneeds @anous
3 critical
user research methods
Usability testing
userneeds @anous
Meet your user in their
natural context –
Get out of the building
userneeds @anous
No excuses
everyone should and can do it
userneeds @anous
Observing behaviour See in context of users
How a Cola company turned falling bar and pub sales around via user
research. An anthropologist walk into a bar...
userneeds @anous
Asking questions & listen
Source: mbstudio
Foundation for UX insights
userneeds @anous
Open or closed
userneeds @anous
Open questions
Offer openings, insights into the user's experience
• Leave the word to the user, user can fill in the
answer himself
• Comprehensive own wordings of what users do and
need (how, when, where and why)
• A rich image, real connection with the user
userneeds @anous
Funnel questions
gets to the bottom of the users mind
• Subsequent inquiring questions, like
• Key question:? ”... How do you normally execute
X, how did you do that the last time?"
• Investigative Question 1: "What are you looking for
that kind of information?”
• Investigative Question 2 : "Why do you search for
that information in particular (as formulated by the
• Research question 3: "Are there other ways in
which you come to this information?"
userneeds @anous
“The important thing is not to stop
questioning. Curiosity has its own
reason for existing”
― Albert Einstein
userneeds @anous
Listning with your mouth shut
userneeds @anous
Listen carefully
to what the user themselves describe things
• Which words they use (terminology usage)
• What considerations (motivations)
• What is very important to them and why
(certainties, control, trust)
• What do they want to prevent (obstacles,
frustrations, pain points)
• What kind of goal do they want to pursue, what
do they want to achieve and why
userneeds @anous
Your behaviour and position
influences the process
• Your tone: warm, quiet, soft, harmonious
• Your attitude: open, inviting, prone, quietly
looking, interested, familiar
• Your behavior: friendly, interested, involved,
curious, respectful
Everything the user says / does is okay!
userneeds @anous
Interview tips
1. Be deliberately quiet
2. Be open to every answer
3. Listen with attention
4. Ask for
- actual experiences from the past,
- explanation and details
- specific examples
5. Listen, summarize and ask a follow up question
userneeds @anous
A small exercise listening
with the one sitting next to you, in pairs
One interviewer
Asks 1 (open) question
I’ll state the subject, the interviewer translates this in
an open question.
After you formalated the question, you are quiet.
One interviewee
Answers for 3 minutes
Keep talking, no matter what happens.
userneeds @anous
Interview results process right after
• Write down the most memorable insights
• Use audio recording for reference
• Add a photo of the person in his / her
environment – write down memorable
AND Request permission before
making audio recording and photos:
Be clear: audio, photo and report is not
distributed to third parties solely for internal
Do you want to use it publicly, or
partly; explicitly ask for permission from the
userneeds @anous
Usability Testing
See your user using your product or service
userneeds @anous
Usability testing
is about
observing behaviour
Watch the user do what comes naturally,
while performing a task (thinking aloud)
with a product or service.
Don't help.
Not asking about opinion.
userneeds @anous
1. Interview
2. Observe while doing the task (say nothing)
3. Evaluate afterwards (open follow up questions)
With actual users (no friends or family – no guerrilla or coffee bar testing!)
1 on 1 session of max. 1,5 hours
Preferably in context of use
Observing behavior
userneeds @anous
a key function of usability testing
to really see, hear and find out
what moves your users
the ability to see an experience
through another person’s eyes
Getting to
userneeds @anous
WHY Usability testing??!!!
Not about how often something is said or done –
reactive report
it’s not quantitative research, not about significance
or steering data for management
It’s about WHY things are done
it’s qualitative research
A usability test is mainly to inform us how to do it better –
to get to a better design (and ultimately better
quantitative data)
The $300 Million Button:
userneeds @anous
Usability test to
Detect problems
Engage users and stakeholders
Reduce waste
Less support, development time better spend
userneeds @anousPicture credits: Johan Groenen
NOT the waterfall way
userneeds @anousPicture credits: Johan Groenen
The agile way!
userneeds @anous
user checks
& traditional
usability testing
userneeds @anous
User Checks –
agile usability testing
userneeds @anous
userneeds @anous
Usability Test traditional
1 round of testing
In a lab environment, eye tracking
Moderator is a UX researcher
Process based
userneeds @anous
Traditional Usablity test
• 1 time, at end design process
• An extensive report, little or no redesign
• No retest
• Not in user context
• High costs: lab, eye tracking, special UX
• Product team indirectly involved
• Schedule well in advance (at least 1 month)
userneeds @anous
userneeds @anous
Test and retest within 1-4 weeks
Preferably in the users context, quick and easy set up
Team member (Designer, PO,…) conducts the test, team
directly involved
Output is a better design/ better MVP
Value based
User Checks Agile Usability Test
userneeds @anous
User Checks Agile Usability Testing
6. Evaluate
2. User
round 1
3. Evaluate
5. User
round 2
1. Design /
Site or App
4. Improved
Design / MVP /
Site or App
7. Improved
Design /
MVP / Site or
or develop
Based on the RITE-model:
userneeds @anous
“Elaborate tests are a waste of resources”
75% of the problems found with 3 or 4 user tests
userneeds @anous
What to test ?
userneeds @anous
userneeds @anous
Design new site
User check with a doctor in his office
GGD Haaglanden project Angi Studio:
userneeds @anous
Ik weet niet wat OGGZ betekent, Milieu en
Gezondheid…is dit voor mij?
I don’t know what OGGZ means, Environment and
Health… is this for me?
GGD Haaglanden project Angi Studio:
Menu indeling: geen overzicht, inzicht, herkenning, focus… voldoet niet aan verwachting, weg wordt niet gevonden
Menu: no overview,- insight, -regognition, -focus… doesn’t match expectations, user can’t find what they need
userneeds @anous
Natuurlijk, ook SOA en bezorgd over kinder-
mishandeling… ja, belangrijk!
Off course, also SOA and worried about child
abuse… yes, important!
GGD Haaglanden project Angi Studio:
Wijzigingen op verschillende niveaus: wat waar onder valt, naamgeving, hiërarchie, toevoeging visuele cues (affordance),
less is more…
Changes on various levels: IA, labeling, hierarchy, visual cues (affordance), focus, less is more…
userneeds @anous
“ Bij Meiden verwacht ik 14
tot 21...oh, ik denk dat ik
toch wel in die doelgroep val
als ik het zo lees ? “
“LINDA.Girls.. I expect this is
for 14 till 21 year old… oh,
reading this subscription I
think it actually does fit me?”
Pop-up information about LINDA.meiden
Project Angi Studio:
LINDA subscription
userneeds @anous
“Zo onder elkaar is duidelijk, je kunt er zo
“Very clear and easy to walk through this way,
underneath each other”
Sub home Subscription with
incentive - mobile
Lange lijst om te scrollen
vormde geen enkel probleem
Scrolling was no problem at all
on mobile
2e round: de footer met menu, werd wel
Footer with next step was used
Navigeren met hoofdmenu gebeurde eerst
ronde niet. Sticky menu bood ook geen
Navigating via main menu on top wasn’t
used, it was ignored, even with a sticky
menu… dead end alert!
Project van Angi Studio:
userneeds @anous
User Checks during redesign, project Angi Studio:
userneeds @anous
ubsidie aanvraagsysteem Gemeente Den Haag, project Angi Studio:
User Checks during completely new design
userneeds @anous
Outsourcing your user research work
is like outsourcing your vacation.
It gets the job done, but probably
won’t have the effects you were
Jared Spool
userneeds @anous
Let’s just do it
userneeds @anous
Live user check test session
additional participants in role ‘observer’
userneeds @anous
Collect en prioritize findings
learning by doing
userneeds @anous
Come up with solutions and
learning by doing
userneeds @anous
userneeds @anous
userneeds @anous
The 4 basics of a User Check
1. Do a short interview upfront
Ask for experiences; how did they… the last time. Let the
user formulate the goal they have, the situation, the task.
Use that for the user check
2. Let your user experience the
Observe don’t tell. Put your prototype/site in the user’s
hands (or your user in the prototype) and give just the
minimum context so they understand what to do.
Give them the situation and task they formulated in the
userneeds @anous
3. Have them talk through their experience
(talk aloud) & Observe actively
Watch how they use (and misuse) what you have given them.
Never immediately “correct” what your user is doing.
Only stimulate to talk aloud: “what are you thinking”
4. Evaluate afterwords: follow up with
This is important; often this is the most valuable part of testing.
You mentioned… what did you mean with that? I saw you
doing… why? What did you expect? How would you call
it?Answer questions with questions (i.e “well, what do you
think that button does”)
The 4 basics of a User Check
userneeds @anous
I need 1 volunteer
the user J
userneeds @anous
I need 1 case
your website …
userneeds @anous
Tell us
• The main goal(s) of the site/application
• Target users
• Main tasks, main questions of the users
• Context of use
Do not tell us how you think the site works now!!!
userneeds @anous
Observe the user’s behaviour… you J
1 sticky per issue/observation
Note every occasion the user:
• hesitates, worries, or is forced to think
• misunderstands something
• gets frustrated or annoyed
• gives up
• is surprised
Also think of expressions of emotions that pass by
>> Do not judge, do not think of any solutions yet
userneeds @anous
userneeds @anous
The findings, issues
• Collect Findings
• Prioritize issues to be solved: prioritize from
the business/user goals perspective, rate them
Do this with thewhole team
userneeds @anous
• Collect all findings
• Re-arrange, categorize
them, label them
• Dot-vote (3 per person):
what is most important,
what should we tackle
The problem dot-voted
most: concentrate on that
one for the solutions…
userneeds @anous
• Improvements on every level, note down
Every post it, a solution, as concrete as possible like
Labeling, content, tone of voice, usp’s, categorization, visual
assets, interaction, concept, flow, persuasion, features (chat …)
> but keep the business/user goals perspective in mind (focus)!
• Prioritize by Impact & Effort (matrix) or dot-
Choose improvement(s) to be re-tested
Do this with thewhole team
userneeds @anous
Impact & Effort matrix
Impact: creates high/low value for users
effort: high/low effort in terms of time, knowledge, tools, people…
Do this with the
whole team
incl. decision
userneeds @anous
userneeds @anous
• Tomorrow or next week:
Implement the solutions
that have the most
positive impact/value for
the user and take the
least effort to realize
• Put the rest of the
solutions on the backlog,
attach actions to it
And re-test !
with other users in 2 or 4
userneeds @anous
The more ‘exposure hours’ with users
(offline) the more improvements in
the design – every 6 weeks 2 hours,
every team member
Jared Spool
Fast Path to a Great UX — Increased Exposure Hours
userneeds @anous
Lets make people’s lives
Just do it!
userneeds @anous
Thank you!
Twitter: @anous
userneeds @anous
userneeds @anous
User Checks set up
• Test setup with interview questions and scenario’s/real tasks
• Real target users as participants
• Idealy conducted in context user on their own device
• Record interview (in audio) and the user check with screen
(Live) screen capture via of of (ook voor Windows). Or
Skype or ather screensharing tool
Audio opname interview: your phone
• 1 test moderator, 1 observer
(more observers are possible, but not too much and really on
the background)
userneeds @anous
Key: moderating the test
If they… Say…
Are not talking “What are you thinking?”
Ask you a question (e.g. “Is that
what I should do here?”)
Rephrase the question (e.g “ What do
you think you should do?”)
Get a task right or wrong “Thank you , that is very helpful”
“Thanks for the feedback”
Mess up “Remember, you can’t make any
mistakes. You’re doing a great job.”
Are unsure if they have
completed a task and ask you
“Is this what you would do if you were
doing X at home?”
Criticize the design “Thanks for the feedback”
userneeds @anous
Test script-agenda
1. Introduction and questions up front
2. Situation sketch + think aloud instruction
3. Think aloud session
4. Evaluate session, open questions
5. End session - thank participant
userneeds @anous
Example Introduction
Thank you for participating, we really appreciate it!
I’m <name> and there is one person besides me <name> is also here. We’re helping
a company to develop a new service / to optimize a website. We are not part of the
company, we don’t have anything to do with the service/product/ website.
This company cares about their customers and thinks it’s very important to involve
potential customers when developing new services. They want the new service to be
valuable for you.
That’s why we want to ask you some questions and along the way we’d like show
you the service/site. You can walk through it.
The interview takes about 50 minutes. If you do not understand something, or
you want to add something, do not hesitate to interrupt me!
Do you mind if we record the session for future reference within our organisation?
Everything we discuss and record is confidential; we will not share things without
your permission!
Any questions?
userneeds @anous
Task-think aloud instruction
You are going to see: a draft proposal of the service, which has not
yet been developed/ the site now.
<if a prototype> The proposal is only images. It looks finished and
you can click through it, but most of it is not working yet. It’s also
not as fast as a normal app and you can’t do anything wrong.
<Situation sketch and task instructions>
Please open the link on your mobile phone and walk through the
app / You start at this page
Can you please say things aloud? Not to me, but for yourself?
Everything you do or say is fine, eg. Also "what the hell is this ?!“.
You can start now by clicking the link (or open the site page where
to start)
userneeds @anous
Evaluation questions
After the think aloud session, zoom in to what you observed, like:
• You mentioned… what did you mean with that?
• I saw you doing… why? What did you expect? How would you call it?
• You didn’t go to … why not? What do you expect to find?
Also ask service, product or content specific questions, e.g.:
• You read this text thoroughly, why?
• You were going back and fourth between product X and Y, why?
• You choose X and said something about .., what did you mean with
that ?
userneeds @anous
Some readings
How to Excite Stakeholders to Start Usability Testing
Usability Test Demo video
Rocket Surgery Made Easy by Steve Krug:
About asking the right questions
Fun facts
13 things Louis Theroux can teach us about user research
userneeds @anous
Where to find participants for User Research Interviews
Very practical video by Sarah Doody – 9 minutes
All her videos on UX are very enlightning
In Dutch: Hoe werf je in ‘no-time ’respondenten voor jouw test?
Questions for user research interviews
Valuable set of questions, concerning:
1. Customer intro questions;
2. Topic specific questions;
3. Product opportunity questions;
4. Product reaction questions

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UX Research Workshop

  • 1. userneeds @anous October 16, 2018 Workshop User Research by Anouschka Scholten userneeds Success depends on Your Relationship with Your Users Social UX presents
  • 4. userneeds @anous Useful Valuable Accessible Usable More about this: Peter Morville Experience honeycomb Solution ≠ {
  • 6. userneeds @anous … an app for everything? ‘Natural Cycles’ Contraceptive App Has People Furious After Causing 37 Accidental Pregnancies accidental-pregnancies/
  • 7. userneeds @anous Fill in destination + start location Be on time for my appointment- Prepare my journey How long does it take? Which route does it take? I really have to be on time!! Are there alternatives in case of traffic jams? I have to do (task) Is my goal Are my needs … also emotiona
  • 8. userneeds @anous Aaaaaarch…. Where do I fill in my start location? I do not want to share or save or call the destination.. Let’s try again Oh no, I have no more time, I really need to leave now How is this possible??!!! I’m so stupid! Okay, I know the web version does work … [Opens the mobile browser]
  • 11. userneeds @anous Disability isn’t black & white Source image TIPS Accessibility for UX designers. A clear and comprehensive presentation with lots of examples, tips and tooling: cessibility-for-ux-designers Dutch video about this topic – fun and enlightening: esentatie/no- accessibility
  • 12. userneeds @anous Try it out with Chrome extension Funkify Social Impact Factory site accessible?
  • 13. userneeds @anous UX Change Agent Interaction Designer / User Experience Consultant / UX trainer en coach I design with intention and I’m passionate to empower people and organizations to make products and services people love to use. I help to innovate and improve. Anouschka Scholten @anous – Userneeds
  • 14. userneeds @anous USER CENTERED Product or Service development How?
  • 17. userneeds @anous Measuring = Knowing? Source: now/?utm_content=bufferef9a1&utm_medium=social&
  • 18. userneeds @anous What happens Where How often Net Promotor Score CRM Data WHY How better ? Measuring = Knowing?
  • 19. userneeds @anous or what the UX- or Conversion expert says?
  • 21. userneeds @anous You can’t possibly predict/find/be aware of all the issues
  • 23. userneeds @anous23 UX – U = X user experience without users is a no go User Research is key
  • 24. userneeds @anous Focus group Surveys Verify test Remote tracking Usability testing User drivenMarketing driven Observation Interviewing User Research?
  • 25. userneeds @anous People do not always do what you think you tell them they think they say they do Observing and asking why makes you find out what people really do and need
  • 26. userneeds @anous 3 critical user research methods Observation Interviewing Usability testing
  • 27. userneeds @anous One-on-One Meet your user in their natural context – Get out of the building
  • 28. userneeds @anous No excuses everyone should and can do it
  • 29. userneeds @anous Observing behaviour See in context of users How a Cola company turned falling bar and pub sales around via user research. An anthropologist walk into a bar...
  • 30. userneeds @anous Observations Asking questions & listen Doing Thinking Source: mbstudio Interviewing Foundation for UX insights
  • 31. userneeds @anous Open or closed questions?
  • 32. userneeds @anous Open questions Offer openings, insights into the user's experience • Leave the word to the user, user can fill in the answer himself • Comprehensive own wordings of what users do and need (how, when, where and why) • A rich image, real connection with the user
  • 33. userneeds @anous Funnel questions gets to the bottom of the users mind • Subsequent inquiring questions, like • Key question:? ”... How do you normally execute X, how did you do that the last time?" • Investigative Question 1: "What are you looking for that kind of information?” • Investigative Question 2 : "Why do you search for that information in particular (as formulated by the user)?” • Research question 3: "Are there other ways in which you come to this information?"
  • 34. userneeds @anous “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing” ― Albert Einstein
  • 35. userneeds @anous Listning with your mouth shut 35
  • 36. userneeds @anous Listen carefully to what the user themselves describe things • Which words they use (terminology usage) • What considerations (motivations) • What is very important to them and why (certainties, control, trust) • What do they want to prevent (obstacles, frustrations, pain points) • What kind of goal do they want to pursue, what do they want to achieve and why
  • 37. userneeds @anous Your behaviour and position influences the process • Your tone: warm, quiet, soft, harmonious • Your attitude: open, inviting, prone, quietly looking, interested, familiar • Your behavior: friendly, interested, involved, curious, respectful Everything the user says / does is okay!
  • 38. userneeds @anous Interview tips 1. Be deliberately quiet 2. Be open to every answer 3. Listen with attention 4. Ask for - actual experiences from the past, - explanation and details - specific examples 5. Listen, summarize and ask a follow up question Tips
  • 39. userneeds @anous A small exercise listening with the one sitting next to you, in pairs One interviewer Asks 1 (open) question I’ll state the subject, the interviewer translates this in an open question. After you formalated the question, you are quiet. One interviewee Answers for 3 minutes Keep talking, no matter what happens.
  • 40. userneeds @anous Interview results process right after • Write down the most memorable insights • Use audio recording for reference • Add a photo of the person in his / her environment – write down memorable quotes AND Request permission before making audio recording and photos: Be clear: audio, photo and report is not distributed to third parties solely for internal use Do you want to use it publicly, or partly; explicitly ask for permission from the user.
  • 41. userneeds @anous Usability Testing See your user using your product or service
  • 42. userneeds @anous Usability testing is about observing behaviour Watch the user do what comes naturally, while performing a task (thinking aloud) with a product or service. Don't help. Not asking about opinion.
  • 43. userneeds @anous 1. Interview 2. Observe while doing the task (say nothing) 3. Evaluate afterwards (open follow up questions) With actual users (no friends or family – no guerrilla or coffee bar testing!) 1 on 1 session of max. 1,5 hours Preferably in context of use Observing behavior
  • 44. userneeds @anous empathy a key function of usability testing to really see, hear and find out what moves your users the ability to see an experience through another person’s eyes Getting to
  • 45. userneeds @anous WHY Usability testing??!!! Not about how often something is said or done – reactive report it’s not quantitative research, not about significance or steering data for management It’s about WHY things are done it’s qualitative research A usability test is mainly to inform us how to do it better – to get to a better design (and ultimately better quantitative data) The $300 Million Button:
  • 46. userneeds @anous Usability test to Detect problems Optimize Innovate Engage users and stakeholders Convice Focus Reduce waste Less support, development time better spend
  • 47. userneeds @anousPicture credits: Johan Groenen NOT the waterfall way
  • 48. userneeds @anousPicture credits: Johan Groenen The agile way!
  • 49. userneeds @anous user checks & traditional usability testing
  • 50. userneeds @anous User Checks – agile usability testing
  • 52. userneeds @anous Usability Test traditional 1 round of testing In a lab environment, eye tracking Moderator is a UX researcher Process based
  • 53. userneeds @anous Traditional Usablity test drawbacks • 1 time, at end design process • An extensive report, little or no redesign • No retest • Not in user context • High costs: lab, eye tracking, special UX researcher • Product team indirectly involved • Schedule well in advance (at least 1 month)
  • 55. userneeds @anous Test and retest within 1-4 weeks Preferably in the users context, quick and easy set up Team member (Designer, PO,…) conducts the test, team directly involved Output is a better design/ better MVP Value based User Checks Agile Usability Test
  • 56. userneeds @anous User Checks Agile Usability Testing 6. Evaluate Priortize Improvements 2. User Checks round 1 3. Evaluate Priortize Improvements 5. User Checks round 2 1. Design / MVP / Site or App 4. Improved Design / MVP / Site or App 7. Improved Design / MVP / Site or App Repeat or develop Based on the RITE-model:
  • 57. userneeds @anous “Elaborate tests are a waste of resources” Source: 75% of the problems found with 3 or 4 user tests
  • 60. userneeds @anous Design new site User check with a doctor in his office GGD Haaglanden project Angi Studio:
  • 61. userneeds @anous Ik weet niet wat OGGZ betekent, Milieu en Gezondheid…is dit voor mij? I don’t know what OGGZ means, Environment and Health… is this for me? From GGD Haaglanden project Angi Studio: Menu indeling: geen overzicht, inzicht, herkenning, focus… voldoet niet aan verwachting, weg wordt niet gevonden Menu: no overview,- insight, -regognition, -focus… doesn’t match expectations, user can’t find what they need
  • 62. userneeds @anous Natuurlijk, ook SOA en bezorgd over kinder- mishandeling… ja, belangrijk! Off course, also SOA and worried about child abuse… yes, important! To GGD Haaglanden project Angi Studio: Wijzigingen op verschillende niveaus: wat waar onder valt, naamgeving, hiërarchie, toevoeging visuele cues (affordance), less is more… Changes on various levels: IA, labeling, hierarchy, visual cues (affordance), focus, less is more…
  • 63. userneeds @anous “ Bij Meiden verwacht ik 14 tot 21...oh, ik denk dat ik toch wel in die doelgroep val als ik het zo lees ? “ “LINDA.Girls.. I expect this is for 14 till 21 year old… oh, reading this subscription I think it actually does fit me?” Pop-up information about LINDA.meiden Project Angi Studio: Redesign LINDA subscription
  • 64. userneeds @anous “Zo onder elkaar is duidelijk, je kunt er zo doorheen” “Very clear and easy to walk through this way, underneath each other” Sub home Subscription with incentive - mobile Lange lijst om te scrollen vormde geen enkel probleem Scrolling was no problem at all on mobile 2e round: de footer met menu, werd wel gebruikt Footer with next step was used Navigeren met hoofdmenu gebeurde eerst ronde niet. Sticky menu bood ook geen oplossing Navigating via main menu on top wasn’t used, it was ignored, even with a sticky menu… dead end alert! Project van Angi Studio:
  • 65. userneeds @anous User Checks during redesign, project Angi Studio:
  • 66. userneeds @anous ubsidie aanvraagsysteem Gemeente Den Haag, project Angi Studio: tp:// User Checks during completely new design
  • 67. userneeds @anous Outsourcing your user research work is like outsourcing your vacation. It gets the job done, but probably won’t have the effects you were seeking. Jared Spool “
  • 69. userneeds @anous Live user check test session additional participants in role ‘observer’
  • 70. userneeds @anous Collect en prioritize findings learning by doing
  • 71. userneeds @anous Come up with solutions and prioritize learning by doing
  • 74. userneeds @anous The 4 basics of a User Check 1. Do a short interview upfront Ask for experiences; how did they… the last time. Let the user formulate the goal they have, the situation, the task. Use that for the user check 2. Let your user experience the prototype/MVP/site Observe don’t tell. Put your prototype/site in the user’s hands (or your user in the prototype) and give just the minimum context so they understand what to do. Give them the situation and task they formulated in the interview
  • 75. userneeds @anous 3. Have them talk through their experience (talk aloud) & Observe actively Watch how they use (and misuse) what you have given them. Never immediately “correct” what your user is doing. Only stimulate to talk aloud: “what are you thinking” 4. Evaluate afterwords: follow up with questions This is important; often this is the most valuable part of testing. You mentioned… what did you mean with that? I saw you doing… why? What did you expect? How would you call it?Answer questions with questions (i.e “well, what do you think that button does”) The 4 basics of a User Check
  • 76. userneeds @anous I need 1 volunteer the user J
  • 77. userneeds @anous I need 1 case your website …
  • 78. userneeds @anous Tell us • The main goal(s) of the site/application • Target users • Main tasks, main questions of the users • Context of use Do not tell us how you think the site works now!!!
  • 79. userneeds @anous Observe the user’s behaviour… you J 1 sticky per issue/observation Note every occasion the user: • hesitates, worries, or is forced to think • misunderstands something • gets frustrated or annoyed • gives up • is surprised Also think of expressions of emotions that pass by >> Do not judge, do not think of any solutions yet
  • 81. userneeds @anous The findings, issues • Collect Findings • Prioritize issues to be solved: prioritize from the business/user goals perspective, rate them Do this with thewhole team
  • 82. userneeds @anous • Collect all findings • Re-arrange, categorize them, label them • Dot-vote (3 per person): what is most important, what should we tackle The problem dot-voted most: concentrate on that one for the solutions…
  • 83. userneeds @anous Improvements • Improvements on every level, note down Every post it, a solution, as concrete as possible like Labeling, content, tone of voice, usp’s, categorization, visual assets, interaction, concept, flow, persuasion, features (chat …) > but keep the business/user goals perspective in mind (focus)! • Prioritize by Impact & Effort (matrix) or dot- vote Choose improvement(s) to be re-tested Do this with thewhole team
  • 84. userneeds @anous Impact & Effort matrix Impact: creates high/low value for users effort: high/low effort in terms of time, knowledge, tools, people… Source: Do this with the whole team incl. decision makers!
  • 86. userneeds @anous • Tomorrow or next week: Implement the solutions that have the most positive impact/value for the user and take the least effort to realize • Put the rest of the solutions on the backlog, attach actions to it And re-test ! with other users in 2 or 4 weeks
  • 87. userneeds @anous The more ‘exposure hours’ with users (offline) the more improvements in the design – every 6 weeks 2 hours, every team member Jared Spool “ Fast Path to a Great UX — Increased Exposure Hours
  • 88. userneeds @anous Lets make people’s lives better. Just do it!
  • 89. userneeds @anous Thank you! Twitter: @anous LinkedIn:
  • 91. userneeds @anous User Checks set up • Test setup with interview questions and scenario’s/real tasks • Real target users as participants • Idealy conducted in context user on their own device • Record interview (in audio) and the user check with screen capture (Live) screen capture via of of (ook voor Windows). Or Skype or ather screensharing tool Audio opname interview: your phone • 1 test moderator, 1 observer (more observers are possible, but not too much and really on the background)
  • 92. userneeds @anous Key: moderating the test If they… Say… Are not talking “What are you thinking?” Ask you a question (e.g. “Is that what I should do here?”) Rephrase the question (e.g “ What do you think you should do?”) Get a task right or wrong “Thank you , that is very helpful” “Thanks for the feedback” Mess up “Remember, you can’t make any mistakes. You’re doing a great job.” Are unsure if they have completed a task and ask you “Is this what you would do if you were doing X at home?” Criticize the design “Thanks for the feedback”
  • 93. userneeds @anous Test script-agenda 1. Introduction and questions up front 2. Situation sketch + think aloud instruction 3. Think aloud session 4. Evaluate session, open questions 5. End session - thank participant
  • 94. userneeds @anous Example Introduction Thank you for participating, we really appreciate it! I’m <name> and there is one person besides me <name> is also here. We’re helping a company to develop a new service / to optimize a website. We are not part of the company, we don’t have anything to do with the service/product/ website. This company cares about their customers and thinks it’s very important to involve potential customers when developing new services. They want the new service to be valuable for you. That’s why we want to ask you some questions and along the way we’d like show you the service/site. You can walk through it. The interview takes about 50 minutes. If you do not understand something, or you want to add something, do not hesitate to interrupt me! Do you mind if we record the session for future reference within our organisation? Everything we discuss and record is confidential; we will not share things without your permission! Any questions?
  • 95. userneeds @anous Task-think aloud instruction You are going to see: a draft proposal of the service, which has not yet been developed/ the site now. <if a prototype> The proposal is only images. It looks finished and you can click through it, but most of it is not working yet. It’s also not as fast as a normal app and you can’t do anything wrong. <Situation sketch and task instructions> Please open the link on your mobile phone and walk through the app / You start at this page Can you please say things aloud? Not to me, but for yourself? Everything you do or say is fine, eg. Also "what the hell is this ?!“. You can start now by clicking the link (or open the site page where to start)
  • 96. userneeds @anous Evaluation questions After the think aloud session, zoom in to what you observed, like: • You mentioned… what did you mean with that? • I saw you doing… why? What did you expect? How would you call it? • You didn’t go to … why not? What do you expect to find? Also ask service, product or content specific questions, e.g.: • You read this text thoroughly, why? • You were going back and fourth between product X and Y, why? • You choose X and said something about .., what did you mean with that ?
  • 97. userneeds @anous Some readings How to Excite Stakeholders to Start Usability Testing Usability Test Demo video Rocket Surgery Made Easy by Steve Krug: About asking the right questions Fun facts 13 things Louis Theroux can teach us about user research studio-notes/13-things-louis-theroux-can-teach-us-about-userresearch- c80762d41583#.8y8qdrnbt
  • 98. userneeds @anous Where to find participants for User Research Interviews Very practical video by Sarah Doody – 9 minutes All her videos on UX are very enlightning In Dutch: Hoe werf je in ‘no-time ’respondenten voor jouw test? jouw-test-695d33d06885 Questions for user research interviews Valuable set of questions, concerning: 1. Customer intro questions; 2. Topic specific questions; 3. Product opportunity questions; 4. Product reaction questions uestions%20For%20User%20Research%20- %20Copyright%20Sarah%20Doody.pdf?dl=0 TIPS