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Volume 6, Number 1, 2011                                                                                      ABM Protocol
ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/bfm.2011.9998

 ABM Clinical Protocol #9: Use of Galactogogues in Initiating
    or Augmenting the Rate of Maternal Milk Secretion
               (First Revision January 2011)

                             The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Protocol Committee

A central goal of The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine is the development of clinical protocols for managing common
medical problems that may impact breastfeeding success. These protocols serve only as guidelines for the care of breast-
feeding mothers and infants and do not delineate an exclusive course of treatment or serve as standards of medical care.
Variations in treatment may be appropriate according to the needs of an individual patient. These guidelines are not
intended to be all-inclusive, but to provide a basic framework for physician education regarding breastfeeding.

Background                                                               negative feedback system in which dopamine serves as an
                                                                         inhibitor. Therefore, when dopamine concentration decreases,

G     alactogogues (or lactogogues) are medications or
      other substances believed to assist initiation, mainte-
nance, or augmentation of the rate of maternal milk synthesis.
                                                                         prolactin secretion from the anterior pituitary increases. The
                                                                         theory behind pharmaceutical galactogogues is that dopa-
                                                                         mine antagonists increase prolactin secretion14 and subse-
Because perceived or actual low milk supply is one of the most           quently increase the overall rate of milk synthesis. However,
common reasons given for discontinuing breastfeeding,1–8                 as mentioned above, no correlation exists between serum
both mothers and health professionals have sought medica-                prolactin and increased milk volume.10–12
tion(s) to address this concern. Evaluation of evidence-based                After secretory activation, the rate of milk synthesis is
studies and emerging information regarding more serious                  controlled locally in the mammary gland by autocrine control.
potential side effects of some galactogogues have resulted in a          Lactating breasts are never completely ‘‘empty’’ of milk, so the
recent shift in the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine’s rec-             terms ‘‘drain, drainage, draining,’’ etc., are more appropriate.
ommendations regarding these drugs and herbs. In 2004, the               If the breasts are not drained regularly and thoroughly, milk
previous version of this protocol used existing evidence that            production declines. Alternatively, more frequent and thor-
prescription galactogogues were effective and described                  ough drainage of the breasts typically results in an increased
when and how to use them.9 Emerging data suggest that we                 rate of milk secretion, with both a rapid (per feeding) effect
should exercise more caution in recommending these drugs to              and a delayed (several days) effect.12 Even though the rate of
induce or increase the rate of milk secretion in lactating wo-           milk synthesis is controlled locally at this stage of lactation,
men, particularly in women without specific risk factors for              suckling-induced peaks of prolactin continue throughout the
insufficient milk supply.                                                 entire course of breastfeeding.
   Human milk production is a complex physiologic process
involving physical and emotional factors and the interaction
                                                                         Potential Indications for Galactogogues
of multiple hormones, the most important of which is be-
lieved to be prolactin. Despite the fact that prolactin is re-              Galactogogues commonly have been used to increase a
quired for lactation, there has been no evidence for direct              faltering rate of milk production, often due to the effects of
correlation of serum prolactin levels (baseline or percentage            maternal or infant illness and hospitalization or because of
increase after suckling) with the volume of milk production in           regular separation such as work or school. One very common
lactating women.10–12                                                    area of use has been the neonatal intensive care unit, where
   Lactation is initiated with parturition, expulsion of the             the aim has been to stimulate initial secretory activation or
placenta, and falling progesterone levels in the presence of             augment declining milk secretion in these mothers. Mothers
very high prolactin levels. Systemic endocrine control of other          who are not breastfeeding but are expressing milk by hand or
supporting hormones (estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin,                   with a pump often experience a decline in milk production
growth hormone, glucocorticoids, and insulin) is also im-                after several weeks. Galactogogues have also been used for
portant.13 These hormonal changes trigger secretory activa-              adoptive breastfeeding (induction of lactation in a woman
tion (lactogenesis II) of the mammary secretory epithelial               who was not pregnant with the current child) and relactation
cells, also called lactocytes. Prolactin secretion functions in a        (reestablishing milk secretion after weaning).

42                                                                                                                ABM PROTOCOL

   Many breastfeeding medicine specialists and lactation                  Previous studies up through 2006 have tended to show
consultants have recommended these drugs and herbs, usu-                   a pattern of increased milk production, but they have
ally as a last resort when other non-pharmacological measures              generally been of poor quality,9,10 with the following
have not resulted in an increase in milk volumes. However,                 weaknesses:
some providers may inappropriately recommend galactogo-                    8   Lack of randomization, controls, or blinding
gues prior to emphasizing the primary means of increasing                  8   Small sample sizes
the overall rate of milk synthesis (i.e., frequent feeding and             8   High dropout rates
complete milk removal at regular intervals) or evaluating                  8   Nonpharmacological measures were not optimized.
other medical factors that potentially may be involved.
                                                                          Older reviews have cited studies with positive results
Pharmaceutical Galactogogues                                               while minimizing or ignoring studies with negative re-
   Currently available pharmaceutical galactogogues are all               A key systematic review in 200710 found two main
dopamine antagonists and will increase prolactin levels via
this mechanism.12 A number of older studies documented
increased baseline prolactin levels in lactating women who                 8 Evidence for the use of pharmaceutical galactogogues
took metoclopramide or domperidone.15–20 However, there                      is lacking: Only seven studies of various galactogo-
are only a few randomized, placebo-controlled, blinded                       gues met evidence-based criteria for review.
studies on each of these agents, and these studies are small.              8 Potential significant side effects of the drugs should
                                                                             be weighed carefully against the lack of evidence (see
Domperidone                                                                  Appendix for potential risks and benefits of specific
   Regarding domperidone, there are two well-designed                        drugs).
randomized, placebo-controlled, blinded studies. One of the               Prescription drugs used as galactogogues constitute
studies, published in 2010 (n ¼ 46), shows that domperidone                ‘‘off-label’’ use in most countries (they are not approved
is associated with significantly increased volumes of ex-                   by regulatory agencies for this indication).
pressed milk among women with premature infants less than
31 weeks’ gestation; the study concluded at 14 days, so longer-      Herbals, Foods, and Beverages as Galactogogues
term effects cannot be evaluated.11 One very small study
(n ¼ 6) suggests that individual women may be ‘‘responders’’            In non-Western cultures, postpartum women are assisted
or ‘‘non-responders’’ and that primiparas may respond to             in a number of ways that are intended to ease their transition
domperidone with higher prolactin levels than multiparas.’’21        to motherhood and to optimize breastfeeding. Many cultures
                                                                     keep new mothers very warm and insist on a period of rest of
Metoclopramide                                                       approximately 1 month. Many also have traditional foods and
                                                                     herbs for postpartum women that are meant to increase the
   For metoclopramide, only four randomized, placebo-                mother’s strength and enhance lactation.28 Many of these
controlled, blinded studies have been published, and they            herbal remedies have been used throughout history to en-
each have some problem(s) in design, small sample size, and/         hance milk supply. Some herbs mentioned as galactogogues
or patient selection.22–25 Metoclopramide did not produce a          include fenugreek, goat’s rue, milk thistle (Silybum marianum),
statistically significant effect on infant weight gain in a ran-      oats, dandelion, millet, seaweed, anise, basil, blessed thistle,
domized controlled trial of metoclopramide versus placebo in         fennel seeds, marshmallow, and many others. Although beer
a 2008 study of 20 mothers who were relactating: 10 women            is used in some cultures, alcohol may actually reduce milk
received metoclopramide, and 10 received placebo; all re-            production. A barley component of beer (even nonalcoholic
ceived a course of standardized counseling regarding optimal         beer) can increase prolactin secretion, but there are ‘‘no sys-
breastfeeding technique.24 These results replicated an earlier       tematic studies’’ and ‘‘there is no hard evidence for causal
study with a total of 50 mothers.25 All four of these higher-        effect.’’29,30 The mechanism(s) of action for most herbals are
quality studies22–25 found no differences in milk volumes            unknown. Most of them have not been scientifically evalu-
and/or duration of breastfeeding between metoclopramide              ated, but traditional use suggests safety and possible efficacy.
and placebo. Two found optimal breastfeeding instruction             The available studies for herbs, herbal medicines, or herbal
or counseling to be positively associated with a statistically       galactogogues suffer from the same deficiencies as the studies
significant increase in infant weight gain (and correspond-           for pharmacologic agents: Small numbers of subjects, lack
ing decrease in use of supplemental feedings).24,25 The other        of information regarding breastfeeding advice, and lack of
two did not evaluate or assist with optimal breastfeeding            randomization, controls, or blinding (Levels of Evidence
routines.22,23                                                       II-1,31 II-332).* The placebo effect may be the reason for
                                                                     widespread impressions (anecdotal experience) of a positive
Summary                                                              effect of fenugreek on increased milk volumes (Level of Evi-
  Despite widespread use of these pharmaceutical galacto-            dence III, personal communications from K.A. Marinelli
gogues, there are important reasons for reconsideration of this      [2010], N. Wight [2010], C. Smillie [2009], and N.G. Powers
        Galactogogues do increase baseline serum prolactin, but
         there is no direct correlation between baseline prolactin     *Levels of Evidence are based on the United States Preventive
         levels and rates of milk synthesis or measured volumes      Services Task Force ‘‘Quality of Evidence’’ (
         of milk production.                                         books/NBK15430, last accessed December 20, 2010).
ABM PROTOCOL                                                                                                                     43

[2010]). The minimal specific data regarding these herbs are               i.     Recommend and teach gentle hand expression of
presented in the Appendix.                                                       colostrum: The volume extracted by hand expres-
   It is important to note that caution is required for the use of               sion is greater than the volume extracted by full-
herbal preparations because of the lack of standardized dos-                     size, automatic cycling breast pumps;36 video and
ing preparations (other than research settings), possible con-                   photographic illustrations of hand expression are
taminants, allergic potential, and drug interactions. Several                    available at
herbs, taken orally, will increase patient blood levels of war-                  HandExpression.html37 and www.breastfeeding
farin, heparin, and other anticoagulants. There are several                      .com/helpme/helpme_images_expression.html.38
reports of severe maternal allergic reactions to fenugreek.33             ii.    Recommend milk expression with a full-size,
                                                                                 automatic cycling breast pump, capable of
Practice Recommendations                                                         draining both breasts at the same time (‘‘hospital
   The following recommendations, based upon current evi-                        grade’’), if available (Level of Evidence II-2).39
dence, apply to women experiencing difficulties with a low                 iii.   Recommend ‘‘hands-on pumping’’ (a combina-
rate of milk production (e.g., the baby is not gaining weight                    tion of hand expression with double pumping);
normally or supplementation is being used because of low                         this technique was superior to double pumping
milk production, during either the initiation or maintenance                     alone in one randomized, controlled trial40 and
of milk supply).                                                                 one observational study41 (Level of Evidence I
   Specific information about individual drugs and herbs is                       and II-3).
summarized at the end of these recommendations in the                     iv.    Recommend that women adjust the electric pump
Appendix.                                                                        to their maximum comfortable vacuum, which
                                                                                 enhances milk flow rate and milk yield and
  1. Evaluate and augment the frequency and thoroughness                         minimizes occurrence of tissue damage (Level of
     of milk removal. Use non-pharmacologic measures to                          Evidence II-1).42
     increase the overall rate of breastmilk synthesis.                   v.     Recommend hand expression if a hospital-grade
     a. For women with healthy term infants: Improve                             pump is not available or if the woman prefers the
        breastfeeding practices (Level of Evidence I).                           manual technique; hand expression requires in-
                                                                                 struction and a period of practice until the mother
        i.   Recommend skin-to-skin contact between mo-                          becomes proficient.
             ther and baby to facilitate frequent feeding and             vi.    Foot pump expression does not require electricity
             stimulate oxytocin release (the milk ejection re-                   and may be another available alternative.43
             flex [MER]).34
        ii. Encourage mother to perform self-breast mas-             2. Evaluate the mother for ‘‘medical’’ causes of hypogalactia:
             sage in order to improve oxytocin release (MER)            Pregnancy, medications, primary mammary glandular
             and milk removal.                                          insufficiency, breast surgery, polycystic ovary syndrome,
        iii. Review or teach relaxation techniques to facili-           hypothyroidism, retained placenta, theca lutein cyst, loss
             tate oxytocin release (MER) for improved milk              of prolactin secretion following postpartum hemorrhage,
             removal.                                                   heavy smoking or alcohol use, or other pertinent condi-
                                                                        tions. Treat the condition as indicated, if treatment is
        iv. Help the mother–infant dyad to achieve optimal
             latch-on.10,24,25                                          available12 (Level of Evidence II-2, II-3, and III).
        v. Resolve nipple pain, if applicable, using the fol-        3. Because current research of all galactogogues is rela-
             lowing strategies:                                         tively inconclusive and all of the agents have potential
                                                                        adverse effects, ABM cannot recommend any specific
             (1) Optimal latch-on                                       pharmacologic or herbal galactogogues at this time.
             (2) Diagnosis and management of other causes            4. The healthcare provider who weighs the potential risks
                 of pain                                                versus the potential benefits of these agents and chooses
             (3) Refer to a lactation specialist as needed.             to prescribe a galactogogue should follow the guide-
                                                                        lines below (Level of Evidence III) (see Appendix re-
        vi. Emphasize unrestricted frequency and duration
                                                                        garding details of prescribing specific galactogogues).
             of breastfeeding (if the infant has been shown to
                                                                     5. Inform women about available data concerning efficacy,
             be effectively transferring milk).24,25
                                                                        timing of use, and duration of therapy of galactogogues
        vii. Advise the mother to reduce or stop unnecessary
                                                                        (Level of Evidence I).10 (Specific information is presented
             supplementation35 and provide strategies for
                                                                        in the Appendix.)
             how to do so.
                                                                     6. Inform women about available data concerning poten-
             (1) Gradual tapering off of amounts of supple-             tial adverse effects of galactogogues (see Appendix re-
                 mentation                                              garding details of specific galactogogues):
             (2) Use of ‘‘supplementer system’’ (tube at the
                                                                       a. Screen the mother for allergies to, contraindications
                 breast attached to a source of supplemental
                                                                          to, or drug interactions with the chosen medication
                 milk) if appropriate.
                                                                          or other substance.
     b. For women with babies who are ineffective at milk              b. Provide ongoing care to, supervise ongoing care of, or
        removal or unable to feed at the breast (e.g., premature,         transfer care of both mother and infant to ensure ap-
        hospitalized, hypotonic):                                         propriate follow-up and attention to any side effects.
44                                                                                                                 ABM PROTOCOL

     c. Prescribe galactogogues at the lowest possible doses        Acknowledgments
        for the shortest period of time; do not exceed re-
                                                                       This work was supported in part by a grant from the Ma-
        commended therapeutic doses.
                                                                    ternal and Child Health Bureau, U.S. Department of Health
     d. Consider gradually discontinuing the drug (tapering
                                                                    and Human Services.
         the dose) at the end of therapy; some studies stop the
         drug at the conclusion of therapy, and others grad-
         ually discontinue the drug, with no clear advantage
         to either method.                                           1. Li R, Fein SB, Chen J, et al. Why mothers stop breastfeeding:
     e. If milk production wanes after stopping the drug and            Mothers’ self-reported reasons for stopping during the first
        improves again with resumption of the medication,               year. Pediatrics 2008;122(Suppl 2):S69–S76.
        attempt to gradually decrease the drug to the lowest         2. Dennis C, Hodnett E, Gallop R, et al. The effect of peer sup-
        effective dose and then discontinue the drug at a later         port on breast-feeding duration among primiparous women:
        date if possible.                                               A randomized controlled trial. CMAJ 2002;166:21–28.
     f. Consider obtaining written documentation of in-              3. Hauck YL, Fenwick J, Dhaliwal SS, et al. A Western Aus-
        formed consent when using any galactogogues.                    tralian survey of breastfeeding initiation, prevalence and
                                                                        early cessation patterns. Matern Child Health J 2010 Jan 14
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Conclusions                                                             j462321682423568/ (accessed December 3, 2010).
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                                                                        perception of milk supply while in the hospital. J Nurs Res
should be performed of the entire feeding process by a lactation        2009;17:179–188.
expert. Reassurance may be offered, if appropriate. When in-         5. Lewis JA. Maternal perceptions of insufficient milk supply
tervention is indicated for the dyad, modifiable factors should          in breastfeeding. Am J Matern Child Nurs 2009;34:264.
be addressed: comfort and relaxation for the mother, frequency       6. McCann MF, Bender DE. Perceived insufficient milk as a
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conditions. Medication should never replace evaluation and              J Biosoc Sci 2006;38:341–364.
counseling on modifiable factors. As new evidence has                 7. Otsuka K, Dennis C, Tatsuoka H, et al. The relationship
emerged regarding various interventions to increase milk se-            between breastfeeding self-efficacy and perceived insuffi-
cretion in lactating women, the case for using pharmaceutical           cient milk among Japanese mothers. J Obstet Gynecol Neo-
galactogogues has grown weaker. There remain selected indi-             natal Nurs 2008;37:546–555.
cations for which some of these agents may be useful, but the        8. Segura-Millan S, Dewey D, Perez-Escamilla R. Factors as-
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46                                                                                                       ABM PROTOCOL

63. Peters R, Schulze-Tollert J, Schuth W. Thyrotophin-releasing   Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Protocol Committee
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64. Bose CL, D’Ercole AJ, Lester AG, et al. Relactation by                          Cynthia R. Howard, M.D., M.P.H., FABM
    mothers of sick and premature infants. Pediatrics 1981;67:                                 Ruth A. Lawrence, M.D., FABM
    565–569.                                                       Kathleen A. Marinelli, M.D., FABM, Committee Chairperson
65. Tyson JE, Perez A, Zanartu J. Human lactational response to            Larry Noble, M.D., FABM, Translations Chairperson
    oral thyrotropin releasing hormone. J Clin Endocrinol Metab                                 Nancy G. Powers, M.D., FABM
    1976;43:760–768.                                                                    Julie Scott Taylor, M.D., M.Sc., FABM
                                                                                                     Nancy G. Powers, M.D.
  ABM protocols expire 5 years from the date of publication.
                                                                                                 Anne M. Montgomery, M.D.
Evidence-based revisions are made within 5 years or sooner if
there are significant changes in the evidence.                                          For correspondence:

                                                                                                        (Appendix follows ?)
Appendix: Specific Galactogogues

                                                              Table 1. Possibly Effective for Selected Indications

                                         Domperidone                              Fenugreek                          Metoclopramide                   Silymarina
                        11,44,45,46–52                              31,32,53–55                            16–20,22–25,56                   31,53
     Chemical class     Dopamine antagonist                         A commonly used spice; active          Dopamine antagonist              Flavolignans (presumed
       or properties                                                   constituents are trigonelline,                                         active ingredient)
                                                                       4-hydroxyisoleucine, and sotolon.
     Level of           I (one study); other studies                II-3 (one study in lactating           III (mixed results in            II-1 (one study in
       evidence            have inadequate methodology                 women—abstract only)                   low-quality studies; effect      lactating women)
                           or excessive dropout rates                                                         on overall rate of milk
                                                                                                              secretion is unclear)
     Suggested          10 mg, orally, 3 times/day in the           ‘‘3 capsules,’’ orally (typically      10 mg, orally,                   Micronized silymarin, 420 mg,
       dosage             Level I study; higher doses have             580–610 mg, but not stated in          3–4 times/day                  orally, per day in study of
                          not been studied in this context.            article), 3–4 times/day; strained                                     diPierro et al.;31 anecdotal,
                                                                       tea, 1 cup, 3 times/day (¼ tsp                                        strained tea (simmer 1 tsp of
                                                                       of seeds steeped in 8 oz of                                           crushed seeds in 8 oz of
                                                                       water for 10 minutes)                                                 water for 10 minutes),
                                                                                                                                             2–3 cups/day54
     Length/duration    Started between 3 and 4 weeks               1 week                                 7–14 days in various             Micronized Silymarin
       of therapy         postpartum and given for 14 days                                                   studies                         was studied for 63 days.
                          in the Level I study. In various

                          other studies the range was
                          considerable: Domperidone was
                          started between 16 to 117 days
                          postpartum and given for
                          2–14 days.
     Herbal                               —                         Need reliable source of                                 —               Need reliable source of
      considerations                                                  standard preparation                                                    standard preparation
                                                                      without contaminants                                                    without contaminants
     Effects on         Increased rate of milk secretion            Insufficient evidence; likely           Possible increased rate of       Inconclusive
       lactation          for pump-dependent mothers                  a significant placebo effect            milk secretion; possible
                          of premature infants less than                                                     responders versus
                          31 weeks’ gestation in                                                             non-responders
                          neonatal intensive care unit
     Untoward           Maternal: Dry mouth, headache               Generally well tolerated. Diarrhea     Reversible CNS effects with      Generally well tolerated;
      effects             (resolved with decreased dosage),           (most common), unusual body            short-term use, including        occasional mild
                          and abdominal cramps. Although              odor similar to maple syrup,           sedation, anxiety,               gastrointestinal side effect;
                          not reported in studies of                  cross-allergy with Asteraceae/         depression/anxiety/              cross-allergy with
                          lactation, cardiac arrhythmias              Compositae family (ragweed and         agitation, motor                 Asteraceae/Compositae
                          due to prolonged QTc interval               related plants), peanuts, and          restlessness, dystonic           family (ragweed and
                          are a concern and are occasionally          Fabacceae family such as               reactions, extrapyramidal        related plants)—possible
                          fatal. This may occur with                  chickpeas, soybeans, and green         symptoms. Rare reports of        anaphylaxis
                          either oral44 or intravenous                peas—possible anaphylaxis.             tardive dyskinesia (usually

Table 1. Continued
                                          Domperidone                                   Fenugreek                      Metoclopramide                   Silymarina

                               administration and particularly              Theoretically: asthma, bleeding,      irreversible), causing the
                               with high doses, or concurrent               dizziness, flatulence,                 FDA to place a ‘‘black box
                               use of drugs that inhibit                    hypoglycemia, loss of                 warning’’ on this drug
                               domperidone’s metabolism                     consciousness, skin rash,             in the United States.
                               (see Interactions, immediately               wheezing—but no reports
                               below). Neonatal: Very low levels            in lactating women.
                             in milk and no QTc prolongation
                               in premature infants who
                               had ingested breastmilk of
                               mothers on domperidone.45
     Interactions            Increased blood levels of                    Hawthorne, hypoglycemics              Monoamine oxidase              Caution with CYP2C9
                               domperidone when combined                   including insulin, antiplatelet       inhibitors, tacrolimus,         substrates—may increase
                               with some substrates metabolized            drugs, aspirin, heparin, warfarin,    antihistamines, any             levels of the drugs.
                               by CYP3A4 enzyme inhibitors,                feverfew, primrose oil, many          drugs with CNS effects          Possible increased
                               e.g., fluconazole, grapefruit juice,         other herbals                         (including antidepressants)     clearance of estrogens
                               ketoconozole, macrolide                                                                                           (decreased blood levels).
                               antibiotics, and others                                                                                           Possible increased
                                                                                                                                                 levels of statins.
     Comments                a. Do not advise exceeding                   If patient develops diarrhea,         Some studies suggest           No prescription
                                maximum recommended                          reducing the dose is                 tapering off the dose          required
                                dosage; no increased efficacy                 often helpful.                       at the end of treatment.

                                but increased untoward effects.
                             b. Generally licensed for use
                                as drug for gastrointestinal
                                dismotility (not in the
                                United States), where for this
                                indication in some regions it
                                is accepted that if no response
                                at the initial dose may increase
                                the dose. Some areas use as
                                drug of choice when
                                prolactin stimulation is felt
                                to be needed. However, there
                                are no studies of the safety
                                or efficacy of this practice in
                                lactating women.
                             c. In the United States, the FDA
                                has issued an advisory against
                                the use of domperidone in
                                lactating women.46
         Silymarin (micronized Silymarin) or S. marianum (milk thistle).
       CNS, central nervous system; CYP, cytochrome c; FDA, Food and Drug Administration.
Table 2. Controversial or not Recommended, Although Possibly Effective

                                            Human growth hormone                                 Sulpiride                            Thyrotropin-releasing hormone
                                   57–60                                         61,62                                       19,61,64,65
     Chemical class or             Protein-based polypeptide hormone:            Substituted benzamide (antipsychotic,       A tripeptide hormone that stimulates
       properties                    Stimulates multiple growth,                    antidepressant); antagonism                the release of TSH and prolactin
                                     anabolic, and anticatabolic effects            of presynaptic inhibitory                  by the anterior pituitary
                                                                                    dopamine receptors
     Level of evidence             Level I57,58, Level II59                      II-1 (only two studies)                     Level I63
     Suggested dosage              0.2 IU/kg/day, given intramuscularly          50 mg, orally, 2 times/day;59 do            1 mg 4 times daily by nasal spray
                                      or subcutaneously                             not use higher doses because
                                                                                    of sedation of mother and baby
     Length/duration               7 days, starting anywhere from                4-day course starting at 3 days             10 days
       of therapy                    8 to 18 weeks postpartum                       postpartum;59 no evidence to
                                                                                    use for a longer course
                                                                                    of treatment
     Effects on lactation          Increased milk secretion in a                 Increase in milk secretion in a             Increased milk secretion in elected

                                     selected population of normally                selected population: Primiparous           population of primiparous women
                                     lactating women with no feeding                women with ‘‘total yield of                with insufficient milk supply at
                                     problems and with healthy                      milk not exceeding 50 mL for               5 days postpartum
                                     thriving infants between 8 and                 the first 3 postpartum days’’
                                     18 weeks postpartum
     Untoward effects              None observed in mothers or babies            Severe drowsiness; extrapyramidal           Elevated TSH and hyperthyroidism
                                     studied to date. Potentially: Joint           effects listed in Table 1 for
                                     swelling, joint pain, carpal tunnel           metoclopramide; weight gain
                                     syndrome, and an increased
                                     risk of diabetes, heart disease
     Interactions                  Other hormones including                      Levodopa, other drugs with                  Other hormones including
                                     contraceptives, insulin, cortisol,            CNS effects                                 contraceptives, insulin, cortisol,
                                     and others too numerous to list                                                           and others too numerous to list
     Comments                      Insufficient study; not                        Concern about untoward effects              Insufficient study; very expensive;
                                     practical—requires injection                                                              no commercial product available
                                     and is very expensive

       TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.

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Uso de galactogogos

  • 1. BREASTFEEDING MEDICINE Volume 6, Number 1, 2011 ABM Protocol ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/bfm.2011.9998 ABM Clinical Protocol #9: Use of Galactogogues in Initiating or Augmenting the Rate of Maternal Milk Secretion (First Revision January 2011) The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Protocol Committee A central goal of The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine is the development of clinical protocols for managing common medical problems that may impact breastfeeding success. These protocols serve only as guidelines for the care of breast- feeding mothers and infants and do not delineate an exclusive course of treatment or serve as standards of medical care. Variations in treatment may be appropriate according to the needs of an individual patient. These guidelines are not intended to be all-inclusive, but to provide a basic framework for physician education regarding breastfeeding. Background negative feedback system in which dopamine serves as an inhibitor. Therefore, when dopamine concentration decreases, G alactogogues (or lactogogues) are medications or other substances believed to assist initiation, mainte- nance, or augmentation of the rate of maternal milk synthesis. prolactin secretion from the anterior pituitary increases. The theory behind pharmaceutical galactogogues is that dopa- mine antagonists increase prolactin secretion14 and subse- Because perceived or actual low milk supply is one of the most quently increase the overall rate of milk synthesis. However, common reasons given for discontinuing breastfeeding,1–8 as mentioned above, no correlation exists between serum both mothers and health professionals have sought medica- prolactin and increased milk volume.10–12 tion(s) to address this concern. Evaluation of evidence-based After secretory activation, the rate of milk synthesis is studies and emerging information regarding more serious controlled locally in the mammary gland by autocrine control. potential side effects of some galactogogues have resulted in a Lactating breasts are never completely ‘‘empty’’ of milk, so the recent shift in the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine’s rec- terms ‘‘drain, drainage, draining,’’ etc., are more appropriate. ommendations regarding these drugs and herbs. In 2004, the If the breasts are not drained regularly and thoroughly, milk previous version of this protocol used existing evidence that production declines. Alternatively, more frequent and thor- prescription galactogogues were effective and described ough drainage of the breasts typically results in an increased when and how to use them.9 Emerging data suggest that we rate of milk secretion, with both a rapid (per feeding) effect should exercise more caution in recommending these drugs to and a delayed (several days) effect.12 Even though the rate of induce or increase the rate of milk secretion in lactating wo- milk synthesis is controlled locally at this stage of lactation, men, particularly in women without specific risk factors for suckling-induced peaks of prolactin continue throughout the insufficient milk supply. entire course of breastfeeding. Human milk production is a complex physiologic process involving physical and emotional factors and the interaction Potential Indications for Galactogogues of multiple hormones, the most important of which is be- lieved to be prolactin. Despite the fact that prolactin is re- Galactogogues commonly have been used to increase a quired for lactation, there has been no evidence for direct faltering rate of milk production, often due to the effects of correlation of serum prolactin levels (baseline or percentage maternal or infant illness and hospitalization or because of increase after suckling) with the volume of milk production in regular separation such as work or school. One very common lactating women.10–12 area of use has been the neonatal intensive care unit, where Lactation is initiated with parturition, expulsion of the the aim has been to stimulate initial secretory activation or placenta, and falling progesterone levels in the presence of augment declining milk secretion in these mothers. Mothers very high prolactin levels. Systemic endocrine control of other who are not breastfeeding but are expressing milk by hand or supporting hormones (estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin, with a pump often experience a decline in milk production growth hormone, glucocorticoids, and insulin) is also im- after several weeks. Galactogogues have also been used for portant.13 These hormonal changes trigger secretory activa- adoptive breastfeeding (induction of lactation in a woman tion (lactogenesis II) of the mammary secretory epithelial who was not pregnant with the current child) and relactation cells, also called lactocytes. Prolactin secretion functions in a (reestablishing milk secretion after weaning). 41
  • 2. 42 ABM PROTOCOL Many breastfeeding medicine specialists and lactation Previous studies up through 2006 have tended to show consultants have recommended these drugs and herbs, usu- a pattern of increased milk production, but they have ally as a last resort when other non-pharmacological measures generally been of poor quality,9,10 with the following have not resulted in an increase in milk volumes. However, weaknesses: some providers may inappropriately recommend galactogo- 8 Lack of randomization, controls, or blinding gues prior to emphasizing the primary means of increasing 8 Small sample sizes the overall rate of milk synthesis (i.e., frequent feeding and 8 High dropout rates complete milk removal at regular intervals) or evaluating 8 Nonpharmacological measures were not optimized. other medical factors that potentially may be involved. Older reviews have cited studies with positive results Pharmaceutical Galactogogues while minimizing or ignoring studies with negative re- sults.9,26,27 Currently available pharmaceutical galactogogues are all A key systematic review in 200710 found two main dopamine antagonists and will increase prolactin levels via problems. this mechanism.12 A number of older studies documented increased baseline prolactin levels in lactating women who 8 Evidence for the use of pharmaceutical galactogogues took metoclopramide or domperidone.15–20 However, there is lacking: Only seven studies of various galactogo- are only a few randomized, placebo-controlled, blinded gues met evidence-based criteria for review. studies on each of these agents, and these studies are small. 8 Potential significant side effects of the drugs should be weighed carefully against the lack of evidence (see Domperidone Appendix for potential risks and benefits of specific Regarding domperidone, there are two well-designed drugs). randomized, placebo-controlled, blinded studies. One of the Prescription drugs used as galactogogues constitute studies, published in 2010 (n ¼ 46), shows that domperidone ‘‘off-label’’ use in most countries (they are not approved is associated with significantly increased volumes of ex- by regulatory agencies for this indication). pressed milk among women with premature infants less than 31 weeks’ gestation; the study concluded at 14 days, so longer- Herbals, Foods, and Beverages as Galactogogues term effects cannot be evaluated.11 One very small study (n ¼ 6) suggests that individual women may be ‘‘responders’’ In non-Western cultures, postpartum women are assisted or ‘‘non-responders’’ and that primiparas may respond to in a number of ways that are intended to ease their transition domperidone with higher prolactin levels than multiparas.’’21 to motherhood and to optimize breastfeeding. Many cultures keep new mothers very warm and insist on a period of rest of Metoclopramide approximately 1 month. Many also have traditional foods and herbs for postpartum women that are meant to increase the For metoclopramide, only four randomized, placebo- mother’s strength and enhance lactation.28 Many of these controlled, blinded studies have been published, and they herbal remedies have been used throughout history to en- each have some problem(s) in design, small sample size, and/ hance milk supply. Some herbs mentioned as galactogogues or patient selection.22–25 Metoclopramide did not produce a include fenugreek, goat’s rue, milk thistle (Silybum marianum), statistically significant effect on infant weight gain in a ran- oats, dandelion, millet, seaweed, anise, basil, blessed thistle, domized controlled trial of metoclopramide versus placebo in fennel seeds, marshmallow, and many others. Although beer a 2008 study of 20 mothers who were relactating: 10 women is used in some cultures, alcohol may actually reduce milk received metoclopramide, and 10 received placebo; all re- production. A barley component of beer (even nonalcoholic ceived a course of standardized counseling regarding optimal beer) can increase prolactin secretion, but there are ‘‘no sys- breastfeeding technique.24 These results replicated an earlier tematic studies’’ and ‘‘there is no hard evidence for causal study with a total of 50 mothers.25 All four of these higher- effect.’’29,30 The mechanism(s) of action for most herbals are quality studies22–25 found no differences in milk volumes unknown. Most of them have not been scientifically evalu- and/or duration of breastfeeding between metoclopramide ated, but traditional use suggests safety and possible efficacy. and placebo. Two found optimal breastfeeding instruction The available studies for herbs, herbal medicines, or herbal or counseling to be positively associated with a statistically galactogogues suffer from the same deficiencies as the studies significant increase in infant weight gain (and correspond- for pharmacologic agents: Small numbers of subjects, lack ing decrease in use of supplemental feedings).24,25 The other of information regarding breastfeeding advice, and lack of two did not evaluate or assist with optimal breastfeeding randomization, controls, or blinding (Levels of Evidence routines.22,23 II-1,31 II-332).* The placebo effect may be the reason for widespread impressions (anecdotal experience) of a positive Summary effect of fenugreek on increased milk volumes (Level of Evi- Despite widespread use of these pharmaceutical galacto- dence III, personal communications from K.A. Marinelli gogues, there are important reasons for reconsideration of this [2010], N. Wight [2010], C. Smillie [2009], and N.G. Powers practice: Galactogogues do increase baseline serum prolactin, but there is no direct correlation between baseline prolactin *Levels of Evidence are based on the United States Preventive levels and rates of milk synthesis or measured volumes Services Task Force ‘‘Quality of Evidence’’ ( of milk production. books/NBK15430, last accessed December 20, 2010).
  • 3. ABM PROTOCOL 43 [2010]). The minimal specific data regarding these herbs are i. Recommend and teach gentle hand expression of presented in the Appendix. colostrum: The volume extracted by hand expres- It is important to note that caution is required for the use of sion is greater than the volume extracted by full- herbal preparations because of the lack of standardized dos- size, automatic cycling breast pumps;36 video and ing preparations (other than research settings), possible con- photographic illustrations of hand expression are taminants, allergic potential, and drug interactions. Several available at herbs, taken orally, will increase patient blood levels of war- HandExpression.html37 and www.breastfeeding farin, heparin, and other anticoagulants. There are several .com/helpme/helpme_images_expression.html.38 reports of severe maternal allergic reactions to fenugreek.33 ii. Recommend milk expression with a full-size, automatic cycling breast pump, capable of Practice Recommendations draining both breasts at the same time (‘‘hospital The following recommendations, based upon current evi- grade’’), if available (Level of Evidence II-2).39 dence, apply to women experiencing difficulties with a low iii. Recommend ‘‘hands-on pumping’’ (a combina- rate of milk production (e.g., the baby is not gaining weight tion of hand expression with double pumping); normally or supplementation is being used because of low this technique was superior to double pumping milk production, during either the initiation or maintenance alone in one randomized, controlled trial40 and of milk supply). one observational study41 (Level of Evidence I Specific information about individual drugs and herbs is and II-3). summarized at the end of these recommendations in the iv. Recommend that women adjust the electric pump Appendix. to their maximum comfortable vacuum, which enhances milk flow rate and milk yield and 1. Evaluate and augment the frequency and thoroughness minimizes occurrence of tissue damage (Level of of milk removal. Use non-pharmacologic measures to Evidence II-1).42 increase the overall rate of breastmilk synthesis. v. Recommend hand expression if a hospital-grade a. For women with healthy term infants: Improve pump is not available or if the woman prefers the breastfeeding practices (Level of Evidence I). manual technique; hand expression requires in- struction and a period of practice until the mother i. Recommend skin-to-skin contact between mo- becomes proficient. ther and baby to facilitate frequent feeding and vi. Foot pump expression does not require electricity stimulate oxytocin release (the milk ejection re- and may be another available alternative.43 flex [MER]).34 ii. Encourage mother to perform self-breast mas- 2. Evaluate the mother for ‘‘medical’’ causes of hypogalactia: sage in order to improve oxytocin release (MER) Pregnancy, medications, primary mammary glandular and milk removal. insufficiency, breast surgery, polycystic ovary syndrome, iii. Review or teach relaxation techniques to facili- hypothyroidism, retained placenta, theca lutein cyst, loss tate oxytocin release (MER) for improved milk of prolactin secretion following postpartum hemorrhage, removal. heavy smoking or alcohol use, or other pertinent condi- tions. Treat the condition as indicated, if treatment is iv. Help the mother–infant dyad to achieve optimal latch-on.10,24,25 available12 (Level of Evidence II-2, II-3, and III). v. Resolve nipple pain, if applicable, using the fol- 3. Because current research of all galactogogues is rela- lowing strategies: tively inconclusive and all of the agents have potential adverse effects, ABM cannot recommend any specific (1) Optimal latch-on pharmacologic or herbal galactogogues at this time. (2) Diagnosis and management of other causes 4. The healthcare provider who weighs the potential risks of pain versus the potential benefits of these agents and chooses (3) Refer to a lactation specialist as needed. to prescribe a galactogogue should follow the guide- lines below (Level of Evidence III) (see Appendix re- vi. Emphasize unrestricted frequency and duration garding details of prescribing specific galactogogues). of breastfeeding (if the infant has been shown to 5. Inform women about available data concerning efficacy, be effectively transferring milk).24,25 timing of use, and duration of therapy of galactogogues vii. Advise the mother to reduce or stop unnecessary (Level of Evidence I).10 (Specific information is presented supplementation35 and provide strategies for in the Appendix.) how to do so. 6. Inform women about available data concerning poten- (1) Gradual tapering off of amounts of supple- tial adverse effects of galactogogues (see Appendix re- mentation garding details of specific galactogogues): (2) Use of ‘‘supplementer system’’ (tube at the a. Screen the mother for allergies to, contraindications breast attached to a source of supplemental to, or drug interactions with the chosen medication milk) if appropriate. or other substance. b. For women with babies who are ineffective at milk b. Provide ongoing care to, supervise ongoing care of, or removal or unable to feed at the breast (e.g., premature, transfer care of both mother and infant to ensure ap- hospitalized, hypotonic): propriate follow-up and attention to any side effects.
  • 4. 44 ABM PROTOCOL c. Prescribe galactogogues at the lowest possible doses Acknowledgments for the shortest period of time; do not exceed re- This work was supported in part by a grant from the Ma- commended therapeutic doses. ternal and Child Health Bureau, U.S. Department of Health d. Consider gradually discontinuing the drug (tapering and Human Services. the dose) at the end of therapy; some studies stop the drug at the conclusion of therapy, and others grad- References ually discontinue the drug, with no clear advantage to either method. 1. Li R, Fein SB, Chen J, et al. Why mothers stop breastfeeding: e. If milk production wanes after stopping the drug and Mothers’ self-reported reasons for stopping during the first improves again with resumption of the medication, year. Pediatrics 2008;122(Suppl 2):S69–S76. attempt to gradually decrease the drug to the lowest 2. Dennis C, Hodnett E, Gallop R, et al. The effect of peer sup- effective dose and then discontinue the drug at a later port on breast-feeding duration among primiparous women: date if possible. A randomized controlled trial. CMAJ 2002;166:21–28. f. Consider obtaining written documentation of in- 3. Hauck YL, Fenwick J, Dhaliwal SS, et al. A Western Aus- formed consent when using any galactogogues. tralian survey of breastfeeding initiation, prevalence and early cessation patterns. Matern Child Health J 2010 Jan 14 [Epub ahead of print]. Conclusions j462321682423568/ (accessed December 3, 2010). 4. Huang Y, Lee J, Huang C, et al. Factors related to maternal Prior to the use of a galactogogue, thorough evaluation perception of milk supply while in the hospital. J Nurs Res should be performed of the entire feeding process by a lactation 2009;17:179–188. expert. Reassurance may be offered, if appropriate. When in- 5. Lewis JA. 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  • 6. 46 ABM PROTOCOL 63. Peters R, Schulze-Tollert J, Schuth W. Thyrotophin-releasing Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Protocol Committee hormone—a lactation-promoting agent? Br J Obstet Gynecol Maya Bunik, M.D., MSPH, FABM 1991;98:880–885. Caroline J. Chantry, M.D., FABM 64. Bose CL, D’Ercole AJ, Lester AG, et al. Relactation by Cynthia R. Howard, M.D., M.P.H., FABM mothers of sick and premature infants. Pediatrics 1981;67: Ruth A. Lawrence, M.D., FABM 565–569. Kathleen A. Marinelli, M.D., FABM, Committee Chairperson 65. Tyson JE, Perez A, Zanartu J. Human lactational response to Larry Noble, M.D., FABM, Translations Chairperson oral thyrotropin releasing hormone. J Clin Endocrinol Metab Nancy G. Powers, M.D., FABM 1976;43:760–768. Julie Scott Taylor, M.D., M.Sc., FABM Contributors Nancy G. Powers, M.D. ABM protocols expire 5 years from the date of publication. Anne M. Montgomery, M.D. Evidence-based revisions are made within 5 years or sooner if there are significant changes in the evidence. For correspondence: (Appendix follows ?)
  • 7. Appendix: Specific Galactogogues Table 1. Possibly Effective for Selected Indications Domperidone Fenugreek Metoclopramide Silymarina 11,44,45,46–52 31,32,53–55 16–20,22–25,56 31,53 References Chemical class Dopamine antagonist A commonly used spice; active Dopamine antagonist Flavolignans (presumed or properties constituents are trigonelline, active ingredient) 4-hydroxyisoleucine, and sotolon. Level of I (one study); other studies II-3 (one study in lactating III (mixed results in II-1 (one study in evidence have inadequate methodology women—abstract only) low-quality studies; effect lactating women) or excessive dropout rates on overall rate of milk secretion is unclear) Suggested 10 mg, orally, 3 times/day in the ‘‘3 capsules,’’ orally (typically 10 mg, orally, Micronized silymarin, 420 mg, dosage Level I study; higher doses have 580–610 mg, but not stated in 3–4 times/day orally, per day in study of not been studied in this context. article), 3–4 times/day; strained diPierro et al.;31 anecdotal, tea, 1 cup, 3 times/day (¼ tsp strained tea (simmer 1 tsp of of seeds steeped in 8 oz of crushed seeds in 8 oz of water for 10 minutes) water for 10 minutes), 2–3 cups/day54 Length/duration Started between 3 and 4 weeks 1 week 7–14 days in various Micronized Silymarin of therapy postpartum and given for 14 days studies was studied for 63 days. in the Level I study. In various 47 other studies the range was considerable: Domperidone was started between 16 to 117 days postpartum and given for 2–14 days. Herbal — Need reliable source of — Need reliable source of considerations standard preparation standard preparation without contaminants without contaminants Effects on Increased rate of milk secretion Insufficient evidence; likely Possible increased rate of Inconclusive lactation for pump-dependent mothers a significant placebo effect milk secretion; possible of premature infants less than responders versus 31 weeks’ gestation in non-responders neonatal intensive care unit Untoward Maternal: Dry mouth, headache Generally well tolerated. Diarrhea Reversible CNS effects with Generally well tolerated; effects (resolved with decreased dosage), (most common), unusual body short-term use, including occasional mild and abdominal cramps. Although odor similar to maple syrup, sedation, anxiety, gastrointestinal side effect; not reported in studies of cross-allergy with Asteraceae/ depression/anxiety/ cross-allergy with lactation, cardiac arrhythmias Compositae family (ragweed and agitation, motor Asteraceae/Compositae due to prolonged QTc interval related plants), peanuts, and restlessness, dystonic family (ragweed and are a concern and are occasionally Fabacceae family such as reactions, extrapyramidal related plants)—possible fatal. This may occur with chickpeas, soybeans, and green symptoms. Rare reports of anaphylaxis either oral44 or intravenous peas—possible anaphylaxis. tardive dyskinesia (usually (continued)
  • 8. Table 1. Continued Domperidone Fenugreek Metoclopramide Silymarina administration and particularly Theoretically: asthma, bleeding, irreversible), causing the with high doses, or concurrent dizziness, flatulence, FDA to place a ‘‘black box use of drugs that inhibit hypoglycemia, loss of warning’’ on this drug domperidone’s metabolism consciousness, skin rash, in the United States. (see Interactions, immediately wheezing—but no reports below). Neonatal: Very low levels in lactating women. in milk and no QTc prolongation in premature infants who had ingested breastmilk of mothers on domperidone.45 Interactions Increased blood levels of Hawthorne, hypoglycemics Monoamine oxidase Caution with CYP2C9 domperidone when combined including insulin, antiplatelet inhibitors, tacrolimus, substrates—may increase with some substrates metabolized drugs, aspirin, heparin, warfarin, antihistamines, any levels of the drugs. by CYP3A4 enzyme inhibitors, feverfew, primrose oil, many drugs with CNS effects Possible increased e.g., fluconazole, grapefruit juice, other herbals (including antidepressants) clearance of estrogens ketoconozole, macrolide (decreased blood levels). antibiotics, and others Possible increased levels of statins. Comments a. Do not advise exceeding If patient develops diarrhea, Some studies suggest No prescription maximum recommended reducing the dose is tapering off the dose required dosage; no increased efficacy often helpful. at the end of treatment. 48 but increased untoward effects. b. Generally licensed for use as drug for gastrointestinal dismotility (not in the United States), where for this indication in some regions it is accepted that if no response at the initial dose may increase the dose. Some areas use as drug of choice when prolactin stimulation is felt to be needed. However, there are no studies of the safety or efficacy of this practice in lactating women. c. In the United States, the FDA has issued an advisory against the use of domperidone in lactating women.46 a Silymarin (micronized Silymarin) or S. marianum (milk thistle). CNS, central nervous system; CYP, cytochrome c; FDA, Food and Drug Administration.
  • 9. Table 2. Controversial or not Recommended, Although Possibly Effective Human growth hormone Sulpiride Thyrotropin-releasing hormone 57–60 61,62 19,61,64,65 References Chemical class or Protein-based polypeptide hormone: Substituted benzamide (antipsychotic, A tripeptide hormone that stimulates properties Stimulates multiple growth, antidepressant); antagonism the release of TSH and prolactin anabolic, and anticatabolic effects of presynaptic inhibitory by the anterior pituitary dopamine receptors Level of evidence Level I57,58, Level II59 II-1 (only two studies) Level I63 Suggested dosage 0.2 IU/kg/day, given intramuscularly 50 mg, orally, 2 times/day;59 do 1 mg 4 times daily by nasal spray or subcutaneously not use higher doses because of sedation of mother and baby Length/duration 7 days, starting anywhere from 4-day course starting at 3 days 10 days of therapy 8 to 18 weeks postpartum postpartum;59 no evidence to use for a longer course of treatment Effects on lactation Increased milk secretion in a Increase in milk secretion in a Increased milk secretion in elected 49 selected population of normally selected population: Primiparous population of primiparous women lactating women with no feeding women with ‘‘total yield of with insufficient milk supply at problems and with healthy milk not exceeding 50 mL for 5 days postpartum thriving infants between 8 and the first 3 postpartum days’’ 18 weeks postpartum Untoward effects None observed in mothers or babies Severe drowsiness; extrapyramidal Elevated TSH and hyperthyroidism studied to date. Potentially: Joint effects listed in Table 1 for swelling, joint pain, carpal tunnel metoclopramide; weight gain syndrome, and an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease Interactions Other hormones including Levodopa, other drugs with Other hormones including contraceptives, insulin, cortisol, CNS effects contraceptives, insulin, cortisol, and others too numerous to list and others too numerous to list Comments Insufficient study; not Concern about untoward effects Insufficient study; very expensive; practical—requires injection no commercial product available and is very expensive TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.