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Snapchat – Purpose
Snapchat was founded by Evan Spiegal, Bobby Murphy and Reggie Brown. hey created
this social media site when they where students at Stanford University. This is in
Stanford California. When Snapchat blow up the CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg
brought the social media for $3 billion.
What is it?
Snapchat is and Android and IOS app. Snapchat allows people to talk to their friends
on the app by send pictures, videos or type to one and other. It was released in
September 2011 , the app is available in 20 different languages which makes the app
available for millions of people to use.
What does it offer?
Snapchat offers an easy and quick way to talk to your friends. It also has other features
like the filters that can be used when taking a photo or a video, this makes it more
interesting to talk. Furthermore it has a new feature which is called snapchat discover
which is stories from the news, sports, gossip magazines.
Snapchat – Colour Scheme
The colour scheme of Snapchat is yellow and
white as seen in their logo. This is a good colour
scheme as the two colours are contrasting so
the logo stands out. Also all of Snapchat’s rivals
don’t use the colour yellow so this unique to
Snapchat, this means people can recognize
Snapchat from just the colours.
Snapchat – Target Audience
For Hartley Snapchat has more then 100 million users
everyday which spend an average of 30 minutes a day in the
app. There are 200 million actives users worldwide. 60% of
Snapchat users are under the age of 25. The largest users of
Snapchat ages are between 18-24. This means that Snapchat
has be carful about what they put on the social media. For
Katz the type of people that would use Snapchat would be
‘Diversion’ as this means that people would want to escape
and relax. Snapchat does this by allow people to easily talk to
their friends and look at people stories to see what their
friends are doing. As for Maslow it would be ‘Survivors’
because people use Snapchat in their everyday life as part of
their routine for the day.
Snapchat – Content
The image on the left is the home screen which appears
when you open the Snapchat app. On this screen you have
the option to turn flash on or off (the lighting bolt), an option
to bring down your profile (Snapchat logo), change the
camera to the front or the back (camera symbol), the box
button is to go left onto a different page to see your
Snapchats that you have received, the big circle button is the
button you press to take a picture and the final button on the
home screen is three bars which is to look at peoples stories
and the discovery section.
The next image is the profile page, this will appear when you
press the little Snapchat logo on the home page. On this page
you have a help button in the top left of the page, a settings
button on the top right which allows you to change your
settings and your privacy, it has your Snapchat code that you
can use to add people easier. Underneath this would be your
Snapchat username and your Snapchat score. Finally you
have the list of different things that you can do like see who’s
added you and add friends and see a list of your friends.
Snapchat – Revenue
One of the biggest ways Snapchat produce a large amount
of income is through the sponsored filters people can use.
In the image below shows the type of Snapchat sponsored
filters will be. Overall in 2017 Snapchat revenue was 207.9
million US Dollars. It can cost $450,000 just for a normal day
but if you go for ‘peak day’ which are well known holidays
such as Halloween. Snapchat makes it money through Snap
Ads. These work by showing a 10 second, full screen video
ads that are always relevant to other snaps. These ads are
also interactive. When presented users have the option to
swipe up to access more content.
Commercial uses – Advertisement
Snapchat – types of ads you can get on snapchat are; a 10
second video which comes after someone's story. So
when people look at their friends story after it has
finished it gets played. However you can get a longer
video which will be more in depth on the discovery
section of snapchat. This is a good way that the user to
interact with the brand or even buy a product from that
brand via the app without leaving the snapchat app.
Furthermore on snapchat a brand can have there own
sponsored filter that people can use when sending
pictures or videos to their friends. This is a good way to
advertise a brand as it allows the user to interact and it is
also quite fun.
Snapchat – Legal and Ethical Issues
Firstly, the positives is that Snapchat is sort of a
new social media and its different to any other
type of big name social media sites. It is a
excellent way of talking to friends simple and
quickly. Also people like the feature where the
messages that you send to your friends you can
choose how long you want them to see it for on
the photo messages. However if you talk on the
text chat people or you can save the chat.
Snapchat Viral Marketing
The definition of viral marketing is ‘a method
whereby consumers are encouraged to share
information goods via the Internet’
An example of this is when Snapchat created a
filter for the film ‘Alien Covenant’ as millions of
people used this filter and shared it on their
social media pages. This can be seen in the
image below.
Snapchat Social Effects
Although Snapchat is seen as a good idea it can also
have a negative effect on people. For example
people under the age of 25 use Snapchat for 40
minutes on average everyday. Also users 25 and
younger visit Snapchat over 20 times per day. This
demonstrates that Snapchat can be addictive to
young people and this can be bad on their mental
health. The Snapchat ‘Streaks’ that people can have
with their friends makes Snapchat very addictive for
people. Experts say Streaks can create a concerning
hierarchy of friendship that can leave some teens
afraid to disappoint other if they drop their Streak.
Instagram – Purpose
What is it?
Instagram is a social networking app made for sharing photos and videos from a
smartphone. Like Facebook and Twitter, everyone who creates an account has a profile
and a news feed. When you post a photo or a video it will be displayed on your profile.
Other users who follow you will see your posts in their own feed. Likewise, you’ll see posts
from other users who you follow. The colour scheme for Instagram is blue, purple, pink
and orange.
What does it offer?
Instagram has a lot of features, like the users on Instagram can connect their Instagram
account to other social media profiles as well. They have added a new feature which is
Instagram live. This is when a user on Instagram can go live on their account and their
follows will be notified and are able to watch them, and people can comment on it and
like it.
This image shows instagram insanity with 400 million monthly
active users, 80 million photos are uploaded per day, 17,000
likes per second and 2,000 comments per second. The most
amount of users on instagram are between 18-24. This
connotes that instagram has a young target audience. This
could be because it is a relative new app and social media.
Instagram – Target Audience
For Hartley over 90% if the 150 million people that are on
Instagram are under the age of 35. This makes it an attractive
platform for many apparel, entertainment and media brands
to focus on the 18-to-34 year old age bracket. This may
because Instagram is a fairly new social media as it come out
6th October 2010, whereas other social media like Facebook
came out in 2004, Twitter 2006 and Myspace in 2005. For Katz
the people that would use this social media would be
‘Surveillance’ as they use Instagram to find out what is going
on around them and with their friends and people they follow
in Instagram. For Maslow the people that will use Instagram
will be ‘Social Climber’ this is because on Instagram people
can gain followers so some people may want to have the
highest following out of their mates.
Instagram – Content
The image on the left is a picture of the Instagram
homepage. On the homepage is displays the user with
two bars to enter your username and password, or the
option to log in with Facebook as Facebook now owns
Instagram. Then it also as an option for a new user to
be able to sign up for free.
On the homepage on the app you are displayed with
images that people that you follow have posted. On
these photos you are able to like, comment and save
the image. When in the app on the bottom of the
phone screen there is a bar with a home button,
search button, post button, notification button and
your profile button.
Instagram use the same colour scheme though out the
app. This colour scheme is black, white and red. This
keeps the app looking professional and tidy.
Instagram – Revenue
Instagram’s revenue in 2015 was 1.095 million
U.S. dollars and by 2021 it is estimated that it
will be 9.511 million dollars.
Commercial uses – Advertisement
Instagram – one type of Instagram advertising is Instagram photo Ads. This is
so businesses can tell their story and feature products through visually
engaging imagery. Market your brand to a broad audience or just the
The second type of Instagram advertisements is videos ads. Businesses can
make video ads up to 60 seconds long, however the first 30 seconds of the
video is the most important. This is because the video has to be able to hook
the audience in the 30 seconds so they keep watching the video.
Thirdly, Instagram carousel ads are ads when users can swipe to see
additional images and a call to action button takes them to a website to learn
more about the businesses.
Finally, Instagram stories, users will encounter full screen ads as they scroll
through their stories feed. This feature changes the way Instgram users
interact with ads. Allowing users to feel like they are kin the ad.
Instgram Viral Marketing
An example of this for is the advertisement of
GOPro. They made a short video to go on
Instagram and then they shared it so everyone
can see it and it got over 500,000 views.
Instagram Social Effects
Instagram is the worst social media network for
mental health and wellbeing, according to a
recent survey of almost 1,500 teens and young
adults. While the photo-based platform got
points for self-expression and self-identity, it
was also associated with high levels of anxiety,
depression, bulling and the ‘fear of missing out’.
This is because people want to have a ‘good
following’ compared to their friends.
Facebook – Purpose
What is it?
Facebook is a social networking website and it now has an app. Where users can post
comments, share photos and links to news or other content on the internet, play
games, chat live and stream live videos. The content that the user shares can be made
public or it can be shared only to a selected group of people.
What does it offer?
Facebook offers lots of things to its users for example, easy networking, instant
communication, marketing and promotion and quick access.
Facebook – Target Audience
For Hartley on Facebook there are 65% of the users are 35 years or
older. The average age is just over 40 with the largest group aged
45 to 54. the reason for this may be because Facebook is an older
social media compared to the news ones like Instagram and
Snapchat. Furthermore about 60% of Facebook users are female
and 40% are male. Facebook has a social presence in 137 countries,
it beats out all other social networks in 127 of those countries, as of
the data of publication. Growing markets for Facebook include
Brazil and India as these are growing economically. For Katz it
would be ‘Personal identification’ this is because people van post
things on their page about themselves and reflect on their selves
soother people can see this too. Furthermore for Maslow it would
be ‘Love and Belonging’ if is because you can have friend and family
pages so you feel as one on Facebook with your friends and family.
Facebook – Content
The image on the left shows the Facebook home
page. It keeps the colour scheme of the Facebook
colours which is blue and white. This is important
because millions of people use Facebook
worldwide so when people see blue and white they
will think of Facebook. On the home screen it says
that new users can sign up for free if they haven’t
got an account already. In the top left of the screen
is where users can log into their account.
On Facebook you can posts from the people that
you are friends with and what they have shared
form other Facebook profiles or pages.
Furthermore there are games on Facebook that
you can play and compete with your friends on
Facebook – Revenue
Facebook’s revenue in 2017 was 40.65 billion
USD. Also in 2017 Facebook’s ad revenue toped
10 billion USD.
Commercial uses – Advertisement
Why advertise on Facebook?
One of the main reasons why people advertise on Facebook is because it has
more tan two billion people worldwide who are using Facebook. Those users
are highly engaged with the content posted in the network. More than 800
million people like something on Facebook every single day. This is good
because than the business has more of a change that people will look at them
via Facebook.
Types of Facebook ads
App installs: these encourage installations of your mobile or desktop app.
Brand awareness: which is so businesses can introduce their brand to new
Reach: this is when the business can expose their ad to as many people as
Facebook Viral Marketing
An example of viral marketing on Facebook is
the Oreo Campaign on Facebook. This was
targeted at parents and DIY’ers. The concept of
this is Oreo recipes and DIY content has been
taken the web by storm. On the Oreo Facebook
page they posted things to do with Oreos that
people can do at home. This post got 17,000+
Facebook Social Effects
The negative effects that Facebook has on people
can be bad for their mental and physical health.
Some of these are isolation, putting on weight and
bad for our eyes. Isolation because someone can
suffer from isolation as one will tend to be glued to
the computer and move out of the house and meet
people. This can lead to people hiding away behind
their screen which could then lead to depression.
Putting on weight because people will sit in front of
their computer for a long period of time and eat.
Finally, bad for the eyes because too much
exposure to the computer is bad for the eyes.
Data Protection Act (1998)
Data Protection Act (1998)- is an act of the United
Kingdom (UK) Parliament defining the ways in
which information about living people may be
legally used and handled. The main intent is to
protect individuals against misuse or abuse of
information about them.
For example social media has to the very careful
about what they put into their social media about a
person they are talking about, if they are not they
could be sued by the person and fined.
Social Effects
Social media can effect a persons life in lots of ways,
some people don’t even realise. Firstly, social media is
addictive. This means it will start to take over peoples
lives as they will be on it multiple times a day checking
their feed or seeing if people have sent them a message.
Secondly, it will effects the users mental health by people
comparing there lives to there to others, for example
celebrities. This can make people sad and down because
they want to be like other people. This is bad because this
can cause mental health to people. Finally, people are
obsessed with the amount of followers they have on
social media as they think this will make them more
popular to everyone else.
I was able to understand existing media

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Unit 35 LO1

  • 1.
  • 2. Snapchat – Purpose Snapchat was founded by Evan Spiegal, Bobby Murphy and Reggie Brown. hey created this social media site when they where students at Stanford University. This is in Stanford California. When Snapchat blow up the CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg brought the social media for $3 billion. What is it? Snapchat is and Android and IOS app. Snapchat allows people to talk to their friends on the app by send pictures, videos or type to one and other. It was released in September 2011 , the app is available in 20 different languages which makes the app available for millions of people to use. What does it offer? Snapchat offers an easy and quick way to talk to your friends. It also has other features like the filters that can be used when taking a photo or a video, this makes it more interesting to talk. Furthermore it has a new feature which is called snapchat discover which is stories from the news, sports, gossip magazines. what-is-snapchat-how-does-it-work-and-what-is-it-used-for
  • 3. Snapchat – Colour Scheme The colour scheme of Snapchat is yellow and white as seen in their logo. This is a good colour scheme as the two colours are contrasting so the logo stands out. Also all of Snapchat’s rivals don’t use the colour yellow so this unique to Snapchat, this means people can recognize Snapchat from just the colours.
  • 4. Snapchat – Target Audience For Hartley Snapchat has more then 100 million users everyday which spend an average of 30 minutes a day in the app. There are 200 million actives users worldwide. 60% of Snapchat users are under the age of 25. The largest users of Snapchat ages are between 18-24. This means that Snapchat has be carful about what they put on the social media. For Katz the type of people that would use Snapchat would be ‘Diversion’ as this means that people would want to escape and relax. Snapchat does this by allow people to easily talk to their friends and look at people stories to see what their friends are doing. As for Maslow it would be ‘Survivors’ because people use Snapchat in their everyday life as part of their routine for the day. demographics/
  • 5. Snapchat – Content The image on the left is the home screen which appears when you open the Snapchat app. On this screen you have the option to turn flash on or off (the lighting bolt), an option to bring down your profile (Snapchat logo), change the camera to the front or the back (camera symbol), the box button is to go left onto a different page to see your Snapchats that you have received, the big circle button is the button you press to take a picture and the final button on the home screen is three bars which is to look at peoples stories and the discovery section. The next image is the profile page, this will appear when you press the little Snapchat logo on the home page. On this page you have a help button in the top left of the page, a settings button on the top right which allows you to change your settings and your privacy, it has your Snapchat code that you can use to add people easier. Underneath this would be your Snapchat username and your Snapchat score. Finally you have the list of different things that you can do like see who’s added you and add friends and see a list of your friends.
  • 6. Snapchat – Revenue One of the biggest ways Snapchat produce a large amount of income is through the sponsored filters people can use. In the image below shows the type of Snapchat sponsored filters will be. Overall in 2017 Snapchat revenue was 207.9 million US Dollars. It can cost $450,000 just for a normal day but if you go for ‘peak day’ which are well known holidays such as Halloween. Snapchat makes it money through Snap Ads. These work by showing a 10 second, full screen video ads that are always relevant to other snaps. These ads are also interactive. When presented users have the option to swipe up to access more content.
  • 7. Commercial uses – Advertisement Snapchat – types of ads you can get on snapchat are; a 10 second video which comes after someone's story. So when people look at their friends story after it has finished it gets played. However you can get a longer video which will be more in depth on the discovery section of snapchat. This is a good way that the user to interact with the brand or even buy a product from that brand via the app without leaving the snapchat app. Furthermore on snapchat a brand can have there own sponsored filter that people can use when sending pictures or videos to their friends. This is a good way to advertise a brand as it allows the user to interact and it is also quite fun.
  • 8. Snapchat – Legal and Ethical Issues Firstly, the positives is that Snapchat is sort of a new social media and its different to any other type of big name social media sites. It is a excellent way of talking to friends simple and quickly. Also people like the feature where the messages that you send to your friends you can choose how long you want them to see it for on the photo messages. However if you talk on the text chat people or you can save the chat.
  • 9. Snapchat Viral Marketing The definition of viral marketing is ‘a method whereby consumers are encouraged to share information goods via the Internet’ An example of this is when Snapchat created a filter for the film ‘Alien Covenant’ as millions of people used this filter and shared it on their social media pages. This can be seen in the image below.
  • 10. Snapchat Social Effects Although Snapchat is seen as a good idea it can also have a negative effect on people. For example people under the age of 25 use Snapchat for 40 minutes on average everyday. Also users 25 and younger visit Snapchat over 20 times per day. This demonstrates that Snapchat can be addictive to young people and this can be bad on their mental health. The Snapchat ‘Streaks’ that people can have with their friends makes Snapchat very addictive for people. Experts say Streaks can create a concerning hierarchy of friendship that can leave some teens afraid to disappoint other if they drop their Streak. teens/
  • 11. Instagram – Purpose What is it? Instagram is a social networking app made for sharing photos and videos from a smartphone. Like Facebook and Twitter, everyone who creates an account has a profile and a news feed. When you post a photo or a video it will be displayed on your profile. Other users who follow you will see your posts in their own feed. Likewise, you’ll see posts from other users who you follow. The colour scheme for Instagram is blue, purple, pink and orange. What does it offer? Instagram has a lot of features, like the users on Instagram can connect their Instagram account to other social media profiles as well. They have added a new feature which is Instagram live. This is when a user on Instagram can go live on their account and their follows will be notified and are able to watch them, and people can comment on it and like it. This image shows instagram insanity with 400 million monthly active users, 80 million photos are uploaded per day, 17,000 likes per second and 2,000 comments per second. The most amount of users on instagram are between 18-24. This connotes that instagram has a young target audience. This could be because it is a relative new app and social media.
  • 12. Instagram – Target Audience For Hartley over 90% if the 150 million people that are on Instagram are under the age of 35. This makes it an attractive platform for many apparel, entertainment and media brands to focus on the 18-to-34 year old age bracket. This may because Instagram is a fairly new social media as it come out 6th October 2010, whereas other social media like Facebook came out in 2004, Twitter 2006 and Myspace in 2005. For Katz the people that would use this social media would be ‘Surveillance’ as they use Instagram to find out what is going on around them and with their friends and people they follow in Instagram. For Maslow the people that will use Instagram will be ‘Social Climber’ this is because on Instagram people can gain followers so some people may want to have the highest following out of their mates.
  • 13. Instagram – Content The image on the left is a picture of the Instagram homepage. On the homepage is displays the user with two bars to enter your username and password, or the option to log in with Facebook as Facebook now owns Instagram. Then it also as an option for a new user to be able to sign up for free. On the homepage on the app you are displayed with images that people that you follow have posted. On these photos you are able to like, comment and save the image. When in the app on the bottom of the phone screen there is a bar with a home button, search button, post button, notification button and your profile button. Instagram use the same colour scheme though out the app. This colour scheme is black, white and red. This keeps the app looking professional and tidy.
  • 14. Instagram – Revenue Instagram’s revenue in 2015 was 1.095 million U.S. dollars and by 2021 it is estimated that it will be 9.511 million dollars. nual-revenue-of-instagram/
  • 15. Commercial uses – Advertisement Instagram – one type of Instagram advertising is Instagram photo Ads. This is so businesses can tell their story and feature products through visually engaging imagery. Market your brand to a broad audience or just the customers. The second type of Instagram advertisements is videos ads. Businesses can make video ads up to 60 seconds long, however the first 30 seconds of the video is the most important. This is because the video has to be able to hook the audience in the 30 seconds so they keep watching the video. Thirdly, Instagram carousel ads are ads when users can swipe to see additional images and a call to action button takes them to a website to learn more about the businesses. Finally, Instagram stories, users will encounter full screen ads as they scroll through their stories feed. This feature changes the way Instgram users interact with ads. Allowing users to feel like they are kin the ad. guide/
  • 16. Instgram Viral Marketing An example of this for is the advertisement of GOPro. They made a short video to go on Instagram and then they shared it so everyone can see it and it got over 500,000 views.
  • 17. Instagram Social Effects Instagram is the worst social media network for mental health and wellbeing, according to a recent survey of almost 1,500 teens and young adults. While the photo-based platform got points for self-expression and self-identity, it was also associated with high levels of anxiety, depression, bulling and the ‘fear of missing out’. This is because people want to have a ‘good following’ compared to their friends. media-mental-health/
  • 18. Facebook – Purpose What is it? Facebook is a social networking website and it now has an app. Where users can post comments, share photos and links to news or other content on the internet, play games, chat live and stream live videos. The content that the user shares can be made public or it can be shared only to a selected group of people. What does it offer? Facebook offers lots of things to its users for example, easy networking, instant communication, marketing and promotion and quick access.
  • 19. Facebook – Target Audience For Hartley on Facebook there are 65% of the users are 35 years or older. The average age is just over 40 with the largest group aged 45 to 54. the reason for this may be because Facebook is an older social media compared to the news ones like Instagram and Snapchat. Furthermore about 60% of Facebook users are female and 40% are male. Facebook has a social presence in 137 countries, it beats out all other social networks in 127 of those countries, as of the data of publication. Growing markets for Facebook include Brazil and India as these are growing economically. For Katz it would be ‘Personal identification’ this is because people van post things on their page about themselves and reflect on their selves soother people can see this too. Furthermore for Maslow it would be ‘Love and Belonging’ if is because you can have friend and family pages so you feel as one on Facebook with your friends and family.
  • 20. Facebook – Content The image on the left shows the Facebook home page. It keeps the colour scheme of the Facebook colours which is blue and white. This is important because millions of people use Facebook worldwide so when people see blue and white they will think of Facebook. On the home screen it says that new users can sign up for free if they haven’t got an account already. In the top left of the screen is where users can log into their account. On Facebook you can posts from the people that you are friends with and what they have shared form other Facebook profiles or pages. Furthermore there are games on Facebook that you can play and compete with your friends on Facebook.
  • 21. Facebook – Revenue Facebook’s revenue in 2017 was 40.65 billion USD. Also in 2017 Facebook’s ad revenue toped 10 billion USD.
  • 22. Commercial uses – Advertisement Why advertise on Facebook? One of the main reasons why people advertise on Facebook is because it has more tan two billion people worldwide who are using Facebook. Those users are highly engaged with the content posted in the network. More than 800 million people like something on Facebook every single day. This is good because than the business has more of a change that people will look at them via Facebook. Types of Facebook ads App installs: these encourage installations of your mobile or desktop app. Brand awareness: which is so businesses can introduce their brand to new audience. Reach: this is when the business can expose their ad to as many people as possible. on-facebook/
  • 23. Facebook Viral Marketing An example of viral marketing on Facebook is the Oreo Campaign on Facebook. This was targeted at parents and DIY’ers. The concept of this is Oreo recipes and DIY content has been taken the web by storm. On the Oreo Facebook page they posted things to do with Oreos that people can do at home. This post got 17,000+ shares.
  • 24. Facebook Social Effects The negative effects that Facebook has on people can be bad for their mental and physical health. Some of these are isolation, putting on weight and bad for our eyes. Isolation because someone can suffer from isolation as one will tend to be glued to the computer and move out of the house and meet people. This can lead to people hiding away behind their screen which could then lead to depression. Putting on weight because people will sit in front of their computer for a long period of time and eat. Finally, bad for the eyes because too much exposure to the computer is bad for the eyes. 10-negative-effects-of-facebook-on-teens/
  • 25. Data Protection Act (1998) Data Protection Act (1998)- is an act of the United Kingdom (UK) Parliament defining the ways in which information about living people may be legally used and handled. The main intent is to protect individuals against misuse or abuse of information about them. For example social media has to the very careful about what they put into their social media about a person they are talking about, if they are not they could be sued by the person and fined.
  • 26. Social Effects Social media can effect a persons life in lots of ways, some people don’t even realise. Firstly, social media is addictive. This means it will start to take over peoples lives as they will be on it multiple times a day checking their feed or seeing if people have sent them a message. Secondly, it will effects the users mental health by people comparing there lives to there to others, for example celebrities. This can make people sad and down because they want to be like other people. This is bad because this can cause mental health to people. Finally, people are obsessed with the amount of followers they have on social media as they think this will make them more popular to everyone else.
  • 27. Conclusion I was able to understand existing media products.