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Within this unit, I will be researching, analysis and creating my own print based advertising product.
What I will be studying and analysing throughout this Lo and within this unit will be to understand and the different
types of advertising campaigns and gain general knowledge as to how a print based advertising product is made and
why this advertising product is made like this.
This LO will consist of the breakdown and background research based on my chosen print based advertising product
which I will be analysis and understanding the production as to the different advertisements such as: Posters, and
Flyers, by which I will be relating to the idea of a Festival.
I will be creating a poster, which will outline the idea of a festival, and then I will be creating a flyer which will then
store all the needed and important information.
Relating back to Unit 13, my plan is to connote what I have learnt as of the research I have gained during the process
of research, analysis and creating my own music magazine.
Finally, with my research and study, I will be able to understand within this unit, the idea of collaboration: where the
key focus is to increase popularity and gain profit.
Print Based Advertising
‘Print media advertising is a form of advertising which physically printed media, such as; magazines and
newspapers to reach consumers, business consumers and prospects.’
Advertisers can choose and produce a wide range by which consist of local, regional and national titles where they
can be sold at a constant frequency of: daily, weekly, monthly or annually. A large variety of newspapers are
specifically aimed at a targeted readership and the content includes a variety of different topics like, sports,
entertainment and fashion. Along with buying large advertising space and display features and ads; for instance; full
page or double page spread.
Offering an extensive choice of its frequency and its readership. Consumer magazines can offer a large range of
interests (hobbies, current affairs and health). Many businesses and trade magazines have coverage of specific
Aims and Objectives
A music festival that is funded by GoldenVoice and is held at the Randall’s Island Park, and that has been
around since 2016 with is popular sunset and evening concerts. The festival is owned by Intrawest on January
28th in 2010, where they agreed to sell the ‘Panorama Village mountain to a local business group led by Rick
Jensen by $27.5 million.
With the connotations behind the Panorama poster is to convey interest towards Katz’s theory of ‘Inform &
Educate’ as the aim of the music festival poster is “inform” a certain demographic, and “educate” them as to the
objective of the music festival poster.
Addressing a certain target audience with the necessary information in order to attract the public eyes to what
they find interest in; furthermore, some poster such as this one can provoke a sense of ‘Diversion’ (Katz) where a
different aim for the poster is for the audience to “escape” from reality and immerse themselves in something
For instance the posters use of its eye-catching colour scheme of bright and vibrant colours, results in the image
standing out and appear unique from other posters; which also
relates to Katz theory of; Inform and Educate as the used colours could
symbolise an expression or emotion. In addition, the festival consists of
popular music genres and popular singers like The XX. As such, through this, the aim of the music festival is to
create awareness of an individual, advertising and launching a product, increasing the sales of the tickets as well
as increasing the brand awareness of any additional features for instance sponsorships/ collaborations
The objective behind the poster and the flyer is directed mainly towards Maslow’s theory of Social Climber and
and Social Explorers because, the Panorama festival is associated with music and dance; along with Hartley’s
theory of Age and Gender is that the concert is objectified towards both genders, however the older demographic
age of 18+; although the downside about the concert is about the presentation of self-image, this would therefore
lower one’s self-esteem as to what they wear, how they act and who they surround themselves with.
Mood board
Target Audience
For a music festival like Panorama, the demonstrated age gap that the festival images present in my moodboards show a rough
age range between 18 to 34 along with the presentation of both the male and female gender
Known for its annual festivals where each is differently themed, as this can depend on the the music genre and the singers
Although, the festival presents the ideal interests of different music genres such as: Rock, Alternative Rock, Indie and Funk.
Therefore, this is based on the targeted demographics interests in music taste, style and artist(s)
Music genres such as these relate to the interests of an middle-aged demographic of B, C2 and D letter codes; along with the
psychographics of: Aspirers, Explorers and Reformers as this aims and objectives of the music concert is targeted towards the
middle demographic.
Finally, the socio-economic sector that the festival portrays is of the social grades C2 and D because of the types of interests
that the festival presents in the terms of music, celebrity interests and themes.
However, the presentation of self-image (Katz) can have a positive and negative effect as to how the targeted audience
presents themselves which could improve or lower their self-esteem. The idea of explorers (Maslow) is to connote that the
public can seek improvement through social change; and this can also relate to self-image (Hartley) because as shown in my
moodboard, the public is more drawn to what they wear and who they surround themselves with.
Panorama music festival is for the the social term “extroverts” where the public audience can social interact, dance and party; and
this can cause the ideas of: the male (Diana Saco)and female gaze (Laura Mulvey), due to the music festival allowing their
audience to dress in a way that expresses who they are, what they find interest in and an expression of their personality. The
overall outcome of this is through the objective of advertising the USP (unique selling point) with examples such as: Comfort,
Fashion styles and Safety the aim for the representation of this is to present the right message to the right audience at the right
time. Furthermore, this can depend on the how the public will have access to this messages, therefore, the issues of choosing the
right choice of media will be taken into consideration. ; however the issues with music festival stereotypes can result in the issues
of violence, sexism and racism.
Although the festival is aware of certain issues such as the types of social groups through the festival site, and the concern of
stereotypes in relation to the presentation of their clothes and the presentation of their interests. Examples of music festival
stereotypes are examples such as ‘The Indie Hipster’; can be found at festivals such as Field day and Roskilde. Where one wears
thick rimmed glasses, skinny jeans and charity shop shirts, ‘The Fashion Fiend’; these people can be found at festivals such as
Glastonbury and Coachella. Wearing floral related clothes for instance flower crowns; these types of people can be hooked on the
inspiration from Pinterest and careful planning of what they wear. As well as these festival stereotypes, there is other issues of
age, gender and ethnicity. In the event of this, there can be many disagreements and cause of discrimination and prejudice.
Campaign Message
“An advertising campaign is a series of advertisement messages that share a single idea and theme which make up an integrated
marketing communication(IMC). Advertising campaigns are built to accomplish a particular objective or a set of objectives.”
The connotations behind the bright and vibrant colours that the festival uses is very eye-catching and visually appealing. For
instance the colour yellow symbolizes energy, positivity and enlightenment; this also suggests the idea of a sunset festival, as such
in the example shown in the bottom left; the poster presents a slogan message of afternoon sunset festival. Therefore the USP
(unique selling point) of Panorama’s music genre of: Alternative rock and indie implies that the message for the targeted
demographic is that the festival is for more than just dancing and music, as well as suggest the idea of responsibility and social
Its choice of media to advertise the music festival is of social interaction through many of today’s popular social media networks;
this is done through the advertisement of their demographic audiences which therefore encourage others to participate to increase
the popularity of the music festival. Although the festival’s website has been taken into more consideration, the innovations
interaction and advertising through other social networks such as Instagram, Snapchat and some through Pinterest.
Print Based Advertisements
As in the example shown on the right, the innovation of the advertisement is to connote the
interests of their aimed demographic.
This poster clearly suggests popular music artists along in large text and a contrasting bold
colour to convey the main focal point of the festival poste, along with many other well-
known artists such as Migos and Dua Lipa. this type of advertising follows on with the main
date and other special celebrity guests.
The poster aims to include more content that would within a consistent amount of space
with the a consistent font style, size and colour scheme; moreover this poster outlines the
presentation of their advertisement of their name, which outlines that the ‘O’ is represented
as the world; this implies that the music festival is aimed to an international demographic of
both males and females within a specific age range of 18+.
Research has shown that the print based advertising of the music festival poster indicates
that “All content, copyrights and intellectual property rights to the content are available to
their Digital Service; including without the limitation design, text graphics and interfaces” as
well as their content, the also have copyright over their mobile app where it can not be sold
or redistributed.
Finally, in terms of providing legal information, the music festival campaign present
informational content to engage the public audience as to what they offer.Finally, the focus
point of having a campaign message is to connote its presentation through different forms
of advertising. For example, TV advertisements, Online and print based advertisements and
films trailers. These types of advertisements will imply that the brand or company wants to
stand out, get noticed and increase in its popularity value.
Print Based Advertisements
In addition, the advertisement is based on a poster print as well
as a billboard form. As shown in the examples, the (bottom right)
poster is digitally advertised, as this example is presented on
their website. However the (top right) poster/ billboard is made of
two sections, both of 46x35 inches; this therefore connotes that
the objective of advertising the music festival needs to stand out
and appear eye-catching to a public audience.
With a print-based product with large dimensions makes the
product stand out more, due to the enhancement through the
plain background. Alongside with the combination of vibrant
colours that enhance the simplicity of certain features, for
instance the organised layout, the repeated font style and the
advertisement of the logo design.
A large print-based advertisement would have the main objective
of being sold in urban locations where the targeted demographic
will notice and become anchored by its content.
Alongside print-based, digital advertising is also a concern; due to
the viral of the music festival.
Regulatory issues
Conforming to a rule, such as a specification, policy, standard or law. Regulatory compliance describes the goal that organizations
aspire to achieve in their efforts to ensure that they are aware of and take steps to comply with relevant laws, policies, and
Legal and Ethical
A problem or situation that requires a person or organization to choose between alternatives that must be evaluated as right (ethical)
or wrong (unethical).
The main objective is to protect the interest of the of content creators against any illegal use or distribution of any copyright digital
items. Although it cannot be prevented copyright holders can easily detect such activity and identify the user; this kind of forensics
watermark can alert honest users when they have received documents or programs. However, the main limitation of watermarking
technology is from the occasional occurrence of false positives; in which legal copies, documents, images or videos have been tagged
as unauthorised.
IPR - Intellectual Property Rights
Rights refers to the general term for the assignment of property rights through patents, copyrights and trademarks. These property
rights allow the holder to exercise a monopoly on the use of the item for a specified period; also, this prevents people from the names
of your product/brand, the written, made or produced content and the design or appearance of a product.
Data Protection Act
Under the DPA individual users had the legal rights to control information about themselves; however most of the act does not apply
to any domestic use. The 1988 Act was replaced by the Data Protection act 1984: the consent requirement for mot of the electronic
marketing to “positive consent” and exemptions remain for the marketing of “similar products and services” to existing consumers
which can still be given permission.
Issues (continued)
Copyright is legal right that protects the use of your work once your idea has been physically expressed. The current copyright
legislation in the UK is the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
A payment that is made by one party, and the licensee/ franchisee to another that owns a particular asset, and the licensor or
franchisor for the right to ongoing use of that asset.
Ofcom - Offensive Language/ Behaviour/ Material
Viewers and listeners often taking into account certain features such tone, time of broadcast and delivery in which assessing of
offensive language is acceptable: Although research has shown that people are more likely to tolerate offensive language if it is based
on “real world” situations.
Relevant Regulatory Bodies - ASA and CAP
ASA - Advertising Standard Authority
One of the UK’s independent regulator of advertising across the media. With the application of Advertising Codes;
which are written by their sister organisation CAP. In addition, both companies are regulated to be transparent,
consistent, accountable and proportionate.
With the the informational content that they produce and provide on their website, for instance provide training and
events, give advice and guidance and receive the latest news the company makes if possible for the audience
learners to understand marketing material such as RAJAR (Radio Audience Joint Research) and BARB
(Broadcasting Audience Research Board).
ASA has also been administering the non-broadcast Advertising Code for more than 50 years and the Broadcast
Advertising Code for 10 years.
Having the objectives and standards of presenting responsible and appropriate advertisements that are good for their
audience and advertisers; as they respond to any concerns or complaints from other businesses or their consumers,
the company takes actions to ban any advertisements that may be offensive, inappropriate or misleading; this is
becauses the ASA is responsible for the monitoring any ads that go public nationally and internationally.
CAP - Committees of Advertising Practice
- Members of the company that represent the advertising industry, advert covering, other agencies and media
- Offering advice and guidance on how to create campaign that follows the rules and is responsible for their
material and content.
Relevant Regulatory Bodies - Ofcom
The Office of Communication is the UK Government-approved regulatory and competition authority for broadcasting,
telecommunications and postal industries with a wide ranging powers across TVs, Radios and Postal Sectors.
About Ofcom -
They monitor and look after the airwaves that are used by wireless devices such as, car keys, door bells and cordless
phones. The company protects and prevents any use of bad practises for instance being scammed as this can have a
bad effect on vulnerable older people.
Research has shown that their duties come from Parliament, where their priority is to protect their people, this can
sometimes be done by promoting competition among the many companies that they regulate. Providing advice and
information to hundreds of people every year, as this can be done through their call centre or their website; along with
registering complaints from people and other businesses for them to take action against firms who let consumers
Making sure that many people are satisfied across the UK with what they hear and hear on the radio and on TV. With
taking into consideration every complaint that they receive from their viewers and listeners, the company investigates
further and can sometimes search for broadcasters in breach of the rules.
What we do - What do we make sure?
- People are able to use communication services for instance: broadcasting
- Viewers and Listeners are protected from offensive and inappropriate content
- The Universal Postal Service covers all UK addresses six days a week; with the standard pricing
- A wide range of companies provide quality television and radio programmes that would be appealing to a
diverse audience.
Financial Conduct Authority is the UK’s approach to financial regulations which involve other bodies where each has its own
objective and responsibilities; some of the bodies involved are: Bank of England, The Treasury and Financial Policy Committee.
FCA is the conduct regulator for more that 58,000 financial service firms and financial markets.
What do we do?
Aiming to make markets work well with individuals, businesses large or small and the economy. One of the bodies that FCA works
with is the Prudential Regulation Authority who regulate over 1,500 banks, credit unions and building societies; where their
objective is to promote safety of the firms is regulates.
Why do we do it?
Having the responsibility to regulate the sector that plays a crucial part in everyone’s lives within the UK. Research has shown that
from children’s: direct debits to credit cards and loans to investments, as this can have an impact on how well the financial market
and its fundamental impact. Research on their website states that:
UK financial services employ over 2.2 million people and contribute £65.6bn in tax to the UK economy. If UK markets work well,
competitively and fairly they benefit customers, staff and shareholders, and maintain confidence in the UK as a major global
financial hub. Our role is to help ensure this happens.
How do we do it?
The strategic objectives are to ensure that the relevant market functions well by considering the following; Protecting the
Consumers (Secure an appropriate degree of protection), Protecting the Financial Markets (Protect and enhance the integrity of
the financial system) and Promote Competition (Promote effective competition of consumers interests).
Relevant Regulatory Bodies - Financial Conduct Authority
AudioVisual Advertisements
‘Both sound and visual components, these can consist of slide-tape presentations, films and tv programmes.’
‘Audiovisual service providers frequently offer web streaming, video conferencing and live broadcasting services.’
However, audio-visual is more direct as it can be advertised internationally through tv advertising; whereas print-based advertising
can be situated in certain locations and displayed as certain presentations e.g. Billboard, Magazine
Aims and Objectives:
An audiovisual advertisement is to promote meaning and interest to what can be heard and relate it to what can be heard; as such
some of the examples like tv programmes and even church services mostly appeal to a large audience; this can consist of local
and international.
The term audiovisual should relate to a specific target audience as of the presentation that the campaign message suggests: in
terms of a music festival flyer/poster/ billboard, the print-based advertising and the audio-visual advertisement should convey the
campaign message that is aimed to influence a particular audience and represent it.
In relation to the music festival: ‘Panorama’ which is held at Randall’s Island in New York City and is presented by the
GoldenVoice. This annual festival is held during the summer periods, mostly in July; as of 2018 the festival was held from 27th -
29th July. However, after the festival in 2018, the lineup for 2019 does not start until closer to the festival, this could connote the
planning of the promotion, resulting in bookings being sold out quickly: the web address as shown below states that: “Lineup is a
beauty to behold, and the third edition will keep the energy high as nearly loyal fans show up in their masses each year. Brought
into life by the team behind Coachella, Panorama looks like it has established itself among the stars of NYC's festival calendar.”
This is through the inspiration of Coachella which is also held in the summer, where its inspiration is presented through the music
and its fashion.
AudioVisual Advertisements
Target Audience: (Youtube links)
The first youtube link that advertises the music festival was published on
July 22nd 2018; as this connotes the audio-visual advertisement of the
music festival and its connotations of Maslow’s theory (Age) for the
target audience of 18-35.
Its music genres of; alternative rock, hip-hop and indie suggests that a
demographic of this audience would be interested as of the insight
through the of the popular social media network “Youtube”; along with
their own youtube channel with 16 videos to advertise the annual music
As in the examples shown on the right, this relates to Social-Climbers
and Explorers (Maslow) as the festival is to connote interest towards a
specific demographic.
Along with this: Age, Gender, Self-Image and Ethnicity (Hartley) can
affect the outcome on an individual. However, the audio-visual
advertising is effect on bringing in consumers to the interest of the
The main focus in the advertising of the music festival is to consider the
idea of shock tactic and how this would have an impact on the target
audience, for instance; the timing as to when the advertising will take
place, the placement of where and scheduling of the issue date.
Audio-Visual Advertisements
Representation: (Pinterest/ Google Images)
Especially for the poster that I will be creating, the Panorama music festival is mostly aimed towards the young to the
middle aged demographic as such in the images shown below the representation that the annual festival is held during
the summer. However, mainly the target audience that the festival is aimed at (as used in my inspirational mood board)
is that it is aimed more towards the young-middle age audience. This idea suggests that the summer festivals are
specifically aimed towards a social group where the audience has a specific interest in relation to fashion and music.
However, with a young demographic, with a large audience and within a large amount of space, there can be the
pressure to misuse drugs as this is one of the most common stereotypes for music festivals. There are also other
stereotypes as to the peer pressure to dress and look a specific way, surround yourself with certain and to act a specific
Campaign Message: (Posters/ Magazine/ Billboard etc.)
The visual advertising of the music festival is to connote the idea that its advertisement is mainly through the visual
standard of posters. In addition, the advertisement of the music festival is that it is mainly a print-based media product to
enlighten an aimed target audience.
Its overall, campaign message is to intrigue and persuade the audience to get involved with the music festival to
increase it profit value and popularity. However, the advertisement is of a limit time quantity yet gives us information
about who will be involved, the dates of the showcases and other additional information to educate (Maslow) the desired
The Data Protection Act:
The Data Protection Act of 1998, which as designed by Parliament, to protect personal data stored in all computers or
otherwise organised in paper filing systems. This also follows the EU Data Protection Directive of 1995 protection
processing and the movement of data. The legal rights of the many individuals has to control the information
themselves. However, a small part of this act does not imply to the domestic use; such as keeping someone's personal
home address within a personal home address book. This act can be defined as a eight data protection principles to
ensure that information is processed lawfully.
Founded in the year of 1895, ‘Watermark is an Australian intellectual property firm renowned for delivering exceptional
client care to match its peerless IP knowledge.’ With many offices located in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth along with
many of its associates around the world, Watermark allows the delivered accessible, timely and proactive services. The
company works with brands and the strategy of one’s perspective mindset.
About ABC
ABC delivers the certification and the data and content within the magazine meets industry standards. It verifies all the
data within the magazine, to make sure that it is correct and valid at the time of print, It also protects any advertisers
using the magazine.
“Members of ABC = nothing in the magazine may be reproduced in the whole or part
without the written permission of the publishers” / in this case
The connotations behind the music festival is that the representation of the music festival through the different media
products prior to the festival. The relation between the print-based product to the audio-visual advertisement connotes
that, print based is more common through their website and through the public eye, as their audio-visual
advertisement through Youtube, presents few subscribers and views, as such the print-based advertising through
their posters and billboards, and the examples shown on their website.
Mainly audio-visual advertising is more common due to the popularity of internet use has increased, and that the idea
of this type of advertising is due to memorable features, e.g. slang and certain phrases.
Connotations behind the style of a audio advertisement is to convey enlightenment in the style features of colour
schemes used or the portraying words by incorporating different font styles.
The main comparison between print-based and audio-visual is because one can be portrayed through digital
advertising and therefore can be advertised more viral, whereas print-based can also be advertised internationally
however presented in only a certain location as this can depend on the size of the print advertisement.
After researching and analysing the connotation behind a specific music festival posters and flyer, I have been able to
gain knowledge and inspiration as to how I will be able to create my own advertisement with the key features and
objectives that I will need to achieve this.
The key focus of this unit was to understand the breakdown as to why specific connotations such as; Target
Audience, Aims and Objectives and Campaign Message are key focuses in producing and presenting a print-based
From the breakdown research that I have done for the music festival: “Panorama Music Art and Technology” festival,
I have been able to develop ideas and connotations as to why and how the posters would relate to the interests of my
targeted demographic.
Additionally, the benefits from researching and understanding specific points, for instance ‘Relevant Regulatory
Bodies’, the inspiration and benefits gained from this conveys that a festival poster is mostly advertised through print-
based advertising with copies of their posters on their digital website. Along with additional advertisements through
popular social media networks including; Youtube, Instagram and Snapchat.

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Unit 15: LO1

  • 1.
  • 2. Introduction Within this unit, I will be researching, analysis and creating my own print based advertising product. What I will be studying and analysing throughout this Lo and within this unit will be to understand and the different types of advertising campaigns and gain general knowledge as to how a print based advertising product is made and why this advertising product is made like this. This LO will consist of the breakdown and background research based on my chosen print based advertising product which I will be analysis and understanding the production as to the different advertisements such as: Posters, and Flyers, by which I will be relating to the idea of a Festival. I will be creating a poster, which will outline the idea of a festival, and then I will be creating a flyer which will then store all the needed and important information. Relating back to Unit 13, my plan is to connote what I have learnt as of the research I have gained during the process of research, analysis and creating my own music magazine. Finally, with my research and study, I will be able to understand within this unit, the idea of collaboration: where the key focus is to increase popularity and gain profit.
  • 3. Print Based Advertising ‘Print media advertising is a form of advertising which physically printed media, such as; magazines and newspapers to reach consumers, business consumers and prospects.’ Newspapers Advertisers can choose and produce a wide range by which consist of local, regional and national titles where they can be sold at a constant frequency of: daily, weekly, monthly or annually. A large variety of newspapers are specifically aimed at a targeted readership and the content includes a variety of different topics like, sports, entertainment and fashion. Along with buying large advertising space and display features and ads; for instance; full page or double page spread. Magazines Offering an extensive choice of its frequency and its readership. Consumer magazines can offer a large range of interests (hobbies, current affairs and health). Many businesses and trade magazines have coverage of specific industries. 55550.html
  • 4. Aims and Objectives A music festival that is funded by GoldenVoice and is held at the Randall’s Island Park, and that has been around since 2016 with is popular sunset and evening concerts. The festival is owned by Intrawest on January 28th in 2010, where they agreed to sell the ‘Panorama Village mountain to a local business group led by Rick Jensen by $27.5 million. With the connotations behind the Panorama poster is to convey interest towards Katz’s theory of ‘Inform & Educate’ as the aim of the music festival poster is “inform” a certain demographic, and “educate” them as to the objective of the music festival poster. Addressing a certain target audience with the necessary information in order to attract the public eyes to what they find interest in; furthermore, some poster such as this one can provoke a sense of ‘Diversion’ (Katz) where a different aim for the poster is for the audience to “escape” from reality and immerse themselves in something else. For instance the posters use of its eye-catching colour scheme of bright and vibrant colours, results in the image standing out and appear unique from other posters; which also relates to Katz theory of; Inform and Educate as the used colours could symbolise an expression or emotion. In addition, the festival consists of popular music genres and popular singers like The XX. As such, through this, the aim of the music festival is to create awareness of an individual, advertising and launching a product, increasing the sales of the tickets as well as increasing the brand awareness of any additional features for instance sponsorships/ collaborations The objective behind the poster and the flyer is directed mainly towards Maslow’s theory of Social Climber and and Social Explorers because, the Panorama festival is associated with music and dance; along with Hartley’s theory of Age and Gender is that the concert is objectified towards both genders, however the older demographic age of 18+; although the downside about the concert is about the presentation of self-image, this would therefore lower one’s self-esteem as to what they wear, how they act and who they surround themselves with.
  • 6. Target Audience For a music festival like Panorama, the demonstrated age gap that the festival images present in my moodboards show a rough age range between 18 to 34 along with the presentation of both the male and female gender Known for its annual festivals where each is differently themed, as this can depend on the the music genre and the singers involved. Although, the festival presents the ideal interests of different music genres such as: Rock, Alternative Rock, Indie and Funk. Therefore, this is based on the targeted demographics interests in music taste, style and artist(s) Music genres such as these relate to the interests of an middle-aged demographic of B, C2 and D letter codes; along with the psychographics of: Aspirers, Explorers and Reformers as this aims and objectives of the music concert is targeted towards the middle demographic. Finally, the socio-economic sector that the festival portrays is of the social grades C2 and D because of the types of interests that the festival presents in the terms of music, celebrity interests and themes. However, the presentation of self-image (Katz) can have a positive and negative effect as to how the targeted audience presents themselves which could improve or lower their self-esteem. The idea of explorers (Maslow) is to connote that the public can seek improvement through social change; and this can also relate to self-image (Hartley) because as shown in my moodboard, the public is more drawn to what they wear and who they surround themselves with.
  • 7. Panorama music festival is for the the social term “extroverts” where the public audience can social interact, dance and party; and this can cause the ideas of: the male (Diana Saco)and female gaze (Laura Mulvey), due to the music festival allowing their audience to dress in a way that expresses who they are, what they find interest in and an expression of their personality. The overall outcome of this is through the objective of advertising the USP (unique selling point) with examples such as: Comfort, Fashion styles and Safety the aim for the representation of this is to present the right message to the right audience at the right time. Furthermore, this can depend on the how the public will have access to this messages, therefore, the issues of choosing the right choice of media will be taken into consideration. ; however the issues with music festival stereotypes can result in the issues of violence, sexism and racism. Although the festival is aware of certain issues such as the types of social groups through the festival site, and the concern of stereotypes in relation to the presentation of their clothes and the presentation of their interests. Examples of music festival stereotypes are examples such as ‘The Indie Hipster’; can be found at festivals such as Field day and Roskilde. Where one wears thick rimmed glasses, skinny jeans and charity shop shirts, ‘The Fashion Fiend’; these people can be found at festivals such as Glastonbury and Coachella. Wearing floral related clothes for instance flower crowns; these types of people can be hooked on the inspiration from Pinterest and careful planning of what they wear. As well as these festival stereotypes, there is other issues of age, gender and ethnicity. In the event of this, there can be many disagreements and cause of discrimination and prejudice. Representation
  • 8. Campaign Message “An advertising campaign is a series of advertisement messages that share a single idea and theme which make up an integrated marketing communication(IMC). Advertising campaigns are built to accomplish a particular objective or a set of objectives.” The connotations behind the bright and vibrant colours that the festival uses is very eye-catching and visually appealing. For instance the colour yellow symbolizes energy, positivity and enlightenment; this also suggests the idea of a sunset festival, as such in the example shown in the bottom left; the poster presents a slogan message of afternoon sunset festival. Therefore the USP (unique selling point) of Panorama’s music genre of: Alternative rock and indie implies that the message for the targeted demographic is that the festival is for more than just dancing and music, as well as suggest the idea of responsibility and social awareness. Its choice of media to advertise the music festival is of social interaction through many of today’s popular social media networks; this is done through the advertisement of their demographic audiences which therefore encourage others to participate to increase the popularity of the music festival. Although the festival’s website has been taken into more consideration, the innovations interaction and advertising through other social networks such as Instagram, Snapchat and some through Pinterest.
  • 9. Print Based Advertisements As in the example shown on the right, the innovation of the advertisement is to connote the interests of their aimed demographic. This poster clearly suggests popular music artists along in large text and a contrasting bold colour to convey the main focal point of the festival poste, along with many other well- known artists such as Migos and Dua Lipa. this type of advertising follows on with the main date and other special celebrity guests. The poster aims to include more content that would within a consistent amount of space with the a consistent font style, size and colour scheme; moreover this poster outlines the presentation of their advertisement of their name, which outlines that the ‘O’ is represented as the world; this implies that the music festival is aimed to an international demographic of both males and females within a specific age range of 18+. Research has shown that the print based advertising of the music festival poster indicates that “All content, copyrights and intellectual property rights to the content are available to their Digital Service; including without the limitation design, text graphics and interfaces” as well as their content, the also have copyright over their mobile app where it can not be sold or redistributed. Finally, in terms of providing legal information, the music festival campaign present informational content to engage the public audience as to what they offer.Finally, the focus point of having a campaign message is to connote its presentation through different forms of advertising. For example, TV advertisements, Online and print based advertisements and films trailers. These types of advertisements will imply that the brand or company wants to stand out, get noticed and increase in its popularity value.
  • 10. Print Based Advertisements In addition, the advertisement is based on a poster print as well as a billboard form. As shown in the examples, the (bottom right) poster is digitally advertised, as this example is presented on their website. However the (top right) poster/ billboard is made of two sections, both of 46x35 inches; this therefore connotes that the objective of advertising the music festival needs to stand out and appear eye-catching to a public audience. With a print-based product with large dimensions makes the product stand out more, due to the enhancement through the plain background. Alongside with the combination of vibrant colours that enhance the simplicity of certain features, for instance the organised layout, the repeated font style and the advertisement of the logo design. A large print-based advertisement would have the main objective of being sold in urban locations where the targeted demographic will notice and become anchored by its content. Alongside print-based, digital advertising is also a concern; due to the viral of the music festival.
  • 11. Regulatory issues Conforming to a rule, such as a specification, policy, standard or law. Regulatory compliance describes the goal that organizations aspire to achieve in their efforts to ensure that they are aware of and take steps to comply with relevant laws, policies, and regulations. Legal and Ethical A problem or situation that requires a person or organization to choose between alternatives that must be evaluated as right (ethical) or wrong (unethical). Watermark The main objective is to protect the interest of the of content creators against any illegal use or distribution of any copyright digital items. Although it cannot be prevented copyright holders can easily detect such activity and identify the user; this kind of forensics watermark can alert honest users when they have received documents or programs. However, the main limitation of watermarking technology is from the occasional occurrence of false positives; in which legal copies, documents, images or videos have been tagged as unauthorised. IPR - Intellectual Property Rights Rights refers to the general term for the assignment of property rights through patents, copyrights and trademarks. These property rights allow the holder to exercise a monopoly on the use of the item for a specified period; also, this prevents people from the names of your product/brand, the written, made or produced content and the design or appearance of a product. Data Protection Act Under the DPA individual users had the legal rights to control information about themselves; however most of the act does not apply to any domestic use. The 1988 Act was replaced by the Data Protection act 1984: the consent requirement for mot of the electronic marketing to “positive consent” and exemptions remain for the marketing of “similar products and services” to existing consumers which can still be given permission. Issues ofcom/latest/media/media-releases/2016/attitudes-to- offensive-language
  • 12. Issues (continued) ofcom/latest/media/media-releases/2016/attitudes-to- offensive-language Copyright Copyright is legal right that protects the use of your work once your idea has been physically expressed. The current copyright legislation in the UK is the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Royalties A payment that is made by one party, and the licensee/ franchisee to another that owns a particular asset, and the licensor or franchisor for the right to ongoing use of that asset. Ofcom - Offensive Language/ Behaviour/ Material Viewers and listeners often taking into account certain features such tone, time of broadcast and delivery in which assessing of offensive language is acceptable: Although research has shown that people are more likely to tolerate offensive language if it is based on “real world” situations.
  • 13. Relevant Regulatory Bodies - ASA and CAP ASA - Advertising Standard Authority One of the UK’s independent regulator of advertising across the media. With the application of Advertising Codes; which are written by their sister organisation CAP. In addition, both companies are regulated to be transparent, consistent, accountable and proportionate. With the the informational content that they produce and provide on their website, for instance provide training and events, give advice and guidance and receive the latest news the company makes if possible for the audience learners to understand marketing material such as RAJAR (Radio Audience Joint Research) and BARB (Broadcasting Audience Research Board). ASA has also been administering the non-broadcast Advertising Code for more than 50 years and the Broadcast Advertising Code for 10 years. Having the objectives and standards of presenting responsible and appropriate advertisements that are good for their audience and advertisers; as they respond to any concerns or complaints from other businesses or their consumers, the company takes actions to ban any advertisements that may be offensive, inappropriate or misleading; this is becauses the ASA is responsible for the monitoring any ads that go public nationally and internationally. CAP - Committees of Advertising Practice - Members of the company that represent the advertising industry, advert covering, other agencies and media owners. - Offering advice and guidance on how to create campaign that follows the rules and is responsible for their material and content.
  • 14. Relevant Regulatory Bodies - Ofcom The Office of Communication is the UK Government-approved regulatory and competition authority for broadcasting, telecommunications and postal industries with a wide ranging powers across TVs, Radios and Postal Sectors. About Ofcom - They monitor and look after the airwaves that are used by wireless devices such as, car keys, door bells and cordless phones. The company protects and prevents any use of bad practises for instance being scammed as this can have a bad effect on vulnerable older people. Research has shown that their duties come from Parliament, where their priority is to protect their people, this can sometimes be done by promoting competition among the many companies that they regulate. Providing advice and information to hundreds of people every year, as this can be done through their call centre or their website; along with registering complaints from people and other businesses for them to take action against firms who let consumers down. Making sure that many people are satisfied across the UK with what they hear and hear on the radio and on TV. With taking into consideration every complaint that they receive from their viewers and listeners, the company investigates further and can sometimes search for broadcasters in breach of the rules. What we do - What do we make sure? - People are able to use communication services for instance: broadcasting - Viewers and Listeners are protected from offensive and inappropriate content - The Universal Postal Service covers all UK addresses six days a week; with the standard pricing - A wide range of companies provide quality television and radio programmes that would be appealing to a diverse audience.
  • 15. Financial Conduct Authority is the UK’s approach to financial regulations which involve other bodies where each has its own objective and responsibilities; some of the bodies involved are: Bank of England, The Treasury and Financial Policy Committee. FCA is the conduct regulator for more that 58,000 financial service firms and financial markets. What do we do? Aiming to make markets work well with individuals, businesses large or small and the economy. One of the bodies that FCA works with is the Prudential Regulation Authority who regulate over 1,500 banks, credit unions and building societies; where their objective is to promote safety of the firms is regulates. Why do we do it? Having the responsibility to regulate the sector that plays a crucial part in everyone’s lives within the UK. Research has shown that from children’s: direct debits to credit cards and loans to investments, as this can have an impact on how well the financial market and its fundamental impact. Research on their website states that: UK financial services employ over 2.2 million people and contribute £65.6bn in tax to the UK economy. If UK markets work well, competitively and fairly they benefit customers, staff and shareholders, and maintain confidence in the UK as a major global financial hub. Our role is to help ensure this happens. How do we do it? The strategic objectives are to ensure that the relevant market functions well by considering the following; Protecting the Consumers (Secure an appropriate degree of protection), Protecting the Financial Markets (Protect and enhance the integrity of the financial system) and Promote Competition (Promote effective competition of consumers interests). Relevant Regulatory Bodies - Financial Conduct Authority
  • 16. AudioVisual Advertisements ‘Both sound and visual components, these can consist of slide-tape presentations, films and tv programmes.’ ‘Audiovisual service providers frequently offer web streaming, video conferencing and live broadcasting services.’ However, audio-visual is more direct as it can be advertised internationally through tv advertising; whereas print-based advertising can be situated in certain locations and displayed as certain presentations e.g. Billboard, Magazine Aims and Objectives: An audiovisual advertisement is to promote meaning and interest to what can be heard and relate it to what can be heard; as such some of the examples like tv programmes and even church services mostly appeal to a large audience; this can consist of local and international. The term audiovisual should relate to a specific target audience as of the presentation that the campaign message suggests: in terms of a music festival flyer/poster/ billboard, the print-based advertising and the audio-visual advertisement should convey the campaign message that is aimed to influence a particular audience and represent it. Method: In relation to the music festival: ‘Panorama’ which is held at Randall’s Island in New York City and is presented by the GoldenVoice. This annual festival is held during the summer periods, mostly in July; as of 2018 the festival was held from 27th - 29th July. However, after the festival in 2018, the lineup for 2019 does not start until closer to the festival, this could connote the planning of the promotion, resulting in bookings being sold out quickly: the web address as shown below states that: “Lineup is a beauty to behold, and the third edition will keep the energy high as nearly loyal fans show up in their masses each year. Brought into life by the team behind Coachella, Panorama looks like it has established itself among the stars of NYC's festival calendar.” This is through the inspiration of Coachella which is also held in the summer, where its inspiration is presented through the music and its fashion.
  • 17. AudioVisual Advertisements Target Audience: (Youtube links) The first youtube link that advertises the music festival was published on July 22nd 2018; as this connotes the audio-visual advertisement of the music festival and its connotations of Maslow’s theory (Age) for the target audience of 18-35. Its music genres of; alternative rock, hip-hop and indie suggests that a demographic of this audience would be interested as of the insight through the of the popular social media network “Youtube”; along with their own youtube channel with 16 videos to advertise the annual music festival. As in the examples shown on the right, this relates to Social-Climbers and Explorers (Maslow) as the festival is to connote interest towards a specific demographic. Along with this: Age, Gender, Self-Image and Ethnicity (Hartley) can affect the outcome on an individual. However, the audio-visual advertising is effect on bringing in consumers to the interest of the festival. Method: The main focus in the advertising of the music festival is to consider the idea of shock tactic and how this would have an impact on the target audience, for instance; the timing as to when the advertising will take place, the placement of where and scheduling of the issue date.
  • 18. Audio-Visual Advertisements Representation: (Pinterest/ Google Images) Especially for the poster that I will be creating, the Panorama music festival is mostly aimed towards the young to the middle aged demographic as such in the images shown below the representation that the annual festival is held during the summer. However, mainly the target audience that the festival is aimed at (as used in my inspirational mood board) is that it is aimed more towards the young-middle age audience. This idea suggests that the summer festivals are specifically aimed towards a social group where the audience has a specific interest in relation to fashion and music. However, with a young demographic, with a large audience and within a large amount of space, there can be the pressure to misuse drugs as this is one of the most common stereotypes for music festivals. There are also other stereotypes as to the peer pressure to dress and look a specific way, surround yourself with certain and to act a specific way. Campaign Message: (Posters/ Magazine/ Billboard etc.) The visual advertising of the music festival is to connote the idea that its advertisement is mainly through the visual standard of posters. In addition, the advertisement of the music festival is that it is mainly a print-based media product to enlighten an aimed target audience. Its overall, campaign message is to intrigue and persuade the audience to get involved with the music festival to increase it profit value and popularity. However, the advertisement is of a limit time quantity yet gives us information about who will be involved, the dates of the showcases and other additional information to educate (Maslow) the desired audience.
  • 19. Issues The Data Protection Act: The Data Protection Act of 1998, which as designed by Parliament, to protect personal data stored in all computers or otherwise organised in paper filing systems. This also follows the EU Data Protection Directive of 1995 protection processing and the movement of data. The legal rights of the many individuals has to control the information themselves. However, a small part of this act does not imply to the domestic use; such as keeping someone's personal home address within a personal home address book. This act can be defined as a eight data protection principles to ensure that information is processed lawfully. IP/Watermark Founded in the year of 1895, ‘Watermark is an Australian intellectual property firm renowned for delivering exceptional client care to match its peerless IP knowledge.’ With many offices located in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth along with many of its associates around the world, Watermark allows the delivered accessible, timely and proactive services. The company works with brands and the strategy of one’s perspective mindset. About ABC ABC delivers the certification and the data and content within the magazine meets industry standards. It verifies all the data within the magazine, to make sure that it is correct and valid at the time of print, It also protects any advertisers using the magazine. “Members of ABC = nothing in the magazine may be reproduced in the whole or part without the written permission of the publishers” / in this case
  • 20. Comparison The connotations behind the music festival is that the representation of the music festival through the different media products prior to the festival. The relation between the print-based product to the audio-visual advertisement connotes that, print based is more common through their website and through the public eye, as their audio-visual advertisement through Youtube, presents few subscribers and views, as such the print-based advertising through their posters and billboards, and the examples shown on their website. Mainly audio-visual advertising is more common due to the popularity of internet use has increased, and that the idea of this type of advertising is due to memorable features, e.g. slang and certain phrases. Connotations behind the style of a audio advertisement is to convey enlightenment in the style features of colour schemes used or the portraying words by incorporating different font styles. The main comparison between print-based and audio-visual is because one can be portrayed through digital advertising and therefore can be advertised more viral, whereas print-based can also be advertised internationally however presented in only a certain location as this can depend on the size of the print advertisement.
  • 21. Conclusion After researching and analysing the connotation behind a specific music festival posters and flyer, I have been able to gain knowledge and inspiration as to how I will be able to create my own advertisement with the key features and objectives that I will need to achieve this. The key focus of this unit was to understand the breakdown as to why specific connotations such as; Target Audience, Aims and Objectives and Campaign Message are key focuses in producing and presenting a print-based advertisement. From the breakdown research that I have done for the music festival: “Panorama Music Art and Technology” festival, I have been able to develop ideas and connotations as to why and how the posters would relate to the interests of my targeted demographic. Additionally, the benefits from researching and understanding specific points, for instance ‘Relevant Regulatory Bodies’, the inspiration and benefits gained from this conveys that a festival poster is mostly advertised through print- based advertising with copies of their posters on their digital website. Along with additional advertisements through popular social media networks including; Youtube, Instagram and Snapchat.

Editor's Notes

  1. What to include: Age Gap Gender Interests Theme(s) Psychographics, Demographics and Socio-Economics Audience Theories