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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media
Unit 15: LO1
Print Based Advertising
St. Andrew’s Catholic School –
Thomas Hibbert
Candidate Number : 2063
Unit 15 Overview
1. Introduction – Slide 5
2. Aims and Objectives – Slide 6 – Slide 7
3. Target Audience – Slide 8
4. Representation – Slide 9 – Slide 10
5. Artists who have been at Glastonbury – Slide 11
6. Campaign Message – Slide 12 – Slide 13
7. Advertisements used in the campaign – Slide 14
8. Advertising codes of practice – Slide 15
9. Relevant Legal and Ethical – Slide 16 – Slide 17
10. Legal and Ethical Considerations – Slide 18
11. Regulatory Bodies – Slide 19 – Slide 21
12. Method – Slide 22
13. Aims and Objectives – Slide 24 – Slide 25
14. Target Audience – Slide 26
15. Representation – Slide 27 – Slide 28
16. Advertisements used in the campaign – Slide 29
17. Campaign Message – Slide 30
18. Legal and Ethical Considerations – Slide 31
19. Regulatory Bodies – Slide 32 – Slide 33
20. Method – Slide 34 – Slide 35
21. How does the audio visual and the poster compare – Slide 36
22. Conclusion – Slide 37
LO1 will focus on a print based poster for
Glastonbury in 2013 and an audio visual
advertisement for Glastonbury 2014 because
Glastonbury did not use audio visual adverts for
the past years.
Aims of the campaign
The aim of the campaign is to promote the Glastonbury festival for June
2013. The aim of the poster is to advertise a new festival for the already
existent Glastonbury festival and to increase ticket sales for this event.
Advertising campaign’s objectives
The objectives for the Glastonbury poster are to increase sales of tickets
and to try and draw more people to the festival itself.
Techniques the campaign uses
The poster uses a bright and bold colour scheme embedded in the text
that reads “GLASTONBURY”. This straight away makes the reader aware
that it is a poster for Glastonbury and draws them in to read more about
the festival.
The poster also uses little written language for the poster. The only writing
in large amounts on the poster are the list of acts and artists performing at
the festival. The other text is the date ( June 26 – 28 2013 ) and where you
can buy tickets and enquire further about the festival.
How do the different products achieve the different objectives
Glastonbury have different posters for example the poster on the right is a
list of all the acts and what stages they are performing at. The objective to
this poster is different to the other poster for the festival because in the
first poster the objective is to inform (Katz) the audience that the festival is
there and when it is on with some of the acts performing, where as the
objective of the second poster is to persuade readers to actually attend
the festival because of all the artists that will be there and where they will
be at the festival.
Aims and Objectives
Aims and Objectives
Who sponsors the festival?
Glastonbury is official media partners with BBC, Q magazine,
The Guardian and recently EE have started a sponsorship for
the festival.
The BBC have a website that provides a lot of information on
the Glastonbury festival and broadcasts the event from their
Q Magazine
Q magazine and other magazines from Bauer media give
coverage of Glastonbury on their website and in the magazine
The Guardian
The Guardian has a webpage all about the Glastonbury festival
including interview, news, reviews and other forms of media
from the festival itself.
After the sponsorship begun, EE supplied EE trucks that
provided an internet connection for those within 10 meters of
the vehicle.
Target AudienceMaslow
Using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs I think that the audience for Glastonbury have Love/Belonging needs because it is
a very family and friend oriented event. People go to Glastonbury with their friends and family and share the music
experience together.
Age: Children under 12 are allowed to attend Glastonbury as there are amusements for children at the festival but
anyone under 16 that wants to actually go to the festival must be accompanied by someone of 18 and over.
Gender: Not gender specific
Ethnicity: The audience stereotypically would be of a white ethnicity.
Class: The class of the audience would be social class as the audience at Glastonbury are all interacting in a social
event with their friends and family.
Nationality: The festival is British so the nationality would typically be British.
Self-Image: The audience at Glastonbury would have a positive self image.
Family: The people at Glastonbury have family’s as it is a very friendship and family based festival where people and
their families can go and have fun as well as people of a young age just go with their friends.
In terms of the uses and gratifications theory the audience for Glastonbury try to entertain and escape from their
lives to forget their worries and troubles for the time being.
Socio-economic needs
The audience for Glastonbury are in the C1 – C2 because it is not a formal and high end festival and you would find
people of a similar profession for how the festival appears aesthetically.
Glastonbury’s audience are STRUGGLERS because of the formality in the festival and they buy alcohol and junk food
which is typically found at a festival.
Spending Power
The festival’s audience’s spending power is not high or low but in between as the demographic is C1 and C2.
Representation: Representation is the portraying or appearance
of someone or something in a specific way.
Laura Mulvey “Male Gaze”
“Male Gaze” is the theory of how men look at women, how
women look at themselves and how women look at other women
and that film audiences view characters from the perspective of a
heterosexual male being.
If Glastonbury were to use the “Male Gaze” to persuade people
to come to the festival then they could have a woman on their
festival poster posing in a suggestive way.
Diana Saco “Female Gaze”
“Female Gaze” is the theory of the way work is presented from a
female perspective because the creator is female or because the
gender that it is aimed at is female.
If Glastonbury wanted to use the “Female Gaze” to draw more
members of the audience in to the festival then they could make
the poster more female orientated by using stereotypical female
colour schemes (Pink).
John Berger “Ways of Seeing”
“Ways of Seeing” theory is that women are depicted in a different
way to men because the ideal viewer is a male where as the
audience sees women designed to flatter the male spectator.
Stereotypes are a group of people who are held to a certain
image or way that the person should be or perform in.
How are people being represented within the
The advertisement appeals to everyone and this is
represented through the different and vast range of music
artists as well as a bright colour scheme.
Presentation of:
The Glastonbury poster presents the ethnicity of white and
black people through their mixed race artists, this shows the
diversity of the music world.
The advert appeals to both genders through the artists that
are attending the festival. Artists such as U2 and The Chemical
Brothers which stereotypically appeal to the male gender are
performing at the festival as are Jessie J and Beyoncé which
are stereotypically favored by the female gender. The mix of
artists show that the festival is for both genders.
The bright colour scheme and cartoon like font style for the
masthead on the poster attract a younger audience which
could help bring more people to the festival.
Why are representations used in advertising
Representations are used in advertising to try and appeal to
specific members of the audience and to try and make the the
audience see themselves in that situation where they may
feel like they belong there which will encourage them to go to
the festival or event being advertised.
What appeal do representations have in conveying meaning
to the audience
Representations convey attraction to members of the
audience and help the advertisement appeal directly to that
Artists who have been at Glastonbury
Campaign Message
Slogan: Glastonbury do not have a Slogan. But on their website they
claim their aims are to “encourage and stimulate youth culture from
around around the world in all its forms”.
Product’s USP
Glastonbury’s USP is its wide range of different artists from different
genres in one festival. This is very unique and provides a type of music
for everyone, if you aren’t into rock music then you go to the stage
where an artist you like is and because there is such a wide array of
artists at the festival, the odds are that there will be someone there that
a member of the festival will enjoy.
How will target audience access message
The audience can access the message by following the link on the poster
which will take them to the website where they can enquire about the
festival and also buy tickets for the festival itself.
Glastonbury also use their posters to inform (Katz) the audience of
information and details to do with the festival so that no one misses out
on the opportunity to go.
Choice of media
Glastonbury use various forms of media to advertise the festival
including video adverts, poster and their website.
Campaign Message
What message are they trying to get across to the
The message Glastonbury are trying to get across to the
audience is who will be playing at the festival, where
they can get tickets and when Glastonbury is by using
simple posters and little information the print based
adverts themselves so they are more appealing to look
at, if the poster is full of information and words then no
one will pick them up and look at them if they are going
to have to read lots of different information.
Advertisements used in the campaign
For the 2013 campaign
there is merchandise that
was sold to promote the
festival as well as
advertise it. The
merchandise includes t-
shirts, hoodies and tank
The campaign also used
Facebook to promote the
festival back in 2013 and
advertises the festival as
something really fun and
something that is not to
be missed.
Advertising Codes of Practice
Advertising codes of practice
There are 2 advertising codes of practice that describe how businesses should advertise.
They cover all kinds of promotional communications, depending where the advert or promotion will appear.
Non-broadcast media
The CAP non-broadcast code has rules that cover non-broadcast advertising (eg print, online), sales promotion
and direct marketing (eg telesales and email).
The code specifies standards for accuracy and honesty that businesses must stick to, including specific
conditions, eg:
advertising to children
causing offence
political advertising
Broadcast media (eg TV, radio)
You must follow the CAP broadcast code, which covers issues including taste, decency and product placement.
As well as setting standards about accuracy and honesty businesses must stick to, they also have rules about
things like scheduling.
General broadcasting rules
You also need to follow rules about taste, decency, product placement etc that apply to all broadcasting.
These are called ‘broadcast codes’. Find out more about them on the Ofcom website.
Enforcing the rules
The rules are enforced by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).
Anyone who thinks advertising rules have been broken can complain to the ASA within 3 months of the advert
If an advert breaks the rules, it may be withdrawn. If the product doesn’t match the description or the advert
breaks the law, you could be prosecuted.
Relevant Legal and Ethical
Main types of adverts
Legal information
Why is there legal information on the poster if there is any
There is no legal information on the Glastonbury poster but on their website they have a section depicting their
policies for how to treat the field, toilet policies and how to maintain the environment whilst at the festival.
There is other information on drinking, drugs and crime prevention. Glastonbury’s policy on drinking is you must
provide photo ID or you will not be allowed to buy alcohol.
Glastonbury members involved in drugs will be evicted from the site and the police around the festival will deal
with said involved people.
Copyright on images
On Glastonbury’s website they have a copyright section that states clearly the text on the website is owned by
“Glastonbury Festivals Limited” unless acknowledged to another party.
Their copyright on images is stated in a paragraph on this copyright section of the website. The paragraph states
that “Glastonbury Festival Limited owns the copyright in all photographs taken by employees and volunteers of the
Glastonbury Festival”.
Relevant Legal and Ethical
In advertisement there are copyright rules and regulations that companies have to follow for example the ‘Advertising Codes of
Practice’ which can be found on the slide before this one.
Intellectual property right
Intellectual property is property that has been created by someone and is owned by the creator. Any logo or ‘IP’ being used needs
permission from the owner otherwise they are breaching the rules. This is important for when I create my festival because if I use
someone else’s IP then I could be sued or penalised for using it without permission and especially if I claim it as my own.
Model release
A model release is a document presented when someone wants to take a picture.
Royalties are a continuing payment based on a percentage of income from the licensed asset. When licensing artwork, the person
retains ownership of that work and will receive ‘Royalties’ for the work when it is used.
This links to Glastonbury because if someone wanted to use a logo from the festival then the royalties would go to the festival and not
the party using the logo.
The festival has a section on their website dedicated to “crime reduction and personal safety”. The page is full of information and
advice on how to reduce crime at the festival, how to maintain safety at the festival and how crime above all things will not be
Offensive language, behavior and material
Offensive language or behavior is something that is bound to be an issue in this modern society but the main concern around this area
is that children will be affected by the advertising if it includes any rude or age sensitive material.
This applies to festival posters because when I make my own festival poster I will need to take into account that rude or age sensitive
material will limit the age range that my poster targets as well as possible legal repercussions.
Public interest
Public interest is the well-being of the public or a population. Public interest is relevant to advertising because when an advertisement
is created the public’s interest has to be considered. Advertising will always ask the question what effect will this have on the public?
The public’s interest is always at mind when advertisements are created and will have to be when I create my poster for a festival.
Legal and Ethical Considerations
Legal considerations
Glastonbury will have to consider legally if they
have copied or used another company’s property, if
they do this then there would be legally
repercussions for Glastonbury.
Ethical considerations
Ethical considerations are values and principles that
address ‘considerations’ of what are considered
good or bad in terms of public interests or affairs.
Regulatory Bodies
ASA is an independent regulator for advertising in all
media for the UK.
Ofcom is the communications regulator for the UK
and they regulate TV, radio and video media.
What can be filmed
At Glastonbury there is a specific policy that you
must abide by for recording and filming the festival.
The policy states that “you are free to record your
own visit” and only use it for personal use at home.
What cannot be filmed
You cannot record any performance areas or the
performers without their consent and this is the law.
People at the festival who attempt to bring tripods
and other professional photography or recording
equipment may be denied entry or have these items
confiscated as well.
Regulatory Bodies
ASA stands for
‘Advertising Standards
Authority’. The ASA
regulates advertising
across all media. The ASA
have been around since
1961 up to present date
and try to make adverts
responsible and within
the regulatory standards.
Regulatory Bodies
Ofcom is the regulator of communications in the United Kingdom.
Ofcom provide services that ensure the public get the best out of their
communications and are immune to scams and other practices.
Ofcom have a website where they explain what they do and their
position in serving the public and acting in their best interest.
Where else was the advertisement placed?
The poster for Glastonbury that I am studying can be found on
the internet as well as in physical form.
Is the festival advertised in Kerrang?
On Kerrang’s website they have a Glastonbury page where
they have articles about who is going and which bands that
are associated with Kerrang are attending and performing.
How much does it cost to advertise
It would not have cost anything to put up the posters although
unlikely but people may have been hired to put these posters
up in areas.
When will you advertise your festival
I will advertise my festival near the beginning of the year so
that people have time to buy their tickets and make
arrangements long before the festival kicks off.
Persuasive techniques used
• Logos
• Bright colours that appeal to my audience
Audio-visual Advertisement
Aims of the campaign
The campaign is on YouTube and was shown on BBC
at the time of the festival in 2014. The aim of the
campaign is to bring people to Glastonbury and to
show them a few acts that are there.
Advertising campaign’s objectives
The objectives of the campaign is to highlight that
the festival is a BBC sponsored and supported
Techniques the campaign uses
• BBC ident
• Footage from festival
• Footage of the acts
• Footage of the crowd and how many people are
attending the festival
How do the different products achieve the different
The video trailer has a more personal touch I feel
because it shows the crowd, the music and the acts
where as the poster advertisement only has text and
shapes with the names of the acts, in the video you
can see the acts as a pose to knowing their
attendance of the festival.
The poster however, conveys bright and bold colours
which draw the target audience in more to read the
Overall I feel the video is more effective as you can
actually see the festival and what the eperience will
be like.
Aims and Objectives
Aims and Objectives
Who sponsors the festival?
BBC sponsor the festival and in the trailer the
BBC logo is presented at the beginning and end
of the trailer.
Target Audience
This advertisement using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs would have
‘social needs’, this is because the festival will be full of people and
friends socialising together and enjoying the music with each other.
Using Hartley’s even subjectivities, the audience that this advert
targets are male, 12 and over, middle class, white ethnicity, a
medium self image, British and a family person, this is because this
the stereotypical profile of someone who would go to a rock festival
like Glastonbury at that year.
The audience watching the trailer would need personal identification
as they can see the crowd having fun at the event and can picture
that as themselves if they go to the festival.
Socio-economic needs
The socio economic needs for the audience this trailer is aimed at
would be in the C2/D category. This is because of how the festival
appears in the trailer and what the crowd members look like.
The audience would be strugglers because this category seek escape
for their everyday lives with alcohol and having fun.
Laura Mulvey “Male Gaze”
In the trailer, there is a shot of lily allen wearing a pink shirt, the pink connotes
approachability which will convince people to go to Glastonbury.
This relates to male gaze because lily allen is an attractive female artist that male
members watching the advert will focus on.
Diana Saco “Female Gaze”
Female gaze is present in the trailer as most of the artists shown in the trailer are
Glastonbury could be using female gaze more than male gaze because more male
members of the public attend Glastonbury and they are trying to get more of the
female gender interested din the festival.
John Berger
John Berger's theory is “Men act, woman appear”. Male are stereotypically the
more dominating gender at a festival and shown in the trailer as a large part of
the crowd.
This theory relates to the trailer because the men are acting as the main part of
the audience and the women are appearing to persuade men to come to the
In the trailer, the stereotypes are the men as the main audience and that more
men are performing . These stereotypes will help attract more of the male
audience as a pose to the female gender because stereotypically the male gender
are into festivals more than females.
How are people being represented within the advertisements?
The people attending the festival are being represented as fun, exited and they appear to be enjoying the
festival. The benefit of representing the crowd and audience this way is to show the spectator watching the
trailer that this could be them having as much fun that is shown in the trailer.
Presentation of:
The trailer shows multiple performing artists, most of these artists are of white ethnicity. This makes the
festival appear British.
The crowd and performing artists in the trailer are all of a mixed gender, this makes the spectator see the
festival as a gender equal festival so they can picture themselves going and wanting to go.
The age range shown in the trailer matches Glastonbury’s target audience age range of 16 and over. The trailer
shows young adults and some teenagers which sets the age for the festival within the first few seconds of the
Why are representations used in advertising
Representations are sued in advertising because it helps to outline who the festival is aimed at and who would
enjoy it. Representations can also help to show the audience if the festival is something that they will find
What appeal do representations have in conveying meaning to the audience
Representations appeal to the audience because they convey the festival and what is happening at the festival.
This appeals to the audience because they are more likely to know if they are interested in the festival or not if
they are aware of what the festival is and more about it.
Advertisements used in the campaign
Other advertisements used in
their 2014 campaign was
Facebook. Glastonbury posted
a video of Arcadia at
Glastonbury to promote the
act and the festival. This video
gives the people who didn’t
see them live at Glastonbury
the chance to watch them at
Glastonbury online, once the
user sees how good the band
were and what they missed
out on they will be more likely
to go next time so they don’t
miss out again.
Campaign Message
“Hello Glastonbury” the slogan reads. At the end of the advert the mist transforms
into the slogan. The slogan “Hello Glastonbury” suggests that this is the advert
reaching out to the audience and addressing them as Glastonbury because they will
want to go to the festival and are already a part of it.
This is effective in persuading people to attend because it makes the audience feel
that they are already a part of Glastonbury before they have attended the festival.
What is the message
The message of the advert is to come to Glastonbury.
Product’s USP
Glastonbury’s USP is the diverse and wide array of genres of music that they present
at the festival. There is no specific genre playing at the festival, there is something for
How will target audience access message
The video opens by showing how many people are at Glastonbury and shows some of
the artists that are performing there welcoming the crowd. The audience will access
the message through a want of membership to the Glastonbury festival and
community that is advertised in the trailer.
Choice of media
The Glastonbury advertisement is in the form of a video trailer. This is beneficial to
Glastonbury because with a poster the audience can read about the festival and what
will be there but with a video advertisement the audience can see for themselves
what Glastonbury will be like and this way they will know if it is something they would
like to be a part of.
Legal and Ethical Considerations
Legal considerations
There is a code of broadcast advertising that
must be followed.
Ethical considerations
When making an advert for the festival
Glastonbury had to make sure that they did not
exclude any ethnic group or discriminate against
a particular stereotype of people that the
festival’s advert might find offensive.
Regulatory Bodies
ASA are the advertising standards authority, the
ASA control and regulate the content in
advertisements. The ASA are relevant to the audio
visual advertisement because the advert for
Glastonbury would not have been allowed to have
anything they wanted in the video. The ASA would
have been referred to for reference on what can
and can not be included in the trailer.
Ofcom are the communications regulator in the
UK. Ofcom are relevant to the audio visual
advertisement because they are the
communications regulator which means that
Glastonbury would have to have Ofcom regulate
their communications in order for Glastonbury
to successfully get their advertisements and
message across to their audience.
Regulatory Bodies
Main types of adverts
The main type of advert that Glastonbury use is
poster format. Glastonbury have always used
posters and rarely have a video advertisement to
advertise the festival.
Copyright on images
Glastonbury uses patterns and cartoon like images
and they have not been taken conventionally with a
camera and have no copyright claim or icon on
Where else was the advertisement placed?
The advert was advertised during an ad break
on BBC and was also on YouTube.
Persuasive techniques
• BBC Logo
• Addresses the audience as Glastonbury
• Previews the acts performing
(M1) How does the audio visual and the
poster compare
The poster for Glastonbury and the audio visual
advertisement are for two different years (2013 and
2014) but are both advertising campaigns of
Glastonbury. Both advertisements are bright and outline
concisely that the festival being advertised is
The poster and TV advert are similar because the poster
shows the artists that will be at the advert, the TV
advert does this as well.
Although the poster and audio visual advertisement are
from different years at Glastonbury, they convey the
same message throughout each campaign which is to
highlight the variety of things to do at the festival and
the range of artists that are at the festival for the year
being advertised.
At the bottom of the poster there is a list of sponsors, in
the TV advert they show that the festival is sponsored
by the BBC because the BBC logo appears on the screen
at the beginning of the trailer, it is the same logo as the
one used on the poster.
I conducted research into two forms of
advertisements for the festival Glastonbury.
From all of this research I have managed to
get a large amount of secondary and primary
research that can help to inspire me to make
my own version of the adverts used for this

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LO1 - UNIT 15

  • 1. – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 15: LO1 Print Based Advertising St. Andrew’s Catholic School – Thomas Hibbert Candidate Number : 2063 Unit 15 Overview
  • 2. Contents 1. Introduction – Slide 5 2. Aims and Objectives – Slide 6 – Slide 7 3. Target Audience – Slide 8 4. Representation – Slide 9 – Slide 10 5. Artists who have been at Glastonbury – Slide 11 6. Campaign Message – Slide 12 – Slide 13 7. Advertisements used in the campaign – Slide 14 8. Advertising codes of practice – Slide 15 9. Relevant Legal and Ethical – Slide 16 – Slide 17 10. Legal and Ethical Considerations – Slide 18 11. Regulatory Bodies – Slide 19 – Slide 21 12. Method – Slide 22 13. Aims and Objectives – Slide 24 – Slide 25 14. Target Audience – Slide 26 15. Representation – Slide 27 – Slide 28 16. Advertisements used in the campaign – Slide 29 17. Campaign Message – Slide 30 18. Legal and Ethical Considerations – Slide 31 19. Regulatory Bodies – Slide 32 – Slide 33 20. Method – Slide 34 – Slide 35 21. How does the audio visual and the poster compare – Slide 36 22. Conclusion – Slide 37
  • 3.
  • 5. Introduction LO1 will focus on a print based poster for Glastonbury in 2013 and an audio visual advertisement for Glastonbury 2014 because Glastonbury did not use audio visual adverts for the past years.
  • 6. Aims of the campaign The aim of the campaign is to promote the Glastonbury festival for June 2013. The aim of the poster is to advertise a new festival for the already existent Glastonbury festival and to increase ticket sales for this event. Advertising campaign’s objectives The objectives for the Glastonbury poster are to increase sales of tickets and to try and draw more people to the festival itself. Techniques the campaign uses The poster uses a bright and bold colour scheme embedded in the text that reads “GLASTONBURY”. This straight away makes the reader aware that it is a poster for Glastonbury and draws them in to read more about the festival. The poster also uses little written language for the poster. The only writing in large amounts on the poster are the list of acts and artists performing at the festival. The other text is the date ( June 26 – 28 2013 ) and where you can buy tickets and enquire further about the festival. How do the different products achieve the different objectives Glastonbury have different posters for example the poster on the right is a list of all the acts and what stages they are performing at. The objective to this poster is different to the other poster for the festival because in the first poster the objective is to inform (Katz) the audience that the festival is there and when it is on with some of the acts performing, where as the objective of the second poster is to persuade readers to actually attend the festival because of all the artists that will be there and where they will be at the festival. Aims and Objectives
  • 7. Aims and Objectives Who sponsors the festival? Glastonbury is official media partners with BBC, Q magazine, The Guardian and recently EE have started a sponsorship for the festival. BBC The BBC have a website that provides a lot of information on the Glastonbury festival and broadcasts the event from their site. Q Magazine Q magazine and other magazines from Bauer media give coverage of Glastonbury on their website and in the magazine themselves. The Guardian The Guardian has a webpage all about the Glastonbury festival including interview, news, reviews and other forms of media from the festival itself. EE After the sponsorship begun, EE supplied EE trucks that provided an internet connection for those within 10 meters of the vehicle.
  • 8. Target AudienceMaslow Using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs I think that the audience for Glastonbury have Love/Belonging needs because it is a very family and friend oriented event. People go to Glastonbury with their friends and family and share the music experience together. Hartley Age: Children under 12 are allowed to attend Glastonbury as there are amusements for children at the festival but anyone under 16 that wants to actually go to the festival must be accompanied by someone of 18 and over. Gender: Not gender specific Ethnicity: The audience stereotypically would be of a white ethnicity. Class: The class of the audience would be social class as the audience at Glastonbury are all interacting in a social event with their friends and family. Nationality: The festival is British so the nationality would typically be British. Self-Image: The audience at Glastonbury would have a positive self image. Family: The people at Glastonbury have family’s as it is a very friendship and family based festival where people and their families can go and have fun as well as people of a young age just go with their friends. Katz In terms of the uses and gratifications theory the audience for Glastonbury try to entertain and escape from their lives to forget their worries and troubles for the time being. Socio-economic needs The audience for Glastonbury are in the C1 – C2 because it is not a formal and high end festival and you would find people of a similar profession for how the festival appears aesthetically. Psychographics Glastonbury’s audience are STRUGGLERS because of the formality in the festival and they buy alcohol and junk food which is typically found at a festival. Spending Power The festival’s audience’s spending power is not high or low but in between as the demographic is C1 and C2.
  • 9. Representation Representation: Representation is the portraying or appearance of someone or something in a specific way. Laura Mulvey “Male Gaze” “Male Gaze” is the theory of how men look at women, how women look at themselves and how women look at other women and that film audiences view characters from the perspective of a heterosexual male being. If Glastonbury were to use the “Male Gaze” to persuade people to come to the festival then they could have a woman on their festival poster posing in a suggestive way. Diana Saco “Female Gaze” “Female Gaze” is the theory of the way work is presented from a female perspective because the creator is female or because the gender that it is aimed at is female. If Glastonbury wanted to use the “Female Gaze” to draw more members of the audience in to the festival then they could make the poster more female orientated by using stereotypical female colour schemes (Pink). John Berger “Ways of Seeing” “Ways of Seeing” theory is that women are depicted in a different way to men because the ideal viewer is a male where as the audience sees women designed to flatter the male spectator. Stereotypes Stereotypes are a group of people who are held to a certain image or way that the person should be or perform in.
  • 10. Representation How are people being represented within the advertisements? The advertisement appeals to everyone and this is represented through the different and vast range of music artists as well as a bright colour scheme. Presentation of: Ethnicity The Glastonbury poster presents the ethnicity of white and black people through their mixed race artists, this shows the diversity of the music world. Gender The advert appeals to both genders through the artists that are attending the festival. Artists such as U2 and The Chemical Brothers which stereotypically appeal to the male gender are performing at the festival as are Jessie J and Beyoncé which are stereotypically favored by the female gender. The mix of artists show that the festival is for both genders. Age The bright colour scheme and cartoon like font style for the masthead on the poster attract a younger audience which could help bring more people to the festival. Why are representations used in advertising Representations are used in advertising to try and appeal to specific members of the audience and to try and make the the audience see themselves in that situation where they may feel like they belong there which will encourage them to go to the festival or event being advertised. What appeal do representations have in conveying meaning to the audience Representations convey attraction to members of the audience and help the advertisement appeal directly to that audience.
  • 11. Artists who have been at Glastonbury
  • 12. Campaign Message Slogan: Glastonbury do not have a Slogan. But on their website they claim their aims are to “encourage and stimulate youth culture from around around the world in all its forms”. Product’s USP Glastonbury’s USP is its wide range of different artists from different genres in one festival. This is very unique and provides a type of music for everyone, if you aren’t into rock music then you go to the stage where an artist you like is and because there is such a wide array of artists at the festival, the odds are that there will be someone there that a member of the festival will enjoy. How will target audience access message The audience can access the message by following the link on the poster which will take them to the website where they can enquire about the festival and also buy tickets for the festival itself. Glastonbury also use their posters to inform (Katz) the audience of information and details to do with the festival so that no one misses out on the opportunity to go. Choice of media Glastonbury use various forms of media to advertise the festival including video adverts, poster and their website.
  • 13. Campaign Message What message are they trying to get across to the audience The message Glastonbury are trying to get across to the audience is who will be playing at the festival, where they can get tickets and when Glastonbury is by using simple posters and little information the print based adverts themselves so they are more appealing to look at, if the poster is full of information and words then no one will pick them up and look at them if they are going to have to read lots of different information.
  • 14. Advertisements used in the campaign For the 2013 campaign there is merchandise that was sold to promote the festival as well as advertise it. The merchandise includes t- shirts, hoodies and tank tops. The campaign also used Facebook to promote the festival back in 2013 and advertises the festival as something really fun and something that is not to be missed.
  • 15. Advertising Codes of Practice Advertising codes of practice There are 2 advertising codes of practice that describe how businesses should advertise. They cover all kinds of promotional communications, depending where the advert or promotion will appear. Non-broadcast media The CAP non-broadcast code has rules that cover non-broadcast advertising (eg print, online), sales promotion and direct marketing (eg telesales and email). The code specifies standards for accuracy and honesty that businesses must stick to, including specific conditions, eg: advertising to children causing offence political advertising Broadcast media (eg TV, radio) You must follow the CAP broadcast code, which covers issues including taste, decency and product placement. As well as setting standards about accuracy and honesty businesses must stick to, they also have rules about things like scheduling. General broadcasting rules You also need to follow rules about taste, decency, product placement etc that apply to all broadcasting. These are called ‘broadcast codes’. Find out more about them on the Ofcom website. Enforcing the rules The rules are enforced by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). Anyone who thinks advertising rules have been broken can complain to the ASA within 3 months of the advert appearing. If an advert breaks the rules, it may be withdrawn. If the product doesn’t match the description or the advert breaks the law, you could be prosecuted.
  • 16. Relevant Legal and Ethical Main types of adverts Legal information Why is there legal information on the poster if there is any There is no legal information on the Glastonbury poster but on their website they have a section depicting their policies for how to treat the field, toilet policies and how to maintain the environment whilst at the festival. Alcohol There is other information on drinking, drugs and crime prevention. Glastonbury’s policy on drinking is you must provide photo ID or you will not be allowed to buy alcohol. Drugs Glastonbury members involved in drugs will be evicted from the site and the police around the festival will deal with said involved people. Copyright on images On Glastonbury’s website they have a copyright section that states clearly the text on the website is owned by “Glastonbury Festivals Limited” unless acknowledged to another party. Their copyright on images is stated in a paragraph on this copyright section of the website. The paragraph states that “Glastonbury Festival Limited owns the copyright in all photographs taken by employees and volunteers of the Glastonbury Festival”.
  • 17. Relevant Legal and Ethical Copyright In advertisement there are copyright rules and regulations that companies have to follow for example the ‘Advertising Codes of Practice’ which can be found on the slide before this one. Intellectual property right Intellectual property is property that has been created by someone and is owned by the creator. Any logo or ‘IP’ being used needs permission from the owner otherwise they are breaching the rules. This is important for when I create my festival because if I use someone else’s IP then I could be sued or penalised for using it without permission and especially if I claim it as my own. Model release A model release is a document presented when someone wants to take a picture. Royalties Royalties are a continuing payment based on a percentage of income from the licensed asset. When licensing artwork, the person retains ownership of that work and will receive ‘Royalties’ for the work when it is used. This links to Glastonbury because if someone wanted to use a logo from the festival then the royalties would go to the festival and not the party using the logo. Violence The festival has a section on their website dedicated to “crime reduction and personal safety”. The page is full of information and advice on how to reduce crime at the festival, how to maintain safety at the festival and how crime above all things will not be tolerated. Offensive language, behavior and material Offensive language or behavior is something that is bound to be an issue in this modern society but the main concern around this area is that children will be affected by the advertising if it includes any rude or age sensitive material. This applies to festival posters because when I make my own festival poster I will need to take into account that rude or age sensitive material will limit the age range that my poster targets as well as possible legal repercussions. Public interest Public interest is the well-being of the public or a population. Public interest is relevant to advertising because when an advertisement is created the public’s interest has to be considered. Advertising will always ask the question what effect will this have on the public? The public’s interest is always at mind when advertisements are created and will have to be when I create my poster for a festival. http://medialiter acies21st.blogsp /advertising-in- public- interest.html
  • 18. Legal and Ethical Considerations Legal considerations Glastonbury will have to consider legally if they have copied or used another company’s property, if they do this then there would be legally repercussions for Glastonbury. Ethical considerations Ethical considerations are values and principles that address ‘considerations’ of what are considered good or bad in terms of public interests or affairs.
  • 19. Regulatory Bodies ASA ASA is an independent regulator for advertising in all media for the UK. Ofcom Ofcom is the communications regulator for the UK and they regulate TV, radio and video media. What can be filmed At Glastonbury there is a specific policy that you must abide by for recording and filming the festival. The policy states that “you are free to record your own visit” and only use it for personal use at home. What cannot be filmed You cannot record any performance areas or the performers without their consent and this is the law. People at the festival who attempt to bring tripods and other professional photography or recording equipment may be denied entry or have these items confiscated as well. .uk/information/media/public- video-camera-policy/
  • 20. Regulatory Bodies ASA stands for ‘Advertising Standards Authority’. The ASA regulates advertising across all media. The ASA have been around since 1961 up to present date and try to make adverts responsible and within the regulatory standards.
  • 21. Regulatory Bodies Ofcom is the regulator of communications in the United Kingdom. Ofcom provide services that ensure the public get the best out of their communications and are immune to scams and other practices. Ofcom have a website where they explain what they do and their position in serving the public and acting in their best interest.
  • 22. Method Where else was the advertisement placed? The poster for Glastonbury that I am studying can be found on the internet as well as in physical form. Is the festival advertised in Kerrang? On Kerrang’s website they have a Glastonbury page where they have articles about who is going and which bands that are associated with Kerrang are attending and performing. How much does it cost to advertise It would not have cost anything to put up the posters although unlikely but people may have been hired to put these posters up in areas. When will you advertise your festival I will advertise my festival near the beginning of the year so that people have time to buy their tickets and make arrangements long before the festival kicks off. Persuasive techniques used • Logos • Bright colours that appeal to my audience
  • 24. Aims of the campaign The campaign is on YouTube and was shown on BBC at the time of the festival in 2014. The aim of the campaign is to bring people to Glastonbury and to show them a few acts that are there. Advertising campaign’s objectives The objectives of the campaign is to highlight that the festival is a BBC sponsored and supported event. Techniques the campaign uses • BBC ident • Footage from festival • Footage of the acts • Footage of the crowd and how many people are attending the festival How do the different products achieve the different objectives The video trailer has a more personal touch I feel because it shows the crowd, the music and the acts where as the poster advertisement only has text and shapes with the names of the acts, in the video you can see the acts as a pose to knowing their attendance of the festival. The poster however, conveys bright and bold colours which draw the target audience in more to read the poster. Overall I feel the video is more effective as you can actually see the festival and what the eperience will be like. Aims and Objectives
  • 25. Aims and Objectives Who sponsors the festival? BBC sponsor the festival and in the trailer the BBC logo is presented at the beginning and end of the trailer.
  • 26. Target Audience Maslow This advertisement using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs would have ‘social needs’, this is because the festival will be full of people and friends socialising together and enjoying the music with each other. Hartley Using Hartley’s even subjectivities, the audience that this advert targets are male, 12 and over, middle class, white ethnicity, a medium self image, British and a family person, this is because this the stereotypical profile of someone who would go to a rock festival like Glastonbury at that year. Katz The audience watching the trailer would need personal identification as they can see the crowd having fun at the event and can picture that as themselves if they go to the festival. Socio-economic needs The socio economic needs for the audience this trailer is aimed at would be in the C2/D category. This is because of how the festival appears in the trailer and what the crowd members look like. Psychographics The audience would be strugglers because this category seek escape for their everyday lives with alcohol and having fun.
  • 27. Representation Representation: Laura Mulvey “Male Gaze” In the trailer, there is a shot of lily allen wearing a pink shirt, the pink connotes approachability which will convince people to go to Glastonbury. This relates to male gaze because lily allen is an attractive female artist that male members watching the advert will focus on. Diana Saco “Female Gaze” Female gaze is present in the trailer as most of the artists shown in the trailer are male. Glastonbury could be using female gaze more than male gaze because more male members of the public attend Glastonbury and they are trying to get more of the female gender interested din the festival. John Berger John Berger's theory is “Men act, woman appear”. Male are stereotypically the more dominating gender at a festival and shown in the trailer as a large part of the crowd. This theory relates to the trailer because the men are acting as the main part of the audience and the women are appearing to persuade men to come to the festival. Stereotypes In the trailer, the stereotypes are the men as the main audience and that more men are performing . These stereotypes will help attract more of the male audience as a pose to the female gender because stereotypically the male gender are into festivals more than females.
  • 28. Representation How are people being represented within the advertisements? The people attending the festival are being represented as fun, exited and they appear to be enjoying the festival. The benefit of representing the crowd and audience this way is to show the spectator watching the trailer that this could be them having as much fun that is shown in the trailer. Presentation of: Ethnicity The trailer shows multiple performing artists, most of these artists are of white ethnicity. This makes the festival appear British. Gender The crowd and performing artists in the trailer are all of a mixed gender, this makes the spectator see the festival as a gender equal festival so they can picture themselves going and wanting to go. Age The age range shown in the trailer matches Glastonbury’s target audience age range of 16 and over. The trailer shows young adults and some teenagers which sets the age for the festival within the first few seconds of the advert. Why are representations used in advertising Representations are sued in advertising because it helps to outline who the festival is aimed at and who would enjoy it. Representations can also help to show the audience if the festival is something that they will find appealing. What appeal do representations have in conveying meaning to the audience Representations appeal to the audience because they convey the festival and what is happening at the festival. This appeals to the audience because they are more likely to know if they are interested in the festival or not if they are aware of what the festival is and more about it.
  • 29. Advertisements used in the campaign Other advertisements used in their 2014 campaign was Facebook. Glastonbury posted a video of Arcadia at Glastonbury to promote the act and the festival. This video gives the people who didn’t see them live at Glastonbury the chance to watch them at Glastonbury online, once the user sees how good the band were and what they missed out on they will be more likely to go next time so they don’t miss out again.
  • 30. Campaign Message Slogan: “Hello Glastonbury” the slogan reads. At the end of the advert the mist transforms into the slogan. The slogan “Hello Glastonbury” suggests that this is the advert reaching out to the audience and addressing them as Glastonbury because they will want to go to the festival and are already a part of it. This is effective in persuading people to attend because it makes the audience feel that they are already a part of Glastonbury before they have attended the festival. What is the message The message of the advert is to come to Glastonbury. Product’s USP Glastonbury’s USP is the diverse and wide array of genres of music that they present at the festival. There is no specific genre playing at the festival, there is something for everyone. How will target audience access message The video opens by showing how many people are at Glastonbury and shows some of the artists that are performing there welcoming the crowd. The audience will access the message through a want of membership to the Glastonbury festival and community that is advertised in the trailer. Choice of media The Glastonbury advertisement is in the form of a video trailer. This is beneficial to Glastonbury because with a poster the audience can read about the festival and what will be there but with a video advertisement the audience can see for themselves what Glastonbury will be like and this way they will know if it is something they would like to be a part of.
  • 31. Legal and Ethical Considerations Legal considerations There is a code of broadcast advertising that must be followed. Ethical considerations When making an advert for the festival Glastonbury had to make sure that they did not exclude any ethnic group or discriminate against a particular stereotype of people that the festival’s advert might find offensive. Codes/Broadcast.aspx
  • 32. Regulatory Bodies ASA ASA are the advertising standards authority, the ASA control and regulate the content in advertisements. The ASA are relevant to the audio visual advertisement because the advert for Glastonbury would not have been allowed to have anything they wanted in the video. The ASA would have been referred to for reference on what can and can not be included in the trailer.
  • 33. Ofcom are the communications regulator in the UK. Ofcom are relevant to the audio visual advertisement because they are the communications regulator which means that Glastonbury would have to have Ofcom regulate their communications in order for Glastonbury to successfully get their advertisements and message across to their audience. Regulatory Bodies
  • 34. Method Main types of adverts The main type of advert that Glastonbury use is poster format. Glastonbury have always used posters and rarely have a video advertisement to advertise the festival. Copyright on images Glastonbury uses patterns and cartoon like images and they have not been taken conventionally with a camera and have no copyright claim or icon on them.
  • 35. Method Where else was the advertisement placed? The advert was advertised during an ad break on BBC and was also on YouTube. Persuasive techniques • BBC Logo • Addresses the audience as Glastonbury • Previews the acts performing
  • 36. (M1) How does the audio visual and the poster compare The poster for Glastonbury and the audio visual advertisement are for two different years (2013 and 2014) but are both advertising campaigns of Glastonbury. Both advertisements are bright and outline concisely that the festival being advertised is Glastonbury. The poster and TV advert are similar because the poster shows the artists that will be at the advert, the TV advert does this as well. Although the poster and audio visual advertisement are from different years at Glastonbury, they convey the same message throughout each campaign which is to highlight the variety of things to do at the festival and the range of artists that are at the festival for the year being advertised. At the bottom of the poster there is a list of sponsors, in the TV advert they show that the festival is sponsored by the BBC because the BBC logo appears on the screen at the beginning of the trailer, it is the same logo as the one used on the poster.
  • 37. Conclusion I conducted research into two forms of advertisements for the festival Glastonbury. From all of this research I have managed to get a large amount of secondary and primary research that can help to inspire me to make my own version of the adverts used for this festival.

Editor's Notes

  1. Name and candidate number
  2. More detail on psychographics and spending power needed
  3. “encourage and stimulate youth culture from around around the world in all its forms”. Can you state what this connotes.
  4. Aims and objectives? What is this? What do you mean? Is this suppose to be legal and ethical?