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Insulin therapy
Prof .Mohamed Mashahit
Fayoum University
The breakthrough: Toronto 1921 – Banting & Best
Normal physiologic patterns of
glucose and insulin secretion in
our body
How Is Insulin Normally Secreted?
The rapid early rise of insulin secretion in
response to a meal is critical,
 it ensures the prompt inhibition of endogenous
glucose production by the liver
disposal of the mealtime carbohydrate load, thus
limiting postprandial glucose excursions.
Types of Insulin
1. Rapid-acting
2. Short-acting
3. Intermediate-acting
4. Premixed
5. Basal L A
6. Extended long-acting
(Lantus &
Basal insulins
• Humulin N (Eli Lilly)
• Insulatard (Novo)
• Insuman Basal
Glargine (Lantus)
Lantus Solostar Pen (Sanofi Aventis)
Detemir (Levimir) by Novo
Basal Insulins
Insulin Type Onset of
Peak of
of action
NPH Intermediate
1-2 hours 5-7 hours 13-18
1-2 hours Relatively
Upto 24
2-4 hours 8-12 hours 16-20
The time course of action of any insulin may vary in different individuals, or at different times in
the same individual. Because of this variation, time periods indicated here should be considered
general guidelines only.
Bolous insulins
(Mealtime or prandial)
Human Regular
• Humulin R (Eli Lilly)
• Actrapid (Novo)
• Insuman Rapid
• Lispro (Humolog) by Eli Lilly
• Aspart Novorapid ( Novo )
• Glulisine (Apidra) by Sanofi Aventis
Bolous insulins
(Mealtime or prandial)
Insulin Type Onset of
Peak of
Duration of
Short acting 30-60 minutes 2-4 hours 8-10 hours
Rapid acting 5-15 minutes 1-2 hours 4-5 hours
The time course of action of any insulin may vary in different individuals, or at
different times in the same individual. Because of this variation, time periods
indicated here should be considered general guidelines only.
Pre mixed
70/30 (70% N,30% R)
• Humulin 70/30 (Eli Lilly)
• Mixtard 30 (Novo)
• Insuman Comb 30/70
• Novomix 30 and 50 (Novo)
• Humolog Mix 25(Lilly)
• Humolog Mix 50(Lilly)
Non pharmacological
1oral agent
2 oral
3 oral
Add Insulin Earlier in the Algorithm
•Severe symptoms
Proposed Algorithm of therapy for Type 2
First step into
Insulin therapy
Advantages of Insulin Therapy
• Oldest of the currently available
medications, has the most clinical
• Most effective of the diabetes medications
in lowering glycemia
– Can decrease any level of elevated HbA1c
– No maximum dose of insulin beyond which a
therapeutic effect will not occur
• Beneficial effects on triglyceride and
HDL cholesterol levels
Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care 2006;29(8):1963-72.
Disadvantages of Insulin Therapy
• Weight gain ~ 2-4 kg
– May adversely affect cardiovascular health
• Hypoglycemia
– However, rates of severe hypoglycemia in
patients with type 2 diabetes are low…
 Type 1 DM: 61 events per 100 patient-years
 Type 2 DM: 1-3 events per 100 patient-years
Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care 2006;29(8):1963-72.
Balancing Good Glycemic Control with
a Low Risk of Hypoglycemia…
The ADA Treatment
Algorithm for the Initiation
and Adjustment of Insulin
• If HbA1c is <7%...
– Continue regimen and check HbA1c every 3
• If HbA1c is ≥7%...
– Move to Step Two…
After 2-3 Months…
Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care 2006;29(8):1963-72.
Initiating and Adjusting Insulin
Continue regimen; check
HbA1c every 3 months
If fasting BG in target range, check BG before lunch, dinner, and bed.
Depending on BG results, add second injection
(can usually begin with ~4 units and adjust by 2 units every 3 days until BG in range)
Recheck pre-meal BG levels and if out of range, may need to add another
injection; if HbA1c continues to be out of range, check 2-hr postprandial levels
and adjust preprandial rapid-acting insulin
If HbA1c ≤7%...
Bedtime intermediate-acting insulin, or
bedtime or morning long-acting insulin
(initiate with 10 units or 0.2 units per kg)
Check FG and increase dose until in target range.
If HbA1c 7%...
or FG >3.89 mmol/l (70 mg/dl):
Reduce bedtime dose by ≥4 units
(or 10% if dose >60 units)
Pre-lunch BG out of range: add
rapid-acting insulin at breakfast
Pre-dinner BG out of range: add NPH insulin at
breakfast or rapid-acting insulin at lunch
Pre-bed BG out of range: add
rapid-acting insulin at dinner
Continue regimen; check
HbA1c every 3 months
Target range:
3.89-7.22 mmol/L
(70-130 mg/dL)
Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care. 2006;29(8):1963-72.
If HbA1c ≤7%... If HbA1c 7%...
With the addition of basal insulin and titration
to target FBG levels, only about 60% of
patients with type 2 diabetes are able to achieve
A1C goals < 7%. In the remaining patients with
A1C levels above goal regardless of adequate
fasting glucose levels, postprandial blood
glucose levels are likely elevated.
Continue regimen; check
HbA1c every 3 months
If fasting BG in target range, check BG before lunch, dinner, and bed.
Depending on BG results, add second injection
(can usually begin with ~4 units and adjust by 2 units every 3 days until BG in range)
Recheck pre-meal BG levels and if out of range, may need to add another
injection; if HbA1c continues to be out of range, check 2-hr postprandial levels
and adjust preprandial rapid-acting insulin
If HbA1c ≤7%...
Bedtime intermediate-acting insulin, or
bedtime or morning long-acting insulin
(initiate with 10 units or 0.2 units per kg)
Check FG and increase dose until in target range.
If HbA1c 7%...
or FG >3.89 mmol/l (70 mg/dl):
Reduce bedtime dose by ≥4 units
(or 10% if dose >60 units)
Pre-lunch BG out of range: add
rapid-acting insulin at breakfast
Pre-dinner BG out of range: add NPH insulin at
breakfast or rapid-acting insulin at lunch
Pre-bed BG out of range: add
rapid-acting insulin at dinner
Continue regimen; check
HbA1c every 3 months
Target range:
3.89-7.22 mmol/L
(70-130 mg/dL)
If HbA1c ≤7%... If HbA1c 7%...
Step Two…
Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care. 2006;29(8):1963-72.
Step Two: Intensifying Insulin
If fasting blood glucose levels are in target range but
HbA1c ≥7%, check blood glucose before lunch, dinner,
and bed and add a second injection:
• If pre-lunch blood glucose is out of range,
add rapid-acting insulin at breakfast
• If pre-dinner blood glucose is out of range,
add NPH insulin at breakfast or rapid-acting insulin at
• If pre-bed blood glucose is out of range,
add rapid-acting insulin at dinner
Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care 2006;29(8):1963-72.
Making Adjustments
• Can usually begin with ~4 units and
adjust by 2 units every 3 days until blood
glucose is in range
Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care 2006;29(8):1963-72.
When number of insulin Injections increase from
1-2………..Stop or taper of insulin secretagogues
• If HbA1c is <7%...
– Continue regimen and check HbA1c every
3 months
• If HbA1c is ≥7%...
– Move to Step Three…
After 2-3 Months…
Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care 2006;29(8):1963-72.
Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care. 2006;29(8):1963-72.
Continue regimen; check
HbA1c every 3 months
If fasting BG in target range, check BG before lunch, dinner, and bed.
Depending on BG results, add second injection
(can usually begin with ~4 units and adjust by 2 units every 3 days until BG in range)
Recheck pre-meal BG levels and if out of range, may need to add another
injection; if HbA1c continues to be out of range, check 2-hr postprandial levels
and adjust preprandial rapid-acting insulin
If HbA1c ≤7%...
Bedtime intermediate-acting insulin, or
bedtime or morning long-acting insulin
(initiate with 10 units or 0.2 units per kg)
Check FG and increase dose until in target range.
If HbA1c 7%...
or FG >3.89 mmol/l (70 mg/dl):
Reduce bedtime dose by ≥4 units
(or 10% if dose >60 units)
Pre-lunch BG out of range: add
rapid-acting insulin at breakfast
Pre-dinner BG out of range: add NPH insulin at
breakfast or rapid-acting insulin at lunch
Pre-bed BG out of range: add
rapid-acting insulin at dinner
Continue regimen; check
HbA1c every 3 months
Target range:
3.89-7.22 mmol/L
(70-130 mg/dL)
If HbA1c ≤7%... If HbA1c 7%...
Step Three…
Step Three:
Further Intensifying Insulin
• Recheck pre-meal blood glucose and if out of
range, may need to add a third injection
• If HbA1c is still ≥ 7%
– Check 2-hr postprandial levels
– Adjust preprandial rapid-acting insulin
Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care 2006;29(8):1963-72.
How to start pre mixed (70/30)
For pre mixed insulins(70/30 preparations)
Step1:First calculate the total daily starting requirement
of insulin;
body weight(kg)/2
eg, For a 60kg patient,total daily dose =30 units
Step 2:Then devide this dose into 3 equal parts;
Step 3:Give 2 parts in the morning and 1 part in the
Morning=20U Evening=10 U
Dose titration of Pre-mixed(70/30)
You can increase or decrease the dose of
pre-mixed insulin by 10 % i.e
If the patients is using,
1-10 units…………….+/- 1 unit
11-20 units……………+/- 2 units
21-30 units……………+/- 3 units
31-40 units……………+/- 4 units…………………..
Advantages and disadvantages
of pre- mixed insulins
Easy to administer for the
Easy to fill and inject by the
Provides both basal and bolus
coverage with fewer number of
No dose flexability
If u increase/decrease the dose of one
component ,the dose of other
component is also changed un desirably
vInsuman Rapid , Insuman Basal , Insuman Comp (30/70)
Pearls for practice
 Never try to control diabetes with oral hypoglycemic drugs /
insulin without first ensuring strict diet control.
 Always bring fasting sugar to normal before trying to control
post prandial / random blood sugar.
 Control any underlying infection/stressful condition
 Keep meal timings regular with 6 hrs between the three
 Do not inject NPH before 11 p.m.
 Keep number of calories during the meals same from day to
day. The quantity and quality of diet should be same at same
 Do not use sliding scale to calculate the dose of insulin.
 Use proper technique to inject s/c insulin.
 Ensure proper storage of insulin.
Key Take-Home Messages
• Insulin is the oldest, most studied, and most effective
antihyperglycemic agent, but can cause weight gain
(2-4 kg) and hypoglycemia
• Insulin analogues with longer, non-peaking profiles
may decrease the risk of hypoglycemia compared
with NPH insulin
• Premixed insulin is recommended during those with
fixed life style or those who are less educated or less
motivated .
Key Take-Home Messages, cont’d
• When initiating insulin, start with bedtime intermediate-
acting insulin, or bedtime or morning long-acting insulin
• After 2-3 months, if FBG levels are in target range but HbA1c
≥7%, check BG before lunch, dinner, and bed,and, depending
on the results, add 2nd injection (stop sulfonylureas here)
• After 2-3 months, if pre-meal BG out of range, may
need to add a 3rd injection; if HbA1c is still ≥7% check
2-hr postprandial levels and adjust preprandial
rapid-acting insulin.
Thank you all
Sparing your valuable time
Patient listening
Regimen # 2
First calculate total
daily dose of insulin
Body weight in kgs / 2
• e.g; an 80 kg person will require roughly about
40 units / day.
Dose calculation……..contd
Split the total calculated dose into 4 (four) equal s/c
– ¼ of total dose as regular insulin s/c half-hour
( ½ hr ) before the three main meals with 6 hrs
gap in between.
– ¼ total calculated dose as NPH insulin s/c at
11:00 p.m. with no food to follow.
Dose calculation: example
For example in an 80-kg diabetic requiring 40 units per day,
start with:
• 08:00 a.m. --- 10 units regular insulin s/c ½ hr before
• 02:00 p.m. --- 10 units regular insulin s/c ½ hr before lunch.
• 08:00 p.m. --- 10 units regular insulin s/c ½ hr before dinner.
• 11:00 p.m. --- 10 units NPH/ lantus insulin s/c
Dose adjustment
• For adjustment of dosage, check fasting
blood sugar the next day and adjust the
dose of night time NPH Insulin
accordingly i.e. keep on increasing the
dose of NPH by approximately 2 units
daily until you achieve a normal fasting
blood glucose level of 80-110 mg/dl.
Control BSF by adjusting
the prior the dose of NPH
Dose adjustment…contd.
• Once the fasting blood glucose has been
controlled, check 6-Point blood sugar as
– Fasting.
– 2 hours after breakfast.
– Before lunch (and noon insulin)
– 2 hours after lunch.
– Before dinner (AND EVENING INSULIN)
– 2 hours after dinner
Control random sugar level by
adjusting the prior dose of
regular insulin
Dose adjustment…contd.
• Now control any raised random reading by
adjusting the dose of previously
administered regular insulin.
• For example: a high post lunch reading will
NOT be controlled by increasing the dose
of next insulin (as in sliding scale), rather
adjustment of the pre-lunch regular
insulin on the next day will bring down
raised reading to the required levels.
• For the following profile:
– Blood sugar fasting = 180
– Blood sugar after breakfast =
250 mg/dl.
– Blood sugar pre lunch = 190
– Blood sugar post lunch 270 =
– Blood sugar pre dinner = 200
– Blood sugar post dinner 260 =
• We need to increase the dose
of NPH at night to bring
down baseline sugar level
(BSF) to around 100 mg/dl
after which the profile should
automatically adjust as
– Blood sugar fasting = 100
– Blood sugar 02 hrs after
breakfast = 170 mg/dl
– Blood sugar pre-lunch =
110 mg/dl
– Blood sugar 2 hrs. after
lunch = 190 mg/dl
– Blood sugar pre-dinner =
120 mg/dl
– Blood sugar 2 hrs. post
dinner = 180 mg/dl
• Blood sugar fasting = 130 mg/dl
• Blood sugar after breakfast = 160 mg/dl
• Blood sugar pre-lunch = 130 mg/dl
• Blood sugar post lunch = 240 mg/dl
• Blood sugar pre-dinner = 180 mg/dl
• Blood sugar 2 hrs. post dinner = 200 mg/dl
• This patient needs adjustment of pre-lunch regular
Insulin which will bring down post lunch and pre dinner
readings within normal limits.
• 2 hrs post dinner blood sugar(200 mg/dl) will be
brought down by adjusting pre dinner regular insulin.
• In types 2 subjects, once the blood
sugar profile is normalized and the
patient is not under any stress, the
total daily dose (morning + noon +
night + NPH at 11 p.m) may be
divided into two 12 hourly injections
of premixed Insulin
• e.g-1; If a patient is
stabilized on
• 10U R + 12U R +
10U R + 12U NPH;
• then he may be
shifted to
• 44/2 = 22 units of
70/30 Insulin 12
hourly s/c ½ hr before
• e.g-2; If the
adjusted Insulin is
• 14U R+16U R+12U
• then split the total
30 U 70/30 before
breakfast and 20U
70/30 before dinner
to compensate for the
high morning and lunch
• Problem: Remember that BD dosing usually fails to
cover lunch, especially if it is heavy. So:
• Always check for post lunch hyperglycemia when using
this regimen.
• Solution:
1. Patients can be advised to take their lunch (heavier
meal) at breakfast; and breakfast (lighter meal) at
2. Adding Glucobay with lunch some times provides a
reasonable control.
3. An alternate combination to overcome the problem is
regular insulin for morning and noon, with premixed
insulin at night.
• 10U R before breakfast + 12U R
before lunch + 22U 70/30 before
• Insulin will be injected exactly 6 hrs
apart as in the QID regimen.
Choice of regimens
1. R+ R+ R+ L****
2. R+ R+ R+ N ***
3. R+ R+ premixed insulin**
4. BD premixed insulins*
Regimen # 3
(Pre mixed)
How to start pre mixed (70/30)
For pre mixed insulins(70/30 preparations)
Step1:First calculate the total daily starting requirement
of insulin;
body weight(kg)/2
eg, For a 60kg patient,total daily dose =30 units
Step 2:Then devide this dose into 3 equal parts;
Step 3:Give 2 parts in the morning and 1 part in the
Morning=20U Evening=10 U
Dose titration of Pre-mixed(70/30)
You can increase or decrease the dose of
pre-mixed insulin by 10 % i.e
If the patients is using,
1-10 units…………….+/- 1 unit
11-20 units……………+/- 2 units
21-30 units……………+/- 3 units
31-40 units……………+/- 4 units…………………..
Advantages and disadvantages
of pre- mixed insulins
Easy to administer for the
Easy to fill and inject by the
Provides both basal and bolus
coverage with fewer number of
No dose flexability
If u increase/decrease the dose of one
component ,the dose of other
component is also changed un desirably
How to solve the problem of
dosage flexibility
Regimen # 4
Disadvantage of split- mixed regimen
Mid-night hypoglycemia
How to solve the problem of
nocturnal hypoglycemia
Somogyi phenomenon
• Due to
– excess dose of night time insulin, or
– Night insulin taken early
• Peaks at 3:00 a.m: hypoglycemia
• Counter regulatory hormones released in excess:
• Resulting in over correction of hypoglycemia:
• Fasting hyperglycemia
• Solution:
– Check BSL AT 3 :00 a.m
– Give long acting at 11:00 p.m so peak comes
– Reduce dose of night time insulin
Dawn phenomenon
• Growth hormone surge at dawn raises insulin
• Night time insulin taken early, fades out before
• Fasting hyperglycemia
• Give long acting insulin not before 11 :00 p.m
• May need to increase dose of night time insulin
More physiologic regimens
• Insulin
– No miracle drug
– Has definite indications
As delivery route follows reverse
– Good control is achieved only if residual
pancreatic function is preserved to a
certain extent i-e:
– Starting insulin on time is vital
(Concept of early insulinization)
Pearls for practice
 Never try to control diabetes with oral hypoglycemic drugs /
insulin without first ensuring strict diet control.
 Always bring fasting sugar to normal before trying to control
post prandial / random blood sugar.
 Control any underlying infection/stressful condition
 Keep meal timings regular with 6 hrs between the three
 Do not inject NPH before 11 p.m.
 Keep number of calories during the meals same from day to
day. The quantity and quality of diet should be same at same
 Do not use sliding scale to calculate the dose of insulin.
 Use proper technique to inject s/c insulin.
 Ensure proper storage of insulin.
Common Problems
Problems can be avoided
• Adherence to time table is all that is
required to avoid problems:
– Regular meals
– Regular injections
– Regular excercise
Choosing an Insulin with a
Lower Risk of Hypoglycemia
• Insulin analogues with longer, non-peaking
profiles may decrease the risk of
Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care 2006;29(8):1963-72.
Injection Techniques
Sites of injection
• Arms 
• Legs 
• Buttocks 
• Abdomen 
Sites of injection…….contd.
• Preferred site of injection is the
abdominal wall due to
• Easy access
– Ample subcutaneous tissue
• Absorption is not affected by exercise.
Injection technique
• Tight skin fold
• Spirit…. X
• Appropriate needle size
• 90 degree angle
• Change site to avoid lipodystrophy
Keep the needle perpendicular to skin in order to
avoid variability in absorption (fig-A)
Insert needle upto the hilt (fig-A)
Distribute daily injections over a wide area to avoid
lipodystrophy and other local complications (fig-B)
• Injections: refrigerate
• Pens: do not refrigerate
Shelf life
• One month
once opened
Thank you all
Sparing your valuable time
Patient listening

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Ueda2016 wark shop - insulin therapy - mohamed mashahit

  • 1. Insulin therapy By Prof .Mohamed Mashahit Fayoum University
  • 2. The breakthrough: Toronto 1921 – Banting & Best
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Normal physiologic patterns of glucose and insulin secretion in our body
  • 6. How Is Insulin Normally Secreted?
  • 7. The rapid early rise of insulin secretion in response to a meal is critical, because  it ensures the prompt inhibition of endogenous glucose production by the liver disposal of the mealtime carbohydrate load, thus limiting postprandial glucose excursions.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10. Types of Insulin 1. Rapid-acting 2. Short-acting 3. Intermediate-acting 4. Premixed 5. Basal L A 6. Extended long-acting (Analogs) (Regular) (NPH) (70/30) (Lantus & DETEMIR )
  • 11. Basal insulins NPH • Humulin N (Eli Lilly) • Insulatard (Novo) • Insuman Basal =========================================== Analogs Glargine (Lantus) Lantus Solostar Pen (Sanofi Aventis) Detemir (Levimir) by Novo Degludec
  • 12. Basal Insulins Insulin Type Onset of action Peak of action Duration of action NPH Intermediate acting 1-2 hours 5-7 hours 13-18 hours Glargine (Lantus) Aventis Long acting 1-2 hours Relatively flat Upto 24 hours Detemir (Levimir)Novo Long acting 2-4 hours 8-12 hours 16-20 hours The time course of action of any insulin may vary in different individuals, or at different times in the same individual. Because of this variation, time periods indicated here should be considered general guidelines only.
  • 13. Bolous insulins (Mealtime or prandial) Human Regular • Humulin R (Eli Lilly) • Actrapid (Novo) • Insuman Rapid ========================================== Analogs • Lispro (Humolog) by Eli Lilly • Aspart Novorapid ( Novo ) • Glulisine (Apidra) by Sanofi Aventis
  • 14. Bolous insulins (Mealtime or prandial) Insulin Type Onset of action Peak of action Duration of action Human regular Short acting 30-60 minutes 2-4 hours 8-10 hours Insulin analogs ) Rapid acting 5-15 minutes 1-2 hours 4-5 hours The time course of action of any insulin may vary in different individuals, or at different times in the same individual. Because of this variation, time periods indicated here should be considered general guidelines only.
  • 15. Pre mixed 70/30 (70% N,30% R) • Humulin 70/30 (Eli Lilly) • Mixtard 30 (Novo) • Insuman Comb 30/70 • =================================== Analogs • Novomix 30 and 50 (Novo) • Humolog Mix 25(Lilly) • Humolog Mix 50(Lilly)
  • 16. Inadequate Non pharmacological therapy 1oral agent 2 oral agents 3 oral agents Add Insulin Earlier in the Algorithm •Severe symptoms •Severe hyperglycaemia •Ketosis •pregnancy Proposed Algorithm of therapy for Type 2 Diabetes
  • 18. Advantages of Insulin Therapy • Oldest of the currently available medications, has the most clinical experience • Most effective of the diabetes medications in lowering glycemia – Can decrease any level of elevated HbA1c – No maximum dose of insulin beyond which a therapeutic effect will not occur • Beneficial effects on triglyceride and HDL cholesterol levels Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care 2006;29(8):1963-72.
  • 19. Disadvantages of Insulin Therapy • Weight gain ~ 2-4 kg – May adversely affect cardiovascular health • Hypoglycemia – However, rates of severe hypoglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes are low…  Type 1 DM: 61 events per 100 patient-years  Type 2 DM: 1-3 events per 100 patient-years Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care 2006;29(8):1963-72.
  • 20. Balancing Good Glycemic Control with a Low Risk of Hypoglycemia… Hypoglycemia Glycemic control
  • 21. The ADA Treatment Algorithm for the Initiation and Adjustment of Insulin
  • 22. • If HbA1c is <7%... – Continue regimen and check HbA1c every 3 months • If HbA1c is ≥7%... – Move to Step Two… After 2-3 Months… Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care 2006;29(8):1963-72.
  • 23. Initiating and Adjusting Insulin Continue regimen; check HbA1c every 3 months If fasting BG in target range, check BG before lunch, dinner, and bed. Depending on BG results, add second injection (can usually begin with ~4 units and adjust by 2 units every 3 days until BG in range) Recheck pre-meal BG levels and if out of range, may need to add another injection; if HbA1c continues to be out of range, check 2-hr postprandial levels and adjust preprandial rapid-acting insulin If HbA1c ≤7%... Bedtime intermediate-acting insulin, or bedtime or morning long-acting insulin (initiate with 10 units or 0.2 units per kg) Check FG and increase dose until in target range. If HbA1c 7%... Hypoglycemia or FG >3.89 mmol/l (70 mg/dl): Reduce bedtime dose by ≥4 units (or 10% if dose >60 units) Pre-lunch BG out of range: add rapid-acting insulin at breakfast Pre-dinner BG out of range: add NPH insulin at breakfast or rapid-acting insulin at lunch Pre-bed BG out of range: add rapid-acting insulin at dinner Continue regimen; check HbA1c every 3 months Target range: 3.89-7.22 mmol/L (70-130 mg/dL) Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care. 2006;29(8):1963-72. If HbA1c ≤7%... If HbA1c 7%...
  • 24. With the addition of basal insulin and titration to target FBG levels, only about 60% of patients with type 2 diabetes are able to achieve A1C goals < 7%. In the remaining patients with A1C levels above goal regardless of adequate fasting glucose levels, postprandial blood glucose levels are likely elevated.
  • 25.
  • 26. Continue regimen; check HbA1c every 3 months If fasting BG in target range, check BG before lunch, dinner, and bed. Depending on BG results, add second injection (can usually begin with ~4 units and adjust by 2 units every 3 days until BG in range) Recheck pre-meal BG levels and if out of range, may need to add another injection; if HbA1c continues to be out of range, check 2-hr postprandial levels and adjust preprandial rapid-acting insulin If HbA1c ≤7%... Bedtime intermediate-acting insulin, or bedtime or morning long-acting insulin (initiate with 10 units or 0.2 units per kg) Check FG and increase dose until in target range. If HbA1c 7%... Hypoglycemia or FG >3.89 mmol/l (70 mg/dl): Reduce bedtime dose by ≥4 units (or 10% if dose >60 units) Pre-lunch BG out of range: add rapid-acting insulin at breakfast Pre-dinner BG out of range: add NPH insulin at breakfast or rapid-acting insulin at lunch Pre-bed BG out of range: add rapid-acting insulin at dinner Continue regimen; check HbA1c every 3 months Target range: 3.89-7.22 mmol/L (70-130 mg/dL) If HbA1c ≤7%... If HbA1c 7%... Step Two… Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care. 2006;29(8):1963-72.
  • 27. Step Two: Intensifying Insulin If fasting blood glucose levels are in target range but HbA1c ≥7%, check blood glucose before lunch, dinner, and bed and add a second injection: • If pre-lunch blood glucose is out of range, add rapid-acting insulin at breakfast • If pre-dinner blood glucose is out of range, add NPH insulin at breakfast or rapid-acting insulin at lunch • If pre-bed blood glucose is out of range, add rapid-acting insulin at dinner Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care 2006;29(8):1963-72.
  • 28. Making Adjustments • Can usually begin with ~4 units and adjust by 2 units every 3 days until blood glucose is in range Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care 2006;29(8):1963-72. When number of insulin Injections increase from 1-2………..Stop or taper of insulin secretagogues (sulfonylureas).
  • 29. • If HbA1c is <7%... – Continue regimen and check HbA1c every 3 months • If HbA1c is ≥7%... – Move to Step Three… After 2-3 Months… Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care 2006;29(8):1963-72.
  • 30. Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care. 2006;29(8):1963-72. Continue regimen; check HbA1c every 3 months If fasting BG in target range, check BG before lunch, dinner, and bed. Depending on BG results, add second injection (can usually begin with ~4 units and adjust by 2 units every 3 days until BG in range) Recheck pre-meal BG levels and if out of range, may need to add another injection; if HbA1c continues to be out of range, check 2-hr postprandial levels and adjust preprandial rapid-acting insulin If HbA1c ≤7%... Bedtime intermediate-acting insulin, or bedtime or morning long-acting insulin (initiate with 10 units or 0.2 units per kg) Check FG and increase dose until in target range. If HbA1c 7%... Hypoglycemia or FG >3.89 mmol/l (70 mg/dl): Reduce bedtime dose by ≥4 units (or 10% if dose >60 units) Pre-lunch BG out of range: add rapid-acting insulin at breakfast Pre-dinner BG out of range: add NPH insulin at breakfast or rapid-acting insulin at lunch Pre-bed BG out of range: add rapid-acting insulin at dinner Continue regimen; check HbA1c every 3 months Target range: 3.89-7.22 mmol/L (70-130 mg/dL) If HbA1c ≤7%... If HbA1c 7%... Step Three…
  • 31. Step Three: Further Intensifying Insulin • Recheck pre-meal blood glucose and if out of range, may need to add a third injection • If HbA1c is still ≥ 7% – Check 2-hr postprandial levels – Adjust preprandial rapid-acting insulin Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care 2006;29(8):1963-72.
  • 32.
  • 33. How to start pre mixed (70/30) Insulin
  • 34. For pre mixed insulins(70/30 preparations) Step1:First calculate the total daily starting requirement of insulin; body weight(kg)/2 eg, For a 60kg patient,total daily dose =30 units Step 2:Then devide this dose into 3 equal parts; 10+10+10 Step 3:Give 2 parts in the morning and 1 part in the evening; Morning=20U Evening=10 U
  • 35. Dose titration of Pre-mixed(70/30) preparations
  • 36. You can increase or decrease the dose of pre-mixed insulin by 10 % i.e If the patients is using, 1-10 units…………….+/- 1 unit 11-20 units……………+/- 2 units 21-30 units……………+/- 3 units 31-40 units……………+/- 4 units…………………..
  • 37. Advantages and disadvantages of pre- mixed insulins
  • 38. Advantages: Easy to administer for the physician. Easy to fill and inject by the patient. Provides both basal and bolus coverage with fewer number of injections.
  • 39. Disadvantage: No dose flexability If u increase/decrease the dose of one component ,the dose of other component is also changed un desirably
  • 40.
  • 41. vInsuman Rapid , Insuman Basal , Insuman Comp (30/70)
  • 42. Pearls for practice  Never try to control diabetes with oral hypoglycemic drugs / insulin without first ensuring strict diet control.  Always bring fasting sugar to normal before trying to control post prandial / random blood sugar.  Control any underlying infection/stressful condition vigorously.  Keep meal timings regular with 6 hrs between the three meals.  Do not inject NPH before 11 p.m.  Keep number of calories during the meals same from day to day. The quantity and quality of diet should be same at same timings.  Do not use sliding scale to calculate the dose of insulin.  Use proper technique to inject s/c insulin.  Ensure proper storage of insulin.
  • 43. Key Take-Home Messages • Insulin is the oldest, most studied, and most effective antihyperglycemic agent, but can cause weight gain (2-4 kg) and hypoglycemia • Insulin analogues with longer, non-peaking profiles may decrease the risk of hypoglycemia compared with NPH insulin • Premixed insulin is recommended during those with fixed life style or those who are less educated or less motivated .
  • 44. Key Take-Home Messages, cont’d • When initiating insulin, start with bedtime intermediate- acting insulin, or bedtime or morning long-acting insulin • After 2-3 months, if FBG levels are in target range but HbA1c ≥7%, check BG before lunch, dinner, and bed,and, depending on the results, add 2nd injection (stop sulfonylureas here) • After 2-3 months, if pre-meal BG out of range, may need to add a 3rd injection; if HbA1c is still ≥7% check 2-hr postprandial levels and adjust preprandial rapid-acting insulin.
  • 45.
  • 46. Thank you all For Sparing your valuable time & Patient listening
  • 48. First calculate total daily dose of insulin Body weight in kgs / 2 • e.g; an 80 kg person will require roughly about 40 units / day.
  • 49. Dose calculation……..contd Split the total calculated dose into 4 (four) equal s/c injections. – ¼ of total dose as regular insulin s/c half-hour ( ½ hr ) before the three main meals with 6 hrs gap in between. – ¼ total calculated dose as NPH insulin s/c at 11:00 p.m. with no food to follow.
  • 50. Dose calculation: example For example in an 80-kg diabetic requiring 40 units per day, start with: • 08:00 a.m. --- 10 units regular insulin s/c ½ hr before breakfast. • 02:00 p.m. --- 10 units regular insulin s/c ½ hr before lunch. • 08:00 p.m. --- 10 units regular insulin s/c ½ hr before dinner. • 11:00 p.m. --- 10 units NPH/ lantus insulin s/c
  • 51. Dose adjustment • For adjustment of dosage, check fasting blood sugar the next day and adjust the dose of night time NPH Insulin accordingly i.e. keep on increasing the dose of NPH by approximately 2 units daily until you achieve a normal fasting blood glucose level of 80-110 mg/dl.
  • 52. Control BSF by adjusting the prior the dose of NPH
  • 53. Dose adjustment…contd. • Once the fasting blood glucose has been controlled, check 6-Point blood sugar as follows: – Fasting. – 2 hours after breakfast. – Before lunch (and noon insulin) – 2 hours after lunch. – Before dinner (AND EVENING INSULIN) – 2 hours after dinner
  • 54. Control random sugar level by adjusting the prior dose of regular insulin
  • 55. Dose adjustment…contd. • Now control any raised random reading by adjusting the dose of previously administered regular insulin. • For example: a high post lunch reading will NOT be controlled by increasing the dose of next insulin (as in sliding scale), rather adjustment of the pre-lunch regular insulin on the next day will bring down raised reading to the required levels.
  • 56. Examples • For the following profile: – Blood sugar fasting = 180 mg/dl – Blood sugar after breakfast = 250 mg/dl. – Blood sugar pre lunch = 190 mg/dl – Blood sugar post lunch 270 = mg/dl – Blood sugar pre dinner = 200 mg/dl – Blood sugar post dinner 260 = mg/dl • We need to increase the dose of NPH at night to bring down baseline sugar level (BSF) to around 100 mg/dl after which the profile should automatically adjust as follows: – Blood sugar fasting = 100 mg/dl – Blood sugar 02 hrs after breakfast = 170 mg/dl – Blood sugar pre-lunch = 110 mg/dl – Blood sugar 2 hrs. after lunch = 190 mg/dl – Blood sugar pre-dinner = 120 mg/dl – Blood sugar 2 hrs. post dinner = 180 mg/dl
  • 57. Examples……contd. • Blood sugar fasting = 130 mg/dl • Blood sugar after breakfast = 160 mg/dl • Blood sugar pre-lunch = 130 mg/dl • Blood sugar post lunch = 240 mg/dl • Blood sugar pre-dinner = 180 mg/dl • Blood sugar 2 hrs. post dinner = 200 mg/dl • This patient needs adjustment of pre-lunch regular Insulin which will bring down post lunch and pre dinner readings within normal limits. • 2 hrs post dinner blood sugar(200 mg/dl) will be brought down by adjusting pre dinner regular insulin.
  • 58. Combinations • In types 2 subjects, once the blood sugar profile is normalized and the patient is not under any stress, the total daily dose (morning + noon + night + NPH at 11 p.m) may be divided into two 12 hourly injections of premixed Insulin
  • 59. Examples….contd. • e.g-1; If a patient is stabilized on • 10U R + 12U R + 10U R + 12U NPH; • then he may be shifted to • 44/2 = 22 units of 70/30 Insulin 12 hourly s/c ½ hr before meal. • e.g-2; If the adjusted Insulin is • 14U R+16U R+12U R+8U NPH, • then split the total dose: 30 U 70/30 before breakfast and 20U 70/30 before dinner to compensate for the high morning and lunch Insulin.
  • 60. Combinations………contd. • Problem: Remember that BD dosing usually fails to cover lunch, especially if it is heavy. So: • Always check for post lunch hyperglycemia when using this regimen. • Solution: 1. Patients can be advised to take their lunch (heavier meal) at breakfast; and breakfast (lighter meal) at lunch. 2. Adding Glucobay with lunch some times provides a reasonable control. 3. An alternate combination to overcome the problem is regular insulin for morning and noon, with premixed insulin at night.
  • 61. Example • 10U R before breakfast + 12U R before lunch + 22U 70/30 before dinner. • Insulin will be injected exactly 6 hrs apart as in the QID regimen.
  • 62. Choice of regimens 1. R+ R+ R+ L**** 2. R+ R+ R+ N *** 3. R+ R+ premixed insulin** 4. BD premixed insulins*
  • 64. How to start pre mixed (70/30) Insulin
  • 65. For pre mixed insulins(70/30 preparations) Step1:First calculate the total daily starting requirement of insulin; body weight(kg)/2 eg, For a 60kg patient,total daily dose =30 units Step 2:Then devide this dose into 3 equal parts; 10+10+10 Step 3:Give 2 parts in the morning and 1 part in the evening; Morning=20U Evening=10 U
  • 66. Dose titration of Pre-mixed(70/30) preparations
  • 67. You can increase or decrease the dose of pre-mixed insulin by 10 % i.e If the patients is using, 1-10 units…………….+/- 1 unit 11-20 units……………+/- 2 units 21-30 units……………+/- 3 units 31-40 units……………+/- 4 units…………………..
  • 68. Advantages and disadvantages of pre- mixed insulins
  • 69. Advantages: Easy to administer for the physician. Easy to fill and inject by the patient. Provides both basal and bolus coverage with fewer number of injections.
  • 70. Disadvantage: No dose flexability If u increase/decrease the dose of one component ,the dose of other component is also changed un desirably
  • 71. How to solve the problem of dosage flexibility
  • 73.
  • 74. Disadvantage of split- mixed regimen Mid-night hypoglycemia
  • 75. How to solve the problem of nocturnal hypoglycemia
  • 76. Somogyi phenomenon • Due to – excess dose of night time insulin, or – Night insulin taken early • Peaks at 3:00 a.m: hypoglycemia • Counter regulatory hormones released in excess: • Resulting in over correction of hypoglycemia: • Fasting hyperglycemia • Solution: – Check BSL AT 3 :00 a.m – Give long acting at 11:00 p.m so peak comes later – Reduce dose of night time insulin
  • 77.
  • 78. Dawn phenomenon • Growth hormone surge at dawn raises insulin requirement. • Night time insulin taken early, fades out before dawn. • Fasting hyperglycemia Solution • Give long acting insulin not before 11 :00 p.m • May need to increase dose of night time insulin
  • 80.
  • 81.
  • 82.
  • 83.
  • 84.
  • 85. Remember • Insulin – No miracle drug – Has definite indications As delivery route follows reverse physiology: – Good control is achieved only if residual pancreatic function is preserved to a certain extent i-e: – Starting insulin on time is vital (Concept of early insulinization)
  • 86. Pearls for practice  Never try to control diabetes with oral hypoglycemic drugs / insulin without first ensuring strict diet control.  Always bring fasting sugar to normal before trying to control post prandial / random blood sugar.  Control any underlying infection/stressful condition vigorously.  Keep meal timings regular with 6 hrs between the three meals.  Do not inject NPH before 11 p.m.  Keep number of calories during the meals same from day to day. The quantity and quality of diet should be same at same timings.  Do not use sliding scale to calculate the dose of insulin.  Use proper technique to inject s/c insulin.  Ensure proper storage of insulin.
  • 88. Problems can be avoided • Adherence to time table is all that is required to avoid problems: – Regular meals – Regular injections – Regular excercise
  • 89. Choosing an Insulin with a Lower Risk of Hypoglycemia • Insulin analogues with longer, non-peaking profiles may decrease the risk of hypoglycemia… Nathan DM et al. Diabetes Care 2006;29(8):1963-72.
  • 91. Sites of injection • Arms  • Legs  • Buttocks  • Abdomen 
  • 92. Sites of injection…….contd. • Preferred site of injection is the abdominal wall due to • Easy access – Ample subcutaneous tissue • Absorption is not affected by exercise.
  • 94. Technique • Tight skin fold • Spirit…. X • Appropriate needle size • 90 degree angle • Change site to avoid lipodystrophy
  • 95. Injection technique…….contd. INSTRUCTIONS: Keep the needle perpendicular to skin in order to avoid variability in absorption (fig-A) Insert needle upto the hilt (fig-A) Distribute daily injections over a wide area to avoid lipodystrophy and other local complications (fig-B)
  • 96. Storage • Injections: refrigerate • Pens: do not refrigerate
  • 97. Shelf life • One month once opened
  • 98. Thank you all For Sparing your valuable time & Patient listening