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1. Introduction
2. Embryology
3. Course of the nerve
4. Branches of the nerve
5. Impulse and pain pathway
6. Applied anatomy
7. Conclusion
8. References
•Human nervous system is the
most complex product of
biological evolution which
constitutes of nerve.
• nerves are formed by group
of neurons.
•Neurons are specialized cells that constitute the functional unit of the nerve.
• Each neuron consist of a :
1. Cell body (perikaryon)
2. Axon
3. Dendrites
•The nervous system consist
of three basic functional
types of neurons:
Sensory neuron
Motor neuron
Nervous system
Central nervous system
brain Spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system
Spinal nerves Cranial neres
• spinal nerves: these nerves are by
which the CNS receives information
from and controls the activity of the
spinal cord and pass through
intervertebral foramen in the
vertebral column.
•There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves
8 cervical 12 thoracic 5 lumbar
5 sacral 1 coccygeal
•Cranial nerves: by which the brain receives information
from and controls the activities of the head and neck and to
lesser extend the thoracic and abdomen viscera
• It is the fifth cranial nerve
• It is the largest nerve
• General somatic afferent fibers convey both:
exteroceptive proprioceptive
impulse impulse
1. mucous membrane 1. teeth
2. periodontium
3. hard palate
4. TMJ receptors
Nucleus of trigeminal nerve are:
General somatic afferent brachial efferent nucleus
1. superior sensory nucleus 1. motor nucleus
2. spinal nucleus
3. mesenchephalic nucleus
Trigeminal nerve has three branches:
1. Ophthalmic division: it carries sensory
supply from the structures derived from
frontal process. It is purely sensory
2. Maxillary division : carries fibers from
structures derived from maxillary process
It is purely sensory
3. Mandibular division: it carries sensory
fibers from mandibular process and motor
fibers to muscles of mastication
•Nervous system develops from ectoderm around the 3rd week of
•It overlies notochord
•At the time when neural plate is formed some cells at the junction of the
neural plate and rest of the ectoderm becomes specialized to form the
primordial of the nuclear crest
•From this neural crest several important structures are derived
•The brain and the cranial sensation innervations have their origin in
prediffrentiation period from 3 ectodermal sources:
dorsal neural crest
neural crest
surface epithelium placode
the sensation of pain, temperature, touch, pressure from the skin of the
face and mucous membrane travels along the axon whose cell bodies lie
in the trigeminal ganglion .
it is crecentric in shape
located at the upper surface of the apex of petrous temporal bone
in the middle cranial fossa in a cave called Meckle's cartilage
it is developed from neural crest
the ganglion with its unipolar neurons forms central and peripheral
•The periphery process forms the ophthalmic , maxillary and
mandibular division
•The central process forms the sensory root of the nerve.
•It gives off ascending and descending fibers
•The ascending fibers terminates in the upper sensory nucleus and
the descending fibers terminates in the spinal nucleus
•Few fibers from the mandibular nerve enters the mesenchephalic
Main sensory nucleus:
• It lies in upper Pons laterally to motor
nucleus .
• It continues below with spinal nucleus.
• This gives rise to the dorsal
trigeminothalamic tract , these sensory fibers
ascends upward , then crosses to
opposite side accompanying the
medial lemniscus thalamus.
• These fibers carry touch and temperature
Spinal nucleus:
• Continues superiorly with the
sensory nucleus in the Pons and extends
inferiorly through out the medulla oblongata,
into upper part of the spinal cord
as far as the second cervical segment.
• It conveys pain and temperature sensation
Mesencephalic nucleus:
• It is composed of column of
unipolar nerve cells situated in the
Lateral part of the grey matter
around the cerebral aqueduct in
the mid brain.
• It extends inferiorly into the
Pons as far as the main sensory nucleus.
• Proprioceptic impulse from
• muscles of mastication and teeth.
The efferent fibers are passed from cortico nuclear fibers from
both cerebral hemisphere , from reticular formation of the red nucleus,
the tectum and the medial longitudinal fasciculus to the motor nucleus.
Motor nucleus is located in upper Pons medial to main sensory
From the motor nucleus fibers travel along the medial side of
semi lunar ganglion, passes through foramen ovale through which it
joins the sensory root.
Nasociliary nerve frontal nerve lacrimal nerve
Orbit nasal terminal supraorbital supratrochlear
Branch branches branches nerve nerve
The nerve leaves the anterior medial
part of the ganglion and exist through
Superior orbital fissure
In middle cranial fossa, the nervus
tentorii branches are given to supply
the Dura
The nerve is divided into 3 branches:
• lacrimal nerve
• frontal nerve
• nasociliary nerve
•It supplies sensory fibers to the gland and adjacent conjunctiva.
• In the orbit, postganglionic secretory fibers from the sphenopalatine
ganglion meet and travel along with the lacrimal gland.
•It is divided into :
1. supraorbital
2. supratrochlear.
• Supraorbital: supplies upper eyelid
anterior scalp region.
•Supratrochlear: supplies skin of
upper eyelid.
• Branches are divided into those
1. Arising in orbit
2. Arising in nasal cavity
3. Terminal branches
Branches arising from orbit
1.Short ciliary nerve:
2.Long ciliary nerve: they distribute to iris and cornea
these nerve contain post ganglion fibers, from the superior
cervical sympathetic ganglion.
3. Posterior ethmoid nerve: distributes to mucous membrane lining the
posterior ethmoidal cells and the sphenoid sinus
•4. Anterior ethmoid nerve: distributes to mucous membrane lining the
anterior ethmoidal cells and frontal sinus.
internal nasal. br
external nasal. br
Branches arising from nasal cavity:
Supplies the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity.
Terminal branches:
These terminal branches course below the trochlear nerve to
supply sensory fibers to the skin of the medial part of both eyelids,
lacrimal sac and lacrimal cruncle.
Ciliary ganglion: it lies in the posterior part of the orbital cavity to the
lateral side of the optic nerve medial to the rectus lateralis muscle.
The ciliary ganglion has three roots:
1. motor root: ( preganglioin, parasympathetic) these motor fibers
arises from the nucleus of EDINGER WESTPHAL.
the oculomotor nucleus lies in the gray matter in Mesencephalic. The
axons of the autonomic nucleus with the fibers of the oculomotor
nerve to the ciliary ganglion.
They are the visceral efferent bundle that carries preganglioin fibers to
the ciliary ganglion
•2. sensory root (postganglionic, sympathetic): the sensory fibers of the
ciliary ganglion are derived from the nasociliary nerve of trigeminal
nerve. This root also carries many postganglionic fiber from cell bodies
of the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion. They join nasociliary
nerve. They pass through the ganglion without synapses to innervate
the radial fibers of the dilator pupillae muscle in the iris
3. sympathetic root: these fibers may come from the sensory root of
the nasociliary nerve or directly from the internal carotid plexus. Short
ciliary nerves emerges from the anterior border of the ciliary ganglion.
And continue on the posterior surface of the eye ball.
•Fibers of the short ciliary nerves contains sensory, parasympathetic
and sympathetic fibers. They run in the inner surface of the sclera
towards the iris. The post ganglion fibers to the parasympathetic
group innervates the circular or sphincter , muscles fibers of iris, which
cause the pupil to constrict. They also innervates the ciliary muscle,
which change the convexity of the crystalline lens. Post ganglion
fibers of sym[pathetic group pass to the radial fibers of the dilator
papillae muscles of iris
It transmits sensory fibers from the skin of face between the lower
eyelid, the mouth, the nasal cavity and the sinus.
Branches of maxillary nerve:
in the cranium in pterygopalatine fossa in infaorbital canal on face
Middle meningeal
mid.sup.alv. Nerve ant.sup.alv.nerve
Ganglion branches zygomatic post.aup.alv.nerve
inferior palpebral ext.nasal superior
zygomaticotemporal zyomaticofacial labial
1. Branches with in the cranium:
1. middle meningeal nerve:
immediately after separating from the
trigeminal ganglion, the maxillary nerve gives off
middle meningeal branches.
it passes with the middle meningeal artery.
it fibers supply Dura with sensory fibers.
•2. branches in pterygopalatine fossa:
1. pterygopalatine nerve
2. zygomatic nerve
3. posterior superior alveolar
1. pterygopalatine nerve:
1.orbital branches:
supplies periosteum of the orbit
mucous membrane of part of
posterior ethmoidal sinus
2. nasal branches:
1. nasopalatine nerve: 2. posterior superior lateral nasal
3. Medial or septal branches
3. Palatine branches:
1. greater palatine:
supplies :major part of the hard palate
the palatine gingiva
premaxillary palatine mucosa
floor of the nose and maxillary sinus
2. middle palatine
mucous membrane of the soft palate
3. posterior palatine:
these fibers goes to tonsilar area to supply
2. Zygomatic nerve:
it is divided into:
Zygomaticotemporal zyomaticofacial
•3. posterior superior alveolar nerve:
descends from the main trunk of the maxillary nerve in the pterygopalatine
An internal branch of the posterior superior alveolar nerve goes with a branch
of the internal maxillary artery through the posterior superior alveolar canal.
Opens on the posterior surface of the maxilla.
It supplies posteriolateral wall of
the maxillary sinus and
the molars and their gingiva
•3. branches in the infraorbital canal:
1. middle superior alveolar nerve:
2. anterior superior alveolar nerve:
•The innervations of roots of all the teeth bones and periodontal
structures are derives from terminal branches of large nerves.
• These nerves makes network called dental plexus
dental nerve inter dental branches inter radicular
•Inferior palpebral
•External or lateral nasal branches
•Superior labial branches
It supplies sensory fibers to: It supplies motor fibers to:
Oral cavity Masseter
Tongue Lateral pterygoid muscle
Chin Medial pterygoid muscle
Cheek Temporal muscle
Parotid gland Anterior belly of digastric muscle
Tympanic membrane Mylohyoid
Temporal region Tensor veli palatine
Meninges Tensor tympani
Main trunk divided nerve
Nervus spinosus nerve to medial anterior division posterior division
pterygoid muscle nerves to 1. auriculotemporal
1. lateral pterygoid 2. lingual nerve
2. masseter 3. inferior alveolar. N
3. temporal muscle
4. buccal nerve
1.Nervus spinosus:
It supplies: cartilaginous part of Eustachian tube
middle cranial fossa Dura matter in posterior half
mastoid cells
2. Nerve to the medial pterygoid:
It innervates the medial pterygoid
It has branches that passes close to otic ganglion and
supplies tensor veli palatine
Tensor tympani
•Branches of anterior division;
branches to lateral pterygoid
branch to masseter
branches to temporal:
anterior deep temporal
posterior deep temporal
long buccal nerve
1. Branches to lateral pterygoid muscle: The nerve passes medial to
the lateral pterygoid muscle to supply the motor nerves to the
2. Branches to masseter muscle: The nerve passes above the lateral
pterygoid muscle to transverse the mandible notch and enters the
deep side of the muscle
3. Nerve to the temporal muscle:
1. Anterior deep temporal muscle: Passes upward and
crosses the infratemporal crest of the sphenoid bone. It ends in the
deep part of the anterior portion of the temporal muscle.
2. Posterior deep temporal muscle : The nerve passes deep
part of the temporal muscle.
4. Buccal nerve: The nerve passes in between the two heads of the
lateral pterygoid.
It passes downward , deep to the temporal muscle at the lower end of
the lateral pterygoid muscle.
It emerges under the anterior border of masseter muscle continues
anterior lateral direction
At the level of the occlusal plane of mandibular teeth it crosses in front
of anterior border of the rams and enters in to the cheek through
It gives of branches to skin over the soft cheek
After piercing the buccinators, it supplies the mucous membrane
adherent to the deep surface of the muscle, passes into the
Retro molar triangle and ends by supplying sensory innervations to the
buccal gingiva of the mandibular molars and the adjoining
muccobucal fold
•Branches of posterior division:
1. auriculotemporal nerve
2. lingual nerve
3. inferior alveolar nerve
auriculotemporal branch:
two roots embraces middle meningeal artery and join to form 1 trunk
between the two heads of the lateral pterygoid
passes between the spenomandiular ligament and the condylar head
Transverse the deep part of parotid gland
Crosses the posterior root of the zygomatic arch
Passes with the auriculotemporal artery
Upward and divides into numerous branches
•Communicating branches of the auriculotemporal nerve:
postganglionic parasympathetic secretory fibers
postganglionic sympathetic nerve
communicating branches of facial nerve
•Branches of auriculotemporal nerve:
1. parotid branch
2. articular branch
3. auricular branch
4. metal branch
5. terminal branch
•Lingual nerve:
•Communicating branches of lingual nerve:
it is joined by corda tympani, a branch of facial nerve about the
base of the skull . These fibers convey secretory fibers from the facial
The parasympathetic secretory fibers control submandibular ganglion,
where they synapse.
Inferior alveolar nerve:
•Branches of inferior alveolar nerve :
mental nerve : leaves through mental foramen, and supplies
to mucous membrane lining of the lower lip
incisive nerve: continues anteriorly in the body of the
mandible to form incisive plexus.
• mylohyoid nerve: it is motor to mylohyoid muscle and anterior belly
of digastric muscle
1. To determine, if any of the modalities of sensation are
2. To decide from this whether the lesion lies in one of the
peripheral branch or in the trigeminal ganglion or the sensory root or
in the brain stem
3. To determine the motor lesion is unilateral or bilateral.
•Methods of examination:
here the pain and light are main modalities.
6 areas on the face are tested
1. forehead
2. side of the nose
3. malar region
4. upper lip
5. chin
6. anterior part of the tongue
1. Total loss of sensation :
over whole distribution of the nerve:
tumor eroding at the base of the skull
large neurofibromatosis lesions
basal injuries
over one or more of the main division:
herpes zoster
acoustic neuroma
2. Only touch is lost: pointic lesion effecting the principal sensory
eg: Pontine tumor
Brain stem displacement by large tumor
3. Pain and temperature are lost:
Foramen magnum tumor
Bulbar vascular accidents
Thrombosis of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery
4. Hyperesthesia:
Vascular lesion and herpes
5. Onion skin type of sensory loss:
In nuclear lesion of trigeminal nerve, sensory loss can be in
concentric pattern
This onion skin pattern is useful to understand the pattern of sensory
loss in intrinsic brainstem and spinal cord lesion like syrinx and
vertebrobasilar stroke
Motor function of the trigeminal nerve is tested by evaluating the strength
of masseter muscle contraction. The patient is asked to clench the teeth
together while the clinician feels for equal contraction of the right and left
masseter muscles. This is also done for the temporalis muscles.
•When the inferior lateral pterygoid contracts, the mandible is protruded
and/or the mouth is opened. Functional manipulation is best accomplished
by having the patient make a protrusive movement. The most effective
manipulation, therefore, is to have the patient protrude against resistance
provided by the examiner
Trigeminal reflexes:
1. corneal reflex: Afferent by trigeminal nerve
Efferent by facial nerve
When the opposite eye doesn't blink, a contra lateral facial nerve palsy may
be the cause
When the untested eye only blinks then the facial nerve palsy is ipsilateral
2. Jaw jerks: Afferent by: mandibular
Efferent by: nerve
Abnormal : Ehe jaw jerks are exaggerated and
the pathologically brisk with lesions
effecting motor nucleus
3. Occulocardiac reflex:
It is the sudden physiology response due to the pressure effect or
stretching of the trigeminal nerve.
It is a triad of bradycardia, bradypne, gastric motility changes due to
efferent activation of the vagal nerve
•Neuralgia is the pain in the distribution of nerve or nerves
Cause: Arachnoids thickening or Dural contraction
Meningiomas, vascular compression
Demyelization of nerve fiber leads
Multiple sclerosis
Location: occurs in two zones: mouth-ear zone
nose-orbit zone
Quality of pain: feels like electrical or red hot needle or machine gun
firing re hot bullets
•Triggering of pain:
mouth-ear zone: triggered by motor activities chewing, smiling,
nose-orbit zone: provoked by cutaneous trigger.
1. Pharmacological treatment :
1. Anticonvulsants: carbamazepine: 200mg TID
phenytoin : 300mg QID
gabapentine: 1200-3600mg/day
2. Tricyclin antidepressants: anticholinergic effects
sedative effects
•2. surgical management:
Microvascular decompression Sensory rhizotomy
Radiofrequency rhizotom
Balloon Compression Rhizotomy Percutaneous Glycerol Rhizotomy
Radiofrequency Rhizotomy
Neuropathy pain is pain arising as a direct consequence of any lesion
or disease affecting the stomato sensory system.
Painful traumatic neuropathy:
this may occur following major craniofacial or oral trauma.
this has been termed as phantom tooth pain,, atypical odontalgia
or atypical facial pain
neural damages can be as: peripheral neuropathy
macro trauma
implants: direct injury
persistent pain associate with injury to small nerves.
proximity between implant and large nerve trunk
mandibular third molar extraction.
pain – unilateral
moderate to sever – shooting / burning type
sensory dysfunction
•Treatment :
antidepressant + anticonvulsant
Causative agent is: varicella zoster virus
It is recognized as localized vesicular eruption that is limited
to the dermatomes of the sensory spinal or cranial nerves.
Herpes zoster ophthalmicus is the involvement of the ophthalmic
division ( frontal branch).
Involvement of nasociliary nerve may produce characteristic vesicles
at the tip of the nose known as Hutchinson's signs
The effected dermatomes shows signs of :
Burning sensation
Itching with associated edema
Macular rash
1.acyclovir 200mg for every 4th hour for 5 days
2. vidarabine IV
3. ocular treatment
this is a peripheral intracranial nerve sheath tumor that developed at
the base of the skull and originates from the Schwann cells
It is a benign tumor
Symptoms include: facial pain and numbness
headache or hearing issues
Treatment includes : complete microsurgical removal of the lesion
a group of neurological deficit expressed by altered functions
of the nerve passing through the superior orbital fissure due to nerves
passing through the superior orbital fissure due to dislocation of bony
fragment or comminuted fracture in the region of superior orbital
It is also caused by inflammation and tumor
Symptoms: vision loss
periorbital pain
lacrimal hyposecretions
trigeminal of nerve is the most important nerve pertaining to head,
To know the course and branches of the nerve is at most important
from surgeons point of view as in evident surgical procedures may
lead to nerve damage followed by impaired function of facial
Trigeminal nerve.pptx

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Trigeminal nerve.pptx

  • 2. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Embryology 3. Course of the nerve 4. Branches of the nerve 5. Impulse and pain pathway 6. Applied anatomy 7. Conclusion 8. References
  • 3. INTRODUCTION •Human nervous system is the most complex product of biological evolution which constitutes of nerve. • nerves are formed by group of neurons.
  • 4. •Neurons are specialized cells that constitute the functional unit of the nerve. • Each neuron consist of a : 1. Cell body (perikaryon) 2. Axon 3. Dendrites
  • 5. •The nervous system consist of three basic functional types of neurons: Sensory neuron Motor neuron Interneuron
  • 6. Nervous system Central nervous system brain Spinal cord Peripheral nervous system Spinal nerves Cranial neres
  • 7. • spinal nerves: these nerves are by which the CNS receives information from and controls the activity of the spinal cord and pass through intervertebral foramen in the vertebral column. •There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves 8 cervical 12 thoracic 5 lumbar 5 sacral 1 coccygeal
  • 8. •Cranial nerves: by which the brain receives information from and controls the activities of the head and neck and to lesser extend the thoracic and abdomen viscera
  • 9. TRIGEMINAL NERVE: • It is the fifth cranial nerve • It is the largest nerve • General somatic afferent fibers convey both: exteroceptive proprioceptive impulse impulse 1. mucous membrane 1. teeth 2. periodontium 3. hard palate 4. TMJ receptors
  • 10. Nucleus of trigeminal nerve are: General somatic afferent brachial efferent nucleus 1. superior sensory nucleus 1. motor nucleus 2. spinal nucleus 3. mesenchephalic nucleus
  • 11. Trigeminal nerve has three branches: 1. Ophthalmic division: it carries sensory supply from the structures derived from frontal process. It is purely sensory 2. Maxillary division : carries fibers from structures derived from maxillary process It is purely sensory 3. Mandibular division: it carries sensory fibers from mandibular process and motor fibers to muscles of mastication
  • 12. EMBRYOLOGY OF THE NERVE •Nervous system develops from ectoderm around the 3rd week of development •It overlies notochord •At the time when neural plate is formed some cells at the junction of the neural plate and rest of the ectoderm becomes specialized to form the primordial of the nuclear crest •From this neural crest several important structures are derived
  • 13. •The brain and the cranial sensation innervations have their origin in prediffrentiation period from 3 ectodermal sources: dorsal neural crest neural crest surface epithelium placode
  • 15. •SENSORY ROOT: the sensation of pain, temperature, touch, pressure from the skin of the face and mucous membrane travels along the axon whose cell bodies lie in the trigeminal ganglion . TRIGEMINAL GANGLION: it is crecentric in shape located at the upper surface of the apex of petrous temporal bone in the middle cranial fossa in a cave called Meckle's cartilage it is developed from neural crest the ganglion with its unipolar neurons forms central and peripheral processes
  • 16.
  • 17. •The periphery process forms the ophthalmic , maxillary and mandibular division •The central process forms the sensory root of the nerve. •It gives off ascending and descending fibers •The ascending fibers terminates in the upper sensory nucleus and the descending fibers terminates in the spinal nucleus •Few fibers from the mandibular nerve enters the mesenchephalic nucleus
  • 18.
  • 19. TRIGEMINAL NEUCLEUS: Main sensory nucleus: • It lies in upper Pons laterally to motor nucleus . • It continues below with spinal nucleus. • This gives rise to the dorsal trigeminothalamic tract , these sensory fibers ascends upward , then crosses to opposite side accompanying the medial lemniscus thalamus. • These fibers carry touch and temperature sensation.
  • 20. Spinal nucleus: • Continues superiorly with the sensory nucleus in the Pons and extends inferiorly through out the medulla oblongata, into upper part of the spinal cord as far as the second cervical segment. • It conveys pain and temperature sensation
  • 21. Mesencephalic nucleus: • It is composed of column of unipolar nerve cells situated in the Lateral part of the grey matter around the cerebral aqueduct in the mid brain. • It extends inferiorly into the Pons as far as the main sensory nucleus. • Proprioceptic impulse from • muscles of mastication and teeth.
  • 22. MOTOR ROOT: The efferent fibers are passed from cortico nuclear fibers from both cerebral hemisphere , from reticular formation of the red nucleus, the tectum and the medial longitudinal fasciculus to the motor nucleus. Motor nucleus is located in upper Pons medial to main sensory nucleus. From the motor nucleus fibers travel along the medial side of semi lunar ganglion, passes through foramen ovale through which it joins the sensory root.
  • 23.
  • 24. BRANCHES OF TRIGEMINAL NERVE OPHTHALMIC NERVE Nasociliary nerve frontal nerve lacrimal nerve Orbit nasal terminal supraorbital supratrochlear Branch branches branches nerve nerve
  • 25. The nerve leaves the anterior medial part of the ganglion and exist through Superior orbital fissure In middle cranial fossa, the nervus tentorii branches are given to supply the Dura The nerve is divided into 3 branches: • lacrimal nerve • frontal nerve • nasociliary nerve
  • 26. •LACRIMAL NERVE •It supplies sensory fibers to the gland and adjacent conjunctiva. • In the orbit, postganglionic secretory fibers from the sphenopalatine ganglion meet and travel along with the lacrimal gland.
  • 27. FRONTAL NERVE: •It is divided into : 1. supraorbital 2. supratrochlear. • Supraorbital: supplies upper eyelid forehead, anterior scalp region. •Supratrochlear: supplies skin of upper eyelid.
  • 28. NASOCILIARY NERVE: • Branches are divided into those 1. Arising in orbit 2. Arising in nasal cavity 3. Terminal branches
  • 29. Branches arising from orbit 1.Short ciliary nerve: 2.Long ciliary nerve: they distribute to iris and cornea these nerve contain post ganglion fibers, from the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion.
  • 30. 3. Posterior ethmoid nerve: distributes to mucous membrane lining the posterior ethmoidal cells and the sphenoid sinus
  • 31. •4. Anterior ethmoid nerve: distributes to mucous membrane lining the anterior ethmoidal cells and frontal sinus. •Branches: internal nasal. br external nasal. br
  • 32. Branches arising from nasal cavity: Supplies the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity. Terminal branches: These terminal branches course below the trochlear nerve to supply sensory fibers to the skin of the medial part of both eyelids, lacrimal sac and lacrimal cruncle.
  • 33. •GANGLION ASSOCIATED WITH OPHTHALMIC DIVISION: Ciliary ganglion: it lies in the posterior part of the orbital cavity to the lateral side of the optic nerve medial to the rectus lateralis muscle. The ciliary ganglion has three roots: 1. motor root: ( preganglioin, parasympathetic) these motor fibers arises from the nucleus of EDINGER WESTPHAL. the oculomotor nucleus lies in the gray matter in Mesencephalic. The axons of the autonomic nucleus with the fibers of the oculomotor nerve to the ciliary ganglion. They are the visceral efferent bundle that carries preganglioin fibers to the ciliary ganglion
  • 34. •2. sensory root (postganglionic, sympathetic): the sensory fibers of the ciliary ganglion are derived from the nasociliary nerve of trigeminal nerve. This root also carries many postganglionic fiber from cell bodies of the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion. They join nasociliary nerve. They pass through the ganglion without synapses to innervate the radial fibers of the dilator pupillae muscle in the iris
  • 35. 3. sympathetic root: these fibers may come from the sensory root of the nasociliary nerve or directly from the internal carotid plexus. Short ciliary nerves emerges from the anterior border of the ciliary ganglion. And continue on the posterior surface of the eye ball. •Fibers of the short ciliary nerves contains sensory, parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers. They run in the inner surface of the sclera towards the iris. The post ganglion fibers to the parasympathetic group innervates the circular or sphincter , muscles fibers of iris, which cause the pupil to constrict. They also innervates the ciliary muscle, which change the convexity of the crystalline lens. Post ganglion fibers of sym[pathetic group pass to the radial fibers of the dilator papillae muscles of iris
  • 36. MAXILLARY NERVE It transmits sensory fibers from the skin of face between the lower eyelid, the mouth, the nasal cavity and the sinus.
  • 37. Branches of maxillary nerve: in the cranium in pterygopalatine fossa in infaorbital canal on face Middle meningeal mid.sup.alv. Nerve ant.sup.alv.nerve Ganglion branches zygomatic post.aup.alv.nerve inferior palpebral ext.nasal superior zygomaticotemporal zyomaticofacial labial
  • 38. 1. Branches with in the cranium: 1. middle meningeal nerve: immediately after separating from the trigeminal ganglion, the maxillary nerve gives off middle meningeal branches. it passes with the middle meningeal artery. it fibers supply Dura with sensory fibers.
  • 39. •2. branches in pterygopalatine fossa: 1. pterygopalatine nerve 2. zygomatic nerve 3. posterior superior alveolar 1. pterygopalatine nerve: 1.orbital branches: supplies periosteum of the orbit mucous membrane of part of posterior ethmoidal sinus
  • 40. 2. nasal branches: 1. nasopalatine nerve: 2. posterior superior lateral nasal nerve 3. Medial or septal branches
  • 41. 3. Palatine branches: 1. greater palatine: supplies :major part of the hard palate the palatine gingiva premaxillary palatine mucosa floor of the nose and maxillary sinus 2. middle palatine mucous membrane of the soft palate 3. posterior palatine: these fibers goes to tonsilar area to supply tonsil
  • 42. 2. Zygomatic nerve: it is divided into: Zygomaticotemporal zyomaticofacial
  • 43. •3. posterior superior alveolar nerve: descends from the main trunk of the maxillary nerve in the pterygopalatine fossa. An internal branch of the posterior superior alveolar nerve goes with a branch of the internal maxillary artery through the posterior superior alveolar canal. Opens on the posterior surface of the maxilla. It supplies posteriolateral wall of the maxillary sinus and the molars and their gingiva
  • 44. •3. branches in the infraorbital canal: 1. middle superior alveolar nerve: 2. anterior superior alveolar nerve:
  • 45. •The innervations of roots of all the teeth bones and periodontal structures are derives from terminal branches of large nerves. • These nerves makes network called dental plexus SUPERIOR DENTAL PLEXUS dental nerve inter dental branches inter radicular
  • 46. •TREMINAL BRANCHES ON FACE: •Inferior palpebral •External or lateral nasal branches •Superior labial branches
  • 47. MANDIBULAR DIVISION: It supplies sensory fibers to: It supplies motor fibers to: Oral cavity Masseter Tongue Lateral pterygoid muscle Chin Medial pterygoid muscle Cheek Temporal muscle Parotid gland Anterior belly of digastric muscle Tympanic membrane Mylohyoid Temporal region Tensor veli palatine Meninges Tensor tympani
  • 48. BRANCHES OF MANDIBULAR NERVE Main trunk divided nerve Nervus spinosus nerve to medial anterior division posterior division pterygoid muscle nerves to 1. auriculotemporal 1. lateral pterygoid 2. lingual nerve 2. masseter 3. inferior alveolar. N 3. temporal muscle 4. buccal nerve
  • 49.
  • 50. 1.Nervus spinosus: It supplies: cartilaginous part of Eustachian tube middle cranial fossa Dura matter in posterior half mastoid cells 2. Nerve to the medial pterygoid: It innervates the medial pterygoid It has branches that passes close to otic ganglion and supplies tensor veli palatine Tensor tympani
  • 51. •Branches of anterior division; branches to lateral pterygoid branch to masseter branches to temporal: anterior deep temporal posterior deep temporal long buccal nerve
  • 52. 1. Branches to lateral pterygoid muscle: The nerve passes medial to the lateral pterygoid muscle to supply the motor nerves to the muscle 2. Branches to masseter muscle: The nerve passes above the lateral pterygoid muscle to transverse the mandible notch and enters the deep side of the muscle 3. Nerve to the temporal muscle: 1. Anterior deep temporal muscle: Passes upward and crosses the infratemporal crest of the sphenoid bone. It ends in the deep part of the anterior portion of the temporal muscle. 2. Posterior deep temporal muscle : The nerve passes deep part of the temporal muscle.
  • 53. 4. Buccal nerve: The nerve passes in between the two heads of the lateral pterygoid. It passes downward , deep to the temporal muscle at the lower end of the lateral pterygoid muscle. It emerges under the anterior border of masseter muscle continues anterior lateral direction At the level of the occlusal plane of mandibular teeth it crosses in front of anterior border of the rams and enters in to the cheek through buccinators It gives of branches to skin over the soft cheek After piercing the buccinators, it supplies the mucous membrane adherent to the deep surface of the muscle, passes into the
  • 54. Retro molar triangle and ends by supplying sensory innervations to the buccal gingiva of the mandibular molars and the adjoining muccobucal fold
  • 55. •Branches of posterior division: 1. auriculotemporal nerve 2. lingual nerve 3. inferior alveolar nerve
  • 56. auriculotemporal branch: two roots embraces middle meningeal artery and join to form 1 trunk between the two heads of the lateral pterygoid passes between the spenomandiular ligament and the condylar head Transverse the deep part of parotid gland Crosses the posterior root of the zygomatic arch Passes with the auriculotemporal artery Upward and divides into numerous branches
  • 57. •Communicating branches of the auriculotemporal nerve: postganglionic parasympathetic secretory fibers postganglionic sympathetic nerve communicating branches of facial nerve •Branches of auriculotemporal nerve: 1. parotid branch 2. articular branch 3. auricular branch 4. metal branch 5. terminal branch
  • 59. •Communicating branches of lingual nerve: it is joined by corda tympani, a branch of facial nerve about the base of the skull . These fibers convey secretory fibers from the facial nerve The parasympathetic secretory fibers control submandibular ganglion, where they synapse.
  • 61. •Branches of inferior alveolar nerve : mental nerve : leaves through mental foramen, and supplies to mucous membrane lining of the lower lip incisive nerve: continues anteriorly in the body of the mandible to form incisive plexus.
  • 62. • mylohyoid nerve: it is motor to mylohyoid muscle and anterior belly of digastric muscle
  • 64. EXAMINATION OF TRIGEMINAL NERVE: Purpose: 1. To determine, if any of the modalities of sensation are impaired. 2. To decide from this whether the lesion lies in one of the peripheral branch or in the trigeminal ganglion or the sensory root or in the brain stem 3. To determine the motor lesion is unilateral or bilateral.
  • 65. •Methods of examination: here the pain and light are main modalities. 6 areas on the face are tested 1. forehead 2. side of the nose 3. malar region 4. upper lip 5. chin 6. anterior part of the tongue
  • 66. •Abnormalities: 1. Total loss of sensation : over whole distribution of the nerve: tumor eroding at the base of the skull large neurofibromatosis lesions epidermoids basal injuries over one or more of the main division: herpes zoster acoustic neuroma
  • 67. 2. Only touch is lost: pointic lesion effecting the principal sensory nucleus eg: Pontine tumor Brain stem displacement by large tumor 3. Pain and temperature are lost: Syrinobulbia Foramen magnum tumor Bulbar vascular accidents Thrombosis of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery
  • 68. 4. Hyperesthesia: Vascular lesion and herpes 5. Onion skin type of sensory loss: In nuclear lesion of trigeminal nerve, sensory loss can be in concentric pattern This onion skin pattern is useful to understand the pattern of sensory loss in intrinsic brainstem and spinal cord lesion like syrinx and vertebrobasilar stroke
  • 69. EXAMINATION OF THE MOTOR NERVE: Motor function of the trigeminal nerve is tested by evaluating the strength of masseter muscle contraction. The patient is asked to clench the teeth together while the clinician feels for equal contraction of the right and left masseter muscles. This is also done for the temporalis muscles.
  • 70. •When the inferior lateral pterygoid contracts, the mandible is protruded and/or the mouth is opened. Functional manipulation is best accomplished by having the patient make a protrusive movement. The most effective manipulation, therefore, is to have the patient protrude against resistance provided by the examiner
  • 71. Trigeminal reflexes: 1. corneal reflex: Afferent by trigeminal nerve Efferent by facial nerve When the opposite eye doesn't blink, a contra lateral facial nerve palsy may be the cause When the untested eye only blinks then the facial nerve palsy is ipsilateral
  • 72. 2. Jaw jerks: Afferent by: mandibular Efferent by: nerve Abnormal : Ehe jaw jerks are exaggerated and the pathologically brisk with lesions effecting motor nucleus
  • 73. 3. Occulocardiac reflex: It is the sudden physiology response due to the pressure effect or stretching of the trigeminal nerve. It is a triad of bradycardia, bradypne, gastric motility changes due to efferent activation of the vagal nerve
  • 74. TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA : •Neuralgia is the pain in the distribution of nerve or nerves Cause: Arachnoids thickening or Dural contraction Meningiomas, vascular compression Demyelization of nerve fiber leads Multiple sclerosis Tumor Location: occurs in two zones: mouth-ear zone nose-orbit zone Quality of pain: feels like electrical or red hot needle or machine gun firing re hot bullets
  • 75. •Triggering of pain: mouth-ear zone: triggered by motor activities chewing, smiling, yawning. nose-orbit zone: provoked by cutaneous trigger.
  • 76. Management: 1. Pharmacological treatment : 1. Anticonvulsants: carbamazepine: 200mg TID phenytoin : 300mg QID gabapentine: 1200-3600mg/day 2. Tricyclin antidepressants: anticholinergic effects sedative effects
  • 77. •2. surgical management: • Microvascular decompression Sensory rhizotomy Radiofrequency rhizotom
  • 78. Balloon Compression Rhizotomy Percutaneous Glycerol Rhizotomy Radiofrequency Rhizotomy
  • 79. TRIGEMINAL NEUROPATHY: Neuropathy pain is pain arising as a direct consequence of any lesion or disease affecting the stomato sensory system. Painful traumatic neuropathy: this may occur following major craniofacial or oral trauma. this has been termed as phantom tooth pain,, atypical odontalgia or atypical facial pain neural damages can be as: peripheral neuropathy ganglionopathy radiculopathy
  • 80. •Causes: macro trauma implants: direct injury persistent pain associate with injury to small nerves. proximity between implant and large nerve trunk mandibular third molar extraction. Features: pain – unilateral moderate to sever – shooting / burning type sensory dysfunction •Treatment : antidepressant + anticonvulsant
  • 81. HERPES ZOSTER OPHTHALMICUS: Causative agent is: varicella zoster virus It is recognized as localized vesicular eruption that is limited to the dermatomes of the sensory spinal or cranial nerves. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus is the involvement of the ophthalmic division ( frontal branch). Involvement of nasociliary nerve may produce characteristic vesicles at the tip of the nose known as Hutchinson's signs
  • 82. The effected dermatomes shows signs of : hyperesthesia Pain Burning sensation Itching with associated edema Erythema Macular rash
  • 83. Treatment: 1.acyclovir 200mg for every 4th hour for 5 days 2. vidarabine IV 3. ocular treatment
  • 84. •TUMORS OF THE NERVE TRIGEMINAL SCHWANNOMA: this is a peripheral intracranial nerve sheath tumor that developed at the base of the skull and originates from the Schwann cells It is a benign tumor Symptoms include: facial pain and numbness headache or hearing issues Treatment includes : complete microsurgical removal of the lesion
  • 85. •SUPERIOR ORBITAL FISSURE SYNDROME: a group of neurological deficit expressed by altered functions of the nerve passing through the superior orbital fissure due to nerves passing through the superior orbital fissure due to dislocation of bony fragment or comminuted fracture in the region of superior orbital fracture It is also caused by inflammation and tumor Symptoms: vision loss periorbital pain diplopia anesthesia lacrimal hyposecretions
  • 86. CONCLUSION: trigeminal of nerve is the most important nerve pertaining to head, To know the course and branches of the nerve is at most important from surgeons point of view as in evident surgical procedures may lead to nerve damage followed by impaired function of facial structures.