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MDS First Year
• The nervous system of man is made up of innumerable neurons
which further constitute the nerve fibres
• Nerve :
A bundle of fibers that uses chemical and electrical signals to
transmit sensory and motor information from one body part of
the body to another.
• Neurons :
These are specialized cells that constitute the functional units of
the nervous system and has a special property of being able to
conduct impulses rapidly from onepart of the body to another.
• The cranial nerves are composed of twelve pairs of nerves
that originate from the nervous tissue of the brain.
• In order to reach their targets they must ultimately
exit/enter the cranium through openings in the skull.
• Hence, their name is derived from their association with
the cranium.
Nerve in order
1. Cranial Nerve I - Olfactory
2. Cranial Nerve II - Optic
3. Cranial Nerve III - Occulomotor
4. Cranial Nerve IV - Trochlear
5. Cranial Nerve V - Trigeminal
6. Cranial Nerve VI - Abducens
7. Cranial Nerve VII - Facial
8. Cranial Nerve VIII- Vestibulocochlear
9. Cranial Nerve IX - Glossopharyngeal
10.Cranial Nerve X - Vagus
11.Cranial Nerve XI - Spinal Accessory
12.Cranial Nerve XII - Hypoglossal
• The trigeminal nerve is so called because of its three main divisions i.e.
the Ophthalmic, Maxillary & Mandibular nerves.
• It is the largest of the cranial nerves.
• It is the fifth cranial nerve
• It is a mixed nerve : Sensory and Motor
• It is sensory to the greater part of the scalp, the teeth, and the oral and
nasal cavities.
• Motor supply is to the MOM. Proprioceptive nerve fibres arise from
the masticatory and extra-ocular muscles.
• A cranial nerve nucleus is a collection of neurons (gray
matter) in the brain stem that is associated with one or
more cranial nerves.
• Axons carrying information to and from the cranial nerves
form a synapse first at these nuclei.
• Lesions occurring at these nuclei can lead to effects
resembling those seen by the severing of nerve(s) they are
associated with.
1.Mesencephalic nucleus :
• Cell body of Pseudounipolar neuron
• Relay proprioception from muscles of mastication, Extra
ocular Muscles, Facial muscles.
• Situated in Midbrain just latetral to Aqueduct.
2.Principal sensory nucleus
• Lies in Pons lateral to Motor nucleus
• Relays touch sensation
3.Spinal nucleus
• Extends from caudal end of principal sensory Nucleus in
pons to 2nd or 3rd spinal segment
• It relays Pain and Temperature
• Innervates muscles of mastication and tensor tympani and
tensor palatini
• Derived from first branchial arch.
• Located in pons medial to principle sensory nucleus.
Sensory Root
Motor Root
Gingiva, Oral, Nasal, Cavities, Para nasal sinus, Conjunctiva
and Cornea.
Pain, temp, light touch touch, pressure proprioception
Trigeminal gang. Bypasses trigem gang.
sensory root
Spinal nuc. Principal sen nuc. Mesencephalic
Muscles of mastication Tensor tympani
Masseter Tensor palatini
Lateral & Medial Pterygoids
• Both motor and sensory root are attached ventrally to
junction of pons and middle cerebellar peduncle with
motor root lying ventromedially to the sensory root.
• Pass anteriorly in middle cranial fossa to lie below
tentorium cerebelli in cavum trigeminale, here motor root
lies inferior to sensory root.
• Sensory root connected to postromedial concave border of
the trigeminal ganglion.
• Convex antrolatateral margin of the ganglion gives
attachment to the 3 div. of the trigeminal nerve.
• Motor root turns further inferior with sensory component
of V3 to emerge out of foramen Ovale as Mandibular nerve.
• Ophthalmic and Maxillary division emerges through
Superior orbital fissure and foramen Rotundum
• Cresentric in shape with convexity anterolaterally.
• Contains cell bodies of pseudounipolar neurons.
• LOCATION: lies in a bony fossa at apex of the petrous
temporal bone on floor of middle cranial fossa, just
lateral to posterior part of lateral wall of the cavernous
• COVERINGS: covered by dural pouch = MECKLES
CAVE or CAVUM TRIGEMINALE cave lined by pia and
arachnoid thus the ganglion is bathed in CSF.
• ARTERIAL SUPPLY: Ganglionic branches of Internal
Carotid Artery, middle meningeal artery and accessory
meningeal artery.
• SUPERIORLY: *superior petrosal sinus
*free margin of tentorium cerebelli
• INFERIORLY: *motor root
*greater petrosal nerve
*petrous apex
*foramen lacerum
• MEDIALLY: *posterior part of lateral wall of cavernous
*Internal Carotid Artery with its sympathetic
• LATERALLY: *uncus of temporal lobe
*middle meningeal artery and vein
*nervous spinosum
• It is the superior division of the V nerve & is the
• Leaves the cranium and enters the orbit through
superior orbital fissure.
• It is wholly sensory.
• It has 3 branches. All 3 of them pass through the sup.
Orbital fissure into the orbit.
• They are;
1.Lacrimal nerve
2.Frontal nerve
3.Nasocilliary nerve
1. Lacrimal nerve:
• It is the smallest.
• It supplies the lacrimal gland & the conjuntiva. It pireces the
orbital septum and ends in the skin of the upper eyelid.
2) Frontal nerve:
• It is the largest branch & appears to be the direct continuation
of the ophthalmic division.
• It enters the orbit through the SOF divides into 2 branches.
i. The supra orbital branch: It is larger & more laterally placed.
It supplies the skin of the forehead &
scalp as far back as the vertex.
It also supplies the mucous membrane
of the frontal sinus & pericranium
ii. The supra trochlear branch: It is smaller & more medially
placed. It curves upward on the
forehead , close to the bone.
It supplies the skin of the upper
eyelid & lower part of theforehead.
3) Nasocilliary nerve:
• It is intermediate in size & runs more deeply. Its branches
are divided as following;
i. Branches in the Orbit
ii. Branches in the Nasal cavity
iii. Branches on the face
(I) Branches in the Orbit:
i. Long root of the cilliary ganglion: It is sensory &
passes through the ganglion without synapsing and
supplies the eyeball.
ii. Long ciliary nerve: Supplies the Iris & Cornea.
iii. Posterior ethmoidal nerve: It enters the post
ethmoidal canal & supplies to the mucous membrane
lining of the Post. Etmoidal & Sphenoidal paranasal air
iv. Anterior ethmoidal nerve: It supplies to the Ant.ethmoidal
& frontal paranasal air cells. In the upper part of the nasal
cavity, it further divides into:
1) Internal nasal branches: It has medialseptal branches to
the septal membrane. It also has lateral branches, which
supply the nasal conchae & the ant. nasal wall
2) External nasal branches: supplies the skin on the tip & ala
of the nose.
2) Branches in the nasal cavity:
The branches arising here supply the mucous membrane of
the nasal cavity.
3) Terminal branches on the face:
They supply sensory nerves to the skin of the medial parts
of the both eyelids, the lacrimal sac. They also supply skin on
the bridge of the nose.
• This is the second & intermediate division of the trigeminal
• It is wholly sensory.
• Course: It begins at the middle of the trigeminal ganglion as a
flattened, plexiform band, passes horizontally forwards along
the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus. It leaves the skull
through the foramen rotundum & becomes more cylindrical &
firmer in texture.It crosses the upper part of the pterygopalatine
fossa, inclines laterally on the posterior part of the orbital
process of the maxilla & enters the orbit through the inferior
orbital fissure.It is now termed as the infra orbital nerve. It passes
through the infra orbital groove & canal in the floor of the orbit
& appears on the face through the infra orbital foramen.
• The branches of the maxillary nerve can be divided into
the following 4 groups:
1) In the cranium: Meningeal
2) In the pterygopalatine fossa: Ganglionic, Zygomatic,
Post.superior alveolar
3) In the infra orbital canal: Middle sup. alveolar,
Anterior superior/ Greater alveolar
4) On the face: Palpebral, nasal, superior labial
I. Branch given off on the cranium
1. Meningeal branch: It is given off near the foramen
rotundum. It supplies the duramater of the anterior &
middle cranial fossae.
II. Branches in the pterygopalatine fossa.
1. The ganglionic branches: They connect the maxillary
nerve to the pterygopalatine ganglion.They contain secretomotor
fibres to the lacrimal gland. They provide sensory fibres to the
orbital periosteum & mucous membrane of the nose, palate &
2. The zygomatic nerve: It arises in the pterygopalatine
fosssa from the maxillary nerve and travels anteriorly ,
entering through the inferior orbital fissure where it divides into 2
branches. The Zygomaticofacial nerve perforates the facial
surfaces & supplies the skin over the zygomatic bone..
• The Zygomaticotemporal nerve perforates the temporal surface of
the zygomatic bone , pierces the temporalis fascia, & supplies the
skin over the anterior temporal fossa region.
3. Posterior superior alveolar nerve:
• It begins in the pterygopalatine fossa but divides into 3 branches
which emerge through the pterygomaxillary fissure.
• 2 branches enter the posterior wall of the maxilla above the
tuberosity & supply the 3 molar teeth(except the mesiobuccal root
of first molar).
• The third branch pierces the buccinator & supplies the adjoining
part of the gingiva & cheek along the buccal side of the upper
molar teeth.
The branches of the Pterygopalatine ganglion are:
I. Orbital branches: periosteum of the orbit.Posterior ethmoidal &
sphenoidal air cells.
II. Palatine branches:
1.Anterior/greater palatine : mucosa of the hard palate & palatal gingiva.
2.Middle palatine : mucous membrane of the soft palate
3.Posterior palatine : mucous membrane of the Tonsillar area.
III. Nasal branches:
1.Posterior superior lateral : posterior part of the nasal conchae
2.Nasopalatine/Sphenopalatine : mucous membrane of the premaxilla.
IV. Pharyngeal branch: mucous membrane of the nasopharynx
III. Branches in the Infraorbital canal
( Infraorbital nerve)
1. Middle superior alveolar nerve:
• It arises from the Infra orbital nerve & runs downwards & forwards
along the infraorbital groove along the lateral wall of the maxillary
• It divides into branches which supply the maxillary premolars &
mesiobuccal root of the first molar teeth.
2. Anterior superior alveolar nerve:
• It also arises in the infraorbital canal near the mid point. It runs in the
anterior wall of the maxillary antrum. It runs inferiorly & divides into
the branches, which supply the canine & incisors.
• A nasal branch from this nerve, given off from the superior dental
plexus supplies the mucous membrane of the anterior part of the lateral
wall & floor of the nasal cavity. It ends in the nasal septum.
• IV. Branches given on the face:
1. The palpebral branches:
• They arise deep to the orbicularis oculi & pierce the muscle, supplying
the skin over the lower eyelid& lateral angle of the eye along with the
Zygomaticofacial & Facial nerves.
2. The nasal branches:
• They supply the skin of the nose & tip of the nasal septum & join the
External nasal branch of the anterior ethmoidal nerve.
3. The superior labial branches:
• These are large & numerous. They supply the skin over the anterior
part of the cheek & upper lip including the mucous membrane & labial
glands. They are joined by the facial nerve & form the infraorbital
• It is the third & largest division of the trigeminal nerve.
• It is made up of 2 roots: a large sensory root which proceeds
from the lateral part of the trigeminal ganglion & almost
immediately emerges out through the foramen ovale & a small
motor root which passes below the ganglion, & unites with the
sensory root just outside the foramen.
• Immediately beyond the junction of the 2 roots, the nerve sends
off the meningeal branch & the nerve to the medial pterygoid.
Now the main trunk divides into a small anterior & a large
posterior trunk.
• As it descends from the foramen, the mandibular nerve lies at a
distance of 4 cm from the surface & a little in front of the neck
of the mandible.
The braches of the Mandibular nerve:
I. Branches of the undivided nerve.
i. Meningeal branch/nervus spinosus.
ii. Nerve to the medial pterygoid
II. Branches of the divided nerve:
(A) Anterior division: (B) Posterior division:
1.Buccal nerve 1. Auriculotemporal nerve
2.Massetric nerve 2.Lingual nerve
3.Deep temporal nerve 3.Inferior alveolar nerve
4.Nerve to the lateral pterygoid
1.Meningeal nerve:
• It enters the skull through the foramen spinosum along
with MMA.
• It has anterior & posterior divisions that supply the dura
of the middle & anterior cranial fossae.
2. Nerve to the medial pterygoid:
• It is a slender branch that supplies to the deep surface of
the muscle.
• It also gives 1-2 filaments to the tensor tympani & the
tensor veli palati muscles.
I. Anterior division
1.The buccal nerve:
• It passes between the 2 heads of the lateral pterygoid &
descends beneath or through the temporalis. It emerges
from under cover of the ramus & ant. border of the
masseter & unites with the buccal branches of he facial
• It supplies the skin over the ant. part of the buccinator &
mucous membrane lining the buccal surface of the gum.
2.The massetric nerve:
• Passes laterally above the lateral pterygoid in front of the TMJ &
behind the tendon of temporalis.
• It passes through the mandibular notch to sink into the masseter
• It also gives a branch to the TMJ.
3.The deep temporal nerves:
• They are 2 in number.
• They pass above the upper head of the lateral pterygoid, turn above
the infra temporal crest & sink into the deep part of the temporalis
4.The nerve to the lateral pterygoid
• These are 2 in number; one supplying each muscle head.
II.Posterior Division
1.The Auriculotemporal nerve:
Course of the nerve
• The auriculotemporal nerve arises by a medial & lateral roots,
that enclircle the MMA & unite behind it just below the
foramen spinosum.
• The united nerve passes backwards, deep to the lateral
pterygoid muscle & passes between the sphenomandibular
ligament & the neck of the condyle.
• It then passes laterally behind the TMJ i.r.t. to the upper part of
the parotid. It emerges from behind the TMJ, ascends posterior
to the superficial temporal vessels & crosses the posterior root of
the zygomatic arch.
Branches of the Auriculotemporal nerve:
1. Parotid branches: secretomotor, vasomotor.
2. Articular branches: to the TMJ.
3. Auricular branches: to the skin of the helix & tragus.
4. Meatal branches: Meatus of the tymphanic
5. Terminal branches: Scalp over the temporal region
Lingual nerve
• It lies between the ramus of the mandible & the muscle in the
pterygomandibular space.
• It then passes deep to reach the side of the tongue. Here it lies in
the lateral lingual sulcus against the deep surface of the
mandible on the medial side of the roots of the third molar tooth
where it is covered only by mucous membrane of the gum.
• From here it passes on to the side of tongue where it is crosses
the styloglossus & runs on the lateral surface of the hyoglossus
& deep to the mylohyoid in close relation to the deep part of the
submandibular gland &its duct.
• It gives off sensory fibres to the tonsil & the mucous membrane
of the posterior part of the oral cavity.
Branches of lingual nerve and its communications:
1.Chorda tympani
2.Communications with submandibular ganglion
3.Hypoglossal nerve
Inferior alveolar nerve
• It is the largest terminal branch of the posterior division of the
mandibular nerve.
• The nerve descends deep to the lateral pterygoid muscle at the
lower border of the muscle, it passes b/n the sphenomandibular
ligament & the ramus to enter the mandibular foramen.
• In the canal the nerve runs alongside the inferior alveolar artery
as far as the mental foramen where it emerges out& gives off the
mental & incisive branches.
• From here the nerve runs in the canal giving of branches to the
mandibular teeth as apical fibres & enters the apical foramina
of the teeth to supply mainly the pulp as well as the
Branches of the nerve :
1. Mental nerve: it supplies to the skin of the chin & the
mucous membrane as well as the skin of the lower lip.
2. Incisive branch: continues anteriorly from the mental
nerve in the body of the mandible to form the incisive
plexus & supplies the canine & incisors.
3. Mylohyoid nerve: it is given of before the nerve enters
the canal & contains both sensory & motor fibres.It
pierces the sphenomandibular ligament, descends in a
groove in the medial side of the ramus & passes beneath
the mylohyoid line supplying the mylohyoid muscle as
well as the anterior belly of the digastric.
Ganglia Associated With The
Trigeminal Nerve
1.Cilliary Ganglion: connected with nasocilliary nerve by
ganglionic branches in orbit, non synapsing sensory for orbit
2.Pterygopalatine Ganglion: connected to maxillary nerve in
infratemporal fossa sensory to orbital septum, orbicularis and
nasal cavity, max sinus, palate, nasopharynx.
3. Otic Ganglion: betwn trunk of mandibular n and tensor palatini,
nerve to med pterygoid passes thru but does not synapse in the
4.Submandibular Ganglion: related to lingual n, rests on
hypoglossus supplies post gang. Parasym secretomotor fibres to
submandibular and sublingual gland.
Examination Of Trigeminal
1. Sensation Function
2. Motor Function
3. Corneal reflex
4. Test jaw jerk
• Sensation function
Use sterile sharp item on forehead, cheek,
and jaw
If any abnormality present we test the
thermal sensation and light touch
• Corneal reflex
A clean piece of cotton wool and ask the
patient to look away gently touch the cornea
with the cotton wool and the patient will
• Test jaw jerk
Doctor finger on tip of
jaw, grip patellar
hammer halfway up shaft
and tap finger lightly
usually nothing happens,
or just a slight closure.
Trigeminal Neuralgia
• Also known as Fothergill’s disease,Tic douloureux
(painful jerking)
• It is defined as , sudden ,usually ,unilateral ,severe
,brief ,stabbing , lancinating , recurring pain in the
distribution of one or more branches of trigeminal
• Mean age: 50 y onwards
• Female predominance (male : female = 1:2 ~2:3)
Pathogenesis of trigeminal neuralgia:
• It is usualy idiopathic.
• The probable etiologic factors are:
Intra cranial tumors: Traumatic compression of the
trigeminal nerve by neoplastic (cerebellopontine
angle tumor) or vascular anomalies eg arteriovenous
: granulomatous and non granulomatous infections
involving 5th cranial nerve.
• Postherpetic Neuralgia
• Demyelinating Conditions
• Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
• Petrous Ridge Compression
• Intracranial Vascular Abnormalites
• Pulsation of vessels upon the
trigeminal nerve root do not
visibly damage the nerve.
• However, irritation from
repeated pulsations may lead
to changes of nerve function,
and delivery of abnormal
signals to the trigeminal
nerve nucleus.
• Over time, this is thought to
cause hyperactivity of the
trigeminal nerve nucleus,
resulting in the generation of
TN pain.
General characteristics
• Incidence: seen in about 4 in 100000 persons
• Age of occurrence: 5th to 6th decade
• Sex predilection: female predisposition
• Side involved more frequently: right side
• Division of trigeminal nerve involved; most
commonly : max> mand> oph
Clinical characteristics:
• Sudden
• Unilateral
• Intermittent Paroxysmal
• Sharp shooting
• Lancinating shock like pain elicted by slight
• superficial trigger points which radiates across the
distribution of one or more branches of the
• pain rarely crosses the midline
• pain is of short duration and last for few seconds to
• Minutes
• in extreme cases patient has a motionless face called
• the frozen or mask like face
• presence of intraoral or extraoral trigger points
Provocated by obvious stimuli like
• Touching face at particular site
• Chewing
• Speaking
• Brushing
• Shaving
• Washing the face
 The characteristic of the disorder being that the attacks do not
occur during sleep.
• Response to treatment with tablet of carbamazepine
• Injections of local anaesthetic agents into patients trigger
zone gives temporarily relief from pain.
• Medical treatment
• Surgical treatment:
 Peripheral injections
 Peripheral neurectomy
 Cryotherapy
 Peripheral radiofrequency
 Neurolysis(thermocoagulation)
 Gasserian ganglion procedures
• Carbamazapine and phenytoin are the traditional anticonvulsants
given primarilary
• The dosage of the drug used intially should be kept small to minimum
especialy in elderly patients to avoid nausea,vomiting and gastric
• Dosage should be taken at night so that adequate serum concentration
is present early morning.
• Complete blood count,liver function,platelet count should be done
prior to treatment.
• Onces the pain remission has being achieved the drug dose should be
kept at maintainence level or withdrawn and restarted if symptoms
• When carbamazepine is contraindicated clonazepam can be given
• Co-administration of phenytion or baclofen is also advocated.
• 95% ABSOLUTE alcohol in small quantites 0.5 to 2 ml
is given in peripheral branches of trigeminal nerve.
Side effect: Repeated injections may cause
• Local tissue toxicity
• Inflammation
• Fibrosis
• Burning alcohol neuritis
Peripheral neurectomy (nerve avulsion):
• Oldest and the most effective procedure
• Simple
• Relatively reliable
• Indicated in patients in whom craniotomy is contraindicated
due to age,debility,limited life expectancy
• Acts by interrupting the flow of a significant number of afferent
impulses to central trigeminal apparatus.
• Performed mostly on infraorbital,inferior alveolar,mental and
rarely lingual nerve.
• Direct application of cryotherapy probe (nitrous oxide
• Temperature colder than -60 degree C,for 2-3 minutes
• Reapeated three times
• Produces WALLERIAN degeneration without destroying
the nerve sheath
• Radiofrequency electrode that has the capacity to destroy the pain
fibres is used in this procedure.
• Temperature being 65 to 75 degree C for 1 to 2 minutes.
• Shown to induce pain remissions in 20%of cases.
Includes various procedures:
1.Gycerol injection
3.Ballon compression
• Absolute alcohol or phenol-glycerol mixture can be used
as the neurolytic agents.
• Agent is injected into meckel’s cave or in the ganglion.
• Causes damage to nerve cells presumably through
• It induces pain relief in 80% of the cases.
• Also spares the ophthalmic division and the motor root. .
• A radiofrequency electrode that has the capacity to destroy
pain fibres is used.
• Alternating currents of high frequency is passed through
the electrode.
• It produces ionization in the biological tissues leads to
coagulation of tissues.
• A Fogarty catheter 1 to 2cm is advanced within the
meckels cave through foramen ovale.
• Inflated upto 0.75ml at the ventral aspect of theganglion
root for 1 minute.
• It destroyes the root fibres.
• Caused by Varicella zoster
• Predilection for nasociliary branch of ophthalmic division
of the trigeminal nerve
Cutaneous lesions:
• Rash
• Vesicle
• Pustule crust permanent scar
Ocular lesions:
• Eyelid: Perorbital pain
• Oedema
• Hyperasthesia
• Conjunctivitis
• Scleritis
• Corneal scarring
• Glaucoma
• Acyclovir 800mg 5 times /day within 4 days of onset of rash
• Analgesics
• Antibiotic ointments
• Systemic steroids 60mg/day
• Corneal grafting
Cavernous Sinus Syndrome
• Multiple cranial neuropathies
• Exophthalmos, ocular motor defects, sensory loss in V1 and / or
• Pupils may be spared or involved.
• causes: bacterial thrombophlebitis
rhinocerebellar mucormycosis
tolosa hunt syndrome
vascular lesions
• Since Trigeminal nerve is mixed nerve,
suplies mainly head and neck region. Hence
as a dental specialist one should know
throughly about itracranial and
extracranial course and distribution of
Trigeminal nerve,to diagnose the
pathologies associated with Trigeminal
nerve and for appropriate treatment.
• Anatomy head and neck ( B.D Chaurasia)
• Gray’s Anatomy
• Anatomy of cranial Nerves
• Anatomy for dental Students( A.S. Moni)
• Handbook of local anaesthesia by stanley malamed
• Textbook of oral and maxillofacial surgery(Neelima Anil Malik)
• Harrisson text of internal medicine
• Wikipedia

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Trigeminal Nerve and Applied Anatomy

  • 3. INTRODUCTION • The nervous system of man is made up of innumerable neurons which further constitute the nerve fibres • Nerve : A bundle of fibers that uses chemical and electrical signals to transmit sensory and motor information from one body part of the body to another. • Neurons : These are specialized cells that constitute the functional units of the nervous system and has a special property of being able to conduct impulses rapidly from onepart of the body to another.
  • 4.
  • 5. • The cranial nerves are composed of twelve pairs of nerves that originate from the nervous tissue of the brain. • In order to reach their targets they must ultimately exit/enter the cranium through openings in the skull. • Hence, their name is derived from their association with the cranium.
  • 6. Nerve in order 1. Cranial Nerve I - Olfactory 2. Cranial Nerve II - Optic 3. Cranial Nerve III - Occulomotor 4. Cranial Nerve IV - Trochlear 5. Cranial Nerve V - Trigeminal 6. Cranial Nerve VI - Abducens 7. Cranial Nerve VII - Facial 8. Cranial Nerve VIII- Vestibulocochlear 9. Cranial Nerve IX - Glossopharyngeal 10.Cranial Nerve X - Vagus 11.Cranial Nerve XI - Spinal Accessory 12.Cranial Nerve XII - Hypoglossal
  • 7. TRIGEMINAL NERVE DENTIST NERVE • The trigeminal nerve is so called because of its three main divisions i.e. the Ophthalmic, Maxillary & Mandibular nerves. • It is the largest of the cranial nerves. • It is the fifth cranial nerve • It is a mixed nerve : Sensory and Motor • It is sensory to the greater part of the scalp, the teeth, and the oral and nasal cavities. • Motor supply is to the MOM. Proprioceptive nerve fibres arise from the masticatory and extra-ocular muscles.
  • 8. NUCLEI TRIGEMINAL NUCLEI • A cranial nerve nucleus is a collection of neurons (gray matter) in the brain stem that is associated with one or more cranial nerves. • Axons carrying information to and from the cranial nerves form a synapse first at these nuclei. • Lesions occurring at these nuclei can lead to effects resembling those seen by the severing of nerve(s) they are associated with.
  • 9. SENSORY NUCLEI : 1.Mesencephalic nucleus : • Cell body of Pseudounipolar neuron • Relay proprioception from muscles of mastication, Extra ocular Muscles, Facial muscles. • Situated in Midbrain just latetral to Aqueduct.
  • 10. 2.Principal sensory nucleus • Lies in Pons lateral to Motor nucleus • Relays touch sensation
  • 11. 3.Spinal nucleus • Extends from caudal end of principal sensory Nucleus in pons to 2nd or 3rd spinal segment • It relays Pain and Temperature
  • 12. MOTOR NUCLEUS : • Innervates muscles of mastication and tensor tympani and tensor palatini • Derived from first branchial arch. • Located in pons medial to principle sensory nucleus.
  • 13.
  • 15. SENSORY ROOT • GENERAL SOMATIC AFFERENTS- Face, Scalp, Teeth, Gingiva, Oral, Nasal, Cavities, Para nasal sinus, Conjunctiva and Cornea. Pain, temp, light touch touch, pressure proprioception Trigeminal gang. Bypasses trigem gang. sensory root Spinal nuc. Principal sen nuc. Mesencephalic CNS
  • 16. MOTOR ROOT CNS MOTOR ROOT MOTOR NUCLEUS MANDIBULAR NERVE Muscles of mastication Tensor tympani Masseter Tensor palatini Lateral & Medial Pterygoids Temporalis
  • 17. COURSE & DISTRIBUTION • Both motor and sensory root are attached ventrally to junction of pons and middle cerebellar peduncle with motor root lying ventromedially to the sensory root. • Pass anteriorly in middle cranial fossa to lie below tentorium cerebelli in cavum trigeminale, here motor root lies inferior to sensory root.
  • 18.
  • 19. • Sensory root connected to postromedial concave border of the trigeminal ganglion. • Convex antrolatateral margin of the ganglion gives attachment to the 3 div. of the trigeminal nerve. • Motor root turns further inferior with sensory component of V3 to emerge out of foramen Ovale as Mandibular nerve. • Ophthalmic and Maxillary division emerges through Superior orbital fissure and foramen Rotundum respectively.
  • 20. GANGLION THE TRIGEMINAL GANGLION • SEMILUNAR OR GASSERIAN GANGLION. • Cresentric in shape with convexity anterolaterally. • Contains cell bodies of pseudounipolar neurons. • LOCATION: lies in a bony fossa at apex of the petrous temporal bone on floor of middle cranial fossa, just lateral to posterior part of lateral wall of the cavernous sinus.
  • 21. • COVERINGS: covered by dural pouch = MECKLES CAVE or CAVUM TRIGEMINALE cave lined by pia and arachnoid thus the ganglion is bathed in CSF. • ARTERIAL SUPPLY: Ganglionic branches of Internal Carotid Artery, middle meningeal artery and accessory meningeal artery.
  • 22.
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  • 24. RELATIONS • SUPERIORLY: *superior petrosal sinus *free margin of tentorium cerebelli • INFERIORLY: *motor root *greater petrosal nerve *petrous apex *foramen lacerum • MEDIALLY: *posterior part of lateral wall of cavernous sinus *Internal Carotid Artery with its sympathetic plexus • LATERALLY: *uncus of temporal lobe *middle meningeal artery and vein *nervous spinosum
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  • 31. OPTHALMIC NERVE • It is the superior division of the V nerve & is the smallest. • Leaves the cranium and enters the orbit through superior orbital fissure. • It is wholly sensory. • It has 3 branches. All 3 of them pass through the sup. Orbital fissure into the orbit. • They are; 1.Lacrimal nerve 2.Frontal nerve 3.Nasocilliary nerve
  • 32.
  • 33. 1. Lacrimal nerve: • It is the smallest. • It supplies the lacrimal gland & the conjuntiva. It pireces the orbital septum and ends in the skin of the upper eyelid.
  • 34. 2) Frontal nerve: • It is the largest branch & appears to be the direct continuation of the ophthalmic division. • It enters the orbit through the SOF divides into 2 branches. i. The supra orbital branch: It is larger & more laterally placed. It supplies the skin of the forehead & scalp as far back as the vertex. It also supplies the mucous membrane of the frontal sinus & pericranium ii. The supra trochlear branch: It is smaller & more medially placed. It curves upward on the forehead , close to the bone. It supplies the skin of the upper eyelid & lower part of theforehead.
  • 35. 3) Nasocilliary nerve: • It is intermediate in size & runs more deeply. Its branches are divided as following; i. Branches in the Orbit ii. Branches in the Nasal cavity iii. Branches on the face
  • 36. (I) Branches in the Orbit: i. Long root of the cilliary ganglion: It is sensory & passes through the ganglion without synapsing and supplies the eyeball. ii. Long ciliary nerve: Supplies the Iris & Cornea. iii. Posterior ethmoidal nerve: It enters the post ethmoidal canal & supplies to the mucous membrane lining of the Post. Etmoidal & Sphenoidal paranasal air cells.
  • 37. iv. Anterior ethmoidal nerve: It supplies to the Ant.ethmoidal & frontal paranasal air cells. In the upper part of the nasal cavity, it further divides into: 1) Internal nasal branches: It has medialseptal branches to the septal membrane. It also has lateral branches, which supply the nasal conchae & the ant. nasal wall 2) External nasal branches: supplies the skin on the tip & ala of the nose.
  • 38. 2) Branches in the nasal cavity: The branches arising here supply the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. 3) Terminal branches on the face: They supply sensory nerves to the skin of the medial parts of the both eyelids, the lacrimal sac. They also supply skin on the bridge of the nose.
  • 39. MAXILLARY NERVE • This is the second & intermediate division of the trigeminal nerve. • It is wholly sensory. • Course: It begins at the middle of the trigeminal ganglion as a flattened, plexiform band, passes horizontally forwards along the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus. It leaves the skull through the foramen rotundum & becomes more cylindrical & firmer in texture.It crosses the upper part of the pterygopalatine fossa, inclines laterally on the posterior part of the orbital process of the maxilla & enters the orbit through the inferior orbital fissure.It is now termed as the infra orbital nerve. It passes through the infra orbital groove & canal in the floor of the orbit & appears on the face through the infra orbital foramen.
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  • 41.
  • 42. • The branches of the maxillary nerve can be divided into the following 4 groups: 1) In the cranium: Meningeal 2) In the pterygopalatine fossa: Ganglionic, Zygomatic, Post.superior alveolar 3) In the infra orbital canal: Middle sup. alveolar, Anterior superior/ Greater alveolar 4) On the face: Palpebral, nasal, superior labial
  • 43. I. Branch given off on the cranium 1. Meningeal branch: It is given off near the foramen rotundum. It supplies the duramater of the anterior & middle cranial fossae.
  • 44. II. Branches in the pterygopalatine fossa. 1. The ganglionic branches: They connect the maxillary nerve to the pterygopalatine ganglion.They contain secretomotor fibres to the lacrimal gland. They provide sensory fibres to the orbital periosteum & mucous membrane of the nose, palate & pharynx. 2. The zygomatic nerve: It arises in the pterygopalatine fosssa from the maxillary nerve and travels anteriorly , entering through the inferior orbital fissure where it divides into 2 branches. The Zygomaticofacial nerve perforates the facial surfaces & supplies the skin over the zygomatic bone..
  • 45. • The Zygomaticotemporal nerve perforates the temporal surface of the zygomatic bone , pierces the temporalis fascia, & supplies the skin over the anterior temporal fossa region. 3. Posterior superior alveolar nerve: • It begins in the pterygopalatine fossa but divides into 3 branches which emerge through the pterygomaxillary fissure. • 2 branches enter the posterior wall of the maxilla above the tuberosity & supply the 3 molar teeth(except the mesiobuccal root of first molar). • The third branch pierces the buccinator & supplies the adjoining part of the gingiva & cheek along the buccal side of the upper molar teeth.
  • 46. The branches of the Pterygopalatine ganglion are: I. Orbital branches: periosteum of the orbit.Posterior ethmoidal & sphenoidal air cells. II. Palatine branches: 1.Anterior/greater palatine : mucosa of the hard palate & palatal gingiva. 2.Middle palatine : mucous membrane of the soft palate 3.Posterior palatine : mucous membrane of the Tonsillar area. III. Nasal branches: 1.Posterior superior lateral : posterior part of the nasal conchae 2.Nasopalatine/Sphenopalatine : mucous membrane of the premaxilla. IV. Pharyngeal branch: mucous membrane of the nasopharynx
  • 47.
  • 48. III. Branches in the Infraorbital canal ( Infraorbital nerve) 1. Middle superior alveolar nerve: • It arises from the Infra orbital nerve & runs downwards & forwards along the infraorbital groove along the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus. • It divides into branches which supply the maxillary premolars & mesiobuccal root of the first molar teeth. 2. Anterior superior alveolar nerve: • It also arises in the infraorbital canal near the mid point. It runs in the anterior wall of the maxillary antrum. It runs inferiorly & divides into the branches, which supply the canine & incisors. • A nasal branch from this nerve, given off from the superior dental plexus supplies the mucous membrane of the anterior part of the lateral wall & floor of the nasal cavity. It ends in the nasal septum.
  • 49. • IV. Branches given on the face: 1. The palpebral branches: • They arise deep to the orbicularis oculi & pierce the muscle, supplying the skin over the lower eyelid& lateral angle of the eye along with the Zygomaticofacial & Facial nerves. 2. The nasal branches: • They supply the skin of the nose & tip of the nasal septum & join the External nasal branch of the anterior ethmoidal nerve. 3. The superior labial branches: • • These are large & numerous. They supply the skin over the anterior part of the cheek & upper lip including the mucous membrane & labial glands. They are joined by the facial nerve & form the infraorbital plexus.
  • 50.
  • 51. MANDIBULAR NERVE • It is the third & largest division of the trigeminal nerve. • It is made up of 2 roots: a large sensory root which proceeds from the lateral part of the trigeminal ganglion & almost immediately emerges out through the foramen ovale & a small motor root which passes below the ganglion, & unites with the sensory root just outside the foramen. • Immediately beyond the junction of the 2 roots, the nerve sends off the meningeal branch & the nerve to the medial pterygoid. Now the main trunk divides into a small anterior & a large posterior trunk. • As it descends from the foramen, the mandibular nerve lies at a distance of 4 cm from the surface & a little in front of the neck of the mandible.
  • 52.
  • 53. The braches of the Mandibular nerve: I. Branches of the undivided nerve. i. Meningeal branch/nervus spinosus. ii. Nerve to the medial pterygoid II. Branches of the divided nerve: (A) Anterior division: (B) Posterior division: 1.Buccal nerve 1. Auriculotemporal nerve 2.Massetric nerve 2.Lingual nerve 3.Deep temporal nerve 3.Inferior alveolar nerve 4.Nerve to the lateral pterygoid
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 56. BRANCHES OF THE UNDIVIDED NERVE 1.Meningeal nerve: • It enters the skull through the foramen spinosum along with MMA. • It has anterior & posterior divisions that supply the dura of the middle & anterior cranial fossae. 2. Nerve to the medial pterygoid: • It is a slender branch that supplies to the deep surface of the muscle. • It also gives 1-2 filaments to the tensor tympani & the tensor veli palati muscles.
  • 57. • BRANCHES OF THE DIVIDED NERVE I. Anterior division 1.The buccal nerve: • It passes between the 2 heads of the lateral pterygoid & descends beneath or through the temporalis. It emerges from under cover of the ramus & ant. border of the masseter & unites with the buccal branches of he facial nerve. • It supplies the skin over the ant. part of the buccinator & mucous membrane lining the buccal surface of the gum.
  • 58. 2.The massetric nerve: • Passes laterally above the lateral pterygoid in front of the TMJ & behind the tendon of temporalis. • It passes through the mandibular notch to sink into the masseter muscle. • It also gives a branch to the TMJ. 3.The deep temporal nerves: • They are 2 in number. • They pass above the upper head of the lateral pterygoid, turn above the infra temporal crest & sink into the deep part of the temporalis muscle. 4.The nerve to the lateral pterygoid • These are 2 in number; one supplying each muscle head.
  • 59. II.Posterior Division 1.The Auriculotemporal nerve: Course of the nerve • The auriculotemporal nerve arises by a medial & lateral roots, that enclircle the MMA & unite behind it just below the foramen spinosum. • The united nerve passes backwards, deep to the lateral pterygoid muscle & passes between the sphenomandibular ligament & the neck of the condyle. • It then passes laterally behind the TMJ i.r.t. to the upper part of the parotid. It emerges from behind the TMJ, ascends posterior to the superficial temporal vessels & crosses the posterior root of the zygomatic arch.
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  • 61. Branches of the Auriculotemporal nerve: 1. Parotid branches: secretomotor, vasomotor. 2. Articular branches: to the TMJ. 3. Auricular branches: to the skin of the helix & tragus. 4. Meatal branches: Meatus of the tymphanic membrane 5. Terminal branches: Scalp over the temporal region
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  • 63. Lingual nerve • It lies between the ramus of the mandible & the muscle in the pterygomandibular space. • It then passes deep to reach the side of the tongue. Here it lies in the lateral lingual sulcus against the deep surface of the mandible on the medial side of the roots of the third molar tooth where it is covered only by mucous membrane of the gum. • From here it passes on to the side of tongue where it is crosses the styloglossus & runs on the lateral surface of the hyoglossus & deep to the mylohyoid in close relation to the deep part of the submandibular gland &its duct. • It gives off sensory fibres to the tonsil & the mucous membrane of the posterior part of the oral cavity.
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  • 65. Branches of lingual nerve and its communications: 1.Chorda tympani 2.Communications with submandibular ganglion 3.Hypoglossal nerve
  • 66. Inferior alveolar nerve • It is the largest terminal branch of the posterior division of the mandibular nerve. • The nerve descends deep to the lateral pterygoid muscle at the lower border of the muscle, it passes b/n the sphenomandibular ligament & the ramus to enter the mandibular foramen. • In the canal the nerve runs alongside the inferior alveolar artery as far as the mental foramen where it emerges out& gives off the mental & incisive branches. • From here the nerve runs in the canal giving of branches to the mandibular teeth as apical fibres & enters the apical foramina of the teeth to supply mainly the pulp as well as the periodontium.
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  • 71. Branches of the nerve : 1. Mental nerve: it supplies to the skin of the chin & the mucous membrane as well as the skin of the lower lip. 2. Incisive branch: continues anteriorly from the mental nerve in the body of the mandible to form the incisive plexus & supplies the canine & incisors. 3. Mylohyoid nerve: it is given of before the nerve enters the canal & contains both sensory & motor fibres.It pierces the sphenomandibular ligament, descends in a groove in the medial side of the ramus & passes beneath the mylohyoid line supplying the mylohyoid muscle as well as the anterior belly of the digastric.
  • 72.
  • 73. Ganglia Associated With The Trigeminal Nerve 1.Cilliary Ganglion: connected with nasocilliary nerve by ganglionic branches in orbit, non synapsing sensory for orbit 2.Pterygopalatine Ganglion: connected to maxillary nerve in infratemporal fossa sensory to orbital septum, orbicularis and nasal cavity, max sinus, palate, nasopharynx. 3. Otic Ganglion: betwn trunk of mandibular n and tensor palatini, nerve to med pterygoid passes thru but does not synapse in the ganglion. 4.Submandibular Ganglion: related to lingual n, rests on hypoglossus supplies post gang. Parasym secretomotor fibres to submandibular and sublingual gland.
  • 74. Examination Of Trigeminal Nerve 1. Sensation Function 2. Motor Function 3. Corneal reflex 4. Test jaw jerk
  • 75. • Sensation function Use sterile sharp item on forehead, cheek, and jaw If any abnormality present we test the thermal sensation and light touch
  • 76. • Corneal reflex A clean piece of cotton wool and ask the patient to look away gently touch the cornea with the cotton wool and the patient will blink.
  • 77. • Test jaw jerk Doctor finger on tip of jaw, grip patellar hammer halfway up shaft and tap finger lightly usually nothing happens, or just a slight closure.
  • 79. Trigeminal Neuralgia • Also known as Fothergill’s disease,Tic douloureux (painful jerking) • It is defined as , sudden ,usually ,unilateral ,severe ,brief ,stabbing , lancinating , recurring pain in the distribution of one or more branches of trigeminal nerve. • Mean age: 50 y onwards • Female predominance (male : female = 1:2 ~2:3)
  • 80. Pathogenesis of trigeminal neuralgia: • It is usualy idiopathic. • The probable etiologic factors are: Intra cranial tumors: Traumatic compression of the trigeminal nerve by neoplastic (cerebellopontine angle tumor) or vascular anomalies eg arteriovenous malformations : granulomatous and non granulomatous infections involving 5th cranial nerve.
  • 81. • Postherpetic Neuralgia • Demyelinating Conditions • Multiple Sclerosis (MS) • Petrous Ridge Compression • Intracranial Vascular Abnormalites
  • 82. • Pulsation of vessels upon the trigeminal nerve root do not visibly damage the nerve. • However, irritation from repeated pulsations may lead to changes of nerve function, and delivery of abnormal signals to the trigeminal nerve nucleus. • Over time, this is thought to cause hyperactivity of the trigeminal nerve nucleus, resulting in the generation of TN pain.
  • 83. General characteristics • Incidence: seen in about 4 in 100000 persons • Age of occurrence: 5th to 6th decade • Sex predilection: female predisposition • Side involved more frequently: right side • Division of trigeminal nerve involved; most commonly : max> mand> oph
  • 84.
  • 85. Clinical characteristics: • Sudden • Unilateral • Intermittent Paroxysmal • Sharp shooting • Lancinating shock like pain elicted by slight touching
  • 86. • superficial trigger points which radiates across the distribution of one or more branches of the trigeminalnerve • pain rarely crosses the midline • pain is of short duration and last for few seconds to • Minutes • in extreme cases patient has a motionless face called • the frozen or mask like face • presence of intraoral or extraoral trigger points
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  • 88. Provocated by obvious stimuli like • Touching face at particular site • Chewing • Speaking • Brushing • Shaving • Washing the face  The characteristic of the disorder being that the attacks do not occur during sleep.
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  • 90. DIAGNOSIS: • CLINICAL EXAMINATION with HISTORY is mandatory • Response to treatment with tablet of carbamazepine • Injections of local anaesthetic agents into patients trigger zone gives temporarily relief from pain.
  • 91. TREATMENT: • Medical treatment • Surgical treatment:  Peripheral injections  Peripheral neurectomy  Cryotherapy  Peripheral radiofrequency  Neurolysis(thermocoagulation)  Gasserian ganglion procedures
  • 92. • Carbamazapine and phenytoin are the traditional anticonvulsants given primarilary • The dosage of the drug used intially should be kept small to minimum especialy in elderly patients to avoid nausea,vomiting and gastric irritation. • Dosage should be taken at night so that adequate serum concentration is present early morning. • Complete blood count,liver function,platelet count should be done prior to treatment. • Onces the pain remission has being achieved the drug dose should be kept at maintainence level or withdrawn and restarted if symptoms reappear • When carbamazepine is contraindicated clonazepam can be given • Co-administration of phenytion or baclofen is also advocated.
  • 93. THE ALCOHOLIC INJECTIONS: • 95% ABSOLUTE alcohol in small quantites 0.5 to 2 ml is given in peripheral branches of trigeminal nerve. Side effect: Repeated injections may cause • Local tissue toxicity • Inflammation • Fibrosis • Burning alcohol neuritis
  • 94. Peripheral neurectomy (nerve avulsion): • Oldest and the most effective procedure • Simple • Relatively reliable • Indicated in patients in whom craniotomy is contraindicated due to age,debility,limited life expectancy • Acts by interrupting the flow of a significant number of afferent impulses to central trigeminal apparatus. • Performed mostly on infraorbital,inferior alveolar,mental and rarely lingual nerve.
  • 95. CRYOTHERAPY FOR PERIPHERAL NERVE: • Direct application of cryotherapy probe (nitrous oxide probe) • Temperature colder than -60 degree C,for 2-3 minutes • Reapeated three times • Produces WALLERIAN degeneration without destroying the nerve sheath
  • 96. PERIPHERAL RADIOFREQUENCY NEUROLYSIS THERMOCOAGULATION: • Radiofrequency electrode that has the capacity to destroy the pain fibres is used in this procedure. • Temperature being 65 to 75 degree C for 1 to 2 minutes. • Shown to induce pain remissions in 20%of cases.
  • 97. GASSERIAN GANGLION PROCEDURS: Includes various procedures: 1.Gycerol injection 2.Thermocoagulation 3.Ballon compression
  • 98. GYCEROL INJECTIONS: • Absolute alcohol or phenol-glycerol mixture can be used as the neurolytic agents. • Agent is injected into meckel’s cave or in the ganglion. • Causes damage to nerve cells presumably through dehydration. • It induces pain relief in 80% of the cases. • Also spares the ophthalmic division and the motor root. .
  • 99. THERMOCOAGULATION: • A radiofrequency electrode that has the capacity to destroy pain fibres is used. • Alternating currents of high frequency is passed through the electrode. • It produces ionization in the biological tissues leads to coagulation of tissues.
  • 100. BALLON COMPRESSION: • A Fogarty catheter 1 to 2cm is advanced within the meckels cave through foramen ovale. • Inflated upto 0.75ml at the ventral aspect of theganglion root for 1 minute. • It destroyes the root fibres.
  • 101. HERPES ZOSTER OPHTHALMICUS • Caused by Varicella zoster • Predilection for nasociliary branch of ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve CLINICAL FEATURES: Cutaneous lesions: • Rash • Vesicle • Pustule crust permanent scar
  • 102. Ocular lesions: • Eyelid: Perorbital pain • Oedema • Hyperasthesia • Conjunctivitis • Scleritis • Corneal scarring • Glaucoma
  • 103. TREATMENT: • Acyclovir 800mg 5 times /day within 4 days of onset of rash • Analgesics • Antibiotic ointments • Systemic steroids 60mg/day • Corneal grafting
  • 104. Cavernous Sinus Syndrome • Multiple cranial neuropathies • Exophthalmos, ocular motor defects, sensory loss in V1 and / or V2. • Pupils may be spared or involved. • causes: bacterial thrombophlebitis actinomycosis rhinocerebellar mucormycosis aspergillosis tolosa hunt syndrome neoplasms vascular lesions
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  • 106. Conclusion • Since Trigeminal nerve is mixed nerve, suplies mainly head and neck region. Hence as a dental specialist one should know throughly about itracranial and extracranial course and distribution of Trigeminal nerve,to diagnose the pathologies associated with Trigeminal nerve and for appropriate treatment.
  • 107. REFERENCES • Anatomy head and neck ( B.D Chaurasia) • Gray’s Anatomy • Anatomy of cranial Nerves • Anatomy for dental Students( A.S. Moni) • Handbook of local anaesthesia by stanley malamed • Textbook of oral and maxillofacial surgery(Neelima Anil Malik) • Harrisson text of internal medicine • Wikipedia