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(Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery)
Dr. Samarth Johari
(MDS 1st Year)
Dr. Gagan khare
 Introduction
 Cranial Nerves
 Nuclei of Cranial
 Olfactory Nerve
 Optic Nerve
 Occulomotor Nerve
 Trochlear Nerve
 Trigeminal Nerve
 Abducent Nerve
 Facial Nerve
 Auditory Nerve
 Glossopharyngeal
 Vagus Nerve
 Accesssory Nerve
 Hypoglossal Nerve
 Conclusion
 Refernces
 Peripheral nervous system – composed of 12 pairs of cranial nerves &
31 pairs of spinal nerves
Emerging from brain stem
Emerging from spinal cord
Afferent / Sensory
Efferent / Motor
Afferent / Sensory
Efferent / Motor
 Somatic Nerves Defined as those afferent fibers that transmit
stimuli from skin, special sense organs, voluntary muscles, tendons,
ligaments & joints as well as those efferent fibres that activate
voluntary, striated, skeletal musculature
 Visceral Nerves Defined as those afferent fibers that transmit
stimuli from viscera as well as those efferent fibres that activate
involuntary, smooth musculature of viscera, cardiac musculature &
secretion of glands
A nerve is a gross conduit
made up of many fibers
A fiber is a long process of a
neuron of specific function
 Note :
The whole visceral motor outflow is placed in a separate category
k/a Autonomic Nervous System because it acts “automatically”
 Major portion of head & neck is supplied by cranial nerves, a minor
portion by upper cervical spinal nerves
Autonomic Nervous System
Sympathetic Parasympathetic
 Fibers emerge from
thoracic & upper
lumbar segments of
spinal cord
 k/a thoracolumbar
 Fibers emerge directly
from brain stem & from
upper sacral segments
of spinal cord
 k/a craniosacral
 There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves :
I. Olfactory
II. Optic
III. Occulomotor
IV. Trochlear
V. Trigeminal
VI. Abducent
VII. Facial
VIII.Vestibulocochlear (Statoacoustic / Auditory)
IX. Glossopharyngeal
X. Vagus
XI. Accessory
XII. Hypoglossal
 Attachment of cranial nerves to the brain :
a. Olfactory & Optic to
b. Occulomotor & Trochlear
to mid brain
c. Trigeminal, Abducent,
Facial & Vestibulocohlear
to pons
d. Glossopharyngeal,
Vagus, Accessory,
Hypoglossal to medulla
NERVES General Somatic Efferent (GSE) Nuclei
Supply skeletal muscle of somatic
1. Oculomotor Nucleus –
• Situated in mid brain at level of
superior colliculus
• Its fibers enter occulomotor
nerve & supplies extrinsic
muscles of eyeball except
lateral rectus & superior oblique
2. Trochlear Nucleus –
• Situated in mid brain at level of
inferior colliculus
3. Abducent Nucleus –
• Situated in lower part of pons
• Supplies only lateral rectus
muscle through abducent nerve
4. Hypoglossal Nucleus –
• Lies in medulla
• Supplies 7 out of 8 muscles of
tongue through hypoglossal
 Special Visceral Efferent (SVE)/Branchial Efferent Nuclei-
1. Motor Nucleus of Trigeminal–
• Situated in upper part of pons
• Its fibers enter mandibular nerve & supplies muscles of
2. Nucleus of Facial Nerve –
• Situated in lower part of pons
• Supplies only muscles innervated by facial nerve
3. Nucleus Ambiguus –
• Lies in medulla
• Supplies stylopharyngeus muscle (through glossopharyngeal
nerve); muscles of soft palate, larynx & pharynx (through vagus &
 General Somatic Afferent (GSA) Nuclei
All related to trigeminal nerve
1. Main or Superior Sensory Nucleus of
Trigeminal Nerve –
• Lies in upper part of pons
2. Spinal Nucleus of Trigeminal Nerve –
• Descends from main nucleus into
• Reaches upper 2 segments of
spinal cord
• Parts are :
a) Pars caudalis – receives
impulses of pain, temp. from
b) Pars interpolaris – receives
3. Mesencephalic Nucleus of
Trigeminal Nerve –
• Extends upwards from main
sensory nucleus into mid
• Receive following fibers :
a) Exteroceptive sensations
(touch, pain, temp.) from
skin of face, through
trigeminal nerve & from
part of skin of auricle
through vagus & facial
b) Proprioceptive sensations
from muscles of
 General Visceral Efferent (GVE) Nuclei Give origin to
preganglionic neurons that relay in peripheral autonomic
ganglion postganglionic fibres arising in ganglion supply
smooth muscles or glands
1. Edinger – Westphal Nucleus –
• Lies in mid brain, close to occulomotor nucleus
• Supplies sphincter pupillae & ciliaris muscles via ciliary
ganglion (through occulomotor nerve)
2. Lacrimatory Nucleus –
• Lies in lower pons near salivatory nucleus
• Supplies lacrimal, nasal, palatal & pharyngeal glands via
pterygopalatine ganglion (through facial nerve & its
branch, greater petrosal nerve)
3. Superior Salivatory Nucleus –
• Lies in lower part of pons
• Supplies submandibular,
sublingual salivary glands via
submandibular ganglion
(through facial nerve & its
chorda tympani branch)
4. Inferior Salivatory Nucleus –
• Lies just below superior
nucleus in pons
• Supplies parotid gland via otic
ganglion (through
glossopharyngeal nerve)
5. Dorsal Nucleus of Vagus –
• Extends into medulla
• Gives off fibres that passes through
vagus nerve to be distributed to
thoracic & abdominal viscera
 Special Somatic Afferent (SSA) Nucleus :
1. Cochlear Nuclei –
• These are dorsal & ventral
• Receives impulses of hearing
through cochlear nerve
2. Vestibular Nuclei –
• Theses are superior, spinal, medial
& lateral
• Receives fibers from semicircular
 General Visceral Afferent (GVA) &
Special Visceral Afferent (SVA)
Nucleus :
1. Nucleus of Solitary Tract or
Tractus Solitarius –
• Only nucleus in this category
• Lies in medulla & extends into
both its closed & open parts
• Lower part receives general
visceral sensations :
a. Through glossopharyngeal
nerve from tonsil, pharynx,
posterior part of tongue,
carotid body & carotid sinus
b. Through vagus nerve from
pharynx, larynx, trachea,
• Upper part receives
sensations of taste :
a. From anterior 2/3rd
of tongue & palate
papillae through
facial nerve in its
superior part
b. From posterior
1/3rd of tongue
nerve including
papillae in its
middle part
 Transmits sense of smell
 Branches arise from sensory
cells of nasal mucosa, enter
cranial cavity as olfactory fila
through openings of
cribriform plate of ethmoid
 Enter olfactory bulb singly
 Bulb is vestige of olfactory
lobe of macrosmatic
mammals (those animals
 Second pair of cranial nerve
 Nerve of visual sense
 Arise in ganglion cells of
 Enters cranial cavity through
optic foramen
 Contains somatic & parasympathetic
visceral efferent fibres
 Somatic fibres responsible for most of
the extrinsic muscles of the eye
 Parasympathetic fibres relay in ciliary
 Postganglionic fibres arising from
ciliary ganglion, enter eyeball & supply
ciliary muscles or muscles of
accommodation & sphincter of pupil
 Carries somatic fibres
 Supply superior oblique
muscle of eyeball
 Passes through superior
orbital fissure
 Consists of greater somatic sensory
& small somatic motor portion
 Motor fibres supply masticatory
muscles, tensor palate muscle,
mylohyoid muscle, ant. belly of
digastric & tensor tympani muscle
 Sensory fibers except
proprioceptive fibers arise in
semilunar ganglion & supply skin of
entire face & mucous membrane of
cranial viscera except pharynx &
base of tongue
 Course of motor root & sensory root of trigeminal nerve :
 Opthalmic Division :
• 1st branch of Vth cranial nerve
• Purely sensory & smallest of 3
• Supplies eyeball, conjunctiva,
lacrimal gland, parts of mucous
membrane of nose & paranasal
sinuses & skin of forehead,
eyelids & nose
• Divides into 3 main branches
just before passing through
superior orbital fissure –
1. Nasocilliary
2. Frontal
Branch to
Middle &
ethmoidal &
Contains sensory
fibers that travel
to eyeball via
short ciliary
Supplies iris
& cornea
Supplies mucous membrane
of anterior part of nasal
septum & lateral wall of nasal
Supratrochlear Supraorbital
Largest branch of
ophthalmic division
of trigeminal nerve
Supplies upper
eyelid, conjunctiva,
lower part of
Sensory to upper
eyelid & scalp till
 Maxillary Division :
• Arise from middle of trigeminal ganglion
• purely sensory
• Exits cranium through foramen rotundum (located in greater wing of
sphenoid bone)
• Supplies –
1. Skin –
a. Middle portion of face b. Lower eyelid
c. Side of nose d. Upper lip
2. Mucous membrane –
a. Nasopharynx b. Maxillary sinus
c. Soft palate d. Tonsil
e. Hard palate
Branches of
Branches within
Branches within
Branches within
Branches on
• Middle
Nerve –
travels with
artery to
to duramater
• Zygomatic
• Pterygopalatin
e Nerve
• Posterior
Alveolar Nerve
• Middle
• Anterior
• Inferior
• External Nasal
• Superior Labial
Branches within
Pterygopalatine Fossa
Pterygopalatine Nerve
Posterior Superior
Alveolar Nerve
• Zygomaticote
mporal –
sensory to
skin on side
of forehead
• Zygomaticofa
cial – supplies
skin on
of cheek
• Orbital branch – supplies
periosteum of orbit
• Nasal branch – important
branch is nasopalatine nerve
which supplies ant. part of
nasal septum & floor of nose
& enters incisive foramen to
supply premaxillary region
• Palatine Branch – branches
off into greater palatine &
lesser palatine
• Pharyngeal Branch – mucous
membrane of nasal part of
• Branches off in
infratemporal fossa
• Supplies alveoli,
ligaments, pulpal
tissues of maxillary
3rd, 2nd &1st molar
(except mesiobuccal
root of 1st molar in
28% cases)
Branches within Infraorbital Canal
Middle Superior Alveolar Anterior Superior Alveolar
• Supplies mesiobuccal root of
maxillary 1st molar, buccal
soft tissue, periodontal
ligaments, premolars
• Branches off 6-10 mm ahead
of middle superior alveolar
• Provides pulpal innervation
to central incisors, lateral
incisors, canine periodontal
ligaments & alveolar bone
Branches on Face
External Nasal Superior Labial
• Supplies skin
of lower
• Supplies skin
on lateral
aspect of
• Supplies skin
& mucous
membrane of
upper lip
 Mandibular Division :
• Largest branch of trigeminal nerve
• Mixed nerve with 2 roots –
1. Large sensory – originates at inferior angle of trigeminal ganglion
2. Smaller motor – arise in motor cells located in pons & medulla
• 2 roots emerge from cranium separately through foramen ovale
• Motor lies medial to sensory
• Unite outside skull to form main trunk of 3rd division
• Remains united for 2-3 mm & then divides into small anterior part &
large posterior part
 Mandibular nerve supplies :
1. Sensory root -
a. Skin of temporal region, auricular region, external auditory
meatus, cheek, lower lip, chin
b. Mucous membrane of cheek, tongue (anterior 2/3rd), mastoid
c. Mandibular teeth & PDL
d. Alveolar bone of mandible
e. TMJ
f. Parotid gland
2. Motor root –
a. Masticatory muscles
b. Mylohyoid muscle
c. Anterior belly of digastric
d. Tensor tympani
e. Tensor vili palatini
Branches of
Mandibular Nerve
From undivided part From anterior division
From posterior
• Branches off into-
nervus spinosus or
meningel branch of
V3 (re-enters
cranium through
foramen spinosum
along with middle
meningeal artery t
supply duramater &
mastoid air cells),
nerve to medial
pterygoid (motor to
medial pterygoid
musle & gives small
branches motor to
tensor veli palatine
• Motor to
muscles &
sensory to
membrane of
cheek & buccal
membrane of
• Branches off
into- buccal,
deep temporal,
• Branches off
al, lingual,
mental &
incisive nerves
 Sixth pair of cranial nerve
 Consists of somatic motor
 Supplies lateral rectus
muscle of the eyeball
 Passes through the superior
orbital fissure
 Consists of 2 nerves – facial nerve proper & intermediate nerve
Consists of somatized motor fibers destined for
muscles of facial expressions, including occipital,
auricular, platysma, posterior belly of digastric &
stapedius & stylohyoid muscles
Contains proprioceptive sensory fibers (for deep sensitivity of face, taste
sensations in anterior 2/3rd of tongue & on palate) & preganglionic
visceral efferent fibers (for lacrimal gland, sublingual; submandibular
salivary glands & smaller glands of oral cavity
 Both the nerves emerge from brain at pontocerebral angle /
pontomedullary junction in front of & medial to statoacoustic nerve
 Branches of facial nerve :
1. Within the facial canal –
a) Greater petrossal
b) Nerve to stapedius
c) Chorda tympani
2. After emrging from stylomastoid foramen –
a) Posterior auricular
b) Nerve to posterior belly of digastric
3. Terminal branches –
a) Temporal (supplies frontal muscles, superior part of orbicularis
oculi, corrugator, slender of nose)
b) Zygomatic (supplies inferior part of orbicularis oculi)
c) Buccal (upper buccal – muscles of upper lip & nose; lower buccal
– buccinators & risorius muscle)
d) Marginal mandibular (supplies muscles of lower lip & mental
e) Deep cervical (supplies platysma muscle)
 Also known as statoacoustic nerve
& vestibulocochlear nerve
Combination of vestibular & cochlear
arises from
cochlea of
labyrinth &
sensation of
Arises from semicircular canals,
 Emerges from lateral surface of
medulla oblongata & passes in
front of vagus nerve through
jugular foramen
 Contains motor fibers
 Motor supply to stylopharyngeus
muscle & participates with vagus
in supplying constrictors of
pharynx & palatopharyngeus
 Sensory supply to parts of tonsil,
 Largest parasympathetic visceral
 Contains both visceral & somatic
 Sensory fibers arise from
superior/jugular ganglion &
inferior/nodose ganglion & supply
skin behind ear & lining of part of
external acoustic meatus
 Motor supply to pharyngeal &
laryngeal muscles
 Consists of cranial & spinal portion &
former is functionally a part of vagus
nerve & in periphery, its fibers are
indistinguishable from that of vagus
 Spinal part arises from upper 5 or 6
cervical segments of spinal cord,
enters cranium through foramen
magnum & join cranial accessory
 Exits cranium through jugular
foramen along with glossopharyngeal
& vagus nerve
 Twelfth cranial nerve
 Arises from medulla
 Leaves the skull
through hypoglossal
 Motor supply to all
intrinsic & extrinsic
muscles of tongue
except palatoglossus
 Joined by nerve that arises from
the loop between 1st & 2nd
cervical nerves
 Most of these fibers get detached
from hypoglossal nerve as it
reaches between internal &
external carotid artey &
constitutes the superior branch
of the ansa cervicalis
 Joind by branches from 2nd & 3rd
cervical nerves (inferior branch of
ansa cervicalis)
 From this loop branches off to
supply omohyoid, sternothyroid,
 Cervical fibers that do not get detached continue in the sheath of
hypoglossal nerve & branches off into nerve for thyrohyoid &
The anatomy of the nerve supply of
the head and neck has many
significant applications in
maxillofacial surgery. Understanding
these important anatomic relations-
variations enables surgeons to
perform the surgical procedures
safely. Knowledge of these concepts
helps us to recognize the problems
and complications as and when they
occur and manage them accordingly.
 Oral Anatomy by Sicher and DuBrul
 Gray’s Anatomy
 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery by Fonseca
 Atlas of Operative Maxillofacial Trauma Surgery by Springer
 Textbook of Human Anatomy by B.D.Chaurasia, Vol.3
 Textbook of Human Embryology by Inderbir Singh
Nerve supply of head and neck

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Nerve supply of head and neck

  • 1.
  • 2. NERVE SUPPLY OF HEAD AND NECK (Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery) PRESENTED BY: Dr. Samarth Johari (MDS 1st Year) GUIDED BY: Dr. Gagan khare (Professor) 16-11-2018 (Friday)
  • 3. CONTENTS  Introduction  Cranial Nerves  Nuclei of Cranial Nerves  Olfactory Nerve  Optic Nerve  Occulomotor Nerve  Trochlear Nerve  Trigeminal Nerve  Abducent Nerve  Facial Nerve  Auditory Nerve  Glossopharyngeal Nerve  Vagus Nerve  Accesssory Nerve  Hypoglossal Nerve  Conclusion  Refernces
  • 4. INTRODUCTI ON  Peripheral nervous system – composed of 12 pairs of cranial nerves & 31 pairs of spinal nerves Emerging from brain stem Emerging from spinal cord Peripheral Nervous System Somati c Afferent / Sensory Efferent / Motor Viscera l Afferent / Sensory Efferent / Motor
  • 5.  Somatic Nerves Defined as those afferent fibers that transmit stimuli from skin, special sense organs, voluntary muscles, tendons, ligaments & joints as well as those efferent fibres that activate voluntary, striated, skeletal musculature  Visceral Nerves Defined as those afferent fibers that transmit stimuli from viscera as well as those efferent fibres that activate involuntary, smooth musculature of viscera, cardiac musculature & secretion of glands A nerve is a gross conduit made up of many fibers A fiber is a long process of a neuron of specific function
  • 6.  Note : The whole visceral motor outflow is placed in a separate category k/a Autonomic Nervous System because it acts “automatically”  Major portion of head & neck is supplied by cranial nerves, a minor portion by upper cervical spinal nerves Autonomic Nervous System Sympathetic Parasympathetic  Fibers emerge from thoracic & upper lumbar segments of spinal cord  k/a thoracolumbar outflow  Fibers emerge directly from brain stem & from upper sacral segments of spinal cord  k/a craniosacral outflow
  • 7.  There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves : I. Olfactory II. Optic III. Occulomotor IV. Trochlear V. Trigeminal VI. Abducent VII. Facial VIII.Vestibulocochlear (Statoacoustic / Auditory) IX. Glossopharyngeal X. Vagus XI. Accessory XII. Hypoglossal CRANIAL NERVES
  • 8.  Attachment of cranial nerves to the brain : a. Olfactory & Optic to forebrain b. Occulomotor & Trochlear to mid brain c. Trigeminal, Abducent, Facial & Vestibulocohlear to pons d. Glossopharyngeal, Vagus, Accessory, Hypoglossal to medulla oblongata
  • 9. NUCLEI OF CRANIAL NERVES General Somatic Efferent (GSE) Nuclei Supply skeletal muscle of somatic origin 1. Oculomotor Nucleus – • Situated in mid brain at level of superior colliculus • Its fibers enter occulomotor nerve & supplies extrinsic muscles of eyeball except lateral rectus & superior oblique 2. Trochlear Nucleus – • Situated in mid brain at level of inferior colliculus
  • 10. 3. Abducent Nucleus – • Situated in lower part of pons • Supplies only lateral rectus muscle through abducent nerve 4. Hypoglossal Nucleus – • Lies in medulla • Supplies 7 out of 8 muscles of tongue through hypoglossal nerve
  • 11.  Special Visceral Efferent (SVE)/Branchial Efferent Nuclei- 1. Motor Nucleus of Trigeminal– • Situated in upper part of pons • Its fibers enter mandibular nerve & supplies muscles of mastication 2. Nucleus of Facial Nerve – • Situated in lower part of pons • Supplies only muscles innervated by facial nerve 3. Nucleus Ambiguus – • Lies in medulla • Supplies stylopharyngeus muscle (through glossopharyngeal nerve); muscles of soft palate, larynx & pharynx (through vagus &
  • 12.
  • 13.  General Somatic Afferent (GSA) Nuclei All related to trigeminal nerve 1. Main or Superior Sensory Nucleus of Trigeminal Nerve – • Lies in upper part of pons 2. Spinal Nucleus of Trigeminal Nerve – • Descends from main nucleus into medulla • Reaches upper 2 segments of spinal cord • Parts are : a) Pars caudalis – receives impulses of pain, temp. from forehead b) Pars interpolaris – receives
  • 14. 3. Mesencephalic Nucleus of Trigeminal Nerve – • Extends upwards from main sensory nucleus into mid brain • Receive following fibers : a) Exteroceptive sensations (touch, pain, temp.) from skin of face, through trigeminal nerve & from part of skin of auricle through vagus & facial nerve b) Proprioceptive sensations from muscles of
  • 15.  General Visceral Efferent (GVE) Nuclei Give origin to preganglionic neurons that relay in peripheral autonomic ganglion postganglionic fibres arising in ganglion supply smooth muscles or glands 1. Edinger – Westphal Nucleus – • Lies in mid brain, close to occulomotor nucleus • Supplies sphincter pupillae & ciliaris muscles via ciliary ganglion (through occulomotor nerve) 2. Lacrimatory Nucleus – • Lies in lower pons near salivatory nucleus • Supplies lacrimal, nasal, palatal & pharyngeal glands via pterygopalatine ganglion (through facial nerve & its branch, greater petrosal nerve)
  • 16. 3. Superior Salivatory Nucleus – • Lies in lower part of pons • Supplies submandibular, sublingual salivary glands via submandibular ganglion (through facial nerve & its chorda tympani branch) 4. Inferior Salivatory Nucleus – • Lies just below superior nucleus in pons • Supplies parotid gland via otic ganglion (through glossopharyngeal nerve)
  • 17. 5. Dorsal Nucleus of Vagus – • Extends into medulla • Gives off fibres that passes through vagus nerve to be distributed to thoracic & abdominal viscera  Special Somatic Afferent (SSA) Nucleus : 1. Cochlear Nuclei – • These are dorsal & ventral • Receives impulses of hearing through cochlear nerve 2. Vestibular Nuclei – • Theses are superior, spinal, medial & lateral • Receives fibers from semicircular
  • 18.  General Visceral Afferent (GVA) & Special Visceral Afferent (SVA) Nucleus : 1. Nucleus of Solitary Tract or Tractus Solitarius – • Only nucleus in this category • Lies in medulla & extends into both its closed & open parts • Lower part receives general visceral sensations : a. Through glossopharyngeal nerve from tonsil, pharynx, posterior part of tongue, carotid body & carotid sinus b. Through vagus nerve from pharynx, larynx, trachea,
  • 19. • Upper part receives sensations of taste : a. From anterior 2/3rd of tongue & palate except circumvallate papillae through facial nerve in its superior part b. From posterior 1/3rd of tongue through glossopharyngeal nerve including circumvallate papillae in its middle part
  • 20. OLFACTORY NERVE  Transmits sense of smell  Branches arise from sensory cells of nasal mucosa, enter cranial cavity as olfactory fila through openings of cribriform plate of ethmoid bone  Enter olfactory bulb singly  Bulb is vestige of olfactory lobe of macrosmatic mammals (those animals
  • 21. OPTIC NERVE  Second pair of cranial nerve  Nerve of visual sense  Arise in ganglion cells of retina  Enters cranial cavity through optic foramen
  • 22. OCULOMOTOR NERVE  Contains somatic & parasympathetic visceral efferent fibres  Somatic fibres responsible for most of the extrinsic muscles of the eye  Parasympathetic fibres relay in ciliary ganglion  Postganglionic fibres arising from ciliary ganglion, enter eyeball & supply ciliary muscles or muscles of accommodation & sphincter of pupil
  • 23. TROCHLEAR NERVE  Carries somatic fibres  Supply superior oblique muscle of eyeball  Passes through superior orbital fissure
  • 24. TRIGEMINAL NERVE  Consists of greater somatic sensory & small somatic motor portion  Motor fibres supply masticatory muscles, tensor palate muscle, mylohyoid muscle, ant. belly of digastric & tensor tympani muscle  Sensory fibers except proprioceptive fibers arise in semilunar ganglion & supply skin of entire face & mucous membrane of cranial viscera except pharynx & base of tongue
  • 25.  Course of motor root & sensory root of trigeminal nerve :
  • 26.  Opthalmic Division : • 1st branch of Vth cranial nerve • Purely sensory & smallest of 3 divisions • Supplies eyeball, conjunctiva, lacrimal gland, parts of mucous membrane of nose & paranasal sinuses & skin of forehead, eyelids & nose • Divides into 3 main branches just before passing through superior orbital fissure – 1. Nasocilliary 2. Frontal
  • 27.
  • 28. Nasociliar y Long Ciliary Branch to Ciliary Ganglion Posterior Ethmoidal Anterior Ethmoidal Middle & Anterior Ethmoidal Sinuses Medial Internal Nasal Lateral Internal Nasal External Nasal Supplies ethmoidal & Sphenoidal Sinuses Contains sensory fibers that travel to eyeball via short ciliary nerves Supplies iris & cornea Supplies mucous membrane of anterior part of nasal septum & lateral wall of nasal cavity
  • 29. Frontal Supratrochlear Supraorbital Largest branch of ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve Supplies upper eyelid, conjunctiva, lower part of forehead Sensory to upper eyelid & scalp till vertex
  • 30.  Maxillary Division : • Arise from middle of trigeminal ganglion • purely sensory • Exits cranium through foramen rotundum (located in greater wing of sphenoid bone) • Supplies – 1. Skin – a. Middle portion of face b. Lower eyelid c. Side of nose d. Upper lip 2. Mucous membrane – a. Nasopharynx b. Maxillary sinus c. Soft palate d. Tonsil e. Hard palate
  • 31.
  • 32. Branches of Maxillary Division Branches within Cranium Branches within Pterygopalatine Fossa Branches within Infraorbital Canal Branches on Face • Middle Meningeal Nerve – travels with middle meningeal artery to provide sensory innervation to duramater • Zygomatic Nerve • Pterygopalatin e Nerve • Posterior Superior Alveolar Nerve • Middle Superior Alveolar • Anterior Superior Alveolar • Inferior Palpebral • External Nasal • Superior Labial
  • 33.
  • 34. Branches within Pterygopalatine Fossa Zygomatic Nerve Pterygopalatine Nerve Posterior Superior Alveolar Nerve • Zygomaticote mporal – sensory to skin on side of forehead • Zygomaticofa cial – supplies skin on prominence of cheek • Orbital branch – supplies periosteum of orbit • Nasal branch – important branch is nasopalatine nerve which supplies ant. part of nasal septum & floor of nose & enters incisive foramen to supply premaxillary region • Palatine Branch – branches off into greater palatine & lesser palatine • Pharyngeal Branch – mucous membrane of nasal part of • Branches off in infratemporal fossa • Supplies alveoli, periodontal ligaments, pulpal tissues of maxillary 3rd, 2nd &1st molar (except mesiobuccal root of 1st molar in 28% cases)
  • 35. Branches within Infraorbital Canal Middle Superior Alveolar Anterior Superior Alveolar • Supplies mesiobuccal root of maxillary 1st molar, buccal soft tissue, periodontal ligaments, premolars • Branches off 6-10 mm ahead of middle superior alveolar nerve • Provides pulpal innervation to central incisors, lateral incisors, canine periodontal ligaments & alveolar bone
  • 36. Branches on Face Inferior Palpabral External Nasal Superior Labial • Supplies skin of lower eyelid • Supplies skin on lateral aspect of nose • Supplies skin & mucous membrane of upper lip
  • 37.  Mandibular Division : • Largest branch of trigeminal nerve • Mixed nerve with 2 roots – 1. Large sensory – originates at inferior angle of trigeminal ganglion 2. Smaller motor – arise in motor cells located in pons & medulla oblongata • 2 roots emerge from cranium separately through foramen ovale • Motor lies medial to sensory • Unite outside skull to form main trunk of 3rd division • Remains united for 2-3 mm & then divides into small anterior part & large posterior part
  • 38.  Mandibular nerve supplies : 1. Sensory root - a. Skin of temporal region, auricular region, external auditory meatus, cheek, lower lip, chin b. Mucous membrane of cheek, tongue (anterior 2/3rd), mastoid cells c. Mandibular teeth & PDL d. Alveolar bone of mandible e. TMJ f. Parotid gland 2. Motor root – a. Masticatory muscles b. Mylohyoid muscle c. Anterior belly of digastric d. Tensor tympani e. Tensor vili palatini
  • 39.
  • 40. Branches of Mandibular Nerve From undivided part From anterior division From posterior division • Branches off into- nervus spinosus or meningel branch of V3 (re-enters cranium through foramen spinosum along with middle meningeal artery t supply duramater & mastoid air cells), nerve to medial pterygoid (motor to medial pterygoid musle & gives small branches motor to tensor veli palatine • Motor to masticatory muscles & sensory to mucous membrane of cheek & buccal mucous membrane of mandibular molars • Branches off into- buccal, deep temporal, masseter, lateral • Branches off into- auriculotempor al, lingual, inferior alveolar, mylohyoid, mental & incisive nerves
  • 41.
  • 42. ABDUCENT NERVE  Sixth pair of cranial nerve  Consists of somatic motor fibers  Supplies lateral rectus muscle of the eyeball  Passes through the superior orbital fissure
  • 43. FACIAL NERVE  Consists of 2 nerves – facial nerve proper & intermediate nerve Consists of somatized motor fibers destined for muscles of facial expressions, including occipital, auricular, platysma, posterior belly of digastric & stapedius & stylohyoid muscles Contains proprioceptive sensory fibers (for deep sensitivity of face, taste sensations in anterior 2/3rd of tongue & on palate) & preganglionic visceral efferent fibers (for lacrimal gland, sublingual; submandibular salivary glands & smaller glands of oral cavity  Both the nerves emerge from brain at pontocerebral angle / pontomedullary junction in front of & medial to statoacoustic nerve
  • 45.  Branches of facial nerve : 1. Within the facial canal – a) Greater petrossal b) Nerve to stapedius c) Chorda tympani 2. After emrging from stylomastoid foramen – a) Posterior auricular b) Nerve to posterior belly of digastric 3. Terminal branches – a) Temporal (supplies frontal muscles, superior part of orbicularis oculi, corrugator, slender of nose) b) Zygomatic (supplies inferior part of orbicularis oculi) c) Buccal (upper buccal – muscles of upper lip & nose; lower buccal – buccinators & risorius muscle) d) Marginal mandibular (supplies muscles of lower lip & mental muscle) e) Deep cervical (supplies platysma muscle)
  • 46. AUDITORY NERVE  Also known as statoacoustic nerve & vestibulocochlear nerve Combination of vestibular & cochlear nerves arises from cochlea of labyrinth & transmits sensation of hearing Arises from semicircular canals,
  • 47. GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL NERVE  Emerges from lateral surface of medulla oblongata & passes in front of vagus nerve through jugular foramen  Contains motor fibers  Motor supply to stylopharyngeus muscle & participates with vagus in supplying constrictors of pharynx & palatopharyngeus muscle  Sensory supply to parts of tonsil,
  • 48. VAGUS NERVE  Largest parasympathetic visceral nerve  Contains both visceral & somatic fibers  Sensory fibers arise from superior/jugular ganglion & inferior/nodose ganglion & supply skin behind ear & lining of part of external acoustic meatus  Motor supply to pharyngeal & laryngeal muscles
  • 49. ACCESSORY NERVE  Consists of cranial & spinal portion & former is functionally a part of vagus nerve & in periphery, its fibers are indistinguishable from that of vagus  Spinal part arises from upper 5 or 6 cervical segments of spinal cord, enters cranium through foramen magnum & join cranial accessory  Exits cranium through jugular foramen along with glossopharyngeal & vagus nerve
  • 50. HYPOGLOSSAL NERVE  Twelfth cranial nerve  Arises from medulla oblongata  Leaves the skull through hypoglossal canal  Motor supply to all intrinsic & extrinsic muscles of tongue except palatoglossus
  • 51.  Joined by nerve that arises from the loop between 1st & 2nd cervical nerves  Most of these fibers get detached from hypoglossal nerve as it reaches between internal & external carotid artey & constitutes the superior branch of the ansa cervicalis  Joind by branches from 2nd & 3rd cervical nerves (inferior branch of ansa cervicalis)  From this loop branches off to supply omohyoid, sternothyroid,  Cervical fibers that do not get detached continue in the sheath of hypoglossal nerve & branches off into nerve for thyrohyoid &
  • 52. The anatomy of the nerve supply of the head and neck has many significant applications in maxillofacial surgery. Understanding these important anatomic relations- variations enables surgeons to perform the surgical procedures safely. Knowledge of these concepts helps us to recognize the problems and complications as and when they occur and manage them accordingly. CONCLUSION
  • 53.  Oral Anatomy by Sicher and DuBrul  Gray’s Anatomy  Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery by Fonseca  Atlas of Operative Maxillofacial Trauma Surgery by Springer  Textbook of Human Anatomy by B.D.Chaurasia, Vol.3  Textbook of Human Embryology by Inderbir Singh REFERENCES