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Wipe them drye fight against                                Wipe them
                                   h T
                                          germs is in
                                          your hands

contents                                 Hygiene and Healthcare
                                         + For facilities managers
                                         + For visitors and staff
   Introduction to Hand Hygiene

                         ipe them dry                                              Wipe them
                                         Hygiene on the move

   Hints and Tips
                                         + For operators and facilities managers
                                     ou can stop th
                                         + For you
   Facts and Figures                Y                    s
   Hygiene at Work                  spread of germ and posters
                                         Downloadable leaflets

   + For facilities managers
                                         The art of hand washing
   + For you

                                          Flu Q&A
   Hygiene at School
   + For teachers
   + For parents                         Useful Contacts
introduction to hand hygiene

“Wipe them dry” has been launched by Tork to educate
people on the importance of keeping hands clean in order
to stay healthy and prevent the spread of germs.

Hands are amazing tools. We use them almost all the time,
and this makes them very exposed and vulnerable. For
example, bacteria can survive on common surfaces such as
taps for up to 72 hours.

“Wipe them dry” is all about washing and drying our hands.
Washing with liquid soap helps us to remove the most
harmful germs, but not all. Germs love wet or moist hands
so if we forget to dry them the remaining germs on our
hands multiply rapidly. Thoroughly washing and drying our
hands can remove up to 99 per cent of all germs, which is
why we say clean hands are safe hands.
hints & tips

When should you wash your hands?                     After washing and drying your hands
Good hand hygiene is especially important when you
are away from home. To prevent infection and cross   +   Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth to avoid
                                                         cross contamination.
contamination you should wash your hands:
                                                     +   Be careful about close contact such as shaking
                                                         hands or kissing people on the cheek and avoid
+   After arriving at work.                              close contact with people who are ill.
+   Before meals or eating food.                     +   Cough or sneeze against your sleeve or in a paper
+   After visiting the toilet.                           tissue, then throw this immediately into the bin.

+   After sneezing.

+   Before preparing food.

+   Before and after visiting a sick person.                             Washing your hands
+   After arriving home.                                                 properly should take about
+   When hands are visibly dirty.
                                                                         20 to 30 seconds.
how to wash your hands

1   2   3    4     5       6

7   8   9   10     11     12
facts and figures

                   Where have your hands been today?
                   As many as 14 people in a row can
                   become contaminated by touching a
the daily paper,
                   bacteria–laden door handle.
phone etc.
These objects
can harbour                       Direct person-to-person

bacteria from                     touching is the most common
                                  way to spread germs.
other people.
facts and figures

Areas many forget to wash   (for more information click here)
                                                                        26%                           16%
                                                        28%          forget to wash              forget to wash
                                                    forget to wash     their palms               their fingertips
       24%            56%                            the backs of
                                                      their hands
   forget to wash    forget to wash
      their nails     their thumbs
                                                                             89%forget to wash
                                                                                  their wrists
hygiene at work for facility managers

Hygienic washrooms and good hand washing                Workplace     infection   has   traditionally
facilities can play a major part in helping to reduce   taken third place - after accidents and
sickness, both at home and at work.                     non-biological occupational hazards -
                                                        in occupational health priority. Raised
As most of us know maintaining a clean                  awareness     to   infection    hazards    is
and   hygienic    washroom      at   home     is   an   changing this.
important part of keeping our families safe.
                                                        At one end of the scale, this is because
But hygiene is particularly important in the            of the huge cost to business of staff
workplace where infections may quickly spread,          absenteeism through common infections.
leading to mass absenteeism and therefore a             At the other end of the scale, in the EU
loss of productivity. Overall loss of output due to     there are still about 5,000 workers dying
non-injury ill health was estimated to be between       every year from communicable disease
£7.01 -10.24 billion in Great Britain in 2004.          acquired at work. For more information
(source:                                click here.
the cost of sick days

Days off sick, whatever the cause,
                                           Simple changes to minimise sickness
are costly to businesses and there are     Business environments are potential hotbeds of infection, so what can be done about it? Take a risk
                                           assessment of your office:
associated costs to the sufferers and
their relatives.                           +   Soap and lack of adequate hand drying facilities are the most common factors to be missing or to
                                               have run out. Soap does not have to be antibacterial in most office/home situations. The method for
                                               drying hands is of more importance: warm air dryers may not dry hands adequately and a hot or jet
Work days lost due to infectious disease
                                               air dryer can disperse microbes around the washroom. While some of the latest dryer designs have
in 2007-2008 in Great Britain included         increased efficiency, the ideal solution is to offer a disposable hand towel supply, especially during
154,000 days (central value) for men and       outbreaks.
104,000 days for women, with individuals
                                           +   If the toilet paper is missing in a cubicle the user may have to come out, hunt for a roll and return – it
absent because of an infection for an          doesn’t take much imagination to assess the increase in contamination of handles etc.
average of 6.8 days a year for men and
an average 5.9 days for women.             +   Office kitchen assessment includes a safe drinking water/hot water supply and washing-up liquid,
                                               soap and hand drying provision.

For more information click here.           +   If the office has a water dispenser or water cooler, the hygiene check will depend on whether the
                                               water tank is connected to the mains supply or the tank is changed by a supplier.
simple changes to minimise sickness

                           The washroom at
                                                      work should
                           be a functional,
                                                    hygienic and
                           pleasant environment
                                                       since most
                          of us are not prepared
                                                      to stay in an
                          unsanitary washroom
                                                  any longer than
                          necessary. If we are loa
                                                      the to linger,
                          hand hygiene may
                                                   become quite
                         cursory – particularly
                                                    if inadequate
                         hand washing facilitie
                                                 s are supplied.
                         Since the washroom
                                                 is an important
                        part of the workplac
                                                  e environment
                        it makes sense to ens
                                                  ure that it is a
                        hygienic and user-frien
                                                 dly facility. This
                        helps to increase pro
                                                   ductivity and
                       boost staff morale while
                                                   also reducing
                       the threat of infections.
hygiene at work for you

The most common way in which germs are spread is via                Simple changes to minimise getting sick
people’s hands. Germs are often harmless but they can also
                                                                    You can reduce - but not remove - the risk of catching or spreading
cause illnesses such as colds, flu, and stomach bugs.
                                                                    infections by:

Washing your hands properly with soap and warm water is             +   Always covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or
the single most important thing you can do to help reduce               sneezing.

the spread of infections and help protect you, your family          +   Disposing of dirty tissues promptly and carefully.
and those around you at work.
                                                                    +   Maintaining good basic hygiene: for example, washing your hands frequently
                                                                        with soap and warm water to reduce the spread of bacteria from your
Whilst we may relish the idea of a day at home from time                hands to face, or to other people.
to time, the reality is that being ill is not pleasant for anyone
- and you will not want to be responsible for infecting your        +   Drying your hands correctly to remove all traces of bacteria.

family either. For more information click here.                     +   Cleaning hard surfaces such as door handles frequently and thoroughly
                                                                        using a normal cleaning product.
when to wash your hands

As you touch people, surfaces
                                    Always wash your hands                    Always wash your hands after:
and objects throughout the day,
                                    before:                                   + Preparing food, especially raw meat or poultry.
you accumulate germs on your
hands. In turn you can infect
                                    + Preparing food in the office kitchen.   + Using the toilet at work.
yourself with these germs by        + Eating food.                            + Touching an animal or animal toys,
                                                                                  leashes or waste.
touching your eyes, nose or         + Treating wounds or giving medicine.
                                    + Touching a sick or injured person.      +   Blowing your nose or coughing or sneezing
                                                                                  into your hands.

Although it is impossible to
                                    + Inserting or removing contact lenses.   +   Treating wounds.
keep your hands germ-free,                                                    +   Touching a sick or injured person.
washing and drying your hands
                                                                    also      +   Handling rubbish or something that could be
frequently can help to limit the
                                                            e it is sh            contaminated, such as a cleaning cloth
                                                       ours        wa
transfer of bacteria, viruses and
                                                   Of c rtant to enever           or soiled shoes.
other microbes.                                    impo hands w irty.
                                                    your appear d
how to wash your hands

It is generally best to wash your                          Thoroughly
hands with soap and water                                  drying your
Follow these simple steps:                                    hands is
+   Wet your hands with running water.                      at least as
+   Apply soap in liquid, bar or powder form.
                                                           as washing
+   Lather well.                                           since damp
+   Rub your hands vigorously for at least 20-30           hands have
    seconds. Remember to scrub all surfaces            the capacity to
    including the backs of your hands, wrists,
    between your fingers and under your fingernails.     spread about
                                                           1,000 times
+   Rinse well.
                                                        the amount of
+   Dry your hands with a clean or disposable towel.       bacteria as
+   If possible, use your towel to turn off the tap.        dry hands.
hygiene at schools for teachers

It is sad to say that   What you can do to help                        Lessons
many schools in the     Handwashing is one of the most important       Hand hygiene education is a basic yet critical
UK have inadequate      ways of preventing the spread of infection.    concept – and in today’s fast-paced world of national
hygiene facilities,     Here are some lesson ideas to encourage        standards and jam-packed school days it can easily
and several studies     pupils to wash their hands. In addition, you   be overlooked. But when it is carried out correctly,
have revealed that      could:                                         clean hands education can have a tremendous
poor hand washing       +   Find images of bacteria to show them.      impact on the health and well-being of the entire
facilities in schools                                                  school community.
                        +   Find images of threadworms
can contribute to the       (a parasite which is found in faeces) to
spread of infections        show them.
among children.         +   For older pupils, discuss what types of
                            things might be carried on dirty hands
                            (eg germs causing stomach upsets).
lessons for primary school children

The washing your hands song
(Sung to “Row Your Boat”)

Wash, wash, wash your hands         Until they’re nice and clean
Wash them well today                Down the drain go dirt and germs
Soap and water does the trick       Never to be seen.
It keeps the germs away!            Rinse, rinse, rinse your hands
Wash, wash, wash your hands         Under the water stream
Wash them day and night             Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Scrub with soap and water too       Hand washing’s a dream
And illness it will fight!

Scrub, scrub, scrub your hands      For more ideas click here.
lessons for middle school children

Cooking flour activity
Put some flour on a plate and invite one pupil to
place his or her right hand on to it (palm down).
Pupils should stand in a circle and the first one
shakes the hand of the next, who then shakes
the hand of the next, and so on. See how far
around the circle the flour travels – it might even
make it all the way back to the first pupil. Explain
that invisible germs are spread in the same way.

For more ideas click here.
lessons for secondary school children

Using a UV light
If you have access to an ultra-violet

light, ask pupils to put their hands under

it. It will show up how dirty their hands

really are. If practical, pupils can rinse

their hands lightly then see how little dirt

has been removed. Then they can try

scrubbing with soap and water.

For more ideas click here.
keeping toilets and washrooms clean

Good hygiene is          +   Toilets should be clean, in good repair and           cartridges are considered to be the “gold
                             monitored regularly. For example, an audit            standard”. Liquid soap that is “topped up”
particularly important       checklist should be located in the toilets and        can become contaminated.
in schools. Toilets          this should be dated and signed at regular
and washrooms                intervals.                                        +   Some schools use roller towels or hand
                                                                                   dryers. Ideally paper towels should be
should be clean          +   All toilet areas should have hand                     used. However, if roller towels or hand
and well ventilated.         washing facilities including warm and                 dryers are provided they should be regularly
They should also be          cold running water, soap and towels.                  maintained, changed or cleaned.
                             Liquid soap & paper towels are recognised
cleaned regularly as         as the most effective hand washing method.        +   Water fountains and other drinking outlets
part of a documented         Liquid soap, unlike bar soap, is less likely to       should not be located in the toilets.
cleaning rota and            become contaminated.
                                                                               +   General bins (for paper towels etc) in toilets
policy.                  +   Ideally liquid soap should be housed in               should be foot-operated.
                             wall-mounted dispensers and disposable

                             Please click here to download the hand washing guide and post up in your school washrooms
                             to improve the pupils’ hand hygiene.
hygiene at school for parents

This section is aimed primarily at     Children are particularly susceptible
parents of school children, but        due to a number of factors:
can be used by anyone wanting
                                       + They have immature immune systems.
to find out more about improving
school hygiene.                        + They tend to have a higher degree of close
                                           contact with other children.

Hygiene is particularly important in   +   They tend to explore with their hands, and
                                           germs from hands to mouth can easily
the school setting as young school         cause infection.
children are recognised as being
                                       +   They share facilities and equipment.
at particular risk of contracting
and transmitting enteric (relating     +   They may not have an understanding of
                                           hygiene practices.
to intestines) infection (Finn and
Crook, 1998/1999).                     +   They may have incomplete immunisations
                                           (Berg, 1988).
hygiene at school for parents

What are the potential                        Hand washing is one of the most important ways of preventing infection. Hands can move
benefits for parents?                         germs to other places such as from the toilet to the classroom. Thorough hand washing
                                              with warm water and soap will remove germs along with effective hand drying.
+ Fewer school days missed – which
    can have a knock-on effect on parents
    for childcare arrangements together       What can you do to help?
    with education lost for children.
                                              Parents should set good examples by washing their hands frequently and encouraging children
+   Fewer illness for children especially     to do the same. Children will probably want to know why they need to wash their hands.
    diarrhoea and vomiting and
                                              Explain that microbes can make people sick even though they are too tiny to be seen.
    respiratory illness.

+   Fewer visits to GPs.
                                              Point out the fingernails, lines, cracks and wrinkles on hands where dirt and microbes like to
+   Potentially a lower use of antibiotics.   hide. Explain that all these places should be washed carefully. Show children the right way to
+   Fewer outbreaks of infectious disease.    wash their hands as explained in these guidelines.
hygiene at school for parents

When should children wash their hands?                             How should children wash their hands?
+ Before eating food, especially at lunch time.                    Ideally liquid soap, warm running water, paper towels and a
                                                                   foot-operated bin should be provided.
+ After using the toilet.
                                                                   +   Put hands under warm running water.
+ After contact with blood or other body fluids (such as vomit).
                                                                   +   Apply soap.
+ After touching or picking their nose.
                                                                   +   Rub hands together paying particular attention to fingertips,
+ After handling pets, pet cages, feeding utensils and other pet       thumbs and between fingers.
    items such as litter trays.
                                                                   +   Rinse hands under warm running water.
+   After going out to play.
                                                                   +   Dry hands thoroughly with a paper towel.
+   After being in contact with a contaminated area such
    as rubbish bins.

+   Whenever their hands are dirty.
hygiene at school for parents

Parents and teachers should wash their hands
as soon as they arrive at the school or child
care centre, and:
+ Before handling food or bottles, before giving or using medicine or
    ointments and before going home.

+   After using or helping a child use the toilet, changing a nappy,
    touching any body fluids (by wiping a runny nose for example),
    handling pets or pet objects (cages or leashes for example), handling
    objects used by children, removing gloves used for any sanitary
    purpose, using a telephone, caring for or touching a child who is ill.
+   Whenever they go to another room in the school or child care centre
    or move to a different group of children.

+   Whenever hands look, feel, or smell unclean.
hygiene for parents of young children

Handwashing finger play
This is a fun activity to help your children remember   They’re on the toilet seats and on your two feet.
the importance of handwashing.                          (Point to feet)

Germs are everywhere!                                   They are on your hands and in the sand.
(Wave hands around room)                                (Show hands)

They’re on the walls and in the halls.                  They even like food; isn’t that rude?
(Point to walls)                                        But don’t be scared. Germs can be beat.
                                                        Just make sure your hands are clean and neat
They’re on the chairs and on the stairs.
(Point to chair)                                        For more ideas click here.
hygiene for parents of older children

Here is a recipe to        No-bake cookies                      Place peanut butter, dry milk, and sugar in a bowl.
                                                                Add vanilla and water; blend well. Stir in the cereal and
make with your hands.      1/2 cup peanut butter                raisins or nuts. Wash your hands and shape into about
It is a good opportunity                                        24 balls. To store, place in a covered container and
                           1/2 cup instant non-fat dry milk     refrigerate.
to practice good hand
washing. Wash your         1/4 cup sugar
                                                                Cookies are best if eaten soon after they are made.
hands before you begin,    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
                                                                Nutrition information per cookie:
before you shape the                                            60 calories, 3g fat, 0mg cholesterol, 55 mg sodium, 8g
                           1/4 cup water
cookies and of course                                           carbohydrate, 2g protein.
after you have made        2 cups dry cereal, lightly crushed   You can enjoy your cookies with a glass of cold milk.

your cookies.              1/2 cup raisins or chopped nuts      For more ideas click here.
hygiene for facilities managers

Hand hygiene should be at the centre of any infection control and
prevention strategy. Supplying the right types of soaps and hand
towels is vitally important to healthcare hygiene, where standards
are high and infection control is very much on the agenda.

Few people think of washroom dispensers, soaps and hand
towels as ”crucial” to the smooth running of a hospital, but hand
hygiene has become a key focus in the fight against hospital-
acquired infections – especially as studies show that not all
hospital staff wash and dry their hands as often or as thoroughly
as they should.

Hospital washrooms need to cater for a wide range of people
including surgeons, doctors, nursing staff, patients and visitors.
hygiene for facilities managers

Intensive care wards:                                       General wards and visitor washrooms:
+ Hand towels should be soft so that frequent hand          No-touch washroom systems are                or near the exits so that people can
    washing and drying can take place without causing
                                                            important. Controlled dispensing, pre-       naturally head from the toilet to the
                                                            measured hand towel systems are ideal        basin and then on to the bin to throw
+   Soaps should be mild and unperfumed, and alcohol        as they avoid waste and reduce costs         their paper towel away.
    wipes should be supplied to compliment washing.         while ensuring that each towel is touched
                                                            only by the user.                            Soaps, hand towels and alcohol wipes
+   Tork interfold towels are particularly suitable for
                                                                                                         should never be allowed to run out.
    hygiene-critical healthcare washrooms.
                                                            Dispensers should be installed at a          Regular checks should be made on
                                                            comfortable height to avoid the need         the washrooms and stickers placed
                                                            for any stretching or bending, and soap      on dispensers providing a contact
                                                            dispensers should be either directly         number for when the consumables
                                                            above the sink or slightly to the right to   need replacing.
                                                            cater for the right-handed majority. Hand
                                                                                                         For more information click here.
                                                            towel dispensers should be over the sink
hygiene for visitors and staff

When visiting a friend or relative in      +   Think about keeping patients safe     +   The most important thing you can do
hospital or other environment where            before you visit. If you or someone       is to wash and dry your hands before
                                               at home has a cold or are feeling         visiting the ward, particularly after
healthcare is provided, it is important        unwell - especially if the issue is       going to the toilet.
to ensure that you clean your hands to         diarrhoea - stay away until you or
help prevent the spread of infection.          they are better.                      +   Never touch dressings, drips, or other
                                                                                         equipment around the bed.
                                           +   Think about what you take in to a
But how can you help as a visitor?             patient: for example, foods such as   +   Be prepared to raise concerns with
Here are five top tips for the public in       chocolate and sweets are a treat          members of staff in your hospital.
                                               best saved until they return home.        Busy doctors can sometimes forget
the battle against contamination:              Avoid sitting on the bed and keep         simple things such as cleaning hands
                                               the number of visitors to a minimum       before examining a patient.
For more information click here.               at any one time.
hygiene on the move

Hygiene on the move for operators and facilities managers

Hand hygiene is important but many        servicing these facilities during the    Tork Advanced Flushable towels are
individuals still find situations where   course of the journey is impractical.    ideal for this type of washroom since
hand washing is impossible or             Toilets on trains and aeroplanes         they are designed to come apart
inconvenient.                             should be equipped with compact          quickly in water after drying the hands.
                                          systems that will not run out - or       They therefore help prevent toilet
For example, the washrooms of trains      ones that are easy to refill when they   blockages if users put them down the
and aircraft are densely packed with      do. Smells should be controlled and      toilet rather than in the bin.
passengers who are continually taking     blockages must be avoided at all
                                                                                   For more information click here.
in refreshments to pass the time. Few     costs to prevent a washroom from
toilet cubicles are provided to cater     being out of commission during the
for such large numbers of people, and     journey.
hygiene on the move

Hygiene on the move for you

We should not allow
our busy lifestyles
compromise our health
and hygiene – it only
takes a few seconds to
wash your hands and
even when you are out
and about you can use
antibacterial hand wipes
and hand sanitisers.
downloadable leaflets and posters

Tork Report –
                            Hand Drying –
The impact of
                            What’s the right choice?
hygiene on business
downloadable leaflets and posters

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Wipe them dry

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Wipe them dry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Help us all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  stay healthy

                                                                               What can you do to stop the spread                                                                Staying

    them                                                                       of germs?                                                                                         healthy is in    Wipe them dry fight against        Wipe them dry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      germs is in              Dry hands mean
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    less germs

                                                                                                                                                                                 your hands...
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      your hands
                                                                               Advice on correct hand washing and drying

    dry                                                                                   1

                                                                                         Palm to palm

                                                                                                                Right palm over left dorsum
                                                                                                              and left palm over right dorsum

                                                                                                                                                          Palm to palm
                                                                                                                                                       fingers interlaced
                                                                                                                                                                                 wipe them dry.   Wipe them dry
                                                                                                                                                                                                              You can stop the
                                                                                                                                                                                                              spread of germs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Wipe them dry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Damp hands spread
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                up to 1,000 times
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     more germs

          The fight against germs                                                         4                         5                              6
          is in your hands
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Wipe them dry                      Wipe them dry
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Dry hands mean                    Don’t serve up
          Damp hands spread up to 1,000 times(1)                                                                                                                                                                  clean hands                           germs
          more germs than dry ones
                                                                                       Backs of fingers to        Rotational rubbing of         Rotational rubbing, backwards
          There are 10 million germs on the  (2)
                                                                                      opposing palms with        right thumb clasped in          and forwards with clasped
          average work surface
                                                                                       fingers interlocked          left and vice versa          fingers of right hand in left
          There are over 1 million(3) germs on                                                                                                       palm and vice versa
          your mobile phone
          Drying your hands with a paper towel(4)
          is the most effective way to eliminate
                                                                                         7                                           8                                                            Wipe them dry                and   Wipe them dry
          germs from your hands                                                                          Dry thoroughly with a                                  Use towel to                                Do us all a favour
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   dry your hands              Take germs off
    (1)   Patrick, D.R., Findon, G., Miller, T.E. (1997), “Residual moisture
          determines the level of touch contact associated bacterial
                                                                                                           single-use towel                                     turn off tap                                                                        the menu
          transfer following hand washing.”
    (2)   Gerba, Charles: Research study, University of Arizona (2002).
    (3)   Gerba, Charles: Research study, University of Arizona (2002).
    (4)   University of Westminster: A comparative study of three
          different hand drying methods.

Wipe Them Dry “The fight                                                       Wipe Them Dry Leaflet                                                                                              Mirror cling stickers for your
against germs is in your hands”                                                                                                                                                                   washroom - contact us and we will
                                                                                                                                                                                                  post them off to you
useful information

Flu and the             Study Shows a third of us    Wash your hands of flu
importance of hygiene   fail to wash our hands
the art of handwashing

It is a simple task.
Everyone knows how
to do it: a touch of
soap, a splash of
water and a towel.

Now discover the real
secret of cleaning
your hands with our
interactive tutorial:
the art of handwashing

As part of our Wipe them
dry campaign we have built
an interactive learning tool
where you can learn the
difference between drying
methods and find out which
is best.
flu Q&A

Q: Does it really matter how
you dry your hands?                             Although   these    are   very   effective   for
A: Yes. The most common way in which germs      disinfection, sanitisers do not actually remove
are spread is via the hands, and damp hands     the dirt. Therefore after visiting the washroom
spread up to 1,000 times more germs than        or when you have visible dirt on your hands
dry hands. Single-use paper towels take only    you should wash them with soap and water
a few seconds to dry the hands while a warm     to remove any organic material.
air dryer will leave the hands only around 95
per cent dry after an average of 43 seconds.    Q: Are warm air dryers really
                                                that bad?
Q: What is the difference                       A: Warm air dryers take longer to dry your
between washing with soap                       hands, increasing the likelihood that you
and using alcohol-based                         will leave without drying the hands properly.
sanitisers?                                     Studies have also shown that warm and hot
A: Alcohol-based hand sanitisers are recom-     air dryers increase the amount of bacteria
mended in hygiene-sensitive environments.       after use unlike single-use paper towels.
flu Q&A

Q: When will the flu pandemic                   Q: What is the difference                      Q: How should we
be over?                                        between regular soap and                       approach hygiene and
A: It is impossible to speculate on how         “antibacterial” soap?                          hand washing?
the pandemic will develop. At Tork we are       A: Soap designated “antibacterial”             A: People should take extra care to wash
following updates and recommendations           contains specific ingredients that have a      their hands properly. This is particularly
                                                proven antibacterial effect. But most of
from WHO and other relevant authorities.                                                       important now, just as it is during any flu
                                                the bacteria are removed from your hands
                                                                                               outbreak. However, it is always important
                                                when you wash them using high quality
Q: Why is Tork concerned                        soap and dry them with paper towels.           to practice good hand hygiene since this
about flu?                                      Health institutions consider that normal       can help prevent the spread of anything
A: Flu is a global phenomenon and one           soap provides a sufficient antibacterial       from food borne infections to the common
that will affect many people. Hygiene is an     effect for everyday applications, such as in   cold.
important part of how we address it and Tork    offices and public washrooms. To minimise
                                                the spread of the flu virus, authorities
has a wealth of knowledge and experience                                                       Q: Isn’t it obvious how you
                                                recommend washing with soap and water
in this area as well as a clear commitment to
                                                and supplementing this practice with an
                                                                                               should wash your hands?
following the development of the pandemic.                                                     A: Not really. Some people wash their
                                                alcohol-based sanitising gel.
                                                                                               hands too infrequently while others tend
flu Q&A

to neglect some areas, such as between the      Q: What is the minimum                           Q: Can you guarantee
fingers and the backs of the hands. Also,       number of times that you                         that we can avoid being
many people are unaware of the fact that        should wash your hands                           infected by flu if we follow
it is vital to dry the hands thoroughly after   during a day?                                    your advice?
washing them.                                   A: It depends on what you are doing. You         A: There can never be any guarantees, but
                                                should wash your hands after arriving at         washing and drying your hands properly is
Q: Isn’t your communi-                          work, before meals, after visiting the toilet,   a well-known way of dramatically reducing
cation adding to people’s                       after sneezing, before preparing food,           the risk of infection. The recommendations
fears about flu?                                before and after visiting a sick person,         from WHO and the CDC are very clear on
A: It is understandable that flu is a major     after arriving home from work and when           this.
concern. We are not trying to increase          the hands are visibly dirty.
that concern: we simply want to provide
information about a simple, proven and
very effective way of reducing the risks of
becoming infected.                                                                               For more information click here.
useful contacts

Please get in touch

If you would like further information   SCA Hygiene Products UK Ltd
about our products and services         Southfields Road
or about Tork Sales, please don’t       Dunstable,
hesitate to contact us. You can         Bedfordshire,
use the form below to send us an        LU6 3EJ
e-mail directly, or contact us by
phone or fax.                           Tel.:   +44 (0)1582 677570
                                        Fax.:   +44 (0)1582 677580

                                        Or click here for a contact form

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Tork UK Hand Hygiene Toolkit

  • 1.
  • 2. Wipe them drye fight against Wipe them h T germs is in your hands contents Hygiene and Healthcare + For facilities managers + For visitors and staff Introduction to Hand Hygiene ipe them dry Wipe them Hygiene on the move W Hints and Tips + For operators and facilities managers e ou can stop th + For you Facts and Figures Y s Hygiene at Work spread of germ and posters Downloadable leaflets + For facilities managers The art of hand washing + For you Flu Q&A Hygiene at School + For teachers + For parents Useful Contacts
  • 3. introduction to hand hygiene “Wipe them dry” has been launched by Tork to educate people on the importance of keeping hands clean in order to stay healthy and prevent the spread of germs. Hands are amazing tools. We use them almost all the time, and this makes them very exposed and vulnerable. For example, bacteria can survive on common surfaces such as taps for up to 72 hours. “Wipe them dry” is all about washing and drying our hands. Washing with liquid soap helps us to remove the most harmful germs, but not all. Germs love wet or moist hands so if we forget to dry them the remaining germs on our hands multiply rapidly. Thoroughly washing and drying our hands can remove up to 99 per cent of all germs, which is why we say clean hands are safe hands.
  • 4. hints & tips When should you wash your hands? After washing and drying your hands Good hand hygiene is especially important when you are away from home. To prevent infection and cross + Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth to avoid cross contamination. contamination you should wash your hands: + Be careful about close contact such as shaking hands or kissing people on the cheek and avoid + After arriving at work. close contact with people who are ill. + Before meals or eating food. + Cough or sneeze against your sleeve or in a paper + After visiting the toilet. tissue, then throw this immediately into the bin. + After sneezing. + Before preparing food. + Before and after visiting a sick person. Washing your hands + After arriving home. properly should take about + When hands are visibly dirty. 20 to 30 seconds.
  • 5. how to wash your hands 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  • 6. facts and figures Where have your hands been today? Door handles, As many as 14 people in a row can handrails, become contaminated by touching a the daily paper, bacteria–laden door handle. keyboard, mouse, phone etc. These objects can harbour Direct person-to-person bacteria from touching is the most common way to spread germs. other people.
  • 7. facts and figures Areas many forget to wash (for more information click here) 26% 16% 28% forget to wash forget to wash forget to wash their palms their fingertips 24% 56% the backs of their hands forget to wash forget to wash their nails their thumbs 89%forget to wash their wrists
  • 8. hygiene at work for facility managers Hygienic washrooms and good hand washing Workplace infection has traditionally facilities can play a major part in helping to reduce taken third place - after accidents and sickness, both at home and at work. non-biological occupational hazards - in occupational health priority. Raised As most of us know maintaining a clean awareness to infection hazards is and hygienic washroom at home is an changing this. important part of keeping our families safe. At one end of the scale, this is because But hygiene is particularly important in the of the huge cost to business of staff workplace where infections may quickly spread, absenteeism through common infections. leading to mass absenteeism and therefore a At the other end of the scale, in the EU loss of productivity. Overall loss of output due to there are still about 5,000 workers dying non-injury ill health was estimated to be between every year from communicable disease £7.01 -10.24 billion in Great Britain in 2004. acquired at work. For more information (source: click here.
  • 9. the cost of sick days Days off sick, whatever the cause, Simple changes to minimise sickness are costly to businesses and there are Business environments are potential hotbeds of infection, so what can be done about it? Take a risk assessment of your office: associated costs to the sufferers and their relatives. + Soap and lack of adequate hand drying facilities are the most common factors to be missing or to have run out. Soap does not have to be antibacterial in most office/home situations. The method for drying hands is of more importance: warm air dryers may not dry hands adequately and a hot or jet Work days lost due to infectious disease air dryer can disperse microbes around the washroom. While some of the latest dryer designs have in 2007-2008 in Great Britain included increased efficiency, the ideal solution is to offer a disposable hand towel supply, especially during 154,000 days (central value) for men and outbreaks. 104,000 days for women, with individuals + If the toilet paper is missing in a cubicle the user may have to come out, hunt for a roll and return – it absent because of an infection for an doesn’t take much imagination to assess the increase in contamination of handles etc. average of 6.8 days a year for men and an average 5.9 days for women. + Office kitchen assessment includes a safe drinking water/hot water supply and washing-up liquid, soap and hand drying provision. For more information click here. + If the office has a water dispenser or water cooler, the hygiene check will depend on whether the water tank is connected to the mains supply or the tank is changed by a supplier.
  • 10. simple changes to minimise sickness The washroom at work should be a functional, hygienic and pleasant environment since most of us are not prepared to stay in an unsanitary washroom any longer than necessary. If we are loa the to linger, hand hygiene may become quite cursory – particularly if inadequate hand washing facilitie s are supplied. Since the washroom is an important part of the workplac e environment it makes sense to ens ure that it is a hygienic and user-frien dly facility. This helps to increase pro ductivity and boost staff morale while also reducing the threat of infections.
  • 11. hygiene at work for you The most common way in which germs are spread is via Simple changes to minimise getting sick people’s hands. Germs are often harmless but they can also You can reduce - but not remove - the risk of catching or spreading cause illnesses such as colds, flu, and stomach bugs. infections by: Washing your hands properly with soap and warm water is + Always covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or the single most important thing you can do to help reduce sneezing. the spread of infections and help protect you, your family + Disposing of dirty tissues promptly and carefully. and those around you at work. + Maintaining good basic hygiene: for example, washing your hands frequently with soap and warm water to reduce the spread of bacteria from your Whilst we may relish the idea of a day at home from time hands to face, or to other people. to time, the reality is that being ill is not pleasant for anyone - and you will not want to be responsible for infecting your + Drying your hands correctly to remove all traces of bacteria. family either. For more information click here. + Cleaning hard surfaces such as door handles frequently and thoroughly using a normal cleaning product.
  • 12. when to wash your hands As you touch people, surfaces Always wash your hands Always wash your hands after: and objects throughout the day, before: + Preparing food, especially raw meat or poultry. you accumulate germs on your hands. In turn you can infect + Preparing food in the office kitchen. + Using the toilet at work. yourself with these germs by + Eating food. + Touching an animal or animal toys, leashes or waste. touching your eyes, nose or + Treating wounds or giving medicine. mouth. + Touching a sick or injured person. + Blowing your nose or coughing or sneezing into your hands. Although it is impossible to + Inserting or removing contact lenses. + Treating wounds. keep your hands germ-free, + Touching a sick or injured person. washing and drying your hands also + Handling rubbish or something that could be frequently can help to limit the e it is sh contaminated, such as a cleaning cloth ours wa transfer of bacteria, viruses and Of c rtant to enever or soiled shoes. h other microbes. impo hands w irty. your appear d they
  • 13. how to wash your hands It is generally best to wash your Thoroughly hands with soap and water drying your Follow these simple steps: hands is + Wet your hands with running water. at least as important + Apply soap in liquid, bar or powder form. as washing + Lather well. since damp + Rub your hands vigorously for at least 20-30 hands have seconds. Remember to scrub all surfaces the capacity to including the backs of your hands, wrists, between your fingers and under your fingernails. spread about 1,000 times + Rinse well. the amount of + Dry your hands with a clean or disposable towel. bacteria as + If possible, use your towel to turn off the tap. dry hands.
  • 14. hygiene at schools for teachers It is sad to say that What you can do to help Lessons many schools in the Handwashing is one of the most important Hand hygiene education is a basic yet critical UK have inadequate ways of preventing the spread of infection. concept – and in today’s fast-paced world of national hygiene facilities, Here are some lesson ideas to encourage standards and jam-packed school days it can easily and several studies pupils to wash their hands. In addition, you be overlooked. But when it is carried out correctly, have revealed that could: clean hands education can have a tremendous poor hand washing + Find images of bacteria to show them. impact on the health and well-being of the entire facilities in schools school community. + Find images of threadworms can contribute to the (a parasite which is found in faeces) to spread of infections show them. among children. + For older pupils, discuss what types of things might be carried on dirty hands (eg germs causing stomach upsets).
  • 15. lessons for primary school children The washing your hands song (Sung to “Row Your Boat”) Wash, wash, wash your hands Until they’re nice and clean Wash them well today Down the drain go dirt and germs Soap and water does the trick Never to be seen. It keeps the germs away! Rinse, rinse, rinse your hands Wash, wash, wash your hands Under the water stream Wash them day and night Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily Scrub with soap and water too Hand washing’s a dream And illness it will fight! Scrub, scrub, scrub your hands For more ideas click here.
  • 16. lessons for middle school children Cooking flour activity Put some flour on a plate and invite one pupil to place his or her right hand on to it (palm down). Pupils should stand in a circle and the first one shakes the hand of the next, who then shakes the hand of the next, and so on. See how far around the circle the flour travels – it might even make it all the way back to the first pupil. Explain that invisible germs are spread in the same way. For more ideas click here.
  • 17. lessons for secondary school children Using a UV light If you have access to an ultra-violet light, ask pupils to put their hands under it. It will show up how dirty their hands really are. If practical, pupils can rinse their hands lightly then see how little dirt has been removed. Then they can try scrubbing with soap and water. For more ideas click here.
  • 18. keeping toilets and washrooms clean Good hygiene is + Toilets should be clean, in good repair and cartridges are considered to be the “gold monitored regularly. For example, an audit standard”. Liquid soap that is “topped up” particularly important checklist should be located in the toilets and can become contaminated. in schools. Toilets this should be dated and signed at regular and washrooms intervals. + Some schools use roller towels or hand dryers. Ideally paper towels should be should be clean + All toilet areas should have hand used. However, if roller towels or hand and well ventilated. washing facilities including warm and dryers are provided they should be regularly They should also be cold running water, soap and towels. maintained, changed or cleaned. Liquid soap & paper towels are recognised cleaned regularly as as the most effective hand washing method. + Water fountains and other drinking outlets part of a documented Liquid soap, unlike bar soap, is less likely to should not be located in the toilets. cleaning rota and become contaminated. + General bins (for paper towels etc) in toilets policy. + Ideally liquid soap should be housed in should be foot-operated. wall-mounted dispensers and disposable Please click here to download the hand washing guide and post up in your school washrooms to improve the pupils’ hand hygiene.
  • 19. hygiene at school for parents This section is aimed primarily at Children are particularly susceptible parents of school children, but due to a number of factors: can be used by anyone wanting + They have immature immune systems. to find out more about improving school hygiene. + They tend to have a higher degree of close contact with other children. Hygiene is particularly important in + They tend to explore with their hands, and germs from hands to mouth can easily the school setting as young school cause infection. children are recognised as being + They share facilities and equipment. at particular risk of contracting and transmitting enteric (relating + They may not have an understanding of hygiene practices. to intestines) infection (Finn and Crook, 1998/1999). + They may have incomplete immunisations (Berg, 1988).
  • 20. hygiene at school for parents What are the potential Hand washing is one of the most important ways of preventing infection. Hands can move benefits for parents? germs to other places such as from the toilet to the classroom. Thorough hand washing with warm water and soap will remove germs along with effective hand drying. + Fewer school days missed – which can have a knock-on effect on parents for childcare arrangements together What can you do to help? with education lost for children. Parents should set good examples by washing their hands frequently and encouraging children + Fewer illness for children especially to do the same. Children will probably want to know why they need to wash their hands. diarrhoea and vomiting and Explain that microbes can make people sick even though they are too tiny to be seen. respiratory illness. + Fewer visits to GPs. Point out the fingernails, lines, cracks and wrinkles on hands where dirt and microbes like to + Potentially a lower use of antibiotics. hide. Explain that all these places should be washed carefully. Show children the right way to + Fewer outbreaks of infectious disease. wash their hands as explained in these guidelines.
  • 21. hygiene at school for parents When should children wash their hands? How should children wash their hands? + Before eating food, especially at lunch time. Ideally liquid soap, warm running water, paper towels and a foot-operated bin should be provided. + After using the toilet. + Put hands under warm running water. + After contact with blood or other body fluids (such as vomit). + Apply soap. + After touching or picking their nose. + Rub hands together paying particular attention to fingertips, + After handling pets, pet cages, feeding utensils and other pet thumbs and between fingers. items such as litter trays. + Rinse hands under warm running water. + After going out to play. + Dry hands thoroughly with a paper towel. + After being in contact with a contaminated area such as rubbish bins. + Whenever their hands are dirty.
  • 22. hygiene at school for parents Parents and teachers should wash their hands as soon as they arrive at the school or child care centre, and: + Before handling food or bottles, before giving or using medicine or ointments and before going home. + After using or helping a child use the toilet, changing a nappy, touching any body fluids (by wiping a runny nose for example), handling pets or pet objects (cages or leashes for example), handling objects used by children, removing gloves used for any sanitary purpose, using a telephone, caring for or touching a child who is ill. + Whenever they go to another room in the school or child care centre or move to a different group of children. + Whenever hands look, feel, or smell unclean.
  • 23. hygiene for parents of young children Handwashing finger play This is a fun activity to help your children remember They’re on the toilet seats and on your two feet. the importance of handwashing. (Point to feet) Germs are everywhere! They are on your hands and in the sand. (Wave hands around room) (Show hands) They’re on the walls and in the halls. They even like food; isn’t that rude? (Point to walls) But don’t be scared. Germs can be beat. Just make sure your hands are clean and neat They’re on the chairs and on the stairs. (Point to chair) For more ideas click here.
  • 24. hygiene for parents of older children Here is a recipe to No-bake cookies Place peanut butter, dry milk, and sugar in a bowl. Add vanilla and water; blend well. Stir in the cereal and make with your hands. 1/2 cup peanut butter raisins or nuts. Wash your hands and shape into about It is a good opportunity 24 balls. To store, place in a covered container and 1/2 cup instant non-fat dry milk refrigerate. to practice good hand washing. Wash your 1/4 cup sugar Cookies are best if eaten soon after they are made. hands before you begin, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Nutrition information per cookie: before you shape the 60 calories, 3g fat, 0mg cholesterol, 55 mg sodium, 8g 1/4 cup water cookies and of course carbohydrate, 2g protein. after you have made 2 cups dry cereal, lightly crushed You can enjoy your cookies with a glass of cold milk. your cookies. 1/2 cup raisins or chopped nuts For more ideas click here.
  • 25. hygiene for facilities managers Hand hygiene should be at the centre of any infection control and prevention strategy. Supplying the right types of soaps and hand towels is vitally important to healthcare hygiene, where standards are high and infection control is very much on the agenda. Few people think of washroom dispensers, soaps and hand towels as ”crucial” to the smooth running of a hospital, but hand hygiene has become a key focus in the fight against hospital- acquired infections – especially as studies show that not all hospital staff wash and dry their hands as often or as thoroughly as they should. Hospital washrooms need to cater for a wide range of people including surgeons, doctors, nursing staff, patients and visitors.
  • 26. hygiene for facilities managers Intensive care wards: General wards and visitor washrooms: + Hand towels should be soft so that frequent hand No-touch washroom systems are or near the exits so that people can washing and drying can take place without causing important. Controlled dispensing, pre- naturally head from the toilet to the discomfort. measured hand towel systems are ideal basin and then on to the bin to throw + Soaps should be mild and unperfumed, and alcohol as they avoid waste and reduce costs their paper towel away. wipes should be supplied to compliment washing. while ensuring that each towel is touched only by the user. Soaps, hand towels and alcohol wipes + Tork interfold towels are particularly suitable for should never be allowed to run out. hygiene-critical healthcare washrooms. Dispensers should be installed at a Regular checks should be made on comfortable height to avoid the need the washrooms and stickers placed for any stretching or bending, and soap on dispensers providing a contact dispensers should be either directly number for when the consumables above the sink or slightly to the right to need replacing. cater for the right-handed majority. Hand For more information click here. towel dispensers should be over the sink
  • 27. hygiene for visitors and staff When visiting a friend or relative in + Think about keeping patients safe + The most important thing you can do hospital or other environment where before you visit. If you or someone is to wash and dry your hands before at home has a cold or are feeling visiting the ward, particularly after healthcare is provided, it is important unwell - especially if the issue is going to the toilet. to ensure that you clean your hands to diarrhoea - stay away until you or help prevent the spread of infection. they are better. + Never touch dressings, drips, or other equipment around the bed. + Think about what you take in to a But how can you help as a visitor? patient: for example, foods such as + Be prepared to raise concerns with Here are five top tips for the public in chocolate and sweets are a treat members of staff in your hospital. best saved until they return home. Busy doctors can sometimes forget the battle against contamination: Avoid sitting on the bed and keep simple things such as cleaning hands the number of visitors to a minimum before examining a patient. For more information click here. at any one time.
  • 28. hygiene on the move Hygiene on the move for operators and facilities managers Hand hygiene is important but many servicing these facilities during the Tork Advanced Flushable towels are individuals still find situations where course of the journey is impractical. ideal for this type of washroom since hand washing is impossible or Toilets on trains and aeroplanes they are designed to come apart inconvenient. should be equipped with compact quickly in water after drying the hands. systems that will not run out - or They therefore help prevent toilet For example, the washrooms of trains ones that are easy to refill when they blockages if users put them down the and aircraft are densely packed with do. Smells should be controlled and toilet rather than in the bin. passengers who are continually taking blockages must be avoided at all For more information click here. in refreshments to pass the time. Few costs to prevent a washroom from toilet cubicles are provided to cater being out of commission during the for such large numbers of people, and journey.
  • 29. hygiene on the move Hygiene on the move for you We should not allow our busy lifestyles compromise our health and hygiene – it only takes a few seconds to wash your hands and even when you are out and about you can use antibacterial hand wipes and hand sanitisers.
  • 30. downloadable leaflets and posters Tork Report – Hand Drying – The impact of What’s the right choice? hygiene on business
  • 31. downloadable leaflets and posters Wipe them dry Wipe Wipe them dry Help us all stay healthy What can you do to stop the spread Staying them of germs? healthy is in Wipe them dry fight against Wipe them dry The germs is in Dry hands mean less germs your hands... your hands Advice on correct hand washing and drying dry 1 Palm to palm 2 Right palm over left dorsum and left palm over right dorsum 3 Palm to palm fingers interlaced wipe them dry. Wipe them dry You can stop the spread of germs Wipe them dry Damp hands spread up to 1,000 times more germs The fight against germs 4 5 6 is in your hands Wipe them dry Wipe them dry Dry hands mean Don’t serve up Damp hands spread up to 1,000 times(1) clean hands germs more germs than dry ones Backs of fingers to Rotational rubbing of Rotational rubbing, backwards There are 10 million germs on the (2) opposing palms with right thumb clasped in and forwards with clasped average work surface fingers interlocked left and vice versa fingers of right hand in left There are over 1 million(3) germs on palm and vice versa your mobile phone Drying your hands with a paper towel(4) is the most effective way to eliminate 7 8 Wipe them dry and Wipe them dry germs from your hands Dry thoroughly with a Use towel to Do us all a favour dry your hands Take germs off (1) Patrick, D.R., Findon, G., Miller, T.E. (1997), “Residual moisture determines the level of touch contact associated bacterial single-use towel turn off tap the menu transfer following hand washing.” (2) Gerba, Charles: Research study, University of Arizona (2002). (3) Gerba, Charles: Research study, University of Arizona (2002). (4) University of Westminster: A comparative study of three different hand drying methods. Wipe Them Dry “The fight Wipe Them Dry Leaflet Mirror cling stickers for your against germs is in your hands” washroom - contact us and we will post them off to you
  • 32. useful information Flu and the Study Shows a third of us Wash your hands of flu importance of hygiene fail to wash our hands
  • 33. the art of handwashing It is a simple task. Everyone knows how to do it: a touch of soap, a splash of water and a towel. Now discover the real secret of cleaning your hands with our interactive tutorial:
  • 34. the art of handwashing As part of our Wipe them dry campaign we have built an interactive learning tool where you can learn the difference between drying methods and find out which is best.
  • 35. flu Q&A Q: Does it really matter how you dry your hands? Although these are very effective for A: Yes. The most common way in which germs disinfection, sanitisers do not actually remove are spread is via the hands, and damp hands the dirt. Therefore after visiting the washroom spread up to 1,000 times more germs than or when you have visible dirt on your hands dry hands. Single-use paper towels take only you should wash them with soap and water a few seconds to dry the hands while a warm to remove any organic material. air dryer will leave the hands only around 95 per cent dry after an average of 43 seconds. Q: Are warm air dryers really that bad? Q: What is the difference A: Warm air dryers take longer to dry your between washing with soap hands, increasing the likelihood that you and using alcohol-based will leave without drying the hands properly. sanitisers? Studies have also shown that warm and hot A: Alcohol-based hand sanitisers are recom- air dryers increase the amount of bacteria mended in hygiene-sensitive environments. after use unlike single-use paper towels.
  • 36. flu Q&A Q: When will the flu pandemic Q: What is the difference Q: How should we be over? between regular soap and approach hygiene and A: It is impossible to speculate on how “antibacterial” soap? hand washing? the pandemic will develop. At Tork we are A: Soap designated “antibacterial” A: People should take extra care to wash following updates and recommendations contains specific ingredients that have a their hands properly. This is particularly proven antibacterial effect. But most of from WHO and other relevant authorities. important now, just as it is during any flu the bacteria are removed from your hands outbreak. However, it is always important when you wash them using high quality Q: Why is Tork concerned soap and dry them with paper towels. to practice good hand hygiene since this about flu? Health institutions consider that normal can help prevent the spread of anything A: Flu is a global phenomenon and one soap provides a sufficient antibacterial from food borne infections to the common that will affect many people. Hygiene is an effect for everyday applications, such as in cold. important part of how we address it and Tork offices and public washrooms. To minimise the spread of the flu virus, authorities has a wealth of knowledge and experience Q: Isn’t it obvious how you recommend washing with soap and water in this area as well as a clear commitment to and supplementing this practice with an should wash your hands? following the development of the pandemic. A: Not really. Some people wash their alcohol-based sanitising gel. hands too infrequently while others tend
  • 37. flu Q&A to neglect some areas, such as between the Q: What is the minimum Q: Can you guarantee fingers and the backs of the hands. Also, number of times that you that we can avoid being many people are unaware of the fact that should wash your hands infected by flu if we follow it is vital to dry the hands thoroughly after during a day? your advice? washing them. A: It depends on what you are doing. You A: There can never be any guarantees, but should wash your hands after arriving at washing and drying your hands properly is Q: Isn’t your communi- work, before meals, after visiting the toilet, a well-known way of dramatically reducing cation adding to people’s after sneezing, before preparing food, the risk of infection. The recommendations fears about flu? before and after visiting a sick person, from WHO and the CDC are very clear on A: It is understandable that flu is a major after arriving home from work and when this. concern. We are not trying to increase the hands are visibly dirty. that concern: we simply want to provide information about a simple, proven and very effective way of reducing the risks of becoming infected. For more information click here.
  • 38. useful contacts Please get in touch If you would like further information SCA Hygiene Products UK Ltd about our products and services Southfields Road or about Tork Sales, please don’t Dunstable, hesitate to contact us. You can Bedfordshire, use the form below to send us an LU6 3EJ e-mail directly, or contact us by phone or fax. Tel.: +44 (0)1582 677570 Fax.: +44 (0)1582 677580 E-mail: Or click here for a contact form