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TI1220 2012-2013
Concepts of Programming Languages
Eelco Visser / TU Delft
Lecture 14: Domain-Specific Languages
Syntax and Semantics
Names, Bindings, and Scopes
Data Types
Functional Programming
First-class Functions
Type Parameterization
Parsing and Interpretation
Data Abstraction / Modular Programming
Functional Programming Redux
Concurrent Programming
Domain-Specific Languages
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
Basics of
Linguistic Abstraction
Formalizing Design Patterns
Software Engineering
Software Reuse: Don’t RepeatYourself
software reuse patterns
• copy and paste
• libraries
• frameworks
• service APIs
• design patterns
Linguistic Abstraction
identify pattern
use new abstraction
language A language B
design abstraction
From Instructions to Expressions
mov &a, &c
add &b, &c
mov &a, &t1
sub &b, &t1
and &t1,&c
c = a
c += b
t1 = a
t1 -= b
c &= t1
c = (a + b) & (a - b)
From Calling Conventions to Procedures
push eBP ; save old frame pointer
mov eBP,eSP ; get new frame pointer
sub eSP,localsize ; reserve place for locals
. ; perform calculations, leave result in AX
mov eSP,eBP ; free space for locals
pop eBP ; restore old frame pointer
ret paramsize ; free parameter space and return
push eAX ; pass some register result
push byte[eBP+20] ; pass some memory variable (FASM/TASM syntax)
push 3 ; pass some constant
call calc ; the returned result is now in eAX
f(x) { ... }
A structure is a collection of one or more variables, possibly of different types,
grouped together under a single name for convenient handling. (Structures are
called ``records'' in some languages, notably Pascal.)
struct point {
	 int x;
	 int y;
structure tag
Structures in C:Abstract from Memory Layout
Malloc/Free to Automatic Memory Management
/* Allocate space for an array with ten elements of type int. */
int *ptr = (int*)malloc(10 * sizeof (int));
if (ptr == NULL) {
/* Memory could not be allocated, the program
should handle the error here as appropriate. */
} else {
/* Allocation succeeded. Do something. */
free(ptr); /* We are done with the int objects,
and free the associated pointer. */
ptr = NULL; /* The pointer must not be used again,
unless re-assigned to using malloc again. */
int [] = new int[10];
/* use it; gc will clean up (hopefully) */
typedef struct Base {
void* (**vtable)();
int x;
} Base;
void (*Base_Vtable[])() = { &Base_print };
Base* newBase(int v) {
Base* obj = (Base*)malloc(sizeof(Base));
obj->vtable = Base_Vtable;
obj->x = v;
return obj;
void print(Base* obj) {
class Base {
Integer x;
public Base(Integer v) {
x = v;
public void print() {
System.out.println("Base: " + x);
class Child extends Base {
Integer y;
public Child(Integer v1, Integer v2) {
y = v2;
public void print() {
System.out.println("Child: (" + x + "," + y + ")");
Dynamic Dispatch
Polymorphic Higher-Order Functions
def map[A,B](f: A => B, xs: List[A]): List[B] = {
xs match{
case Nil() => Nil()
case Cons(y, ys) => Cons(f(y), map(f, ys))
def incList(xs: IntList): IntList =
xs match {
case Nil() => Nil()
case Cons(y, ys) => Cons(y + 1, incList(ys))
Abstractions in Programming Languages
❖ Structured control-flow
★ if-then-else, while
❖ Procedural abstraction
★ procedures, first-class functions (closures)
❖ Memory management
★ garbage collection
❖ Data abstraction
★ abstract data types, objects
❖ Modules
★ inheritance, traits, mixins
“A programming language is low level when its
programs require attention to the irrelevant”
Alan J. Perlis. Epigrams on Programming. SIGPLAN Notices, 17(9):7-13, 1982.
Do HLLs eliminate all irrelevant details?
What about
❖ data persistence
❖ data services
❖ concurrency
❖ distribution
❖ access control
❖ data invariants
❖ workflow
❖ ...
Do HLLs eliminate all irrelevant details?
What about
❖ data persistence
❖ data services
❖ concurrency
❖ distribution
❖ access control
❖ data invariants
❖ workflow
❖ ...
many of these
concerns require
What is the Next Level of
HLL Machine
Domain-Specific Languages
HLL MachineDSL
Example: Encoding Units
input distance : Float;
input duration : Float;
output speed : Float := duration / distance;
Example: Encoding Units
input distance : Float;
input duration : Float;
output speed : Float := duration / distance;
wrong output
Impact of Software Errors
Mars Climate Orbiter
Unit mismatch: Orbiter
variables in Newtons,
Ground control software in
Damage: ~350 M$
input distance : Float;
input duration : Float;
output speed : Float := duration / distance;
wrong output
Example: Explicit Representation of Units
input distance : Meter;
input duration : Second;
output speed : Meter/Second := duration / distance;
formalize knowledge of application area (domain) in language
DSLs Provide Domain-Specific ...
★ directly represent domain concepts
Concrete syntax
★ natural notation
★ based on domain assumptions
Error checking
★ report errors in terms of domain concepts
Tool support
★ interpreter, compiler, code generator, IDE
Internal DSL
Library in HLL
★ Haskell, Scala, Ruby, ...
★ API is language
★ language features for ‘linguistic abstraction’
★ host language = implementation language
★ host language = implementation language (encoding)
★ no portability
★ no domain-specific errors, analysis, optimization
External DSL
Dedicated language
★ independent of host/target language (portable)
★ implementation with interpreter or compiler
★ language tuned to domain
★ domain-specific errors, analysis, optimizations
★ cost of learning new language
★ cost of maintaining language
Example DSLs (1)
★ formulas, macros
★ SQL, XQuery, XPath
Graph layout
★ GraphViz
★ Ruby/Rails, JSP, ASP, JSF, WebDSL
Example DSLs (2)
★ Lua, UnrealScript
Language engineering
★ TXL, ASF+SDF, Stratego
Example: Linguistic Integration in
browser server database
web app
Web Programming
browser server database
Java SQL
Web Programming = Distributed Programming
Concerns in Web
Data Persistence
Access Control
Injection Attacks
Data Binding
... ...
Zef Hemel, Danny M. Groenewegen, Lennart C. L. Kats, EelcoVisser.
Static consistency checking of web applications with
WebDSL. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 46(2):150-182, 2011.
Late Failure Detection in Web Applications
Complexity in Web Programming:
Multiple Languages x Multiple Concerns
Consistency not statically checked
EelcoVisser. WebDSL: A Case Study in Domain-Specific Language Engineering. In
Ralf Lämmel, JoostVisser, João Saraiva, editors, Generative and Transformational Techniques in
Software Engineering II, International Summer School, GTTSE 2007.Volume 5235 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, pages 291-373, Springer, Braga, Portugal, 2007.
Separation of Concerns & Linguistic Integration
Formalizing Navigation Logic
+ “” // host domain
+ “blog” // application name
+ “post” // page
+ “42” // identity
+ “dsl-engineering” // title
page blog(b: Blog, index: Int) {
for(p: Post in b.recentPosts(index,5)) {
header{ navigate post(p) { output(p.title) } }
par{ output(p.content) }
par{ output(p.created.format("MMMM d, yyyy")) }
page post(p: Post) { ... }
Statically checked navigation
entity Blog {
key :: String (id)
title :: String (name)
posts -> Set<Post> (
function recentPosts(index: Int, n: Int): List<Post> {
var i := max(1,index) - 1;
return [p | p: Post in posts
order by p.created desc
limit n offset i*n].list();
entity Post {
key :: String (id)
title :: String (name, searchable)
content :: WikiText (searchable)
blog -> Blog
Persistent Data Models
Generation of queries: no injection attacks
entity Assignment {
key :: String (id)
title :: String (name, searchable)
shortTitle :: String
description :: WikiText (searchable)
course -> CourseEdition (searchable)
weight :: Float (default=1.0)
deadline :: DateTime (default=null)
// ...
page assignment(assign: Assignment, tab: String) {
progress(assign, tab)
// ...
Persistent variables in WebDSL
objects are automatically persisted in database
page post(p: Post) { ... }
page editpost(p: Post) {
action save() { return blog(p); }
input(p.title) }
formEntry("Content") {
input(p.content) }
formEntry("Posted") {
input(p.created) }
submit save() { "Save" }
Forms & Data Binding
No separate controller!
access control rules
principal is User
with credentials username, password
rule page blog(b: Blog, index: Int) {
rule page post(p: Post) {
p.public || == principal
rule page editpost(p: Post) {
principal ==
extend entity User {
password :: Secret
extend entity Blog {
owner -> User
extend entity Post {
public :: Bool
Declarative Access Control Rules
Linguistically Integrated
Persistent data model
Templates (UI, Email, Service)
Data binding
Access control
Data validation
Faceted search
Collaborative filtering
DSL Summary
software reuse through linguistic abstraction
• capture understanding of design patterns in language concepts
• abstract from accidental complexity
• program in terms of domain concepts
• automatically generate implementation
When to Use/Create DSLs?
Hierarchy of abstractions
• first understand how to program it
• make variations by copy, paste, adapt
• (avoid over-engineering)
• make library of frequently used patterns
• find existing (internal) DSLs for the domain
Time for a DSL?
• large class of applications using same design patterns
• design patterns cannot be captured in PL
• lack of checking / optimization for DSL abstractions
Language Engineering
object ExpParser extends JavaTokenParsers with PackratParsers {
lazy val exp: PackratParser[Exp] =
(exp <~ "+") ~ exp1 ^^ { case lhs~rhs => Add(lhs, rhs) } |
lazy val exp1: PackratParser[Exp] =
(exp1 ~ exp0) ^^ { case lhs~rhs => App(lhs, rhs) } |
lazy val exp0: PackratParser[Exp] =
number | identifier | function | letBinding |
"(" ~> exp <~ ")"
// ...
def parse(text: String) = parseAll(exp, text)
syntax through parsers
sealed abstract class Value
case class numV(n: Int) extends Value
case class closureV(param: Symbol, body: Exp, env: Env)
extends Value
def eval(exp: Exp, env: Env): Value = exp match {
case Num(v) => numV(v)
case Add(l, r) => plus(eval(l, env), eval(r, env))
case Id(name) => lookup(name, env)
case Let(name, e1, e2) =>
eval(e2, bind(name, eval(e1, env), env))
case Fun(name, body) => closureV(name, body, env)
case App(fun, arg) => eval(fun, env) match {
case closureV(name, body, env2) =>
eval(body, bind(name, eval(arg, env), env2))
case _ => sys.error("Closure expected")
semantics through interpreter
Traditional Compilers
Traditional Compilers
Traditional Compilers
javac -verbose
[parsing started]
[parsing completed 8ms]
[loading java/lang/Object.class(java/lang:Object.class)]
[checking university.Course]
[wrote Course.class]
[total 411ms]
Traditional Compilers
javac -verbose
[parsing started]
[parsing completed 8ms]
[loading java/lang/Object.class(java/lang:Object.class)]
[checking university.Course]
[wrote Course.class]
[total 411ms]
Language Processors
syntax analysis
• parsing
• AST construction
static analysis
• name analysis
• type analysis
• generation
• interpretation
Integrated Development Environments (IDE)
Modern Compilers in IDEs
syntactic editor services
• syntax checking
• syntax highlighting
• outline view
• code folding
• bracket matching
semantic editor services
• error checking
• reference resolving
• hover help
• content completion
• refactoring
Eclipse Platform
runtime platform
• composition
• integration
development platform
• complex APIs
• abstractions for Eclipse IDEs
• concepts: editors, views, label provider, label provider
factory, …
• tedious, boring, frustrating
Spoofax Language Workbench
declarative meta-languages
• syntax definition
• editor services
• term rewriting
• generic integration into Eclipse and IMP
• compilation & interpretation of language definitions
• Spoofax & IDE under development in same Eclipse instance
• support for test-driven development
A Taste of Language Engineering
with Spoofax
• abstract syntax trees
• declarative syntax definition
• name binding and scope
• transformation by term rewriting
EnFun: Entities with Functions
module blog
entity String {
function plus(that:String): String
entity Bool { }
entity Set<T> {
function add(x: T)
function remove(x: T)
function member(x: T): Bool
entity Blog {
posts : Set<Post>
function newPost(): Post {
var p : Post :=;
entity Post {
title : String
Structure:Abstract Syntax
Signature & Terms
Module : ID * List(Definition) -> Module
Imports : ID -> Definition
, [Imports("library"),
Entities & Properties
Entity : ID * List(Property) -> Definition
Type : ID -> Type
New : Type -> Exp
Property : ID * Type -> Property
This : Exp
PropAccess : Exp * ID -> Exp
, [ Imports("library")
, Entity("User"
, [ Property("email", Type("String"))
, Property("password", Type("String"))
, Property("isAdmin", Type("Bool"))])])
Parsing: From Text to Structure
Declarative Syntax Definition
Entity("User", [
Property("first", Type("String")),
Property("last", Type("String"))
Entity : ID * List(Property) -> Definition
Type : ID -> Type
Property : ID * Type -> Property
Declarative Syntax Definition
entity User {
first : String
last : String
Entity("User", [
Property("first", Type("String")),
Property("last", Type("String"))
Entity : ID * List(Property) -> Definition
Type : ID -> Type
Property : ID * Type -> Property
Declarative Syntax Definition
entity User {
first : String
last : String
Entity("User", [
Property("first", Type("String")),
Property("last", Type("String"))
Entity : ID * List(Property) -> Definition
Type : ID -> Type
Property : ID * Type -> Property
context-free syntax
"entity" ID "{" Property* "}" -> Definition {"Entity"}
ID -> Type {"Type"}
ID ":" Type -> Property {"Property"}
Prototyping Syntax Definition
Context-free Syntax
True : Exp
False : Exp
Not : Exp -> Exp
And : Exp * Exp -> Exp
Or : Exp * Exp -> Exp
context-free syntax
"true" -> Exp {"True"}
"false" -> Exp {"False"}
"!" Exp -> Exp {"Not"}
Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp {"And"}
Exp "||" Exp -> Exp {"Or"}
Lexical Syntax
True : Exp
False : Exp
Not : Exp -> Exp
And : Exp * Exp -> Exp
Or : Exp * Exp -> Exp
context-free syntax
"true" -> Exp {"True"}
"false" -> Exp {"False"}
"!" Exp -> Exp {"Not"}
Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp {"And"}
Exp "||" Exp -> Exp {"Or"}
lexical syntax
[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]* -> ID
"-"? [0-9]+ -> INT
[ tnr] -> LAYOUT
: String -> ID
: String -> INT
scannerless generalized (LR) parsing
form of tokens (words, lexemes)
True : Exp
False : Exp
Not : Exp -> Exp
And : Exp * Exp -> Exp
Or : Exp * Exp -> Exp
context-free syntax
"true" -> Exp {"True"}
"false" -> Exp {"False"}
"!" Exp -> Exp {"Not"}
Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp {"And"}
Exp "||" Exp -> Exp {"Or"}
isPublic || isDraft && (author == principal())
True : Exp
False : Exp
Not : Exp -> Exp
And : Exp * Exp -> Exp
Or : Exp * Exp -> Exp
context-free syntax
"true" -> Exp {"True"}
"false" -> Exp {"False"}
"!" Exp -> Exp {"Not"}
Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp {"And"}
Exp "||" Exp -> Exp {"Or"}
isPublic || isDraft && (author == principal())
And(Or(Var("isPublic"), Var("isDraft")),
Eq(Var("author"), ThisCall("principal", []))),
And(Var("isDraft"), Eq(Var("author"), ThisCall("principal", []))))
Disambiguation by Encoding Precedence
True : Exp
False : Exp
Not : Exp -> Exp
And : Exp * Exp -> Exp
Or : Exp * Exp -> Exp
context-free syntax
"true" -> Exp {"True"}
"false" -> Exp {"False"}
"!" Exp -> Exp {"Not"}
Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp {"And"}
Exp "||" Exp -> Exp {"Or"}
context-free syntax
"(" Exp ")" -> Exp0 {bracket}
"true" -> Exp0 {"True"}
"false" -> Exp0 {"False"}
Exp0 -> Exp1
"!" Exp0 -> Exp1 {"Not"}
Exp1 -> Exp2
Exp1 "&&" Exp2 -> Exp2 {"And"}
Exp2 -> Exp3
Exp2 "||" Exp3 -> Exp3 {"Or"}
Declarative Disambiguation
context-free syntax
"true" -> Exp {"True"}
"false" -> Exp {"False"}
"!" Exp -> Exp {"Not"}
Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp {"And", left}
Exp "||" Exp -> Exp {"Or", left}
"(" Exp ")" -> Exp {bracket}
context-free priorities
{left: Exp.Not} >
{left: Exp.Mul} >
{left: Exp.Plus Exp.Minus} >
{left: Exp.And} >
{non-assoc: Exp.Eq Exp.Lt Exp.Gt Exp.Leq Exp.Geq}
isPublic || isDraft && (author == principal())
Eq(Var("author"), ThisCall("principal", []))))
Analysis: Name Resolution
Definitions and References
module test
entity String { }
entity User {
first : String
last : String
Name Binding in IDE
From Tree to Graph
, [ Entity("String", [])
, Entity(
, [ Property("first", )
, Property("last", )
NaBL: Name Binding Language
module names
namespaces Type Property Function Variable
Entity(name, None(), None(), _):
defines Type name of type Type(name, [])
scopes Type, Function, Property, Variable
Type(name, _):
refers to Type name
Transformation by Strategic Rewriting
Plus(e1, e2) -> MethCall(e1, "plus", [e2])
Or(e1, e2) -> MethCall(e1, "or", [e2])
desugar :
VarDeclInit(x, t, e) ->
Seq([VarDecl(x, t),
Assign(Var(x), e)])
desugar-all = topdown(repeat(desugar))
Return-Lifting Applied
function fact(n: Int): Int {
var res: Int;
if(n == 0) {
res := 1;
} else {
res := this * fact(n - 1);
return res;
function fact(n: Int): Int {
if(n == 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return this * fact(n - 1);
Return-Lifting Rules
lift-return-all =
alltd(lift-return; normalize-all)
lift-return :
FunDef(x, arg*, Some(t), stat1*) ->
FunDef(x, arg*, Some(t), Seq([
VarDecl(y, t),
where y := <new>;
stat2* := <alltd(replace-return(|y))> stat1*
replace-return(|y) :
Return(e) -> Assign(y, e)
Language Engineering Summary
apply linguistic abstraction to language engineering
• declarative languages for language definition
• automatic derivation of efficient compilers
• automatic derivation of IDEs
Research Agenda
Example: Explicit Representation of Units
input distance : Meter;
input duration : Second;
output speed : Meter/Second := duration / distance;
formalize knowledge of application area (domain) in language
Problem: Correctness of Language Definitions
Can we
trust the
wrong outputinput
type soundness: well-typed programs don’t go wrong
Challenge:AutomaticVerification of Correctness
wrong output
type soundness: well-typed programs don’t go wrong
Language Workbench
State-of-the-Art: Language Engineering
focus on implementation; not suitable for verification
Formal Language Specification
State-of-the-Art: Semantics Engineering
focus on (only semi-automatic) verification; not suitable for implementation
Declarative Language Definition
My Approach: Multi-Purpose Language Definitions
bridging the gap between language engineering and semantics engineering
Software Development on the Web
revisiting the architecture of the IDE
Syntax and Semantics
Names, Bindings, and Scopes
Data Types
Functional Programming
First-class Functions
Type Parameterization
Parsing and Interpretation
Data Abstraction / Modular Programming
Functional Programming Redux
Concurrent Programming
Domain-Specific Languages
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
Basics of
Material for exam
Slides from lectures
Tutorial exercises
Graded assignments
Sebesta: Chapters 1-13, 15
Programming in Scala: Chapters 1, 4-16, 19, 32-33
K&R C: Chapters 1-6
JavaScript Good Parts: Chapters 1-4
Content of exam
10% multiple choice questions
about concepts
50% Scala programming
(functional programming)
20% C programming
(structures and pointers)
20% JavaScript programming
(objects and prototypes)
Registration for Exam is Required -> your submission
Good Luck!

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Type analysis
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TI1220 Lecture 14: Domain-Specific Languages

  • 1. TI1220 2012-2013 Concepts of Programming Languages Eelco Visser / TU Delft Lecture 14: Domain-Specific Languages
  • 2. Syntax and Semantics Names, Bindings, and Scopes Storage Data Types Functional Programming First-class Functions Polymorphism Type Parameterization Parsing and Interpretation Data Abstraction / Modular Programming Functional Programming Redux Concurrency Concurrent Programming Domain-Specific Languages Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Basics of Scala JavaScript C
  • 5. Software Reuse: Don’t RepeatYourself software reuse patterns • copy and paste • libraries • frameworks • service APIs • design patterns
  • 6. Linguistic Abstraction identify pattern use new abstraction language A language B design abstraction
  • 7. From Instructions to Expressions mov &a, &c add &b, &c mov &a, &t1 sub &b, &t1 and &t1,&c Source: c = a c += b t1 = a t1 -= b c &= t1 c = (a + b) & (a - b)
  • 8. From Calling Conventions to Procedures calc: push eBP ; save old frame pointer mov eBP,eSP ; get new frame pointer sub eSP,localsize ; reserve place for locals . . ; perform calculations, leave result in AX . mov eSP,eBP ; free space for locals pop eBP ; restore old frame pointer ret paramsize ; free parameter space and return f(e1,e2,...,en) push eAX ; pass some register result push byte[eBP+20] ; pass some memory variable (FASM/TASM syntax) push 3 ; pass some constant call calc ; the returned result is now in eAX f(x) { ... }
  • 9. A structure is a collection of one or more variables, possibly of different types, grouped together under a single name for convenient handling. (Structures are called ``records'' in some languages, notably Pascal.) struct point { int x; int y; }; member structure tag Structures in C:Abstract from Memory Layout
  • 10. Malloc/Free to Automatic Memory Management /* Allocate space for an array with ten elements of type int. */ int *ptr = (int*)malloc(10 * sizeof (int)); if (ptr == NULL) { /* Memory could not be allocated, the program should handle the error here as appropriate. */ } else { /* Allocation succeeded. Do something. */ free(ptr); /* We are done with the int objects, and free the associated pointer. */ ptr = NULL; /* The pointer must not be used again, unless re-assigned to using malloc again. */ } int [] = new int[10]; /* use it; gc will clean up (hopefully) */
  • 11. typedef struct Base { void* (**vtable)(); int x; } Base; void (*Base_Vtable[])() = { &Base_print }; Base* newBase(int v) { Base* obj = (Base*)malloc(sizeof(Base)); obj->vtable = Base_Vtable; obj->x = v; return obj; } void print(Base* obj) { obj->vtable[0](obj); } class Base { Integer x; public Base(Integer v) { x = v; } public void print() { System.out.println("Base: " + x); } } class Child extends Base { Integer y; public Child(Integer v1, Integer v2) { super(v1); y = v2; } public void print() { System.out.println("Child: (" + x + "," + y + ")"); } } Dynamic Dispatch
  • 12. Polymorphic Higher-Order Functions def map[A,B](f: A => B, xs: List[A]): List[B] = { xs match{ case Nil() => Nil() case Cons(y, ys) => Cons(f(y), map(f, ys)) } } def incList(xs: IntList): IntList = xs match { case Nil() => Nil() case Cons(y, ys) => Cons(y + 1, incList(ys)) }
  • 13. Abstractions in Programming Languages ❖ Structured control-flow ★ if-then-else, while ❖ Procedural abstraction ★ procedures, first-class functions (closures) ❖ Memory management ★ garbage collection ❖ Data abstraction ★ abstract data types, objects ❖ Modules ★ inheritance, traits, mixins
  • 14. “A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant” Alan J. Perlis. Epigrams on Programming. SIGPLAN Notices, 17(9):7-13, 1982.
  • 15. Do HLLs eliminate all irrelevant details? What about ❖ data persistence ❖ data services ❖ concurrency ❖ distribution ❖ access control ❖ data invariants ❖ workflow ❖ ...
  • 16. Do HLLs eliminate all irrelevant details? What about ❖ data persistence ❖ data services ❖ concurrency ❖ distribution ❖ access control ❖ data invariants ❖ workflow ❖ ... many of these concerns require programmatic encodings
  • 17. What is the Next Level of Abstraction? Problem Domain HLL Machine
  • 19. Example: Encoding Units compiler computerinput input distance : Float; input duration : Float; output speed : Float := duration / distance; output
  • 20. Example: Encoding Units compiler computerinput input distance : Float; input duration : Float; output speed : Float := duration / distance; error wrong output
  • 21. Impact of Software Errors compiler computer error Mars Climate Orbiter Unit mismatch: Orbiter variables in Newtons, Ground control software in Pound-force. Damage: ~350 M$ input distance : Float; input duration : Float; output speed : Float := duration / distance; wrong output
  • 22. Example: Explicit Representation of Units computer input distance : Meter; input duration : Second; output speed : Meter/Second := duration / distance; compiler formalize knowledge of application area (domain) in language error
  • 23. DSLs Provide Domain-Specific ... Abstractions ★ directly represent domain concepts Concrete syntax ★ natural notation Optimization ★ based on domain assumptions Error checking ★ report errors in terms of domain concepts Tool support ★ interpreter, compiler, code generator, IDE
  • 24. Internal DSL Library in HLL ★ Haskell, Scala, Ruby, ... ★ API is language ★ language features for ‘linguistic abstraction’ Advantages ★ host language = implementation language Disadvantages ★ host language = implementation language (encoding) ★ no portability ★ no domain-specific errors, analysis, optimization
  • 25. External DSL Dedicated language ★ independent of host/target language (portable) ★ implementation with interpreter or compiler Advantages ★ language tuned to domain ★ domain-specific errors, analysis, optimizations Disadvantages ★ cost of learning new language ★ cost of maintaining language
  • 26. Example DSLs (1) Spreadsheet ★ formulas, macros Querying ★ SQL, XQuery, XPath Graph layout ★ GraphViz Web ★ HTML, CSS, RSS, XML, XSLT ★ Ruby/Rails, JSP, ASP, JSF, WebDSL
  • 27. Example DSLs (2) Games ★ Lua, UnrealScript Modeling ★ UML, OCL, QVT Language engineering ★ YACC, LEX, RegExp, ANTLR, SDF ★ TXL, ASF+SDF, Stratego
  • 29. browser server database web app Web Programming
  • 30. browser server database Java SQL HTML, JS, CSS Web Programming = Distributed Programming
  • 31. Concerns in Web Programming Data Persistence Access Control Injection Attacks Search XSS DataValidation Data Binding Routing ... ...
  • 32. Zef Hemel, Danny M. Groenewegen, Lennart C. L. Kats, EelcoVisser. Static consistency checking of web applications with WebDSL. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 46(2):150-182, 2011. Late Failure Detection in Web Applications
  • 33. Complexity in Web Programming: Multiple Languages x Multiple Concerns Consistency not statically checked
  • 34. EelcoVisser. WebDSL: A Case Study in Domain-Specific Language Engineering. In Ralf Lämmel, JoostVisser, João Saraiva, editors, Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering II, International Summer School, GTTSE 2007.Volume 5235 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 291-373, Springer, Braga, Portugal, 2007. Separation of Concerns & Linguistic Integration
  • 35.
  • 37. “http://” + “” // host domain + “blog” // application name + “post” // page + “42” // identity + “dsl-engineering” // title
  • 38. page blog(b: Blog, index: Int) { main(b){ for(p: Post in b.recentPosts(index,5)) { section{ header{ navigate post(p) { output(p.title) } } par{ output(p.content) } par{ output(p.created.format("MMMM d, yyyy")) } } } } page post(p: Post) { ... } Statically checked navigation
  • 39. entity Blog { key :: String (id) title :: String (name) posts -> Set<Post> ( function recentPosts(index: Int, n: Int): List<Post> { var i := max(1,index) - 1; return [p | p: Post in posts order by p.created desc limit n offset i*n].list(); } } entity Post { key :: String (id) title :: String (name, searchable) content :: WikiText (searchable) blog -> Blog } Persistent Data Models Generation of queries: no injection attacks
  • 40. entity Assignment { key :: String (id) title :: String (name, searchable) shortTitle :: String description :: WikiText (searchable) course -> CourseEdition (searchable) weight :: Float (default=1.0) deadline :: DateTime (default=null) // ... } page assignment(assign: Assignment, tab: String) { main{ progress(assign, tab) pageHeader{ output(assign.title) breadcrumbs(assign) } // ... } } Persistent variables in WebDSL objects are automatically persisted in database 1 2 3
  • 41. page post(p: Post) { ... } page editpost(p: Post) { action save() { return blog(p); } main({ form{ formEntry("Title"){ input(p.title) } formEntry("Content") { input(p.content) } formEntry("Posted") { input(p.created) } submit save() { "Save" } } } } Forms & Data Binding No separate controller!
  • 42. access control rules principal is User with credentials username, password rule page blog(b: Blog, index: Int) { true } rule page post(p: Post) { p.public || == principal } rule page editpost(p: Post) { principal == } extend entity User { password :: Secret } extend entity Blog { owner -> User } extend entity Post { public :: Bool } Declarative Access Control Rules
  • 43. Linguistically Integrated Persistent data model Logic Templates (UI, Email, Service) Data binding Access control Data validation Faceted search Collaborative filtering
  • 44. DSL Summary software reuse through linguistic abstraction • capture understanding of design patterns in language concepts • abstract from accidental complexity • program in terms of domain concepts • automatically generate implementation
  • 45. When to Use/Create DSLs? Hierarchy of abstractions • first understand how to program it • make variations by copy, paste, adapt • (avoid over-engineering) • make library of frequently used patterns • find existing (internal) DSLs for the domain Time for a DSL? • large class of applications using same design patterns • design patterns cannot be captured in PL • lack of checking / optimization for DSL abstractions
  • 47. object ExpParser extends JavaTokenParsers with PackratParsers { lazy val exp: PackratParser[Exp] = (exp <~ "+") ~ exp1 ^^ { case lhs~rhs => Add(lhs, rhs) } | exp1 lazy val exp1: PackratParser[Exp] = (exp1 ~ exp0) ^^ { case lhs~rhs => App(lhs, rhs) } | exp0 lazy val exp0: PackratParser[Exp] = number | identifier | function | letBinding | "(" ~> exp <~ ")" // ... def parse(text: String) = parseAll(exp, text) } syntax through parsers
  • 48. sealed abstract class Value case class numV(n: Int) extends Value case class closureV(param: Symbol, body: Exp, env: Env) extends Value def eval(exp: Exp, env: Env): Value = exp match { case Num(v) => numV(v) case Add(l, r) => plus(eval(l, env), eval(r, env)) case Id(name) => lookup(name, env) case Let(name, e1, e2) => eval(e2, bind(name, eval(e1, env), env)) case Fun(name, body) => closureV(name, body, env) case App(fun, arg) => eval(fun, env) match { case closureV(name, body, env2) => eval(body, bind(name, eval(arg, env), env2)) case _ => sys.error("Closure expected") } } semantics through interpreter
  • 51. Traditional Compilers ls javac -verbose [parsing started] [parsing completed 8ms] [loading java/lang/Object.class(java/lang:Object.class)] [checking university.Course] [wrote Course.class] [total 411ms]
  • 52. Traditional Compilers ls javac -verbose [parsing started] [parsing completed 8ms] [loading java/lang/Object.class(java/lang:Object.class)] [checking university.Course] [wrote Course.class] [total 411ms] ls Course.class
  • 53. Language Processors syntax analysis • parsing • AST construction static analysis • name analysis • type analysis semantics • generation • interpretation
  • 55. Modern Compilers in IDEs syntactic editor services • syntax checking • syntax highlighting • outline view • code folding • bracket matching semantic editor services • error checking • reference resolving • hover help • content completion • refactoring
  • 56. Eclipse Platform runtime platform • composition • integration development platform • complex APIs • abstractions for Eclipse IDEs • concepts: editors, views, label provider, label provider factory, … • tedious, boring, frustrating
  • 57. Spoofax Language Workbench declarative meta-languages • syntax definition • editor services • term rewriting implementation • generic integration into Eclipse and IMP • compilation & interpretation of language definitions agile • Spoofax & IDE under development in same Eclipse instance • support for test-driven development
  • 58. A Taste of Language Engineering with Spoofax • abstract syntax trees • declarative syntax definition • name binding and scope • transformation by term rewriting
  • 59. EnFun: Entities with Functions module blog entity String { function plus(that:String): String } entity Bool { } entity Set<T> { function add(x: T) function remove(x: T) function member(x: T): Bool } entity Blog { posts : Set<Post> function newPost(): Post { var p : Post :=; posts.add(p); } } entity Post { title : String }
  • 61. Signature & Terms constructors Module : ID * List(Definition) -> Module Imports : ID -> Definition Module( "application" , [Imports("library"), Imports("users"), Imports("frontend")] )
  • 62. Entities & Properties constructors Entity : ID * List(Property) -> Definition Type : ID -> Type New : Type -> Exp constructors Property : ID * Type -> Property This : Exp PropAccess : Exp * ID -> Exp Module("users" , [ Imports("library") , Entity("User" , [ Property("email", Type("String")) , Property("password", Type("String")) , Property("isAdmin", Type("Bool"))])])
  • 63. Parsing: From Text to Structure
  • 64. Declarative Syntax Definition Entity("User", [ Property("first", Type("String")), Property("last", Type("String")) ]) signature constructors Entity : ID * List(Property) -> Definition Type : ID -> Type Property : ID * Type -> Property
  • 65. Declarative Syntax Definition entity User { first : String last : String } Entity("User", [ Property("first", Type("String")), Property("last", Type("String")) ]) signature constructors Entity : ID * List(Property) -> Definition Type : ID -> Type Property : ID * Type -> Property
  • 66. Declarative Syntax Definition entity User { first : String last : String } Entity("User", [ Property("first", Type("String")), Property("last", Type("String")) ]) signature constructors Entity : ID * List(Property) -> Definition Type : ID -> Type Property : ID * Type -> Property context-free syntax "entity" ID "{" Property* "}" -> Definition {"Entity"} ID -> Type {"Type"} ID ":" Type -> Property {"Property"}
  • 68. Context-free Syntax constructors True : Exp False : Exp Not : Exp -> Exp And : Exp * Exp -> Exp Or : Exp * Exp -> Exp context-free syntax "true" -> Exp {"True"} "false" -> Exp {"False"} "!" Exp -> Exp {"Not"} Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp {"And"} Exp "||" Exp -> Exp {"Or"}
  • 69. Lexical Syntax constructors True : Exp False : Exp Not : Exp -> Exp And : Exp * Exp -> Exp Or : Exp * Exp -> Exp context-free syntax "true" -> Exp {"True"} "false" -> Exp {"False"} "!" Exp -> Exp {"Not"} Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp {"And"} Exp "||" Exp -> Exp {"Or"} lexical syntax [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]* -> ID "-"? [0-9]+ -> INT [ tnr] -> LAYOUT constructors : String -> ID : String -> INT scannerless generalized (LR) parsing form of tokens (words, lexemes)
  • 70. Ambiguity constructors True : Exp False : Exp Not : Exp -> Exp And : Exp * Exp -> Exp Or : Exp * Exp -> Exp context-free syntax "true" -> Exp {"True"} "false" -> Exp {"False"} "!" Exp -> Exp {"Not"} Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp {"And"} Exp "||" Exp -> Exp {"Or"} isPublic || isDraft && (author == principal())
  • 71. Ambiguity constructors True : Exp False : Exp Not : Exp -> Exp And : Exp * Exp -> Exp Or : Exp * Exp -> Exp context-free syntax "true" -> Exp {"True"} "false" -> Exp {"False"} "!" Exp -> Exp {"Not"} Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp {"And"} Exp "||" Exp -> Exp {"Or"} isPublic || isDraft && (author == principal()) amb([ And(Or(Var("isPublic"), Var("isDraft")), Eq(Var("author"), ThisCall("principal", []))), Or(Var("isPublic"), And(Var("isDraft"), Eq(Var("author"), ThisCall("principal", [])))) ])
  • 72. Disambiguation by Encoding Precedence constructors True : Exp False : Exp Not : Exp -> Exp And : Exp * Exp -> Exp Or : Exp * Exp -> Exp context-free syntax "true" -> Exp {"True"} "false" -> Exp {"False"} "!" Exp -> Exp {"Not"} Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp {"And"} Exp "||" Exp -> Exp {"Or"} context-free syntax "(" Exp ")" -> Exp0 {bracket} "true" -> Exp0 {"True"} "false" -> Exp0 {"False"} Exp0 -> Exp1 "!" Exp0 -> Exp1 {"Not"} Exp1 -> Exp2 Exp1 "&&" Exp2 -> Exp2 {"And"} Exp2 -> Exp3 Exp2 "||" Exp3 -> Exp3 {"Or"}
  • 73. Declarative Disambiguation context-free syntax "true" -> Exp {"True"} "false" -> Exp {"False"} "!" Exp -> Exp {"Not"} Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp {"And", left} Exp "||" Exp -> Exp {"Or", left} "(" Exp ")" -> Exp {bracket} context-free priorities {left: Exp.Not} > {left: Exp.Mul} > {left: Exp.Plus Exp.Minus} > {left: Exp.And} > {non-assoc: Exp.Eq Exp.Lt Exp.Gt Exp.Leq Exp.Geq} isPublic || isDraft && (author == principal()) Or(Var("isPublic"), And(Var("isDraft"), Eq(Var("author"), ThisCall("principal", []))))
  • 75. Definitions and References module test entity String { } entity User { first : String last : String } definition reference
  • 77. From Tree to Graph Module( "test" , [ Entity("String", []) , Entity( "User" , [ Property("first", ) , Property("last", ) ] ) ] )
  • 78. NaBL: Name Binding Language module names imports include/Cam namespaces Type Property Function Variable rules Entity(name, None(), None(), _): defines Type name of type Type(name, []) scopes Type, Function, Property, Variable Type(name, _): refers to Type name
  • 80. Transformation by Strategic Rewriting rules desugar: Plus(e1, e2) -> MethCall(e1, "plus", [e2]) desugar: Or(e1, e2) -> MethCall(e1, "or", [e2]) desugar : VarDeclInit(x, t, e) -> Seq([VarDecl(x, t), Assign(Var(x), e)]) strategies desugar-all = topdown(repeat(desugar))
  • 81. Return-Lifting Applied function fact(n: Int): Int { var res: Int; if(n == 0) { res := 1; } else { res := this * fact(n - 1); } return res; } function fact(n: Int): Int { if(n == 0) { return 1; } else { return this * fact(n - 1); } }
  • 82. Return-Lifting Rules rules lift-return-all = alltd(lift-return; normalize-all) lift-return : FunDef(x, arg*, Some(t), stat1*) -> FunDef(x, arg*, Some(t), Seq([ VarDecl(y, t), Seq(stat2*), Return(Var(y)) ])) where y := <new>; stat2* := <alltd(replace-return(|y))> stat1* replace-return(|y) : Return(e) -> Assign(y, e)
  • 83. Language Engineering Summary apply linguistic abstraction to language engineering • declarative languages for language definition • automatic derivation of efficient compilers • automatic derivation of IDEs
  • 85. Example: Explicit Representation of Units computer input distance : Meter; input duration : Second; output speed : Meter/Second := duration / distance; compiler formalize knowledge of application area (domain) in language error
  • 86. error Problem: Correctness of Language Definitions computer compiler Can we trust the compiler? wrong outputinput program type soundness: well-typed programs don’t go wrong
  • 87. compiler error Challenge:AutomaticVerification of Correctness computer compiler wrong output program type soundness: well-typed programs don’t go wrong type checker code generator input
  • 88. Correctness Proof Language Workbench State-of-the-Art: Language Engineering Syntax Checker Name Resolver Type Checker Code Generator focus on implementation; not suitable for verification Compiler Editor (IDE) Tests
  • 89. Formal Language Specification State-of-the-Art: Semantics Engineering Abstract Syntax Type System Dynamic Semantics Transforms focus on (only semi-automatic) verification; not suitable for implementation Correctness Proof TestsCompiler Editor (IDE)
  • 90. Declarative Language Definition My Approach: Multi-Purpose Language Definitions Syntax Definition Name Binding Type System Dynamic Semantics Transforms Compiler Editor (IDE) Correctness Proof Tests bridging the gap between language engineering and semantics engineering
  • 91. Software Development on the Web revisiting the architecture of the IDE
  • 92. Exam
  • 93. Syntax and Semantics Names, Bindings, and Scopes Storage Data Types Functional Programming First-class Functions Polymorphism Type Parameterization Parsing and Interpretation Data Abstraction / Modular Programming Functional Programming Redux Concurrency Concurrent Programming Domain-Specific Languages Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Basics of Scala JavaScript C
  • 94. Material for exam Slides from lectures Tutorial exercises Graded assignments Sebesta: Chapters 1-13, 15 Programming in Scala: Chapters 1, 4-16, 19, 32-33 K&R C: Chapters 1-6 JavaScript Good Parts: Chapters 1-4
  • 95. Content of exam 10% multiple choice questions about concepts 50% Scala programming (functional programming) 20% C programming (structures and pointers) 20% JavaScript programming (objects and prototypes)
  • 96. Registration for Exam is Required -> your submission