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Dealing comfortably with
the confusion of tongues
Ralf Lämmel
Software Languages Team, Koblenz
Consider the following
system. How to reasonably
summarize its architecture?
RL: c9 is MSFT’s
Technology used in the
5th edition of Channel9
SparkView engine
Silverlight 4
Windows Azure, SQL Azure, “other Azures”
ECN for the Content Delivery Network (videos)
Abstraction! Abstraction! Abstraction!
• What domain?
• Programming
• X/O/R mapping
• XML/database processing
• ...
• What engineering?
• megamodeling programming
• software language engineering
A simpler riddle: how to usefully
characterize these XML technologies?
DOM [Wikipedia]
The Document Object Model (DOM) is a cross-platform
and language-independent convention for
representing and interacting with objects in HTML,
XHTML and XML documents. Aspects of the DOM
(such as its "Elements") may be addressed and
manipulated within the syntax of the programming
language in use. The public interface of a DOM is
specified in its Application Programming Interface
(API). ...
SAX [Wikipedia]
SAX (Simple API for XML) is a sequential access
parser API for XML. SAX provides a mechanism for
reading data from an XML document. It is a popular
alternative to the Document Object Model (DOM). ... A
parser which implements SAX (ie, a SAX Parser)
functions as a stream parser, with an event-driven API.
The user defines a number of callback methods that
will be called when events occur during parsing. ...
StAX [Wikipedia]
Streaming API for XML (StAX) is an application
programming interface (API) to read and write XML
documents, originating from the Java programming
language community. Traditionally, XML APIs are
either: tree based, ..., event based. ... These two access
metaphors can be thought of as polar opposites. ...
StAX was designed as a median between these two
opposites. ...
Read (parse, query) XML • • •
Write XML • •
Metadata! Metadata! Metadata!
In-memory XML processing •
Push-based XML parsing •
Pull-based XML parsing •
Metadata! Metadata! Metadata!
Standardization • ·
.NET counterpart • •
Metadata! Metadata! Metadata!
Follow-up questions?
How to usefully abstract from XML in
defining “push-based”?
How to usefully share conceptual
understanding across DOM and JAXB?
... between JAXB and Hibernate?
An advanced programming class
The Expression Problem
The Visitor Design Pattern
XML Processing
XML Validation
XML Data Binding
Database Access
O/R Mapping
Model View Controller
More Design Patterns
Aspect-Oriented Programming
Functional OO Programming
Combinator Libraries
Generic Programming
Programming with Threads
Distributed Programming
WebService Programming
Our ultimate goal:
heavily annotate programmig
and language technologies and
their uses with metadata
facilitating understanding.
A running example:
A few variation points
X vs. O vs. R vs. λ etc.
Static typing vs. dynamic typing
Textual vs. abstract vs. visual syntax
GPPL vs. DSL vs. embedding vs. API
Instance- vs. operation-based mapping
Type checking vs. inference vs. reasoning
Code first vs. schema first vs. mapping only
In-memory processing vs. push vs. pull parsing
Pure vs. impure transformations (or in between)
Code vs. generative vs. model-driven vs. mapping
101 ways
to run a company.
Modeling companies
company : 'company' STRING '{' dept* '}';
dept :
'department' STRING '{'
('manager' employee)
('employee' employee)*
dept* '}';
employee :
'address' STRING
'salary' FLOAT '}';
WS : (' '|'r'? 'n'|'t')+ {skip();};
STRING : '"' (~'"')* '"';
FLOAT : ('0'..'9')+ ('.' ('0'..'9')+)?;
CFGs for HR notation.
The aspect of “sharing
knowledge” is
Purity of CFGs
is an i!usion.
Model Haske!
type Company = [Dept]
data Dept = Dept Name Manager [SubUnit]
type Manager = Employee
data Employee = Employee Name Address Salary
data SubUnit = PU Employee | DU Dept
type Name = String
type Address = String
type Salary = Float
Structure is defined by
sequence, cases, and
Algebraic datatypes
imply tree shape of
data instances.
Models use nominal
& structural types,
and aliases.
Model Ecore
There are recurring
themes for
primitive types.
Lists or co!ections
may in fact be
structural forms.
Model Ecore/Java/EMF
* @model
public interface Person extends EObject {
	 * @model required="true" ordered="false"
	 String getName();
	 void setName(String value);
	 * @model required="true" ordered="false"
	 String getAddress();
	 void setAddress(String value);
<xs:element name="company"> ... </xs:element>
	 <xs:complexType name="dept">
	 	 	 <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>
	 	 	 <xs:element name="manager" type="employee"/>
	 	 	 <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="subunit"/>
	 <xs:element name="subunit">
	 	 	 	 <xs:element name="pu" type="employee"/>
	 	 	 	 <xs:element name="du" type="dept"/>
	 <xs:complexType name="employee">
	 	 	 <xs:element ref="person"/>
	 	 	 <xs:element ref="salary"/>
	 <xs:element name="person"> ... </xs:element>
	 <xs:element name="salary"> ... </xs:element>
Model XSD
Let’s hope XSD goes
away faster than
	 name VARCHAR(100),
	 managerId INTEGER,
	 FOREIGN KEY (managerId) REFERENCES employee(employeeID),
	 upperDeptId INTEGER,
	 FOREIGN KEY (upperDeptId) REFERENCES dept(deptId)
CREATE TABLE employee (
	 name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
	 address VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
	 salary DOUBLE,
	 deptId INTEGER,
	 FOREIGN KEY (deptId) REFERENCES dept(deptId)
Type references may
be represented
through key
behavioral aspects
join in.
Totaling salaries
Total EMF/Java
public class Total {
	 public static double total(Company company) {
	 	 double total = 0;
	 	 for (Dept dept : company.getDepts())
	 	 	 total += total(dept);
	 	 return total;
	 private static double total(Dept dept) { ... }
	 private static double total(Subunit subunit) { ... }
	 private static double total(Employee employee) { ... }
Queries over
(systems of)
recursive datatypes
may require
(systems of)
recursive “functions”.
Total Haske!
total :: Company -> Float
total = everything (+) (mkQ 0 id)
Traversal or genera!y:
Type case
Total XML/XQuery
A domain-specific language for
queries is good at doing, we!, queries.
Total XML/DOM/XPath
public static double total(Document doc)
	 	 throws Exception {
	 double total = 0;
NodeList nodelist =
	 	 	 XPathAPI.selectNodeList(doc, "//salary");	
	 for (int i=0; i<nodelist.getLength(); i++) {
Element elem = (Element)nodelist.item(i);
total += Double.parseDouble(elem.getTextContent());
	 return total;
} Host language may run embedded programs
and inspect results.
Total XML/Java/JAXB
public class Total {
	 public static double total(Company c) {
	 	 double total = 0;
	 	 if (c.getDept() != null)
	 	 	 for (Dept d : c.getDept())
	 	 	 	 total += total(d);
	 	 return total;
	 public static double total(Dept d) { ... }	
	 public static double total(Employee e) { ... }	
	 public static double total(Subunit s) { ... }
Time and again.
SELECT SUM(salary)
FROM employee;
What’s the XML/OO
counterpart to
Query languages
provide aggregators.
Total Java / JDBC
public static double total(MyConnection myConnection)
	 	 throws SQLException {
	 double total = 0;
	 String query =
	 	 "SELECT salary FROM employee";
	 PreparedStatement pstmtEmployees =
	 ResultSet salaries = pstmtEmployees.executeQuery();
	 while (
	 	 total += salaries.getDouble("salary");
	 return total;
Iterators on lazy
server results
Total RDF/Java/Jena
public static double total(CompanyModel c) {
	 double total = 0;
	 StmtIterator i =
	 	 	 new SimpleSelector(
	 	 	 	 null, c.SALARY, (RDFNode) null));
	 while (i.hasNext()) {
	 	 Statement s =;
	 	 total += s.getDouble();
	 return total;
(quantification) over
graphs requires
module Total;
create OUT: Total from IN: Company;
rule Company2Total {
	 company : Company!Company
	 t : Total!TotalWrapper (
	 	 total <- Company!Employee.allInstances()
	 	 	 	 -> collect(e | e.salary)
	 	 	 	 -> sum()	 	 	
Cutting salaries
Cut Haske!
cut :: Company -> Company
cut = everywhere (mkT (/(2::Float)))
The type of a pure function reveals
its nature of being a transformation.
Cut EMF/Java
public class Cut {
	 public static void cutCompany(Company company) {
	 	 for (Dept dept : company.getDepts())
	 private static void cut(Dept dept) { ... }
	 private static void cut(Subunit subunit) { ... }
	 private static void cut(Employee employee) {
	 	 employee.setSalary(employee.getSalary() / 2);
The appearance of “void” in an
imperative (OO) language su'ests
impure transformation.
Cut XML/XQuery
copy $copy := .
	 for $salary in $copy//salary
replace value of node $salary
with $salary div 2
return $copy
The distinction of pure vs.
impure is not always easy.
<xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8"/>
<xsl:template match="com:salary">
<xsl:value-of select=". div 2"/>
<xsl:template match="@*|node()">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
Don’t confuse notation with
concepts. Conceptua!y, XSLT is
potentia!y simple.
UPDATE employee
salary = salary / 2;
Type-based quantification is
rea!y simple with RDBMS.
Cut RDF/Java/Jena
public static void cut(CompanyModel c) {
	 List<Statement> l =
	 	 	 new SimpleSelector(
	 	 	 	 null, c.SALARY, (RDFNode) null)).toList();
	 for (Statement s : l)
	 	 s.changeLiteralObject(s.getDouble() / 2);
laziness + mutation = evil
Cut Ecore/ATL
module Cut;
create OUT: Company from IN: Company;
rule Company2Company {
	 from s : Company!Company
	 to t : Company!Company ( depts <- s.depts )
rule Employee2Employee {
	 from s : Company!Employee
	 to t : Company!Employee (
	 person <- s.person,
	 salary <- s.salary / 2 )
rule Dept2Dept { ... }
rule Subunit2Subunit_Pu { ... }
rule Subunit2Subunit_Du { ... }
rule Person2Person { ... }
thinking as opposed
to )ee-wheeling
Mapping companies
Map Java/Serializable
FileInputStream fis =
	 	 new FileInputStream("sampleCompany.ser");
ObjectInputStream in =
	 	 new ObjectInputStream(fis);
Object o =
Company c = (Company)o; Use a universal object
@XmlType(name = "", propOrder = {"name", "address"})
@XmlRootElement(name = "person")
public class Person {
@XmlElement(required = true)
protected String name;
@XmlElement(required = true)
protected String address;
public String getName() { return name; }
public void setName(String value) { name = value; }
public String getAddress() { return address; }
public void setAddress(String value) { address = value; }
Annotations capture mapping
including constraints.
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;
File input =
	 new File("sampleCompany.xml");
JAXBContext jaxbContext =
Unmarshaller unMarshaller =
Company c =
(Company) unMarshaller.unmarshal(input);
There is a 1:1 mapping
names of program types &
serialization-level names.
<GenModel ...>
<genPackages prefix="Company" ...>
<genClasses ecoreClass="Company.ecore#//Company">
<genFeatures ... ecoreFeature="...//Company/depts"/>
<genClasses ecoreClass="Company.ecore#//Dept">
<genFeatures ... ecoreFeature="...//Dept/name"/>
<genFeatures ... ecoreFeature="...//Dept/manager"/>
<genFeatures ... ecoreFeature="...//Dept/subunits"/>
types-to-types &
modulo renaming and exclusion.
<class name="" table="DEPT">
<id name="id" column="DEPT_ID">
<generator class="native" />
<property name="name" />
column="MANAGER_ID" unique="true" />
<key column="DEPT_ID" />
<many-to-many column="SUBUNIT_ID" class="" />
Given: tables and classes.
Recover relationship as
import org.hibernate.Session;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
Company c =
	 new Company();
c.session =
	 new Configuration().
List<?> depts =
	 	 "from Dept where UPPER_DEPT_ID is null").list();
	 for (Object o : depts)
	 	 c.getDepts().add((Dept) o);
incl. transactions
<class name="" table="DEPT">
<id name="id" column="DEPT_ID">
<generator class="native" />
<property name="name" />
class="" />
<set name="employees" cascade="all">
<key column="DEPT_ID" />
<one-to-many class="" />
<set name="subDepartments" cascade="all">
<key column="UPPER_DEPT_ID" />
<one-to-many class="" />
Another schema
Another mapping
Interacting with
GUI Java/Swing
A GUI essentia!y provides a concrete
syntax for the underlying language.
GUI Ajax/Java[Script] /GWT
Compared to a regular GUI, this
scheme involves distribution, and, in
fact, mapping.
public CompanyInfo getCompanyInfo(Company company) {
	 CompanyInfo companyInfo = new CompanyInfo();
	 for (Dept dept : company.getDepts())
	 return companyInfo;
public class CompanyInfo
implements Serializable {
	 private List<String> deptsInfos;
	 public CompanyInfo() {
	 	 deptsInfos =
	 	 	 new LinkedList<String>();
	 public List<String> getDeptsInfos() {
	 	 return deptsInfos;
public class Company {
	 private List<Dept> depts;
	 public Company() {
	 	 depts =
	 	 	 new LinkedList<Dept>();
	 public List<Dept> getDepts() {
	 	 return depts;
	 public Double total() { ... }
	 public void cut() { ... }
Ajax/Java[Script] /GWTMap
Our ultimate goal:
heavily annotate programmig
and language technologies and
their uses with metadata
facilitating understanding.
Questions or comments?

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Choose'10: Ralf Laemmel - Dealing Confortably with the Confusion of Tongues

  • 1. Dealing comfortably with the confusion of tongues Ralf Lämmel Software Languages Team, Koblenz
  • 2. Consider the following system. How to reasonably summarize its architecture?
  • 3. RL: c9 is MSFT’s community-oriented youtube.
  • 4. Technology used in the 5th edition of Channel9 ASP.NET MVC SparkView engine jQuery Silverlight 4 Windows Azure, SQL Azure, “other Azures” ECN for the Content Delivery Network (videos)
  • 7. • What domain? • Programming • X/O/R mapping • XML/database processing • GUI • ... • What engineering? • megamodeling programming • software language engineering CH O O SE Forum 2012 D om ain-specific Engineering
  • 8. A simpler riddle: how to usefully characterize these XML technologies? DOM SAX StAX
  • 9. DOM [Wikipedia] The Document Object Model (DOM) is a cross-platform and language-independent convention for representing and interacting with objects in HTML, XHTML and XML documents. Aspects of the DOM (such as its "Elements") may be addressed and manipulated within the syntax of the programming language in use. The public interface of a DOM is specified in its Application Programming Interface (API). ...
  • 10. SAX [Wikipedia] SAX (Simple API for XML) is a sequential access parser API for XML. SAX provides a mechanism for reading data from an XML document. It is a popular alternative to the Document Object Model (DOM). ... A parser which implements SAX (ie, a SAX Parser) functions as a stream parser, with an event-driven API. The user defines a number of callback methods that will be called when events occur during parsing. ...
  • 11. StAX [Wikipedia] Streaming API for XML (StAX) is an application programming interface (API) to read and write XML documents, originating from the Java programming language community. Traditionally, XML APIs are either: tree based, ..., event based. ... These two access metaphors can be thought of as polar opposites. ... StAX was designed as a median between these two opposites. ...
  • 12. DOM SAX StAX Read (parse, query) XML • • • Write XML • • Metadata! Metadata! Metadata!
  • 13. DOM SAX StAX In-memory XML processing • Push-based XML parsing • Pull-based XML parsing • Metadata! Metadata! Metadata!
  • 14. DOM SAX StAX Standardization • · .NET counterpart • • Metadata! Metadata! Metadata!
  • 15. Follow-up questions? How to usefully abstract from XML in defining “push-based”? How to usefully share conceptual understanding across DOM and JAXB? ... between JAXB and Hibernate? ...
  • 16. An advanced programming class The Expression Problem The Visitor Design Pattern Parsing XML Processing XML Validation XML Data Binding Database Access O/R Mapping Model View Controller More Design Patterns Reflection Aspect-Oriented Programming Functional OO Programming Combinator Libraries Generic Programming Programming with Threads Distributed Programming WebService Programming
  • 17. Our ultimate goal: heavily annotate programmig and language technologies and their uses with metadata facilitating understanding.
  • 20.
  • 21. ...
  • 22.
  • 23. ...
  • 24.
  • 25. A few variation points X vs. O vs. R vs. λ etc. Static typing vs. dynamic typing Textual vs. abstract vs. visual syntax GPPL vs. DSL vs. embedding vs. API Instance- vs. operation-based mapping Type checking vs. inference vs. reasoning Code first vs. schema first vs. mapping only In-memory processing vs. push vs. pull parsing Pure vs. impure transformations (or in between) Code vs. generative vs. model-driven vs. mapping
  • 26. 101 ways to run a company.
  • 28. Model ANTLR company : 'company' STRING '{' dept* '}'; dept : 'department' STRING '{' ('manager' employee) ('employee' employee)* dept* '}'; employee : STRING '{' 'address' STRING 'salary' FLOAT '}'; WS : (' '|'r'? 'n'|'t')+ {skip();}; STRING : '"' (~'"')* '"'; FLOAT : ('0'..'9')+ ('.' ('0'..'9')+)?; CFGs for HR notation. The aspect of “sharing knowledge” is underestimated. Purity of CFGs is an i!usion.
  • 29. Model Haske! type Company = [Dept] data Dept = Dept Name Manager [SubUnit] type Manager = Employee data Employee = Employee Name Address Salary data SubUnit = PU Employee | DU Dept type Name = String type Address = String type Salary = Float Structure is defined by sequence, cases, and recursion. Algebraic datatypes imply tree shape of data instances. Models use nominal & structural types, and aliases.
  • 30. Model Ecore There are recurring themes for primitive types. Lists or co!ections may in fact be distinguished structural forms.
  • 31. Model Ecore/Java/EMF /** * @model */ public interface Person extends EObject { /** * @model required="true" ordered="false" */ String getName(); void setName(String value); /** * @model required="true" ordered="false" */ String getAddress(); void setAddress(String value); } Programs are models. Models are programs.
  • 32. <xs:element name="company"> ... </xs:element> <xs:complexType name="dept"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="manager" type="employee"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="subunit"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name="subunit"> <xs:complexType> <xs:choice> <xs:element name="pu" type="employee"/> <xs:element name="du" type="dept"/> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:complexType name="employee"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element ref="person"/> <xs:element ref="salary"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name="person"> ... </xs:element> <xs:element name="salary"> ... </xs:element> Model XSD Let’s hope XSD goes away faster than Cobol.
  • 33. CREATE TABLE dept ( deptId INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(100), managerId INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (managerId) REFERENCES employee(employeeID), upperDeptId INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (upperDeptId) REFERENCES dept(deptId) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE employee ( employeeId INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, address VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, salary DOUBLE, deptId INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (deptId) REFERENCES dept(deptId) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); Model SQL DDL Type references may be represented through key references. Eventua!y behavioral aspects join in.
  • 35. Total EMF/Java public class Total { public static double total(Company company) { double total = 0; for (Dept dept : company.getDepts()) total += total(dept); return total; } private static double total(Dept dept) { ... } private static double total(Subunit subunit) { ... } private static double total(Employee employee) { ... } } Queries over (systems of) recursive datatypes may require (systems of) recursive “functions”.
  • 36. Total Haske! total :: Company -> Float total = everything (+) (mkQ 0 id) Traversal or genera!y: quantification Type case
  • 37. Total XML/XQuery <result> {sum(//salary)} </result> A domain-specific language for queries is good at doing, we!, queries.
  • 38. Total XML/DOM/XPath public static double total(Document doc) throws Exception { double total = 0; NodeList nodelist = XPathAPI.selectNodeList(doc, "//salary"); for (int i=0; i<nodelist.getLength(); i++) { Element elem = (Element)nodelist.item(i); total += Double.parseDouble(elem.getTextContent()); } return total; } Host language may run embedded programs and inspect results.
  • 39. Total XML/Java/JAXB public class Total { public static double total(Company c) { double total = 0; if (c.getDept() != null) for (Dept d : c.getDept()) total += total(d); return total; } public static double total(Dept d) { ... } public static double total(Employee e) { ... } public static double total(Subunit s) { ... } } POJOs Time and again.
  • 40. Total SQL DML SELECT SUM(salary) FROM employee; What’s the XML/OO counterpart to projection? Query languages provide aggregators.
  • 41. Total Java / JDBC public static double total(MyConnection myConnection) throws SQLException { double total = 0; String query = "SELECT salary FROM employee"; PreparedStatement pstmtEmployees = myConnection .getConn() .prepareStatement(query); ResultSet salaries = pstmtEmployees.executeQuery(); while ( total += salaries.getDouble("salary"); return total; } Iterators on lazy server results
  • 42. Total RDF/Java/Jena public static double total(CompanyModel c) { double total = 0; StmtIterator i = c.getModel().listStatements( new SimpleSelector( null, c.SALARY, (RDFNode) null)); while (i.hasNext()) { Statement s =; total += s.getDouble(); } return total; } Selection (quantification) over graphs requires identities.
  • 43. Ecore/ATL module Total; create OUT: Total from IN: Company; rule Company2Total { from company : Company!Company to t : Total!TotalWrapper ( total <- Company!Employee.allInstances() -> collect(e | e.salary) -> sum() ) } Total Quantification, Projection, A'regation
  • 45. Cut Haske! cut :: Company -> Company cut = everywhere (mkT (/(2::Float))) The type of a pure function reveals its nature of being a transformation.
  • 46. Cut EMF/Java public class Cut { public static void cutCompany(Company company) { for (Dept dept : company.getDepts()) cut(dept); } private static void cut(Dept dept) { ... } private static void cut(Subunit subunit) { ... } private static void cut(Employee employee) { employee.setSalary(employee.getSalary() / 2); } } The appearance of “void” in an imperative (OO) language su'ests impure transformation.
  • 47. Cut XML/XQuery copy $copy := . modify for $salary in $copy//salary return replace value of node $salary with $salary div 2 return $copy The distinction of pure vs. impure is not always easy.
  • 48. Cut XML/XSLT <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:com="" version="1.0"> <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8"/> <xsl:template match="com:salary"> <xsl:copy> <xsl:value-of select=". div 2"/> </xsl:copy> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="@*|node()"> <xsl:copy> <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/> </xsl:copy> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> Don’t confuse notation with concepts. Conceptua!y, XSLT is potentia!y simple.
  • 49. Cut SQL DML UPDATE employee SET salary = salary / 2; Type-based quantification is rea!y simple with RDBMS.
  • 50. Cut RDF/Java/Jena public static void cut(CompanyModel c) { List<Statement> l = c.getModel().listStatements( new SimpleSelector( null, c.SALARY, (RDFNode) null)).toList(); for (Statement s : l) s.changeLiteralObject(s.getDouble() / 2); } laziness + mutation = evil
  • 51. Cut Ecore/ATL module Cut; create OUT: Company from IN: Company; rule Company2Company { from s : Company!Company to t : Company!Company ( depts <- s.depts ) } rule Employee2Employee { from s : Company!Employee to t : Company!Employee ( person <- s.person, salary <- s.salary / 2 ) } rule Dept2Dept { ... } rule Subunit2Subunit_Pu { ... } rule Subunit2Subunit_Du { ... } rule Person2Person { ... } Rule-based thinking as opposed to )ee-wheeling functions.
  • 53. Map Java/Serializable import*; import; import; FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("sampleCompany.ser"); ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(fis); Object o = in.readObject(); in.close(); Company c = (Company)o; Use a universal object representation.
  • 54. XML/Java/JAXBMap @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = {"name", "address"}) @XmlRootElement(name = "person") public class Person { @XmlElement(required = true) protected String name; @XmlElement(required = true) protected String address; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String value) { name = value; } public String getAddress() { return address; } public void setAddress(String value) { address = value; } } Annotations capture mapping including constraints.
  • 55. XML/Java/JAXB import*; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import; File input = new File("sampleCompany.xml"); JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(""); Unmarshaller unMarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller(); Company c = (Company) unMarshaller.unmarshal(input); Map There is a 1:1 mapping between names of program types & serialization-level names.
  • 56. Ecore/Java/EMFMap <GenModel ...> <genPackages prefix="Company" ...> <genClasses ecoreClass="Company.ecore#//Company"> <genFeatures ... ecoreFeature="...//Company/depts"/> </genClasses> <genClasses ecoreClass="Company.ecore#//Dept"> <genFeatures ... ecoreFeature="...//Dept/name"/> <genFeatures ... ecoreFeature="...//Dept/manager"/> <genFeatures ... ecoreFeature="...//Dept/subunits"/> </genClasses> ... </genPackages> </GenModel> types-to-types & properties-to-properties mapping modulo renaming and exclusion.
  • 57. Relational/Java/HibernateMap <hibernate-mapping> <class name="" table="DEPT"> <id name="id" column="DEPT_ID"> <generator class="native" /> </id> <property name="name" /> <many-to-one name="manager" class="" column="MANAGER_ID" unique="true" /> <set name="subunits" table="DEPT_SUBUNIT" inverse="true"> <key column="DEPT_ID" /> <many-to-many column="SUBUNIT_ID" class="" /> </set> </class> </hibernate-mapping> Given: tables and classes. Recover relationship as mapping.
  • 58. Relational/Java/Hibernate import org.hibernate.Session; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; Company c = new Company(); c.session = new Configuration(). configure(). buildSessionFactory(). getCurrentSession(); c.session.beginTransaction(); List<?> depts = c.session.createQuery( "from Dept where UPPER_DEPT_ID is null").list(); for (Object o : depts) c.getDepts().add((Dept) o); Map Persistence incl. transactions
  • 59. Relational/Java/HibernateMap <hibernate-mapping> <class name="" table="DEPT"> <id name="id" column="DEPT_ID"> <generator class="native" /> </id> <property name="name" /> <many-to-one name="manager" column="MANAGER_ID" class="" /> <set name="employees" cascade="all"> <key column="DEPT_ID" /> <one-to-many class="" /> </set> <set name="subDepartments" cascade="all"> <key column="UPPER_DEPT_ID" /> <one-to-many class="" /> </set> </class> </hibernate-mapping> Another schema Another mapping
  • 61. GUI Java/Swing A GUI essentia!y provides a concrete syntax for the underlying language.
  • 62. GUI Ajax/Java[Script] /GWT Compared to a regular GUI, this scheme involves distribution, and, in fact, mapping.
  • 63. public CompanyInfo getCompanyInfo(Company company) { CompanyInfo companyInfo = new CompanyInfo(); for (Dept dept : company.getDepts()) companyInfo.getDeptsInfos().add(dept.getName()); return companyInfo; } public class CompanyInfo implements Serializable { private List<String> deptsInfos; public CompanyInfo() { deptsInfos = new LinkedList<String>(); } public List<String> getDeptsInfos() { return deptsInfos; } } public class Company { private List<Dept> depts; public Company() { depts = new LinkedList<Dept>(); } public List<Dept> getDepts() { return depts; } public Double total() { ... } public void cut() { ... } } Ajax/Java[Script] /GWTMap Instance-level mapping
  • 64. Our ultimate goal: heavily annotate programmig and language technologies and their uses with metadata facilitating understanding.