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Theories of Psychopathology

 Lectured by Leila T. Salera, RN, MD,
Theories of Psychopathology
•    Psychoanalytic theory – Sigmund Freud
•    Developmental Theories
1.    Psychosocial Stages – Erik Erikson
2.    Cognitive Stages – Jean Piaget
•    Interpersonal Theories
1.    Harry Stack Sullivan
2.    Hildegard Peplau
•    Humanistic Theories
1.    Hierarchy of Needs - Abraham Maslow
2.    Client-centered Theory - Carl Rogers
•    Behavioral Theories
•    Classical Conditioning - Ivan Pavlov
•    Operant Conditioning – Burrhus F. Skinner
Theories of Psychopathology
•    Existential Theories
1.   Cognitive therapy
2.   Rational emotive therapy
3.   Viktor Frankl and Logotherapy
4.   Gestalt therapy
5.   Reality Therapy
•    Biomedical Theory
•    Spiritual Theory
Psychoanalytic Theory
• Behavior motivated by subconscious thoughts and feelings
• Discovering client’s unconscious and repressed thoughts, feelings,
   and conflicts believed to cause anxiety and on helping the client to
   gain the insight into and resolve these conflicts and anxieties
   (Theory of Anxiety)
• Topographical model of the mind:
a. Conscious - perceptions, thoughts, and emotions that exist in the
    person’s awareness
b. Preconscious - Preconscious – thoughts and emotions are not
    currently in the person’s awareness, but can be recalled at will
    with some effort
c. Unconscious - the realm of thoughts and feelings that motivate a
    person even though he or she is totally unaware of them
Psychoanalytic Theory
• Structural theory of the mind
a. Id
b. Ego
c. Superego
• Transference (client displaces onto the therapist
  attitudes and feelings that the client originally
  experienced in other relationships) and
• Countertransference (when the therapist
  displaces onto the client attitudes or feelings
  from his or her past)
Psychoanalytic Theory
• Ego defense mechanisms
• Psychosis versus neurosis
• Psychosis – defined grossly as impaired reality testing;
  severe impairment of social and personal functioning
  characterized by social withdrawal and inability to
  perform the usual household and occupational roles
• Neurosis – defined as a chronic or recurrent disorder
  that is characterized mainly by anxiety, which appears
  alone or as a symptom such as obsession, compulsion,
  phobia, or a sexual dysfunction
Ego defense mechanisms
    Defense Mechanism                  Definition                       Example
Compensation                  Covering up a real or           A physically handicapped
                              perceived weakness by           boy is unable to participate
                              emphasizing a trait one         in football, so he
                              considers more desirable        compensated by becoming a
                                                              great scholar
Denial                        Refusing to acknowledge the     A woman drinks alcohol
                              existence of a real situation   every day and cannot stop,
                              or the feelings associated      failing to acknowledge that
                              with it                         she has a problem
Displacement                  The transfer of feelings from   A client is angry with his
                              one target to another that is   physician, does not express
                              considered less threatening     it, but becomes verbally
                              or that is neutral              abusive with the nurse

(Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
Ego defense mechanisms
    Defense Mechanism                  Definition                      Example
Rationalization               Attempting to make excuses     John tells the rehab nurse
                              or formulate logical reasons   “I’ll drink because it’s the
                              to justify unacceptable        only way I can deal with my
                              feelings or behaviors          bad marriage and my worse
Reaction Formation            Preventing unacceptable or     Jane hates nursing and
                              undesirable thoughts or        attends nursing school to
                              behaviors from being           please her parents. During
                              expressed by exaggerating      career day, she speaks to
                              opposite thoughts or types     prospective students about
                              of behaviors                   the excellence of nursing as
                                                             a career

((Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
Ego defense mechanisms
    Defense Mechanism                  Definition                       Example
Regression                    Retreating in response to       A 2-year-old boy is
                              stress to an earlier level of   hospitalized and he only
                              development and the             drinks from a bottle, even
                              comfort measures                though his mom says that he
                              associated with that level of   has been drinking from a
                              functioning                     cup for 6 months
Identification                An attempt to increase self-    A teenager who required
                              worth by acquiring certain      lengthy rehabilitation after
                              attributes and characteristic   an accident decides to
                              of an individual one admires    become a physical therapist
                                                              as a result of his experiences

(Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
Ego defense mechanisms
    Defense Mechanism                  Definition                     Example
Intellectualization           An attempt to avoid           S’s husband is being
                              expressing actual emotions    transferred with his job to
                              associated with a stressful   city far away from her
                              situation by using the        parents. She hides the
                              intellectual processes of     anxiety by explaining to her
                              logic, reasoning, and         parents the advantages
                              analysis                      associated with the move
Introjection                  Integrating the beliefs and  Children integrate their
                              values of another individual patents’ value system into
                              into one’s own ego structure the process of conscience
                                                           formation. A child says to a
                                                           friend, “Don’t cheat. It’s

(Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
Ego defense mechanisms
    Defense Mechanism                  Definition                      Example
Isolation                     Separating a thought or        A young woman describes
                              memory from the feeling        being attacked and raped
                              tone or emotion associated     without showing any
                              with it                        emotion
Projection                    Attributing feelings of        Sue feels a strong sexual
                              impulses unacceptable to       attraction to her track coach
                              one’s self to another person   and tells a friend, “He’s
                                                             coming on to me!”
Repression                    Involuntarily blocking         An accident victim can
                              unpleasant feelings and        remember nothing about
                              experiences from one’s         the accident

(Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
Ego defense mechanisms
    Defense Mechanism                  Definition                       Example
Sublimation                   Rechanneling of drives or       A mother whose son was
                              impulse that are personally     killed by a drunk driver
                              or socially unacceptable into   channels her anger and
                              activities that are             energy into being the
                              constructive                    president of the local
                                                              chapter of Mothers Against
                                                              Drunk Drivers
Suppression                   The voluntary blocking          “I don’t want to think about
                              unpleasant feelings and         that now. I’ll think about
                              experiences from one’s          that tomorrow.”
Undoing                       Symbolically negating or     Joe is nervous about his new
                              cancelling out an experience job and yells at his wife. On
                              that one finds intolerable   his way home he stops and
                                                           buys her flowers.
(Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
Psychoanalytic Theory
• The Stages of Psychosexual Development
1. Oral stage
2. Anal stage
3. Urethral stage
4. Phallic stage
5. Latency stage
6. Genital stage
Oral Stage
Objectives              To establish a trusting dependence on nursing and sustaining
                        objects, to establish comfortable expression and gratification of
                        oral libidinal needs without excessive conflict or ambivalence
                        from oral sadistic wishes
Patholological traits   Excessive optimism, narcissism, pessimism (often seen in
                        depressive states), and demandingness
                        Oral characters are often excessively dependent and require
                        others to give to them and to look after them
                        Oral characters are often extremely dependent on objects for the
                        maintenance of their self-esteem
                        Envy and jealousy are often associated with oral traits
Character traits        Successful resolution leads to capacities to give and receive from
                        others without excessive dependence or envy and capacity to rely
                        on others with a sense of trust, as well as with a sense of self-
                        reliance and self-trust
Nursing                 Nurses with postgraduate training can conduct psychodynamic
responsibilities        therapy
                        Nurse can use this theory in interpreting client’s behavior
                        Nurses’ must give attention to the client’s defense mechanisms
Anal Stage
Objectives              Essentially a period of striving for independence and separation
                        from the dependence on and control by the parent
Patholological traits   Orderliness, obstinacy, stubbornness, willfulness, frugality, and
                        Heightened ambivalence, lack of tidiness, messiness, defiance,
                        rage, and sadomasochistic tendencies
                        Most typically seen in obsessive-compulsive neuroses
Character traits        Successful resolution provides the basis for the development of
                        personal autonomy, a capacity for independence and personal
                        initiative without guilt, a capacity for self-determining behavior
                        without a sense of shame or self-doubt, a lack of ambivalence
                        and a capacity for willing cooperation without either excessive
                        willfulness or sense of self-diminution or defeat
Nursing                 Nurses with postgraduate training can conduct psychodynamic
responsibilities        therapy
                        Nurse can use this theory in interpreting client’s behavior
                        Nurses’ must give attention to the client’s defense mechanisms
Urethral Stage
Objectives              Issues of control and urethral performance and loss of control
Patholological traits   Competitive, ambitious, penis envy, issues in control and sharing
Character traits        Provides a sense of pride and self-competence derived from
                        performance. This is when a small boy can imitate and match his
                        father’s more adult performance. The resolution sets the stage for
                        budding gender identity and subsequent identifications
Nursing                 Nurses with postgraduate training can conduct psychodynamic
responsibilities        therapy
                        Nurse can use this theory in interpreting client’s behavior
                        Nurses’ must give attention to the client’s defense mechanisms
Phallic Stage
Objectives              Focus erotic interest in the genital area and genital functions,
                        which lays the foundation for gender identity and serves to
                        integrate the residues of previous stages of psychosexual
                        development into a predominantly genital-sexual orientation
Patholological traits   Oedipal complex
                        Castration complex in males and penis envy in females
                        Conflicts in the previous stages may resume, so that fixations or
                        conflicts that derive from any of the preceding stages can
                        contaminate and modify the oedipal resolution
Character traits        Provides the foundation for an emerging sense of sexual identity;
                        a sense of curiosity without embarrassment, initiative without
                        guilt, as well as a sense of mastery not only over objects and
                        persons in the environment but also over internal processes and
Nursing                 Nurses with postgraduate training can conduct psychodynamic
responsibilities        therapy
                        Nurse can use this theory in interpreting client’s behavior
                        Nurses’ must give attention to the client’s defense mechanisms
Latency Stage
Objectives              Further integration of oedipal identifications and a consolidation
                        of sex-role identity and sex roles
                        Mastery of skills
                        Broadening of significant figures outside the family, such as
                        teachers, coaches, and other adults
Patholological traits   Lack of development of inner controls or an excess of them. The
                        lack of control can lead to a failure of the child to sufficiently
                        sublimate energies in the interests of learning and development
                        of skills; an excess of inner control can lead to premature closure
                        of personality development and the precocious elaboration of
                        obsessive character traits
Character traits        The child can develop a sense of industry and a capacity for
                        mastery of objects that allows autonomous function with a sense
                        of initiative without running the risk of failure or defeat or a sense
                        of inferiority
Nursing                 Nurses with postgraduate training can conduct psychodynamic
responsibilities        therapy
                        Nurse can use this theory in interpreting client’s behavior
                        Nurses’ must give attention to the client’s defense mechanisms
Genital Stage
Objectives              The ultimate separation from dependence on and attachment to
                        the parents and the establishment of mature, nonincestuous,
                        object relations
Patholological traits   Fixations
                        Personality disorders
                        Identity diffusion in Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages
Character traits        Sets the stage normally for a fully mature personality with a
                        capacity for a full and satisfying capacity for self-realization and
                        meaningful participation in the areas of work and love and in the
                        creative and productive application to satisfying and meaningful
                        goals and values
Nursing                 Nurses with postgraduate training can conduct psychodynamic
responsibilities        therapy
                        Nurse can use this theory in interpreting client’s behavior
                        Nurses’ must give attention to the client’s defense mechanisms
Psychosocial Stages of
• Erik Homburger Erikson
• The eight stages represent points along a
  continuum of development in which physical,
  cognitive, instinctual, and sexual changes
  combine to trigger an internal crisis whose
  resolution results in either psychosocial
  regression or growth and the development of
  specific virtues
Psychosocial Stage              Associated Virtue        Related Forms of
Trust vs. mistrust            Hope                       Psychosis
Autonomy vs. shame and        Will                       Paranoia
doubt                                                    Obsessions
Initiative vs. guilt          Purpose                    Conversion disorder
                                                         Psychosomatic disorder
Industry vs. inferiority      Competence                 Creative inhibition
Identity vs. role confusion   Fidelity                   Delinquent behavior
                                                         Gender-related identity
                                                         Borderline psychotic
Psychosocial Stage               Associated Virtue          Related Forms of
Intimacy vs. isolation        Love                         Schizoid personality
Generativity vs. stagnation   Care                         Mid-life crisis
                                                           Premature invalidism
Integrity vs. despair         Wisdom                       Extreme alienation
                                Nursing responsibilities
Nurses commonly perform Erikson’s developmental stages
Jean Piaget’s Cognitive
• Four stages
• Each stage is a prerequisite for the following
  one, but the rate at which different children
  move through different stages varies with
  their native endowment and environmental
Age                Period                   Cognitive Developmental Characteristics
0 – 1.5 (to 2)     Sensorimotor             child develops a sense of self separate
                                            from the environment and the concept of
                                            object permanence (an object does not
                                            cease to exist just because they are out of
                                            sight (formation of mental images))
2–7                Preoperations            ability to express self with language,
                   subperiod                understands the meaning of symbolic
                                            gestures, and begins to classify objects
7 - 11             Concrete operations      application of logic to thinking, but
                                            thinking is still concrete
11 – end of        Formal operations        more abstract thinking
Nursing            Useful when nurses work with children
responsibilities   Nurse may better understand what the child means if the nurse is
                   aware of his or her own level of cognitive development
                   Teaching children is often structured with their cognitive
                   development in mind
Harry Stack Sullivan
• Interpersonal Relationship and Milieu therapy
• Nurse focuses on the nurse-patient
  relationship, the vehicles through which the
  patient becomes healthy
• Nurse counsel patients by developing
  therapeutic relationship
• Anxiety interventions is an important nursing
• Nurses use the nurse-patient relationship as a
  corrective interpersonal experience for patient
Harry Stack Sullivan
• Interpersonal theory
• Milieu therapy
• Three modes of experiencing and thinking:
1. Protaxic mode – undifferentiated thought
   that cannot separate the whole into parts or
   use symbols; occurs normally in infants and
   also appears in patients with schizophrenia
2. Parataxic mode – events are casually related
   of temporal or serial connections; no
   perception of logical relatonships
3. Syntaxic mode – logical, rational, and most
Harry Stack Sullivan
• The three personifications of me:
1. Good me – everything that you like about
   yourself that you let others see
2. Bad me – things that you don’t like about
   yourself that you would prefer others not to
   see, but you accept them as a part of you
3. Not me – all the negative aspects of yourself,
   from feelings, thoughts, experiences that you
   do not accept as a part of you, and as a result
   these are buried deep within the
Harry Stack Sullivan
• Mental health alterations:
1. Anxiety disorders
2. Personality disorders
Hildegard Peplau
• Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship
• Phases of the Nurse-Patient Relationship
• Roles of the nurse in the therapeutic
  relationship: stranger, resource person,
  teacher, leader, surrogate, counselor
• Four levels of anxiety
Nursing Implications
• Hildegard Peplau
• Harry Stack Sullivan
1. Nurse focuses on the nurse-patient
   relationship, the vehicles through which the
   patient becomes healthy
2. Nurse counsel patients by developing
   therapeutic relationship
3. Anxiety interventions is an important nursing
Carl Rogers
• Client-centered theory
• Or person-centered theory
• The major concepts are self-actualization and
• Persons are born with the capacity to direct
  themselves in the healthiest way toward a
  level of completeness called self-actualization
• Focus is on the client rather than the therapist
• Each client experiences the world differently
  and he or she knows this the best
Carl Rogers
• Nurse-patient interaction is based on
   humanistic principles:
a. Positive regard
c. Geunineness
Abraham Maslow
• A leader in humanistic psychology
• Hierarchy of needs
• As the more primitive needs, such as hunger
  and thirst are satisfied, more advanced
  psychological needs, such as affection and
  self-esteem, become the primary motivators
• Self-actualization is the highest need
Abraham Maslow
• Anxiety disorders as well as behavioral
   problems may arise if needs are not met
• Nurse-patient interaction is based on
   humanistic principles:
a. Positive regard
c. Geunineness
Theory                 Focus               Mental Health               Nursing
                                                   Alterations             Responsibilities
Cognitive therapy     How the person           Anxiety disorders        Client is encouraged
                      perceives or                                      to initiate topics of
                      interprets his or her                             concern
                      experience and                                    Nurse listens
                      determines how he                                 carefully to the client
                      or she feel and                                   The nurse uses the
                      behaves                                           reflective listening
Rational emotive      Identifies irrational                             approaches to help
therapy               beliefs that people                               the patient gain self-
                      use to make                                       understanding
                      themselves unhappy                                The nurse helps the
                                                                        patient examine
Viktor Frankl and     Search for meaning                                alternative choices
Logotherapy           (logos) is the central
                      Spirituality and grief

(Videbeck, pages 17 to 24 and 44 to 56 Student Guide, pages 83 to 90)
Theory                   Focus              Mental Health              Nursing
                                                    Alterations            Responsibilities
Frederick “Fritz” Perls Emphasis is on          Anxiety disorders       Client is encouraged
- Gestalt Therapy       identifying the                                 to initiate topics of
                        person’s feelings and                           concern
                        thoughts in the here                            Nurse listens
                        and now – increase                              carefully to the client
                        self-awareness                                  The nurse uses the
William Glasses -      Person’s behavior                                reflective listening
Reality therapy        and how that                                     approaches to help
                       behavior keeps him                               the patient gain self-
                       or her from achieving                            understanding
                       life goals                                       The nurse helps the
                                                                        patient examine
                                                                        alternative choices

(Videbeck, pages 17 to 24 and 44 to 56 Student Guide, pages 83 to 90)
Biomedical Theory
• Mental illness can be a result of something
• Mental illness may be a symptom of an
  organic disease
• Mental illness has an organic basis
Review of nervous system -
Major Neurotransmitters
Type                        Mechanism of Action   Physiologic Effects
Dopamine                    Excitatory            Controls complex
                                                  movements, motivation,
                                                  cognition, regulates
                                                  emotional response
Norepeniphrine or           Excitatory            Causes changes inattention,
noradernaline                                     learning and memory, sleep
                                                  and wakefulness, mood
Epinephrine or adrenaline   Excitatory            Controls fight or flight
Serotonin                   Inhibitory            Controls food intake, sleep
                                                  and wakefulness,
                                                  temperature regulation,
                                                  pain control, sexual
                                                  behaviors, regulation of

   Videbeck, page 21
Major Neurotransmitters
Type                      Mechanism of Action        Physiologic Effects
Histamine                 Neuromodulator             Controls alertness, gastric
                                                     secretions, cardiac
                                                     stimulation, peripheral
                                                     allergic responses

Acetylcholine             Excitatory or inhibitory   Controls sleep and
                                                     wakefulness cycle, signals
                                                     muscles to become alert

Neuropeptides             Neuromodulators            Enhance, prolong, inhibit,
                                                     or limit the effects of
Glutamate                 Excitatory                 Results in neurotoxicity if
                                                     levels are too high
Gamma-aminonutytic acid   Inhibitory                 Modulates other
(GABA)                                               neurotransmitters
   Videbeck, page 21
Proposed Clinical Relevance of
• Serotonin – antidepressant action; anxiolytic;
  possible role in locomotor activity, aggression;
  regulation of appetite, anxiety, seizures; target
  of hallucinogens, antipsychotics; cognitive
• Histamine – produce sedation as well as
  arousal; weight gain as well as appetite
• Dopamine – D1 and D2 receptor stimulation
  synergistic; required for stimulant effects of
Brain Imaging Techniques

• Computed tomography (CT) – also called
  computed axial tomography (CAT), is a
  procedure in which a precise x-ray beam
  takes cross sectional images (slices) layer
  by layer
• Magnetic resonance imaging MRI) – a
  type of body scan, an energy field is
  created with a huge magnet and radio
  waves and the energy field is converted to
  visual images or scan
Brain Imaging Techniques
• Positron emission tomography (PET) and single
   positron emission computed tomography) – are
   used to examine the function of the brain, where
   radioactive substances are injected into the
   blood; the flow of those substances in the brain is
   monitored as the client performs cognitive
   activities instructed by the operator
• Limitations of brain imaging techniques
 1. The use of radioactive substances in PET and
     SPECT is frightening to some people
 2. Expensive
 3. Some clients cannot tolerate the procedure
 4. Many changes in some disorders like
• Affirmation of life in relationship with God,
  self, community, and environment that
  nurtures and celebrated wholeness
Spiritual Theory
• Focus: Relationship of Man and God
  – Man’s relationship with God is destroyed because of
  – Restlessness (anxiety)is because man is separated
    from God.
  – Sin produces fear
  – Sin separates man from God.
  – The only way to have peace is to reestablish
    relationship with God through Jesus Christ –
Spiritual Theory
• things beyond biological experience
• Gives depth and meaning to life
• Presence of higher power
• Higher purpose
• Higher principles
• “Spirituotherapy”
• To establish relationship with God there are
  three things that a man should do:
  – Acknowledge being sinful
  – Repentance
  – Receive God’s offer of salvation through His son,
    Jesus Christ.
  “God did not give us the spirit of fear but power,
    love and SOUND MIND.”
Nursing application
• The nurse should first assess her own
  relationship with God.
• Praying and reading the gospel with the
  patient is one of the functions of the nurse.
• The nurse must respect his/her patient’s belief
  but need not sacrifice his/her salvation.
Basic Concepts
• Apart from God , man is not whole.
• God is able to forgive past experiences( Intrapsychic)
  and erase painful experiences in the past.
 The only way man can learn to do good is through
  God’s grace (unmerited favor)
  Man cannot be good on His own.
“ Its not by might nor by power but by my spirit ,says the Lord.”
    (the Bible)
Actual People in History with
  Alterations with Mental Health
• Ted Bundy – born out of wedlock, mother
  remarried and raised him as her younger
  brother, had a difficult relationship with
  his stepfather, became a serial killer who
  could have been responsible for killing
  100 girls and women. A sociopath.
• Ed Gein – raised by his mother who was a
  religious fanatic, grew up bashful,
  fantasized about the female anatomy.
  After his mother died, he began digging
  graves of women and wearing their skin.
Actual People in History with
   Alterations with Mental Health
• Cary Stayner – grew up in a family with a father who
  worked long hours and a mother who was not
  affectionate. Was diagnosed with trichotillomania at
  age 3, became a serial killer during adulthood. Claims
  he was diagnosed as having OCD. His father once said,
  he was a good boy who kept to himself and got good
  grades, and they didn’t know he had problems and that
  he heard voices.
• Aileen Wuornos – abandoned by her mother when she
  was an infant, father was a convicted child molester
  who committed suicide in prison, raised by her
  grandparents who mistreated her. Got pregnant at 14
  due to rape, became a prostitute, killed 7 men. She was
  diagnosed as having borderline personality disorder.
Actual People in History with
   Alterations with Mental Health
• Dennis Lynn Rader (born March 9, 1945) is an
  American serial killer who murdered ten
  people in Sedgwick County (in and around
  Wichita, Kansas), between 1974 and 1991.
• He was known as the BTK killer (or the BTK
  strangler). "BTK" stands for "Bind, Torture,
  Kill", which was his famous signature. He sent
  letters describing the details of the killings to
  police and to local news outlets during the
  period of time in which the murders took
Actual People in History with
   Alterations with Mental Health
• Mary Flora Bell (born 26 May 1957 in Newcastle
  upon Tyne, England) was convicted in December
  1968 of the manslaughter of two boys, Martin
  Brown (aged four years) and Brian Howe (aged
  three years). Bell was ten years old when she
  killed Brown, and eleven when she killed Howe.
• Independent accounts from family members
  strongly suggest that Betty had attempted to kill
  Mary and make her death look accidental more
  than once during the first few years of her
  life.[2][page needed] Mary herself says she was subject
Actual People in History with
   Alterations with Mental Health
• On 31 July 1968, the pair took part in the
  death, again by strangling, of three-year-old
  Brian Howe, on wasteland in the same
  Scotswood area.
• Police reports concluded that Mary Bell had
  later returned to his body to carve an "N" into
  his stomach with a razor; this was then
  changed using the same razor but with a
  different hand to an "M".
• Mary Bell also used a pair of scissors to cut off
Theories of Psychopathology
Theories of Psychopathology

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Theories of Psychopathology

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  • 2. Theories of Psychopathology • Psychoanalytic theory – Sigmund Freud • Developmental Theories 1. Psychosocial Stages – Erik Erikson 2. Cognitive Stages – Jean Piaget • Interpersonal Theories 1. Harry Stack Sullivan 2. Hildegard Peplau • Humanistic Theories 1. Hierarchy of Needs - Abraham Maslow 2. Client-centered Theory - Carl Rogers • Behavioral Theories • Classical Conditioning - Ivan Pavlov • Operant Conditioning – Burrhus F. Skinner
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  • 4.
  • 5. Psychoanalytic Theory • Behavior motivated by subconscious thoughts and feelings • Discovering client’s unconscious and repressed thoughts, feelings, and conflicts believed to cause anxiety and on helping the client to gain the insight into and resolve these conflicts and anxieties (Theory of Anxiety) • Topographical model of the mind: a. Conscious - perceptions, thoughts, and emotions that exist in the person’s awareness b. Preconscious - Preconscious – thoughts and emotions are not currently in the person’s awareness, but can be recalled at will with some effort c. Unconscious - the realm of thoughts and feelings that motivate a person even though he or she is totally unaware of them
  • 6. Psychoanalytic Theory • Structural theory of the mind a. Id b. Ego c. Superego • Transference (client displaces onto the therapist attitudes and feelings that the client originally experienced in other relationships) and • Countertransference (when the therapist displaces onto the client attitudes or feelings from his or her past)
  • 7. Psychoanalytic Theory • Ego defense mechanisms • Psychosis versus neurosis • Psychosis – defined grossly as impaired reality testing; severe impairment of social and personal functioning characterized by social withdrawal and inability to perform the usual household and occupational roles • Neurosis – defined as a chronic or recurrent disorder that is characterized mainly by anxiety, which appears alone or as a symptom such as obsession, compulsion, phobia, or a sexual dysfunction
  • 8. Ego defense mechanisms Defense Mechanism Definition Example Compensation Covering up a real or A physically handicapped perceived weakness by boy is unable to participate emphasizing a trait one in football, so he considers more desirable compensated by becoming a great scholar Denial Refusing to acknowledge the A woman drinks alcohol existence of a real situation every day and cannot stop, or the feelings associated failing to acknowledge that with it she has a problem Displacement The transfer of feelings from A client is angry with his one target to another that is physician, does not express considered less threatening it, but becomes verbally or that is neutral abusive with the nurse (Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
  • 9. Ego defense mechanisms Defense Mechanism Definition Example Rationalization Attempting to make excuses John tells the rehab nurse or formulate logical reasons “I’ll drink because it’s the to justify unacceptable only way I can deal with my feelings or behaviors bad marriage and my worse job.” Reaction Formation Preventing unacceptable or Jane hates nursing and undesirable thoughts or attends nursing school to behaviors from being please her parents. During expressed by exaggerating career day, she speaks to opposite thoughts or types prospective students about of behaviors the excellence of nursing as a career ((Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
  • 10. Ego defense mechanisms Defense Mechanism Definition Example Regression Retreating in response to A 2-year-old boy is stress to an earlier level of hospitalized and he only development and the drinks from a bottle, even comfort measures though his mom says that he associated with that level of has been drinking from a functioning cup for 6 months Identification An attempt to increase self- A teenager who required worth by acquiring certain lengthy rehabilitation after attributes and characteristic an accident decides to of an individual one admires become a physical therapist as a result of his experiences (Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
  • 11. Ego defense mechanisms Defense Mechanism Definition Example Intellectualization An attempt to avoid S’s husband is being expressing actual emotions transferred with his job to associated with a stressful city far away from her situation by using the parents. She hides the intellectual processes of anxiety by explaining to her logic, reasoning, and parents the advantages analysis associated with the move Introjection Integrating the beliefs and Children integrate their values of another individual patents’ value system into into one’s own ego structure the process of conscience formation. A child says to a friend, “Don’t cheat. It’s wrong.” (Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
  • 12. Ego defense mechanisms Defense Mechanism Definition Example Isolation Separating a thought or A young woman describes memory from the feeling being attacked and raped tone or emotion associated without showing any with it emotion Projection Attributing feelings of Sue feels a strong sexual impulses unacceptable to attraction to her track coach one’s self to another person and tells a friend, “He’s coming on to me!” Repression Involuntarily blocking An accident victim can unpleasant feelings and remember nothing about experiences from one’s the accident awareness (Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
  • 13. Ego defense mechanisms Defense Mechanism Definition Example Sublimation Rechanneling of drives or A mother whose son was impulse that are personally killed by a drunk driver or socially unacceptable into channels her anger and activities that are energy into being the constructive president of the local chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers Suppression The voluntary blocking “I don’t want to think about unpleasant feelings and that now. I’ll think about experiences from one’s that tomorrow.” awareness Undoing Symbolically negating or Joe is nervous about his new cancelling out an experience job and yells at his wife. On that one finds intolerable his way home he stops and buys her flowers. (Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
  • 14. Psychoanalytic Theory • The Stages of Psychosexual Development 1. Oral stage 2. Anal stage 3. Urethral stage 4. Phallic stage 5. Latency stage 6. Genital stage
  • 15. Oral Stage Objectives To establish a trusting dependence on nursing and sustaining objects, to establish comfortable expression and gratification of oral libidinal needs without excessive conflict or ambivalence from oral sadistic wishes Patholological traits Excessive optimism, narcissism, pessimism (often seen in depressive states), and demandingness Oral characters are often excessively dependent and require others to give to them and to look after them Oral characters are often extremely dependent on objects for the maintenance of their self-esteem Envy and jealousy are often associated with oral traits Character traits Successful resolution leads to capacities to give and receive from others without excessive dependence or envy and capacity to rely on others with a sense of trust, as well as with a sense of self- reliance and self-trust Nursing Nurses with postgraduate training can conduct psychodynamic responsibilities therapy Nurse can use this theory in interpreting client’s behavior Nurses’ must give attention to the client’s defense mechanisms
  • 16. Anal Stage Objectives Essentially a period of striving for independence and separation from the dependence on and control by the parent Patholological traits Orderliness, obstinacy, stubbornness, willfulness, frugality, and parsimony Heightened ambivalence, lack of tidiness, messiness, defiance, rage, and sadomasochistic tendencies Most typically seen in obsessive-compulsive neuroses Character traits Successful resolution provides the basis for the development of personal autonomy, a capacity for independence and personal initiative without guilt, a capacity for self-determining behavior without a sense of shame or self-doubt, a lack of ambivalence and a capacity for willing cooperation without either excessive willfulness or sense of self-diminution or defeat Nursing Nurses with postgraduate training can conduct psychodynamic responsibilities therapy Nurse can use this theory in interpreting client’s behavior Nurses’ must give attention to the client’s defense mechanisms
  • 17. Urethral Stage Objectives Issues of control and urethral performance and loss of control Patholological traits Competitive, ambitious, penis envy, issues in control and sharing Character traits Provides a sense of pride and self-competence derived from performance. This is when a small boy can imitate and match his father’s more adult performance. The resolution sets the stage for budding gender identity and subsequent identifications Nursing Nurses with postgraduate training can conduct psychodynamic responsibilities therapy Nurse can use this theory in interpreting client’s behavior Nurses’ must give attention to the client’s defense mechanisms
  • 18. Phallic Stage Objectives Focus erotic interest in the genital area and genital functions, which lays the foundation for gender identity and serves to integrate the residues of previous stages of psychosexual development into a predominantly genital-sexual orientation Patholological traits Oedipal complex Castration complex in males and penis envy in females Conflicts in the previous stages may resume, so that fixations or conflicts that derive from any of the preceding stages can contaminate and modify the oedipal resolution Character traits Provides the foundation for an emerging sense of sexual identity; a sense of curiosity without embarrassment, initiative without guilt, as well as a sense of mastery not only over objects and persons in the environment but also over internal processes and impulses Nursing Nurses with postgraduate training can conduct psychodynamic responsibilities therapy Nurse can use this theory in interpreting client’s behavior Nurses’ must give attention to the client’s defense mechanisms
  • 19. Latency Stage Objectives Further integration of oedipal identifications and a consolidation of sex-role identity and sex roles Mastery of skills Broadening of significant figures outside the family, such as teachers, coaches, and other adults Patholological traits Lack of development of inner controls or an excess of them. The lack of control can lead to a failure of the child to sufficiently sublimate energies in the interests of learning and development of skills; an excess of inner control can lead to premature closure of personality development and the precocious elaboration of obsessive character traits Character traits The child can develop a sense of industry and a capacity for mastery of objects that allows autonomous function with a sense of initiative without running the risk of failure or defeat or a sense of inferiority Nursing Nurses with postgraduate training can conduct psychodynamic responsibilities therapy Nurse can use this theory in interpreting client’s behavior Nurses’ must give attention to the client’s defense mechanisms
  • 20. Genital Stage Objectives The ultimate separation from dependence on and attachment to the parents and the establishment of mature, nonincestuous, object relations Patholological traits Fixations Personality disorders Identity diffusion in Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages Character traits Sets the stage normally for a fully mature personality with a capacity for a full and satisfying capacity for self-realization and meaningful participation in the areas of work and love and in the creative and productive application to satisfying and meaningful goals and values Nursing Nurses with postgraduate training can conduct psychodynamic responsibilities therapy Nurse can use this theory in interpreting client’s behavior Nurses’ must give attention to the client’s defense mechanisms
  • 21.
  • 22. Psychosocial Stages of Development • Erik Homburger Erikson • The eight stages represent points along a continuum of development in which physical, cognitive, instinctual, and sexual changes combine to trigger an internal crisis whose resolution results in either psychosocial regression or growth and the development of specific virtues
  • 23.
  • 24. Psychosocial Stage Associated Virtue Related Forms of Psychopathology Trust vs. mistrust Hope Psychosis Addictions Depression Autonomy vs. shame and Will Paranoia doubt Obsessions Compulsions Impulsivity Initiative vs. guilt Purpose Conversion disorder Phobia Psychosomatic disorder Inhibition Industry vs. inferiority Competence Creative inhibition Inertia Identity vs. role confusion Fidelity Delinquent behavior Gender-related identity disorders Borderline psychotic episodes
  • 25. Psychosocial Stage Associated Virtue Related Forms of Psychopathology Intimacy vs. isolation Love Schizoid personality disorder Generativity vs. stagnation Care Mid-life crisis Premature invalidism Integrity vs. despair Wisdom Extreme alienation Despair Nursing responsibilities Nurses commonly perform Erikson’s developmental stages
  • 26. Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Development • Four stages • Each stage is a prerequisite for the following one, but the rate at which different children move through different stages varies with their native endowment and environmental circumstances
  • 27.
  • 28. Age Period Cognitive Developmental Characteristics 0 – 1.5 (to 2) Sensorimotor child develops a sense of self separate from the environment and the concept of object permanence (an object does not cease to exist just because they are out of sight (formation of mental images)) 2–7 Preoperations ability to express self with language, subperiod understands the meaning of symbolic gestures, and begins to classify objects 7 - 11 Concrete operations application of logic to thinking, but thinking is still concrete 11 – end of Formal operations more abstract thinking adolescence Nursing Useful when nurses work with children responsibilities Nurse may better understand what the child means if the nurse is aware of his or her own level of cognitive development Teaching children is often structured with their cognitive development in mind
  • 29. Harry Stack Sullivan • Interpersonal Relationship and Milieu therapy • Nurse focuses on the nurse-patient relationship, the vehicles through which the patient becomes healthy • Nurse counsel patients by developing therapeutic relationship • Anxiety interventions is an important nursing role • Nurses use the nurse-patient relationship as a corrective interpersonal experience for patient
  • 30. Harry Stack Sullivan • Interpersonal theory • Milieu therapy • Three modes of experiencing and thinking: 1. Protaxic mode – undifferentiated thought that cannot separate the whole into parts or use symbols; occurs normally in infants and also appears in patients with schizophrenia 2. Parataxic mode – events are casually related of temporal or serial connections; no perception of logical relatonships 3. Syntaxic mode – logical, rational, and most
  • 31. Harry Stack Sullivan • The three personifications of me: 1. Good me – everything that you like about yourself that you let others see 2. Bad me – things that you don’t like about yourself that you would prefer others not to see, but you accept them as a part of you 3. Not me – all the negative aspects of yourself, from feelings, thoughts, experiences that you do not accept as a part of you, and as a result these are buried deep within the
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  • 33. Harry Stack Sullivan • Mental health alterations: 1. Anxiety disorders 2. Personality disorders
  • 34. Hildegard Peplau • Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship • Phases of the Nurse-Patient Relationship • Roles of the nurse in the therapeutic relationship: stranger, resource person, teacher, leader, surrogate, counselor • Four levels of anxiety
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  • 36. Nursing Implications • Hildegard Peplau • Harry Stack Sullivan 1. Nurse focuses on the nurse-patient relationship, the vehicles through which the patient becomes healthy 2. Nurse counsel patients by developing therapeutic relationship 3. Anxiety interventions is an important nursing role
  • 37. Carl Rogers • Client-centered theory • Or person-centered theory • The major concepts are self-actualization and self-direction • Persons are born with the capacity to direct themselves in the healthiest way toward a level of completeness called self-actualization • Focus is on the client rather than the therapist • Each client experiences the world differently and he or she knows this the best
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  • 39. Carl Rogers • Nurse-patient interaction is based on humanistic principles: a. Positive regard b.Empathy c. Geunineness
  • 40. Abraham Maslow • A leader in humanistic psychology • Hierarchy of needs • As the more primitive needs, such as hunger and thirst are satisfied, more advanced psychological needs, such as affection and self-esteem, become the primary motivators • Self-actualization is the highest need
  • 41. Abraham Maslow • Anxiety disorders as well as behavioral problems may arise if needs are not met • Nurse-patient interaction is based on humanistic principles: a. Positive regard b.Empathy c. Geunineness
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  • 46. Theory Focus Mental Health Nursing Alterations Responsibilities Cognitive therapy How the person Anxiety disorders Client is encouraged perceives or to initiate topics of interprets his or her concern experience and Nurse listens determines how he carefully to the client or she feel and The nurse uses the behaves reflective listening Rational emotive Identifies irrational approaches to help therapy beliefs that people the patient gain self- use to make understanding themselves unhappy The nurse helps the patient examine Viktor Frankl and Search for meaning alternative choices Logotherapy (logos) is the central theme Spirituality and grief counseling (Videbeck, pages 17 to 24 and 44 to 56 Student Guide, pages 83 to 90)
  • 47. Theory Focus Mental Health Nursing Alterations Responsibilities Frederick “Fritz” Perls Emphasis is on Anxiety disorders Client is encouraged - Gestalt Therapy identifying the to initiate topics of person’s feelings and concern thoughts in the here Nurse listens and now – increase carefully to the client self-awareness The nurse uses the William Glasses - Person’s behavior reflective listening Reality therapy and how that approaches to help behavior keeps him the patient gain self- or her from achieving understanding life goals The nurse helps the patient examine alternative choices (Videbeck, pages 17 to 24 and 44 to 56 Student Guide, pages 83 to 90)
  • 48. Biomedical Theory • Mental illness can be a result of something physical • Mental illness may be a symptom of an organic disease • Mental illness has an organic basis
  • 49. Review of nervous system - neuroanatomy
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  • 62. Major Neurotransmitters Type Mechanism of Action Physiologic Effects Dopamine Excitatory Controls complex movements, motivation, cognition, regulates emotional response Norepeniphrine or Excitatory Causes changes inattention, noradernaline learning and memory, sleep and wakefulness, mood Epinephrine or adrenaline Excitatory Controls fight or flight response Serotonin Inhibitory Controls food intake, sleep and wakefulness, temperature regulation, pain control, sexual behaviors, regulation of emotions Videbeck, page 21
  • 63. Major Neurotransmitters Type Mechanism of Action Physiologic Effects Histamine Neuromodulator Controls alertness, gastric secretions, cardiac stimulation, peripheral allergic responses Acetylcholine Excitatory or inhibitory Controls sleep and wakefulness cycle, signals muscles to become alert Neuropeptides Neuromodulators Enhance, prolong, inhibit, or limit the effects of principal neurotransmitters Glutamate Excitatory Results in neurotoxicity if levels are too high Gamma-aminonutytic acid Inhibitory Modulates other (GABA) neurotransmitters Videbeck, page 21
  • 64. Proposed Clinical Relevance of Neurotransmitters • Serotonin – antidepressant action; anxiolytic; possible role in locomotor activity, aggression; regulation of appetite, anxiety, seizures; target of hallucinogens, antipsychotics; cognitive enhancement • Histamine – produce sedation as well as arousal; weight gain as well as appetite suppression • Dopamine – D1 and D2 receptor stimulation synergistic; required for stimulant effects of
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  • 66. Brain Imaging Techniques • Computed tomography (CT) – also called computed axial tomography (CAT), is a procedure in which a precise x-ray beam takes cross sectional images (slices) layer by layer • Magnetic resonance imaging MRI) – a type of body scan, an energy field is created with a huge magnet and radio waves and the energy field is converted to visual images or scan
  • 67. Brain Imaging Techniques • Positron emission tomography (PET) and single positron emission computed tomography) – are used to examine the function of the brain, where radioactive substances are injected into the blood; the flow of those substances in the brain is monitored as the client performs cognitive activities instructed by the operator • Limitations of brain imaging techniques 1. The use of radioactive substances in PET and SPECT is frightening to some people 2. Expensive 3. Some clients cannot tolerate the procedure 4. Many changes in some disorders like
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  • 72. Spirituality • Affirmation of life in relationship with God, self, community, and environment that nurtures and celebrated wholeness (
  • 73. Spiritual Theory • Focus: Relationship of Man and God – Man’s relationship with God is destroyed because of sin. – Restlessness (anxiety)is because man is separated from God. – Sin produces fear – Sin separates man from God. – The only way to have peace is to reestablish relationship with God through Jesus Christ – (Christianity)
  • 74. Spiritual Theory Spirituality • things beyond biological experience • Gives depth and meaning to life • Presence of higher power • Higher purpose • Higher principles • “Spirituotherapy”
  • 75. Spirituotherapy • To establish relationship with God there are three things that a man should do: – Acknowledge being sinful – Repentance – Receive God’s offer of salvation through His son, Jesus Christ. “God did not give us the spirit of fear but power, love and SOUND MIND.”
  • 76. Nursing application • The nurse should first assess her own relationship with God. • Praying and reading the gospel with the patient is one of the functions of the nurse. • The nurse must respect his/her patient’s belief but need not sacrifice his/her salvation.
  • 77. Basic Concepts • Apart from God , man is not whole. • God is able to forgive past experiences( Intrapsychic) and erase painful experiences in the past. The only way man can learn to do good is through God’s grace (unmerited favor) Man cannot be good on His own. “ Its not by might nor by power but by my spirit ,says the Lord.” (the Bible)
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  • 79. Actual People in History with Alterations with Mental Health • Ted Bundy – born out of wedlock, mother remarried and raised him as her younger brother, had a difficult relationship with his stepfather, became a serial killer who could have been responsible for killing 100 girls and women. A sociopath. • Ed Gein – raised by his mother who was a religious fanatic, grew up bashful, fantasized about the female anatomy. After his mother died, he began digging graves of women and wearing their skin.
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  • 82. Actual People in History with Alterations with Mental Health • Cary Stayner – grew up in a family with a father who worked long hours and a mother who was not affectionate. Was diagnosed with trichotillomania at age 3, became a serial killer during adulthood. Claims he was diagnosed as having OCD. His father once said, he was a good boy who kept to himself and got good grades, and they didn’t know he had problems and that he heard voices. • Aileen Wuornos – abandoned by her mother when she was an infant, father was a convicted child molester who committed suicide in prison, raised by her grandparents who mistreated her. Got pregnant at 14 due to rape, became a prostitute, killed 7 men. She was diagnosed as having borderline personality disorder.
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  • 85. Actual People in History with Alterations with Mental Health • Dennis Lynn Rader (born March 9, 1945) is an American serial killer who murdered ten people in Sedgwick County (in and around Wichita, Kansas), between 1974 and 1991. • He was known as the BTK killer (or the BTK strangler). "BTK" stands for "Bind, Torture, Kill", which was his famous signature. He sent letters describing the details of the killings to police and to local news outlets during the period of time in which the murders took place.
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  • 87. Actual People in History with Alterations with Mental Health • Mary Flora Bell (born 26 May 1957 in Newcastle upon Tyne, England) was convicted in December 1968 of the manslaughter of two boys, Martin Brown (aged four years) and Brian Howe (aged three years). Bell was ten years old when she killed Brown, and eleven when she killed Howe. • Independent accounts from family members strongly suggest that Betty had attempted to kill Mary and make her death look accidental more than once during the first few years of her life.[2][page needed] Mary herself says she was subject
  • 88. Actual People in History with Alterations with Mental Health • On 31 July 1968, the pair took part in the death, again by strangling, of three-year-old Brian Howe, on wasteland in the same Scotswood area. • Police reports concluded that Mary Bell had later returned to his body to carve an "N" into his stomach with a razor; this was then changed using the same razor but with a different hand to an "M". • Mary Bell also used a pair of scissors to cut off