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The Biology Cancer Part 2
 Imaging studies
 Excision or Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy with
  microscopic histologic examination
 Pap smear

 Blood tests – for example PSA for prostate
  carcinoma, CEA or AFP for HCC or testicular,
  CEA for colorectal carcinoma, CA-125 for ovarian
  carcinoma, ALP for HCC or bone
 Cytologic examination of blood cells – for
Urine with
cancer cells
(urine cytology
 Tumor markers – breast, colon, lung, ovarian,
  testicular, prostate cancers
 MRI – neurologic, pelvic, abdominal, thoracic
 Fluoroscopy – neurologic, pelvic, skeletal,
  abdominal, thoracic cancers
 UTZ – abdominal and pelvic cancers

 Endoscopy – bronchial, GIT cancers

MRI       UTZ
 Nuclear medicine imaging – bone, liver, kidney,
  spleen, brain, thyroid cancers
 PET – lung, colon, liver, pancreatic, head and
  neck cancers; Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin
  lymphoma and melanoma
 PET fusion – see PET

 Radioimmunoconjugates – colorectal, breast,
  ovarian, head and neck cancers; lymphoma and
Nuclear Imaging
Nuclear Imaging

          PET scan
                  Tissue of origin        Benign           Malignant
Ectoderm/endoderm Epithelium          Papilloma         Carcinoma
                  Gland               Adenoma           Adenocarcinoma
                  Liver cells         Adenoma           HCC
                  Neuroglia           Glioma            Glioma
                  Melanocytes                           Malignant
                  Basal cells                           Basal cell
                  Germ cells          Mature teratoma   Seminoma
Mesoderm          Connective tissue
                  Adipose tissue      Lipoma            Liposarcoma
                  Fibrous             Fibroma           Fibrosarcoma
                  Bone                Osteoma           Osteosarcoma
                  Cartilage           Chondroma         Chondrosarcoma
                Tissue of origin         Benign          Malignant
Mesoderm        Muscle
                Smooth muscle        Leiomyoma        Leiomyosarcoma
                Striated muscle      Rhabdomyoma      Rhabdomyosarcom
                Neural tissue
                Nerve cells          Ganglioneuroma   Neuroblastoma
                Endothelial tissue
                Blood vessels        Hemagioma        Angiosarcoma
                                                      Kaposi sarcoma
                Meninges             Meningioma       Malignant
Hematopioetic   Granulocytes                          Leukemia
                Plasma cells                          Multiple myeloma
                Lymphocytes                           Lymphoma
Site        Gender         Age    Evaluation        Frequency
Breast      F            20-39       Clinical breast   Every 3 years
                                     Self breast       Every month
                         >40         CBE               Every year
                                     SBE               Every month
                                     Mammogram         Every year

Colon and   F/M          >50         Fecal occult      Every 5 years
rectum                               blood and
                                     flexible          Every 10 years
                                     or colonoscopy
                                     or double-        Every 5 years
                                     barium enema
Site            Gender         Age           Evaluation      Frequency
Prostate         M            >50 (or 40-45 if   PSA and DRE     Every year
                              at high risk)

Cervix           F            >21 or within 3    Pap smear       Every year if
                              years after                        regular Pap;
                              starting to have                   every 2 years if
                              intercourse                        liquid Pap test

Cancer-related   M/F          >20-39             Pelvic           Every year
check ups                                        examination
                                                 Examination for Every 3 years
                                                 cancers of the
                                                 ovaries, lymph
                                                 nodes, oral
                                                 cavity and skin
                                                 as well as
                                                 counseling about
                                                 health practices
                              40+                and risk factors Every year
                                                 Same as 20-39
    Surgery surgical removal of the entire cancer
     remains the ideal and most frequently used
     treatment method
b.   Diagnostic surgery – biopsy
c.   As primary treatment
d.   Prophylactic treatment
e.   Palliative treatment
f.   Reconstructive surgery
    Nursing management in cancer surgery
b.   The nurse completes a thorough preoperative
     assessment for factors that may affect the patient
     undergoing the surgical procedure
c.   The patient and family require time and
     assistance to deal with the possible changes and
     the outcomes resulting from the surgery
d.   The nurse provides education and emotional
     support by assessing the needs of the patient and
     family and by discussing their fear and coping
     mechanisms with them
    Nursing management in cancer surgery
b.   After surgery, the nurse assesses the patient’s
     responses to the surgery and monitors the patient for
     possible complications, such as infection, bleeding,
     thrombophlebitis, wound dehiscence, fluid and
     electrolyte imbalance, and organ dysfunction
c.   The nurse also provides for the patient’s comfort.
     Postoperative teaching addresses wound care,
     activity, nutrition, and medication information
d.   Plans for discharge, follow-up and home care, and
     treatment are initiated as early as possible to ensure
     continuity of care from hospital to home or from a
     cancer referral center to the patient’s local hospital
     and health care provider.
    Radiation therapy
b.   External radiation
c.   Internal radiation or brachytherapy
d.   Radiation dosage – dependent on the sensitivity
     of the target tissue to radiation and on the tumor
e.   Toxicity – localized to the region being irradiated
    Nursing Management in Radiation therapy
b.   The nurse can explain the procedure for
     delivering radiation and describe the equipment,
     the duration of the procedure (often minutes
     only), the possible need for immobilizing the
     patient during the procedure
c.   The nurse informs the family about restrictions
     placed on visitors and health personnel and other
     radiation precautions, for radioactive implants
    Chemotherapy
b.   Antineoplastic agents are used in an attempt to
     destroy tumor cells by interfering with cellular
     functions, including replication
c.   Used primarily to treat systemic disease rather
     than localized lesions that are amenable to
     surgery or radiation
d.   May be combined with surgery, radiation
     therapy, or both, to reduce tumor size
     preoperatively, to destroy any remaining tumor
     cells postoperatively, or to treat some forms of
e.   Goals: cure, control and palliation
   Undesirable Effects:
   Bone marrow depression
   Alopecia
   Retching-nausea/vomiting
   Fear and anxiety
   Stomatitis
 CBC, platelets - monitor
 Antiemetics before taking drug

 Nephrotoxicity - undesirable effect

 Counseling regarding reproduction issues

 Encourage handwashing, avoid crowds

 Recommend a wig for alopecia
 Achieve a complete cure; permanent removal of
  all cancer cells from the body.
 Control or manage the disease, cancer is not
  eliminated, preventing the growth and spread of
  the tumor may extend the patient’s life
 Palliation - reduce the size of the tumor, easing
  the severity of pain and other tumor symptoms,
  thus improving the quality of life.

   Rapid cell division,
     Tumor cells express a high mutation rate
     Tumor changes its genetic make-up as it grows
     hundreds of different clones with different growth
      rates and physiological properties
   Drugs affect cells in different ways and at
    different times in their life cycle
Figure 27.3 Antineoplastic agents and the cell cycle
   Action: Causes cell death or mutation of malignant growth by
    changing the structure of malignant cell growth
   Indications: Palliative treatment of chronic lymphocytic
    leukemia; malignant lymphomas; Hodgkin’s disease; breast, lung
    and ovarian cancers
   Adverse Effects:
   Bone marrow depression (leukopenia, thrombocytopenia)
   Anorexia/alopecia
   Distressful nausea and vomiting
   Drugs: Busulfan, carboplatin, carmustine
Figure 27.4 Mechanism of action of alkylating agents
   Action: Interferes with the building blocks of DNA
   Indications: Myelocytic leukemia; acute lymphocytic
    leukemia; Cancer of the breast, cervix, colon, liver, ovary,
    pancreas, stomach and rectum
   Adverse effects: GI disturbance, oral and anal
    inflammation, bone marrow depression, alopecia, renal
    dysfunction, thrombocytopenia
   Drugs: Capecitabine; cytarabine
   Monitor CBC and platelets weekly
   Evaluate renal function test
   Temperature assessment q4-6 hours
   Asepsis (strict)
   Bleeding, anemia, infection, and nausea - report
   Oral hygiene - brush with soft toothbrush
   Lots of fluids (2-3 L/day)
   Intake and output, nutritional intake - monitor
   The protocols for handling and administering - follow
   Emphasize protective isolation
   Action: binding to DNA making it unable to
    separate (2) inhibiting ribonucleic acid (RNA),
    preventing enzyme synthesis.
       Inhibits mitotic division
       Inhibits mitotic division
       Breaks the DNA strands therefore altering the
        integrity of the genome
Biologic Response Modifiers

   Interferons (IFNs)
     Cytokines secreted by lymphocytes and
     Slow the spread of viral infections
     Enhance the activity of existing leukocytes.
Biologic Response Modifiers

   Interleukins
     Levamisole (Ergamisole) stimulate B cells, T cells,
      and macrophages in patients with colon cancer
     Bacille Calmette-Guéin (BCG) vaccine (TICE,
      TheraCys) is an attenuated strain of Mycobacterium
      tuberculosis, used for the pharmacotherapy of
      certain types of bladder cancer.
Table 27.6 (continued) Hormones and Hormone Antagonists
    Nursing management in chemotherapy
b.   Assess fluid and electrolyte imbalance
c.   Modify risks for infection and bleeding
d.   Administering chemotherapy
e.   Protecting caregivers
Lab Values

   Patients with cancer require regular monitoring
    of lab values by nurses who will anticipate their
    health care needs.
   Nursing interventions can include prophylactic
    measures if abnormal lab values are noted and
    addressed quickly.

   Chemotherapy and radiation therapy can
    decrease a patient's white blood cell (WBC) count
    and lead to leukopenia .
   Because neutrophils act as phagocytes, a
    significant decrease in the neutrophil count
    places a patient with cancer at high risk for

   A measure used to assess a patient's risk for infection is
    the absolute neutrophil count (ANC).
   ANC less than 500 places the patient at severe risk for
    infection, and a count less than 100 constitutes extreme
   The patient may receive medications on a daily basis to
    stimulate WBC production.
   The nurse should know the ANC prior to medication
    administration and take appropriate measures to prevent

   Anemia occurs when the patient's red blood cells
    (RBC) are lost or the production rate is decreased; low
    hemoglobin and hematocrit result.
   Any abnormal values should be discussed with the
    primary care provider because the patient with cancer
    may require blood transfusions before reaching
    critically low levels.
   Critical values for hemoglobin and hematocrit are less
    than 5.0 g/dl.

   Thrombocytopenia occurs when platelet counts
    fall below 100,000.
   Spontaneous bleeding can occur when platelet
    levels fall below 20,000.
   To avoid an emergent situation, the nurse should
    report platelet count at 40,000.
   The patient with elevated platelets can also
    develop bleeding if the platelet function is
Hematopoietic Growth Factors or Colony-
stimulating factors

   Medications that help improve these hematologic
    conditions are hematopoietic growth factors or
    colony-stimulating factors.
   These agents stimulate red and/or white blood
    cell production and maturation.
   The nurse should be aware of administration
    techniques, expected therapeutic outcomes, and
    potential adverse effects.
Colony Stimulating Factors

   Filigastrim (Neupogen) and sargramostim (Leukine) are
    used to enhance the WBC count.
   Pegfiligastrim (Neulasta) for patients with a decreased
   These medications may be needed if the patient is
    receiving antineoplastic agents that suppress the bone
   Epoetin alfa recombinant (Procrit) is administered to
    maintain or increase the patient's RBC level.
   Positive results with this medication can decrease the
    need for blood transfusions.
Colony Stimulating Factors

   Oprelvekin (Neumega), also known as interleukin 11, is a growth
    factor that is used to prevent thrombocytopenia following
    chemotherapy infusion.
   This medication allows hematopoietic stem cells and the
    progenitor cells to proliferate, increasing platelet production.
   As the plasma volume increases, the nurse may see decreased
    hemoglobin, decreased serum albumin, and decreased gamma
   The nurse must review lab values and administration routes
    associated with the use of colony-stimulating factors prior to
    their administration.
Electrolyte Imbalance
   Electrolytes, essential for normal physiologic function of nerves
    and muscles, are monitored closely in the patient with cancer.
   Elevated or decreased electrolyte levels can have life-threatening
   The nurse must anticipate problems such as cardiac
    dysrhythmias or uncontrolled bleeding and intervene quickly.
   Intravenous fluids, oral electrolyte supplements, and/or total
    parenteral nutrition (TPN) can influence electrolyte balances.
   The nurse must be able to report current lab values and all
    sources of ingested or parenteral electrolytes to oncology
Neutropenia Precautions

   Neutropenia could be related to the cancer
    pathology or the result of receiving
    chemotherapeutic agents.
   Individuals with an absolute neutrophil count of
    less than 1,000 cells are considered neutropenic
    and are at moderate risk for infection.
   ANC less than 500 creates a severe risk for the
    patient, and ANC less than 100 places the
    patient in an extreme risk category.

   The term nadir represents that period of time
    when blood levels are at their lowest point.
   The nadir period varies for each antineoplastic
   Most nadir periods occur approximately 10 to 14
    days after the beginning of chemotherapy
    treatment or several weeks following radiation
    therapy, depending on the treatment agent and
    life span of the particular blood cells
Reversed Isolation Precautions

   An immunocompromised state makes it difficult
    for the patient with cancer to combat even minor
    colds; sepsis can result.
   When assigned to care for a patient who is
    neutropenic, the nurse must review guidelines
    regarding care of an immunocompromised
Common Adverse Effects of Chemotherapy and Radiation

    Fatigue
    Nausea
    Pain
    Vomiting
    Oral stomatitis
    Bone/Joint Pain
    Anorexia
    Constipation
    Diarrhea
    Impaired skin integrity
    Alopecia

 All patients do not experience these adverse effects; however, the nurse
     should be aware of assessment criteria and early intervention strategies
Fatigue: Nursing Intervention

   Occurs greater than 70%
   It can occur when the patient reaches the nadir
   Clustering patient care activities can reduce
    fatigue and provide uninterrupted rest periods.
   A sign on the patient's room door can prompt
    visitors to check with the nurse before entering.
Nausea and Vomiting: Nursing Intervention

   Nausea and vomiting occur frequently with the use of
    chemotherapeutic agents.
   Some chemotherapy drug regimens include antiemetics prior to
    administration to promote patient tolerance of the treatment.
   Specific food choices such as gelatin, popsicles, and soft bland food
    may minimize queasiness
   The patient should be encouraged to experiment with his or her diet
    to increase calories.
   The patient must consume an adequate number of calories to
    maintain nutrition balance and enhance quality of life.
   A dietary consult may be helpful in identifying the patient's caloric
    needs and identifying which foods would be best.
Oral Stomatitis: Nursing Intervention
    Rapidly dividing cells in the mouth are affected by chemotherapy and
     radiation treatments, leading to painful mouth sores and chapped lips.
    Candida albicans (yeast) may occur on the tongue and oral mucosa. Often,
     excess oral secretions make it difficult for the patient to speak clearly or to
     eat a substantial amount of food.
    The patient may find relief from sucking on ice chips or popsicles.
    Several combinations of mouth rinses are available, depending on the
     patient's need - excess secretions may require diphenhydramine (Benadry)
     in a mouth rinse, for increased pain may need lidocaine or water and baking
     soda rinses.
    Frequent oral care is vital to preserve mucosal integrity.
    Individual needs and the extent of the stomatitis should be discussed with
     the primary care provider to determine the best intervention.
Bone/Joint Pain: Nursing Interventions

   Bone and joint pain increases as cancer advances
    and as an adverse effect of colony-stimulating
   Analgesics and anti-inflammatory medications,
    as well as alternative pain relief measures, can
    be used.
   Alternative pain relief measures can include
    guided imagery, music therapy, relaxation
    exercises, and massage, if appropriate.
Constipation and Diarrhea: Nursing Interventions

   The disease process, lack of activity, and frequent use of opioids may
    result in constipation.
   High fiber food choices, adequate fluid intake, and stool softeners are
    used to promote regular elimination and help prevent bloating.
   Diarrhea can result from frequent use of antibiotics and antiemetics.
   Dehydration and the loss of electrolytes, minerals, and nutrients can
    result. Stool specimens may he collected to determine if an infection has
    occurred. If no infection is detected, antidiarrheal medications may be
   It is important to replace lost fluids, maintain electrolyte levels, and
    prevent sepsis.
   In either constipation or diarrhea, the nurse should anticipate the
    patient's needs and initiate preventive measures.
Delirium: Nursing Intervention
   Agitated behavior requiring sedation, also described as delirium,
    terminal restlessness, mental anguish and agitation, are common
    problems in cancer patients.
   Factors such as cachexia, hypoalbuminemia, advanced age, and prior
    dementia can contribute to this condition.
   Identification and treatment of delirium may involve such interventions
    as discontinuation or dose reduction of psychoactive medications,
    adjustments in fluid administration, or treatment of infections,
    dehydration, or electrolyte imbalances.
   Ongoing monitoring and reassessment are critical especially when
    sedatives, opioids, or other psychoactive medications are required to
    control patient's symptoms.
   Changes in the patient's health and mental status, in laboratory values,
    and symptoms that suggest drug toxicity should be reported promptly to
    the oncology specialist.
   A psychosocial intervention for family caregivers of patients with
    advanced cancer may be beneficial.
Skin Integrity: Nursing Intervention
   Maintaining skin integrity is a priority during the treatment and
    healing process of cancer.
   Irradiated tissue, at risk for skin breakdown and delayed wound
    healing, should be assessed at least every shift.
   Chemotherapy and radiation injure the rapidly dividing cells of the skin.
   A patient with cancer may remain in bed for long periods of time due to
    fatigue and pain.
   The underlying effects to the skin may not be visible immediately, and
    recovery will depend on the patient's response to treatment
   Adequate nutrition is also an important component in maintaining skin
   Cancer-associated cachexia, related to inadequate caloric needs and
    decreased protein intake, can delay wound healing
   A skin assessment instrument, such as the Braden Scale, should be used
    to evaluate the patient each shift and determine specific interventions.
Anorexia: Nursing Intervention

   Chemotherapy and radiation treatments affect rapidly
    dividing cells and can alter taste sensation.
   Mouth rinses with baking soda and water can be used to
    soothe the mucosa prior to meals.
   Megestrol acetate (Megace) has been used for appetite
    enhancement in the patient with advanced cancer.
   Liquid nutritional supplements, such as health shakes,
    can also be offered.
   The use of TPN may be necessary if other means for
    nutritional support are exhausted.
Chemotherapy Precautions
   The nurse needs to be familiar with chemotherapy precautions, which are
    followed for a period of 48 hours after the patient's last dose of an
    antineoplastic agent.
   Antineoplastic agents are excreted from the body through fluids such as
    sweat, vomitus, stool, and urine.
   The nurse should use personal protective equipment (PPE) for each patient
   PPE includes masks with face shields or goggles, chemotherapy gloves, and a
    fluid-resistant gown.
   Handwashing before and after working with the patient is essential.
   The nurse should cover the commode or toilet with a disposable drape to
    prevent fluids from splashing while flushing twice.
   Specified receptacles for linen and trash disposal must be used.
   Family members must be instructed on and follow the necessary precautions.
   The facility should have a policy that stipulates precautions and supplies
    used to protect the staff, patient, and visitors.
    Bone Marrow Transplantation
b.   Allogenic (from a donor other than the patient);
     either a related donor or a matched unrelated
c.   Autologous (from patient)
d.   Syngeneic (from an identical twin)
    Nursing Management in Bone Marrow
b.   Implementing pretransplantation care
c.   Providing care during treatment
d.   Providing posttransplantation care
  Hyperthermia
 Targeted therapies

c. BRM

d. Gene therapy

e. Growth factors
 Photodynamic therapy

 Cancer rehabilitation
 The second most common tumor arising on sun-
  exposed sites in older people, exceeded only by
  basal cell carcinoma
 Except for lesions on the lower legs, these tumors
  have a higher incidence in men than in women
 The most important cause of cutaneous SCC is
  DNA damage induced by exposure to UV light
 Is invasive, can recur and metastasize
    Other Risk Factors
2.   Age older than 50 years
3.   Light skin; blonde or light brown hair; green,
     blue, or gray eyes
4.   Skin that sunburns easily (Fitzpatrick skin types
     I and II)
5.   Geography (closer to the equator)
 Immunosuppression may contribute to
  carcinogenesis by reducing host surveillance and
  increasing the susceptibility of keratinocytes to
  infection and transformation by oncogenic
  viruses, particularly HPV subtypes 5 and 8
 Other risk fatcors include industrial carcinogens
  (tars and oils), chronic ulcers and draining
  osteomyelitis, old burn scars, ingestion of
  arsenicals, ionizing radiation, and (in the oral
  cavity) tobacco and betel nut chewing
   History
   A new and enlarging lesion that concerns the patient
   Most lesions are slow growing, while others rapidly
   Symptoms such as bleeding, weeping, pain, or
    tenderness may be noted, especially with larger
   Numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness may reflect
    underlying perineural involvement, and this history
    finding is important to elicit because it adversely
    impacts prognosis.
   May be asymptomatic
 Imaging studies like CT scan are done for
  patients with neurologic symptoms and with (+)
 FNAB or excision biopsy of palpable lymph nodes

 Small biopsies of the lesion suspected to be SCC

  Nonsurgical treatment options:
2. topical chemotherapy - 5-FU

3. topical immune response modifiers – sirolimus,
   prednisone, cyclosporine, azathioprine, and
4. photodynamic therapy (PDT)

5. Radiotherapy

6. Systemic chemotherapy – 5-FU and cetuximab
   (EGFR antagonist)
  Surgical treatment options:
2. Cryotherapy – for in-situ lesions; makes use of
   liquid nitrogen
3. Electrodesiccation and curettage – for low-risk
   carcinomas of the trunk and extremities
4. Excision with conventional margins

 The most common invasive cancer in humans

 Slow-growing tumors that rarely metastasize

 Have a tendency to occur in sun-exposed areas
  and in lightly pigmented people
 Incidence rises sharply with immunosuppression
  and in people with inherited defects in DNA
 Tumors present clinically as pearly papules often
  containing prominent dilated subepidermal blood
 Advanced lesion may ulcerate, and extensive
  local invasion of bone and facial sinuses may
  occur after many years of neglect (rodent ulcers)
    Treatment
2.   Electrodessication and curettage involves destroying
     the tumor with an electrocautery device then scraping
     the area with a curette
3.   Surgical excision of the lesion including a margin of
     normal skin. This method is preferred for larger
     lesions (>2cm) on the cheek, forehead, trunk, and legs
4.   Radiation therapy - may also be used where tumors
     are difficult to excise or where it is important to
     preserve surrounding tissue such as the lip. Its use is
5.   Cryotherapy - involves destroying the tissue by
     freezing it with liquid nitrogen. This may be effective
     for small, well-defined superficial tumors
    Prevention
2.   Avoid UVB radiation from sun exposure
     especially midday sun
3.   Use protective clothing
4.   Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. This is
     especially important for children.
5.   Have suspicious lesions checked out - If you have
     a question, get it checked out. Treating
     premalignant lesions prevents their
     transformation to potentially metastatic cancers.
 A relatively common neoplasm that remains
  deadly if not caught at its earliest stages
 Can occur in the oral and anogenital mucosal
  surfaces, esophagus, meninges, and the eye
 Melanomas evolve over time from localized skin
  lesions to aggressive tumors that metastatize and
  are resistant to therapy
 Early recognition and complete excision are
  Usually asymptomatic
 Itching or pain may be an early manifestation

 Majority of lesions are greater than 10 mm in
   diameter at diagnosis
 Most consistent clinical signs (in pigmented
5. Changes in color

6. Changes in size

7. Changes in shape
 Unlike benign tumors, these tumors show
  variations in color (shades of black, brown, red,
  dark blue, and gray)
 There may be areas of hypopigmentation

 Borders are irregular and often notched, not
  smooth, round, and uniform
 Important warning signs (ABCs):

 Asymmetry

 Irregular borders

 Variegated color
    Other features:
2.   Diameter greater than 6 mm
3.   Any change in appearance
4.   New onset of itching
5.   Or new onset of pain
    Prognostic factors:
2.   Tumor depth - <1.7mm (favorable)
3.   Number of mitoses – no or few mitoses
4.   Evidence of tumor regression – absence
5.   The presence and number of tumor infiltrating
     lymphocytes – brisk (favorable)
6.   Gender – female (favorable)
7.   Location – location on an extremity (favorable)
 The two most important predisposing factors are
  inherited genes and sun exposure
 Treatment is by stage
Stage 0 melanoma. Abnormal melanocytes are in the epidermis
(outer layer of the skin).
Stage I melanoma. In stage IA, the tumor is not more than 1 millimeter thick,
with no ulceration (break in the skin). In stage IB, the tumor is either not more
than 1 millimeter thick, with ulceration, OR more than 1 but not more than 2
millimeters thick, with no ulceration. Skin thickness is different on different parts
of the body.
Stage II melanoma. In stage IIA, the tumor is either more than 1 but not more than 2
millimeters thick, with ulceration (break in the skin), OR it is more than 2 but not more
than 4 millimeters thick, with no ulceration. In stage IIB, the tumor is either more than 2
but not more than 4 millimeters thick, with ulceration, OR it is more than 4 millimeters
thick, with no ulceration. In stage IIC, the tumor is more than 4 millimeters thick, with
ulceration. Skin thickness is different on different parts of the body.
Stage III melanoma. The
tumor may be any
thickness with or without
ulceration. It has spread
either (a) into a nearby
lymph vessel and may
have spread to nearby
lymph nodes; OR (b) to 1
or more lymph nodes,
which may be matted
(not moveable). Skin
thickness is different on
different parts of the
Stage IV melanoma. The tumor has
spread to other parts of the body.
    Stage 0 (Melanoma in Situ) - Treatment of stage 0 is
     usually surgery to remove the area of abnormal cells
     and a small amount of normal tissue around it.
    Stage I Melanoma
3.    Surgery to remove the tumor and some of the normal
     tissue around it.
4.   A clinical trial of surgery to remove the tumor and
     some of the normal tissue around it, with or without
     lymph node mapping and lymphadenectomy.
5.   A clinical trial of new techniques to detect cancer cells
     in the lymph nodes.
6.   A clinical trial of lymphadenectomy with or without
     adjuvant therapy.
    Stage II Melanoma
2.   Surgery to remove the tumor and some of the
     normal tissue around it, followed by removal of
     nearby lymph nodes.
3.   Lymph node mapping and
     sentinel lymph node biopsy, followed by surgery
     to remove the tumor and some of the normal
     tissue around it. If cancer is found in the
     sentinel lymph node, a second surgery may be
     done to remove more nearby lymph nodes.
4.   Surgery followed by high- dose biologic therapy.
5.   A clinical trial of adjuvant chemotherapy and/or
     biologic therapy.
6.   A clinical trial of new techniques to detect cancer
     cells in the lymph nodes.
    Stage III Melanoma
2.   Surgery to remove the tumor and some of the normal tissue around
3.   Surgery to remove the tumor with skin grafting to cover the wound
     caused by surgery.
4.   Surgery followed by biologic therapy.
5.   A clinical trial of surgery followed by chemotherapy and/or biologic
6.   A clinical trial of biologic therapy.
7.   A clinical trial comparing surgery alone to surgery with biologic
8.   A clinical trial of chemoimmunotherapy or biologic therapy.
9.  A clinical trial of hyperthermic isolated limb perfusion using
    chemotherapy and biologic therapy.
10. A clinical trial of biologic therapy and radiation therapy.
    Stage IV Melanoma
2.   Surgery or radiation therapy as
     palliative therapy to relieve symptoms and
     improve quality of life.
3.   Chemotherapy and/or biologic therapy.
4.   A clinical trial of new chemotherapy, biologic
     therapy, and/or targeted therapy with
     monoclonal antibodies, or vaccine therapy.
5.   A clinical trial of radiation therapy as palliative
     therapy to relieve symptoms and improve quality
     of life.
6.   A clinical trial of surgery to remove all known

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Topic 3 NCM 106

  • 1. 3. CELLULAR ABERRATION The Biology Cancer Part 2
  • 2. DIAGNOSIS  Imaging studies  Excision or Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy with microscopic histologic examination  Pap smear  Blood tests – for example PSA for prostate carcinoma, CEA or AFP for HCC or testicular, CEA for colorectal carcinoma, CA-125 for ovarian carcinoma, ALP for HCC or bone  Cytologic examination of blood cells – for leukemia
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. DIAGNOSTIC AIDS USED TO DETECT CANCER  Tumor markers – breast, colon, lung, ovarian, testicular, prostate cancers  MRI – neurologic, pelvic, abdominal, thoracic cancers  Fluoroscopy – neurologic, pelvic, skeletal, abdominal, thoracic cancers  UTZ – abdominal and pelvic cancers  Endoscopy – bronchial, GIT cancers
  • 14.
  • 15. DIAGNOSTIC AIDS USED TO DETECT CANCER  Nuclear medicine imaging – bone, liver, kidney, spleen, brain, thyroid cancers  PET – lung, colon, liver, pancreatic, head and neck cancers; Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin lymphoma and melanoma  PET fusion – see PET  Radioimmunoconjugates – colorectal, breast, ovarian, head and neck cancers; lymphoma and melanoma
  • 17. Nuclear Imaging PET scan
  • 18. Nomenclature Tissue of origin Benign Malignant Ectoderm/endoderm Epithelium Papilloma Carcinoma Gland Adenoma Adenocarcinoma Liver cells Adenoma HCC Neuroglia Glioma Glioma Melanocytes Malignant melanoma Basal cells Basal cell carcinoma Germ cells Mature teratoma Seminoma Mesoderm Connective tissue Adipose tissue Lipoma Liposarcoma Fibrous Fibroma Fibrosarcoma Bone Osteoma Osteosarcoma Cartilage Chondroma Chondrosarcoma
  • 19. Nomenclature Tissue of origin Benign Malignant Mesoderm Muscle Smooth muscle Leiomyoma Leiomyosarcoma Striated muscle Rhabdomyoma Rhabdomyosarcom a Neural tissue Nerve cells Ganglioneuroma Neuroblastoma Endothelial tissue Blood vessels Hemagioma Angiosarcoma Kaposi sarcoma Meninges Meningioma Malignant meningioma Hematopioetic Granulocytes Leukemia tissue Plasma cells Multiple myeloma plasmacytoma Lymphocytes Lymphoma
  • 20. Site Gender Age Evaluation Frequency Breast F 20-39 Clinical breast Every 3 years examination (CBE) Self breast Every month examination (SBE) >40 CBE Every year SBE Every month Mammogram Every year Colon and F/M >50 Fecal occult Every 5 years rectum blood and flexible Every 10 years sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy or double- Every 5 years contrast barium enema
  • 21. Site Gender Age Evaluation Frequency Prostate M >50 (or 40-45 if PSA and DRE Every year at high risk) Cervix F >21 or within 3 Pap smear Every year if years after regular Pap; starting to have every 2 years if intercourse liquid Pap test Cancer-related M/F >20-39 Pelvic Every year check ups examination Examination for Every 3 years cancers of the thyroid, testicles, ovaries, lymph nodes, oral cavity and skin as well as counseling about health practices 40+ and risk factors Every year Same as 20-39
  • 22. MANAGEMENT OF CANCER  Surgery surgical removal of the entire cancer remains the ideal and most frequently used treatment method b. Diagnostic surgery – biopsy c. As primary treatment d. Prophylactic treatment e. Palliative treatment f. Reconstructive surgery
  • 23. MANAGEMENT OF CANCER  Nursing management in cancer surgery b. The nurse completes a thorough preoperative assessment for factors that may affect the patient undergoing the surgical procedure c. The patient and family require time and assistance to deal with the possible changes and the outcomes resulting from the surgery d. The nurse provides education and emotional support by assessing the needs of the patient and family and by discussing their fear and coping mechanisms with them
  • 24. MANAGEMENT OF CANCER  Nursing management in cancer surgery b. After surgery, the nurse assesses the patient’s responses to the surgery and monitors the patient for possible complications, such as infection, bleeding, thrombophlebitis, wound dehiscence, fluid and electrolyte imbalance, and organ dysfunction c. The nurse also provides for the patient’s comfort. Postoperative teaching addresses wound care, activity, nutrition, and medication information d. Plans for discharge, follow-up and home care, and treatment are initiated as early as possible to ensure continuity of care from hospital to home or from a cancer referral center to the patient’s local hospital and health care provider.
  • 25. MANAGEMENT OF CANCER  Radiation therapy b. External radiation c. Internal radiation or brachytherapy d. Radiation dosage – dependent on the sensitivity of the target tissue to radiation and on the tumor size e. Toxicity – localized to the region being irradiated
  • 26. MANAGEMENT OF CANCER  Nursing Management in Radiation therapy b. The nurse can explain the procedure for delivering radiation and describe the equipment, the duration of the procedure (often minutes only), the possible need for immobilizing the patient during the procedure c. The nurse informs the family about restrictions placed on visitors and health personnel and other radiation precautions, for radioactive implants
  • 27. MANAGEMENT OF CANCER  Chemotherapy b. Antineoplastic agents are used in an attempt to destroy tumor cells by interfering with cellular functions, including replication c. Used primarily to treat systemic disease rather than localized lesions that are amenable to surgery or radiation d. May be combined with surgery, radiation therapy, or both, to reduce tumor size preoperatively, to destroy any remaining tumor cells postoperatively, or to treat some forms of leukemia e. Goals: cure, control and palliation
  • 29. UNDERSIRABLE EFFECTS  Undesirable Effects:  Bone marrow depression  Alopecia  Retching-nausea/vomiting  Fear and anxiety  Stomatitis
  • 30. GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR ANTINEOPLASTIC DRUGS  CBC, platelets - monitor  Antiemetics before taking drug  Nephrotoxicity - undesirable effect  Counseling regarding reproduction issues  Encourage handwashing, avoid crowds  Recommend a wig for alopecia
  • 31. PRIMARY GOALS OF CHEMOTHERAPY  Achieve a complete cure; permanent removal of all cancer cells from the body.  Control or manage the disease, cancer is not eliminated, preventing the growth and spread of the tumor may extend the patient’s life  Palliation - reduce the size of the tumor, easing the severity of pain and other tumor symptoms, thus improving the quality of life.
  • 32. REASON FOR MULTIPLE DRUG USE AND SPECIAL SCHEDULING  Rapid cell division,  Tumor cells express a high mutation rate  Tumor changes its genetic make-up as it grows  hundreds of different clones with different growth rates and physiological properties  Drugs affect cells in different ways and at different times in their life cycle
  • 33. Figure 27.3 Antineoplastic agents and the cell cycle
  • 35. ALKYLATING AGENTS  Action: Causes cell death or mutation of malignant growth by changing the structure of malignant cell growth  Indications: Palliative treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia; malignant lymphomas; Hodgkin’s disease; breast, lung and ovarian cancers  Adverse Effects:  Bone marrow depression (leukopenia, thrombocytopenia)  Anorexia/alopecia  Distressful nausea and vomiting  Drugs: Busulfan, carboplatin, carmustine
  • 36. Figure 27.4 Mechanism of action of alkylating agents
  • 37. ANTIMETABOLITES  Action: Interferes with the building blocks of DNA synthesis  Indications: Myelocytic leukemia; acute lymphocytic leukemia; Cancer of the breast, cervix, colon, liver, ovary, pancreas, stomach and rectum  Adverse effects: GI disturbance, oral and anal inflammation, bone marrow depression, alopecia, renal dysfunction, thrombocytopenia  Drugs: Capecitabine; cytarabine
  • 38. GENERAL GUIDELINES IN GIVING ANTIMETABOLITES  Monitor CBC and platelets weekly  Evaluate renal function test  Temperature assessment q4-6 hours  Asepsis (strict)  Bleeding, anemia, infection, and nausea - report  Oral hygiene - brush with soft toothbrush  Lots of fluids (2-3 L/day)  Intake and output, nutritional intake - monitor  The protocols for handling and administering - follow  Emphasize protective isolation
  • 39. ANTITUMOR ANTIBIOTICS  Action: binding to DNA making it unable to separate (2) inhibiting ribonucleic acid (RNA), preventing enzyme synthesis.
  • 40. PLANT EXTRACTS  VINCA ALKALOIDS  Inhibits mitotic division  TAXANES  Inhibits mitotic division  TOPOISOMERASE INHIBITORS  Breaks the DNA strands therefore altering the integrity of the genome
  • 41. Biologic Response Modifiers  Interferons (IFNs)  Cytokines secreted by lymphocytes and macrophages  Slow the spread of viral infections  Enhance the activity of existing leukocytes.
  • 42. Biologic Response Modifiers  Interleukins  Levamisole (Ergamisole) stimulate B cells, T cells, and macrophages in patients with colon cancer  Bacille Calmette-Guéin (BCG) vaccine (TICE, TheraCys) is an attenuated strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, used for the pharmacotherapy of certain types of bladder cancer.
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  • 44. Table 27.6 (continued) Hormones and Hormone Antagonists
  • 45. MANAGEMENT OF CANCER  Nursing management in chemotherapy b. Assess fluid and electrolyte imbalance c. Modify risks for infection and bleeding d. Administering chemotherapy e. Protecting caregivers
  • 46. Lab Values  Patients with cancer require regular monitoring of lab values by nurses who will anticipate their health care needs.  Nursing interventions can include prophylactic measures if abnormal lab values are noted and addressed quickly.
  • 47. Leukopenia  Chemotherapy and radiation therapy can decrease a patient's white blood cell (WBC) count and lead to leukopenia .  Because neutrophils act as phagocytes, a significant decrease in the neutrophil count places a patient with cancer at high risk for infection.
  • 48. Neutropenia  A measure used to assess a patient's risk for infection is the absolute neutrophil count (ANC).  ANC less than 500 places the patient at severe risk for infection, and a count less than 100 constitutes extreme risk.  The patient may receive medications on a daily basis to stimulate WBC production.  The nurse should know the ANC prior to medication administration and take appropriate measures to prevent infection
  • 49. Anemia  Anemia occurs when the patient's red blood cells (RBC) are lost or the production rate is decreased; low hemoglobin and hematocrit result.  Any abnormal values should be discussed with the primary care provider because the patient with cancer may require blood transfusions before reaching critically low levels.  Critical values for hemoglobin and hematocrit are less than 5.0 g/dl.
  • 50. Thrombocytopenia  Thrombocytopenia occurs when platelet counts fall below 100,000.  Spontaneous bleeding can occur when platelet levels fall below 20,000.  To avoid an emergent situation, the nurse should report platelet count at 40,000.  The patient with elevated platelets can also develop bleeding if the platelet function is abnormal.
  • 51. Hematopoietic Growth Factors or Colony- stimulating factors  Medications that help improve these hematologic conditions are hematopoietic growth factors or colony-stimulating factors.  These agents stimulate red and/or white blood cell production and maturation.  The nurse should be aware of administration techniques, expected therapeutic outcomes, and potential adverse effects.
  • 52. Colony Stimulating Factors  Filigastrim (Neupogen) and sargramostim (Leukine) are used to enhance the WBC count.  Pegfiligastrim (Neulasta) for patients with a decreased WBC.  These medications may be needed if the patient is receiving antineoplastic agents that suppress the bone marrow.  Epoetin alfa recombinant (Procrit) is administered to maintain or increase the patient's RBC level.  Positive results with this medication can decrease the need for blood transfusions.
  • 53. Colony Stimulating Factors  Oprelvekin (Neumega), also known as interleukin 11, is a growth factor that is used to prevent thrombocytopenia following chemotherapy infusion.  This medication allows hematopoietic stem cells and the progenitor cells to proliferate, increasing platelet production.  As the plasma volume increases, the nurse may see decreased hemoglobin, decreased serum albumin, and decreased gamma globulins.  The nurse must review lab values and administration routes associated with the use of colony-stimulating factors prior to their administration.
  • 54. Electrolyte Imbalance  Electrolytes, essential for normal physiologic function of nerves and muscles, are monitored closely in the patient with cancer.  Elevated or decreased electrolyte levels can have life-threatening effects.  The nurse must anticipate problems such as cardiac dysrhythmias or uncontrolled bleeding and intervene quickly.  Intravenous fluids, oral electrolyte supplements, and/or total parenteral nutrition (TPN) can influence electrolyte balances.  The nurse must be able to report current lab values and all sources of ingested or parenteral electrolytes to oncology specialists.
  • 55. Neutropenia Precautions  Neutropenia could be related to the cancer pathology or the result of receiving chemotherapeutic agents.  Individuals with an absolute neutrophil count of less than 1,000 cells are considered neutropenic and are at moderate risk for infection.  ANC less than 500 creates a severe risk for the patient, and ANC less than 100 places the patient in an extreme risk category.
  • 56. Nadir  The term nadir represents that period of time when blood levels are at their lowest point.  The nadir period varies for each antineoplastic agent.  Most nadir periods occur approximately 10 to 14 days after the beginning of chemotherapy treatment or several weeks following radiation therapy, depending on the treatment agent and life span of the particular blood cells
  • 57. Reversed Isolation Precautions  An immunocompromised state makes it difficult for the patient with cancer to combat even minor colds; sepsis can result.  When assigned to care for a patient who is neutropenic, the nurse must review guidelines regarding care of an immunocompromised patient.
  • 58. Common Adverse Effects of Chemotherapy and Radiation  Fatigue  Nausea  Pain  Vomiting  Oral stomatitis  Bone/Joint Pain  Anorexia  Constipation  Diarrhea  Impaired skin integrity  Alopecia All patients do not experience these adverse effects; however, the nurse should be aware of assessment criteria and early intervention strategies
  • 59. Fatigue: Nursing Intervention  Occurs greater than 70%  It can occur when the patient reaches the nadir period.  Clustering patient care activities can reduce fatigue and provide uninterrupted rest periods.  A sign on the patient's room door can prompt visitors to check with the nurse before entering.
  • 60. Nausea and Vomiting: Nursing Intervention  Nausea and vomiting occur frequently with the use of chemotherapeutic agents.  Some chemotherapy drug regimens include antiemetics prior to administration to promote patient tolerance of the treatment.  Specific food choices such as gelatin, popsicles, and soft bland food may minimize queasiness  The patient should be encouraged to experiment with his or her diet to increase calories.  The patient must consume an adequate number of calories to maintain nutrition balance and enhance quality of life.  A dietary consult may be helpful in identifying the patient's caloric needs and identifying which foods would be best.
  • 61. Oral Stomatitis: Nursing Intervention  Rapidly dividing cells in the mouth are affected by chemotherapy and radiation treatments, leading to painful mouth sores and chapped lips.  Candida albicans (yeast) may occur on the tongue and oral mucosa. Often, excess oral secretions make it difficult for the patient to speak clearly or to eat a substantial amount of food.  The patient may find relief from sucking on ice chips or popsicles.  Several combinations of mouth rinses are available, depending on the patient's need - excess secretions may require diphenhydramine (Benadry) in a mouth rinse, for increased pain may need lidocaine or water and baking soda rinses.  Frequent oral care is vital to preserve mucosal integrity.  Individual needs and the extent of the stomatitis should be discussed with the primary care provider to determine the best intervention.
  • 62. Bone/Joint Pain: Nursing Interventions  Bone and joint pain increases as cancer advances and as an adverse effect of colony-stimulating factors.  Analgesics and anti-inflammatory medications, as well as alternative pain relief measures, can be used.  Alternative pain relief measures can include guided imagery, music therapy, relaxation exercises, and massage, if appropriate.
  • 63. Constipation and Diarrhea: Nursing Interventions  The disease process, lack of activity, and frequent use of opioids may result in constipation.  High fiber food choices, adequate fluid intake, and stool softeners are used to promote regular elimination and help prevent bloating.  Diarrhea can result from frequent use of antibiotics and antiemetics.  Dehydration and the loss of electrolytes, minerals, and nutrients can result. Stool specimens may he collected to determine if an infection has occurred. If no infection is detected, antidiarrheal medications may be ordered.  It is important to replace lost fluids, maintain electrolyte levels, and prevent sepsis.  In either constipation or diarrhea, the nurse should anticipate the patient's needs and initiate preventive measures.
  • 64. Delirium: Nursing Intervention  Agitated behavior requiring sedation, also described as delirium, terminal restlessness, mental anguish and agitation, are common problems in cancer patients.  Factors such as cachexia, hypoalbuminemia, advanced age, and prior dementia can contribute to this condition.  Identification and treatment of delirium may involve such interventions as discontinuation or dose reduction of psychoactive medications, adjustments in fluid administration, or treatment of infections, dehydration, or electrolyte imbalances.  Ongoing monitoring and reassessment are critical especially when sedatives, opioids, or other psychoactive medications are required to control patient's symptoms.  Changes in the patient's health and mental status, in laboratory values, and symptoms that suggest drug toxicity should be reported promptly to the oncology specialist.  A psychosocial intervention for family caregivers of patients with advanced cancer may be beneficial.
  • 65. Skin Integrity: Nursing Intervention  Maintaining skin integrity is a priority during the treatment and healing process of cancer.  Irradiated tissue, at risk for skin breakdown and delayed wound healing, should be assessed at least every shift.  Chemotherapy and radiation injure the rapidly dividing cells of the skin.  A patient with cancer may remain in bed for long periods of time due to fatigue and pain.  The underlying effects to the skin may not be visible immediately, and recovery will depend on the patient's response to treatment  Adequate nutrition is also an important component in maintaining skin integrity.  Cancer-associated cachexia, related to inadequate caloric needs and decreased protein intake, can delay wound healing  A skin assessment instrument, such as the Braden Scale, should be used to evaluate the patient each shift and determine specific interventions.
  • 66. Anorexia: Nursing Intervention  Chemotherapy and radiation treatments affect rapidly dividing cells and can alter taste sensation.  Mouth rinses with baking soda and water can be used to soothe the mucosa prior to meals.  Megestrol acetate (Megace) has been used for appetite enhancement in the patient with advanced cancer.  Liquid nutritional supplements, such as health shakes, can also be offered.  The use of TPN may be necessary if other means for nutritional support are exhausted.
  • 67. Chemotherapy Precautions  The nurse needs to be familiar with chemotherapy precautions, which are followed for a period of 48 hours after the patient's last dose of an antineoplastic agent.  Antineoplastic agents are excreted from the body through fluids such as sweat, vomitus, stool, and urine.  The nurse should use personal protective equipment (PPE) for each patient contact.  PPE includes masks with face shields or goggles, chemotherapy gloves, and a fluid-resistant gown.  Handwashing before and after working with the patient is essential.  The nurse should cover the commode or toilet with a disposable drape to prevent fluids from splashing while flushing twice.  Specified receptacles for linen and trash disposal must be used.  Family members must be instructed on and follow the necessary precautions.  The facility should have a policy that stipulates precautions and supplies used to protect the staff, patient, and visitors.
  • 68. MANAGEMENT OF CANCER  Bone Marrow Transplantation b. Allogenic (from a donor other than the patient); either a related donor or a matched unrelated donor c. Autologous (from patient) d. Syngeneic (from an identical twin)
  • 69. MANAGEMENT OF CANCER  Nursing Management in Bone Marrow Transplantation b. Implementing pretransplantation care c. Providing care during treatment d. Providing posttransplantation care
  • 70. MANAGEMENT OF CANCER  Hyperthermia  Targeted therapies c. BRM d. Gene therapy e. Growth factors  Photodynamic therapy  Cancer rehabilitation
  • 71.
  • 72. SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA  SCC  The second most common tumor arising on sun- exposed sites in older people, exceeded only by basal cell carcinoma  Except for lesions on the lower legs, these tumors have a higher incidence in men than in women  The most important cause of cutaneous SCC is DNA damage induced by exposure to UV light  Is invasive, can recur and metastasize
  • 73. SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA  Other Risk Factors 2. Age older than 50 years 3. Light skin; blonde or light brown hair; green, blue, or gray eyes 4. Skin that sunburns easily (Fitzpatrick skin types I and II) 5. Geography (closer to the equator) ( overview)
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  • 75. SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA  Immunosuppression may contribute to carcinogenesis by reducing host surveillance and increasing the susceptibility of keratinocytes to infection and transformation by oncogenic viruses, particularly HPV subtypes 5 and 8  Other risk fatcors include industrial carcinogens (tars and oils), chronic ulcers and draining osteomyelitis, old burn scars, ingestion of arsenicals, ionizing radiation, and (in the oral cavity) tobacco and betel nut chewing
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  • 80. SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA  History  A new and enlarging lesion that concerns the patient  Most lesions are slow growing, while others rapidly enlarges  Symptoms such as bleeding, weeping, pain, or tenderness may be noted, especially with larger tumors  Numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness may reflect underlying perineural involvement, and this history finding is important to elicit because it adversely impacts prognosis.  May be asymptomatic ( overview)
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  • 85. SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA  Imaging studies like CT scan are done for patients with neurologic symptoms and with (+) lymphadenopathy  FNAB or excision biopsy of palpable lymph nodes  Small biopsies of the lesion suspected to be SCC ( 5-overview)
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  • 90. SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA  Nonsurgical treatment options: 2. topical chemotherapy - 5-FU 3. topical immune response modifiers – sirolimus, prednisone, cyclosporine, azathioprine, and mycophenolate 4. photodynamic therapy (PDT) 5. Radiotherapy 6. Systemic chemotherapy – 5-FU and cetuximab (EGFR antagonist) ( 5-overview)
  • 91. SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA  Surgical treatment options: 2. Cryotherapy – for in-situ lesions; makes use of liquid nitrogen 3. Electrodesiccation and curettage – for low-risk carcinomas of the trunk and extremities 4. Excision with conventional margins ( 5-overview)
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  • 95. BASAL CELL CARCINOMA  BCC  The most common invasive cancer in humans  Slow-growing tumors that rarely metastasize  Have a tendency to occur in sun-exposed areas and in lightly pigmented people  Incidence rises sharply with immunosuppression and in people with inherited defects in DNA repair
  • 96. BASAL CELL CARCINOMA  Tumors present clinically as pearly papules often containing prominent dilated subepidermal blood vessels  Advanced lesion may ulcerate, and extensive local invasion of bone and facial sinuses may occur after many years of neglect (rodent ulcers)
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  • 105. BASAL CELL CARCINOMA  Treatment 2. Electrodessication and curettage involves destroying the tumor with an electrocautery device then scraping the area with a curette 3. Surgical excision of the lesion including a margin of normal skin. This method is preferred for larger lesions (>2cm) on the cheek, forehead, trunk, and legs 4. Radiation therapy - may also be used where tumors are difficult to excise or where it is important to preserve surrounding tissue such as the lip. Its use is declining. 5. Cryotherapy - involves destroying the tissue by freezing it with liquid nitrogen. This may be effective for small, well-defined superficial tumors
  • 106. BASAL CELL CARCINOMA  Prevention 2. Avoid UVB radiation from sun exposure especially midday sun 3. Use protective clothing 4. Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. This is especially important for children. 5. Have suspicious lesions checked out - If you have a question, get it checked out. Treating premalignant lesions prevents their transformation to potentially metastatic cancers.
  • 107. MELANOMA  A relatively common neoplasm that remains deadly if not caught at its earliest stages  Can occur in the oral and anogenital mucosal surfaces, esophagus, meninges, and the eye  Melanomas evolve over time from localized skin lesions to aggressive tumors that metastatize and are resistant to therapy  Early recognition and complete excision are critical
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  • 109. MELANOMA  Usually asymptomatic  Itching or pain may be an early manifestation  Majority of lesions are greater than 10 mm in diameter at diagnosis  Most consistent clinical signs (in pigmented lesions): 5. Changes in color 6. Changes in size 7. Changes in shape
  • 110. MELANOMA  Unlike benign tumors, these tumors show variations in color (shades of black, brown, red, dark blue, and gray)  There may be areas of hypopigmentation  Borders are irregular and often notched, not smooth, round, and uniform  Important warning signs (ABCs):  Asymmetry  Irregular borders  Variegated color
  • 111. MELANOMA  Other features: 2. Diameter greater than 6 mm 3. Any change in appearance 4. New onset of itching 5. Or new onset of pain
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  • 117. MELANOMA  Prognostic factors: 2. Tumor depth - <1.7mm (favorable) 3. Number of mitoses – no or few mitoses (favorable) 4. Evidence of tumor regression – absence (favorable) 5. The presence and number of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes – brisk (favorable) 6. Gender – female (favorable) 7. Location – location on an extremity (favorable)
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  • 123. MELANOMA  The two most important predisposing factors are inherited genes and sun exposure  Treatment is by stage
  • 124. Stage 0 melanoma. Abnormal melanocytes are in the epidermis (outer layer of the skin).
  • 125. Stage I melanoma. In stage IA, the tumor is not more than 1 millimeter thick, with no ulceration (break in the skin). In stage IB, the tumor is either not more than 1 millimeter thick, with ulceration, OR more than 1 but not more than 2 millimeters thick, with no ulceration. Skin thickness is different on different parts of the body.
  • 126. Stage II melanoma. In stage IIA, the tumor is either more than 1 but not more than 2 millimeters thick, with ulceration (break in the skin), OR it is more than 2 but not more than 4 millimeters thick, with no ulceration. In stage IIB, the tumor is either more than 2 but not more than 4 millimeters thick, with ulceration, OR it is more than 4 millimeters thick, with no ulceration. In stage IIC, the tumor is more than 4 millimeters thick, with ulceration. Skin thickness is different on different parts of the body.
  • 127. Stage III melanoma. The tumor may be any thickness with or without ulceration. It has spread either (a) into a nearby lymph vessel and may have spread to nearby lymph nodes; OR (b) to 1 or more lymph nodes, which may be matted (not moveable). Skin thickness is different on different parts of the body.
  • 128. Stage IV melanoma. The tumor has spread to other parts of the body.
  • 129. MELANOMA  Stage 0 (Melanoma in Situ) - Treatment of stage 0 is usually surgery to remove the area of abnormal cells and a small amount of normal tissue around it.  Stage I Melanoma 3. Surgery to remove the tumor and some of the normal tissue around it. 4. A clinical trial of surgery to remove the tumor and some of the normal tissue around it, with or without lymph node mapping and lymphadenectomy. 5. A clinical trial of new techniques to detect cancer cells in the lymph nodes. 6. A clinical trial of lymphadenectomy with or without adjuvant therapy.
  • 130. MELANOMA  Stage II Melanoma 2. Surgery to remove the tumor and some of the normal tissue around it, followed by removal of nearby lymph nodes. 3. Lymph node mapping and sentinel lymph node biopsy, followed by surgery to remove the tumor and some of the normal tissue around it. If cancer is found in the sentinel lymph node, a second surgery may be done to remove more nearby lymph nodes. 4. Surgery followed by high- dose biologic therapy. 5. A clinical trial of adjuvant chemotherapy and/or biologic therapy. 6. A clinical trial of new techniques to detect cancer cells in the lymph nodes.
  • 131. MELANOMA  Stage III Melanoma 2. Surgery to remove the tumor and some of the normal tissue around it. 3. Surgery to remove the tumor with skin grafting to cover the wound caused by surgery. 4. Surgery followed by biologic therapy. 5. A clinical trial of surgery followed by chemotherapy and/or biologic therapy. 6. A clinical trial of biologic therapy. 7. A clinical trial comparing surgery alone to surgery with biologic therapy. 8. A clinical trial of chemoimmunotherapy or biologic therapy. 9. A clinical trial of hyperthermic isolated limb perfusion using chemotherapy and biologic therapy. 10. A clinical trial of biologic therapy and radiation therapy.
  • 132. MELANOMA  Stage IV Melanoma 2. Surgery or radiation therapy as palliative therapy to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life. 3. Chemotherapy and/or biologic therapy. 4. A clinical trial of new chemotherapy, biologic therapy, and/or targeted therapy with monoclonal antibodies, or vaccine therapy. 5. A clinical trial of radiation therapy as palliative therapy to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life. 6. A clinical trial of surgery to remove all known cancer.