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The Problem Of The Worst Trouble I Have Ever Been Since
The Worst Trouble I Have Ever Been In When you are younger you seem to get in to trouble every
time you turn around, but there is always that one time you will never be able to forget. Well that
certain time for me personally was during my freshman year of high school. A couple of friends and
I decided we were going to skip school on this certain day, and just ride around town for the day.
Little did I know this would be the worst mistake of my life. Our ditch day started out just like any
other, I woke up got ready for school, and started my morning drive to the town of Clinton. I was a
nervous wreck during the drive, the worst case scenarios were racing through my head. I should
have listened to my gut then, because ... Show more content on ...
After much debate and arguing we finally decided we would just gather up what money we had
between us, and ride some backroads for the entire day. We all whipped out our wallets and
scrounged up every cent we had, which came out to be almost forty five dollars. So we drove to the
gas station, spent ten dollars on snacks and drinks for the day, and put the other thirty five in gas. We
could not have been happier with the way everything was panning out. We pulled out of the gas
station and headed down Bolton Brownsville road, we drove for about an hour or so before we
started to get bored. Then one of my friends suggested we head back in to Clinton and go to the old
race track off of the frontage road. We all agreed that it sounded like a great idea, because we knew
there were a few good mud holes out there that we could try my new tires in. So after about another
thirty minute drive we pulled into the old race track. We parked my truck out of sight and walked
down to the abandoned track, we walked on the track for a while, and then decide to go get back in
the truck and hit a few mud hole we had spotted on the walk. So there we were again back in the
truck, we rounded the corner of the first trail, and here was the first hole. It wasn't very big only
about 15ft long and seemed to be mostly water, I dropped my truck in to four wheel drive high low
range, and crept through the first hole with ease. We were all laughing and having a good
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Station 43: A Short Story
Station 43 was positioned on what was once the east coast, well it was still the east coast, only
different. It had been different ever since the virus of 2016 wiped out two thirds of the population
leaving families desperate for hope. Hope would not come in a vaccine, and my story is not about a
virus. The virus was only the breeding ground for Torque to offer a new kind of hope.
People were desperate during those days with caused a drug epidemic of epic proportion. Street
drugs caused more damage than any virus ever could. People with an addictive personality wanted a
way to cope with life, to cope with the loss of loved ones due to illness, the loss of our government,
and the loss of structure causing them to seek any quick fix.
My father was one of those people. After my mother died, well, ... Show more content on ...
She was cute. "Do they now?" she asked. "Friend's yours?"
"No, but I have heard them whisper," I returned. Black Widows was what the rebels called the ones
who volunteered to take our donations. The rebels did not approve. They wanted to hold on to the
way things used to be. They were depressed. Edgy. Violent. Resentful. Disrespectful. T–r–o–u–b–l–
If you were smart, you avoided the shadow rebels.
New girls laugh was like a musical instrument, causing sweet vibrations to skid along my spine. "I
am not a Black Widow," she said. She wiggled her fingers. "I promise, I don't spin webs or eat
The odor of rubbing alcohol stung my nostrils as she soaked a cotton swab with it. New girl wore
latex gloves. She ripped open a package and prepared the syringe, her eyes cast downward. "By the
way, you said pretty," she added fixated on what she was doing, her contribution to The Station and
to Peace. I had embarrassed her. It showed in her cheeks–a soft dusty rose color. Nope, no black
widow there. Only soft perfect skin and burst of color within all the white.
I decided right then and there that new girl was the anomaly
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Feelings of Love and Hate for Coworkers
We all have those people at work that we love and wish we could work with every single day, then
we have the other ones were we wish we never had to deal with them ever again and hope they fall
off the face of the earth. They can be good sometimes but most of the time you just wish you could
tell them to leave and never come back. Whether its due to their attitude towards the job or agents
you, and act like they are a manager when they don't even know how to do anything, to even that
they can't perform their job at the standards that are necessary to accomplish the tasks. Are reason I
dislike working with them. We have this one employee who always hates her job and never wants to
be there and complains when she works more than 35 hours but then she complains when she has
less than 25. And always called in sick. Granted most people deep down probably hate their job but
they don't sit there all day and complain about it. I've been there two years in April. And she by far
has had the worse attitude towards the job then anybody who has ever worked there. She has been
told before when she was trying to find people to work for her that she would call in sick just so she
didn't have to work on a day that we are supposed to be really busy that she will be suspended for a
week if she tries to do that. We have another person who has been there for less than six months.
And at work she hates my guts but outside of work we get along pretty well. She claims that its
cause i'm mean and
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Teaching Notes
Teaching Notes
By Stephen B. Goldberg
Texoil is a two–party, quantified transactional negotiation with integrative potential. The owners of a
service station would like to sell their station, and a large oil and gas company would like to buy it.
The stations owners are tired of the responsibilities of ownership and want to take a two year sailing
trip around the world, while they are still young enough to enjoy such a trip. The oil and gas
company is in the midst of a strategic expansion, buying independent service stations, and turning
them into mini service marts.
are not written up in their role materials; however, they should use the information they have
The most striking learning point of the exercise is the ... Show more content on ...
4. Ask if revealing didn't make them feel vulnerable. The point of this line of questioning is to help
students discover the kind of information that provides a basis for creating value, (i.e., not
information about bottom line, but about interests and priorities).
5. The question about feeling vulnerable raises the issue of trust. Ask whether trust was established,
and how. Generally, trust results from the process of reciprocal information sharing, and proposals
that are responsive to information shared.
To make the job offer, either the Texoil representative must reveal information about Texoil's long
term strategy, and/or the station owner must reveal plans for a two year sabbatical.
There are a number of other things that can be added to make the bargaining zone overlap, including
health care, oil and gas for the trip, a line of credit for boat repairs, and putting TEXOIL on the hull
or sails.
All of these creative ideas, that create value because they are of low cost to one party and high value
to the other party, require information to be discovered.
6. Which agreements are better than others? We usually do not point out particular agreements, but
speak generally. Better agreements in terms of value creation are ones that have many of the features
listed above. Better agreements in terms of value claiming are ones where Texoil pays less than
$500,000 cash and it gives the job and other items,
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White Elephant Symbolism
The short story 'Hills Like White Elephant' starts with detailed description of a train station in Spain
which turns into a dialog between an unmarried couple about an abortion. The story setting plays a
big role in how the characters will act and how they will express their feelings. Along with the
setting location, the time also plays an important role in the story. Hemingway uses a lot of symbols
and figurative language of speech, so the time of the story was not clear for most of the readers.
However, the story happened during the mid day during a very hot summer day which has a very
important symbolism in the story. The mid–day represents that the day is not over, which
symbolizes that they not have made they decision. The couple were at a critical moment of their
relationship, which is when they must decide whether or not to have an abortion. Certain themes
arise from this story such as choices and their consequences, doubt and ambiguity. "The hills across
the valley of the Ebro were long and white. On this side there was no shade and no trees and the
station was between two lines of rails in the sun. [...] The American and the girl with him sat at a
table in the shade, outside the building. It was very hot and the express from Barcelona would come
in forty minutes. It stopped at this junction for two minutes and went to Madrid" (Page 176) The girl
views having the child as a blessing and a great gift. However, the American sees it as an expenses
and an obligation to
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Killer Show By John Barylick
Introduction: The book assigned to me for this assignment was Killer Show by John Barylick. It 's
an informative non–fictional book. It tells the real life tragedy of the fatal "Station" nightclub fire in
West Warwick, Rhode Island. The story is told using flashbacks and analysis in each chapter of the
book. Before I started reading this book I was intrigued because the main events in this story are in
the 21st century. This is unlike the other books that could have been assigned to me. The date of this
horrific tale was February 20, 2003. The book goes in detail about the history of the Station, what
was the cause of the fire, how people escaped the fire and the aftermath of the fire. Barylick is a
respected Providence, Rhode Island ... Show more content on ...
Overtime, there were numerous noise complaints from nearby institutions. Julian had to figure out a
way to avoid losing is club due to the noise. After a while he found his solution. According to
Barylick, " [Julian] took remnants of soiled red carpet from the club and put them up on the walls as
a backing material" (204). Julian then decided to nail foam on the walls to keep the sound insulated.
There weren 't very many noise complaints after this. The foam served its ' purpose, but a few years
later it would be a serious fire hazard. In the year 2000, Michael and Jeffery Derderian bought the
nightclub from Julian. Despite their lavish lifestyles, they were very frugal when it came to their
business ventures. They were notorious for not being credible businessmen. It 's no surprise that
they mishandled the structure that they bought. When they analyzed their investment, they noticed
the foam on the walls. The Derderians decided to just place another layer of foam on the wall
(Barylick 129). There were two different types of foam applied. One was polyethylene (PE) and the
other was polyurethane (PU). They are both flammable and illegal on structure walls. The local fire
marshal, Denis Larocque, would ignored this many times when he did inspections on the nightclub.
He even increased the Station 's occupancy from 317 people to 404 people. The Derderian brothers
were very happy about this because they could make more money. Larocque didn
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The Story Of My Life
They began talking about writing people up regarding certified pieces and his leave time having to
be put in on a Friday. He said "No, things are fine," regarding writing people up." He was talking
about her cursing at him earlier in the morning and she said, "This is how we do." He will say it and
she will deny it to the fullest. He said, "you her hear right?" He said, "Let him get out of here,"
joking and she said, "yeah before you get yourself in trouble because of what I'm smelling." He
points to the water bottle on her desk and says, "you sure it not you, or what you got in there." She
said, "Get out of here," and then he left. I was send back out to help Marina on Route 9.
The following day July 18th I completed a piece on Route ... Show more content on
She looks at Ram and then tells me to keep her posted. We all go home.
Alberto texts me at 1:05pm on the 21st and "Hey what time are you getting here?" I said, "It's
looking really bad for me today. It's taking much longer than expected." He replies, "Sorry ma, the
manager wants you to bring your badge, they letting you go." I said, "I don't have a badge but okay
thank you for letting me know." He said, "I feel bad. I know you must be going through something."
I said, "Its fine. I'll be okay." Then I wrote, "wait how she can fire me for being out of work one
One of them wrote from his phone "Your on 90 day probation, for the past 2 days you've been
coming in an hour and a half late." I responded, "I was only late yesterday." He or she replies, "and
today." Then he wrote, "Sorry been busy in here, but yeah, that's how they work. I don't agree with
it. Then I replied, "If I came in there drinking like most of them then I would have fit right in and
had no problem." He replied, "Don't say that ma." Made this statement because it seems that the
people that are doing the right thing at the station are the ones that are getting into reprimanded.
However, the people that should be in reprimanded are not.
I have come in every day and done whatever was asked of me. I never complaint about having to do
the duties asked of me. All I asked was to
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Personal Narrative Reflection : My Experience For A Groom
In all honesty, I believe that the delivery of my lesson was quite boring for my peers. Since the
station activities were complex and required a lot of explanation, they did not get the opportunity to
complete any of the station activities. Nevertheless, we did have time to play Bingo, but many of my
peers seemed bored. I am hoping that this was due to the fact that my lesson was the last one to be
presented and my peers were just burnt out. On the other hand, I truly enjoyed presenting and
explaining my lesson because I felt as though it was one of the best lessons that I had developed in
EDU 354. Most of the feedback that I received was very positive and there were a few students who
informed me that they would love to teach this lesson. With that being said, I think that my lesson
went very well! I felt very prepared for this lesson, mostly because I was super excited to share it
with my peers and also because I spent quite a bit of time gathering and organizing my materials.
Furthermore, I believe that the way that I developed my lesson, helped me to stay organized and
prepared to teach it. I began by finding a standard and developing an objective from the standard.
From there, I developed my formative assessment pieces, which were the activities for the stations.
While I was developing the station activities, I realized that I needed an anticipatory set, and that's
when I decided that a video would be a nice change of pace from the worksheet based station
activities. I loved how creative and engaging the video was, and my professor and peers agreed!
Once the station activities were developed, I moved on to create the independent practice activity,
which I decided to make Bingo, because who does not love a good game of Bingo? The closure
consisted of a quick review of the material. I know that this process worked well, because I was able
to process everything in a logical manner, and my assessments were directly derived from the
objective, meaning that they will be testing the students' knowledge of the objective. One aspect of
my lesson that worked well was the Bingo game. My peers were very interested in playing the game
and many of them were getting the answers correct. Many of them made comments on
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The Tragedy Of Timothy Lawrence
There was no question about it. Helios was doomed.
Timothy Lawrence could feel the massive space station shudder as it started to be pulled towards the
surface of that hated planetb Pandora. As soon as he saw Jack's face appear on all the monitors in
their apartment he had gone to his computer to try to get the digital man's attention. Thus far, he had
been unsuccessful and now, for some reason, Helios was going down.
He cursed loudly as he typed frantically at the terminal's keyboard. "Jack. Jack you ASSHOLE.
Answer me!" Never before had he regretted not learning more about computers than he did right
The monitor blipped on with that strange image of his departed lover he had seen elsewhere in the
station. He all translucent and blue, like the digitized versions of himself he had given Tim to use in
combat so many years ago.
"Timothy," Jack's large, expressive eyes widened. "Baby, Oh my god. I am so glad to see that you're
alright, Kitten. Holy shit, you look different."
Leave it to whatever this version of Jack was to be concerned at such a time with how different his
body double looked. He no longer wore the mask that made him his partner's double. The very bolts
that held it in place had been removed, leaving pink, scarred flesh in their place. As he was quite a
bit younger than his lover, he had always had to dye in the streaks of gray into his otherwise brown
hair. With Jack absent, he had stopped doing so. That, and he had cut his hair into a short
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Ernest Hemingway 's Hills Like White Elephants
Greek philosopher Epictetus has been quoted to say, "We have two ears and one mouth so that we
can listen twice as much as we speak." In "Hills Like White Elephants", Ernest Hemingway explores
the idea of the importance of communication and the detrimental effect of the lack–of. Throughout
the story, the young couple seems to dance around the difficult conversation they must have before
the train comes. Their lack of conversation leads to the assumed end of their relationship. Although
the story is quite short, the theme is made apparent through Hemingway's rich description of the
setting and the choice to use alcohol as a motif throughout.
Hemingway's vivid description of the setting helps support the over–arching theme of the
importance of communication, by creating the perfect backdrop to an imperfect situation. "Hills
Like White Elephants" takes place in a train station in Spain. Hemingway opens up the story with a
description of the setting thus proving the importance of the setting itself.
The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white. On this side there was no shade and no
trees and the station was between two lines of rails in the sun. (475)
Hemingway uses the landscape to set the tone of the story. The train station is hot and sunny; the
reader sees only barren landscape with white hills in the background. Hemingway continues to set
the scene of the story describing the station as, "very hot" (475). The reader feels almost as
uncomfortable as the
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Summary Of ' Who Moved My Cheese '
Throughout this paper I will be giving a synopsis for a book entitled Who Moved My Cheese, as
well as answering questions that relate to the story. The story is a parable which stresses the
importance of being able to adapt to change. The story includes four main characters: two mice,
Sniffy and Scurry, and two little people, Hem and Haw. All four characters inhabit a maze, and
spend their time seeking out cheese. The story peaks as both the mice and humans stumble upon a
vast amount cheese at Cheese Station C. After finding the cheese the two humans become content
with their find, and stop searching for more. In contrast the mice continue their search for cheese.
The humans begin to become use to the vast amount of cheese, thus they begin a pattern of
consuming the cheese without resupplying it. Eventually the cheese diminishes until there is none
left. This slow decline of cheese is no surprise to the mice. Through observation during the period
where both humans and mice consume the cheese, the mice mentally prepare themselves for the
depletion of cheese. The mice then leave Cheese Station C to search for more cheese. Hem and Haw
react differently to being void of cheese once again. When they arrive to Cheese Station C they are
shocked to find out they do not have any more cheese. Hem becomes angry and proposes that
someone has moved their cheese. After returning next day, it becomes confirmed to Hem and Haw
that the cheese is gone. Haw proposes that they should
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Understand If You Are Arrested
What to Understand if You Are Arrested
How the Legal System Works
Being arrested for a crime is one of the most upsetting events that can happen. One minute, you are
free, and the next you are taken away in handcuffs, separated from your house and loved ones, and
imprisoned. You lose everything: your own clothing and personal belongings, your identification,
and mostly, your freedom. Your feelings run the gamut from helpless and afraid to disoriented and
Here is what you need to understand if you are arrested. That understanding, along with having a
skilled criminal defense lawyer, will help you overcome those feelings of confusion and fear and
survive "the system".
1. Post–Arrest Timeline
After you have been arrested for
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Incendiary Fire Analysis and Investigation
Summary of the Incident
On February 20, 2003, at 23:10 hours, the West Warwick, Rhode Island fire department was
dispatched to a structure fire at 211 Cowesett Avenue (Grosshandler, Bryner, Madrzykowski, &
Kuntz, 2005). The structure was the location of "The Station" nightclub, which contained an
estimated 458 occupants, which was above the maximum allowed occupancy of 404 which was
established by the City of West Warwick (Grosshandler et al., 2005). The fire resulted in a massive
loss of life as 96 people died at the scene, 3 died within days, and one person died 70 days later,
bringing the death toll to 100 persons (Grosshandler et al., 2005). The large crowd was present at the
nightclub to witness a performance of the rock band "Great White", who used pyrotechnics during
the performance which directly contributed to the ignition of polyurethane foam panels that were
installed in the building by the club owners to serve as soundproofing. As the fire began to grow
occupants began to panic and immediately headed for the exits. The majority of the occupants
attempted to use the front main exit which was composed of a set of double doors, which led to a
corridor, which included a single door that exited to the outside of the building (Grosshandler et al.,
2005). The exit was quickly blocked as occupants began to stack up at the exit. The fire rapidly
spread throughout the occupancy and the structure quickly become untenable. The investigation
includes a complete fire
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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Smartcard Frameworks
Disservices and Risks
A smartcard framework additionally has weaknesses as far as money related and work force assets.
The framework in all likelihood requires a critical capital responsibility and yearly working
expenses may increment. Travel offices not just battle with diverting capital from other vital
activities, but on the other hand are tested by supporting complex backend frameworks with
extraordinarily talented data innovation faculty and by giving the offices and extra faculty for
extending client benefits and related help.
There are likewise chances related with a smartcard passage accumulation framework. The essential
dangers incorporate those related with saving and securing budgetary and client information.
Smartcard frameworks process, gather and store extremely touchy information, for example,
approving and handling credit/charge deals, gathering passage installment exchanges and putting
away client individual data. There are many dangers intrinsic with overseeing charge installment
preparing and related information frameworks including dangers of both inside and outside robbery,
the wrongful and unlawful utilization of this information and the risk and advertising worries of not
sufficiently sheltered guarding the arrival of client data.
While many travel organizations have tended to these issues satisfactorily, the dangers are ever–
present in a framework like this and require assets.
Fare distribution
Tickets and Tokens, bravo trip (incorporates exchange), might be bought in sets of five or ten. The
sets of five and ten are sold at the base cost. Tickets are printed paper for visual investigation by
Station Authorities and Surface Vehicle Operators and tokens are hand crafted metal for dropping in
and actuating a Subway gate or dropping into Subway or Surface Vehicle fareboxes.
Month to month passes, useful for boundless go on all general TTC administrations for a timetable
month, are accessible for buy at Adult, Senior and Understudy costs. Metro passes are currently
transferable, yet any Student or on the other hand Senior introducing a Student or Senior Metro pass
must demonstrate a qualified personal ID, if asked. The passes have attractive strips with encoded
pass data and might be
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Murder Process Analysis
If you just committed murder and need help getting out of this sticky situation, you are in luck.
There are a few easy steps that can help you get out of your dilemma. Just specifically follow the
three steps of what to do, and the few things of what not to do, and you will be perfectly fine. For
example, get rid of all the evidence such as fingerprints and weapons, dispose of the body in little
pieces, and keep quiet while staying out of the spotlight. First off any finger prints, blood stains, or
any piece of evidence must be dealt with. If you can get sulfuric acid, use it. This burns off the skin
and any trace of finger prints that you may have left on the body. If you have a lot of prints on the
body pour a lot of it, no need to be stingy with the sulfuric acid. If you have prints on the weapon,
wipe them down and clean it as well as possible. Tip: use a cleaning lotion and wipe it down so that
it looks good as ... Show more content on ...
You have to get rid of the body somehow or another. Do not panic and just dump the body off
somewhere it will be found and then run off. Use your head and think, you need to dump it
somewhere it will not be seen again. It is easier if you have the body in smaller sections. If you cut
the body up, it is easiest to use a chainsaw. It may make more of a mess but it is faster. This will
need to be done outside because of the mess. Be sure to wash off the chain saw and clean the outside
by hosing it down thoroughly. Next, burn all the blood stained clothes or any materials blood got on.
The easiest way to get rid of the body is open water such as, a lake or ocean. Be sure to use a lot of
weight to hold the body down. The water will cause the pieces of the body to come apart easier as
the fish and other animals eat it. Also, the current of the water will help move the body from the
original drop site and if it found, it will be very difficult to tell where the drop sight
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Carnival Cruise Lines: Fire Aboard A Stranded Cruise Ship
Carnival Cruise Lines: Fire Aboard a Stranded Cruise Ship In the early morning hours of November
8, 2010 the aft engine room of the Carnival Splendor ship caught fire, and left the ship without
power. The Splendor ship is one of the largest ships in the Carnival fleet with 13 passenger decks.
The ship is so large it requires six diesel engines to operate. Half of the engines are located in the aft
(or rear) engine room and the other half is located in a forward engine room. These engine rooms are
connected together by electric switchboards and cables. "The blaze was extinguished within a few
hours by crew members with the aid of the built–in fire–suppression system" (O'Rourke, 2013,
p140). Fortunately, no crew or passengers were injured (O'Rourke, ... Show more content on ...
Their audience of future travelers will remember hearing about the problems on board the Splendor.
If they do not believe the ships are safe, and kept in good condition, they will choose a different
cruise line, or type of vacation. The travel and vacation industry reflect big money in our personal
spending budgets. "A recent Nielsen Global Confidence Survey found that after providing for
savings and living expenses, the number one global spending priority is for vacations" (O'Rourke,
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Station Nightclub Fire: Case Study
1. What was the occupancy history of the building?
The building was constructed in 1946, designed to be a nightclub. The same building had changed
ownership and names numerous times, and had been incarnated as not just a nightclub but also a
restaurant and pub. Exact numbers of occupants at the time of the fire is unknown, estimated to be
between 440 to 458 persons. When the fire started at the Station Nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode
Island, the venue was 100 people over capacity, but "even the legal number was based on a bogus
standing–room formula," (Seligson, 2013). An estimated 450 people were inside when the fire
occurred (FEMA, 2011).
2. What were the pre–fire conditions of the building housing The Station Nightclub?
Prior to the fire at the Station nightclub, a crowd of over 400 people was gathered to see a concert
with Great White headling. At 11:07 PM, the lights inside the club were dimmed in preparation for
the headliner band. When the band got on stage, multi–colored lights for the performance were
activated for aesthetic effect. Additionally four pyrotechnic "gerbs" were ignited to get the crowd
excited (Grosshandler, Bryner, Madrzykowski, & Kuntz, 2005, p. 2–1).
3. What were, if any, previous incidents at this building site?
The building had survived for decades without any incident; except for some minor renovations, it
was the same structure that had existed since1946. It was a nightclub named Julio's in the 1970s, and
in 1972 the building was
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Radio Stations Of New Zealand
There are more radio stations in New Zealand per head of population than any other country in the
world. This means individual stations need to jostle for their unique positioning in the market. One
way to evaluate the similarities and differences between radio stations is to conduct a Content
analysis. Radio stations define their market positionings through differences in structure, talk focus,
announcing style, music, advertisements, self–promotion, competitions, types of callers and news
information. We can see this by contrasting Mediaworks hip hop station 'Mai FM' to New Zealand
Media and Entertainment's (NZME) boomers station 'Coast. '
First developed by Harold Lasswell in 1927, Content analysis was initially a way of studying
propaganda in the mass media (Macnamara, 2011). The methodology has evolved over the years,
but the most basic way to describe content analysis is that it summarises any form of content by
counting various aspects of the content (Franzosi, 2008). According to Berelson (as cited in
Macnamara, 2011) some purposes of content analysis include to discover certain trends in
communication texts, to compare media and how they communicate and to predict the effects of
content on audiences. The reason I am using content analysis as oppose to more systematic and
objective approaches is that it allows me to develop precise explanations concerning trends in media
content whereas impressionistic approaches are better for describing the content, as there is no
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Essay on The Station Nightclub Fire West Warwick, Rhode...
The Station Nightclub Fire West Warwick, Rhode Island.
The building of the Station Nightclub was constructed in approximately 1946. Many restorations
and repairs were made to the building since the time of construction by different owners to fulfill
their business needs. The building was a wood–frame construction with wooden shingles on the
exterior walls that also included a flat roof, but the interior walls surrounding the stage were staffed
with sound proof polyurethane insulating foam. Windows were located on the north side of the
building and on the east side of the front entrance. All of the windows had security bars on them
(this could be an issue!). The building had only four doors; a front main door, a bar side exit door, a
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They had to request for mutual aid from the encompassing jurisdictions for any apparatus and
ambulances available. The end result was a combination of 583 fire, EMS, and police personnel
including 57 ambulances (BLS & ALS) and two buses for transportation and shelter.
The Local, State and Federal agencies were called to investigate the Station Nightclub fire incident
and they found many issues. The polyurethane foam that was on the interior walls was the major
factor in the Station Nightclub fire. It was easily ignited and also contributed to a faster fire spread
within the building. According to NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, the interior finish is required to be
Class A or B for general assembly areas with occupant loads of more than 300. It has been
calculated that the number of occupants at the Station Nightclub was around 440–458 people,
obviously well over this limit. The ignition of polyurethane foam gave out a magnitude of smoke
and heat in such a short period of time and created mass chaos, thus resulting in a crowd–wide panic
towards the initial entry point. Also NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, section states that the
main entrance/exit shall be of a width that accommodates one–half of the total occupant load and
shall be at the level of exit discharge or shall connect to a stairway or ramp leading to a street. If the
owner of The Station Nightclub would have
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Who Moved My Cheese By Spencer Johnson
Character Identification In the book Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson, out of the four
main characters, I most resemble the little person Haw. Right away, it was obvious I was not like the
mice. I am a thinker. Sniff and Scurry reacted far too immediately for me. When the change
happened, they were already out in the maze seeing what they could find. Change tends to affect me
more heavily than it did the mice. I tend to use a combination of brainpower and emotion when I am
looking for my Cheese just like Hem and Haw. What makes me more similar to Hem is the reaction
to the change. When the Cheese goes missing, Hem experiences an intense emotional reaction. He
yells and screams because he feels entitled to his Cheese. He had been enjoying the Cheese for so
long that he could not imagine a situation where the Cheese was no longer there for him. Haw's
reaction is much more subtle. He was sad. The Cheese being at Cheese Station C was a measure of
comfort for him, and without it he was left in shock. This is precisely how I react. I tend to count on
all the constant people and situations in my life. If my family, girlfriend, car, apartment, or air
conditioning were ever to withdraw their presence it would leave me in shock. Just like with Haw, it
is not about me having the most powerful of any of the things listed above, but more about my
personal comfort with the current situation. After they find Cheese Station C empty several times,
Hem and Haw disagree again over
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Disadvantages Of Ghost 1.1
When two super hackers decide they want to know more about the secrets hidden away aboard the
Nakamura Space Station they decide to enlist the assistance of a mysterious agent. While her service
doesn't come cheap, she does have the rather useful ability to turn into a digital ghost that can take
control of almost any android. After infiltrating the space station, it is up to you to take control of
Ghost and help her employers to steal one of the greatest electronic secrets ever. Your mission is no
stroll in the park though as the station is brimming with robotic defenses that doesn't take kindly to
intruders. Ghost 1.0 is a 2D Metroidvania title from the same developer behind Unepic. It is also
quite clearly a labor of love that is packed with action, secrets and plenty of humor. Right off the bat
players can choose between two very different game modes. "Classic" is, as the name suggests, a
traditional take on the genre with your character becoming more powerful as the game progresses.
"Survival" on the other hand gives the game a more rogue–like feel by giving you the good stuff
much quicker, but at the cost of losing it all when your character dies. Thanks to the 3D printers
dotted throughout the station it is not a big ... Show more content on ...
Not only are the bosses quite imposing, but defeating them also requires pattern recognition skills
instead of simply blasting away. It is not just the bosses that pose serious threat though as ordinary
enemies can be quite a nuisance in large enough numbers. The station is packed with alarms that
often cannot be avoided and when these are triggered the room you are in will go into lockdown.
Enemies will then proceed to swarm in, which means you'll have to stay alive until your employer is
able to disable the alarm. To make things even more challenging the alarm level goes up each time it
is triggered, but at least you are rewarded if you
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The Station Nightclub Fire Explosion
The Station nightclub fire occurred on February 20, 2003, in West Warwick, RI. The fourth deadliest
nightclub fire in U.S. history, a blaze at The Station nightclub in W. Warwick, RI, on February 20,
2003. The fire was caused by pyrotechnics set off by the tour manager of the evening 's headlining
band Great White, which ignited flammable sound insulation polyurethane foam in the walls and
ceilings surrounding the stage. By this time, the nightclub 's fire alarm had been activated, and
although there were four possible exits, most people headed for the front door through which they
had entered. The rapidly moving fire with intense black smoke engulfed the club in less than 6
minutes. Video footage of the fire shows its ignition, rapid growth, the heavy smoke quickly made
escape impossible, and the exit blockage that further hindered evacuation. The ensuing stampede led
to a crush in the narrow hallway leading to that exit, quickly blocking the exit completely and
resulting in numerous deaths and injuries among the patrons and staff. The toxic smoke, heat and the
stampede of people toward the exits killed 100; 230 were injured and another 132 escaped
uninjured. A total of 462 people were in the club, even though the club 's official licensed capacity
was 404 In the days after the fire, there were considerable efforts to assign and avoid blame on the
part of the band, the nightclub owners, the manufacturers and distributors of the foam material and
pyrotechnics, and
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Write A Narrative Essay On Joining The Panthers
Ever since I saw my son get shot by the dumb cracker from the valley I knew that brother huey was
right. That day I went down the block to go join the movement . At least a more responsive side i've
always been a church going boy ever since I moved to oakland from Mississippi . I moved my
family out here to escape the supremacy but my father was right ''If you ain't a white boy your not
shit to these crackers''. I've followed the passive way and only gotten my ass beat and the people
around me hurt. The one problem with me getting into the panthers was that I was addicted to smack
. You have to be clean to join the panthers that's literally the number one rule of the movement, no
junkies . I know that I can't do the whitemans rehab, I would be addicted to another form of ... Show
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I saw the oakland pd pull out the fire hose and started blasting innocent bystanders with the hos I
saw Miss .Johnson a 87 year old lady get washed down the street and the result was her drowning
and dying from police brutality. I held her in my hands then out of nowhere I got knocked out with a
billy club. I woke up in the south baptist church with huey himself speaking on the podem . He said
'' The policemen or soldiers are only a gun in the establishments hand. They make the racist secure
in his racism. '' This just made me think of all the systematic white supremacy in amerikkka I knew I
had to do something . Huey also said ''Black Power is giving power to people who have not had
power to determine their destiny.'' After his compelling words I talked to him asked where do I sign
up . He said ''you already have my brother were going to get back at those crackers by bombing the
police station they may keep white folk safe but they oppress us and make us a second class citizens.
Just because they don't want to be the same social ladder as a black man. So we must act'' I agreed
on everything he said . My task was to drive the bomb truck into the station if I become a martyr so
what i
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Short Story : ' Quiet, Rich Boy '
"Quiet, rich boy," this one hissed in broken English, scarred face far too close to Vinicio 's for his
comfort, his foul breath and grisly beard alike tickling his nose, "or we 'll take more than just ya
jewelry, ya hear?" Every emotion inside him had frozen, unwilling to come forward to confront any
of the three gleefully pocketing his diamonds, silver, and gold, so he just stood there frozen along
with them; eventually, he closed his eyes to try to save a little of his pride, though this caused the
gang to laugh in earnest before his hair is yanked once more and they ripped his bag off his
shoulder. Horror sets in as Vinicio remembered what is inside that bag – thousands of dollars to
carry him a few months through rent and buying ... Show more content on ...
He was angry: the people in the streets spared him hardly a glance now, and the few he received
echo smugness. His body shook with the throws of the experience, yes, but it also tremored with
rage; once he is back on his feet, literally and financially, he will see to it that this district receives
the worst funding from his family until they are forced to grovel at his feet and plead for even a
glance in their direction.
The pollution in Cairo is as thick as the coral reefs back home, Vinicio soon realized; straying
deeper into this district yielded no progress in finding the elusive tram station. In the recesses of his
mind, he understood that now there was no reward for him in finding the station aside from his own
self–satisfaction for being able to find his way about in this shitty city, but it was a goal to work
towards and that was about all that he had left aside from his battered pride and a lone necklace that
hung so low on his neck that his assaulters hadn 't noticed it. He was relieved that they had left it – it
was a birthday gift from his mother, and its lone sapphire stone feels warm against his skin.
However, the smog against the inside of his lungs itched, the coughs he let out discouraged him of
his own strength increasingly with every heave of his chest, and the scraping of shoes against the
pavement was deafening.
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Analyzing The Video Clip ( S ) Essay
1. Which lesson or lessons are shown in the video clip(s)? Identify the lesson(s) by lesson plan
[ EdTPA Lesson plans 1 and 2 are shown in the video clips.]
2. Promoting a Positive Learning Environment
Refer to scenes in the video clip(s) where you provided a safe, respectful, and organized learning
a. Describe how you provided a positive, low–risk emotionally and physically safe environment.
[ I promote a positive, low–risk and emotionally and physically safe environment in many ways.
The students know the classroom daily expectations, the schools rules, and my personal rules that I
have added sense teaching their class, which in some ways differ from my cooperating teachers
rules. I do not allow students to chew gum during class and the students are not to climb the
bleachers to get equipment that has been thrown up their. I expect students to use appropriate
language and treat others how they would like to be treated. When a student feels he or she was
emotionally or physically hurt they come and report it to me. I then talk to the student(s) invoiced
and help them sort it out. During the soccer lessons, in my expiation of the stations as well as on
some of my station cue cards it has warnings about potential dangerous situation that may occur,
such as flaying soccer balls, trip over cones, crashing into someone who is running. I found with
these warning verbally being said and written down the environment stayed organized and safe. ]
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Rhode Island Fire Research Paper
Rhode Island Nightclub Fire A fire can happen anywhere at any time, if the conditions are right.
These conditions could be, the condition of the building is in, the weather, how many people are in
the structure, or what is going on inside that structure. A fire is defined as the rapid oxidation with
evolution of heat and light (flame) or as an uncontrolled combustion. An investigation happens at
every fire so that way the cause and origin are known (DeHaan, 2). A specific fire happened on
February 20, 2003, at a night in Rhode Island. The night club is called The Station, and this club was
located in West Warwick, Rhode Island, and was holding a concert where the Great White
performed. With all fires investigations occur looking at the fire ... Show more content on ...
Icove. Kirk's Fire Investigation. 7th ed. Saddle River: Pearson, 2012. Print
Madrzykowski, Daniel, Stephen I. Kerber, and Nelson Bryner. "The NIST Station Nightclub Fire
Investigation: Physical Simulation of the Fire." NIST. 1 July 2006. Web. 4 Nov. 2014.
Newman, Michael E. "Final NIST Rhode Island Nightclub Fire Report Urges Strict Adherence to
and Strengthening of Current Model Safety Codes." NIST. 29 June 2005. Web. 4 Nov. 2014.
Newman, Michael E. "NIST Rhode Island Nightclub Fire Investigation Team Calls for
Improvements." NIST. 3 March 2004. Web. 4 Nov. 2014.
Seligson, Susan. "Hell, 10 Years Later." BU Today. N.p., 20 Feb. 2013. Web. 20 Nov. 2014.
"The Station Nightclub Fire." Nation Fire Protection Association. March 2003. Web. 4 Nov.
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My Experience At A Restaurant
My experience at Borgne restaurant In life there are many experiences, good and bad. Good
experiences being those that we vaguely remember and usually forgot as time goes by. And bad
experiences being those that we remember and learn from; which impact and play a very important
role in the life of every chef. No kitchen is perfect, every kitchen is different. It takes time for you to
find the perfect kitchen and get used to the environment. Borgne was one of those bad experiences
that I will never forget. The first day I walked into Borgne, Chef David gave me the usual tour of the
kitchen and the typical introduction to the cooks and the front staff. When I introduced myself as
being a CIA student, one of the chefs laughed and said "ha no CIA student ever makes it in this
kitchen". I responded trying to defend the CIA's reputation by saying "I'm not one of those CIA
students." And that's how it all began. After the group meeting, I was given my black chef coat
(which I hate because you can see everything on them) and nothing else. I was then sent home and
told to be ready for the next day. I spent the entire day thinking about what chef said to me and what
it meant. What did they do wrong, and what I can do to be better than them. "Were they trying to
intimidate me or were they just playing around." This question was brought up multiple times
throughout my experience. Next morning I woke up 3 hours early to figure out the bus system. I was
late that day due to confusion,
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Fordham Road Safety Report
Mr. Baldrich is a surface line dispatcher who regulates lines, takes incident, reports and
communicates with dispatchers. From January 2013 till June of 2014 he was assigned to a fixed post
near Grand Concourse and Fordham Road in the Bronx. On occasion he would leave his fixed post
and go to the surrounding areas. The accident occurred northbound of Grand Concourse,
approximately 50–60 feet off the corner of Fordham Road. On the southbound side of the Concourse
the bus stop accommodates 2 buses and approximately 1 foot away from the bus stop and towards
the sidewalk there is a subway grate. The witness describes the sidewalk area between the grate and
the bus stop as defective because the sidewalk is broken and presents a hazardous condition.
Passengers who are getting off the bus have to step on the area because of the length of the defective
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The bus driver calls the command center; 2. The center reached out to multiple people to hopefully
reach supervisory personnel closest to the area; 3. The supervisor who is closest to the area responds
that he will take care of it; 4. While the bus driver remains in his seat, the dispatcher or the
supervisor will go to the scene to investigate, interview and report; 5. The first interview will be
with the passenger and when completed the supervisor will speak to the bus driver; 6. At the
location the supervisor will make out an incident /accident report (Plaintiff's exhibit 5 dated May 6,
2015) as well as an accident description report (Plaintiff's exhibit 6); 7. The bus operator will fill out
an operators incident report at the end of the tour (Plaintiff's 3 dated May 6 , 2015). All reports
confirm that the plaintiff tripped and fell on the broken sidewalk which the witness based upon his
observation of the area. The witness circled the area where she fell on the original photograph
marked plaintiff's exhibit 1 and 2 on this
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Analysis Of Ernest Hemingway's Hills Like White Elephants
Which Path is Best? Many choices in life can be difficult especially when a person is trying to stay
true to their morals. This quote from an author named Jose Harris states, "Waiting hurts. Forgetting
Hurts. But not knowing which decision to take can sometimes be the most painful" (Harris). These
choices throughout life are what make or break individuals. Many people struggle with whether
their choices were right or followed along with their morals. Some decisions are required to take
more time to figure out, some decisions have lifelong consequences if the correct choice is not
correctly decided. These choices can have effects on other people outside of just the person that is
making the decision, this causes a person to be weary of their choices. In Ernest Hemingway's story,
"Hills Like White Elephants," he explains his approach to the different elements pertaining to the
setting, character, conflicts, symbols, and foreshadowing in the story. In Hemingway's story, he
shows the struggles of making decisions and the consequences they can have on an individual's life.
In Hemingway's story, he creates the setting in which he writes, "It was very hot and the express
from Barcelona, would arrive in forty minutes. It stopped at this junction for two minutes, and went
to Madrid," this setting creates the vision that the characters of the story are waiting in a train station
somewhere in Spain. Further the story explains what the characters are doing, they are drinking and
conversing back and forth about a seemingly life altering situation (Loveboat). There are two
different sides to the station, one side is deciduous and lush with woods. The other side of the station
is explained as being dry and not green, this sets the stage for the different arguments that the
characters may have about the decision. The character explained in the story are two different
varying viewpoints on the topic that is portrayed in the story. On the one side of Hemingway's story
the character Jig is viewed as woman facing a difficult decision and almost being pushed to come up
with a solution to it. It is almost as if she is being coerced into a decision that is not hers. This line
from Hemingway's story exemplifies this example of
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Killer Show By John Barylick
Introduction: The book assigned to me for this assignment was Killer Show by John Barylick. It 's
an informative non–fictional book. It tells the real life tragedy of the fatal "Station" nightclub fire in
West Warwick, Rhode Island. The story is told using flashbacks and analysis in each chapter of the
book. Before I started reading this book I was intrigued because the main events in this story are in
the 21st century. This is unlike the other books that could have been assigned to me. The date of this
horrific tale was February 20, 2003. The book goes in detail about the history of the Station, what
was the cause of the fire, how people escaped the fire and the aftermath of the fire. Barylick is a
respected Providence, Rhode Island lawyer. After the fire, he was one of the lawyers that
represented the many victims of the fire. Therefore, he knows how much this fire affected the West
Warwick community. He has researched the public record of the fire 's investigation which allows
him to point out those at fault. There were ownership issues, fire marshal issues and sustainability
issues that caused such a disaster. The focus of this story that changed the built environment.
Although this is a troubling story there is much to be learned from it. What Happened in the Book:
"The Station" building was far from brand new when the 2003 fire occurred. It was used as a navy
bar during World War II (Barylick 7). The building has a long history. The building became a club in
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Short Story Of Aemilianus
On a Monday morning as Aemilianus Priyanka was prancing home his mom Tamrat Priyanka called
him and asked why he is failing his classes and struck his teacher Mr. Naomhán Afon František
Comgal Ó Cochláin right across the top of his head. This lead to his mom demanding him to go to
his room and think of what he has done. Aemilianus refused and this made his mom turn into the
devil. Aemilianus said to his mom " I never follow the rules in school so why is this a surprise to
you" Tamrat Said "Don't make me smack you upside the head little boy." Later on that day Tamrat
goes upstairs to check on Aemilius and apologies for how she acted and she saw the window open
with a rope made of bed sheets hanging out of the window his mom yelled " I'll skin that boy alive
next time I see him!" As Tamrat was walking downstairs she heard a loud BOOM and she saw
Aemilianus on the floor unconscious. She grabbed him and threw him with all her might inside the
house and grabbed a bucket of water and poured it all over Aemilianus which lead to him waking up
and drenched from all that water. Tamrat was so angry she said " I dare you run again and see what
happens little boy". Tamrat left him off easy today because she thought she was too harsh but she
still grounded him from his Tv, Phone, and video games . So it's a couple weeks later and
Aemilianus went to hang out with his friends, so they went to eat at a fast food place and then go
under the bridge after that. But Aemilianus didn't know
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Essay about Station Fire
Synopsis In West Warwick Rhode Island, on February 20th, 2003, during the performance of the
band Great White, a fire broke out that eventually claimed the lives of 100 people and injured an
additional 200. The band's tour manager arranged for, and ignited pyrotechnic props, large fireworks
designed to display a shower of sparks. The sparks ignited foam soundproofing near stage. The fire
spread quickly. Most were killed either in the crush to exit the building or overcome by fumes while
trying to find an exit. The immediate cause was well documented due to witness reports and a
videotape that was taken during the concert. In the period that followed the tragedy there were many
attempts to fix blame. Following a Grand Jury ... Show more content on ...
Several handheld extinguishers are located at various points in the club. There was no fire
suppression system. Sprinklers had never been installed. There is some debate over whether the
Station was required to have a sprinkler installed. The Station had recently received an inspection by
West Warwick Fire Marshal Dennis Laroque. The owners were cited for several violations including
expired fire extinguishers and some that needed to be hung along with gasoline stored inside the
building. In his statements to police, Laroque says that the critical violation that he was concerned
about was the exit door near the stage. It had a second inner door that did not have panic hardware
attached and opened into the showroom. They had been previously cited and had removed the door
to pass follow–up inspections only to replace it shortly after. The occupancy capacity for the Station
is also up for debate. There are notations in West Warwick permitting documents as low as 253 and
as high as 404. The NIST estimates that 2003 model codes would place occupancy at about 430
people with no tables and chairs. Estimates of the crowd on the night of the fire range from 440 to
458. Attorney General, Patrick Lynch's office puts the number at 458. Pyrotechnics and Foam The
pyrotechnics that ignited the fire were designed to spray sparks 15 feet for 15 seconds. The two that
were mounted at outward angles ignited foam that had
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How To Write A Story Chapter 1
I needed to assess the situation. I thought back to the time when I was with Salim at the eye and
realized that I never saw him get on the Eye. If we couldn't see Salim come out of the capsule and he
wasn't still in it, then that means he never got in it! I immediately shared my brilliance with Kat.
"But why would he not get on?" "Maybe because the ticket wasn't his! The real question is where he
went." I sprinted to the security guard by the gate to the eye with Kat close behind. "Did you see a
young man, about 10 years old, wearing a green t–shirt and a pair of blue jeans around here?"
"Yeah. Andy, the head guard took him to the police station for using a fake ticket. Did you know
him?" Kat and I started to jog towards the police ... Show more content on ...
The alarm was blaring louder now. I was hyperventilating and worried. I pulled him out and started
to run home with Kat and Salim when we stopped dead in our tracks.
A man stood in front of us. Another stranger. Couldn't trust him, couldn't trust the man who gave
Salim the ticket. We can't trust anyone that we didn't know.
As I looked at the man he had an innocent aura around him, but I had a feeling he was going to call
the guards on us. We stood there for a couple of moments, just staring at each other. Suddenly I
could feel the tugging of Salim and Kat. I snapped back into action and started to sprint.
I looked back and could see and hear the man shouting. It can't be long before someone comes to get
us. Around the corner of the building I could see the guard, presumably Andy running towards us
and gaining. The security guard looked as scary as a biker. I dragged Salim to an alleyway with Kat
close behind. I jumped up on the fence and tried to vault over it but failed miserably. I could hear it
laughing at me like I was a clown in a circus. Scrunched up my face and tried once more. I could
hear shouting and glanced behind me to see him getting closer.
I finally got over and could see Salim and Kat at the end of the alley. " Come on!" Salim shouted as
he rounded the corner. My chest was heaving by the time I reached them. We ran to the stairway to
the subway and peered out to see if Andy had followed us.
Andy gave a few glances
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A Comparison Of The Film 'Lion, And The MovieLion'
In the heart racing film 'Lion' directed by Garth Davis and the novel 'Lion' written by the man who
this books and film was based on, Saroo Brierley himself scrutinize the theme 'lost' in identical
ways. The book and film are both based on a young boy who faces the worst fear of any young child
and that is being lost in a country in millions. Saroo Brierley was lost in India and did not know the
name of the city. Throughout the book it describes more in depth about Saroo being lost compared
to the film as it displays the theme lost through watching not listening. In the book Saroo was picked
up from the detention centre and claimed young Saroo as 'lost' "In the end, without knowing who I
was or where I'd come from, they declared my status as 'Lost'" (Brierley, Saroo 'Lion' pg 68).
However, Garth Davis staunchly demonstrates the theme in the film using Mise–en–scène which is
camera angles and lighting highlighting that Saroo is lost. When Saroo is in the train station the high
angle filming shows that there are hundreds of people in the station and it was hard to see Saroo.
The lighting was balanced out making it hard to find him as there is no spotlight shining on him,
showing that he is just a spec in the huge crowd. There was a part in the movie and book where
Saroo was asked by someone if he wanted to stay with them for a bit and provide food and shelter,
naively he accepted because he knew that being lost on the streets is much worse, however, this was
not the case,
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Aunty Is Dating Daddy?
Once upon a time there lived a young timid girl named Bonnie living in the fine city of Chicago.
One summer evening, while Bonnie was singing to the birds and procrastinating, her alcoholic
father came home with someone who looked very familiar. It was not unusual for him to come home
with a mistress, but Bonnie found this quite surprising. It was her aunt, Whitney Houston, the sister
of her beloved mother. While Bonnie was face–timing her mother, she asked her "Mom....Did you
know that aunty is dating daddy?" Her mother instantly began to weep, and as her tears glistened on
Bonnie's iPad, Bonnie began to feel a fire ignite in her heart. She decided to do it, she had to kill her
father. She decided to get her best friends help, Dylan Houn. ... Show more content on ...
A smile that could light up Dylan's Head. Bonnie was sitting in her living room chair, skyping with
her friends. For some reason her friend that was also conveniently named Whitney, wanted her
friends to write her a fictional story. And as Bonnie was writing a story for her dear friend, the
police rushed into the house and cuffed Bonnie. As they drove her to the police station, Bonnie
already started scheming her escape. She called Dylan with her one phone call, and the plan had
begun. While she was behind the cold iron bars, she heard a commotion outside the station. She
smiled as she knew her plan was coming into fruition. Dylan called up his gang, The Fabled Houns,
and set up an attack on the station. Using the power of Gamer Rage and educated debate, they
stormed into the station demanding the release of Bonnie Le. The police had no choice to agree as
the Houns influence was too much for them to handle. Bonnie was to be release, and she was on the
way home when Dylan suddenly looked at her and said "Why do I do this for you?" Then, Bonnie's
biggest challenge approached her, as she felt that Dylan won't be a reliable sidekick anymore. Dylan
glared at Bonnie, realizing her lack of gratitude toward him. "AT least say thank you Bonnie, how
many times have I saved you" Bonnie was
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Delphos Research Paper
The world of transportation is constantly evolving. Innovators all over the world are trying to find to
create new forms of transportation that is fast and efficient. One innovator, Elon Musk, has created
the Hyperloop; a new idea for transportation of passengers and cargo. The Hyperloop travels the
country within tubes allowing passengers and cargo to enter and exit at specific locations throughout
the country. It travels faster than the speed of an airplane at the price of a bus ticket. The one–
million dollar donation provided by the Board of Education should fund the creation of a Hyperloop
station in Delphos.
As awareness of pollution and global warming increases, an environmentally safe form of
transportation is needed. Almost all forms ... Show more content on ...
Centers of transportation tend to be popular spots for business. A popular phrase used by the
Hyperloop team is, "When cities become metro stops, regions will flourish." Since businesses would
have quick and easy access to the rest of the nation, they would be able to buy/sell products and
services easily with anyone in the nation. This will encourage many businesses to move to Delphos
creating a large amount of jobs for people in the area. Also, with a large amount of businesses, the
people of Delphos will have an increase in their income due to businesses competing for skilled
workers in the area. Not only will the station help new business and factories, it will also help the
many farmers sell their crops to new markets across the nation. When a break from work is needed,
anyone who can afford a bus ticket can get on the Hyperloop and be almost anywhere in the nation
within hours.
One of the concerns with spending money on this project are the Hyperloop has not come into to full
design yet. While this may be true, many tests have been performed in order to bring the project to
reality. The motor system has already undergone successful tests and full system tests are to be
conducted within the next few weeks. The Hyperloop is expected to become fully active in 2021; the
scale of the Hyperloop system is then expected to grow rapidly throughout the rest of the country.
With the project projected to be very successful, the Hyperloop system should span nationwide by
the year of
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The Night of Fire
The Night (Fire engine, boys, rain)
April 24th, 2012; the sound of the news on the television hums in the background drowned out by
people talking and laughing. Fire Station 141 is buzzing with life; everything is in calm and
peaceful; when suddenly a loud screaming sound rings through the brick walls. All of the men in the
station startle to attention and rush around in organized chaos. The shuffling of boots on the smooth
concrete floors and ruffling of thick fire suits is drowned out by the resounding alarm. The men pile
into the large red trucks and screech out of the station. The alarm becomes silent and the station is
abandoned and the only sound it the news humming in the background. The men hardly fit in the
small quarters of the truck. The smell of burnt rubber and gasoline fill the cramped space. The sirens
atop the thick metal roof of the truck bounce back and forth on houses and cars nearby. Dark clouds
start to form above the speeding truck and soon the rain is playing a soft beat on the roof. The cold
weather creates a pale fog against the window. Everything starts to slow down and become faded,
the dark night outside the window now is everywhere and a group of boys are playing baseball. The
ball is a dirty cream color and is throwing off water as it spins through the air, then smack it hits a
leather glove with an explosion of water up into a young boy's smiling face. There is a newspaper on
the ground that is soaked but the date says April 24th, 1986.
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12 Day Essay
Twelve days. It's been twelve days since I arrived in Sceclestus City and I'm no closer to escaping.
I've been unable to go back to the subway and get that book. Felix is always around as if he's afraid
I'll run and he's right to be afraid. The first chance I get, I'm running straight for that subway. I've
been fixing guns and lasers for the past three days and we finally have enough to trade, meaning I
get to leave the apartment and actually breathe some fresh air. I'm standing outside a gloomy shop. It
appears as if it used to be a bakery of some type. There are faded painting of cakes and cupcakes on
the cracked windows. I'm outside with Thorn as Felix hides the electronics in the building
somewhere. He said if we take the goods with us, we'll most likely get shot, but this way, we have
some insurance. ... Show more content on ...
"Uh, such a shame. I was really hoping to meet your master mind behind this," Panther confesses.
"More like take them," Thorn shouts, taking a bold step forward. Her muscles were tight and ready
for a fight. "Can we just get on with the trade instead of talking about someone who isn't even
here?" "Oh, Thorn. Your father named you well. You always have such nice things to say, but you
are right. No need to stand here and chat. After all, none of us want to be out here when the sun goes
down," Panther agrees. I sigh, relieved. I want to get out of here, just as much as the rest of them,
especially when I'm the one they want. I step back around the corner when I feel the presence of
someone behind me, but it's too late to react. A muscular arm hooks around my neck, choking me
and taking away my ability to cry for help. Another arm twists around my waist, closing the space
between me and my attacker. I instantly fight, but the grip around my neck tightens and I wince,
unable to breath. "Now, angel, I would be very grateful if you didn't struggle," a deep, seductive
voice breaths in my
... Get more on ...
Texoil Negotiation Exercise Essay
Reflection Paper – Texoil
For the Texoil negotiation, I was in the role of the Service Station Owner. As such, my main
objective was to sell the station and get the best possible agreement. My BATNA was $400,000,
which represented an offer from British Petroleum and my resistance point was $413,000 after tax,
which represented the cost of my trip. My target was $488,000, which included an additional
$75,000 to help tie me over until I found a job upon my return. This resistance point represents a
purely financial alternative. However, there were several other criteria or interests other than strictly
financial which could have been satisfied through non–financial means. My underlying interest or
reason for selling the station was ... Show more content on ...
It meant I could quickly make counter offers and explore areas that I knew I was prepared to be
flexible on.
What surprised me the most about our behavior was how well we collaborated. At the beginning of
the negotiation, I usually spend a bit of time trying to assess how the other party will negotiate
(compete, collaborate, or subordinate). From the beginning of the negotiation, it was very clear that
Texoil valued our relationship, was very interested in me coming back to work for them, was
concerned about my wife, and was interested in my future plans. This created the right tone for
collaborating. This created a basis of trust and openness, which led to creative options, which would
not have been possible if one party decided to negotiate competitively. Both parties did a good job
of asking questions to delve at the underlying interests, which allowed for give and take, and
enabled each side to put forth proposals which could be openly considered. If the tone of the
negotiation had been different, I think the Negotiator's Dilemma might have prevented information
from coming out and prevented interests to surface, and thus prevented creative solutions.
What I learned about myself was that I was effective at using nibbling as a tactic. I would keep
going back to how I was dissatisfied with the amount of the loan outstanding and then try to
leverage my dissatisfaction to gain a concession from the other party. I would complain and then
remain quiet and see
... Get more on ...

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The Problem Of The Worst Trouble I Have Ever Been Since

  • 1. The Problem Of The Worst Trouble I Have Ever Been Since The Worst Trouble I Have Ever Been In When you are younger you seem to get in to trouble every time you turn around, but there is always that one time you will never be able to forget. Well that certain time for me personally was during my freshman year of high school. A couple of friends and I decided we were going to skip school on this certain day, and just ride around town for the day. Little did I know this would be the worst mistake of my life. Our ditch day started out just like any other, I woke up got ready for school, and started my morning drive to the town of Clinton. I was a nervous wreck during the drive, the worst case scenarios were racing through my head. I should have listened to my gut then, because ... Show more content on ... After much debate and arguing we finally decided we would just gather up what money we had between us, and ride some backroads for the entire day. We all whipped out our wallets and scrounged up every cent we had, which came out to be almost forty five dollars. So we drove to the gas station, spent ten dollars on snacks and drinks for the day, and put the other thirty five in gas. We could not have been happier with the way everything was panning out. We pulled out of the gas station and headed down Bolton Brownsville road, we drove for about an hour or so before we started to get bored. Then one of my friends suggested we head back in to Clinton and go to the old race track off of the frontage road. We all agreed that it sounded like a great idea, because we knew there were a few good mud holes out there that we could try my new tires in. So after about another thirty minute drive we pulled into the old race track. We parked my truck out of sight and walked down to the abandoned track, we walked on the track for a while, and then decide to go get back in the truck and hit a few mud hole we had spotted on the walk. So there we were again back in the truck, we rounded the corner of the first trail, and here was the first hole. It wasn't very big only about 15ft long and seemed to be mostly water, I dropped my truck in to four wheel drive high low range, and crept through the first hole with ease. We were all laughing and having a good ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Station 43: A Short Story Station 43 was positioned on what was once the east coast, well it was still the east coast, only different. It had been different ever since the virus of 2016 wiped out two thirds of the population leaving families desperate for hope. Hope would not come in a vaccine, and my story is not about a virus. The virus was only the breeding ground for Torque to offer a new kind of hope. People were desperate during those days with caused a drug epidemic of epic proportion. Street drugs caused more damage than any virus ever could. People with an addictive personality wanted a way to cope with life, to cope with the loss of loved ones due to illness, the loss of our government, and the loss of structure causing them to seek any quick fix. My father was one of those people. After my mother died, well, ... Show more content on ... She was cute. "Do they now?" she asked. "Friend's yours?" "No, but I have heard them whisper," I returned. Black Widows was what the rebels called the ones who volunteered to take our donations. The rebels did not approve. They wanted to hold on to the way things used to be. They were depressed. Edgy. Violent. Resentful. Disrespectful. T–r–o–u–b–l– e. If you were smart, you avoided the shadow rebels. New girls laugh was like a musical instrument, causing sweet vibrations to skid along my spine. "I am not a Black Widow," she said. She wiggled her fingers. "I promise, I don't spin webs or eat males." The odor of rubbing alcohol stung my nostrils as she soaked a cotton swab with it. New girl wore latex gloves. She ripped open a package and prepared the syringe, her eyes cast downward. "By the way, you said pretty," she added fixated on what she was doing, her contribution to The Station and to Peace. I had embarrassed her. It showed in her cheeks–a soft dusty rose color. Nope, no black widow there. Only soft perfect skin and burst of color within all the white. I decided right then and there that new girl was the anomaly ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Feelings of Love and Hate for Coworkers We all have those people at work that we love and wish we could work with every single day, then we have the other ones were we wish we never had to deal with them ever again and hope they fall off the face of the earth. They can be good sometimes but most of the time you just wish you could tell them to leave and never come back. Whether its due to their attitude towards the job or agents you, and act like they are a manager when they don't even know how to do anything, to even that they can't perform their job at the standards that are necessary to accomplish the tasks. Are reason I dislike working with them. We have this one employee who always hates her job and never wants to be there and complains when she works more than 35 hours but then she complains when she has less than 25. And always called in sick. Granted most people deep down probably hate their job but they don't sit there all day and complain about it. I've been there two years in April. And she by far has had the worse attitude towards the job then anybody who has ever worked there. She has been told before when she was trying to find people to work for her that she would call in sick just so she didn't have to work on a day that we are supposed to be really busy that she will be suspended for a week if she tries to do that. We have another person who has been there for less than six months. And at work she hates my guts but outside of work we get along pretty well. She claims that its cause i'm mean and ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Teaching Notes Texoil Teaching Notes By Stephen B. Goldberg Texoil is a two–party, quantified transactional negotiation with integrative potential. The owners of a service station would like to sell their station, and a large oil and gas company would like to buy it. The stations owners are tired of the responsibilities of ownership and want to take a two year sailing trip around the world, while they are still young enough to enjoy such a trip. The oil and gas company is in the midst of a strategic expansion, buying independent service stations, and turning them into mini service marts. are not written up in their role materials; however, they should use the information they have creatively. The most striking learning point of the exercise is the ... Show more content on ... 4. Ask if revealing didn't make them feel vulnerable. The point of this line of questioning is to help students discover the kind of information that provides a basis for creating value, (i.e., not information about bottom line, but about interests and priorities). 5. The question about feeling vulnerable raises the issue of trust. Ask whether trust was established, and how. Generally, trust results from the process of reciprocal information sharing, and proposals that are responsive to information shared. To make the job offer, either the Texoil representative must reveal information about Texoil's long term strategy, and/or the station owner must reveal plans for a two year sabbatical. There are a number of other things that can be added to make the bargaining zone overlap, including health care, oil and gas for the trip, a line of credit for boat repairs, and putting TEXOIL on the hull or sails. All of these creative ideas, that create value because they are of low cost to one party and high value to the other party, require information to be discovered. 6. Which agreements are better than others? We usually do not point out particular agreements, but speak generally. Better agreements in terms of value creation are ones that have many of the features listed above. Better agreements in terms of value claiming are ones where Texoil pays less than $500,000 cash and it gives the job and other items,
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  • 18. White Elephant Symbolism The short story 'Hills Like White Elephant' starts with detailed description of a train station in Spain which turns into a dialog between an unmarried couple about an abortion. The story setting plays a big role in how the characters will act and how they will express their feelings. Along with the setting location, the time also plays an important role in the story. Hemingway uses a lot of symbols and figurative language of speech, so the time of the story was not clear for most of the readers. However, the story happened during the mid day during a very hot summer day which has a very important symbolism in the story. The mid–day represents that the day is not over, which symbolizes that they not have made they decision. The couple were at a critical moment of their relationship, which is when they must decide whether or not to have an abortion. Certain themes arise from this story such as choices and their consequences, doubt and ambiguity. "The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white. On this side there was no shade and no trees and the station was between two lines of rails in the sun. [...] The American and the girl with him sat at a table in the shade, outside the building. It was very hot and the express from Barcelona would come in forty minutes. It stopped at this junction for two minutes and went to Madrid" (Page 176) The girl views having the child as a blessing and a great gift. However, the American sees it as an expenses and an obligation to ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Killer Show By John Barylick Introduction: The book assigned to me for this assignment was Killer Show by John Barylick. It 's an informative non–fictional book. It tells the real life tragedy of the fatal "Station" nightclub fire in West Warwick, Rhode Island. The story is told using flashbacks and analysis in each chapter of the book. Before I started reading this book I was intrigued because the main events in this story are in the 21st century. This is unlike the other books that could have been assigned to me. The date of this horrific tale was February 20, 2003. The book goes in detail about the history of the Station, what was the cause of the fire, how people escaped the fire and the aftermath of the fire. Barylick is a respected Providence, Rhode Island ... Show more content on ... Overtime, there were numerous noise complaints from nearby institutions. Julian had to figure out a way to avoid losing is club due to the noise. After a while he found his solution. According to Barylick, " [Julian] took remnants of soiled red carpet from the club and put them up on the walls as a backing material" (204). Julian then decided to nail foam on the walls to keep the sound insulated. There weren 't very many noise complaints after this. The foam served its ' purpose, but a few years later it would be a serious fire hazard. In the year 2000, Michael and Jeffery Derderian bought the nightclub from Julian. Despite their lavish lifestyles, they were very frugal when it came to their business ventures. They were notorious for not being credible businessmen. It 's no surprise that they mishandled the structure that they bought. When they analyzed their investment, they noticed the foam on the walls. The Derderians decided to just place another layer of foam on the wall (Barylick 129). There were two different types of foam applied. One was polyethylene (PE) and the other was polyurethane (PU). They are both flammable and illegal on structure walls. The local fire marshal, Denis Larocque, would ignored this many times when he did inspections on the nightclub. He even increased the Station 's occupancy from 317 people to 404 people. The Derderian brothers were very happy about this because they could make more money. Larocque didn ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. The Story Of My Life They began talking about writing people up regarding certified pieces and his leave time having to be put in on a Friday. He said "No, things are fine," regarding writing people up." He was talking about her cursing at him earlier in the morning and she said, "This is how we do." He will say it and she will deny it to the fullest. He said, "you her hear right?" He said, "Let him get out of here," joking and she said, "yeah before you get yourself in trouble because of what I'm smelling." He points to the water bottle on her desk and says, "you sure it not you, or what you got in there." She said, "Get out of here," and then he left. I was send back out to help Marina on Route 9. The following day July 18th I completed a piece on Route ... Show more content on ... She looks at Ram and then tells me to keep her posted. We all go home. Alberto texts me at 1:05pm on the 21st and "Hey what time are you getting here?" I said, "It's looking really bad for me today. It's taking much longer than expected." He replies, "Sorry ma, the manager wants you to bring your badge, they letting you go." I said, "I don't have a badge but okay thank you for letting me know." He said, "I feel bad. I know you must be going through something." I said, "Its fine. I'll be okay." Then I wrote, "wait how she can fire me for being out of work one day? One of them wrote from his phone "Your on 90 day probation, for the past 2 days you've been coming in an hour and a half late." I responded, "I was only late yesterday." He or she replies, "and today." Then he wrote, "Sorry been busy in here, but yeah, that's how they work. I don't agree with it. Then I replied, "If I came in there drinking like most of them then I would have fit right in and had no problem." He replied, "Don't say that ma." Made this statement because it seems that the people that are doing the right thing at the station are the ones that are getting into reprimanded. However, the people that should be in reprimanded are not. I have come in every day and done whatever was asked of me. I never complaint about having to do the duties asked of me. All I asked was to ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Personal Narrative Reflection : My Experience For A Groom In all honesty, I believe that the delivery of my lesson was quite boring for my peers. Since the station activities were complex and required a lot of explanation, they did not get the opportunity to complete any of the station activities. Nevertheless, we did have time to play Bingo, but many of my peers seemed bored. I am hoping that this was due to the fact that my lesson was the last one to be presented and my peers were just burnt out. On the other hand, I truly enjoyed presenting and explaining my lesson because I felt as though it was one of the best lessons that I had developed in EDU 354. Most of the feedback that I received was very positive and there were a few students who informed me that they would love to teach this lesson. With that being said, I think that my lesson went very well! I felt very prepared for this lesson, mostly because I was super excited to share it with my peers and also because I spent quite a bit of time gathering and organizing my materials. Furthermore, I believe that the way that I developed my lesson, helped me to stay organized and prepared to teach it. I began by finding a standard and developing an objective from the standard. From there, I developed my formative assessment pieces, which were the activities for the stations. While I was developing the station activities, I realized that I needed an anticipatory set, and that's when I decided that a video would be a nice change of pace from the worksheet based station activities. I loved how creative and engaging the video was, and my professor and peers agreed! Once the station activities were developed, I moved on to create the independent practice activity, which I decided to make Bingo, because who does not love a good game of Bingo? The closure consisted of a quick review of the material. I know that this process worked well, because I was able to process everything in a logical manner, and my assessments were directly derived from the objective, meaning that they will be testing the students' knowledge of the objective. One aspect of my lesson that worked well was the Bingo game. My peers were very interested in playing the game and many of them were getting the answers correct. Many of them made comments on ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. The Tragedy Of Timothy Lawrence There was no question about it. Helios was doomed. Timothy Lawrence could feel the massive space station shudder as it started to be pulled towards the surface of that hated planetb Pandora. As soon as he saw Jack's face appear on all the monitors in their apartment he had gone to his computer to try to get the digital man's attention. Thus far, he had been unsuccessful and now, for some reason, Helios was going down. He cursed loudly as he typed frantically at the terminal's keyboard. "Jack. Jack you ASSHOLE. Answer me!" Never before had he regretted not learning more about computers than he did right now. The monitor blipped on with that strange image of his departed lover he had seen elsewhere in the station. He all translucent and blue, like the digitized versions of himself he had given Tim to use in combat so many years ago. "Timothy," Jack's large, expressive eyes widened. "Baby, Oh my god. I am so glad to see that you're alright, Kitten. Holy shit, you look different." Leave it to whatever this version of Jack was to be concerned at such a time with how different his body double looked. He no longer wore the mask that made him his partner's double. The very bolts that held it in place had been removed, leaving pink, scarred flesh in their place. As he was quite a bit younger than his lover, he had always had to dye in the streaks of gray into his otherwise brown hair. With Jack absent, he had stopped doing so. That, and he had cut his hair into a short ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Ernest Hemingway 's Hills Like White Elephants Greek philosopher Epictetus has been quoted to say, "We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak." In "Hills Like White Elephants", Ernest Hemingway explores the idea of the importance of communication and the detrimental effect of the lack–of. Throughout the story, the young couple seems to dance around the difficult conversation they must have before the train comes. Their lack of conversation leads to the assumed end of their relationship. Although the story is quite short, the theme is made apparent through Hemingway's rich description of the setting and the choice to use alcohol as a motif throughout. Hemingway's vivid description of the setting helps support the over–arching theme of the importance of communication, by creating the perfect backdrop to an imperfect situation. "Hills Like White Elephants" takes place in a train station in Spain. Hemingway opens up the story with a description of the setting thus proving the importance of the setting itself. The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white. On this side there was no shade and no trees and the station was between two lines of rails in the sun. (475) Hemingway uses the landscape to set the tone of the story. The train station is hot and sunny; the reader sees only barren landscape with white hills in the background. Hemingway continues to set the scene of the story describing the station as, "very hot" (475). The reader feels almost as uncomfortable as the ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Summary Of ' Who Moved My Cheese ' Throughout this paper I will be giving a synopsis for a book entitled Who Moved My Cheese, as well as answering questions that relate to the story. The story is a parable which stresses the importance of being able to adapt to change. The story includes four main characters: two mice, Sniffy and Scurry, and two little people, Hem and Haw. All four characters inhabit a maze, and spend their time seeking out cheese. The story peaks as both the mice and humans stumble upon a vast amount cheese at Cheese Station C. After finding the cheese the two humans become content with their find, and stop searching for more. In contrast the mice continue their search for cheese. The humans begin to become use to the vast amount of cheese, thus they begin a pattern of consuming the cheese without resupplying it. Eventually the cheese diminishes until there is none left. This slow decline of cheese is no surprise to the mice. Through observation during the period where both humans and mice consume the cheese, the mice mentally prepare themselves for the depletion of cheese. The mice then leave Cheese Station C to search for more cheese. Hem and Haw react differently to being void of cheese once again. When they arrive to Cheese Station C they are shocked to find out they do not have any more cheese. Hem becomes angry and proposes that someone has moved their cheese. After returning next day, it becomes confirmed to Hem and Haw that the cheese is gone. Haw proposes that they should ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Understand If You Are Arrested What to Understand if You Are Arrested How the Legal System Works Being arrested for a crime is one of the most upsetting events that can happen. One minute, you are free, and the next you are taken away in handcuffs, separated from your house and loved ones, and imprisoned. You lose everything: your own clothing and personal belongings, your identification, and mostly, your freedom. Your feelings run the gamut from helpless and afraid to disoriented and confused. Here is what you need to understand if you are arrested. That understanding, along with having a skilled criminal defense lawyer, will help you overcome those feelings of confusion and fear and survive "the system". 1. Post–Arrest Timeline After you have been arrested for ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Incendiary Fire Analysis and Investigation Summary of the Incident On February 20, 2003, at 23:10 hours, the West Warwick, Rhode Island fire department was dispatched to a structure fire at 211 Cowesett Avenue (Grosshandler, Bryner, Madrzykowski, & Kuntz, 2005). The structure was the location of "The Station" nightclub, which contained an estimated 458 occupants, which was above the maximum allowed occupancy of 404 which was established by the City of West Warwick (Grosshandler et al., 2005). The fire resulted in a massive loss of life as 96 people died at the scene, 3 died within days, and one person died 70 days later, bringing the death toll to 100 persons (Grosshandler et al., 2005). The large crowd was present at the nightclub to witness a performance of the rock band "Great White", who used pyrotechnics during the performance which directly contributed to the ignition of polyurethane foam panels that were installed in the building by the club owners to serve as soundproofing. As the fire began to grow occupants began to panic and immediately headed for the exits. The majority of the occupants attempted to use the front main exit which was composed of a set of double doors, which led to a corridor, which included a single door that exited to the outside of the building (Grosshandler et al., 2005). The exit was quickly blocked as occupants began to stack up at the exit. The fire rapidly spread throughout the occupancy and the structure quickly become untenable. The investigation includes a complete fire ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Smartcard Frameworks Disservices and Risks A smartcard framework additionally has weaknesses as far as money related and work force assets. The framework in all likelihood requires a critical capital responsibility and yearly working expenses may increment. Travel offices not just battle with diverting capital from other vital activities, but on the other hand are tested by supporting complex backend frameworks with extraordinarily talented data innovation faculty and by giving the offices and extra faculty for extending client benefits and related help. There are likewise chances related with a smartcard passage accumulation framework. The essential dangers incorporate those related with saving and securing budgetary and client information. Smartcard frameworks process, gather and store extremely touchy information, for example, approving and handling credit/charge deals, gathering passage installment exchanges and putting away client individual data. There are many dangers intrinsic with overseeing charge installment preparing and related information frameworks including dangers of both inside and outside robbery, the wrongful and unlawful utilization of this information and the risk and advertising worries of not sufficiently sheltered guarding the arrival of client data. While many travel organizations have tended to these issues satisfactorily, the dangers are ever– present in a framework like this and require assets. Fare distribution Tickets and Tokens, bravo trip (incorporates exchange), might be bought in sets of five or ten. The sets of five and ten are sold at the base cost. Tickets are printed paper for visual investigation by Station Authorities and Surface Vehicle Operators and tokens are hand crafted metal for dropping in and actuating a Subway gate or dropping into Subway or Surface Vehicle fareboxes. Month to month passes, useful for boundless go on all general TTC administrations for a timetable month, are accessible for buy at Adult, Senior and Understudy costs. Metro passes are currently transferable, yet any Student or on the other hand Senior introducing a Student or Senior Metro pass must demonstrate a qualified personal ID, if asked. The passes have attractive strips with encoded pass data and might be ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Murder Process Analysis If you just committed murder and need help getting out of this sticky situation, you are in luck. There are a few easy steps that can help you get out of your dilemma. Just specifically follow the three steps of what to do, and the few things of what not to do, and you will be perfectly fine. For example, get rid of all the evidence such as fingerprints and weapons, dispose of the body in little pieces, and keep quiet while staying out of the spotlight. First off any finger prints, blood stains, or any piece of evidence must be dealt with. If you can get sulfuric acid, use it. This burns off the skin and any trace of finger prints that you may have left on the body. If you have a lot of prints on the body pour a lot of it, no need to be stingy with the sulfuric acid. If you have prints on the weapon, wipe them down and clean it as well as possible. Tip: use a cleaning lotion and wipe it down so that it looks good as ... Show more content on ... You have to get rid of the body somehow or another. Do not panic and just dump the body off somewhere it will be found and then run off. Use your head and think, you need to dump it somewhere it will not be seen again. It is easier if you have the body in smaller sections. If you cut the body up, it is easiest to use a chainsaw. It may make more of a mess but it is faster. This will need to be done outside because of the mess. Be sure to wash off the chain saw and clean the outside by hosing it down thoroughly. Next, burn all the blood stained clothes or any materials blood got on. The easiest way to get rid of the body is open water such as, a lake or ocean. Be sure to use a lot of weight to hold the body down. The water will cause the pieces of the body to come apart easier as the fish and other animals eat it. Also, the current of the water will help move the body from the original drop site and if it found, it will be very difficult to tell where the drop sight ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Carnival Cruise Lines: Fire Aboard A Stranded Cruise Ship Carnival Cruise Lines: Fire Aboard a Stranded Cruise Ship In the early morning hours of November 8, 2010 the aft engine room of the Carnival Splendor ship caught fire, and left the ship without power. The Splendor ship is one of the largest ships in the Carnival fleet with 13 passenger decks. The ship is so large it requires six diesel engines to operate. Half of the engines are located in the aft (or rear) engine room and the other half is located in a forward engine room. These engine rooms are connected together by electric switchboards and cables. "The blaze was extinguished within a few hours by crew members with the aid of the built–in fire–suppression system" (O'Rourke, 2013, p140). Fortunately, no crew or passengers were injured (O'Rourke, ... Show more content on ... Their audience of future travelers will remember hearing about the problems on board the Splendor. If they do not believe the ships are safe, and kept in good condition, they will choose a different cruise line, or type of vacation. The travel and vacation industry reflect big money in our personal spending budgets. "A recent Nielsen Global Confidence Survey found that after providing for savings and living expenses, the number one global spending priority is for vacations" (O'Rourke, 2013, ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Station Nightclub Fire: Case Study 1. What was the occupancy history of the building? The building was constructed in 1946, designed to be a nightclub. The same building had changed ownership and names numerous times, and had been incarnated as not just a nightclub but also a restaurant and pub. Exact numbers of occupants at the time of the fire is unknown, estimated to be between 440 to 458 persons. When the fire started at the Station Nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island, the venue was 100 people over capacity, but "even the legal number was based on a bogus standing–room formula," (Seligson, 2013). An estimated 450 people were inside when the fire occurred (FEMA, 2011). 2. What were the pre–fire conditions of the building housing The Station Nightclub? Prior to the fire at the Station nightclub, a crowd of over 400 people was gathered to see a concert with Great White headling. At 11:07 PM, the lights inside the club were dimmed in preparation for the headliner band. When the band got on stage, multi–colored lights for the performance were activated for aesthetic effect. Additionally four pyrotechnic "gerbs" were ignited to get the crowd excited (Grosshandler, Bryner, Madrzykowski, & Kuntz, 2005, p. 2–1). 3. What were, if any, previous incidents at this building site? The building had survived for decades without any incident; except for some minor renovations, it was the same structure that had existed since1946. It was a nightclub named Julio's in the 1970s, and in 1972 the building was ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Radio Stations Of New Zealand There are more radio stations in New Zealand per head of population than any other country in the world. This means individual stations need to jostle for their unique positioning in the market. One way to evaluate the similarities and differences between radio stations is to conduct a Content analysis. Radio stations define their market positionings through differences in structure, talk focus, announcing style, music, advertisements, self–promotion, competitions, types of callers and news information. We can see this by contrasting Mediaworks hip hop station 'Mai FM' to New Zealand Media and Entertainment's (NZME) boomers station 'Coast. ' First developed by Harold Lasswell in 1927, Content analysis was initially a way of studying propaganda in the mass media (Macnamara, 2011). The methodology has evolved over the years, but the most basic way to describe content analysis is that it summarises any form of content by counting various aspects of the content (Franzosi, 2008). According to Berelson (as cited in Macnamara, 2011) some purposes of content analysis include to discover certain trends in communication texts, to compare media and how they communicate and to predict the effects of content on audiences. The reason I am using content analysis as oppose to more systematic and objective approaches is that it allows me to develop precise explanations concerning trends in media content whereas impressionistic approaches are better for describing the content, as there is no ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Essay on The Station Nightclub Fire West Warwick, Rhode... The Station Nightclub Fire West Warwick, Rhode Island. The building of the Station Nightclub was constructed in approximately 1946. Many restorations and repairs were made to the building since the time of construction by different owners to fulfill their business needs. The building was a wood–frame construction with wooden shingles on the exterior walls that also included a flat roof, but the interior walls surrounding the stage were staffed with sound proof polyurethane insulating foam. Windows were located on the north side of the building and on the east side of the front entrance. All of the windows had security bars on them (this could be an issue!). The building had only four doors; a front main door, a bar side exit door, a ... Show more content on ... They had to request for mutual aid from the encompassing jurisdictions for any apparatus and ambulances available. The end result was a combination of 583 fire, EMS, and police personnel including 57 ambulances (BLS & ALS) and two buses for transportation and shelter. The Local, State and Federal agencies were called to investigate the Station Nightclub fire incident and they found many issues. The polyurethane foam that was on the interior walls was the major factor in the Station Nightclub fire. It was easily ignited and also contributed to a faster fire spread within the building. According to NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, the interior finish is required to be Class A or B for general assembly areas with occupant loads of more than 300. It has been calculated that the number of occupants at the Station Nightclub was around 440–458 people, obviously well over this limit. The ignition of polyurethane foam gave out a magnitude of smoke and heat in such a short period of time and created mass chaos, thus resulting in a crowd–wide panic towards the initial entry point. Also NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, section states that the main entrance/exit shall be of a width that accommodates one–half of the total occupant load and shall be at the level of exit discharge or shall connect to a stairway or ramp leading to a street. If the owner of The Station Nightclub would have ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Who Moved My Cheese By Spencer Johnson Character Identification In the book Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson, out of the four main characters, I most resemble the little person Haw. Right away, it was obvious I was not like the mice. I am a thinker. Sniff and Scurry reacted far too immediately for me. When the change happened, they were already out in the maze seeing what they could find. Change tends to affect me more heavily than it did the mice. I tend to use a combination of brainpower and emotion when I am looking for my Cheese just like Hem and Haw. What makes me more similar to Hem is the reaction to the change. When the Cheese goes missing, Hem experiences an intense emotional reaction. He yells and screams because he feels entitled to his Cheese. He had been enjoying the Cheese for so long that he could not imagine a situation where the Cheese was no longer there for him. Haw's reaction is much more subtle. He was sad. The Cheese being at Cheese Station C was a measure of comfort for him, and without it he was left in shock. This is precisely how I react. I tend to count on all the constant people and situations in my life. If my family, girlfriend, car, apartment, or air conditioning were ever to withdraw their presence it would leave me in shock. Just like with Haw, it is not about me having the most powerful of any of the things listed above, but more about my personal comfort with the current situation. After they find Cheese Station C empty several times, Hem and Haw disagree again over ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Disadvantages Of Ghost 1.1 When two super hackers decide they want to know more about the secrets hidden away aboard the Nakamura Space Station they decide to enlist the assistance of a mysterious agent. While her service doesn't come cheap, she does have the rather useful ability to turn into a digital ghost that can take control of almost any android. After infiltrating the space station, it is up to you to take control of Ghost and help her employers to steal one of the greatest electronic secrets ever. Your mission is no stroll in the park though as the station is brimming with robotic defenses that doesn't take kindly to intruders. Ghost 1.0 is a 2D Metroidvania title from the same developer behind Unepic. It is also quite clearly a labor of love that is packed with action, secrets and plenty of humor. Right off the bat players can choose between two very different game modes. "Classic" is, as the name suggests, a traditional take on the genre with your character becoming more powerful as the game progresses. "Survival" on the other hand gives the game a more rogue–like feel by giving you the good stuff much quicker, but at the cost of losing it all when your character dies. Thanks to the 3D printers dotted throughout the station it is not a big ... Show more content on ... Not only are the bosses quite imposing, but defeating them also requires pattern recognition skills instead of simply blasting away. It is not just the bosses that pose serious threat though as ordinary enemies can be quite a nuisance in large enough numbers. The station is packed with alarms that often cannot be avoided and when these are triggered the room you are in will go into lockdown. Enemies will then proceed to swarm in, which means you'll have to stay alive until your employer is able to disable the alarm. To make things even more challenging the alarm level goes up each time it is triggered, but at least you are rewarded if you ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. The Station Nightclub Fire Explosion The Station nightclub fire occurred on February 20, 2003, in West Warwick, RI. The fourth deadliest nightclub fire in U.S. history, a blaze at The Station nightclub in W. Warwick, RI, on February 20, 2003. The fire was caused by pyrotechnics set off by the tour manager of the evening 's headlining band Great White, which ignited flammable sound insulation polyurethane foam in the walls and ceilings surrounding the stage. By this time, the nightclub 's fire alarm had been activated, and although there were four possible exits, most people headed for the front door through which they had entered. The rapidly moving fire with intense black smoke engulfed the club in less than 6 minutes. Video footage of the fire shows its ignition, rapid growth, the heavy smoke quickly made escape impossible, and the exit blockage that further hindered evacuation. The ensuing stampede led to a crush in the narrow hallway leading to that exit, quickly blocking the exit completely and resulting in numerous deaths and injuries among the patrons and staff. The toxic smoke, heat and the stampede of people toward the exits killed 100; 230 were injured and another 132 escaped uninjured. A total of 462 people were in the club, even though the club 's official licensed capacity was 404 In the days after the fire, there were considerable efforts to assign and avoid blame on the part of the band, the nightclub owners, the manufacturers and distributors of the foam material and pyrotechnics, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Write A Narrative Essay On Joining The Panthers Ever since I saw my son get shot by the dumb cracker from the valley I knew that brother huey was right. That day I went down the block to go join the movement . At least a more responsive side i've always been a church going boy ever since I moved to oakland from Mississippi . I moved my family out here to escape the supremacy but my father was right ''If you ain't a white boy your not shit to these crackers''. I've followed the passive way and only gotten my ass beat and the people around me hurt. The one problem with me getting into the panthers was that I was addicted to smack . You have to be clean to join the panthers that's literally the number one rule of the movement, no junkies . I know that I can't do the whitemans rehab, I would be addicted to another form of ... Show more content on ... I saw the oakland pd pull out the fire hose and started blasting innocent bystanders with the hos I saw Miss .Johnson a 87 year old lady get washed down the street and the result was her drowning and dying from police brutality. I held her in my hands then out of nowhere I got knocked out with a billy club. I woke up in the south baptist church with huey himself speaking on the podem . He said '' The policemen or soldiers are only a gun in the establishments hand. They make the racist secure in his racism. '' This just made me think of all the systematic white supremacy in amerikkka I knew I had to do something . Huey also said ''Black Power is giving power to people who have not had power to determine their destiny.'' After his compelling words I talked to him asked where do I sign up . He said ''you already have my brother were going to get back at those crackers by bombing the police station they may keep white folk safe but they oppress us and make us a second class citizens. Just because they don't want to be the same social ladder as a black man. So we must act'' I agreed on everything he said . My task was to drive the bomb truck into the station if I become a martyr so what i ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Short Story : ' Quiet, Rich Boy ' "Quiet, rich boy," this one hissed in broken English, scarred face far too close to Vinicio 's for his comfort, his foul breath and grisly beard alike tickling his nose, "or we 'll take more than just ya jewelry, ya hear?" Every emotion inside him had frozen, unwilling to come forward to confront any of the three gleefully pocketing his diamonds, silver, and gold, so he just stood there frozen along with them; eventually, he closed his eyes to try to save a little of his pride, though this caused the gang to laugh in earnest before his hair is yanked once more and they ripped his bag off his shoulder. Horror sets in as Vinicio remembered what is inside that bag – thousands of dollars to carry him a few months through rent and buying ... Show more content on ... He was angry: the people in the streets spared him hardly a glance now, and the few he received echo smugness. His body shook with the throws of the experience, yes, but it also tremored with rage; once he is back on his feet, literally and financially, he will see to it that this district receives the worst funding from his family until they are forced to grovel at his feet and plead for even a glance in their direction. _______________________________________________________________________________ The pollution in Cairo is as thick as the coral reefs back home, Vinicio soon realized; straying deeper into this district yielded no progress in finding the elusive tram station. In the recesses of his mind, he understood that now there was no reward for him in finding the station aside from his own self–satisfaction for being able to find his way about in this shitty city, but it was a goal to work towards and that was about all that he had left aside from his battered pride and a lone necklace that hung so low on his neck that his assaulters hadn 't noticed it. He was relieved that they had left it – it was a birthday gift from his mother, and its lone sapphire stone feels warm against his skin. However, the smog against the inside of his lungs itched, the coughs he let out discouraged him of his own strength increasingly with every heave of his chest, and the scraping of shoes against the pavement was deafening. ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Analyzing The Video Clip ( S ) Essay 1. Which lesson or lessons are shown in the video clip(s)? Identify the lesson(s) by lesson plan number. [ EdTPA Lesson plans 1 and 2 are shown in the video clips.] 2. Promoting a Positive Learning Environment Refer to scenes in the video clip(s) where you provided a safe, respectful, and organized learning environment. a. Describe how you provided a positive, low–risk emotionally and physically safe environment. [ I promote a positive, low–risk and emotionally and physically safe environment in many ways. The students know the classroom daily expectations, the schools rules, and my personal rules that I have added sense teaching their class, which in some ways differ from my cooperating teachers rules. I do not allow students to chew gum during class and the students are not to climb the bleachers to get equipment that has been thrown up their. I expect students to use appropriate language and treat others how they would like to be treated. When a student feels he or she was emotionally or physically hurt they come and report it to me. I then talk to the student(s) invoiced and help them sort it out. During the soccer lessons, in my expiation of the stations as well as on some of my station cue cards it has warnings about potential dangerous situation that may occur, such as flaying soccer balls, trip over cones, crashing into someone who is running. I found with these warning verbally being said and written down the environment stayed organized and safe. ] b. ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Rhode Island Fire Research Paper Rhode Island Nightclub Fire A fire can happen anywhere at any time, if the conditions are right. These conditions could be, the condition of the building is in, the weather, how many people are in the structure, or what is going on inside that structure. A fire is defined as the rapid oxidation with evolution of heat and light (flame) or as an uncontrolled combustion. An investigation happens at every fire so that way the cause and origin are known (DeHaan, 2). A specific fire happened on February 20, 2003, at a night in Rhode Island. The night club is called The Station, and this club was located in West Warwick, Rhode Island, and was holding a concert where the Great White performed. With all fires investigations occur looking at the fire ... Show more content on ... Icove. Kirk's Fire Investigation. 7th ed. Saddle River: Pearson, 2012. Print Madrzykowski, Daniel, Stephen I. Kerber, and Nelson Bryner. "The NIST Station Nightclub Fire Investigation: Physical Simulation of the Fire." NIST. 1 July 2006. Web. 4 Nov. 2014. <–modeling/nist–station–nightclub–fire–investigation–physical– simulation–fire>. Newman, Michael E. "Final NIST Rhode Island Nightclub Fire Report Urges Strict Adherence to and Strengthening of Current Model Safety Codes." NIST. 29 June 2005. Web. 4 Nov. 2014. <>. Newman, Michael E. "NIST Rhode Island Nightclub Fire Investigation Team Calls for Improvements." NIST. 3 March 2004. Web. 4 Nov. 2014. <>. Seligson, Susan. "Hell, 10 Years Later." BU Today. N.p., 20 Feb. 2013. Web. 20 Nov. 2014. <–station–nightclub/>. "The Station Nightclub Fire." Nation Fire Protection Association. March 2003. Web. 4 Nov. 2014. ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. My Experience At A Restaurant My experience at Borgne restaurant In life there are many experiences, good and bad. Good experiences being those that we vaguely remember and usually forgot as time goes by. And bad experiences being those that we remember and learn from; which impact and play a very important role in the life of every chef. No kitchen is perfect, every kitchen is different. It takes time for you to find the perfect kitchen and get used to the environment. Borgne was one of those bad experiences that I will never forget. The first day I walked into Borgne, Chef David gave me the usual tour of the kitchen and the typical introduction to the cooks and the front staff. When I introduced myself as being a CIA student, one of the chefs laughed and said "ha no CIA student ever makes it in this kitchen". I responded trying to defend the CIA's reputation by saying "I'm not one of those CIA students." And that's how it all began. After the group meeting, I was given my black chef coat (which I hate because you can see everything on them) and nothing else. I was then sent home and told to be ready for the next day. I spent the entire day thinking about what chef said to me and what it meant. What did they do wrong, and what I can do to be better than them. "Were they trying to intimidate me or were they just playing around." This question was brought up multiple times throughout my experience. Next morning I woke up 3 hours early to figure out the bus system. I was late that day due to confusion, ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Fordham Road Safety Report Mr. Baldrich is a surface line dispatcher who regulates lines, takes incident, reports and communicates with dispatchers. From January 2013 till June of 2014 he was assigned to a fixed post near Grand Concourse and Fordham Road in the Bronx. On occasion he would leave his fixed post and go to the surrounding areas. The accident occurred northbound of Grand Concourse, approximately 50–60 feet off the corner of Fordham Road. On the southbound side of the Concourse the bus stop accommodates 2 buses and approximately 1 foot away from the bus stop and towards the sidewalk there is a subway grate. The witness describes the sidewalk area between the grate and the bus stop as defective because the sidewalk is broken and presents a hazardous condition. Passengers who are getting off the bus have to step on the area because of the length of the defective ... Show more content on ... The bus driver calls the command center; 2. The center reached out to multiple people to hopefully reach supervisory personnel closest to the area; 3. The supervisor who is closest to the area responds that he will take care of it; 4. While the bus driver remains in his seat, the dispatcher or the supervisor will go to the scene to investigate, interview and report; 5. The first interview will be with the passenger and when completed the supervisor will speak to the bus driver; 6. At the location the supervisor will make out an incident /accident report (Plaintiff's exhibit 5 dated May 6, 2015) as well as an accident description report (Plaintiff's exhibit 6); 7. The bus operator will fill out an operators incident report at the end of the tour (Plaintiff's 3 dated May 6 , 2015). All reports confirm that the plaintiff tripped and fell on the broken sidewalk which the witness based upon his observation of the area. The witness circled the area where she fell on the original photograph marked plaintiff's exhibit 1 and 2 on this ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Analysis Of Ernest Hemingway's Hills Like White Elephants Which Path is Best? Many choices in life can be difficult especially when a person is trying to stay true to their morals. This quote from an author named Jose Harris states, "Waiting hurts. Forgetting Hurts. But not knowing which decision to take can sometimes be the most painful" (Harris). These choices throughout life are what make or break individuals. Many people struggle with whether their choices were right or followed along with their morals. Some decisions are required to take more time to figure out, some decisions have lifelong consequences if the correct choice is not correctly decided. These choices can have effects on other people outside of just the person that is making the decision, this causes a person to be weary of their choices. In Ernest Hemingway's story, "Hills Like White Elephants," he explains his approach to the different elements pertaining to the setting, character, conflicts, symbols, and foreshadowing in the story. In Hemingway's story, he shows the struggles of making decisions and the consequences they can have on an individual's life. In Hemingway's story, he creates the setting in which he writes, "It was very hot and the express from Barcelona, would arrive in forty minutes. It stopped at this junction for two minutes, and went to Madrid," this setting creates the vision that the characters of the story are waiting in a train station somewhere in Spain. Further the story explains what the characters are doing, they are drinking and conversing back and forth about a seemingly life altering situation (Loveboat). There are two different sides to the station, one side is deciduous and lush with woods. The other side of the station is explained as being dry and not green, this sets the stage for the different arguments that the characters may have about the decision. The character explained in the story are two different varying viewpoints on the topic that is portrayed in the story. On the one side of Hemingway's story the character Jig is viewed as woman facing a difficult decision and almost being pushed to come up with a solution to it. It is almost as if she is being coerced into a decision that is not hers. This line from Hemingway's story exemplifies this example of ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Killer Show By John Barylick Introduction: The book assigned to me for this assignment was Killer Show by John Barylick. It 's an informative non–fictional book. It tells the real life tragedy of the fatal "Station" nightclub fire in West Warwick, Rhode Island. The story is told using flashbacks and analysis in each chapter of the book. Before I started reading this book I was intrigued because the main events in this story are in the 21st century. This is unlike the other books that could have been assigned to me. The date of this horrific tale was February 20, 2003. The book goes in detail about the history of the Station, what was the cause of the fire, how people escaped the fire and the aftermath of the fire. Barylick is a respected Providence, Rhode Island lawyer. After the fire, he was one of the lawyers that represented the many victims of the fire. Therefore, he knows how much this fire affected the West Warwick community. He has researched the public record of the fire 's investigation which allows him to point out those at fault. There were ownership issues, fire marshal issues and sustainability issues that caused such a disaster. The focus of this story that changed the built environment. Although this is a troubling story there is much to be learned from it. What Happened in the Book: "The Station" building was far from brand new when the 2003 fire occurred. It was used as a navy bar during World War II (Barylick 7). The building has a long history. The building became a club in 1995 ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Short Story Of Aemilianus On a Monday morning as Aemilianus Priyanka was prancing home his mom Tamrat Priyanka called him and asked why he is failing his classes and struck his teacher Mr. Naomhán Afon František Comgal Ó Cochláin right across the top of his head. This lead to his mom demanding him to go to his room and think of what he has done. Aemilianus refused and this made his mom turn into the devil. Aemilianus said to his mom " I never follow the rules in school so why is this a surprise to you" Tamrat Said "Don't make me smack you upside the head little boy." Later on that day Tamrat goes upstairs to check on Aemilius and apologies for how she acted and she saw the window open with a rope made of bed sheets hanging out of the window his mom yelled " I'll skin that boy alive next time I see him!" As Tamrat was walking downstairs she heard a loud BOOM and she saw Aemilianus on the floor unconscious. She grabbed him and threw him with all her might inside the house and grabbed a bucket of water and poured it all over Aemilianus which lead to him waking up and drenched from all that water. Tamrat was so angry she said " I dare you run again and see what happens little boy". Tamrat left him off easy today because she thought she was too harsh but she still grounded him from his Tv, Phone, and video games . So it's a couple weeks later and Aemilianus went to hang out with his friends, so they went to eat at a fast food place and then go under the bridge after that. But Aemilianus didn't know ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Essay about Station Fire Synopsis In West Warwick Rhode Island, on February 20th, 2003, during the performance of the band Great White, a fire broke out that eventually claimed the lives of 100 people and injured an additional 200. The band's tour manager arranged for, and ignited pyrotechnic props, large fireworks designed to display a shower of sparks. The sparks ignited foam soundproofing near stage. The fire spread quickly. Most were killed either in the crush to exit the building or overcome by fumes while trying to find an exit. The immediate cause was well documented due to witness reports and a videotape that was taken during the concert. In the period that followed the tragedy there were many attempts to fix blame. Following a Grand Jury ... Show more content on ... Several handheld extinguishers are located at various points in the club. There was no fire suppression system. Sprinklers had never been installed. There is some debate over whether the Station was required to have a sprinkler installed. The Station had recently received an inspection by West Warwick Fire Marshal Dennis Laroque. The owners were cited for several violations including expired fire extinguishers and some that needed to be hung along with gasoline stored inside the building. In his statements to police, Laroque says that the critical violation that he was concerned about was the exit door near the stage. It had a second inner door that did not have panic hardware attached and opened into the showroom. They had been previously cited and had removed the door to pass follow–up inspections only to replace it shortly after. The occupancy capacity for the Station is also up for debate. There are notations in West Warwick permitting documents as low as 253 and as high as 404. The NIST estimates that 2003 model codes would place occupancy at about 430 people with no tables and chairs. Estimates of the crowd on the night of the fire range from 440 to 458. Attorney General, Patrick Lynch's office puts the number at 458. Pyrotechnics and Foam The pyrotechnics that ignited the fire were designed to spray sparks 15 feet for 15 seconds. The two that were mounted at outward angles ignited foam that had ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. How To Write A Story Chapter 1 I needed to assess the situation. I thought back to the time when I was with Salim at the eye and realized that I never saw him get on the Eye. If we couldn't see Salim come out of the capsule and he wasn't still in it, then that means he never got in it! I immediately shared my brilliance with Kat. "But why would he not get on?" "Maybe because the ticket wasn't his! The real question is where he went." I sprinted to the security guard by the gate to the eye with Kat close behind. "Did you see a young man, about 10 years old, wearing a green t–shirt and a pair of blue jeans around here?" "Yeah. Andy, the head guard took him to the police station for using a fake ticket. Did you know him?" Kat and I started to jog towards the police ... Show more content on ... The alarm was blaring louder now. I was hyperventilating and worried. I pulled him out and started to run home with Kat and Salim when we stopped dead in our tracks. A man stood in front of us. Another stranger. Couldn't trust him, couldn't trust the man who gave Salim the ticket. We can't trust anyone that we didn't know. As I looked at the man he had an innocent aura around him, but I had a feeling he was going to call the guards on us. We stood there for a couple of moments, just staring at each other. Suddenly I could feel the tugging of Salim and Kat. I snapped back into action and started to sprint. I looked back and could see and hear the man shouting. It can't be long before someone comes to get us. Around the corner of the building I could see the guard, presumably Andy running towards us and gaining. The security guard looked as scary as a biker. I dragged Salim to an alleyway with Kat close behind. I jumped up on the fence and tried to vault over it but failed miserably. I could hear it laughing at me like I was a clown in a circus. Scrunched up my face and tried once more. I could hear shouting and glanced behind me to see him getting closer. I finally got over and could see Salim and Kat at the end of the alley. " Come on!" Salim shouted as he rounded the corner. My chest was heaving by the time I reached them. We ran to the stairway to the subway and peered out to see if Andy had followed us. Andy gave a few glances ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. A Comparison Of The Film 'Lion, And The MovieLion' In the heart racing film 'Lion' directed by Garth Davis and the novel 'Lion' written by the man who this books and film was based on, Saroo Brierley himself scrutinize the theme 'lost' in identical ways. The book and film are both based on a young boy who faces the worst fear of any young child and that is being lost in a country in millions. Saroo Brierley was lost in India and did not know the name of the city. Throughout the book it describes more in depth about Saroo being lost compared to the film as it displays the theme lost through watching not listening. In the book Saroo was picked up from the detention centre and claimed young Saroo as 'lost' "In the end, without knowing who I was or where I'd come from, they declared my status as 'Lost'" (Brierley, Saroo 'Lion' pg 68). However, Garth Davis staunchly demonstrates the theme in the film using Mise–en–scène which is camera angles and lighting highlighting that Saroo is lost. When Saroo is in the train station the high angle filming shows that there are hundreds of people in the station and it was hard to see Saroo. The lighting was balanced out making it hard to find him as there is no spotlight shining on him, showing that he is just a spec in the huge crowd. There was a part in the movie and book where Saroo was asked by someone if he wanted to stay with them for a bit and provide food and shelter, naively he accepted because he knew that being lost on the streets is much worse, however, this was not the case, ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Aunty Is Dating Daddy? Once upon a time there lived a young timid girl named Bonnie living in the fine city of Chicago. One summer evening, while Bonnie was singing to the birds and procrastinating, her alcoholic father came home with someone who looked very familiar. It was not unusual for him to come home with a mistress, but Bonnie found this quite surprising. It was her aunt, Whitney Houston, the sister of her beloved mother. While Bonnie was face–timing her mother, she asked her "Mom....Did you know that aunty is dating daddy?" Her mother instantly began to weep, and as her tears glistened on Bonnie's iPad, Bonnie began to feel a fire ignite in her heart. She decided to do it, she had to kill her father. She decided to get her best friends help, Dylan Houn. ... Show more content on ... A smile that could light up Dylan's Head. Bonnie was sitting in her living room chair, skyping with her friends. For some reason her friend that was also conveniently named Whitney, wanted her friends to write her a fictional story. And as Bonnie was writing a story for her dear friend, the police rushed into the house and cuffed Bonnie. As they drove her to the police station, Bonnie already started scheming her escape. She called Dylan with her one phone call, and the plan had begun. While she was behind the cold iron bars, she heard a commotion outside the station. She smiled as she knew her plan was coming into fruition. Dylan called up his gang, The Fabled Houns, and set up an attack on the station. Using the power of Gamer Rage and educated debate, they stormed into the station demanding the release of Bonnie Le. The police had no choice to agree as the Houns influence was too much for them to handle. Bonnie was to be release, and she was on the way home when Dylan suddenly looked at her and said "Why do I do this for you?" Then, Bonnie's biggest challenge approached her, as she felt that Dylan won't be a reliable sidekick anymore. Dylan glared at Bonnie, realizing her lack of gratitude toward him. "AT least say thank you Bonnie, how many times have I saved you" Bonnie was ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Delphos Research Paper The world of transportation is constantly evolving. Innovators all over the world are trying to find to create new forms of transportation that is fast and efficient. One innovator, Elon Musk, has created the Hyperloop; a new idea for transportation of passengers and cargo. The Hyperloop travels the country within tubes allowing passengers and cargo to enter and exit at specific locations throughout the country. It travels faster than the speed of an airplane at the price of a bus ticket. The one– million dollar donation provided by the Board of Education should fund the creation of a Hyperloop station in Delphos. As awareness of pollution and global warming increases, an environmentally safe form of transportation is needed. Almost all forms ... Show more content on ... Centers of transportation tend to be popular spots for business. A popular phrase used by the Hyperloop team is, "When cities become metro stops, regions will flourish." Since businesses would have quick and easy access to the rest of the nation, they would be able to buy/sell products and services easily with anyone in the nation. This will encourage many businesses to move to Delphos creating a large amount of jobs for people in the area. Also, with a large amount of businesses, the people of Delphos will have an increase in their income due to businesses competing for skilled workers in the area. Not only will the station help new business and factories, it will also help the many farmers sell their crops to new markets across the nation. When a break from work is needed, anyone who can afford a bus ticket can get on the Hyperloop and be almost anywhere in the nation within hours. One of the concerns with spending money on this project are the Hyperloop has not come into to full design yet. While this may be true, many tests have been performed in order to bring the project to reality. The motor system has already undergone successful tests and full system tests are to be conducted within the next few weeks. The Hyperloop is expected to become fully active in 2021; the scale of the Hyperloop system is then expected to grow rapidly throughout the rest of the country. With the project projected to be very successful, the Hyperloop system should span nationwide by the year of ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. The Night of Fire The Night (Fire engine, boys, rain) April 24th, 2012; the sound of the news on the television hums in the background drowned out by people talking and laughing. Fire Station 141 is buzzing with life; everything is in calm and peaceful; when suddenly a loud screaming sound rings through the brick walls. All of the men in the station startle to attention and rush around in organized chaos. The shuffling of boots on the smooth concrete floors and ruffling of thick fire suits is drowned out by the resounding alarm. The men pile into the large red trucks and screech out of the station. The alarm becomes silent and the station is abandoned and the only sound it the news humming in the background. The men hardly fit in the small quarters of the truck. The smell of burnt rubber and gasoline fill the cramped space. The sirens atop the thick metal roof of the truck bounce back and forth on houses and cars nearby. Dark clouds start to form above the speeding truck and soon the rain is playing a soft beat on the roof. The cold weather creates a pale fog against the window. Everything starts to slow down and become faded, the dark night outside the window now is everywhere and a group of boys are playing baseball. The ball is a dirty cream color and is throwing off water as it spins through the air, then smack it hits a leather glove with an explosion of water up into a young boy's smiling face. There is a newspaper on the ground that is soaked but the date says April 24th, 1986. ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. 12 Day Essay Twelve days. It's been twelve days since I arrived in Sceclestus City and I'm no closer to escaping. I've been unable to go back to the subway and get that book. Felix is always around as if he's afraid I'll run and he's right to be afraid. The first chance I get, I'm running straight for that subway. I've been fixing guns and lasers for the past three days and we finally have enough to trade, meaning I get to leave the apartment and actually breathe some fresh air. I'm standing outside a gloomy shop. It appears as if it used to be a bakery of some type. There are faded painting of cakes and cupcakes on the cracked windows. I'm outside with Thorn as Felix hides the electronics in the building somewhere. He said if we take the goods with us, we'll most likely get shot, but this way, we have some insurance. ... Show more content on ... "Uh, such a shame. I was really hoping to meet your master mind behind this," Panther confesses. "More like take them," Thorn shouts, taking a bold step forward. Her muscles were tight and ready for a fight. "Can we just get on with the trade instead of talking about someone who isn't even here?" "Oh, Thorn. Your father named you well. You always have such nice things to say, but you are right. No need to stand here and chat. After all, none of us want to be out here when the sun goes down," Panther agrees. I sigh, relieved. I want to get out of here, just as much as the rest of them, especially when I'm the one they want. I step back around the corner when I feel the presence of someone behind me, but it's too late to react. A muscular arm hooks around my neck, choking me and taking away my ability to cry for help. Another arm twists around my waist, closing the space between me and my attacker. I instantly fight, but the grip around my neck tightens and I wince, unable to breath. "Now, angel, I would be very grateful if you didn't struggle," a deep, seductive voice breaths in my ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Texoil Negotiation Exercise Essay Reflection Paper – Texoil For the Texoil negotiation, I was in the role of the Service Station Owner. As such, my main objective was to sell the station and get the best possible agreement. My BATNA was $400,000, which represented an offer from British Petroleum and my resistance point was $413,000 after tax, which represented the cost of my trip. My target was $488,000, which included an additional $75,000 to help tie me over until I found a job upon my return. This resistance point represents a purely financial alternative. However, there were several other criteria or interests other than strictly financial which could have been satisfied through non–financial means. My underlying interest or reason for selling the station was ... Show more content on ... It meant I could quickly make counter offers and explore areas that I knew I was prepared to be flexible on. What surprised me the most about our behavior was how well we collaborated. At the beginning of the negotiation, I usually spend a bit of time trying to assess how the other party will negotiate (compete, collaborate, or subordinate). From the beginning of the negotiation, it was very clear that Texoil valued our relationship, was very interested in me coming back to work for them, was concerned about my wife, and was interested in my future plans. This created the right tone for collaborating. This created a basis of trust and openness, which led to creative options, which would not have been possible if one party decided to negotiate competitively. Both parties did a good job of asking questions to delve at the underlying interests, which allowed for give and take, and enabled each side to put forth proposals which could be openly considered. If the tone of the negotiation had been different, I think the Negotiator's Dilemma might have prevented information from coming out and prevented interests to surface, and thus prevented creative solutions. What I learned about myself was that I was effective at using nibbling as a tactic. I would keep going back to how I was dissatisfied with the amount of the loan outstanding and then try to leverage my dissatisfaction to gain a concession from the other party. I would complain and then remain quiet and see ... Get more on ...