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The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
The Delegating Spectrum
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
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The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
Few managers manage without delegating. It is something
they do whenever they hand out work, give instructions or
organise tasks. To some extent, managing and delegating are
the same thing. But there are other kinds of delegation
which are more planned and thought out. These are aimed
at building on the skills and abilities of people so that the
organisation increases its databank of resources. This kind of
delegation includes delegating to develop, delegating to give
ownership and delegating to give stewardship.
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
Whether we are aware of it or not, we may already be
delegating to people as part of our personal management
The Delegating management style contrasts with three
other management styles:
1. Directing: a directing or telling management style gives
no room for individual deviation from an instruction.
2. Consulting: a consulting or discussion management
style gets people's views about an issue before taking a
3. Problem-solving: a problem-solving or negotiating
management style seeks agreement about what should
be done.
4. Delegating: a delegating or hands-off management style
passes responsibility to others for some or all aspects of
the job with the full backing of the delegating manager.
It is an act of trust in others.
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
There are broadly five different kinds of delegation
situations. At one end of the spectrum, they are one-off,
practical, reactive acts; at the other end, they are planned,
proactive, and carefully thought-out strategies.
The five kinds of delegation situations are:
1. Ambassadorial delegation in which others stand in for
you but no more
2. Allocating delegation in which you, the manager, decide
who is to do which jobs according to what job people
already do and who is good at what
3. Ownership delegation in which you develop the
responsibility that people have in their job
4. Developmental delegation in which you develop the
potential and skills which people have
5. Stewardship delegation in which you entrust others with
an area of work.
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
The word "delegation" is derived from "legate" which is
another word for an "ambassador".
There are different types of ambassadors or legates in the
1. the messenger or errand boy who simply delivers your
message or instruction in its original form
2. the envoy who is a lesser figure than an ambassador
but may be allowed to represent your views
3. the delegate who was originally the lieutenant of a
Roman general and spoke on his behalf
4. the representative who stands in for you. People who
represent you at a meeting, a negotiation or in your
absence are representing your views not theirs.
5. the ambassador who has your full authority to act on
your behalf in your absence.
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
Ambassadorial delegation has advantages and
Advantages of ambassadorial delegation
It provides cover for you.
It enables you to have a deputy and stand-in.
It gives others a taste of interesting work out of their normal
Disadvantages of ambassadorial delegation
If you select unfairly, you may be accused of bias: when the
job is a popular one, bias of favouritism; when the job is an
unpopular one, a bias of discrimination. If you fail to give
clear instructions, the person may exceed their brief or not
do what you want. Equally, the delegatee may not report
back fully to you and keep you in the picture.
Stephen Covey calls this kind of delegation "go-fer"
delegation, ie go for this and go for that.
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
Many managers today face huge demands on their time.
Surveys show that managing time is one of the chief causes
of executive stress which in itself can lead to poor
A survey by the British Institute of Management found that
every manager they questioned worked more than their
contracted hours; half worked well over 50 hours a week;
nearly all worked at some time away from the workplace,
while travelling, at home or on holiday.
To make matters worse, the same survey showed that a high
level of managers overwork because they do not trust their
"subordinates". Delegating some of what you do to others,
particularly new work, makes obvious sense, even if it
frightens those managers who fear a loss of control.
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
If you are in charge of others, look at the jobs you are
responsible for getting done and ask yourself...
1. Do I really have to do this?
2. Who is the best person to do this?
3. Who loves this sort of work?
When John had his first heart attack, he realised that while
he was working 12-hour days, his staff were often idle with
nothing to do. On his return to work, he met Alan and they
discussed delegation.
"All delegation is a risk, John. When I first delegated to the
team, I was terrified that nothing would get done or that if
they did do it, it would be wrong and I'd have to run round
putting things right. The first times you may actually have
your fears confirmed. But if you stick with it, you'll find it
can work. And you'll experience a new kind of managing and
a new kind of pleasure in seeing the team grow."
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
The 90% manager is the person who finds a way to delegate
90% of the work on their desk. This amount is usually only
possible for senior executives but even middle and junior
managers can aim to delegate around half their work.
1. Know the things others in the team are particularly
interested in. Send information and new jobs their way.
2. When you receive incoming work immediately decide
who in the team can do this better than you. Then re-
route it.
3. Have delegation contracts with all members of your
team in which they are working to stretch themselves.
4. Meet regularly with the team to allocate work in ways
that gets the best out of the team.
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
Many managers, even those who can see the benefits of
passing on work to others, often hesitate to delegate. This
might be for any (or all) of the following reasons:
1. the delegatee won't do the job as well as me
2. the delegatee will do the job as well as me, and maybe
even better
3. what would that leave me to do?
4. I don't trust anyone with the confidentiality of the work
5. I might then be in their debt
6. they're not up to the job and I don't have the time to
show them what to do
7. I like what I do.
Any manager who thinks in these ways needs to re-assess
their basic assumptions about the role and value of the
people who work for them.
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
On paper, delegating seems to be an answer to every
overworked manager's dream. The reality of course is that
delegating needs to be properly managed and holds traps
for the careless and unwary. These include the following
1. delegating only to those you know you can rely on
2. checking up on how they're doing
3. delegating too much to people who aren't ready
4. rushing delegation because you're so busy
5. having no time to train the delegatee
6. giving too much or too little authority to the delegatee
7. choosing the wrong person for the job, perhaps
someone with no interest in the job
8. not offering any support or information
9. not telling others that you have delegated the job
10. not letting the delegatee know they've done a good job
when it all goes well.
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
A hundred years ago, businesses and manufacturers were
dependent on craftsmen. The personal skills, commitment
and ownership, often seen in their signature to a piece of
work, were central to the success of the enterprise.
These were grudgingly replaced by mass production, lower
costs, mass markets and dispiriting work. Ownership for
what people did passed into the hands of others.
Delegating is a chance to put ownership back where it really
belongs and restore these beliefs:
1. This is my job.
2. These are my colleagues.
3. These are my tools.
4. These are my customers.
5. This is my organisation.
6. I own my work....and I'm proud of it.
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
It ain't my job to sweep the floor
Or move the stuff from door to door.
It ain't my job to hump a ton
Of this and that - it ain't much fun.
It ain't my job to wonder why
The boss is looking sad of eye.
It ain't my job to figure out
What he's got to gripe about.
It ain't my job to give a toss
Just what's screwing up the boss.
It ain't my job delivery's not met
Why should I break into a sweat?
It ain't my job to sharpen tools,
If others do it, they're the fools.
It ain't my job to even blush,
When I join the pay-day rush.
It ain't my job to harm my health
And do some thinking for myself.
It ain't my job to ruminate
On why the place will liquidate.
It ain't my job to stop and say
"Should I work harder every day?"
It ain't my worry. Why should I sob?
For, after all, it ain't my job.
(Found on a factory canteen in Scotland and
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
In William Kay's profile of two dozen of the UK's top chief
executives, "The Bosses", Archie Norman of Asda, says
managers have to create a sense of ownership amongst
their staff:
"You have to get people saying to themselves: "This is my
store"; and wanting to feel that working at Asda is
worthwhile, that they like the people and like talking to
customers. You want employees to go into the pub after
work and feel good about telling people that they work at
This process is backed up by a "Tell Archie" suggestion
scheme, regular feedback, morning "huddles" and monthly
"circles". "We depend on the success, skills and motivation
of our people at every level. We want to be exalting and
celebrating the successes we have and inviting people to
play their role in the company."
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
A supervisor who was judged by researcher Rensis Likert as
an effective manager says...
"One way in which we accomplish a high level of production
is by letting people do the job the way they want so long as
they accomplish the objectives. I believe in letting them take
time out from the monotony. Make them feel they are
something special, not just run of the mill. If you keep
employees from feeling hounded, they are apt to put out
the necessary effort to get the work done in the required
I never make any decisions myself. Oh, I guess I've made
about two since I've been here. If people know their jobs, I
believe in letting them make their own decisions. I don't
believe in saying this is the way it's going to be. My job is
dealing with human beings rather than the work."
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
Delegation plans are likely to figure largely in personal
development programmes. Many organisations now use
them to plan the development of their staff's potential.
They may also be devised in a less formal way because
managers spot the potential "under their nose".
The manager who delegates in order to develop others...
1. gets real pleasure from seeing others grow
2. believes that people want to grow
3. provides room for people to grow
4. sees people as unlimited potential not finite resource
5. trusts others
6. does not expect the job to be done the way she would
do it, but doesn't mind because...
7. she is prepared to learn how the job can be done
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
There are at least five different levels at which you can
choose to delegate work to others.
1. Bits of the Job. This means simply asking people to do
parts of a job with others who may also be doing part of the
2. The Whole Job. This means giving people the whole job
to do such as a special project or once-off activity.
3. The Job and Its Outcomes. This means giving people the
job and agreeing what outcomes are to be achieved.
4. The Outcomes Alone. This means agreeing what you
would like to achieve but leaving the person to decide how
they are to do it.
5. Managerial Responsibility. This means having as little
direct input as possible and giving people managerial
accountability, authority and responsibility. This kind of
delegating comes nearest to the concept of empowerment.
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
Stewardship delegation is less of a once-off act and more of
a long-term relationship. It involves passing to someone else
the responsibility of looking after a task whether large or
small for a period of time. It is what monarchs do to their
prime ministers and prime ministers do to their ministers,
and so on all the way down the line.
Stewardship delegation involves...
1. an act of entrusting
2. a clear understanding that the steward will care for his
or her concern
3. guidelines on managing
4. the need for resources to make things happen
5. non-interference by the delegator
6. public recognition
7. accountability.
Stewardship is as old as civilization itself.
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
The story of Joseph and Pharaoh in the book of Genesis
describes a stewardship relationship.
As a result of his dreams of the future, Pharaoh had agreed
to let Joseph manage the expected years of plenty and
famine in Egypt. First, Pharaoh made it clear that Joseph had
the power to act in his name: "...I have set thee over all the
land of Egypt..." Secondly, Pharaoh let everyone else know
of Joseph's status: "...he made him ride in the second
chariot...and arrayed him in fine linen.“
Next, Pharaoh made it clear that Joseph was answerable to
him alone: "...only in the throne will I be greater than thou"
and did not interfere in the task or responsibility: "Go unto
Joseph; what he saith to you, do". As a result of Pharaoh’s
trust in Joseph, the land of Egypt and its people survived the
seven years of famine.
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
The Delegating Spectrum
Delegation and Empowerment
MTL Course Topics
This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn

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The Delegating Spectrum

  • 1. 1 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics The Delegating Spectrum DELEGATION AND EMPOWERMENT
  • 2. 2 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics The Course Topics series from Manage Train Learn is a large collection of topics that will help you as a learner to quickly and easily master a range of skills in your everyday working life and life outside work. If you are a trainer, they are perfect for adding to your classroom courses and online learning plans. COURSE TOPICS FROM MTL The written content in this Slide Topic belongs exclusively to Manage Train Learn and may only be reprinted either by attribution to Manage Train Learn or with the express written permission of Manage Train Learn. They are designed as a series of numbered slides. As with all programmes on Slide Topics, these slides are fully editable and can be used in your own programmes, royalty-free. Your only limitation is that you may not re-publish or sell these slides as your own. Copyright Manage Train Learn 2020 onwards. Attribution: All images are from sources which do not require attribution and may be used for commercial uses. Sources include pixabay, unsplash, and freepik. These images may also be those which are in the public domain, out of copyright, for fair use, or allowed under a Creative Commons license.
  • 3. 3 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics ARE YOU READY? OK, LET’S START!
  • 4. 4 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics INTRODUCTION Few managers manage without delegating. It is something they do whenever they hand out work, give instructions or organise tasks. To some extent, managing and delegating are the same thing. But there are other kinds of delegation which are more planned and thought out. These are aimed at building on the skills and abilities of people so that the organisation increases its databank of resources. This kind of delegation includes delegating to develop, delegating to give ownership and delegating to give stewardship.
  • 5. 5 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics DELEGATING AS A STYLE Whether we are aware of it or not, we may already be delegating to people as part of our personal management style. The Delegating management style contrasts with three other management styles: 1. Directing: a directing or telling management style gives no room for individual deviation from an instruction. 2. Consulting: a consulting or discussion management style gets people's views about an issue before taking a decision. 3. Problem-solving: a problem-solving or negotiating management style seeks agreement about what should be done. 4. Delegating: a delegating or hands-off management style passes responsibility to others for some or all aspects of the job with the full backing of the delegating manager. It is an act of trust in others.
  • 6. 6 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics THE DELEGATING SPECTRUM There are broadly five different kinds of delegation situations. At one end of the spectrum, they are one-off, practical, reactive acts; at the other end, they are planned, proactive, and carefully thought-out strategies. The five kinds of delegation situations are: 1. Ambassadorial delegation in which others stand in for you but no more 2. Allocating delegation in which you, the manager, decide who is to do which jobs according to what job people already do and who is good at what 3. Ownership delegation in which you develop the responsibility that people have in their job 4. Developmental delegation in which you develop the potential and skills which people have 5. Stewardship delegation in which you entrust others with an area of work.
  • 7. 7 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics AMBASSADORS The word "delegation" is derived from "legate" which is another word for an "ambassador". There are different types of ambassadors or legates in the workplace: 1. the messenger or errand boy who simply delivers your message or instruction in its original form 2. the envoy who is a lesser figure than an ambassador but may be allowed to represent your views 3. the delegate who was originally the lieutenant of a Roman general and spoke on his behalf 4. the representative who stands in for you. People who represent you at a meeting, a negotiation or in your absence are representing your views not theirs. 5. the ambassador who has your full authority to act on your behalf in your absence.
  • 8. 8 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics GO-FER DELEGATION Ambassadorial delegation has advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of ambassadorial delegation It provides cover for you. It enables you to have a deputy and stand-in. It gives others a taste of interesting work out of their normal line. Disadvantages of ambassadorial delegation If you select unfairly, you may be accused of bias: when the job is a popular one, bias of favouritism; when the job is an unpopular one, a bias of discrimination. If you fail to give clear instructions, the person may exceed their brief or not do what you want. Equally, the delegatee may not report back fully to you and keep you in the picture. Stephen Covey calls this kind of delegation "go-fer" delegation, ie go for this and go for that.
  • 9. 9 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics ALLOCATING TASKS Many managers today face huge demands on their time. Surveys show that managing time is one of the chief causes of executive stress which in itself can lead to poor performance. A survey by the British Institute of Management found that every manager they questioned worked more than their contracted hours; half worked well over 50 hours a week; nearly all worked at some time away from the workplace, while travelling, at home or on holiday. To make matters worse, the same survey showed that a high level of managers overwork because they do not trust their "subordinates". Delegating some of what you do to others, particularly new work, makes obvious sense, even if it frightens those managers who fear a loss of control.
  • 10. 10 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics DON'T DO IT ALL If you are in charge of others, look at the jobs you are responsible for getting done and ask yourself... 1. Do I really have to do this? 2. Who is the best person to do this? 3. Who loves this sort of work? When John had his first heart attack, he realised that while he was working 12-hour days, his staff were often idle with nothing to do. On his return to work, he met Alan and they discussed delegation. "All delegation is a risk, John. When I first delegated to the team, I was terrified that nothing would get done or that if they did do it, it would be wrong and I'd have to run round putting things right. The first times you may actually have your fears confirmed. But if you stick with it, you'll find it can work. And you'll experience a new kind of managing and a new kind of pleasure in seeing the team grow."
  • 11. 11 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics THE 90% MANAGER The 90% manager is the person who finds a way to delegate 90% of the work on their desk. This amount is usually only possible for senior executives but even middle and junior managers can aim to delegate around half their work. 1. Know the things others in the team are particularly interested in. Send information and new jobs their way. 2. When you receive incoming work immediately decide who in the team can do this better than you. Then re- route it. 3. Have delegation contracts with all members of your team in which they are working to stretch themselves. 4. Meet regularly with the team to allocate work in ways that gets the best out of the team.
  • 12. 12 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics THE RELUCTANT DELEGATOR Many managers, even those who can see the benefits of passing on work to others, often hesitate to delegate. This might be for any (or all) of the following reasons: 1. the delegatee won't do the job as well as me 2. the delegatee will do the job as well as me, and maybe even better 3. what would that leave me to do? 4. I don't trust anyone with the confidentiality of the work 5. I might then be in their debt 6. they're not up to the job and I don't have the time to show them what to do 7. I like what I do. Any manager who thinks in these ways needs to re-assess their basic assumptions about the role and value of the people who work for them.
  • 13. 13 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics THE DELEGATION TRAPS On paper, delegating seems to be an answer to every overworked manager's dream. The reality of course is that delegating needs to be properly managed and holds traps for the careless and unwary. These include the following traps: 1. delegating only to those you know you can rely on 2. checking up on how they're doing 3. delegating too much to people who aren't ready 4. rushing delegation because you're so busy 5. having no time to train the delegatee 6. giving too much or too little authority to the delegatee 7. choosing the wrong person for the job, perhaps someone with no interest in the job 8. not offering any support or information 9. not telling others that you have delegated the job 10. not letting the delegatee know they've done a good job when it all goes well.
  • 14. 14 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics OWNERSHIP A hundred years ago, businesses and manufacturers were dependent on craftsmen. The personal skills, commitment and ownership, often seen in their signature to a piece of work, were central to the success of the enterprise. These were grudgingly replaced by mass production, lower costs, mass markets and dispiriting work. Ownership for what people did passed into the hands of others. Delegating is a chance to put ownership back where it really belongs and restore these beliefs: 1. This is my job. 2. These are my colleagues. 3. These are my tools. 4. These are my customers. 5. This is my organisation. 6. I own my work....and I'm proud of it.
  • 15. 15 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics IT AIN'T MY JOB It ain't my job to sweep the floor Or move the stuff from door to door. It ain't my job to hump a ton Of this and that - it ain't much fun. It ain't my job to wonder why The boss is looking sad of eye. It ain't my job to figure out What he's got to gripe about. It ain't my job to give a toss Just what's screwing up the boss. It ain't my job delivery's not met Why should I break into a sweat? It ain't my job to sharpen tools, If others do it, they're the fools. It ain't my job to even blush, When I join the pay-day rush. It ain't my job to harm my health And do some thinking for myself. It ain't my job to ruminate On why the place will liquidate. It ain't my job to stop and say "Should I work harder every day?" It ain't my worry. Why should I sob? For, after all, it ain't my job. (Found on a factory canteen in Scotland and translated.)
  • 16. 16 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics A SENSE OF OWNERSHIP In William Kay's profile of two dozen of the UK's top chief executives, "The Bosses", Archie Norman of Asda, says managers have to create a sense of ownership amongst their staff: "You have to get people saying to themselves: "This is my store"; and wanting to feel that working at Asda is worthwhile, that they like the people and like talking to customers. You want employees to go into the pub after work and feel good about telling people that they work at Asda.“ This process is backed up by a "Tell Archie" suggestion scheme, regular feedback, morning "huddles" and monthly "circles". "We depend on the success, skills and motivation of our people at every level. We want to be exalting and celebrating the successes we have and inviting people to play their role in the company."
  • 17. 17 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics I DEAL WITH HUMANS A supervisor who was judged by researcher Rensis Likert as an effective manager says... "One way in which we accomplish a high level of production is by letting people do the job the way they want so long as they accomplish the objectives. I believe in letting them take time out from the monotony. Make them feel they are something special, not just run of the mill. If you keep employees from feeling hounded, they are apt to put out the necessary effort to get the work done in the required time. I never make any decisions myself. Oh, I guess I've made about two since I've been here. If people know their jobs, I believe in letting them make their own decisions. I don't believe in saying this is the way it's going to be. My job is dealing with human beings rather than the work."
  • 18. 18 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics DEVELOPING PEOPLE Delegation plans are likely to figure largely in personal development programmes. Many organisations now use them to plan the development of their staff's potential. They may also be devised in a less formal way because managers spot the potential "under their nose". The manager who delegates in order to develop others... 1. gets real pleasure from seeing others grow 2. believes that people want to grow 3. provides room for people to grow 4. sees people as unlimited potential not finite resource 5. trusts others 6. does not expect the job to be done the way she would do it, but doesn't mind because... 7. she is prepared to learn how the job can be done differently.
  • 19. 19 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics DELEGATING LEVELS There are at least five different levels at which you can choose to delegate work to others. 1. Bits of the Job. This means simply asking people to do parts of a job with others who may also be doing part of the job. 2. The Whole Job. This means giving people the whole job to do such as a special project or once-off activity. 3. The Job and Its Outcomes. This means giving people the job and agreeing what outcomes are to be achieved. 4. The Outcomes Alone. This means agreeing what you would like to achieve but leaving the person to decide how they are to do it. 5. Managerial Responsibility. This means having as little direct input as possible and giving people managerial accountability, authority and responsibility. This kind of delegating comes nearest to the concept of empowerment.
  • 20. 20 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics STEWARDSHIP Stewardship delegation is less of a once-off act and more of a long-term relationship. It involves passing to someone else the responsibility of looking after a task whether large or small for a period of time. It is what monarchs do to their prime ministers and prime ministers do to their ministers, and so on all the way down the line. Stewardship delegation involves... 1. an act of entrusting 2. a clear understanding that the steward will care for his or her concern 3. guidelines on managing 4. the need for resources to make things happen 5. non-interference by the delegator 6. public recognition 7. accountability. Stewardship is as old as civilization itself.
  • 21. 21 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics JOSEPH AND PHARAOH The story of Joseph and Pharaoh in the book of Genesis describes a stewardship relationship. As a result of his dreams of the future, Pharaoh had agreed to let Joseph manage the expected years of plenty and famine in Egypt. First, Pharaoh made it clear that Joseph had the power to act in his name: "...I have set thee over all the land of Egypt..." Secondly, Pharaoh let everyone else know of Joseph's status: "...he made him ride in the second chariot...and arrayed him in fine linen.“ Next, Pharaoh made it clear that Joseph was answerable to him alone: "...only in the throne will I be greater than thou" and did not interfere in the task or responsibility: "Go unto Joseph; what he saith to you, do". As a result of Pharaoh’s trust in Joseph, the land of Egypt and its people survived the seven years of famine.
  • 22. 22 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics THAT’S IT! WELL DONE!
  • 23. 23 | The Delegating Spectrum Delegation and Empowerment MTL Course Topics THANK YOU This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn