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 How do you think the
older generation views
your generation? Explain.
 As the 1920’s opened, an
economic recession, influx of
immigrants, and racial and
cultural tension combined to
create an atmosphere of
disillusionment and
 The Fear and prejudice
towards Communists and
Germans had expanded to
include all immigrants
 In this decade, America became the
wealthiest country in the world with no
obvious rival.
 Yet by 1930 she had hit a depression
that was to have world-wide
 But in the good times everybody
seemed to have a reasonably well
paid job and everybody seemed to
have a lot of spare cash to spend. 
 Remember during WWI,
immigration had dropped
significantly to the US
 By 1921 it had returned to
prewar levels
 Many Americans saw the
immigrants as a threat to
stability and order
 The arrival of immigrants also
seemed to pose a threat to
the 4 million recently
demobilized military men and
women searching for a job
 In the 1920s, racism and
nativism increased.
 Immigrants and
demobilized military men
and women competed
for the same jobs during
a time of high
unemployment and an
increased cost of living.
 Ethnic prejudice was the basis of the Sacco and
Vanzetti case, in which the two immigrant men
were accused of murder and theft.
 They were thought to be anarchists, or opposed
to all forms of government.
 Sacco and Vanzetti were sentenced to death,
and in 1927 they were executed still proclaiming
their innocence.
 Nativists used the idea of
eugenicseugenics, the false science of the
improvement of hereditary traits,
to give support to their
arguments against immigration.
 Nativists emphasized that human
inequalities were inherited and
said that inferior people should
not be allowed to breed.
 This added to the anti-
immigrant feeling of the time
and further promoted the idea of
strict immigrant control.
From 1906 onward, at least 60,000 Americans were sterilized
against their will. California and Virginia lead the nation in the
number of sterilizations per state. The legal basis for these forced
sterilizations was the so called science of Eugenics.
What is going on in this picture??
o The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) led the
to restrict immigration.
 This new Klan not only targeted
the freed African Americans
but also Catholics, Jews,
immigrants, and other groups
believed to have “un-
American” values.
 Because of a publicity
campaign, by 1924 the Ku Klux
Klan had over 4 million
members and stretched
beyond the South into Northern
 Ideals of the loving family
and personal satisfaction
increased the
importance of love and
friendship within a
 The rise of young, single
women in the workforce
brought a new
perspective on how
women participate in
society – as laborers and
 The rise of women
attending college
altered views of the
intellectual status of
women and increased
their independence.
 The automobile
allowed young people
a chance to escape
the confines of their
parents’ home and
gain their
independence with
increased private
No Kissing/Making Out Bank’s Closed
 Speakeasy
 Bee’s Knees The Ultimate
 Egg
 Cheaters
 Clam
 Ducky
 Bell Bottom
 Flivver Model T
Very Good
Illicit Bar
A Person Who Lives the Big Life
A Sailor
Tomato Female
Bell Ringer 1/8/2009
“She wore a knitted hat,
with hardly any brim, of
a flame or bonfire hue; a
henna scarf; two strings
of Betty beads, of
different colors, twisted
together; an open short
coat, with ample
pockets; a skirt with
vertical stripes… her
stockings were woolen
and of brilliant hue.”
 Psychologist G. Stanley
 During the 1920s
everybody seemed to be
buying everything,
 Businesses set out to meet
the demands of
consumers, producing
new products in record-
breaking quantities. 
 Cars, radios, appliances,
ready-made clothes,
gadgets, and other
consumer products found
their way into more and
more American homes
and garages. 
 Americans also started
buying stocks in greater
numbers, providing
capital to already
booming companies. 
 All the signs pointed
upward, and starry-eyed
men and women began
to believe that it was
going to be a one-way
trip, possibly forever.
 Henry Ford’s assembly
line not only
production, it
democratized the
ownership of the
 Ford showed that
handsome profits could
be made on small
margin and high
 By 1925 his famous
Model T sold for less
than $300, a modest
price by the standards
of the 1920s. 
 Americans had never
had it so good. 
(Many, of course,
would not have it so
good again for a long
 Thanks to pioneers such as
Lindbergh, the airplane
began to come of age in the
 Although airplanes had been
used for various modest
purposes, mostly
reconnaissance, in the World
War, they were still exotic
gadgets in 1920. 
 After Lindbergh’s flight, planes
began to carry passengers for
travel rather than just for thrills. 
 Regularly scheduled flights began,
and airports were constructed to
handle passengers and small
amounts of cargo. 
 American and United Airlines were
two of the successful early airline
 The end was in sight for railroad
domination of the transportation
 People danced until they
dropped, and one fell to
the floor, dead! (not
literally, but close  )
 The radio became
popular, and people tuned
in everyday.
 The T.V. was not invented
yet, so the radio was the
next best thing.
 When they listened, people
liked to listen to jazz,
especially the king of jazz,
Louis Armstrong.
 After World War I and into
the early 1920s, America was
the leading producer of films
in the world
 The studio system was
essentially born with long-
term contracts for stars,
lavish production values,
and increasingly rigid control
of directors and stars
 The first films with sound
began to appear, called
 Because of the growth of cities
brought by immigration and
internal migration, a sharpening
divide grew between urban and
rural areas. 
 Sophisticated city dwellers began
to look at their country cousins as
hicks or bumpkins
 Whereas those in the farm belts
viewed the cities as places of
degradation, immorality, and
“foreign” influences. 
 Thought of by
the Progressives
 Was a plan to
stop people
from drinking
 Added to the
Constitution in
 Made the
production, sale,
transportation of
beverages illegal
 Reduce Crime
 Reduce Poverty
 Lower Death Rates
 Improve the Quality of Life
 Bootleggers - smuggled
alcohol from surrounding
 Speakeasies (hidden
saloons, nightclubs)
become fashionable
 People built their own
stills to distill liquor
(Bathtub Gin)
 Speakeasies were formed in the 1920's
as a means to get around the everyday
hassle of law enforcement watching for
people to violate the 18th Amendment.
 As a result of Prohibition, the speakeasy
was an established institution. For every
legitimate saloon that closed as a result
of the new law, a half dozen
underground palaces sprung up.
 These speakeasies were
one of the many ways
that people during the
1920's and early 1930's
obtained illegal alcohol.
 By the middle of the
decade there were
thought to be 100,000
speakeasies in New York
City alone.
 Prohibition contributed to
organized crime in major
- Wanted to make money
off illegal liquor
 Underground gangs
battled for control of the
booze racket
 1923 – Al Capone emerged
as leader of organized
 Controlled Chicago liquor
business by killing
 Prohibition failed
because the policy
was pretty much
 Only 5% of smuggled
liquor was actually
stopped from coming
into the country
 Gangs overpowered or
bribed authority figures
• Instead of lowering the crime
rate prohibition actually lead to
an increase in crime.
• Large amounts of money could
be made from illegal
 The 21st
Amendment ended
prohibition in 1933
 Fundamentalism –
movement based on
literal interpretation
of Bible
 Fundamentalists
skeptical of some
scientific discoveries
& theories
- Rejected theory of
 Believed all
knowledge could be
found in Bible
 In 1925 Tennessee passed the
Butler Act, which made it
illegal to teach anything that
denied creationism and
taught evolution instead.
 John T. Scopes, a biology
teacher, volunteered to test
the Butler Act by teaching
evolution in his class.
 After being arrested and put
on trial, Scopes was found
guilty, but the case was later
 After the trial, many
fundamentalists withdrew
from political activism.
Music, Art, and Literature
The brutality of WWI
caused writers to
question accepted ideas
about reason, progress,
religion, anxieties about
the future, and fear of the
 American author whose
works are reminiscent of the
Jazz Age, a term he coined
 Most famous for writing The
Great Gatsby
“Heroes come and go, but
legends never die”
 American boxer and
world heavyweight
champion from 1919-
 The Babe
 The Sultan of Swat
 The Colossus of Clout
 The Great Bambino!
 Helped solidify
baseball as
America’s pastime
 Known for calling his
homerun in the 1932
World Series
Bringing African American
culture into the forefront
 After WWI, hundreds of thousands
African Americans left the rural south
and headed into industrial cities
 The cities were full of nightclubs and
music, particularly in NY cities
neighborhood of Harlem
Harlem, a neighborhood in New York City, was the
center of the African American political, cultural,
and artistic movement in the 1920s and early
Harlem in
the early
Based on these pictures, describe what
life was like in Harlem in the early 1930s.
What events and movements do you think may have helped lead
to the Renaissance?Great Migration:
•After WWI,
hundreds of
thousands African
Americans left the
rural south and
headed into
industrial cities
•The cities were full
of nightclubs and
music, particularly
in NY cities
neighborhood of
Every family has that
one member that they
don’t want to admit to!
Don’t let it be you!!!
Growing African American Middle Class: developed
as a result of improved educational and employment
opportunities for African Americans.
The Harlem section of New York became the center of this
new African American class.
The Harlem section of New York City was transformed from a
deteriorating area into a thriving middle class community.
Before After
 It was in Harlem that African Americans
created an environment that stimulated
artistic development, racial pride, a
sense of community, and political
organization Harlem Renaissance
If we must die, let it not be like hogs
Hunted and penned in an
inglorious spot,
While round us bark the mad and
hungry dogs,
Making their mock at our
accursed lot.
If we must die, O let us nobly die,
So that our precious blood may
not be shed
In vain; then even the monsters
we defy
Shall be constrained to honor us
though dead!
O kinsmen we must meet the
common foe!
Though far outnumbered let us
show us brave,
And for their thousand blows deal
one deathblow!
What though before us lies the
open grave?
Like men we'll face the murderous,
cowardly pack,
Pressed to the wall, dying, but
fighting back!
•Considered first important writer
of the Harlem Renaissance.
•Wrote about racism
Langston Hughes
What happens to a dream
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
Versatile writer and poet his
work crossed color barriers
 Their Eyes Were
Watching God
 Celebrated the
courage of African
Americans in the
 Main characters in
her novels were
African American
women– One of the
first to do this
Bessie Smith – Empty Bed Blues
I woke up this morning with a
awful aching head
I woke up this morning with a
awful aching head
My new man had left me, just
a room and a empty bed
Bought me a coffee grinder
that's the best one I could
Bought me a coffee grinder
that's the best one I could
Oh, he could grind my
coffee, 'cause he had a
brand new grind
You ain't nothin but a hound
dog, been snooping round
my door
You ain't nothin but a
hound dog, been snooping
round my door
You can wag your tail but
Lord I ain't gonna feed you
no more
You told me you were high
class, but I can see through
You told me you were high
class, but I can see through
And daddy I know you ain't
no real cool cat
Louis Armstrong – “Satchmo”
Political Agenda For Civil Rights by African Americans:
leaders such as W.E.B. Du Bois, Marcus Garvey and the
NAACP helped to inspire racial pride in the middle and
working class.
Marcus Garvey
pushed for the Back
to Africa movement
Du Bois, author of The Souls of
Black Folks, was instrumental in
the foundation of the NAACP.
published The
Crisis, a journal
used to share the
literary works of
Du Bois believed that artistic and literary
work could be used as a form of
propaganda to help combat racial
stereotypes and gain new respect for
the race.
message does
this song,
written by an
send to the
How do images like this hinder the efforts
of African Americans like Du Bois?
Affect of the Harlem
 Flowering of African American art
 New forms of music such as Jazz and
 Shed light on racism
 NAACP (National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People )
 Instilled black pride and hope for future
African Americans
 Video Clip
 Review Activity
1. Nativists emphasized that human inequalities
were inherited and said that inferior people
should not be allowed to breed. They used the
false science of ____________ to support their
 Eugenics
2. 1920s slang for dollar
 clam
3. 1920s slang for illegal bar
 speakeasy
4. This racist organization increased
membership during the 1920s. There
were over 4 million members in the
5. This amendment prohibited
production, sale, transportation of
 18th
6. This religious movement began to
call for laws prohibiting the
teaching of evolution
 Fundamentalism
7. In 1925 Tennessee passed the Butler
Act, which made it illegal to teach
anything that denied creationism
and taught evolution instead. What
famous trail came from this?
 Scopes Trail
8. The first affordable car for
the average person
 Model T
9. Term for an assertive women from
the 1920s, who frequented night
clubs and speakeasies
 Flapper
10. True or false- Prohibition helped
America become a safer place
 False
11. After WWI, hundreds of thousands
African Americans left the rural
south and headed into industrial
cities. This was known as what?
 Great Migration
12. Political activist who lead the
back to Africa movement
 Marcus Garvey
13. Female writer from the Harlem
Renaissance who wrote about
African American women?
 Zora Neal Hurston
14. There are 5 apples. You take 314. There are 5 apples. You take 3
away. How many do you have?away. How many do you have?
Answer: 3
15. Read the following image quickly15. Read the following image quickly
then write what it said.then write what it said.
Answer: A Bird In The The Bush
16. If a single feather weighs 0.216. If a single feather weighs 0.2
grams how much does a ton ofgrams how much does a ton of
feathers weigh?feathers weigh?
Answer: A ton
17. How many sides does a stop sign17. How many sides does a stop sign
have (Not 2)?have (Not 2)?
Answer: 8
18. Mary’s father has 4 children;18. Mary’s father has 4 children;
three are named Nana, Nene,three are named Nana, Nene,
and Nini. So what is is the 4thand Nini. So what is is the 4th
child’s name?child’s name?
Answer: Mary
19. The more of them you take, the19. The more of them you take, the
more you leave behind. What aremore you leave behind. What are
Answer: footsteps
20. What word in the English language20. What word in the English language
is always spelled incorrectly?is always spelled incorrectly?
Answer: incorrectly
Modern AmericanModern American
Attempting to express the
individual, modern experience
Les FauvesLes Fauves
 Emphasized painterly
qualities and strong
color over the
representational or
realistic values
retained by
Woman With A Hat,
Henri Matisse
Charing Cross Bridge, London ,
André Derain
 Feature the element of surprise, unexpected
juxtapositions and non sequitur.
The Persistence of
Memory, Salvador Dali
By Max Ernst
Analytical CubismAnalytical Cubism
 “Analyzed" natural
forms and reduced
the forms into basic
geometric parts on
the two-dimensional
picture plane
 Monochromatic
Woman With A Guitar,
Georges Braque
Le Guitariste, Pablo Picasso
Synthetic Cubism
 A pushing of several
objects together
 Use of mixed media
Still Life with Fruit Dish
and Mandolin, Juan
Three Musicians, Pablo Picasso
 concentrated its anti
war politics through a
rejection of the
prevailing standards in
art through anti-art
cultural works
Cut with the Dada Kitchen
Knife through the Last
Weimar Beer-Belly
Cultural Epoch in
Germany, Hannah Höch
Fountain, Marcel Duchamp

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The 20's

  • 1.  How do you think the older generation views your generation? Explain.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.  As the 1920’s opened, an economic recession, influx of immigrants, and racial and cultural tension combined to create an atmosphere of disillusionment and intolerance  The Fear and prejudice towards Communists and Germans had expanded to include all immigrants
  • 5.  In this decade, America became the wealthiest country in the world with no obvious rival.  Yet by 1930 she had hit a depression that was to have world-wide consequences.  But in the good times everybody seemed to have a reasonably well paid job and everybody seemed to have a lot of spare cash to spend. 
  • 6.  Remember during WWI, immigration had dropped significantly to the US  By 1921 it had returned to prewar levels  Many Americans saw the immigrants as a threat to stability and order  The arrival of immigrants also seemed to pose a threat to the 4 million recently demobilized military men and women searching for a job
  • 7.  In the 1920s, racism and nativism increased.  Immigrants and demobilized military men and women competed for the same jobs during a time of high unemployment and an increased cost of living.
  • 8.  Ethnic prejudice was the basis of the Sacco and Vanzetti case, in which the two immigrant men were accused of murder and theft.  They were thought to be anarchists, or opposed to all forms of government.  Sacco and Vanzetti were sentenced to death, and in 1927 they were executed still proclaiming their innocence.
  • 9.  Nativists used the idea of eugenicseugenics, the false science of the improvement of hereditary traits, to give support to their arguments against immigration.  Nativists emphasized that human inequalities were inherited and said that inferior people should not be allowed to breed.  This added to the anti- immigrant feeling of the time and further promoted the idea of strict immigrant control.
  • 10. From 1906 onward, at least 60,000 Americans were sterilized against their will. California and Virginia lead the nation in the number of sterilizations per state. The legal basis for these forced sterilizations was the so called science of Eugenics.
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13. What is going on in this picture??
  • 14. o The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) led the movement to restrict immigration.  This new Klan not only targeted the freed African Americans but also Catholics, Jews, immigrants, and other groups believed to have “un- American” values.  Because of a publicity campaign, by 1924 the Ku Klux Klan had over 4 million members and stretched beyond the South into Northern cities.
  • 15.
  • 16.  Ideals of the loving family and personal satisfaction increased the importance of love and friendship within a marriage.  The rise of young, single women in the workforce brought a new perspective on how women participate in society – as laborers and consumers.
  • 17.  The rise of women attending college altered views of the intellectual status of women and increased their independence.  The automobile allowed young people a chance to escape the confines of their parents’ home and gain their independence with increased private socializing opportunities.
  • 18. Eyeglasses No Kissing/Making Out Bank’s Closed Sinker  Speakeasy Doughnut  Bee’s Knees The Ultimate  Egg  Cheaters  Clam  Ducky  Bell Bottom  Flivver Model T Dollar Very Good Illicit Bar A Person Who Lives the Big Life A Sailor Tomato Female Bell Ringer 1/8/2009
  • 19.
  • 20. “She wore a knitted hat, with hardly any brim, of a flame or bonfire hue; a henna scarf; two strings of Betty beads, of different colors, twisted together; an open short coat, with ample pockets; a skirt with vertical stripes… her stockings were woolen and of brilliant hue.”  Psychologist G. Stanley Hall
  • 21.
  • 22.  During the 1920s everybody seemed to be buying everything,  Businesses set out to meet the demands of consumers, producing new products in record- breaking quantities.   Cars, radios, appliances, ready-made clothes, gadgets, and other consumer products found their way into more and more American homes and garages. 
  • 23.
  • 24.  Americans also started buying stocks in greater numbers, providing capital to already booming companies.   All the signs pointed upward, and starry-eyed men and women began to believe that it was going to be a one-way trip, possibly forever.
  • 25.  Henry Ford’s assembly line not only revolutionized production, it democratized the ownership of the automobile.   Ford showed that handsome profits could be made on small margin and high volume. 
  • 26.  By 1925 his famous Model T sold for less than $300, a modest price by the standards of the 1920s.   Americans had never had it so good.  (Many, of course, would not have it so good again for a long time.)
  • 27.  Thanks to pioneers such as Lindbergh, the airplane began to come of age in the 1920s.   Although airplanes had been used for various modest purposes, mostly reconnaissance, in the World War, they were still exotic gadgets in 1920. 
  • 28.
  • 29.  After Lindbergh’s flight, planes began to carry passengers for travel rather than just for thrills.   Regularly scheduled flights began, and airports were constructed to handle passengers and small amounts of cargo.   American and United Airlines were two of the successful early airline companies.   The end was in sight for railroad domination of the transportation industry.
  • 30.  People danced until they dropped, and one fell to the floor, dead! (not literally, but close  )  The radio became popular, and people tuned in everyday.  The T.V. was not invented yet, so the radio was the next best thing.  When they listened, people liked to listen to jazz, especially the king of jazz, Louis Armstrong.
  • 31.  After World War I and into the early 1920s, America was the leading producer of films in the world  The studio system was essentially born with long- term contracts for stars, lavish production values, and increasingly rigid control of directors and stars  The first films with sound began to appear, called talkies
  • 32.
  • 33.  Because of the growth of cities brought by immigration and internal migration, a sharpening divide grew between urban and rural areas.   Sophisticated city dwellers began to look at their country cousins as hicks or bumpkins  Whereas those in the farm belts viewed the cities as places of degradation, immorality, and “foreign” influences. 
  • 34.  Thought of by the Progressives  Was a plan to stop people from drinking alcoholic beverages
  • 35.  Added to the Constitution in 1919  Made the production, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages illegal
  • 36.  Reduce Crime  Reduce Poverty  Lower Death Rates  Improve the Quality of Life
  • 37.
  • 38.  Bootleggers - smuggled alcohol from surrounding countries  Speakeasies (hidden saloons, nightclubs) become fashionable  People built their own stills to distill liquor (Bathtub Gin)
  • 39.  Speakeasies were formed in the 1920's as a means to get around the everyday hassle of law enforcement watching for people to violate the 18th Amendment.  As a result of Prohibition, the speakeasy was an established institution. For every legitimate saloon that closed as a result of the new law, a half dozen underground palaces sprung up.
  • 40.  These speakeasies were one of the many ways that people during the 1920's and early 1930's obtained illegal alcohol.  By the middle of the decade there were thought to be 100,000 speakeasies in New York City alone.
  • 41.  Prohibition contributed to organized crime in major cities - Wanted to make money off illegal liquor  Underground gangs battled for control of the booze racket  1923 – Al Capone emerged as leader of organized crime  Controlled Chicago liquor business by killing
  • 42.  Prohibition failed because the policy was pretty much unenforceable  Only 5% of smuggled liquor was actually stopped from coming into the country  Gangs overpowered or bribed authority figures
  • 43. • Instead of lowering the crime rate prohibition actually lead to an increase in crime. • Large amounts of money could be made from illegal bootlegging.
  • 44.  The 21st Amendment ended prohibition in 1933
  • 45.
  • 46.  Fundamentalism – movement based on literal interpretation of Bible  Fundamentalists skeptical of some scientific discoveries & theories - Rejected theory of evolution  Believed all important knowledge could be found in Bible
  • 47.  In 1925 Tennessee passed the Butler Act, which made it illegal to teach anything that denied creationism and taught evolution instead.  John T. Scopes, a biology teacher, volunteered to test the Butler Act by teaching evolution in his class.  After being arrested and put on trial, Scopes was found guilty, but the case was later overturned.  After the trial, many fundamentalists withdrew from political activism.
  • 48. Music, Art, and Literature
  • 49. The brutality of WWI caused writers to question accepted ideas about reason, progress, religion, anxieties about the future, and fear of the future
  • 50.  American author whose works are reminiscent of the Jazz Age, a term he coined himself.  Most famous for writing The Great Gatsby
  • 51. “Heroes come and go, but legends never die”
  • 52.  American boxer and world heavyweight champion from 1919- 1926.
  • 53.  The Babe  The Sultan of Swat  The Colossus of Clout  The Great Bambino!  Helped solidify baseball as America’s pastime  Known for calling his homerun in the 1932 World Series
  • 54.
  • 55. Bringing African American culture into the forefront
  • 56.  After WWI, hundreds of thousands African Americans left the rural south and headed into industrial cities  The cities were full of nightclubs and music, particularly in NY cities neighborhood of Harlem
  • 57. Harlem, a neighborhood in New York City, was the center of the African American political, cultural, and artistic movement in the 1920s and early 1930s.
  • 58. Harlem in the early 1930s Based on these pictures, describe what life was like in Harlem in the early 1930s.
  • 59. Cause s What events and movements do you think may have helped lead to the Renaissance?Great Migration: •After WWI, hundreds of thousands African Americans left the rural south and headed into industrial cities •The cities were full of nightclubs and music, particularly in NY cities neighborhood of Harlem Every family has that one member that they don’t want to admit to! Don’t let it be you!!!
  • 60. Cause s Growing African American Middle Class: developed as a result of improved educational and employment opportunities for African Americans. The Harlem section of New York became the center of this new African American class.
  • 61. Impac t The Harlem section of New York City was transformed from a deteriorating area into a thriving middle class community. Before After
  • 62.  It was in Harlem that African Americans created an environment that stimulated artistic development, racial pride, a sense of community, and political organization Harlem Renaissance
  • 63. If we must die, let it not be like hogs Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot, While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs, Making their mock at our accursed lot. If we must die, O let us nobly die, So that our precious blood may not be shed In vain; then even the monsters we defy Shall be constrained to honor us though dead! O kinsmen we must meet the common foe! Though far outnumbered let us show us brave, And for their thousand blows deal one deathblow! What though before us lies the open grave? Like men we'll face the murderous, cowardly pack, Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back! •Considered first important writer of the Harlem Renaissance. •Wrote about racism
  • 64. Langston Hughes What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore-- And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over-- like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode? Versatile writer and poet his work crossed color barriers
  • 65.  Their Eyes Were Watching God  Celebrated the courage of African Americans in the South  Main characters in her novels were African American women– One of the first to do this
  • 66. Bessie Smith – Empty Bed Blues I woke up this morning with a awful aching head I woke up this morning with a awful aching head My new man had left me, just a room and a empty bed Bought me a coffee grinder that's the best one I could find Bought me a coffee grinder that's the best one I could find Oh, he could grind my coffee, 'cause he had a brand new grind
  • 67. You ain't nothin but a hound dog, been snooping round my door You ain't nothin but a hound dog, been snooping round my door You can wag your tail but Lord I ain't gonna feed you no more You told me you were high class, but I can see through that You told me you were high class, but I can see through that And daddy I know you ain't no real cool cat
  • 68.
  • 69. Louis Armstrong – “Satchmo”
  • 70. Politic s Political Agenda For Civil Rights by African Americans: leaders such as W.E.B. Du Bois, Marcus Garvey and the NAACP helped to inspire racial pride in the middle and working class. Marcus Garvey pushed for the Back to Africa movement Du Bois, author of The Souls of Black Folks, was instrumental in the foundation of the NAACP.
  • 71. The NAACP published The Crisis, a journal used to share the literary works of African Americans. Du Bois believed that artistic and literary work could be used as a form of propaganda to help combat racial stereotypes and gain new respect for the race. What message does this song, written by an African American, send to the general public? How do images like this hinder the efforts of African Americans like Du Bois?
  • 72. Affect of the Harlem Renaissance  Flowering of African American art  New forms of music such as Jazz and Blues  Shed light on racism  NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People )  Instilled black pride and hope for future African Americans
  • 73.  Video Clip then  Review Activity
  • 74. 1. Nativists emphasized that human inequalities were inherited and said that inferior people should not be allowed to breed. They used the false science of ____________ to support their argument.  Eugenics
  • 75. 2. 1920s slang for dollar  clam
  • 76. 3. 1920s slang for illegal bar  speakeasy
  • 77. 4. This racist organization increased membership during the 1920s. There were over 4 million members in the US  KKK
  • 78. 5. This amendment prohibited production, sale, transportation of alcohol  18th
  • 79. 6. This religious movement began to call for laws prohibiting the teaching of evolution  Fundamentalism
  • 80. 7. In 1925 Tennessee passed the Butler Act, which made it illegal to teach anything that denied creationism and taught evolution instead. What famous trail came from this?  Scopes Trail
  • 81. 8. The first affordable car for the average person  Model T
  • 82. 9. Term for an assertive women from the 1920s, who frequented night clubs and speakeasies  Flapper
  • 83. 10. True or false- Prohibition helped America become a safer place  False
  • 84. 11. After WWI, hundreds of thousands African Americans left the rural south and headed into industrial cities. This was known as what?  Great Migration
  • 85. 12. Political activist who lead the back to Africa movement  Marcus Garvey
  • 86. 13. Female writer from the Harlem Renaissance who wrote about African American women?  Zora Neal Hurston
  • 87. 14. There are 5 apples. You take 314. There are 5 apples. You take 3 away. How many do you have?away. How many do you have? Answer: 3
  • 88. 15. Read the following image quickly15. Read the following image quickly then write what it said.then write what it said. Answer: A Bird In The The Bush
  • 89. 16. If a single feather weighs 0.216. If a single feather weighs 0.2 grams how much does a ton ofgrams how much does a ton of feathers weigh?feathers weigh? Answer: A ton
  • 90. 17. How many sides does a stop sign17. How many sides does a stop sign have (Not 2)?have (Not 2)? Answer: 8
  • 91. 18. Mary’s father has 4 children;18. Mary’s father has 4 children; three are named Nana, Nene,three are named Nana, Nene, and Nini. So what is is the 4thand Nini. So what is is the 4th child’s name?child’s name? Answer: Mary
  • 92. 19. The more of them you take, the19. The more of them you take, the more you leave behind. What aremore you leave behind. What are they?they? Answer: footsteps
  • 93. 20. What word in the English language20. What word in the English language is always spelled incorrectly?is always spelled incorrectly? Answer: incorrectly
  • 94.
  • 95. Modern AmericanModern American Art:Art: Attempting to express the individual, modern experience
  • 96. Les FauvesLes Fauves  Emphasized painterly qualities and strong color over the representational or realistic values retained by Impressionism Woman With A Hat, Henri Matisse
  • 97. Charing Cross Bridge, London , André Derain
  • 98. SurrealismSurrealism  Feature the element of surprise, unexpected juxtapositions and non sequitur. The Persistence of Memory, Salvador Dali
  • 100. Analytical CubismAnalytical Cubism  “Analyzed" natural forms and reduced the forms into basic geometric parts on the two-dimensional picture plane  Monochromatic color Woman With A Guitar, Georges Braque
  • 102. Synthetic Cubism  A pushing of several objects together  Use of mixed media Still Life with Fruit Dish and Mandolin, Juan Gris
  • 104. DadaDada  concentrated its anti war politics through a rejection of the prevailing standards in art through anti-art cultural works Cut with the Dada Kitchen Knife through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany, Hannah Höch