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“The Roaring Twenties”
1920s: The U.S., The Myths, Juice Joints
           and All that Jazz
The Razzle Dazzle
• The 1920s is also known as:
   – The Roaring Twenties or The Jazz Age [U.S.A, Canada or the U.K.]
   – Sometimes referred to as the “Golden Age 20s” due to an economic
     boom following the economic boom of WWI
   – Weimar Republic, like many other European countries faced severe
     economic downturn in the opening years of the decade due to
     enormous debt caused by WWI & the Treaty of Versailles
   – Decade included the rise of radical politics-
      • Communism, and the Bolsheviks’ to win the Russian Civil War
      • U.S. had a city population that surpassed rural population
      • Rise of far rights and fascism in Europe
   – Ended with the devastating Wall Street Crash in October 1929
Fear and Xenophobia
           Learning Goal: NJCCCS 6.1.12.A.8.c
    Relate social intolerance, xenophobia, and fear of
anarchists to government policies restricting immigration,
           advocacy, and labor organizations.
Seeing Red
• Fear of Russia ran high even after
  the Bolshevik revolution of 1917,
  which spawned a communist party
  in America.
• The "red scare" of 1919-1920
  resulted in a nationwide crusade
  against those whose Americanism
  was suspect.
•    Attorney General A. Mitchell
    Palmer was chosen to round up
    immigrants who were in question.
Crime Syndication Laws

           • In 1919-1920, a number of
             states passed criminal
             syndicalism laws that made
             the advocacy of violence to
             secure social change unlawful.
           • Traditional American ideals of
             free speech were restricted.
Sacco and Vanzetti
• Antiredism and antiforeignism were
  reflected in the criminal case of Nicola
  Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti.
• The two men were convicted in 1921 of
  the murder of a Massachusetts
  paymaster and his guard.
• Although given a trial, the jury and
  judge were prejudiced against the men
  because they were Italians, atheists,
  anarchists, and draft dodgers
• Despite criticism from liberals and
  radicals all over the world, the men
  were electrocuted in 1927.
Hooded Hoodlums of the KKK
• The Ku Klux Klan (Knights of
  the Invisible Empire) grew
  quickly in the early 1920s
• The Klan was antiforeign, anti-
  Catholic, anti-black, anti-
  Jewish, antipacifist, anti-
  Communist, anti-
  antibootlegger, antigambling,
  antiadultery, and anti-birth
  control. It was pro-Anglo-
  Saxon, pro-"native" American,
  and pro-Protestant.
Spread of the KKK
• The Klan spread rapidly, especially in the Midwest and
  the South, claiming 5 million members.
• It collapsed in the late 1920s after a congressional
  investigation exposed the internal embezzling by Klan
• The KKK was an alarming manifestation of the
  intolerance and prejudice plaguing people anxious
  about the dizzying pace of social change in the 1920s.
Stemming the Foreign Blood
• Isolationist Americans of the
  1920s felt they had no use for
• The "New Immigration" of the
  1920s caused Congress to pass
  the Emergency Quota Act of
• restricting newcomers from
  Europe in any given year to a
  definite quota, which was at 3%
  of the people of their nationality
  who had been living in the United
  States in 1910.
Johnson Reed Immigration Act
              •   The Immigration Act of 1924 replaced
                  the Quota Act of 1921, cutting quotas
                  for foreigners from 3% to 2%. Different
                  countries were only allowed to send an
                  allotted number of its citizens to
                  America every year.
              •   Japanese were outright banned from
                  coming to America.
              •    Canadians and Latin Americans, whose
                  proximity made them easy to attract for
                  jobs when times were good and just as
                  easy to send back home when times
                  were not, were exempt from the act.
• The quota system caused immigration to
• The Immigration Act of 1924 marked the end of
  an era of unrestricted immigration to the United
  States. Many of the most recent arrivals lived in
  isolated enclaves with their own houses of
  worship, newspapers, and theaters.
The Prohibition "Experiment"

• The 18th Amendment, passed in
  1919, banned alcohol.
• Prohibition, supported by churches
  and women, was one the last
  peculiar spasms of the progressive
  reform movement.
• It was popular in the South, where
  white southerners were eager to
  keep stimulants out of the hands of
  blacks, and in the West, where
  alcohol was associated with crime
  and corruption.
Putting on the Ritz
          •   Prohibitionists were naïve in that
              Federal authorities had never been
              able to enforce a law where the
              majority of the people were hostile
              to it.
          •   Prohibition might have started off
              better if there had been a larger
              number of enforcement officials.
          •   "Speakeasies” [a place where
              alcoholic drinks were sold and
              consumed illegally during
              Prohibition. ] replaced saloons.
          •   Prohibition caused bank savings to
              increase and absenteeism in industry
              to decrease.
The Golden Age of Gangsterism
• The large profits of illegal alcohol led
  to bribery of police.
• Violent wars broke out in the big
  cities between rival gangs, who
  sought control of the booze market.
• Chicago was the most spectacular
  example of lawlessness.
• "Scarface" Al Capone, a murderous
  booze distributor, began 6 years of
  gang warfare that generated millions
  of dollars
• Capone was eventually tried and
  convicted of income-tax evasion and
  sent to prison for 11 years.
American Gangsters
• Gangsters began to
  move into other
  profitable and illicit
   – prostitution,
   – gambling,
   – narcotics,
   – kidnapping for ransom.
Crime in the 1920s
• Police funding: INCREASED $11.4 Million
• Arrests for Prohibition Las Violations: INCREASED 102+%
• Arrests for Drunkenness and Disorderly Conduct: INCREASED 41%
• Arrests of Drunken Drivers: INCREASED 81%
• Thefts and Burglaries: INCREASED 9%
• Homicides, Assault, and Battery: INCREASED 13%
• Number of Federal Convicts: INCREASED 561%
• Federal Prison Population: INCREASED 366%
• Total Federal Expenditures on Penal Institutions: INCREASED 1,000%
Review- Analyzing Effects 
• How did criminals take   • Answer: Criminals broke

  advantage of               the law by smuggling, as

  Prohibition?               well as by making alcohol
                             and selling it for profit.
Prohibition, 1920-1933
Causes                                   Effects

Various religious groups thought         Consumption of alcohol declined
drinking alcohol was sinful

Reformers believed that the government Disrespect for the law developed
should protect the public’s health

Reformers believed that alcohol led to   An increase in lawlessness, such as
crime, wife and child abuse, and         smuggling and bootlegging, was evident
accidents on the job
During WWI, native-born American         Criminal found a new source of income
developed a hostility to German-
American brewers and toward other
immigrant groups that used alcohol

                                         Organized crime grew
The Bum Rush
• After the son of Charles A.
  Lindbergh [(February 4, 1902 –
  August 26, 1974), nicknamed Slim,
  Lucky Lindy, and The Lone Eagle,
  was an American aviator, author,
  inventor, explorer, and social
• was kidnapped for ransom and
• Congress passed the Lindbergh
  Law in 1932, making interstate
  abduction in certain circumstances a
  death-penalty offense.
The Crime of the Century
• The kidnapping of Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr., the son
  of famous aviator Charles Lindbergh and Anne Morrow
  Lindbergh, was one of the most highly publicized crimes of
  the 20th century.
• The 20-month-old toddler was abducted from his family
  home in East Amwell, New Jersey, near the town of
  Hopewell, New Jersey, on the evening of March 1, 1932.
• Over two months later, on May 12, 1932, his body was
  discovered a short distance from the Lindberghs' home.
• A medical examination determined that the cause of
  death was a massive skull fracture.
Trial of the Century
• After an investigation that lasted more than two years, Bruno
  Richard Hauptmann was arrested and charged with the crime.
  In a trial that was held from January 2 to February 13, 1935
• Hauptmann was found guilty of murder in the first degree and
  sentenced to death.
• He was executed by electric chair at the New Jersey State
  Prison on April 3, 1936, at 8:44 in the evening.
• Hauptmann proclaimed his innocence to the end
• Newspaper writer H. L. Mencken called the kidnapping and
  subsequent trial "the biggest story since the Resurrection".
Dear Sir!
Have 50.000$ redy 25.000$ in
20$ bills 15.000$ in 10$ bills and
10.000$ in 5$ bills After 2–4 days
we will inform you were to deliver
the mony.

We warn you for making
anyding public or for notify the Police
The child is in gut care.
Indication for all letters are
and three hohls.
Progressive Education
• Education made great strides in the 1920s.
• Professor John Dewey set forth the principles of "learning by doing" that formed
  the foundation of so-called progressive education.
• He believed that "education for life" should be a primary goal of the teacher
• Science and better health care also resulted out of the 1920s.
• Fundamentalists, old-time religionists, claimed that the teaching of Darwinism
  evolution was destroying faith in God and the Bible, while contributing to the
  moral breakdown of youth.
• Progressive educators opposed a growing national movement that sought to
  separate academic education for the few and narrow vocational training for the
• During the 1920s, when education turned increasingly to "scientific" techniques
  such as intelligence testing and cost-benefit management, progressive educators
  insisted on the importance of the emotional, artistic, and creative aspects of
  human development--"the most living and essential parts of our natures," as
  Margaret Naumburg put it in The Child and the World.
Review- Summarizing 
                           • Answer: More students
• How did schools change
                             were able to attend school
  during the 1920s?
                             during this prospering time;
                             schools had to adapt to
                             teaching students of new
                             immigrant families; schools
                             offered a broad range of
                             courses for students to train
                             for industrial jobs.
Monkey Business in Tennessee
•   In 1925, John T. Scopes was indicted in
    Tennessee for teaching evolution.
•   Scopes had violated the Butler Act, which
    made it unlawful to teach evolution in any
    state-funded school
•   Scopes was unsure if he had taught
    evolution or not, however he purposely
    incriminated himself so that the case
    could have a defendant
•   At the The State of Tennessee v. John
    Thomas Scopes ["Monkey Trial,”] Scopes
    was defended by Clarence Darrow, while
    former presidential candidate William
    Jennings Bryan prosecuted him.
•   Scopes was found guilty and fined $100.
The Battle over Evolution. Opponents of Darwin’s theories set up shop at the opening of
the famed “Monkey Trial” in Dayton, Tennessee, in 1925. The trial was an early battle in an
American “culture war” that is still being waged more than 75 years later.
Review- Analyzing Issues 
• What was the conflict     • Answer: Fundamentalists
  between fundamentalists     believed that God created
  and those who accepted      the world in six days,
  evolution?                  whereas evolutionists
                              argued that modern
                              species developed from
                              earlier forms of life over
                              millions of years ago.
The Mass-Consumption
    WWI and Treasury Secretary Andrew
    Mellon's tax policies brought much
    prosperity to the mid-1920s.
•   Bruce Barton founded advertising
    which sought to make Americans
    want more and more.
•   Sports became a big business in the
    consumer economy of the 1920s.
•   Buying in credit was another new
    feature of the postwar economy.
•   Prosperity thus accumulated an
    overhanging cloud of debt, and the
    economy became increasingly
    vulnerable to disruptions of the
    credit structure.
Mass Consumption and
           Learning Goal: NJCCCS: 6.1.12.A.8.b
 Compare and contrast the global marketing practices of
 United States factories and farms with American public
opinion and government policies that favored isolationism.
Mellon’s Tax Cuts
  •   Andrew Mellon's plan had four main
  •   Cut the top income tax rate from 77 to 24
      percent - predicting that large fortunes
      would be put back into the economy.
  •   Cut taxes on low incomes from 4 to 1/2
      percent - tax policy "must lessen, so far as
      possible, the burden of taxation on those
      least able to bear it."
  •   Reduce the Federal Estate tax - large
      income taxes tempted the wealthy to
      shift their fortunes into tax-exempt
  •   Efficiency in government - lower tax rates
      meant few tax returns to process by few
      government workers, cutting the actual
      size of paper bills to fit into wallets saved
      expenses in paper and ink.
Reducing Public Debt
•   By 1926 65% of the income tax
    revenue came from incomes
    $300,000 and higher, when five years
    prior, less than 20% did.
•   During this same period, the overall
    tax burden on those that earned less
    than $10,000 dropped from
    $155 million to $32.5 million
•   Mellon's policies helped reduce the
    overall public debt (the national debt
    skyrocketed from $1.5 billion in 1916
    to $24 billion in 1919 because of
    World War I obligations) from $33
    billion in 1919 to about $16 billion in
Mass Consumption
•   Mass consumption, also called
    Consumerism, is a term used to
    describe the phenomena of people         •   standardized mass production led to
    purchasing goods in excess of their
    needs.                                   •   better machinery in factories, which
•   Mass Consumption occurred as a               led to
    result of Mass Production, which was     •   higher production and higher wages,
    caused by better machines and new
    technologies in factories. This better       which led to
    machinery and new technology lead        •   more demand for consumer goods
    to higher production and higher
    wages for workers.                       •   which led back to more standardized
•   Higher wages lead to higher demand           mass production.
    for consumer goods, which in turn
    lead to Mass production.
Average Income of Factory
• Credit allowed people to pay for goods,
  such as cars, in installments.
• This meant that rather than paying for a
  car all at once, people were able to spread
  out the payments over time.
• Later, overspending due to Credit would
  be a cause of the Great Depression, but
  during the 1920's the American economy
  was booming.
• Wages were higher, Americans were
  spending their higher wages and
  improving the economy, and technology
  used in factories was advancing, meaning
  factories would only become better able
  to produce goods that consumers were so
  willing to buy.
New Technology
•   Just as technology within factories advanced, the
    technology of goods being produced advanced as well.
    New inventions using electricity were being discovered
    rapidly, and many had a profound effect on America as a
•   Electric appliances emerged, many of which helped
    reduce the time it took to do everyday housework.
•   Products such as electric sewing machines, washing
    machines, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, mixers,
    stoves, toasters, irons, hot-water heaters, space heaters,
    and refrigerators helped the American housewife by
    mechanically preforming tasks that were otherwise
    done by hand.
•   The American kitchen became "modernized", and ads
    showing the "perfect" American kitchen emerged.
A "modern" 1920's American kitchen
United States Approximate House
 of Housework per Week, 1900-
  Year   Meals and Dishwashing   Laundry   General Cleaning
  1900   44                      7         7
  1925   30                      5         9
Media gives prominence to Sport creating
        Male and Female Sporting Stars.

• Sports which grew and
  flourished in the nineteen
  twenties due to unprecedented
  publicity and promotion
  baseball, tennis, golf, swimmin
  g, football and boxing.
• Newspapers, magazines, radio
  and movies all played a role in
  boosting the profile of sport
  and the sporting giants.
SPORTS in the 1920s
Baseball In America
•   In the 1920’s the first Negro leagues were
    started in America founded by Rube Foster.
•   In the 1920’s baseball became known as the
    American sport because it became so
•   Babe Ruth was the most famous baseball
    player in the 1920. He was a little chunky guy
    who would hit homeruns out of the park like
    nothing ever seen before. 1927 he hit a record
    setting 60 homeruns which was a record that
    stood for 30 years.
•   Satchel Paige, James Bell, and Josh Gibson
    were some of the many famous black players
    in the Negro league.
•   Jackie Robinson was the first black player to
    play in the MLB in America. His inclusion
    sparked controversy between races
•   Baseball today is played all over the world.
•   On September 17, 1920 the first American
    organized football league was
    established. Teams were only charged
    $100 to join the league.
•   The first ever trade was made in
    December of 1920 between Akron and
    Buffalo.(Tackle Bob Nash)
•   In 1921 the first use of football standings
    were put to use. The Green Bay Packers
    team was established.
•   The NFL,( National Football League) was
    established which consisted of 18 teams.
•   In 1925 one of the best football players,
    Harold (red) Grange joined the Chicago
    Bears. This brought lots of national
    attention because he was a player you
    had to see to believe.
•   By the end of the 1930’s the NFL was in
    full stride nation wide, Grange was still
    one of the best in the sport.
•   Boxing was banned from America in the early
•   In 1920 New York passed the Walker Law, this
    law permitted boxing fights to be legal in New
•   As others states witness what was happening in
    New York so they also legalized boxing. Boxing
    in America at this point was in full stride.
•   The first million-dollar fight was fought between
    Jack Dempsey of the U.S. and Georges
    Carpenter of France.
•   The first 2 ½ million-dollar fight was a rematch
    between Jack Dempsey and Gene Tunney.
    Tunney won both of the fights.
•   This fight was viewed by 100,000 persons. To the
    boxing world in America this was a positive and
    great outcome.
• Tennis became an American sport
  just like all the other sports in the
• William “Big Bill” Tilden was the
  best tennis player in the 1920’s.
• In tournaments he was astonishing
  to watch. He was the first American
  to win the Wimbledon tennis title.
• He was arrested and shunned for
  his homosexuality. He died
  penniless and alone.
• Helen Wills won every single match
  “she” played from 1927 to the end
  of the decade.
• She was the number one female
  tennis player in America in the
•   Golf was not one of the most popular sports
    during the 1920’s because all the other
    sports were in full stride.
•   There were three guys who help
    revolutionize the sport of golf in America;
    Boobby Jones, Walter Hagen, and Gene
    Sarozen.(all Americans)
•   Bobby Jones was playing the best golf of
    his life wining tournament after
•   Walter Hagen is well recognized for his
    style of dressing. He won 2 U.S. opens, 4
    British opens, and 5 PGA tittles including 4
    in a row. (1924-1927)
•   Gene Sarazone was consider on of the best
    golfers of the 1920’s and 1930’s. He is the
    first golfer to win 2 major tittles in the same
    year. In total he captured 10 major tittles.
•   Americans began to fall in love with a sport
    that was different from all the others.
Putting America on Rubber Tires
                •   The automobile industrial started an
                    industrial revolution in the 1920s.
                •   It yielded a new industrial system based
                    on assembly-line methods and mass-
                    production techniques.
                •   Detroit became the motorcar capital of
                    the world.
                •   Henry Ford, father of the assembly line,
                    created the Model T and erected an
                    immense personal empire on the
                    cornerstone of his mechanical genius.
                •   By 1930, the number of Model Ts in the
                    nation had reached 20 million.
The Advent of the Gasoline Age
               • The automobile industry
                 exploded, creating millions of
                 jobs and supporting industries
               • America's standard of living
                 rose sharply, and new
                 industries flourished while old
                 ones dwindled.
               • The petroleum business
                 experienced an explosive
                 development and the railroad
                 industry was hard hit by the
                 competition of automobiles.
Gas Station, 1923. Gas stations like this one began to appear about 1913.
Before that the nation’s handful of automobile owners bought fuel from their
local oil companies and stored it in tanks in their own yards.
Women, Cars, and Death
• The automobile freed up
  women from their
  dependence on men, and
  isolation among the
  sections was broken down.
• It was responsible for
  thousands of deaths, while
  at the same time bringing
  more convenience,
  pleasure, and excitement
  into more people's lives.
Humans Develop Wings
          •   Gasoline engines provided the power
              that enabled humans to fly.
          •   On December 17, 1903, Orville and
              Wilbur Wright made their first
              flight, lasting 12 seconds and 120
          •   After the success of airplanes in
              WWI, private companies began to
              operate passenger airlines with
              airmail contracts.
          •   Charles A. Lindberg became the first
              man to fly solo across the Atlantic
              Ocean in 1927.
          •   His flight energized and gave a
              strong boost to the new aviation
Lucky Lindy. Charles A. Lindbergh (1902-1974) stands in front of the aircraft
that made him famous. The first person to fly solo across the Atlantic,
Lindbergh became an acclaimed celebrity- perhaps the first media “hero” of
the twentieth century. His shining reputation later lost some of its lusted
when he voiced anti-Semitic sentiments and opposed American entry into
World War II, though he went on to fly several combat missions in the war
against Japan.
The Radio Revolution
• Guglielmo Marconi invented
  wireless telegraphy (the
  telegraph) in the 1890s.
• In the 1920s, the first voice-
  carrying radio broadcasts
  reached audiences.
• While automobiles were luring
  Americans away from the
  home, the radio was luring them
• Educationally and culturally, the
  radio also made a significant
Hollywood's Filmland Fantasies
             •   As early as the 1890s, the motion picture,
                 invented by Thomas A. Edison, had gained
                 some popularity.
             •   The true birth of motion picture came in 1903
                 with the release of the first story
                 sequence: The Great Train
                 Robbery. Hollywood became the movie
                 capital of the world.
             •   Motion picture was used extensively in WWI
                 as anti-German propaganda.
             •   Much of the diversity of the immigrants'
                 cultures was lost, but the standardization of
                 tastes and of language hastened entry into
                 the American mainstream-and set the stage
                 for the emergence of a working-class political
                 coalition that would overcome the divisive
                 ethnic differences of the past.
1920’s Studio System
•   The 1920s saw a vast expansion of Hollywood film making and worldwide film
•   Throughout the decade, film production increasingly focused on the feature film
    rather than the "short" or "two-reeler."
•   This is a change that had begun with the long D.W. Griffith epics of the mid-1910s.
•   In Hollywood, numerous small studios were taken over and made a part of larger
    studios, creating the Studio System that would run American film making until
    the 1960s.
•   MGM (founded in the middle of the decade) and Paramount were the highest-
    grossing studios during the period, with Fox, Universal, United Artists, and Warner
    Brothers making up a large part of the remaining market.
Picture Palaces
        • The 1920s was also the decade of
           the "Picture Palaces": large urban
           theaters that could seat 1-2,000
           guests at a time, with full
           orchestral accompaniment and
           very decorative design (often a
           mix or Italian, Spanish, and
           Baroque styles). These picture
           palaces were often owned by the
           studios and used to premier and
           first-run their major films.
Movie Stars and
• Key genres such as the swashbuckler,
  horror, and modern romantic comedy
  flourished during the decade.
• Stars such as Douglas Fairbanks, Ramon
  Novarro, Pola Negri, Nazimova, Greta
  Garbo, Mary Pickford, Lilian Gish, Francis
  X. Bushman, Charlie Chaplin, Buster
  Keaton, Harold Lloyd, Lon Chaney,
  Rudolph Valentino, John Gilbert, Clara
  Bow, Gloria Swanson, Joan Crawford,
  George O'Brien, and John Barrymore
  created some of their most memorable
  roles and films during the period
Transition to “Talkies”
•   The transition to sound-on-film technology occurred mid-decade with the talkies
    developed in 1926-1927, following experimental techniques begun in the late
•   Fox Studios and the Warner Brothers were crucial in the development and
    acceptance of the technology of sound in motion pictures.
•   With sound, the concept of the musical appeared immediately, as in The Jazz
    Singer of 1927, because silent films had been accompanied by music for years
    when projected in theaters.
•   Sound also greatly changed the Hollywood approach to storytelling, with more
    dependence on dialogue and less creative use of the visual element.
•   Also, in 1927, the International Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was
    formed. Later, "International" was removed from the name.
•   Today, The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is most famous for its
    annual presentation of The Academy Awards, also known as the Oscars.
Wings is considered by media the first movie to win the Academy Award for Best Picture.
Lewis Milestone, Best Director, Comedy Picture
Emil Jannings, Best Actor
Janet Gaynor, Best Actress
Charles Chaplin, Honorary Award
Dynamic Decade & Women
                Learning Goal: 6.1.12.C.8.b
  Relate social, cultural, and technological changes in the
 interwar period to the rise of a consumer economy and the
            changing role and status of women.
The Dynamic Decade
• In the 1920s, the majority of Americans had shifted from rural
  areas to urban (city) areas.
• Women continued to find jobs in the cities.
• Margaret Sanger led a birth-control movement.
• Alice Paul formed the National Women's Party in 1923 to
  campaign for an Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution.
• The Fundamentalists lost ground to the Modernists who believed
  that God was a "good guy" and the universe was a friendly place.
• Fundamentalism n. a Protestant religious movement grounded in
  the belief that all the stories and details in the Bible are literally
• The 1920s witnessed an explosion in sex appeal in America
Margaret Sanger (1879-
1966) in Boston, 1929.
Forbidden to speak on the
inflammatory topic of birth
control, a defiant Sanger
covered her mouth and
“lectured” in Boston by
writing on a blackboard.
Since 1912- Sanger had
devoted herself to
promoting birth control
and establishing
contraceptive clinics
throughout the United
Enter: The Flapper
• Young women, "flappers," rolled
   their stockings, taped their
   breasts flat, and roughed their
• Flapper- one of the free-thinking
   young women who embraced the
   new fashions and urban attitudes
   of the 1920s.
• Women began to wear one-piece
   bathing suits.
Changing Roles of Women
Women Before 1920
• Most women particularly white women did not
   work outside the home.

• They performed traditional domestic
   responsibilities of conserving food and fuel
   resources in the early part of the war.
Women During World War One
•   Women joined the military and took the role as
•   After men began to get drafted over 23,000
    women entered war time industrial plants for the
    first time.
•   These jobs consisted of shipment collectors,
    accountants, telephone operators, and steel mill
•   Women who worked outside their homes before
    the war had better job opportunities and where
    able to move from domestic services to industrial
•   They were also working in dangerous day to day
    jobs building a munitions and working with TNT
    that was a life threatening especially to the fact
    that many of these factories were enemy targets.
•   Women who worked in these factories also ran a
    great risk of explosions within the factory and TNT
The         19th Amendment

•   There was a view that women should not have
    the right to vote because it was not within her
    intellectual capacity to make reasonable
    judgment in an election.
•   There was also another view that if women get
    involved in politics they would stop getting
    married, stop having children, and the human
    race would die out. Also known as the Race
    Suicide Argument.
•   Finally after decades of suffrage in 1920 the 19th
    amendment was passed and it gave women the
    right to vote.
•   After women succeeded in traditional male jobs
    they began to demand better wages and more
    political rights.
•   1848 the women's suffrage movement broke out
    in means to fight for women's right to vote.
Women’s New Rights
 •   19th amendment extended the rights
     of suffrage women.
 •   Right to vote.
 •   Equal rights towards women and
 •   Making mother joint guardians over
 •   Raising the age of protection of
     young girls to 18.
Women’s Role In Society
• 1920’s brought new and exciting
  cultural innovations that shifted
  women's attention from politics into
  social life.
• Social life consisted of new fashion
  trends, products, and sexier images.
• Political success along with having
  more leisure time to spend during
  this era challenged traditional ideas
  of women’s role in society.
• Unmarried working women had
  their own money to spend and had
  greater access to mobility.
Women’s New Fashion
                        "There are no ugly women, only lazy ones.“ Helena Rubenstein

•   New fashion became immoral to Victorian
    mothers and grand mothers.
•   Women's fashion became personal expressions.
•   1919 dresses uncovered 10% of woman's bodies
    by 1927 women's skirts raised to knee length
    leaving 25% of body bare.
•   Less modest starting with shorter hem lines.
•   Body images became of greater importance as
    to staying thin.
•   Women's hairstyle went shorter to a “shingle
•   Women took on smoking which double the
    number of women smokers during the decade.
The Flapper. New dance styles, like the “Charleston” flamboyantly displayed the
new social freedom of the “flapper”, whose dress and antics frequently
flummoxed the guardians of respectability.
The Guardians of Morality. Women’s new one-piece bathing suits were a
sensation in the 1920s. Here a check is carefully made to ensure that not too
much leg is showing.
Review- Evaluating 
• How was the flapper     • Answer: Like: Flappers
  like and unlike women     used clothing,
  of today?                 hairstyles, and
                            behavior to claim a
                            new freedom. Unlike:
                            Today’s women have
                            more freedoms.
Review- Analyzing Effects 
• How did the growth of          • Answer: Big business and
  business and industry affect     industry produced time saving
  women?                           appliances that freed women
                                   from some household chores,
                                   and business groweth also
                                   created jobs for millions of
                                   women, but more women
                                   were confined to traditional
The Psychology of it All
• Dr. Sigmund Freud writings
  justified this new sexual
  frankness by arguing that
  sexual repression was
  responsible for a variety of
  nervous and emotional ills.
Art and Culture of the 1920s
        Learning Goal: NJCCCS 6.1.12.D.8.b
Assess the impact of artists, writers, and musicians of
  the 1920s, including the Harlem Renaissance, on
            American culture and values.

 Analyze the push-pull factors that led to the Great
All That Jazz
•   Jazz thrived in the era of the 1920s.
•   jazz n. a style of music characterized by
    the use of improvisation.
•   originated at the beginning of the 20th
    century in black communities in the
    Southern United States.
•   It was born out of a mix of African and
    European music traditions. Its African
    pedigree is evident in its use of blue
    notes, improvisation, polyrhythms, syn
    copation, and the swung note.
•   From its early development until the
    present day, jazz has also incorporated
    elements from American popular
The Harlem Renaissance of the

                                                                      “Take The A Train”
                                                            Billy Strayhorn for the Duke Ellington Orchestra

                                                          You must take the A train
                                                          To go to Sugar Hill way up in Harlem
                                                          If you miss the A train
                                                          You'll find you missed the quickest
                                                          way to Harlem
                                                          Hurry, get on, now it's coming
                                                          Listen to those rails a-humming
                                                          All aboard, get on the A train
                                                          Soon you will be on Sugar Hill in

  •What is the tone or mood of this recording?
  •Why do you think the original recording was made and for what audience?
  •List two things in this sound recording that tell you about life in the United States at the
What is it?
• The Harlem Renaissance was a flowering of
  African American social thought which was
  expressed through
   – Paintings
   – Music
   – Dance
   – Theater
   – Literature
Where is Harlem?
  The island of Manhattan              Neighborhoods

New York City is on Manhattan island
Where was the Harlem
          Renaissance centered?
• Centered in the
  Harlem district of
  New York City, the
  New Negro
  Movement (as it
  was called at the
  time) had a major
  influence across
  the Unites States
  and even the
How does the Harlem
          Renaissance connect to
           the Great Migration?
• The economic opportunities of the era triggered a widespread
  migration of black Americans from the rural south to the
  industrial centers of the north - and especially to New York
• In New York and other cities, black Americans explored new
  opportunities for intellectual and social freedom.
• Black American artists, writers, and musicians began to use

  their talents to work for civil rights and obtain equality.
How did it impact history?
• The Harlem Renaissance helped to redefine how
  Americans and the world understood African American
  culture. It integrated black and white cultures, and
  marked the beginning of a black urban society.

• The Harlem Renaissance set the stage for the Civil Rights
  Movement of the 1950s and 60s.
Now that you’ve learned more                                       “Take The A Train”
about the Harlem Renaissance,                            Billy Strayhorn for the Duke Ellington Orchestra
listen again to this song. Does it
                                                      You must take the A train
change your answers to the
                                                      To go to Sugar Hill way up in Harlem
analysis questions below?
                                                      If you miss the A train
                                                      You'll find you missed the quickest
                                                      way to Harlem
                                                      Hurry, get on, now it's coming
                                                      Listen to those rails a-humming
                                                      All aboard, get on the A train
                                                      Soon you will be on Sugar Hill in

•What is the tone or mood of this recording?
•Why do you think the original recording was made and for what audience?
•List two things in this sound recording that tell you about life in the United States at the
Who do we associate with the
   Harlem Renaissance?
• Artists such as Jacob Lawrence
• Authors such as Langston Hughes
• Musicians such as Duke Ellington, Louis
  Armstrong, and Bessie Smith
Jacob Lawrence
  •   Jacob Lawrence grew up in a settlement
      house in Harlem during the Harlem
  •   Lawrence's parents were among those
      who migrated between 1916-1919,
      considered the first wave of the
  •   His own life in Harlem ,
      and the struggle of other Black
      inspired his earliest work
Lawrence’s Work

• Jacob Lawrence painted his Great Migration
  series during the 1940s to capture the experience
  of African Americans during the 1920s
Painted scenes of:
                           •his own background in Harlem
Jacob Lawrence   Painter   •the hard life of black Americans
                           in the 1920s

                           The Great Migration series is his
                           most recognized work
Langston Hughes
    • Hughes is known for his
      insightful, colorful, realistic
      portrayals of black life in America.
    • He wrote poetry, short
      stories, novels, and plays, and is
      known for his involvement with the
      world of jazz and the influence it
      had on his writing.
    • His life and work were enormously
      important in shaping the artistic
      contributions of the Harlem
      Renaissance in the 1920s.
    • He wanted to tell the stories of his
      people in ways that reflected their
      actual culture, including both their
      suffering and their love of
      music, laughter, and language
The Negro Speaks of Rivers                                                           I've known rivers:
                                                                                     I've known rivers ancient as the
                         (1919)                                                      world and older than the
                                                                                     flow of human blood in human
      To listen to Langston Hughes read                                              veins.
              his poem, click here.                                                  My soul has grown deep like the
One of Hughes's poetic innovations was to draw on                                    I bathed in the Euphrates when
the rhythms of black musical traditions such as jazz                                 dawns were young.
and blues, but in 'The Negro Speaks of Rivers' it's                                  I built my hut near the Congo
the heritage of Negro spirituals which is recalled by                                and it lulled me to sleep.
the poem's majestic imagery and sonorous
repetitions. Written when Hughes was only                                            I looked upon the Nile and
seventeen as he traveled by train across the                                         raised the pyramids above it.
Mississippi, 'The Negro Speaks of Rivers' is a                                       I heard the singing of the
beautiful statement of strength in the history of                                    Mississippi when Abe Lincoln
black people, which Hughes imagines stretching as                                    went down to New
far back as ancient Egypt and further into Africa                                    Orleans, and I've seen its
and the cradle of civilization. The poem returns at                                  muddy
the end to America in a moment of optimistic
alchemy when he sees the "muddy bosom" of the                                        bosom turn all golden in the
Mississippi "turn all golden in the sunset".
                                                                                     I've known rivers:
From                                                               Ancient, dusky rivers.

                              •What is the tone or mood of this poem?                       My soul has
                                                                                            grown deep like
                              •Why do you think the poem was written and for what audience? the rivers.
                              •List two things in this poem that tell you about life in the United States at the time.
I, too, sing America                                                  I, too, sing America.

                                                                                           I am the darker brother.
                                                                                           They send me to eat in the kitchen
                                                                                           When company comes,
                   To listen to Langston Hughes read
                                                                                           But I laugh,
                           his poem, click here.
                                                                                           And eat well,
                                                                                           And grow strong.
                'I, Too' written just before Hughes’ return to the
                States from Europe and after he'd been denied
                passage on a ship because of his color, has a                              Tomorrow,
                contemporary feel in contrast to the mythical                              I'll be at the table
                dimension of 'The Negro Speaks of Rivers'. It is no
                                                                                           When company comes.
                less powerful however, in its expression of social
                injustice. The calm clear statements of the 'I' have                       Nobody'll dare
                an unstoppable force like the progress the poem                            Say to me,
                envisages. Hughes's dignified introductions to
                                                                                           "Eat in the kitchen,“
                these poems and his beautiful speaking voice
                render them all the more moving.                                           Then.

                From                                                     Besides,
                                                                                           They'll see how beautiful I am
                                                                                           And be ashamed--

•What is the tone or mood of this poem?
•Why do you think the poem was written and for what audience?                              I, too, am America.

•List two things in this poem that tell you about life in the United States at the time.
Wrote poetry, short stories,
                                  novels, and plays.
Langston Hughes Poet and Author
                                  Known for his colorful,
                                  realistic portrayals of black
                                  life in America.
Duke Ellington
• Ellington was a jazz composer,
  conductor, and performer during
  the Harlem Renaissance.
• During the formative Cotton Club
  years, he experimented with and
  developed the style that would
  quickly bring him worldwide
  success. Ellington would be among
  the first to focus on musical form
  and composition in jazz.
• Ellington wrote over 2000 pieces in
  his lifetime.
The Cotton Club
     • The Duke Ellington Orchestra
       was the "house" orchestra for a
       number of years at the Cotton
       Club. The revues featured
       glamorous dancing girls,
       acclaimed tap dancers,
       vaudeville performers, and
       comics. All the white world came
       to Harlem to see the show.
     • The first Cotton Club revue was
       in 1923. There were two new fast
       paced revues produced a year
       for at least 16 years.
Jazz composer, conductor,
Duke Ellington Composer/Conductor               and performer during the
                                                Harlem Renaissance

      To hear Duke Ellington, click the link.
Louis “Satchmo”Armstrong

         • Louis Armstrong was a jazz composer
            and trumpet player during the Harlem
         • He is widely recognized as a founding
            father of jazz.
         • He appeared in 30 films and averaged
            300 concerts per year, performing for
            both kids on the street and heads of
Composer and trumpet
                                   player during the Harlem
Louis Armstrong Composer/Trumpeter Renaissance

                                               Widely recognized as a
                                               founding father of jazz

    To hear Louis Armstrong, click the link.
Bessie Smith

  • Bessie Smith was a famous jazz and
    blues singer during the Harlem

  • Smith recorded with many of the
    great Jazz musicians of the 1920s,
    including Louis Armstrong.

  • Smith was popular with both blacks
    and whites
Famous jazz and blues singer
                                                during the Harlem
Bessie Smith          Jazz & Blues              Renaissance
                                                Popular with both blacks and

        To hear Bessie Smith, click the link.
Study the picture for 2 minutes. Form an
                                                   overall impression of the painting, then
                                                   start to focus on individual details.

                                                   Questions to think about:
                                                   1. What do you see?
                                                   2. What people do you see?
                                                   3. What objects do you see?
                                                   4. What colors do you see?
                                                   5. What actions/activities do you see?
                                                   6. What questions does this painting
                                                   raise in your mind?
                                                   7. How does this painting relate to
                                                   the Harlem Renaissance?
                                                   8. Based on what you have observed,
                                                   list what you may infer from this
“Ascent from Ethiopia”, Louis Mailou Jones. 1932
Review- Analyzing Effects 
                             • Answer: The movement of
• How did the influx of
                               millions of African
  African Americans change
                               Americans to Northern
  Northern cities?
                               cities greatly increased
                               their black populations,
                               and heightened racial
                               tensions that sometimes
                               resulted in discrimination
                               and violence.
Great Migration and Racial
             Learning Goal: NJCCCS: 6.1.12.D.8.a
  Explain why the Great Migration led to heightened racial
 tensions, restrictive laws, a rise in repressive organizations,
                  and an increase in violence
Marcus Garvey & the UNIA

Racial pride blossomed in the northern black communities. Marcus Garvey founded
the United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) to promote the resettlement of
blacks in Africa. In the United States, the UNIA also sponsored stores and other
businesses to keep blacks' dollars in black pockets.
Marcus Garvey
The Black Moses                                                 Born: August 17,
   •   "I do not speak carelessly or recklessly but                      1887
       with a definite object of helping the people,                St. Ann's Bay,
       especially those of my race, to know, to                        Jamaica
       understand, and to realize themselves.“                      Died: June 10,
       --Marcus Garvey, Halifax, Nova Scotia,                            1940
       1937                                                        London, England
                                                                   Jamaican activist
-In the United States Garveyism was central to the                    and African
development of the black consciousness and pride at the core          nationalist
of the twentieth-century freedom-movement.
-1910 Garvey began a series of travels that transformed him
from an average person concerned about the problems of
those with less opportunity, to an African nationalist
determined to lift an entire race from bondage.
- He visited Costa Rica, Panama, and Ecuador, and worked as
an editor for several radical newspapers and that was a big part
of where his leadership began. In each country he visited, he
noted that the black man was in an inferior position, subject to
the ever-changing ideals of stronger races.
- After briefly returning home, he proceeded
   to England, where contacts with African
   nationalists stimulated in him a keen
   interest in Africa and in black history.

   - At his time Garvey met Duse Mohammed
   Ali, a Sudanese-Egyptian and strong
   supporter of African self-rule. Garvey
   began writing for Ali's small magazines and
   was introduced to other black activists.

- On his return to Jamaica in 1914 from
   England, Garvey formed the Universal
   Negro Improvement Association and
   African Communities League (UNIA-
   ACL). These organizations were intended
   "to work for the general uplift of the Negro
   peoples of the world," and would become
   the centerpiece for his life's work.
His Place
               In History
•   Garvey's UNIA was bigger than the Civil Rights Movement.
•   Garvey's influence extended well beyond the borders of the United States to the
    Caribbean, Canada, and Africa.
•   His message had a tremendous influence on later groups such as the Rastafarians and
    the Nation of Islam is also important.
•   Much of what he said concerning racial pride and the potential for great racial success
    can be heard in later figures such as Malcolm X and even Stokely Carmichael, leader
    of SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee).
•   Garvey, Malcolm, and Carmichael are all considered more radical than the mainstream
    civil rights protesters.
The Universal Negro
Improvement Association
          • A black nationalist frat organization
            founded by Marcus Garvey.
          • The organization was strongest in the
            1920s, prior to Garvey's deportation from
            the United States of America.
          • Since 1949, there have been two
            organizations claiming the name.
          • According to the preamble of the 1929
            constitution as amended, the UNIA is a
            “social, friendly, humanitarian, charitable,
            educational, institutional, constructive and
            expansive society, and is founded by
            persons desiring to do the utmost to work
            for the general uplift of the people of
            African Ancestry of the world.”
“One God! One Aim! One Destiny!”
- And the members pledge themselves to do all in their power to
  conserve the rights of their noble race and to respect the rights of all
  mankind, believing always in the Brotherhood of Man and the
  Fatherhood of God.
- The motto of the organization is 'One God! One Aim! One Destiny!'
  Therefore, let justice be done to all mankind, realizing that if the
  strong oppresses the weak, confusion and discontent will ever mark
  the path of man but with love, faith and charity towards all the reign
  of peace and plenty will be heralded into the world and the
  generations of men shall be called Blessed.”
The Black Star Line
-The Black Star Steamship Line, was an enterprise intended
to provide a means for African Americans to return to Africa
while also enabling black people around the Atlantic to
exchange goods and services.

-The company had three ships (one called the SS Frederick
Douglass) that were owned and operated by black people and
made travel and trade possible between their United States,
Caribbean, Central American, and African stops.

-The economically independent Black Star Line was a symbol
of pride for blacks.

-Because of large financial obligations and managerial errors,
the Black Star Line failed in 1921 and ended operations.
Early in 1922 Garvey was indicted on mail fraud charges
regarding the Black Star Line's stock sale.

-Garvey was convicted but released after serving three years in
federal prison. He was then deported to Jamaica.
The Commercial Future of the Continent of Africa Pictured
Now that the world is organizing itself into Race groups, and men everywhere are realizing the value of

organized movements, we of the UNIA, appeal to Negroes everywhere to reorganize, link up your strength,

morally, financially, educationally, and physically, because out of this combination of strength will ultimately

come the freedom of Africa. Let us buy and build new steamships. Let us float them on the bosom of the

seven seas. Let us send them to the farthest ends of the world, carrying out commerce, and our trade. Let

us link up, America, South and Central America, and the West Indies. Let us link up America with the great

continent of Africa through the steamships of the Black Star Line. The Untold wealth of Africa is yet

unexploited. Africa still awaits the Negro explorer. Africa still has her hands outstretched beckoning to her

children scattered the world over to come to succor her, and to be the fellow citizens of the scattered sons

and daughters of Africa. The disunited units everywhere must first come together, and first pledge

themselves to support one great and noble policy, and that policy today is no other than the Universal Negro

Improvement Association. Let us support this great Organization everywhere. Let us rally to the colors of

the Black Star Steamship Company. Let us prepare today, for the tomorrows in the lives of the nations will

be so eventful that Negroes everywhere will be called upon to play their part in the survival of the fittest

human group.
Marcus Garvey
New York City, February 22, 1921
Review- Summarizing 
• What approach to race   • Answer: Garvey believed
  relations did Marcus      that African Americans
  Garvey promote?           should build a separate
                            society, he preached a
                            message of self pride and
                            he promoted African
                            American businesses.
Cultural Liberation
•   In the decade after WWI, a new generation of writers emerged. They gave
    American literature new life, imaginativeness, and artistic quality.
•   H.L. Mencken attacked marriage, patriotism, democracy, and prohibition in his
    monthly American Mercury.
•   F. Scott Fitzgerald published This Side of Paradise in 1920 and The Great Gatsby in
•   Earnest Hemingway was among the writers most affected by the war. He
    responded to propaganda and the overblown appeal to patriotism. He wrote of
    disillusioned, spiritually numb American expatriates in Europe in The Sun Also
    Rises (1926).
•   Sinclair Lewis wrote Main Street (1920) and Babbitt (1922).
•   Sherwood Anderson wrote Winesburg, Ohio (1919).
•   Architecture also became popular as materialism and functionalism increased.
F. Scott Fitzgerald and his
Wife, Zelda. The Fitzgeralds
are shown here in the happy,
early days of their stormy
Review- Analyzing Causes 
• Why did some writers
                            • Answer: Many American
  reject American culture
                              writers found American
  and values?
                              culture shallow and
                              materialistic; they
                              believed society lacked
                              any unified ideals.
1920s Art
                      Realism (Hopper)

                  Regionalism (Benton)

           Modernism (Stella, O’Keefe)
  Learning Goal: CRN Benchmark: 12.11.C- Identify, describe and analyze the
flourishing of American literature, music and art during the Jazz Age: the Harlem
                               Renaissance, etc.
Edward Hopper

Chop Suey (1929) Edward Hopper was an American artist in the 1920s. Two
common characteristics in his work show facets of American life, such as
gas stations and theaters, and seascapes and rural landscapes. Because
feminism was strong in the 1920s, many of his solitary figures are women.
Automat (1927). This painting as often been associated with the
concept of urban alienation. One critic has observed that, in a pose
typical of Hopper's melancholic subjects, "the woman's eyes are
downcast and her thoughts turned inward."
Georgia O’Keefe

Yellow Calla (1926)
                      Black Iris (1926)
Pink Tulip (1926)

Petunia (1925)

                 Poppy (1927)
The Modernists
                             Charles Demuth, The Figure 5 in Gold (1928)

Georgia O'Keefe, The Radiator Building--Night, New
York (1927)
Joseph Stella, Brooklyn Bridge

Stella, New York Interpreted (1922)
Thomas Hart Benton: American

  The Yankee Driver
                      Boomtown (1928)
The Cotton Pickers (1928)
Art Deco
• Was an eclectic artistic and design style that began in Paris in the 1920s
   and flourished internationally throughout the 1930s and into the World
   War II era. The style influenced all areas of design, including architecture
   and interior design, industrial design, fashion and jewelry, as well as the
   visual arts such as painting, graphic arts and film.
• The term "art deco" was coined in 1966, after an exhibition in Paris, 'Les
   Années 25' sub-titled Art Deco, celebrating the 1925.
• At its best, art deco represented elegance, glamour, functionality and
Art Deco: Design

                                 A Typical Building in

        Cowan Art Deco Pottery
        Chickadee Green 1920s
Art Deco: Fashion

                Sterling Silver-
                1920s Art Deco 8-
                sided Guilloche
Art Deco: Architecture

                    The Chrysler

Broadway Building
Art Deco: Automobiles

        1926 Rolls-Royce Phantom
Wall Street's Big Bull Market
• In the 1920s, the stock market became increasingly popular.
• In Washington, little was done to curtail money management.
• In 1921, the Republican Congress created the Bureau of the Budget in
  order to assist the president in preparing estimates of receipts and
  expenditures for submission to Congress as the annual budget. It was
  designed to prevent haphazardly extravagant appropriations.
• Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon's belief was that taxes forced the rich
  to invest in tax-exempt securities rather than in the factories that
  provided prosperous payrolls. Mellon helped create a series of tax
  reductions from 1921-1926 in order to help rich people. Congress
  followed by abolishing the gift tax, reducing excise taxes, the surtax, the
  income tax, and estate taxes. Mellon's policies shifted much of the tax
  burden from the wealthy to the middle-income groups. Mellon reduced
  the national debt by $10 billion.

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11.1 culture of the roaring twenties 1920-1929

  • 1. “The Roaring Twenties” 1920s: The U.S., The Myths, Juice Joints and All that Jazz
  • 2. The Razzle Dazzle • The 1920s is also known as: – The Roaring Twenties or The Jazz Age [U.S.A, Canada or the U.K.] – Sometimes referred to as the “Golden Age 20s” due to an economic boom following the economic boom of WWI – Weimar Republic, like many other European countries faced severe economic downturn in the opening years of the decade due to enormous debt caused by WWI & the Treaty of Versailles – Decade included the rise of radical politics- • Communism, and the Bolsheviks’ to win the Russian Civil War • U.S. had a city population that surpassed rural population • Rise of far rights and fascism in Europe – Ended with the devastating Wall Street Crash in October 1929
  • 3. Fear and Xenophobia Learning Goal: NJCCCS 6.1.12.A.8.c Relate social intolerance, xenophobia, and fear of anarchists to government policies restricting immigration, advocacy, and labor organizations.
  • 4. Seeing Red • Fear of Russia ran high even after the Bolshevik revolution of 1917, which spawned a communist party in America. • The "red scare" of 1919-1920 resulted in a nationwide crusade against those whose Americanism was suspect. • Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer was chosen to round up immigrants who were in question.
  • 5. Crime Syndication Laws • In 1919-1920, a number of states passed criminal syndicalism laws that made the advocacy of violence to secure social change unlawful. • Traditional American ideals of free speech were restricted.
  • 6. Sacco and Vanzetti • Antiredism and antiforeignism were reflected in the criminal case of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti. • The two men were convicted in 1921 of the murder of a Massachusetts paymaster and his guard. • Although given a trial, the jury and judge were prejudiced against the men because they were Italians, atheists, anarchists, and draft dodgers • Despite criticism from liberals and radicals all over the world, the men were electrocuted in 1927.
  • 7. Hooded Hoodlums of the KKK • The Ku Klux Klan (Knights of the Invisible Empire) grew quickly in the early 1920s • The Klan was antiforeign, anti- Catholic, anti-black, anti- Jewish, antipacifist, anti- Communist, anti- internationalist, antievolutionist, antibootlegger, antigambling, antiadultery, and anti-birth control. It was pro-Anglo- Saxon, pro-"native" American, and pro-Protestant.
  • 8. Spread of the KKK • The Klan spread rapidly, especially in the Midwest and the South, claiming 5 million members. • It collapsed in the late 1920s after a congressional investigation exposed the internal embezzling by Klan officials. • The KKK was an alarming manifestation of the intolerance and prejudice plaguing people anxious about the dizzying pace of social change in the 1920s.
  • 9. Stemming the Foreign Blood • Isolationist Americans of the 1920s felt they had no use for immigrants. • The "New Immigration" of the 1920s caused Congress to pass the Emergency Quota Act of 1921, • restricting newcomers from Europe in any given year to a definite quota, which was at 3% of the people of their nationality who had been living in the United States in 1910.
  • 10. Johnson Reed Immigration Act • The Immigration Act of 1924 replaced the Quota Act of 1921, cutting quotas for foreigners from 3% to 2%. Different countries were only allowed to send an allotted number of its citizens to America every year. • Japanese were outright banned from coming to America. • Canadians and Latin Americans, whose proximity made them easy to attract for jobs when times were good and just as easy to send back home when times were not, were exempt from the act.
  • 11. • The quota system caused immigration to dwindle. • The Immigration Act of 1924 marked the end of an era of unrestricted immigration to the United States. Many of the most recent arrivals lived in isolated enclaves with their own houses of worship, newspapers, and theaters.
  • 12. The Prohibition "Experiment" • The 18th Amendment, passed in 1919, banned alcohol. • Prohibition, supported by churches and women, was one the last peculiar spasms of the progressive reform movement. • It was popular in the South, where white southerners were eager to keep stimulants out of the hands of blacks, and in the West, where alcohol was associated with crime and corruption.
  • 13. Putting on the Ritz • Prohibitionists were naïve in that Federal authorities had never been able to enforce a law where the majority of the people were hostile to it. • Prohibition might have started off better if there had been a larger number of enforcement officials. • "Speakeasies” [a place where alcoholic drinks were sold and consumed illegally during Prohibition. ] replaced saloons. • Prohibition caused bank savings to increase and absenteeism in industry to decrease.
  • 14. The Golden Age of Gangsterism • The large profits of illegal alcohol led to bribery of police. • Violent wars broke out in the big cities between rival gangs, who sought control of the booze market. • Chicago was the most spectacular example of lawlessness. • "Scarface" Al Capone, a murderous booze distributor, began 6 years of gang warfare that generated millions of dollars • Capone was eventually tried and convicted of income-tax evasion and sent to prison for 11 years.
  • 15. American Gangsters • Gangsters began to move into other profitable and illicit activities: – prostitution, – gambling, – narcotics, – kidnapping for ransom.
  • 16. Crime in the 1920s • Police funding: INCREASED $11.4 Million • Arrests for Prohibition Las Violations: INCREASED 102+% • Arrests for Drunkenness and Disorderly Conduct: INCREASED 41% • Arrests of Drunken Drivers: INCREASED 81% • Thefts and Burglaries: INCREASED 9% • Homicides, Assault, and Battery: INCREASED 13% • Number of Federal Convicts: INCREASED 561% • Federal Prison Population: INCREASED 366% • Total Federal Expenditures on Penal Institutions: INCREASED 1,000%
  • 17. Review- Analyzing Effects  • How did criminals take • Answer: Criminals broke advantage of the law by smuggling, as Prohibition? well as by making alcohol and selling it for profit.
  • 18. Prohibition, 1920-1933 Causes Effects Various religious groups thought Consumption of alcohol declined drinking alcohol was sinful Reformers believed that the government Disrespect for the law developed should protect the public’s health Reformers believed that alcohol led to An increase in lawlessness, such as crime, wife and child abuse, and smuggling and bootlegging, was evident accidents on the job During WWI, native-born American Criminal found a new source of income developed a hostility to German- American brewers and toward other immigrant groups that used alcohol Organized crime grew
  • 19. The Bum Rush • After the son of Charles A. Lindbergh [(February 4, 1902 – August 26, 1974), nicknamed Slim, Lucky Lindy, and The Lone Eagle, was an American aviator, author, inventor, explorer, and social activist.] • was kidnapped for ransom and murdered, • Congress passed the Lindbergh Law in 1932, making interstate abduction in certain circumstances a death-penalty offense.
  • 20. The Crime of the Century • The kidnapping of Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr., the son of famous aviator Charles Lindbergh and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, was one of the most highly publicized crimes of the 20th century. • The 20-month-old toddler was abducted from his family home in East Amwell, New Jersey, near the town of Hopewell, New Jersey, on the evening of March 1, 1932. • Over two months later, on May 12, 1932, his body was discovered a short distance from the Lindberghs' home. • A medical examination determined that the cause of death was a massive skull fracture.
  • 21. Trial of the Century • After an investigation that lasted more than two years, Bruno Richard Hauptmann was arrested and charged with the crime. In a trial that was held from January 2 to February 13, 1935 • Hauptmann was found guilty of murder in the first degree and sentenced to death. • He was executed by electric chair at the New Jersey State Prison on April 3, 1936, at 8:44 in the evening. • Hauptmann proclaimed his innocence to the end • Newspaper writer H. L. Mencken called the kidnapping and subsequent trial "the biggest story since the Resurrection".
  • 22. Dear Sir! Have 50.000$ redy 25.000$ in 20$ bills 15.000$ in 10$ bills and 10.000$ in 5$ bills After 2–4 days we will inform you were to deliver the mony. We warn you for making anyding public or for notify the Police The child is in gut care. Indication for all letters are Singnature and three hohls.
  • 23. Progressive Education • Education made great strides in the 1920s. • Professor John Dewey set forth the principles of "learning by doing" that formed the foundation of so-called progressive education. • He believed that "education for life" should be a primary goal of the teacher • Science and better health care also resulted out of the 1920s. • Fundamentalists, old-time religionists, claimed that the teaching of Darwinism evolution was destroying faith in God and the Bible, while contributing to the moral breakdown of youth. • Progressive educators opposed a growing national movement that sought to separate academic education for the few and narrow vocational training for the masses. • During the 1920s, when education turned increasingly to "scientific" techniques such as intelligence testing and cost-benefit management, progressive educators insisted on the importance of the emotional, artistic, and creative aspects of human development--"the most living and essential parts of our natures," as Margaret Naumburg put it in The Child and the World.
  • 24. Review- Summarizing  • Answer: More students • How did schools change were able to attend school during the 1920s? during this prospering time; schools had to adapt to teaching students of new immigrant families; schools offered a broad range of courses for students to train for industrial jobs.
  • 25. Monkey Business in Tennessee • In 1925, John T. Scopes was indicted in Tennessee for teaching evolution. • Scopes had violated the Butler Act, which made it unlawful to teach evolution in any state-funded school • Scopes was unsure if he had taught evolution or not, however he purposely incriminated himself so that the case could have a defendant • At the The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes ["Monkey Trial,”] Scopes was defended by Clarence Darrow, while former presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan prosecuted him. • Scopes was found guilty and fined $100.
  • 26. The Battle over Evolution. Opponents of Darwin’s theories set up shop at the opening of the famed “Monkey Trial” in Dayton, Tennessee, in 1925. The trial was an early battle in an American “culture war” that is still being waged more than 75 years later.
  • 27. Review- Analyzing Issues  • What was the conflict • Answer: Fundamentalists between fundamentalists believed that God created and those who accepted the world in six days, evolution? whereas evolutionists argued that modern species developed from earlier forms of life over millions of years ago.
  • 28. The Mass-Consumption • Economy WWI and Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon's tax policies brought much prosperity to the mid-1920s. • Bruce Barton founded advertising which sought to make Americans want more and more. • Sports became a big business in the consumer economy of the 1920s. • Buying in credit was another new feature of the postwar economy. • Prosperity thus accumulated an overhanging cloud of debt, and the economy became increasingly vulnerable to disruptions of the credit structure.
  • 29. Mass Consumption and Business Learning Goal: NJCCCS: 6.1.12.A.8.b Compare and contrast the global marketing practices of United States factories and farms with American public opinion and government policies that favored isolationism.
  • 30. Mellon’s Tax Cuts • Andrew Mellon's plan had four main points: • Cut the top income tax rate from 77 to 24 percent - predicting that large fortunes would be put back into the economy. • Cut taxes on low incomes from 4 to 1/2 percent - tax policy "must lessen, so far as possible, the burden of taxation on those least able to bear it." • Reduce the Federal Estate tax - large income taxes tempted the wealthy to shift their fortunes into tax-exempt shelters. • Efficiency in government - lower tax rates meant few tax returns to process by few government workers, cutting the actual size of paper bills to fit into wallets saved expenses in paper and ink.
  • 31. Reducing Public Debt • By 1926 65% of the income tax revenue came from incomes $300,000 and higher, when five years prior, less than 20% did. • During this same period, the overall tax burden on those that earned less than $10,000 dropped from $155 million to $32.5 million • Mellon's policies helped reduce the overall public debt (the national debt skyrocketed from $1.5 billion in 1916 to $24 billion in 1919 because of World War I obligations) from $33 billion in 1919 to about $16 billion in 1929
  • 32. Mass Consumption • Mass consumption, also called Consumerism, is a term used to describe the phenomena of people • standardized mass production led to purchasing goods in excess of their needs. • better machinery in factories, which • Mass Consumption occurred as a led to result of Mass Production, which was • higher production and higher wages, caused by better machines and new technologies in factories. This better which led to machinery and new technology lead • more demand for consumer goods to higher production and higher wages for workers. • which led back to more standardized • Higher wages lead to higher demand mass production. for consumer goods, which in turn lead to Mass production.
  • 33. Average Income of Factory Workers
  • 34. Credit • Credit allowed people to pay for goods, such as cars, in installments. • This meant that rather than paying for a car all at once, people were able to spread out the payments over time. • Later, overspending due to Credit would be a cause of the Great Depression, but during the 1920's the American economy was booming. • Wages were higher, Americans were spending their higher wages and improving the economy, and technology used in factories was advancing, meaning factories would only become better able to produce goods that consumers were so willing to buy.
  • 35. New Technology • Just as technology within factories advanced, the technology of goods being produced advanced as well. New inventions using electricity were being discovered rapidly, and many had a profound effect on America as a whole. • Electric appliances emerged, many of which helped reduce the time it took to do everyday housework. • Products such as electric sewing machines, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, mixers, stoves, toasters, irons, hot-water heaters, space heaters, and refrigerators helped the American housewife by mechanically preforming tasks that were otherwise done by hand. • The American kitchen became "modernized", and ads showing the "perfect" American kitchen emerged.
  • 36. A "modern" 1920's American kitchen
  • 37. United States Approximate House of Housework per Week, 1900- 1925 Year Meals and Dishwashing Laundry General Cleaning 1900 44 7 7 1925 30 5 9
  • 38. Media gives prominence to Sport creating Male and Female Sporting Stars. • Sports which grew and flourished in the nineteen twenties due to unprecedented publicity and promotion included baseball, tennis, golf, swimmin g, football and boxing. • Newspapers, magazines, radio and movies all played a role in boosting the profile of sport and the sporting giants.
  • 39. SPORTS in the 1920s
  • 40. Baseball In America • In the 1920’s the first Negro leagues were started in America founded by Rube Foster. • In the 1920’s baseball became known as the American sport because it became so popular. • Babe Ruth was the most famous baseball player in the 1920. He was a little chunky guy who would hit homeruns out of the park like nothing ever seen before. 1927 he hit a record setting 60 homeruns which was a record that stood for 30 years. • Satchel Paige, James Bell, and Josh Gibson were some of the many famous black players in the Negro league. • Jackie Robinson was the first black player to play in the MLB in America. His inclusion sparked controversy between races • Baseball today is played all over the world.
  • 41. Football • On September 17, 1920 the first American organized football league was established. Teams were only charged $100 to join the league. • The first ever trade was made in December of 1920 between Akron and Buffalo.(Tackle Bob Nash) • In 1921 the first use of football standings were put to use. The Green Bay Packers team was established. • The NFL,( National Football League) was established which consisted of 18 teams. • In 1925 one of the best football players, Harold (red) Grange joined the Chicago Bears. This brought lots of national attention because he was a player you had to see to believe. • By the end of the 1930’s the NFL was in full stride nation wide, Grange was still one of the best in the sport.
  • 42. Boxing • Boxing was banned from America in the early 1900’s. • In 1920 New York passed the Walker Law, this law permitted boxing fights to be legal in New York. • As others states witness what was happening in New York so they also legalized boxing. Boxing in America at this point was in full stride. • The first million-dollar fight was fought between Jack Dempsey of the U.S. and Georges Carpenter of France. • The first 2 ½ million-dollar fight was a rematch between Jack Dempsey and Gene Tunney. Tunney won both of the fights. • This fight was viewed by 100,000 persons. To the boxing world in America this was a positive and great outcome.
  • 43. Tennis • Tennis became an American sport just like all the other sports in the 1920’s. • William “Big Bill” Tilden was the best tennis player in the 1920’s. • In tournaments he was astonishing to watch. He was the first American to win the Wimbledon tennis title. • He was arrested and shunned for his homosexuality. He died penniless and alone. • Helen Wills won every single match “she” played from 1927 to the end of the decade. • She was the number one female tennis player in America in the 1920’s.
  • 44. Golf • Golf was not one of the most popular sports during the 1920’s because all the other sports were in full stride. • There were three guys who help revolutionize the sport of golf in America; Boobby Jones, Walter Hagen, and Gene Sarozen.(all Americans) • Bobby Jones was playing the best golf of his life wining tournament after tournament. • Walter Hagen is well recognized for his style of dressing. He won 2 U.S. opens, 4 British opens, and 5 PGA tittles including 4 in a row. (1924-1927) • Gene Sarazone was consider on of the best golfers of the 1920’s and 1930’s. He is the first golfer to win 2 major tittles in the same year. In total he captured 10 major tittles. • Americans began to fall in love with a sport that was different from all the others.
  • 45. Putting America on Rubber Tires • The automobile industrial started an industrial revolution in the 1920s. • It yielded a new industrial system based on assembly-line methods and mass- production techniques. • Detroit became the motorcar capital of the world. • Henry Ford, father of the assembly line, created the Model T and erected an immense personal empire on the cornerstone of his mechanical genius. • By 1930, the number of Model Ts in the nation had reached 20 million.
  • 46. The Advent of the Gasoline Age • The automobile industry exploded, creating millions of jobs and supporting industries • America's standard of living rose sharply, and new industries flourished while old ones dwindled. • The petroleum business experienced an explosive development and the railroad industry was hard hit by the competition of automobiles.
  • 47. Gas Station, 1923. Gas stations like this one began to appear about 1913. Before that the nation’s handful of automobile owners bought fuel from their local oil companies and stored it in tanks in their own yards.
  • 48. Women, Cars, and Death • The automobile freed up women from their dependence on men, and isolation among the sections was broken down. • It was responsible for thousands of deaths, while at the same time bringing more convenience, pleasure, and excitement into more people's lives.
  • 49.
  • 50. Humans Develop Wings • Gasoline engines provided the power that enabled humans to fly. • On December 17, 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright made their first flight, lasting 12 seconds and 120 feet. • After the success of airplanes in WWI, private companies began to operate passenger airlines with airmail contracts. • Charles A. Lindberg became the first man to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927. • His flight energized and gave a strong boost to the new aviation industry.
  • 51. Lucky Lindy. Charles A. Lindbergh (1902-1974) stands in front of the aircraft that made him famous. The first person to fly solo across the Atlantic, Lindbergh became an acclaimed celebrity- perhaps the first media “hero” of the twentieth century. His shining reputation later lost some of its lusted when he voiced anti-Semitic sentiments and opposed American entry into World War II, though he went on to fly several combat missions in the war against Japan.
  • 52.
  • 53. The Radio Revolution • Guglielmo Marconi invented wireless telegraphy (the telegraph) in the 1890s. • In the 1920s, the first voice- carrying radio broadcasts reached audiences. • While automobiles were luring Americans away from the home, the radio was luring them back. • Educationally and culturally, the radio also made a significant contribution.
  • 54. Hollywood's Filmland Fantasies • As early as the 1890s, the motion picture, invented by Thomas A. Edison, had gained some popularity. • The true birth of motion picture came in 1903 with the release of the first story sequence: The Great Train Robbery. Hollywood became the movie capital of the world. • Motion picture was used extensively in WWI as anti-German propaganda. • Much of the diversity of the immigrants' cultures was lost, but the standardization of tastes and of language hastened entry into the American mainstream-and set the stage for the emergence of a working-class political coalition that would overcome the divisive ethnic differences of the past.
  • 55. 1920’s Studio System • The 1920s saw a vast expansion of Hollywood film making and worldwide film going. • Throughout the decade, film production increasingly focused on the feature film rather than the "short" or "two-reeler." • This is a change that had begun with the long D.W. Griffith epics of the mid-1910s. • In Hollywood, numerous small studios were taken over and made a part of larger studios, creating the Studio System that would run American film making until the 1960s. • MGM (founded in the middle of the decade) and Paramount were the highest- grossing studios during the period, with Fox, Universal, United Artists, and Warner Brothers making up a large part of the remaining market.
  • 56. Picture Palaces • The 1920s was also the decade of the "Picture Palaces": large urban theaters that could seat 1-2,000 guests at a time, with full orchestral accompaniment and very decorative design (often a mix or Italian, Spanish, and Baroque styles). These picture palaces were often owned by the studios and used to premier and first-run their major films.
  • 57. Movie Stars and Genres • Key genres such as the swashbuckler, horror, and modern romantic comedy flourished during the decade. • Stars such as Douglas Fairbanks, Ramon Novarro, Pola Negri, Nazimova, Greta Garbo, Mary Pickford, Lilian Gish, Francis X. Bushman, Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, Lon Chaney, Rudolph Valentino, John Gilbert, Clara Bow, Gloria Swanson, Joan Crawford, George O'Brien, and John Barrymore created some of their most memorable roles and films during the period
  • 58. Transition to “Talkies” • The transition to sound-on-film technology occurred mid-decade with the talkies developed in 1926-1927, following experimental techniques begun in the late 1910s. • Fox Studios and the Warner Brothers were crucial in the development and acceptance of the technology of sound in motion pictures. • With sound, the concept of the musical appeared immediately, as in The Jazz Singer of 1927, because silent films had been accompanied by music for years when projected in theaters. • Sound also greatly changed the Hollywood approach to storytelling, with more dependence on dialogue and less creative use of the visual element. • Also, in 1927, the International Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was formed. Later, "International" was removed from the name. • Today, The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is most famous for its annual presentation of The Academy Awards, also known as the Oscars.
  • 59. Wings is considered by media the first movie to win the Academy Award for Best Picture. Lewis Milestone, Best Director, Comedy Picture Emil Jannings, Best Actor Janet Gaynor, Best Actress Charles Chaplin, Honorary Award
  • 60. Dynamic Decade & Women Learning Goal: 6.1.12.C.8.b Relate social, cultural, and technological changes in the interwar period to the rise of a consumer economy and the changing role and status of women.
  • 61. The Dynamic Decade • In the 1920s, the majority of Americans had shifted from rural areas to urban (city) areas. • Women continued to find jobs in the cities. • Margaret Sanger led a birth-control movement. • Alice Paul formed the National Women's Party in 1923 to campaign for an Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution. • The Fundamentalists lost ground to the Modernists who believed that God was a "good guy" and the universe was a friendly place. • Fundamentalism n. a Protestant religious movement grounded in the belief that all the stories and details in the Bible are literally true. • The 1920s witnessed an explosion in sex appeal in America
  • 62. Margaret Sanger (1879- 1966) in Boston, 1929. Forbidden to speak on the inflammatory topic of birth control, a defiant Sanger covered her mouth and “lectured” in Boston by writing on a blackboard. Since 1912- Sanger had devoted herself to promoting birth control and establishing contraceptive clinics throughout the United States.
  • 63. Enter: The Flapper • Young women, "flappers," rolled their stockings, taped their breasts flat, and roughed their cheeks • Flapper- one of the free-thinking young women who embraced the new fashions and urban attitudes of the 1920s. • Women began to wear one-piece bathing suits.
  • 65. Women Before 1920 • Most women particularly white women did not work outside the home. • They performed traditional domestic responsibilities of conserving food and fuel resources in the early part of the war.
  • 66. Women During World War One • Women joined the military and took the role as nurses. • After men began to get drafted over 23,000 women entered war time industrial plants for the first time. • These jobs consisted of shipment collectors, accountants, telephone operators, and steel mill workers. • Women who worked outside their homes before the war had better job opportunities and where able to move from domestic services to industrial jobs. • They were also working in dangerous day to day jobs building a munitions and working with TNT that was a life threatening especially to the fact that many of these factories were enemy targets. • Women who worked in these factories also ran a great risk of explosions within the factory and TNT poisoning.
  • 67. The 19th Amendment • There was a view that women should not have the right to vote because it was not within her intellectual capacity to make reasonable judgment in an election. • There was also another view that if women get involved in politics they would stop getting married, stop having children, and the human race would die out. Also known as the Race Suicide Argument. • Finally after decades of suffrage in 1920 the 19th amendment was passed and it gave women the right to vote. • After women succeeded in traditional male jobs they began to demand better wages and more political rights. • 1848 the women's suffrage movement broke out in means to fight for women's right to vote.
  • 68. Women’s New Rights • 19th amendment extended the rights of suffrage women. • Right to vote. • Equal rights towards women and men. • Making mother joint guardians over children. • Raising the age of protection of young girls to 18.
  • 69. Women’s Role In Society • 1920’s brought new and exciting cultural innovations that shifted women's attention from politics into social life. • Social life consisted of new fashion trends, products, and sexier images. • Political success along with having more leisure time to spend during this era challenged traditional ideas of women’s role in society. • Unmarried working women had their own money to spend and had greater access to mobility.
  • 70. Women’s New Fashion "There are no ugly women, only lazy ones.“ Helena Rubenstein • New fashion became immoral to Victorian mothers and grand mothers. • Women's fashion became personal expressions. • 1919 dresses uncovered 10% of woman's bodies by 1927 women's skirts raised to knee length leaving 25% of body bare. • Less modest starting with shorter hem lines. • Body images became of greater importance as to staying thin. • Women's hairstyle went shorter to a “shingle bob” • Women took on smoking which double the number of women smokers during the decade.
  • 71. The Flapper. New dance styles, like the “Charleston” flamboyantly displayed the new social freedom of the “flapper”, whose dress and antics frequently flummoxed the guardians of respectability.
  • 72. The Guardians of Morality. Women’s new one-piece bathing suits were a sensation in the 1920s. Here a check is carefully made to ensure that not too much leg is showing.
  • 73. Review- Evaluating  • How was the flapper • Answer: Like: Flappers like and unlike women used clothing, of today? hairstyles, and behavior to claim a new freedom. Unlike: Today’s women have more freedoms.
  • 74. Review- Analyzing Effects  • How did the growth of • Answer: Big business and business and industry affect industry produced time saving women? appliances that freed women from some household chores, and business groweth also created jobs for millions of women, but more women were confined to traditional jobs.
  • 75. The Psychology of it All • Dr. Sigmund Freud writings justified this new sexual frankness by arguing that sexual repression was responsible for a variety of nervous and emotional ills.
  • 76. Art and Culture of the 1920s Learning Goal: NJCCCS 6.1.12.D.8.b Assess the impact of artists, writers, and musicians of the 1920s, including the Harlem Renaissance, on American culture and values. 6.1.12.C.8.a Analyze the push-pull factors that led to the Great Migration.
  • 77. All That Jazz • Jazz thrived in the era of the 1920s. • jazz n. a style of music characterized by the use of improvisation. • originated at the beginning of the 20th century in black communities in the Southern United States. • It was born out of a mix of African and European music traditions. Its African pedigree is evident in its use of blue notes, improvisation, polyrhythms, syn copation, and the swung note. • From its early development until the present day, jazz has also incorporated elements from American popular music.
  • 78.
  • 79. The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s “Take The A Train” Billy Strayhorn for the Duke Ellington Orchestra You must take the A train To go to Sugar Hill way up in Harlem If you miss the A train You'll find you missed the quickest way to Harlem Hurry, get on, now it's coming Listen to those rails a-humming All aboard, get on the A train Soon you will be on Sugar Hill in Harlem •What is the tone or mood of this recording? •Why do you think the original recording was made and for what audience? •List two things in this sound recording that tell you about life in the United States at the time.
  • 80. What is it? • The Harlem Renaissance was a flowering of African American social thought which was expressed through – Paintings – Music – Dance – Theater – Literature
  • 81. Where is Harlem? The island of Manhattan Neighborhoods New York City is on Manhattan island
  • 82. Where was the Harlem Renaissance centered? • Centered in the Harlem district of New York City, the New Negro Movement (as it was called at the time) had a major influence across the Unites States and even the world.
  • 83. How does the Harlem Renaissance connect to the Great Migration? • The economic opportunities of the era triggered a widespread migration of black Americans from the rural south to the industrial centers of the north - and especially to New York City. • In New York and other cities, black Americans explored new opportunities for intellectual and social freedom. • Black American artists, writers, and musicians began to use their talents to work for civil rights and obtain equality.
  • 84. How did it impact history? • The Harlem Renaissance helped to redefine how Americans and the world understood African American culture. It integrated black and white cultures, and marked the beginning of a black urban society. • The Harlem Renaissance set the stage for the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s.
  • 85. Now that you’ve learned more “Take The A Train” about the Harlem Renaissance, Billy Strayhorn for the Duke Ellington Orchestra listen again to this song. Does it You must take the A train change your answers to the To go to Sugar Hill way up in Harlem analysis questions below? If you miss the A train You'll find you missed the quickest way to Harlem Hurry, get on, now it's coming Listen to those rails a-humming All aboard, get on the A train Soon you will be on Sugar Hill in Harlem •What is the tone or mood of this recording? •Why do you think the original recording was made and for what audience? •List two things in this sound recording that tell you about life in the United States at the time.
  • 86. Who do we associate with the Harlem Renaissance? • Artists such as Jacob Lawrence • Authors such as Langston Hughes • Musicians such as Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, and Bessie Smith
  • 87. Jacob Lawrence • Jacob Lawrence grew up in a settlement house in Harlem during the Harlem Renaissance • Lawrence's parents were among those who migrated between 1916-1919, considered the first wave of the migration. • His own life in Harlem , and the struggle of other Black Americans inspired his earliest work
  • 88. Lawrence’s Work • Jacob Lawrence painted his Great Migration series during the 1940s to capture the experience of African Americans during the 1920s 1010/edit/migration/migration.html
  • 89. Painted scenes of: •his own background in Harlem Jacob Lawrence Painter •the hard life of black Americans in the 1920s The Great Migration series is his most recognized work
  • 90. Langston Hughes • Hughes is known for his insightful, colorful, realistic portrayals of black life in America. • He wrote poetry, short stories, novels, and plays, and is known for his involvement with the world of jazz and the influence it had on his writing. • His life and work were enormously important in shaping the artistic contributions of the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s. • He wanted to tell the stories of his people in ways that reflected their actual culture, including both their suffering and their love of music, laughter, and language itself.
  • 91. The Negro Speaks of Rivers I've known rivers: I've known rivers ancient as the (1919) world and older than the flow of human blood in human To listen to Langston Hughes read veins. his poem, click here. My soul has grown deep like the rivers. One of Hughes's poetic innovations was to draw on I bathed in the Euphrates when the rhythms of black musical traditions such as jazz dawns were young. and blues, but in 'The Negro Speaks of Rivers' it's I built my hut near the Congo the heritage of Negro spirituals which is recalled by and it lulled me to sleep. the poem's majestic imagery and sonorous repetitions. Written when Hughes was only I looked upon the Nile and seventeen as he traveled by train across the raised the pyramids above it. Mississippi, 'The Negro Speaks of Rivers' is a I heard the singing of the beautiful statement of strength in the history of Mississippi when Abe Lincoln black people, which Hughes imagines stretching as went down to New far back as ancient Egypt and further into Africa Orleans, and I've seen its and the cradle of civilization. The poem returns at muddy the end to America in a moment of optimistic alchemy when he sees the "muddy bosom" of the bosom turn all golden in the sunset. Mississippi "turn all golden in the sunset". I've known rivers: From Ancient, dusky rivers. •What is the tone or mood of this poem? My soul has grown deep like •Why do you think the poem was written and for what audience? the rivers. •List two things in this poem that tell you about life in the United States at the time.
  • 92. I, too, sing America I, too, sing America. I am the darker brother. (1920s) They send me to eat in the kitchen When company comes, To listen to Langston Hughes read But I laugh, his poem, click here. And eat well, And grow strong. 'I, Too' written just before Hughes’ return to the States from Europe and after he'd been denied passage on a ship because of his color, has a Tomorrow, contemporary feel in contrast to the mythical I'll be at the table dimension of 'The Negro Speaks of Rivers'. It is no When company comes. less powerful however, in its expression of social injustice. The calm clear statements of the 'I' have Nobody'll dare an unstoppable force like the progress the poem Say to me, envisages. Hughes's dignified introductions to "Eat in the kitchen,“ these poems and his beautiful speaking voice render them all the more moving. Then. From Besides, They'll see how beautiful I am And be ashamed-- •What is the tone or mood of this poem? •Why do you think the poem was written and for what audience? I, too, am America. •List two things in this poem that tell you about life in the United States at the time.
  • 93. Wrote poetry, short stories, novels, and plays. Langston Hughes Poet and Author Known for his colorful, realistic portrayals of black life in America.
  • 94. Duke Ellington • Ellington was a jazz composer, conductor, and performer during the Harlem Renaissance. • During the formative Cotton Club years, he experimented with and developed the style that would quickly bring him worldwide success. Ellington would be among the first to focus on musical form and composition in jazz. • Ellington wrote over 2000 pieces in his lifetime.
  • 95. The Cotton Club • The Duke Ellington Orchestra was the "house" orchestra for a number of years at the Cotton Club. The revues featured glamorous dancing girls, acclaimed tap dancers, vaudeville performers, and comics. All the white world came to Harlem to see the show. • The first Cotton Club revue was in 1923. There were two new fast paced revues produced a year for at least 16 years.
  • 96. Jazz composer, conductor, Duke Ellington Composer/Conductor and performer during the Harlem Renaissance To hear Duke Ellington, click the link.
  • 97. Louis “Satchmo”Armstrong • Louis Armstrong was a jazz composer and trumpet player during the Harlem Renaissance. • He is widely recognized as a founding father of jazz. • He appeared in 30 films and averaged 300 concerts per year, performing for both kids on the street and heads of state.
  • 98. Composer and trumpet player during the Harlem Louis Armstrong Composer/Trumpeter Renaissance Widely recognized as a founding father of jazz To hear Louis Armstrong, click the link.
  • 99. Bessie Smith • Bessie Smith was a famous jazz and blues singer during the Harlem Renaissance. • Smith recorded with many of the great Jazz musicians of the 1920s, including Louis Armstrong. • Smith was popular with both blacks and whites
  • 100. Famous jazz and blues singer during the Harlem Bessie Smith Jazz & Blues Renaissance Singer Popular with both blacks and whites To hear Bessie Smith, click the link.
  • 101. Study the picture for 2 minutes. Form an overall impression of the painting, then start to focus on individual details. Questions to think about: 1. What do you see? 2. What people do you see? 3. What objects do you see? 4. What colors do you see? 5. What actions/activities do you see? 6. What questions does this painting raise in your mind? 7. How does this painting relate to the Harlem Renaissance? 8. Based on what you have observed, list what you may infer from this painting. “Ascent from Ethiopia”, Louis Mailou Jones. 1932
  • 102. Review- Analyzing Effects  • Answer: The movement of • How did the influx of millions of African African Americans change Americans to Northern Northern cities? cities greatly increased their black populations, and heightened racial tensions that sometimes resulted in discrimination and violence.
  • 103. Great Migration and Racial Tension Learning Goal: NJCCCS: 6.1.12.D.8.a Explain why the Great Migration led to heightened racial tensions, restrictive laws, a rise in repressive organizations, and an increase in violence
  • 104. Marcus Garvey & the UNIA Racial pride blossomed in the northern black communities. Marcus Garvey founded the United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) to promote the resettlement of blacks in Africa. In the United States, the UNIA also sponsored stores and other businesses to keep blacks' dollars in black pockets.
  • 106. The Black Moses Born: August 17, • "I do not speak carelessly or recklessly but 1887 with a definite object of helping the people, St. Ann's Bay, especially those of my race, to know, to Jamaica understand, and to realize themselves.“ Died: June 10, --Marcus Garvey, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1940 1937 London, England Jamaican activist -In the United States Garveyism was central to the and African development of the black consciousness and pride at the core nationalist of the twentieth-century freedom-movement. -1910 Garvey began a series of travels that transformed him from an average person concerned about the problems of those with less opportunity, to an African nationalist determined to lift an entire race from bondage. - He visited Costa Rica, Panama, and Ecuador, and worked as an editor for several radical newspapers and that was a big part of where his leadership began. In each country he visited, he noted that the black man was in an inferior position, subject to the ever-changing ideals of stronger races.
  • 107. - After briefly returning home, he proceeded to England, where contacts with African nationalists stimulated in him a keen interest in Africa and in black history. - At his time Garvey met Duse Mohammed Ali, a Sudanese-Egyptian and strong supporter of African self-rule. Garvey began writing for Ali's small magazines and was introduced to other black activists. - On his return to Jamaica in 1914 from England, Garvey formed the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA- ACL). These organizations were intended "to work for the general uplift of the Negro peoples of the world," and would become the centerpiece for his life's work.
  • 108. His Place In History • Garvey's UNIA was bigger than the Civil Rights Movement. • Garvey's influence extended well beyond the borders of the United States to the Caribbean, Canada, and Africa. • His message had a tremendous influence on later groups such as the Rastafarians and the Nation of Islam is also important. • Much of what he said concerning racial pride and the potential for great racial success can be heard in later figures such as Malcolm X and even Stokely Carmichael, leader of SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee). • Garvey, Malcolm, and Carmichael are all considered more radical than the mainstream civil rights protesters.
  • 109. The Universal Negro Improvement Association • A black nationalist frat organization founded by Marcus Garvey. • The organization was strongest in the 1920s, prior to Garvey's deportation from the United States of America. • Since 1949, there have been two organizations claiming the name. • According to the preamble of the 1929 constitution as amended, the UNIA is a “social, friendly, humanitarian, charitable, educational, institutional, constructive and expansive society, and is founded by persons desiring to do the utmost to work for the general uplift of the people of African Ancestry of the world.”
  • 110. “One God! One Aim! One Destiny!” - And the members pledge themselves to do all in their power to conserve the rights of their noble race and to respect the rights of all mankind, believing always in the Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of God. - The motto of the organization is 'One God! One Aim! One Destiny!' Therefore, let justice be done to all mankind, realizing that if the strong oppresses the weak, confusion and discontent will ever mark the path of man but with love, faith and charity towards all the reign of peace and plenty will be heralded into the world and the generations of men shall be called Blessed.”
  • 111. The Black Star Line -The Black Star Steamship Line, was an enterprise intended to provide a means for African Americans to return to Africa while also enabling black people around the Atlantic to exchange goods and services. -The company had three ships (one called the SS Frederick Douglass) that were owned and operated by black people and made travel and trade possible between their United States, Caribbean, Central American, and African stops. -The economically independent Black Star Line was a symbol of pride for blacks. -Because of large financial obligations and managerial errors, the Black Star Line failed in 1921 and ended operations. Early in 1922 Garvey was indicted on mail fraud charges regarding the Black Star Line's stock sale. -Garvey was convicted but released after serving three years in federal prison. He was then deported to Jamaica.
  • 112. NEGROES SHOULD LINK STRENGTH MORALLY, The Commercial Future of the Continent of Africa Pictured FINANCIALLY, EDUCATIONALLY AND PHYSICALLY Now that the world is organizing itself into Race groups, and men everywhere are realizing the value of organized movements, we of the UNIA, appeal to Negroes everywhere to reorganize, link up your strength, morally, financially, educationally, and physically, because out of this combination of strength will ultimately come the freedom of Africa. Let us buy and build new steamships. Let us float them on the bosom of the seven seas. Let us send them to the farthest ends of the world, carrying out commerce, and our trade. Let us link up, America, South and Central America, and the West Indies. Let us link up America with the great continent of Africa through the steamships of the Black Star Line. The Untold wealth of Africa is yet unexploited. Africa still awaits the Negro explorer. Africa still has her hands outstretched beckoning to her children scattered the world over to come to succor her, and to be the fellow citizens of the scattered sons and daughters of Africa. The disunited units everywhere must first come together, and first pledge themselves to support one great and noble policy, and that policy today is no other than the Universal Negro Improvement Association. Let us support this great Organization everywhere. Let us rally to the colors of the Black Star Steamship Company. Let us prepare today, for the tomorrows in the lives of the nations will be so eventful that Negroes everywhere will be called upon to play their part in the survival of the fittest human group. Marcus Garvey New York City, February 22, 1921
  • 113. Review- Summarizing  • What approach to race • Answer: Garvey believed relations did Marcus that African Americans Garvey promote? should build a separate society, he preached a message of self pride and he promoted African American businesses.
  • 114. Cultural Liberation • In the decade after WWI, a new generation of writers emerged. They gave American literature new life, imaginativeness, and artistic quality. • H.L. Mencken attacked marriage, patriotism, democracy, and prohibition in his monthly American Mercury. • F. Scott Fitzgerald published This Side of Paradise in 1920 and The Great Gatsby in 1925. • Earnest Hemingway was among the writers most affected by the war. He responded to propaganda and the overblown appeal to patriotism. He wrote of disillusioned, spiritually numb American expatriates in Europe in The Sun Also Rises (1926). • Sinclair Lewis wrote Main Street (1920) and Babbitt (1922). • Sherwood Anderson wrote Winesburg, Ohio (1919). • Architecture also became popular as materialism and functionalism increased.
  • 115. F. Scott Fitzgerald and his Wife, Zelda. The Fitzgeralds are shown here in the happy, early days of their stormy marriage.
  • 116. Review- Analyzing Causes  • Why did some writers • Answer: Many American reject American culture writers found American and values? culture shallow and materialistic; they believed society lacked any unified ideals.
  • 117. 1920s Art Realism (Hopper) Regionalism (Benton) Modernism (Stella, O’Keefe) Learning Goal: CRN Benchmark: 12.11.C- Identify, describe and analyze the flourishing of American literature, music and art during the Jazz Age: the Harlem Renaissance, etc.
  • 118. Edward Hopper Chop Suey (1929) Edward Hopper was an American artist in the 1920s. Two common characteristics in his work show facets of American life, such as gas stations and theaters, and seascapes and rural landscapes. Because feminism was strong in the 1920s, many of his solitary figures are women.
  • 119. Automat (1927). This painting as often been associated with the concept of urban alienation. One critic has observed that, in a pose typical of Hopper's melancholic subjects, "the woman's eyes are downcast and her thoughts turned inward." (
  • 120. Georgia O’Keefe Yellow Calla (1926) Black Iris (1926)
  • 121. Pink Tulip (1926) Petunia (1925) Poppy (1927)
  • 122. The Modernists Charles Demuth, The Figure 5 in Gold (1928) Georgia O'Keefe, The Radiator Building--Night, New York (1927)
  • 123. Joseph Stella, Brooklyn Bridge ←(1920) Stella, New York Interpreted (1922) ↑
  • 124. Thomas Hart Benton: American Regionalism The Yankee Driver (1920) Boomtown (1928)
  • 126. Art Deco • Was an eclectic artistic and design style that began in Paris in the 1920s and flourished internationally throughout the 1930s and into the World War II era. The style influenced all areas of design, including architecture and interior design, industrial design, fashion and jewelry, as well as the visual arts such as painting, graphic arts and film. • The term "art deco" was coined in 1966, after an exhibition in Paris, 'Les Années 25' sub-titled Art Deco, celebrating the 1925. • At its best, art deco represented elegance, glamour, functionality and modernity.
  • 127. Art Deco: Design A Typical Building in Florida Cowan Art Deco Pottery Chickadee Green 1920s
  • 128. Art Deco: Fashion Sterling Silver- 1920s Art Deco 8- sided Guilloche Powder/rouge Compact
  • 129. Art Deco: Architecture The Chrysler Building Broadway Building
  • 130. Art Deco: Automobiles 1926 Rolls-Royce Phantom
  • 131. Wall Street's Big Bull Market • In the 1920s, the stock market became increasingly popular. • In Washington, little was done to curtail money management. • In 1921, the Republican Congress created the Bureau of the Budget in order to assist the president in preparing estimates of receipts and expenditures for submission to Congress as the annual budget. It was designed to prevent haphazardly extravagant appropriations. • Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon's belief was that taxes forced the rich to invest in tax-exempt securities rather than in the factories that provided prosperous payrolls. Mellon helped create a series of tax reductions from 1921-1926 in order to help rich people. Congress followed by abolishing the gift tax, reducing excise taxes, the surtax, the income tax, and estate taxes. Mellon's policies shifted much of the tax burden from the wealthy to the middle-income groups. Mellon reduced the national debt by $10 billion.