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The 1920s Essay
The 1920's
The 1920's where a time of conservatism, it was a time of great social change. From the world of
fashion to the world to politics, forces clashed to produce the most explosive decade of the century.
The eighteenth Amendment was passed in 1920, which made alcohol illegal. It was called the
Prohibition Amendment. This was known as the "Noble Experiment". All importing, exporting,
selling, manufacturing and transporting of alcohol were illegal. The older people favored this
amendment. They felt that alcohol was bad because of the way people behaved after drinking.
People thought that crime, death rates and poverty would decrease now because alcohol was illegal.
The younger generation did not more content...
The women in the twenties became much more provocative. In general, women sought greater
personal freedom and equality with men in her social life (Gales Research 1998).
The technology and science during the twenties was very important. Many new ideas and
inventions were introduced to Americans that influenced their lives. Henry fords automobile
changed American life. Ford wanted to "democratize the automobile". He wanted to everyone to
be able to afford an automobile and have one. To help this he paid his workers five dollars a day,
for doing this he was known as the friend of the worker. Ford also lowered the price of his cars.
The model t ford became the "family pet of the nation" (Gales research, 1998). By 1929, 23.1
million passenger cars were in use in the United States. The privacy and mobility offered by the car
would transform the Americans lived. The spread of technology affected consumerism. The United
States economy went through a steady growth and expansion during this time. The radio became
very popular in the twenties. By 1922, 3 million Americans households had radios. Many new
electric appliances such as: vacuum cleaners, toasters, washing machines, televisions and
refrigerators were introduced. These appliances helped the American housewife. Women became
America's greatest consumer. People started going to see motion pictures. The first movies were
called silent screens.
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Art In The 1920s Essay
The 1920s were a time of great prosperity and revitalization. This decade gave way to many great
social milestones for every class of people. From the limits for immigration to the boom of the auto
industry American society was drastically altered. Issues such as foreign immigration,prohibition, the
Ku Klux Klan ,evolution, women's roles, and race were the focus of the populus and drove politics
within the nation. Art played a major role in how the black community expressed their new found
sense of culture. Painting has always been a way for someone to portrait their ideas. The African
–American community had major breakthroughs in the 1920s. One of these breakthroughs was the
pursuit of the fine arts. The arts of poetry,sculpting, more content...
As a whole the Harlem Renaissance ended slowly from the early 30s to the early 40s. This was due
to the Great Depression and the world's attention shifting towards the war in Europe. The Harlem
Renaissance was very important because it was a time in American history where black people
openly expressed their culture and their pride for being black. The effect that the Harlem
Renaissance had was unique to the 1920s because of the proximity to WWI. After the war the
black community wanted recognition for their bravery and valor overseas and at home. Another
factor that helped with the Harlem renaissance was Prohibition. Prohibition had helped because
people needed entertainment when they drank illegally. Also people were tired of the old was
which was also seen in the new found power that women had grasped in society. Recently before
this there was Red Summer where lots of people had died during the race riots that broke out all
across the country. In American history the Harlem Renaissence gave black culture and influence a
major kickstart which still shows its influence today. Many black artists of all varieties go back to
the style of the 1920s to get back in touch which their roots. The Harlem Renaissance has had an
everlasting effect on the black community in
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1920s Fashion Essay
1920s Fashion
In the 1920s, fashion trends were the shorter low–waisted dresses and revealing styles worn by
flappers. With their short–bobbed hairstyles and cloche hats, down to scarves and stocking with
bold. The 1920s fashion strikes the design era for fashion by having change in the women's fashion.
The fashion changed and characterized the women in the 1920s, as they called it the roaring twenties
the women started gaining their free rights and independence. Fashion for women had a positive
impact in the 1920s and on the world today throughout the advancement in women's rights.
Though out the years fashion has changed in different variety of ways in the 1920s by giving
women the ability to change the way they act and look. "1920' more content...
"The term "flapper" first appeared in Great Britain after World War I." (Rosenberg par 8). The
flappers would wear knee length dresses with slits cuts into it so it was easier to move in, they wore
lots of makeup and sparkles. The flappers only smoke and drink, but they also partied and dance a
lot considering it was the jazz age as well. "The 1920s was the Jazz Age and one of the most popular
past–times for flappers was dancing...." (Rosenberg par 24). Dancing was very popular and
common for the flappers to be doing along with smoking and drinking. Women's fashion was more
of a revealing style of the 1920s from the effect of the jazz music and alcohol on society. The
women of the 1920s weren't the only ones who went through a fashion change, the men did also.
After the war men's fashion in the 1920s went through a positive transformation. The war changed
the attitudes and the level of class, as the younger men switched forming wear the suits they adopted
their own look. Men's fashion in the 1920s was the start of men's fashion, but only minor changes
were changed in the menswear. ". Suit colors were mostly neutral with patterns, but the accessories
popped with vibrant colors– just like they did for women's 1920s fashion" (1920s fashion for men
par 1). The suits were the biggest trend for men's fashion in the 1920s, all the men had them. For
day evening, office, or parties, a man always wore a suit. What's different from the 1920s men's suits
apart from other
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Essay On The 1920s
The 1920's should be considered a time of prosperity in American history. America was introduced to
new a modern identity. There was many cultural norms in the 1920's. The decade also saw an
economic boom, through new modern industries and the automotive age. The government went back
to a hands off, "Laissez–Faire", government. The government and politics were going for the return
to normalcy type of outlook. The 1920's was considered a decade of change in American history.
There was a new modern society and new mass culture. Also it is important to point out that many
Americans were working less hours, which allowed for many people to go to a movie or a baseball
game. New inventions like the movie theaters, radios, and art more content...
At the beginning of the decade there was definitely some struggles with bribery and corruption. This
was quickly overcome when Coolidge took the position of commander and chief. He brought
America back to the idea of laissez–faire. He was anti–progressive supreme court appointments and
only choose conservatives in the cabinet. The foreign policy in the decade was the dawes plan.
The Dawes plan works very effectively at the time because America was helping Germany with
their war debts, while France and Britain paid us for helping them out in WWI as well. America's
foreign policy and idea of the return to normalcy benefited America and let the 1920's to be
remembered as a time of little government interference. It was also a peaceful time to live in. In
conclusion the 1920's should be considered and looked back on in American history as a time to
be alive. The new inventions and new modern society let Americans feel good about themselves.
The Automotive Age led to the decade being a successful period in economics. The government let
the people be and was focused on the Dawes Plan. In conclusion the 1920's should be remembered
as an age of
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Literature In The 1920s
Jacob Meahan
Mrs. Mason
US History–4
December 9,2016
Literature in the 1920's Reading was a very popular thing to do back during the 1920's. Before
radio and television existed almost all people gained knowledge of the wider world and current
events through books and literature. Literature contributed to society a lot more in the 1920's than it
did today. Many authors contributed to the learning and shaping of minds young and old by writing
books that would define the time period. Some of these authors were F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest
Hemingway, and T.S. Elliot. They defined and shaped the 1920's by their writings and literature.
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald born on September 24, 1896, formerly known as F. Scott Fitzgerald,
was an American
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Summary Of The 1920s
In the late 1920s the media are more forced more objective information from objective information
as Roland Marchand describes "after the mid–1920s, it provided more objective information about
the product of objective information on the hopes and concerns of the consumer." New techniques in
advertising, as Marchand explains in his article, has been transformed into five different levels of
"" point of view factory "concern with the" mental processes of the consumer, "from" The goal is
subjective, "from the" Product descriptive history "for" talk in terms of buying motives in the end.
"" He also noted the ink printers. These new techniques to prove that in the 1920s, was the solution
to the problems of consumer products. For example, "the group
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Trends In The 1920s Essay
Jazz music, knee–length skirts, and casual drinking. These would seem modest to the people of the
21st century, but to the Americans of the 20's, it would be an outright scandal. Many of the trends
of the era stemmed from important events happening at that time. The end of WWI led to the new
carefree philosophy of the youth, the Prohibition led to the popularization of speakeasies and casual
drinking, and the recent suffrage movement led to women being more liberated than ever before.
The end of the 1910's brought a sense of rebellion to American, shaping fads to be more scandalous
and even more dangerous than ever before. Fashions often change with the decade, but none were
more as recognizable than the transition from the 1910's to more content...
One of these pastimes was the growing popularity of the movies. Large movie palaces began to
pop up across the country, which had the ability to seat hundreds of viewers at a time. At the
time, seeing movies only cost a quarter so people of all social classes could see these films. "For
a quarter, Americans could escape from their problems and lose themselves in another era or
world."(Music Radio and Sports in the 1920's) The stars of these films also gained major
celebrity like Charlie Chaplin and Clara Bow. Another American pastime was the world of
sports. Before the 1920's people would have been in the stadium to be able to keep up with any of
the games, but with the invention of the radio, people could listen to the games in the comfort of
their own homes. This made sports like baseball and football much more appealing to Americans.
Sports stars like Babe Ruth and Jack Dempsey became household names. Radio also popularized
the concept of radio shows. These shows were somewhat like serial dramas and plays that were
played out on the radio. It became a custom for many American families to gather around the radio
and listen to the daily
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The 1920s Essay
The 1920's The 1920's were a decade of enjoyment, employment, and for some disappointment. It
was a decade classified as the "roaring twenties." Men returning from World War I had to
deal with unemployment, wheat farmers and oil companies were striking it rich, new modern
conveniences were being thought up, and fashion was a major issue among the rich. During the
twenties the economy had a definite impact on the society. It benefited some, but hurt others. The
people that benefited were the prairie farmers and the oil companies. The people who didn't benefit
were American soldiers returning from WW1. Around the middle of the twenties, a wheat farmer
was the person to be. Business was booming for all the wheat farmers, more content...
Unemployment was something that white men had very seldomly dealt with before. During the
twenties another discovery led to a rising economy for America. The oil industry struck it rich in
Turner Valley Alberta, where a huge oil discovery took place. Eventually this industry would
create new jobs and more money for the economy. America did have its good and bad times in the
twenties, but most people benefited from the good times because of more job increases, and
because of new industries such as wheat and oil.
     Entertainment in the Twenties consisted of many famous
people, it was in the twenties when a man by the name of Charlie Chaplain who was known for
his "tramp" look, dominated the silent movie business. He was considered one of the
most talented actors of the 20's. Also during the 20's radio was the popular for of listening to
music and listening to the news. In the later 1920's the television was created which now aloud
people to see a picture in their home for entertainment, but the television did not surpass the radio
entertainment wise, because most people were unable to afford it. The 1920's were filled with signs
of raging new fashions. The loosening of fit and gradual downward movement of the waistline. In
the twenties women could say and do what they please so in no time
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Flappers in the 1920s Essay
Flappers in the 1920s where the girls and women that dressed less modestly. They also disobeyed
the rules that most women and girls followed. They did what others would not ever think of
doing in this time period. From coast to coast people were reading the exploits of a new type of
woman called flapper. Prior to World War 1 Victorian ideals still dictated the behavior of American
women and girls. Frederick Lewis Allen describes the traditional role of women. Women were the
guardians of morality. They were made of finer stuff than men. They were expected to act
accordingly. Young girls must look forward in innocence to a romantic love match which would lead
them to the altar and to living happily ever after. Until the right man more content...
It explains her lifestyle choices to her parents. They did what society did not expect of them. Young
women had plenty of opportunities for fun. Although Prohibition drove alcohol underground that
only added to its allure. Postwar gave more free time which allowed time for drinking, dancing and
hanging out with free thinkers. Prohibition was a time period in American history that was thought
to be wasteful. It was an experiment, an experiment in ridding American of Alcoholic beverages.
After 13 years, Prohibition was over, and the results that reformers hoped to see were not visible.
They would go out and party and do as they please. The economy crashed and the Great Depression
reduced the night life. They may have gone back to marriage and long hours of toil for little pay but
hemlines stayed above the ankle and the corset never went back to everyday status. Clara Bow
wasn't the first flapper on screen but she was a role model for women in that time. She was a bad
girl she didn't play by the rules. Bow's first film was in 1927 with the film It. She was born on
July 29, 1905 in Brooklyn, New York. She died September 27, 1965 at the age of 60 in West Los
Angeles, California. She was not the first flapper. Zelda Sayre was the first flapper. She was born
in Montgomery Alabama in 1900. Her family was deep into the government. Her father was a judge
at the Supreme Court of Alabama. Her great Uncle served in the United States Senate. What made
her so wild is
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An Essay On The 1920s
1920's Research paper
The 1920s brought a great time of change, historically and politically. In addition to all the change,
it was also a very complex decade itself, there were serious economical crises. At the same time
people were partying in speakeasies a few hours later. Jazz was all the rage in this period, especially
for the younger generation. Interestingly many important people came from this decade too, from
the fashion designer Coco Chanel to the American entrepreneur Walt Disney. During this era there
was also a very drastic style change, mainly for the women. All of these changes made the 1920's a
very exciting time. The 1920's was known for many historic moments, of one the most memorable
being the Great Depression. On more content...
F Scott Fitgerald was one of them, known best as the Author of the Great Gatsby. This best
selling novel and personal favorite is a great read that follows a cast of fictional characters living
on West Egg, LI, and shows their lives during the "Roaring Twenties". Fitzgerald was known as
one of the greatest writters of the 20th century. Another darling face of the 1920's was the iconic
Audrey Hepburn, born May 4th 1929, Hepburn was a British actress and Humanitarian known as
a film and fashion icon. She was very active during hollywoods golden age, with many incredible
movies. Coco Chanel was another very important person, she was a fashion designer and the
founder of the Chanel brand we all know today. She was very famous for designer the first pair of
womens trousers, her most famous quote was, "A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous".
Another example of an important person from this decade is none other than Walt Disney, born
December 5th of 1901, Disney was always keeping himself busy. He is known as an entrepreneur,
animator, voice actor and film producer. He is also most commonly known for founding the Walt
Disney Company on October 16th, 1923 in Los Angeles, California ("Sundios, 1"). This time was
definetly filled with important
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Essay on Life in the 1920s
Life in the 1920s
After World War One, the United States went through a decade full of industrial, economical, and
social growth. This decade is known as the Roaring 20s. The 1920s was a time of important
historical events and technological advancement. The development of consumer goods, such as
fridges, typewriters, radios, and cars, created jobs and helped the American economy grow.
However, not everyone was able to enjoy the advancement that the boom had assured. Although there
were many wealthy people, there were still many people who could not afford to live luxurious
lives. Many immigrants were not welcome into to United Stats. Prejudice and racism were spread
throughout the country. In spite of the prosperity of the 1920s, more content...
(America in the 1920s) During the 1920s, farmers were in debt. During WWI, Europeans bought
farm products from America which raised prices and gave American farmers a large profit. The
American farmers borrowed money to buy land and tractors and planned to pay off loans from
their increased profit. After WWI, European farmers were able to produce enough products for
themselves. Prices of American products dropped so American farmers could not pay off their
debts. Labor Unions were also in debt. During WWI, labor unions worked with the govt. to keep
production from decreasing. Wages could not keep up with the high prices. When WWI was over,
workers demanded to be paid more. However, employers refused and labor unions went on strike.
(Davidson and Stoff 736–737 ) There was a big gap between the native–born and immigrants in the
1920s. African Americans were not the only people who experienced racism in the 1920s. (Huggins)
Masses of non–protestant immigrants arrived to the United States from south–east Europe. Most of
them were Jews and Catholics. These new immigrants, along with Orientals, Mexicans, and Blacks,
suffered the most from those who were involved with the White Anglo–Saxon Protestant (W.A.S.P.)
values. (Racial Discrimination in America during the 1920s) In 1921, Congress passed many
immigration laws to stop immigration from southern and eastern Europe. (Huggins) Congress passed
the Emergency Quota Act which created a quota system. This
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Decade Of The 1920s Essay
The Decade of the 1920s
Newspapers had once been the only mass communication & entertainment. The demand for new
products that emerged in the 1920s created a new industry, advertising, which enticed buyers to
purchase new products, and now that the radio had emerged, advertising was integrated into this
media outlet . Radio shows like Amos n' Andy, became a nationwide hit. Theadvertising industry
grew with the emerging industries of mass culture, especially radio and cinema. For the first time,
from coast to coast, Americans experienced the same shows and used the same advertised products
due to mass culture. The first commercial radio station aired in 1920 and broadcast music to a few
thousand listeners. By the end of the decade, thirty– more content...
Movies, novels, automobiles, and new dances like the Foxtrot and the Charleston influenced young
people. Although contraceptives were still illegal in most states, the work of birth control advocates
such as Margaret Sanger increased its acceptance during the 1920s. Fashion that set young people
apart from other generations was the flapper fad, which was influenced by celebrities. Young
women shocked the previous generation by wearing dresses hemmed at the knee, bobbing their hair,
smoking cigarettes, and driving cars. Additionally, there were many religious issues arose during
this decade. Division among Protestants reflected the tensions in society between the traditional
values of rural areas and the modern city life. The evolving role of women, the Social Gospel
movement, and science caused many Protestants to redefine their faith. Modernists took a historical
and critical view of certain passages in the bible and believed they could accept Darwin's theory of
evolution without abandoning their religious faith. Protestant preachers in rural areas condemned
the modernists and taught that every word in the bible must be accepted as literally true. A key point
in fundamentalist doctrine was that creationism explained the origin of all life. Fundamentalist
blamed the liberal views of modernists for causing a decline in morals. Religious revivals continued
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Life Before The 1920s Essay
Introduction: In America, in the 1920's there was an economic boom that brought 'prosperity' to
the nation, though many groups of people were not included in the supposed prosperity. One of
these groups, which were not included were immigrants. However, some immigrants did benefit
from the economic boom, though a vast majority were negatively affected. 2. Background
Information 2.1 What was life like socially before the 1920s? Life before the 1920s for
immigrants was easier in terms of the amount of racism, however they were still discriminated
against before during the 1910s this is when the resurgence of nativism began, this was due to
wartime concerns of the immigrants which originated from the countries of the opposition were
sympathising with the enemy or even trying to destroy America from within, this was one of the
reasons for the increase in racism in the 1920s. During this period, many people accepted
immigrants as they were cheap labour but after the war ended and the veterans came home and
were looking for jobs but could not find any because of the immigrants supposedly 'stealing' their
jobs, this caused resentment which was another factor that leads to racism in the 1920s. 2.2 What
was life like economically before the 1920s? Before the 1920s economic boom the US, economy
was in recession these more content...
The Naturalization act of 1906 made it possible for immigrants to become citizens though they
would be known as naturalized citizens, however the act states that only white persons and people
of African descent or nativity were eligible, also during this time Asian Indians were no longer
considered in either of these groups and this caused a majority of the Asian Indian population to
return to India or immigrate to another
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Inventions of the 1920s Essay examples
Inventions of the 1920's to 30's
Through out the 1920's many inventions were created that altered human civilization. Transportation
was successfully mastered. Radio communication was becoming more common and medicine was
saving more and more lives every day.
In this year Henry Ford created the first affordable, combustion engine car called the Model–T. The
creation of the Model–T changed the lives of every American. Vehicles were looked at as a way of
freedom and excitement. Soon after, every household in America had a car. The demand for vehicles
sparked a whole new industry, creating jobs, more revenues and improving the American economy
in every way. With so many vehicles on the roads, roads needed more content...
In 1922 the first radio station was created in Pittsburgh. It was a great success. The radio created a
way for people to convey information and interact with each other. This was one of the most
important inventions of the 20's because it brought all the nations together. (Inventions: Radio)
In 1920 one of the biggest life saving inventions was created. Out of the University of Toronto Dr.
Fredrick Banting and Charles Best were able to create a pancreatic extract that was successfully
tested on a dog. Prof. J. J. R. MacLeod who provided the lad and the scientific direction to Best
& Banting soon put his entire research team to work on purifying insulin. The first test was
done on a man named Leonard Thompson in early 1922. It was a great success. The discovery of
insulin, although not a cure, saves millions of diabetics a year and was the biggest medical
invention of the 1920's. (Discovery Of Insulin)
One of the funniest although interesting inventions I stumbled upon was, sliced bread! Bread
was probably made about 12,000 years ago, by mixing grains and water. It was probably tough and
was cooked by putting hot coals on it. It wasn't until about 1912 that Fredrick Rohwedder had the
idea to create a bred slicer. All the bakers he talked to complained that the loves would go stale. So
Rohwedder created a wrapper. He went to a Bakery in Battle Creek Michigan; they loved his idea
and started making pre–cut loves. (CBC4Kids: Sliced
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1920S Essay

  • 1. The 1920s Essay The 1920's The 1920's where a time of conservatism, it was a time of great social change. From the world of fashion to the world to politics, forces clashed to produce the most explosive decade of the century. The eighteenth Amendment was passed in 1920, which made alcohol illegal. It was called the Prohibition Amendment. This was known as the "Noble Experiment". All importing, exporting, selling, manufacturing and transporting of alcohol were illegal. The older people favored this amendment. They felt that alcohol was bad because of the way people behaved after drinking. People thought that crime, death rates and poverty would decrease now because alcohol was illegal. The younger generation did not more content... The women in the twenties became much more provocative. In general, women sought greater personal freedom and equality with men in her social life (Gales Research 1998). The technology and science during the twenties was very important. Many new ideas and inventions were introduced to Americans that influenced their lives. Henry fords automobile changed American life. Ford wanted to "democratize the automobile". He wanted to everyone to be able to afford an automobile and have one. To help this he paid his workers five dollars a day, for doing this he was known as the friend of the worker. Ford also lowered the price of his cars. The model t ford became the "family pet of the nation" (Gales research, 1998). By 1929, 23.1 million passenger cars were in use in the United States. The privacy and mobility offered by the car would transform the Americans lived. The spread of technology affected consumerism. The United States economy went through a steady growth and expansion during this time. The radio became very popular in the twenties. By 1922, 3 million Americans households had radios. Many new electric appliances such as: vacuum cleaners, toasters, washing machines, televisions and refrigerators were introduced. These appliances helped the American housewife. Women became America's greatest consumer. People started going to see motion pictures. The first movies were called silent screens. Get more content on
  • 2. Art In The 1920s Essay The 1920s were a time of great prosperity and revitalization. This decade gave way to many great social milestones for every class of people. From the limits for immigration to the boom of the auto industry American society was drastically altered. Issues such as foreign immigration,prohibition, the Ku Klux Klan ,evolution, women's roles, and race were the focus of the populus and drove politics within the nation. Art played a major role in how the black community expressed their new found sense of culture. Painting has always been a way for someone to portrait their ideas. The African –American community had major breakthroughs in the 1920s. One of these breakthroughs was the pursuit of the fine arts. The arts of poetry,sculpting, more content... As a whole the Harlem Renaissance ended slowly from the early 30s to the early 40s. This was due to the Great Depression and the world's attention shifting towards the war in Europe. The Harlem Renaissance was very important because it was a time in American history where black people openly expressed their culture and their pride for being black. The effect that the Harlem Renaissance had was unique to the 1920s because of the proximity to WWI. After the war the black community wanted recognition for their bravery and valor overseas and at home. Another factor that helped with the Harlem renaissance was Prohibition. Prohibition had helped because people needed entertainment when they drank illegally. Also people were tired of the old was which was also seen in the new found power that women had grasped in society. Recently before this there was Red Summer where lots of people had died during the race riots that broke out all across the country. In American history the Harlem Renaissence gave black culture and influence a major kickstart which still shows its influence today. Many black artists of all varieties go back to the style of the 1920s to get back in touch which their roots. The Harlem Renaissance has had an everlasting effect on the black community in Get more content on
  • 3. 1920s Fashion Essay 1920s Fashion In the 1920s, fashion trends were the shorter low–waisted dresses and revealing styles worn by flappers. With their short–bobbed hairstyles and cloche hats, down to scarves and stocking with bold. The 1920s fashion strikes the design era for fashion by having change in the women's fashion. The fashion changed and characterized the women in the 1920s, as they called it the roaring twenties the women started gaining their free rights and independence. Fashion for women had a positive impact in the 1920s and on the world today throughout the advancement in women's rights. Though out the years fashion has changed in different variety of ways in the 1920s by giving women the ability to change the way they act and look. "1920' more content... "The term "flapper" first appeared in Great Britain after World War I." (Rosenberg par 8). The flappers would wear knee length dresses with slits cuts into it so it was easier to move in, they wore lots of makeup and sparkles. The flappers only smoke and drink, but they also partied and dance a lot considering it was the jazz age as well. "The 1920s was the Jazz Age and one of the most popular past–times for flappers was dancing...." (Rosenberg par 24). Dancing was very popular and common for the flappers to be doing along with smoking and drinking. Women's fashion was more of a revealing style of the 1920s from the effect of the jazz music and alcohol on society. The women of the 1920s weren't the only ones who went through a fashion change, the men did also. After the war men's fashion in the 1920s went through a positive transformation. The war changed the attitudes and the level of class, as the younger men switched forming wear the suits they adopted their own look. Men's fashion in the 1920s was the start of men's fashion, but only minor changes were changed in the menswear. ". Suit colors were mostly neutral with patterns, but the accessories popped with vibrant colors– just like they did for women's 1920s fashion" (1920s fashion for men par 1). The suits were the biggest trend for men's fashion in the 1920s, all the men had them. For day evening, office, or parties, a man always wore a suit. What's different from the 1920s men's suits apart from other Get more content on
  • 4. Essay On The 1920s The 1920's should be considered a time of prosperity in American history. America was introduced to new a modern identity. There was many cultural norms in the 1920's. The decade also saw an economic boom, through new modern industries and the automotive age. The government went back to a hands off, "Laissez–Faire", government. The government and politics were going for the return to normalcy type of outlook. The 1920's was considered a decade of change in American history. There was a new modern society and new mass culture. Also it is important to point out that many Americans were working less hours, which allowed for many people to go to a movie or a baseball game. New inventions like the movie theaters, radios, and art more content... At the beginning of the decade there was definitely some struggles with bribery and corruption. This was quickly overcome when Coolidge took the position of commander and chief. He brought America back to the idea of laissez–faire. He was anti–progressive supreme court appointments and only choose conservatives in the cabinet. The foreign policy in the decade was the dawes plan. The Dawes plan works very effectively at the time because America was helping Germany with their war debts, while France and Britain paid us for helping them out in WWI as well. America's foreign policy and idea of the return to normalcy benefited America and let the 1920's to be remembered as a time of little government interference. It was also a peaceful time to live in. In conclusion the 1920's should be considered and looked back on in American history as a time to be alive. The new inventions and new modern society let Americans feel good about themselves. The Automotive Age led to the decade being a successful period in economics. The government let the people be and was focused on the Dawes Plan. In conclusion the 1920's should be remembered as an age of Get more content on
  • 5. Literature In The 1920s Jacob Meahan Mrs. Mason US History–4 December 9,2016 Literature in the 1920's Reading was a very popular thing to do back during the 1920's. Before radio and television existed almost all people gained knowledge of the wider world and current events through books and literature. Literature contributed to society a lot more in the 1920's than it did today. Many authors contributed to the learning and shaping of minds young and old by writing books that would define the time period. Some of these authors were F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and T.S. Elliot. They defined and shaped the 1920's by their writings and literature. Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald born on September 24, 1896, formerly known as F. Scott Fitzgerald, was an American Get more content on
  • 6. Summary Of The 1920s In the late 1920s the media are more forced more objective information from objective information as Roland Marchand describes "after the mid–1920s, it provided more objective information about the product of objective information on the hopes and concerns of the consumer." New techniques in advertising, as Marchand explains in his article, has been transformed into five different levels of "" point of view factory "concern with the" mental processes of the consumer, "from" The goal is subjective, "from the" Product descriptive history "for" talk in terms of buying motives in the end. "" He also noted the ink printers. These new techniques to prove that in the 1920s, was the solution to the problems of consumer products. For example, "the group Get more content on
  • 7. Trends In The 1920s Essay Jazz music, knee–length skirts, and casual drinking. These would seem modest to the people of the 21st century, but to the Americans of the 20's, it would be an outright scandal. Many of the trends of the era stemmed from important events happening at that time. The end of WWI led to the new carefree philosophy of the youth, the Prohibition led to the popularization of speakeasies and casual drinking, and the recent suffrage movement led to women being more liberated than ever before. The end of the 1910's brought a sense of rebellion to American, shaping fads to be more scandalous and even more dangerous than ever before. Fashions often change with the decade, but none were more as recognizable than the transition from the 1910's to more content... One of these pastimes was the growing popularity of the movies. Large movie palaces began to pop up across the country, which had the ability to seat hundreds of viewers at a time. At the time, seeing movies only cost a quarter so people of all social classes could see these films. "For a quarter, Americans could escape from their problems and lose themselves in another era or world."(Music Radio and Sports in the 1920's) The stars of these films also gained major celebrity like Charlie Chaplin and Clara Bow. Another American pastime was the world of sports. Before the 1920's people would have been in the stadium to be able to keep up with any of the games, but with the invention of the radio, people could listen to the games in the comfort of their own homes. This made sports like baseball and football much more appealing to Americans. Sports stars like Babe Ruth and Jack Dempsey became household names. Radio also popularized the concept of radio shows. These shows were somewhat like serial dramas and plays that were played out on the radio. It became a custom for many American families to gather around the radio and listen to the daily Get more content on
  • 8. The 1920s Essay The 1920's The 1920's were a decade of enjoyment, employment, and for some disappointment. It was a decade classified as the "roaring twenties." Men returning from World War I had to deal with unemployment, wheat farmers and oil companies were striking it rich, new modern conveniences were being thought up, and fashion was a major issue among the rich. During the twenties the economy had a definite impact on the society. It benefited some, but hurt others. The people that benefited were the prairie farmers and the oil companies. The people who didn't benefit were American soldiers returning from WW1. Around the middle of the twenties, a wheat farmer was the person to be. Business was booming for all the wheat farmers, more content... Unemployment was something that white men had very seldomly dealt with before. During the twenties another discovery led to a rising economy for America. The oil industry struck it rich in Turner Valley Alberta, where a huge oil discovery took place. Eventually this industry would create new jobs and more money for the economy. America did have its good and bad times in the twenties, but most people benefited from the good times because of more job increases, and because of new industries such as wheat and oil.      Entertainment in the Twenties consisted of many famous people, it was in the twenties when a man by the name of Charlie Chaplain who was known for his "tramp" look, dominated the silent movie business. He was considered one of the most talented actors of the 20's. Also during the 20's radio was the popular for of listening to music and listening to the news. In the later 1920's the television was created which now aloud people to see a picture in their home for entertainment, but the television did not surpass the radio entertainment wise, because most people were unable to afford it. The 1920's were filled with signs of raging new fashions. The loosening of fit and gradual downward movement of the waistline. In the twenties women could say and do what they please so in no time Get more content on
  • 9. Flappers in the 1920s Essay Flappers in the 1920s where the girls and women that dressed less modestly. They also disobeyed the rules that most women and girls followed. They did what others would not ever think of doing in this time period. From coast to coast people were reading the exploits of a new type of woman called flapper. Prior to World War 1 Victorian ideals still dictated the behavior of American women and girls. Frederick Lewis Allen describes the traditional role of women. Women were the guardians of morality. They were made of finer stuff than men. They were expected to act accordingly. Young girls must look forward in innocence to a romantic love match which would lead them to the altar and to living happily ever after. Until the right man more content... It explains her lifestyle choices to her parents. They did what society did not expect of them. Young women had plenty of opportunities for fun. Although Prohibition drove alcohol underground that only added to its allure. Postwar gave more free time which allowed time for drinking, dancing and hanging out with free thinkers. Prohibition was a time period in American history that was thought to be wasteful. It was an experiment, an experiment in ridding American of Alcoholic beverages. After 13 years, Prohibition was over, and the results that reformers hoped to see were not visible. They would go out and party and do as they please. The economy crashed and the Great Depression reduced the night life. They may have gone back to marriage and long hours of toil for little pay but hemlines stayed above the ankle and the corset never went back to everyday status. Clara Bow wasn't the first flapper on screen but she was a role model for women in that time. She was a bad girl she didn't play by the rules. Bow's first film was in 1927 with the film It. She was born on July 29, 1905 in Brooklyn, New York. She died September 27, 1965 at the age of 60 in West Los Angeles, California. She was not the first flapper. Zelda Sayre was the first flapper. She was born in Montgomery Alabama in 1900. Her family was deep into the government. Her father was a judge at the Supreme Court of Alabama. Her great Uncle served in the United States Senate. What made her so wild is Get more content on
  • 10. An Essay On The 1920s 1920's Research paper The 1920s brought a great time of change, historically and politically. In addition to all the change, it was also a very complex decade itself, there were serious economical crises. At the same time people were partying in speakeasies a few hours later. Jazz was all the rage in this period, especially for the younger generation. Interestingly many important people came from this decade too, from the fashion designer Coco Chanel to the American entrepreneur Walt Disney. During this era there was also a very drastic style change, mainly for the women. All of these changes made the 1920's a very exciting time. The 1920's was known for many historic moments, of one the most memorable being the Great Depression. On more content... F Scott Fitgerald was one of them, known best as the Author of the Great Gatsby. This best selling novel and personal favorite is a great read that follows a cast of fictional characters living on West Egg, LI, and shows their lives during the "Roaring Twenties". Fitzgerald was known as one of the greatest writters of the 20th century. Another darling face of the 1920's was the iconic Audrey Hepburn, born May 4th 1929, Hepburn was a British actress and Humanitarian known as a film and fashion icon. She was very active during hollywoods golden age, with many incredible movies. Coco Chanel was another very important person, she was a fashion designer and the founder of the Chanel brand we all know today. She was very famous for designer the first pair of womens trousers, her most famous quote was, "A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous". Another example of an important person from this decade is none other than Walt Disney, born December 5th of 1901, Disney was always keeping himself busy. He is known as an entrepreneur, animator, voice actor and film producer. He is also most commonly known for founding the Walt Disney Company on October 16th, 1923 in Los Angeles, California ("Sundios, 1"). This time was definetly filled with important Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on Life in the 1920s Life in the 1920s After World War One, the United States went through a decade full of industrial, economical, and social growth. This decade is known as the Roaring 20s. The 1920s was a time of important historical events and technological advancement. The development of consumer goods, such as fridges, typewriters, radios, and cars, created jobs and helped the American economy grow. However, not everyone was able to enjoy the advancement that the boom had assured. Although there were many wealthy people, there were still many people who could not afford to live luxurious lives. Many immigrants were not welcome into to United Stats. Prejudice and racism were spread throughout the country. In spite of the prosperity of the 1920s, more content... (America in the 1920s) During the 1920s, farmers were in debt. During WWI, Europeans bought farm products from America which raised prices and gave American farmers a large profit. The American farmers borrowed money to buy land and tractors and planned to pay off loans from their increased profit. After WWI, European farmers were able to produce enough products for themselves. Prices of American products dropped so American farmers could not pay off their debts. Labor Unions were also in debt. During WWI, labor unions worked with the govt. to keep production from decreasing. Wages could not keep up with the high prices. When WWI was over, workers demanded to be paid more. However, employers refused and labor unions went on strike. (Davidson and Stoff 736–737 ) There was a big gap between the native–born and immigrants in the 1920s. African Americans were not the only people who experienced racism in the 1920s. (Huggins) Masses of non–protestant immigrants arrived to the United States from south–east Europe. Most of them were Jews and Catholics. These new immigrants, along with Orientals, Mexicans, and Blacks, suffered the most from those who were involved with the White Anglo–Saxon Protestant (W.A.S.P.) values. (Racial Discrimination in America during the 1920s) In 1921, Congress passed many immigration laws to stop immigration from southern and eastern Europe. (Huggins) Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act which created a quota system. This Get more content on
  • 12. Decade Of The 1920s Essay The Decade of the 1920s Newspapers had once been the only mass communication & entertainment. The demand for new products that emerged in the 1920s created a new industry, advertising, which enticed buyers to purchase new products, and now that the radio had emerged, advertising was integrated into this media outlet . Radio shows like Amos n' Andy, became a nationwide hit. Theadvertising industry grew with the emerging industries of mass culture, especially radio and cinema. For the first time, from coast to coast, Americans experienced the same shows and used the same advertised products due to mass culture. The first commercial radio station aired in 1920 and broadcast music to a few thousand listeners. By the end of the decade, thirty– more content... Movies, novels, automobiles, and new dances like the Foxtrot and the Charleston influenced young people. Although contraceptives were still illegal in most states, the work of birth control advocates such as Margaret Sanger increased its acceptance during the 1920s. Fashion that set young people apart from other generations was the flapper fad, which was influenced by celebrities. Young women shocked the previous generation by wearing dresses hemmed at the knee, bobbing their hair, smoking cigarettes, and driving cars. Additionally, there were many religious issues arose during this decade. Division among Protestants reflected the tensions in society between the traditional values of rural areas and the modern city life. The evolving role of women, the Social Gospel movement, and science caused many Protestants to redefine their faith. Modernists took a historical and critical view of certain passages in the bible and believed they could accept Darwin's theory of evolution without abandoning their religious faith. Protestant preachers in rural areas condemned the modernists and taught that every word in the bible must be accepted as literally true. A key point in fundamentalist doctrine was that creationism explained the origin of all life. Fundamentalist blamed the liberal views of modernists for causing a decline in morals. Religious revivals continued as Get more content on
  • 13. Life Before The 1920s Essay Introduction: In America, in the 1920's there was an economic boom that brought 'prosperity' to the nation, though many groups of people were not included in the supposed prosperity. One of these groups, which were not included were immigrants. However, some immigrants did benefit from the economic boom, though a vast majority were negatively affected. 2. Background Information 2.1 What was life like socially before the 1920s? Life before the 1920s for immigrants was easier in terms of the amount of racism, however they were still discriminated against before during the 1910s this is when the resurgence of nativism began, this was due to wartime concerns of the immigrants which originated from the countries of the opposition were sympathising with the enemy or even trying to destroy America from within, this was one of the reasons for the increase in racism in the 1920s. During this period, many people accepted immigrants as they were cheap labour but after the war ended and the veterans came home and were looking for jobs but could not find any because of the immigrants supposedly 'stealing' their jobs, this caused resentment which was another factor that leads to racism in the 1920s. 2.2 What was life like economically before the 1920s? Before the 1920s economic boom the US, economy was in recession these more content... The Naturalization act of 1906 made it possible for immigrants to become citizens though they would be known as naturalized citizens, however the act states that only white persons and people of African descent or nativity were eligible, also during this time Asian Indians were no longer considered in either of these groups and this caused a majority of the Asian Indian population to return to India or immigrate to another Get more content on
  • 14. Inventions of the 1920s Essay examples Inventions of the 1920's to 30's Through out the 1920's many inventions were created that altered human civilization. Transportation was successfully mastered. Radio communication was becoming more common and medicine was saving more and more lives every day. In this year Henry Ford created the first affordable, combustion engine car called the Model–T. The creation of the Model–T changed the lives of every American. Vehicles were looked at as a way of freedom and excitement. Soon after, every household in America had a car. The demand for vehicles sparked a whole new industry, creating jobs, more revenues and improving the American economy in every way. With so many vehicles on the roads, roads needed more content... In 1922 the first radio station was created in Pittsburgh. It was a great success. The radio created a way for people to convey information and interact with each other. This was one of the most important inventions of the 20's because it brought all the nations together. (Inventions: Radio) In 1920 one of the biggest life saving inventions was created. Out of the University of Toronto Dr. Fredrick Banting and Charles Best were able to create a pancreatic extract that was successfully tested on a dog. Prof. J. J. R. MacLeod who provided the lad and the scientific direction to Best & Banting soon put his entire research team to work on purifying insulin. The first test was done on a man named Leonard Thompson in early 1922. It was a great success. The discovery of insulin, although not a cure, saves millions of diabetics a year and was the biggest medical invention of the 1920's. (Discovery Of Insulin) One of the funniest although interesting inventions I stumbled upon was, sliced bread! Bread was probably made about 12,000 years ago, by mixing grains and water. It was probably tough and was cooked by putting hot coals on it. It wasn't until about 1912 that Fredrick Rohwedder had the idea to create a bred slicer. All the bakers he talked to complained that the loves would go stale. So Rohwedder created a wrapper. He went to a Bakery in Battle Creek Michigan; they loved his idea and started making pre–cut loves. (CBC4Kids: Sliced Get more content on