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Hostes Generis Humani
(The Enemies of Mankind)
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Lord Palmerstone (circa 1848) ~
"We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies.
Our interests are eternal and those interests it is our duty to
The views herein expressed do not reflect the views of the US
Department of Defense or any other US Government
Department or Agency
“Nature abhors a vacuum” ~Aristotle
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material
I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description,
and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so.
But I know it when I see it!”
~Potter Stewart, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
(Jacobellis v. Ohio in 1964)
Modern terrorism began during the French Revolution (1793-1794).
 Maximilian Robespierre introduce government-sponsored terror in
order to maintain power and suppress opposition to the government
 1917, Lenin and Stalin evoked government-sponsored terror as useful
tool to maintain government control
 Shares at least two key characteristics with the modern-day variant;
1. Regime de la terreur: Neither random nor indiscriminate, but was
organized, deliberate, and systematic.
2. Goal: Creation of a “new and better society” in place of a
fundamentally corrupt and undemocratic political system.
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Irrational Anxiety
Atavistic: A worldview that extols an ideal societal existence in
some mythical pristine past (“The Good Ole Days!”)
Manichean: The battle between good and evil
 Terrorism: Meant to serve a strategy of coercion
 Violent intellectuals - motivated by a political agenda!
 Tool of the weak, used by disaffected groups or minorities to oppose the
rule….of a superior power.
 It is a business: A supply side and a demand side
 Violence Prone Extremists:
o Adoption of a violent belief system for societal transformation
o Rejection of normal political channels for instituting change
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
 Why Terrorism?
1. Not able to test their popularity
2. Failure to mobilize support (resort to violence to compensate for numbers)
3. Impatient for action
 Advantages of Terrorism:
1. Keeps issue in the public mind (e.g. attacks in Paris)
2. “Propaganda of the Deed” (Carlo Pisacane)
3. Humiliate government - demonstrates strengths (maintains morale)
4. Acts as a catalyst, not substitute, for mass revolt
Psychological Warfare
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
 Some strategies of terror
 Strategy to create or further a sense of societal dislocation, fear /even anarchy
 Strategy to discredit, diminish, or destroy a particular government and replace
it with another
 Portray themselves as victims:
1. It’s Not Right!
2. It’s Not Fair!
3. It’s Your Fault!
4. You’re EVIL!
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
DOS: Premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against
noncombatants targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents,
usually intended to influence an audience.
FBI: The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate
or coerce a Government, the civilian populations, or any segment thereof, in
furtherance of political or social objectives.
DHS: Any activity that involves an act that : Is dangerous to human life or potentially
destructive of critical infrastructure or key resources; and …must also appear to
be intended
DOD: The calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to
inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies
in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious or ideological
Some Definition of Terrorism
A Definition of Terrorism
Not just Criminals, Crazy’s and Crusaders!
Violence (or threat thereof) against Civilians (or those who cannot defend
themselves) for a Political purpose aimed against a legitimate political order.
 Recipe:
1. Violence (or threat thereof)
2. Civilians
3. Political
So….can terrorism work ?
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
In 1940, Shamir sided with the more militant faction, Lehi, headed by
Avraham Stern.[1]In secret contacts with German to open up a military
front against the British in the Middle East in return for the expulsion
(rather than extermination) of the Jewish population of Europe to
Palestine.[2] After Stern was killed Shamir became one of the three leaders
of the group reforming it as "Lehi". As one of Lehi's triumvirate, he
authorized the assassination of the UN representative Count Bernadotte,
who was seen by Shamir as an anti-Zionist and "an obvious agent of the
British enemy.”
7th Prime Minister of Israel
Leader of the Irgun faction. He proclaimed a revolt, on February
1, 1944, against the British mandatory government. He played a
significant role in Jewish resistance against the British control in
the waning years of the mandate, leading the more militant
faction within Zionism.6
6th Prime Minister of Israel
Mandela was an anti-apartheid activist, and the leader of Umkhonto we
Sizwe, the armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC). In 1962
arrested and convicted of sabotage and other charges, and sentenced to
life in prison. Mandela served 27 years in prison.6
President of South Africa
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Deviant Behavior
Emile Durkheim :
 Anomie: A state where societal norms are confused or unclear.
 Perceived collapse of societal rules on how people ought to
behave with each other
 Absence of societal norms leads one to engage in deviant behavior
 Societal interaction.
1) “Mechanical;” Follow simple rules of interaction, simple society
2) “Organic;” Expectations of the individual get more complex.
o Social construct more at risk to factors outside of ones control.
 Sudden, buffeting changes cause aggravated states of “Anomie.”
 Collapse of an adhered-to order could lead an individual to veer off the
straight and narrow path of acceptable behavior (i.e. winning the lotto)
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
 Identity:
1. Humans act toward things on the basis of the meaning that they have.
2. Meaning of such things is derived from social interaction one has
with one’s fellows.
3. Meanings are handled in and modified through a process used by the
person in dealing with the things he encounters.
4. “Terrorists whose only sense of significance comes from being terrorists
cannot be forced to give up terrorism, for to do so would be to lose their
very reason for being”
5. “Political violence becomes an integral part of the person’s identity
and asking the terrorist to give up violence is like asking the terrorist to
give up who she or he is” ~ Berman (2003)
Terrorist Identity
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Religious: HAMAS (circa 1987 – Ahmed Yassin)
 Israeli/Palestinian conflict:
o Israeli: Violence represents an attack on their
freedom, livelihood, and security.
o Palestinian: Symbolize disobedience or empowerment.
National: IRA (circa 1916, after Easter rising- Patrick Pearse)
 Catholics vs. Protestants
o Battle of the Boyne and Apprentice Boys Parade
o Bloody Sunday massacre (January 30, 1972)
o Hunger Strikes
Revolutionary: Tumpamaros (circa 1962 – Raul Sendic)
 Urban terrorism - effort to create a more egalitarian society
o Attacked physical symbols of capitalism such as
factories, banks and government establishments.
Robbed banks, sabotaged public power facilities and
set fire to factories- then attacked the “Oligarchy.”
Terrorist Identity
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Domestic Terrorism
 Left Wing (LW):
 Some variation of Marxist ideology
 Committing violent acts against the government to
protect people from the harsh effects of capitalism &
exploitation of minorities and the poor
 Right Wing (RW):
 Affiliated with the Christian Identity movement, an
anti-Semitic and anti-black movement based on idea
that Aryans, not Jews, are God’s chosen.
 Believe in Capitalism and abhor Communism
 Environmental Terrorism:
 ALF /ELF : Special-interest terrorist group because
adherents forcibly seek to resolve perceived
environmental /animal abuse rather than effect
widespread political change.
 Crippled secular nationalism and the nation-state.
1. Major consequences - Deterioration of the power of the state
 Weakened through global business, and transnational nature of
their labor supply, currency, financial instruments
2. Eroded sense of national identity through the expansion of media
3. Dissolution of traditional links of social and cultural cohesion
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
 Exploit gaps in regulation for repugnant goods / services
 Unrestrained by law, morality, lots of cash, and taking
advantage technology.
Illicit networks:
 Trafficking:
o Drugs ($400 Billion - $1 Trillion a year)
o Weapons ($10 billion per year - 639 million arms globally)
o Humans ($9.5 billion annually)
 Counterfeiting (Estimated $500 billion per year. Ration 1:10 )
 Excised Goods (Cigarettes)
 Environmental Crimes
“Fighting these illicit networks is no longer about drugs, counterfeits, weapons,
terrorists, or insurgents. It is about defending the integrity of the system of viable
sovereign states and the fundamental structure of global order.”
~Michael Miklaucic and Moisés Naím
Deviant Globalization
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Alliance with
terrorist Groups
Use of terror tactics
for operational
Political Crime
Black Hole
Alliance with criminal
Commercial Terrorism
Criminal Activities for
operational purposes
1 2 23 4 3 1
Makarenko Scale: Crime / Terror Continuum
Nexus: Lowest level between transnational OC and terrorism
consists in one using the methodology of the other
Convergence: Criminals apply terrorist means and engage in political activity to
influence institutional environment, whereas terrorist groups apply criminal means
to replace funding from state sponsors lost after the Cold War.
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
“If God is for us, who can be against us?“ Romans 8:28-31
“Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.” ~Arnaud Amalric @ 1209
 Definition:
1. Service and worship of God or the supernatural.
2. Personal set /institutional system of attitudes, beliefs & practices.
3. A cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.
 Idealistic:
 Sense of self-worth & self-importance by teaching that they are special.
 In spiritualizing violence religion gives the act remarkable power.
 Influence of religion permeates every aspect of a member’s daily life.
* Provides the rationale for behavior, it legitimizes the use of violence!
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Fundamentalism: “Who uses religion as a form of identity
rather than as a set of truths” ~ Abdul Karim Soroush
 Represents a rebellion against the secularist ethos of modernity!
 Secular society is trying to wipe out the true faith and religious values.
o Violence is a divine duty…justified by scripture ~ Hoffman
Elements: Islamic, Christian, and other religious terrorists share:
1. Perceive their objective as a defense of basic identity and dignity.
2. Losing the struggle would be unthinkable.
3. Struggle is in deadlock and cannot be won in real time or in real terms.
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
 Publicity is the Oxygen of Terrorism.
 Media transmits messages simultaneously to three targets.
1. The native population;
o The media transmits messages of power.
2. The population targeting with terrorism;
o You are vulnerable anywhere/anytime and government cannot
3. Geared towards international public opinion;
o Audience that isn’t involved in and observes the events on the
 Remember: It isn’t important what the world says, the main thing is that
they talk about you – Bad Press is Better Thank No Press at ALL
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
 Enemy uses technology, public opinion and global
24/hr news cycle to wage war
 Present-day conditions of immigration fosters a keen sense of unity
between diasporas and kin country
o In electronic media this mystique of participation is the end itself
o No longer bound by rational interpretations of physical & social
 Internet has allowed non-state actors to achieve new levels of organizations
 The Rise of Internet Terror
 Central to operations!
 Recruit members, solicit funds, and promote/spread ideology
 Organize attacks and gather information
Instantaneous Communication
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
 Media constructed virtual world can alter course of history
 Reality vs. appearance.
 Cynical news management and moral narcissism, serves only to
postpone a brutal encounter with reality.
 Terrorism and Climate change common feature.
 Politicians and public prefer to continue ritual of announcing targets
that will not be reached and would not make much difference.
 Lost the art of living in an intractable world – Ergo we contrive an alternate
 Problems can be conjured away by displays of good will.
 Think about problem then seeking false security in a collective dream.
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
False Assumptions
Marie Harf - DOS Spokeswoman
"We cannot win the
War on Terror, nor
can we win the war on
ISIS by killing them.
We need to find them
We need to get to the
root cause of
terrorism, and that is
poverty and lack of
opportunity in the
terrorist community.”
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Abimael Guzmán, former university philosophy professor. His
teachings created the foundation of its militant Maoist doctrine.
Guzmán completed bachelor degrees in philosophy and law.. In
1962, Guzmán was recruited as a professor of philosophy by the
rector of San Cristóbal of Huamanga University in Ayacucho, a
city in the central Peruvian Andes.
Bill Ayers grew in Chicago, Illinois. Parents are Mary and
Thomas G. Ayers, who was later Chairman and CEO of
Commonwealth Edison and for whom Northwestern's Thomas
G. Ayers College of Commerce & Industry was named.
Attended public schools then transferred to Lake Forest
Academy, a small prep school. Ayers earned a B.A. in
American Studies from the University of Michigan in 1968.
Meet the Poor & Disenfranchised!
Sendero Luminoso
Weather Underground
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
UBL: Son of Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden, a billionaire
construction magnate with close ties to the Saudi royal family.
Attended the élite secular Al-Thager Model School. Studied
economics and business administration at King Abdulaziz
University. Earned a degree in civil engineering in 1979, or a
degree in public administration @ 1981
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, (aka Caliph Ibrahim)
Obtained a BA, MA, and PhD in
Islamic studies from the Islamic University of Baghdad.
Meet the Poor & Disenfranchised!
Al - Qaeda
Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL)
Mohammed Emwazi (aka “Jihadi John”), mid-20s,
Kuwaiti-born British man from west London. Graduated
from college with a degree in computer programming
from the University of Westminster in London.
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Terrorism: Creates instability to disrupt everyday life so as to harm the target’s
ability to function.
Terrorism is Elitist!
 Instead of asking who has a low salary and few opportunities, we should ask
who holds strong political views and is confident enough to try to impose an
extremist vision by violent means?
Terrorists are well tuned to their self interests!
 Governments can break terrorists will, and need not themselves be broken
International relations is not a popularity contest.
 Big powers will never be loved, but it is essential that they should be respected.
“Terror has evolved from being a means to an end,
to becoming the
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
From: S. Gorka and D. Kilcullen: An Actor-Centric Theory of War – JFQ 60, 2011
The Reality of War
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
 David Rapport: Four waves in evolution of terrorism
1. Breakup of empires (WWI)
2. De-colonization (WWII)
3. Anti-Westernism (Cold War) *
4. Religious motivated terrorism (20th Century Globalization)
* End of the Cold War removed many of the last barriers to globalization
o Defining moment in the evolution of modern terrorism
• Most importantly in the area terrorist financing
Drivers of Insecurity and Illegality (Convergence) Drivers for Instability and Terrorism
• Globalization
• Religion
• Organized Crime
• Migration
• State Sponsor
• Demographics
• Globalization
• Population growth and Demographic Trends
• Urbanization
• Natural Resources and Global Climate Change
The New Century
Ottoman Empire 1914
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
 Globalization in the 19th century:
 Rapid increase in world trade where goods, services,
capital and people moved freely - a state of flux (1881-1914):
o Anarchist assassination(s)
1881: Tsar Alexander II in 1881 by Nikolai Rysakov
1894: French president, Marie-François Sadi Carnot, by anarchist
Sante Jeronimo Caserio.
1897: Canovas del Castillo of Spain by anarchist Michele Angiolillo.
1900: Umberto I of Italy, Italo-American anarchist Gaetano Bresci.
1901: President William McKinley by anarchist, Leon Czolgosz.
1907: Bulgarian Premier Nicolas Petkov by anarchist.
1914: Archduke Ferdinand by Serbian anarchist Gavrilo Princip.
Pre – WWI (Anarchism)
World War One
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Birth of Islamic Terrorism, or extremist violence, or work
place violence, or what ever you want to call people who kill in the name of Islam!
 Crucial dates in 20th Century history
 1922 Sykes Picot Accord
 1924 Caliphate Dissolved
 1928 Creation of the Muslim Brotherhood
 1948 Creation of Israel, loss of Palestine
 1967 Six day war
 1972 Munich Olympics
 1979 Soviet Invasion of AFG, Iranian Revolution and Siege of Mecca
 1989 Soviet Withdrawal from Afganistan
 1990/1 Fall of USSR and Gulf War I
 AQ goes from Int. guerrilla organization to Global Terrorist Organization
Sykes-Picot Agreement 1916 The Balfour Declaration 1917
Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour
& Lord Lionel Rothschild
King of Hejaz,
Sharif of Mecca King of Iraq King of Jordan
Husayn ibn Ali Faisal Abdullah
UN Resolution 181
29 November 1947
 UN General Assembly Resolution 181 called for the partition of the British-
ruled Palestine Mandate into a Jewish state & Arab state. 33 Yeah, 13
Nay, 10 abstentions and one absent.
 May 14th - Israel is recognized.
 May 15th - Armies of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq invade,
starting the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.
 Arab view of Israel:
 Perception of an economic and political order that is disadvantageous
and about which they have no control.
 Arab or a Muslim makes a judgment about the world subconsciously
through the prism of the Palestinian issue.
Israel and Palestine – Then and Now
1979: Momentous year for relations between the democratic nations
of the West and the Arab and Muslim world
1. Witnessed the establishment of a theocratic dictatorship in Iran
2. Extremists set siege to the Grand Mosque in Mecca, to “cleanse”
the holiest sites in Islam from the influence of the apostate House of
3. USSR invaded Afghanistan (MAK, proto-AQ, created)
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Cold War Ends!
Post 1991
Then: Terrorists were funded to act as deniable proxies for states
1. Russia vs. U.S.A in the Middle East
2. Desert Storm: Protected Saudi Arabia with “Infidels” in the Holy Land
 To drive Americans & American influence out of all Muslim nations,
especially Saudi Arabia; destroy Israel; Topple pro-Western dictatorships
around the Middle East
 Usama bin Laden: Wished to unite all Muslims and establish, by force if
necessary, an Islamic nation adhering to the rule of the first Caliphs
Franchising “The McDonald-ization of Terrorism”
 Operates as a franchise: Provides financial and logistical support, as well as name
recognition, to terrorist groups operating in such diverse places as the Philippines,
Algeria, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Tajikistan, Somalia, Yemen, Kashmir, et al.
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Советский войны в Афганистане
Desert Storm 1991 WTC 1993
Nairobi embassy, 1998Kobar Towers 1996 USS Cole, 2000
September 11, 2001
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Theologians of al Qaeda's Strategy
Milestones: The World is Heretical, and needs to be cleansed
forcibly by Islam its current state of Jahiliyyah (state of pagan
~ Seyyid Qutb: Father of Modern Jihad
The Defense of Muslim Lands: Jihad as a Brand: A universal and
global duty for all Muslims - an individual obligation (fard ayn).
~ Abdullah Azzam: Bin Laden’s Mentor and former Boss
The Quranic Concept of Power: “War’s Objective is Allah’s
Sovereignty. Terror is our main weapon.”
~ Brig S. K. Malik: Islam as Military Strategy
Knights Under the Prophet’s Banner: “We can Destroy the Zionist-
Crusaders as we did the Soviet Union. All Muslims must fight.”
• Sovereignty is Allah’s alone, therefore democracy must be destroyed
~ Ayman al Zawahiri: Ideological Center of Al Qaeda and Associates
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
 Immediate strategy :
 Obtain greatest publicity, choosing targets
that symbolize what they oppose
 A deliberate and systematic murder, maiming and menacing of the
innocent to inspire fear for political ends
 Terrorism is designed to weaken or supplant existing political
landscapes through capitulation, acquiescence or radicalization as
opposed to subversion or direct military action
Moral decadence /evil in society is a result of the embrace of Western civilization.
 To curb such evil Islamic society must be entrenched by destroying
Modern political institutions and infrastructure
 Ideological belief of the movement that any member who fights and
dies in the establishing a Sharia state would automatically go to paradise
Al-Qaeda’s Strategy
1st Phase: Attrition (strategic defense):
“Spectacular operations, which will create a positive impact.”
 Attacks: recruitment to boost morale for potential Jihadis.
2nd Phase: Relative strategic balance:
 Build an army to hold territory wrested from incumbent regime
 Establish base camps, hospitals, Sharia courts, jumping-off point for military
and political actions
3rd Phase: Internal discord /political upheaval for the “collaborationist” regime
 Terrorists use their conventional army to launch dramatic assaults.
 “The mujahidin will attack smaller cities and exploit their successes and
victories via media in order to raise the morale of the mujahidin….and
demoralize the enemy.”
 Al-Muqrin makes clear that establishing his preferred version of Islam in
traditionally Muslim lands is not enough.
Abd al-Aziz al-Muqrin’s
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Muhammad Jamal
Boko Haram
Ansar al Sharia Tunisia
East Turkestan
Islamic Movement
Islamic Jihad Union
Islamic Movement of
Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan
Haqqani Network
Lashkar –e-Taiba
Afghan Taliban
Other Groups
(JEM, HUJI, HUM, etc
Abu Sayyaf
Jamal Is lamia
AQ Affiliate
AQ Central
AQ Ally
Caucasus Emirates
Jabhat al- Nusrah
AQ CentralAnsar al-Din
Al-Mua’qi’oon Biddam
(who sign with blood)
Ansar al-Sharia Libya
Al Shabaab
Former Management Council
Ansar al Islam
Jamaah Ansharut
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Daesh (aka ISIS)
Police: Suspect confessed to Philadelphia police officer
shooting 'in name of Islam‘. “According to him, police bend laws
that are contrary to the teachings of the Quran.”
“ The shooting had nothing to do with "being a Muslim or the
Islamic faith.“
Last night’s shooting had nothing to do with any faith. It was a
violent assault by a criminal. I urge all Philadelphians to
stand together.
— Jim Kenney (@PhillyMayor) January 8, 2016
Cop shot 1/8/2016
Howard Dean:
“These terrorists are about as Muslim as I am”
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
The Black banner, or Standard, of Islam as an idea goes back to the 8th century,
when the Second Dynasty of Islam came to power with black banners”
The two Arabic phrases, the black color of the flag and even the ancient
looking font of the Arabic all work to evoke an image of the historical
Islamic caliphate, the massive state that ISIS claims to have resurrected.
Shahada (Declaration of
faith): “There is no God
but God, Muhammad is
the messenger of God.”
2nd part of the Shahada:
"Muhammad is the Messenger of
God (represents the official seal of
the Prophet Muhammad).
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Pavlovian Issues
Classical conditioning (Pavlovian): Behavior modification by repeated
pairing neutral stimulus and potent biological stimulus that elicits the desired response.
Swank and Marchand's World War II study of US Army combatants:
 60 days of combat, 98% of surviving soldiers had become psychiatric casualties.
 2% were identified as "aggressive psychopathic personalities."
Concrete elements of traumatic events for PTSD include:
 Threat to one's life or body integrity
 Exposure to the grotesque
 Witnessing or learning of violence to loved ones
 Causing death or severe harm to another
Severity of traumatic events: Intense, inescapable, uncontrollable, and unexpected,
and exceeding the person's coping resources or breaking his or her protective defenses.
Culture and cultural change best viewed as a population level phenomenon.
Single individuals are largely prisoners of the culture they inherit but the decisions
they make and outcomes of those decisions are what drive cultural evolution.
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
A translated version by Dr Widad Akrawi,
“We have received news that the demand in
Women and Cattle market has sharply decreased
and that will affect Islamic State revenues as well
as the funding of mujahideen in the battlefield,
therefore we have made some changes. Below are
the prices for Yazidi and Christian women.
The price for Yazidi or Christian women between
the age of;
$43 (£27) for 40 - 50 year olds
$75 (48) for 30 to 40 year-olds
$86 (£55) for 20 to 30 year-olds
$130 (£83) for ten to 20 year-olds
$172 (£110) for one to nine-year-olds
Customers are allowed to purchase only three
items with the exception of customers from
Turkey, Syria and Gulf countries.
Dated and sealed by ISIS in Iraq October 16, 2014”
Read more:
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Daesh (aka ISIS) in the U.S.
 82 individuals affiliating with ISIS have been interdicted by
LEO since March 2014 (including 7 minors' and 4 killed in the course of attacks)
 More than 250 individuals have joined or attempted to join ISIS
 FBI currently has nearly 1000 ongoing ISIS probes in the U.S.
 48 full time surveillance
 ISIS recruiting is about three-times the rate of AQ
Ali Shukri Amin (aka Amreeki Witness), 17,m from Manassas, VA sentenced to 11 years
in prison conspiracy to support ISIS (4000 twitter followers)
Ahmead Musa Jibril, preacher from Dearborn, MI had 38K twitter followers (went
silent) – 60% of surveyed foreign fighters in Iraq and Syria followed Jibril on Twitter.
 Nearly 1/3 of the domestic ISIS cases in the past 18 months involved people who
planned to carry out attacks against Americans on U.S. Soil.
The Current Dangerous and Fallacious Threat Analysis
“Pure” Islamists Political Islamists Violent Islamists
Quintan Wiktorowicz’s argument:
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Oklahoma: Alton Nolen severed head of Colleen Hufford.
S.B: SyedRizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, murdered 14, wounded 22
Orlando: Omar Mateen, murdered 49, wounded 53
Ft. Hood: Nidal Malik Hasan, murdered 13, wounded 30
Chattanooga: Muhammad Youssef Abdulzzeez, murdered 5, wounding 2
Glendale: Faleh Hassan Al-Maleki, murdered 1, injuring 1
Abdulhakimi Mujahid Muhammad, murdered 1, wounded 1
Boston: Dzhokhar & Tamerlan Tsarnaev murdered 3, 264
Ideologically Motivated Terrorists (IMT)
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Ideologically Motivated Terrorists (IMT)
Omar Mateen (Orland0, FL) Sig Sauer .223 and 9 mm handgun
Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik – San Bernadino – Rifles, pistols
Dzhokhar & Tamerlan Tsarnaev - Boston – Pressure cookers
Nidal Malik Hasan – Fort Hood semi –automatic pistol
Muhammad Youssef Abdulzzeez – Chattanooga - Rifle, handgun and shotgun
Faleh Hassan Al-Maleki – Glendale AZ – Car
Usaamah Rahim –Boston Knife
Abdulhakimi Mujahid Muhammad – Little Rock, AK - .22 pistol
Alton Nolen – Moore, OK - Knife
Mohammed Atta – Box cutters
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Islamaists “Perfect” world
Dr. Thomas A. Marks; two schools of insurgent thought.
1. Argentinean revolutionary Che Guevara and labeled focoist
 Enemy state is targeted by the insurgent leader through a catalytic
dynamic whereby the leader inspires people to rise and follow.
2. Mao Tse Tung: Developed the people’s war school of insurgency.
 Insurgent group grows through application of both violent and
non-violent means. Builds “mass-base” of support and “counter-state,”
to challenge the existing state head-on and replace it
 Che : Ended up on all the T-shirts and dead at age 39.
 Mao: Died in his own bed an old man
 1st Chairman of the Communist Party of China
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Strategy: Warnings from the Masters
 Sun Tzu (6-5th Century BC)
 “Know the Enemy AND yourself…..”
 “Tactics without Strategy is the Noise before Defeat.”
 Frederick the Great, 1749
 “He who defends everything defends nothing”
 Carl von Clausewitz (1780 -1837)
 “The first responsibility of the Commander is
to know what kind of war he is fighting”
Defeating Terrorism
Jihadi community is a learning organism.
 Mao may be in ascendance
o Less direct kinetic attacks but by building schools and clinics
(e.g. Hamas and Hizballah )
o Support structures for the counter-state, which Mao saw as
Indispensable to victory using the indirect approach.
Arab Spring: Rejection of authoritarian/dictatorial regimes to new
political structures which favored puritanical Muslim
Brotherhood-shaped interpretations of Islamic law
Cold War: War more ideological than it was kinetic
 We need to understand what the enemy fights for, not just how he fights
One Enemy: One Goal
Violent Jihadists
AQAM, Al Shabaab, etc.
Non-Violent Jihadists:
Muslim Brotherhood
Strategic Goal
From: Dr. Sebastian Gorka
Defeating Terrorism
U.S. Strategic re-evaluation:
1. Must suppress and provide constant pressure against
both the will and capability to do us harm
2. Must understanding the historic, economic, social and political factors
 NOT a cause and effect relationship, but a dynamic one
o Exploit objective condition through mobilizing religious ideology
3. War is perhaps more non-kinetic than physical
 U.S. must deploy tools used effectively in past ideological wars
to build an applicable counter-narrative
o Must undermine the legitimacy and attractiveness of the enemy, and
deter potential allies and recruits
o Drive the global agenda of justice and liberty (i.e. WWII, Cold War)
4. Must purge our neutering concepts of political correctness /cultural sensitivity
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Listen UP!
From: Dr. Sebastian Gorka
 To understand the enemy, read what he writes and listen to what he says
 Al Qaeda / et al is a product of decades and even centuries of ideological
 Do not obsess on violence – AQ is scary but those who use the indirect,
non-kinetic approach (e.g. Muslim Brotherhood) may be even more
 Both the violent terrorists and non-violent jihadists have the same aim:
destroying our country and its values
2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
Q & A
“Society is willing to suffer terrorism as long as it remains a nuisance.”
When insecurity begins to spread and terrorism becomes a genuine danger, people no
longer denounce the government for ignoring human rights in order to fight it…
1993- 2001 then 9/11!
~ Laquer
via Ali and
Shia Muslims: Choose to follow a line of Imams
which they believe have been appointed by Prophet
Muhammad or God Himself.
"Shia" comes from the Arabic word "Shia-t-Ali,“
or "the Party of Ali”.
End of WWI
Sunni (75%)
Sunni Muslims: New leader should be elected
from among those capable of doing the job.
"Sunni" in Arabic comes from a word meaning
“One who follows the traditions of the Prophet.”
Sunni vs. Shia: What’s the DIFF?
Ayatollah Ali Khamen
Ruhollah Khomeini
Cousin & son-in-law,
Ali ibn Abi Talib
Jaysh al-Mahdi,

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Terrorism brief

  • 1. AA Flight 11UA Flight 175 Terrorism Hostes Generis Humani (The Enemies of Mankind)
  • 2. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved Lord Palmerstone (circa 1848) ~ "We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and those interests it is our duty to follow.” The views herein expressed do not reflect the views of the US Department of Defense or any other US Government Department or Agency “Nature abhors a vacuum” ~Aristotle
  • 3. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved "I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description, and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it!” ~Potter Stewart, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (Jacobellis v. Ohio in 1964) 3 Modern terrorism began during the French Revolution (1793-1794).  Maximilian Robespierre introduce government-sponsored terror in order to maintain power and suppress opposition to the government  1917, Lenin and Stalin evoked government-sponsored terror as useful tool to maintain government control  Shares at least two key characteristics with the modern-day variant; 1. Regime de la terreur: Neither random nor indiscriminate, but was organized, deliberate, and systematic. 2. Goal: Creation of a “new and better society” in place of a fundamentally corrupt and undemocratic political system. Robespierre
  • 4. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved 4 Irrational Anxiety Atavistic: A worldview that extols an ideal societal existence in some mythical pristine past (“The Good Ole Days!”) Manichean: The battle between good and evil  Terrorism: Meant to serve a strategy of coercion  Violent intellectuals - motivated by a political agenda!  Tool of the weak, used by disaffected groups or minorities to oppose the rule….of a superior power.  It is a business: A supply side and a demand side  Violence Prone Extremists: o Adoption of a violent belief system for societal transformation o Rejection of normal political channels for instituting change
  • 5. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved 5  Why Terrorism? 1. Not able to test their popularity 2. Failure to mobilize support (resort to violence to compensate for numbers) 3. Impatient for action  Advantages of Terrorism: 1. Keeps issue in the public mind (e.g. attacks in Paris) 2. “Propaganda of the Deed” (Carlo Pisacane) 3. Humiliate government - demonstrates strengths (maintains morale) 4. Acts as a catalyst, not substitute, for mass revolt Psychological Warfare
  • 6. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved 6  Some strategies of terror  Strategy to create or further a sense of societal dislocation, fear /even anarchy  Strategy to discredit, diminish, or destroy a particular government and replace it with another  Portray themselves as victims: 1. It’s Not Right! 2. It’s Not Fair! 3. It’s Your Fault! 4. You’re EVIL! Victimization
  • 7. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved 7 DOS: Premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatants targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience. FBI: The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a Government, the civilian populations, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives. DHS: Any activity that involves an act that : Is dangerous to human life or potentially destructive of critical infrastructure or key resources; and …must also appear to be intended DOD: The calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious or ideological objectives. Some Definition of Terrorism
  • 8. A Definition of Terrorism Not just Criminals, Crazy’s and Crusaders! Violence (or threat thereof) against Civilians (or those who cannot defend themselves) for a Political purpose aimed against a legitimate political order.  Recipe: 1. Violence (or threat thereof) 2. Civilians 3. Political So….can terrorism work ?
  • 9. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved In 1940, Shamir sided with the more militant faction, Lehi, headed by Avraham Stern.[1]In secret contacts with German to open up a military front against the British in the Middle East in return for the expulsion (rather than extermination) of the Jewish population of Europe to Palestine.[2] After Stern was killed Shamir became one of the three leaders of the group reforming it as "Lehi". As one of Lehi's triumvirate, he authorized the assassination of the UN representative Count Bernadotte, who was seen by Shamir as an anti-Zionist and "an obvious agent of the British enemy.” 7th Prime Minister of Israel Leader of the Irgun faction. He proclaimed a revolt, on February 1, 1944, against the British mandatory government. He played a significant role in Jewish resistance against the British control in the waning years of the mandate, leading the more militant faction within Zionism.6 6th Prime Minister of Israel Mandela was an anti-apartheid activist, and the leader of Umkhonto we Sizwe, the armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC). In 1962 arrested and convicted of sabotage and other charges, and sentenced to life in prison. Mandela served 27 years in prison.6 President of South Africa
  • 10. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved 10 Deviant Behavior Emile Durkheim :  Anomie: A state where societal norms are confused or unclear.  Perceived collapse of societal rules on how people ought to behave with each other  Absence of societal norms leads one to engage in deviant behavior  Societal interaction. 1) “Mechanical;” Follow simple rules of interaction, simple society 2) “Organic;” Expectations of the individual get more complex. o Social construct more at risk to factors outside of ones control.  Sudden, buffeting changes cause aggravated states of “Anomie.”  Collapse of an adhered-to order could lead an individual to veer off the straight and narrow path of acceptable behavior (i.e. winning the lotto)
  • 11. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved 11  Identity: 1. Humans act toward things on the basis of the meaning that they have. 2. Meaning of such things is derived from social interaction one has with one’s fellows. 3. Meanings are handled in and modified through a process used by the person in dealing with the things he encounters. 4. “Terrorists whose only sense of significance comes from being terrorists cannot be forced to give up terrorism, for to do so would be to lose their very reason for being” 5. “Political violence becomes an integral part of the person’s identity and asking the terrorist to give up violence is like asking the terrorist to give up who she or he is” ~ Berman (2003) Terrorist Identity
  • 12. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved 12 Religious: HAMAS (circa 1987 – Ahmed Yassin)  Israeli/Palestinian conflict: o Israeli: Violence represents an attack on their freedom, livelihood, and security. o Palestinian: Symbolize disobedience or empowerment. National: IRA (circa 1916, after Easter rising- Patrick Pearse)  Catholics vs. Protestants o Battle of the Boyne and Apprentice Boys Parade o Bloody Sunday massacre (January 30, 1972) o Hunger Strikes Revolutionary: Tumpamaros (circa 1962 – Raul Sendic)  Urban terrorism - effort to create a more egalitarian society o Attacked physical symbols of capitalism such as factories, banks and government establishments. Robbed banks, sabotaged public power facilities and set fire to factories- then attacked the “Oligarchy.” Terrorist Identity
  • 13. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved Domestic Terrorism  Left Wing (LW):  Some variation of Marxist ideology  Committing violent acts against the government to protect people from the harsh effects of capitalism & exploitation of minorities and the poor  Right Wing (RW):  Affiliated with the Christian Identity movement, an anti-Semitic and anti-black movement based on idea that Aryans, not Jews, are God’s chosen.  Believe in Capitalism and abhor Communism  Environmental Terrorism:  ALF /ELF : Special-interest terrorist group because adherents forcibly seek to resolve perceived environmental /animal abuse rather than effect widespread political change.
  • 14.  Crippled secular nationalism and the nation-state. 1. Major consequences - Deterioration of the power of the state  Weakened through global business, and transnational nature of their labor supply, currency, financial instruments 2. Eroded sense of national identity through the expansion of media 3. Dissolution of traditional links of social and cultural cohesion Globalization
  • 15. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved  Exploit gaps in regulation for repugnant goods / services  Unrestrained by law, morality, lots of cash, and taking advantage technology. Illicit networks:  Trafficking: o Drugs ($400 Billion - $1 Trillion a year) o Weapons ($10 billion per year - 639 million arms globally) o Humans ($9.5 billion annually)  Counterfeiting (Estimated $500 billion per year. Ration 1:10 )  Excised Goods (Cigarettes)  Environmental Crimes “Fighting these illicit networks is no longer about drugs, counterfeits, weapons, terrorists, or insurgents. It is about defending the integrity of the system of viable sovereign states and the fundamental structure of global order.” ~Michael Miklaucic and Moisés Naím Deviant Globalization
  • 16. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved OrganizedCrime Terrorism Alliance with terrorist Groups Use of terror tactics for operational purposes Political Crime Black Hole Syndrome Alliance with criminal organization Commercial Terrorism Criminal Activities for operational purposes 1 2 23 4 3 1 Makarenko Scale: Crime / Terror Continuum Nexus: Lowest level between transnational OC and terrorism consists in one using the methodology of the other Convergence: Criminals apply terrorist means and engage in political activity to influence institutional environment, whereas terrorist groups apply criminal means to replace funding from state sponsors lost after the Cold War.
  • 17. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved 17 Religion “If God is for us, who can be against us?“ Romans 8:28-31 “Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.” ~Arnaud Amalric @ 1209  Definition: 1. Service and worship of God or the supernatural. 2. Personal set /institutional system of attitudes, beliefs & practices. 3. A cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.  Idealistic:  Sense of self-worth & self-importance by teaching that they are special.  In spiritualizing violence religion gives the act remarkable power.  Influence of religion permeates every aspect of a member’s daily life. * Provides the rationale for behavior, it legitimizes the use of violence!
  • 18. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved 18 Fundamentalism: “Who uses religion as a form of identity rather than as a set of truths” ~ Abdul Karim Soroush  Represents a rebellion against the secularist ethos of modernity!  Secular society is trying to wipe out the true faith and religious values. o Violence is a divine duty…justified by scripture ~ Hoffman Elements: Islamic, Christian, and other religious terrorists share: 1. Perceive their objective as a defense of basic identity and dignity. 2. Losing the struggle would be unthinkable. 3. Struggle is in deadlock and cannot be won in real time or in real terms. Fundamentalism
  • 19. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved 19  Publicity is the Oxygen of Terrorism.  Media transmits messages simultaneously to three targets. 1. The native population; o The media transmits messages of power. 2. The population targeting with terrorism; o You are vulnerable anywhere/anytime and government cannot guarantee 3. Geared towards international public opinion; o Audience that isn’t involved in and observes the events on the sidelines  Remember: It isn’t important what the world says, the main thing is that they talk about you – Bad Press is Better Thank No Press at ALL Media
  • 20. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved 20  Enemy uses technology, public opinion and global 24/hr news cycle to wage war  Present-day conditions of immigration fosters a keen sense of unity between diasporas and kin country o In electronic media this mystique of participation is the end itself o No longer bound by rational interpretations of physical & social world  Internet has allowed non-state actors to achieve new levels of organizations  The Rise of Internet Terror  Central to operations!  Recruit members, solicit funds, and promote/spread ideology  Organize attacks and gather information Instantaneous Communication
  • 21. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved 21 Internet  Media constructed virtual world can alter course of history  Reality vs. appearance.  Cynical news management and moral narcissism, serves only to postpone a brutal encounter with reality.  Terrorism and Climate change common feature.  Politicians and public prefer to continue ritual of announcing targets that will not be reached and would not make much difference.  Lost the art of living in an intractable world – Ergo we contrive an alternate reality.  Problems can be conjured away by displays of good will.  Think about problem then seeking false security in a collective dream.
  • 22. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved False Assumptions Marie Harf - DOS Spokeswoman "We cannot win the War on Terror, nor can we win the war on ISIS by killing them. We need to find them jobs. We need to get to the root cause of terrorism, and that is poverty and lack of opportunity in the terrorist community.”
  • 23. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved Abimael Guzmán, former university philosophy professor. His teachings created the foundation of its militant Maoist doctrine. Guzmán completed bachelor degrees in philosophy and law.. In 1962, Guzmán was recruited as a professor of philosophy by the rector of San Cristóbal of Huamanga University in Ayacucho, a city in the central Peruvian Andes. Bill Ayers grew in Chicago, Illinois. Parents are Mary and Thomas G. Ayers, who was later Chairman and CEO of Commonwealth Edison and for whom Northwestern's Thomas G. Ayers College of Commerce & Industry was named. Attended public schools then transferred to Lake Forest Academy, a small prep school. Ayers earned a B.A. in American Studies from the University of Michigan in 1968. Meet the Poor & Disenfranchised! Sendero Luminoso Weather Underground
  • 24. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved UBL: Son of Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden, a billionaire construction magnate with close ties to the Saudi royal family. Attended the élite secular Al-Thager Model School. Studied economics and business administration at King Abdulaziz University. Earned a degree in civil engineering in 1979, or a degree in public administration @ 1981 Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, (aka Caliph Ibrahim) Obtained a BA, MA, and PhD in Islamic studies from the Islamic University of Baghdad. Meet the Poor & Disenfranchised! Al - Qaeda Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) Mohammed Emwazi (aka “Jihadi John”), mid-20s, Kuwaiti-born British man from west London. Graduated from college with a degree in computer programming from the University of Westminster in London.
  • 25. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved 25 Terrorism: Creates instability to disrupt everyday life so as to harm the target’s ability to function. Terrorism is Elitist!  Instead of asking who has a low salary and few opportunities, we should ask who holds strong political views and is confident enough to try to impose an extremist vision by violent means? Terrorists are well tuned to their self interests!  Governments can break terrorists will, and need not themselves be broken International relations is not a popularity contest.  Big powers will never be loved, but it is essential that they should be respected. Conclusion “Terror has evolved from being a means to an end, to becoming the END IN ITSELF”
  • 26. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
  • 27. From: S. Gorka and D. Kilcullen: An Actor-Centric Theory of War – JFQ 60, 2011 The Reality of War
  • 28. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved  David Rapport: Four waves in evolution of terrorism 1. Breakup of empires (WWI) 2. De-colonization (WWII) 3. Anti-Westernism (Cold War) * 4. Religious motivated terrorism (20th Century Globalization) * End of the Cold War removed many of the last barriers to globalization o Defining moment in the evolution of modern terrorism • Most importantly in the area terrorist financing Drivers of Insecurity and Illegality (Convergence) Drivers for Instability and Terrorism • Globalization • Religion • Organized Crime • Migration • State Sponsor • Demographics • Globalization • Population growth and Demographic Trends • Urbanization • Natural Resources and Global Climate Change The New Century
  • 30. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved  Globalization in the 19th century:  Rapid increase in world trade where goods, services, capital and people moved freely - a state of flux (1881-1914): o Anarchist assassination(s) 1881: Tsar Alexander II in 1881 by Nikolai Rysakov 1894: French president, Marie-François Sadi Carnot, by anarchist Sante Jeronimo Caserio. 1897: Canovas del Castillo of Spain by anarchist Michele Angiolillo. 1900: Umberto I of Italy, Italo-American anarchist Gaetano Bresci. 1901: President William McKinley by anarchist, Leon Czolgosz. 1907: Bulgarian Premier Nicolas Petkov by anarchist. 1914: Archduke Ferdinand by Serbian anarchist Gavrilo Princip. Pre – WWI (Anarchism)
  • 32. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved Birth of Islamic Terrorism, or extremist violence, or work place violence, or what ever you want to call people who kill in the name of Islam!  Crucial dates in 20th Century history  1922 Sykes Picot Accord  1924 Caliphate Dissolved  1928 Creation of the Muslim Brotherhood  1948 Creation of Israel, loss of Palestine  1967 Six day war  1972 Munich Olympics  1979 Soviet Invasion of AFG, Iranian Revolution and Siege of Mecca  1989 Soviet Withdrawal from Afganistan  1990/1 Fall of USSR and Gulf War I  AQ goes from Int. guerrilla organization to Global Terrorist Organization
  • 33. Sykes-Picot Agreement 1916 The Balfour Declaration 1917 Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour & Lord Lionel Rothschild King of Hejaz, Sharif of Mecca King of Iraq King of Jordan Husayn ibn Ali Faisal Abdullah
  • 34. UN Resolution 181 29 November 1947  UN General Assembly Resolution 181 called for the partition of the British- ruled Palestine Mandate into a Jewish state & Arab state. 33 Yeah, 13 Nay, 10 abstentions and one absent.  May 14th - Israel is recognized.  May 15th - Armies of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq invade, starting the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.  Arab view of Israel:  Perception of an economic and political order that is disadvantageous and about which they have no control.  Arab or a Muslim makes a judgment about the world subconsciously through the prism of the Palestinian issue.
  • 35. ISRAEL Israel and Palestine – Then and Now
  • 36. 36 1979: Momentous year for relations between the democratic nations of the West and the Arab and Muslim world 1. Witnessed the establishment of a theocratic dictatorship in Iran 2. Extremists set siege to the Grand Mosque in Mecca, to “cleanse” the holiest sites in Islam from the influence of the apostate House of Saud 3. USSR invaded Afghanistan (MAK, proto-AQ, created)
  • 37. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved Cold War Ends! Post 1991 Then: Terrorists were funded to act as deniable proxies for states 1. Russia vs. U.S.A in the Middle East 2. Desert Storm: Protected Saudi Arabia with “Infidels” in the Holy Land Al-Qaeda:  To drive Americans & American influence out of all Muslim nations, especially Saudi Arabia; destroy Israel; Topple pro-Western dictatorships around the Middle East  Usama bin Laden: Wished to unite all Muslims and establish, by force if necessary, an Islamic nation adhering to the rule of the first Caliphs Franchising “The McDonald-ization of Terrorism”  Operates as a franchise: Provides financial and logistical support, as well as name recognition, to terrorist groups operating in such diverse places as the Philippines, Algeria, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Tajikistan, Somalia, Yemen, Kashmir, et al.
  • 38. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved Советский войны в Афганистане Desert Storm 1991 WTC 1993 Nairobi embassy, 1998Kobar Towers 1996 USS Cole, 2000 September 11, 2001
  • 39. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved Theologians of al Qaeda's Strategy Milestones: The World is Heretical, and needs to be cleansed forcibly by Islam its current state of Jahiliyyah (state of pagan disbelief). ~ Seyyid Qutb: Father of Modern Jihad The Defense of Muslim Lands: Jihad as a Brand: A universal and global duty for all Muslims - an individual obligation (fard ayn). ~ Abdullah Azzam: Bin Laden’s Mentor and former Boss The Quranic Concept of Power: “War’s Objective is Allah’s Sovereignty. Terror is our main weapon.” ~ Brig S. K. Malik: Islam as Military Strategy Knights Under the Prophet’s Banner: “We can Destroy the Zionist- Crusaders as we did the Soviet Union. All Muslims must fight.” • Sovereignty is Allah’s alone, therefore democracy must be destroyed ~ Ayman al Zawahiri: Ideological Center of Al Qaeda and Associates
  • 40. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved 40  Immediate strategy :  Obtain greatest publicity, choosing targets that symbolize what they oppose  A deliberate and systematic murder, maiming and menacing of the innocent to inspire fear for political ends  Terrorism is designed to weaken or supplant existing political landscapes through capitulation, acquiescence or radicalization as opposed to subversion or direct military action Moral decadence /evil in society is a result of the embrace of Western civilization.  To curb such evil Islamic society must be entrenched by destroying Modern political institutions and infrastructure  Ideological belief of the movement that any member who fights and dies in the establishing a Sharia state would automatically go to paradise Strategy
  • 41. Al-Qaeda’s Strategy 1st Phase: Attrition (strategic defense): “Spectacular operations, which will create a positive impact.”  Attacks: recruitment to boost morale for potential Jihadis. 2nd Phase: Relative strategic balance:  Build an army to hold territory wrested from incumbent regime  Establish base camps, hospitals, Sharia courts, jumping-off point for military and political actions 3rd Phase: Internal discord /political upheaval for the “collaborationist” regime  Terrorists use their conventional army to launch dramatic assaults.  “The mujahidin will attack smaller cities and exploit their successes and victories via media in order to raise the morale of the mujahidin….and demoralize the enemy.”  Al-Muqrin makes clear that establishing his preferred version of Islam in traditionally Muslim lands is not enough. Abd al-Aziz al-Muqrin’s
  • 42. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved Muhammad Jamal Group Boko Haram Ansar al Sharia Tunisia AQAP MILF East Turkestan Islamic Movement Islamic Jihad Union Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan Haqqani Network Lashkar –e-Taiba Afghan Taliban Other Groups (JEM, HUJI, HUM, etc Abu Sayyaf Jamal Is lamia AQ Affiliate AQ Central AQ Ally AQIM Caucasus Emirates Jabhat al- Nusrah AQ CentralAnsar al-Din Al-Mua’qi’oon Biddam (who sign with blood) Ansar al-Sharia Libya Al Shabaab Former Management Council Ansar al Islam AQI Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid
  • 43. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved Daesh (aka ISIS)
  • 44. Police: Suspect confessed to Philadelphia police officer shooting 'in name of Islam‘. “According to him, police bend laws that are contrary to the teachings of the Quran.” “ The shooting had nothing to do with "being a Muslim or the Islamic faith.“ Last night’s shooting had nothing to do with any faith. It was a violent assault by a criminal. I urge all Philadelphians to stand together. — Jim Kenney (@PhillyMayor) January 8, 2016 Cop shot 1/8/2016
  • 45. Howard Dean: “These terrorists are about as Muslim as I am”
  • 46. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved 46 The Black banner, or Standard, of Islam as an idea goes back to the 8th century, when the Second Dynasty of Islam came to power with black banners” The two Arabic phrases, the black color of the flag and even the ancient looking font of the Arabic all work to evoke an image of the historical Islamic caliphate, the massive state that ISIS claims to have resurrected. Shahada (Declaration of faith): “There is no God but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God.” 2nd part of the Shahada: "Muhammad is the Messenger of God (represents the official seal of the Prophet Muhammad).
  • 47. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved Pavlovian Issues Classical conditioning (Pavlovian): Behavior modification by repeated pairing neutral stimulus and potent biological stimulus that elicits the desired response. Swank and Marchand's World War II study of US Army combatants:  60 days of combat, 98% of surviving soldiers had become psychiatric casualties.  2% were identified as "aggressive psychopathic personalities." Concrete elements of traumatic events for PTSD include:  Threat to one's life or body integrity  Exposure to the grotesque  Witnessing or learning of violence to loved ones  Causing death or severe harm to another Severity of traumatic events: Intense, inescapable, uncontrollable, and unexpected, and exceeding the person's coping resources or breaking his or her protective defenses. Culture and cultural change best viewed as a population level phenomenon. Single individuals are largely prisoners of the culture they inherit but the decisions they make and outcomes of those decisions are what drive cultural evolution.
  • 48. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved A translated version by Dr Widad Akrawi, “We have received news that the demand in Women and Cattle market has sharply decreased and that will affect Islamic State revenues as well as the funding of mujahideen in the battlefield, therefore we have made some changes. Below are the prices for Yazidi and Christian women. The price for Yazidi or Christian women between the age of; $43 (£27) for 40 - 50 year olds $75 (48) for 30 to 40 year-olds $86 (£55) for 20 to 30 year-olds $130 (£83) for ten to 20 year-olds $172 (£110) for one to nine-year-olds Customers are allowed to purchase only three items with the exception of customers from Turkey, Syria and Gulf countries. Dated and sealed by ISIS in Iraq October 16, 2014” Read more: girls-refusing-sex-fighters-envoy-reveals-sex-slaves-peddled-like-barrels- petrol.html#ixzz3i50qXQxd
  • 49. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved Daesh (aka ISIS) in the U.S.  82 individuals affiliating with ISIS have been interdicted by LEO since March 2014 (including 7 minors' and 4 killed in the course of attacks)  More than 250 individuals have joined or attempted to join ISIS  FBI currently has nearly 1000 ongoing ISIS probes in the U.S.  48 full time surveillance  ISIS recruiting is about three-times the rate of AQ Ali Shukri Amin (aka Amreeki Witness), 17,m from Manassas, VA sentenced to 11 years in prison conspiracy to support ISIS (4000 twitter followers) Ahmead Musa Jibril, preacher from Dearborn, MI had 38K twitter followers (went silent) – 60% of surveyed foreign fighters in Iraq and Syria followed Jibril on Twitter.  Nearly 1/3 of the domestic ISIS cases in the past 18 months involved people who planned to carry out attacks against Americans on U.S. Soil.
  • 50. The Current Dangerous and Fallacious Threat Analysis “Pure” Islamists Political Islamists Violent Islamists Pure Islamists Political Islamists Violent Islamists Quintan Wiktorowicz’s argument: The REALITY:
  • 51. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved Oklahoma: Alton Nolen severed head of Colleen Hufford. S.B: SyedRizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, murdered 14, wounded 22 Orlando: Omar Mateen, murdered 49, wounded 53 Ft. Hood: Nidal Malik Hasan, murdered 13, wounded 30 Chattanooga: Muhammad Youssef Abdulzzeez, murdered 5, wounding 2 Glendale: Faleh Hassan Al-Maleki, murdered 1, injuring 1 Abdulhakimi Mujahid Muhammad, murdered 1, wounded 1 Boston: Dzhokhar & Tamerlan Tsarnaev murdered 3, 264 Ideologically Motivated Terrorists (IMT)
  • 52. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved Ideologically Motivated Terrorists (IMT) Weapons: Omar Mateen (Orland0, FL) Sig Sauer .223 and 9 mm handgun Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik – San Bernadino – Rifles, pistols Dzhokhar & Tamerlan Tsarnaev - Boston – Pressure cookers Nidal Malik Hasan – Fort Hood semi –automatic pistol Muhammad Youssef Abdulzzeez – Chattanooga - Rifle, handgun and shotgun Faleh Hassan Al-Maleki – Glendale AZ – Car Usaamah Rahim –Boston Knife Abdulhakimi Mujahid Muhammad – Little Rock, AK - .22 pistol Alton Nolen – Moore, OK - Knife Mohammed Atta – Box cutters
  • 53. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved
  • 54. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved Islamaists “Perfect” world
  • 55. 55 Dr. Thomas A. Marks; two schools of insurgent thought. 1. Argentinean revolutionary Che Guevara and labeled focoist  Enemy state is targeted by the insurgent leader through a catalytic dynamic whereby the leader inspires people to rise and follow. 2. Mao Tse Tung: Developed the people’s war school of insurgency.  Insurgent group grows through application of both violent and non-violent means. Builds “mass-base” of support and “counter-state,” to challenge the existing state head-on and replace it  Che : Ended up on all the T-shirts and dead at age 39.  Mao: Died in his own bed an old man  1st Chairman of the Communist Party of China Insurgencies
  • 56. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved Strategy: Warnings from the Masters  Sun Tzu (6-5th Century BC)  “Know the Enemy AND yourself…..”  “Tactics without Strategy is the Noise before Defeat.”  Frederick the Great, 1749  “He who defends everything defends nothing”  Carl von Clausewitz (1780 -1837)  “The first responsibility of the Commander is to know what kind of war he is fighting”
  • 57. 57 Defeating Terrorism Jihadi community is a learning organism.  Mao may be in ascendance o Less direct kinetic attacks but by building schools and clinics (e.g. Hamas and Hizballah ) o Support structures for the counter-state, which Mao saw as Indispensable to victory using the indirect approach. Arab Spring: Rejection of authoritarian/dictatorial regimes to new political structures which favored puritanical Muslim Brotherhood-shaped interpretations of Islamic law Cold War: War more ideological than it was kinetic  We need to understand what the enemy fights for, not just how he fights
  • 58. One Enemy: One Goal Violent Jihadists AQAM, Al Shabaab, etc. Non-Violent Jihadists: Muslim Brotherhood Undemocratic Theocracies Strategic Goal From: Dr. Sebastian Gorka
  • 59. 59 Defeating Terrorism U.S. Strategic re-evaluation: 1. Must suppress and provide constant pressure against both the will and capability to do us harm 2. Must understanding the historic, economic, social and political factors  NOT a cause and effect relationship, but a dynamic one o Exploit objective condition through mobilizing religious ideology 3. War is perhaps more non-kinetic than physical  U.S. must deploy tools used effectively in past ideological wars to build an applicable counter-narrative o Must undermine the legitimacy and attractiveness of the enemy, and deter potential allies and recruits o Drive the global agenda of justice and liberty (i.e. WWII, Cold War) 4. Must purge our neutering concepts of political correctness /cultural sensitivity
  • 60. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved Listen UP! From: Dr. Sebastian Gorka  To understand the enemy, read what he writes and listen to what he says  Al Qaeda / et al is a product of decades and even centuries of ideological evolution  Do not obsess on violence – AQ is scary but those who use the indirect, non-kinetic approach (e.g. Muslim Brotherhood) may be even more dangerous  Both the violent terrorists and non-violent jihadists have the same aim: destroying our country and its values
  • 61. 2012-2013 ©James L. Feldkamp. All rights reserved Q & A “Society is willing to suffer terrorism as long as it remains a nuisance.” When insecurity begins to spread and terrorism becomes a genuine danger, people no longer denounce the government for ignoring human rights in order to fight it… 1993- 2001 then 9/11! ~ Laquer Questions
  • 62. Mohammed via Ali and Fatima Mohammed (622) ISLAM Shia Muslims: Choose to follow a line of Imams which they believe have been appointed by Prophet Muhammad or God Himself. "Shia" comes from the Arabic word "Shia-t-Ali,“ or "the Party of Ali”. Shia End of WWI (1918) Caliph Ali 656-661 Caliph Umar 634-644 Caliph Uthman 644-656 “rightlyguidedcaliphs" Sunni (75%) Sunni Muslims: New leader should be elected from among those capable of doing the job. "Sunni" in Arabic comes from a word meaning “One who follows the traditions of the Prophet.” Sunni vs. Shia: What’s the DIFF? Ayatollah Ali Khamen Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini Father-in-law, Cousin & son-in-law, Ali ibn Abi Talib Jaysh al-Mahdi,