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Swine flu is an infection which caused by Influenza A viruses. The change in 
ecology and evolutionary steps for influenza A viruses is very important, and 
for this pig play an crucial role in it. Evolution steps for swine may include for 
host adaption and mixing of genetic information. The epithelium tissue of pigs 
tracheal that contain SA alpha 2,6 Gal and SA alpha 2,3 Gal . Which are acts 
as receptors and that may be infected with human, avian viruses and swine. 
Therefore, pigs considered as an intermediate host for the adaptation to humans. 
There are three type of subtypes of influenza viruses are present currently i.e. 
H1N1, H1N2, H3N2. Several studies found that there are approx. 45000 people 
were died due to H1N1 stain over worldwide. Researchers have found that this 
type of flu will cause cytokine storm. This will cause overproduction of 
cytokine. Due to overproduction there will be inflammation in lungs and 
building up fluid, which will surely have respiratory distress. The Scripps 
Research Institute (TSRI) have used gene knock-out techniques to observed 
response to infection by influenza virus for that they breed mice which lack 1 
or more molecular sensors of influenza virus infection. From this technique 
researcher have found, the drugs that we use not working through one pathways 
but they are been working on broadly. So we need to understand all the 
pathways which lead to overproduction of cytokines. Though vaccine is not 
much useful for the complete treatment for the H1N1 flu, but a study have 
found that, 60 people who are suffered from H1N1 flu, and they treated with 
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, than at the end 40 patients cured from 
H1N1 flu, but still influenza virus is pandemic to world. Better to take adequate 
steps like wearing mask, washing hand and medical consultant to avoid any flu. 
Prevention is better than cure.
Swine flu (H1N) which is caused by influenza or we may call it as swine 
influenza. It is a kind of respiratory disease which is caused by influenza 
viruses, that infect the respiratory tract of pigs, which resulting in febrile 
respiratory disease i.e. in nasal secretions or a barking cough, decreased 
appetite. Scientist have found that Swine flu (H1N1) produces most of the same 
symptoms in pigs as human flu produces in people. Swine flu can last about one 
to two weeks in pigs that survive. Swine influenza virus was first isolated from 
pigs in 1930 in the U.S. and has been recognized by pork producers to cause 
infections in pigs worldwide. In a number of instances, many people have 
developed the swine flu infection when they started closely associated with pigs 
(for example, farmers, pork processors), and likewise, some time consuming 
pork which was non hygienic or not cooked properly, for several year pig 
populations have occasionally been infected with the human flu infection. In 
most instances, the cross-species i.e. human and pig infections have remained in 
local areas and have not spread over the worldwide i.e. it only caused national 
and worldwide infections in either pigs or humans. Unfortunately, this cross-species 
situation with influenza viruses has had the potential to change. Many 
investigators decided that the 2009 swine flu strain, which was first seen in 
Mexico, to be termed as novel H1N1 flu because it was mainly found infecting 
only humans and exhibits two main surface antigens, H1 (hemagglutinin type 1) 
and N1 (neuraminidase type1). Total of eight RNA strands from novel H1N1 
flu have one strand derived from human flu strains, two from avian (bird) 
strains, and five from swine strains. Swine flu is transmitted form , which 
causes person to person by inhalation or direct contact of droplets containing 
viruses from different people sneezing or coughing; it is not transmitted by 
eating cooked pork products. The newest swine flu virus that has caused swine 
flu is influenza A H3N2v (commonly termed H3N2v) that began as an outbreak 
in 2011. The "v" in the name means the virus is a variant that normally infects 
only pigs but has begun to infect humans. 
Influenza is considered as viral infection which attacks our respiratory system 
like nose, throat and lungs. Influenza, commonly called the flu or swine 
influenza,it is not the same as the stomach "flu" viruses that cause diarrhea and 
vomiting, it’s all different from that. 
Technically term "swine flu" refers to influenza in pigs. Occasionally, pigs 
transmit influenza viruses to people, mainly to veterinarians. Less often, 
someone infected passes the infection to others like wise it continue to spread to 
many people. 
The human respiratory infection caused by a specific influenza virus H1N1 
strain popularly known as swine flu — was first recognized in spring 2009. A 
few months after the first swine flu cases were seen, rates of confirmed H1N1-
related illness were increasing in much of the world. As a result, the World 
Health Organization declared the infection a global pandemic. 
The pandemic was declared over in August 2010. Currently, H1N1 is still 
circulating in humans as a seasonal flu virus and is included in the seasonal flu 
Swine influenza is a respiratory disease of pigs which caused by type A 
influenza viruses ,that regularly cause outbreaks of influenza in pigs. Influenza 
viruses that commonly circulate in swine are called “swine influenza viruses” . 
Like human influenza viruses, there are different subtypes and strains of swine 
influenza viruses. The main swine influenza viruses circulating in U.S. pigs in 
recent years are: 
 swine triple reassortant (tr) H1N1 influenza virus 
 trH3N2 virus 
 trH1N2 virus 
Swine flu symptoms in humans are similar to those of other flu strains: 
 Fever 
 Cough 
 Sore throat 
 Runny or stuffy nose 
 Body aches 
 Headache 
 Chills 
 Fatigue 
 Diarrhea 
 Vomiting 
Swine flu symptoms develop about one to three days after you're exposed to the 
virus and continue for about seven days. 
The respiratory tract mucosa is the site of infection for influenza viruses and the 
site of defense against many other virus infections. Influenza A viruses are 
classified by identifying two surface proteins: 
 Haemagglutinin (15 known forms) 
 Neuraminidase (9 forms).
An H1N1 virus caused the deadly 1918 pandemic. A H1N1 “swine flu” 
emerged in Mexico in 2009 was a new H1N1 virus. The avian flu that generated 
so much concern and speculation beginning in 2004 was a H5N1 version. 
Genetic sequencing of viral DNA provides a more detailed method of 
identification. The 2009 Mexican strain contained DNA from four different 
virus sources: from North American swine influenza viruses, North American 
avian influenza viruses, human influenza viruses and swine influenza viruses 
found in Asia and Europe. The popular description “swine flu” was misleading 
since the novel DNA suggested that the viral DNA came through human and/or 
bird infections. Influenza viruses evolve quickly through mutation and DNA 
Viruses are initially detected and destroyed non-specifically by innate immune 
mechanisms, but if the viruses escape the early defense mechanisms, they are 
detected and eliminated specifically by adaptive immune mechanisms: 
(i) Specific secretory-IgA (S-IgA) antibodies and CD8 cytotoxic T lymphocytes 
are involved in the recovery from influenza following viral infection of mice. 
(ii) Preexisting specific S-IgA and IgG Abs in the immunized animals are 
involved in viral elimination by forming virus-Ig complexes shortly after re-infection. 
S-IgA Abs are carried to the mucus by transepithelial transport and 
provide protection against virus infection. IgGs move from the serum into the 
mucosa by diffusion and are distributed on the alveolar epithelia to prevent 
influenza pneumonia. 
(iii) In the absence of Abs in the pre-immunized animals, the production of 
specific IgA and IgG Abs by B memory cells is accelerated after re-infection. 
These antibodies play a role in viral elimination from day 3 onwards after re-infection. 
(iv) In the pre-immunized animals, CTL production by memory T cells is also 
accelerated and these cells appear to participate in the killing of the host cells 
infected with different subtype viruses from day 3 onwards after re-infection. 
(v) Memory Th1 cells mediate an accelerated delayed-type hypersensitivity 
response and block virus replication by secreting IFN-gamma. 
These defense mechanisms suggest that a mucosal vaccine, capable of inducing 
S-IgA Abs, may provide cross-protection against variant viruses within the 
same subtype. In addition serum IgG Abs are needed to prevent influenza 
pneumonia and CTLs, will provide broad cross-protection against different 
subtype viruses. 
People who recover from swine flu may be left with an extraordinary natural 
ability to fight off flu viruses, findings suggests. 
In beating a bout of H1N1 the body makes antibodies that can kill many other 
flu strains, a study in the Journal of Experimental Medicine shows. 
Doctors hope to harness this power to make a universal flu vaccine that would 
protect against any type of influenza. 
Ultimately this could replace the "best guess" flu vaccines currently used. 
Such a vaccine is the "holy grail" for flu researchers. Many scientists are 
already testing different prototypes to put an end to the yearly race to predict 
coming flu strains and quickly mass produce a new vaccine each flu season. 
A woman receives a H1N1 influenza vaccine shot from a medical 
Staff at a hospital in Nonthaburi province, on the outskirts of 
Bangkok January 11, 2010. 
A study of antibodies from people infected with H1N1 swine flu adds proof 
that scientists are closing in on a "universal" flu shot that could neutralize many 
types of flu strains, including H1N1 swine flu and H5N1 bird flu, U.S. 
researchers said on Monday. 
They said people who were infected in the H1N1 pandemic developed an 
unusual immune response, making antibodies that could protect them from all 
the seasonal H1N1 flu strains from the last decade, the deadly "Spanish flu" 
strain from 1918 and even a strain of the H5N1 avian flu. 
"It says that a universal influenza vaccine is really possible," said Patrick 
Wilson of the University of Chicago, who worked on the paper published in the 
Journal of Experimental Medicine. 
Many teams are working on a "universal" flu shot that could protect people 
from all flu strains for decades or even life. 
U.S. officials say an effective universal flu vaccine would have enormous 
ramifications for the control of influenza, which kills anywhere from 3,300 to 
49,000 people in the United States each year. 
Wilson's team started making the antibodies in 2009 from nine people who had 
been infected in the first wave of the H1N1 swine flu pandemic before an H1N1 
vaccine had been produced. The hope was to develop a way to protect 
healthcare personnel. 
Working with researchers from Emory University School of Medicine, the team 
produced 86 antibodies that reacted with the H1N1 virus, and tested them on 
different flu strains. 
Of these, five were cross-protective, meaning they could interfere with many 
strains of flu including the 1918 "Spanish flu" and a strain of H5N1 or avian 
Tests of these antibodies in mice showed they were fully protected from an 
otherwise lethal dose of flu. 
And some of these cross-protective antibodies were similar in structure to those 
discovered by other teams as having potential for a universal flu vaccine. 
"It demonstrates how to make a single vaccine that could potentially provide 
permanent immunity to all influenza," Wilson said in a telephone interview. 
A collection of studies to be published in the November 4 issue of the Journal 
of the American Medical Association offer insights into the H1N1 flu strain that 
has now caused the deaths of at least 4,500 people worldwide, and which World 
Health Organization officials estimate will continue to be classified as a 
pandemic for several years. A breakdown of the major findings: 
A study of 128 Canadian patients with confirmed or probable cases of swine flu 
found that, critical illness—including organ failure, plummeting levels of 
oxygen in the blood and the need for mechanical respiratory assistance—tends 
to set in shortly after initial hospitalization. Most patients included in the study 
experienced symptoms of the H1N1 flu virus for about four days before going 
to the hospital, but upon admission generally deteriorated into critical condition 
within one to two days. In this study, 14.3% of patients (24 people) died within 
a month after critical illness set in; five more patients (fewer than 3%) died 
within three months after the onset of critical illness. 
In the Canadian study, the average age of patients with confirmed or likely 
cases of the H1N1 flu virus was 32.3-years-old, and 67.3% (113 patients) were 
women. Children too made up a large portion of swine flu patients—29.8% (50 
patients). In contrast, few people older than 60 were admitted to the hospital for 
swine flu during the study period. The concentration of illness among younger 
patients is strikingly similar to the 1918 pandemic of the same flu strain, the 
researchers say. “severe disease and mortality in the current outbreak is 
concentrated in relatively healthy adolescents and adults between the ages of 10 
and 60 years, a pattern reminiscent of the W-shaped curve previously seen only 
during the 1918 H1N1 Spanish pandemic,” they write. 
A study of 899 patients admitted into hospitals in Mexico with confirmed or 
suspected cases of swine flu revealed that those in whom the virus caused 
critical illness faced the most grim outcomes. Of the 58 patients who became 
critically ill (just 6% of all admitted), 41.4% died within three months. Of those, 
19 died within two weeks of admission. Again, the researchers found, the 
critically ill population consisted of mostly younger patients—the median age 
for those in serious condition was 44 years. 
Oxygenation treatment is largely successful for H1N1 patients with respiratory 
complications: Finally, good news! A study of 68 patients with severe 
respiratory symptoms of H1N1 admitted to 15 different intensive care units 
across Australia and New Zealand between June 1–August 31 of this year, 
found that, when treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), 
the majority of patients survived. ECMO—a technique that enables doctors to 
oxygenate patients’ blood outside of the body—was used to treat patients for 7- 
10 days. By the end of the study period, 71% of patients (48 people) had 
survived, with 32 already discharged from the hospital. “Despite the disease 
severity and the intensity of treatment, the mortality rate was low,” the 
researchers write. At the end of reporting, 14 patients (21%) had died, and 6 
remained in intensive care. 
The term “cytokine storm” calls up vivid images of an immune system gone 
awry and an inflammatory response flaring out of control (Fig. 1). The term has 
captured the attention of the public and the scientific community alike and is 
increasingly being used in both the popular media and the scientific literature. 
However, while the general concept of an excessive or uncontrolled release of 
proinflammatory cytokines is well known, an actual definition of what 
constitutes a cytokine storm is lacking. Furthermore, there is not a good 
understanding of the molecular events that precipitate a cytokine storm, of the 
contribution such a “storm” makes to pathogenesis, or of what therapeutic 
strategies might be used to prevent the storm or quell it once it has started. 
The cytokine storm has captured the attention of the public and the scientific 
community alike, and while the general notion of an excessive or uncontrolled 
release of proinflammatory cytokines is well known, the concept of a cytokine 
storm and the biological consequences of cytokine overproduction are not 
clearly defined. Cytokine storms are associated with a wide variety of infectious 
and noninfectious diseases. The term was popularized largely in the context of 
avian H5N1 influenza virus infection, bringing the term into popular media. In 
this review, we focus on the cytokine storm in the context of virus infection, 
and we highlight how high-throughput genomic methods are revealing the 
importance of the kinetics of cytokine gene expression and the remarkable 
degree of redundancy and overlap in cytokine signaling. We also address 
evidence for and against the role of the cytokine storm in the pathology of 
clinical and infectious disease and discuss why it has been so difficult to use 
knowledge of the cytokine storm and immunomodulatory therapies to improve 
the clinical outcomes for patients with severe acute infections. 
Many of the most severe cases of influenza, including deadly cases, are caused 
when the body produces too many immunity molecules called cytokines. The 
sudden release of cytokines is dubbed a "cytokine storm." Normally, cytokines 
help the body respond to infections, but a cytokine storm leads to widespread 
"If we look at the 2009 flu pandemic, where millions of people got sick, many 
of the people who were hospitalized or died are those that had significant 
amounts of cytokines in their blood stream. 
Scientists previously thought that cytokine storms happened when cells infected 
with a virus released cytokines. But the new research showed that it's cells 
lining blood vessels, called endothelial cells, that are opening the floodgates, 
and that a protein called S1P1 is key to the release. 
They could block S1P1 and the body would still fight the flu virus but without 
the risk of dangerous inflammation. Indeed, they found that mice treated with a 
drug that targeted S1P1 survived the flu without showing signs of massive 
cytokine production and inflammation, severe lung infections, in which local 
inflammation spills over into the systemic circulation, producing systemic 
sepsis, as defined by persistent hypotension, hyper- or hypothermia, 
leukocytosis or leukopenia, and often thrombocytopenia. 
Cytokines are a diverse group of small proteins that are secreted by cells for the 
purpose of intercellular signaling and communication. Specific cytokines have 
autocrine, paracrine, and/or endocrine activity and, through receptor binding, 
can elicit a variety of responses, depending upon the cytokine and the target 
cell. Among the many functions of cytokines are the control of cell proliferation 
and differentiation and the regulation of angiogenesis and immune and 
inflammatory responses.
Many cytokines have multiple and sometimes unrelated functions that depend 
on the target cell or on the presence or absence of other cytokines. Some have 
limited sequence similarity and engage distinct receptors yet transduce signals 
through common intracellular pathways (e.g., type I and type III interferons 
[IFNs]). In part because of this diversity of structure and function, the 
classification and naming of cytokines have been a challenge. The complex 
network of the cytokine response is best considered a series of overlapping 
networks, each with a degree of redundancy and with alternate pathways. This 
combination of overlap and redundancy has important implications with respect 
to identifying the key steps in the cytokine response to infection and in targeting 
specific cytokines for therapeutic intervention. While many infections are 
characterized by broadly similar cytokine profiles, their clinical presentations 
can be quite different. Prior to delving into a discussion of cytokine storms, it is 
worth taking a brief look at the cytokines at the heart of the cytokine storm. 
Inflammation associated with a cytokine storm begins at a local site and spreads 
throughout the body via the systemic circulation. Rubor (redness), tumor 
(swelling or edema), calor (heat), dolor (pain), and “functio laesa” (loss of 
function) are the hallmarks of acute inflammation. When localized in skin or 
other tissue, these responses increase blood flow, enable vascular leukocytes 
and plasma proteins to reach extravascular sites of injury, increase local 
temperatures (which is advantageous for host defense against bacterial 
infections), and generate pain, thereby warning the host of the local responses. 
These responses often occur at the expense of local organ function, particularly 
when tissue edema causes a rise in extravascular pressures and a reduction in 
tissue perfusion. Compensatory repair processes are initiated soon after 
inflammation begins, and in many cases the repair process completely restores 
tissue and organ function. When severe inflammation or the primary etiological 
agent triggering inflammation damages local tissue structures, healing occurs 
with fibrosis, which can result in persistent organ dysfunction. 
The cytokine storm is best exemplified by severe lung infections, in which local 
inflammation spills over into the systemic circulation, producing systemic 
sepsis, as defined by persistent hypotension, hyper- or hypothermia, 
leukocytosis or leukopenia, and often thrombocytopenia (84). Viral, bacterial, 
and fungal pulmonary infections all cause the sepsis syndrome, and these 
etiological agents are difficult to differentiate on clinical grounds. In some 
cases, persistent tissue damage without severe microbial infection in the lungs 
also is associated with a cytokine storm and clinical manifestations that mimic 
sepsis syndrome. In addition to lung infections, the cytokine storm is a 
consequence of severe infections in the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, 
central nervous system, skin, joint spaces, and other sites. 
A cytokine storm is an overproduction of immune cells and their activating 
compounds (cytokines), which, in a flu infection, is often associated with a 
surge of activated immune cells into the lungs. The resulting lung inflammation 
and fluid buildup can lead to respiratory distress and can be contaminated by a 
secondary bacterial pneumonia—often enhancing the mortality in patients. 
This little-understood phenomenon is thought to occur in at least several types 
of infections and autoimmune conditions, but it appears to be particularly 
relevant in outbreaks of new flu variants. Cytokine storm is now seen as a likely 
major cause of mortality in the 1918-20 “Spanish flu”—which killed more than 
50 million people worldwide—and the H1N1 “swine flu” and H5N1 “bird flu” 
of recent years. In these epidemics, the patients most likely to die were 
relatively young adults with apparently strong immune reactions to the 
infection—whereas ordinary seasonal flu epidemics disproportionately affect 
the very young and the elderly. 
For the past eight years, Rosen’s and Oldstone’s laboratories have collaborated 
in analyzing the cytokine storm and finding treatments for it. In 2011, led by 
Teijaro, who was then a research associate in the Oldstone Laboratory, the 
TSRI team identified endothelial cells lining blood vessels in the lungs as the 
central orchestrators of the cytokine storm and immune cell infiltration during 
H1N1 flu infection. 
In a separate study, the TSRI researchers found that they could quiet this 
harmful reaction in flu-infected mice and ferrets by using a candidate drug 
compound to activate immune-damping receptors (S1P1 receptors) on the same 
endothelial cells. This prevented most of the usual mortality from H1N1 
infection—and did so much more effectively than the existing antiviral drug 
oseltamivir, although the combination of both therapies worked even better. 
“That was really the first demonstration that inhibiting the cytokine storm is 
protective,” said Teijaro. 
For the new study, Teijaro and his colleagues set out to map the major elements 
of the cytokine storm in H1N1 infection. To do so, they used gene knock-out 
techniques to breed mice that lack one or more molecular sensors of influenza 
virus infection and then observed the response to infection by H1N1 influenza 
The experiments showed that knocking out any one infection-sensing pathway 
has relatively modest effects on damping the cytokine and immune cell lung-infiltration 
response. In each case, an experimental drug compound (CYM5442) 
that activates S1P1 receptors knocked it down much more. 
“What this shows is that our drug is working not through one selective pathway 
but much more broadly,” said Teijaro. “Many different cytokines are induced in 
this reaction, so just blocking one is surely not enough to reduce the lung 
While CYM5442’s effect is broad, its action is selective on cells that bear the 
sphingosine-1-phosphate 1 receptor (S1P1R). Teijaro pointed out that it is also 
milder than those of steroids, which act indiscriminately on all lymphoid cells, 
and other strong immunosuppressant drugs, which may block the immune 
response so completely that an infecting virus ends up replicating out of control. 
An optimized version of CYM5442, initially developed by Rosen and fellow 
TSRI chemist Ed Roberts, has been licensed to the pharmaceutical company 
Receptos. It is now in Phase 3 clinical trials for treating relapsing-remitting 
multiple sclerosis and Phase 2 trials for ulcerative colitis. Other S1P1 receptor 
agonists are in development for inflammatory conditions. A less-specific S1P 
receptor agonist—which hits S1P1, but also hits S1P3, S1P4 and S1P5, with 
potential off-target effects—is already approved for treating multiple sclerosis. 
“We’d like to understand all the pathways through which S1P1 agonists work 
and, by pinpointing specific stop/start points, figure out how best to target those 
pathways with future drugs,” said Teijaro, who plans further studies with his 
colleagues to determine what other cell types are involved in orchestrating and 
possibly quieting the cytokine storm. “I’m hoping our work can further 
contribute to TSRI’s long track record of success in employing small molecule 
probes coupled to genetic and biochemical tools to provide biological insight 
into pathological disease processes.” 
Vaccination is the only public-health means for reducing the impact of 
influenza morbidity and mortality by offsetting the uncertainties of timing and 
virulence arising from uncontrollable complexities of population, behavioral, 
viral, and environmental factors. Vaccination is also considered a cornerstone 
approach for pandemic preparedness. The principle approach to influenza 
vaccine design focuses on raising antibodies that prevent hemagglutination. 
Generally, vaccination does induce hemagglutinating antibodies but these 
antibodies are neither cross-reactive with other strains, nor persistent. 
Furthermore, vaccination against influenza is only moderately effective. A 
meta-analysis using data from randomized, controlled trials conducted over 12 
seasons and published between 1967 and 2011 demonstrated that trivalent 
influenza vaccination (TIV) in adults aged 18–65 years provided only moderate 
protection (59%) over eight seasons and significantly lower levels in other 
seasons.2 Live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV), which stimulates both 
cellular and humoral immunity, showed higher efficacy (83%) in children aged 
6 to 17 years, but not in adults. To improve on the shortcomings of existing 
influenza vaccination approaches, novel vaccine approaches that aim to provide 
universal protection are needed. 
Scientist became interested in the concept of cross-reactive T cell epitopes for 
influenza during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. At that time, the Centers for 
Disease Control and Prevention reported that seasonal flu vaccines did not elicit 
cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies against the emerging pandemic (H1N1) 
2009.3 When early clinical reports released during the 2009 A(H1N1) 
pandemic suggested the novel influenza was more virulent among children and 
adults under 65 years than the elderly, researcher hypothesized that cellular 
responses to cross-reactive T cell epitopes might explain the unexpected disease 
distribution. The apparent lack of B cell epitope conservation in novel H1N1 
and absence of cross-reactive antibodies raised by the seasonal vaccine H1N1 
strain at the time supported this idea. 
Thus, researcher set out to identify cross-conserved T cell epitopes in the 
pandemic and the 2008–2009 seasonal vaccine hemagglutinin (HA) and 
neuraminidase (NA) antigens, as soon as the first pandemic influenza sequences 
became available, using immunoinformatic methods. The HLA class II epitope 
predictions were later confirmed experimentally using peripheral blood 
mononuclear cells from human donors not exposed to the pandemic virus, 
illustrating that pre-existing CD4+ T cells elicit cross-reactive effector 
responses against the pandemic H1N1 virus. In addition, they demonstrated that 
the computational tools were 90% accurate in predicting CD4+ T cell epitopes 
and their HLA-DR-dependent response profiles in donors that were chosen at 
random for HLA haplotype. 
As HA and NA antigens are the principle components of seasonal trivalent 
inactivated and subunit influenza vaccines and CD4+ T cells support both 
humoral and cellular influenza immunity, we have now performed a 
significantly expanded immunoinformatic analysis of the H1-HA and N1-NA 
sequence space to identify HLA class II-restricted immunogenic consensus 
sequences covering isolates dating back to 1980 from the end of the 2009 
pandemic. The novel antigens were validated in HLA binding and T cell assays 
in preparation for future vaccine efficacy studies in HLA transgenic mice. They 
provide a detailed report on the methods used to define these highly cross-conserved 
influenza vaccine epitopes. The method may be of interest for the 
design of future H7N9, H5N1, and H3N2 vaccines. 
Cross-reactive T cell epitopes such as the ones identified here may have played 
a significant role in containing the human impact of the 2009 influenza H1N1 
pandemic. Despite studies showing pandemic H1N1 was highly pathogenic in 
laboratory animals and shared few B cell epitopes with most seasonal H1N1 
viruses, the virus triggered only mild symptoms in middle-aged and elderly 
adults and, fortunately, failed to cause widespread morbidity and mortality. One 
explanation for this unexpected observation is that pre-existing influenza-specific 
CD4+ T cells generated cross-reactive cellular responses against the 
virus that were capable of limiting disease severity and virus spread in 
individuals lacking cross-protective humoral immunity. 
An important safety feature of the vaccine design approach described here is 
that T cell epitopes that have a high degree of cross-conservation with human 
genome are taken into consideration and eliminated from the list of epitopes to 
be tested and included in vaccine constructs, as there is at least initial evidence 
that such epitopes may be immunopathogenic or tolerated by the immune 
system, or they may stimulate regulatory T cell responses. 
Accumulating evidence suggests that the sequences identified here may 
stimulate influenza-specific T helper cells that can limit disease through 
activation of cellular and humoral immune mechanisms reported to be critical 
for immunity. Not only do CD4+ T cells play a role in the rate of viral 
clearance, but memory helper T cells specific to a previous influenza strain 
contribute to distinct cross-strain antibody responses. Thus, influenza vaccine 
strategies that focus the T cell response on cross-reactive sequences may 
harness cellular and humoral mechanisms with the potential to provide group-common 
protection against diseases.
1- Leonard Moise, et. al, 
Human vaccines & Immunotherapeutic. Volume-9, Issue -7, July 
2- Ferrara JL, Abhyankar S, Gilliland DG. 1993. Cytokine storm 
3- Ma W, et al. 2011. 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus causes disease and 
upregulation of genes related to inflammatory and immune response 
4- Osterlund P, et al. 2010. Pandemic H1N1 2009 influenza A virus 
induces weak cytokine responses in human macrophages and dendritic 
5- Stephen Gislason MD, Influenza Defense, 2014 
6- Mills CE, Robins JM, Lipsitch M. Transmissibility of 1918 pandemic 
influenza. Nature 2004. 
7- November 4 issue of the Journal of the American Medical 
Association. H1N1 mostly affects younger patients, can turn critical 
8- LA JOLLA, CA—February 27, 2014, Immune ‘Storm’ Caused by 
Emergent Flu Infections. 
9- Hayden FG, Fritz R, Lobo MC, et al. Local and systemic cytokine 
responses during experimental human influenza A virus infection. 
10- Brankston G, Gitterman L, Hirji Z, et al. Transmission of influenza 
A in human beings. Lancet Infect Dis 2007.

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  • 1. ABSTRACT Swine flu is an infection which caused by Influenza A viruses. The change in ecology and evolutionary steps for influenza A viruses is very important, and for this pig play an crucial role in it. Evolution steps for swine may include for host adaption and mixing of genetic information. The epithelium tissue of pigs tracheal that contain SA alpha 2,6 Gal and SA alpha 2,3 Gal . Which are acts as receptors and that may be infected with human, avian viruses and swine. Therefore, pigs considered as an intermediate host for the adaptation to humans. There are three type of subtypes of influenza viruses are present currently i.e. H1N1, H1N2, H3N2. Several studies found that there are approx. 45000 people were died due to H1N1 stain over worldwide. Researchers have found that this type of flu will cause cytokine storm. This will cause overproduction of cytokine. Due to overproduction there will be inflammation in lungs and building up fluid, which will surely have respiratory distress. The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have used gene knock-out techniques to observed response to infection by influenza virus for that they breed mice which lack 1 or more molecular sensors of influenza virus infection. From this technique researcher have found, the drugs that we use not working through one pathways but they are been working on broadly. So we need to understand all the pathways which lead to overproduction of cytokines. Though vaccine is not much useful for the complete treatment for the H1N1 flu, but a study have found that, 60 people who are suffered from H1N1 flu, and they treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, than at the end 40 patients cured from H1N1 flu, but still influenza virus is pandemic to world. Better to take adequate steps like wearing mask, washing hand and medical consultant to avoid any flu. Prevention is better than cure.
  • 2. INTRODUCTION Swine flu (H1N) which is caused by influenza or we may call it as swine influenza. It is a kind of respiratory disease which is caused by influenza viruses, that infect the respiratory tract of pigs, which resulting in febrile respiratory disease i.e. in nasal secretions or a barking cough, decreased appetite. Scientist have found that Swine flu (H1N1) produces most of the same symptoms in pigs as human flu produces in people. Swine flu can last about one to two weeks in pigs that survive. Swine influenza virus was first isolated from pigs in 1930 in the U.S. and has been recognized by pork producers to cause infections in pigs worldwide. In a number of instances, many people have developed the swine flu infection when they started closely associated with pigs (for example, farmers, pork processors), and likewise, some time consuming pork which was non hygienic or not cooked properly, for several year pig populations have occasionally been infected with the human flu infection. In most instances, the cross-species i.e. human and pig infections have remained in local areas and have not spread over the worldwide i.e. it only caused national and worldwide infections in either pigs or humans. Unfortunately, this cross-species situation with influenza viruses has had the potential to change. Many investigators decided that the 2009 swine flu strain, which was first seen in Mexico, to be termed as novel H1N1 flu because it was mainly found infecting only humans and exhibits two main surface antigens, H1 (hemagglutinin type 1) and N1 (neuraminidase type1). Total of eight RNA strands from novel H1N1 flu have one strand derived from human flu strains, two from avian (bird) strains, and five from swine strains. Swine flu is transmitted form , which causes person to person by inhalation or direct contact of droplets containing 2
  • 3. viruses from different people sneezing or coughing; it is not transmitted by eating cooked pork products. The newest swine flu virus that has caused swine flu is influenza A H3N2v (commonly termed H3N2v) that began as an outbreak in 2011. The "v" in the name means the virus is a variant that normally infects only pigs but has begun to infect humans. 3 INFLUENZA Influenza is considered as viral infection which attacks our respiratory system like nose, throat and lungs. Influenza, commonly called the flu or swine influenza,it is not the same as the stomach "flu" viruses that cause diarrhea and vomiting, it’s all different from that. SWINE INFLUENZA Technically term "swine flu" refers to influenza in pigs. Occasionally, pigs transmit influenza viruses to people, mainly to veterinarians. Less often, someone infected passes the infection to others like wise it continue to spread to many people. The human respiratory infection caused by a specific influenza virus H1N1 strain popularly known as swine flu — was first recognized in spring 2009. A few months after the first swine flu cases were seen, rates of confirmed H1N1-
  • 4. related illness were increasing in much of the world. As a result, the World Health Organization declared the infection a global pandemic. The pandemic was declared over in August 2010. Currently, H1N1 is still circulating in humans as a seasonal flu virus and is included in the seasonal flu vaccine. Swine influenza is a respiratory disease of pigs which caused by type A influenza viruses ,that regularly cause outbreaks of influenza in pigs. Influenza viruses that commonly circulate in swine are called “swine influenza viruses” . Like human influenza viruses, there are different subtypes and strains of swine influenza viruses. The main swine influenza viruses circulating in U.S. pigs in recent years are:  swine triple reassortant (tr) H1N1 influenza virus  trH3N2 virus  trH1N2 virus (STRUCTURE OF A GENERIC INFLUENZA VIRUS) 4
  • 5. 5 SYMPTOMS Swine flu symptoms in humans are similar to those of other flu strains:  Fever  Cough  Sore throat  Runny or stuffy nose  Body aches  Headache  Chills  Fatigue  Diarrhea  Vomiting Swine flu symptoms develop about one to three days after you're exposed to the virus and continue for about seven days. INFLUNZA DEFENCE The respiratory tract mucosa is the site of infection for influenza viruses and the site of defense against many other virus infections. Influenza A viruses are classified by identifying two surface proteins:  Haemagglutinin (15 known forms)  Neuraminidase (9 forms).
  • 6. An H1N1 virus caused the deadly 1918 pandemic. A H1N1 “swine flu” emerged in Mexico in 2009 was a new H1N1 virus. The avian flu that generated so much concern and speculation beginning in 2004 was a H5N1 version. Genetic sequencing of viral DNA provides a more detailed method of identification. The 2009 Mexican strain contained DNA from four different virus sources: from North American swine influenza viruses, North American avian influenza viruses, human influenza viruses and swine influenza viruses found in Asia and Europe. The popular description “swine flu” was misleading since the novel DNA suggested that the viral DNA came through human and/or bird infections. Influenza viruses evolve quickly through mutation and DNA recombination. Viruses are initially detected and destroyed non-specifically by innate immune mechanisms, but if the viruses escape the early defense mechanisms, they are detected and eliminated specifically by adaptive immune mechanisms: (i) Specific secretory-IgA (S-IgA) antibodies and CD8 cytotoxic T lymphocytes are involved in the recovery from influenza following viral infection of mice. (ii) Preexisting specific S-IgA and IgG Abs in the immunized animals are involved in viral elimination by forming virus-Ig complexes shortly after re-infection. S-IgA Abs are carried to the mucus by transepithelial transport and provide protection against virus infection. IgGs move from the serum into the mucosa by diffusion and are distributed on the alveolar epithelia to prevent influenza pneumonia. 6
  • 7. (iii) In the absence of Abs in the pre-immunized animals, the production of specific IgA and IgG Abs by B memory cells is accelerated after re-infection. These antibodies play a role in viral elimination from day 3 onwards after re-infection. (iv) In the pre-immunized animals, CTL production by memory T cells is also accelerated and these cells appear to participate in the killing of the host cells infected with different subtype viruses from day 3 onwards after re-infection. (v) Memory Th1 cells mediate an accelerated delayed-type hypersensitivity response and block virus replication by secreting IFN-gamma. These defense mechanisms suggest that a mucosal vaccine, capable of inducing S-IgA Abs, may provide cross-protection against variant viruses within the same subtype. In addition serum IgG Abs are needed to prevent influenza pneumonia and CTLs, will provide broad cross-protection against different subtype viruses. SWINE FLU SURVIVOR DEVELOPED 'EXTRAORDINARY SUPER IMMUNITY' People who recover from swine flu may be left with an extraordinary natural ability to fight off flu viruses, findings suggests. In beating a bout of H1N1 the body makes antibodies that can kill many other flu strains, a study in the Journal of Experimental Medicine shows. 7
  • 8. Doctors hope to harness this power to make a universal flu vaccine that would protect against any type of influenza. Ultimately this could replace the "best guess" flu vaccines currently used. Such a vaccine is the "holy grail" for flu researchers. Many scientists are already testing different prototypes to put an end to the yearly race to predict coming flu strains and quickly mass produce a new vaccine each flu season. A woman receives a H1N1 influenza vaccine shot from a medical Staff at a hospital in Nonthaburi province, on the outskirts of Bangkok January 11, 2010. A study of antibodies from people infected with H1N1 swine flu adds proof that scientists are closing in on a "universal" flu shot that could neutralize many types of flu strains, including H1N1 swine flu and H5N1 bird flu, U.S. researchers said on Monday. 8
  • 9. They said people who were infected in the H1N1 pandemic developed an unusual immune response, making antibodies that could protect them from all the seasonal H1N1 flu strains from the last decade, the deadly "Spanish flu" strain from 1918 and even a strain of the H5N1 avian flu. "It says that a universal influenza vaccine is really possible," said Patrick Wilson of the University of Chicago, who worked on the paper published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine. Many teams are working on a "universal" flu shot that could protect people from all flu strains for decades or even life. U.S. officials say an effective universal flu vaccine would have enormous ramifications for the control of influenza, which kills anywhere from 3,300 to 49,000 people in the United States each year. Wilson's team started making the antibodies in 2009 from nine people who had been infected in the first wave of the H1N1 swine flu pandemic before an H1N1 vaccine had been produced. The hope was to develop a way to protect healthcare personnel. Working with researchers from Emory University School of Medicine, the team produced 86 antibodies that reacted with the H1N1 virus, and tested them on different flu strains. 9
  • 10. Of these, five were cross-protective, meaning they could interfere with many strains of flu including the 1918 "Spanish flu" and a strain of H5N1 or avian flu. Tests of these antibodies in mice showed they were fully protected from an otherwise lethal dose of flu. And some of these cross-protective antibodies were similar in structure to those discovered by other teams as having potential for a universal flu vaccine. "It demonstrates how to make a single vaccine that could potentially provide permanent immunity to all influenza," Wilson said in a telephone interview. SWINE INFECTION BOOSTED IMMUNITY TO SURPRISING 10 DEGREES
  • 11. H1N1 MOSTLY AFFECTS YOUNGER PATIENTS, CAN TURN CRITICAL QUICKLY A collection of studies to be published in the November 4 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association offer insights into the H1N1 flu strain that has now caused the deaths of at least 4,500 people worldwide, and which World Health Organization officials estimate will continue to be classified as a pandemic for several years. A breakdown of the major findings: CRITICAL ILLNESS CAUSED BY H1N1 SETS IN QUICKLY: A study of 128 Canadian patients with confirmed or probable cases of swine flu found that, critical illness—including organ failure, plummeting levels of oxygen in the blood and the need for mechanical respiratory assistance—tends to set in shortly after initial hospitalization. Most patients included in the study experienced symptoms of the H1N1 flu virus for about four days before going to the hospital, but upon admission generally deteriorated into critical condition within one to two days. In this study, 14.3% of patients (24 people) died within a month after critical illness set in; five more patients (fewer than 3%) died within three months after the onset of critical illness. 11
  • 12. YOUNGER PATIENTS AND WOMEN MAY BE HARDEST HIT BY H1N1: In the Canadian study, the average age of patients with confirmed or likely cases of the H1N1 flu virus was 32.3-years-old, and 67.3% (113 patients) were women. Children too made up a large portion of swine flu patients—29.8% (50 patients). In contrast, few people older than 60 were admitted to the hospital for swine flu during the study period. The concentration of illness among younger patients is strikingly similar to the 1918 pandemic of the same flu strain, the researchers say. “severe disease and mortality in the current outbreak is concentrated in relatively healthy adolescents and adults between the ages of 10 and 60 years, a pattern reminiscent of the W-shaped curve previously seen only during the 1918 H1N1 Spanish pandemic,” they write. DEATH HIGHEST AMONG PATIENTS WHO BECOME CRITICALLY ILL: A study of 899 patients admitted into hospitals in Mexico with confirmed or suspected cases of swine flu revealed that those in whom the virus caused critical illness faced the most grim outcomes. Of the 58 patients who became critically ill (just 6% of all admitted), 41.4% died within three months. Of those, 19 died within two weeks of admission. Again, the researchers found, the critically ill population consisted of mostly younger patients—the median age for those in serious condition was 44 years. 12
  • 13. Oxygenation treatment is largely successful for H1N1 patients with respiratory complications: Finally, good news! A study of 68 patients with severe respiratory symptoms of H1N1 admitted to 15 different intensive care units across Australia and New Zealand between June 1–August 31 of this year, found that, when treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), the majority of patients survived. ECMO—a technique that enables doctors to oxygenate patients’ blood outside of the body—was used to treat patients for 7- 10 days. By the end of the study period, 71% of patients (48 people) had survived, with 32 already discharged from the hospital. “Despite the disease severity and the intensity of treatment, the mortality rate was low,” the researchers write. At the end of reporting, 14 patients (21%) had died, and 6 remained in intensive care. INTO THE EYE OF THE CYTOKINE STORM The term “cytokine storm” calls up vivid images of an immune system gone awry and an inflammatory response flaring out of control (Fig. 1). The term has captured the attention of the public and the scientific community alike and is increasingly being used in both the popular media and the scientific literature. However, while the general concept of an excessive or uncontrolled release of proinflammatory cytokines is well known, an actual definition of what constitutes a cytokine storm is lacking. Furthermore, there is not a good understanding of the molecular events that precipitate a cytokine storm, of the contribution such a “storm” makes to pathogenesis, or of what therapeutic strategies might be used to prevent the storm or quell it once it has started. 13
  • 14. The cytokine storm has captured the attention of the public and the scientific community alike, and while the general notion of an excessive or uncontrolled release of proinflammatory cytokines is well known, the concept of a cytokine storm and the biological consequences of cytokine overproduction are not clearly defined. Cytokine storms are associated with a wide variety of infectious and noninfectious diseases. The term was popularized largely in the context of avian H5N1 influenza virus infection, bringing the term into popular media. In this review, we focus on the cytokine storm in the context of virus infection, and we highlight how high-throughput genomic methods are revealing the importance of the kinetics of cytokine gene expression and the remarkable degree of redundancy and overlap in cytokine signaling. We also address evidence for and against the role of the cytokine storm in the pathology of clinical and infectious disease and discuss why it has been so difficult to use knowledge of the cytokine storm and immunomodulatory therapies to improve the clinical outcomes for patients with severe acute infections. CYTOKINE STORM Many of the most severe cases of influenza, including deadly cases, are caused when the body produces too many immunity molecules called cytokines. The sudden release of cytokines is dubbed a "cytokine storm." Normally, cytokines help the body respond to infections, but a cytokine storm leads to widespread inflammation. 14
  • 15. (IMAGERY OF A CYTOKINE STORM) "If we look at the 2009 flu pandemic, where millions of people got sick, many of the people who were hospitalized or died are those that had significant amounts of cytokines in their blood stream. Scientists previously thought that cytokine storms happened when cells infected with a virus released cytokines. But the new research showed that it's cells lining blood vessels, called endothelial cells, that are opening the floodgates, and that a protein called S1P1 is key to the release. They could block S1P1 and the body would still fight the flu virus but without the risk of dangerous inflammation. Indeed, they found that mice treated with a drug that targeted S1P1 survived the flu without showing signs of massive cytokine production and inflammation, severe lung infections, in which local inflammation spills over into the systemic circulation, producing systemic sepsis, as defined by persistent hypotension, hyper- or hypothermia, leukocytosis or leukopenia, and often thrombocytopenia. 15
  • 16. 16 1 HUMAN ARDS. PHOTOMICROGRAPHS FROM THE LUNGS OF 2 DIFFERENT PATIENTS WITH ARDS, STAINED WITH HEMATOXYLIN AND EOSIN (H&E) ARE SHOWN. THE ALVEOLAR SPACES ARE FILLED WITH A MIXED MONONUCLEAR/NEUTROPHILIC INFILTRATE, THE ALVEOLAR WALLS ARE THICKENED, AND THE SEPTAE ARE EDEMATOUS CYTOKINES Cytokines are a diverse group of small proteins that are secreted by cells for the purpose of intercellular signaling and communication. Specific cytokines have autocrine, paracrine, and/or endocrine activity and, through receptor binding, can elicit a variety of responses, depending upon the cytokine and the target cell. Among the many functions of cytokines are the control of cell proliferation and differentiation and the regulation of angiogenesis and immune and inflammatory responses.
  • 17. Many cytokines have multiple and sometimes unrelated functions that depend on the target cell or on the presence or absence of other cytokines. Some have limited sequence similarity and engage distinct receptors yet transduce signals through common intracellular pathways (e.g., type I and type III interferons [IFNs]). In part because of this diversity of structure and function, the classification and naming of cytokines have been a challenge. The complex network of the cytokine response is best considered a series of overlapping networks, each with a degree of redundancy and with alternate pathways. This combination of overlap and redundancy has important implications with respect to identifying the key steps in the cytokine response to infection and in targeting specific cytokines for therapeutic intervention. While many infections are characterized by broadly similar cytokine profiles, their clinical presentations can be quite different. Prior to delving into a discussion of cytokine storms, it is worth taking a brief look at the cytokines at the heart of the cytokine storm. CYTOKINE STORM PATHOLOGY Inflammation associated with a cytokine storm begins at a local site and spreads throughout the body via the systemic circulation. Rubor (redness), tumor (swelling or edema), calor (heat), dolor (pain), and “functio laesa” (loss of function) are the hallmarks of acute inflammation. When localized in skin or other tissue, these responses increase blood flow, enable vascular leukocytes and plasma proteins to reach extravascular sites of injury, increase local temperatures (which is advantageous for host defense against bacterial infections), and generate pain, thereby warning the host of the local responses. 17
  • 18. These responses often occur at the expense of local organ function, particularly when tissue edema causes a rise in extravascular pressures and a reduction in tissue perfusion. Compensatory repair processes are initiated soon after inflammation begins, and in many cases the repair process completely restores tissue and organ function. When severe inflammation or the primary etiological agent triggering inflammation damages local tissue structures, healing occurs with fibrosis, which can result in persistent organ dysfunction. The cytokine storm is best exemplified by severe lung infections, in which local inflammation spills over into the systemic circulation, producing systemic sepsis, as defined by persistent hypotension, hyper- or hypothermia, leukocytosis or leukopenia, and often thrombocytopenia (84). Viral, bacterial, and fungal pulmonary infections all cause the sepsis syndrome, and these etiological agents are difficult to differentiate on clinical grounds. In some cases, persistent tissue damage without severe microbial infection in the lungs also is associated with a cytokine storm and clinical manifestations that mimic sepsis syndrome. In addition to lung infections, the cytokine storm is a consequence of severe infections in the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, central nervous system, skin, joint spaces, and other sites. 18
  • 19. CALMING THE STORM A cytokine storm is an overproduction of immune cells and their activating compounds (cytokines), which, in a flu infection, is often associated with a surge of activated immune cells into the lungs. The resulting lung inflammation and fluid buildup can lead to respiratory distress and can be contaminated by a secondary bacterial pneumonia—often enhancing the mortality in patients. This little-understood phenomenon is thought to occur in at least several types of infections and autoimmune conditions, but it appears to be particularly relevant in outbreaks of new flu variants. Cytokine storm is now seen as a likely major cause of mortality in the 1918-20 “Spanish flu”—which killed more than 50 million people worldwide—and the H1N1 “swine flu” and H5N1 “bird flu” of recent years. In these epidemics, the patients most likely to die were relatively young adults with apparently strong immune reactions to the infection—whereas ordinary seasonal flu epidemics disproportionately affect the very young and the elderly. For the past eight years, Rosen’s and Oldstone’s laboratories have collaborated in analyzing the cytokine storm and finding treatments for it. In 2011, led by Teijaro, who was then a research associate in the Oldstone Laboratory, the TSRI team identified endothelial cells lining blood vessels in the lungs as the central orchestrators of the cytokine storm and immune cell infiltration during H1N1 flu infection. 19
  • 20. In a separate study, the TSRI researchers found that they could quiet this harmful reaction in flu-infected mice and ferrets by using a candidate drug compound to activate immune-damping receptors (S1P1 receptors) on the same endothelial cells. This prevented most of the usual mortality from H1N1 infection—and did so much more effectively than the existing antiviral drug oseltamivir, although the combination of both therapies worked even better. “That was really the first demonstration that inhibiting the cytokine storm is protective,” said Teijaro. MAPPING A PATH FORWARD For the new study, Teijaro and his colleagues set out to map the major elements of the cytokine storm in H1N1 infection. To do so, they used gene knock-out techniques to breed mice that lack one or more molecular sensors of influenza virus infection and then observed the response to infection by H1N1 influenza virus. The experiments showed that knocking out any one infection-sensing pathway has relatively modest effects on damping the cytokine and immune cell lung-infiltration response. In each case, an experimental drug compound (CYM5442) that activates S1P1 receptors knocked it down much more. “What this shows is that our drug is working not through one selective pathway but much more broadly,” said Teijaro. “Many different cytokines are induced in 20
  • 21. this reaction, so just blocking one is surely not enough to reduce the lung disease.” While CYM5442’s effect is broad, its action is selective on cells that bear the sphingosine-1-phosphate 1 receptor (S1P1R). Teijaro pointed out that it is also milder than those of steroids, which act indiscriminately on all lymphoid cells, and other strong immunosuppressant drugs, which may block the immune response so completely that an infecting virus ends up replicating out of control. An optimized version of CYM5442, initially developed by Rosen and fellow TSRI chemist Ed Roberts, has been licensed to the pharmaceutical company Receptos. It is now in Phase 3 clinical trials for treating relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis and Phase 2 trials for ulcerative colitis. Other S1P1 receptor agonists are in development for inflammatory conditions. A less-specific S1P receptor agonist—which hits S1P1, but also hits S1P3, S1P4 and S1P5, with potential off-target effects—is already approved for treating multiple sclerosis. “We’d like to understand all the pathways through which S1P1 agonists work and, by pinpointing specific stop/start points, figure out how best to target those pathways with future drugs,” said Teijaro, who plans further studies with his colleagues to determine what other cell types are involved in orchestrating and possibly quieting the cytokine storm. “I’m hoping our work can further contribute to TSRI’s long track record of success in employing small molecule probes coupled to genetic and biochemical tools to provide biological insight into pathological disease processes.” 21
  • 22. UNIVERSAL H1N1 INFLUENZA VACCINE Vaccination is the only public-health means for reducing the impact of influenza morbidity and mortality by offsetting the uncertainties of timing and virulence arising from uncontrollable complexities of population, behavioral, viral, and environmental factors. Vaccination is also considered a cornerstone approach for pandemic preparedness. The principle approach to influenza vaccine design focuses on raising antibodies that prevent hemagglutination. Generally, vaccination does induce hemagglutinating antibodies but these antibodies are neither cross-reactive with other strains, nor persistent. Furthermore, vaccination against influenza is only moderately effective. A meta-analysis using data from randomized, controlled trials conducted over 12 seasons and published between 1967 and 2011 demonstrated that trivalent influenza vaccination (TIV) in adults aged 18–65 years provided only moderate protection (59%) over eight seasons and significantly lower levels in other seasons.2 Live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV), which stimulates both cellular and humoral immunity, showed higher efficacy (83%) in children aged 6 to 17 years, but not in adults. To improve on the shortcomings of existing influenza vaccination approaches, novel vaccine approaches that aim to provide universal protection are needed. Scientist became interested in the concept of cross-reactive T cell epitopes for influenza during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. At that time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that seasonal flu vaccines did not elicit cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies against the emerging pandemic (H1N1) 22
  • 23. 2009.3 When early clinical reports released during the 2009 A(H1N1) pandemic suggested the novel influenza was more virulent among children and adults under 65 years than the elderly, researcher hypothesized that cellular responses to cross-reactive T cell epitopes might explain the unexpected disease distribution. The apparent lack of B cell epitope conservation in novel H1N1 and absence of cross-reactive antibodies raised by the seasonal vaccine H1N1 strain at the time supported this idea. Thus, researcher set out to identify cross-conserved T cell epitopes in the pandemic and the 2008–2009 seasonal vaccine hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) antigens, as soon as the first pandemic influenza sequences became available, using immunoinformatic methods. The HLA class II epitope predictions were later confirmed experimentally using peripheral blood mononuclear cells from human donors not exposed to the pandemic virus, illustrating that pre-existing CD4+ T cells elicit cross-reactive effector responses against the pandemic H1N1 virus. In addition, they demonstrated that the computational tools were 90% accurate in predicting CD4+ T cell epitopes and their HLA-DR-dependent response profiles in donors that were chosen at random for HLA haplotype. As HA and NA antigens are the principle components of seasonal trivalent inactivated and subunit influenza vaccines and CD4+ T cells support both humoral and cellular influenza immunity, we have now performed a significantly expanded immunoinformatic analysis of the H1-HA and N1-NA sequence space to identify HLA class II-restricted immunogenic consensus sequences covering isolates dating back to 1980 from the end of the 2009 23
  • 24. pandemic. The novel antigens were validated in HLA binding and T cell assays in preparation for future vaccine efficacy studies in HLA transgenic mice. They provide a detailed report on the methods used to define these highly cross-conserved influenza vaccine epitopes. The method may be of interest for the design of future H7N9, H5N1, and H3N2 vaccines. DISCUSSION Cross-reactive T cell epitopes such as the ones identified here may have played a significant role in containing the human impact of the 2009 influenza H1N1 pandemic. Despite studies showing pandemic H1N1 was highly pathogenic in laboratory animals and shared few B cell epitopes with most seasonal H1N1 viruses, the virus triggered only mild symptoms in middle-aged and elderly adults and, fortunately, failed to cause widespread morbidity and mortality. One explanation for this unexpected observation is that pre-existing influenza-specific CD4+ T cells generated cross-reactive cellular responses against the virus that were capable of limiting disease severity and virus spread in individuals lacking cross-protective humoral immunity. An important safety feature of the vaccine design approach described here is that T cell epitopes that have a high degree of cross-conservation with human genome are taken into consideration and eliminated from the list of epitopes to be tested and included in vaccine constructs, as there is at least initial evidence 24
  • 25. that such epitopes may be immunopathogenic or tolerated by the immune system, or they may stimulate regulatory T cell responses. Accumulating evidence suggests that the sequences identified here may stimulate influenza-specific T helper cells that can limit disease through activation of cellular and humoral immune mechanisms reported to be critical for immunity. Not only do CD4+ T cells play a role in the rate of viral clearance, but memory helper T cells specific to a previous influenza strain contribute to distinct cross-strain antibody responses. Thus, influenza vaccine strategies that focus the T cell response on cross-reactive sequences may harness cellular and humoral mechanisms with the potential to provide group-common 25 protection against diseases.
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