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Task 5: Schedule and Resources
Schedule of
What going is going to happen Date Resources needed
looking at different logo’s that are to do with
domestic violence related. Making mood board.
Logo looking at the colour schemes and fonts
which they have chosen.
4th Dec Computer
Making Logos 6th Dec Computer
Describing the logos which I have designed.
Looking at poster using the internet of domestic
violence. Making a mind map of the poster.
11th Dec Computer
Merchandise/Promotional Material. Product
research. Research into bus format wanting to
be like.
13th Dec PowerPoint
Photographs for the poster and the bus advert,
making the posters. Final design of the poster.
16th / 17th Dec Camera
SD card/Battery
People women and man
Making the poster. Bus advert. Looking at. 18th Dec Photoshop
Making merchandise on Photoshop. 20th Dec Photoshop
Making merchandise on Photoshop. 21st Dec Photoshop
My own ideas research about websites for men
and women
7th Jan PowerPoint
Making website websites designs on various
devices and making posters by Photoshop.
8th Jan Photoshop
Internet and Photoshop
Finally touching up everything on PowerPoint. 10th Jan PowerPoint
Logos pre existing ones
Also by looking at these logo’s they haven’t made the colour red that often as this is a harsh and irrelevant
colour to have with this subject with domestic violence. The way they haven’t just used a femine colour they
have used multiple colours that don’t just one colour with one gender. As they broaden out through the
colours which they have chosen for the logo’s. They responded to everyone's gender.
From looking at these pre-existing logo’s they have used always the similar colour’s throughout each of them.
As this type of colour purple represents the awareness for domestic violence. As the colour purple has been
used for this because I thought they have used it for remainder of the bruising which comes with domestic
violence. As the colour purple thought it would relate to this. They have said that purple is associated with
sacred place in nature: lavender, orchid, lilac and violet flowers are often delicate and considered precious. The
Purple colour has also been used with in the Heart in U.S. military decoration given to soldiers wounded in
battle. As this shows that the colour purple can reflect it in on to be good imagery and bad imagery as well.
The use of the purple ribbon as a unifying symbol of courage, survival, honor and dedication to ending
domestic violence. Although the exact history of the purple ribbon is difficult to pinpoint across the country,
families and friends of victims have adopted the purple ribbon to remember and honor their loved ones who
have lost their lives at the hands of a person they once loved and trusted. Shelters and local victim services
programs use the purple ribbon to raise awareness about the crime of domestic violence in their communities.
This type of ribbon has been brought through for most of the logo’s which I have selected for domestic
violence as this is a big part of it.
So, this why I am still going to use this type of colour to come through my own logo to keep this type of scheme
coming through. As this is particularly main part of domestic violence. So, I will be using the main colour of my
logo and through out this social action to be a purple colour and of the shades of purples. Also some other
colours like black, white and green. Also by having the cross of the ribbon it also symbolique towards domestic
violence to bring the courage and survival towards the victims who have been affected with domestic violence.
As you can see the colour purple is in a spectrum that I have got from the logos which I will want to use with in
my logo. As this will be the main key of the logo by using this logo. Also by using this colour it has got a deeper
meaning behind it as well towards domestic violence. Also I would use the colours green, black and white.
Fonts for Logo
As you can see here I have got numerous of
different types of styles of patterns and
designs for different types of text which I felt
where good for my logo. From all of these
designs they are all clear and simple to read
for this type of social action which I am
working on which is Domestic Violence. I also
want that bit of italics within the font as
which can be seen from these fonts. As by
having them all in a line after one after the
other it make it easier which type of font
which will go perfectly with my logo. As font I
have chosen and go for with my logo is the
font called ’Font Error’, I thought that this
type of font was better than the others on
this page. As it had the boldness that strikes
out from people and also the italics within the
font as well. The other reason which I have
chosen this type of logo is because it is more
eye-catching out of the other 4 fonts which
had been chosen. I got all these fonts from
Logo’s designed by myself
The logos which I have designed for domestic violence. By looking at these designs which I have all used
a common colour which is all going through them which is the colour purple. By using the colour purple
it is the main colour for Domestic Violence. I have used a website to collect a multiple of shades of the
colour purple. As you can see with these creations which I have made they are all highly different to one
another. However, I have mostly used the design by using mainly shapes to make them. By looking at the
squares pattern as you can see there are two patterns of this. Firstly, looking at the first square design it
is mostly darker because the line between each of the squares, then by looking at the second design of
the squares they are shown to be much lighter by removing the dark colour between each of the
squares. As this works well the writing for the title for the logo of it resembles. As there is three lines for
each line. By looking at the other other design of the triangle pattern. As you can see with this pattern I
have just changed where the pattern faces. But keeping it all the same. However, the last logo is in a
design of a circle with hands inside and light bulb. As I don’t think this is right logo for this type of social
action at all. As it seems to dark and not really that reflect for this type of cause.
By looking at the specific patterns of the shapes of squares and triangles. Both of these patterns for a
logo aren’t dark or anything that would bring up any bad memories up at all. As this is good because I
don’t want my logo to be hurtful to people so then wouldn’t be able to this help system. So that’s why I
have brought a nice and straight forward logo. So, this is why I am going to use either of these two
Final decision on Logo
I have chosen logo out of the rest of the logos which have designed on Photoshop. As I thought that this logo wasn’t bringing
anything back that victim might have seen or even triggered any bad memories back to them. So I used more an uplifting type of
logo to be my final design. By using the basic shape tools (square) from Photoshop by making it into a collage or a window frame
of a variation of colours like a spectrum. From each block of the six blocks of squares they have all got an individual gap between
all of them. As this will show the colour’s which have been chosen to be seen more noticeable from the background. So if you
put this type of logo anywhere for instance a website then you can get the background of that colour to show up through it. As
the only colour which you can see with in my logo which I have used is different shades of purple to be put on to each square. I
thought was a good idea using the different shades of purple of how I have done some background research towards it and how
it links within domestic violence. The reason behind it firstly is looking at it from using the different charity ribbons and this social
action is within this type of colour. The second reason is that it represents the colour of bruises and scaring of the violence you
get with domestic violence. Also the final reason is that they linked the colour purple quite a few years back. So there is a hidden
message through this type of logo on the colours of meaning wise. However, there is positive feedback from the way the logo
looks in its self by not making it memorable for those victims who have experienced domestic violence in the past or now. As this
shows as a logo anyone who dealt with and needs support can come to them as they wont feel threatened in anyway at all. Also
the way I have designed my text to go on one side of the logo. As you can see on the logo there are three different lines which
have been shown so I thought of having my text on to three different lines. This works by having three lines of text for my title of
what my cause of action is and about.
For the whole logo itself it works well together, the way the individual colours work and also
the way that both the text font which I have chosen and colours match so well with each
other. As I have gave this finish look of a logo a more simpler look towards it. Made sure that
it doesn’t look complicated for audience who be looking at it and instantly know what it is
talking about.
Campaign posters mood board
Campaign posters mood board
By looking at these campaign posters for Domestic Violence. They have all got a different ideas to express domestic violence from a wide range of
perspective as it covers; psychological, physical, sexual, financial and emotional. Also that the fact that they making sure it is not women who are
victim of domestic violence. They have made us the audience notice that it is all ages who are a victim of domestic violence. As they have covered
women, children and men. Also the older generation too. The pictures in this mood board are all negative affects which have have happened to
the victims. As this is how the victims should speak out what has happened to them and try and find a way out.
By looking at the adults of both women and men, they have made to concerning about using the imagery of family and couples. Looking at the
campaign posters directed at families, they are shown in perspective that the one who is being a victim is alone and no one to go to. As this is
there wanting to trust there family but they can so they keep it with themselves. They have used a more lighter colours as to show it is light and
airy kind of affect on to the campaign. By looking at the couples of domestic violence posters they have shown a more darker convection of how
it has been portrayed. By mostly using darker colours and some light colours like white and red. Connect with the word love. Also within both of
these campaigns they have used typography on to there campaigns. Also looking at children campaign posters for domestic violence, they have
used Disney characters such as Princess and Princes to interrupt to children as they identify with the Disney characters and words what has
happened to them, in a easy but meaningful way to get it across to them. They have used bruising and scares of imagery to be conveyed to the
younger audience to show this is not good. This shows from the younger generations eyes that not all Princess and Princes aren't treated
Campaign posters mood board
Campaigns posters mood board
By looking at these specific Domestic Violence is by campaign posters they have got good imagery coming from these campaigns. They
have all got that imagery because with some of these imagery it gives you information before being a perpetrator yourself and what you
will put yourself through and someone else. As they say to think about what they are going to do it before they do anything. As they give
them facts from previous statics this would be made to shock them to not to do same things as someone else has done. For this
campaign they have used a kids eye looking up towards you from a side angle. This shows that this would help the perpetrator to not do
there duties to someone. This have planned this is out well as they want to make the perpetrator really think about it.
Also by looking at these campaigns they are trying to give people information for help and support for the victims. By firstly, teaching
their victims to not get into that state and see what they are doing before they regret it the next day. As they have take control into their
own hands not into someone else who control it for them. As they can donate to help other people who are in the same personation,
give better things in life to help them get support.
Saying about women they don’t have to deal with physical and verbal violence towards them as they should only deal with going through
child labour pains.
As it is telling the audience that they should stand up and be strong and powerful. Show that they aren’t weak and shows all of the
people on the images are wanting to fight for there cause of domestic violence for people to be heard and not to be in the dark no more
and also not to be in fear. As all the pictures which they have used are all positive. The colour’s which they have used on all of these
campaign posters are mostly bright and colourful. Also the other colour which they have used for the background is a dark black colour
as this more of a sinister colour to use for this, however, in this way which they have used it works well. As the the darker background has
been used against a bright picture, reflects the situation even more.
Mind Map Campaign posters
Campaign poster ideas meaning to look like
Idea 3
Idea 1 Idea 2
Mind map campaign final design
Campaign Final Poster
This campaign poster which I have made for domestic violence, this photograph which
I have put in is a split screen between of what she is seeing of her view and then what
everyone else is thinking. There is also that link between these two split screens from
one side to the other is that what happens over time. Of what the effects can be not
just mentally but also physically which has been shown on to the outside. Of how it
gets so serious that you will needs to do something about it. Also the way I have used
this campaign by using a split screen by using a black and white for one side and then
by using the other side to be normal colour. As you can see one side which has not be
altered at all I have chosen to use normal colours as I thought that this was a good
idea, before then it suddenly turns suddenly awful of what people would expect over
times and years again. Wanted this to make a sudden effect of how common this can
behind closed doors and not to ever to be seen again. As by this domestic violence
campaign posters is that you should be aware of this and that who ever does this to
you or anyone else you know just make sure that you can get away easily and no
control over you either.
As you can see with the text I would say I could make some changes of how I could
placed the text a bit more well over the page by using guidelines and rules. Also the
way the text fonts as well I could of done some more alterations to that too.
Campaign Final Poster
For this campaign poster which I have made is that I wanted to make it
seem quite odd and different compared to everything else out there that
has already been shown on the internet. So the way I have designed it is
by using threshold effect tool. By getting a this duplicated twice and then
changing the one that hasn’t been changed by the threshold by changing
the effect of the blending tool. As the one which have I gone for is a
lighten effect as this gives like a puzzle effect of how the white and the
grey patches from the background from the black and white. This gives us
the effect that the persons face is getting faded into the white. So it looks
like she hasn’t been noticed and she hasn’t got her word told about
anything which is happening to her. As she looks like she is is going to
blended into the background. As this gives quite a shocking look towards
the audience of what could happen to other victims. I have the writing on
one side and then the other. By using using different sizes of text to one
another. As this makes a big difference and even more eye catching
towards this type of campaign to the text directs and speaks out of what it
is trying to says. Also on the other side of this picture I have used one
main colour which is the colour purple. I have used this type of colour
because it is linked within domestic violence and represents it fully.
Bus formats
For my bus format I would want it to be a clear and visual representative of Domestic
Violence. As by looking at this bus format to the side this shows a more visual big impact
on to the people who looking at it. The way they have used a darker surrounding
background, gives us a good into depth feeling of how this actor on the front of this is
feeling inside. As the person is shown in the left hand corner in the far right hand side.
They have chosen to just see his head to pop up over the top. As by the way this boy
doesn’t look like he is using any lack of any emotion with his face at all. As this is what I
want to take on with my bus format image. To make sure the actors that which i will
represent don’t have any emotion within the camera frame. As this will show how much
pain they are holding within side. As by also the way they have chosen to just use a dark
and sinister background to reflect this. This is a good way of getting a dark colour for the
background to make as this makes sure that the attention is with on the bus format. As this
makes it eye-catching with the audience to gaze up and look at it. People will be aware of.
Also that the text which they have used is bold and easy and clear to see from a long way.
So this is good as it will be on a bus and wanting a large audience to see it. So the way they
have used different type of sizes for some of the text which has been shown on here. Also
by looking at this text is that they have used only for the text two individual colour’s which
are turquoise blue colour and a plain white. The way they have used the turquoise colour is
because it is linking with the image as the victims are the women and girls. As they are
linking the colour of the text with the image is because most domestic violence comes
from boys into men. But however firstly it starts off by young individual and continues into
a older ages. So this what I am wanting to gain with my bus format to get a picture which is
relevant with my text, colour and the picture to all link together. The white colour is less
important than the turquoise colour.
So which by this bus format I want to create
something like this in some way.
My Bus Format
For the bus format which I have used for my own style for Domestic Violence. Is
by making the panel for background to be a dark colour which I have chosen to
use black colour. As by using this colour for the background this allows the
people to really catch their on the actual avert itself. By looking at the picture
and the white and blue colours. The use of the dark colour for the background
gives an really good affect and feel for the what Domestic violence is meant to
feel like with in the dark. Also the use the dark background as it links within the
colours which I have chosen and also it links with in the picture. The way I have
laid out the bus format for the text. By looking at the main sentence which is all
in white this is the key part of the advert itself. As this links with the other three
lines which link to it. As for this this text, ‘1 in 6 men are affected by domestic
violence’ this has been made bold but however the final two letters have been
made bolder. This shows that it is reflected on to this matter. This concerning
the main issue. By looking at the small sentences which are both half white and
half in blue colour. I have made the white colour of this section not that
irrelevant to this type of situation so it has not been brought out to every ones
attention. However, by using the blue colour for masculinity and also this colour
is eye catching from a far distance.
Merchandise and promotional material
The merchandise which I have looked here are all three different types of merchandise; tops,
cups, cushion and phone cases. These 4 different ideas came from the site called Redbubble.
From by looking at all the products they have got all the same kind of colour been brought on
there different products. They have used this type of colour is because this is the main colour
for Domestic Violence. By looking at the shirts first they have all got different kinds of writing of
on the shirts to direct the views to different audiences. The way they have arranged there text is
within the middle of each top which has been shown. For the different tops they have placed
the text different of how they have arranged them either to the side on a slant or straight. With
the text the font sizes are different ranges. As you can see on the text products that most of
these text writing is either in italic or bold text font. This is to do with the type of product which
it will be represented on. As you can see that the main colours which have been used on these
products are white, black and the main colour is purple.
From my merchandise product I would want to use it on promotional material on tops, phone
cases and cushions. I have decided to use these types of products to promote my merchandise
is because the people who will be targeting will want these types of products. The sort of stuff
which will be presented on my products will be clear writing and the same type of colour
choices which they have chosen for Redbubble.
My Merchandise and promotional
These are designs I have made for the three products which I am going to make for this awareness.
For the following are a cushion, tops and cups. By looking at the tops which I have got two different
ideas for what is going to placed on them is to have a plain background of the colour of customers
choice, from these tops here. To choose for the background and then the writing will go on the top. I
will not use two colours that will clash with each other from the writing and the background colour.
These are range of colours would choose for each of my products to
go into the background. As all of these colours aren’t intertwining
with the text colours. Shows that these colours are a good match
for these types of products for which I have chosen. The reason
that I have chosen to use is written text to appear on all of my
products of merchandise is for the following reasons is because
they speak out of what should be said about domestic violence. To
show the courage for the victims that they aren’t alone. By having
these positive words on these specific products. That will not
trigger any memories about what has happened to them into the
past. So that’s why I have chosen I careful chose of words to be
used on these promotional material. As you can see with in all of
these design patterns they have got the colour purple within it. The
reason I have the colour purple within each of these products is
because this has is the main colour for this social action cause. So
you can see with on my promotional materials that I have used the
colour to be used on the ribbons and also I have used the colour for
either the text or the pattern on the promotional products. The
reason I have chosen promotional products like cushions, T-shirts
and mugs is because they they are simple and not reflecting on to
the situations at all.
My Own Ideas – for Women website mockup Domestic Violence
For my own ideas I am looking to create websites for domestic violence for women firstly. As you can see at the very bottom here I have got pictures of some recent
website pages that have already been created. As you can see with these three pictures here they have all got something in common on each website pages. As you
can see on the websites they have all got a common factor of having images, writing and columns. As you can see on each of the individual websites to have the laying
out where they are going spread everything out on the website pages to not make them seem as crowed to their audience so then they will be come to them. They
have used the white space more for some of the website pages. By looking at the very first and the last image they have got the same types of colours but with in
different of shades, which is brought onto there pages. As this colour is associated with a calm feeling, this is a good colour for this particular cause the audience and
the people which have been an victim don’t want to be recognised of what they have just been through. So this is why these two website pages have used these types
of colours. However, by looking at the middle website page they have used more of a colours which have been brought into your face. The main reason they have
used a variation of colour’s to be brought together is because it is relating to a family oriented type of website. As it is meant to cover everyone in a family can go to to
it. By looking at the first website, they have got a very top they have got the main part of what there website is called, information of how to call them. Then the
second bar is where you can go on to to different part of the pages to get more help. Looking at the main part of the website they have got columns in the middle
going around the picture. They have title of what the column is talking about. As the very side on the left hand side they have got a search bar and other information
which can be clicked on. The middle website page, they have got heading bar of the title of the website branch. Bar below that they have got more information for
different sectors you can go to for more help. Then below this bar they have got a picture which is covering most of the main area, beside this they have got around
this is variation of colours of blocks with written inside it. Then below this they have got a title following it is a column which is going down in the middle. Then at very
side on the right a question and help information. By looking at the very last website page. They have at the very top here is a video that which is mainly to the right
hand side, by have some writing to other side. Below this they have used blobs and stars to represent each of the topics as this is where they have set out the white
space out. As along side this they have used is columns and paragraphs of information.
My Own Ideas – Men website mockup domestic violence
I am looking at here is at websites that are particularly for men who dealing with domestic violence as they are victims. As you
can see there is a common factor within each one of these websites. As this is clearly is the blue colour which clearly reflects the
masculinity. The reason they have used this type of colour is because you would associate most things they are directed to men
would be have this colour associated to them. Also going back to the colours they have used the three main colours by using just
black, white and different shades of blue. As they are trying to bring out the main colour to be blue out of the others.
I would say the very first and the very last image of the websites they have not got that much writing going on around it. So they
have decided to use more of the white space to layout there positioning for everything. Also the other factor is that they don’t
want to use to much on one page as this might put people off this page. So this way have got little amount of writing so not in
your face about the writing. This is how the spreading helps with this part of this. However, looking at the middle website page
they have used more columns full of writing compared to the other website pages. As they have got a simple look to all of them
that any man can come towards any of these websites for help as they all seem positive and helping. As they don’t seem negative
at all.
My Own Ideas – websites Domestic Violence
By looking at both male and female website pages for Domestic Violence. There is some significance some difference to each
pages which I have looked at. From female pages I thought that with their website pages they have got more of a busy pages
with columns and bit to full on compared to the domestic violence for men seemed that bit more set back and more more
relaxed out of how they spread out there pages for the websites. As I would think that more victims would come across more
towards the male websites compared to female websites. As they don’t look so cluttered. As need give the victims who are
looking at the websites to feel relaxed and positive to come to the website.
By looking at the male websites for Domestic Violence they have just got simple colour’s of about three main colours as they
have black and white. As the black colour would used for column writing and then the white colour would be used for
background as this will give it’s clean simplistic look overall. Also the way they have used a strong colour to capture everyone’s
eye. By using colour’s such as blue , pink or purple. By using any of these colours over the other ones, it makes the whole
website seem more eye catching by using one main colour to be brought out of everything else. Also this shows that if you
choose one of these they will not clash with nothing else on to the anything else on to the website page. As this what I would
want for my website page to have a clear set of colours by using black, white and one other colour. The use of picture is good
and figures of images is also a good idea to use with in a website like this one.
Also by looking at the male and female websites pages layouts are very well laid out, so for my own website I would need to
make my website evenly laid out.
So I would make the websites for both PC computers, ipads and phones those type of devices that which all have a screen to
read a website on to. As this will be my particularly sector of my own ideas of making my own websites on a numerous
different ideas. So I will use a minimum of colours to be used for my websites and one main colour. Layout very important for
my designs for both writing and some pictures. My websites will have my own logo with on it, in the very top right hand corner
on each of the individual websites. As this will be my own website and my own branch of domestic violence support system.
Website styles domestic violence for PC
As you can see I have got the ideas from my research from the recent websites which I have looked up for both women and male.
As I want my websites to apply to both genders. As by doing this by not using the simple colours which you would use for females
and males. So what I have decided to do is make it natural colours towards it by using a plan colours of black, white, grey and
light yellow colour, I have also used is a purple colour as this main colour for this subject of cause. As this colour represents this
as well. The way I have used the yellowish colour for the background compared to some of the white backgrounds. Is because on
most of the websites it might seem quite harsh to peoples eyes. So this calms the background done from this. As for the PC
computer version of my websites that I have used most of the space well as I don’t want to give my audience the affect that they
might feel over crowded at all. That’s the reason that I have also spaced out my writing out so it doesn’t look as crowded and by
using columns by using the rulers on Photoshop to layout where I am going to place everything.
Website styles domestic violence phone and Ipads
For the websites that where seen on to PC and computers as well I
wanted to show it on on other devices which you can display it on like
iphone and ipads. As most people might want to read it on the go
when they are going places as this is much easier on these types of
devices than just on computers. So this spreads over numerous of
stuff which you can look it on to. As the smaller the device the littler
the space you can provide the it with. As this will show the same
thing but not as much seen on the screen at a time. For this type of
device your on these everyday and also most people these days use
them. The way you can see the difference between the ipad screen
and Iphone screen and the device which are like this. So by looking at
the ipad it has more screen space compared to the iphone smaller so
you need figure how you are going to space everything out. So this is
why space for these websites its very important and also everything
around this as well.

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Task 5, part 2 schedule and resources

  • 1. Task 5: Schedule and Resources
  • 2. Schedule of work What going is going to happen Date Resources needed looking at different logo’s that are to do with domestic violence related. Making mood board. Logo looking at the colour schemes and fonts which they have chosen. 4th Dec Computer Internet PowerPoint Making Logos 6th Dec Computer Photoshop Describing the logos which I have designed. Looking at poster using the internet of domestic violence. Making a mind map of the poster. 11th Dec Computer Internet Merchandise/Promotional Material. Product research. Research into bus format wanting to be like. 13th Dec PowerPoint Internet Photographs for the poster and the bus advert, making the posters. Final design of the poster. 16th / 17th Dec Camera SD card/Battery Tripod People women and man Making the poster. Bus advert. Looking at. 18th Dec Photoshop Making merchandise on Photoshop. 20th Dec Photoshop Internet PowerPoint Making merchandise on Photoshop. 21st Dec Photoshop Internet PowerPoint My own ideas research about websites for men and women 7th Jan PowerPoint Internet Making website websites designs on various devices and making posters by Photoshop. 8th Jan Photoshop Internet and Photoshop Finally touching up everything on PowerPoint. 10th Jan PowerPoint
  • 4. Colour Schemes Also by looking at these logo’s they haven’t made the colour red that often as this is a harsh and irrelevant colour to have with this subject with domestic violence. The way they haven’t just used a femine colour they have used multiple colours that don’t just one colour with one gender. As they broaden out through the colours which they have chosen for the logo’s. They responded to everyone's gender. From looking at these pre-existing logo’s they have used always the similar colour’s throughout each of them. As this type of colour purple represents the awareness for domestic violence. As the colour purple has been used for this because I thought they have used it for remainder of the bruising which comes with domestic violence. As the colour purple thought it would relate to this. They have said that purple is associated with sacred place in nature: lavender, orchid, lilac and violet flowers are often delicate and considered precious. The Purple colour has also been used with in the Heart in U.S. military decoration given to soldiers wounded in battle. As this shows that the colour purple can reflect it in on to be good imagery and bad imagery as well. The use of the purple ribbon as a unifying symbol of courage, survival, honor and dedication to ending domestic violence. Although the exact history of the purple ribbon is difficult to pinpoint across the country, families and friends of victims have adopted the purple ribbon to remember and honor their loved ones who have lost their lives at the hands of a person they once loved and trusted. Shelters and local victim services programs use the purple ribbon to raise awareness about the crime of domestic violence in their communities. This type of ribbon has been brought through for most of the logo’s which I have selected for domestic violence as this is a big part of it. So, this why I am still going to use this type of colour to come through my own logo to keep this type of scheme coming through. As this is particularly main part of domestic violence. So, I will be using the main colour of my logo and through out this social action to be a purple colour and of the shades of purples. Also some other colours like black, white and green. Also by having the cross of the ribbon it also symbolique towards domestic violence to bring the courage and survival towards the victims who have been affected with domestic violence. As you can see the colour purple is in a spectrum that I have got from the logos which I will want to use with in my logo. As this will be the main key of the logo by using this logo. Also by using this colour it has got a deeper meaning behind it as well towards domestic violence. Also I would use the colours green, black and white.
  • 5. Fonts for Logo As you can see here I have got numerous of different types of styles of patterns and designs for different types of text which I felt where good for my logo. From all of these designs they are all clear and simple to read for this type of social action which I am working on which is Domestic Violence. I also want that bit of italics within the font as which can be seen from these fonts. As by having them all in a line after one after the other it make it easier which type of font which will go perfectly with my logo. As font I have chosen and go for with my logo is the font called ’Font Error’, I thought that this type of font was better than the others on this page. As it had the boldness that strikes out from people and also the italics within the font as well. The other reason which I have chosen this type of logo is because it is more eye-catching out of the other 4 fonts which had been chosen. I got all these fonts from
  • 6. Logo’s designed by myself The logos which I have designed for domestic violence. By looking at these designs which I have all used a common colour which is all going through them which is the colour purple. By using the colour purple it is the main colour for Domestic Violence. I have used a website to collect a multiple of shades of the colour purple. As you can see with these creations which I have made they are all highly different to one another. However, I have mostly used the design by using mainly shapes to make them. By looking at the squares pattern as you can see there are two patterns of this. Firstly, looking at the first square design it is mostly darker because the line between each of the squares, then by looking at the second design of the squares they are shown to be much lighter by removing the dark colour between each of the squares. As this works well the writing for the title for the logo of it resembles. As there is three lines for each line. By looking at the other other design of the triangle pattern. As you can see with this pattern I have just changed where the pattern faces. But keeping it all the same. However, the last logo is in a design of a circle with hands inside and light bulb. As I don’t think this is right logo for this type of social action at all. As it seems to dark and not really that reflect for this type of cause. By looking at the specific patterns of the shapes of squares and triangles. Both of these patterns for a logo aren’t dark or anything that would bring up any bad memories up at all. As this is good because I don’t want my logo to be hurtful to people so then wouldn’t be able to this help system. So that’s why I have brought a nice and straight forward logo. So, this is why I am going to use either of these two designs.
  • 7. Final decision on Logo I have chosen logo out of the rest of the logos which have designed on Photoshop. As I thought that this logo wasn’t bringing anything back that victim might have seen or even triggered any bad memories back to them. So I used more an uplifting type of logo to be my final design. By using the basic shape tools (square) from Photoshop by making it into a collage or a window frame of a variation of colours like a spectrum. From each block of the six blocks of squares they have all got an individual gap between all of them. As this will show the colour’s which have been chosen to be seen more noticeable from the background. So if you put this type of logo anywhere for instance a website then you can get the background of that colour to show up through it. As the only colour which you can see with in my logo which I have used is different shades of purple to be put on to each square. I thought was a good idea using the different shades of purple of how I have done some background research towards it and how it links within domestic violence. The reason behind it firstly is looking at it from using the different charity ribbons and this social action is within this type of colour. The second reason is that it represents the colour of bruises and scaring of the violence you get with domestic violence. Also the final reason is that they linked the colour purple quite a few years back. So there is a hidden message through this type of logo on the colours of meaning wise. However, there is positive feedback from the way the logo looks in its self by not making it memorable for those victims who have experienced domestic violence in the past or now. As this shows as a logo anyone who dealt with and needs support can come to them as they wont feel threatened in anyway at all. Also the way I have designed my text to go on one side of the logo. As you can see on the logo there are three different lines which have been shown so I thought of having my text on to three different lines. This works by having three lines of text for my title of what my cause of action is and about. For the whole logo itself it works well together, the way the individual colours work and also the way that both the text font which I have chosen and colours match so well with each other. As I have gave this finish look of a logo a more simpler look towards it. Made sure that it doesn’t look complicated for audience who be looking at it and instantly know what it is talking about.
  • 9. Campaign posters mood board By looking at these campaign posters for Domestic Violence. They have all got a different ideas to express domestic violence from a wide range of perspective as it covers; psychological, physical, sexual, financial and emotional. Also that the fact that they making sure it is not women who are victim of domestic violence. They have made us the audience notice that it is all ages who are a victim of domestic violence. As they have covered women, children and men. Also the older generation too. The pictures in this mood board are all negative affects which have have happened to the victims. As this is how the victims should speak out what has happened to them and try and find a way out. By looking at the adults of both women and men, they have made to concerning about using the imagery of family and couples. Looking at the campaign posters directed at families, they are shown in perspective that the one who is being a victim is alone and no one to go to. As this is there wanting to trust there family but they can so they keep it with themselves. They have used a more lighter colours as to show it is light and airy kind of affect on to the campaign. By looking at the couples of domestic violence posters they have shown a more darker convection of how it has been portrayed. By mostly using darker colours and some light colours like white and red. Connect with the word love. Also within both of these campaigns they have used typography on to there campaigns. Also looking at children campaign posters for domestic violence, they have used Disney characters such as Princess and Princes to interrupt to children as they identify with the Disney characters and words what has happened to them, in a easy but meaningful way to get it across to them. They have used bruising and scares of imagery to be conveyed to the younger audience to show this is not good. This shows from the younger generations eyes that not all Princess and Princes aren't treated respectfully.
  • 11. Campaigns posters mood board By looking at these specific Domestic Violence is by campaign posters they have got good imagery coming from these campaigns. They have all got that imagery because with some of these imagery it gives you information before being a perpetrator yourself and what you will put yourself through and someone else. As they say to think about what they are going to do it before they do anything. As they give them facts from previous statics this would be made to shock them to not to do same things as someone else has done. For this campaign they have used a kids eye looking up towards you from a side angle. This shows that this would help the perpetrator to not do there duties to someone. This have planned this is out well as they want to make the perpetrator really think about it. Also by looking at these campaigns they are trying to give people information for help and support for the victims. By firstly, teaching their victims to not get into that state and see what they are doing before they regret it the next day. As they have take control into their own hands not into someone else who control it for them. As they can donate to help other people who are in the same personation, give better things in life to help them get support. Saying about women they don’t have to deal with physical and verbal violence towards them as they should only deal with going through child labour pains. As it is telling the audience that they should stand up and be strong and powerful. Show that they aren’t weak and shows all of the people on the images are wanting to fight for there cause of domestic violence for people to be heard and not to be in the dark no more and also not to be in fear. As all the pictures which they have used are all positive. The colour’s which they have used on all of these campaign posters are mostly bright and colourful. Also the other colour which they have used for the background is a dark black colour as this more of a sinister colour to use for this, however, in this way which they have used it works well. As the the darker background has been used against a bright picture, reflects the situation even more.
  • 12. Mind Map Campaign posters
  • 13. Campaign poster ideas meaning to look like Idea 3 Idea 1 Idea 2
  • 14. Mind map campaign final design
  • 15. Campaign Final Poster This campaign poster which I have made for domestic violence, this photograph which I have put in is a split screen between of what she is seeing of her view and then what everyone else is thinking. There is also that link between these two split screens from one side to the other is that what happens over time. Of what the effects can be not just mentally but also physically which has been shown on to the outside. Of how it gets so serious that you will needs to do something about it. Also the way I have used this campaign by using a split screen by using a black and white for one side and then by using the other side to be normal colour. As you can see one side which has not be altered at all I have chosen to use normal colours as I thought that this was a good idea, before then it suddenly turns suddenly awful of what people would expect over times and years again. Wanted this to make a sudden effect of how common this can behind closed doors and not to ever to be seen again. As by this domestic violence campaign posters is that you should be aware of this and that who ever does this to you or anyone else you know just make sure that you can get away easily and no control over you either. As you can see with the text I would say I could make some changes of how I could placed the text a bit more well over the page by using guidelines and rules. Also the way the text fonts as well I could of done some more alterations to that too.
  • 16. Campaign Final Poster For this campaign poster which I have made is that I wanted to make it seem quite odd and different compared to everything else out there that has already been shown on the internet. So the way I have designed it is by using threshold effect tool. By getting a this duplicated twice and then changing the one that hasn’t been changed by the threshold by changing the effect of the blending tool. As the one which have I gone for is a lighten effect as this gives like a puzzle effect of how the white and the grey patches from the background from the black and white. This gives us the effect that the persons face is getting faded into the white. So it looks like she hasn’t been noticed and she hasn’t got her word told about anything which is happening to her. As she looks like she is is going to blended into the background. As this gives quite a shocking look towards the audience of what could happen to other victims. I have the writing on one side and then the other. By using using different sizes of text to one another. As this makes a big difference and even more eye catching towards this type of campaign to the text directs and speaks out of what it is trying to says. Also on the other side of this picture I have used one main colour which is the colour purple. I have used this type of colour because it is linked within domestic violence and represents it fully.
  • 17. Bus formats For my bus format I would want it to be a clear and visual representative of Domestic Violence. As by looking at this bus format to the side this shows a more visual big impact on to the people who looking at it. The way they have used a darker surrounding background, gives us a good into depth feeling of how this actor on the front of this is feeling inside. As the person is shown in the left hand corner in the far right hand side. They have chosen to just see his head to pop up over the top. As by the way this boy doesn’t look like he is using any lack of any emotion with his face at all. As this is what I want to take on with my bus format image. To make sure the actors that which i will represent don’t have any emotion within the camera frame. As this will show how much pain they are holding within side. As by also the way they have chosen to just use a dark and sinister background to reflect this. This is a good way of getting a dark colour for the background to make as this makes sure that the attention is with on the bus format. As this makes it eye-catching with the audience to gaze up and look at it. People will be aware of. Also that the text which they have used is bold and easy and clear to see from a long way. So this is good as it will be on a bus and wanting a large audience to see it. So the way they have used different type of sizes for some of the text which has been shown on here. Also by looking at this text is that they have used only for the text two individual colour’s which are turquoise blue colour and a plain white. The way they have used the turquoise colour is because it is linking with the image as the victims are the women and girls. As they are linking the colour of the text with the image is because most domestic violence comes from boys into men. But however firstly it starts off by young individual and continues into a older ages. So this what I am wanting to gain with my bus format to get a picture which is relevant with my text, colour and the picture to all link together. The white colour is less important than the turquoise colour. So which by this bus format I want to create something like this in some way.
  • 18. My Bus Format For the bus format which I have used for my own style for Domestic Violence. Is by making the panel for background to be a dark colour which I have chosen to use black colour. As by using this colour for the background this allows the people to really catch their on the actual avert itself. By looking at the picture and the white and blue colours. The use of the dark colour for the background gives an really good affect and feel for the what Domestic violence is meant to feel like with in the dark. Also the use the dark background as it links within the colours which I have chosen and also it links with in the picture. The way I have laid out the bus format for the text. By looking at the main sentence which is all in white this is the key part of the advert itself. As this links with the other three lines which link to it. As for this this text, ‘1 in 6 men are affected by domestic violence’ this has been made bold but however the final two letters have been made bolder. This shows that it is reflected on to this matter. This concerning the main issue. By looking at the small sentences which are both half white and half in blue colour. I have made the white colour of this section not that irrelevant to this type of situation so it has not been brought out to every ones attention. However, by using the blue colour for masculinity and also this colour is eye catching from a far distance.
  • 19. Merchandise and promotional material The merchandise which I have looked here are all three different types of merchandise; tops, cups, cushion and phone cases. These 4 different ideas came from the site called Redbubble. From by looking at all the products they have got all the same kind of colour been brought on there different products. They have used this type of colour is because this is the main colour for Domestic Violence. By looking at the shirts first they have all got different kinds of writing of on the shirts to direct the views to different audiences. The way they have arranged there text is within the middle of each top which has been shown. For the different tops they have placed the text different of how they have arranged them either to the side on a slant or straight. With the text the font sizes are different ranges. As you can see on the text products that most of these text writing is either in italic or bold text font. This is to do with the type of product which it will be represented on. As you can see that the main colours which have been used on these products are white, black and the main colour is purple. From my merchandise product I would want to use it on promotional material on tops, phone cases and cushions. I have decided to use these types of products to promote my merchandise is because the people who will be targeting will want these types of products. The sort of stuff which will be presented on my products will be clear writing and the same type of colour choices which they have chosen for Redbubble.
  • 20. My Merchandise and promotional material These are designs I have made for the three products which I am going to make for this awareness. For the following are a cushion, tops and cups. By looking at the tops which I have got two different ideas for what is going to placed on them is to have a plain background of the colour of customers choice, from these tops here. To choose for the background and then the writing will go on the top. I will not use two colours that will clash with each other from the writing and the background colour. These are range of colours would choose for each of my products to go into the background. As all of these colours aren’t intertwining with the text colours. Shows that these colours are a good match for these types of products for which I have chosen. The reason that I have chosen to use is written text to appear on all of my products of merchandise is for the following reasons is because they speak out of what should be said about domestic violence. To show the courage for the victims that they aren’t alone. By having these positive words on these specific products. That will not trigger any memories about what has happened to them into the past. So that’s why I have chosen I careful chose of words to be used on these promotional material. As you can see with in all of these design patterns they have got the colour purple within it. The reason I have the colour purple within each of these products is because this has is the main colour for this social action cause. So you can see with on my promotional materials that I have used the colour to be used on the ribbons and also I have used the colour for either the text or the pattern on the promotional products. The reason I have chosen promotional products like cushions, T-shirts and mugs is because they they are simple and not reflecting on to the situations at all.
  • 21. My Own Ideas – for Women website mockup Domestic Violence For my own ideas I am looking to create websites for domestic violence for women firstly. As you can see at the very bottom here I have got pictures of some recent website pages that have already been created. As you can see with these three pictures here they have all got something in common on each website pages. As you can see on the websites they have all got a common factor of having images, writing and columns. As you can see on each of the individual websites to have the laying out where they are going spread everything out on the website pages to not make them seem as crowed to their audience so then they will be come to them. They have used the white space more for some of the website pages. By looking at the very first and the last image they have got the same types of colours but with in different of shades, which is brought onto there pages. As this colour is associated with a calm feeling, this is a good colour for this particular cause the audience and the people which have been an victim don’t want to be recognised of what they have just been through. So this is why these two website pages have used these types of colours. However, by looking at the middle website page they have used more of a colours which have been brought into your face. The main reason they have used a variation of colour’s to be brought together is because it is relating to a family oriented type of website. As it is meant to cover everyone in a family can go to to it. By looking at the first website, they have got a very top they have got the main part of what there website is called, information of how to call them. Then the second bar is where you can go on to to different part of the pages to get more help. Looking at the main part of the website they have got columns in the middle going around the picture. They have title of what the column is talking about. As the very side on the left hand side they have got a search bar and other information which can be clicked on. The middle website page, they have got heading bar of the title of the website branch. Bar below that they have got more information for different sectors you can go to for more help. Then below this bar they have got a picture which is covering most of the main area, beside this they have got around this is variation of colours of blocks with written inside it. Then below this they have got a title following it is a column which is going down in the middle. Then at very side on the right a question and help information. By looking at the very last website page. They have at the very top here is a video that which is mainly to the right hand side, by have some writing to other side. Below this they have used blobs and stars to represent each of the topics as this is where they have set out the white space out. As along side this they have used is columns and paragraphs of information.
  • 22. My Own Ideas – Men website mockup domestic violence I am looking at here is at websites that are particularly for men who dealing with domestic violence as they are victims. As you can see there is a common factor within each one of these websites. As this is clearly is the blue colour which clearly reflects the masculinity. The reason they have used this type of colour is because you would associate most things they are directed to men would be have this colour associated to them. Also going back to the colours they have used the three main colours by using just black, white and different shades of blue. As they are trying to bring out the main colour to be blue out of the others. I would say the very first and the very last image of the websites they have not got that much writing going on around it. So they have decided to use more of the white space to layout there positioning for everything. Also the other factor is that they don’t want to use to much on one page as this might put people off this page. So this way have got little amount of writing so not in your face about the writing. This is how the spreading helps with this part of this. However, looking at the middle website page they have used more columns full of writing compared to the other website pages. As they have got a simple look to all of them that any man can come towards any of these websites for help as they all seem positive and helping. As they don’t seem negative at all.
  • 23. My Own Ideas – websites Domestic Violence By looking at both male and female website pages for Domestic Violence. There is some significance some difference to each pages which I have looked at. From female pages I thought that with their website pages they have got more of a busy pages with columns and bit to full on compared to the domestic violence for men seemed that bit more set back and more more relaxed out of how they spread out there pages for the websites. As I would think that more victims would come across more towards the male websites compared to female websites. As they don’t look so cluttered. As need give the victims who are looking at the websites to feel relaxed and positive to come to the website. By looking at the male websites for Domestic Violence they have just got simple colour’s of about three main colours as they have black and white. As the black colour would used for column writing and then the white colour would be used for background as this will give it’s clean simplistic look overall. Also the way they have used a strong colour to capture everyone’s eye. By using colour’s such as blue , pink or purple. By using any of these colours over the other ones, it makes the whole website seem more eye catching by using one main colour to be brought out of everything else. Also this shows that if you choose one of these they will not clash with nothing else on to the anything else on to the website page. As this what I would want for my website page to have a clear set of colours by using black, white and one other colour. The use of picture is good and figures of images is also a good idea to use with in a website like this one. Also by looking at the male and female websites pages layouts are very well laid out, so for my own website I would need to make my website evenly laid out. So I would make the websites for both PC computers, ipads and phones those type of devices that which all have a screen to read a website on to. As this will be my particularly sector of my own ideas of making my own websites on a numerous different ideas. So I will use a minimum of colours to be used for my websites and one main colour. Layout very important for my designs for both writing and some pictures. My websites will have my own logo with on it, in the very top right hand corner on each of the individual websites. As this will be my own website and my own branch of domestic violence support system.
  • 24. Website styles domestic violence for PC As you can see I have got the ideas from my research from the recent websites which I have looked up for both women and male. As I want my websites to apply to both genders. As by doing this by not using the simple colours which you would use for females and males. So what I have decided to do is make it natural colours towards it by using a plan colours of black, white, grey and light yellow colour, I have also used is a purple colour as this main colour for this subject of cause. As this colour represents this as well. The way I have used the yellowish colour for the background compared to some of the white backgrounds. Is because on most of the websites it might seem quite harsh to peoples eyes. So this calms the background done from this. As for the PC computer version of my websites that I have used most of the space well as I don’t want to give my audience the affect that they might feel over crowded at all. That’s the reason that I have also spaced out my writing out so it doesn’t look as crowded and by using columns by using the rulers on Photoshop to layout where I am going to place everything.
  • 25. Website styles domestic violence phone and Ipads For the websites that where seen on to PC and computers as well I wanted to show it on on other devices which you can display it on like iphone and ipads. As most people might want to read it on the go when they are going places as this is much easier on these types of devices than just on computers. So this spreads over numerous of stuff which you can look it on to. As the smaller the device the littler the space you can provide the it with. As this will show the same thing but not as much seen on the screen at a time. For this type of device your on these everyday and also most people these days use them. The way you can see the difference between the ipad screen and Iphone screen and the device which are like this. So by looking at the ipad it has more screen space compared to the iphone smaller so you need figure how you are going to space everything out. So this is why space for these websites its very important and also everything around this as well.