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The bands name is across the top of
the album. This is because when
someone reads they read from top to
bottom therefore that will be the first
thing that someone will read.
Another reason that
there name is at the top
is so when people are
looking through albums
in a shop, you will be
able to read theirs.
The album looks very retro
as the colours and tint
effect they have used makes
the cover of the album look
older than it is.
One unique design they have,
is the album’s name on the
guys t-shirt in the picture. This
Is different compared to other
albums, as other albums have
the albums name placed
under the bands name or at
the side. Also the t-shirt that
the guy is wearing that says
”Combat Sports” is an actual
t-shirt that you can buy.
Usually the text is added
separately from the picture,
whereas the is in the picture
as its on the t-shirt.
The angle of the picture is
looking down on a guy that
looks like he has drunk too
much. This could be because
of they want you to seem like
you are looking down on him.
The font used for the bands name is very
60s styled, this could be because the
band, plays garage rock, also known as
’60s punk or garage punk or now indie-
rock’. As the name says ’60s punk’, which
the band plays, this could be the reason
for the font choice.
There is a lot of orange used
on the album cover, this is
most likely to go with the
whole style of the album.
The ‘mise-en-scene’ of the album cover is
as if the guy in the picture has fallen onto
the bed. It shows a guy laying down as if
he has passed out drunk with someone
holding his hand in the air.
The guy in the picture is
shown wearing a leather
jacket, with rings and a t-
shirt. He also has long hair
which you can just see at
the top of the picture.
Usually leather jackets are
associated with rock music
or bikes in this case rock
music. The long hair with
the leather jacket, and the
rings implies that this
album is rock music, as
those three trends have
been associated with rock
music for a long time.
One of the songs in the album is
very iconic as its called “Put it On
a T-Shirt” which on the cover of
the album the guy is wearing a t-
shirt with the albums name on it.
The cover is also very
minimalistic and doesn’t have
too much going on. This makes
the album better to look at, as it
has a very clean style to it.
I think this album stands out
compared to other albums because
of the style. They have chosen to
take a picture where you can’t see
the mans face or legs. This could be
because they want the main focus
to be the t-shirt with the name of
the album on for exactly that. They
want people to know what the
albums called.
I think that the lightning that they have
used makes certain things stand out.
Such as there is a bright light on the
guys hand shaped in a fist. This could
be because the album is called
‘Combat Sports’ and he is making a fist
which is associated with fighting or, it
could be to make the rings stand out.
There is also a hat next to his head, the
colour of the hat is the same as the
bed sheets, there could be a reason for
this. The hat also has a light shining
down on it, also making it stand out.
From looking at this album I
have leant to keep mine very
minimalistic, and not to overdue
it as you don’t need to as you
can tell with this album cover. I
have learnt that when I create
mine, if I am going to take a
picture for the cover, to make
sure everything looks perfect,
the lighting as well as the angle,
the mise-en-scene
In the bottom left of the album, there is
some general information about the
album. It says ‘Columbia’ with a logo, this
is to show that the album was released
through ‘Columbia Records’. It also says
‘Stereo’ which could just mean that this
particular album is available on the stereo.
From the diagram I can see that a large
percentage of The Vaccines’ audience are male
and are in between the ages 18-24 years old. It
shows that the top regions for The Vaccines’
audience is London, Central Scotland, and the
South Coast. It says they are a ¼ left wing, with
around £1000 or more spare each month.
The colours and design that
have been chosen remind me
of a WW2, Nazi, propaganda
poster. I think its the way they
have used the colours along
with the font style, and image
design. The colours red, black,
and white enforce this idea.
Also the fact that the image
has a Zeppelin on it which
links to the bands name “Led
The colours that they have chosen are all seen as
the main colours for Rock ‘N’ Roll. The colour red is
often seen as either a romantic colour or a
aggressive colour. In this case it makes the image
look aggressive, especially along side the colour
The way they have placed
out their text makes you
read their band name first
which makes it easier for
people when looking
through records and CDs
in a shop to find their
One of the reasons that I chose
to look at this album cover out
of other covers was because,
the style of it is very old
fashioned. The fonts they have
used along with the colours,
and how the colours are not
really vivid and are quite dim.
The way that they have placed everything out
makes it not look like an album cover. The name
of the album ‘Mothership’ is bigger than the
bands name ‘Led Zeppelin’. This makes this album
cover different from other album covers.
From the diagram I can see that most
of Led Zeppelin’s fans are male,
around the age of 55 and the top
audience region is Central Scotland.
The politics of the audience is half and
half, slightly bordering right wing.
Existing Product
The t-shirts in the image are all very
graphical and often depict the band or
artists logo or an album cover. A lot of the
band t-shirts colours have faded. This gives
them the retro look that is in fashion.
All of the t-shirts are black with graphical pictures
on them. Most band t-shirts are black and usually
have the bands logo or artist on them. This is
because the band needs to advertise themselves,
which they do through merchandise as well as
other advertisement. Another reason for bands
having t-shirts is so fans can show that they like
that particular band and for the band or other
people to make money.
The main reason for people wanting to buy
these band t-shirts is because they show
that you like that particular band and or
album. Also its because they are very
graphical and the image on them takes up
most of the t-shirt. The colours used in
them also are usually colourful.
All of the t-shirts
have there own
particular style to
them as well. They
all are very different,
and unique.
Most of the t-shirts that I have selected to analyse use
their bands colours or that album colour. The t-shirt on
the end on the right is one of the most colourful there,
that could be because they are quite a loud band that
want to grab people’s attention as they are a hardcore
punk band. When looking at album covers and logos of
other punk rock bands, they are all quite colourful.
Usually there are lots of colours used, but mainly lots
of reds, and black and white, like the Misfits t-shirt
(Third from the left).
If I were to see one of these
t-shirts and not now about
any of the bands, I would
soon find out about them as
every t-shirt but the Misfits
t-shirt (third from the left)
has the bands name and or
album name on it.
The image used on this t-shirt is an album by Metallica called “Hardwired to Self-Destruct”. The image
used has a mix of colours using a lot of red, blue, and green. The image matches the albums name very
well as it is of a man with lots of different heads implying that he is self destructing. The colour red,
which is used for the man’s faces. Red is often used to depict romance and love, but also anger. In the
image it is depicting anger.
The name of the album is also
on the t-shirt along with the
bands name which is at the top
of the t-shirt. The bands name
at the top makes it stand out
also the fact the lettering is big
and spread across the chest of
the t-shirt makes the t-shirt
stand out. The image is also
large which makes it stand out.
The one thing that makes me want
to buy this t-shirt and not other
band t-shirts is because the image
is actually big and takes up most of
the front of the t-shirt. I think that
when it comes to making my t-
shirt, I will make the main image
big and take up most of the front
of the t-shirt. I will also make it
very graphical with lots of colours
used. I think when it comes to
making my t-shirt, I will make it
different from the album cover
that I am creating. One of the
reasons for this is because, as
much as some band t-shirts look
good with album covers on the
front of them, I think that with
mine I want to do something
different so I have a variation of
The t-shirt gives off an old, horror
movie poster feeling. It uses a
similar layout to the posters and if I
were not to know who they are
and I saw this as a poster without
their name at the top, I would
think that it’s a movie. I think the
main reason for this is because, of
the layout of the main picture its
portrait, with a title at the top and
text at the bottom-middle. Similar
layout to movie posters.
The colours used are not
really bright like you would
see on other t-shirts, they
are quite dim compared to
other t-shirt colours. This
could be because they want
the old horror movie poster
look to it.
The contrast of the two main colours used in the image, red and
blue with all of the heads coming off links with the title,
“Hardwired to self destruct”. Not only because the colour red is
linked with anger, and self-destructing is also linked with anger.
But, all of the heads is creating a monster image, giving off that
he is turning into some kind of monster. This also links back with
the horror movie posters. The red face also makes him look like a
demon or the devil. Also each of the faces have different
expressions like the face on the left is sticking his tongue out, and
the face on the right is angry as you can tell from the guy roaring
like an animal which links with the monster idea. The blue and
green used in the image also link in with the cold environment.
The main font used for ‘Metallica’ has the lightning bolts at
either end of the word, Metallica. This links with the bands
music genre, heavy metal, which is often portrayed with
lightning bolts. The font used for “Hardwired to self-destruct”,
sort of looks like its shaking like the font itself is self-destructing
linking with the meaning.
The Guns ‘N’ Roses logo matches the bands name as it has two
revolvers aiming in opposite directions from one another, with roses
below each of the guns. The roses vines are wrapped around the
revolvers. The band has used different logos over the years, however
this is their very first logo, which is used today and is known throughout
the world. The name of the band which is written over the
golden/yellow background, reminds of the fact that Guns N’ Roses was
formed from two bands. Those bands being: L. A. Guns and Hollywood
Roses. Being a soft counterpoint to the guns, the roses emphasize the
emotions characteristic to the music played by the band. Also the roses
are very colourful compared to the dull guns, and roses represent love,
and romance. Whereas the guns are grey/silver and quite dull. Its sort
of like the roses are overpowering the guns wrapping them up with
their stem. Kind of meaning that love is more powerful than violence.
Also the logo looks like the back of a bullet. The golden shell with the
silver ball in the middle. Also the bright and clear red colour that is
paired with the yellow and black, also with shades of grey, creates a
appealing and emotional combination. Also the name of the band is a
combination of the last names of Tracii Guns and Axl Rose.
The Ramones logo reminds me of
some sort of government badge/logo.
Which punk rock goes against the
government, as punk rock is all about
rebelling and anarchy. Also the logo
reflects the American character with
the eagle, the stars, and the seal of
the president of the United States.
The eagle holding the baseball bat
could symbolize strength and the
aggression that would be used against
anyone who would attack them. The
branch could symbolize a helping
hand, or peace as it could mean how
natural or hard workers they are. The
colours of their logo also represent
something as black can represent
power which in this case I think it
does. The white could represent
goodness in their logo. The stars in
their logo could represent the stars in
the American flag, and the arrows
could represent more of their power
and their numbers – that there is lots
of them, as more than one arrow is
shown. Alternatively the arrows could
be some sort of defense as arrows
were often used to defend as well as
The majority of Guns N Roses
fans are male, between the
ages 40 and 54. The top region
of the fans are from central
Scotland. The main politics of
the audience ranges to about a
¼ right wing. The main
professions of the target
audience are in military and
defense, with less than £125
monthly spare.
Their tongue and lips logo which is recognized
globally, could men many things. One of the
meanings could be related to love and romance
as the lips are red which usually represents that.
Also the tongue sticking out represents that as
well. It has a cartoony pop art look to it as well.
The logo was actually created to resemble Mick
Jagger’s mouth, but originally the logo was going
to resemble Kali, the goddess of energy in Hindu.
The logo itself is actually quite feminine, as lips
usually represent a female, also red lipstick was
used a lot back then and used to represent
something sexual. Also the curves on the logo
also linking in with it being feminine. The logo
itself gives off an erotic image which corresponds
to the image that The Rolling Stones wish to
project. This could link to the behavior of Mick
Jagger. Also the red which is used in the logo
could be to attract attention as its quite a high
visibility colour.
Their logo looks a lot like the mods logo,
which at the time were a subculture, found
across Briton along with the Mods rivals,
known as The Rockers. The arrow that comes
off from the ‘o’ looks a lot like the male
symbol that is used to represent the male sex.
It could also be on their logo to represent
masculinity and their main fan base at the
time, or just the band as they are all male. The
combinations of the two h’s could symbolize
unity. The bright colours used in the logo are
the same as the colours of the British flag, and
the colours are feature in a bull's-eye design.
The colours used may be to show that they
are British and proud, showing patriotism.
The symbol could represent heraldry, trying to
represent that their bands fan base is like a
military, the mods. Or it could just be a bulls-
eye, representing that they are targets
The main target audience of the
band, The Who are male and are
aged 55. The main region of the
fans is the South Coast of
Existing Product
The yellow of the magazine
could link in with the band
advertised on the cover,
Aerosmith. As yellow is often
used for warming effects,
cheerfulness, and mental
activity. The mental activity
could link with their genre of
music, rock. Which is often
portrayed as having a crazy
audience at live concerts, as
there is lots of head banging.
The main person on the
cover is pointing
towards you, which is
like he is wanting you
to read it.
The font used for the name of the magazine is very bold which makes it
stand out. Also the fact that the font colour is yellow, makes it stand out
against the black background. Its strange to see a rock magazine use yellow
as one of the main colours of the cover. Usually it would be red, white, or
black, as they are the colours Rock ‘N’ Roll are associated with.
The word ‘Rock’ in title of the
magazine is behind the main
image. However, it is still
readable. This could be so the
man stands out above everything
The cover is also very organised, the
subheadings and text is neatly organised to the
left and right of the cover. This makes it easy to
The font size also sort off
determines the importance of
the bands or artists on the
cover. Aerosmith the main
attraction of this magazine is at
the bottom in large, the text.
Whereas the sub heading ‘Led
Zeppelin’ which isn’t as
important as the main
attraction of the magazine is at
the side with a smaller font.
Barcode for buying purposes.
advertising what is
in the magazine.
The main colours of the
magazine are black and white,
followed by a pale pink. The
black and white colour
combination is used in most of
the magazines, and is their to
symbol rock. Rock is often
portrayed with black and white
colours. Pink is not often used
as a rock colour, and is usually
seen as more of a pop colour.
Also the colour pink is quite a
feminine colour whereas the
colours black and white are
quite masculine especially the
colour black. The pink could be
used as Guns ‘N’ Roses were
seen as a band that were
different from other rock
The ‘Free CD’ part in the top left corner
invites people to pick it up as you get
something else other than just the
The lighting is set out in a way
that he is the only one there,
like no one else is around him
but him. Also the fact that he
is looking down on you with
his head tilted up makes it
look as if he’s important. Also
the lighting is showing one
half of his face in the light and
the other half is covered with
a shadow. This could portray
that there is to sides to him.
The exclusive part is making the
viewer think that this won’t be
found anywhere else but this
magazine, and if you don’t buy the
magazine and read it, you are
missing out on it.
The mixture of the colours pink
and white make the cover look a
bit feminine.
The way that the magazine cover is
laid out, is very neat and organized
making it easier for the viewer to
find out what content is in the
The majority of Rock Magazine’s
audience are male, in between the
ages 40 and 54. The main region of fans
are from Central Scotland. One of the
main professions of their audience is
research and development, with less
than £125 spare monthly.
Existing Product
The website is laid out in a way similar to a professional website would be laid out, with the logo at the
top left of the website and next to that at the top are the main web pages. It also showcases some of the
content inside the magazine.
The main colours used
for the website are
red, black, and white.
This links in with the
colours of rock being
black, white, and red.
Also the cartoony look
they have gone for fits
in with their album
covers, mascot, and
the whole heavy metal
The website is laid out sort of like a gaming website, as gaming websites usually have the showcase bar
across the website, with a slide show of content that can be found on the website. This is used quite a lot
on gaming websites such as the PlayStation website. Music websites are often different from this, making
Iron Maidens website different compared to other band websites. The image that they have used looks
like it is running at you.
There is a lot of black used throughout the
webpage as seen on the cover. This is probably
because black is usually seen as one of the
colours of Rock N Roll. It is also seen as a very
masculine colour. The colour also contrasts very
well with the orangey explosions in the picture
on the home page.
Their home page is laid out quite neat which go
against that Rock ‘N’ Roll lifestyle but that is
most likely so that its easy to read and navigate.
Also a golden bronze colour is used for a lot of
the headings and text. Usually that represents
wealth, and gold.
The way that they have used the picture on the
website makes it feel sort of like you are there as you
can see the crowd along with the stage. Also the fact
there are explosions in the picture, shows off their
power, like they are powerful. Also fire usually
indicates danger along with orange, red, and yellow
colours indicating danger. The photo also lets you
know what their concerts will be like.
They have social media links at the top of their
page using symbols to be easily recognized.
Research Analysis
Black and white is a recurring feature in most of the products. I think one of the main reasons for this is
because, black and white is the main colours associated with Rock ‘N’ Roll, and all of the products I have
looked at are to do with Rock music in some way or form. A lot of the products also use the colour red. I
think this is because red is also seen as a rock colour. Another common feature with the magazines is that
they have the lead singer of the band on the cover often on his or her own. When it comes to creating my
magazine cover, I may end up doing this on my cover. One aspect that I liked when looking at websites
was the way that the ACDC website had used the photo to make it look like you were there and how the
image was the main focus of the home page as it was bright and stood out the most. Even though it would
be harder for me to do this, as I would have to go to a gig and take a picture of the whole setting
capturing the perfect moment, I could make my own art like the Iron Maiden homepage picture. I also
want to include my own piece of art that I have made using Photoshop and put that on the website and or
the T-Shirt and the album cover. When I make my T-Shirt design, I am going to copy the old style horror
poster look, I may not make it a horror looking one, but I will make it look like a poster printed on a T-
Shirt. I will make it look very graphical like the Metallica T-Shirt. One thing most of the badges that I
researched had in common, was that they were all round. I think that when I make my band logo I don’t
want it to be round as it seems like most logos are round and I want to be more creative when creating
mine. When I create my album I may use a photograph and then edit it, like the album I researched has
done. I like the look of it, however I like the look of old heavy metal album covers. Another common part
of the magazine cover is the layout of the text and subheadings. They are always down the side of the
cover, or at the bottom of the page. When I make my magazine I am going to follow a similar structure to
Questionnaire Analysis
Audience research
• Observation:
• What this says about my audience:
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
From the results I can see that there are more males that answered my survey. This says that my
target audience may be more for a male audience. My product will appear to both genders,
however the T-Shirt may be seen as more of a male product.
Audience research
• Observation:
• What this says about my audience:
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
From my survey results I can see that more people like the idea of having graphics based T-Shirts. I
think that this says that my target audience like quite bold, well designed T-Shirts, which means that my
target audience are into their fashion which means that my target audience is young, as usually young
people are into fashion. I think that my product will appeal to my target audience as the band that I am
creating is for a teenage audience. The band will consist of teenagers therefore the audience can relate.
Audience research
• Observation:
• What this says about my audience:
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
From the results I have gathered I can see that there is a split, one group thinks that a bands
attitude defines them whereas the other group thinks that a bands quality of music defines the
band. I would personally say that a bands quality of music defines a rock band. From these results
I would say that my audience would like my band to have an attitude.
Audience research
• Observation:
• What this says about my audience:
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
When looking at the results I can see that there are two answers that were the most popular and both
got four responses which was a total of 26.67%. The most popular choices were Hard Rock and Indie-
Rock. This says that these are the most popular choices when it comes to my target audience, therefore
when I make my product maybe I should take that on board, and chose one or the other.
Audience research
• Observation:
• What this says about my audience:
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
The highest vote for this was the colour black. One of the reasons for this is probably, because
black is often associated with being a Rock ‘N’ Roll colour. I think that this says that my target
audience want quite a typical Rock band.
• Observation:
• What this says about my audience:
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
From the answers I can see that there was a mix of people that wanted different things. Six
people wanted a band review, and another six wanted an interview. Whereas three people
wanted a new album review. My product will appear to my target audience as I will take these
answers into account when I create my magazine.
Audience research
• Observation:
• What this says about my audience:
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
From the results that I gathered more people said that I needed a social media page for my band website.
This suggests that social media is needed today on most websites as its seen as essential and an
important aspect of a website. This would appeal to my audience as they could easily gather more
information about the band and find links to other sites that the band are on such as Facebook.
• Observation:
• What this says about my audience:
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
This says that most of my audience is in between the ages 16 and 19. Which is the target audience that I
wanted. I wanted my target audience to be in between the ages 16 and 25, as that is the age that
people listen to rock music. My product will appeal to this audience as the audience will be able to
relate to the band as they will be around the same age as well as there songs will talk about things that
relate to the ages that I have chosen to be my target audience.
Audience research
• Observation:
• What this says about my audience:
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
More people chose that the photo of an album cover grabs people’s attention, rather than the title, font
choice, or colour choices. This says that my target audience prefer visual album covers. My product will
appeal to this target audience as it will be very visual with a range of colours used and it will be mainly
visual as I think that this is what's grabs everyone's attention on the cover if an album.
Audience research
• Observation:
• What this says about my audience:
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
Most people answered that red would be the most suitable colour to use for a band logo, this
says that most people know that red is seen as a colour associated with Rock music. My product
will appeal to my audience as I will have used this colour in some of my products.
Interview 1
• If I were to make a website for a band, what sort of things should I include?
• You should include a sound clip of them playing, therefore people know what they sound like.
You should also include a merchandise section so that fans can buy their products. Another
thing you should add is a guide to their next showing, therefore people will know what time
to go…etc.
• What do you think makes a good music magazine?
• Big font so that it catches the audiences eye and the colour red as it attracts the audience to
the magazine. A big image of the band as it attracts people who are interested in music
• What defines a Rock band?
• Crazy hair, make up and loud speakers.
Interview 2
• If I were to make a website for a band, what sort of things should I include?
• Info on the band- ages, hobbies names, etc(what the target audience would want to know).
Tour dates, possibly information on the songs (their inspiration, meanings etc.)
• What do you think makes a good music magazine?
• Specific to the music genre, lots of information, pictures information about any tours,
concerts etc.
• What defines a Rock band?
• A band that plays their own instruments, lots of guitar and drum.
Interview 1
• Observation:
• What this says about my audience:
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
It says that my target audience all know the stereotypical idea of a rock band, as the answer for “What
defines a Rock band?”, was that crazy looking hair, make up, and loud speakers do. This says that my
target audience have an image in their head, of what a rock band should look like and act like. My
products will appeal more to a young audience as younger audiences usually are into this sort of music.
They mentioned that I should have a sound clip of my fake band playing but, I can’t do that as I am not
actually making a band. I could make a tune on garage band if I have time, but I am doing a lot of products
so I may not have time for this. Another thing that they mentioned as that I should have a store to sell
band merchandise, and a page telling people when their next concert is. I am going to do this as I think
that every band website should have these pages as they are seen as a must have. They mentioned that I
should use the colour red, as it attracts the audiences eye. I think that I may end up using this colour as it
will not only catch the audiences eye but it will go with the Rock ‘N’ Roll theme that I have going, as for
the font being big and bold. It will be a large font anyway, as I think that every title should stand out. My
product will appear to this audience as I will make it so that the album cover stands out a lot as, I will take
the idea of having a big, eye-catching font that will draw people in. My product will also appear to my
target audience as I will make my products such as my album cover different, and edgy. Which will stand
out among my target audience of teenagers and young adults, but mainly to teenagers.
Interview 2
• Observation:
• What this says about my audience:
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
One of the answers was that I should include a page that has information displaying band information
like hobbies for example. I think that I will use this idea as looking at other band websites they don’t have
this sort of thing and as my fake band are not exactly popular this sort of information is new to people.
This suggests that people may want to know more about the band themselves. My product will appear to
this audience as it will be very oriented towards a young, teenage audience. I will display lots of
information about the tour including pictures of the venues as well as a map, etc. It says that my
audience want lots of information displayed.
1. The Vaccines (2018) Combat Sport Album Cover
2. Led Zeppelin (2007) Mothership Album Cover
3. Anon (unknown) Various Rock Band T Shirt Merchandise
4. Scheblanov, D (2016) Hardwired to Self Destruct Album
5. Anon (unknown) Guns ‘N’ Roses Band Logo
6. Vega, A (1974) The Ramones Band logo
7. Pike, B (1964) The Who Band Logo
8. Wilson, P (1993) The Rolling Stones Band Logo
9. Anon (unknown) Classic Rock Magazine featuring Aerosmith on the cover
10. Anon (unknown) Classic Rock Magazine featuring Guns ‘N’ Roses on the cover
11. Keane Creative Ltd. (2018) Iron Maiden official website
12. Leidseplein Presse B.V. (2016) ACDC official website
13. Harris, B. (2018) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on 27/4/2018)
14. Morton, J. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 13/4/2018)
15. Sinclair Shaw, S. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 13/4/2018
16.. (.). The Vaccines . Available:
Last accessed 11th of April 2018.
17. OneManArmyMedia. (.). Who are the
target audience?. Available:
audience-1gl94pk3ldlv23v. Last accessed 27th
of April 2018.
18.. (.). .. Available:
wi. Last accessed 11th of April 2018.
19.. (.). The Vaccines . Available: Last
accessed Thursday the 7th of June.

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  • 2. Existing Product The bands name is across the top of the album. This is because when someone reads they read from top to bottom therefore that will be the first thing that someone will read. Another reason that there name is at the top is so when people are looking through albums in a shop, you will be able to read theirs. The album looks very retro as the colours and tint effect they have used makes the cover of the album look older than it is. One unique design they have, is the album’s name on the guys t-shirt in the picture. This Is different compared to other albums, as other albums have the albums name placed under the bands name or at the side. Also the t-shirt that the guy is wearing that says ”Combat Sports” is an actual t-shirt that you can buy. Usually the text is added separately from the picture, whereas the is in the picture as its on the t-shirt. The angle of the picture is looking down on a guy that looks like he has drunk too much. This could be because of they want you to seem like you are looking down on him. The font used for the bands name is very 60s styled, this could be because the band, plays garage rock, also known as ’60s punk or garage punk or now indie- rock’. As the name says ’60s punk’, which the band plays, this could be the reason for the font choice. There is a lot of orange used on the album cover, this is most likely to go with the whole style of the album. The ‘mise-en-scene’ of the album cover is as if the guy in the picture has fallen onto the bed. It shows a guy laying down as if he has passed out drunk with someone holding his hand in the air.
  • 3. The guy in the picture is shown wearing a leather jacket, with rings and a t- shirt. He also has long hair which you can just see at the top of the picture. Usually leather jackets are associated with rock music or bikes in this case rock music. The long hair with the leather jacket, and the rings implies that this album is rock music, as those three trends have been associated with rock music for a long time. One of the songs in the album is very iconic as its called “Put it On a T-Shirt” which on the cover of the album the guy is wearing a t- shirt with the albums name on it. The cover is also very minimalistic and doesn’t have too much going on. This makes the album better to look at, as it has a very clean style to it. I think this album stands out compared to other albums because of the style. They have chosen to take a picture where you can’t see the mans face or legs. This could be because they want the main focus to be the t-shirt with the name of the album on for exactly that. They want people to know what the albums called. I think that the lightning that they have used makes certain things stand out. Such as there is a bright light on the guys hand shaped in a fist. This could be because the album is called ‘Combat Sports’ and he is making a fist which is associated with fighting or, it could be to make the rings stand out. There is also a hat next to his head, the colour of the hat is the same as the bed sheets, there could be a reason for this. The hat also has a light shining down on it, also making it stand out. From looking at this album I have leant to keep mine very minimalistic, and not to overdue it as you don’t need to as you can tell with this album cover. I have learnt that when I create mine, if I am going to take a picture for the cover, to make sure everything looks perfect, the lighting as well as the angle, the mise-en-scene In the bottom left of the album, there is some general information about the album. It says ‘Columbia’ with a logo, this is to show that the album was released through ‘Columbia Records’. It also says ‘Stereo’ which could just mean that this particular album is available on the stereo.
  • 4. From the diagram I can see that a large percentage of The Vaccines’ audience are male and are in between the ages 18-24 years old. It shows that the top regions for The Vaccines’ audience is London, Central Scotland, and the South Coast. It says they are a ¼ left wing, with around £1000 or more spare each month.
  • 5. Existing Product The colours and design that have been chosen remind me of a WW2, Nazi, propaganda poster. I think its the way they have used the colours along with the font style, and image design. The colours red, black, and white enforce this idea. Also the fact that the image has a Zeppelin on it which links to the bands name “Led Zeppelin”. The colours that they have chosen are all seen as the main colours for Rock ‘N’ Roll. The colour red is often seen as either a romantic colour or a aggressive colour. In this case it makes the image look aggressive, especially along side the colour black. The way they have placed out their text makes you read their band name first which makes it easier for people when looking through records and CDs in a shop to find their album. One of the reasons that I chose to look at this album cover out of other covers was because, the style of it is very old fashioned. The fonts they have used along with the colours, and how the colours are not really vivid and are quite dim. The way that they have placed everything out makes it not look like an album cover. The name of the album ‘Mothership’ is bigger than the bands name ‘Led Zeppelin’. This makes this album cover different from other album covers.
  • 6. From the diagram I can see that most of Led Zeppelin’s fans are male, around the age of 55 and the top audience region is Central Scotland. The politics of the audience is half and half, slightly bordering right wing.
  • 7. Existing Product The t-shirts in the image are all very graphical and often depict the band or artists logo or an album cover. A lot of the band t-shirts colours have faded. This gives them the retro look that is in fashion. All of the t-shirts are black with graphical pictures on them. Most band t-shirts are black and usually have the bands logo or artist on them. This is because the band needs to advertise themselves, which they do through merchandise as well as other advertisement. Another reason for bands having t-shirts is so fans can show that they like that particular band and for the band or other people to make money. The main reason for people wanting to buy these band t-shirts is because they show that you like that particular band and or album. Also its because they are very graphical and the image on them takes up most of the t-shirt. The colours used in them also are usually colourful. All of the t-shirts have there own particular style to them as well. They all are very different, and unique. Most of the t-shirts that I have selected to analyse use their bands colours or that album colour. The t-shirt on the end on the right is one of the most colourful there, that could be because they are quite a loud band that want to grab people’s attention as they are a hardcore punk band. When looking at album covers and logos of other punk rock bands, they are all quite colourful. Usually there are lots of colours used, but mainly lots of reds, and black and white, like the Misfits t-shirt (Third from the left). If I were to see one of these t-shirts and not now about any of the bands, I would soon find out about them as every t-shirt but the Misfits t-shirt (third from the left) has the bands name and or album name on it.
  • 8. The image used on this t-shirt is an album by Metallica called “Hardwired to Self-Destruct”. The image used has a mix of colours using a lot of red, blue, and green. The image matches the albums name very well as it is of a man with lots of different heads implying that he is self destructing. The colour red, which is used for the man’s faces. Red is often used to depict romance and love, but also anger. In the image it is depicting anger. The name of the album is also on the t-shirt along with the bands name which is at the top of the t-shirt. The bands name at the top makes it stand out also the fact the lettering is big and spread across the chest of the t-shirt makes the t-shirt stand out. The image is also large which makes it stand out. The one thing that makes me want to buy this t-shirt and not other band t-shirts is because the image is actually big and takes up most of the front of the t-shirt. I think that when it comes to making my t- shirt, I will make the main image big and take up most of the front of the t-shirt. I will also make it very graphical with lots of colours used. I think when it comes to making my t-shirt, I will make it different from the album cover that I am creating. One of the reasons for this is because, as much as some band t-shirts look good with album covers on the front of them, I think that with mine I want to do something different so I have a variation of products. The t-shirt gives off an old, horror movie poster feeling. It uses a similar layout to the posters and if I were not to know who they are and I saw this as a poster without their name at the top, I would think that it’s a movie. I think the main reason for this is because, of the layout of the main picture its portrait, with a title at the top and text at the bottom-middle. Similar layout to movie posters. The colours used are not really bright like you would see on other t-shirts, they are quite dim compared to other t-shirt colours. This could be because they want the old horror movie poster look to it.
  • 9. The contrast of the two main colours used in the image, red and blue with all of the heads coming off links with the title, “Hardwired to self destruct”. Not only because the colour red is linked with anger, and self-destructing is also linked with anger. But, all of the heads is creating a monster image, giving off that he is turning into some kind of monster. This also links back with the horror movie posters. The red face also makes him look like a demon or the devil. Also each of the faces have different expressions like the face on the left is sticking his tongue out, and the face on the right is angry as you can tell from the guy roaring like an animal which links with the monster idea. The blue and green used in the image also link in with the cold environment. The main font used for ‘Metallica’ has the lightning bolts at either end of the word, Metallica. This links with the bands music genre, heavy metal, which is often portrayed with lightning bolts. The font used for “Hardwired to self-destruct”, sort of looks like its shaking like the font itself is self-destructing linking with the meaning.
  • 10. The Guns ‘N’ Roses logo matches the bands name as it has two revolvers aiming in opposite directions from one another, with roses below each of the guns. The roses vines are wrapped around the revolvers. The band has used different logos over the years, however this is their very first logo, which is used today and is known throughout the world. The name of the band which is written over the golden/yellow background, reminds of the fact that Guns N’ Roses was formed from two bands. Those bands being: L. A. Guns and Hollywood Roses. Being a soft counterpoint to the guns, the roses emphasize the emotions characteristic to the music played by the band. Also the roses are very colourful compared to the dull guns, and roses represent love, and romance. Whereas the guns are grey/silver and quite dull. Its sort of like the roses are overpowering the guns wrapping them up with their stem. Kind of meaning that love is more powerful than violence. Also the logo looks like the back of a bullet. The golden shell with the silver ball in the middle. Also the bright and clear red colour that is paired with the yellow and black, also with shades of grey, creates a appealing and emotional combination. Also the name of the band is a combination of the last names of Tracii Guns and Axl Rose. The Ramones logo reminds me of some sort of government badge/logo. Which punk rock goes against the government, as punk rock is all about rebelling and anarchy. Also the logo reflects the American character with the eagle, the stars, and the seal of the president of the United States. The eagle holding the baseball bat could symbolize strength and the aggression that would be used against anyone who would attack them. The branch could symbolize a helping hand, or peace as it could mean how natural or hard workers they are. The colours of their logo also represent something as black can represent power which in this case I think it does. The white could represent goodness in their logo. The stars in their logo could represent the stars in the American flag, and the arrows could represent more of their power and their numbers – that there is lots of them, as more than one arrow is shown. Alternatively the arrows could be some sort of defense as arrows were often used to defend as well as attack.
  • 11. The majority of Guns N Roses fans are male, between the ages 40 and 54. The top region of the fans are from central Scotland. The main politics of the audience ranges to about a ¼ right wing. The main professions of the target audience are in military and defense, with less than £125 monthly spare.
  • 12. Their tongue and lips logo which is recognized globally, could men many things. One of the meanings could be related to love and romance as the lips are red which usually represents that. Also the tongue sticking out represents that as well. It has a cartoony pop art look to it as well. The logo was actually created to resemble Mick Jagger’s mouth, but originally the logo was going to resemble Kali, the goddess of energy in Hindu. The logo itself is actually quite feminine, as lips usually represent a female, also red lipstick was used a lot back then and used to represent something sexual. Also the curves on the logo also linking in with it being feminine. The logo itself gives off an erotic image which corresponds to the image that The Rolling Stones wish to project. This could link to the behavior of Mick Jagger. Also the red which is used in the logo could be to attract attention as its quite a high visibility colour. Their logo looks a lot like the mods logo, which at the time were a subculture, found across Briton along with the Mods rivals, known as The Rockers. The arrow that comes off from the ‘o’ looks a lot like the male symbol that is used to represent the male sex. It could also be on their logo to represent masculinity and their main fan base at the time, or just the band as they are all male. The combinations of the two h’s could symbolize unity. The bright colours used in the logo are the same as the colours of the British flag, and the colours are feature in a bull's-eye design. The colours used may be to show that they are British and proud, showing patriotism. The symbol could represent heraldry, trying to represent that their bands fan base is like a military, the mods. Or it could just be a bulls- eye, representing that they are targets somehow.
  • 13. The main target audience of the band, The Who are male and are aged 55. The main region of the fans is the South Coast of England.
  • 14. Existing Product The yellow of the magazine could link in with the band advertised on the cover, Aerosmith. As yellow is often used for warming effects, cheerfulness, and mental activity. The mental activity could link with their genre of music, rock. Which is often portrayed as having a crazy audience at live concerts, as there is lots of head banging. The main person on the cover is pointing towards you, which is like he is wanting you to read it. The font used for the name of the magazine is very bold which makes it stand out. Also the fact that the font colour is yellow, makes it stand out against the black background. Its strange to see a rock magazine use yellow as one of the main colours of the cover. Usually it would be red, white, or black, as they are the colours Rock ‘N’ Roll are associated with. The word ‘Rock’ in title of the magazine is behind the main image. However, it is still readable. This could be so the man stands out above everything else. The cover is also very organised, the subheadings and text is neatly organised to the left and right of the cover. This makes it easy to read. The font size also sort off determines the importance of the bands or artists on the cover. Aerosmith the main attraction of this magazine is at the bottom in large, the text. Whereas the sub heading ‘Led Zeppelin’ which isn’t as important as the main attraction of the magazine is at the side with a smaller font. Barcode for buying purposes. Information advertising what is in the magazine.
  • 15. The main colours of the magazine are black and white, followed by a pale pink. The black and white colour combination is used in most of the magazines, and is their to symbol rock. Rock is often portrayed with black and white colours. Pink is not often used as a rock colour, and is usually seen as more of a pop colour. Also the colour pink is quite a feminine colour whereas the colours black and white are quite masculine especially the colour black. The pink could be used as Guns ‘N’ Roses were seen as a band that were different from other rock groups. The ‘Free CD’ part in the top left corner invites people to pick it up as you get something else other than just the magazine. The lighting is set out in a way that he is the only one there, like no one else is around him but him. Also the fact that he is looking down on you with his head tilted up makes it look as if he’s important. Also the lighting is showing one half of his face in the light and the other half is covered with a shadow. This could portray that there is to sides to him. The exclusive part is making the viewer think that this won’t be found anywhere else but this magazine, and if you don’t buy the magazine and read it, you are missing out on it. The mixture of the colours pink and white make the cover look a bit feminine. The way that the magazine cover is laid out, is very neat and organized making it easier for the viewer to find out what content is in the magazine.
  • 16. The majority of Rock Magazine’s audience are male, in between the ages 40 and 54. The main region of fans are from Central Scotland. One of the main professions of their audience is research and development, with less than £125 spare monthly.
  • 17. Existing Product The website is laid out in a way similar to a professional website would be laid out, with the logo at the top left of the website and next to that at the top are the main web pages. It also showcases some of the content inside the magazine. The main colours used for the website are red, black, and white. This links in with the colours of rock being black, white, and red. Also the cartoony look they have gone for fits in with their album covers, mascot, and the whole heavy metal style. The website is laid out sort of like a gaming website, as gaming websites usually have the showcase bar across the website, with a slide show of content that can be found on the website. This is used quite a lot on gaming websites such as the PlayStation website. Music websites are often different from this, making Iron Maidens website different compared to other band websites. The image that they have used looks like it is running at you.
  • 18. There is a lot of black used throughout the webpage as seen on the cover. This is probably because black is usually seen as one of the colours of Rock N Roll. It is also seen as a very masculine colour. The colour also contrasts very well with the orangey explosions in the picture on the home page. Their home page is laid out quite neat which go against that Rock ‘N’ Roll lifestyle but that is most likely so that its easy to read and navigate. Also a golden bronze colour is used for a lot of the headings and text. Usually that represents wealth, and gold. The way that they have used the picture on the website makes it feel sort of like you are there as you can see the crowd along with the stage. Also the fact there are explosions in the picture, shows off their power, like they are powerful. Also fire usually indicates danger along with orange, red, and yellow colours indicating danger. The photo also lets you know what their concerts will be like. They have social media links at the top of their page using symbols to be easily recognized.
  • 19. Research Analysis Black and white is a recurring feature in most of the products. I think one of the main reasons for this is because, black and white is the main colours associated with Rock ‘N’ Roll, and all of the products I have looked at are to do with Rock music in some way or form. A lot of the products also use the colour red. I think this is because red is also seen as a rock colour. Another common feature with the magazines is that they have the lead singer of the band on the cover often on his or her own. When it comes to creating my magazine cover, I may end up doing this on my cover. One aspect that I liked when looking at websites was the way that the ACDC website had used the photo to make it look like you were there and how the image was the main focus of the home page as it was bright and stood out the most. Even though it would be harder for me to do this, as I would have to go to a gig and take a picture of the whole setting capturing the perfect moment, I could make my own art like the Iron Maiden homepage picture. I also want to include my own piece of art that I have made using Photoshop and put that on the website and or the T-Shirt and the album cover. When I make my T-Shirt design, I am going to copy the old style horror poster look, I may not make it a horror looking one, but I will make it look like a poster printed on a T- Shirt. I will make it look very graphical like the Metallica T-Shirt. One thing most of the badges that I researched had in common, was that they were all round. I think that when I make my band logo I don’t want it to be round as it seems like most logos are round and I want to be more creative when creating mine. When I create my album I may use a photograph and then edit it, like the album I researched has done. I like the look of it, however I like the look of old heavy metal album covers. Another common part of the magazine cover is the layout of the text and subheadings. They are always down the side of the cover, or at the bottom of the page. When I make my magazine I am going to follow a similar structure to this.
  • 21. Audience research • Observation: • What this says about my audience: • How will your product appeal to this audience: From the results I can see that there are more males that answered my survey. This says that my target audience may be more for a male audience. My product will appear to both genders, however the T-Shirt may be seen as more of a male product.
  • 22. Audience research • Observation: • What this says about my audience: • How will your product appeal to this audience: From my survey results I can see that more people like the idea of having graphics based T-Shirts. I think that this says that my target audience like quite bold, well designed T-Shirts, which means that my target audience are into their fashion which means that my target audience is young, as usually young people are into fashion. I think that my product will appeal to my target audience as the band that I am creating is for a teenage audience. The band will consist of teenagers therefore the audience can relate.
  • 23. Audience research • Observation: • What this says about my audience: • How will your product appeal to this audience: From the results I have gathered I can see that there is a split, one group thinks that a bands attitude defines them whereas the other group thinks that a bands quality of music defines the band. I would personally say that a bands quality of music defines a rock band. From these results I would say that my audience would like my band to have an attitude.
  • 24. Audience research • Observation: • What this says about my audience: • How will your product appeal to this audience: When looking at the results I can see that there are two answers that were the most popular and both got four responses which was a total of 26.67%. The most popular choices were Hard Rock and Indie- Rock. This says that these are the most popular choices when it comes to my target audience, therefore when I make my product maybe I should take that on board, and chose one or the other.
  • 25. Audience research • Observation: • What this says about my audience: • How will your product appeal to this audience: The highest vote for this was the colour black. One of the reasons for this is probably, because black is often associated with being a Rock ‘N’ Roll colour. I think that this says that my target audience want quite a typical Rock band.
  • 26. Audience research • Observation: • What this says about my audience: • How will your product appeal to this audience: From the answers I can see that there was a mix of people that wanted different things. Six people wanted a band review, and another six wanted an interview. Whereas three people wanted a new album review. My product will appear to my target audience as I will take these answers into account when I create my magazine.
  • 27. Audience research • Observation: • What this says about my audience: • How will your product appeal to this audience: From the results that I gathered more people said that I needed a social media page for my band website. This suggests that social media is needed today on most websites as its seen as essential and an important aspect of a website. This would appeal to my audience as they could easily gather more information about the band and find links to other sites that the band are on such as Facebook.
  • 28. Audience research • Observation: • What this says about my audience: • How will your product appeal to this audience: This says that most of my audience is in between the ages 16 and 19. Which is the target audience that I wanted. I wanted my target audience to be in between the ages 16 and 25, as that is the age that people listen to rock music. My product will appeal to this audience as the audience will be able to relate to the band as they will be around the same age as well as there songs will talk about things that relate to the ages that I have chosen to be my target audience.
  • 29. Audience research • Observation: • What this says about my audience: • How will your product appeal to this audience: More people chose that the photo of an album cover grabs people’s attention, rather than the title, font choice, or colour choices. This says that my target audience prefer visual album covers. My product will appeal to this target audience as it will be very visual with a range of colours used and it will be mainly visual as I think that this is what's grabs everyone's attention on the cover if an album.
  • 30. Audience research • Observation: • What this says about my audience: • How will your product appeal to this audience: Most people answered that red would be the most suitable colour to use for a band logo, this says that most people know that red is seen as a colour associated with Rock music. My product will appeal to my audience as I will have used this colour in some of my products.
  • 32. Interview 1 • If I were to make a website for a band, what sort of things should I include? • You should include a sound clip of them playing, therefore people know what they sound like. You should also include a merchandise section so that fans can buy their products. Another thing you should add is a guide to their next showing, therefore people will know what time to go…etc. • What do you think makes a good music magazine? • Big font so that it catches the audiences eye and the colour red as it attracts the audience to the magazine. A big image of the band as it attracts people who are interested in music • What defines a Rock band? • Crazy hair, make up and loud speakers.
  • 33. Interview 2 • If I were to make a website for a band, what sort of things should I include? • Info on the band- ages, hobbies names, etc(what the target audience would want to know). Tour dates, possibly information on the songs (their inspiration, meanings etc.) • What do you think makes a good music magazine? • Specific to the music genre, lots of information, pictures information about any tours, concerts etc. • What defines a Rock band? • A band that plays their own instruments, lots of guitar and drum.
  • 34. Interview 1 • Observation: • What this says about my audience: • How will your product appeal to this audience: It says that my target audience all know the stereotypical idea of a rock band, as the answer for “What defines a Rock band?”, was that crazy looking hair, make up, and loud speakers do. This says that my target audience have an image in their head, of what a rock band should look like and act like. My products will appeal more to a young audience as younger audiences usually are into this sort of music. They mentioned that I should have a sound clip of my fake band playing but, I can’t do that as I am not actually making a band. I could make a tune on garage band if I have time, but I am doing a lot of products so I may not have time for this. Another thing that they mentioned as that I should have a store to sell band merchandise, and a page telling people when their next concert is. I am going to do this as I think that every band website should have these pages as they are seen as a must have. They mentioned that I should use the colour red, as it attracts the audiences eye. I think that I may end up using this colour as it will not only catch the audiences eye but it will go with the Rock ‘N’ Roll theme that I have going, as for the font being big and bold. It will be a large font anyway, as I think that every title should stand out. My product will appear to this audience as I will make it so that the album cover stands out a lot as, I will take the idea of having a big, eye-catching font that will draw people in. My product will also appear to my target audience as I will make my products such as my album cover different, and edgy. Which will stand out among my target audience of teenagers and young adults, but mainly to teenagers.
  • 35. Interview 2 • Observation: • What this says about my audience: • How will your product appeal to this audience: One of the answers was that I should include a page that has information displaying band information like hobbies for example. I think that I will use this idea as looking at other band websites they don’t have this sort of thing and as my fake band are not exactly popular this sort of information is new to people. This suggests that people may want to know more about the band themselves. My product will appear to this audience as it will be very oriented towards a young, teenage audience. I will display lots of information about the tour including pictures of the venues as well as a map, etc. It says that my audience want lots of information displayed.
  • 37. Bibliography 1. The Vaccines (2018) Combat Sport Album Cover 2. Led Zeppelin (2007) Mothership Album Cover 3. Anon (unknown) Various Rock Band T Shirt Merchandise 4. Scheblanov, D (2016) Hardwired to Self Destruct Album 5. Anon (unknown) Guns ‘N’ Roses Band Logo 6. Vega, A (1974) The Ramones Band logo 7. Pike, B (1964) The Who Band Logo 8. Wilson, P (1993) The Rolling Stones Band Logo 9. Anon (unknown) Classic Rock Magazine featuring Aerosmith on the cover 10. Anon (unknown) Classic Rock Magazine featuring Guns ‘N’ Roses on the cover 11. Keane Creative Ltd. (2018) Iron Maiden official website 12. Leidseplein Presse B.V. (2016) ACDC official website 13. Harris, B. (2018) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on 27/4/2018) 14. Morton, J. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 13/4/2018) 15. Sinclair Shaw, S. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 13/4/2018
  • 38. 16.. (.). The Vaccines . Available: Last accessed 11th of April 2018. 17. OneManArmyMedia. (.). Who are the target audience?. Available: audience-1gl94pk3ldlv23v. Last accessed 27th of April 2018. 18.. (.). .. Available: wi. Last accessed 11th of April 2018. 19.. (.). The Vaccines . Available: Last accessed Thursday the 7th of June.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  5. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.