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Factual Writing
The appropriateness of your work for the audience
From by looking over my work I would say yes, that
this is appropriate for the specific type of audience
who are interested into Kanye West. From reading
my articles or any of my context or and of my
pictures which I have decided to write down or
even taken a picture from the internet and made
my own. All of these things are all appropriate for
any audience who reading this type of fanzine. As
people won’t be scared of what they see or read
either. However, there some inappropriate language
at the back of the fanzine with in the feuds article.
Have some bad language of the use of swear words
such as, ‘Fuck’ , ‘Shit’. Both of these are both
inappropriate for the younger generation because
you don’t want the younger ages learning this type
of language. As if they do learn this type of
language then they may use it and may not know
what it means. Also talking about this specific
article called, ‘Kanye West Feuds’ is very rude to
people using strong language which is irrelevant to
smaller children who don’t know what this means
or don’t even need to know .So this is the reason
why this type of fanzine should be off limits to the
younger generation of how it should be only
allowed to the older generation instead for the use
of this type of language. However, apart from this
specific part of the fanzine, as everything else
seems fine with the language and all.
The content
The content on these pages for these 2 articles are talking the main areas of Kanye West, as as these two following articles are
about his life and how he got there to were he is now and his family background as well and the second article is about his feuds
with certain people. The content which I have put into each one of these pages has got enough content within the page as some
of them have with the writing is pictures as well. So this makes the content more understandable to read from and brings more
of an essence to the page.
The Style
Looking at the style of the front cover it brings a more book kind of feeling towards it by making a white boarder around the
edges around the subjects which it is going around as this is exactly the same for the top and the bottom of this page. As this
seems more like a front cover page with the subheading and the main title of the fanzine of what it is about. As well on this front
cover page I have made the picture became a silhouette with a dark background it and mainly have sparks of colours coming
through which resembles Kanye West. The colours which I have chosen for this front cover page are a mixture of different shades
of red and also a light stone cream colour as well. The style of the front cover the picture which I have used and made here links
in well within the font choice style which I have chosen as well. As this also relates to the back cover as well with the same kind
of colour scheme and also the same font choice. As I wanted both the front cover and back cover to be both recognisable to link
with each other. From the front cover you couldn’t see Kanye so now when you have looked through the fanzine you will kind of
get to know what Kanye West is like from Fanzine view on him, and so then you will get to see Kanye West much clearer with his
face shown, and his clothes unseen. This is with the style of how complex life he has but we don’t really know how it is like for
him from the definition from his clothes made out to be. As you see both good things and bad things about him but you don’t
get to see the full picture, because it is all behind closed doors and what is all seen on cameras.
From having an over plan view on my fanzine of
what is seen inside, as you can see they all have
design style with each page which I have created.
As known of them look that similar to the other.
If they do look kind of similar it is because with
the articles are talking about the same thing so I
put some of them with the same colour shades
with both them. So this would make it clear to
the audience what goes with what. However,
with the other ones they have got there own
styles and looks to them
As by seeing through all of my own fanzine, against them all. It shows that I have mostly used the darker colours for the backgrounds but then
hint of the more brighter colours over it. As by looking at the fact file and then going on to the picture of Kanye they have both the same colour
covering each one, as this works perfectly from one page to the other. But also looking at them all work together with kind of having the same
colour set and some brighter colours as well.
The different styles in the actual fanzine are all different with inside it. So each page has a different theme, colour and tone
towards it. So it brings of a wide range of variation with in the fanzine itself. As each page have different kinds of styles from one
page to the next. As with some pages I wanted them to have picture involved within the text but then some pages with text or
pictures. However, this evens it out through inside of the fanzine. For each page the colours have to link with either the picture
and the type of background and the choice of font of what it it is going with as well. As all of these three things have to work and
link together.
The style of inner and outer area of my fanzine specifically talking about the colour I have chosen not to use very wild colours
because these types of colours don’t express Kanye West. So, this is why I use more a light or dull pastel colours and also more of
the darker reign colours.
Making it a more a creative style towards each page, as this resembles Kanye West, of how creative he is with his music and
fashion and more.
The skill you have used
The following skills which I have used with in my own fanzine are a couple of designs which I have made my own by
taking the pictures from the internet and turning it into my own with these following skills to call my own. So the
following skills which I have used here for this fanzine is by using mostly the comic effect on to some of theses
pictures of Kanye. As this has made it my own by also also by altering of how much definition goes into this picture
of Kanye or even made it to more shapes instead but however, I decided to make most of my definition to stand
more to my pictures instead. The way you get this type of look is by going through these steps. Firstly by duplicating
the layers of the same image. Then seconding go to image, adjustments and then Levels. By going to levels, choose
the black arrow as the this controls the dark shadows with in the photograph. So this will show up more of the
shadows with in the photograph against the lighter areas. This is done in one of these layers. Then by using the
other layer which is on top go to the top of filter and then go into filter gallery. Then choose the multiply blending
tool or any others which maybe suitable. As you can see that I have used these for multiple uses from some of my
photographs have these types of styles with in it. However in different forms of ways.
The other ways which I have used this specific method are the ways you
blend out to go in to the kind of the background to kind of fade away. Like
what I have done here making it go different colour because of the
background colour. As this creates a illumination type of spectrum on to
the picture itself. So it seems like the the each multiple picture of Kanye is
fading away. As the main colour from the background blends in to the
comic like picture. As this adds to effect.
The skill you have used
The skills which I have used for these two pages for particularly talking about
the the paint brushes which I have used. For my by looking at the front cover
one I have used the paint brushes to get a range of colours of reds and light
cream colour as well mixed in with it. As I have blended this all together to get
this type of smudged look towards it. As this brings out most of the front
For the second page I have used the paint brush tool, I have used to make a
signing his last name to one side. As I have used a particular kind of brush has
gaps between them as if it looks like someone has signed it personally.
The skills which I have used here for the content page is talking about the way I have cut out
some of his face out in to different pieces. The cut outs of his face have been cut out by getting
individual pieces of jagged cut pieces of paper from the internet, and wanting to seem as if they
will fit together but they don’t. As by getting the layers of the the paper in place of where I
wanted to make it on to the picture layers of the pieces of paper so then it would just come up
with those particular parts of his face which are recognisable. This has been done by getting a
piece which looks like it has been torn off and put the layer of the face of Kanye behind it. So,
then click on the clipping mask and this will link on to the paper behind it and it will just come up
with the face that you want of Kanye.
Also by using the skill such as by changing the way it looks by using the normal blending tool to
change the way the colours seem on the page or within the picture.
How your skills have developed
I thought looking through my work that I had got a wide variation of different styles and changes through out each page they all
have different theme to them as this makes the look of the skills which I have used throughout my fanzine booklet. From
looking at the very begin of my fanzine booklet until the very end of my fanzine. So I have developed my skills by using
different styles with in each pages. I have developed each of my pages of the way I have done slight changes. However, with
these styles and skills which I have done with my fanzine have done I have got some related and done some similar things to
the over pages which are particularly talking about my pictures which I have used the comic effect with them. Through out my
fanzine I have also developed the colours to go for each page and others by looking at my pre-production as this gave me
guidance to develop my colours to go thougher with them and also looking at my text fonts. As by discussing about the text
which has developed by not just changing the colour of the text of the font, I have made one of the text fonts more developed
by adding with the text font a more different look towards it by adding patterns with the font itself. Also by discussing the
Areas for improvement
The areas which I think I should make some improvements on certain things within my fanzine. For the following things that I
should improve are the; some of the pictures and different ways I could layout different pages. Firstly, by talking about pictures, is
that I think they have got similar types of styles to them for instance by using the same effects on to some of these pictures. As I
think that is does look kind of boring by using my own style on top of them by making them own. So I would say I would need to
find another style or effect on YouTube to get different styles on top of the internet pictures. So, in a way this would make it more
interesting to bring different effects looks within my fanzine. Instead of just same effects on to one picture than the other. As
these specific photographs are talking about the inside of my booklet. As these only specific photographs I would change that it
would lighten up that bit more. Secondly, I would improve the way I have laid out my inner content of my fanzine. As the way I
have laid it out, is highly boring and doesn’t seem that interesting is by getting what I am wanting to get across to my own
audience. As by specifically looking at my text content it is all in straight lines like if it was in a book. So, I would want to make
that more eye catching by looking more within fanzines with there content pages that buckles of text in different places of how
they set it out. As this would make it more interesting to read from my perspective. As they have might different ideas of how to
plan out more of my work out on my pages.
Planning / Preparation
For planning for my beginning of my fanzine and the back the cover it as well. I
had gathered just pictures of of Kanye, on his own. The way I was wanting
Kanye West is by is by either looking into the picture of when the photograph
was taken or even looking somewhere else, so not looking at the photograph
at all. As I thought this was a good idea of having Himself on both the front
cover and the back cover of the fanzine. As this shows two different
perspectives of Kanye West. As this is also makes sure that the audience
doesn’t get confused it is not about anything else just Kanye himself. As I have
gathered these photographs also because they fit into my front cover or back
cover. As I wanted a out of the picture photograph for front cover or either
back cover. However, also a similar kind of look of photo from the front to the
back as well.
From looking at the second picture of what I seen from the internet of what
other people have done for either their back cover or front covers for a
fanzine. As this giving me following ideas of how to get ideas for both back and
front cover of my fanzine. Of how this has helped me out to get different ways
they have laid it all out like for concerning the main picture on the page and
also the text for the title as well. Also I have got different pictures inside of the
fanzine as well to see what the internet has to offer for, the insight like
different ideas and effects for numerous pages inside as well to make them
more existing.
Planning / Preparation The planning and preparation for this fanzine was gathering different kinds of
multiple mood boards that connect with Kanye West. These mood boards
which link with him and these things were; fashion, music career, arguments
with particular celebs. These particular areas which I have covered in these
mood boards are highlight of Kanye West, as these are more things that people
recognise from him. As when I was gathering these pictures for my fanzine it
was giving me multiple ideas for the fanzine of what I could do to them. Also
gave me ideas of how kind of topics I would talk about with these pictures.
With each mood boards I covered each area much as I could on these subjects,
to give me pictures of which ones I was going to come in to my fanzine and
which looked best as well.
Also the colours they have within each picture would correspond within my in
the background or within the page itself as well. As it will interlink somehow
with the pages.
Planning / Preparation The fonts styles which I have got within my PowerPoint have all got different
looks to them. The very top fonts are more striking and are much bolder
than the other fonts. As these types of styles and fonts which I have chosen
would be the good for the titles of some of the inner fanzine and also using a
title for the front and back cover. Also the the other reasons which I have
chosen to pick these types of fonts is because they are very easy to read
from far away. Lastly about these fonts which I have chosen they also go with
the famous artist which I am doing this fanzine about is Kanye West. As they
suit his kind of style as I thought that his style edgy but creative but also bold
but striking as well. As I thought that these kinds of fonts say this about
through them. Then the writing at the bottom is the writing for the I was
going to write most of the written with these texts. As these writing seem
more harder to read from as they are in italics and also joined together as
this makes it harder to read as one. However, with this writing I have used
within some of my titles inside my fanzine as well the more easier to read
The colours which I have chosen in my pre-production for my fanzine are
quite dull colours, instead of using the really bright colours. As I don’t think
that the bright colours don’t resemble Kanye West at all. As here I have
looked more at the darker colours, but within different variation colour
schemes within the colour stream. The reason that I have chosen these
duller colours over the brighter colours because by looking at Kanye’s fashion
lines have most of the time is cream colours and darker colours as well. So
that is the reason why I have chosen these colours because of that reason.
Planning / Preparation
This the layout of my fanzine booklet of how everything was going to fit in to my booklet fanzine. As this gives an
overview of what needed to be up in and what not to be put in. Also the number of pages that needed to be done with in
the fanzine were about 10 pages to cover inside about Kanye and also were to put it within the fanzine. Then leaving the
last two pages for front and back cover. As this could be shown how everything fit in with everything and also how long
each page was going to go on to like on numerous pages, as this is particularly with articles. As I needed a sort of idea of
how long they were going to go on for. Having this helped by getting the right number of pages.
Planning / Preparation
I wrote out my two articles and my own
information fact file about Kanye West life.
As within the first article and the second
article I got numerous resources from the
internet by various media platforms like
blogs, websites, magazines and newspapers
etc. This was access for me to get this
information and gave me more information
to get things from Kanye West but I didn’t
know much about him at the start by getting
a further overview of what people think of
him and also what he has done with his
family and how his career has grown in to
one of the biggest artists and is known all
around the country as an rapper. As I have
written the text out into word Microsoft to
get all the spelling and punctuation right. So
then before I had put it in to Photoshop. As
I have also done this with numerous sources
like for the fact file page and also other big
written work that needed to be edited.
Time Management
My time schedule I didn’t do it by my timed schedule at
all because the way I was had to many things to do per
each day. So, this made it show that I didn’t do it by
production schedule at all. So, I would have to make sure
next time if I do a similar task like this again I would make
sure that for per each day or how many days I have set it
for it would be done. Also if it is just for one day then I
would just take more extension days to do more
production towards for a particular page. However, in the
process I did get all my production done overall. To get all
done and also printed out to made as a booklet. Apart
from the production schedule that I didn’t really follow
but I did it my own way. The evaluation has been done in
good process with on my schedule.
Reviewing work
From looking at my booklet which I printed off and looked over it instead just looking at my computer because
there is such a change from the computer screen of the pages which I had made from the printed out
version. So, I had do a couple of changes to some of the pages because of some errors which were
concerning the colour that didn’t go with the whole page like it did with on the computer. So this meant you
couldn’t easily read the writing in front of the colour in the background. Also another error was with the
sizing of the text as one time with the booklet of the fanzine it chopped off some of the writing so this
meant I had to make changes towards the size of the text which was on the page and where abouts it was
laid out on the page. However, apart from those little errors with some of the pages which I had sorted out
and I finally got my finished look of what my intentions were going to be into to finished look of my fanzine
that what I had I intend. All my pages that which I had created I liked the look every page. However, some of
the pages which I could have made better by making some of the background colours or effects of the page
by making them free hand instead, as this might given them a different look and different style towards it.
This could of brought out the page much more. Also, I could have used different effects for the pictures I had
only used the comic effect on to them. As this just seems repeated from one to the next page when you see
these pictures. So, this is why I should got multiple techniques from YouTube.

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Factual writing evaluation 1

  • 2. The appropriateness of your work for the audience From by looking over my work I would say yes, that this is appropriate for the specific type of audience who are interested into Kanye West. From reading my articles or any of my context or and of my pictures which I have decided to write down or even taken a picture from the internet and made my own. All of these things are all appropriate for any audience who reading this type of fanzine. As people won’t be scared of what they see or read either. However, there some inappropriate language at the back of the fanzine with in the feuds article. Have some bad language of the use of swear words such as, ‘Fuck’ , ‘Shit’. Both of these are both inappropriate for the younger generation because you don’t want the younger ages learning this type of language. As if they do learn this type of language then they may use it and may not know what it means. Also talking about this specific article called, ‘Kanye West Feuds’ is very rude to people using strong language which is irrelevant to smaller children who don’t know what this means or don’t even need to know .So this is the reason why this type of fanzine should be off limits to the younger generation of how it should be only allowed to the older generation instead for the use of this type of language. However, apart from this specific part of the fanzine, as everything else seems fine with the language and all.
  • 3. The content The content on these pages for these 2 articles are talking the main areas of Kanye West, as as these two following articles are about his life and how he got there to were he is now and his family background as well and the second article is about his feuds with certain people. The content which I have put into each one of these pages has got enough content within the page as some of them have with the writing is pictures as well. So this makes the content more understandable to read from and brings more of an essence to the page.
  • 4. The Style Looking at the style of the front cover it brings a more book kind of feeling towards it by making a white boarder around the edges around the subjects which it is going around as this is exactly the same for the top and the bottom of this page. As this seems more like a front cover page with the subheading and the main title of the fanzine of what it is about. As well on this front cover page I have made the picture became a silhouette with a dark background it and mainly have sparks of colours coming through which resembles Kanye West. The colours which I have chosen for this front cover page are a mixture of different shades of red and also a light stone cream colour as well. The style of the front cover the picture which I have used and made here links in well within the font choice style which I have chosen as well. As this also relates to the back cover as well with the same kind of colour scheme and also the same font choice. As I wanted both the front cover and back cover to be both recognisable to link with each other. From the front cover you couldn’t see Kanye so now when you have looked through the fanzine you will kind of get to know what Kanye West is like from Fanzine view on him, and so then you will get to see Kanye West much clearer with his face shown, and his clothes unseen. This is with the style of how complex life he has but we don’t really know how it is like for him from the definition from his clothes made out to be. As you see both good things and bad things about him but you don’t get to see the full picture, because it is all behind closed doors and what is all seen on cameras.
  • 5. From having an over plan view on my fanzine of what is seen inside, as you can see they all have design style with each page which I have created. As known of them look that similar to the other. If they do look kind of similar it is because with the articles are talking about the same thing so I put some of them with the same colour shades with both them. So this would make it clear to the audience what goes with what. However, with the other ones they have got there own styles and looks to them As by seeing through all of my own fanzine, against them all. It shows that I have mostly used the darker colours for the backgrounds but then hint of the more brighter colours over it. As by looking at the fact file and then going on to the picture of Kanye they have both the same colour covering each one, as this works perfectly from one page to the other. But also looking at them all work together with kind of having the same colour set and some brighter colours as well.
  • 6. The different styles in the actual fanzine are all different with inside it. So each page has a different theme, colour and tone towards it. So it brings of a wide range of variation with in the fanzine itself. As each page have different kinds of styles from one page to the next. As with some pages I wanted them to have picture involved within the text but then some pages with text or pictures. However, this evens it out through inside of the fanzine. For each page the colours have to link with either the picture and the type of background and the choice of font of what it it is going with as well. As all of these three things have to work and link together. The style of inner and outer area of my fanzine specifically talking about the colour I have chosen not to use very wild colours because these types of colours don’t express Kanye West. So, this is why I use more a light or dull pastel colours and also more of the darker reign colours. Making it a more a creative style towards each page, as this resembles Kanye West, of how creative he is with his music and fashion and more.
  • 7. The skill you have used The following skills which I have used with in my own fanzine are a couple of designs which I have made my own by taking the pictures from the internet and turning it into my own with these following skills to call my own. So the following skills which I have used here for this fanzine is by using mostly the comic effect on to some of theses pictures of Kanye. As this has made it my own by also also by altering of how much definition goes into this picture of Kanye or even made it to more shapes instead but however, I decided to make most of my definition to stand more to my pictures instead. The way you get this type of look is by going through these steps. Firstly by duplicating the layers of the same image. Then seconding go to image, adjustments and then Levels. By going to levels, choose the black arrow as the this controls the dark shadows with in the photograph. So this will show up more of the shadows with in the photograph against the lighter areas. This is done in one of these layers. Then by using the other layer which is on top go to the top of filter and then go into filter gallery. Then choose the multiply blending tool or any others which maybe suitable. As you can see that I have used these for multiple uses from some of my photographs have these types of styles with in it. However in different forms of ways. The other ways which I have used this specific method are the ways you blend out to go in to the kind of the background to kind of fade away. Like what I have done here making it go different colour because of the background colour. As this creates a illumination type of spectrum on to the picture itself. So it seems like the the each multiple picture of Kanye is fading away. As the main colour from the background blends in to the comic like picture. As this adds to effect.
  • 8. The skill you have used The skills which I have used for these two pages for particularly talking about the the paint brushes which I have used. For my by looking at the front cover one I have used the paint brushes to get a range of colours of reds and light cream colour as well mixed in with it. As I have blended this all together to get this type of smudged look towards it. As this brings out most of the front colours. For the second page I have used the paint brush tool, I have used to make a signing his last name to one side. As I have used a particular kind of brush has gaps between them as if it looks like someone has signed it personally. The skills which I have used here for the content page is talking about the way I have cut out some of his face out in to different pieces. The cut outs of his face have been cut out by getting individual pieces of jagged cut pieces of paper from the internet, and wanting to seem as if they will fit together but they don’t. As by getting the layers of the the paper in place of where I wanted to make it on to the picture layers of the pieces of paper so then it would just come up with those particular parts of his face which are recognisable. This has been done by getting a piece which looks like it has been torn off and put the layer of the face of Kanye behind it. So, then click on the clipping mask and this will link on to the paper behind it and it will just come up with the face that you want of Kanye. Also by using the skill such as by changing the way it looks by using the normal blending tool to change the way the colours seem on the page or within the picture.
  • 9. How your skills have developed I thought looking through my work that I had got a wide variation of different styles and changes through out each page they all have different theme to them as this makes the look of the skills which I have used throughout my fanzine booklet. From looking at the very begin of my fanzine booklet until the very end of my fanzine. So I have developed my skills by using different styles with in each pages. I have developed each of my pages of the way I have done slight changes. However, with these styles and skills which I have done with my fanzine have done I have got some related and done some similar things to the over pages which are particularly talking about my pictures which I have used the comic effect with them. Through out my fanzine I have also developed the colours to go for each page and others by looking at my pre-production as this gave me guidance to develop my colours to go thougher with them and also looking at my text fonts. As by discussing about the text which has developed by not just changing the colour of the text of the font, I have made one of the text fonts more developed by adding with the text font a more different look towards it by adding patterns with the font itself. Also by discussing the photographs
  • 10. Areas for improvement The areas which I think I should make some improvements on certain things within my fanzine. For the following things that I should improve are the; some of the pictures and different ways I could layout different pages. Firstly, by talking about pictures, is that I think they have got similar types of styles to them for instance by using the same effects on to some of these pictures. As I think that is does look kind of boring by using my own style on top of them by making them own. So I would say I would need to find another style or effect on YouTube to get different styles on top of the internet pictures. So, in a way this would make it more interesting to bring different effects looks within my fanzine. Instead of just same effects on to one picture than the other. As these specific photographs are talking about the inside of my booklet. As these only specific photographs I would change that it would lighten up that bit more. Secondly, I would improve the way I have laid out my inner content of my fanzine. As the way I have laid it out, is highly boring and doesn’t seem that interesting is by getting what I am wanting to get across to my own audience. As by specifically looking at my text content it is all in straight lines like if it was in a book. So, I would want to make that more eye catching by looking more within fanzines with there content pages that buckles of text in different places of how they set it out. As this would make it more interesting to read from my perspective. As they have might different ideas of how to plan out more of my work out on my pages.
  • 11. Planning / Preparation For planning for my beginning of my fanzine and the back the cover it as well. I had gathered just pictures of of Kanye, on his own. The way I was wanting Kanye West is by is by either looking into the picture of when the photograph was taken or even looking somewhere else, so not looking at the photograph at all. As I thought this was a good idea of having Himself on both the front cover and the back cover of the fanzine. As this shows two different perspectives of Kanye West. As this is also makes sure that the audience doesn’t get confused it is not about anything else just Kanye himself. As I have gathered these photographs also because they fit into my front cover or back cover. As I wanted a out of the picture photograph for front cover or either back cover. However, also a similar kind of look of photo from the front to the back as well. From looking at the second picture of what I seen from the internet of what other people have done for either their back cover or front covers for a fanzine. As this giving me following ideas of how to get ideas for both back and front cover of my fanzine. Of how this has helped me out to get different ways they have laid it all out like for concerning the main picture on the page and also the text for the title as well. Also I have got different pictures inside of the fanzine as well to see what the internet has to offer for, the insight like different ideas and effects for numerous pages inside as well to make them more existing.
  • 12. Planning / Preparation The planning and preparation for this fanzine was gathering different kinds of multiple mood boards that connect with Kanye West. These mood boards which link with him and these things were; fashion, music career, arguments with particular celebs. These particular areas which I have covered in these mood boards are highlight of Kanye West, as these are more things that people recognise from him. As when I was gathering these pictures for my fanzine it was giving me multiple ideas for the fanzine of what I could do to them. Also gave me ideas of how kind of topics I would talk about with these pictures. With each mood boards I covered each area much as I could on these subjects, to give me pictures of which ones I was going to come in to my fanzine and which looked best as well. Also the colours they have within each picture would correspond within my in the background or within the page itself as well. As it will interlink somehow with the pages.
  • 13. Planning / Preparation The fonts styles which I have got within my PowerPoint have all got different looks to them. The very top fonts are more striking and are much bolder than the other fonts. As these types of styles and fonts which I have chosen would be the good for the titles of some of the inner fanzine and also using a title for the front and back cover. Also the the other reasons which I have chosen to pick these types of fonts is because they are very easy to read from far away. Lastly about these fonts which I have chosen they also go with the famous artist which I am doing this fanzine about is Kanye West. As they suit his kind of style as I thought that his style edgy but creative but also bold but striking as well. As I thought that these kinds of fonts say this about through them. Then the writing at the bottom is the writing for the I was going to write most of the written with these texts. As these writing seem more harder to read from as they are in italics and also joined together as this makes it harder to read as one. However, with this writing I have used within some of my titles inside my fanzine as well the more easier to read ones. The colours which I have chosen in my pre-production for my fanzine are quite dull colours, instead of using the really bright colours. As I don’t think that the bright colours don’t resemble Kanye West at all. As here I have looked more at the darker colours, but within different variation colour schemes within the colour stream. The reason that I have chosen these duller colours over the brighter colours because by looking at Kanye’s fashion lines have most of the time is cream colours and darker colours as well. So that is the reason why I have chosen these colours because of that reason.
  • 14. Planning / Preparation This the layout of my fanzine booklet of how everything was going to fit in to my booklet fanzine. As this gives an overview of what needed to be up in and what not to be put in. Also the number of pages that needed to be done with in the fanzine were about 10 pages to cover inside about Kanye and also were to put it within the fanzine. Then leaving the last two pages for front and back cover. As this could be shown how everything fit in with everything and also how long each page was going to go on to like on numerous pages, as this is particularly with articles. As I needed a sort of idea of how long they were going to go on for. Having this helped by getting the right number of pages.
  • 15. Planning / Preparation I wrote out my two articles and my own information fact file about Kanye West life. As within the first article and the second article I got numerous resources from the internet by various media platforms like blogs, websites, magazines and newspapers etc. This was access for me to get this information and gave me more information to get things from Kanye West but I didn’t know much about him at the start by getting a further overview of what people think of him and also what he has done with his family and how his career has grown in to one of the biggest artists and is known all around the country as an rapper. As I have written the text out into word Microsoft to get all the spelling and punctuation right. So then before I had put it in to Photoshop. As I have also done this with numerous sources like for the fact file page and also other big written work that needed to be edited.
  • 16. Time Management My time schedule I didn’t do it by my timed schedule at all because the way I was had to many things to do per each day. So, this made it show that I didn’t do it by production schedule at all. So, I would have to make sure next time if I do a similar task like this again I would make sure that for per each day or how many days I have set it for it would be done. Also if it is just for one day then I would just take more extension days to do more production towards for a particular page. However, in the process I did get all my production done overall. To get all done and also printed out to made as a booklet. Apart from the production schedule that I didn’t really follow but I did it my own way. The evaluation has been done in good process with on my schedule.
  • 17. Reviewing work From looking at my booklet which I printed off and looked over it instead just looking at my computer because there is such a change from the computer screen of the pages which I had made from the printed out version. So, I had do a couple of changes to some of the pages because of some errors which were concerning the colour that didn’t go with the whole page like it did with on the computer. So this meant you couldn’t easily read the writing in front of the colour in the background. Also another error was with the sizing of the text as one time with the booklet of the fanzine it chopped off some of the writing so this meant I had to make changes towards the size of the text which was on the page and where abouts it was laid out on the page. However, apart from those little errors with some of the pages which I had sorted out and I finally got my finished look of what my intentions were going to be into to finished look of my fanzine that what I had I intend. All my pages that which I had created I liked the look every page. However, some of the pages which I could have made better by making some of the background colours or effects of the page by making them free hand instead, as this might given them a different look and different style towards it. This could of brought out the page much more. Also, I could have used different effects for the pictures I had only used the comic effect on to them. As this just seems repeated from one to the next page when you see these pictures. So, this is why I should got multiple techniques from YouTube.