SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Amelia France
Have to produce a product to a certain time base to a certain budget. Specifics where it
is going to happen in a certain time period for their certain task. With your client or
within a company you will need to have a signed contract, but however if you don’t
stick to their desired agreement then you will have to face legal actions. However, if the
client didn’t come to their wedding day or photographer doesn’t come to the wedding
then they will have to go to court to face legal action. Also before you sign anything
you will need to read carefully of what your agreeing too within the on the contracts.
Both client and you know what they are going to get. As this will be no issues with this.
Offering protection of the legal binding document.
Funding, you know how much you can spend to create the product. So then you wont
have any issues with over spending. This makes the budget appropriately for what they
need to cover.
Could get sued.
Once you have signed to legal document then your locked into brief, that you need to
It is sort of like a stepping stone between contractual brief and formal brief. The brief
gives you some idea of what to do but up to your needs. It could be a charity of a
poster designs, to gain a poster design they can take on is better ideas that which
works within their needs for their client. The client are telling you what they want.
Going to give you flexibility in terms of design elements, time elements and budget
Keeps things fairly simple.
You can offer have dissociation's with your client, formalise with it over the phone or in
person face to face but then they you can formalise it over email. In email to say what
they had talked about making sure everything is okay.
A formal brief is not necessarily protected if something goes wrong, like payment,
product etc. So to make sure with your client your of what you have agreed on.
Very relaxed way of undertaking a client, so it is typically verbal agreement. However,
with in this brief there is no contract or written documentation is not involved with in
this kind of informal brief. Without not having any legal documents or any contracts
this shows that it can be risky when your doing your project. As the company and the
client can both agree on what they want on to the project. With in a informal brief both
the client and the company have to discuss together of what they should both agree
on to the project. As they may not say a completion date for the project.
Complete full responsibility, so you have full control over the project of when you
decided to things within line to the project.
The client is typically open to no set time frame either on the project of when it will be
Not reliable, for instance making something quick fast out on time for a event that the
client might want it for their audience for a particular set time and date which it has to
be handed in to.
You may forget to take consideration, of what a company stands for. So you may not
get there kind of message across. So might neglect some of the business off the
product. So you would have to gain knowledge of company your working for.
If the asking for a informal brief for a company they might be a small business, they
Where your working with somebody else against the brief. So you and the client, you and
someone else work on a specific brief. Where two or more production companies are hired to
work on a specific brief. As with in if one person is very good at journalism at the writing side
and then some is good a photography, this comes together to make the end product. However,
if there is a disagreement within both of companies or with both people who are working
together they would have to negotiate the brief with one another. As they would have to submit
both of what they have got so far and give a copy to both of companies or the people.
Two people can work better towards an end product so get the product can be undertaken much
Numerous of ideas off each other, to make more refined ideas from each other.
Arguments and disagreements can happen if your working with another person. For instance like
who is going to pick up the recourses and so on.
Splitting the end money with another person can be bad or good. Bad because your not going
gaining more money as your splitting off to each other.
There is two of you, if person A was ill and person B, so you will need to get someone else to do
Negotiation is a dissociation which is between you, clients and others who are part taking
within the project. Through a negotiation the brief would be changed in order to appease
all parties which includes the client. These could be involving changing visual style,
changing the content or ensuring the product stays within the boundaries of the legal or
ethical obligations.
Agree on the budget, when is it going to made etc.
Working together as a team you are going to get a better product and also agreeing it with
to your client.
You may have one party that is not happy with the terms and different information is
wrong within each of the parties, so if they don't negotiate with people they will miss
important information.
Is when you have large media company hires an independent media company to create a
product for them. As negotiate the brief with two company's or numerous other
companies. You can out source your work to smaller companies which will be hired to do
some of the work for your product. When they give the product of the work which they
have done for the main company they may can use this for a larger media company for an
external clients. The independent production company will be paid for making the
product and potentially part of the products profit each time it is sold/ broadcast /
Receive a brief that you are in the same field of expertise, so you understand what you
mean by using different terminology specifically for a shoot so then you will know what
they mean. However, the client wont know the specific terminology which you use for
instance graphics designers. As it is just for media graphics to easily know what they
Take a picture of an object, an put it on to a particularly site, as a stock image someone
else can buy it off you and other people can do the same, as this way you get easily get
money from this.
A client publishes that they need a media product to be made. So a big company has a
publisher to come and give them multiple of choices to choose from. So the production
companies then creates briefs , proposal and budget that is then pitched to the client. So
then they get decided the best one for the company. As this is done with numerous
production companies that will enter with their own brief for the client as they will choose
their favourite proposal as they will go forward to be submitted to go on further to make
the project.
Flexibility of who to choose to bring a range of ideas with them. So the client will choose
the best proposal from the ideas which have been suggested to them.
They have to pitch to the company of what they are going to do, assuming they agree to
this company. Of when you have companies to pitch to you and then you will have have
already planned out for when they get chosen.
You might go and pitch through all that planning could be done for nothing. As you might
not be the company who gets to make the production.
They are usually seen in magazines, where you can enter into a competition, is where there are
certain restrictions or some other rules or prizes that gained if you are winner. When they all
have been submitted with in the date that they have to be in, then they have to be judged. As
the judges have to choose which one is the best out of the three runners up. When entering
these kind of competitions they are mostly often they are free to enter in.
If you produce that something that wins, that this could lead to something very big. That
someone get in contact with you from a very big company. Even could lead on to more work
because they like what they see what they have done with proposal which has been submitted.
Lots of entries will come in, which ahs been submitted this will show a mixture and a range of
different peoples ideas that they can give to the company to decided from.
Chanel who own E4 who had a load of quality entries, they had used multiple entries to be used
from different people.
If the rewards aren't good enough and aren't enough publicity. Then this means not many people
will enter in to the competition. As the lack of what you could win with in the competition.
No one will enter the competition.
Quality of the products that are which are sent in.
When you don’t win.
Which structure/structures will your client brief use?
Reference your reasons for choice/choices
The structure of my brief is formal brief this is because my client is
wanting a specific product to be made which is a web page mock up,
as the brief is kept simple and easily establishes of what the company
want from us to make for them. As they have given me some
information which is important which I should keep with in my clients
brief and also specific things they want changing within the brief. As
this necessarily important because this what I need to go by as this is
what the client is wanting with in this product. From by talking to my
client I have got additional information by just speaking to them by
getting various of what I am doing so far, to talk to them to say if they
like the designs which I am doing for them. If I am going into the
correct direction. Also by talking to my client getting intel about of
what they haven’t said on the client brief so just talking to them to get
more information I want from them to go with my product.
I can tell with my brief that it is a formal brief because of these further
reasons. The first reason is because they have pointed out to make
specific web pages that I should mock up. For instance this would
talking about; profile of the team, descriptions of their properties
which they have done in the past and upcoming ones as well and
opportunities they are looking for, properties wise. Also what to
Why is important to thoroughly read your brief?
It is important to thoroughly read through your brief is because with anything you
have been given to read from a client as they may have some specific features
that they want to be made more highlighted than to the rest of the information.
So, if you don’t follow to a reading brief you might miss things out. So that’s why
you have to cover all the basis with in a brief. Just by reading the brief is not just
a good idea because you may forget things on the way into your project but
however, by writing notes. Making short notes which are relevant to your project.
So this would mean you wouldn’t miss anything out into your brief your working
too. As this makes sure that you covering all basis of brief to the full extent. So
you get the full understanding of the brief, so the final product gets what the
client is wanting at the end process. So by reading thoroughly a brief properly
covering all the areas that they want with in the project this means that you are
the person who is making the project completely understand what they are
wanting with in their projects overall. Also if you have any enquiries on anything
about the project which you have read from the brief then this would mean you
could ask the client to go into more detail of what specifically what they are
wanting. So, then this would make sure that the little things right within your
project for your client.
What is the nature and demand of your client brief?
The nature of my brief is what they have been asked me to create a couple of mock
up web pages for a property company called Oakgate PLC. As this all online website,
which is talking about their properties which they have refurbished or redesigned
which are either a property like a residential properties or industrial properties and
commercial properties. As for the particularly web page that I need to cover which
talks about properties which some of them have been put into the bundle of
properties which they have done in the past which is all finished now but then there
is also have got a bundle of also got properties which are coming up next into this
year and later years as well. As this will show the descriptions of the development of
when you click on to the picture. The pictures of the properties are either on the
inside or on the outside get variation of pictures from this company which they have
got mixture of looks from sketches and normal photographs or photoshoped ones
as well to get imgainery look of what it is going to look like. Also profile of the team
which work their already. Further opportunities with in the properties of what their
clients have seen from the development pages will show the promotion side of the
sector sector. This will show they can tackle more on clients. Also making a redesign
of the home page and redoing the subheading as then this will fit within both rural
properties and also urban properties. So this will work within both ways for their
business. Making a mock up of web designs for my client. By making a couple of
web pages and design on top of them of my way.
The demand of my brief I need to work fast with this project for my client to get in on
Why is it important to discuss the brief with your client prior to
It is important to discuss my brief with my own client for the following
reasons are that. Firstly, I would say that you have to make sure that
your client and you are on the same page which is prioritising of what
is going to happen in to the production. So its important that both you
and the client to discuss the brief together so this also means your not
missing anything out. So, then you can go by the client if they have
missed anything out off the brief like for an example colour etc. So, to
clear this up your client you can discuss it with you there and then,
with them present. Secondly, to discuss with your client is if they like
the sound and ideas you represented towards them. Particularly for the
production is because you are wanting to know if you are doing the
certain things in the right way. Also if you make any errors you can just
quickly alter them instead to have an easy discussion about it.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of employing discretion
with a brief?
The advantages of employing discretion within a brief is by just keeping
it to yourself for this way know else will highjack your idea of you. Also
the fact another advantage is that you get to keep your ideas to
yourself. You wont have any other conflicts which when your
contributing your idea across as your just keeping it to yourself.
The disadvantage is that to employing discretion with a brief is that you
only certain ideas within your head that are just going to repeat itself.
You cant gather more further ideas from your ideas and other peoples
ideas together to making it in to one big one.
Are there any potential legal/ethical/regulatory issues with the brief’s
proposed product?
The potential legal issues and ethical issues and regulatory issues within my
brief. By firstly, looking legal issues this will cover a whole spectrum. So, by
looking at copyrighting for instance images or fonts you will not be able to
take them as your own either way because you will need to be granted
permission to use these specific features within the website. As can take
these images as my own because someone else has taken these images
before as this will be copyright of saying they are my own. Also with the
fonts which they have I will have to do the same thing to granted
permission. To get around this is to get permission from my clients
company to use both images and font styles. Also legal issues cover false
advertising is when taken picture from company like McDonalds’ burger and
use the photograph on to another advertising post of the burger which is
there’s by using stock images this will be false advertising.
Ethical issues, within my brief have to keep everyone treated fairly within my
brief. As they may be prejudice against the clients like for an example
because the way look. However, compared to other people who look like
they have more money with them for a property they are wanting to be
redone or etc, to a property.
The regulatory issues, which consider when you are giving a property a
certain incorrect price this will be effected within the property itself. As this
Amendments you have considered to:
The Product
To my final product there may need some changes because when
thinking to big to what I am going to make within the time which I have
to make the product for my client. As this will be regarding with the
time which I am working to.
The Budget
With the budget with in my own project I will not need any money for
this. The reason for this is because my project is making a website that
will not cost nothing at all.
The Conditions
With my brief they will have to require more resources for the uses that I
will need to make their website there own like for an example by using
their logo, fonts and images.
What opportunities could this brief allow you to explore?
Self Development
This type of project can help me develop in to a media producer to
make a bigger project from this is because you can gain further skills
within a website itself. It can also develop as media producer to make it
more professional website.
Learning new skills
With in this project I will gain newer skills by by learning how to adapt
to other skills which associates to a website. The new skills will
consider for a more of a casual layout of the way things will be laid out
on to a page. Also the design of how things layout.
Contributing to a project
I would say that this kind of project you could allow numerous other
people to work along the side of to this type of project. As this will give
the choice to have different ideas from numerous people, as this will
help to get multiple ideas to get across to this single project for this

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Working to a brief 1

  • 2. CONTRACTUAL BRIEF Definition Have to produce a product to a certain time base to a certain budget. Specifics where it is going to happen in a certain time period for their certain task. With your client or within a company you will need to have a signed contract, but however if you don’t stick to their desired agreement then you will have to face legal actions. However, if the client didn’t come to their wedding day or photographer doesn’t come to the wedding then they will have to go to court to face legal action. Also before you sign anything you will need to read carefully of what your agreeing too within the on the contracts. Advantages Both client and you know what they are going to get. As this will be no issues with this. Offering protection of the legal binding document. Funding, you know how much you can spend to create the product. So then you wont have any issues with over spending. This makes the budget appropriately for what they need to cover. Disadvantages Could get sued. Once you have signed to legal document then your locked into brief, that you need to
  • 3. FORMAL BRIEF Definition It is sort of like a stepping stone between contractual brief and formal brief. The brief gives you some idea of what to do but up to your needs. It could be a charity of a poster designs, to gain a poster design they can take on is better ideas that which works within their needs for their client. The client are telling you what they want. Advantages Going to give you flexibility in terms of design elements, time elements and budget elements. Keeps things fairly simple. You can offer have dissociation's with your client, formalise with it over the phone or in person face to face but then they you can formalise it over email. In email to say what they had talked about making sure everything is okay. Disadvantages A formal brief is not necessarily protected if something goes wrong, like payment, product etc. So to make sure with your client your of what you have agreed on.
  • 4. INFORMAL BRIEF Definition Very relaxed way of undertaking a client, so it is typically verbal agreement. However, with in this brief there is no contract or written documentation is not involved with in this kind of informal brief. Without not having any legal documents or any contracts this shows that it can be risky when your doing your project. As the company and the client can both agree on what they want on to the project. With in a informal brief both the client and the company have to discuss together of what they should both agree on to the project. As they may not say a completion date for the project. Advantages Complete full responsibility, so you have full control over the project of when you decided to things within line to the project. The client is typically open to no set time frame either on the project of when it will be done. Disadvantages Not reliable, for instance making something quick fast out on time for a event that the client might want it for their audience for a particular set time and date which it has to be handed in to. You may forget to take consideration, of what a company stands for. So you may not get there kind of message across. So might neglect some of the business off the product. So you would have to gain knowledge of company your working for. If the asking for a informal brief for a company they might be a small business, they
  • 5. CO-OPERATIVE BRIEF Definition Where your working with somebody else against the brief. So you and the client, you and someone else work on a specific brief. Where two or more production companies are hired to work on a specific brief. As with in if one person is very good at journalism at the writing side and then some is good a photography, this comes together to make the end product. However, if there is a disagreement within both of companies or with both people who are working together they would have to negotiate the brief with one another. As they would have to submit both of what they have got so far and give a copy to both of companies or the people. Advantages Two people can work better towards an end product so get the product can be undertaken much faster. Numerous of ideas off each other, to make more refined ideas from each other. Disadvantages Arguments and disagreements can happen if your working with another person. For instance like who is going to pick up the recourses and so on. Splitting the end money with another person can be bad or good. Bad because your not going gaining more money as your splitting off to each other. There is two of you, if person A was ill and person B, so you will need to get someone else to do
  • 6. NEGOTIATED BRIEF Definition Negotiation is a dissociation which is between you, clients and others who are part taking within the project. Through a negotiation the brief would be changed in order to appease all parties which includes the client. These could be involving changing visual style, changing the content or ensuring the product stays within the boundaries of the legal or ethical obligations. Advantages Agree on the budget, when is it going to made etc. Working together as a team you are going to get a better product and also agreeing it with to your client. Disadvantages You may have one party that is not happy with the terms and different information is wrong within each of the parties, so if they don't negotiate with people they will miss important information.
  • 7. COMMISSION BRIEF Definition Is when you have large media company hires an independent media company to create a product for them. As negotiate the brief with two company's or numerous other companies. You can out source your work to smaller companies which will be hired to do some of the work for your product. When they give the product of the work which they have done for the main company they may can use this for a larger media company for an external clients. The independent production company will be paid for making the product and potentially part of the products profit each time it is sold/ broadcast / published. Advantages Receive a brief that you are in the same field of expertise, so you understand what you mean by using different terminology specifically for a shoot so then you will know what they mean. However, the client wont know the specific terminology which you use for instance graphics designers. As it is just for media graphics to easily know what they mean. Take a picture of an object, an put it on to a particularly site, as a stock image someone else can buy it off you and other people can do the same, as this way you get easily get money from this.
  • 8. TENDER BRIEF Definition A client publishes that they need a media product to be made. So a big company has a publisher to come and give them multiple of choices to choose from. So the production companies then creates briefs , proposal and budget that is then pitched to the client. So then they get decided the best one for the company. As this is done with numerous production companies that will enter with their own brief for the client as they will choose their favourite proposal as they will go forward to be submitted to go on further to make the project. Advantages Flexibility of who to choose to bring a range of ideas with them. So the client will choose the best proposal from the ideas which have been suggested to them. They have to pitch to the company of what they are going to do, assuming they agree to this company. Of when you have companies to pitch to you and then you will have have already planned out for when they get chosen. Disadvantages You might go and pitch through all that planning could be done for nothing. As you might not be the company who gets to make the production.
  • 9. COMPETITION BRIEF Definition They are usually seen in magazines, where you can enter into a competition, is where there are certain restrictions or some other rules or prizes that gained if you are winner. When they all have been submitted with in the date that they have to be in, then they have to be judged. As the judges have to choose which one is the best out of the three runners up. When entering these kind of competitions they are mostly often they are free to enter in. Advantages If you produce that something that wins, that this could lead to something very big. That someone get in contact with you from a very big company. Even could lead on to more work because they like what they see what they have done with proposal which has been submitted. Lots of entries will come in, which ahs been submitted this will show a mixture and a range of different peoples ideas that they can give to the company to decided from. Chanel who own E4 who had a load of quality entries, they had used multiple entries to be used from different people. Disadvantages If the rewards aren't good enough and aren't enough publicity. Then this means not many people will enter in to the competition. As the lack of what you could win with in the competition. No one will enter the competition. Quality of the products that are which are sent in. When you don’t win.
  • 10. MY BRIEF Which structure/structures will your client brief use? Reference your reasons for choice/choices The structure of my brief is formal brief this is because my client is wanting a specific product to be made which is a web page mock up, as the brief is kept simple and easily establishes of what the company want from us to make for them. As they have given me some information which is important which I should keep with in my clients brief and also specific things they want changing within the brief. As this necessarily important because this what I need to go by as this is what the client is wanting with in this product. From by talking to my client I have got additional information by just speaking to them by getting various of what I am doing so far, to talk to them to say if they like the designs which I am doing for them. If I am going into the correct direction. Also by talking to my client getting intel about of what they haven’t said on the client brief so just talking to them to get more information I want from them to go with my product. I can tell with my brief that it is a formal brief because of these further reasons. The first reason is because they have pointed out to make specific web pages that I should mock up. For instance this would talking about; profile of the team, descriptions of their properties which they have done in the past and upcoming ones as well and opportunities they are looking for, properties wise. Also what to
  • 11. READING THE BRIEF Why is important to thoroughly read your brief? It is important to thoroughly read through your brief is because with anything you have been given to read from a client as they may have some specific features that they want to be made more highlighted than to the rest of the information. So, if you don’t follow to a reading brief you might miss things out. So that’s why you have to cover all the basis with in a brief. Just by reading the brief is not just a good idea because you may forget things on the way into your project but however, by writing notes. Making short notes which are relevant to your project. So this would mean you wouldn’t miss anything out into your brief your working too. As this makes sure that you covering all basis of brief to the full extent. So you get the full understanding of the brief, so the final product gets what the client is wanting at the end process. So by reading thoroughly a brief properly covering all the areas that they want with in the project this means that you are the person who is making the project completely understand what they are wanting with in their projects overall. Also if you have any enquiries on anything about the project which you have read from the brief then this would mean you could ask the client to go into more detail of what specifically what they are wanting. So, then this would make sure that the little things right within your project for your client.
  • 12. READING THE BRIEF What is the nature and demand of your client brief? The nature of my brief is what they have been asked me to create a couple of mock up web pages for a property company called Oakgate PLC. As this all online website, which is talking about their properties which they have refurbished or redesigned which are either a property like a residential properties or industrial properties and commercial properties. As for the particularly web page that I need to cover which talks about properties which some of them have been put into the bundle of properties which they have done in the past which is all finished now but then there is also have got a bundle of also got properties which are coming up next into this year and later years as well. As this will show the descriptions of the development of when you click on to the picture. The pictures of the properties are either on the inside or on the outside get variation of pictures from this company which they have got mixture of looks from sketches and normal photographs or photoshoped ones as well to get imgainery look of what it is going to look like. Also profile of the team which work their already. Further opportunities with in the properties of what their clients have seen from the development pages will show the promotion side of the sector sector. This will show they can tackle more on clients. Also making a redesign of the home page and redoing the subheading as then this will fit within both rural properties and also urban properties. So this will work within both ways for their business. Making a mock up of web designs for my client. By making a couple of web pages and design on top of them of my way. The demand of my brief I need to work fast with this project for my client to get in on time.
  • 13. NEGOTIATING A BRIEF Why is it important to discuss the brief with your client prior to production? It is important to discuss my brief with my own client for the following reasons are that. Firstly, I would say that you have to make sure that your client and you are on the same page which is prioritising of what is going to happen in to the production. So its important that both you and the client to discuss the brief together so this also means your not missing anything out. So, then you can go by the client if they have missed anything out off the brief like for an example colour etc. So, to clear this up your client you can discuss it with you there and then, with them present. Secondly, to discuss with your client is if they like the sound and ideas you represented towards them. Particularly for the production is because you are wanting to know if you are doing the certain things in the right way. Also if you make any errors you can just quickly alter them instead to have an easy discussion about it.
  • 14. NEGOTIATING A BRIEF What are the advantages and disadvantages of employing discretion with a brief? The advantages of employing discretion within a brief is by just keeping it to yourself for this way know else will highjack your idea of you. Also the fact another advantage is that you get to keep your ideas to yourself. You wont have any other conflicts which when your contributing your idea across as your just keeping it to yourself. The disadvantage is that to employing discretion with a brief is that you only certain ideas within your head that are just going to repeat itself. You cant gather more further ideas from your ideas and other peoples ideas together to making it in to one big one.
  • 15. NEGOTIATING A BRIEF Are there any potential legal/ethical/regulatory issues with the brief’s proposed product? The potential legal issues and ethical issues and regulatory issues within my brief. By firstly, looking legal issues this will cover a whole spectrum. So, by looking at copyrighting for instance images or fonts you will not be able to take them as your own either way because you will need to be granted permission to use these specific features within the website. As can take these images as my own because someone else has taken these images before as this will be copyright of saying they are my own. Also with the fonts which they have I will have to do the same thing to granted permission. To get around this is to get permission from my clients company to use both images and font styles. Also legal issues cover false advertising is when taken picture from company like McDonalds’ burger and use the photograph on to another advertising post of the burger which is there’s by using stock images this will be false advertising. Ethical issues, within my brief have to keep everyone treated fairly within my brief. As they may be prejudice against the clients like for an example because the way look. However, compared to other people who look like they have more money with them for a property they are wanting to be redone or etc, to a property. The regulatory issues, which consider when you are giving a property a certain incorrect price this will be effected within the property itself. As this
  • 16. NEGOTIATING A BRIEF Amendments you have considered to: The Product To my final product there may need some changes because when thinking to big to what I am going to make within the time which I have to make the product for my client. As this will be regarding with the time which I am working to. The Budget With the budget with in my own project I will not need any money for this. The reason for this is because my project is making a website that will not cost nothing at all. The Conditions With my brief they will have to require more resources for the uses that I will need to make their website there own like for an example by using their logo, fonts and images.
  • 17. OPPORTUNITIES What opportunities could this brief allow you to explore? Self Development This type of project can help me develop in to a media producer to make a bigger project from this is because you can gain further skills within a website itself. It can also develop as media producer to make it more professional website. Learning new skills With in this project I will gain newer skills by by learning how to adapt to other skills which associates to a website. The new skills will consider for a more of a casual layout of the way things will be laid out on to a page. Also the design of how things layout.
  • 18. OPPORTUNITIES Multi-skilling None. Contributing to a project I would say that this kind of project you could allow numerous other people to work along the side of to this type of project. As this will give the choice to have different ideas from numerous people, as this will help to get multiple ideas to get across to this single project for this brief.