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Surgical Incisions
Under observation:
Specialist Dr. Ghulam Reza Riaz
Submitted By:
Dr. Somaya Banaei
Resident of General Surgery
Surgical Incision is a cut made through the skin to facilitate an
operation or procedure.
It should be the aim of the surgeon to employ the type of
incision considered to be the most suitable for that particular
operation to be performed.
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 2
In doing so, three essentials should be achieved:
Accessibility Extensibility Security
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 3
Incision should be long enough for good exposure
Splitting is better than cutting
Choose the correct position
Avoid cutting of nerves and vessels
Retract muscle, abdominal organs towards neurovascular bundle
Insert DT through a separate incision
Close the wound layer by layer
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 4
Choice of incision
Type of surgery
Target organ
Previous surgery
Grade of patient
Surgeons own experience &
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 5
Rectus abdominis muscle maybe cut transversely without weakening
the abdominal wall.
The cut passes between two adjacent nerves without injuring the
The incision must not divide no nerve
Drainage tubes should be inserted through separate incision like wise
colostomy or ileostomy should be made through a separate incision
The openings made by the incision through different layers of the
abdominal wall must not be superimposed
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 6
The ideal incision allows:
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 7
Lines Of Cleavage
Langer’s Line
 The natural lines of cleavage in the skin are constant and run
Downward and forward almost horizontally around the trunk.
 If possible, all surgical incisions should be made in the lines of
cleavage, Where the bundles of collagen fibers in the dermis
run in parallel rows.
 An incision along a cleavage line will heal as a narrow scar.
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 8
Langer’s Line correspond to the natural orientation of collagen fibers
in the dermis, and are generally parallel to the orientation of the
underlying muscle fibers
Incisions made parallel to Langer's lines may heal better and
produce less scarring than those that cut across.
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 9
Lines Of Cleavage
Langer’s Line
Common Abdominal & Pelvic incisions
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 10
Vertical Incisions
Transverse incisions
Oblique Incisions
• Midline
• Paramedian
• Transverse Muscle Dividing
• Pfannenstiel Incision
• Maylard Incision
• Kocher Subcostal Incision
• Mc Burney Incisions
• Oblique Muscle cutting
• Inguinal incision
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 11
Common Abdominal & Pelvic incisions
Vertical Incisions
Medline Incision
vertical incision which follows the linea alba.
It may be:
 Upper Midline Incision
 Lower Midline Incision
 Single Incision
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 12
Layers of the abdominal wall
• skin, fascia (camper's and scarpa's)
• linea alba
• transversalis fascia
• extraperitoneal fat
• peritoneum
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 13
It is favored In diagnostic laparotomy, as it
allows wide access to abdominal Cavity.
Vertical Incisions
Medline Incision
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 14
Upper medline
• From xiphoid to above umbilicus.
• Division of the peritoneum is best performed at the
lower end of the incision
• just above the umbilicus ,so that the falciform ligament
can be seen and avoided
• Suitable for Upper GI tract operations
Lower medline
• From the umbilicus superiorly to the pubis symphysis
• Allow access to pelvic organs
• the peritoneum should be opened
• in the uppermost area to avoid injury to the bladder
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 15
• Almost bloodless
• No muscle fibers are divided
• No nerves are injured
• Good access to upper abdominal viscera
• Very quick to make as well as to close
• Can be extended full length of abdomen.
• Supine position
• Care needs to be taken just above the umbilicus where the
falciform ligament is.
• Midline scar
• Bladder injury
• Incisional hernia
• Adhesions in lower incisions
Modified Makuuchi Incision
A. The modified incision is used for liver and
right-sided abdominal surgery. This incision
begins cephalad to the xiphoid, extends to 1
cm above the umbilicus, and then extends
laterally to the right.
B. The L incision is used for gastric, pancreatic,
and left-sided abdominal surgery. This
incision is a mirror image of the modified
Makuuchi incision.
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 16
placed 2 to 5 cm lateral to midline
It can be extended from costal margin to pubis
Layers of the abdominal wall:
 Skin, fascia (camper's and scarpa's) and the anterior rectus
sheath are incised.
 The anterior rectus muscle is freed from the anterior sheath and
retracted laterally.
 The posterior rectus sheath (if above the arcuate line) or
transversalis fascia (if below the arcuate line)
 Extra peritoneal fat and peritoneum are then excised allowing
entry to the abdominal cavity.
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 17
Vertical Incisions
Para median Incision
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 18
• Provides access to lateral structures
• Avoids injury to nerves, limits trauma to rectus muscle.
• Permits good restoration of abdominal wall function
• Can be extended by slanting the upper end of the incision
medially towards the xiphoid process if required
• Time consuming.
• Bleeding & hematoma
• Incision needs to be closed in layers
• Difficult extension superiorly as limited by the costal margin
• Tends to strip the muscles of their lateral blood and nerve
supply resulting in atrophy of the muscle medial to the
Mayo-Robson incision
• This is really a PARAMEDIAN incision that
has been curved towards the xiphoid
• It allows a bigger and wider opening.
• Dissection continues in the same fascial
planes as the paramedian incision.
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 19
This incision is made just above the umbilicus,
dividing one or both of the rectus muscles.
In newborn and infants, this incision is preferred bcz
more abdominal exposure is gained per lenght of
incision than with vertical exposure
It is useful for:
• Right or left colon
• Duodenum
• Pancreas
• Subhepatic space.
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 20
Transverse incision
Layers for Transverse incision
a) Skin, fascia
b) Anterior rectus sheath,
c) Rectus muscle (+/- internal oblique,
depending on the length of the
d) Transvers abdomen
e) Transversalis fascia
f) Extraperitoneal fat
g) Peritoneum
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 21
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 22
• Less pain than a midline incision
• Good access to midline upper GI structures
• Transverse incisions cause the least amount of damage
• As the recti have a segmental nerve supply, it can be cut transversely without
weakening a denervated segment
• Muscular segments can be rejoined
• Better scar and good healing.
• Limited lateral access in comparison with midline incisions that can then be
• More wound infections compared to midline thought to be due to greater
difficulty in controlling bleeding and haematoma formation
Pfannenstiel Incision
• Used frequently by gynecologist and
urologist for access to pelvic organ,
bladder, prostate and for c.section.
• A convex 5cm to 12cm incision, located a
the suprapubic skin crease about 2cm to
5cm above the pubic symphysis.
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 23
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 24
Maylard Transverse (Muscle Cutting Incision)
• Gives Excellent Exposure To
Pelvic Organ
• Skin Incision Is Placed Above But
Parallel To Traditional Placement
Of Pfannenstiel Incision
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 25
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 26
• 3cm below the line that joins spina iliaca ant. Sup.
• Slightly higher Pfannenstiel.
• Subsequent layers open bluntly .
• It necessary extended with scissor and not a knife
This incision associated with
Pain/fever/Analgesic equipment /blood loss
Duration of surgery/Hospital stay
Joel-Cohen incision
The Küstner incision
 Sometimes incorrectly referred to as
modified pfannenstiel incision
 involves a slightly curved skin incision
beginning below the level of the anterior
superior iliac spine and extending just below
the pubic hairline.
 This incision is more time‐consuming and
extensibility is limited.
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 27
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 28
The Cherney incision involves transection of
the rectus muscles at their insertion on the
pubic symphysis and retraction cephalad to
improve exposure.
This can be used for urinary incontinence
procedures to access the space of Retzius and
to gain exposure to the pelvic side‐wall for
hypogastric artery ligation.
The Cherney incision
Kocher (Subcostal) Incision
• It affords excellent exposure to gall bladder
and biliary tract and can be made on left side
to afford access to spleen.
• İs started at midline ,2 to 5 cm below the
xiphoid, and extends downwarda, outwards
and paralel to and about 2.5 cm below costal
• Especially used in cholecystectomy
There are two modifications
Chevron (rooftop)modification
Mercedes Benz modification
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 29
Chevron (rooftop) modification
The incision may be continued across the
midline into double Kocher's incision or rooftop
appearance which provide excellent access to
upper abdomen particularly in those with broad
costal margin
Total Gastrectomy
 Total Oesophagectomy
 Extensive Hepatic Resection
 Bilateral Adrenectomy
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 30
Mercedes Benz modification
• Consists of bilateral low kocher’s
incision with upper midline incision up
to the xiphi sternum.
• Gives excellent access to the upper
abdominal viscera mainly the
diaphragmatic hiatuses
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 31
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 32
Thoraco-abdominal Incisions (left / Right)
They convert the pleural and
peritoneal cavities into one.
They allow good access to the lungs,
liver and spleen.
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 33
Incision is extended along line of
8th intercostal space
the space immediately distal to inferior
pole of scapula.
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 34
• Right incision may be
particularly useful in elective
and emergency hepatic
• Left incision may be used in
resection of lower end of
esophagus and proximal
portion of stomach.
Thoraco-abdominal Incisions (left / Right)
Flank incision (Retroperitoneal approach)
 It commences 1.25cm below and lateral to renal
angle and passes towards the anterior superior
iliac spine.
 This extends from kidney angle in oblique
direction down wards and outwards toward the
anterior superior spine.
 The kidney angle is formed by the outer border
of sacro spinalis muscles at the junction with the
12th rib.
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 35
Flank incision (Retroperitoneal approach)
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 36
The incision runs in the direction of the
fibres of external oblique muscle.
This incision for open nephrectomy.
Right lateral region of abdomen has been
The outline of three lowest ribs made
Grid iron (muscle splitting) incision
İncision of choice most appendicectomies .
The level and lenght of incision will
varyaccording to thickness of abd. Wall and
suspected position of apendix
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 37
Mc Burney point.
Is made at the junction of middle third and
outer third of a line running from umblicus
to, anterior superior iliac spine
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 38
Originally placed the incision obliquely
from above laterally to below medially.
Also used in left lower quadrant to deal
with certain lesion of sigmoid colon such
as drainage of diverticular abscess.
The level and length of the incision vary
according to thickness of abdominal wall
Suspected position of the appendix
Grid iron (muscle splitting) incision
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 39
Lanz incision
• It is a variation of McBurneys
incision that is made the same point
but in transverse plane.
• It gives cosmetically good scar
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 40
Rutherford-Morrison Incision
Oblique muscle cutting incision, Extension
of mcburney incision by division of oblique
Can be used for:
• Right and left sided colonic resection
• Caecostomy
• sigmoid colostomy.
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 41
Inguinal incision
Done for
 Inguinal hernia
 Testicular cancer
 Cryptorchidism
 Hydrocele
 Varicocele
 Orchiectomy
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 42
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 43
In urology, a Gibson incision is used for renal
transplantation or as an extra peritoneal approach
to the distal ureter with low morbidity.
It is started 3 cm above and parallel to the inguinal
ligament and extended vertically 3 cm medial to the
anterior superior iliac spine up to the umbilicus
The Gibson incision cannot be extended easily in
case of unexpected intraoperative situations.
Gibson Incision
Incisions on posterior abdominal wall
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 44
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 45
Complications of
abdominal incision
Hematoma, Stitch abscess, Wound infection
Wound dehiscence
Burst abdomen
Fistula formation
Wound pain
Incisional hernia
Adhesion and its complications
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 46
Thanks for your
William Golden
British Novelist –Playwright and Poet
1911 - 1993
I think women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men.
They are far superior and always have been.
Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater.
If you give her sperm, she will give you a baby.
If you give her a house, she will give you a home.
If you give her groceries, she will give you a meal.
If you give her a smile she will give you her heart.
She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.
So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit!”
By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 47

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Surgical incisions

  • 1. Surgical Incisions Under observation: Specialist Dr. Ghulam Reza Riaz Submitted By: Dr. Somaya Banaei Resident of General Surgery Herat-Afghanistan
  • 2. Introduction Surgical Incision is a cut made through the skin to facilitate an operation or procedure. It should be the aim of the surgeon to employ the type of incision considered to be the most suitable for that particular operation to be performed. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 2
  • 3. In doing so, three essentials should be achieved: Accessibility Extensibility Security By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 3
  • 4. Principles Incision should be long enough for good exposure Splitting is better than cutting Choose the correct position Avoid cutting of nerves and vessels Retract muscle, abdominal organs towards neurovascular bundle Insert DT through a separate incision Close the wound layer by layer By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 4
  • 5. Choice of incision Type of surgery [elective/emergency] Target organ Previous surgery Grade of patient Obesity Surgeons own experience & preference By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 5
  • 6. Rectus abdominis muscle maybe cut transversely without weakening the abdominal wall. The cut passes between two adjacent nerves without injuring the nerves. The incision must not divide no nerve Drainage tubes should be inserted through separate incision like wise colostomy or ileostomy should be made through a separate incision The openings made by the incision through different layers of the abdominal wall must not be superimposed By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 6 The ideal incision allows:
  • 7. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 7
  • 8. Lines Of Cleavage Or Langer’s Line  The natural lines of cleavage in the skin are constant and run Downward and forward almost horizontally around the trunk.  If possible, all surgical incisions should be made in the lines of cleavage, Where the bundles of collagen fibers in the dermis run in parallel rows.  An incision along a cleavage line will heal as a narrow scar. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 8
  • 9. Langer’s Line correspond to the natural orientation of collagen fibers in the dermis, and are generally parallel to the orientation of the underlying muscle fibers Incisions made parallel to Langer's lines may heal better and produce less scarring than those that cut across. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 9 Lines Of Cleavage Or Langer’s Line
  • 10. Common Abdominal & Pelvic incisions By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 10 Vertical Incisions Transverse incisions Oblique Incisions • Midline • Paramedian • Transverse Muscle Dividing • Pfannenstiel Incision • Maylard Incision • Kocher Subcostal Incision • Mc Burney Incisions • Oblique Muscle cutting • Inguinal incision
  • 11. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 11 Common Abdominal & Pelvic incisions
  • 12. Vertical Incisions Medline Incision vertical incision which follows the linea alba. It may be:  Upper Midline Incision  Lower Midline Incision  Single Incision By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 12
  • 13. Layers of the abdominal wall • skin, fascia (camper's and scarpa's) • linea alba • transversalis fascia • extraperitoneal fat • peritoneum By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 13 It is favored In diagnostic laparotomy, as it allows wide access to abdominal Cavity. Vertical Incisions Medline Incision
  • 14. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 14 Upper medline • From xiphoid to above umbilicus. • Division of the peritoneum is best performed at the lower end of the incision • just above the umbilicus ,so that the falciform ligament can be seen and avoided • Suitable for Upper GI tract operations Lower medline • From the umbilicus superiorly to the pubis symphysis inferiorly • Allow access to pelvic organs • the peritoneum should be opened • in the uppermost area to avoid injury to the bladder
  • 15. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 15 • Almost bloodless • No muscle fibers are divided • No nerves are injured • Good access to upper abdominal viscera • Very quick to make as well as to close • Can be extended full length of abdomen. • Supine position Advantage • Care needs to be taken just above the umbilicus where the falciform ligament is. • Midline scar • Bladder injury • Incisional hernia • Adhesions in lower incisions Disadvantage
  • 16. Modified Makuuchi Incision A. The modified incision is used for liver and right-sided abdominal surgery. This incision begins cephalad to the xiphoid, extends to 1 cm above the umbilicus, and then extends laterally to the right. B. The L incision is used for gastric, pancreatic, and left-sided abdominal surgery. This incision is a mirror image of the modified Makuuchi incision. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 16
  • 17. placed 2 to 5 cm lateral to midline It can be extended from costal margin to pubis Layers of the abdominal wall:  Skin, fascia (camper's and scarpa's) and the anterior rectus sheath are incised.  The anterior rectus muscle is freed from the anterior sheath and retracted laterally.  The posterior rectus sheath (if above the arcuate line) or transversalis fascia (if below the arcuate line)  Extra peritoneal fat and peritoneum are then excised allowing entry to the abdominal cavity. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 17 Vertical Incisions Para median Incision
  • 18. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 18 • Provides access to lateral structures • Avoids injury to nerves, limits trauma to rectus muscle. • Permits good restoration of abdominal wall function • Can be extended by slanting the upper end of the incision medially towards the xiphoid process if required Advantage • Time consuming. • Bleeding & hematoma • Incision needs to be closed in layers • Difficult extension superiorly as limited by the costal margin • Tends to strip the muscles of their lateral blood and nerve supply resulting in atrophy of the muscle medial to the incision Disadvantage
  • 19. Mayo-Robson incision • This is really a PARAMEDIAN incision that has been curved towards the xiphoid process. • It allows a bigger and wider opening. • Dissection continues in the same fascial planes as the paramedian incision. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 19
  • 20. This incision is made just above the umbilicus, dividing one or both of the rectus muscles. In newborn and infants, this incision is preferred bcz more abdominal exposure is gained per lenght of incision than with vertical exposure It is useful for: • Right or left colon • Duodenum • Pancreas • Subhepatic space. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 20 Transverse incision
  • 21. Layers for Transverse incision a) Skin, fascia b) Anterior rectus sheath, c) Rectus muscle (+/- internal oblique, depending on the length of the incision), d) Transvers abdomen e) Transversalis fascia f) Extraperitoneal fat g) Peritoneum By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 21
  • 22. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 22 • Less pain than a midline incision • Good access to midline upper GI structures • Transverse incisions cause the least amount of damage • As the recti have a segmental nerve supply, it can be cut transversely without weakening a denervated segment • Muscular segments can be rejoined • Better scar and good healing. Advantage • Limited lateral access in comparison with midline incisions that can then be extended • More wound infections compared to midline thought to be due to greater difficulty in controlling bleeding and haematoma formation Disadvantage
  • 23. Pfannenstiel Incision • Used frequently by gynecologist and urologist for access to pelvic organ, bladder, prostate and for c.section. • A convex 5cm to 12cm incision, located a the suprapubic skin crease about 2cm to 5cm above the pubic symphysis. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 23
  • 24. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 24
  • 25. Maylard Transverse (Muscle Cutting Incision) • Gives Excellent Exposure To Pelvic Organ • Skin Incision Is Placed Above But Parallel To Traditional Placement Of Pfannenstiel Incision By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 25
  • 26. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 26 • 3cm below the line that joins spina iliaca ant. Sup. • Slightly higher Pfannenstiel. • Subsequent layers open bluntly . • It necessary extended with scissor and not a knife This incision associated with Less: Pain/fever/Analgesic equipment /blood loss Shorter: Duration of surgery/Hospital stay Joel-Cohen incision
  • 27. The Küstner incision  Sometimes incorrectly referred to as modified pfannenstiel incision  involves a slightly curved skin incision beginning below the level of the anterior superior iliac spine and extending just below the pubic hairline.  This incision is more time‐consuming and extensibility is limited. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 27
  • 28. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 28 The Cherney incision involves transection of the rectus muscles at their insertion on the pubic symphysis and retraction cephalad to improve exposure. This can be used for urinary incontinence procedures to access the space of Retzius and to gain exposure to the pelvic side‐wall for hypogastric artery ligation. The Cherney incision
  • 29. Kocher (Subcostal) Incision • It affords excellent exposure to gall bladder and biliary tract and can be made on left side to afford access to spleen. • İs started at midline ,2 to 5 cm below the xiphoid, and extends downwarda, outwards and paralel to and about 2.5 cm below costal margin • Especially used in cholecystectomy There are two modifications Chevron (rooftop)modification Mercedes Benz modification By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 29
  • 30. Chevron (rooftop) modification The incision may be continued across the midline into double Kocher's incision or rooftop appearance which provide excellent access to upper abdomen particularly in those with broad costal margin Uses: Total Gastrectomy  Total Oesophagectomy  Extensive Hepatic Resection  Bilateral Adrenectomy By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 30
  • 31. Mercedes Benz modification • Consists of bilateral low kocher’s incision with upper midline incision up to the xiphi sternum. • Gives excellent access to the upper abdominal viscera mainly the diaphragmatic hiatuses By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 31
  • 32. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 32
  • 33. Thoraco-abdominal Incisions (left / Right) They convert the pleural and peritoneal cavities into one. They allow good access to the lungs, liver and spleen. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 33 Incision is extended along line of 8th intercostal space the space immediately distal to inferior pole of scapula.
  • 34. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 34 • Right incision may be particularly useful in elective and emergency hepatic resections • Left incision may be used in resection of lower end of esophagus and proximal portion of stomach. Thoraco-abdominal Incisions (left / Right)
  • 35. Flank incision (Retroperitoneal approach)  It commences 1.25cm below and lateral to renal angle and passes towards the anterior superior iliac spine.  This extends from kidney angle in oblique direction down wards and outwards toward the anterior superior spine.  The kidney angle is formed by the outer border of sacro spinalis muscles at the junction with the 12th rib. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 35
  • 36. Flank incision (Retroperitoneal approach) By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 36 The incision runs in the direction of the fibres of external oblique muscle. This incision for open nephrectomy. Right lateral region of abdomen has been exposed. The outline of three lowest ribs made visible.
  • 37. Grid iron (muscle splitting) incision İncision of choice most appendicectomies . The level and lenght of incision will varyaccording to thickness of abd. Wall and suspected position of apendix By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 37 Mc Burney point. Is made at the junction of middle third and outer third of a line running from umblicus to, anterior superior iliac spine
  • 38. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 38 Originally placed the incision obliquely from above laterally to below medially. Also used in left lower quadrant to deal with certain lesion of sigmoid colon such as drainage of diverticular abscess. The level and length of the incision vary according to thickness of abdominal wall Suspected position of the appendix Grid iron (muscle splitting) incision
  • 39. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 39
  • 40. Lanz incision • It is a variation of McBurneys incision that is made the same point but in transverse plane. • It gives cosmetically good scar By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 40
  • 41. Rutherford-Morrison Incision Oblique muscle cutting incision, Extension of mcburney incision by division of oblique fossa. Can be used for: • Right and left sided colonic resection • Caecostomy • sigmoid colostomy. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 41
  • 42. Inguinal incision Done for  Inguinal hernia  Testicular cancer  Cryptorchidism  Hydrocele  Varicocele  UDT  Orchiectomy By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 42
  • 43. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 43 In urology, a Gibson incision is used for renal transplantation or as an extra peritoneal approach to the distal ureter with low morbidity. It is started 3 cm above and parallel to the inguinal ligament and extended vertically 3 cm medial to the anterior superior iliac spine up to the umbilicus The Gibson incision cannot be extended easily in case of unexpected intraoperative situations. Gibson Incision
  • 44. Incisions on posterior abdominal wall By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 44
  • 45. By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 45
  • 46. Complications of abdominal incision Hematoma, Stitch abscess, Wound infection Wound dehiscence Burst abdomen Fistula formation Wound pain Incisional hernia Adhesion and its complications By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 46 Thanks for your attention
  • 47. William Golden British Novelist –Playwright and Poet 1911 - 1993 I think women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men. They are far superior and always have been. Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she will give you a baby. If you give her a house, she will give you a home. If you give her groceries, she will give you a meal. If you give her a smile she will give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit!” By: Dr. Somaya Banaei 47