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Lighting Fast Big Data Analytics with 
Apache . 
Andy Petrella (@noootsab), Gerard Maas (@maasg) 
Big Data Hacker Data Processing Team Lead 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
What is Spark? 
Spark Foundation: The RDD 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Memory Network 
(and don’t forget to throw some disks in the mix) 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
What is Spark? 
Spark is a fast and general engine for large-scale distributed data processing. 
val file = spark.textFile("hdfs://...") 
val counts = file.flatMap(line => line. 
split(" ")) 
.map(word => (word, 1)) 
.reduceByKey(_ + _) 
Fast Functional 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Spark: A Strong Open Source Project 
27/02 Apache top-level proj 
30/05 Spark 1.0.0 REL 
11/09 Spark 1.1.0 REL 
42 contibutors 118 contibutors 
#Commits. src: 
176 contibutors 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Compared to Map-Reduce 
public class WordCount { 
public static class Map extends Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, IntWritable> { 
private final static IntWritable one = new IntWritable( 1); 
private Text word = new Text(); 
public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { 
String line = value.toString(); 
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line); 
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { 
context.write(word, one); 
public static class Reduce extends Reducer<Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable> { 
public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<IntWritable> values, Context context) 
throws IOException, InterruptedException { 
int sum = 0; 
for (IntWritable val : values) { 
sum += val.get(); 
context.write(key, new IntWritable(sum)); 
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { 
Configuration conf = new Configuration(); 
Job job = new Job(conf, "wordcount" ); 
FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(args[ 0])); 
FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(args[ 1])); 
job.waitForCompletion( true); 
val file = spark.textFile("hdfs://...") 
val counts = file.flatMap(line => line. 
split(" ")) 
.map(word => (word, 1)) 
.reduceByKey(_ + _) 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
The Big Idea... 
Express computations in terms of operations on a data set. 
Spark Core Concept: RDD => Resilient Distributed Dataset 
Think of an RDD as an immutable, distributed collection of objects 
• Resilient => Can be reconstructed in case of failure 
• Distributed => Transformations are parallelizable operations 
• Dataset => Data loaded and partitioned across cluster nodes (executors) 
RDDs are memory-intensive. Caching behavior is controllable. 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Spark Cluster 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
.textFile("...") RDD 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
.textFile("...").flatMap(l => l.split(" ")) 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
.textFile("...").flatMap(l => l.split(" ").)map(w => (w,1)) 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
.textFile("...").flatMap(l => l.split(" ").)map(w => (w,1)) 
.reduceByKey(_ + _) 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
.textFile("...").flatMap(l => l.split(" ").)map(w => (w,1)) 
.reduceByKey(_ + _) 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
.textFile("...").flatMap(l => l.split(" ").)map(w => (w,1)) 
.reduceByKey(_ + _) 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
The Spark Lingo 
.textFile("...").flatMap(l => l.split(" ")).map(w => (w,1)) 
.reduceByKey(_ + _) 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Spark: RDD Operations 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Inner Manipulations 
> map, flatMap, filter, distinct 
Cross RDD 
> union, subtract, intersection, join, cartesian 
Structural reorganization (Expensive) 
> groupBy, aggregate, sort 
> coalesce, repartition 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Fetch Data 
> collect, take, first, takeSample 
Aggregate Results 
> reduce, count, countByKey 
> foreach, foreachPartition, save* 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
RDD Lineage 
Each RDDs keeps track of its parent. 
This is the basis for DAG scheduling 
and fault recovery 
val file = spark.textFile("hdfs://...") 
val wordsRDD = file.flatMap(line => line.split 
(" ")) 
.map(word => (word, 1)) 
.reduceByKey(_ + _) 
val scoreRdd ={case (k,v) => (v,k)} 
wordsRDD MapPartitionsRDD 
scoreRDD MappedRDD 
rdd.toDebugString is your friend 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Spark has Support for... 
Scala Notebook 
> Shell Notebook 
R API Shell 
The Spark Shell is the best way to start exploring Spark 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Exploring and 
transforming data with 
the Spark Shell 
Book data provided by Project Gutenberg ( 
Cluster computing resources provided by 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
What is Spark? 
Spark Foundation: The RDD 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Now, we know what is Spark! 
At least, we know its Core, let’s say SDK. 
Thanks to its great and enthusiastic community 
Spark Core have been used in an ever growing number of fields 
Hence the ecosystem is evolving fast 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Higher level primitives ... 
… or APIs 
… or the rise of the popolo 
If Spark Core is the fold of distributed computing 
Then we’re going to look at the map, filter, countBy, groupBy, ... 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Spark Streaming 
When you have big fat streams behaving as one single collection 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Spark Streaming 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Spark SQL 
From SQL to noSQL to SQL … to noSQL 
Structured Query Language 
We’re not really querying but we’re processing 
SQL provides the mathematical (abstraction) structures to manipulate data 
We can optimize, Spark has Catalyst 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Spark SQL 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
“The library to teach them all” 
SciPy, SciKitLearn, R, MatLab and c° → learn on one machine 
(sadly often, one core) 
SVM lm 
K-Means ALS 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Connecting the dots 
Graph processing at scale. 
> Takes edges 
> Add some nodes 
> Combine = Send messages (Pregel) 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Connecting the dots 
Graph processing at scale. 
> Take edges 
> Link nodes 
> Combine/Send messages 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
The new kid on the block in the Spark community (with the uncovered Thunder) 
Game changing library for processing DNA, Genotypes, Variant and co. 
Comes with the right stack for processing … 
… legacy huge bunch of vital data 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Tooling (NoIDE) 
Besides the classical Eclipse, IntellijIDEA, Netbeans, Sublime Text and family! 
An IDE is not enough because not only softwares or services are crafted. 
Spark is for data analysis, and data scientist need 
> interactivity (exploration) 
> reproducibility (environment, data and logic) 
> shareability (results) 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Spark-Shell backend for IPython (Worksheet for data analysts) 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Well shaped Notebook based on Kibana, offering Spark dedicated features 
> Multi languages (Scala, sql, markdown, shell) 
> Dynamic forms (generating inputs) 
> Data visualization (and export) 
Check the website! 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Spark Notebook 
Scala-Notebook fork, enhanced for Spark peculiarities. 
Full Scala, Akka and RxScala. 
Features including: 
> Multi languages (Scala, sql, markdown, javascript) 
> Data visualization 
> Spark work tracking 
Try it: 
curl | bash -s dev 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Databricks Cloud 
The amazing product crafted by the company behind Spark! 
Cannot say more than this product will be amazing. 
Fully collaborative, dashboard creation and publication. 
Register for a beta account (Still eagerly waiting for mine ) 
Go there 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Mining DNA 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Mining Geodata 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Dallas  Seattle 
divergence of 18.4 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Mining Texts 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
A small project just for the fun 
Process Wikipedia XML dump put in HDFS 
Convert XML (multi-lined ) to CSV 
Push to S3 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
A small project just for the fun 
Compute some stats: TF-IDF 
Train a NaiveBayes classifier 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
A small project just for the fun 
See what the machine can say 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
A small project just for the fun 
But… quite some data 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
A Word of Advice 
Spark beautiful simplicity is often overshadowed by the complexity of building 
and maintaining a working distributed system. 
Sharpen up your Ops skills… 
… or ooops 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Project website: 
Spark presentations: 
Starting Questions: 
More Advanced Questions: 
Source Code: 
Getting involved: 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
Devoxx ! 
Virdata → Shell Demo cluster 
NextLab → Wikipedia ML Cluster 
Rand Hindi (Snips) → Geodata example 
Xavier Tordoir (SilicoCloud) → DNA example 
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
#devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg

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Andy Petrella
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What is a distributed data science pipeline. how with apache spark and friends.What is a distributed data science pipeline. how with apache spark and friends.
What is a distributed data science pipeline. how with apache spark and friends.
Andy Petrella
Towards a rebirth of data science (by Data Fellas)
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Towards a rebirth of data science (by Data Fellas)
Andy Petrella
Distributed machine learning 101 using apache spark from a browser devoxx.b...
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Andy Petrella
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Leveraging mesos as the ultimate distributed data science platform
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Data Enthusiasts London: Scalable and Interoperable data services. Applied to...
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Andy Petrella
Spark meetup london share and analyse genomic data at scale with spark, adam...
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Andy Petrella
Distributed machine learning 101 using apache spark from the browser
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Andy Petrella
Liège créative: Open Science
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Andy Petrella
BioBankCloud: Machine Learning on Genomics + GA4GH @ Med at Scale
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Andy Petrella
What is Distributed Computing, Why we use Apache Spark
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Spark devoxx2014

  • 1. Lighting Fast Big Data Analytics with Apache . Andy Petrella (@noootsab), Gerard Maas (@maasg) Big Data Hacker Data Processing Team Lead #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 2. Agenda What is Spark? Spark Foundation: The RDD Demo Ecosystem Examples Resources #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 3. Memory Network CPU’s (and don’t forget to throw some disks in the mix) #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 4. What is Spark? Spark is a fast and general engine for large-scale distributed data processing. val file = spark.textFile("hdfs://...") val counts = file.flatMap(line => line. split(" ")) .map(word => (word, 1)) .reduceByKey(_ + _) counts.saveAsTextFile("hdfs://...") Fast Functional Growing Ecosystem #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 5. Spark: A Strong Open Source Project 27/02 Apache top-level proj 30/05 Spark 1.0.0 REL 11/09 Spark 1.1.0 REL 42 contibutors 118 contibutors #Commits. src: 176 contibutors #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 6. Compared to Map-Reduce public class WordCount { public static class Map extends Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, IntWritable> { private final static IntWritable one = new IntWritable( 1); private Text word = new Text(); public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String line = value.toString(); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { word.set(tokenizer.nextToken()); context.write(word, one); } } } public static class Reduce extends Reducer<Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable> { public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<IntWritable> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { int sum = 0; for (IntWritable val : values) { sum += val.get(); } context.write(key, new IntWritable(sum)); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); Job job = new Job(conf, "wordcount" ); job.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); job.setOutputValueClass(IntWritable.class); job.setMapperClass(Map.class); job.setReducerClass(Reduce.class); job.setInputFormatClass(TextInputFormat.class); job.setOutputFormatClass(TextOutputFormat.class); FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(args[ 0])); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(args[ 1])); job.waitForCompletion( true); } } val file = spark.textFile("hdfs://...") val counts = file.flatMap(line => line. split(" ")) .map(word => (word, 1)) .reduceByKey(_ + _) counts.saveAsTextFile("hdfs://...") Spark #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 7. The Big Idea... Express computations in terms of operations on a data set. Spark Core Concept: RDD => Resilient Distributed Dataset Think of an RDD as an immutable, distributed collection of objects • Resilient => Can be reconstructed in case of failure • Distributed => Transformations are parallelizable operations • Dataset => Data loaded and partitioned across cluster nodes (executors) RDDs are memory-intensive. Caching behavior is controllable. #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 8. RDDs Executors Spark Cluster HDFS #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 9. RDDs .textFile("...") RDD Partitions #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 10. RDDs .textFile("...").flatMap(l => l.split(" ")) #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 11. RDDs .textFile("...").flatMap(l => l.split(" ").)map(w => (w,1)) 111111 111111 111111 #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 12. RDDs .textFile("...").flatMap(l => l.split(" ").)map(w => (w,1)) 111111 111111 111111 .reduceByKey(_ + _) 2411 3121 2221 #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 13. RDDs .textFile("...").flatMap(l => l.split(" ").)map(w => (w,1)) 111111 111111 111111 .reduceByKey(_ + _) 2411 3121 2221 75 7 3 #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 14. RDDs .textFile("...").flatMap(l => l.split(" ").)map(w => (w,1)) 111111 111111 111111 .reduceByKey(_ + _) 2411 3121 2221 75 7753 7 3 #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 15. The Spark Lingo .textFile("...").flatMap(l => l.split(" ")).map(w => (w,1)) 111111 111111 111111 .reduceByKey(_ + _) 2411 3121 2221 75 7753 7 3 Job Cluster Executor RDD Partition Stage Task #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 16. Spark: RDD Operations INPUT DATA HDFS TEXT/ Sequence File RDD SparkContext RDD OUTPUT Data HDFS TEXT/ Sequence File Cassandra #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 17. Transformations Inner Manipulations > map, flatMap, filter, distinct Cross RDD > union, subtract, intersection, join, cartesian Structural reorganization (Expensive) > groupBy, aggregate, sort Tuning > coalesce, repartition #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 18. Actions Fetch Data > collect, take, first, takeSample Aggregate Results > reduce, count, countByKey Output > foreach, foreachPartition, save* #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 19. RDD Lineage Each RDDs keeps track of its parent. This is the basis for DAG scheduling and fault recovery val file = spark.textFile("hdfs://...") val wordsRDD = file.flatMap(line => line.split (" ")) .map(word => (word, 1)) .reduceByKey(_ + _) val scoreRdd ={case (k,v) => (v,k)} HadoopRDD MappedRDD FlatMappedRDD MappedRDD MapPartitionsRDD ShuffleRDD wordsRDD MapPartitionsRDD scoreRDD MappedRDD rdd.toDebugString is your friend #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 20. Spark has Support for... Java Scala Notebook Python API Shell > A A API A API > Shell Notebook R API Shell The Spark Shell is the best way to start exploring Spark #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 21. Demo Exploring and transforming data with the Spark Shell Acknowlegments: Book data provided by Project Gutenberg ( through Cluster computing resources provided by #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 23. Agenda What is Spark? Spark Foundation: The RDD Demo Ecosystem Examples Resources #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 24. Ecosystem Now, we know what is Spark! At least, we know its Core, let’s say SDK. Thanks to its great and enthusiastic community Spark Core have been used in an ever growing number of fields Hence the ecosystem is evolving fast #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 25. Higher level primitives ... … or APIs … or the rise of the popolo If Spark Core is the fold of distributed computing Then we’re going to look at the map, filter, countBy, groupBy, ... #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 26. Spark Streaming When you have big fat streams behaving as one single collection t DStream[T] RDD[T] RDD[T] RDD[T] RDD[T] RDD[T] #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 27. Spark Streaming #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 28. Spark SQL From SQL to noSQL to SQL … to noSQL Structured Query Language We’re not really querying but we’re processing SQL provides the mathematical (abstraction) structures to manipulate data We can optimize, Spark has Catalyst #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 29. Spark SQL #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 30. MLLib “The library to teach them all” SciPy, SciKitLearn, R, MatLab and c° → learn on one machine (sadly often, one core) SVM lm NaiveBayes PCA K-Means ALS SVD #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 31. GraphX Connecting the dots Graph processing at scale. > Takes edges > Add some nodes > Combine = Send messages (Pregel) #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 32. GraphX Connecting the dots Graph processing at scale. > Take edges > Link nodes > Combine/Send messages #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 33. ADAM The new kid on the block in the Spark community (with the uncovered Thunder) Game changing library for processing DNA, Genotypes, Variant and co. Comes with the right stack for processing … … legacy huge bunch of vital data #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 34. Tooling (NoIDE) Besides the classical Eclipse, IntellijIDEA, Netbeans, Sublime Text and family! An IDE is not enough because not only softwares or services are crafted. Spark is for data analysis, and data scientist need > interactivity (exploration) > reproducibility (environment, data and logic) > shareability (results) #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 35. ISpark Spark-Shell backend for IPython (Worksheet for data analysts) #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 36. Zeppelin Well shaped Notebook based on Kibana, offering Spark dedicated features > Multi languages (Scala, sql, markdown, shell) > Dynamic forms (generating inputs) > Data visualization (and export) Check the website! #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 37. Spark Notebook Scala-Notebook fork, enhanced for Spark peculiarities. Full Scala, Akka and RxScala. Features including: > Multi languages (Scala, sql, markdown, javascript) > Data visualization > Spark work tracking Try it: curl | bash -s dev #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 38. Databricks Cloud The amazing product crafted by the company behind Spark! Cannot say more than this product will be amazing. Fully collaborative, dashboard creation and publication. Register for a beta account (Still eagerly waiting for mine ) Go there #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 39. Examples #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 40. Mining DNA #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 42. Mining Geodata #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 43. Dallas Seattle divergence of 18.4 #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 44. Mining Texts #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 45. A small project just for the fun Process Wikipedia XML dump put in HDFS Convert XML (multi-lined ) to CSV Push to S3 Sampling #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 46. A small project just for the fun Compute some stats: TF-IDF Train a NaiveBayes classifier #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 47. A small project just for the fun See what the machine can say #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 48. A small project just for the fun But… quite some data #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 49. A Word of Advice Spark beautiful simplicity is often overshadowed by the complexity of building and maintaining a working distributed system. Sharpen up your Ops skills… … or ooops #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 50. Resources Project website: Spark presentations: Starting Questions: More Advanced Questions: Source Code: Getting involved: #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 51. Acknowledgments Devoxx ! Virdata → Shell Demo cluster NextLab → Wikipedia ML Cluster Rand Hindi (Snips) → Geodata example Xavier Tordoir (SilicoCloud) → DNA example #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg
  • 52. Answers! #devoxx #sparkvoxx @noootsab @maasg