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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in
Unit 30:
UK Media Publishing
St. Andrew’s Catholic School –
Unit 30: UK Media Publishing
Candidate Name: Sonu Johny
Candidate Number: 2069
Centre Number: 64135
Contents slide1 – course intro
2 – contents page
3 – LO1 intro
4 – Bauer and Q magazine facts
5 – background of Bauer
6 – Bauer info
7 – Bauer operating model
8 – Q production process
9 – chasing Bauer
10 – Q target readership
11 – circulation of magazine
12 – other publications
13-17 – target audience
18 – magazine website
19 – social media production
20-21 – promotion/distribution
22 – advertising
23-24 – front cover analysis
25 – double page spread analysis
26 – section 2 intro
27-29 – types of newspapers
30 – London Evening Standard free sheet
31 – LES publisher
32-33 – LES content
34-35 – LES front cover analysis
36 – DPS analysis
37 – news values
38 – different types of news values
39 – genre of LES
40-46 – target audience and news selections
47-50 – advertising
51 – LES website
52 – comparison of hard copy and online copy
53 – example of comparison
54 – LO2 intro
55-56 – mind maps
1 – course intro
57-58 –mood boards
59 – mood board conclusion
60-61 – masthead
62-63 – front cover and DPS analysis
64 – graphics layout
65 – draft article
66 – house style
67- impact of decision on quality
68-69 – flat plan
70 – content overview
71-73 – proposal
74-76 – front cover and DPS analysis of Q
77 – Q layout
78 – Steve Neale
79 – genre of Stinger
80-81 – target audience of Stinger
82 – location recce
83-84 – production plan
85 – production date
86-90 – cost and profits
91-94 – legal issues
95-96 – preventing copyright
115-116 – complaint procedure
117-119 – legal issues
120 – Bauer policy
121 – purpose of primary research
122-130 – primary research questions
131 – primary research conclusion
132 – interview analysis
133 – LO conclusion
134 – LO3 intro
135-137 – proposal
138-139 – production plan
140-142 – cost and profit
143 – mind map
144 – publicising job roles
145 – house style
146 – social media sites
147-148 – flat plan
149-151 – masthead
152-153 – front cover and DPS analysis
154-155 graphics layouts
156 – draft article
157-159 – photography plan
160 – test photography
161-163 – feedback and changes made
164-165 – final front cover and DPS Photoshop
166-168 – front cover and DPS annotations
169-179 – step by step Photoshop of front cover
179-188 – step by step Photoshop of DPS
189-197 – safe working practice
198 – LO conclusion
199 – LO 4 intro
200 – props used in pitch
201-206 – how to access the pitch/pitch info
207 – LO5 intro
208 – overview
209-211 – feedback and changes made
212 – interview with publisher
213 – feedback from pitch
214-215 – strengths and areas of development
216-218 – improvements made
219 – reflecting on pitch
220 – presentation
221 – calendar events
222-228 – survey monkey feedback
229 – feedback conlusion
• Q is a UK based magazine who focuses on hip hop music
• Q magazine is sold 12 times a year so 1 issue every month
• Q was first published on 15 October 1986
• The first issue casted Bob Dylan and John Lennon as first
cover stars
• Q magazine was bought by Bauer from Emap
• Bauer Media Group is a large European based media company
• Bauer is headquartered in Hamburg
Background of Bauer
Bauer Media Group is one of the most successful media
companies in the world and has more than 570
magazines, over 300 digital products, 50 radio and TV
stations. But Bauer didn’t stop there the company’s
portfolio also includes printing companies, postal services
and service in the field distribution, marketing and media
The fraise ‘We think popular’ connotes that “Bauer Media
Group has a perception of itself as a publisher of popular
media and provides inspiration and motivation to its
more than 11,000 employees in 16 countries.”
Bauer is Europe’s largest privately owned
publishing group, who publish over 300
magazines in 15 countries, as well as online,
TV and radio stations. Furthermore Bauer
Media is a multi-platform UK-based media
group which contains many companies
divided into 2 groups which are magazine
and radio. Also Bauer joined the Bauer
Media Group in January 2008 following
acquisition of Emap plc’s consumer and
specialist magazine, radio TV, online and
digital businesses.
To extend through my research on Bauer I
was able to find the operating model Bauer,
which can bee seen in the image on the left.
Bauer operating model
Process of production
To start of my magazine production I need to create a production schedule which will help me manage the production in a timely fashion and
manage to meet all deadlines to launch the magazine. In the schedule I must make sure to include the deadline for when each story must be
submitted to the editor, time for proofreading, time for the editors board to look over the magazine and comment on it, deadlines for printing
and deadline date for distribution.
Then secondly you I need create an editor’s table of content for all pages, including fonts and back covers which will help plan out where the
contents will go and what the contents will be. Then the content plan ahs to be confirmed by all the members of the editorial board before
production starts.
Thirdly create a detailed plan for each story such as the content of the story, like what challenge it will address for your audience. Then you have
to look at what format the story will be laid out in, such as will it be in the format of a interview, a feature, a news story or any other formats.
Afterwards you have to make sure that the content is visually appealing and not just pages of text so find ways to make the content look more
pleasing to read such as disorientate it’s mot all aligned or wrap the text around images. To make this easier create a design mock-up which is a
brief design of the layout of your magazine to your author, this is not necessary the final design but will help visualise how the magazine will
some what look like. From there you can ask the author to start writing the articles.
Fourthly proofread and edit the stories so that all the content is of a a high standard. Make sure that the headlines of the stories if sit for the
story and makes sense, then make sure that the introduction of the story meets 2 main objectives which are to attract the reader’s attention and
to tell them what follows. Then go through the story and make sure it all makes sense and there are no grammar mistakes or misplaced content.
Also make sure when you are using the pictures they are of a suitable resolution and also make sure the picture captions are suitable for the
The fifth step is to design the magazine by sending all the final materials to your graphics designer and work with them to produce your
Then the last step is to have one final look at your magazine in detail before you send your first issue to send
Chasing up Bauer
I attempted to chase up Bauer media to ask them to give me some
information on their production process as well as give me some
information on their magazine distribution system.
Target Readership
Q magazines target readership falls into the personal
relationships section from the Katz’ uses and
gratifications theory, because the magazine like
suggested in the image from the Q magazine press
pack suggests that the target readership is average
people who are using music to interact with friends
and have a good time, like Chris. The image on the
left talks about an average person called Chris who is
into music and, attends and sets up concerts. He if
fond of technology and uses it to listen to music, such
as by downloading apps such as Spotify to listen to
music from. This gives people a general view of what
type of target readership they are aiming at which are
quite average people who are interested in music.
They even tell you the median age for their target
readership which is 34.
Circulation of Q magazine
From the table we can see that
Q magazine’s combined total
average circulation is 48,353,
which compared to some of the
other magazines such as Mojo
and Empire is quite low. Also Q
magazines digital total average
circulation is only 2,257 which
although isn’t too bad because it
beats Mojo, Kerrang and NME it
is still very low compared to the
digital total average circulation if
Total Film and Empire.
Bauer also publish another music magazine called Kerrang which also focuses on
Rock music and youth culture. Kerrang has multi-platform because it has its own
magazine, radio station, website and TV channel.
Q is also a music magazine published by Bauer, and it too has many multi-media
platforms such as it has a website and a award show.
4 Music is a music channel published by Bauer. 4 Music is free channel so
anybody who has a TV is able to access it. This is one of the reasons why they
have 11 million viewers a month.
Katz’ Uses and Gratifications theory
I think that Q target audience falls into the
personal relationships and the surveillance
group from the Katz’ uses and gratifications
theory because Q inform about what’s the latest
news update on artists as well as gives people a
taste of what hip hop music is about so they can
go and discuss about the latest hip hop music
hit’s and stuff to their family or friends.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Looking at hierarch of needs
theory Q magazine is target
audience would fall into the
Esteem section, because they
Q focuses on hip hop music
and there for lots of people
who read the magazine will
have respect for the artist in
the magazine. Also hip hop
music is quite a hard and
almost violent type of music
and therefore stereotypically
people who listen to rock
music are quite tuff people
who seek respect and are self
Hartley’s 7 subjectivities
Q’s target audience will be from 18 on because on the Bauer website
there is a audience finder which finds you categorises content
depending on the target audience age and the minimum age is 18 and
the max is 55+, which Q fits into. The magazine is for both genders
male and female although it is mostly for men because the magazine
mostly casts male artists, however there are a few female artists who
are occasionally casted in the magazine. The magazine is for all race
because it cast artist from Jamaica such as Jay-Z as well as artist from
UK such as Amy Winehouse so they do reach out a diverse group.
Socio-economic needs
Looking at the socio-economic chart Q’s
target audience will mostly fall into
section C2, D and E because Q’s magazine
contains a lot of bad language which
stereotypically targets people with a lack
of education because they are the people
who usually speak in slang most of the
time and use swear words a lot, so they
are most likely to understand most of the
bad words that come up in the magazine.
The reason why is said it could also fit
into E was because E contains pensioners
and the Q magazine hosts lots of old rock
stars such as Queen and Slash.
From the Psychographics group I would
put the target audience for Q into the
explorers and resigned category because
the magazine casts a lot of popular artist
from the past such as Queen and Slash
who the older audience will be more
interested to read about because they are
musician of their time. Also I have chosen
the explorers category because young
people will be interested to read about
their favourite rock artist so they would
want to explore a bit about rock music
because they might only be recently
getting into rock and therefor might buy
the Q magazine to learn more about the
rock music and its artists.
Q magazine website
The Q magazine website has
information on the new
trending music, interviews
with artist’s, the latest issues
and the Q awards. The
website gives links the
magazines social media
pages such as for their
Twitter, Facebook,
Instagram, YouTube and
Pinterest. You can also order
subscriptions to Q magazine
by going on the subscription
page and ordering. Also on
the website you can see
previous content from
previous issues.
Social media promotion
Q magazine uses social media to promote their magazine by showing details of Q awards and
updating their followers on new music albums and music coming out. Also by having a social
media page Q magazine can reach out to their target audience, because their target audience
mainly consists of teenagers and young adults.
Q magazine is available on online stores such as on, this is good for
the magazine to be sold on online stores because the magazine aims at a young audience and
most young people now commonly use the internet to by products of off, so by also being
available online they can gain more customers. Also on their online website they advertise
offers for the magazine witch attract customers to buy the magazine, such as subscribe to Q
magazine and get 12 issues fro only £32. furthermore they even show you how much you save
by using the offers which influences people to use the offers.
Q magazine is also
available in book stores
such as WHSmith which
can be seen from the first
image, but also on their
online stores which can
be seen in the second
image. A subscription of Q
magazine can be even
made from the
WHSmith’s website but is
more expensive than from
the great magazine online
store and doesn’t suggest
aby offers.
Advertising in Q magazine
To advertise in Q magazine it costs
£10,072 for a full page FH, £9,156 for a full
page ROP and for half page it is £5,036.
Brands are interested to
advertise in Q magazine because
they know that the magazine is
popular, which you can tell by
the stats from the image on the
right. So because Q magazine is
popular other brands looking to
advertise in it will know that due
to its popularity it will be sold to
many people and therefore by
advertising in the magazine all
those people buying the
magazine will also be seeing the
Front cover analysis The masthead is enlarged to
take up almost a quarter of the
page so that it can be easily
The main headline looks like the
artists autograph. This could be
to connote that the issue is one
of a kind.
The style of the front cover is
almost like a photo, which could
be to connote that this issue is
something special.
Also the main image is given a
border so it looks more
interesting and more
The barcode box includes the barcode, date and
price. The price is set at £3.99 this shows that
Q’s target market has good disposable income to
spend £3.99 on a magazine.
Front cover analysis The main image is of the artists doing up
his top button, which could connote that
he is getting ready for something and this
then gets the reader thinking and wanting
to read the story and find out, this is
related to semiotics, “signs act as
signifiers” (Ferdinand De Saussure),
because by the artist doing up his button
signifies to the audience he is getting
ready for something important.
The cover lines are names of all the big
artist and it goes around the main image
to show importance to the artist.
It is clear that the center of attention is
Tinie Tempah because all the other artists
names are written in a small font and
then the artist’s name is in a large font
and underlined.
A pull quote is placed at the top which
gets people wondering how the music
changed his life?
Q– Double page spread analysis
There is a large ‘L’ in front
of all the content, which
could be to connote that
the article is all about
‘lady GAGA’ hence the
large L for lady.
The main image takes up
the whole of the right
side of the double page
spread this could be to
connote the artists
popularity and iconic
Drop capitals are used
within the content to
draw in the readers
The logo of Q
magazine is placed
at the bottom to
bring brand
All the content is
squashed together on one
page this could be to let
the image connote most
of the story for them.
Section 2 – Newspaper
Red-top tabloid newspapers
Red-top tabloid newspaper are
newspapers that do not really talk
much about serious issues but instead
cover more of the entertaining and
funny news such as the one you can
see on the Daily Mirror about the
Olympic girl throwing bricks at cops,
and so this would come under Scandal,
Personality and Oddity looking at the
Galtung and Ruge table. Tabloid
newspapers usually focus on stories
about celebrities, events and gossip
concerning bizarre occurrences. An
example of 2 red-top tabloid
newspapers are ‘The Sun’ and the
‘Daily Mirror’, they usually focus on
sensational news that will entertain the
audience and make them laugh rather
than focus on hard stories that talk
about serious matters such as poverty
and war.
A broadsheet newspaper is a newspaper that talks more serious maters such
as political matters and hard news such as wars which would come under
Conflict in the Galtung and Ruge table. Broadsheet newspapers usually go
deep in detail and have a lot of content on stories, this is why broadsheet
newspapers are usually targeted at well educated people who follow up on
political matters and have concerns for what goes around in politics. Also due
to its load of content broadsheet newspapers are quite thick. Examples of
broadsheet newspapers are ‘The Times’ and ‘The Guardian’.
Free sheet
Free sheets are newspapers that are distributed around to the public free of
charge and are usually found scattered around central areas of towns or
cities. Free sheets make their money through their advertisements placed
within the newspaper. This is because the newspaper is scattered around on
places such as trains and busses which loads of people use for long travel and
therefore they will be tempted to read it when they are sat on a long journey,
so they then see the adverts but also once they read it it is less, likely that
they will take the newspaper with them so they will leave it behind and then
another person on the journey will pick it up. So through this process loads of
people are seeing these adverts, therefore knowing this more and more
brands will want to advertise in free sheet newspapers. Examples of free
sheet magazines are ‘Metro’ and the ‘London Evening Standard’.
London Evening Standard – Free sheet
The London Evening Standard newspaper was not always
a free sheet, in fact before turning into a free sheet the
newspaper was sold for 50p per issue. However at that
time the company was facing great losses and so by
October 12th they decided to change London Evening
Standard into a free sheet hoping to gain profit over lose,
and they did, they started selling 600,000 copies a day
instead of 250,00. They started covering all the costs of
production just with their advertising revenue and then
gradually their profit started to increase. The company
reduced 8,000 outlets to just 300 distribution points,
which were especially picked for the volume of traffic,
such as the main railway and tube stations.
ESI Media syndication portal allows for quick and easy access to articles, images and videos through their print
publications such as London Evening Standard and their equivalent websites.
ESI Media’s other print publications are:
• The Independent
• Independent on Sunday
• i
ESI Media gives a mix of top national newspapers which range in articles from news reporting in the middle east to A-
list celebrity interviews to features on the latest health trends.
ESI Media has achieved record traffic on their sites and, monthly visitors
over 67 million and the page views were over 200 million, also the average daily visors were over 3 million.
London Evening Standard content
The London Evening Standard is free sheet because it costs nothing and is
found scattered around on busses and trains. Also my magazine contains a lot
of advertisements which is where my magazine gains its income from. For
example the first double page spread you see when you open the newspaper
after the front cover is an ad for the Galaxy S6 edge+. Also like on the image
of the double page spread on the bottom left adverts are placed around
stories so that people notice them while reading the stories, also their hard to
miss cause they take up half the page and the red color stands out really well.
London Evening Standard content
The London Evening Standard has a mix of stories such as the
first image talks about the abuse of pure drugs such as ecstasy
raises the rate of drug deaths, which is a serious story whereas
the second image shows a story about the reviews of the on
going franchise of James Bond. So the newspaper is very varied
in its content because they have a variety of serious and
entertaining stories. This suggests that its target audience is
targeted at people 30 and over because of the serious stories
within the newspaper about rape and rugs, but also because of
the humorous and entertaining stories such as about the
James Bon franchise.
Front cover annotation
Masthead – the masthead is placed at the
top and is in different size fonts, this could
be to connote the uniqueness of the
Masthead – the masthead is also in the
same size font as the main headline, this
might be to connote that the newspaper
itself is just as important as the lead story.
Lead story – the heading for the lead story
takes up most of the page this denotes that
the main heading explains brief story all in
one so there is no need for much content to
be displayed on the front page.
Main image – the main image also takes up
most of the page but this could also be to
denote that the headline and image explains
everything you need to know. Also the main
image could be placed there so that the
audience could sympathises with the
families of these kids because it shows 2
cute children smiling who have died.
Front cover annotation
At the bottom there is an advert of John Lewis, this is
because the newspaper is a free sheet so they have to find
as much as space as they can to fit in loads of
advertisement to make their income.
The lead stories brief information is in a small box under
the headline and in small font, this could be because the
felt that the main headline and the main image explain the
story already so less people would read the small info on
the story when they can find the whole story in the
newspaper when they flick through.
Secondary lead – the secondary lead in placed at the top
but in very small font and very small image size, this is
because the secondary isn’t as important as the main
story so is given less importance.
Advert – another advertisement is placed at the top right
of O2 for the newspapers income.
New values – I think that this story fits into groups Recency,
Human Interests, Continuity and Conflict (Galtung and
Ruge) because it is a story which makes the reader feel
sorry for the 2 children who have died and a recent story
which has caused conflict between David Cameron and the
public on whether to let the refuges in or not. Further more
it was a story which had been running for quite a while
when it was occurring.
Double page spread annotation
Main image – the main image
shows an image of a man carrying
a child out from the water.
The page is split into to because on side
talks about diplomatic views and what
David Cameron said on the topic, where
as the right hand side talks about the
actual incident and what occurred to
the family.
Social media links for
the newspaper.
Large adverts are placed on
both pages of the double
page spread so that they are
defiantly noticed and so the
newspaper gets more
The headline is in a much larger font than the
rest of the content, is could be to connote
that the big issue is that David Cameron isn’t
taking in refuges and that’s what the cause of
the children's deaths were. This could be why
the heading on the right isn't as big and bold
as the one on the left because the cause was
David Cameron so to connote this they placed
the headline about David Cameron in a larger
and bolder font.
The content is wrapped around the
image to connote that article on
the left is defending David
Cameron, because the image is of
him looking very string with his
hands clenched.
News Values
The main story has 2 news values which are human interest
and recency (Galtung & Ruge). This is because the lead story
is on 2 children that died by drowning while migrating from
the Mediterranean. So this is a type of story that leaves an
emotional effect on the reader because it shows 2 innocent
children smiling who have died, which the reader will feel
emotional towards. Also this incident that happened quite
recently and had the prime minister involved to say why he
wasn’t letting in refuges into the country.
Different types of News Values
This lead story comes
under Personality of the
Galtung and Ruge,
because it is talking
about the secret love life
of a wealthy person and
focusing the story on
that famous persons life.
This lead story would fit into the
Recency and Conflict of the
Galtung and Ruge, because its
about to opposing people and
about how one stole the others
spotlight. Also this story was
released near to when the
actual conflict occurred so it will
also fit into the Recency group.
This story would fit into the
Unpredictability and
Negativity of the Galtung and
Ruge, because Gaddafi was a
person who suppressed
human rights and therefore it
was quite unpredictable that
he his doctors would be
trained by the NHS and clearly
this is a negative news.
Genre of London Evening Standard
As you can see from the image the
London Evening Standard changes its
genre depending on the day of the
week. But usually on average new,
business, Londoner’s Diary,
International, art and sport are what's
commonly found in all the London
Evening Standard newspaper. On
Mondays though the genre is trends,
on Tuesday its fashion, style and sex,
on Wednesday it’s health and beauty,
travel, A and P, Thursdays it’s loon life,
food and books, and on Friday its film
and music, theatre, motoring and ED
Katz’ Uses and Gratifications theory
I think that the London Evening Standard’s target
audience falls into the surveillance category of Katz’
uses and gratifications theory because they use the
media to find out what is going on around them,
such as current events like floods in London.
Another reason why I think this is because the
London Evening Standard is a newspaper that is
quite heavily detailed and contains a lot of content
which inform (Katz) people more, instead of having
more gossipy news which are sometimes
News selections
The table denotes that the most
important genre of news which is
important to the UK audience is
UK news, which connotes why
the London Evening Standard has
chosen to have heavy coverage
of UK news because it has 77% of
the people in the UK looking at
the graph want to see most in a
newspaper. However London
Evening Standard has quite a
variation of content which covers
genres such as sports, UK
politics, economical news and
international news, all of which
are popular among the UK
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Looking at Maslow’s hierarch of needs
theory London Evening Standard’s
target audience will come under the
safety category, because the safety
category contains people who care
about their own safety, their own
family, their own jobs, their own health
and such. This means that they would
wan to be kept up to date on current
events and will need to know about job
rates, health care costs, property values
and such, and the London Evening
Standard provides information on such
things like on the stock market rates,
properties available, healthcare tips
and such.
Hartley’s 7 subjectivities
London Evening Standard is more targeted at people aged 25 and
above, this is because it contains quite mature content such as
business news, international news and travel news. But furthermore it
contains content for quite young adults such as news on health and
beauty, trends and fashion, sex, sport, film, food and music.
The newspaper is also targeted on both men and women because it
contains content which is for men such as sport and for women such
as health and beauty.
The newspaper is aimed at people of all ethnicities because the
London Evening Standard covers news on current affairs and events
which effect everybody or is aimed to reach out to everybody, so there
is no specific targeted ethnicity. Also because the London Evening
Standard is a Free sheet so people of all classes can get the newspaper
because its free.
Socio-economic needs
Looking at the socio-economic needs table I think
that London Evening Standards target audience
will fit into groups A, B and C1 because the
newspaper is quite thick with content and is
usually found on London trains, this means that
people who work in London that use the public
transport to move around is going to be picking it
up and reading it. Commonly people who have
jobs such as bankers and office workers are
typically known to use trains early in the morning
to get to work. Another reason for why I think the
newspapers target audience fits into those groups
because London Evening Standard has quite heavy
political articles and information on stock markets,
so people with low standard of education such as
unemployed people or students are unlike to be
interested in reading it.
From the Psychographics
group I would put the target
audience for London
Evening Standard into the
succeeder and reformers,
because the newspaper
contains lots of information
on political and economical
matters and people within
those 2 psychographics look
at what’s happening in the
world because their people
who have social awareness
and people who look at
quality when choosing
From the table above we can see that London Evening Standards
audience fits into groups A, B and C1 of the demographics, because it
shows on the table that people within those groups have a larger
amount of people reading the newspaper which is 1294, where as
people within groups C2, D and E only have 627 who read the
newspaper in a week. The London Evening Standard most likely suits
these groups of the demographics best because they contain well
educated people who would more commonly like to read long and
chunky stories which describe in more detail the elements of the story
rather than sum it up quickly and only show some facts here and there.
Demographics – London Evening
Social media advertisement
The London Evening Standard has its own twitter page where it posts the latest news updates,
however this does encourage you to buy the newspaper because all the news posted on their
twitter page doesn’t go in-depth with the stories which then tempts you to go an buy the
newspaper to hear the full tory in detail.
London Evening Standard - YouTube
The London Evening Standard has its own YouTube channel where they posts tips on how to
maintain your body, tips on how to make food and other advice videos. The channel however
doesn’t focus much on the main headline stories the channel is more for entertainment
purposes rather than to ‘inform’ (Katz) people on the latest events and news. The channel
focuses more on celebrities and what they are up to and what’s happening in their lives rather
than current world affairs, so this would fit into the personality sections when looking at
‘Galtung & Ruge’ because the content focuses on celebrities.
Social media advertisement
The London Evening Standard has
created their own app which is
available on the App Store. The
app gives you updates on latest
news which is updated every day,
so you basically get a copy of the
newspaper on your phone to read.
It even gives you weather updates
and sports updates and such.
This is a great way to advertise
their magazine because most
people now use their phones to
read news from rather than buy a
newspaper because it more easily
accessible on the phone, so by
having a free app available on app
store they are advertising their
newspaper and reaching out to a
larger audience.
Advertisements in the
Due to the London Evening standard being a free sheet there are loads of advertisements within
it, the common advertisements are from big brands such as, Virgin, O2, NatWest, John Lewis and
many more. Loads of big brands are putting in large advertisements into the newspaper, such as
NatWest has placed a large advert of itself on the same page as the lead story, this means that
more people would see it more than nay other advertisement because most people could read
the lead story and when there's such a large advertisement next to a lead story they wouldn’t flip
the page before having a look at the advert.
London Evening Standard –
online website
The London Evening Standard online has has a mixture of news genres such as they show the
more mature content, such as political matters, criminal activities and such as well as show
entertaining news such as, new inventions, celebrity gossip, reviews and such. The website also
promotes it’s Facebook page by showing the number of Facebook likes their website has, so by
doing this they are also convincing people to use the website because it shows that 442k people
have liked the page, so therefore it must be interesting content for so many people to like and
therefore people have a look through the website and start using it.
Comparison of hard copy and
online copy
The hard copy of London Evening Standard is a bit different to
the online copy because the online copy focuses more on
entertainment rather than on proper news, however they do
put their main stories at the top of the page such as a news on
a robbery. Where as on the hard copy it contains less
entertainment news and focuses more on current matters and
events but also looks at things such as films and fashion. Also
on the online copy more content can be placed on it so more
stories and news are available on the online copy, but the
important news still is available on the hard copy.
Furthermore the online copy contains less advertisement
because the hardcopy depends on advertisements to make
profit due to it being a free sheet, but the online copy
doesn't’t need to worry too much about that, however they
do still have some advertisement on their side bars.
Example of comparison
On the online version of London Evening Standard has
more entertaining news at the top because it looks to
attract customers by posting things which would relate or
put an impact on the viewer so that they would carry on
looking through the website. The hardcopy, however,
puts the more serious and current news reports at the
front of the page because the newspaper is found on
public transports everyday it looks to update people on
current matters and issues, but also contains entertaining
news within.
Magazine idea
Brand Identity
The name of my
magazine will be called
‘The 6th sense’. I have
given this name to my
magazine because the
name sixth sense will
put into the readers
head that we already
know what the reader
wants and have already
put it onto paper for
them, so like an actual
sixth sense.
Main Image
My main image will be
placed in the centre of the
magazine. The main image
will be of an artist and the
image will show half his
body from the waist up. The
main image will be placed in
front of the masthead to
show respect for the artist
and show that we aren’t
undermining the artist in
any way.
Colour Scheme
The colour of the
Masthead will be a
pail yellow, I will have
the background black
and white but with
certain parts of the
artist with colour such
as if the artist wears a
hat ill have the hat
and parts of his
clothing in colour and
the rest of him black
and white.
Main Headline
The main headline will be at the bottom of the page in size 54 text
with Bondi MT Post font. The main headline will be placed in front of
the artist so that it can be easily noticed and read.
cover line
The cover lines will be placed around the image so
that the audience feels that we are revolving
everything around the artist although some words
will be on the artist. Another reason why I want it
surrounding the artist is because I want the front
cover to look professional and neat, because if I
have lots of thing s over lapping each other it will
look to chaotic. So when things seem to chaotic and
disorientated on a front cover a reader would only
get repelled away from the magazine rather than
towards it because there's too much to look at. Also
it wouldn’t suit my target audience because my
target audience although are teenagers they are also
young men which means we shouldn't focus just
toward on end.
My cover will also contain
promotional advertisements such as
for apple, Hugo Buss and other
brands. This is a great way to attract
readers because if apple fans see an
apple product on a magazine they
will go to it and have a look at it
which might encourage them to buy
the magazine after having a gaze
over it.
Mood board – Final idea
The masthead will be similar to Q
magazine and will have the name of
the magazine in a large font and will
be on the top of the magazine.
Colour Scheme
For the cover of my magazine
the colour scheme will be a
mixture of dark and light to
contrast each other and make
the important things stand out
more than the others.
Brand Identity
The name of my magazine is called
My magazine will have a large
image of an artist such as Bruno
Mars in the centre with the
Masthead over the image, this
conventional because this is
what similar magazines in my
genre have.
My magazine will also have an
advertisement of a competition to
win an iPhone 6 in order to appeal
to the materialistic needs of the
I have chosen this name
because the name stinger
sounds a bit fears and violent
which is kind off what most
rap is like violent because of
the artists fears facial
expressions. So the name
‘stinger’ will connote to the
reader that the magazines
genre is mostly rock and hip
Also the verbal code stinger may
connote to the audience that the
magazine gets strait to the point
of things and won’t mess around
by putting in irrelevant articles to
fill in space.
Main Headline
The main headline will be
positioned at the bottom of the
page similar to Q. The main
headline will be in a slightly
smaller font than the Masthead.
My logo will be of a bee to go
with my brand name stinger.
My logo will be placed on the
top left.
My magazine will be released
weekly because I want to keep my
audience wanting more and more
of my magazine without having
them wait so long to get it. Also by
selling it weekly we will keep the
reader interested in our product
because if we have large gaps
between our releases people will
forget about how good our
magazine and wont go through
the trouble of buying it
Main image
The main image will go in
the centre of my magazine
over the Masthead and the
Main headline. This is
because I don’t the main
image to be the centre of
attention. We will give the
artist importance by
keeping the image big but
will put the masthead in
front to show of the brands
status and put the main
headline over as well
Alternative Idea
1nd Mood board
2nd Mood Board
Mood board conclusion
• On my mood board I have collected images of artists who I am thinking of covering on my magazine cover
for future editions of my magazine. I have collected a range of artists who mainly focus on rock hip hop. I
have done this to go with the genre of my magazine and also because the artist who I have picked are of
high popularity and admired by many. This can give my magazine a boost just because these iconic stars
just being on the page could create a USP for the magazine over my competitors.
• I have also included pictures of products which my magazine will advertise such as expensive watches,
perfume glasses and many more. This will also attract people to buy more of my magazine because it has
flashy items which people will want to see them wearing and by getting celebrities to advertise these
products will only increase the wanting of these products. Also by having these products advertised is
perfect for my target audience when looking at the Maslow hierarchy of needs, because my target
audience fits into the ‘social climbers’ demographic so by advertising products will attract them and only
help distinguish and attract my target audience.
• I have also put popular brands on my magazine because that way if people don’t recognize my magazine
because they have not bought it before, they can see the other famous brand who will pay me to advertise
their product on my magazine and then from people seeing these other brands can then be more
comfortable with advertising their products in my magazine.
• Also there are models who also advertise products which some people will feel better with because they
might not like the pop star. So by having normal models might influence people to buy them more,
because they might feel more comfortable seeing a normal person wearing it instead of a pop star. When
they are the same products on a normal person the viewer will feel like they can buy those products as
well because a normal person is wearing it meaning it’s affordable for normal people.
Masthead idea
These are the fonts that I have narrowed down
to include in my magazines.
Fighting Spirit
I chose this font because it has
sharp edges which goes with the
name stinger.
Olympic Branding
I chose this font because it looks
very none formal and a relaxing
font. By using this type of font it can
easily indicate to the viewer that the
magazine talks openly with the
Husky Stash
I chose this font because this has wide spaces
between its letters which indicates calmness.
This is helpful to make the reader feel like we
are thinking about them and we consider the
readers feelings when reading the magazine.
60s Pop
I chose this font because the font itself looks very retro
and it looks like it’s meant to be for Pop magazines
because of it’s groovy and retro look.
Linkin Park
I have chosen this font because it is very bold
and sharp and because of this it will be easily
noticeable on shelf's amongst other magazines.
This font is also very unique with its letters being
stretched out and having sharp ends. The font is
well aligned apart from the random unusual lets
stepping out this could connote that the
magazine some times goes out of its boundaries
to get us good content because by the letters
being rebellious and stepping out of their
alignment shows that the magazine is also a bit
• The idea for my magazine has lots of inspiration from the original layouts of the Q
magazine and have also edited some features of Q which I though where not as
well dispelled such as usually the cover line text is really small on most Q
magazines. While this is a great idea to draw more attention to the masthead by
the cover line being to small makes it feels as if the they aren’t as interesting as
the main headline. This makes people want to skip over the short stories and only
read the main story all because the text was to small. So that is why I am keeping
at size 16 and the masthead at size 34.
• Another key feature I am adding in my magazine is advertisement of a competition
which will draw people in because they would can’t to win the price. This will be
presented in the form of a Puff/Promotion.
• My main article will be an interview write a background story about an artist by
researching about that person and displaying it as a story.
Draft front page sketches
Masthead is placed at the top and in front of the
artist to show that the brand is most important and
shows off the brand when it is placed higher than
most of the content.
Logo placed in the corner next to the masthead so it
can be noticed easily when people look at the
masthead they will see the company logo next to it.
Strapline is placed at the top so it doesn’t get in the
ways of any other content and also so it doesn’t take
up much space.
Main image is placed in the centre because the
image will be the first thing a reader will notice so
the quality and arrangement of the image will effect
their view on the magazine and their decision to buy
it or not.
Cover lines will be placed on the sides surrounding
the main image but not touching it, because the
main image must be the centre of attraction and
therefore there shouldn’t be anything on it to take
away the attention from the image.
Main headline is placed at the bottom left hand side
and goes over the main image this is only because
the main headline is to do with the main image and
therefore only brings the attention back to the main
Draft double page spread sketches
Main image is place in the middle
DPS because this will make the
page look more unique and show
that both pages are connected to
one topic about the artist.
Logo will be placed on right page
of the DPS at the top so that it can
be recognised easily.
Advertisement of a product the
artist promotes will be shown on
the side of the right page on the
The content will surround the
main image and will be on both
The main header will be on the
left page of the DPS and on the
left hand corner so it will be the
first thing they read.
A Pull quote of the artist will be
displayed next to the main image
on the left page of the DPS.
Page number
Question and answers
will be within the content
of the interview.
Main image
Graphic Layout
Main headline
Main image
Main headline
Draft articles
Ollie Dean is a man with potential’, which is how his former manager Joe Hock described him as. Yet now Will Dean’s potential has turned into to perfection with his new album ‘The Craze’ making up to £7 million
within a month of its release. This star has gained mass amounts of popularity within a year.
This is Ollie Dean’s first year as a star and within this year he has accomplished much more than any ordinary star of our current time. This man has changed the music industry and is now thinking of bringing in even
more talent into the industry. He has also been working alongside Bruno Mars and Eminem to help write new songs.
Ollie Dean started off his career by working as a sound technician in a studio called ‘The Height’ in Birmingham. It was later that he realised his passion for music when he heard a young man called Mathew Brin in the
studio sing and noticed that his pitch was too high and thought to himself he could manage to reach the right pitch and sing that song. So then he went in and asked the studio manager if he could have a shot at it and
after one try the manager of the store realised Dean’s potential and recommended him to Joe Hock. Today we will be joined by Ollie Dean himself to find out what happened after he went under the wing of Joe Hock.
So Dean tells us what happened after you went and accepted Joe Hocks offer?
Ehh well what happened was that I went to him yea and me I was all nervous cause I hadn’t done this before you know what I’m saying, and then when I my man Joe he like showed me around the new studio and all
the people who helped out there and stuff. So like I, I still couldn’t soak this all in right so everything Joe said went into my ear and came out the other ear. So then like I went home yea and sat down yea and just
looked at myself in the mirror and went wow dude your gonna be rich bro and I was about to pass out from all the excitement and thrill that idea gave me. So yea ehhhmm, after that I just got with the moment and
just carried on the rest of the journey, which like got me here, like right know.
Dean how are you coping with sudden spike of popularity you now have?
Oh my God like bro like this right here is like a dream come true and I’m like so struck back by It I mean to know that I have so many fans who like my music, oh like bro it’s like amazing. Like the other day right I just
walked out me hotel to go to get a bite right and these people were like waiting outside my hotel to see me and I was like wow wow wow, like is this for real. So yea man it’s quite a big thing to cope with you know but
like I think I can probably handle it, like bro who doesn’t like fame and glory right.
Is it true that you are going to settle down in Italy for a while?
Naa naa I am like gonna settle down and stuff right but not know like I’m just too much in that flow you know what I’m saying. So yea but I will like on want to settle down in Italy someday because like it’s a nice place
right. But like for now right all I’m focused on is like my future ahead cause I can go back since I have ‘I made the jump’ from being an ordinary guy to like a big superstar and like there is now way I’m like stopping so
early in the game.
Is it true you refused to work alongside Jay- Z?
Haa yea the dude was a straight up jerk to me like when he came up to me and asked to do like a song with me he didn’t even have a smile on his face. But like I was thinking about the money then so like I dint care if
he wasn’t smiling as longs as I had stacks of green with me, you know what I’m saying. But for real though I like got a proper view of how much of a jerk he was when we started producing our song. Like he would
never come and talk to me directly right he would send like members of his crew or something to talk to me yea and I had to have special permission by him to go to speak to him. Then it got to a point right where it
was l like what the hell man, we both like respected artists so show me the respect then jerk. So yea brov the went like that and I straight up told him I didn’t want to work with anymore and we he blew of the contract
like right there and that was the end of that.
Now Dean I heard that you have been having some issues with your health recently, could you explain what happened to you throughout that period?
Oooooh dude I was like literally struck down with like tiredness yea, like I was so tired from all the constant concert and gigs I had to be at. Like ahh…. It got to like a point where I was like I just couldn’t handle it
anymore man I was just collapsing. Like I remember right when I did like a 24 hour journey and was constantly awake right like the whole way and then like I reached the concert and was like man you got to do this
dude like common think of the fans. So I like popped a few energy tablets and just like went up on stage like proper hyped, and like I managed to carry it through the whole concert. Then dude when I got of stage I was
like ohhhhhh can’t do this dude like I was so tired and I just went bam on the ground right like was like proper
unconscious, like had no idea right that if I was gonna die or what. Then I wake up in like hospital yea and I have this bandage over my nose cause I fell on it broke it yea and I’m like dam I just broke my nose but then I
was like at least you know I’m still alive so there’s a plus. So yea that happened.
Dean I heard that you were trying to bring on of your childhood friends into the music industry and that you guys where making a song together?
Yea yea ma main man Charlie we like brothers, we like grew up together and stuff. So like I went and met up with him like last week and he like expressed his feelings about music to me right and I was like yea sure I
bet you just want in because of the money and he was like no bro I actually have a passion for music and so I was like alright I’ll give you a shot. So I gave him a chance to show make how good he was right and he was
like amazing like never know that you had that talent like inside you bro, and he was like so happy yea and then I was like to him ill help you yea to get into the industry that is. But like before that I had to fix up his
vocals a bit cause like he needed a bit of polishing then. So like after like a month of working with, for like every day and when we made it I was like dude you’ve got it and he was like thanks u so much dude like he
was like crying on my shoulders and ended up making me emotional like seriously.
Dean could you give us some in and sion on what your future plans are?
Like my future plan is to like carry out my career right and just keep on climbing because I want to like reach the top and to do that I have to like work harder and harder. Like because hip hop is my life so I don’t want
to like just go with the flow and just settle with what I have I want like a drive to be better and better you know what I mean yea. So I was also like thinking like emm…… like gather like a group of like talented singers
right like people who are like new to the music industry, I am doing this cause like I want people to have like that opportunity that like I had to become a star.
House style of Stinger
My magazine will consist mostly of the colours grey, white and yellow. My magazines
background will be a dark grey with masthead being a pale yellow, which will contrast
on another and make the mast head stand out more because it has a more brighter
colour. I will have grey and white text for my magazine front cover because by doing
this I can show to people that it is a mature magazine by showing them that it doesn’t
need to use many different bright colours to make it stand out and that it can look
appealing to my target audience with simple colours. For my double page spread I will
have black content because I want people to be able to easily read it so if I put it light
shade of yellow it would be difficult to read and not very appealing to look at. The
reason why I have chosen different shades of grey is because I can put things around
the artist in dull colours do that the artist and the masthead really stands out from all
the other content. This will help distinguish the brand and help the magazine be easily
spotted on shelf's in stores, because of the unique orientation and colour scheme of
the magazine.
Background Masthead
Colour of
text in front
Text for
Colour of
text in front
How are these decisions going to
improve the quality of my magazine
By choosing my house style colours for ‘Stinger’ as grey, light grey,
yellow white and black, I can show of my Photoshop skills by making
the magazine look professional with dull colours and still making it
stand out from all the other magazines that use bright colours. Also by
using dull colours for the all the content and background will make the
quality od my main image look better because it will stand out from all
the content because the main image will be the only thing on the front
page that will have bright colours. To make my main image look more
important I will push all the content outwards so that it goes around
the main image, so therefore the main image will be more visible.
Furthermore the main image wont be the only thing standing out
because the masthead will be in a pale yellow which is more brighter
than the grey and black background, so it will also stand out and make
my magazine look more professional and bring bran awareness due to
the masthead being so large, clear and unique.
Flat plan 1
Flat plan 2
Content overview
I have created my flat plan based on my magazine of
inspiration Q because Q magazine has a lot of double page
spread advertisement in it usually of big brands such as ‘Hugo
Boss’ and ‘Ralph Lauren’. I’ve also taken some inspiration from
Q magazine and decided to not make the whole magazine
pages filled with stuff about music, but instead decided to
diversify the magazine by talking about latest movies or by
talking about new fashion and trends. Furthermore I have
added in small interviews with other artists in some pages
separate from the main article, because I thought having just
one artist casting in an issue isn't enough to attract the
audience so I decided to get some more artists into cover
more content and attract more of my target audience.
Front cover analysis The masthead is enlarged to
take up almost a quarter of the
page so that it can be easily
The main headline looks like the
artists autograph. This could be
to connote that the issue is one
of a kind.
The style of the front cover is
almost like a photo, which could
be to connote that this issue is
something special.
Also the main image is given a
border so it looks more
interesting and more
The barcode box includes the barcode, date and
price. The price is set at £3.99 this shows that
Q’s target market has good disposable income to
spend £3.99 on a magazine.
Front cover analysis The main image is of the artists doing up
his top button, which could connote that
he is getting ready for something and this
then gets the reader thinking and wanting
to read the story and find out, this is
related to semiotics, “signs act as
signifiers” (Ferdinand De Saussure),
because by the artist doing up his button
signifies to the audience he is getting
ready for something important.
The cover lines are names of all the big
artist and it goes around the main image
to show importance to the artist.
It is clear that the center of attention is
Tinie Tempah because all the other artists
names are written in a small font and
then the artist’s name is in a large font
and underlined.
A pull quote is placed at the top which
gets people wondering how the music
changed his life?
Q– Double page spread analysis
There is a large ‘L’ in front
of all the content, which
could be to connote that
the article is all about
‘lady GAGA’ hence the
large L for lady.
The main image takes up
the whole of the right
side of the double page
spread this could be to
connote the artists
popularity and iconic
Drop capitals are used
within the content to
draw in the readers
The logo of Q
magazine is placed
at the bottom to
bring brand
All the content is
squashed together on one
page this could be to let
the image connote most
of the story for them.
The masthead of the magazine is placed in the
top right corner and is in enlarged, this could
be to connote how the brand is getting bigger.
Also the layout of this issue is almost like a
photograph because its given a border around
it this could be to connote the professionalism
of the magazine. Also all the text almost looks
hand written this could be because it is a
collector’s edition so they want to make it look
like it one of a kind. Even the main headline
looks like a autograph of the artist again
connoting that its one of a kind. The main
image is placed in the center and all the
content is placed around it to connote the
artists status of being a star. The masthead
stands out form the rest of the content
because the rest of the content has pale colors
where as the masthead just stands out with its
bright bold red.
Steve Neale – 1980
I will 'repeat' (Steve Neale - 1980) some things from Q
magazine when creating my own magazine Stinger such
as pull quotes, because I think pull quotes in my DPS will
make the page look more professional and the content
more interesting to read. I will also have the mast head
next to the page number on every DPS of my magazine
like in Q magazine because I think this a great way to
bring brand awareness and show of the brand.
Furthermore another convention I will be repeating for
Stinger is having the cover lines on the side of the front
cover so it stay out of the way of the main image,
because I want to main image to be clear and stand out
really well.
Genre of Stinger
The genre of my magazine is mainly focused on
hip hop however they are quite diverse and like
to look at many different types of music such as
contemporary pop, R&B and many more. They
use this genre to target teenagers and young
adults because stereotypically they are the
group that would be most fond of music
magazines, this is why the types of music are all
urban style, which is also known as ‘street
• The magazine target’s “predominantly young,
urban followers of hip-hop culture”. This could
be said as an age range between 16 and 25.
Hartley’s 7 subjectivities Katz’ Uses &Gratifications
Maslow’s hierarchy of
According to the Hartley’s 7 theory is
targeted at teenagers between ages of
16 - 25. this is because the magazine
uses a lot of modern slang which elder
people will not know the meaning ‘s of.
Also because of this uses of modern
slang also suggests that the magazine
target’s middle class people.
The magazine contains lots of interviews
and opinions of people so it is really
‘informing & educating’ people, however
it does keep you updated on events that
might be going on such as when an artist
is performing live and where it is.
However it does ask there reader direct
question such as on one of the Stinger
magazine cover it asked a question “are
you a racist?”. This immediately ‘informs’
you that the magazine likes to get very
personal with its audience.
Looking at Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Stinger magazine seems to be intended
fro two groups; ‘explorers’ and ‘social
climbers’. This is because the magazine
has a lot of advertisements of lots of
materialistic goods which cover whole
pages. This suggest that it could be for
people who want to be a bit flashy as the
advert itself is flashy by being so large in
size. It also targets explorers because
usually it shows celebrities wearing the
material goods in the advert so people
will automatically think that because a
celebrity is wearing that sort of stuff
must mean that it is trendy.
Target audience
• The target audience for Stinger magazine
looking at the Socio-economic needs will fit into
the categories C1 and C2 because the magazine
uses somewhat formal writing and the layout is
neatly arranged together. So someone who is
semi employed or un employed are unlikely to
read such magazines. Another reason why my
target audience fall in these categories is
because the magazine itself is quite flashy in a
way because it advertises expensive and
designer products which people who are
unemployed or studying will not be able to
• The magazine also goes into a lot of depth when
it has it’s main interviews and it is a lot to sit and
read which I think people who are perhaps a bit
young would not be quite interested in.
Socio-economic needs
Location Recce
Location: India,Kerela India,Kerela
Time - 9pm 5 pm
Date - 21st October 2014 26th October 2014
Why? - The dark background with the shadow around the artists will
have a good effect on the image when the flash in on the
artists face, making his face more brighter than other areas of
the image.
The brightness of the day will give a clear and bright image
and the calm background will make for a good scenery if
Picture Needed/Required: Body needs to be turned away from the camera and the head
looking back.
Zoomed out image of just the artist top half of the body
with the artist leaning to the right.
Shot Type - Close Up Close up
Props Equipment - Camera and light Camera
Lighting - Flash Natural Light
Costume - Casual outfit White casual t-shirt with jeans
Person/People - Manu Benny Manu Benny
Why? - This image will be placed on the front cover and will look as if
the artist is turning around and looking at the audience, which
might attract people to buy it.
For this photograph I need to have a more informal style
as it will be on the double page spread. Next to it will be
the interview with the artist.
Permission Needed: The pictures will be taken on my land so there are is no need
to get permission from anybody.
The pictures will be taken on my land so there are is no
need to get permission from anybody.
Potential Hazards/Risks: Because its night it will be hard to see when walking around so
there is a chance of us slipping and injuring ourselves because
of it raining the day before.
Need to bring a umbrella and waterproof cover for the
camera encase if it rains.
Production plan
Production plan
Production plan
The production started on December the 1 because
I thought exactly a month would be enough for my
magazine to be produced and launched. I chose the
launch date to be on January the 1st because I
thought the new year could connote to the new
beginning of a new magazine and presumed that it
could give the magazine a bit of hype when a new
magazine is launched on the first day of the year.
Furthermore I thought that if my sales weren’t good
as I expected it to be in the first week I could then
use the new year events as an excuse to have
promotional offers such as buying the first issue
free as a new years offer.
Magazine cost
Issue The issue date of the magazine will be on the
1st of January 2015. This is a good time to
start my magazine of because a new year
mark the beginning and this is a perfect time
to release my magazine because it reflects on
the beginning of Stinger.
Price The price will be set at £3 because it costs
87p per magazine to print and therefore by
charging £3 per magazine I am making a profit
of £2.18 per magazine sold.
Printed I will have 10,000 copies printed each costing
around 87p.
Distributed The magazine will use online websites and
stores such as WHSmith to sell the magazines
This is a table of the standard
amount it costs to advertise
in a magazine and my page
has 14 pages of
Income in
the first
2 for 1 sales in
the first week
First month
Fist month
with offer
Magazine sales £30,000 £15,000 £120,000 £60,000
Advertising income £16,170 £8,085 £64,680 £258,720
Total £46,170 £23,085 £184,680 £318,720
Resources Cost
Office building £1,250,000
Computers £2,239.93
Decks £945
Chairs £476
Total - £11,220.93
Employees Cost
Editor £21,500
Assistant editor £21,084
Staff writer £17,000
Graphic Designer £18,391
Editorial assistant £19,000
Production editor £24,566
Reporter £23,000
Total - £144,541
Personnel Expenses
Total expenses = £155,761.93
Profit made
£318,720 (INCOME) – £155,761.93 (COSTS) = £162958.07 (PROFIT)
• This is the profit I will be making after the
selling all 10,000 copies of my magazine in the
first month.
Press complaints are complaints that the audience
are entitled to make and report a magazine for.
They are allowed to complain about things such as
inappropriate content used such as racial comments
which might offend, pictures used of people who
may have not have given permission to use or even
for adding in false information.
An example of this is when Tom Cruise attempted to
sues Bauer for $50m because Bauer published false
information that Tom Cruise has cut Suri his
daughter out of his life. So because they had
published false information about him without his
permission he was allegeable to sue them for this as
it breaks the copyright law. However he didn’t not
win the case as he didn’t gave enough evidence
against Bauer and ended up having to abandon the
This shows that anyone has the right and capability
of taking action towards a brand if they break any of
the copyright laws and you have enough
information and evidence to back your claims.
IPSO is and organisation which monitors
content released by magazines to see if
they have displayed any content which
might offend any types of audience and
there for will get the magazine sued if any
customers decide to take the magazine
company to court because of the
inappropriate content. IPSO also takes on
any complaints and with that conduct their
own investigations on the magazine the
complaint was on.
IPSO will take forward complaints from anybody that an in
accurate information has been published off. If the complaint
has been made to the specific individual that is reporting to
IPSO, IPSO is able to take forward a complaint from a third
party, but will need to consider position of direct affect to the
party to decide whether it is reasonable to do so.
IPSO only consider complaints that publications which are
members of IPSO have breached the Editors’ Code of Practice.
IPSO is able to consider complaints within 4 months of the
conduct complaint or the publication of the article.
Submitting a form means that if ISPO does think that the
publication has breached the Editor’s Code, IPSO will send
the details of your complaint to the publication, which will
then give you an opportunity to resolve the problem directly.
Editors code of conduct
The editors code of conduct effects my magazine because it stops me from putting on content in
my magazine about other people without their consent. Without the persons consent the
magazine or reporter are both not legally allowed to give information out about a person
especially if they were a victim or witness at a place of illegal action.
The code also means that I will have to be accurate with information I put on my magazine,
because if I put inaccurate information in my magazine such as there will be a music festival in Rio
on the 15th June and I got the date wrong it will mean that all those people will have wasted their
time and money travelling to there, when the festivals in 2 months from then. This means that all
those people who went their based on the information they got from my magazine can use this
editors code of conduct to sue us for compensation.
The editors code of conduct also states that the magazine has to give opportunities for replies,
such as if an inaccuracy has been made in your magazine people will need to be able to contact
you regarding that and therefore you need to give back a reply to their complaints if reasonable.
Also when I am interviewing the artist in my magazine I am not allowed to harass them in anyway
such as continuously call them up or ask uncomfortable questions within the interview.
Furthermore I am not allowed to use any form of discrimination within my magazine such as
stating that a curtain race is better than the other, or use any racist comments within my
Preventing Copyright
Watermarking is adding a very
faded and see through logo or
name of your company so that
other people cant reuse your
images claiming to be theirs. This
protects your images from being
copy written and there for I will
use this in my magazine so that my
images aren't stolen and reused.
Watermarking is simple you can
use software tools such as
Photoshop to produce these and,
it is free and takes up very little
time to produce.
Watermarked image
I watermarked my own images for
copywriter purposes so that my images
aren’t used again by someone else
without my permission.
I did this by using Photoshop CS5 to place
the ‘Stinger’ text, by using the text tool. I
Then selected the move tool and then I
adjusted the Opacity to 16% so that the
‘Stinger’ text was more transparent.
Text tool
Move tool
How to register a trademark
How to register a trademark
How to register a trademark
How to register a trademark
How to register a trademark
How to register a trademark
How to register a trademark
How to register a trademark
How to register a trademark
How to register a trademark
How to register a trademark
How to register a trademark
How to register a trademark
How to register a trademark
How to register a trademark
How to register a
How to register a trademark
How to register a trademark
How to make a complaint
To make a complaint fill
out the form with details
of your complaint such as
the publisher of the
magazine which your
complaining against, what
the complaint is on, how
did this effect you and why
you are making the
complaint. You also have to
give your information such
as contact details.
Complaint procedure
1. When a complaint is sent to IPSO they assess it to see if a code has been
breached or not.
2. If the complaint is valid and a code has been breached the details of your
complaint will be passed onto the editors of the magazine were they will
be given a chance to resolve your problem directly.
3. If after contacting the magazine directly and not getting resolve, IPSO
will pass on the information to the Complaints Committee, and they will
write to the magazine and ask to respond back to the complaint. The
Complaints Committee may ask the person with the complaint to give
more information to back up the complaint better.
4. If the complaint is still unresolved the Complaints Committee can make a
judgement on what the magazine can do to resolve the matter such as
make corrections to what the complaint was on.
5. After all those processes you are still unhappy you can request a review
by the Complaints Reviewer, which is a post which must be filled by a
IPSO member such as Richard Hill MBE.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is like the
watchdogs for work related health, safety and
illnesses. The HSE work to prevent work related
injuries, illnesses or death all across Great Britain.
The work place needs to have health and safety
checks and workers must be informed on how to
act when a threat or incident occurs.
HSE will help me gain compensation if any arm is
brought to me in my working environment such as
if I was to trip over and break my leg because of
wires laying around unprotected in the workplace.
Hazards at location
• Where I intended to take the photos on my own
property so there were no laws or regulations I
had to follow. However there were some hazards
such as the ground being wet as it had rained and
therefore it was easy to slip and injure myself.
• Furthermore I went to the location of where I
intended to take the photos before hand and
made sure that there were no hazard problem
that would affect us and prevent us from taking
our photos.
Hazards at workplace
All the designing of my magazine was done in a
school classroom and the hazards of working
there that there were wires around which I
could have tripped over and injured myself with
which then I could have used the HSE to cover
me for and get me compensation.
Bauer Privacy Policy
Bauer places a link to their privacy policy on both
their own website and on Q magazines website
where they state things such as, “We do not
knowingly collect personal information from children
under the age of 16 for marketing purposes”, this
then gives more reassurance to people that Bauer
won’t market children because they have stated that
they wont and therefore if they then break this they
will be taken to court and sued. Furthermore Bauer
says that they will collect data from people with their
consent to invite their family members or friends to
invite them to see the website, but they state that
they will only use this information once and will not
save the information after use on their databases,
without your consent.
Purpose of primary research
The purpose of me carrying out primary research for my
magazine was so that I could create a magazine suited to my
target audience and get feedback from them to input into the
production of my magazine.
I was also unsure on a price which I should set my magazine
at, so the primary research was also a way to find out from my
audience what they would be comfortable with paying for my
magazine at a reasonable rate. Also from the primary research
I can gain knowledge of what kind of content my audience
expect from a music magazine and I can use that information
and input their feedback into the next upcoming issues, which
would help in reaching out to the audience more and getting
their attention because we are giving them what they asked
Question 1
This question asks about who is the
most preferred artist people would
like to see on a magazine cover. The
majority chose Ariana Grande with
40%, this will help me because using
this I can determine which artist will
benefit me the most if presented on
my front cover. So by putting an
image of a popular and more
preferred artist will help the
magazine get more customer and
gain more popularity because fans of
Ariana Grande will be automatically
drawn to a magazine about here.
Question 2
This question asks about the
persons gender. This will help
determine my target audience by
placing content relevant to the
target audience. Such as because
more men have done the survey
this shows that my target audience
should focus more on men and
based on that should add content
such as more advertisements of
men's brands rather than women.
However there still 25% of women
have still taken part in the survey so
this means I should also include
content appealing to women as well
to gain as much customers as
Question 3
This question asks about what
the person would prefer story
about an artist or a interview
about on artist. This helps me
decide on what I can do for my
main story, by deciding to do a
interview or a story about an
Question 4
I have asked the audience
about which genre’s out of the
5 they would mostly like to see
displayed or talked about in a
magazine. This helps me decide
if the genre I have chosen is
suitable for the correct
audience I have hosen, and in a
away this has proven me right
because my genre is a mix
between hip hop and rap. On
the chart hip hop has got the
highest percentage which was
35% and rap had the least
which was 5%. This tells me
that my genre is perfect
because it includes the majority
who like hip hop and the
minority which like rap.
Question 5
I asked the audience whether they would
prefer to have the magazine filled with
more pictures or would they rather have
more words in it. I asked this because my
magazine is intended for a young audience
and therefore that is why I sent my survey
to young students and the majority which
was 55% said that they would prefer the
magazine to contain more pictures than
words. This will help me to design my
magazine because I know now that I should
focus more on the image because it will be
what my target audience will be more
focused on and therefore must make sure
all the pictures are of good quality and
there are lots of it. However there wasn’t a
big difference between having more word
or more pictures because words got 45%
which is only 10% away, so although I will
focus more on my pictures I will also pay a
lot of attention to my wording because
some of my target audience also like having
more words and content than picture, so I
will have to have a equally good wording.
Question 6
I asked my audience if the artist
being displayed on the front page
influence their choice of purchasing
the magazine and the majority
chose yes and very little people said
no. This tells me that if I want more
people to purchase my magazine I
will need to have a picture of a well
known hip hop artist on my front
page if I want more people to buy
my magazine. Also perhaps I could
charge a higher amount for my
magazine and still get people to buy
it just because a popular artist is on
the cover and therefore because a
well known artist is on the cover
people wouldn’t mind paying a little
extra money because the artist is so
popular and well known.
Question 7
This question asks my audience
how much would they pay
weekly for a magazine and the
highest my audience were willing
to pay was £3 and so this tells
me that I should keep my price
range between £3 however if I
decide to put a popular and well
known artist on there I can
perhaps increase the price a little
due to that celebrities presence
in my magazine.
Question 8
This question asks the
audience what catches their
eye first when they look at a
magazine an the majority
said the main image. I asked
this question to see which
area of my front page I
should focus the most on to
get the most amount of
attention for my magazine
Question 9
I asked the audience what
type of colour scheme would
appeal to them the most. By
getting this feedback I can
make alterations to my
magazine and make it look
more appealing to my target
audiences tastes.
Primary research conclusion
I did some primary research for my magazine to find out what
the preferences of my target audiences were. I did this by
gathering a number of people within the age group from 16-
25 and got them to fill out my questionnaire. This as useful to
me because this was the around the age group of my
magazines target audience and so by getting them to share
their preferences with me allowed me to model my new
magazine upon it. Such as one of my questions in the
questionnaire was ‘how much would you pay to buy a
magazine weekly’, and the majority said £2 or £3, so then this
made me decide on the price of my magazine which was £3
because people were equally willing to buy £3 as to £2, so
therefore its best to get the most profit and set the price to
Interview analysis
Before I created my magazine I went out and
asked some people a series of questions to
see if my target audience which mainly
consists if teenagers would approve of this
mew magazine I was going to launch. Also
why I decided to conduct a interview on top
of my survey monkey was so that I could ask
the reasoning's behind their answers during
a interview, such as if the person who I
interviewed said I only buy magazines once a
month for my first question I could ask them
what stops them from buying it weekly, is it
the cost of the magazine or is it cause they
don’t have time. Like this I can ask broader
questions to people where as on a survey
they give straight answers without saying the
reasoning behind it.
Questions from interview
1. How often would you buy a music magazine?
2. What type of stories in music magazines
interests you?
3. Would are you looking to gain from reading a
music magazine.
4. Do you like music magazines with more
detailed and long stories or do you prefer more
visual content like images and fewer words.
In this LO I have talked about all the pre-production
material I have produced such as planed format and
style graph, production plan, photography plan and
all the other pre-production material in this LO. I
have also discussed the legal and ethical issues that
may affect my magazine and also shown how to
make a complaint. Furthermore I have shown how
to register a trademark for my magazine and
created watermarks for my images to protect them
from being copyrighted. I have also decided on the
format, style, colour scheme, masthead and
content of my magazine.
Production plan
Week beginning: December 1st 2014
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Find office
building to setup
all equipment
and start the
business of in.
Go searching for
suitable and
comfortable chairs
and tables for
Order new
computers for
magazine to be
designed using,
and have
available on them.
Set up interviews
for jobs roles such
as editor, writer,
designer and other
posts available
within the
Set up interviews
for jobs roles
such as editor,
writer, designer
and other posts
available within
the business.
Set up interviews
for jobs roles
such as editor,
writer, designer
and other posts
available within
the business.
Setup all the
equipment and
furniture in the
main office.
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
Saturday 6th
December 2014
Tuesday 2nd
December 2014
Wednesday 7th
December 2014
Sunday 7th
December 2014
Sunday 7th
December 2014
Sunday 7th
December 2014
Monday 8th
December 2014
Week beginning: December 8th 2014
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Meet all the
employees in
main office and
explain the plans
of the magazine
and what each
member is
supposed to do.
Find artist to host
on your first
addition of your
Get writer to come
up with some
interesting and
questions to ask
the artist at a one
to one interview.
Get reporter to go
interview the artist
with the questions
the writer has
prepared and
record the artist’s
Type up the
artists answers to
the interview
Take photoshoot
of the artist for
the front cover
and double page
spread of the
Start designing
the layout of the
front cover and
double page
spread designs.
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
Monday 8th
December 2014
Sunday 14th
December 2014
Thursday 11th
December 2014
Saturday 13th
December 2014
Sunday 14th
December 2014
Tuesday 16th
December 2014
Tuesday 16th
December 2014
Week beginning: December 15th 2014
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Get reporter to
investigate more
stories about
growing hip hop
music culture.
Edit photos take of
the artist to make
the artist look
more appealing
using Photoshop.
Insert interview
into the double
page spread of
Look for business
who would like to
advertise in our
Start inserting
other articles and
stories into
Weekend off Weekend off
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
Friday 19th
December 2014
Saturday 20th
December 2014
Wednesday 17th
December 2014
Thursday 25th
December 2014
Wednesday 24th
December 2014
Week beginning: December 22nd 2014
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Finish off
designing the
Find more short
stories about
Find more short
stories about
Find more short
stories about artist.
Send finished
magazine of for
Weekends off Weekends off
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
Friday 26th
December 2014
Friday 26th
December 2014
Friday 26th
December 2014
Friday 26th
December 2014
Week beginning: December 29th 2014
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Once magazines
arrive find places
where the
magazine can be
distributed to.
magazines to
stores and online
websites you have
found which gave
you permission to
advertise your
product on their.
Set up social
media account and
advertise the
magazine on
Set up social media
account and
advertise the
magazine on there.
Product launch Weekends off Weekends off
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
Tuesday 30th
December 2014
Friday 1st January
Friday 1st January
Friday 1st January
This is a table of the standard
amount it costs to advertise
in a magazine and my page
has 14 pages of
Income in
the first
2 for 1 sales in
the first week
First month
Fist month
with offer
Magazine sales £30,000 £15,000 £120,000 £60,000
Advertising income £16,170 £8,085 £64,680 £258,720
Total £46,170 £23,085 £184,680 £318,720
Resources Cost
Office building £1,250,000
Computers £2,239.93
Decks £945
Chairs £476
Total - £11,220.93
Employees Cost
Editor £21,500
Assistant editor £21,084
Staff writer £17,000
Graphic Designer £18,391
Editorial assistant £19,000
Production editor £24,566
Reporter £23,000
Total - £144,541
Total expenses = £155,761.93
Profit made
£318,720 (INCOME) – £155,761.93 (COSTS) = £162958.07 (PROFIT)
• This is the profit I will be making after the
selling all 10,000 copies of my magazine in the
first month.
Magazine idea
Brand Identity
The name of my
magazine will be called
‘The 6th sense’. I have
given this name to my
magazine because the
name sixth sense will
put into the readers
head that we already
know what the reader
wants and have already
put it onto paper for
them, so like an actual
sixth sense.
Main Image
My main image will be
placed in the centre of the
magazine. The main image
will be of an artist and the
image will show half his
body from the waist up. The
main image will be placed in
front of the masthead to
show respect for the artist
and show that we aren’t
undermining the artist in
any way.
Colour Scheme
The colour of the
Masthead will be a
pail yellow, I will have
the background black
and white but with
certain parts of the
artist with colour such
as if the artist wears a
hat ill have the hat
and parts of his
clothing in colour and
the rest of him black
and white.
Main Headline
The main headline will be at the bottom of the page in size 54 text
with Bondi MT Post font. The main headline will be placed in front of
the artist so that it can be easily noticed and read.
cover line
The cover lines will be placed around the image so
that the audience feels that we are revolving
everything around the artist although some words
will be on the artist. Another reason why I want it
surrounding the artist is because I want the front
cover to look professional and neat, because if I
have lots of thing s over lapping each other it will
look to chaotic. So when things seem to chaotic and
disorientated on a front cover a reader would only
get repelled away from the magazine rather than
towards it because there's too much to look at. Also
it wouldn’t suit my target audience because my
target audience although are teenagers they are also
young men which means we shouldn't focus just
toward on end.
My cover will also contain
promotional advertisements such as
for apple, Hugo Buss and other
brands. This is a great way to attract
readers because if apple fans see an
apple product on a magazine they
will go to it and have a look at it
which might encourage them to buy
the magazine after having a gaze
over it.
Mood board – Final idea
Publicising job roles
I have created a mock page on Bauer’s website showing how I will be recruiting people to work
for me on my magazine. This where I will be mainly recruiting people for my magazine from
because Bauer already has a large number of viewer’s visiting their website so if I publicise job
roles on the Bauer website I will get more people seeing the page rather than if I was to start of
my own website where very phew people would visit, because I’m a new magazine.
House style of Stinger
My magazine will consist mostly of the colours grey, white and yellow. My magazines
background will be a dark grey with masthead being a pale yellow, which will contrast
on another and make the mast head stand out more because it has a more brighter
colour. I will have grey and white text for my magazine front cover because by doing
this I can show to people that it is a mature magazine by showing them that it doesn’t
need to use many different bright colours to make it stand out and that it can look
appealing to my target audience with simple colours. For my double page spread I will
have black content because I want people to be able to easily read it so if I put it light
shade of yellow it would be difficult to read and not very appealing to look at. The
reason why I have chosen different shades of grey is because I can put things around
the artist in dull colours do that the artist and the masthead really stands out from all
the other content. This will help distinguish the brand and help the magazine be easily
spotted on shelf's in stores, because of the unique orientation and colour scheme of
the magazine.
Background Masthead
Colour of
text in front
Text for
Colour of
text in front
Social media sites
I created this Facebook
page for my magazine to
promote it and allow it
reach a larger audience.
Through Facebook I can
find many people in
Stinger’s target audience
because Facebook is more
commonly used by young
people, so when they see a
page of the magazine on
their social media page
when looking through it
they will be curious to see
what it is and will have a
Flat plan 1
Flat plan 2
Masthead idea
These are the fonts that I have narrowed down
to include in my magazines.
Fighting Spirit
I chose this font because it has
sharp edges which goes with the
name stinger.
Olympic Branding
I chose this font because it looks
very none formal and a relaxing
font. By using this type of font it can
easily indicate to the viewer that the
magazine talks openly with the
Husky Stash
I chose this font because this has wide spaces
between its letters which indicates calmness.
This is helpful to make the reader feel like we
are thinking about them and we consider the
readers feelings when reading the magazine.
60s Pop
I chose this font because the font itself looks very retro
and it looks like it’s meant to be for Pop magazines
because of it’s groovy and retro look.
Linkin Park
I have chosen this font because it is very bold
and sharp and because of this it will be easily
noticeable on shelf's amongst other magazines.
This font is also very unique with its letters being
stretched out and having sharp ends. The font is
well aligned apart from the random unusual lets
stepping out this could connote that the
magazine some times goes out of its boundaries
to get us good content because by the letters
being rebellious and stepping out of their
alignment shows that the magazine is also a bit
I used the website to get my fonts from because it had a variety of fonts to
pick from, also because I was able to download the font of the website and still be able to
sue it on Photoshop.
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Sonu johny   unit 30
Sonu johny   unit 30
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Sonu johny unit 30

  • 1. OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 30: UK Media Publishing St. Andrew’s Catholic School – Unit 30: UK Media Publishing Candidate Name: Sonu Johny Candidate Number: 2069 Centre Number: 64135
  • 2. Contents slide1 – course intro 2 – contents page 3 – LO1 intro 4 – Bauer and Q magazine facts 5 – background of Bauer 6 – Bauer info 7 – Bauer operating model 8 – Q production process 9 – chasing Bauer 10 – Q target readership 11 – circulation of magazine 12 – other publications 13-17 – target audience 18 – magazine website 19 – social media production 20-21 – promotion/distribution 22 – advertising 23-24 – front cover analysis 25 – double page spread analysis 26 – section 2 intro 27-29 – types of newspapers 30 – London Evening Standard free sheet 31 – LES publisher 32-33 – LES content 34-35 – LES front cover analysis 36 – DPS analysis 37 – news values 38 – different types of news values 39 – genre of LES 40-46 – target audience and news selections 47-50 – advertising 51 – LES website 52 – comparison of hard copy and online copy 53 – example of comparison 54 – LO2 intro 55-56 – mind maps 1 – course intro 57-58 –mood boards 59 – mood board conclusion 60-61 – masthead 62-63 – front cover and DPS analysis 64 – graphics layout 65 – draft article 66 – house style 67- impact of decision on quality 68-69 – flat plan 70 – content overview 71-73 – proposal 74-76 – front cover and DPS analysis of Q 77 – Q layout 78 – Steve Neale 79 – genre of Stinger 80-81 – target audience of Stinger 82 – location recce 83-84 – production plan 85 – production date 86-90 – cost and profits 91-94 – legal issues 95-96 – preventing copyright 97-114 115-116 – complaint procedure 117-119 – legal issues 120 – Bauer policy 121 – purpose of primary research 122-130 – primary research questions 131 – primary research conclusion 132 – interview analysis 133 – LO conclusion 134 – LO3 intro 135-137 – proposal 138-139 – production plan 140-142 – cost and profit 143 – mind map 144 – publicising job roles 145 – house style 146 – social media sites 147-148 – flat plan 149-151 – masthead 152-153 – front cover and DPS analysis 154-155 graphics layouts 156 – draft article 157-159 – photography plan 160 – test photography 161-163 – feedback and changes made 164-165 – final front cover and DPS Photoshop 166-168 – front cover and DPS annotations 169-179 – step by step Photoshop of front cover 179-188 – step by step Photoshop of DPS 189-197 – safe working practice 198 – LO conclusion 199 – LO 4 intro 200 – props used in pitch 201-206 – how to access the pitch/pitch info 207 – LO5 intro 208 – overview 209-211 – feedback and changes made 212 – interview with publisher 213 – feedback from pitch 214-215 – strengths and areas of development 216-218 – improvements made 219 – reflecting on pitch 220 – presentation 221 – calendar events 222-228 – survey monkey feedback 229 – feedback conlusion
  • 3.
  • 4. • Q is a UK based magazine who focuses on hip hop music • Q magazine is sold 12 times a year so 1 issue every month • Q was first published on 15 October 1986 • The first issue casted Bob Dylan and John Lennon as first cover stars • Q magazine was bought by Bauer from Emap • Bauer Media Group is a large European based media company • Bauer is headquartered in Hamburg
  • 5. Background of Bauer Bauer Media Group is one of the most successful media companies in the world and has more than 570 magazines, over 300 digital products, 50 radio and TV stations. But Bauer didn’t stop there the company’s portfolio also includes printing companies, postal services and service in the field distribution, marketing and media sales. The fraise ‘We think popular’ connotes that “Bauer Media Group has a perception of itself as a publisher of popular media and provides inspiration and motivation to its more than 11,000 employees in 16 countries.”
  • 6. Bauer Bauer is Europe’s largest privately owned publishing group, who publish over 300 magazines in 15 countries, as well as online, TV and radio stations. Furthermore Bauer Media is a multi-platform UK-based media group which contains many companies divided into 2 groups which are magazine and radio. Also Bauer joined the Bauer Media Group in January 2008 following acquisition of Emap plc’s consumer and specialist magazine, radio TV, online and digital businesses. To extend through my research on Bauer I was able to find the operating model Bauer, which can bee seen in the image on the left.
  • 8. Process of production To start of my magazine production I need to create a production schedule which will help me manage the production in a timely fashion and manage to meet all deadlines to launch the magazine. In the schedule I must make sure to include the deadline for when each story must be submitted to the editor, time for proofreading, time for the editors board to look over the magazine and comment on it, deadlines for printing and deadline date for distribution. Then secondly you I need create an editor’s table of content for all pages, including fonts and back covers which will help plan out where the contents will go and what the contents will be. Then the content plan ahs to be confirmed by all the members of the editorial board before production starts. Thirdly create a detailed plan for each story such as the content of the story, like what challenge it will address for your audience. Then you have to look at what format the story will be laid out in, such as will it be in the format of a interview, a feature, a news story or any other formats. Afterwards you have to make sure that the content is visually appealing and not just pages of text so find ways to make the content look more pleasing to read such as disorientate it’s mot all aligned or wrap the text around images. To make this easier create a design mock-up which is a brief design of the layout of your magazine to your author, this is not necessary the final design but will help visualise how the magazine will some what look like. From there you can ask the author to start writing the articles. Fourthly proofread and edit the stories so that all the content is of a a high standard. Make sure that the headlines of the stories if sit for the story and makes sense, then make sure that the introduction of the story meets 2 main objectives which are to attract the reader’s attention and to tell them what follows. Then go through the story and make sure it all makes sense and there are no grammar mistakes or misplaced content. Also make sure when you are using the pictures they are of a suitable resolution and also make sure the picture captions are suitable for the image. The fifth step is to design the magazine by sending all the final materials to your graphics designer and work with them to produce your magazine. Then the last step is to have one final look at your magazine in detail before you send your first issue to send producing-a-custom-magazine/
  • 9. Chasing up Bauer I attempted to chase up Bauer media to ask them to give me some information on their production process as well as give me some information on their magazine distribution system.
  • 10. Target Readership Q magazines target readership falls into the personal relationships section from the Katz’ uses and gratifications theory, because the magazine like suggested in the image from the Q magazine press pack suggests that the target readership is average people who are using music to interact with friends and have a good time, like Chris. The image on the left talks about an average person called Chris who is into music and, attends and sets up concerts. He if fond of technology and uses it to listen to music, such as by downloading apps such as Spotify to listen to music from. This gives people a general view of what type of target readership they are aiming at which are quite average people who are interested in music. They even tell you the median age for their target readership which is 34.
  • 11. Circulation of Q magazine /magazines-abcs-nme-print-sales-drop-below- 15000 From the table we can see that Q magazine’s combined total average circulation is 48,353, which compared to some of the other magazines such as Mojo and Empire is quite low. Also Q magazines digital total average circulation is only 2,257 which although isn’t too bad because it beats Mojo, Kerrang and NME it is still very low compared to the digital total average circulation if Total Film and Empire.
  • 12. Bauer Bauer also publish another music magazine called Kerrang which also focuses on Rock music and youth culture. Kerrang has multi-platform because it has its own magazine, radio station, website and TV channel. Q is also a music magazine published by Bauer, and it too has many multi-media platforms such as it has a website and a award show. 4 Music is a music channel published by Bauer. 4 Music is free channel so anybody who has a TV is able to access it. This is one of the reasons why they have 11 million viewers a month.
  • 13. Katz’ Uses and Gratifications theory I think that Q target audience falls into the personal relationships and the surveillance group from the Katz’ uses and gratifications theory because Q inform about what’s the latest news update on artists as well as gives people a taste of what hip hop music is about so they can go and discuss about the latest hip hop music hit’s and stuff to their family or friends.
  • 14. Maslow's hierarchy of needs Looking at hierarch of needs theory Q magazine is target audience would fall into the Esteem section, because they Q focuses on hip hop music and there for lots of people who read the magazine will have respect for the artist in the magazine. Also hip hop music is quite a hard and almost violent type of music and therefore stereotypically people who listen to rock music are quite tuff people who seek respect and are self esteemed.
  • 15. Hartley’s 7 subjectivities Q’s target audience will be from 18 on because on the Bauer website there is a audience finder which finds you categorises content depending on the target audience age and the minimum age is 18 and the max is 55+, which Q fits into. The magazine is for both genders male and female although it is mostly for men because the magazine mostly casts male artists, however there are a few female artists who are occasionally casted in the magazine. The magazine is for all race because it cast artist from Jamaica such as Jay-Z as well as artist from UK such as Amy Winehouse so they do reach out a diverse group. nce-finder
  • 16. Socio-economic needs Looking at the socio-economic chart Q’s target audience will mostly fall into section C2, D and E because Q’s magazine contains a lot of bad language which stereotypically targets people with a lack of education because they are the people who usually speak in slang most of the time and use swear words a lot, so they are most likely to understand most of the bad words that come up in the magazine. The reason why is said it could also fit into E was because E contains pensioners and the Q magazine hosts lots of old rock stars such as Queen and Slash.
  • 17. Psychographics From the Psychographics group I would put the target audience for Q into the explorers and resigned category because the magazine casts a lot of popular artist from the past such as Queen and Slash who the older audience will be more interested to read about because they are musician of their time. Also I have chosen the explorers category because young people will be interested to read about their favourite rock artist so they would want to explore a bit about rock music because they might only be recently getting into rock and therefor might buy the Q magazine to learn more about the rock music and its artists.
  • 18. Q magazine website The Q magazine website has information on the new trending music, interviews with artist’s, the latest issues and the Q awards. The website gives links the magazines social media pages such as for their Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest. You can also order subscriptions to Q magazine by going on the subscription page and ordering. Also on the website you can see previous content from previous issues.
  • 19. Social media promotion Q magazine uses social media to promote their magazine by showing details of Q awards and updating their followers on new music albums and music coming out. Also by having a social media page Q magazine can reach out to their target audience, because their target audience mainly consists of teenagers and young adults.
  • 20. Promotion/Distribution Q magazine is available on online stores such as on, this is good for the magazine to be sold on online stores because the magazine aims at a young audience and most young people now commonly use the internet to by products of off, so by also being available online they can gain more customers. Also on their online website they advertise offers for the magazine witch attract customers to buy the magazine, such as subscribe to Q magazine and get 12 issues fro only £32. furthermore they even show you how much you save by using the offers which influences people to use the offers.
  • 21. Distribution Q magazine is also available in book stores such as WHSmith which can be seen from the first image, but also on their online stores which can be seen in the second image. A subscription of Q magazine can be even made from the WHSmith’s website but is more expensive than from the great magazine online store and doesn’t suggest aby offers.
  • 22. Advertising in Q magazine To advertise in Q magazine it costs £10,072 for a full page FH, £9,156 for a full page ROP and for half page it is £5,036. Brands are interested to advertise in Q magazine because they know that the magazine is popular, which you can tell by the stats from the image on the right. So because Q magazine is popular other brands looking to advertise in it will know that due to its popularity it will be sold to many people and therefore by advertising in the magazine all those people buying the magazine will also be seeing the advertisement. file:///C:/Users/Sonu/Downloads/Q-MediaPack-2011.pdf
  • 23. Front cover analysis The masthead is enlarged to take up almost a quarter of the page so that it can be easily recognized. The main headline looks like the artists autograph. This could be to connote that the issue is one of a kind. The style of the front cover is almost like a photo, which could be to connote that this issue is something special. Also the main image is given a border so it looks more interesting and more professional. The barcode box includes the barcode, date and price. The price is set at £3.99 this shows that Q’s target market has good disposable income to spend £3.99 on a magazine.
  • 24. Front cover analysis The main image is of the artists doing up his top button, which could connote that he is getting ready for something and this then gets the reader thinking and wanting to read the story and find out, this is related to semiotics, “signs act as signifiers” (Ferdinand De Saussure), because by the artist doing up his button signifies to the audience he is getting ready for something important. The cover lines are names of all the big artist and it goes around the main image to show importance to the artist. It is clear that the center of attention is Tinie Tempah because all the other artists names are written in a small font and then the artist’s name is in a large font and underlined. A pull quote is placed at the top which gets people wondering how the music changed his life?
  • 25. Q– Double page spread analysis There is a large ‘L’ in front of all the content, which could be to connote that the article is all about ‘lady GAGA’ hence the large L for lady. The main image takes up the whole of the right side of the double page spread this could be to connote the artists popularity and iconic look. Drop capitals are used within the content to draw in the readers attention. The logo of Q magazine is placed at the bottom to bring brand awareness. All the content is squashed together on one page this could be to let the image connote most of the story for them.
  • 26. Section 2 – Newspaper
  • 27. Red-top tabloid newspapers Red-top tabloid newspaper are newspapers that do not really talk much about serious issues but instead cover more of the entertaining and funny news such as the one you can see on the Daily Mirror about the Olympic girl throwing bricks at cops, and so this would come under Scandal, Personality and Oddity looking at the Galtung and Ruge table. Tabloid newspapers usually focus on stories about celebrities, events and gossip concerning bizarre occurrences. An example of 2 red-top tabloid newspapers are ‘The Sun’ and the ‘Daily Mirror’, they usually focus on sensational news that will entertain the audience and make them laugh rather than focus on hard stories that talk about serious matters such as poverty and war. ibrary/communication/jour nalism/tabloid-newspapers
  • 28. Broadsheet A broadsheet newspaper is a newspaper that talks more serious maters such as political matters and hard news such as wars which would come under Conflict in the Galtung and Ruge table. Broadsheet newspapers usually go deep in detail and have a lot of content on stories, this is why broadsheet newspapers are usually targeted at well educated people who follow up on political matters and have concerns for what goes around in politics. Also due to its load of content broadsheet newspapers are quite thick. Examples of broadsheet newspapers are ‘The Times’ and ‘The Guardian’. ats-the-Difference-Between-Broadsheet-and- Tabloid-Newspapers.htm
  • 29. Free sheet Free sheets are newspapers that are distributed around to the public free of charge and are usually found scattered around central areas of towns or cities. Free sheets make their money through their advertisements placed within the newspaper. This is because the newspaper is scattered around on places such as trains and busses which loads of people use for long travel and therefore they will be tempted to read it when they are sat on a long journey, so they then see the adverts but also once they read it it is less, likely that they will take the newspaper with them so they will leave it behind and then another person on the journey will pick it up. So through this process loads of people are seeing these adverts, therefore knowing this more and more brands will want to advertise in free sheet newspapers. Examples of free sheet magazines are ‘Metro’ and the ‘London Evening Standard’.
  • 30. London Evening Standard – Free sheet The London Evening Standard newspaper was not always a free sheet, in fact before turning into a free sheet the newspaper was sold for 50p per issue. However at that time the company was facing great losses and so by October 12th they decided to change London Evening Standard into a free sheet hoping to gain profit over lose, and they did, they started selling 600,000 copies a day instead of 250,00. They started covering all the costs of production just with their advertising revenue and then gradually their profit started to increase. The company reduced 8,000 outlets to just 300 distribution points, which were especially picked for the volume of traffic, such as the main railway and tube stations. 21/freesheet-london-evening-standard-profit /02/london-evening-standard-free
  • 31. Publisher ESI Media syndication portal allows for quick and easy access to articles, images and videos through their print publications such as London Evening Standard and their equivalent websites. ESI Media’s other print publications are: • The Independent • Independent on Sunday • i ESI Media gives a mix of top national newspapers which range in articles from news reporting in the middle east to A- list celebrity interviews to features on the latest health trends. ESI Media has achieved record traffic on their sites and, monthly visitors over 67 million and the page views were over 200 million, also the average daily visors were over 3 million. and-audience-growth-following-relaunches/
  • 32. London Evening Standard content The London Evening Standard is free sheet because it costs nothing and is found scattered around on busses and trains. Also my magazine contains a lot of advertisements which is where my magazine gains its income from. For example the first double page spread you see when you open the newspaper after the front cover is an ad for the Galaxy S6 edge+. Also like on the image of the double page spread on the bottom left adverts are placed around stories so that people notice them while reading the stories, also their hard to miss cause they take up half the page and the red color stands out really well.
  • 33. London Evening Standard content The London Evening Standard has a mix of stories such as the first image talks about the abuse of pure drugs such as ecstasy raises the rate of drug deaths, which is a serious story whereas the second image shows a story about the reviews of the on going franchise of James Bond. So the newspaper is very varied in its content because they have a variety of serious and entertaining stories. This suggests that its target audience is targeted at people 30 and over because of the serious stories within the newspaper about rape and rugs, but also because of the humorous and entertaining stories such as about the James Bon franchise.
  • 34. Front cover annotation Masthead – the masthead is placed at the top and is in different size fonts, this could be to connote the uniqueness of the newspaper. Masthead – the masthead is also in the same size font as the main headline, this might be to connote that the newspaper itself is just as important as the lead story. Lead story – the heading for the lead story takes up most of the page this denotes that the main heading explains brief story all in one so there is no need for much content to be displayed on the front page. Main image – the main image also takes up most of the page but this could also be to denote that the headline and image explains everything you need to know. Also the main image could be placed there so that the audience could sympathises with the families of these kids because it shows 2 cute children smiling who have died.
  • 35. Front cover annotation At the bottom there is an advert of John Lewis, this is because the newspaper is a free sheet so they have to find as much as space as they can to fit in loads of advertisement to make their income. The lead stories brief information is in a small box under the headline and in small font, this could be because the felt that the main headline and the main image explain the story already so less people would read the small info on the story when they can find the whole story in the newspaper when they flick through. Secondary lead – the secondary lead in placed at the top but in very small font and very small image size, this is because the secondary isn’t as important as the main story so is given less importance. Advert – another advertisement is placed at the top right of O2 for the newspapers income. New values – I think that this story fits into groups Recency, Human Interests, Continuity and Conflict (Galtung and Ruge) because it is a story which makes the reader feel sorry for the 2 children who have died and a recent story which has caused conflict between David Cameron and the public on whether to let the refuges in or not. Further more it was a story which had been running for quite a while when it was occurring.
  • 36. Double page spread annotation Main image – the main image shows an image of a man carrying a child out from the water. The page is split into to because on side talks about diplomatic views and what David Cameron said on the topic, where as the right hand side talks about the actual incident and what occurred to the family. Social media links for the newspaper. Large adverts are placed on both pages of the double page spread so that they are defiantly noticed and so the newspaper gets more income. The headline is in a much larger font than the rest of the content, is could be to connote that the big issue is that David Cameron isn’t taking in refuges and that’s what the cause of the children's deaths were. This could be why the heading on the right isn't as big and bold as the one on the left because the cause was David Cameron so to connote this they placed the headline about David Cameron in a larger and bolder font. The content is wrapped around the image to connote that article on the left is defending David Cameron, because the image is of him looking very string with his hands clenched.
  • 37. News Values The main story has 2 news values which are human interest and recency (Galtung & Ruge). This is because the lead story is on 2 children that died by drowning while migrating from the Mediterranean. So this is a type of story that leaves an emotional effect on the reader because it shows 2 innocent children smiling who have died, which the reader will feel emotional towards. Also this incident that happened quite recently and had the prime minister involved to say why he wasn’t letting in refuges into the country.
  • 38. Different types of News Values This lead story comes under Personality of the Galtung and Ruge, because it is talking about the secret love life of a wealthy person and focusing the story on that famous persons life. This lead story would fit into the Recency and Conflict of the Galtung and Ruge, because its about to opposing people and about how one stole the others spotlight. Also this story was released near to when the actual conflict occurred so it will also fit into the Recency group. This story would fit into the Unpredictability and Negativity of the Galtung and Ruge, because Gaddafi was a person who suppressed human rights and therefore it was quite unpredictable that he his doctors would be trained by the NHS and clearly this is a negative news.
  • 39. Genre of London Evening Standard ingstandard.html As you can see from the image the London Evening Standard changes its genre depending on the day of the week. But usually on average new, business, Londoner’s Diary, International, art and sport are what's commonly found in all the London Evening Standard newspaper. On Mondays though the genre is trends, on Tuesday its fashion, style and sex, on Wednesday it’s health and beauty, travel, A and P, Thursdays it’s loon life, food and books, and on Friday its film and music, theatre, motoring and ED magazine.
  • 40. Katz’ Uses and Gratifications theory I think that the London Evening Standard’s target audience falls into the surveillance category of Katz’ uses and gratifications theory because they use the media to find out what is going on around them, such as current events like floods in London. Another reason why I think this is because the London Evening Standard is a newspaper that is quite heavily detailed and contains a lot of content which inform (Katz) people more, instead of having more gossipy news which are sometimes exaggerated.
  • 41. News selections The table denotes that the most important genre of news which is important to the UK audience is UK news, which connotes why the London Evening Standard has chosen to have heavy coverage of UK news because it has 77% of the people in the UK looking at the graph want to see most in a newspaper. However London Evening Standard has quite a variation of content which covers genres such as sports, UK politics, economical news and international news, all of which are popular among the UK audience different-types-of-news-2012/
  • 42. Maslow's hierarchy of needs Looking at Maslow’s hierarch of needs theory London Evening Standard’s target audience will come under the safety category, because the safety category contains people who care about their own safety, their own family, their own jobs, their own health and such. This means that they would wan to be kept up to date on current events and will need to know about job rates, health care costs, property values and such, and the London Evening Standard provides information on such things like on the stock market rates, properties available, healthcare tips and such.
  • 43. Hartley’s 7 subjectivities London Evening Standard is more targeted at people aged 25 and above, this is because it contains quite mature content such as business news, international news and travel news. But furthermore it contains content for quite young adults such as news on health and beauty, trends and fashion, sex, sport, film, food and music. The newspaper is also targeted on both men and women because it contains content which is for men such as sport and for women such as health and beauty. The newspaper is aimed at people of all ethnicities because the London Evening Standard covers news on current affairs and events which effect everybody or is aimed to reach out to everybody, so there is no specific targeted ethnicity. Also because the London Evening Standard is a Free sheet so people of all classes can get the newspaper because its free.
  • 44. Socio-economic needs Looking at the socio-economic needs table I think that London Evening Standards target audience will fit into groups A, B and C1 because the newspaper is quite thick with content and is usually found on London trains, this means that people who work in London that use the public transport to move around is going to be picking it up and reading it. Commonly people who have jobs such as bankers and office workers are typically known to use trains early in the morning to get to work. Another reason for why I think the newspapers target audience fits into those groups because London Evening Standard has quite heavy political articles and information on stock markets, so people with low standard of education such as unemployed people or students are unlike to be interested in reading it.
  • 45. Psychographics From the Psychographics group I would put the target audience for London Evening Standard into the succeeder and reformers, because the newspaper contains lots of information on political and economical matters and people within those 2 psychographics look at what’s happening in the world because their people who have social awareness and people who look at quality when choosing products.
  • 46. From the table above we can see that London Evening Standards audience fits into groups A, B and C1 of the demographics, because it shows on the table that people within those groups have a larger amount of people reading the newspaper which is 1294, where as people within groups C2, D and E only have 627 who read the newspaper in a week. The London Evening Standard most likely suits these groups of the demographics best because they contain well educated people who would more commonly like to read long and chunky stories which describe in more detail the elements of the story rather than sum it up quickly and only show some facts here and there. Demographics – London Evening Standard
  • 47. Social media advertisement The London Evening Standard has its own twitter page where it posts the latest news updates, however this does encourage you to buy the newspaper because all the news posted on their twitter page doesn’t go in-depth with the stories which then tempts you to go an buy the newspaper to hear the full tory in detail.
  • 48. London Evening Standard - YouTube The London Evening Standard has its own YouTube channel where they posts tips on how to maintain your body, tips on how to make food and other advice videos. The channel however doesn’t focus much on the main headline stories the channel is more for entertainment purposes rather than to ‘inform’ (Katz) people on the latest events and news. The channel focuses more on celebrities and what they are up to and what’s happening in their lives rather than current world affairs, so this would fit into the personality sections when looking at ‘Galtung & Ruge’ because the content focuses on celebrities. user/EveningStandardNews
  • 49. Social media advertisement The London Evening Standard has created their own app which is available on the App Store. The app gives you updates on latest news which is updated every day, so you basically get a copy of the newspaper on your phone to read. It even gives you weather updates and sports updates and such. This is a great way to advertise their magazine because most people now use their phones to read news from rather than buy a newspaper because it more easily accessible on the phone, so by having a free app available on app store they are advertising their newspaper and reaching out to a larger audience. evening-standard-digital/id542140360?mt=8
  • 50. Advertisements in the newspaper Due to the London Evening standard being a free sheet there are loads of advertisements within it, the common advertisements are from big brands such as, Virgin, O2, NatWest, John Lewis and many more. Loads of big brands are putting in large advertisements into the newspaper, such as NatWest has placed a large advert of itself on the same page as the lead story, this means that more people would see it more than nay other advertisement because most people could read the lead story and when there's such a large advertisement next to a lead story they wouldn’t flip the page before having a look at the advert.
  • 51. London Evening Standard – online website The London Evening Standard online has has a mixture of news genres such as they show the more mature content, such as political matters, criminal activities and such as well as show entertaining news such as, new inventions, celebrity gossip, reviews and such. The website also promotes it’s Facebook page by showing the number of Facebook likes their website has, so by doing this they are also convincing people to use the website because it shows that 442k people have liked the page, so therefore it must be interesting content for so many people to like and therefore people have a look through the website and start using it.
  • 52. Comparison of hard copy and online copy The hard copy of London Evening Standard is a bit different to the online copy because the online copy focuses more on entertainment rather than on proper news, however they do put their main stories at the top of the page such as a news on a robbery. Where as on the hard copy it contains less entertainment news and focuses more on current matters and events but also looks at things such as films and fashion. Also on the online copy more content can be placed on it so more stories and news are available on the online copy, but the important news still is available on the hard copy. Furthermore the online copy contains less advertisement because the hardcopy depends on advertisements to make profit due to it being a free sheet, but the online copy doesn't’t need to worry too much about that, however they do still have some advertisement on their side bars.
  • 53. Example of comparison On the online version of London Evening Standard has more entertaining news at the top because it looks to attract customers by posting things which would relate or put an impact on the viewer so that they would carry on looking through the website. The hardcopy, however, puts the more serious and current news reports at the front of the page because the newspaper is found on public transports everyday it looks to update people on current matters and issues, but also contains entertaining news within.
  • 54. LO1
  • 55. Magazine idea Brand Identity The name of my magazine will be called ‘The 6th sense’. I have given this name to my magazine because the name sixth sense will put into the readers head that we already know what the reader wants and have already put it onto paper for them, so like an actual sixth sense. Main Image My main image will be placed in the centre of the magazine. The main image will be of an artist and the image will show half his body from the waist up. The main image will be placed in front of the masthead to show respect for the artist and show that we aren’t undermining the artist in any way. Colour Scheme The colour of the Masthead will be a pail yellow, I will have the background black and white but with certain parts of the artist with colour such as if the artist wears a hat ill have the hat and parts of his clothing in colour and the rest of him black and white. Main Headline The main headline will be at the bottom of the page in size 54 text with Bondi MT Post font. The main headline will be placed in front of the artist so that it can be easily noticed and read. cover line The cover lines will be placed around the image so that the audience feels that we are revolving everything around the artist although some words will be on the artist. Another reason why I want it surrounding the artist is because I want the front cover to look professional and neat, because if I have lots of thing s over lapping each other it will look to chaotic. So when things seem to chaotic and disorientated on a front cover a reader would only get repelled away from the magazine rather than towards it because there's too much to look at. Also it wouldn’t suit my target audience because my target audience although are teenagers they are also young men which means we shouldn't focus just toward on end. Promotions My cover will also contain promotional advertisements such as for apple, Hugo Buss and other brands. This is a great way to attract readers because if apple fans see an apple product on a magazine they will go to it and have a look at it which might encourage them to buy the magazine after having a gaze over it. Mood board – Final idea
  • 56. Alternative Magazine Ideas Masthead The masthead will be similar to Q magazine and will have the name of the magazine in a large font and will be on the top of the magazine. Colour Scheme For the cover of my magazine the colour scheme will be a mixture of dark and light to contrast each other and make the important things stand out more than the others. Brand Identity The name of my magazine is called Stinger. Masthead My magazine will have a large image of an artist such as Bruno Mars in the centre with the Masthead over the image, this conventional because this is what similar magazines in my genre have. My magazine will also have an advertisement of a competition to win an iPhone 6 in order to appeal to the materialistic needs of the reader. I have chosen this name because the name stinger sounds a bit fears and violent which is kind off what most rap is like violent because of the artists fears facial expressions. So the name ‘stinger’ will connote to the reader that the magazines genre is mostly rock and hip hop. Also the verbal code stinger may connote to the audience that the magazine gets strait to the point of things and won’t mess around by putting in irrelevant articles to fill in space. Main Headline The main headline will be positioned at the bottom of the page similar to Q. The main headline will be in a slightly smaller font than the Masthead. Logo My logo will be of a bee to go with my brand name stinger. My logo will be placed on the top left. Frequency My magazine will be released weekly because I want to keep my audience wanting more and more of my magazine without having them wait so long to get it. Also by selling it weekly we will keep the reader interested in our product because if we have large gaps between our releases people will forget about how good our magazine and wont go through the trouble of buying it Main image The main image will go in the centre of my magazine over the Masthead and the Main headline. This is because I don’t the main image to be the centre of attention. We will give the artist importance by keeping the image big but will put the masthead in front to show of the brands status and put the main headline over as well Alternative Idea
  • 59. Mood board conclusion • On my mood board I have collected images of artists who I am thinking of covering on my magazine cover for future editions of my magazine. I have collected a range of artists who mainly focus on rock hip hop. I have done this to go with the genre of my magazine and also because the artist who I have picked are of high popularity and admired by many. This can give my magazine a boost just because these iconic stars just being on the page could create a USP for the magazine over my competitors. • I have also included pictures of products which my magazine will advertise such as expensive watches, perfume glasses and many more. This will also attract people to buy more of my magazine because it has flashy items which people will want to see them wearing and by getting celebrities to advertise these products will only increase the wanting of these products. Also by having these products advertised is perfect for my target audience when looking at the Maslow hierarchy of needs, because my target audience fits into the ‘social climbers’ demographic so by advertising products will attract them and only help distinguish and attract my target audience. • I have also put popular brands on my magazine because that way if people don’t recognize my magazine because they have not bought it before, they can see the other famous brand who will pay me to advertise their product on my magazine and then from people seeing these other brands can then be more comfortable with advertising their products in my magazine. • Also there are models who also advertise products which some people will feel better with because they might not like the pop star. So by having normal models might influence people to buy them more, because they might feel more comfortable seeing a normal person wearing it instead of a pop star. When they are the same products on a normal person the viewer will feel like they can buy those products as well because a normal person is wearing it meaning it’s affordable for normal people.
  • 60. Masthead idea These are the fonts that I have narrowed down to include in my magazines. Fighting Spirit I chose this font because it has sharp edges which goes with the name stinger. Olympic Branding I chose this font because it looks very none formal and a relaxing font. By using this type of font it can easily indicate to the viewer that the magazine talks openly with the audience. Husky Stash I chose this font because this has wide spaces between its letters which indicates calmness. This is helpful to make the reader feel like we are thinking about them and we consider the readers feelings when reading the magazine. 60s Pop I chose this font because the font itself looks very retro and it looks like it’s meant to be for Pop magazines because of it’s groovy and retro look. Linkin Park I have chosen this font because it is very bold and sharp and because of this it will be easily noticeable on shelf's amongst other magazines. This font is also very unique with its letters being stretched out and having sharp ends. The font is well aligned apart from the random unusual lets stepping out this could connote that the magazine some times goes out of its boundaries to get us good content because by the letters being rebellious and stepping out of their alignment shows that the magazine is also a bit rebellious.
  • 61. Masthead • The idea for my magazine has lots of inspiration from the original layouts of the Q magazine and have also edited some features of Q which I though where not as well dispelled such as usually the cover line text is really small on most Q magazines. While this is a great idea to draw more attention to the masthead by the cover line being to small makes it feels as if the they aren’t as interesting as the main headline. This makes people want to skip over the short stories and only read the main story all because the text was to small. So that is why I am keeping at size 16 and the masthead at size 34. • Another key feature I am adding in my magazine is advertisement of a competition which will draw people in because they would can’t to win the price. This will be presented in the form of a Puff/Promotion. • My main article will be an interview write a background story about an artist by researching about that person and displaying it as a story.
  • 62. Draft front page sketches Masthead is placed at the top and in front of the artist to show that the brand is most important and shows off the brand when it is placed higher than most of the content. Logo placed in the corner next to the masthead so it can be noticed easily when people look at the masthead they will see the company logo next to it. Strapline is placed at the top so it doesn’t get in the ways of any other content and also so it doesn’t take up much space. Main image is placed in the centre because the image will be the first thing a reader will notice so the quality and arrangement of the image will effect their view on the magazine and their decision to buy it or not. Cover lines will be placed on the sides surrounding the main image but not touching it, because the main image must be the centre of attraction and therefore there shouldn’t be anything on it to take away the attention from the image. Main headline is placed at the bottom left hand side and goes over the main image this is only because the main headline is to do with the main image and therefore only brings the attention back to the main image.
  • 63. Draft double page spread sketches Main image is place in the middle DPS because this will make the page look more unique and show that both pages are connected to one topic about the artist. Logo will be placed on right page of the DPS at the top so that it can be recognised easily. Advertisement of a product the artist promotes will be shown on the side of the right page on the DPS. The content will surround the main image and will be on both pages. The main header will be on the left page of the DPS and on the left hand corner so it will be the first thing they read. A Pull quote of the artist will be displayed next to the main image on the left page of the DPS. Page number Question and answers will be within the content of the interview.
  • 64. Main image Graphic Layout Masthead Cover line Cover line Cover line Cover line Main headline Strapline Main image Masthead Cover line barcode barcode Main headline Cover line
  • 65. Draft articles Ollie Dean is a man with potential’, which is how his former manager Joe Hock described him as. Yet now Will Dean’s potential has turned into to perfection with his new album ‘The Craze’ making up to £7 million within a month of its release. This star has gained mass amounts of popularity within a year. This is Ollie Dean’s first year as a star and within this year he has accomplished much more than any ordinary star of our current time. This man has changed the music industry and is now thinking of bringing in even more talent into the industry. He has also been working alongside Bruno Mars and Eminem to help write new songs. Ollie Dean started off his career by working as a sound technician in a studio called ‘The Height’ in Birmingham. It was later that he realised his passion for music when he heard a young man called Mathew Brin in the studio sing and noticed that his pitch was too high and thought to himself he could manage to reach the right pitch and sing that song. So then he went in and asked the studio manager if he could have a shot at it and after one try the manager of the store realised Dean’s potential and recommended him to Joe Hock. Today we will be joined by Ollie Dean himself to find out what happened after he went under the wing of Joe Hock. So Dean tells us what happened after you went and accepted Joe Hocks offer? Ehh well what happened was that I went to him yea and me I was all nervous cause I hadn’t done this before you know what I’m saying, and then when I my man Joe he like showed me around the new studio and all the people who helped out there and stuff. So like I, I still couldn’t soak this all in right so everything Joe said went into my ear and came out the other ear. So then like I went home yea and sat down yea and just looked at myself in the mirror and went wow dude your gonna be rich bro and I was about to pass out from all the excitement and thrill that idea gave me. So yea ehhhmm, after that I just got with the moment and just carried on the rest of the journey, which like got me here, like right know. Dean how are you coping with sudden spike of popularity you now have? Oh my God like bro like this right here is like a dream come true and I’m like so struck back by It I mean to know that I have so many fans who like my music, oh like bro it’s like amazing. Like the other day right I just walked out me hotel to go to get a bite right and these people were like waiting outside my hotel to see me and I was like wow wow wow, like is this for real. So yea man it’s quite a big thing to cope with you know but like I think I can probably handle it, like bro who doesn’t like fame and glory right. Is it true that you are going to settle down in Italy for a while? Naa naa I am like gonna settle down and stuff right but not know like I’m just too much in that flow you know what I’m saying. So yea but I will like on want to settle down in Italy someday because like it’s a nice place right. But like for now right all I’m focused on is like my future ahead cause I can go back since I have ‘I made the jump’ from being an ordinary guy to like a big superstar and like there is now way I’m like stopping so early in the game. Is it true you refused to work alongside Jay- Z? Haa yea the dude was a straight up jerk to me like when he came up to me and asked to do like a song with me he didn’t even have a smile on his face. But like I was thinking about the money then so like I dint care if he wasn’t smiling as longs as I had stacks of green with me, you know what I’m saying. But for real though I like got a proper view of how much of a jerk he was when we started producing our song. Like he would never come and talk to me directly right he would send like members of his crew or something to talk to me yea and I had to have special permission by him to go to speak to him. Then it got to a point right where it was l like what the hell man, we both like respected artists so show me the respect then jerk. So yea brov the went like that and I straight up told him I didn’t want to work with anymore and we he blew of the contract like right there and that was the end of that. Now Dean I heard that you have been having some issues with your health recently, could you explain what happened to you throughout that period? Oooooh dude I was like literally struck down with like tiredness yea, like I was so tired from all the constant concert and gigs I had to be at. Like ahh…. It got to like a point where I was like I just couldn’t handle it anymore man I was just collapsing. Like I remember right when I did like a 24 hour journey and was constantly awake right like the whole way and then like I reached the concert and was like man you got to do this dude like common think of the fans. So I like popped a few energy tablets and just like went up on stage like proper hyped, and like I managed to carry it through the whole concert. Then dude when I got of stage I was like ohhhhhh can’t do this dude like I was so tired and I just went bam on the ground right like was like proper unconscious, like had no idea right that if I was gonna die or what. Then I wake up in like hospital yea and I have this bandage over my nose cause I fell on it broke it yea and I’m like dam I just broke my nose but then I was like at least you know I’m still alive so there’s a plus. So yea that happened. Dean I heard that you were trying to bring on of your childhood friends into the music industry and that you guys where making a song together? Yea yea ma main man Charlie we like brothers, we like grew up together and stuff. So like I went and met up with him like last week and he like expressed his feelings about music to me right and I was like yea sure I bet you just want in because of the money and he was like no bro I actually have a passion for music and so I was like alright I’ll give you a shot. So I gave him a chance to show make how good he was right and he was like amazing like never know that you had that talent like inside you bro, and he was like so happy yea and then I was like to him ill help you yea to get into the industry that is. But like before that I had to fix up his vocals a bit cause like he needed a bit of polishing then. So like after like a month of working with, for like every day and when we made it I was like dude you’ve got it and he was like thanks u so much dude like he was like crying on my shoulders and ended up making me emotional like seriously. Dean could you give us some in and sion on what your future plans are? Like my future plan is to like carry out my career right and just keep on climbing because I want to like reach the top and to do that I have to like work harder and harder. Like because hip hop is my life so I don’t want to like just go with the flow and just settle with what I have I want like a drive to be better and better you know what I mean yea. So I was also like thinking like emm…… like gather like a group of like talented singers right like people who are like new to the music industry, I am doing this cause like I want people to have like that opportunity that like I had to become a star.
  • 66. House style of Stinger My magazine will consist mostly of the colours grey, white and yellow. My magazines background will be a dark grey with masthead being a pale yellow, which will contrast on another and make the mast head stand out more because it has a more brighter colour. I will have grey and white text for my magazine front cover because by doing this I can show to people that it is a mature magazine by showing them that it doesn’t need to use many different bright colours to make it stand out and that it can look appealing to my target audience with simple colours. For my double page spread I will have black content because I want people to be able to easily read it so if I put it light shade of yellow it would be difficult to read and not very appealing to look at. The reason why I have chosen different shades of grey is because I can put things around the artist in dull colours do that the artist and the masthead really stands out from all the other content. This will help distinguish the brand and help the magazine be easily spotted on shelf's in stores, because of the unique orientation and colour scheme of the magazine. Background Masthead Colour of text in front page Text for Content Colour of text in front page
  • 67. How are these decisions going to improve the quality of my magazine By choosing my house style colours for ‘Stinger’ as grey, light grey, yellow white and black, I can show of my Photoshop skills by making the magazine look professional with dull colours and still making it stand out from all the other magazines that use bright colours. Also by using dull colours for the all the content and background will make the quality od my main image look better because it will stand out from all the content because the main image will be the only thing on the front page that will have bright colours. To make my main image look more important I will push all the content outwards so that it goes around the main image, so therefore the main image will be more visible. Furthermore the main image wont be the only thing standing out because the masthead will be in a pale yellow which is more brighter than the grey and black background, so it will also stand out and make my magazine look more professional and bring bran awareness due to the masthead being so large, clear and unique.
  • 70. Content overview I have created my flat plan based on my magazine of inspiration Q because Q magazine has a lot of double page spread advertisement in it usually of big brands such as ‘Hugo Boss’ and ‘Ralph Lauren’. I’ve also taken some inspiration from Q magazine and decided to not make the whole magazine pages filled with stuff about music, but instead decided to diversify the magazine by talking about latest movies or by talking about new fashion and trends. Furthermore I have added in small interviews with other artists in some pages separate from the main article, because I thought having just one artist casting in an issue isn't enough to attract the audience so I decided to get some more artists into cover more content and attract more of my target audience.
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  • 74. Front cover analysis The masthead is enlarged to take up almost a quarter of the page so that it can be easily recognized. The main headline looks like the artists autograph. This could be to connote that the issue is one of a kind. The style of the front cover is almost like a photo, which could be to connote that this issue is something special. Also the main image is given a border so it looks more interesting and more professional. The barcode box includes the barcode, date and price. The price is set at £3.99 this shows that Q’s target market has good disposable income to spend £3.99 on a magazine.
  • 75. Front cover analysis The main image is of the artists doing up his top button, which could connote that he is getting ready for something and this then gets the reader thinking and wanting to read the story and find out, this is related to semiotics, “signs act as signifiers” (Ferdinand De Saussure), because by the artist doing up his button signifies to the audience he is getting ready for something important. The cover lines are names of all the big artist and it goes around the main image to show importance to the artist. It is clear that the center of attention is Tinie Tempah because all the other artists names are written in a small font and then the artist’s name is in a large font and underlined. A pull quote is placed at the top which gets people wondering how the music changed his life?
  • 76. Q– Double page spread analysis There is a large ‘L’ in front of all the content, which could be to connote that the article is all about ‘lady GAGA’ hence the large L for lady. The main image takes up the whole of the right side of the double page spread this could be to connote the artists popularity and iconic look. Drop capitals are used within the content to draw in the readers attention. The logo of Q magazine is placed at the bottom to bring brand awareness. All the content is squashed together on one page this could be to let the image connote most of the story for them.
  • 77. Layout The masthead of the magazine is placed in the top right corner and is in enlarged, this could be to connote how the brand is getting bigger. Also the layout of this issue is almost like a photograph because its given a border around it this could be to connote the professionalism of the magazine. Also all the text almost looks hand written this could be because it is a collector’s edition so they want to make it look like it one of a kind. Even the main headline looks like a autograph of the artist again connoting that its one of a kind. The main image is placed in the center and all the content is placed around it to connote the artists status of being a star. The masthead stands out form the rest of the content because the rest of the content has pale colors where as the masthead just stands out with its bright bold red.
  • 78. Steve Neale – 1980 I will 'repeat' (Steve Neale - 1980) some things from Q magazine when creating my own magazine Stinger such as pull quotes, because I think pull quotes in my DPS will make the page look more professional and the content more interesting to read. I will also have the mast head next to the page number on every DPS of my magazine like in Q magazine because I think this a great way to bring brand awareness and show of the brand. Furthermore another convention I will be repeating for Stinger is having the cover lines on the side of the front cover so it stay out of the way of the main image, because I want to main image to be clear and stand out really well.
  • 79. Genre of Stinger The genre of my magazine is mainly focused on hip hop however they are quite diverse and like to look at many different types of music such as contemporary pop, R&B and many more. They use this genre to target teenagers and young adults because stereotypically they are the group that would be most fond of music magazines, this is why the types of music are all urban style, which is also known as ‘street music’. magazine-information
  • 80. • The magazine target’s “predominantly young, urban followers of hip-hop culture”. This could be said as an age range between 16 and 25. Hartley’s 7 subjectivities Katz’ Uses &Gratifications theory Maslow’s hierarchy of needs According to the Hartley’s 7 theory is targeted at teenagers between ages of 16 - 25. this is because the magazine uses a lot of modern slang which elder people will not know the meaning ‘s of. Also because of this uses of modern slang also suggests that the magazine target’s middle class people. The magazine contains lots of interviews and opinions of people so it is really ‘informing & educating’ people, however it does keep you updated on events that might be going on such as when an artist is performing live and where it is. However it does ask there reader direct question such as on one of the Stinger magazine cover it asked a question “are you a racist?”. This immediately ‘informs’ you that the magazine likes to get very personal with its audience. Looking at Maslow's hierarchy of needs Stinger magazine seems to be intended fro two groups; ‘explorers’ and ‘social climbers’. This is because the magazine has a lot of advertisements of lots of materialistic goods which cover whole pages. This suggest that it could be for people who want to be a bit flashy as the advert itself is flashy by being so large in size. It also targets explorers because usually it shows celebrities wearing the material goods in the advert so people will automatically think that because a celebrity is wearing that sort of stuff must mean that it is trendy. Target audience
  • 81. • The target audience for Stinger magazine looking at the Socio-economic needs will fit into the categories C1 and C2 because the magazine uses somewhat formal writing and the layout is neatly arranged together. So someone who is semi employed or un employed are unlikely to read such magazines. Another reason why my target audience fall in these categories is because the magazine itself is quite flashy in a way because it advertises expensive and designer products which people who are unemployed or studying will not be able to afford. • The magazine also goes into a lot of depth when it has it’s main interviews and it is a lot to sit and read which I think people who are perhaps a bit young would not be quite interested in. Socio-economic needs
  • 82. Location Recce Location: India,Kerela India,Kerela Time - 9pm 5 pm Date - 21st October 2014 26th October 2014 Why? - The dark background with the shadow around the artists will have a good effect on the image when the flash in on the artists face, making his face more brighter than other areas of the image. The brightness of the day will give a clear and bright image and the calm background will make for a good scenery if needed. Picture Needed/Required: Body needs to be turned away from the camera and the head looking back. Zoomed out image of just the artist top half of the body with the artist leaning to the right. Shot Type - Close Up Close up Props Equipment - Camera and light Camera Lighting - Flash Natural Light Costume - Casual outfit White casual t-shirt with jeans Person/People - Manu Benny Manu Benny Why? - This image will be placed on the front cover and will look as if the artist is turning around and looking at the audience, which might attract people to buy it. For this photograph I need to have a more informal style as it will be on the double page spread. Next to it will be the interview with the artist. Permission Needed: The pictures will be taken on my land so there are is no need to get permission from anybody. The pictures will be taken on my land so there are is no need to get permission from anybody. Potential Hazards/Risks: Because its night it will be hard to see when walking around so there is a chance of us slipping and injuring ourselves because of it raining the day before. Need to bring a umbrella and waterproof cover for the camera encase if it rains.
  • 85. Production plan The production started on December the 1 because I thought exactly a month would be enough for my magazine to be produced and launched. I chose the launch date to be on January the 1st because I thought the new year could connote to the new beginning of a new magazine and presumed that it could give the magazine a bit of hype when a new magazine is launched on the first day of the year. Furthermore I thought that if my sales weren’t good as I expected it to be in the first week I could then use the new year events as an excuse to have promotional offers such as buying the first issue free as a new years offer.
  • 87. Issue Issue The issue date of the magazine will be on the 1st of January 2015. This is a good time to start my magazine of because a new year mark the beginning and this is a perfect time to release my magazine because it reflects on the beginning of Stinger. Price The price will be set at £3 because it costs 87p per magazine to print and therefore by charging £3 per magazine I am making a profit of £2.18 per magazine sold. Printed I will have 10,000 copies printed each costing around 87p. Distributed The magazine will use online websites and stores such as WHSmith to sell the magazines in.
  • 88. dvertising/advertising-rates/ This is a table of the standard amount it costs to advertise in a magazine and my page has 14 pages of advertisement. Income in the first week 2 for 1 sales in the first week First month income Fist month income with offer Magazine sales £30,000 £15,000 £120,000 £60,000 Advertising income £16,170 £8,085 £64,680 £258,720 Total £46,170 £23,085 £184,680 £318,720 Income
  • 89. Resources Cost Office building £1,250,000 Computers £2,239.93 Decks £945 Chairs £476 Total - £11,220.93 Employees Cost Editor £21,500 Assistant editor £21,084 Staff writer £17,000 Graphic Designer £18,391 Editorial assistant £19,000 Production editor £24,566 Reporter £23,000 Total - £144,541 Personnel Expenses Total expenses = £155,761.93
  • 90. Profit made £318,720 (INCOME) – £155,761.93 (COSTS) = £162958.07 (PROFIT) • This is the profit I will be making after the selling all 10,000 copies of my magazine in the first month.
  • 91. Press complaints are complaints that the audience are entitled to make and report a magazine for. They are allowed to complain about things such as inappropriate content used such as racial comments which might offend, pictures used of people who may have not have given permission to use or even for adding in false information. An example of this is when Tom Cruise attempted to sues Bauer for $50m because Bauer published false information that Tom Cruise has cut Suri his daughter out of his life. So because they had published false information about him without his permission he was allegeable to sue them for this as it breaks the copyright law. However he didn’t not win the case as he didn’t gave enough evidence against Bauer and ended up having to abandon the case. This shows that anyone has the right and capability of taking action towards a brand if they break any of the copyright laws and you have enough information and evidence to back your claims.
  • 92. IPSO IPSO is and organisation which monitors content released by magazines to see if they have displayed any content which might offend any types of audience and there for will get the magazine sued if any customers decide to take the magazine company to court because of the inappropriate content. IPSO also takes on any complaints and with that conduct their own investigations on the magazine the complaint was on.
  • 93. IPSO will take forward complaints from anybody that an in accurate information has been published off. If the complaint has been made to the specific individual that is reporting to IPSO, IPSO is able to take forward a complaint from a third party, but will need to consider position of direct affect to the party to decide whether it is reasonable to do so. IPSO only consider complaints that publications which are members of IPSO have breached the Editors’ Code of Practice. IPSO is able to consider complaints within 4 months of the conduct complaint or the publication of the article. Submitting a form means that if ISPO does think that the publication has breached the Editor’s Code, IPSO will send the details of your complaint to the publication, which will then give you an opportunity to resolve the problem directly.
  • 94. Editors code of conduct The editors code of conduct effects my magazine because it stops me from putting on content in my magazine about other people without their consent. Without the persons consent the magazine or reporter are both not legally allowed to give information out about a person especially if they were a victim or witness at a place of illegal action. The code also means that I will have to be accurate with information I put on my magazine, because if I put inaccurate information in my magazine such as there will be a music festival in Rio on the 15th June and I got the date wrong it will mean that all those people will have wasted their time and money travelling to there, when the festivals in 2 months from then. This means that all those people who went their based on the information they got from my magazine can use this editors code of conduct to sue us for compensation. The editors code of conduct also states that the magazine has to give opportunities for replies, such as if an inaccuracy has been made in your magazine people will need to be able to contact you regarding that and therefore you need to give back a reply to their complaints if reasonable. Also when I am interviewing the artist in my magazine I am not allowed to harass them in anyway such as continuously call them up or ask uncomfortable questions within the interview. Furthermore I am not allowed to use any form of discrimination within my magazine such as stating that a curtain race is better than the other, or use any racist comments within my magazine. ODE_A4.pdf
  • 95. Preventing Copyright Watermarking is adding a very faded and see through logo or name of your company so that other people cant reuse your images claiming to be theirs. This protects your images from being copy written and there for I will use this in my magazine so that my images aren't stolen and reused. Watermarking is simple you can use software tools such as Photoshop to produce these and, it is free and takes up very little time to produce. m
  • 96. Watermarked image I watermarked my own images for copywriter purposes so that my images aren’t used again by someone else without my permission. I did this by using Photoshop CS5 to place the ‘Stinger’ text, by using the text tool. I Then selected the move tool and then I adjusted the Opacity to 16% so that the ‘Stinger’ text was more transparent. Text tool Move tool
  • 97. How to register a trademark online/CompleterTypeQuestion/Edit
  • 98. How to register a trademark online/CompleterTypeQuestion/Edit
  • 99. How to register a trademark online/CompleterTypeQuestion/Edit
  • 100. How to register a trademark online/CompleterTypeQuestion/Edit
  • 101. How to register a trademark online/CompleterTypeQuestion/Edit
  • 102. How to register a trademark online/CompleterTypeQuestion/Edit
  • 103. How to register a trademark online/CompleterTypeQuestion/Edit
  • 104. How to register a trademark online/CompleterTypeQuestion/Edit
  • 105. How to register a trademark online/CompleterTypeQuestion/Edit
  • 106. How to register a trademark online/CompleterTypeQuestion/Edit
  • 107. How to register a trademark online/CompleterTypeQuestion/Edit
  • 108. How to register a trademark online/CompleterTypeQuestion/Edit
  • 109. How to register a trademark online/CompleterTypeQuestion/Edit
  • 110. How to register a trademark online/CompleterTypeQuestion/Edit
  • 111. How to register a trademark online/CompleterTypeQuestion/Edit
  • 112. How to register a trademark online/CompleterTypeQuestion/Edit
  • 113. How to register a trademark online/CompleterTypeQuestion/Edit
  • 114. How to register a trademark online/CompleterTypeQuestion/Edit
  • 115. How to make a complaint To make a complaint fill out the form with details of your complaint such as the publisher of the magazine which your complaining against, what the complaint is on, how did this effect you and why you are making the complaint. You also have to give your information such as contact details.
  • 116. Complaint procedure 1. When a complaint is sent to IPSO they assess it to see if a code has been breached or not. 2. If the complaint is valid and a code has been breached the details of your complaint will be passed onto the editors of the magazine were they will be given a chance to resolve your problem directly. 3. If after contacting the magazine directly and not getting resolve, IPSO will pass on the information to the Complaints Committee, and they will write to the magazine and ask to respond back to the complaint. The Complaints Committee may ask the person with the complaint to give more information to back up the complaint better. 4. If the complaint is still unresolved the Complaints Committee can make a judgement on what the magazine can do to resolve the matter such as make corrections to what the complaint was on. 5. After all those processes you are still unhappy you can request a review by the Complaints Reviewer, which is a post which must be filled by a IPSO member such as Richard Hill MBE.
  • 117. HSE The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is like the watchdogs for work related health, safety and illnesses. The HSE work to prevent work related injuries, illnesses or death all across Great Britain. The work place needs to have health and safety checks and workers must be informed on how to act when a threat or incident occurs. HSE will help me gain compensation if any arm is brought to me in my working environment such as if I was to trip over and break my leg because of wires laying around unprotected in the workplace.
  • 118. Hazards at location • Where I intended to take the photos on my own property so there were no laws or regulations I had to follow. However there were some hazards such as the ground being wet as it had rained and therefore it was easy to slip and injure myself. • Furthermore I went to the location of where I intended to take the photos before hand and made sure that there were no hazard problem that would affect us and prevent us from taking our photos.
  • 119. Hazards at workplace All the designing of my magazine was done in a school classroom and the hazards of working there that there were wires around which I could have tripped over and injured myself with which then I could have used the HSE to cover me for and get me compensation.
  • 120. Bauer Privacy Policy Bauer places a link to their privacy policy on both their own website and on Q magazines website where they state things such as, “We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 16 for marketing purposes”, this then gives more reassurance to people that Bauer won’t market children because they have stated that they wont and therefore if they then break this they will be taken to court and sued. Furthermore Bauer says that they will collect data from people with their consent to invite their family members or friends to invite them to see the website, but they state that they will only use this information once and will not save the information after use on their databases, without your consent.
  • 121. Purpose of primary research The purpose of me carrying out primary research for my magazine was so that I could create a magazine suited to my target audience and get feedback from them to input into the production of my magazine. I was also unsure on a price which I should set my magazine at, so the primary research was also a way to find out from my audience what they would be comfortable with paying for my magazine at a reasonable rate. Also from the primary research I can gain knowledge of what kind of content my audience expect from a music magazine and I can use that information and input their feedback into the next upcoming issues, which would help in reaching out to the audience more and getting their attention because we are giving them what they asked for.
  • 122. Question 1 This question asks about who is the most preferred artist people would like to see on a magazine cover. The majority chose Ariana Grande with 40%, this will help me because using this I can determine which artist will benefit me the most if presented on my front cover. So by putting an image of a popular and more preferred artist will help the magazine get more customer and gain more popularity because fans of Ariana Grande will be automatically drawn to a magazine about here.
  • 123. Question 2 This question asks about the persons gender. This will help determine my target audience by placing content relevant to the target audience. Such as because more men have done the survey this shows that my target audience should focus more on men and based on that should add content such as more advertisements of men's brands rather than women. However there still 25% of women have still taken part in the survey so this means I should also include content appealing to women as well to gain as much customers as possible.
  • 124. Question 3 This question asks about what the person would prefer story about an artist or a interview about on artist. This helps me decide on what I can do for my main story, by deciding to do a interview or a story about an artist.
  • 125. Question 4 I have asked the audience about which genre’s out of the 5 they would mostly like to see displayed or talked about in a magazine. This helps me decide if the genre I have chosen is suitable for the correct audience I have hosen, and in a away this has proven me right because my genre is a mix between hip hop and rap. On the chart hip hop has got the highest percentage which was 35% and rap had the least which was 5%. This tells me that my genre is perfect because it includes the majority who like hip hop and the minority which like rap.
  • 126. Question 5 I asked the audience whether they would prefer to have the magazine filled with more pictures or would they rather have more words in it. I asked this because my magazine is intended for a young audience and therefore that is why I sent my survey to young students and the majority which was 55% said that they would prefer the magazine to contain more pictures than words. This will help me to design my magazine because I know now that I should focus more on the image because it will be what my target audience will be more focused on and therefore must make sure all the pictures are of good quality and there are lots of it. However there wasn’t a big difference between having more word or more pictures because words got 45% which is only 10% away, so although I will focus more on my pictures I will also pay a lot of attention to my wording because some of my target audience also like having more words and content than picture, so I will have to have a equally good wording.
  • 127. Question 6 I asked my audience if the artist being displayed on the front page influence their choice of purchasing the magazine and the majority chose yes and very little people said no. This tells me that if I want more people to purchase my magazine I will need to have a picture of a well known hip hop artist on my front page if I want more people to buy my magazine. Also perhaps I could charge a higher amount for my magazine and still get people to buy it just because a popular artist is on the cover and therefore because a well known artist is on the cover people wouldn’t mind paying a little extra money because the artist is so popular and well known.
  • 128. Question 7 This question asks my audience how much would they pay weekly for a magazine and the highest my audience were willing to pay was £3 and so this tells me that I should keep my price range between £3 however if I decide to put a popular and well known artist on there I can perhaps increase the price a little due to that celebrities presence in my magazine.
  • 129. Question 8 This question asks the audience what catches their eye first when they look at a magazine an the majority said the main image. I asked this question to see which area of my front page I should focus the most on to get the most amount of attention for my magazine
  • 130. Question 9 I asked the audience what type of colour scheme would appeal to them the most. By getting this feedback I can make alterations to my magazine and make it look more appealing to my target audiences tastes.
  • 131. Primary research conclusion I did some primary research for my magazine to find out what the preferences of my target audiences were. I did this by gathering a number of people within the age group from 16- 25 and got them to fill out my questionnaire. This as useful to me because this was the around the age group of my magazines target audience and so by getting them to share their preferences with me allowed me to model my new magazine upon it. Such as one of my questions in the questionnaire was ‘how much would you pay to buy a magazine weekly’, and the majority said £2 or £3, so then this made me decide on the price of my magazine which was £3 because people were equally willing to buy £3 as to £2, so therefore its best to get the most profit and set the price to £3.
  • 132. Interview analysis Before I created my magazine I went out and asked some people a series of questions to see if my target audience which mainly consists if teenagers would approve of this mew magazine I was going to launch. Also why I decided to conduct a interview on top of my survey monkey was so that I could ask the reasoning's behind their answers during a interview, such as if the person who I interviewed said I only buy magazines once a month for my first question I could ask them what stops them from buying it weekly, is it the cost of the magazine or is it cause they don’t have time. Like this I can ask broader questions to people where as on a survey they give straight answers without saying the reasoning behind it. Questions from interview 1. How often would you buy a music magazine? 2. What type of stories in music magazines interests you? 3. Would are you looking to gain from reading a music magazine. 4. Do you like music magazines with more detailed and long stories or do you prefer more visual content like images and fewer words.
  • 133. Conclusion In this LO I have talked about all the pre-production material I have produced such as planed format and style graph, production plan, photography plan and all the other pre-production material in this LO. I have also discussed the legal and ethical issues that may affect my magazine and also shown how to make a complaint. Furthermore I have shown how to register a trademark for my magazine and created watermarks for my images to protect them from being copyrighted. I have also decided on the format, style, colour scheme, masthead and content of my magazine.
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  • 138. Production plan Week beginning: December 1st 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Find office building to setup all equipment and start the business of in. Go searching for suitable and comfortable chairs and tables for employees. Order new computers for magazine to be designed using, and have Photoshop available on them. Set up interviews for jobs roles such as editor, writer, designer and other posts available within the business. Set up interviews for jobs roles such as editor, writer, designer and other posts available within the business. Set up interviews for jobs roles such as editor, writer, designer and other posts available within the business. Setup all the equipment and furniture in the main office. Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Saturday 6th December 2014 Tuesday 2nd December 2014 Wednesday 7th December 2014 Sunday 7th December 2014 Sunday 7th December 2014 Sunday 7th December 2014 Monday 8th December 2014 Week beginning: December 8th 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Meet all the employees in main office and explain the plans of the magazine and what each member is supposed to do. Find artist to host on your first addition of your magazine. Get writer to come up with some interesting and inventive questions to ask the artist at a one to one interview. Get reporter to go interview the artist with the questions the writer has prepared and record the artist’s answers. Type up the artists answers to the interview Take photoshoot of the artist for the front cover and double page spread of the magazine. Start designing the layout of the front cover and double page spread designs. Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Monday 8th December 2014 Sunday 14th December 2014 Thursday 11th December 2014 Saturday 13th December 2014 Sunday 14th December 2014 Tuesday 16th December 2014 Tuesday 16th December 2014
  • 139. Week beginning: December 15th 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Get reporter to investigate more stories about growing hip hop music culture. Edit photos take of the artist to make the artist look more appealing using Photoshop. Insert interview into the double page spread of magazine. Look for business who would like to advertise in our magazine. Start inserting other articles and stories into magazine. Weekend off Weekend off Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Friday 19th December 2014 Saturday 20th December 2014 Wednesday 17th December 2014 Thursday 25th December 2014 Wednesday 24th December 2014 Week beginning: December 22nd 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Finish off designing the magazine. Find more short stories about artist. Find more short stories about artist. Find more short stories about artist. Send finished magazine of for production. Weekends off Weekends off Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Friday 26th December 2014 Friday 26th December 2014 Friday 26th December 2014 Friday 26th December 2014 Week beginning: December 29th 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Once magazines arrive find places where the magazine can be distributed to. Distribute magazines to stores and online websites you have found which gave you permission to advertise your product on their. Set up social media account and advertise the magazine on there. Set up social media account and advertise the magazine on there. Product launch Weekends off Weekends off Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Tuesday 30th December 2014 Friday 1st January 2015 Friday 1st January 2015 Friday 1st January 2015
  • 140. dvertising/advertising-rates/ This is a table of the standard amount it costs to advertise in a magazine and my page has 14 pages of advertisement. Income in the first week 2 for 1 sales in the first week First month income Fist month income with offer Magazine sales £30,000 £15,000 £120,000 £60,000 Advertising income £16,170 £8,085 £64,680 £258,720 Total £46,170 £23,085 £184,680 £318,720 Income
  • 141. Resources Cost Office building £1,250,000 Computers £2,239.93 Decks £945 Chairs £476 Total - £11,220.93 Employees Cost Editor £21,500 Assistant editor £21,084 Staff writer £17,000 Graphic Designer £18,391 Editorial assistant £19,000 Production editor £24,566 Reporter £23,000 Total - £144,541 Expenses Total expenses = £155,761.93
  • 142. Profit made £318,720 (INCOME) – £155,761.93 (COSTS) = £162958.07 (PROFIT) • This is the profit I will be making after the selling all 10,000 copies of my magazine in the first month.
  • 143. Magazine idea Brand Identity The name of my magazine will be called ‘The 6th sense’. I have given this name to my magazine because the name sixth sense will put into the readers head that we already know what the reader wants and have already put it onto paper for them, so like an actual sixth sense. Main Image My main image will be placed in the centre of the magazine. The main image will be of an artist and the image will show half his body from the waist up. The main image will be placed in front of the masthead to show respect for the artist and show that we aren’t undermining the artist in any way. Colour Scheme The colour of the Masthead will be a pail yellow, I will have the background black and white but with certain parts of the artist with colour such as if the artist wears a hat ill have the hat and parts of his clothing in colour and the rest of him black and white. Main Headline The main headline will be at the bottom of the page in size 54 text with Bondi MT Post font. The main headline will be placed in front of the artist so that it can be easily noticed and read. cover line The cover lines will be placed around the image so that the audience feels that we are revolving everything around the artist although some words will be on the artist. Another reason why I want it surrounding the artist is because I want the front cover to look professional and neat, because if I have lots of thing s over lapping each other it will look to chaotic. So when things seem to chaotic and disorientated on a front cover a reader would only get repelled away from the magazine rather than towards it because there's too much to look at. Also it wouldn’t suit my target audience because my target audience although are teenagers they are also young men which means we shouldn't focus just toward on end. Promotions My cover will also contain promotional advertisements such as for apple, Hugo Buss and other brands. This is a great way to attract readers because if apple fans see an apple product on a magazine they will go to it and have a look at it which might encourage them to buy the magazine after having a gaze over it. Mood board – Final idea
  • 144. Publicising job roles I have created a mock page on Bauer’s website showing how I will be recruiting people to work for me on my magazine. This where I will be mainly recruiting people for my magazine from because Bauer already has a large number of viewer’s visiting their website so if I publicise job roles on the Bauer website I will get more people seeing the page rather than if I was to start of my own website where very phew people would visit, because I’m a new magazine.
  • 145. House style of Stinger My magazine will consist mostly of the colours grey, white and yellow. My magazines background will be a dark grey with masthead being a pale yellow, which will contrast on another and make the mast head stand out more because it has a more brighter colour. I will have grey and white text for my magazine front cover because by doing this I can show to people that it is a mature magazine by showing them that it doesn’t need to use many different bright colours to make it stand out and that it can look appealing to my target audience with simple colours. For my double page spread I will have black content because I want people to be able to easily read it so if I put it light shade of yellow it would be difficult to read and not very appealing to look at. The reason why I have chosen different shades of grey is because I can put things around the artist in dull colours do that the artist and the masthead really stands out from all the other content. This will help distinguish the brand and help the magazine be easily spotted on shelf's in stores, because of the unique orientation and colour scheme of the magazine. Background Masthead Colour of text in front page Text for Content Colour of text in front page
  • 146. Social media sites I created this Facebook page for my magazine to promote it and allow it reach a larger audience. Through Facebook I can find many people in Stinger’s target audience because Facebook is more commonly used by young people, so when they see a page of the magazine on their social media page when looking through it they will be curious to see what it is and will have a look.
  • 149. Masthead idea These are the fonts that I have narrowed down to include in my magazines. Fighting Spirit I chose this font because it has sharp edges which goes with the name stinger. Olympic Branding I chose this font because it looks very none formal and a relaxing font. By using this type of font it can easily indicate to the viewer that the magazine talks openly with the audience. Husky Stash I chose this font because this has wide spaces between its letters which indicates calmness. This is helpful to make the reader feel like we are thinking about them and we consider the readers feelings when reading the magazine. 60s Pop I chose this font because the font itself looks very retro and it looks like it’s meant to be for Pop magazines because of it’s groovy and retro look. Linkin Park I have chosen this font because it is very bold and sharp and because of this it will be easily noticeable on shelf's amongst other magazines. This font is also very unique with its letters being stretched out and having sharp ends. The font is well aligned apart from the random unusual lets stepping out this could connote that the magazine some times goes out of its boundaries to get us good content because by the letters being rebellious and stepping out of their alignment shows that the magazine is also a bit rebellious.
  • 150. Fonts I used the website to get my fonts from because it had a variety of fonts to pick from, also because I was able to download the font of the website and still be able to sue it on Photoshop.