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Smart Words To Use In Essays
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Smart Words to Use in Essays" presents a unique set of
challenges. At first glance, it might seem like a straightforward task, but delving into the
intricacies of language, semantics, and effective communication can prove to be a complex
The initial hurdle lies in selecting the right words that not only sound sophisticated but also
seamlessly integrate into the context of the essay. It's not just about incorporating complex
vocabulary; the challenge lies in ensuring that these words enhance the overall quality of the
essay, contributing to clarity and precision rather than causing confusion.
Furthermore, the writer must strike a delicate balance between sophistication and accessibility.
While using advanced vocabulary can elevate the essay's tone, overdoing it may alienate readers
and detract from the essay's effectiveness. It requires a keen understanding of the target audience
and the purpose of the essay to navigate this fine line successfully.
Additionally, the writer must consider the coherence and flow of the essay. Inserting intelligent
words randomly can disrupt the natural rhythm of the writing and make the essay feel forced.
Achieving a seamless integration of sophisticated vocabulary requires meticulous attention to
detail and a deep understanding of the essay's structure.
Research is another critical aspect. To effectively use smart words, one must be well-versed in
their meanings, contexts, and appropriate applications. This demands thorough investigation and
a commitment to accuracy to ensure that the chosen words not only sound intelligent but also
convey the intended message accurately.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Smart Words to Use in Essays" demands a nuanced
approach. It involves careful word selection, a balance between sophistication and accessibility,
attention to coherence, and thorough research. It is a task that requires a writer's dedication to
language mastery and an understanding of effective communication.
For assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, one may explore the resources
available on The platform offers a range of services to support individuals in
their writing endeavors, providing professional guidance tailored to specific needs.
Smart Words To Use In EssaysSmart Words To Use In Essays
Taking a Look at the Pauline Epistles
The Pauline epistles are very crucial to the understanding of how a church and a
Christian should act. Throughout all the letters, different subjects have been
touched creating almost a guide of how to s . The farewell is especially important
as noted in Second Corinthians 13 explains the depth of God s love to the people
and the wrath of doubtfulness. since you are demanding proof that Christ is
speaking though me. He is not weak in dealing with you, but is powerful among
you (13:3). With corrections in the beginning of the letter, or a defense towards
Paul s teachings, shows the continuation of the struggle of Corinth, yet they were
doing better as spoken by Titus. Paul s final request towards the people of Corinth
is found in his second letter (2 Corinthians). The last chapter however is similarly a
conclusion, or overview of the letter. Although there are some differences throughout
the translations, Paul s final message/warning is evident and clear. The passage is
split up into two or three sections, depending on the translation used. Within the New
King James Version (NKJ), the breakdown is evident by how the paragraphs are
structured to set apart main ideas. Verses 1 4 are thought of as the reminder of what s
Paul s message entailed. No matter the translation Paul quotes Deuteronomy 19:15,
One witness shall not rise against a man concerning any iniquity or any sin that he
commits; by the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established
(NKJ; 2
Pros And Cons Of Miscarriage Of Justice
As we all may realize once a crime is committed the suspect is charged and then
sentenced based off the judge s decision. As we recall a crime is an unlawful act
punishable by a state or other authority. In other words, those who commit minor or
major crimes get incarcerated depending how serious is crime. Also, in some cases
suspects receive supervised probation and must be watched periodically by an
assigned officer. It is understandable that those who commit crimes are held
accountable for their actions. Over the past decade families have been destroyed
after knowing their significant other will be in jail for a long period of time based
off a wrongful conviction. Over the past years victims have been incarcerated
wrongfully on charges such as rape or murder. In many cases the victims were
coerced to speak, confessions were manipulated to make the detectivelook good, or
the officer yelled and smuggled their face so that the victim can forcefully say
anything. A wrongful conviction known as a miscarriage of justice primarily is
the conviction and punishment of a person for a crime they did not commit. During
the late years of 1980 it was truly a year of miscarriage of justice for a family of five
teens who were arrested and charged with raping a woman in a New York City park.
According to an article published by
On April 20, 1989, the body of a woman barely clinging to life is discovered in
Central Park. Within days, Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Raymond
Simon And Piggy
There is No Mercy in Butchery, for Hunger is Everlasting Following a traumatic
plane crash on a small island in the Pacific, a group of young British schoolboys are
left to fend for themselves. Food and water are never an issue, but desires for meat,
order, and rescue leave the boys divided between savagery and civilization. The
ensuing novel is William Goldings Lord of the Flies. Out of the older boys, leaders
emerge and focus on the issues of the island, eventually creating a devastating divide.
Two of the older boys, Piggy and Simon, are both benevolent, important characters,
symbolic of the positive aspects and achievements of man; they must die to reinforce
a social hierarchy of human instinct and demonstrate how savagery and contempt...
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Ultimately, they are killed to satisfy a social hierarchy. With Lord of the Flies,
William Golding creates an allegory to the social cycle of mankind in a post world
war world with fragile civil structure. Resembling a political system, the littluns are
left unnamed to assume the role of common citizens. Piggy embodies the
achievements and technology of man, Simon, instinctual goodness, Jack, savagery,
and Ralph, law and order. On this island, where the civilization fails, first, the
goodness is dispersed; second, the achievements of man are taken advantage of,
fragile and quick to fail; third, a war is unleashed, and civilization collapses; finally,
anarchy and savagery are held at bay. Piggy and Simon s deaths highlight the
consequences of this cycle. Golding s understanding of the fragileness of the modern
world is evident, as the novel takes place while a nuclear war is fought, presumably
contested between two estranged human cultures, similar to the instincts that battled
on the island. It is only through Simon s comment to Ralph that Golding provides a
foreseeable end, and suggests his faith in the leaders of the real world. With their
rescue, the group of marooned British schoolboys return to a changed world, without
Piggy and Simon, only to reseed the elaborate social scheme of
How Does Ebenezer Scrooge Change In A Christmas Carol
In the story A Christmas Carol, written by Charles Dickens, dangerous vices are
portrayed as well as a surprising character transformation. Ebenezer Scrooge
illustrates the grave danger of living an immoral life and displays an inner
transformation which changes his life. Throughout the story, he shows how evil vices
can enslave one and cause great harm to others. Ebenezer Scroogedisplays a greedy,
self centered attitude and realizes the importance of generosity. Ebenezer Scrooge
displays a greedy character towards others and refuses to be generous. Firstly,
Scrooge refuses to give his clerk, Bob Cratchit, a raise. Bob Cratchit is overworked
and underpaid even though Scrooge is wealthy. Secondly, Scrooge does not want to
give any donations to the poor. After being asked to give a donation, Scrooge
refuses without hesitation, claiming the poor are better off dead. Lastly, he has little
interest in the wellbeing of the sick. Bob Cratchit s crippled son, Tiny Tim, needs
special medical attention, however the family cannot afford such care. Scrooge
ignores their request and refuses to help the family financially. Scrooge portrays a
greedy mindset and affects others with his... Show more content on ...
Firstly, during Marley s ghost visit, Marley warned Scrooge about living an
immoral life and how punishment comes to those who refuse to change. Scrooge
simply replies asking Marley if he could give him words of comfort and does not
care to truly change his life. Secondly, Scrooge refuses to attend his nephew s
Christmas dinner, rather replies coldly and rudely. Scrooge does not care to bring
joy to others and lives his life in his own dark world of heartless spirit. Lastly,
Scrooge is obsessed with business and success, always thinking about himself and his
achievements. Throughout the story, Scrooge illustrates a self centered attitude and
experiences the danger of becoming so
Euthanasia is Murder Essay
Euthanasia is the Greek word meaning good death . Euthanasia is the act of assisting
in ending one s life, killing a person or an animal in a painless or minimally painful
There are 3 different types of euthanasia. Volantary which means that the doctor, or
whoever performed the assisted death got full permission from the patient to kill
them. Nonvolantary without full consent of the patient or if the patient did give them
their full consent, they weren t fully decisionally competent. And Involantary this is
when the person is killed against their will, they refuse to die but they are still killed.
This Is murder!
We are not god. We do not have the right choose who to kill, we cannot kill anyone
we think would be better off ... Show more content on ...
The two separarate parts of murder: Actus reus (Latin term for guilty act (based on
evidence)) and Mens rea (Latin term for guilty mind (intension)). Both these are
needed to convict someone of murder. There is also manslaughter (which is just actus
reus) which some euthanasia cases end up being. Euthansia, whether conducted a
hostpital or a home, still falls under murder with both, Actus reus and Mens rea
obviously present.
If we changed our laws so that euthanasia was legal, every murderer could say they
were carrying out euthanasia. If we bring back euthanasia we should also bring back
the death penalty. Euthanasia is just murder with a different name, it s the same,
except they blame it on a dead person.
It should be a law that you have to write a will once you reach a certain age when
you are most likely to know what you want done with your belongings, once you are
gone. In the future if you get damaged (mentally or physically), your belongings will
go to the appropriate place.
Euthanasia should and will hopefully be charged as murder in all cases. There is
no exception for killing anyone even if they say they want to be killed. Nowdays it
is very easy to forge anything especially an assisted suicide pleadge. The Australian
Legal System is constructed so that it is practically impossible for some
The Effect Of Fine Motor Skills And Vocabulary
The recent shift from handwriting to typing in early schooling is largely due to the
introduction of computers into the classroom. While this allows students accesses to
more information than ever before, there could be cognitive detriments to this sudden
introduction to technology in the classroom. This is a critical period for children
who are undergoing an extensive expansion of their gross and fine motor skills. Fine
motor skills are considered the movements of children s small muscles, including
fingers, toes, lips, and tongue. These are paired with gross motor skills, such as
running, catching, and throwing, which allow young children to go and explore their
world. Interaction with their surroundings is important for cognitive development
(Berk, 2010). In turn this means if an aspect of motor development is hindered it
could effect cognitive development as well. While it is well known that drawing is
linked to advances in fine motor skills, the action of handwriting is less understood.
It is understood however that Fine motor skills and vocabulary development
generally indicate a positive relationship. (Suggate Stoeger, 2014). Typing is
becoming the emphasis in early schooling, whereas handwriting has recently taken a
backseat. Research seems to indicate that typing does have an effect on fine motor
skilldevelopment, however there are multiple factors when considering cognitive
development. The following studies show what type of relationship these variables
Ddt and Malaria
Should DDT Be Used Against Malaria
DDT is an effective control mechanism for containing the spread of malaria.
However, when used as a control mechanism for agriculture, it has been shown to
cause environmental harm to ecosystems in the area. This has lead to many
misconceptions that DDT is strictly a harmful chemical that only leads to negative
outcomes. However, there is evidence that shows the opposite when DDT is used as a
control mechanism in controlling the spread of malaria. DDT should be used as a
control mechanism against malaria as long as the activity of spraying is closely
monitored and contained. DDT should not be used as the only answer to solving the
problem of malaria but should play an important role. The purpose of this ... Show
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The campaign was highly successful. As a result of the Campaign, malaria was
eradicated by 1967 from all developed countries where the disease was endemic
and large areas of tropical Asia and Latin America were freed from the risk of
infection (Milloy). It was estimated that around 500 million lifes were saved.
However, at the time, the campaign was not considered to be feasible in Africa. As a
result little efforts were put into helping the situation. Production of DDT continued
to increase with peak production of the compound reaching 386 million pounds (175
million kilograms) globally in 1970.
At the same time as DDT was being used to eliminate malaria, farmers were using
the chemical in substantial amounts as an insecticide. Monoculture farming was
introduced in the 1950 s and DDT was used by farmers to spray the large stretches
of land their crops covered. However, environmentalists and scientists soon were
observing that DDT was harming the ecosystems around which it was being used.
DDT is considered harmful because of its chemical properties (DDT
(dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)). It was thought that consumption of DDT large
quantities could be toxic. DDT is also dangerous because it has a long half life
which means it takes a very long time to break down in the environment. DDT s long
life is due to its low solubility in
Otto Malpene Research Paper
As a thirteen year old mastermind, Otto Malpense has managed to run the
orphanage where he lives, and he has come up with a clever and intricate plan that
publicly humiliated the most powerful person in the country: the Prime Minister.
He is one of the candidates to become the world s next super villain which has led
him to H.I.V.E., chosen to become a member of the incoming class. Inside a volcano
on a secluded island, Otto, along with his elite friends the most athletic,
technologically advanced, and smartest kids in the world will be enrolled in Villainy
Studies. Otto Malpense awakes to find himself in a helicopter and sitting across from
a complete stranger during his abduction to bring him to H.I.V.E. When the helicopter
lands, Otto is informed that he will be spending the next six years of his life being
schooled at the Higher Institute of Villainous Education.... Show more content on ...
Otto has no intention of staying in this new prison for six years and befriends
others who have been taken to H.I.V.E. against their will, such as Wing Fanchu,
Laura Brand, Shelby Trinity, and Nigel Darkdoom. They begin to hatch a daring
plan to do the nearly impossible: escape H.I.V.E. He teams up with Wing, Laura,
and Shelby. They travel through hidden parts of the school, but as they nearly reach
their freedom, the headmaster of the school, Dr. Nero, reveals that all along they
had been going on an impossible mission, sending them back to their rooms with the
students feeling defeated. However, Nigel Darkdoom s science project has gone
wrong as a humongous, flesh eating plant he accidentally bred escapes from the
hydroponics lab. The whole H.I.V.E. security team and Raven, along with many
students are needed to battle the monster and stop it due to the fact it has become
very partial to human blood. Otto eventually saves the day by destroying the nerve
clusters at the base of the
We ve Done Our Force Field Analysis Essay
Total: 14 Total: 12 Once we ve done our Force Field Analysis, we can use it in two
ways: To decide whether or not to move forward with the decision or change. For
example, Victor and management want his employees to be descent jokers and
overcome his problems of three members of staff who are making trouble. To think
about how we can strengthen the forces that supports the change and weakens the
forces opposing it, so that the change is more successful. Such as in the diagram
the change of force like Victor wants new skills, staff to be hardworking and so on
which can weaken forces against changes that they come late or annoying their staff
members in which how we can strengthen it. And through the ration we found in
figure 14:12 we can find that forces for changes can be useful to overcome our
problem by which Victor can come with possible change or decision which will be
helpful for his company (986). 4.Generation of solutions After we have selected and
defined a problem to work with, the next step in problem solving therapy is to
identify possible solutions. We have come up with two different techniques that are
Brainstorming and TRIZ (Theory of inventive problem solving Russian teoriya
Theme Of Truth And Ignorance In John Knowles A
In life, there are two opposing forces that wage a constant war in men s hearts, truth
and ignorance. While some walk along the enlightened path of truth, others are
blinded by the veil of ignorance, unable to see anything beyond their distorted view
of the world. In John Knowles A Separate Peace, two maturing teens named Gene and
Finny feel the effects of this inner strife, which shapes their actions and causes the
fall, and eventual death, of Finny. While Gene comes to terms with the glaring light
of truth, Finny continues to hide behind a veil of ignoranceand innocence, unable to
handle the truth s piercing rays.Through his writing, Knowles conveys that truth s
omnipresent light shines through the murky depths of ignorance, illuminating... Show
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Near the end of the novel, Brinker organizes a mock trial in which Gene is accused
of causing Finny s fall. Throughout the trial, Finny adamantly denies Gene s
involvement, claiming Gene was not even on the tree when he fell. However, the
arrival of Leper, a fellow classmate, causes him to doubt himself. Leper is an
innocent schoolboy who joins the military but deserts after going insane. He
returns to Devon Academy, where he is invited by Brinker to shed light upon the
incident, which he does by revealing Gene s involvement in Finny s fall. Finny,
unable to handle the truth, emotionally retreats from the room as he shouts You get
the rest of the facts collect every f ing fact there is in the world!
(Knowles 177). Finny reacts emotionally to the truth because accepting it would
mean accepting his closest companion is no longer to be trusted. This is particularly
scarring for Finny because after his theory about the war is shattered, he becomes
dependent on Gene s loyalty and candor: Christ, I ve got to believe you, at least. I
know you better than anybody (Knowles 163). In both cases, Finny s innocent beliefs
are shattered by Leper, who illuminates the reality of the world s evils and
consequently destroys Finny s blissful ignorance. Leper symbolizes the unadulterated
truth; he is unencumbered
Security Policy Framework
Information Security Policy Framework
Information Security Policy Framework
Information Security Policy Framework
For the healthcare industry it is important to have an Information Security Policy
Framework within the organization to protect information that is accessed across the
network by staff personnel and patients. In accordance with ISO/IEC 27799:2008, we
begin to define the guidelines to support the interpretation and implementation of
healthcare information protection. ISO/IEC 27799:2008 references the basic controls
and guidelines of ISO/IEC27002:2005 will provide the minimum protection
necessary to meet organizational needs. Healthcare organizations that ... Show more
content on ...
What defines how you will handle all of these devices? Can personal devices be
used or only ones issued from the organization. Your information could be at risk if
people are allowed that access to information with proper controls defined by
policy. In the System/Access Domain people have the ability to collect and store
information on the network from virtually any location. The issue of concern is the
safety of the information. Does it contain viruses or malware? The next concern is
private information or proprietary information leaving you facility. How can you
prevent it? The concept of Data Loss Prevention (DLP) can assist with this process.
DLP provides the ability to search policy and procedures to determine what is
considered private or confidential information which assists with not allowing that
information to be stored in unsafe locations. DLP also provides a perimeter check
where data is checked when it is being transmitted to a CD burner. If unsafe
information or company information is being passed then DLP has the ability to stop
the transfer. One of the biggest challenges for implementing to concepts of security
policy framework in the healthcare industry is following the requirements of HIPPA.
Under HIPPA regulations there are two principles that must be followed; Standards
for the privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information (HIPPA Privacy rule)
and the Security Standards for Individually Identifiable Health
Essay On Lifting The Embargo
The Economic Impacts of the Embargo:
From the reasons behind the voices asking for lifting the embargo on Cuba is its
Economic impacts on the U.S. economy. Some politician s opinion is that beside the
failure of the embargo in achieving democracy in Cuba and removing Castro regime,
the embargo harms the U.S. economy as well. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce
opposes the embargo, stating that the U.S. policies impose real costs, and according
to a study by Taxes A M University in 2010, removing restrictions on the agricultural
products exported to Cuba and lifting travel ban would increase the U.S. exports by
$365 million and create 6000 new jobs in the United States. Also, some experts
believe that lifting the embargo would benefit agriculture, telecommunications,
tourism, and construction sectors.
Conversely, 90 percent of the Cuban economy is state owned and all the foreign trade
is channeled through the government agencies, lifting the embargo would benefit the
Cuban government and Castro regime not the people. Moreover, some economists
said that lifting the embargo would have a small effect on the U.S. economy.
Agricultural Products:
In 2000, the Congress enacted the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement
Act (TSRA), which authorized ... Show more content on ...
However, despite removing some travel restrictions to Cuba and the announcement
of the U.S. president by allowing the Americans to use their debit and credit cards,
many Americans who want to visit Cuba pay a lot of money or travel through a third
country like Canada or Mexico. The reason behind this is that the U.S. law allows for
only 12 categories to travel to Cuba, including family visits, journalist, educational,
religious activities, or humanitarian work, and it doesn t include tourism. So, lifting
the embargo would allow many American tourists to travel to Cuba freely with lower
The Impact Of Coffeehouse Culture On The Development
From the early sixteenth century to the Industrial Revolution, coffee houses spread
from the Middle East throughout Europe and grew into important political,
economic, and social institutions. This paper will be about the role that coffeehouses
played in developing and promoting these concepts and compare the ways in which
they gave rise to organizations such as the London Stock Exchange and Lloyd s of
London. This paper pays specific attention to the impact of coffeehouseculture on the
development of these concepts. Great Introduction.
English coffeehouses in the 17th and 18th centuries were public social places where
[who?] would meet for conversation and commerce while drinking coffee. For the
price of a penny, customers purchased a cup of coffee and admission. Travelers
introduced coffee as a beverage to England during the mid 17th century; previously it
had been consumed mainly for its supposed medicinal properties. The historian Brian
Cowan describes English coffeehouses as places where people gathered to drink
coffee, learn the news of the day, and perhaps to meet with other local residents and
discuss matters of mutual concern. (insert citation)
Coffeehouses also played an important role in the development of financial markets
and newspapers. Historians often associate English coffeehouses, during the 17th and
18th centuries, with the intellectual and cultural history of the Age of Enlightenment:
they were an alternate sphere , supplementary to the university.
Pope Urban s Motivation For The Holy War Analysis
INTRO In 1095 Pope Urban II made a speech at Clermont in the South of France, to
mount the first crusade to rescue the Holy Land of Jerusalem from the Muslims and
to give it back to the Christians. Religious obligation and personal gain would be the
most important benefits from the crusades.
The motivation for a Holy War came from PopeUrban II amazing speech. He wanted
all men to give up their daily lives and to take the cross and to fight for the return of
the Holy Land, the place where Christ was crucified and buried. After his speech,
the Pope never expected the thousands of men that listened to him and answered his
call to make the journey into foreign lands and fight an enemy they never knew. He
would have been overwhelmed with the response. The men came from all walks of
life, from peasants to lords. So many men willingly left their homes to ... Show more
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On this account I, or rather the Lord, beseech you as Christ s heralds to publish this
everywhere and to persuade all people of whatever rank, foot soldiers and knights,
poor and rich, to carry aid promptly to those Christians.
Pope Urban s inspiring words was the motivation why so many people responded to
his call. The war was for all Christians to fight and they were promised Salvation as
the eternal reward , and this made the Crusade all the more appealing to fight.
Another religious motivating factor that was appealing was the pilgrimage to the
Holy Land. Religion was extremely important but a lot of people were poor and
could not afford to travel to Jerusalem. The Crusade gave them the chance to make
the pilgrimage and so they could, take the cross and make the journey to the Holy
Sepulchre, the tomb in which Christ was placed and from which he rose . By doing
this, the crusader was also absolved of their sins which was an important part of the
Taking a Look at the Quercus Alba
The Quercus Alba or commonly known as the white oak tree is a hardwood tree
that is found in many areas around North America. The wood from this tree has
been a very good building material and is used in projects from house building to
small wood carpentry projects. Quercus Alba is a very tall tree that extends outward
at the top making a very large canopy. Unlike its common name the white oakdoes not
have whit bark. Its natural region extends from the eastern coast over the
Appalachian Mountains and into the eastern part of Kansas. White oak trees can
reach heights upward of sixty five to eighty five feet and the tallest was one
hundred and forty four feet. As the trees get taller their canopy extends out farther
and many branches at the bottom of the tree are run horizontally to the ground.
The base of the tree grows to a large diameter which makes a great base for the
large tree. The tree is a very sturdy hardwood tree that makes great building
material. Quercus Alba has a closed cell structure making it hard for water to get
in. It has a natural resistance to water and it will not rot. This great quality of the
Quercus Alba makes it an ideal building material for many large construction
projects. Before ships were built out of metal early carpenters and ship craftsmen
would build ships out of white oak. Many large construction projects are built with
white oak. Homes are commonly framed with white oak wood and the interior of
some houses are done with white oak.
Doctoral Writing Groups
The article of Maher et al. (2008) presents the idea of the application of writing
groups among doctoral students in order to prepare for their dissertations and training
to become scholars. Maher et al. (2008) brings the discursive background of the needs
and benefits of writing groups among doctoral students to the table. They point out
that doctoral students are in a significant need of writingsupport while there have
been inadequate resources in this area. Their literature shows that writing groups are
potential to improve doctoral students peer learning and peer review. As insiders who
experienced writing groups, the authors discuss what and how writing group
benefited them not only as doctoral students but also as scholars. First, the... Show
more content on ...
The first take away point is why and how writing group can support me in my
writing practice. The overall philosophy of taking part in writing group is that
writing is not a private and implicit work, but a public and shared one (Maher et al,
2008, pg. 263). This philosophy has led me to such a new sight of writing that
instead of struggling by myself, I can learn from reviewing others writing and
responding to their feedback on my own papers. Moreover, I am into the idea that
I can share my academic stress and struggles with others who are on the same boat
with me. As a PhD student, I have experienced so many difficulties, not only in my
program but also in my personal life that I appreciate social and emotional support
from my peers more and more. To the second taking away point, the article has
encouragingly contributed to change my thinking way of my own identity in
academia. Previously, my writing goal was only to meet the requirement of my
class assignments. Now, I consider writing a process in which I practice to become a
professional writer, a scholar who is capable to publish in my research
Uranium-235 Essay
Uranium was discovered in the year 1789 by Martin Klaproth, a German chemist, in
the mineral called pitchblende. It was named after the planet Uranus, which had was
discovered eight years earlier.
What is Uranium?
Uranium is a silvery radioactive metal that consists of 99% uranium 238 and 1%
uranium 235. Uranium 235 is the only naturally occurring fissionable fuel (a fuel that
can sustain a chain reaction). Uranium 235 s chain reaction is controlled using
neutron. The heat generated by the fuel is used to create steam to turn turbines and
generate electrical power. Uranium is an important element because it provides us
with nuclear fuel to generate electricity in nuclear power stations. Uranium if formed
But this element is very dangerous
Each year we see how the world is becoming a smaller and
Each year we see how the world is becoming a smaller and a more crowded place.
We see how society is crossing over physical borders and becoming a global
society. International markets allow for job placement opportunities in foreign
cultures but also come with unique challenges. Multi national companies are now
operating in new countries and markets. It s a changing world and in order to be
successful in this new world companies need to provide their employees the proper
tools to do business in a new culture. Moreover, the company itself needs to be
willing to adapt and change to meet the expectations of the markets.
Apple products have been the highlight in being differentiation. As stated by Mornin
(2010) They ve been very clever in ... Show more content on ...
Cat has reacted to the market change and has strategies implemented to allow a
temporary shutdown of facilities if they need to adjust with the market and the
overhead needed. But unlike Apple there continued position is hiring from aboard
and keeping work global depending on foreign markets for most of their profits
and international workforce. As state by Wessel (2011) Caterpillar increasingly
relies on foreign markets for its sales. It has been adding workers world wide
except for global layoffs in 2009, amid the recession but is hiring much faster abroad.
Caterpillar s quick responses and positioning in the global market has allowed them to
stay in business, allowing to successful development a growing company in their 85
years. Although, Apples and Caterpillar mindset are different when dealing
globalization they are both successful companies.
In short, companies operate their business differently some operate in being different
in physical characters and attributes. Other companies operate on the value, customer
satisfaction and the ability to change with the market. Apple and Cat both have
unique multi national advantage in their playing field but its companies like Apple
and CAT continue to push the envelope with their
Unemployment Benefits Essay
Title: Unemployment Benefits Only Good for a Limited Amount of Time Specific
Purpose: To persuade my audience that extending unemployment benefits strains an
already overused and failing government program. Central Idea: Today, I would like
to tell you about the problem of extending unemployment benefits, as well as offer
some possible solutions that our lawmakers should adopt instead of another
extension. Introduction Millions of Americans have lost their jobs and have joined
the growing ranks of the unemployed recently as the recent recession gripped the
U.S. In fact, nearly one out of ten Americans are now unemployed and seeking a
new job. I m sure that most of you know someone who has been affected by the
recession either by... Show more content on ...
a.A recent study actually shows that very few people started working during the two
to three weeks prior to the exhaustion of their unemployment benefits, but almost 30
percent started work just a week later when their benefits were about to run out
(Mulligan). b.Basically, as long as they are getting paid to not work, many people
will put off accepting a job. B.Extending unemployment benefits also encourages
misuse unemployment benefits. 1.An article by Marianne Hill, Unemployment
Insurance: a Broken System, tells that: when unemployment insurance was
established as a nationwide program in 1935, it was hailed as a means of enabling
workers to protect their standard of living between jobs . 2.The system was
originally set up to help people who suddenly lose their job, but there is now wide
misuse of the system which is only encouraged when the time period someone is
allowed to collect benefits is extended time and again. 3.Types of misuse and fraud
include claiming unemployment benefits while working another job that pays cash
only which isn t reported, failing to actively seek employmen while collecting
unemployment, and fraudulently using stolen social security numbers to claim
unemployment. 4.Each year more than 16 million dollars worth of unemployment
fraud is identified by Labor Department investigation and that is likely just
Pros And Cons Of Being A Victim Of Identity Theft
Whether you have been a victim of identity theft or want to prevent yourself from
becoming one take advantage of these tips and strategies to keep you safe. Some of
them may be very obvious to you, while others may surprise you.
Be Careful of What You Carry with You
Your Social Security card is unique to you and you alone. Because of this do not
carry your Social Security card in your wallet or purse. Also, never write it on checks.
Never give your Social Security number to someone who calls you on the phone. In
telephone situations give it only to companies that you trust, i.e. a credit card
company that YOU have called to verify who you are.
Although it is easy to forget your PIN number, especially if it is a unique one, which
is recommended, ... Show more content on ...
Hold it on your lap or place it under a coat.
When you are in an ATM use your free hand to shield someone from seeing the
numbers you are punching into the keypad.
Sets To Take In Your Home
If you are to be away from home for more than a day or two have a trusted friend or
family member collect your mail. If that is not possible ask the post office to hold
you mail until your return.
If you are still receiving paper statements in the mail pay attention to your billing
cycles and if a particular bill is late contact the sender. Late bills may mean they have
gotten into the wrong hands.
Keep all receipts for transactions. When you are reviewing your account statements,
online or on paper, keep a close eye out for unauthorized transactions. If you notice
any contact the institution in which the unauthorized transaction was made.
Invest in a shredder. It is worth every penny. Shred any unwanted receipts, credit card
offers, account statements as well as expired credit cards. Basically, shred anything
that has any of your personal information on it.
Invest in a home safe or strong box. Use this to store any personal information in
your home or at
Jp Morgan Chase Executive Summary
JPMorgan Chase Co. industry includes sales that from the management of money for
individuals and institutions. The financial services companies include banks such as
JPMorgan Chase, insurance companies, brokerage, wealth management, and credit
card companies. The financial trading strategy is as follows: The financial industry
is sensitive to economic cycles. However, financial service companies like
JPMorgan Chase increase quickly out of recessions, because interest rates tend to be
low. Undervalued financial investments during economic recessions when stock
prices are low and sell financial investments during the late stages of a huge markets
when stock prices are high. The global economy is currently in a recession, therefore,
How Does Walter Mitty Escape His Fantasies
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is a short story by James Thurber, is a story of man
who goes through an ordinary life fantasizing about a secret life where everything
is great for him. In his fantasies Walter Mitty is everything he isn t in real life.
Mitty uses these fantasies to forget the things he dislikes about his reality. Walter s
life isn t anything special and he goes into his fantasies to escape from the fact that
he is insecure/shy, he s being bossed around by his wife, and he can t do simple
tasks. The first reason why Walter Mitty escapes his fantasies is because he is not
confident, or able to stand up for himself in real world. For example in the text Mrs.
Mitty asks Walter, Why don t you wear your gloves? (232) and he puts them on. As
soon as she leaves, though, he takes them off. This demonstrates that Walter... Show
more content on ...
When he is entering a parking lot, the parking attendant tells Walter, Wrong lane
Mac...leave her sit there, I ll put her away (233). Mitty had entered the wrong lane,
and he couldn t back up properly. This event shows the incompetency in real life
that Walter has, and how he struggles with everyday tasks. He also talks to the
parking attendant in a low, nervous voice. Walter isn t calm person in real life.
Walter Mitty makes up for these mistakes in his another fantasy by becoming a
famous surgeon. He imagines saving the life of a millionaire, and president friend.
Thurber writes how the other doctors in Mitty s fantasy tell him, No one in the
East knows how to fix it (233). Mitty responds in calm voice and takes over. This
shows how in his fantasies Walter Mitty is calm since being a surgeon requires
complete concertation and calmness. He is also able to take on difficult tasks in his
fantasy unlike reality. Mitty fantasizes to fight the reality of him being inept and
scared in the real
Reasons For Motivation
Prompt: The Doctoral Program is interested in your reasons for pursuing doctoral
studies. Please describe them in an essay ranging from 500 700 words. Include the
major field area to which you are applying (Accounting; Decision, Risk and
Operations; Finance and Economics; Management; or Marketing).
My journey pursuing a PhD in finance and economics has hardly been
straightforward: Although I started my undergraduate education as a film major, I
quickly came to appreciate the analytical rigor found within the discipline. While a
film major focuses on artistic storytelling, I developed a preference for the stories you
can tell through a study of economics. While both are undoubtedly creative, my
interest pivoted to this education in ... Show more content on ...
My curiosity drives me in the classroom as well. Not only have I demonstrated
success by graduating with both departmental and school wide honors studying
economics, but I also supplemented this education with substantive mathematical
coursework through Real Analysis and Differential Equations. Despite the obvious
dichotomy between math and the original film major, I have been most successful
in my math classes, exhibiting a perfect record despite the rigor. However, the real
rewards from these courses are illustrated by my comfort and mastery economic
topics that four years ago would have challenged me.
By maturing as both an academic and researcher, I am now able to tackle more
intricate topics and teach them to others. While at Claremont McKenna College, I
wrote an honors economics thesis using Regression Discontinuity Design to analyze
incumbency advantage in State Legislatures around the United States. Additionally, I
taught fellow student both at the beginning of their economic careers as a recitation
lecturer at in a 50 person economics lecture, and at the end, by tutoring seniors in
STATA and Econometrics during their theses. Ultimately, I am interested in the
finance and economics because I am primarily interested in the relationship between
an economy and its people. The advantage of this program against that of a purely
traditional economics degree is that it incorporates the financial sector that pervades
through every industry. I learned this first
Dui Cases Are Not Impossible
DUI Cases are not impossible to WIN
Your DUI Case Is Not Hopeless
Notwithstanding what you may have heard, DUI cases don t always lead to
feelings. There may be various ways to challenge your DUI arrest, and speaking
with an accomplished DUI attorney is the most ideal way to assess your case and
determine if conceivable challenges may help you beat your charges and clear your
While the specific guards you can assert in a DUI case differ from case to case and
state to state, there are several important principles that apply in pretty much every
case involving DUI arrests.
Miranda Rights:
Law authorization must read a man his or her Miranda rights, that you have the
privilege to remain quiet and so forth., just if they ... Show more content on ...
You may also challenge the accuracy of the arraignment s breath alcoholproof with a
specialist witness who may debate the qualifications of the police faculty doing the
alcohol testing, question the maintenance and functionality of the breathalyzer, or
challenge the techniques utilized as a part of obtaining the confirmation. This is only
a few ways to battle the breath test.
Regardless of where you live or what the laws in that area may be you require an
Ogden DUI attorney who will speak to you fairly and in a fitting manner. Regarding
the matter of DUI cases there are two bits of confirmation that are the most important
and those are the field temperance tests and the breathalyzer tests. Having an
attorney who will guard whatever the result of those tests were is critical as your
future is hanging in the balance. It is also important in these sorts of cases that you
have an attorney who can effectively and effectively interview any witnesses, for
example, cops that were available. Being able to legitimately scrutinize the cop about
how they administered the field moderation tests is important.
In the matter of only an average DUI charge and charge where vehicular
manslaughter or murder is involved laws will vary from state to state. A normal
inebriated arguing so as to drive case can easily be safeguarded points of field
temperance tests and breathalyzer readings. However when you are looking at of
vehicular crime
American Revolution Gave Birth to Democracy in America
The British are coming, the British are coming! Did you know that these famous
words were never yelled by Paul Revere? However, the British were indeed coming.
America s forefathers came to this land to escape oppression from British rule. It
wasn t until they were being overtaxed by the British that they rose up to fight for
independence and freedom. This historic event was known as The American
Revolution. The American Revolution gave birth to democracy in America through
great historical events, unknown facts, and famous penned agreements. Resistance to
the British and their control over the colonies began with a small group of men
called The Sons of Liberty. Over time, they grew into a large organization having
members in all... Show more content on ...
This was the turning point in the American Revolution. Because of the American
victory, the French then joined forces with America, giving support on land and at
sea ( Battle of Saratoga, 2009). Ultimately, this relationship enabled America to
win the war. In addition to France, there were many other lesser known participants
in the American Revolution. Many women traveled with the armies to supply
support as nurses, cooks, etc. Some women even participated in the battles in
support of their wounded husbands. One of these women was Margaret Cochran
Corbin. She took over on the battlefield, was recognized for her bravery and buried
at West Point with full military honors. Native Americans fought as well as African
Americans who even had their own integrated units. Even more interesting, pirates
were licensed to fight the British at sea to help the cause ( Bet you didn t, 2014).
Lesser known participants were just as necessary in battle as the well known
participants. However, without famous figures such as Paul Revere, the people
would not have been in a position to help defend the country. Paul Revere was one
of the most famous figures in the American Revolution. He was a silversmith and
courier during the war and was also one of the leaders of the Boston Tea Party.
Revere is most well known for his ride to Lexington to warn minute men John
Hancock, and Samuel Adams along with countrymen of the British
Animal Poaching Essay
Did you know that poaching has led to most animal extinctions this century?
Poaching is a continuously growing problem that will cause many problems to the
environment and people. Poaching can be defined as the illegal hunting of animals
on land that is not the hunters own. Poaching does not only happen in unprotected
lands such as the wilderness, but it has also happened in protected lands such as
zoos. Animals may soon become extinct because of the high rate of killing the
poachers are doing. If animals do become extinct, life would be very different. An
example of how life would be different without animals, such as tigers, is talked
about by Eugene Linden when he said, the wild tigers of old will be gone forever,
their glory surviving... Show more content on ...
The prices of tiger pelts continue to go on the rise because as the destruction of
tigers decrease supply, the price of their parts rises further, creating even greater
incentives for poachers to kill the remaining animals (Linden). These innocent
animals are in danger in both unsecure and secure places. Poachers will not hesitate
to go into zoos and kill an animal. Recently, zoo veterinarian Eric Miller talked
about an incident that happened in France. Miller said, we were shocked last week
by the news that a white rhinoceros was killed when poachers entered Thoiry Zoo (
A Critical Time for Saving Rhino Species). The prolonged war against poaching is
not promising for the future of some animal species. Animals are being driven to
endangerment and even close to extinction. A recent extinction in the wild happens to
be the white rhino. In 1960 white rhinos numbered more than 2000, but now they
are extinct in the wild (Miller). The few white rhinos that are alive, in the world,
are kept in areas such as zoos. The war on poaching is still going on, but if people
quit then the future for the earth does not look promising. The animals that are going
extinct because of poaching have key roles in many ecosystems. If their ecosystems
get disrupted, then it will eventually negatively impact humans. People do no notice
anything different to their lives when an animal is killed because the entire
population has not been killed yet. Many animals have been on a
Word Play in Hamlet
Word Play in Hamlet
A principal theme in Shakespeare s Hamlet is the strength and flexibility of language.
Words are used to communicate ideas, but can also be used to distort or conceal the
truth and manipulate. Throughout the play characters comment on the properties of
language and exploit these for their own advantage.
Claudius, the shrewd politician is the most obvious example of a man who
manipulates words to enhance his own power, possessing a professional grasp of
the language. Using this he can oppress people and assert his authority, as we see
him doing when delivering a polished speech to the council. He cleverly justifies the
ill viewed situation of his marriage to Gertrude, reminding ... Show more content on ...
What wouldst thou beg, Laertes?
The comment above is ridiculous in its context, since Laertes has so far not been
permitted to speak, never mind `lose his voice. The King oppresses him to a great
extend, through the constant questioning, through the unnerving repetition of his
name and finally through reducing verbs like `beg , referring to the manner of
speech Laertes uses to request his leave, one that the King has not yet heard. Claudius
adopts entirely different manners of speech, depending on to whom he is speaking.
On this occasion he controls in a way he would not, when conversing with others.
So, we have seen how Claudius exploits language to evade, oppress and assert his
power. Yet, we also see how he uses language to advance his political situation and
the view of the people. Upon seeing Hamlet he greets him slightly strangely:
`But now, my cousin Hamlet and my son
In public he stresses to the court that Hamlet is now his son, and throughout the
discussion makes references to he, himself being the father. He adopts a friendly tone
when advising `Good Hamlet , to give his mourning duties to his new father, and this
desire to `eliminate memories
Ancient Orestes Research Paper
The story of Orestes is found in many ancient Greek plays, most of which take
place during or after the Trojan War. Orestes family life was quite complicated. His
mom had another lover, she killed his dad, and his sisters had to raise him in a friend
s home. Orestes was the son of King Agamemnon of Mycenae and Clytemnestra. He
had two sisters, Iphigenia and Electra who played major roles in his life. In fact,
one of the practically raised him. By the time Orestes father retuned form the war,
his mother had found another lover, Aegisthus. She was very angry with her first
husband for bringing back the Trojan princess Cassandra, so she killed him. When
Orestes older sister heard of this, she took him away and raised him elsewhere. When
Btec Unit 8,P1 Health and Social Essay
UNIT 8 P1 Describe the application of behaviorist perspectives in health and social
care. In this task I will discuss the application/part of behaviorist perspectives in
health and social care.
Behaviourist approach
In Psychology learning is seen as a change in behaviour caused by an experience.
Behaviorism, is seen as a learning theory; an attempt to explain how people or
animals learn by studying their behaviour. The Behaviourists Approach has two
theories to help explain how we learn, Classical conditioning and operant conditioning
. In this task I will attempt to describe and evaluate this approach.
Ivan Pavlov was a Russian Physiologist. At the end of the 19th century Pavlov was
conducting research into the physiology of ... Show more content on
Watson believed that psychology had failed to become a natural science, due to the
focus on consciousness which he thought of as very unscientific and subjective. He
believed that theories should be supported by careful scientific study of observable
behaviour through laboratory studies.
Inspired by the work of Ivan Pavlov, Watson conducted his own experiment, with
the help of his assistant Rosalie Rayner, to show classical conditioning in humans.
Watson and Rayner wanted to show that the principles of classical conditioning
could be applied to emotions, such as fear. Watson believed that when children
reacted to loud noises, it was because of fear, and that this fear was an unconditioned
reflex. Little Albert an 11 month old boy was chosen as the participant. Watson
identified that a white rat did not provoke any fear response in Albert, so it was a
neutral stimulus. Little Albert was then exposed to the white rat, but every time he
reached out to touch it Watson would make a loud noise. Albert would get frightened
and start to cry. After repeating this several times, Albert started getting frightened
just by seeing the rat. Just like the bell in Pavlov s experiment, the white rat had
become a conditioned stimulus to Albert. Watson therefore concluded that even
complex behaviour such as fear was a learned response.
Edward Thorndike, an American Psychologist, believed that learning could also take
place through trial and error, and not just
Marketing en el contexto socio-ambiental
El marketing en el contexto socio ambiental, permite analizar los aspectos culturales
que inciden con la aplicaciГіn de estrategias de marketing que se traducen a una
investigaciГіn de mercados, permitiendo, verificar los productos y servicios que
generan las empresas, establecer nuevas y mejores estrategias para conquistar los
mercados objetivos y sobre todo confrontar la relaciГіn: empresa mercadotecnia
clientes, basado en un nuevo modelo conceptual de marketing responsable, buscando
estrategias que contribuyan a lograr la responsabilidadsocial de las empresas y los
consumidores, donde se priorice el respeto por el ser humano, el cuidado y
preservaciГіn del ambiente. El problema que enfrenta la sociedad es la
contaminaciГіnambiental, debido a la cantidad de desechos que generan los productos
y de manera especial los envases que estos utilizan y que son arrojados en cualquier
lugar, es necesario replantear la dimensiГіn del marketing, para conseguir mensajes
asertivos y dinГЎmicos que contribuyan a posicionar ideas de conciencia social, que
apoyen al buen vivir de la comunidad, basados en aspectos culturales y emocionales,
partiendo de una estructura fГЎctica de investigaciГіn incorporando metodologГa
sistГ©mica, histГіrica y dialГ©ctica para construir adecuadamente la informaciГіn
que ayude al cambio de conducta, en las empresas y las personas.
Los recientes desarrollos del marketing, se dirigen hacia la construcciГіn del bienestar
de la comunidad en su
Gerry Conway
Gerry Conway was the classic American entrepreneur visionary, charismatic,
driven, impatient, and impending. Born in Cleveland in 1931, Conway was the
ninth of 13 children. His love of the retail environment, his strong interdependence,
and his deep appreciation of people appreciation of people stemmed from his
childhood experience: claiming that he has been in retail for over 60 years,
working at some of his fathers 200 food stores. After college, Conway and his wife,
Marty, returned to Cleveland. He began working for an industrial firm and quickly
learned that, while salesattracted him, working in a large corporation did not. After
working at some small firms, Conway decided to found his own company, Gerald A.
Conway amp;... Show more content on ...
This led to Conway realizing the importance for such things as an advisory board,
which was made up of four independent current and former company CEOs. It also
led Conway to begin thinking of the furture of the company, and the possibility of
passing it down to one of his sons. Family involvement in the company began in the
1970s, when the Conway children earned extra money by putting adhesive on the
back of Arrowhead fasteners. They had all done odd jobs for FFr, but of the seven
children only three worked in the business as adults. Kevin, the eldest, joined in the
early 1980s and became an outstanding salesman, Paul, the youngest, eventually
became the international sales manager, and Neil, the fourth son, was diagnosed
with schizophrenia in college and found work in the warehouse. Out of the three
sons, Paul was seen as the most serious contender, but after some time in the
company and deliberation, he decided that being CEO was not for him and went on
to become a teacher. Now Gerry was left with a huge predicament. Kevin was out of
the picture, his son Stuart had, long ago; decided that he didn t want the
responsibility. None of the kids were interested. Gerry s problem was not only his
lack of succession planning, but also his lack of retirement planning. He had done
some retirement planning but the demands of running a business didn t leave him
The Parasites Infecting The Common House Sparrow
Khartoum University
Faculty of science
Department of zoology
2014 2015
The influence of the Parasites infecting the common house sparrow (Passer
domesticus) association in human in Khartoum State
Fatima El Ffatih El Aameen Ashiakh Baiker
A Dissertation Submitted to the Department of Zoology in Partial Fulfillment for the
Requirement of the Degree of B.Sc. (Honours) in Zoology
University of Khartoum
Faculty of Science
Department of Zoology
Fatima El fatih El ameen Ashiakh Baiker
5th year
House sparrow (Passer domesticus) is closely associated with human beings. In this
study 16 house sparrow specimens were collected from Khartoum State during April
2014 using a mist net.
All samples were subjected to the physical examination and all presented with normal
feather, head, beak, margin of eyelids, bottom of the feed, legs and wings.
Seven specimens were screened for blood parasites using Giemsa stained thin
peripheral blood films collected from the toenail after clipping it using a clean
scissor. Apicomplexamalaria parasites Leucocytozoon were detected in blood of
Liver biopsies were prepared for 9 specimens, Toxoplasma sp. parasites were detected
House sparrow (Passer domesticus) have closely associated with human, in these
study Sixteen house sparrow (Passer domesticus) specimens were collected from
Khartoum State during April 2014 using a mist net. All
Optimal Performance Of Java Encryption
Optimal Performance of Java Encryption
The usage and developments of computer and Internet technology in our life, is
inseparable from the Internet. The Growth of emerging internet and web based
applications will be significant in future. With these developments, users are
enjoying quicker and more convenient services offered by the Internet based web
applications. However, we face potential security threat to sensitive information.
The data transferred over the internet or network between web applications or
legacy systems can be exposed. It is very essential to have more sophisticated
protection mechanisms for web application data transferred over the network. In
addition to this, the data stored by web application in persistent storage needs to be
encrypted so as to avoid any data exposure or chance of hacking. Data encryption is
an efficient method of guaranteeing information security. There are many encryption
methodologies available to encrypt the data. As Java language used for majority of
WEB application development with its good features of portability and object
oriented programming, this paper describes about the Java Cryptography Extension
(JCE) API and its performance over 128 bit and 256 bit encryption techniques.
The Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) provides a standard framework and
implementations for data encryption, the key generation, key agreement and the
message authentication Code algorithms. The encryption techniques
My Name Andreana Research Paper
I am as complex as the next person. Everything, even my name, Andreana, holds a
meaning. Sure, people know some things about me, although there are none that
know me truly. I have struggled and thrived, gained hobbies and lost interest. Never
has my life been at a standstill. Andreana. The name given to me at birth, the one to
stay with me until my death. My father, Andre, gave me this name to somehow
incorporate himself into me. He pretty much combined his name and Ana, resulting
with what is now my name. Not everyone is able to pronounce it correctly; never
had I heard someone say it correctly on the first try without my aid. My grandpa in
particular thought it was too complex, settling on calling me Ana instead. In addition,
my name also means strong and manly, of which I can mostly agree with. I was
never one for feminine things. All in all, I am satisfied with my name.... Show more
content on ...
The first was martial arts, which I took for five years before I entered a time in my
life in which I held little interest in life and living it. After a while, I took to
practicing it again on my own for I still do not wish to take classes again. Another
had been music, which I took for four years before I ended it with the same reason
from when I ended martial arts. However, when I began to regain more interest in
life, I took to art. Drawing and writing stories, personally, makes me calm and
relaxed. I ve also taken archery, which i absolutely love. The feeling of drawing a
bow, as well as hitting my target, is
New Zealand s Energy Supply
Dear Prime Minister,
I believe that New Zealand s energy supply is secure for the future. From my
research, I have found that from 1974 to 2009 the electricity demand has more than
doubled in size. Currently, most of New Zealand s energy is generated from
renewable sources which mean that it can be used by future generations to come; we
do not need to be concerned that they will cease to exist.
However, New Zealand has been named as one of the least energy efficient countries
in the world and therefore, I propose implementing strategies in order to make New
Zealand more energy efficient and this will mean that less energy is wasted which
will benefit New Zealand s energy supply. I propose more power stations in North
Island as that would reduced line loss as most customers are in North Island so
less energy is lost in transmission. Although, 75% of all energy production is
already renewable, I propose for at least 90% of New Zealand s energy to be
renewable in the future and this will minimise the effects of fossil fuel generation
such as global warming and air pollution. Because of this, I think that the amount of
wind power should be increased; we should not build nuclear power plants because
uranium waste is a hazard to the environment and fossil fuel electricity use should
decrease because it will run out.
Electricity is produced in New Zealand predominately through hydropower,
geothermal power and wind energy which are renewable energy sources. There are
The Omega Man Research Paper
There are many similarities and differences between The Last Man on Earth and
The Omega Man . Both films are based on the book, I am Legend , by Richard
Matheson. The main character s name in The Last Man on Earth is Robert Morgan,
while it is Robert Neville in The Omega Man . The Last Man on Earth is placed in
1968 and The Omega Manis placed in 1975.
The symptoms of the disease are different in the films. Morgan lives in a world
where everyone else has been infected by a plague that has turned them into vampire
like creatures that cannot stand sunlight, fear mirrors, and are repelled by garlic.
They would kill Morgan, but they are weak and unintelligent. In The Omega Man, the
plague effects its victims in a different way. It turns them into an albino mutant group
called The Family. Their leader is a former news anchor named Matthias. These
people still have their intelligence, and they are able to function like humans. They
want to kill Neville because they believe that technology and science is evil. ... Show
more content on ...
When it turns dark, Morgan locks himself inside his house. During the day, he kills
as many vampires as he can, burning the bodies after. Neville spends his days
patrolling the deserted city of Los Angeles, hunting and killing members of The
Family. He has his apartment building equipped with an arsenal of weaponry and is
also a prisoner in his own home at night. Both of the characters believe they are the
plague s only immune survivor. They think they are immune for different reasons
though. Morgan thinks he is immune to the bacteria because he was bitten by an
infected vampire bat, which introduced a diluted form of the plague into his blood.
Neville believes he is immune because he injected himself with an experimental
Positive And Negative Outcomes Of Illegal Immigrants
There is lots of skepticism when it comes to immigrants and how they contribute
to a society. A lot of people just assume that illegal immigrants are bad for one s
society. But really, especially for people in the U.S., illegal immigrants pay taxes
just like us citizens, they still pay for health insurance, and they also have savings
and checking accounts. Some illegal immigrants, (non US citizens) even get
accepted to colleges, even the ones in Wisconsin. Although there are positive and
negative outcomes regarding illegal immigrants, I will be discussing the economic
implications, and how it affects Wisconsin as a state for the good or for the bad.
There are a number of reasons why Illegal Immigrants come to Wisconsin. Some
immigration... Show more content on ...
This is despite an average wage that s above U.S. minimum wage.
Us Wisconsinites have tons of illegal immigrants living in our state. According to a
study that fox news reported, Wisconsin is home to an estimated 85,000 illegal
immigrants, people who immigrated illegally accounted for 1.5 percent of Wisconsin
s population in 2012, less than the national average of 3.5 percent. Even our current
governor in Wisconsin, Scott Walker, did not like the fact that we had illegal
immigrants in Wisconsin. He argues that we put incredible amounts of money into
security in airports, and waterways, so we should actually start protecting our
borders. Although our governor obviously does not like the fact that we have illegal
immigrants in Wisconsin, many economists say that illegal immigrants don t have
too much of an economic impact.
According to Adam Davidson in his article, he states that when average over the
whole economy, the affect is a small net positive . With all of this information, it is
safe to say that the economic impact of illegal immigration in Wisconsin is far
smaller than other trends in this economy such as increasing the use of automation in
manufacturing. I was quite surprised to find out that most Illegal immigrants actually
do pay taxes, I always thought you would need a social security number or something
but I was very wrong. I found that most undocumented immigrants receive benefits,
pay taxes, and even use government services. I actually
Social Media And Its Effects On Social Networks
Facebook manipulates 690,000 users news feeds
In 2012 social media site Facebook manipulated 690,000 news feeds as a part of a
week long psychology experiment. The goal of the experiment was to find out if the
information users received through their timelines or news feeds could affect a
person mood and whether could be passed on without any physical interaction with
other people. Adam D. I. Kramer, Jamie E. Guillory and Jeffrey T. Hancock wrote an
article entitled Experimental evidence of massive scale emotional contagion through
social networks the results of the experiment stating that emotional state could be
transferred to other through emotional contagion, leading people to experience the
same emotions without their awareness. ... Show more content on ...
(Patterson Wilkins, 2014, p. 54)The problem with theories like this is that they do not
pass the TARES ethical checklist. (Patterson Wilkins, 2014, pp. 56 59) The TARES
checklist stands for; Truthfulness, Authentic, Respect, Equity and Socially and
determines the ethical worthiness of a message. Facebook manipulating thousands of
user s newsfeeds does not pass the TARES test.
Though it may give truthful and authentic results from an equitable variety of
examples, it does not respect the people involved with the experiment because they
are not aware that much of what they are seeing is fabricated information to feel
some type of emotion. This is something that Facebook routinely does and when
people were made aware of it, they were not happy posting their concerns on social
media. Privacy activist Laura tweeted, I wonder if Facebook KILLED anyone with
their emotion manipulation stunt. At their scale and with depressed people out there,
it s possible. (Wire, 2014)
Another ethical issue that arises is that Facebook now knows that they can persuade
how a person feels how do they use that information. In 2013 there was a controversial
study published saying that companies should tailor their marketing to women based
on how they felt about their appearance. The study showed that women were most
vulnerable on Mondays and
The Prime Minister Of Canada
In 2014 Pierre Elliot Trudeau, the 15th Prime Minister of Canada, was listed in
CBC s Top 10 list of Canadian Heroes; but was Trudeau really a hero? (http:/
/ 10 canadian heroes list includes pierre trudeau jack
layton 1.2676398). Pierre Trudeau, born in Montreal in 1919, started out in politics
as a layer in Quebecand as an activist in Quebec politics. In the 1960s Trudeau got
involved in federal politics with the Liberal party. In 1968 he became the leader of
the party and was elected as Prime Minister of Canada. Trudeau remained in office
from 1968 1979 and again from 1980 1984 (
/en/article/pierre elliott trudeau/). Trudeau was strong willed, charismatic and had a...
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The Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism was released in 1967,
giving recommendations to the federal government on steps to be taken for equality
across ethnicities. The primary recommendation was for the implantation of a policy
for official bilingualism, making both English and French of equal importance in
Canada (Language rights and judicial wrongs: Official bilingualism jurisprudence in
Canada s provincial courts. Pg 11). The report also recommended that bilingualism
be increased in all of the provinces. Once Pierre Trudeau gained office one of his
first things on his agenda was to bring in the Official Languages Act (OLA) in 1969,
making both French and English equally recognized in Canada. Trudeau did not
support the nationalists in Quebec with their goal of separatism and this was his way
to make French Canadians feel they were of greater importance to the county
(Language rights and judicial wrongs: Official bilingualism jurisprudence in Canada s
provincial courts. Pg 12). Trudeau saw that this policy should strengthen national
unity in Canada through various ways. It was thought that making the French
speaking of equal importance as the English speaking in Canada it would reduce the
rising pressure coming from Quebec to separate from Canada.. The bilingualism was
also a hope that across Canada communications would become easier due to the
Phillip Noyce
The movie rabbit proof fence was directed by Phillip Noyce and filmed in 2002.
Phillip is AACTA award winner and has directed and written scripts for over 19
films. He is most known for his film rabbit proof fence. The movie is directed at
three young indigenous Australian girls with names of Molly Craig, Daisy Kadibill
and Gracie Fields. The filmis about three young girls being taken away to a church
mission due to that they are classified as half caste children. The term half caste
means that they have one white parent and one black parent. On the three girl s
behalf s they have a black mother and a white father. After the girls are taken to the
mission they attempt to escape and do so while walking 1500 miles (2414
kilometres) barefoot. The girls face many challenges throughout the trip but
successfully escape except for Gracie who gets captured by constable Riggs and
taken back to the Moore river settlement. At the end of the film Molly and... Show
more content on ...
He uses extreme longs shots and long shots to shoot from a distance and show the
whole body while he uses mid shots to focus on the upper body. Phillip uses close
ups and extreme close ups to focus on the face and show emotion on how the
character is feeling. He uses point of view camera angles to make you feel as you
are in the same room or environment as the character while Phillip uses hand held
camera shots to make the audience feel as they are following the characters. He
uses panoramic shots to capture the whole scene and high angle shots to make the
characters look weak as it feels as if you are looking down to them. Finally, Noyce
uses low angle shots to make the characters look strong and powerful. Music was
also incorporated into the film to make the audience feel pity for the three young
The Alambra And The Alhambra
After the Umayyad caliphate of Iberia splintered into small kingdoms across modern
day Andalusia in the eleventh century, al Andalus witnessed the reigns of three
important powers: the Almoravid, Almohad, and Nasrid dynasties. As each dynasty
confronted the gradual encroachment from the Christian north, most notably with
Alfonso VI s conquest of Toledo in 1085. It would be the Nasrid dynasty (1230
1492) who would ultimately witness the end of Muslim rule in Spainwhen they
surrendered to Isabella I and Ferdinand II in 1492 at Granada.
As a fortress and a palace, the Alhambra is arguably the most important fixture of
Nasrid art and architecture. The Alhambra, or The Red One , was built on the
remains of Roman fortifications, just as the Great Mosque of CГіrdoba had been
with spolia. Although the fortress had been built in the ninth century given its
location on a strategic point overlooking the city of Granada, the Nasrid dynasty
transformed the fortress into a royal city under Mohammed I (1238 1273). However,
it was under Yusuf I (1333 1353) and Mohammed V (1353 1391) that the Alhambra
was transformed. Yusuf I in particular emphasized the importance of art, [beginning]
a glorious age of Nasrid cultural achievement... [under his rule was] where the
Alhambra came into full glory (Drayson 17). Both rulers augmented the structure
with the Alcazaba, the fortress component, and gardens that would survive even
through the brutal Granada War at the end of the fifteenth century.
Australia Cultural Identity
Sport events like the Olympic games provide the opportunity for host countries to
show their identity to the rest of the world. This showing of identity is at the same
time a construction of selfidentity.
It is a construction in a sense that the host country has to convey its most important
ideas about itself to the world. In this limited period of time the host country has to
draw upon experiences, historical events, and values which represent the country and
the nation.1 In other words, it is a narration of the nation visible to the rest of the
world. The ceremony tells a story that is supposed to represent a unified nation. At
the same time, it is, as Jackie Hogan points out, an act
of inclusion and exclusion .2 Thus, the ceremony itself ... Show more content on ...
The ceremony pictures stereotypes of immigrants with associated dresses and
dances.10 Moreover, the presence of Aboriginal Australians is limited to the sequence
Awakening .
It almost seems that they are not seen as a part of modern Australia. According to
Hogan, ideas of
backward, exotic, and pre modern come to mind when compared to the developed and
working white Australian.11 Thus, dividing Australia and its history into white male
dominated, premodern
Aboriginal past, and a period of immigration rather emphasises boundaries than unity.
The ceremony seems to show contrast rather than togetherness. The attempt to create
a united nation consisting of many different people result in the marginalisation of
minorities and celebration of
the dominant culture .12
In sum, the opening ceremony of the Olympic games in Sydney attempts the portrayal
of a multicultural Australia, in harmony with its past, and welcoming of all cultures.
However, the main focus on the history of white Australians and the constant
presence of this white Australianness throughout the ceremony reflect existing power
relations and result in marginalisation of
Moses the Leader
Moses was a leader of the Hebrews and probably the most important figure in
Judaism. He led the Hebrew people out of Egypt and into the Promise Land. His
story is told in the book of Exodus, and begins when he was first born during the
time that the pharaoh of Egypt declared that all male Hebrew babies were to be
drowned at birth. Mosesmother Yocheved, hid Moses and placed him in a basket in
the reeds of the Nile River, where he was then found by the pharaoh s daughter, who
kept Moses and raised him as her own. In the story of Moses, he grows up and
stumbles upon an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave. Out of anger Moses murders
the Egyptian, and flees to Midian to escape his crime (Hays, 2000). In Midian, Moses
rests besides a well,... Show more content on ...
Moses was a humble man, but God sees that he is mightier than Moses sees
himself. When God tells him that he must lead the Jews out of Egypt, he grows
fearful and unworthy of such a task. Moses humility toward God is what makes
him capable of such a tremendous mission. Although, he would have much rather
not lead the Jews out of Egypt because he is afraid and does not have faith in himself,
however, he is able to do it because God has told him to and God would not ask him
to do so if it was impossible. Moses successfully leads the Hebrews out of Egypt.
Moses was capable of freeing the Jews of slavery with a quality of humility (No
Title, 1986). Being a leader is very important when it comes to being successful.
Like Moses, who was a natural born leader, it is necessary for a President to be a
leader. A President must possess certain qualities to make certain that he will be
successful in office. Leadership is a key attribute in order to be able to direct and
be followed by others. Any President would be grateful to have all the leadership
qualities that Moses had. Moses was loyal and faithful, to his belief in God. Despite
his inner doubts, he believed that God had chosen him to lead the Hebrews out of
slavery and into the Promise Land. His faith kept him motivated to persevere.
Perseverance is another
Tim Burton Film Analysis
From Edward Scissorhands to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, director Tim
Burton has been captivating audiences for over 30 years. One can agree that Mr.
Burton has an uncommon way of portraying things, which allows him to twist a
viewer s emotions. His feature films such as Edward Scissorhands, Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory, and Alice in Wonderland are some of the best examples.
Throughout his films, director Tim Burton executes all cinematic techniques
successfully; the involvement of sound, lighting, and editing techniques throughout
his films establishes a suspenseful mood creating his grotesque and macabre style.
One such cinematic technique is called non diegetic sound, in which the sound is
intended for only the viewers of the movie, establishing a suspenseful mood. In
Edward Scissorhands, when Peg Boggs, one of the protagonists, walks up the stairs
of the abandoned mansion, music is played in the background for only the viewers
to hear. In the following scene, Peg is at the top of an abandoned mansion looking
for someone, when a figure with sharp weapons appears out of the shadows. At this
moment, menacing music is stridently played in the background (Edward). The
sudden appearance of the figure, along with visible emotions and the music, gives
viewers the feeling of something ominous. Mr. Burton uses non diegetic sound to
evoke other feelings in viewers as well. In the movie Alice in Wonderland, when the
protagonist, Alice Kingsleigh, is atop the
Somalia s Struggle for Power Essay example
Somalia s struggle for power to establish a sovereign Somali state has raised
international concerns of terrorism, piracy, human trafficking and famine causing
instability locally and throughout the Horn of Africa. Although U.S. backed
Somali Federal Government (SFG) has had some recent success against the al
Qaeda (AQ) linked al Shabaab, Somalia continue to face local and regional border
disputes. Somalia has historically relied on outside actors who later abandoned
Somalia due to a shift in foreign policy and interest. This paper will prove that the
power for struggle in Somalia is the root cause of instability in Somalia and
throughout the Horn of Africa. This will be explored by examining Somali s regional
relations, U.S and... Show more content on ...
Ethiopia s armed responses only strengthen Mohammed s cause in the Ogaden
region. The Mad Mohammed s Dervish campaigns lasted from 1899 1904, until
the British, and Ethiopian troops, and Somali s who were against Mohammed s
Dervish tactics, mounted various successful campaigns against Mohammed
(Gorman, 1981). With Mohammed s strength nearly eliminated, he agreed to a
peace deal in 1904. Mohammed and his followers were allowed to settle in the
northern part of Italian Somalia where he was recognized as the ruler by the
Europeans. Regardless of the peace deal, Mohammed s cause began to draw
support from other Somali tribes and the fighting continued until his natural death
in 1920. Like Gran, Mohammed had failed to unite Somali clans; however the two
Somali nationalists have laid a physiological impact on Somali s against Ethiopians
and foreigners involved with the Somali power struggle (Gorman, 1981) (Ottaway,
1982). Later British Somalia and Italian Somalia joined to form the Republic of
Somalia in June 1960. Somali s now could claim statehood. During the early years
of independence, tensions continued over contested areas in the Northern Front
District with Kenya and in the Ogaden with Ethiopia. (Gorman, 1981) (Ottaway,
1982) As Somalia looked to establish itself as a country they allied with Russia to
help build Somalia s Military, which led to a military coup in 1969. Following the
military coup, Somalia was
Cinderella Brothers Grimm And The Little Glass Slipper
We have all heard the Disney story, Cinderella, right? Well, who knew that there
could be more than just one version? In the two stories Cinderella Brothers Grimm
and The Little Glass Slipper, They have a majority of themes, characters, settings, and
other things that were not mentioned in the original Cinderella. Because of the new
and interesting versions, comparing and contrasting come in handy. So, how do the
two newer versions relate to one another, and how do the new versions relate to the
original story? How are they different? In the two stories, Cinderella Brothers Grimm
and the little glass slipper the settings are very different at some points in the story.
In Brothers Grimm, Ashpuddle, who is also known as Cinderella, visits her mother s
grave three times a day. This does not happen in the original story and it also doesn t
happen in The Little Glass Slipper. However, other than... Show more content on ...
Basically, all the themes mentioned throughout either story could fit in with both! We
have all heard the theme, Treat other the way you want to be treated. Well, this
theme goes along with the stories because everyone believes that Cinderella should
be treated better by all of her step family. The sisters and mother should treat
Cinderella how they would want to be treated. For example, they should have let
Cinderella go to the ball! In The Little Glass Slipper it states, Lend my clothes to
such a dirty Cinderwench as you are! I should be such a fool. This is one of the
stepsisters, charlotte, talking to Cinderella. How we she like cinderella talking to
her like that? In Brothers Grimm Cinderella, the author wrote, You have no proper
clothes, and you do not know how to dance. You would be laughed at! This was
said by the stepmother to Cinderella, and it is just as rude as what was said in The
Little Glass Slipper. Therefore, we know that both stories have this theme in

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Smart Words To Use In Essays.pdf

  • 1. Smart Words To Use In Essays Crafting an essay on the subject of "Smart Words to Use in Essays" presents a unique set of challenges. At first glance, it might seem like a straightforward task, but delving into the intricacies of language, semantics, and effective communication can prove to be a complex endeavor. The initial hurdle lies in selecting the right words that not only sound sophisticated but also seamlessly integrate into the context of the essay. It's not just about incorporating complex vocabulary; the challenge lies in ensuring that these words enhance the overall quality of the essay, contributing to clarity and precision rather than causing confusion. Furthermore, the writer must strike a delicate balance between sophistication and accessibility. While using advanced vocabulary can elevate the essay's tone, overdoing it may alienate readers and detract from the essay's effectiveness. It requires a keen understanding of the target audience and the purpose of the essay to navigate this fine line successfully. Additionally, the writer must consider the coherence and flow of the essay. Inserting intelligent words randomly can disrupt the natural rhythm of the writing and make the essay feel forced. Achieving a seamless integration of sophisticated vocabulary requires meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of the essay's structure. Research is another critical aspect. To effectively use smart words, one must be well-versed in their meanings, contexts, and appropriate applications. This demands thorough investigation and a commitment to accuracy to ensure that the chosen words not only sound intelligent but also convey the intended message accurately. In conclusion, writing an essay on "Smart Words to Use in Essays" demands a nuanced approach. It involves careful word selection, a balance between sophistication and accessibility, attention to coherence, and thorough research. It is a task that requires a writer's dedication to language mastery and an understanding of effective communication. For assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, one may explore the resources available on The platform offers a range of services to support individuals in their writing endeavors, providing professional guidance tailored to specific needs. Smart Words To Use In EssaysSmart Words To Use In Essays
  • 2. Taking a Look at the Pauline Epistles The Pauline epistles are very crucial to the understanding of how a church and a Christian should act. Throughout all the letters, different subjects have been touched creating almost a guide of how to s . The farewell is especially important as noted in Second Corinthians 13 explains the depth of God s love to the people and the wrath of doubtfulness. since you are demanding proof that Christ is speaking though me. He is not weak in dealing with you, but is powerful among you (13:3). With corrections in the beginning of the letter, or a defense towards Paul s teachings, shows the continuation of the struggle of Corinth, yet they were doing better as spoken by Titus. Paul s final request towards the people of Corinth is found in his second letter (2 Corinthians). The last chapter however is similarly a conclusion, or overview of the letter. Although there are some differences throughout the translations, Paul s final message/warning is evident and clear. The passage is split up into two or three sections, depending on the translation used. Within the New King James Version (NKJ), the breakdown is evident by how the paragraphs are structured to set apart main ideas. Verses 1 4 are thought of as the reminder of what s Paul s message entailed. No matter the translation Paul quotes Deuteronomy 19:15, One witness shall not rise against a man concerning any iniquity or any sin that he commits; by the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established (NKJ; 2
  • 3. Pros And Cons Of Miscarriage Of Justice As we all may realize once a crime is committed the suspect is charged and then sentenced based off the judge s decision. As we recall a crime is an unlawful act punishable by a state or other authority. In other words, those who commit minor or major crimes get incarcerated depending how serious is crime. Also, in some cases suspects receive supervised probation and must be watched periodically by an assigned officer. It is understandable that those who commit crimes are held accountable for their actions. Over the past decade families have been destroyed after knowing their significant other will be in jail for a long period of time based off a wrongful conviction. Over the past years victims have been incarcerated wrongfully on charges such as rape or murder. In many cases the victims were coerced to speak, confessions were manipulated to make the detectivelook good, or the officer yelled and smuggled their face so that the victim can forcefully say anything. A wrongful conviction known as a miscarriage of justice primarily is the conviction and punishment of a person for a crime they did not commit. During the late years of 1980 it was truly a year of miscarriage of justice for a family of five teens who were arrested and charged with raping a woman in a New York City park. According to an article published by On April 20, 1989, the body of a woman barely clinging to life is discovered in Central Park. Within days, Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Raymond
  • 4. Simon And Piggy There is No Mercy in Butchery, for Hunger is Everlasting Following a traumatic plane crash on a small island in the Pacific, a group of young British schoolboys are left to fend for themselves. Food and water are never an issue, but desires for meat, order, and rescue leave the boys divided between savagery and civilization. The ensuing novel is William Goldings Lord of the Flies. Out of the older boys, leaders emerge and focus on the issues of the island, eventually creating a devastating divide. Two of the older boys, Piggy and Simon, are both benevolent, important characters, symbolic of the positive aspects and achievements of man; they must die to reinforce a social hierarchy of human instinct and demonstrate how savagery and contempt... Show more content on ... Ultimately, they are killed to satisfy a social hierarchy. With Lord of the Flies, William Golding creates an allegory to the social cycle of mankind in a post world war world with fragile civil structure. Resembling a political system, the littluns are left unnamed to assume the role of common citizens. Piggy embodies the achievements and technology of man, Simon, instinctual goodness, Jack, savagery, and Ralph, law and order. On this island, where the civilization fails, first, the goodness is dispersed; second, the achievements of man are taken advantage of, fragile and quick to fail; third, a war is unleashed, and civilization collapses; finally, anarchy and savagery are held at bay. Piggy and Simon s deaths highlight the consequences of this cycle. Golding s understanding of the fragileness of the modern world is evident, as the novel takes place while a nuclear war is fought, presumably contested between two estranged human cultures, similar to the instincts that battled on the island. It is only through Simon s comment to Ralph that Golding provides a foreseeable end, and suggests his faith in the leaders of the real world. With their rescue, the group of marooned British schoolboys return to a changed world, without Piggy and Simon, only to reseed the elaborate social scheme of
  • 5. How Does Ebenezer Scrooge Change In A Christmas Carol In the story A Christmas Carol, written by Charles Dickens, dangerous vices are portrayed as well as a surprising character transformation. Ebenezer Scrooge illustrates the grave danger of living an immoral life and displays an inner transformation which changes his life. Throughout the story, he shows how evil vices can enslave one and cause great harm to others. Ebenezer Scroogedisplays a greedy, self centered attitude and realizes the importance of generosity. Ebenezer Scrooge displays a greedy character towards others and refuses to be generous. Firstly, Scrooge refuses to give his clerk, Bob Cratchit, a raise. Bob Cratchit is overworked and underpaid even though Scrooge is wealthy. Secondly, Scrooge does not want to give any donations to the poor. After being asked to give a donation, Scrooge refuses without hesitation, claiming the poor are better off dead. Lastly, he has little interest in the wellbeing of the sick. Bob Cratchit s crippled son, Tiny Tim, needs special medical attention, however the family cannot afford such care. Scrooge ignores their request and refuses to help the family financially. Scrooge portrays a greedy mindset and affects others with his... Show more content on ... Firstly, during Marley s ghost visit, Marley warned Scrooge about living an immoral life and how punishment comes to those who refuse to change. Scrooge simply replies asking Marley if he could give him words of comfort and does not care to truly change his life. Secondly, Scrooge refuses to attend his nephew s Christmas dinner, rather replies coldly and rudely. Scrooge does not care to bring joy to others and lives his life in his own dark world of heartless spirit. Lastly, Scrooge is obsessed with business and success, always thinking about himself and his achievements. Throughout the story, Scrooge illustrates a self centered attitude and experiences the danger of becoming so
  • 6. Euthanasia is Murder Essay Euthanasia is the Greek word meaning good death . Euthanasia is the act of assisting in ending one s life, killing a person or an animal in a painless or minimally painful way. There are 3 different types of euthanasia. Volantary which means that the doctor, or whoever performed the assisted death got full permission from the patient to kill them. Nonvolantary without full consent of the patient or if the patient did give them their full consent, they weren t fully decisionally competent. And Involantary this is when the person is killed against their will, they refuse to die but they are still killed. This Is murder! We are not god. We do not have the right choose who to kill, we cannot kill anyone we think would be better off ... Show more content on ... The two separarate parts of murder: Actus reus (Latin term for guilty act (based on evidence)) and Mens rea (Latin term for guilty mind (intension)). Both these are needed to convict someone of murder. There is also manslaughter (which is just actus reus) which some euthanasia cases end up being. Euthansia, whether conducted a hostpital or a home, still falls under murder with both, Actus reus and Mens rea obviously present. If we changed our laws so that euthanasia was legal, every murderer could say they were carrying out euthanasia. If we bring back euthanasia we should also bring back the death penalty. Euthanasia is just murder with a different name, it s the same, except they blame it on a dead person. It should be a law that you have to write a will once you reach a certain age when you are most likely to know what you want done with your belongings, once you are gone. In the future if you get damaged (mentally or physically), your belongings will go to the appropriate place. Euthanasia should and will hopefully be charged as murder in all cases. There is no exception for killing anyone even if they say they want to be killed. Nowdays it is very easy to forge anything especially an assisted suicide pleadge. The Australian Legal System is constructed so that it is practically impossible for some
  • 7. The Effect Of Fine Motor Skills And Vocabulary Development The recent shift from handwriting to typing in early schooling is largely due to the introduction of computers into the classroom. While this allows students accesses to more information than ever before, there could be cognitive detriments to this sudden introduction to technology in the classroom. This is a critical period for children who are undergoing an extensive expansion of their gross and fine motor skills. Fine motor skills are considered the movements of children s small muscles, including fingers, toes, lips, and tongue. These are paired with gross motor skills, such as running, catching, and throwing, which allow young children to go and explore their world. Interaction with their surroundings is important for cognitive development (Berk, 2010). In turn this means if an aspect of motor development is hindered it could effect cognitive development as well. While it is well known that drawing is linked to advances in fine motor skills, the action of handwriting is less understood. It is understood however that Fine motor skills and vocabulary development generally indicate a positive relationship. (Suggate Stoeger, 2014). Typing is becoming the emphasis in early schooling, whereas handwriting has recently taken a backseat. Research seems to indicate that typing does have an effect on fine motor skilldevelopment, however there are multiple factors when considering cognitive development. The following studies show what type of relationship these variables have
  • 8. Ddt and Malaria Should DDT Be Used Against Malaria DDT is an effective control mechanism for containing the spread of malaria. However, when used as a control mechanism for agriculture, it has been shown to cause environmental harm to ecosystems in the area. This has lead to many misconceptions that DDT is strictly a harmful chemical that only leads to negative outcomes. However, there is evidence that shows the opposite when DDT is used as a control mechanism in controlling the spread of malaria. DDT should be used as a control mechanism against malaria as long as the activity of spraying is closely monitored and contained. DDT should not be used as the only answer to solving the problem of malaria but should play an important role. The purpose of this ... Show more content on ... The campaign was highly successful. As a result of the Campaign, malaria was eradicated by 1967 from all developed countries where the disease was endemic and large areas of tropical Asia and Latin America were freed from the risk of infection (Milloy). It was estimated that around 500 million lifes were saved. However, at the time, the campaign was not considered to be feasible in Africa. As a result little efforts were put into helping the situation. Production of DDT continued to increase with peak production of the compound reaching 386 million pounds (175 million kilograms) globally in 1970. At the same time as DDT was being used to eliminate malaria, farmers were using the chemical in substantial amounts as an insecticide. Monoculture farming was introduced in the 1950 s and DDT was used by farmers to spray the large stretches of land their crops covered. However, environmentalists and scientists soon were observing that DDT was harming the ecosystems around which it was being used. DDT is considered harmful because of its chemical properties (DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)). It was thought that consumption of DDT large quantities could be toxic. DDT is also dangerous because it has a long half life which means it takes a very long time to break down in the environment. DDT s long life is due to its low solubility in
  • 9. Otto Malpene Research Paper As a thirteen year old mastermind, Otto Malpense has managed to run the orphanage where he lives, and he has come up with a clever and intricate plan that publicly humiliated the most powerful person in the country: the Prime Minister. He is one of the candidates to become the world s next super villain which has led him to H.I.V.E., chosen to become a member of the incoming class. Inside a volcano on a secluded island, Otto, along with his elite friends the most athletic, technologically advanced, and smartest kids in the world will be enrolled in Villainy Studies. Otto Malpense awakes to find himself in a helicopter and sitting across from a complete stranger during his abduction to bring him to H.I.V.E. When the helicopter lands, Otto is informed that he will be spending the next six years of his life being schooled at the Higher Institute of Villainous Education.... Show more content on ... Otto has no intention of staying in this new prison for six years and befriends others who have been taken to H.I.V.E. against their will, such as Wing Fanchu, Laura Brand, Shelby Trinity, and Nigel Darkdoom. They begin to hatch a daring plan to do the nearly impossible: escape H.I.V.E. He teams up with Wing, Laura, and Shelby. They travel through hidden parts of the school, but as they nearly reach their freedom, the headmaster of the school, Dr. Nero, reveals that all along they had been going on an impossible mission, sending them back to their rooms with the students feeling defeated. However, Nigel Darkdoom s science project has gone wrong as a humongous, flesh eating plant he accidentally bred escapes from the hydroponics lab. The whole H.I.V.E. security team and Raven, along with many students are needed to battle the monster and stop it due to the fact it has become very partial to human blood. Otto eventually saves the day by destroying the nerve clusters at the base of the
  • 10. We ve Done Our Force Field Analysis Essay Total: 14 Total: 12 Once we ve done our Force Field Analysis, we can use it in two ways: To decide whether or not to move forward with the decision or change. For example, Victor and management want his employees to be descent jokers and overcome his problems of three members of staff who are making trouble. To think about how we can strengthen the forces that supports the change and weakens the forces opposing it, so that the change is more successful. Such as in the diagram the change of force like Victor wants new skills, staff to be hardworking and so on which can weaken forces against changes that they come late or annoying their staff members in which how we can strengthen it. And through the ration we found in figure 14:12 we can find that forces for changes can be useful to overcome our problem by which Victor can come with possible change or decision which will be helpful for his company (986). 4.Generation of solutions After we have selected and defined a problem to work with, the next step in problem solving therapy is to identify possible solutions. We have come up with two different techniques that are Brainstorming and TRIZ (Theory of inventive problem solving Russian teoriya resheniya
  • 11. Theme Of Truth And Ignorance In John Knowles A Separate... In life, there are two opposing forces that wage a constant war in men s hearts, truth and ignorance. While some walk along the enlightened path of truth, others are blinded by the veil of ignorance, unable to see anything beyond their distorted view of the world. In John Knowles A Separate Peace, two maturing teens named Gene and Finny feel the effects of this inner strife, which shapes their actions and causes the fall, and eventual death, of Finny. While Gene comes to terms with the glaring light of truth, Finny continues to hide behind a veil of ignoranceand innocence, unable to handle the truth s piercing rays.Through his writing, Knowles conveys that truth s omnipresent light shines through the murky depths of ignorance, illuminating... Show more content on ... Near the end of the novel, Brinker organizes a mock trial in which Gene is accused of causing Finny s fall. Throughout the trial, Finny adamantly denies Gene s involvement, claiming Gene was not even on the tree when he fell. However, the arrival of Leper, a fellow classmate, causes him to doubt himself. Leper is an innocent schoolboy who joins the military but deserts after going insane. He returns to Devon Academy, where he is invited by Brinker to shed light upon the incident, which he does by revealing Gene s involvement in Finny s fall. Finny, unable to handle the truth, emotionally retreats from the room as he shouts You get the rest of the facts collect every f ing fact there is in the world! (Knowles 177). Finny reacts emotionally to the truth because accepting it would mean accepting his closest companion is no longer to be trusted. This is particularly scarring for Finny because after his theory about the war is shattered, he becomes dependent on Gene s loyalty and candor: Christ, I ve got to believe you, at least. I know you better than anybody (Knowles 163). In both cases, Finny s innocent beliefs are shattered by Leper, who illuminates the reality of the world s evils and consequently destroys Finny s blissful ignorance. Leper symbolizes the unadulterated truth; he is unencumbered
  • 12. Security Policy Framework Information Security Policy Framework Information Security Policy Framework Information Security Policy Framework For the healthcare industry it is important to have an Information Security Policy Framework within the organization to protect information that is accessed across the network by staff personnel and patients. In accordance with ISO/IEC 27799:2008, we begin to define the guidelines to support the interpretation and implementation of healthcare information protection. ISO/IEC 27799:2008 references the basic controls and guidelines of ISO/IEC27002:2005 will provide the minimum protection necessary to meet organizational needs. Healthcare organizations that ... Show more content on ... What defines how you will handle all of these devices? Can personal devices be used or only ones issued from the organization. Your information could be at risk if people are allowed that access to information with proper controls defined by policy. In the System/Access Domain people have the ability to collect and store information on the network from virtually any location. The issue of concern is the safety of the information. Does it contain viruses or malware? The next concern is private information or proprietary information leaving you facility. How can you prevent it? The concept of Data Loss Prevention (DLP) can assist with this process. DLP provides the ability to search policy and procedures to determine what is considered private or confidential information which assists with not allowing that information to be stored in unsafe locations. DLP also provides a perimeter check where data is checked when it is being transmitted to a CD burner. If unsafe information or company information is being passed then DLP has the ability to stop the transfer. One of the biggest challenges for implementing to concepts of security policy framework in the healthcare industry is following the requirements of HIPPA. Under HIPPA regulations there are two principles that must be followed; Standards for the privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information (HIPPA Privacy rule) and the Security Standards for Individually Identifiable Health
  • 13. Essay On Lifting The Embargo The Economic Impacts of the Embargo: From the reasons behind the voices asking for lifting the embargo on Cuba is its Economic impacts on the U.S. economy. Some politician s opinion is that beside the failure of the embargo in achieving democracy in Cuba and removing Castro regime, the embargo harms the U.S. economy as well. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce opposes the embargo, stating that the U.S. policies impose real costs, and according to a study by Taxes A M University in 2010, removing restrictions on the agricultural products exported to Cuba and lifting travel ban would increase the U.S. exports by $365 million and create 6000 new jobs in the United States. Also, some experts believe that lifting the embargo would benefit agriculture, telecommunications, tourism, and construction sectors. Conversely, 90 percent of the Cuban economy is state owned and all the foreign trade is channeled through the government agencies, lifting the embargo would benefit the Cuban government and Castro regime not the people. Moreover, some economists said that lifting the embargo would have a small effect on the U.S. economy. Agricultural Products: In 2000, the Congress enacted the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act (TSRA), which authorized ... Show more content on ... However, despite removing some travel restrictions to Cuba and the announcement of the U.S. president by allowing the Americans to use their debit and credit cards, many Americans who want to visit Cuba pay a lot of money or travel through a third country like Canada or Mexico. The reason behind this is that the U.S. law allows for only 12 categories to travel to Cuba, including family visits, journalist, educational, religious activities, or humanitarian work, and it doesn t include tourism. So, lifting the embargo would allow many American tourists to travel to Cuba freely with lower
  • 14. The Impact Of Coffeehouse Culture On The Development Of... From the early sixteenth century to the Industrial Revolution, coffee houses spread from the Middle East throughout Europe and grew into important political, economic, and social institutions. This paper will be about the role that coffeehouses played in developing and promoting these concepts and compare the ways in which they gave rise to organizations such as the London Stock Exchange and Lloyd s of London. This paper pays specific attention to the impact of coffeehouseculture on the development of these concepts. Great Introduction. English coffeehouses in the 17th and 18th centuries were public social places where [who?] would meet for conversation and commerce while drinking coffee. For the price of a penny, customers purchased a cup of coffee and admission. Travelers introduced coffee as a beverage to England during the mid 17th century; previously it had been consumed mainly for its supposed medicinal properties. The historian Brian Cowan describes English coffeehouses as places where people gathered to drink coffee, learn the news of the day, and perhaps to meet with other local residents and discuss matters of mutual concern. (insert citation) Coffeehouses also played an important role in the development of financial markets and newspapers. Historians often associate English coffeehouses, during the 17th and 18th centuries, with the intellectual and cultural history of the Age of Enlightenment: they were an alternate sphere , supplementary to the university.
  • 15. Pope Urban s Motivation For The Holy War Analysis INTRO In 1095 Pope Urban II made a speech at Clermont in the South of France, to mount the first crusade to rescue the Holy Land of Jerusalem from the Muslims and to give it back to the Christians. Religious obligation and personal gain would be the most important benefits from the crusades. The motivation for a Holy War came from PopeUrban II amazing speech. He wanted all men to give up their daily lives and to take the cross and to fight for the return of the Holy Land, the place where Christ was crucified and buried. After his speech, the Pope never expected the thousands of men that listened to him and answered his call to make the journey into foreign lands and fight an enemy they never knew. He would have been overwhelmed with the response. The men came from all walks of life, from peasants to lords. So many men willingly left their homes to ... Show more content on ... On this account I, or rather the Lord, beseech you as Christ s heralds to publish this everywhere and to persuade all people of whatever rank, foot soldiers and knights, poor and rich, to carry aid promptly to those Christians. Pope Urban s inspiring words was the motivation why so many people responded to his call. The war was for all Christians to fight and they were promised Salvation as the eternal reward , and this made the Crusade all the more appealing to fight. Another religious motivating factor that was appealing was the pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Religion was extremely important but a lot of people were poor and could not afford to travel to Jerusalem. The Crusade gave them the chance to make the pilgrimage and so they could, take the cross and make the journey to the Holy Sepulchre, the tomb in which Christ was placed and from which he rose . By doing this, the crusader was also absolved of their sins which was an important part of the
  • 16. Taking a Look at the Quercus Alba The Quercus Alba or commonly known as the white oak tree is a hardwood tree that is found in many areas around North America. The wood from this tree has been a very good building material and is used in projects from house building to small wood carpentry projects. Quercus Alba is a very tall tree that extends outward at the top making a very large canopy. Unlike its common name the white oakdoes not have whit bark. Its natural region extends from the eastern coast over the Appalachian Mountains and into the eastern part of Kansas. White oak trees can reach heights upward of sixty five to eighty five feet and the tallest was one hundred and forty four feet. As the trees get taller their canopy extends out farther and many branches at the bottom of the tree are run horizontally to the ground. The base of the tree grows to a large diameter which makes a great base for the large tree. The tree is a very sturdy hardwood tree that makes great building material. Quercus Alba has a closed cell structure making it hard for water to get in. It has a natural resistance to water and it will not rot. This great quality of the Quercus Alba makes it an ideal building material for many large construction projects. Before ships were built out of metal early carpenters and ship craftsmen would build ships out of white oak. Many large construction projects are built with white oak. Homes are commonly framed with white oak wood and the interior of some houses are done with white oak.
  • 17. Doctoral Writing Groups The article of Maher et al. (2008) presents the idea of the application of writing groups among doctoral students in order to prepare for their dissertations and training to become scholars. Maher et al. (2008) brings the discursive background of the needs and benefits of writing groups among doctoral students to the table. They point out that doctoral students are in a significant need of writingsupport while there have been inadequate resources in this area. Their literature shows that writing groups are potential to improve doctoral students peer learning and peer review. As insiders who experienced writing groups, the authors discuss what and how writing group benefited them not only as doctoral students but also as scholars. First, the... Show more content on ... The first take away point is why and how writing group can support me in my writing practice. The overall philosophy of taking part in writing group is that writing is not a private and implicit work, but a public and shared one (Maher et al, 2008, pg. 263). This philosophy has led me to such a new sight of writing that instead of struggling by myself, I can learn from reviewing others writing and responding to their feedback on my own papers. Moreover, I am into the idea that I can share my academic stress and struggles with others who are on the same boat with me. As a PhD student, I have experienced so many difficulties, not only in my program but also in my personal life that I appreciate social and emotional support from my peers more and more. To the second taking away point, the article has encouragingly contributed to change my thinking way of my own identity in academia. Previously, my writing goal was only to meet the requirement of my class assignments. Now, I consider writing a process in which I practice to become a professional writer, a scholar who is capable to publish in my research
  • 18. Uranium-235 Essay Uranium was discovered in the year 1789 by Martin Klaproth, a German chemist, in the mineral called pitchblende. It was named after the planet Uranus, which had was discovered eight years earlier. What is Uranium? Uranium is a silvery radioactive metal that consists of 99% uranium 238 and 1% uranium 235. Uranium 235 is the only naturally occurring fissionable fuel (a fuel that can sustain a chain reaction). Uranium 235 s chain reaction is controlled using neutron. The heat generated by the fuel is used to create steam to turn turbines and generate electrical power. Uranium is an important element because it provides us with nuclear fuel to generate electricity in nuclear power stations. Uranium if formed by But this element is very dangerous
  • 19. Each year we see how the world is becoming a smaller and a... Each year we see how the world is becoming a smaller and a more crowded place. We see how society is crossing over physical borders and becoming a global society. International markets allow for job placement opportunities in foreign cultures but also come with unique challenges. Multi national companies are now operating in new countries and markets. It s a changing world and in order to be successful in this new world companies need to provide their employees the proper tools to do business in a new culture. Moreover, the company itself needs to be willing to adapt and change to meet the expectations of the markets. Apple products have been the highlight in being differentiation. As stated by Mornin (2010) They ve been very clever in ... Show more content on ... Cat has reacted to the market change and has strategies implemented to allow a temporary shutdown of facilities if they need to adjust with the market and the overhead needed. But unlike Apple there continued position is hiring from aboard and keeping work global depending on foreign markets for most of their profits and international workforce. As state by Wessel (2011) Caterpillar increasingly relies on foreign markets for its sales. It has been adding workers world wide except for global layoffs in 2009, amid the recession but is hiring much faster abroad. Caterpillar s quick responses and positioning in the global market has allowed them to stay in business, allowing to successful development a growing company in their 85 years. Although, Apples and Caterpillar mindset are different when dealing globalization they are both successful companies. In short, companies operate their business differently some operate in being different in physical characters and attributes. Other companies operate on the value, customer satisfaction and the ability to change with the market. Apple and Cat both have unique multi national advantage in their playing field but its companies like Apple and CAT continue to push the envelope with their
  • 20. Unemployment Benefits Essay Title: Unemployment Benefits Only Good for a Limited Amount of Time Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that extending unemployment benefits strains an already overused and failing government program. Central Idea: Today, I would like to tell you about the problem of extending unemployment benefits, as well as offer some possible solutions that our lawmakers should adopt instead of another extension. Introduction Millions of Americans have lost their jobs and have joined the growing ranks of the unemployed recently as the recent recession gripped the U.S. In fact, nearly one out of ten Americans are now unemployed and seeking a new job. I m sure that most of you know someone who has been affected by the recession either by... Show more content on ... a.A recent study actually shows that very few people started working during the two to three weeks prior to the exhaustion of their unemployment benefits, but almost 30 percent started work just a week later when their benefits were about to run out (Mulligan). b.Basically, as long as they are getting paid to not work, many people will put off accepting a job. B.Extending unemployment benefits also encourages misuse unemployment benefits. 1.An article by Marianne Hill, Unemployment Insurance: a Broken System, tells that: when unemployment insurance was established as a nationwide program in 1935, it was hailed as a means of enabling workers to protect their standard of living between jobs . 2.The system was originally set up to help people who suddenly lose their job, but there is now wide misuse of the system which is only encouraged when the time period someone is allowed to collect benefits is extended time and again. 3.Types of misuse and fraud include claiming unemployment benefits while working another job that pays cash only which isn t reported, failing to actively seek employmen while collecting unemployment, and fraudulently using stolen social security numbers to claim unemployment. 4.Each year more than 16 million dollars worth of unemployment fraud is identified by Labor Department investigation and that is likely just
  • 21. Pros And Cons Of Being A Victim Of Identity Theft Whether you have been a victim of identity theft or want to prevent yourself from becoming one take advantage of these tips and strategies to keep you safe. Some of them may be very obvious to you, while others may surprise you. Be Careful of What You Carry with You Your Social Security card is unique to you and you alone. Because of this do not carry your Social Security card in your wallet or purse. Also, never write it on checks. Never give your Social Security number to someone who calls you on the phone. In telephone situations give it only to companies that you trust, i.e. a credit card company that YOU have called to verify who you are. Although it is easy to forget your PIN number, especially if it is a unique one, which is recommended, ... Show more content on ... Hold it on your lap or place it under a coat. When you are in an ATM use your free hand to shield someone from seeing the numbers you are punching into the keypad. Sets To Take In Your Home If you are to be away from home for more than a day or two have a trusted friend or family member collect your mail. If that is not possible ask the post office to hold you mail until your return. If you are still receiving paper statements in the mail pay attention to your billing cycles and if a particular bill is late contact the sender. Late bills may mean they have gotten into the wrong hands. Keep all receipts for transactions. When you are reviewing your account statements, online or on paper, keep a close eye out for unauthorized transactions. If you notice any contact the institution in which the unauthorized transaction was made. Invest in a shredder. It is worth every penny. Shred any unwanted receipts, credit card offers, account statements as well as expired credit cards. Basically, shred anything that has any of your personal information on it. Invest in a home safe or strong box. Use this to store any personal information in your home or at
  • 22. Jp Morgan Chase Executive Summary JPMorgan Chase Co. industry includes sales that from the management of money for individuals and institutions. The financial services companies include banks such as JPMorgan Chase, insurance companies, brokerage, wealth management, and credit card companies. The financial trading strategy is as follows: The financial industry is sensitive to economic cycles. However, financial service companies like JPMorgan Chase increase quickly out of recessions, because interest rates tend to be low. Undervalued financial investments during economic recessions when stock prices are low and sell financial investments during the late stages of a huge markets when stock prices are high. The global economy is currently in a recession, therefore,
  • 23. How Does Walter Mitty Escape His Fantasies The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is a short story by James Thurber, is a story of man who goes through an ordinary life fantasizing about a secret life where everything is great for him. In his fantasies Walter Mitty is everything he isn t in real life. Mitty uses these fantasies to forget the things he dislikes about his reality. Walter s life isn t anything special and he goes into his fantasies to escape from the fact that he is insecure/shy, he s being bossed around by his wife, and he can t do simple tasks. The first reason why Walter Mitty escapes his fantasies is because he is not confident, or able to stand up for himself in real world. For example in the text Mrs. Mitty asks Walter, Why don t you wear your gloves? (232) and he puts them on. As soon as she leaves, though, he takes them off. This demonstrates that Walter... Show more content on ... When he is entering a parking lot, the parking attendant tells Walter, Wrong lane Mac...leave her sit there, I ll put her away (233). Mitty had entered the wrong lane, and he couldn t back up properly. This event shows the incompetency in real life that Walter has, and how he struggles with everyday tasks. He also talks to the parking attendant in a low, nervous voice. Walter isn t calm person in real life. Walter Mitty makes up for these mistakes in his another fantasy by becoming a famous surgeon. He imagines saving the life of a millionaire, and president friend. Thurber writes how the other doctors in Mitty s fantasy tell him, No one in the East knows how to fix it (233). Mitty responds in calm voice and takes over. This shows how in his fantasies Walter Mitty is calm since being a surgeon requires complete concertation and calmness. He is also able to take on difficult tasks in his fantasy unlike reality. Mitty fantasizes to fight the reality of him being inept and scared in the real
  • 24. Reasons For Motivation Prompt: The Doctoral Program is interested in your reasons for pursuing doctoral studies. Please describe them in an essay ranging from 500 700 words. Include the major field area to which you are applying (Accounting; Decision, Risk and Operations; Finance and Economics; Management; or Marketing). My journey pursuing a PhD in finance and economics has hardly been straightforward: Although I started my undergraduate education as a film major, I quickly came to appreciate the analytical rigor found within the discipline. While a film major focuses on artistic storytelling, I developed a preference for the stories you can tell through a study of economics. While both are undoubtedly creative, my interest pivoted to this education in ... Show more content on ... My curiosity drives me in the classroom as well. Not only have I demonstrated success by graduating with both departmental and school wide honors studying economics, but I also supplemented this education with substantive mathematical coursework through Real Analysis and Differential Equations. Despite the obvious dichotomy between math and the original film major, I have been most successful in my math classes, exhibiting a perfect record despite the rigor. However, the real rewards from these courses are illustrated by my comfort and mastery economic topics that four years ago would have challenged me. By maturing as both an academic and researcher, I am now able to tackle more intricate topics and teach them to others. While at Claremont McKenna College, I wrote an honors economics thesis using Regression Discontinuity Design to analyze incumbency advantage in State Legislatures around the United States. Additionally, I taught fellow student both at the beginning of their economic careers as a recitation lecturer at in a 50 person economics lecture, and at the end, by tutoring seniors in STATA and Econometrics during their theses. Ultimately, I am interested in the finance and economics because I am primarily interested in the relationship between an economy and its people. The advantage of this program against that of a purely traditional economics degree is that it incorporates the financial sector that pervades through every industry. I learned this first
  • 25. Dui Cases Are Not Impossible DUI Cases are not impossible to WIN Your DUI Case Is Not Hopeless Notwithstanding what you may have heard, DUI cases don t always lead to feelings. There may be various ways to challenge your DUI arrest, and speaking with an accomplished DUI attorney is the most ideal way to assess your case and determine if conceivable challenges may help you beat your charges and clear your record. While the specific guards you can assert in a DUI case differ from case to case and state to state, there are several important principles that apply in pretty much every case involving DUI arrests. Miranda Rights: Law authorization must read a man his or her Miranda rights, that you have the privilege to remain quiet and so forth., just if they ... Show more content on ... You may also challenge the accuracy of the arraignment s breath alcoholproof with a specialist witness who may debate the qualifications of the police faculty doing the alcohol testing, question the maintenance and functionality of the breathalyzer, or challenge the techniques utilized as a part of obtaining the confirmation. This is only a few ways to battle the breath test. Regardless of where you live or what the laws in that area may be you require an Ogden DUI attorney who will speak to you fairly and in a fitting manner. Regarding the matter of DUI cases there are two bits of confirmation that are the most important and those are the field temperance tests and the breathalyzer tests. Having an attorney who will guard whatever the result of those tests were is critical as your future is hanging in the balance. It is also important in these sorts of cases that you have an attorney who can effectively and effectively interview any witnesses, for example, cops that were available. Being able to legitimately scrutinize the cop about how they administered the field moderation tests is important. In the matter of only an average DUI charge and charge where vehicular manslaughter or murder is involved laws will vary from state to state. A normal inebriated arguing so as to drive case can easily be safeguarded points of field temperance tests and breathalyzer readings. However when you are looking at of vehicular crime
  • 26. American Revolution Gave Birth to Democracy in America Essay The British are coming, the British are coming! Did you know that these famous words were never yelled by Paul Revere? However, the British were indeed coming. America s forefathers came to this land to escape oppression from British rule. It wasn t until they were being overtaxed by the British that they rose up to fight for independence and freedom. This historic event was known as The American Revolution. The American Revolution gave birth to democracy in America through great historical events, unknown facts, and famous penned agreements. Resistance to the British and their control over the colonies began with a small group of men called The Sons of Liberty. Over time, they grew into a large organization having members in all... Show more content on ... This was the turning point in the American Revolution. Because of the American victory, the French then joined forces with America, giving support on land and at sea ( Battle of Saratoga, 2009). Ultimately, this relationship enabled America to win the war. In addition to France, there were many other lesser known participants in the American Revolution. Many women traveled with the armies to supply support as nurses, cooks, etc. Some women even participated in the battles in support of their wounded husbands. One of these women was Margaret Cochran Corbin. She took over on the battlefield, was recognized for her bravery and buried at West Point with full military honors. Native Americans fought as well as African Americans who even had their own integrated units. Even more interesting, pirates were licensed to fight the British at sea to help the cause ( Bet you didn t, 2014). Lesser known participants were just as necessary in battle as the well known participants. However, without famous figures such as Paul Revere, the people would not have been in a position to help defend the country. Paul Revere was one of the most famous figures in the American Revolution. He was a silversmith and courier during the war and was also one of the leaders of the Boston Tea Party. Revere is most well known for his ride to Lexington to warn minute men John Hancock, and Samuel Adams along with countrymen of the British
  • 27. Animal Poaching Essay Did you know that poaching has led to most animal extinctions this century? Poaching is a continuously growing problem that will cause many problems to the environment and people. Poaching can be defined as the illegal hunting of animals on land that is not the hunters own. Poaching does not only happen in unprotected lands such as the wilderness, but it has also happened in protected lands such as zoos. Animals may soon become extinct because of the high rate of killing the poachers are doing. If animals do become extinct, life would be very different. An example of how life would be different without animals, such as tigers, is talked about by Eugene Linden when he said, the wild tigers of old will be gone forever, their glory surviving... Show more content on ... The prices of tiger pelts continue to go on the rise because as the destruction of tigers decrease supply, the price of their parts rises further, creating even greater incentives for poachers to kill the remaining animals (Linden). These innocent animals are in danger in both unsecure and secure places. Poachers will not hesitate to go into zoos and kill an animal. Recently, zoo veterinarian Eric Miller talked about an incident that happened in France. Miller said, we were shocked last week by the news that a white rhinoceros was killed when poachers entered Thoiry Zoo ( A Critical Time for Saving Rhino Species). The prolonged war against poaching is not promising for the future of some animal species. Animals are being driven to endangerment and even close to extinction. A recent extinction in the wild happens to be the white rhino. In 1960 white rhinos numbered more than 2000, but now they are extinct in the wild (Miller). The few white rhinos that are alive, in the world, are kept in areas such as zoos. The war on poaching is still going on, but if people quit then the future for the earth does not look promising. The animals that are going extinct because of poaching have key roles in many ecosystems. If their ecosystems get disrupted, then it will eventually negatively impact humans. People do no notice anything different to their lives when an animal is killed because the entire population has not been killed yet. Many animals have been on a
  • 28. Word Play in Hamlet Word Play in Hamlet A principal theme in Shakespeare s Hamlet is the strength and flexibility of language. Words are used to communicate ideas, but can also be used to distort or conceal the truth and manipulate. Throughout the play characters comment on the properties of language and exploit these for their own advantage. Claudius, the shrewd politician is the most obvious example of a man who manipulates words to enhance his own power, possessing a professional grasp of the language. Using this he can oppress people and assert his authority, as we see him doing when delivering a polished speech to the council. He cleverly justifies the ill viewed situation of his marriage to Gertrude, reminding ... Show more content on ... What wouldst thou beg, Laertes? The comment above is ridiculous in its context, since Laertes has so far not been permitted to speak, never mind `lose his voice. The King oppresses him to a great extend, through the constant questioning, through the unnerving repetition of his name and finally through reducing verbs like `beg , referring to the manner of speech Laertes uses to request his leave, one that the King has not yet heard. Claudius adopts entirely different manners of speech, depending on to whom he is speaking. On this occasion he controls in a way he would not, when conversing with others. So, we have seen how Claudius exploits language to evade, oppress and assert his power. Yet, we also see how he uses language to advance his political situation and the view of the people. Upon seeing Hamlet he greets him slightly strangely: `But now, my cousin Hamlet and my son In public he stresses to the court that Hamlet is now his son, and throughout the discussion makes references to he, himself being the father. He adopts a friendly tone when advising `Good Hamlet , to give his mourning duties to his new father, and this
  • 30. Ancient Orestes Research Paper The story of Orestes is found in many ancient Greek plays, most of which take place during or after the Trojan War. Orestes family life was quite complicated. His mom had another lover, she killed his dad, and his sisters had to raise him in a friend s home. Orestes was the son of King Agamemnon of Mycenae and Clytemnestra. He had two sisters, Iphigenia and Electra who played major roles in his life. In fact, one of the practically raised him. By the time Orestes father retuned form the war, his mother had found another lover, Aegisthus. She was very angry with her first husband for bringing back the Trojan princess Cassandra, so she killed him. When Orestes older sister heard of this, she took him away and raised him elsewhere. When
  • 31. Btec Unit 8,P1 Health and Social Essay UNIT 8 P1 Describe the application of behaviorist perspectives in health and social care. In this task I will discuss the application/part of behaviorist perspectives in health and social care. Behaviourist approach In Psychology learning is seen as a change in behaviour caused by an experience. Behaviorism, is seen as a learning theory; an attempt to explain how people or animals learn by studying their behaviour. The Behaviourists Approach has two theories to help explain how we learn, Classical conditioning and operant conditioning . In this task I will attempt to describe and evaluate this approach. Ivan Pavlov was a Russian Physiologist. At the end of the 19th century Pavlov was conducting research into the physiology of ... Show more content on ... Watson believed that psychology had failed to become a natural science, due to the focus on consciousness which he thought of as very unscientific and subjective. He believed that theories should be supported by careful scientific study of observable behaviour through laboratory studies. Inspired by the work of Ivan Pavlov, Watson conducted his own experiment, with the help of his assistant Rosalie Rayner, to show classical conditioning in humans. Watson and Rayner wanted to show that the principles of classical conditioning could be applied to emotions, such as fear. Watson believed that when children reacted to loud noises, it was because of fear, and that this fear was an unconditioned reflex. Little Albert an 11 month old boy was chosen as the participant. Watson identified that a white rat did not provoke any fear response in Albert, so it was a neutral stimulus. Little Albert was then exposed to the white rat, but every time he reached out to touch it Watson would make a loud noise. Albert would get frightened and start to cry. After repeating this several times, Albert started getting frightened just by seeing the rat. Just like the bell in Pavlov s experiment, the white rat had become a conditioned stimulus to Albert. Watson therefore concluded that even complex behaviour such as fear was a learned response. Edward Thorndike, an American Psychologist, believed that learning could also take place through trial and error, and not just
  • 32. Marketing en el contexto socio-ambiental El marketing en el contexto socio ambiental, permite analizar los aspectos culturales que inciden con la aplicaciГіn de estrategias de marketing que se traducen a una investigaciГіn de mercados, permitiendo, verificar los productos y servicios que generan las empresas, establecer nuevas y mejores estrategias para conquistar los mercados objetivos y sobre todo confrontar la relaciГіn: empresa mercadotecnia clientes, basado en un nuevo modelo conceptual de marketing responsable, buscando estrategias que contribuyan a lograr la responsabilidadsocial de las empresas y los consumidores, donde se priorice el respeto por el ser humano, el cuidado y preservaciГіn del ambiente. El problema que enfrenta la sociedad es la contaminaciГіnambiental, debido a la cantidad de desechos que generan los productos y de manera especial los envases que estos utilizan y que son arrojados en cualquier lugar, es necesario replantear la dimensiГіn del marketing, para conseguir mensajes asertivos y dinГЎmicos que contribuyan a posicionar ideas de conciencia social, que apoyen al buen vivir de la comunidad, basados en aspectos culturales y emocionales, partiendo de una estructura fГЎctica de investigaciГіn incorporando metodologГa sistГ©mica, histГіrica y dialГ©ctica para construir adecuadamente la informaciГіn que ayude al cambio de conducta, en las empresas y las personas. ANTECEDENTES Los recientes desarrollos del marketing, se dirigen hacia la construcciГіn del bienestar de la comunidad en su
  • 33. Gerry Conway Gerry Conway was the classic American entrepreneur visionary, charismatic, driven, impatient, and impending. Born in Cleveland in 1931, Conway was the ninth of 13 children. His love of the retail environment, his strong interdependence, and his deep appreciation of people appreciation of people stemmed from his childhood experience: claiming that he has been in retail for over 60 years, working at some of his fathers 200 food stores. After college, Conway and his wife, Marty, returned to Cleveland. He began working for an industrial firm and quickly learned that, while salesattracted him, working in a large corporation did not. After working at some small firms, Conway decided to found his own company, Gerald A. Conway amp;... Show more content on ... This led to Conway realizing the importance for such things as an advisory board, which was made up of four independent current and former company CEOs. It also led Conway to begin thinking of the furture of the company, and the possibility of passing it down to one of his sons. Family involvement in the company began in the 1970s, when the Conway children earned extra money by putting adhesive on the back of Arrowhead fasteners. They had all done odd jobs for FFr, but of the seven children only three worked in the business as adults. Kevin, the eldest, joined in the early 1980s and became an outstanding salesman, Paul, the youngest, eventually became the international sales manager, and Neil, the fourth son, was diagnosed with schizophrenia in college and found work in the warehouse. Out of the three sons, Paul was seen as the most serious contender, but after some time in the company and deliberation, he decided that being CEO was not for him and went on to become a teacher. Now Gerry was left with a huge predicament. Kevin was out of the picture, his son Stuart had, long ago; decided that he didn t want the responsibility. None of the kids were interested. Gerry s problem was not only his lack of succession planning, but also his lack of retirement planning. He had done some retirement planning but the demands of running a business didn t leave him
  • 34. The Parasites Infecting The Common House Sparrow ШЁШіЩ… Ш§Щ„Щ„Щ‡ Ш§Щ„Ш±ШЩ…Щ† Ш§Щ„Ш±ШЩЉЩ… Khartoum University Faculty of science Department of zoology 2014 2015 The influence of the Parasites infecting the common house sparrow (Passer domesticus) association in human in Khartoum State By Fatima El Ffatih El Aameen Ashiakh Baiker A Dissertation Submitted to the Department of Zoology in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirement of the Degree of B.Sc. (Honours) in Zoology University of Khartoum Faculty of Science Department of Zoology Fatima El fatih El ameen Ashiakh Baiker 5th year Abstract House sparrow (Passer domesticus) is closely associated with human beings. In this study 16 house sparrow specimens were collected from Khartoum State during April 2014 using a mist net. All samples were subjected to the physical examination and all presented with normal feather, head, beak, margin of eyelids, bottom of the feed, legs and wings. Seven specimens were screened for blood parasites using Giemsa stained thin peripheral blood films collected from the toenail after clipping it using a clean scissor. Apicomplexamalaria parasites Leucocytozoon were detected in blood of (NUMBER and % OF BIRDS PLEASE). Liver biopsies were prepared for 9 specimens, Toxoplasma sp. parasites were detected in NUMBER and % OF BIRDS PLEASE. House sparrow (Passer domesticus) have closely associated with human, in these study Sixteen house sparrow (Passer domesticus) specimens were collected from Khartoum State during April 2014 using a mist net. All
  • 35. Optimal Performance Of Java Encryption Optimal Performance of Java Encryption Abstract: The usage and developments of computer and Internet technology in our life, is inseparable from the Internet. The Growth of emerging internet and web based applications will be significant in future. With these developments, users are enjoying quicker and more convenient services offered by the Internet based web applications. However, we face potential security threat to sensitive information. The data transferred over the internet or network between web applications or legacy systems can be exposed. It is very essential to have more sophisticated protection mechanisms for web application data transferred over the network. In addition to this, the data stored by web application in persistent storage needs to be encrypted so as to avoid any data exposure or chance of hacking. Data encryption is an efficient method of guaranteeing information security. There are many encryption methodologies available to encrypt the data. As Java language used for majority of WEB application development with its good features of portability and object oriented programming, this paper describes about the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) API and its performance over 128 bit and 256 bit encryption techniques. 1.Introduction: The Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) provides a standard framework and implementations for data encryption, the key generation, key agreement and the message authentication Code algorithms. The encryption techniques
  • 36. My Name Andreana Research Paper I am as complex as the next person. Everything, even my name, Andreana, holds a meaning. Sure, people know some things about me, although there are none that know me truly. I have struggled and thrived, gained hobbies and lost interest. Never has my life been at a standstill. Andreana. The name given to me at birth, the one to stay with me until my death. My father, Andre, gave me this name to somehow incorporate himself into me. He pretty much combined his name and Ana, resulting with what is now my name. Not everyone is able to pronounce it correctly; never had I heard someone say it correctly on the first try without my aid. My grandpa in particular thought it was too complex, settling on calling me Ana instead. In addition, my name also means strong and manly, of which I can mostly agree with. I was never one for feminine things. All in all, I am satisfied with my name.... Show more content on ... The first was martial arts, which I took for five years before I entered a time in my life in which I held little interest in life and living it. After a while, I took to practicing it again on my own for I still do not wish to take classes again. Another had been music, which I took for four years before I ended it with the same reason from when I ended martial arts. However, when I began to regain more interest in life, I took to art. Drawing and writing stories, personally, makes me calm and relaxed. I ve also taken archery, which i absolutely love. The feeling of drawing a bow, as well as hitting my target, is
  • 37. New Zealand s Energy Supply Dear Prime Minister, I believe that New Zealand s energy supply is secure for the future. From my research, I have found that from 1974 to 2009 the electricity demand has more than doubled in size. Currently, most of New Zealand s energy is generated from renewable sources which mean that it can be used by future generations to come; we do not need to be concerned that they will cease to exist. However, New Zealand has been named as one of the least energy efficient countries in the world and therefore, I propose implementing strategies in order to make New Zealand more energy efficient and this will mean that less energy is wasted which will benefit New Zealand s energy supply. I propose more power stations in North Island as that would reduced line loss as most customers are in North Island so less energy is lost in transmission. Although, 75% of all energy production is already renewable, I propose for at least 90% of New Zealand s energy to be renewable in the future and this will minimise the effects of fossil fuel generation such as global warming and air pollution. Because of this, I think that the amount of wind power should be increased; we should not build nuclear power plants because uranium waste is a hazard to the environment and fossil fuel electricity use should decrease because it will run out. Electricity is produced in New Zealand predominately through hydropower, geothermal power and wind energy which are renewable energy sources. There are numerous
  • 38. The Omega Man Research Paper There are many similarities and differences between The Last Man on Earth and The Omega Man . Both films are based on the book, I am Legend , by Richard Matheson. The main character s name in The Last Man on Earth is Robert Morgan, while it is Robert Neville in The Omega Man . The Last Man on Earth is placed in 1968 and The Omega Manis placed in 1975. The symptoms of the disease are different in the films. Morgan lives in a world where everyone else has been infected by a plague that has turned them into vampire like creatures that cannot stand sunlight, fear mirrors, and are repelled by garlic. They would kill Morgan, but they are weak and unintelligent. In The Omega Man, the plague effects its victims in a different way. It turns them into an albino mutant group called The Family. Their leader is a former news anchor named Matthias. These people still have their intelligence, and they are able to function like humans. They want to kill Neville because they believe that technology and science is evil. ... Show more content on ... When it turns dark, Morgan locks himself inside his house. During the day, he kills as many vampires as he can, burning the bodies after. Neville spends his days patrolling the deserted city of Los Angeles, hunting and killing members of The Family. He has his apartment building equipped with an arsenal of weaponry and is also a prisoner in his own home at night. Both of the characters believe they are the plague s only immune survivor. They think they are immune for different reasons though. Morgan thinks he is immune to the bacteria because he was bitten by an infected vampire bat, which introduced a diluted form of the plague into his blood. Neville believes he is immune because he injected himself with an experimental
  • 39. Positive And Negative Outcomes Of Illegal Immigrants There is lots of skepticism when it comes to immigrants and how they contribute to a society. A lot of people just assume that illegal immigrants are bad for one s society. But really, especially for people in the U.S., illegal immigrants pay taxes just like us citizens, they still pay for health insurance, and they also have savings and checking accounts. Some illegal immigrants, (non US citizens) even get accepted to colleges, even the ones in Wisconsin. Although there are positive and negative outcomes regarding illegal immigrants, I will be discussing the economic implications, and how it affects Wisconsin as a state for the good or for the bad. There are a number of reasons why Illegal Immigrants come to Wisconsin. Some immigration... Show more content on ... This is despite an average wage that s above U.S. minimum wage. Us Wisconsinites have tons of illegal immigrants living in our state. According to a study that fox news reported, Wisconsin is home to an estimated 85,000 illegal immigrants, people who immigrated illegally accounted for 1.5 percent of Wisconsin s population in 2012, less than the national average of 3.5 percent. Even our current governor in Wisconsin, Scott Walker, did not like the fact that we had illegal immigrants in Wisconsin. He argues that we put incredible amounts of money into security in airports, and waterways, so we should actually start protecting our borders. Although our governor obviously does not like the fact that we have illegal immigrants in Wisconsin, many economists say that illegal immigrants don t have too much of an economic impact. According to Adam Davidson in his article, he states that when average over the whole economy, the affect is a small net positive . With all of this information, it is safe to say that the economic impact of illegal immigration in Wisconsin is far smaller than other trends in this economy such as increasing the use of automation in manufacturing. I was quite surprised to find out that most Illegal immigrants actually do pay taxes, I always thought you would need a social security number or something but I was very wrong. I found that most undocumented immigrants receive benefits, pay taxes, and even use government services. I actually
  • 40. Social Media And Its Effects On Social Networks Facebook manipulates 690,000 users news feeds In 2012 social media site Facebook manipulated 690,000 news feeds as a part of a week long psychology experiment. The goal of the experiment was to find out if the information users received through their timelines or news feeds could affect a person mood and whether could be passed on without any physical interaction with other people. Adam D. I. Kramer, Jamie E. Guillory and Jeffrey T. Hancock wrote an article entitled Experimental evidence of massive scale emotional contagion through social networks the results of the experiment stating that emotional state could be transferred to other through emotional contagion, leading people to experience the same emotions without their awareness. ... Show more content on ... (Patterson Wilkins, 2014, p. 54)The problem with theories like this is that they do not pass the TARES ethical checklist. (Patterson Wilkins, 2014, pp. 56 59) The TARES checklist stands for; Truthfulness, Authentic, Respect, Equity and Socially and determines the ethical worthiness of a message. Facebook manipulating thousands of user s newsfeeds does not pass the TARES test. Though it may give truthful and authentic results from an equitable variety of examples, it does not respect the people involved with the experiment because they are not aware that much of what they are seeing is fabricated information to feel some type of emotion. This is something that Facebook routinely does and when people were made aware of it, they were not happy posting their concerns on social media. Privacy activist Laura tweeted, I wonder if Facebook KILLED anyone with their emotion manipulation stunt. At their scale and with depressed people out there, it s possible. (Wire, 2014) Another ethical issue that arises is that Facebook now knows that they can persuade how a person feels how do they use that information. In 2013 there was a controversial study published saying that companies should tailor their marketing to women based on how they felt about their appearance. The study showed that women were most vulnerable on Mondays and
  • 41. The Prime Minister Of Canada In 2014 Pierre Elliot Trudeau, the 15th Prime Minister of Canada, was listed in CBC s Top 10 list of Canadian Heroes; but was Trudeau really a hero? (http:/ / 10 canadian heroes list includes pierre trudeau jack layton 1.2676398). Pierre Trudeau, born in Montreal in 1919, started out in politics as a layer in Quebecand as an activist in Quebec politics. In the 1960s Trudeau got involved in federal politics with the Liberal party. In 1968 he became the leader of the party and was elected as Prime Minister of Canada. Trudeau remained in office from 1968 1979 and again from 1980 1984 ( /en/article/pierre elliott trudeau/). Trudeau was strong willed, charismatic and had a... Show more content on ... The Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism was released in 1967, giving recommendations to the federal government on steps to be taken for equality across ethnicities. The primary recommendation was for the implantation of a policy for official bilingualism, making both English and French of equal importance in Canada (Language rights and judicial wrongs: Official bilingualism jurisprudence in Canada s provincial courts. Pg 11). The report also recommended that bilingualism be increased in all of the provinces. Once Pierre Trudeau gained office one of his first things on his agenda was to bring in the Official Languages Act (OLA) in 1969, making both French and English equally recognized in Canada. Trudeau did not support the nationalists in Quebec with their goal of separatism and this was his way to make French Canadians feel they were of greater importance to the county (Language rights and judicial wrongs: Official bilingualism jurisprudence in Canada s provincial courts. Pg 12). Trudeau saw that this policy should strengthen national unity in Canada through various ways. It was thought that making the French speaking of equal importance as the English speaking in Canada it would reduce the rising pressure coming from Quebec to separate from Canada.. The bilingualism was also a hope that across Canada communications would become easier due to the knocking
  • 42. Phillip Noyce The movie rabbit proof fence was directed by Phillip Noyce and filmed in 2002. Phillip is AACTA award winner and has directed and written scripts for over 19 films. He is most known for his film rabbit proof fence. The movie is directed at three young indigenous Australian girls with names of Molly Craig, Daisy Kadibill and Gracie Fields. The filmis about three young girls being taken away to a church mission due to that they are classified as half caste children. The term half caste means that they have one white parent and one black parent. On the three girl s behalf s they have a black mother and a white father. After the girls are taken to the mission they attempt to escape and do so while walking 1500 miles (2414 kilometres) barefoot. The girls face many challenges throughout the trip but successfully escape except for Gracie who gets captured by constable Riggs and taken back to the Moore river settlement. At the end of the film Molly and... Show more content on ... He uses extreme longs shots and long shots to shoot from a distance and show the whole body while he uses mid shots to focus on the upper body. Phillip uses close ups and extreme close ups to focus on the face and show emotion on how the character is feeling. He uses point of view camera angles to make you feel as you are in the same room or environment as the character while Phillip uses hand held camera shots to make the audience feel as they are following the characters. He uses panoramic shots to capture the whole scene and high angle shots to make the characters look weak as it feels as if you are looking down to them. Finally, Noyce uses low angle shots to make the characters look strong and powerful. Music was also incorporated into the film to make the audience feel pity for the three young aboriginal
  • 43. The Alambra And The Alhambra After the Umayyad caliphate of Iberia splintered into small kingdoms across modern day Andalusia in the eleventh century, al Andalus witnessed the reigns of three important powers: the Almoravid, Almohad, and Nasrid dynasties. As each dynasty confronted the gradual encroachment from the Christian north, most notably with Alfonso VI s conquest of Toledo in 1085. It would be the Nasrid dynasty (1230 1492) who would ultimately witness the end of Muslim rule in Spainwhen they surrendered to Isabella I and Ferdinand II in 1492 at Granada. As a fortress and a palace, the Alhambra is arguably the most important fixture of Nasrid art and architecture. The Alhambra, or The Red One , was built on the remains of Roman fortifications, just as the Great Mosque of CГіrdoba had been with spolia. Although the fortress had been built in the ninth century given its location on a strategic point overlooking the city of Granada, the Nasrid dynasty transformed the fortress into a royal city under Mohammed I (1238 1273). However, it was under Yusuf I (1333 1353) and Mohammed V (1353 1391) that the Alhambra was transformed. Yusuf I in particular emphasized the importance of art, [beginning] a glorious age of Nasrid cultural achievement... [under his rule was] where the Alhambra came into full glory (Drayson 17). Both rulers augmented the structure with the Alcazaba, the fortress component, and gardens that would survive even through the brutal Granada War at the end of the fifteenth century.
  • 44. Australia Cultural Identity Sport events like the Olympic games provide the opportunity for host countries to show their identity to the rest of the world. This showing of identity is at the same time a construction of selfidentity. It is a construction in a sense that the host country has to convey its most important ideas about itself to the world. In this limited period of time the host country has to draw upon experiences, historical events, and values which represent the country and the nation.1 In other words, it is a narration of the nation visible to the rest of the world. The ceremony tells a story that is supposed to represent a unified nation. At the same time, it is, as Jackie Hogan points out, an act of inclusion and exclusion .2 Thus, the ceremony itself ... Show more content on ... The ceremony pictures stereotypes of immigrants with associated dresses and dances.10 Moreover, the presence of Aboriginal Australians is limited to the sequence Awakening . It almost seems that they are not seen as a part of modern Australia. According to Hogan, ideas of backward, exotic, and pre modern come to mind when compared to the developed and working white Australian.11 Thus, dividing Australia and its history into white male dominated, premodern Aboriginal past, and a period of immigration rather emphasises boundaries than unity. The ceremony seems to show contrast rather than togetherness. The attempt to create a united nation consisting of many different people result in the marginalisation of minorities and celebration of the dominant culture .12 In sum, the opening ceremony of the Olympic games in Sydney attempts the portrayal of a multicultural Australia, in harmony with its past, and welcoming of all cultures. However, the main focus on the history of white Australians and the constant presence of this white Australianness throughout the ceremony reflect existing power relations and result in marginalisation of
  • 45. Moses the Leader Moses was a leader of the Hebrews and probably the most important figure in Judaism. He led the Hebrew people out of Egypt and into the Promise Land. His story is told in the book of Exodus, and begins when he was first born during the time that the pharaoh of Egypt declared that all male Hebrew babies were to be drowned at birth. Mosesmother Yocheved, hid Moses and placed him in a basket in the reeds of the Nile River, where he was then found by the pharaoh s daughter, who kept Moses and raised him as her own. In the story of Moses, he grows up and stumbles upon an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave. Out of anger Moses murders the Egyptian, and flees to Midian to escape his crime (Hays, 2000). In Midian, Moses rests besides a well,... Show more content on ... Moses was a humble man, but God sees that he is mightier than Moses sees himself. When God tells him that he must lead the Jews out of Egypt, he grows fearful and unworthy of such a task. Moses humility toward God is what makes him capable of such a tremendous mission. Although, he would have much rather not lead the Jews out of Egypt because he is afraid and does not have faith in himself, however, he is able to do it because God has told him to and God would not ask him to do so if it was impossible. Moses successfully leads the Hebrews out of Egypt. Moses was capable of freeing the Jews of slavery with a quality of humility (No Title, 1986). Being a leader is very important when it comes to being successful. Like Moses, who was a natural born leader, it is necessary for a President to be a leader. A President must possess certain qualities to make certain that he will be successful in office. Leadership is a key attribute in order to be able to direct and be followed by others. Any President would be grateful to have all the leadership qualities that Moses had. Moses was loyal and faithful, to his belief in God. Despite his inner doubts, he believed that God had chosen him to lead the Hebrews out of slavery and into the Promise Land. His faith kept him motivated to persevere. Perseverance is another
  • 46. Tim Burton Film Analysis From Edward Scissorhands to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, director Tim Burton has been captivating audiences for over 30 years. One can agree that Mr. Burton has an uncommon way of portraying things, which allows him to twist a viewer s emotions. His feature films such as Edward Scissorhands, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Alice in Wonderland are some of the best examples. Throughout his films, director Tim Burton executes all cinematic techniques successfully; the involvement of sound, lighting, and editing techniques throughout his films establishes a suspenseful mood creating his grotesque and macabre style. One such cinematic technique is called non diegetic sound, in which the sound is intended for only the viewers of the movie, establishing a suspenseful mood. In Edward Scissorhands, when Peg Boggs, one of the protagonists, walks up the stairs of the abandoned mansion, music is played in the background for only the viewers to hear. In the following scene, Peg is at the top of an abandoned mansion looking for someone, when a figure with sharp weapons appears out of the shadows. At this moment, menacing music is stridently played in the background (Edward). The sudden appearance of the figure, along with visible emotions and the music, gives viewers the feeling of something ominous. Mr. Burton uses non diegetic sound to evoke other feelings in viewers as well. In the movie Alice in Wonderland, when the protagonist, Alice Kingsleigh, is atop the
  • 47. Somalia s Struggle for Power Essay example Somalia s struggle for power to establish a sovereign Somali state has raised international concerns of terrorism, piracy, human trafficking and famine causing instability locally and throughout the Horn of Africa. Although U.S. backed Somali Federal Government (SFG) has had some recent success against the al Qaeda (AQ) linked al Shabaab, Somalia continue to face local and regional border disputes. Somalia has historically relied on outside actors who later abandoned Somalia due to a shift in foreign policy and interest. This paper will prove that the power for struggle in Somalia is the root cause of instability in Somalia and throughout the Horn of Africa. This will be explored by examining Somali s regional relations, U.S and... Show more content on ... Ethiopia s armed responses only strengthen Mohammed s cause in the Ogaden region. The Mad Mohammed s Dervish campaigns lasted from 1899 1904, until the British, and Ethiopian troops, and Somali s who were against Mohammed s Dervish tactics, mounted various successful campaigns against Mohammed (Gorman, 1981). With Mohammed s strength nearly eliminated, he agreed to a peace deal in 1904. Mohammed and his followers were allowed to settle in the northern part of Italian Somalia where he was recognized as the ruler by the Europeans. Regardless of the peace deal, Mohammed s cause began to draw support from other Somali tribes and the fighting continued until his natural death in 1920. Like Gran, Mohammed had failed to unite Somali clans; however the two Somali nationalists have laid a physiological impact on Somali s against Ethiopians and foreigners involved with the Somali power struggle (Gorman, 1981) (Ottaway, 1982). Later British Somalia and Italian Somalia joined to form the Republic of Somalia in June 1960. Somali s now could claim statehood. During the early years of independence, tensions continued over contested areas in the Northern Front District with Kenya and in the Ogaden with Ethiopia. (Gorman, 1981) (Ottaway, 1982) As Somalia looked to establish itself as a country they allied with Russia to help build Somalia s Military, which led to a military coup in 1969. Following the military coup, Somalia was
  • 48. Cinderella Brothers Grimm And The Little Glass Slipper We have all heard the Disney story, Cinderella, right? Well, who knew that there could be more than just one version? In the two stories Cinderella Brothers Grimm and The Little Glass Slipper, They have a majority of themes, characters, settings, and other things that were not mentioned in the original Cinderella. Because of the new and interesting versions, comparing and contrasting come in handy. So, how do the two newer versions relate to one another, and how do the new versions relate to the original story? How are they different? In the two stories, Cinderella Brothers Grimm and the little glass slipper the settings are very different at some points in the story. In Brothers Grimm, Ashpuddle, who is also known as Cinderella, visits her mother s grave three times a day. This does not happen in the original story and it also doesn t happen in The Little Glass Slipper. However, other than... Show more content on ... Basically, all the themes mentioned throughout either story could fit in with both! We have all heard the theme, Treat other the way you want to be treated. Well, this theme goes along with the stories because everyone believes that Cinderella should be treated better by all of her step family. The sisters and mother should treat Cinderella how they would want to be treated. For example, they should have let Cinderella go to the ball! In The Little Glass Slipper it states, Lend my clothes to such a dirty Cinderwench as you are! I should be such a fool. This is one of the stepsisters, charlotte, talking to Cinderella. How we she like cinderella talking to her like that? In Brothers Grimm Cinderella, the author wrote, You have no proper clothes, and you do not know how to dance. You would be laughed at! This was said by the stepmother to Cinderella, and it is just as rude as what was said in The Little Glass Slipper. Therefore, we know that both stories have this theme in