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Sensory Processing:
Making Sense of
A Missing Piece
February 11th, 2014
Goals For the Presentation
• Overview of Sensory Processing / Sensory
Integration (Adaptation)
• Adapted vs. Un-Adapted
• Supportive Suggestions for Home & School
• Sensory Stepping Stones: Clinic/Therapies
Melissa Bianchini, LCSW; Executive
Director of Sensory Stepping Stones

NYS Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW): Children & Families Specialty / Play Therapy
Masters in Social Work (MSW): Fordham University
BS in Psychology/Sociology: Fordham University
NYS Credentialed Alcohol & Substance Abuse Counselor (CASAC)
Post-Graduate studies at Arizona State University in Anatomy-Physiology; Neuroscience
Training in:
 Auditory Integration Training (AIT) & Tomatis Method
 Syntonic Phototherapy
 Vestibular Disorders (VEDA)
 NeuroFeedback


Certified Provider of SmartMind® Pro NeuroFeedback


Masters Level Clinician & Certified Provider of Interactive Metronome®
Certified Provider of Sensory LearningSM Program (AIT, Light, Vestibular Therapist Trained)


Certified Provider for The Listening Program®


Training in Assessment & Diagnosis; Certified Provider of IVA +Plus/IVA-AE® Testing


Training in Cognitive Rehabilitation; Certified Provider of Captain‟s Log®


Therapeutic Crisis Intervention System(TCI) / Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® (CPI)
Level 1 Training in American Sign Language


Training in Brain Gym®
Volunteer Red Cross Instructor
What is Your
Response to……

 A cold shower
 Wearing wool sweaters/clothing
 Being in wet socks/shoes
 Wearing tight jeans/pants
 The feel of Jell-O in your mouth
 Spicy foods
 The sound of birds/traffic/background noises
 The sound of a nail down a chalk board
 Bright colored walls in the bedroom
 The smell of perfumes, certain foods
 Packed elevators/rooms
 Riding on roller coasters
 Music at a rock concert
 Sitting in back seat of a car
Our Senses: The sensations that the
nervous system recognizes.
The five (5) common & two (2) “Hidden Senses” that
relate to our body position & movements

* Hearing / Auditory
* Taste / Gustatory
* Touch / Tactile

* Sight / Visual
* Smell / Olfactory

“Hidden Senses”
* Vestibular / Movement
* Proprioception / Body Position
Vestibular Sensory System:
Sense of Balance
This system involves balance as well as the
relationship we have to spatial orientation; which way
is up, down, left, right, horizontal or vertical
This system also tells the
individual if they are
moving or not, how fast
and in what direction –
movement, balance &
Proprioceptive Sensory System:
Movement & Sense of Body in Space
The way we receive information from
our muscles, joints and tendons telling
the body where it or the body part is at a
given moment = Body Awareness
Nerve Pathways travel two ways
and relay messages from the
muscles to the brain & back
Muscle Memory – Drive a car, play a sport/instrument
Sensory Processing / Integration:
The ability to take in, organize/process & then respond to the sensory
input in a meaningful & appropriate way
What Does It Look Like?
NONE of these are right or wrong!!!
We all process differently but when it is impacting
us negatively we need to address it

Hypersensitive or

Hyposensitive or

Low Sensory or

High Sensitivity
or Active Avoider

4 Reasons of Any Sensory Overload (TAPE):
 Terror
 Annoyance

 Pain
 Exhaustion
Hypersensitive or Over-Responsive
Need little amount of energy or stimulation
Heightened awareness & high sensitivity but lacks active response
Can become easily overwhelmed
Complains of things “bothering” them & is frequently anxious/upset
Overreacts to small changes in the environment

Tactile: Responds negatively to light touch, including
the anticipation of touch; touch seems scary or
uncomfortable; wrestle during dressing or lifting; kick,
punch, scream when someone is too close
Visual: Reacts
strongly to contrasts,
reflections, bright
lights; may turn eyes
away or cover them;
may be disturbed by
moving objects; may
duck when ball
comes toward them

Auditory: Listen to every
easily distracted; startled or
irritated by standard
sounds; covers ears; refuses
to participate

Vestibular: Movement,
or the possibility of it,
Taste: Objects to
causes negative reaction
certain textures or
or to become
temperatures of foods;
overexcited; may get car
may gag while eating
sick, avoid riding a bike,
or in certain rooms;
sliding or swinging; may
may plug nose; may
become easily dizzy;
become upset by
may lose the ability to
certain smells or tastes
keep up with others
OPPOSITIONAL: JC-shoes, touch / TB-playground, car, foods
Hyposensitive or Under-Responsive
Need a lot of energy or stimulation
Poor awareness and low sensitivity to stimulation
Miss environmental cues
Slow Processing
Auditory: Seems
Tactile: Often disregards touch;
unaware of sounds;
typical injuries don‟t hurt, usually
does not respond
doesn‟t protect self well
visibly to sounds;
Visual: May not pay
may speak softly
attention to new things
Vestibular: Doesn‟t seem to
visually such as
notice movement - may
holiday decorations,
have been an “easy baby”;
Taste: Might be
rearranged furniture;
lacks inner drive to move
able to eat foods
may not respond fast
actively; doesn‟t usually
that have a lot of
enough when objects
taste, spice,
come in their direction; seek movement, but once
started, has difficulty
may stare at objects or
stopping; doesn‟t protect
people‟s faces
self well from falling
QUIET: JT-staring, low
voice, gym & balls
Low Sensory or Seekers
Heightened awareness with low sensitivity to stimulation
Will seek out input
Frequently and intensively moving, jumping, spinning, touching
Tactile: Needs more deep pressure & skin
Auditory: Loves crowds and
contact than most; touch & feel everything
places with noisy action; wants to
in sight, even dangerous things or things
turn the volume up; may make
uncomfortable to others; loves messy play
own noisy sounds; uses “outside
voice” often
up close, touchy/feely
Vestibular: Seeks & enjoys
a lot of vigorous movement,
Might always
often in unusual ways
want to be in
Taste: Might try
(upside down, “downward
front of TV,
to taste or lick
dog”, place head on the
items that are not
floor); may love to climb;
Ipad; may be
may crave rocking, swinging, edible (chalk,
attracted to
Playdough); may
spinning in circles; attention
bright lights
prefer spicy,
span may be short
flavorful foods
Active Avoider
High Awareness with a high sensitivity & active responses
Will actively avoid things / events - excuses
Searches out escape areas, covers ears/eyes, shows aggression to “Protect” self

Tactile: Initial response to avoid the
situation with excuses – responds negatively
to touch, especially the anticipation of
touch; avoids closeness first then will kick,
punch, scream if someone is too close
Visual: Initial response
to avoid the situation
with excuses – when
forced to attend may
turn eyes away or cover
them; may stay off on
the side or in back

OPPOSITIONAL: TSexcuses, auditory, tactile

Auditory: Initial response to avoid
the situation with excuses – is hyper
alert; easily distracted; irritated by
sounds; covers ears; refuse to
participate prior to events

Vestibular: Initial
response to avoid the
situation with excuses –
Movement, or the
possibility of it, causes
anxiety or panic; avoids
group games, playground

Taste: Initial response
to avoid the situation
with excuses – Objects
to unknown textures or
temperatures of foods;
refuse to try new
2 Challenges of the Un-Adapted
Areas Mentioned….
1. Low Sensory/Seeker & Active Avoider Can Appear Similar:

Both may move frequently
Low Sensory/Seekers are looking for the stimulation
Avoiders are attempting to escape the stimulation

2. Under-Responder & Overwhelmed Can Also Appear Similar:
• May not appear as “sensory needy” as the seeker/avoider
• Overwhelmed are vigilant and will have anxiety to the environment and will
resist change
• Under-responders also may not respond to environmental cues, however due to
lack of awareness and not vigilance
Is It Behavioral?
DEFINITION: The range of actions & mannerisms made in response to the

Children & adults can learn strategies in order to respond to the
environment and adjust our behaviors
Children tend to use one or two strategies for multiple
situations and may be the ONLY way a child knows how to
behave and after repeated use (reinforcement) without
correction becomes established
HOWEVER….once established
it MAY appear willful, BUT we
must remember that a CHILD
often acts without thinking or
analyzing their behavior.

Real question is
to ask WHY are
they acting this
Sensory VS. Behavior
Sensory processing disorders frequently
get labeled as behavioral problems,
inattention, distractibility, motor
coordination, hyper/hypo sensitivities,
anxiety/panic attacks or other emotional
Addressing ONLY the Behavioral
issues does not address the whole
problem, leaving the Sensory issues
unaddressed and we then still see
issues occur
What Does It Really Look Like?
Covers ears in loud
AND/OR does not respond to
being called/spoken to

Doesn‟t like to be
touched/touches everyone &
everything, does not like glue,
paint, marker on fingers/hands,
does not like bath, hair combed,
certain clothes/fabrics

Squints in bright
environments, trouble
focusing on one object or
person AND/OR eye tracking

Sick with strong orders
present, smells/sniffs
everything they are in
contact with
What Does It Really Look Like?
Picky eater, puts
everything in their
mouth or licks things

Looks clumsy, accident prone,
trouble coordinating body

Difficulty with motion,
spinning, swinging OR
craves motion, spinning

What Can We (Adults) Do?

During the Distress Period / Meltdown
REMEMBER: As the adult we need to
introduce/teach them how to respond/regulate their

Deep Breaths to stay calm
Hydration / Health / Food / Sleep
Validate his/her feelings
Collaborate with them to solve the current problem
Show them you appreciate them often
What Can We (Adults) Do?


During the Calm / Preventative
rational thinking to process & function
• Identify past & present symptoms &/or situation
• Map out the child‟s daily routine

People, Time, Activities, Similar Children

• Minimize the current impact (PTA)

Prevent, Treat, Accommodate

• Ensure the Big Four!


Sleep, Stress, Nutrition, Chemical Exposure

Develop sensory replacements (Sensory Diet)
Form a team of supportive therapies / providers & include the child!
Adapt the environment
References / Resources
Sensory Diets
Created by Patricia Wilbarger, OT
• Just as you need food throughout the course of the day, we need
sensory input, and opportunities for getting away from stimulation,
spread out over the whole day.

• A carefully designed, personalized activity plan that provides the
sensory input a person needs to stay focused and organized throughout
the day.
• Examples: Jiggling your leg, chewing gum to stay awake, soaking in a
hot tub to unwind

• Infants, young children, teens, and adults with mild to severe sensory
issues can all benefit from a personalized sensory diet.
• Ideally, you should work with an Occupational Therapist who
specializes in sensory processing issues
SOME Sensory Strategies
Vestibular / Proprioceptive

Visual /

 Bounce, jump, stomp, run, walk, spin,
clap, punching bag
 “Heavy Work” that requires lifting,
pushing, pulling, climbing, raking,
 Dim lights, natural or
digging, sweeping, wrestling, crashing
full spectrum lighting
 “Deep Pressure” : Bear hugs, steam
 Turn TV / radio /
rolling, body sacks, massage,
computer off
 Soft Music, white noise,
(Follow OT recommendation)
fan, water/ocean waves
 Weighted blankets, vests
(Follow OT recommendation)
 Chew Gum
 Stroking / walking a pet
 Suck Applesauce, yogurt,
pudding through a straw
 Blow bubbles, harmonica,
kazoo, singing, humming
References & Resources: Books

Kranowitz, C.S. (1989). The Out of Sync Child, New York, NY: The Berkley
Publishing Group


Murray-Slutsky, C. & Paris, B. (2005). Is It Sensory or Is It Behavior? Behavior
Problem Identification, Assessment, and Intervention, San Antonio, TX: Harcourt
Assessment Inc.


Beil, L. & Peske, N. (2005). Raising A Sensory Smart Child, New York, NY: Penguin


Miller, L.J. (2006) Sensational Kids, New York, NY: G.P. Putnam‟s Sons.


Baker, J. (2008). No More Meltdowns, Arlington, TX: Future Horizons


Horwitz, L.J. & Röst, C. (2004). Helping Hyperactive Kids – A Sensory Integration
Approach, Alameda, CA: Hunter House Inc., Publishers.


Taylor, J. (2011). Learn To Have Fun With Your Senses, Arlington, TX: Sensory
World (Future Horizons).
References & Resources: Books

Taylor, J. (2006). The Survival Guide for Kids with ADD or ADHD, Minneapolis, MN:
Free Spirit Publishing


Zysk, V. & Notbohm, E. (2011) 1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children
with Autism or Asperger's, Revised and Expanded 2nd (second) Edition, Arlington,
TX: Future Horizons


Collins, B. & Linder-Olson, J. ( 2012 ) Sensory Parenting, From Newborns to
Toddlers: Everything is Easier When Your Child's Senses are Happy! Arlington, TX:
Sensory World (Future Horizons).


Collins, B. & Linder- Olson, J. (2012) Sensory Parenting - The Elementary Years:
School Years Are Easier when Your Child's Senses Are Happy! Arlington, TX:
Sensory World (Future Horizons).


Sheedy-Kurcinka, M. (2001) Kids, Parents, and Power Struggles: Winning for a
Lifetime, New York, NY: William Morrow Paperbacks.


Warshowsky, J (2012) How Behavioral Optometry Can Unlock Your Child‟s Potential,
London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Free Online Tools
• Sensory Checklist
From Raising a Sensory Smart Child, Biel & Peske, 2005
• SPD Support .org – Printable Resources
• Getting to Know My Child - Downloadable form that can help teach
the school about your child
Sites for Apps for Children
with Special Needs
One Place for Special Needs Website:
Apps for Children with Special Needs:
Special Needs Apps Review (Friendship Circle):
78 Free IPad Apps (Slideshow):

Smart Apps For Special Needs:
(Facebook Link)
Additional Resources
Zuma Rocking Chair
Howda Chair

Disco Seat

Smart Knit KIDS

Portable Parenting
Additional Resources
Fidgets & Movement:
Sensory Stixx


Spin Disc
Sensory Stepping Stones
Developmental Rehabilitation
& Learning Center
A center dedicated to providing a variety of both
traditional & innovative treatment programs for those
having difficulties with:
Sensory Integration, Gross Motor Planning &
Coordination, Attention & Focus, Cognitive Skills,
Fine & Visual Motor Coordination, Visual Perceptual
Skills & Reading Development.
(Sensory processing skills & developmental learning abilities)
Through Sensory Adaptation
Sensory adaptation is the reduced sensitivity to stimulation
that results from repeated presentations of that stimulation
As humans we get used to things in life including smells,
sounds, sights, games, people, situations... after a while we
get used to everything.
Examples: Rental Car (Smoker/Non-smoker)
Loud / Dark Restaurant

Sensory Adaptation occurs when sensory
receptors change their sensitivity to the
Sensory Stepping Stones:
Theraputic Services
 Sensory LearningSM Program
 Interactive Metronome®
 Cognitive Learning & Memory Programs
 NeuroFeedback / EduFeedback
 Reading Fluency & Development
Our Programs Address:

Sensory Integration
Gross Motor Planning & Coordination
Attention & Focus Stamina Training/Skills
Alternating/Selective/Divided Attention
Fine Motor Coordination & Handwriting Skill
Visual Motor Coordination & Visual Perceptual Skills (Scanning/Tracking)
Auditory Processing
Central Visual/Auditory/Mental Processing Speed & Attention
Discriminatory Processing
Cognitive Training
Listening Skills
Receptive/Expressive Language Processing
Conceptual & Spatial Memory Skills
Logical Skills
Problem Solving Skills
Working & Short Term Memory / Sequencing
Impulsivity & Aggression Control
Time on Task
Reading & Math Development & Fluency
Social Skill Building
Types of Assessments Offered
* Comprehensive Assessment
* Educational (Pre-School) Assessment
* Peak Performance: Athletic-Brain Assessment
Assessments May Include:




Listening profile
Visual field assessment
Interactive Metronome - Long Form Assessment
 Measures neurological functioning of motor planning & sequencing
IVA Plus/IVA-AE Test – Integrated Visual & Auditory Continuous
Performance Test
 Measures inattention, impulsivity & hyperactivity (associated with
Reading Test
 Letter Recognition & Recall
 Phonemic Awareness & Recall
 Vowel Rhyming & Recall
 Consonant Diagraph Memory
Working Memory & Recall Test - Picture / Letter / Number
Educational / Sensory-Behavioral Assessment

Assessments are
completed in 1 - 3
hours depending on
the tests, age & ability
of the individual being
Results are reviewed
with parents /
guardians at a
separate appointment
time, and are
approximately 40
minutes long.
Copies of all results
will be given at this
The Sensory LearningSM
Program - What Is It?
3 Individualized Therapies occurring at the same time:
 AIT – Auditory Integration Training
 Syntonic Phototherapy – Light Therapy
 Vestibular Therapy - Movement
GOAL: Improve Perception, Understanding
and the Ability to Learn

Unique Features:
 Gentle / Simultaneous Multi-Sensory Experience

 Minimal Motivation Needed
 Input vs. Output
 Non-Cognitive vs. Cognitive
The Sensory LearningSM Program
How the Program Works
Visual Fields
Pre and Post Sensory LearningSM Program
13 year old
Improvements in
Visual-Spatial Perception
10 year old
Improvements in Fine Motor Skills
8 year old

Post (8 months)
Sensory LearningSM Program
• The Sensory Learning Program is a 30-day,
drug-free intervention
• 12 consecutive days in the office
• 18 days at-home with a portable light instrument
• Two 30 minute sessions per day for a child
(One 60 minute session per day for an adult)
• Assessment / Re-Evaluation: Post-30, Post-60,
Post-90 days & Post 6 months
Interactive Metronome® (IM) –
What Is It?
The Program:

A computer based program used to improve the processing
abilities that affect attention, motor planning, sensory
processing and sequencing through rhythmic beats that are
synchronized with exercises. Feedback is given to tell the
person how "on beat" they are, and guides them to improve
their timing and ability to plan actions.

Areas Seeing Improvements:

Attention & Focus
Mental Stamina
Planning & Organizing


Language Processing
Reading & Math Fluency
Reasoning & Abstract Thinking
Time Management
Cognitive Processing Speed
Control of Impulsivity &/or
Interactive Metronome® (IM)
Neurological Conditions Seeing Improvements:

Autism Spectrum Disorders /
Asperger’s / PDD
Brain /Spinal Cord Injuries
Brain Tumor (following
surgery or chemotherapy)
Auditory Processing Disorder
Cerebral Palsy
Communication Impairments
/ Stuttering
Confidence & Self-esteem
Dyslexia and Other Reading


Language & Learning Disabled
Non-verbal Learning Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder / Anxiety
Sensory Processing Disorder
Stroke / MS / Parkinson’s

Cognitive Learning & Memory
Programs –What Are They?
Computer based programs that help individuals
with ADHD/ADD, brain injuries, psychological
disorders or LDs to improve their thinking
(cognitive) skills – AT THEIR COGNITIVE PACE!

Main Areas of Training:
 Attention Skills: Attention/Visual Skills
 Problem Solving & Memory Skills:
Conceptual, Logical & Numeric Skills

 Working Memory Skills: Auditory &
Working Memory Skills

 Mental Processing Speed

Brain Train: Captain‟s Log®
Brain Train: MindPower Builder®
Brain Train: Memory Gym®
Cognitive Learning & Memory
Programs (Continued)
Cognitive Training & Memory Research:

ADHD, Working Memory & Cognitive Dysfunction
Multiple Sclerosis
Schizophrenia & Chronic Psychiatric Disorders
Traumatic Brain Injury
Parkinson‟s Disease
Alzheimer‟s and Dementia
Cerebral Malaria and HIV

NeuroFeedback & EduFeedback
What Are They?
Monitors the electrical activity in your brain (brainwaves) through the
placement of electrodes on the scalp and an electroencephalograph (EEG).
The information is displayed as a graph or video game which gives the
user feedback about their brain activity or „neuro‟ „feedback‟. This
helps to inform the person when they are focused or not paying
enough attention.

The goal is to change brainwave patterns
 Ages 4 to adult
 Intake - 90 minutes
 19 - 21 sites on the scalp tested
 Can be combined with Cognitive Training
 Takes 30 to 50 sessions/visits
NeuroFeedback & EduFeedback
The integration of feedback technology with proven educational
methodologies & behavioral shaping techniques.
These help one become more organized, have better short-term memory,
ignore distractions, or even balance one‟s check book in a normal
amount of time.
Edufedback teaches these skills and insures transfer to the workplace
& classroom.
 Ages 4 to adult
 Primary difficulty is paying attention.
 Results seen in as little as 15 hours;
Average of 40-60 hours of training

Reading Fluency & Development
What Is It?
Computerized reading & memory program that
identifies precisely where the individual is having
combines the cognitive and reading “games” to
help individuals develop their abilities.

Test „N‟ Train Reading®
Reading Fluency & Development
The reading programs follow the
national Common Core Standards.

These Reading programs are
ideal for RTI programs and for
setting IEP goals.

Other Services
Peak Performance Training

Athletic/Academic Peak
Performance Assessment
Sport Specific Peak Performance
Music Specific Peak Performance
General (Business) Peak
Performance Training

Counseling Therapy

Assessments for children, adolescents
and adults
Educational Evaluations
Sensory-Behavioral Evaluations
Parenting skills / techniques
Referrals for additional Counseling

Occupational Therapy


Assessments for children and
Educational Evaluations
Sensory-Behavioral Evaluations
Referrals for additional OT services


Parent Presentations
Topic Specific
Professional Presentations
Thank You!
Melissa Bianchini, LCSW
Executive Director – Sensory Stepping Stones
(914) 244-4101

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Sensory Processing - Making Sense of the Missing Piece - Melissa Bianchini

  • 1. Sensory Processing: Making Sense of A Missing Piece February 11th, 2014
  • 2. Goals For the Presentation • Overview of Sensory Processing / Sensory Integration (Adaptation) • Adapted vs. Un-Adapted • Supportive Suggestions for Home & School • Sensory Stepping Stones: Clinic/Therapies
  • 3. Melissa Bianchini, LCSW; Executive Director of Sensory Stepping Stones       NYS Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW): Children & Families Specialty / Play Therapy Masters in Social Work (MSW): Fordham University BS in Psychology/Sociology: Fordham University NYS Credentialed Alcohol & Substance Abuse Counselor (CASAC) Post-Graduate studies at Arizona State University in Anatomy-Physiology; Neuroscience Training in:  Auditory Integration Training (AIT) & Tomatis Method  Syntonic Phototherapy  Vestibular Disorders (VEDA)  NeuroFeedback  Certified Provider of SmartMind® Pro NeuroFeedback   Masters Level Clinician & Certified Provider of Interactive Metronome® Certified Provider of Sensory LearningSM Program (AIT, Light, Vestibular Therapist Trained)  Certified Provider for The Listening Program®  Training in Assessment & Diagnosis; Certified Provider of IVA +Plus/IVA-AE® Testing  Training in Cognitive Rehabilitation; Certified Provider of Captain‟s Log®   Therapeutic Crisis Intervention System(TCI) / Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® (CPI) Level 1 Training in American Sign Language   Training in Brain Gym® Volunteer Red Cross Instructor
  • 4. What is Your Response to……  A cold shower  Wearing wool sweaters/clothing  Being in wet socks/shoes  Wearing tight jeans/pants  The feel of Jell-O in your mouth  Spicy foods  The sound of birds/traffic/background noises  The sound of a nail down a chalk board  Bright colored walls in the bedroom  The smell of perfumes, certain foods  Packed elevators/rooms  Riding on roller coasters  Music at a rock concert  Sitting in back seat of a car
  • 5. Our Senses: The sensations that the nervous system recognizes. The five (5) common & two (2) “Hidden Senses” that relate to our body position & movements * Hearing / Auditory * Taste / Gustatory * Touch / Tactile * Sight / Visual * Smell / Olfactory “Hidden Senses” * Vestibular / Movement * Proprioception / Body Position
  • 6. Vestibular Sensory System: Sense of Balance This system involves balance as well as the relationship we have to spatial orientation; which way is up, down, left, right, horizontal or vertical This system also tells the individual if they are moving or not, how fast and in what direction – movement, balance & coordination
  • 7. Proprioceptive Sensory System: Movement & Sense of Body in Space The way we receive information from our muscles, joints and tendons telling the body where it or the body part is at a given moment = Body Awareness Nerve Pathways travel two ways and relay messages from the muscles to the brain & back Muscle Memory – Drive a car, play a sport/instrument
  • 8. Sensory Processing / Integration: The ability to take in, organize/process & then respond to the sensory input in a meaningful & appropriate way
  • 9. What Does It Look Like? NONE of these are right or wrong!!! We all process differently but when it is impacting us negatively we need to address it Hypersensitive or Over-Responsive Hyposensitive or Under-Responsive Low Sensory or Seekers High Sensitivity or Active Avoider 4 Reasons of Any Sensory Overload (TAPE):  Terror  Annoyance  Pain  Exhaustion
  • 10. Hypersensitive or Over-Responsive Need little amount of energy or stimulation Heightened awareness & high sensitivity but lacks active response Can become easily overwhelmed Complains of things “bothering” them & is frequently anxious/upset Overreacts to small changes in the environment Tactile: Responds negatively to light touch, including the anticipation of touch; touch seems scary or uncomfortable; wrestle during dressing or lifting; kick, punch, scream when someone is too close Visual: Reacts strongly to contrasts, reflections, bright lights; may turn eyes away or cover them; may be disturbed by moving objects; may duck when ball comes toward them Auditory: Listen to every sound CONSTANTLY; easily distracted; startled or irritated by standard sounds; covers ears; refuses to participate Vestibular: Movement, or the possibility of it, Taste: Objects to causes negative reaction certain textures or or to become temperatures of foods; overexcited; may get car may gag while eating sick, avoid riding a bike, or in certain rooms; sliding or swinging; may may plug nose; may become easily dizzy; become upset by may lose the ability to certain smells or tastes keep up with others OPPOSITIONAL: JC-shoes, touch / TB-playground, car, foods
  • 11. Hyposensitive or Under-Responsive Need a lot of energy or stimulation Poor awareness and low sensitivity to stimulation Miss environmental cues Slow Processing Auditory: Seems Tactile: Often disregards touch; unaware of sounds; typical injuries don‟t hurt, usually does not respond doesn‟t protect self well visibly to sounds; Visual: May not pay may speak softly attention to new things Vestibular: Doesn‟t seem to visually such as notice movement - may holiday decorations, have been an “easy baby”; Taste: Might be rearranged furniture; lacks inner drive to move able to eat foods may not respond fast actively; doesn‟t usually that have a lot of enough when objects taste, spice, come in their direction; seek movement, but once started, has difficulty flavor may stare at objects or stopping; doesn‟t protect people‟s faces self well from falling QUIET: JT-staring, low voice, gym & balls
  • 12. Low Sensory or Seekers Heightened awareness with low sensitivity to stimulation Will seek out input Frequently and intensively moving, jumping, spinning, touching Tactile: Needs more deep pressure & skin Auditory: Loves crowds and contact than most; touch & feel everything places with noisy action; wants to in sight, even dangerous things or things turn the volume up; may make uncomfortable to others; loves messy play own noisy sounds; uses “outside IN YOUR FACE: BP-voice, voice” often up close, touchy/feely Vestibular: Seeks & enjoys Visual: a lot of vigorous movement, Might always often in unusual ways want to be in Taste: Might try (upside down, “downward front of TV, to taste or lick dog”, place head on the computer, items that are not floor); may love to climb; Ipad; may be may crave rocking, swinging, edible (chalk, attracted to Playdough); may spinning in circles; attention bright lights prefer spicy, span may be short flavorful foods
  • 13. Active Avoider High Awareness with a high sensitivity & active responses Will actively avoid things / events - excuses Searches out escape areas, covers ears/eyes, shows aggression to “Protect” self Tactile: Initial response to avoid the situation with excuses – responds negatively to touch, especially the anticipation of touch; avoids closeness first then will kick, punch, scream if someone is too close Visual: Initial response to avoid the situation with excuses – when forced to attend may turn eyes away or cover them; may stay off on the side or in back OPPOSITIONAL: TSexcuses, auditory, tactile Auditory: Initial response to avoid the situation with excuses – is hyper alert; easily distracted; irritated by sounds; covers ears; refuse to participate prior to events Vestibular: Initial response to avoid the situation with excuses – Movement, or the possibility of it, causes anxiety or panic; avoids group games, playground activities Taste: Initial response to avoid the situation with excuses – Objects to unknown textures or temperatures of foods; refuse to try new things
  • 14. 2 Challenges of the Un-Adapted Areas Mentioned…. 1. Low Sensory/Seeker & Active Avoider Can Appear Similar: • • • Both may move frequently Low Sensory/Seekers are looking for the stimulation Avoiders are attempting to escape the stimulation 2. Under-Responder & Overwhelmed Can Also Appear Similar: • May not appear as “sensory needy” as the seeker/avoider • Overwhelmed are vigilant and will have anxiety to the environment and will resist change • Under-responders also may not respond to environmental cues, however due to lack of awareness and not vigilance
  • 15. Is It Behavioral? DEFINITION: The range of actions & mannerisms made in response to the environment Children & adults can learn strategies in order to respond to the environment and adjust our behaviors Children tend to use one or two strategies for multiple situations and may be the ONLY way a child knows how to behave and after repeated use (reinforcement) without correction becomes established HOWEVER….once established it MAY appear willful, BUT we must remember that a CHILD often acts without thinking or analyzing their behavior. Real question is to ask WHY are they acting this way???
  • 16. Sensory VS. Behavior Sensory processing disorders frequently get labeled as behavioral problems, inattention, distractibility, motor coordination, hyper/hypo sensitivities, anxiety/panic attacks or other emotional problems Addressing ONLY the Behavioral issues does not address the whole problem, leaving the Sensory issues unaddressed and we then still see issues occur
  • 17. What Does It Really Look Like? AUDITORY Covers ears in loud environments/situations AND/OR does not respond to being called/spoken to TACTILE Doesn‟t like to be touched/touches everyone & everything, does not like glue, paint, marker on fingers/hands, does not like bath, hair combed, certain clothes/fabrics VISUAL Squints in bright environments, trouble focusing on one object or person AND/OR eye tracking difficulties SMELL Sick with strong orders present, smells/sniffs everything they are in contact with
  • 18. What Does It Really Look Like? TASTE Picky eater, puts everything in their mouth or licks things PROPRIOCEPTIVE Looks clumsy, accident prone, trouble coordinating body movements VESTIBULAR Difficulty with motion, spinning, swinging OR craves motion, spinning swinging
  • 19. FOR PARENTS What Can We (Adults) Do? During the Distress Period / Meltdown REMEMBER: As the adult we need to introduce/teach them how to respond/regulate their reactions!         Deep Breaths to stay calm Hydration / Health / Food / Sleep STOP TALKING!!! Listen LISTEN MORE Validate his/her feelings Collaborate with them to solve the current problem Show them you appreciate them often
  • 20. What Can We (Adults) Do? FOR PARENTS During the Calm / Preventative GOAL: REMAIN REGULATED! Encourages rational thinking to process & function • Identify past & present symptoms &/or situation • Map out the child‟s daily routine • People, Time, Activities, Similar Children • Minimize the current impact (PTA) • Prevent, Treat, Accommodate • Ensure the Big Four! • • • • • Sleep, Stress, Nutrition, Chemical Exposure Develop sensory replacements (Sensory Diet) Form a team of supportive therapies / providers & include the child! Adapt the environment References / Resources
  • 21. Sensory Diets Created by Patricia Wilbarger, OT • Just as you need food throughout the course of the day, we need sensory input, and opportunities for getting away from stimulation, spread out over the whole day. • A carefully designed, personalized activity plan that provides the sensory input a person needs to stay focused and organized throughout the day. • Examples: Jiggling your leg, chewing gum to stay awake, soaking in a hot tub to unwind • Infants, young children, teens, and adults with mild to severe sensory issues can all benefit from a personalized sensory diet. • Ideally, you should work with an Occupational Therapist who specializes in sensory processing issues
  • 22. SOME Sensory Strategies Vestibular / Proprioceptive Visual / Auditory  Bounce, jump, stomp, run, walk, spin, clap, punching bag  “Heavy Work” that requires lifting, pushing, pulling, climbing, raking,  Dim lights, natural or digging, sweeping, wrestling, crashing full spectrum lighting  “Deep Pressure” : Bear hugs, steam  Turn TV / radio / rolling, body sacks, massage, computer off brushing/compression  Soft Music, white noise, (Follow OT recommendation) fan, water/ocean waves  Weighted blankets, vests Oral (Follow OT recommendation)  Chew Gum  Stroking / walking a pet  Suck Applesauce, yogurt, pudding through a straw  Blow bubbles, harmonica, kazoo, singing, humming
  • 23. References & Resources: Books • Kranowitz, C.S. (1989). The Out of Sync Child, New York, NY: The Berkley Publishing Group • Murray-Slutsky, C. & Paris, B. (2005). Is It Sensory or Is It Behavior? Behavior Problem Identification, Assessment, and Intervention, San Antonio, TX: Harcourt Assessment Inc. • Beil, L. & Peske, N. (2005). Raising A Sensory Smart Child, New York, NY: Penguin Books • Miller, L.J. (2006) Sensational Kids, New York, NY: G.P. Putnam‟s Sons. • Baker, J. (2008). No More Meltdowns, Arlington, TX: Future Horizons • Horwitz, L.J. & Röst, C. (2004). Helping Hyperactive Kids – A Sensory Integration Approach, Alameda, CA: Hunter House Inc., Publishers. • Taylor, J. (2011). Learn To Have Fun With Your Senses, Arlington, TX: Sensory World (Future Horizons).
  • 24. References & Resources: Books (Continued) • Taylor, J. (2006). The Survival Guide for Kids with ADD or ADHD, Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Publishing • Zysk, V. & Notbohm, E. (2011) 1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism or Asperger's, Revised and Expanded 2nd (second) Edition, Arlington, TX: Future Horizons • Collins, B. & Linder-Olson, J. ( 2012 ) Sensory Parenting, From Newborns to Toddlers: Everything is Easier When Your Child's Senses are Happy! Arlington, TX: Sensory World (Future Horizons). • Collins, B. & Linder- Olson, J. (2012) Sensory Parenting - The Elementary Years: School Years Are Easier when Your Child's Senses Are Happy! Arlington, TX: Sensory World (Future Horizons). • Sheedy-Kurcinka, M. (2001) Kids, Parents, and Power Struggles: Winning for a Lifetime, New York, NY: William Morrow Paperbacks. • Warshowsky, J (2012) How Behavioral Optometry Can Unlock Your Child‟s Potential, London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
  • 25. Free Online Tools • Sensory Checklist From Raising a Sensory Smart Child, Biel & Peske, 2005 • SPD Support .org – Printable Resources • Getting to Know My Child - Downloadable form that can help teach the school about your child
  • 26. Sites for Apps for Children with Special Needs One Place for Special Needs Website: • • Apps for Children with Special Needs: Special Needs Apps Review (Friendship Circle): 78 Free IPad Apps (Slideshow): • Smart Apps For Special Needs: (Facebook Link)
  • 27. Additional Resources Zuma Rocking Chair Howda Chair Disco Seat Smart Knit KIDS Portable Parenting
  • 28. Additional Resources Fidgets & Movement: Sensory Stixx Tangle Spin Disc
  • 29. Sensory Stepping Stones Developmental Rehabilitation & Learning Center A center dedicated to providing a variety of both traditional & innovative treatment programs for those having difficulties with: Sensory Integration, Gross Motor Planning & Coordination, Attention & Focus, Cognitive Skills, Fine & Visual Motor Coordination, Visual Perceptual Skills & Reading Development. (Sensory processing skills & developmental learning abilities) .
  • 30. HOW? Through Sensory Adaptation Sensory adaptation is the reduced sensitivity to stimulation that results from repeated presentations of that stimulation As humans we get used to things in life including smells, sounds, sights, games, people, situations... after a while we get used to everything. Examples: Rental Car (Smoker/Non-smoker) Loud / Dark Restaurant Sensory Adaptation occurs when sensory receptors change their sensitivity to the stimulus
  • 31. Sensory Stepping Stones: Theraputic Services  Sensory LearningSM Program  Interactive Metronome®  Cognitive Learning & Memory Programs  NeuroFeedback / EduFeedback  Reading Fluency & Development
  • 32. Our Programs Address:                     Sensory Integration Gross Motor Planning & Coordination Attention & Focus Stamina Training/Skills Alternating/Selective/Divided Attention Fine Motor Coordination & Handwriting Skill Visual Motor Coordination & Visual Perceptual Skills (Scanning/Tracking) Auditory Processing Central Visual/Auditory/Mental Processing Speed & Attention Discriminatory Processing Cognitive Training Listening Skills Receptive/Expressive Language Processing Conceptual & Spatial Memory Skills Logical Skills Problem Solving Skills Working & Short Term Memory / Sequencing Impulsivity & Aggression Control Time on Task Reading & Math Development & Fluency Social Skill Building
  • 33. Types of Assessments Offered * Comprehensive Assessment * Educational (Pre-School) Assessment * Peak Performance: Athletic-Brain Assessment Assessments May Include:        Listening profile Visual field assessment Interactive Metronome - Long Form Assessment  Measures neurological functioning of motor planning & sequencing IVA Plus/IVA-AE Test – Integrated Visual & Auditory Continuous Performance Test  Measures inattention, impulsivity & hyperactivity (associated with ADHD) Reading Test  Letter Recognition & Recall  Phonemic Awareness & Recall  Vowel Rhyming & Recall  Consonant Diagraph Memory Working Memory & Recall Test - Picture / Letter / Number Educational / Sensory-Behavioral Assessment Assessments are completed in 1 - 3 hours depending on the tests, age & ability of the individual being tested. Results are reviewed with parents / guardians at a separate appointment time, and are approximately 40 minutes long. Copies of all results will be given at this time.
  • 34. The Sensory LearningSM Program - What Is It? 3 Individualized Therapies occurring at the same time:  AIT – Auditory Integration Training  Syntonic Phototherapy – Light Therapy  Vestibular Therapy - Movement GOAL: Improve Perception, Understanding and the Ability to Learn Unique Features:  Gentle / Simultaneous Multi-Sensory Experience  Minimal Motivation Needed  Input vs. Output  Non-Cognitive vs. Cognitive
  • 35.
  • 36. The Sensory LearningSM Program System
  • 38. Visual Fields Pre and Post Sensory LearningSM Program 13 year old
  • 40. Improvements in Fine Motor Skills 8 year old Pre Post (8 months)
  • 41. Sensory LearningSM Program Summary • The Sensory Learning Program is a 30-day, drug-free intervention • 12 consecutive days in the office • 18 days at-home with a portable light instrument • Two 30 minute sessions per day for a child (One 60 minute session per day for an adult) • Assessment / Re-Evaluation: Post-30, Post-60, Post-90 days & Post 6 months Website:
  • 42. Interactive Metronome® (IM) – What Is It? The Program: A computer based program used to improve the processing abilities that affect attention, motor planning, sensory processing and sequencing through rhythmic beats that are synchronized with exercises. Feedback is given to tell the person how "on beat" they are, and guides them to improve their timing and ability to plan actions. Areas Seeing Improvements: • • • • • • Attention & Focus Initiation Mental Stamina Coordination Planning & Organizing Sequencing • • • • • • Language Processing Reading & Math Fluency Reasoning & Abstract Thinking Time Management Cognitive Processing Speed Control of Impulsivity &/or Aggression
  • 43. Interactive Metronome® (IM) (Continued) Neurological Conditions Seeing Improvements: • • • • • • • • • • ADHD/ADD Apraxia/Dyspraxia Autism Spectrum Disorders / Asperger’s / PDD Brain /Spinal Cord Injuries Brain Tumor (following surgery or chemotherapy) Auditory Processing Disorder Cerebral Palsy Communication Impairments / Stuttering Confidence & Self-esteem Dyslexia and Other Reading Disorders • • • • • Language & Learning Disabled Non-verbal Learning Disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorder / Anxiety Sensory Processing Disorder Stroke / MS / Parkinson’s Website:
  • 44. Cognitive Learning & Memory Programs –What Are They? Computer based programs that help individuals with ADHD/ADD, brain injuries, psychological disorders or LDs to improve their thinking (cognitive) skills – AT THEIR COGNITIVE PACE! Main Areas of Training:  Attention Skills: Attention/Visual Skills  Problem Solving & Memory Skills: Conceptual, Logical & Numeric Skills  Working Memory Skills: Auditory & Working Memory Skills  Mental Processing Speed Brain Train: Captain‟s Log® Brain Train: MindPower Builder® Brain Train: Memory Gym®
  • 45. Cognitive Learning & Memory Programs (Continued) Cognitive Training & Memory Research:         ADHD, Working Memory & Cognitive Dysfunction Multiple Sclerosis Schizophrenia & Chronic Psychiatric Disorders Stroke Traumatic Brain Injury Parkinson‟s Disease Alzheimer‟s and Dementia Cerebral Malaria and HIV Website:
  • 46. NeuroFeedback & EduFeedback What Are They? NeuroFeedback: Monitors the electrical activity in your brain (brainwaves) through the placement of electrodes on the scalp and an electroencephalograph (EEG). The information is displayed as a graph or video game which gives the user feedback about their brain activity or „neuro‟ „feedback‟. This helps to inform the person when they are focused or not paying enough attention. The goal is to change brainwave patterns Facts:  Ages 4 to adult  Intake - 90 minutes  19 - 21 sites on the scalp tested  Can be combined with Cognitive Training Games  Takes 30 to 50 sessions/visits
  • 47. NeuroFeedback & EduFeedback (Continued) EduFeedback: The integration of feedback technology with proven educational methodologies & behavioral shaping techniques. These help one become more organized, have better short-term memory, ignore distractions, or even balance one‟s check book in a normal amount of time. Edufedback teaches these skills and insures transfer to the workplace & classroom. Facts:  Ages 4 to adult  Primary difficulty is paying attention.  Results seen in as little as 15 hours; Average of 40-60 hours of training Website:
  • 48. Reading Fluency & Development What Is It? Computerized reading & memory program that identifies precisely where the individual is having difficulty and AT THEIR ACADEMIC PACE combines the cognitive and reading “games” to help individuals develop their abilities. Test „N‟ Train Reading®
  • 49. Reading Fluency & Development (Continued) The reading programs follow the national Common Core Standards. These Reading programs are ideal for RTI programs and for setting IEP goals. Website:
  • 50. Other Services Peak Performance Training • • • • Athletic/Academic Peak Performance Assessment Sport Specific Peak Performance Training Music Specific Peak Performance Training General (Business) Peak Performance Training Counseling Therapy • • • • • Assessments for children, adolescents and adults Educational Evaluations Sensory-Behavioral Evaluations Parenting skills / techniques Referrals for additional Counseling services Occupational Therapy • • • • Assessments for children and adolescents Educational Evaluations Sensory-Behavioral Evaluations Referrals for additional OT services Presentations • • • Parent Presentations Topic Specific Presentations Professional Presentations
  • 51. Thank You! Melissa Bianchini, LCSW Executive Director – Sensory Stepping Stones (914) 244-4101