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Text Mining Infrastructure in R
Presented By
Ashraf Uddin
South Asian University, New Delhi, India.
29 January 2014
What is R?
 A free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.
 open source package based developed by Bell Labs
 Many statistical functions are already built in
 Contributed packages expand the functionality to cutting edge research
 Implementation languages C, Fortran
What is R?
 R is the result of a collaborative effort with contributions from all over the
 R was initially written by Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka—also known as
"R & R" of the Statistics Department of the University of Auckland
 R was inspired by the S environment
 R can be extended (easily) via packages.
More about R
What R does and does not
ois not a database, but
connects to DBMSs
olanguage interpreter can be
very slow, but allows to call
own C/C++ code
ono professional / commercial
Data Types in R
 numeric (integer, double, complex)
 character
 logical
 Data frame
 factor
Contributed Packages
 Currently, the CRAN package repository features 5034 available packages
Growing users of R
Text Mining: Basics
Text is Unstructured collections of words
Documents are basic units consisting of a sequence of tokens or terms
Terms are words or roots of words, semantic units or phrases which are the
atoms of indexing
Repositories (databases) and corpora are collections of documents.
Corpus conceptual entity similar to a database for holding and managing text
Text mining involves computations to gain interesting information
Text Mining: Practical Applications
 Spam filtering
 Business Intelligence, Marketing applications : predictive analytics
 Sentiment analysis
 Text IR, indexing
 Creating suggestion and recommendations (like amazon)
 Monitoring public opinions (for example in blogs or review sites)
 Customer service, email support
 Automatic labeling of documents in business libraries
 Fraud detection by investigating notification of claims
 Fighting cyberbullying or cybercrime in IM and IRC chat
And many more
A List Text Mining Tools
Text Mining Packages in R
Corpora gsubfn kernlab KoNLP
koRpus `lda lsa maxent
movMF openNLP qdap RcmdrPlugin.temis
RKEA RTextTools Rweka skmeans
Snowball SnowballC tau textcat
Textir tm tm.plugin.dc tm.plugin.factiva
tm.plugin.mail topicmodels wordcloud
Wordnet zipfR
Text Mining Packages in R
plyr: Tools for splitting, applying and combining data
class: Various functions for classification
tm: A framework for text mining applications
corpora: Statistics and data sets for corpus frequency data
snowball: stemmers
Rweka: interface to Weka, a collection of ML algorithms for data mining tasks
wordnet: interface to WordNet using the Jawbone Java API to WordNet
wordcloud: to make cloud of word
textir: A suite of tools for text and sentiment mining
tau: Text Analysis Utilities
topicmodels: an interface to the C code for Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
models and Correlated Topics Models (CTM)
zipfR: Statistical models for word frequency distributions
Conceptual process in Text Mining
 organize and structure the texts (into repository)
 convenient representation (preprocessing)
 Transform texts into structured formats (e.g. TDM)
The framework
different file formats and in different locations
 standardized interfaces to access the document (sources)
Metadata valuable insights into the document structure
 must be able to alleviate metadata usage
to efficiently work with the documents
 must provide tools and algorithm to perform common task (transformation)
 To extract patterns of interest (filtering)
Text document collections: Corpus
Corpus(object = ..., readerControl = list(reader = object@DefaultReader,
language = "en_US", load = FALSE))
>txt <- system.file("texts", "txt", package = "tm")
>(ovid <- Corpus(DirSource(txt), readerControl =
list(reader = readPlain, language = "la", load =
A corpus with 5 text documents
Corpus: Meta Data
Available meta data pairs are:
Author :
DateTimeStamp: 2013-11-19 18:54:04
Description :
Heading :
ID : ovid_1.txt
Language : la
Origin :
[1] "ovid_1.txt“
Corpus: Document’s text
Si quis in hoc artem populo non novit amandi, hoc
legat et lecto carmine doctus amet. arte citae
veloque rates remoque moventur, arte leves currus:
arte regendus amor. curribus Automedon lentisque erat
aptus habenis, Tiphys in Haemonia puppe magister
erat: me Venus artificem tenero praefecit Amori;
Tiphys et Automedon dicar Amoris ego. ille quidem
ferus est et qui mihi saepe repugnet: sed puer est,
aetas mollis et apta regi. Phillyrides puerum cithara
perfecit Achillem, atque animos placida contudit arte
feros. qui totiens socios, totiens exterruit hostes,
creditur annosum pertimuisse senem.
Corpus: Meta Data
>c(ovid[1:2], ovid[3:4])
A corpus with 4 text documents
A corpus with 5 text documents
The metadata consists of 2 tag-value pairs and a data
Available tags are: create_date creator
Available variables in the data frame are: MetaID
Corpus: Meta Data
$create_date [1] "2013-11-19 18:54:04 GMT"
$creator [1] "“
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
Corpus: Transformations and Filters
[1] "as.PlainTextDocument" "removeNumbers"
"removePunctuation" "removeWords"
[5] "stemDocument" "stripWhitespace“
>tm_map(ovid, FUN = tolower)
A corpus with 5 text documents
[1] "searchFullText" "sFilter" "tm_intersect"
>tm_filter(ovid, FUN = searchFullText, "Venus",
doclevel = TRUE)
A corpus with 1 text document
Text Preprocessing: import
>txt <- system.file("texts", "crude", package = "tm")
>(acq <- Corpus(DirSource(txt), readerControl =
list(reader = readPlain, language = "la", load =
A corpus with 50 text documents
>txt <- system.file("texts", "crude", package = "tm")
>(crude <- Corpus(DirSource(txt), readerControl =
list(reader = readPlain, language = "la", load =
A corpus with 20 text documents
resulting in 50 articles of topic acq and 20 articles of topic crude
Preprocessing: stemming
 Morphological variants of a word (morphemes). Similar terms derived from
a common stem:
engineer, engineered, engineering
use, user, users, used, using
 Stemming in Information Retrieval. Grouping words with a common stem
 For example, a search on reads, also finds read, reading, and readable
 Stemming consists of removing suffixes and conflating the resulting
morphemes. Occasionally, prefixes are also removed.
Preprocessing: stemming
 Reduce terms to their “roots”
 automate(s), automatic, automation all reduced to automat.
for example compressed
and compression are both
accepted as equivalent to
for exampl compress and
compress ar both accept
as equival to compress
Preprocessing: stemming
Typical rules in Stemming:
sses ss
ies  i
ational  ate
tional  tion
Weight of word sensitive rules
(m>1) EMENT →
replacement → replac
cement → cement
Preprocessing: stemming
 help recall for some queries but harm precision on others
 Fine distinctions may be lost through stemming.
Preprocessing: stemming
Gulf Applied Technologies Inc said it sold its
subsidiaries engaged in pipeline and terminal
operations for 12.2 mln dlrs. The company said the
sale is subject to certain post closing adjustments,
which it did not explain. Reuter
Gulf Appli Technolog Inc said it sold it subsidiari
engag in pipelin and terminal oper for 12.2 mln dlrs.
The compani said the sale is subject to certain post
clos adjustments, which it did not explain. Reuter
>tm_map(acq, stemDocument)
A corpus with 50 text documents
Preprocessing: Whitespace elimination & lower
case conversion
Gulf Applied Technologies Inc said it sold its
subsidiaries engaged in pipeline and terminal
operations for 12.2 mln dlrs. The company said the
sale is subject to certain post closing adjustments,
which it did not explain. Reuter
gulf applied technologies inc said it sold its
subsidiaries engaged in pipeline and terminal
operations for 12.2 mln dlrs. the company said the
sale is subject to certain post closing adjustments,
which it did not explain. reuter
Preprocessing: Stopword removal
Very common words, such as of, and, the, are rarely of use in information
A long stop list saves space in indexes, speeds processing, and eliminates many
false hits.
However, common words are sometimes significant in information retrieval,
which is an argument for a short stop list.
(Consider the query, "To be or not to be?")
Preprocessing: Stopword removal
Include the most common words in the English language (perhaps 50 to 250
Do not include words that might be important for retrieval (Among the 200
most frequently occurring words in general literature in English are time, war,
home, life, water, and world).
In addition, include words that are very common in context (e.g., computer,
information, system in a set of computing documents).
Preprocessing: Stopword removal
about above accordingacross actually adj after
afterwards again against all almost alone
along already also although always among
amongst an another any anyhow anyone
anything anywhere are aren't around
at be became because become becomes becoming
been before beforehand begin beginning behind
being below beside besides between beyond
billion both but by can can't
cannot caption co could couldn't
did didn't do does doesn't don't down
during each eg eight eighty
either else elsewhere end ending enough
etc even ever every everyone everything
Preprocessing: Stopword removal
How many words should be in the stop list?
• Long list lowers recall
Which words should be in list?
• Some common words may have retrieval importance:
-- war, home, life, water, world
• In certain domains, some words are very common:
-- computer, program, source, machine, language
Preprocessing: Stopword removal
>mystopwords <- c("and", "for", "in", "is", "it",
"not", "the", "to")
>removeWords(acq[[10]], mystopwords)
Gulf Applied Technologies Inc said sold its
subsidiaries engaged pipeline terminal operations
12.2 mln dlrs. The company said sale subject certain
post closing adjustments, which did explain. Reuter
>tm_map(acq, removeWords, mystopwords)
A corpus with 50 text documents
Preprocessing: Synonyms
> library("wordnet")
[1] "caller" "companionship" "company" "fellowship"
[5] "party" "ship’s company" "society" "troupe“
replaceWords(acq[[10]], synonyms(dict, "company"), by = "company")
Tm_map(acq, replaceWords, synonyms(dict, "company"), by = "company")
Preprocessing: Part of speech tagging
s <- as.String(acq[[10]])
## Need sentence and word token annotations.
sent_token_annotator <- Maxent_Sent_Token_Annotator()
word_token_annotator <- Maxent_Word_Token_Annotator()
a2 <- annotate(s, list(sent_token_annotator,
pos_tag_annotator <- Maxent_POS_Tag_Annotator()
a3 <- annotate(s, pos_tag_annotator, a2)
a3w <- subset(a3, type == "word")
tags <- sapply(a3w$features, "[[", "POS")
sprintf("%s/%s", s[a3w], tags)
Preprocessing: Part of speech tagging
"Gulf/NNP" "Applied/NNP" "Technologies/NNP" "Inc/NNP"
"it/PRP" "sold/VBD" "its/PRP$" "subsidiaries/NNS"
"engaged/VBN" "in/IN" "pipeline/NN" "and/CC"
"terminal/NN" "operations/NNS"
"for/IN" "12.2/CD" "mln/NN" "dlrs/NNS" "./." "The/DT"
"company/NN" "said/VBD" "the/DT" "sale/NN"
"is/VBZ" "subject/JJ" "to/TO" "certain/JJ" "post/NN"
"closing/NN" "adjustments/NNS" ",/," "which/WDT"
"did/VBD" "not/RB" "explain/VB" "./." "Reuter/NNP“
R Demo
Classification using KNN
K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm:
 Most basic instance-based method
 Data are represented in a vector space
 Supervised learning
, V is the finite set {v1,......,vn}
the k-NN returns the most common value among the k training examples
nearest to xq.
KNN Feature space
KNN Training algorithm
For each training example <x,f(x)> add the example to the list
Classification algorithm
Given a query instance xq to be classified
Let x1,..,xk k instances which are nearest to xq
Where 𝛿(a,b)=1 if a=b, else 𝛿(a,b)= 0 (Kronecker function)
Classification using KNN : Example
Two classes: Red and Blue
Green is Unknown
With K=3, classification is Red
With k=4, classification is Blue
How to determine the good value for k?
 Determined experimentally
 Start with k=1 and use a test set to validate the error rate of the classifier
 Repeat with k=k+2
 Choose the value of k for which the error rate is minimum
 Note: k should be odd number to avoid ties
KNN for speech classification
Size: 40 instances
Barak Obama 20 speeches
Mitt Romney 20 speeches
Training datasets: 70% (28)
Test datasets: 30% (12)
Accuracy: on average more than 90%
Speech Classification Implementation in R
#initialize the R environment
#Set parameters / source directory
#clean text / preprocessing
return (corpus.tmp)
Speech Classification Implementation in R
#build term document matrix
Speech Classification Implementation in R
#attach candidate name to each row of TDM
return (s.df)
Speech Classification Implementation in R
#stack the TDMs together (for both Obama and Romnie)
#hold-out / splitting training and test data sets
Speech Classification Implementation in R
#model KNN
#accuracy of the prediction
#show result
Speech Classification Implementation in R
Show R Demo
1. Text Mining Infrastructure in R, Ingo Feinerer, Kurt Hornik, David Meyer, Vol.
25, Issue 5, Mar 2008, Journal of Statistical Software.

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Text Mining Infrastructure in R

  • 1. Text Mining Infrastructure in R Presented By Ashraf Uddin ( South Asian University, New Delhi, India. 29 January 2014
  • 2. What is R?  A free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.  open source package based developed by Bell Labs  Many statistical functions are already built in  Contributed packages expand the functionality to cutting edge research  Implementation languages C, Fortran
  • 3. What is R?  R is the result of a collaborative effort with contributions from all over the world  R was initially written by Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka—also known as "R & R" of the Statistics Department of the University of Auckland  R was inspired by the S environment  R can be extended (easily) via packages. More about R
  • 4. What R does and does not ois not a database, but connects to DBMSs olanguage interpreter can be very slow, but allows to call own C/C++ code ono professional / commercial support
  • 5. Data Types in R  numeric (integer, double, complex)  character  logical  Data frame  factor
  • 6. Contributed Packages  Currently, the CRAN package repository features 5034 available packages
  • 8. Text Mining: Basics Text is Unstructured collections of words Documents are basic units consisting of a sequence of tokens or terms Terms are words or roots of words, semantic units or phrases which are the atoms of indexing Repositories (databases) and corpora are collections of documents. Corpus conceptual entity similar to a database for holding and managing text documents Text mining involves computations to gain interesting information
  • 9. Text Mining: Practical Applications  Spam filtering  Business Intelligence, Marketing applications : predictive analytics  Sentiment analysis  Text IR, indexing  Creating suggestion and recommendations (like amazon)  Monitoring public opinions (for example in blogs or review sites)  Customer service, email support  Automatic labeling of documents in business libraries  Fraud detection by investigating notification of claims  Fighting cyberbullying or cybercrime in IM and IRC chat And many more
  • 10. A List Text Mining Tools
  • 11. Text Mining Packages in R Corpora gsubfn kernlab KoNLP koRpus `lda lsa maxent movMF openNLP qdap RcmdrPlugin.temis RKEA RTextTools Rweka skmeans Snowball SnowballC tau textcat Textir tm tm.plugin.dc tm.plugin.factiva tm.plugin.mail topicmodels wordcloud Wordnet zipfR
  • 12. Text Mining Packages in R plyr: Tools for splitting, applying and combining data class: Various functions for classification tm: A framework for text mining applications corpora: Statistics and data sets for corpus frequency data snowball: stemmers Rweka: interface to Weka, a collection of ML algorithms for data mining tasks wordnet: interface to WordNet using the Jawbone Java API to WordNet wordcloud: to make cloud of word textir: A suite of tools for text and sentiment mining tau: Text Analysis Utilities topicmodels: an interface to the C code for Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) models and Correlated Topics Models (CTM) zipfR: Statistical models for word frequency distributions
  • 13. Conceptual process in Text Mining  organize and structure the texts (into repository)  convenient representation (preprocessing)  Transform texts into structured formats (e.g. TDM)
  • 14. The framework different file formats and in different locations  standardized interfaces to access the document (sources) Metadata valuable insights into the document structure  must be able to alleviate metadata usage to efficiently work with the documents  must provide tools and algorithm to perform common task (transformation)  To extract patterns of interest (filtering)
  • 15. Text document collections: Corpus Constructor: Corpus(object = ..., readerControl = list(reader = object@DefaultReader, language = "en_US", load = FALSE)) Example: >txt <- system.file("texts", "txt", package = "tm") >(ovid <- Corpus(DirSource(txt), readerControl = list(reader = readPlain, language = "la", load = TRUE))) A corpus with 5 text documents
  • 16. Corpus: Meta Data >meta(ovid[[1]]) Available meta data pairs are: Author : DateTimeStamp: 2013-11-19 18:54:04 Description : Heading : ID : ovid_1.txt Language : la Origin : >ID(ovid[[1]]) [1] "ovid_1.txt“
  • 17. Corpus: Document’s text >ovid[[1]] Si quis in hoc artem populo non novit amandi, hoc legat et lecto carmine doctus amet. arte citae veloque rates remoque moventur, arte leves currus: arte regendus amor. curribus Automedon lentisque erat aptus habenis, Tiphys in Haemonia puppe magister erat: me Venus artificem tenero praefecit Amori; Tiphys et Automedon dicar Amoris ego. ille quidem ferus est et qui mihi saepe repugnet: sed puer est, aetas mollis et apta regi. Phillyrides puerum cithara perfecit Achillem, atque animos placida contudit arte feros. qui totiens socios, totiens exterruit hostes, creditur annosum pertimuisse senem.
  • 18. Corpus: Meta Data >c(ovid[1:2], ovid[3:4]) A corpus with 4 text documents >length(ovid) 5 >summary(ovid) A corpus with 5 text documents The metadata consists of 2 tag-value pairs and a data frame Available tags are: create_date creator Available variables in the data frame are: MetaID
  • 19. Corpus: Meta Data >CMetaData(ovid) $create_date [1] "2013-11-19 18:54:04 GMT" $creator [1] "“ >DMetaData(ovid) MetaID 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0
  • 20. Corpus: Transformations and Filters >getTransformations() [1] "as.PlainTextDocument" "removeNumbers" "removePunctuation" "removeWords" [5] "stemDocument" "stripWhitespace“ >tm_map(ovid, FUN = tolower) A corpus with 5 text documents >getFilters() [1] "searchFullText" "sFilter" "tm_intersect" >tm_filter(ovid, FUN = searchFullText, "Venus", doclevel = TRUE) A corpus with 1 text document
  • 21. Text Preprocessing: import >txt <- system.file("texts", "crude", package = "tm") >(acq <- Corpus(DirSource(txt), readerControl = list(reader = readPlain, language = "la", load = TRUE))) A corpus with 50 text documents >txt <- system.file("texts", "crude", package = "tm") >(crude <- Corpus(DirSource(txt), readerControl = list(reader = readPlain, language = "la", load = TRUE))) A corpus with 20 text documents resulting in 50 articles of topic acq and 20 articles of topic crude
  • 22. Preprocessing: stemming  Morphological variants of a word (morphemes). Similar terms derived from a common stem: engineer, engineered, engineering use, user, users, used, using  Stemming in Information Retrieval. Grouping words with a common stem together.  For example, a search on reads, also finds read, reading, and readable  Stemming consists of removing suffixes and conflating the resulting morphemes. Occasionally, prefixes are also removed.
  • 23. Preprocessing: stemming  Reduce terms to their “roots”  automate(s), automatic, automation all reduced to automat. for example compressed and compression are both accepted as equivalent to compress. for exampl compress and compress ar both accept as equival to compress
  • 24. Preprocessing: stemming Typical rules in Stemming: sses ss ies  i ational  ate tional  tion Weight of word sensitive rules (m>1) EMENT → replacement → replac cement → cement
  • 25. Preprocessing: stemming  help recall for some queries but harm precision on others  Fine distinctions may be lost through stemming.
  • 26. Preprocessing: stemming >acq[[10]] Gulf Applied Technologies Inc said it sold its subsidiaries engaged in pipeline and terminal operations for 12.2 mln dlrs. The company said the sale is subject to certain post closing adjustments, which it did not explain. Reuter >stemDocument(acq[[10]]) Gulf Appli Technolog Inc said it sold it subsidiari engag in pipelin and terminal oper for 12.2 mln dlrs. The compani said the sale is subject to certain post clos adjustments, which it did not explain. Reuter >tm_map(acq, stemDocument) A corpus with 50 text documents
  • 27. Preprocessing: Whitespace elimination & lower case conversion >stripWhitespace(acq[[10]]) Gulf Applied Technologies Inc said it sold its subsidiaries engaged in pipeline and terminal operations for 12.2 mln dlrs. The company said the sale is subject to certain post closing adjustments, which it did not explain. Reuter >tolower(acq[[10]]) gulf applied technologies inc said it sold its subsidiaries engaged in pipeline and terminal operations for 12.2 mln dlrs. the company said the sale is subject to certain post closing adjustments, which it did not explain. reuter
  • 28. Preprocessing: Stopword removal Very common words, such as of, and, the, are rarely of use in information retrieval. A long stop list saves space in indexes, speeds processing, and eliminates many false hits. However, common words are sometimes significant in information retrieval, which is an argument for a short stop list. (Consider the query, "To be or not to be?")
  • 29. Preprocessing: Stopword removal Include the most common words in the English language (perhaps 50 to 250 words). Do not include words that might be important for retrieval (Among the 200 most frequently occurring words in general literature in English are time, war, home, life, water, and world). In addition, include words that are very common in context (e.g., computer, information, system in a set of computing documents).
  • 30. Preprocessing: Stopword removal about above accordingacross actually adj after afterwards again against all almost alone along already also although always among amongst an another any anyhow anyone anything anywhere are aren't around at be became because become becomes becoming been before beforehand begin beginning behind being below beside besides between beyond billion both but by can can't cannot caption co could couldn't did didn't do does doesn't don't down during each eg eight eighty either else elsewhere end ending enough etc even ever every everyone everything
  • 31. Preprocessing: Stopword removal How many words should be in the stop list? • Long list lowers recall Which words should be in list? • Some common words may have retrieval importance: -- war, home, life, water, world • In certain domains, some words are very common: -- computer, program, source, machine, language
  • 32. Preprocessing: Stopword removal >mystopwords <- c("and", "for", "in", "is", "it", "not", "the", "to") >removeWords(acq[[10]], mystopwords) Gulf Applied Technologies Inc said sold its subsidiaries engaged pipeline terminal operations 12.2 mln dlrs. The company said sale subject certain post closing adjustments, which did explain. Reuter >tm_map(acq, removeWords, mystopwords) A corpus with 50 text documents
  • 33. Preprocessing: Synonyms > library("wordnet") synonyms("company") [1] "caller" "companionship" "company" "fellowship" [5] "party" "ship’s company" "society" "troupe“ replaceWords(acq[[10]], synonyms(dict, "company"), by = "company") Tm_map(acq, replaceWords, synonyms(dict, "company"), by = "company")
  • 34. Preprocessing: Part of speech tagging >library("NLP","openNLP") s <- as.String(acq[[10]]) ## Need sentence and word token annotations. sent_token_annotator <- Maxent_Sent_Token_Annotator() word_token_annotator <- Maxent_Word_Token_Annotator() a2 <- annotate(s, list(sent_token_annotator, word_token_annotator)) pos_tag_annotator <- Maxent_POS_Tag_Annotator() #pos_tag_annotator a3 <- annotate(s, pos_tag_annotator, a2) a3w <- subset(a3, type == "word") tags <- sapply(a3w$features, "[[", "POS") sprintf("%s/%s", s[a3w], tags)
  • 35. Preprocessing: Part of speech tagging "Gulf/NNP" "Applied/NNP" "Technologies/NNP" "Inc/NNP" "said/VBD" "it/PRP" "sold/VBD" "its/PRP$" "subsidiaries/NNS" "engaged/VBN" "in/IN" "pipeline/NN" "and/CC" "terminal/NN" "operations/NNS" "for/IN" "12.2/CD" "mln/NN" "dlrs/NNS" "./." "The/DT" "company/NN" "said/VBD" "the/DT" "sale/NN" "is/VBZ" "subject/JJ" "to/TO" "certain/JJ" "post/NN" "closing/NN" "adjustments/NNS" ",/," "which/WDT" "it/PRP" "did/VBD" "not/RB" "explain/VB" "./." "Reuter/NNP“ more
  • 37. Classification using KNN K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm:  Most basic instance-based method  Data are represented in a vector space  Supervised learning , V is the finite set {v1,......,vn} the k-NN returns the most common value among the k training examples nearest to xq.
  • 39. KNN Training algorithm For each training example <x,f(x)> add the example to the list Classification algorithm Given a query instance xq to be classified Let x1,..,xk k instances which are nearest to xq Where 𝛿(a,b)=1 if a=b, else 𝛿(a,b)= 0 (Kronecker function)
  • 40. Classification using KNN : Example Two classes: Red and Blue Green is Unknown With K=3, classification is Red With k=4, classification is Blue
  • 41. How to determine the good value for k?  Determined experimentally  Start with k=1 and use a test set to validate the error rate of the classifier  Repeat with k=k+2  Choose the value of k for which the error rate is minimum  Note: k should be odd number to avoid ties
  • 42. KNN for speech classification Datasets: Size: 40 instances Barak Obama 20 speeches Mitt Romney 20 speeches Training datasets: 70% (28) Test datasets: 30% (12) Accuracy: on average more than 90%
  • 43. Speech Classification Implementation in R #initialize the R environment libs<-c("tm","plyr","class") lapply(libs,require,character.only=TRUE) #Set parameters / source directory dir.names<-c("obama","romney") path<-"E:/Ashraf/speeches" #clean text / preprocessing cleanCorpus<-function(corpus){ corpus.tmp<-tm_map(corpus,removePunctuation) corpus.tmp<-tm_map(corpus.tmp,stripWhitespace) corpus.tmp<-tm_map(corpus.tmp,tolower) corpus.tmp<-tm_map(corpus.tmp,removeWords,stopwords("english")) return (corpus.tmp) }
  • 44. Speech Classification Implementation in R #build term document matrix generateTDM<-function(,dir.path){ s.dir<-sprintf("%s/%s",dir.path, s.cor<-Corpus(DirSource(directory=s.dir,encoding="ANSI"))<-cleanCorpus(s.cor) s.tdm<-TermDocumentMatrix( s.tdm<-removeSparseTerms(s.tdm,0.7) result<-list(,tdm=s.tdm) } tdm<-lapply(dir.names,generateTDM,dir.path=path)
  • 45. Speech Classification Implementation in R #attach candidate name to each row of TDM bindCandidateToTDM<-function(tdm){ s.mat<-t(data.matrix(tdm[["tdm"]])) s.df<,StringAsFactors=FALSE) s.df<-cbind(s.df,rep(tdm[["name"]],nrow(s.df))) colnames(s.df)[ncol(s.df)]<-"targetcandidate" return (s.df) } candTDM<-lapply(tdm,bindCandidateToTDM)
  • 46. Speech Classification Implementation in R #stack the TDMs together (for both Obama and Romnie) tdm.stack<,candTDM) tdm.stack[]<-0 #hold-out / splitting training and test data sets train.idx<-sample(nrow(tdm.stack),ceiling(nrow(tdm.stack)*0.7)) test.idx<-(1:nrow(tdm.stack))[-train.idx])
  • 47. Speech Classification Implementation in R #model KNN tdm.cand<-tdm.stack[,"targetcandidate"]<-tdm.stack[,!colnames(tdm.stack)%in%"targetcandidate"] knn.pred<- knn([train.idx,],[test.idx,],tdm.cand[train.idx]) #accuracy of the prediction conf.mat<-table('Predictions'=knn.pred,Actual=tdm.cand[test.idx]) (accuracy<-(sum(diag(conf.mat))/length(test.idx))*100) #show result show(conf.mat) show(accuracy)
  • 49. References 1. Text Mining Infrastructure in R, Ingo Feinerer, Kurt Hornik, David Meyer, Vol. 25, Issue 5, Mar 2008, Journal of Statistical Software. 2. 3. 4.