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Dr Elsayed Nasser
Selling Skills
‫الرحمن‬ ‫هللا‬‫بسم‬
Dr Elsayed Nasser
•21 Years Sales & Marketing Experience in Pharmaceutical Field
( United Arab of Emirates , Egypt , Qatar, Saudi Arabia Kingdom )
•MMBA from Missouri State University USA
•Human resource ( HR ) Diploma , Cairo University
•Business Administration Diploma,Cambridge
•Sales Consultant and Business development Trainer
•Instructor in TV Programs, Cairo University, Al Menofia
University, Alsadat University
The approach
Sales presentation
Handling objections
Planning ( Preparation )
Creative selling process
Planning ( Preparation )
The Approach
Sales Presentation
Handling Objections
Follow up
Closing the sale is obtaining positive
agreement from the customer to buy
It is one of the final steps in the selling
process when the salesperson asks the
customer if he or she is ready to buy.
You should close the sale when the customer
is highly interested in product.
Closing the sale is the most important part of
the sales process
• The stage of the selling process in which the sales person
actually asks the customer to buy the product
• A restatement of the key points
• Summary of the main idea and objectives
When to close ?
1- the customer signals a readiness to move ahead (buying
2-the customer has accepted the benefits you have described.
• How to close ?
1-Summarize previously accepted benefits ,if appropriate(
always remind by good accepted benefit that your customer
searches on it and present in your product and lets convey
your confidence in the wisdom of moving ahead ).
2-Propose next steps for you and the customer.( ensures
that he or she is clear about the commitment)
3-Check for acceptance.
Close The Sale
• Look for buying signals, the things a
customer does that indicate a readiness to
buy, such as facial expressions (smiling ),
actions, and comments.
• Customer smiles after a presentation or mention of a feature or
• Customer nods head, in approval
• Customer,s face “lights up” when seeing the product
• Customer seems to be calculating, thinking, weighing options,
pros and cons, etc.
• Customer needs to move: gets up if seated, sits if standing
• Customer plays with products
• Customer exhibits relaxed traits: face, posture, movements
• Customer heads towards cash register
• Customer Takes out wallet, credit card, cheque book
• “I want it!”
• “Yes, this will do.”
• “I will go with this model.”
• “What would it cost?”
• “Do have any in stock, at this time?”
• “When can you deliver it?”
• “How exactly can I finance this purchase?”
• Useful benefits
• Suitable pack size
• Is this available in red?”
• The customer writes the product name or put the sample in a
clear place in front of him
• -Reexamining product
• Recognize opportunities.
• Help customers make a decision.
• Don't talk too much.
• Don't rush a customer.
• Focus on dominant buying motives
• Be patient
• Do not isolate the prospect
• Show confidence
• Ask for the order more than once
• Recognize closing clues / buying signals
• The salesperson summarizes the features,
advantages, and benefits of the product.
• Summarize the agreed benefits finishing
by strongest one
• You must use another type of close to truly
close the sale with this type of close.
Summary Close
• A Direct close is when a salesperson asks
for the order.
• Straightforward request to act now
• Briefly restate the products benefits.
• used when you feel the customer is going
to buy the product.
• Direct Close Ask for the sale with non-
threatening questions or statements that
get the customer ready for the close.
Direct Close
• The alternative choice close gives the
customer a choice of products rather than
asking them to buy or not to buy.
• offers a choice of options
Alternative Choice Close
• Warn the prospect about some upcoming
event that makes it more advantageous to
buy now.
• uses an event to make the consumer buy.
• These events include change in shipping
rates, price increase, or a shortage of the
• The event must be based on truth or the
buyer – salesperson relationship is
Impeding Event Close
• The trial order close is used when you
want a customer to try out a product to
close the sale.
• This is the easiest close but some
products cannot be used and returned
such as fertilizer, seed, etc.
Trial Order Close
• The balance sheet close requires that the
salesperson creates a list of pros for
buying the product and the customer
creates a list of cons for not buying the
• Another method of closing is also required
for this closing.
Balance Sheet Close
• The seller assumes that it is easier to get the prospect to
decide on a very trivial point than on the whole
proposition: “What color do you like, blue or red?” If the
prospect makes the minor decision, the seller assumes
the sale is made and begins writing up the order.
• This can upset a prospect who feels that he is being
manipulated. No one wants to feel that they have been
tricked into making a commitment. Even unsophisticated
buyers easily spot this technique.
Minor point close( Step forward )
• In this technique, the seller appeals to the buyer’s
emotions to close the sale. For example, the seller may
say, “This really is
a good deal. To be honest with you, I desperately need
to secure an order today. As you know, I work on a
straight commission basis. My wife is going to have
surgery next week, and our insurance just won’t cover…”
• Many obvious problems arise with this method. It is an
attempt to move away from focusing on the prospect’s
needs to focusing entirely on your own personal needs.
It does not develop trust or
Emotional close
• Turn an objection around so that it becomes a reason for
• Objection having resolved an objection ask now that we
have cleared that aspect
Boomerang (Objection) close
• The seller, throughout the presentation, constantly asks
questions for which the prospect most logically would
answer yes. By the end of the discussion, the buyer is so
accustomed to saying yes that when the order is
requested, the natural response is yes.
• This method is based on self-perception theory. As the
presentation progresses, the buyer begins to perceive
him as being “agreeable.” At the close, the buyer wants
to maintain this self-image and almost unthinkingly says
yes. Use of this method can destroy long-term
relationships if the buyer later feels manipulated.
Continuous ( Repeated) “Yes” close
• While asking the prospect a series of
questions, start filling out basic information
on the contract or order blank, then hand
the order form and a pen to the prospect
• The order blank close uses an order blank
to get more information from the customer
on what they want in their product.
• This close is used best when the
salesperson has a hard time keeping the
buyer focused on the sale.
Order form (Blank )Close
• The call back close is used with large
sales. This close allows the consumer
time to get additional information, think
about their decision, or work out credit
• This close requires that the salesperson
returns to finish the sale.
Call Back Close
• Which Close Encourage a customer to
make a decision between two items.
Which Close
• Service Close Offer services that
overcome obstacles or problems: gift-
wrapping, a return policy, special sales
arrangements, warranties and guarantees,
bonuses or premiums, and credit or
payment terms
Service Close
• Suggest that the opportunity to buy is brief because demand is great
and the product is in short supply
• The seller attempts to obtain commitment by describing the negative
consequences of waiting. For example, the seller may state, “If you
can’t decide now, I’ll have to offer it to another customer.”
• This method can be effective if the statement is true. However, if the
prospect really does need to act quickly, this should probably be
discussed earlier in the presentation. An earlier discussion would tend
to reduce possible mistrust and feelings of being pushed without
apparent necessity.
• Use this when a product is in short supply or when the price will be
going up in the near future.
• Example: “This is the last pair of shoes I have in your size.”
Standing room only close
• Start to walk away, then "remember" another benefit or special offer
after the prospect has relaxed his or her sales defenses
Pretend-to-Leave Close
• Do suggestion selling after the customer has made a
commitment to buy, but before payment is made or the order
• Show the item you are suggesting. Don’t just talk about it.
• Make the suggestion positive.
“This scarf will complement your coat beautifully.”
‫خيرا‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫جزاكم‬
‫حسن‬ ‫على‬‫املتابعه‬
‫عليكم‬‫والسالم‬‫وبركاته‬ ‫هللا‬‫حمة‬‫ر‬‫و‬
‫لكم‬ ‫شكرا‬
(‫تعليمه‬‫العلم‬ ‫زكاة‬ ‫أن‬ ‫إعلم‬)
‫متنوعه‬ ‫ودورات‬ ‫برامج‬‫ناصر‬ ‫السيد‬ ‫الدكتور‬
•‫؟‬ ‫اإلقناع‬‫فن‬ ‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬
•‫العمل‬‫ضغوط‬‫و‬‫الوقت‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫ادا‬ ‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬
•‫الفعال‬ ‫والتواصل‬ ‫اإلتصال‬ ‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬
•‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬‫الناجحه‬ ‫الشخصية‬
•‫اإليجابي‬‫التفكير‬ ‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬
•‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬‫العمل‬ ‫ق‬‫لسو‬ ‫الشباب‬ ‫تهيئة‬
•‫؟‬ ‫الشخصية‬ ‫املقابله‬‫تجتاز‬‫كيف‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬
•‫اإللقاء‬ ‫ن‬‫فنو‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬
•‫و‬ ‫النجاح‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬‫الذات‬‫تطوير‬
•‫ي‬ ‫اس‬‫ر‬‫الد‬‫ق‬‫التفو‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬
•‫محبوبة‬‫شخصة‬ ‫تصبح‬‫كيف‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬
‫والقيادة‬ ‫اإلدارة‬ ‫وبرامج‬ ‫دبلومات‬
•‫األعمال‬‫ة‬‫ر‬‫إدا‬ ‫دبلومة‬
•‫التشغيلي‬‫التخطيط‬‫أساسيات‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬
•‫ار‬‫ر‬‫الق‬ ‫واتخاذ‬ ‫املشكالت‬‫حل‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬
•‫املؤسسات‬ ‫في‬ ‫ي‬‫اإلدار‬‫التميز‬
•‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬21‫موظفيك‬‫لتحفيز‬ ‫طريقة‬
•‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬‫ا‬‫الشخصية‬ ‫املقابالت‬ ‫اء‬‫ر‬‫واج‬ ‫والتعين‬‫إلستقطاب‬
•‫والتقديم‬ ‫العرض‬‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬
•‫الفعال‬ ‫اف‬‫ر‬‫اإلش‬‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬
•‫التفويض‬‫ات‬‫ر‬‫ومها‬ ‫ية‬‫ر‬‫اإلدا‬‫السلطات‬ ‫تفويض‬ ‫أسس‬
•‫ية‬‫ر‬‫اإلبتكا‬ ‫ات‬‫ر‬‫ا‬‫ر‬‫الق‬ ‫إتخاذ‬‫و‬ ‫مات‬‫ز‬‫األا‬‫ة‬‫ر‬‫إدا‬
‫العمالء‬ ‫وخدمة‬ ‫التسويق‬ ‫وبرامج‬ ‫دبلومات‬
•‫واملبيعات‬ ‫التسويق‬ ‫ديلومة‬
•‫املبيعات‬ ‫دبلومة‬
•‫املبيعات‬ ‫مشرف‬‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬
•‫؟‬‫محترف‬ ‫مبيعات‬ ‫مندوب‬ ‫تصبح‬ ‫كيف‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬
•‫العمالء‬‫خدمة‬ ‫في‬‫التميز‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬
•‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬10‫؟‬‫اإلقناع‬ ‫فن‬ ‫في‬‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬
•‫؟؟‬ ‫ناجح‬ ‫مبيعات‬‫مدير‬ ‫تصبح‬ ‫كيف‬
•‫املحترف‬ ‫الطبيه‬ ‫الدعاية‬ ‫مندوب‬Medical Rep
Selling skills 6  closing dr elsayed nasser

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Elsayed Nasser
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Elsayed Nasser
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Elsayed Nasser
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دورة القيادة والإدارة للدكتور السيد ناصر Management &leadership dr elsayed na...
Elsayed Nasser
مصادر القوة والنفوذ للقيادة الإدارية د السيد ناصرTypes of power for leaders
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مصادر القوة والنفوذ للقيادة الإدارية د السيد ناصرTypes of power for leaders
Elsayed Nasser
المحاضرة الحادية عشر الترويج و رتنشيط المبيعات من دبلومة التسويق والمبيعات د ...
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المحاضرة الحادية عشر الترويج و رتنشيط المبيعات من دبلومة التسويق والمبيعات د ...
Elsayed Nasser
الخطوات الست لحل المشكلات Problem solving
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Elsayed Nasser
المحاضرة الثامنه البيع الشخصي من دبلومة التسويق والمبيعات د السيد ناصر
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المحاضرة الثامنه البيع الشخصي من دبلومة التسويق والمبيعات د السيد ناصر
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المحاضرة الثامنه البيع الشخصي من دبلومة التسويق والمبيعات د السيد ناصر

Selling skills 6 closing dr elsayed nasser

  • 2. Selling Skills ‫الرحمن‬ ‫هللا‬‫بسم‬ ‫الرحيم‬ Dr Elsayed Nasser •21 Years Sales & Marketing Experience in Pharmaceutical Field ( United Arab of Emirates , Egypt , Qatar, Saudi Arabia Kingdom ) •MMBA from Missouri State University USA •Human resource ( HR ) Diploma , Cairo University •Business Administration Diploma,Cambridge •Sales Consultant and Business development Trainer •Instructor in TV Programs, Cairo University, Al Menofia University, Alsadat University
  • 3. The approach Sales presentation Handling objections Closing Follow-up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Planning ( Preparation ) Prospecting Creative selling process
  • 4. Prospecting Planning ( Preparation ) The Approach Sales Presentation Handling Objections Closing Follow up
  • 5. Closing the sale is obtaining positive agreement from the customer to buy It is one of the final steps in the selling process when the salesperson asks the customer if he or she is ready to buy. You should close the sale when the customer is highly interested in product. Closing the sale is the most important part of the sales process
  • 6. DR_ELSAYED NASSER 6 • The stage of the selling process in which the sales person actually asks the customer to buy the product • A restatement of the key points • Summary of the main idea and objectives When to close ? 1- the customer signals a readiness to move ahead (buying signal). 2-the customer has accepted the benefits you have described. • How to close ? 1-Summarize previously accepted benefits ,if appropriate( always remind by good accepted benefit that your customer searches on it and present in your product and lets convey your confidence in the wisdom of moving ahead ). 2-Propose next steps for you and the customer.( ensures that he or she is clear about the commitment) 3-Check for acceptance. Close The Sale
  • 7. • Look for buying signals, the things a customer does that indicate a readiness to buy, such as facial expressions (smiling ), actions, and comments.
  • 8. • Customer smiles after a presentation or mention of a feature or benefit • Customer nods head, in approval • Customer,s face “lights up” when seeing the product • Customer seems to be calculating, thinking, weighing options, pros and cons, etc. • Customer needs to move: gets up if seated, sits if standing • Customer plays with products • Customer exhibits relaxed traits: face, posture, movements • Customer heads towards cash register • Customer Takes out wallet, credit card, cheque book
  • 9. • “I want it!” • “Yes, this will do.” • “I will go with this model.” • “What would it cost?” • “Do have any in stock, at this time?” • “When can you deliver it?” • “How exactly can I finance this purchase?” • Useful benefits • Suitable pack size • Is this available in red?” • The customer writes the product name or put the sample in a clear place in front of him • -Reexamining product
  • 10. • Recognize opportunities. • Help customers make a decision. • Don't talk too much. • Don't rush a customer. • Focus on dominant buying motives • Be patient • Do not isolate the prospect • Show confidence • Ask for the order more than once • Recognize closing clues / buying signals
  • 11. • The salesperson summarizes the features, advantages, and benefits of the product. • Summarize the agreed benefits finishing by strongest one • You must use another type of close to truly close the sale with this type of close. Summary Close
  • 12. • A Direct close is when a salesperson asks for the order. • Straightforward request to act now • Briefly restate the products benefits. • used when you feel the customer is going to buy the product. • Direct Close Ask for the sale with non- threatening questions or statements that get the customer ready for the close. Direct Close
  • 13. • The alternative choice close gives the customer a choice of products rather than asking them to buy or not to buy. • offers a choice of options Alternative Choice Close
  • 14. • Warn the prospect about some upcoming event that makes it more advantageous to buy now. • uses an event to make the consumer buy. • These events include change in shipping rates, price increase, or a shortage of the product. • The event must be based on truth or the buyer – salesperson relationship is harmed. Impeding Event Close
  • 15. • The trial order close is used when you want a customer to try out a product to close the sale. • This is the easiest close but some products cannot be used and returned such as fertilizer, seed, etc. Trial Order Close
  • 16. • The balance sheet close requires that the salesperson creates a list of pros for buying the product and the customer creates a list of cons for not buying the product. • Another method of closing is also required for this closing. Balance Sheet Close
  • 17. • The seller assumes that it is easier to get the prospect to decide on a very trivial point than on the whole proposition: “What color do you like, blue or red?” If the prospect makes the minor decision, the seller assumes the sale is made and begins writing up the order. • This can upset a prospect who feels that he is being manipulated. No one wants to feel that they have been tricked into making a commitment. Even unsophisticated buyers easily spot this technique. Minor point close( Step forward )
  • 18. • In this technique, the seller appeals to the buyer’s emotions to close the sale. For example, the seller may say, “This really is a good deal. To be honest with you, I desperately need to secure an order today. As you know, I work on a straight commission basis. My wife is going to have surgery next week, and our insurance just won’t cover…” • Many obvious problems arise with this method. It is an attempt to move away from focusing on the prospect’s needs to focusing entirely on your own personal needs. It does not develop trust or respect. Emotional close
  • 19. • Turn an objection around so that it becomes a reason for buying • Objection having resolved an objection ask now that we have cleared that aspect Boomerang (Objection) close
  • 20. • The seller, throughout the presentation, constantly asks questions for which the prospect most logically would answer yes. By the end of the discussion, the buyer is so accustomed to saying yes that when the order is requested, the natural response is yes. • This method is based on self-perception theory. As the presentation progresses, the buyer begins to perceive him as being “agreeable.” At the close, the buyer wants to maintain this self-image and almost unthinkingly says yes. Use of this method can destroy long-term relationships if the buyer later feels manipulated. Continuous ( Repeated) “Yes” close
  • 21. • While asking the prospect a series of questions, start filling out basic information on the contract or order blank, then hand the order form and a pen to the prospect • The order blank close uses an order blank to get more information from the customer on what they want in their product. • This close is used best when the salesperson has a hard time keeping the buyer focused on the sale. Order form (Blank )Close
  • 22. • The call back close is used with large sales. This close allows the consumer time to get additional information, think about their decision, or work out credit issues. • This close requires that the salesperson returns to finish the sale. Call Back Close
  • 23. • Which Close Encourage a customer to make a decision between two items. Which Close
  • 24. • Service Close Offer services that overcome obstacles or problems: gift- wrapping, a return policy, special sales arrangements, warranties and guarantees, bonuses or premiums, and credit or payment terms Service Close
  • 25. • Suggest that the opportunity to buy is brief because demand is great and the product is in short supply • The seller attempts to obtain commitment by describing the negative consequences of waiting. For example, the seller may state, “If you can’t decide now, I’ll have to offer it to another customer.” • This method can be effective if the statement is true. However, if the prospect really does need to act quickly, this should probably be discussed earlier in the presentation. An earlier discussion would tend to reduce possible mistrust and feelings of being pushed without apparent necessity. • Use this when a product is in short supply or when the price will be going up in the near future. • Example: “This is the last pair of shoes I have in your size.” Standing room only close
  • 26. • Start to walk away, then "remember" another benefit or special offer after the prospect has relaxed his or her sales defenses Pretend-to-Leave Close
  • 27. • Do suggestion selling after the customer has made a commitment to buy, but before payment is made or the order written. • Show the item you are suggesting. Don’t just talk about it. • Make the suggestion positive. “This scarf will complement your coat beautifully.”
  • 28.
  • 29. ‫خيرا‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫جزاكم‬ ‫حسن‬ ‫على‬‫املتابعه‬ ‫عليكم‬‫والسالم‬‫وبركاته‬ ‫هللا‬‫حمة‬‫ر‬‫و‬ ‫لكم‬ ‫شكرا‬ (‫تعليمه‬‫العلم‬ ‫زكاة‬ ‫أن‬ ‫إعلم‬) DR.ELSAYED NASSER
  • 30. ‫متنوعه‬ ‫ودورات‬ ‫برامج‬‫ناصر‬ ‫السيد‬ ‫الدكتور‬ •‫؟‬ ‫اإلقناع‬‫فن‬ ‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬ •‫العمل‬‫ضغوط‬‫و‬‫الوقت‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫ادا‬ ‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬ •‫الفعال‬ ‫والتواصل‬ ‫اإلتصال‬ ‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬ •‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬‫الناجحه‬ ‫الشخصية‬ •‫اإليجابي‬‫التفكير‬ ‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬ •‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬‫العمل‬ ‫ق‬‫لسو‬ ‫الشباب‬ ‫تهيئة‬ •‫؟‬ ‫الشخصية‬ ‫املقابله‬‫تجتاز‬‫كيف‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬ •‫اإللقاء‬ ‫ن‬‫فنو‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬ •‫و‬ ‫النجاح‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬‫الذات‬‫تطوير‬ •‫ي‬ ‫اس‬‫ر‬‫الد‬‫ق‬‫التفو‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬ •‫محبوبة‬‫شخصة‬ ‫تصبح‬‫كيف‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬
  • 31. ‫والقيادة‬ ‫اإلدارة‬ ‫وبرامج‬ ‫دبلومات‬ •‫األعمال‬‫ة‬‫ر‬‫إدا‬ ‫دبلومة‬ •‫القيادية‬‫ات‬‫ر‬‫املها‬‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬ •‫التشغيلي‬‫التخطيط‬‫أساسيات‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬ •‫ار‬‫ر‬‫الق‬ ‫واتخاذ‬ ‫املشكالت‬‫حل‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬ •‫املؤسسات‬ ‫في‬ ‫ي‬‫اإلدار‬‫التميز‬ •‫الناجح‬‫املدير‬‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬ •‫الكوتشنج‬‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬(‫الفعال‬‫التوجيه‬) •‫الفعاله‬‫اإلجتماعات‬‫ة‬‫ر‬‫ادا‬‫ة‬‫ر‬‫مها‬ •‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬21‫موظفيك‬‫لتحفيز‬ ‫طريقة‬ •‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬‫ا‬‫الشخصية‬ ‫املقابالت‬ ‫اء‬‫ر‬‫واج‬ ‫والتعين‬‫إلستقطاب‬ •‫والتقديم‬ ‫العرض‬‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬ •‫الفعال‬ ‫اف‬‫ر‬‫اإلش‬‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬ •‫التفويض‬‫ات‬‫ر‬‫ومها‬ ‫ية‬‫ر‬‫اإلدا‬‫السلطات‬ ‫تفويض‬ ‫أسس‬ •‫ية‬‫ر‬‫اإلبتكا‬ ‫ات‬‫ر‬‫ا‬‫ر‬‫الق‬ ‫إتخاذ‬‫و‬ ‫مات‬‫ز‬‫األا‬‫ة‬‫ر‬‫إدا‬
  • 32. ‫العمالء‬ ‫وخدمة‬ ‫التسويق‬ ‫وبرامج‬ ‫دبلومات‬ •‫واملبيعات‬ ‫التسويق‬ ‫ديلومة‬ •‫املبيعات‬ ‫دبلومة‬ •‫املبيعات‬ ‫مشرف‬‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬ •‫؟‬‫محترف‬ ‫مبيعات‬ ‫مندوب‬ ‫تصبح‬ ‫كيف‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬ •‫البيعيه‬‫ات‬‫ر‬‫املها‬ •‫العمالء‬‫خدمة‬ ‫في‬‫التميز‬ ‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬ •‫ة‬‫ر‬‫دو‬10‫؟‬‫اإلقناع‬ ‫فن‬ ‫في‬‫ات‬‫ر‬‫مها‬ •‫؟؟‬ ‫ناجح‬ ‫مبيعات‬‫مدير‬ ‫تصبح‬ ‫كيف‬ •‫املحترف‬ ‫الطبيه‬ ‫الدعاية‬ ‫مندوب‬Medical Rep