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Osteoarthritis and its possible treatments
Valeria Rivera University of Puerto Rico-Cayey, Cayey, PR 00736

        Arthritis affects millions of people per year. Around, 350 million people in the
world. It is a disease that everyone could suffer from. The risks are higher after the age of
40. Some risks include obesity, joint malformation, injuries, and inheritance.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of arthritis in humans and in dogs. There is
no specific treatment whatsoever, but there are some possible treatments depending on
severity of the disease and personal reactions. This paper focuses on nutrients like
Glucosamine/ Chondroitin Sulfate, Col-3 Inhibition, NSAID, physical rehabilitation, and
surgery. Researchers, such as McCarty et al. 2006, obtained positive effects using Glu/CS
from day 70. PROM exercise is widely used as therapy for dogs as well as physical
rehabilitation. This involves the use of physical agents like hear water, cold, and
electricity (Johnston et al., 2008).

Keywords: Osteoarthritis; Canines; Treatments; Surgery

1. Introduction                                   treatments that are still on trial since
         Arthritis includes the different         there is not a completely convincing
joint degradation and inflammation that           determined treatment for OA. The most
occur in most joint disorders. The most           commonly used and recommended
common         type     of     arthritis    is    treatment    is    Nonsteroidal     anti-
Osteoarthritis (OA). Twenty-five per              inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
cent (25%) to 30% of dogs suffer from
arthritis or hip dysplasia. It is described       2. Glucosamine hydrochloride and
by a low level of inflammation that               Chondroitin Sulfate
increases to degenerate joints. Arthritis                 The first article to report the use
can be caused by injuries, obesity,               of Glucosamine/Chondroitin Sulfate
inheritance, and joint malformation.              (Glu/CS) as a treatment for osteoarthritis
Patients of arthritis are all over the world      in dogs used carprofen as a positive
and total approximately 350 million               control (McCarty et al., 2006). Thirty-
people. Commonly, symptoms begin at               five dogs (Canis familiaris) with
the age of 40. Blood and urine test are           osteoarthritis were clinically examined
taken as examinations of arthritis along          in the research. This research included a
with x-rays. Symptoms comprise pain,              pre-treatment evaluation where samples
lameness and muscle atrophy, swelling             were collected for baseline hematology
of joints, stiffness, and lost of mobility.       (blood tests). The researchers orally
         Other animals such as cats and           induced the recommended dose of
horses suffer from osteoarthritis. Dogs           Glu/CS in 16 dogs and the suggested
are excellent models for studying                 amount, as well, of carprofen in 19 dogs.
osteoarthritis and can even be cured              Dogs weighing 5-19 kg (11-39lbs) were
during test treatments. Neither a specific        given 1g of the Glu/CS twice daily. Dogs
cure nor treatments for Osteoarthritis            weighting 20-40 kg (40-82lbs) were
(OA) currently exist. There are some              given 1.5g twice daily. Dogs weighing
40 kg (82lbs) or over were given 2g           better results and an improvement in the
twice daily. For the positive control         use of glucosamine hydrochloride and
carprofen, dogs were given 2mg/kg body        chondroitin sulfate as indicated by
weight twice daily for 7 days. After that,    McCarthy et al. Chondoprotectant is a
daily maintenance dose for dogs was           term used to designate compounds that
2mg/kg body weight. These dogs were           have a positive effect on the health and
re-evaluated by veterinarians who             metabolism of chondrocytes and
recorded observations with a scoring          synoviocytes. Some of the expected
system based on lameness, joint               outcomes cover an enhancement in
mobility, pain on palpation, weight-          metabolism      of    chondrocyte    and
bearing, and an overall score of clinical     synoviocyte that can potentially suppress
condition ranging from 1 to 5 from not        inflammation. It inhibits degradative
affected to very severely affected.           enzymes within the synovial fluid and
Evaluations were taken on days 14, 42,        cartilage matrix and also inhibits the
70 and 98. Treatment ended on day 70.         formation of clots in small blood vessels
Veterinarians      and    owners      were    in the joint area as cited by Beale in
unfamiliar with the treatments provided.      McCarthy et al., 2006.
         Convincing        results       of
improvements in pain, weight-bearing          3. COL-3 inhibition
and overall condition, were obtained                   Joint degradation is determined
from day 70 when using Glu/CS as a            in matrix-degrading proteases by
treatment for dogs with osteoarthritis.       articular tissues. In this case, matrix
Improvements of dogs using carprofen          metalloproteinase       (MMPs)        and
were obtained at a faster rate - in day 42    cathepsins are used.         MMPs are
unlike for dogs treated with Glu/CS.          proteases that break peptide bonds inside
Nevertheless, the usage of Glu/CS over        protein molecules into polymers.
time, (until day 98) produced better          Researchers used (6 diethyl)-6-deoxy-4-
results than while using carprofen.           dedimethylamino tetracycline COL-3 for
According to McCarthy et. al, the use of      arthritis therapy because it minimizes
Glu/CS has been shown to protect              production of MMPs and also inhibits
against chemically induced synovitis          MMP activity, as Hanemaaijer et al., in
(inflammation        of   the      synovial   Muir P 2007 noted. The cranial cruciate
membrane, the lining of the joints) in        ligament (CCL), an important ligament
dogs by stimulating cartilage metabolism      in the knee, can rapture causing joint
and by inhibiting its degradation. A          instability, pain, and lameness. To
similar consequence was obtained in           explore a way of ameliorating joint
reducing symptoms of OA in humans.            degradation, researchers tested the
         Investigations demonstrated that     effects of COL-3 on collagen
the use of Glu/CS in dogs with                fragmentations of CCL. The CCL where
osteoarthritis has a satisfying clinical      obtained from 33 client dogs during
effect. (McCarthy et al. 2006) With these     surgical treatment. The dogs were from
results further research could be realized    5.3 to 2.6 years old and weighted about
observing the reaction of Glu/CS for a        10 to 36 kg (20 to 74 lbs.). Also, CCLs
period longer than 70 days. A more            were retracted from 13 other dogs with
complex test, such as a force plate gait      normal stifles. These were cultured in 12
analysis, should be created to determine      well plates with 1nL of culture medium
(Serum-free     Dulbecco’s       modified     are cyclooxygenase inhibiting anti-
Eagle’s           medium              with    inflammatory drugs. Cyclooxygenase is
20mMHEPES).Three explant culture              an enzyme that forms prostaglandins
(taking living material and placing it in a   which causes inflammation. There are
substance to preserve it) experiments         two isoforms of COX, COX-1 and
were realized. The first experiment was       COX-2. Both are found in canine’s
duplicating the CCL, one for baseline         kidneys. The recommended dose is 1 to
control and the other one for COL-3. In       2 mg/kg/day. DERAMAXX is only used
the second experiment, the two CCL            for dogs not humans. Like the majority
explants were set up respectively. In the     of the NSAIDS, DERMAXX can
third experiment, triplicate from each        produce some side effects specially
ruptured CCL specimen were set. They          when used with other NSAIDS.
consisted of a positive inhibitor, a base     According to The National Institute of
line control, and a protease inhibitor        Health (NIH), DERAMAXX may
cocktail. With their results, the             produce gastrointestinal ulcerations and
investigators concluded that using .          inhibit prostaglandins which maintain
0010M of COL-3 the degradation could          normal       homeostatic        function.
be inhibited.                                 Researchers conducted an investigation
                                              using cloned canines cyclooxygenase
                                              with a dose of 2 to 4 mg/kg/day but
4. NSAIDs                                     DERAMAXX tablets did not inhibited
         Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory      COX-1.Its clinical relevance has not
drugs (NSAID) are the most common             been shown. In clinical trials of
treatment of osteoarthritis. They control     DERAMAXX, healthy dogs were given
clinical    signs    of     inflammation.     daily doses, respective of body weight
Carprofen is one of the newest NSAIDs         30 minutes after a meal. The process was
accepted for use in dogs. A reasonable        repeated for 60 days. No abnormal
improve in comfort is found using the         findings were obtained, and physical
recommended dosage of carprofen.              tests were normal as well as urinary test.
Some NSAIDs include Etodolac,                 The consumption of food and water
Aspirine, and Firocoxib which has been        remained normal and weight too.
recently approved. Side effects include
vomiting and diarrhea.                         5. Physical rehabilitation
         Tepoxalin is a dual inhibitor of             Physical rehabilitation involves
cyclooxygenase          (COX)         and     the use of physical agents consisting of
lipoxygenase (LOX). As a result, the          heat, cold, electricity, exercise, and
generation of leukotrienes (fatty             water. Positive improvements in terms of
molecules of the immune system that           blood flow are significant and reduce the
increase inflammation and asthma) are         risk of muscle damage. Moist heat is
decreased, increasing recovery from           used to increase blood flow in the
inflammation. The patient will as a           region. This helps in preventing
consequence feel less pain as COX and         degradation of ligaments.
LOX are inhibited.                                    While using these pads the
         DERAMAXX is used in the              temperature needs to be around 104 F
veterinary market to control pain and         and 109 F, and the dog’s skin needs to be
inflammation due to osteoarthritis. They      constantly monitored to avoid burns.
Usually, heat therapy is combined with         numbness and some particles could be
other types of physiotherapy such as           released     (Health     central    2006).
massages and passive exercise.                 Osteoplasty is another surgical treatment
        Passive range of motion exercise       consisting of scarping deteriorating bone
(PROM), promotes sensory awareness             from the joint. It is considered a surgical
and improved circulation. In addition to       repair. (Springhouse 2005).
PROM, stretching exercises increase
tissue extensibility. Likewise, warm           7. Conclusion
baths, electric stimulation, and therapy               A variety of new treatments are
with a physioball, are used to treat           currently being studied. It is of great joy
osteoarthritis resulting in benefits for the   to know that there are people who care
patients-canines.         In       contrast,   about this disease affecting cats, dogs,
Cryotherapy (hypothermia) is applied           horses and humans.
using ice packs and cold compression                   This paper has demonstrated
wraps to support vasoconstriction and          some of the drugs used as treatments for
skeletal muscle relaxation. These reduce       osteoarthritis. Glucosamine/ Chondroitin
blood flow and analgesia (inability to         Sulfate have shown some positive
feel pain while conscious). (Johnston et       effects based on the previous research
al.) Weight control and weight loss            made. Likewise, the use of PROM will
decreases the severity of hind and limb        benefit dogs in feeling less pain and
weakness.                                      gaining back their joint mobility. Since
                                               weight is an important factor in
6. Surgery                                     preventing arthritis, dogs should be feed
        The last method used for treating      a regular balanced diet and include
and relieving osteoarthritis pain is           exercise in their daily activities. There is
surgical procedures. There are different       no doubt that this practice will benefit
surgeries, and the most commonly done          humans promoting blood circulation and
is knee surgery. Arthroscopy is                joint movement. By investigating and
performed as a method to clean the bone        discovering new treatments, animals and
segment      where     inflammation     is     humans will surely benefit from those
occurring. It is a minor surgery. Another      experiments. The dogs used as models
procedure is Arthroplasty in which MD          while     studying      the     effect    of
replaces the joint (DailyMed 2009).            Glucosamine/ Chondroitin Sulfate were
These are prosthetic joint implants. It is     pets whose owners’ permitted testing.
commonly used when osteoarthritis is           Researchers obtained convincing results.
sever making mobility almost impossible        Deramaxx is another pain reliever
for the patient. Hip and knee                  especially for dogs, and it has also
replacement are the most common and            shown some positive results. Adequan is
the most successful. Less common               a drug that treats arthritis especially for
replacement of joints are those of the         dogs too. Both are available in the
shoulders, elbows, fingers, and wrists.        veterinary market. In most of these
Complications are not common, and              investigations,     researchers        found
comprise 1 % of deaths within 3 months.        different aspects that have to be realized
Complications include blood clots,             for a better finding of a medication that
infection, and hip dislocation. Some           will treat at best osteoarthritis. Positive
other complications may be uneven legs,        results may be obtained following the
instructions of an MD regarding the                McAllister H, Seed M, Mooney
recommended dosage. After all of the               C. 2006.
findings, osteoarthritis remains a branch          Randomised double-blind,
for further investigations to maximize             positive-controlled trial     to
efficacy.                                   assess the       efficacy     of
                                                   glucosamine/chondrotin sulfate
Cited Literature                                   for the treatment of dogs with
DailyMed.[Internet]. [updated 12/2009].            osteoarthritis. The  Veterinary
       Deramaxx Chewable Tablets.                  Journal.174, 54-61.
       Available          from:    Muir P, Manley P, Hao Z. 2007. COL-3
       med/drugInfo.cfm?id=13932                     inhibition     of   collagen
                                                     fragmentation in     ruptured
Health Center (HC)[Internet]. [Reviewed              cranial cruciate      ligament
       2006 April19]. My Osteoarthritis     explants         from dogs     with stifle
       Central.        Available from:      arthritis.       The Veterinary              Journal         174, 403-406.
       145_3.html                           Springhouse. Professional Guide to
                                            Disease,       (eight edition).
Johnston S, McLaughlin R, Budsberg S.              [Internet].     [Cited 2005].
       2008. Nonsurgical Management                Available from:
       of Osteoarthritis   in Dogs.      
       Elsevier Inc.                               /o/osteoarthritis/book-diseases-
McCarthy G, O’Donovan J, Jones B,

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  • 1. Osteoarthritis and its possible treatments Valeria Rivera University of Puerto Rico-Cayey, Cayey, PR 00736 Abstract Arthritis affects millions of people per year. Around, 350 million people in the world. It is a disease that everyone could suffer from. The risks are higher after the age of 40. Some risks include obesity, joint malformation, injuries, and inheritance. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of arthritis in humans and in dogs. There is no specific treatment whatsoever, but there are some possible treatments depending on severity of the disease and personal reactions. This paper focuses on nutrients like Glucosamine/ Chondroitin Sulfate, Col-3 Inhibition, NSAID, physical rehabilitation, and surgery. Researchers, such as McCarty et al. 2006, obtained positive effects using Glu/CS from day 70. PROM exercise is widely used as therapy for dogs as well as physical rehabilitation. This involves the use of physical agents like hear water, cold, and electricity (Johnston et al., 2008). Keywords: Osteoarthritis; Canines; Treatments; Surgery 1. Introduction treatments that are still on trial since Arthritis includes the different there is not a completely convincing joint degradation and inflammation that determined treatment for OA. The most occur in most joint disorders. The most commonly used and recommended common type of arthritis is treatment is Nonsteroidal anti- Osteoarthritis (OA). Twenty-five per inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). cent (25%) to 30% of dogs suffer from arthritis or hip dysplasia. It is described 2. Glucosamine hydrochloride and by a low level of inflammation that Chondroitin Sulfate increases to degenerate joints. Arthritis The first article to report the use can be caused by injuries, obesity, of Glucosamine/Chondroitin Sulfate inheritance, and joint malformation. (Glu/CS) as a treatment for osteoarthritis Patients of arthritis are all over the world in dogs used carprofen as a positive and total approximately 350 million control (McCarty et al., 2006). Thirty- people. Commonly, symptoms begin at five dogs (Canis familiaris) with the age of 40. Blood and urine test are osteoarthritis were clinically examined taken as examinations of arthritis along in the research. This research included a with x-rays. Symptoms comprise pain, pre-treatment evaluation where samples lameness and muscle atrophy, swelling were collected for baseline hematology of joints, stiffness, and lost of mobility. (blood tests). The researchers orally Other animals such as cats and induced the recommended dose of horses suffer from osteoarthritis. Dogs Glu/CS in 16 dogs and the suggested are excellent models for studying amount, as well, of carprofen in 19 dogs. osteoarthritis and can even be cured Dogs weighing 5-19 kg (11-39lbs) were during test treatments. Neither a specific given 1g of the Glu/CS twice daily. Dogs cure nor treatments for Osteoarthritis weighting 20-40 kg (40-82lbs) were (OA) currently exist. There are some given 1.5g twice daily. Dogs weighing
  • 2. 40 kg (82lbs) or over were given 2g better results and an improvement in the twice daily. For the positive control use of glucosamine hydrochloride and carprofen, dogs were given 2mg/kg body chondroitin sulfate as indicated by weight twice daily for 7 days. After that, McCarthy et al. Chondoprotectant is a daily maintenance dose for dogs was term used to designate compounds that 2mg/kg body weight. These dogs were have a positive effect on the health and re-evaluated by veterinarians who metabolism of chondrocytes and recorded observations with a scoring synoviocytes. Some of the expected system based on lameness, joint outcomes cover an enhancement in mobility, pain on palpation, weight- metabolism of chondrocyte and bearing, and an overall score of clinical synoviocyte that can potentially suppress condition ranging from 1 to 5 from not inflammation. It inhibits degradative affected to very severely affected. enzymes within the synovial fluid and Evaluations were taken on days 14, 42, cartilage matrix and also inhibits the 70 and 98. Treatment ended on day 70. formation of clots in small blood vessels Veterinarians and owners were in the joint area as cited by Beale in unfamiliar with the treatments provided. McCarthy et al., 2006. Convincing results of improvements in pain, weight-bearing 3. COL-3 inhibition and overall condition, were obtained Joint degradation is determined from day 70 when using Glu/CS as a in matrix-degrading proteases by treatment for dogs with osteoarthritis. articular tissues. In this case, matrix Improvements of dogs using carprofen metalloproteinase (MMPs) and were obtained at a faster rate - in day 42 cathepsins are used. MMPs are unlike for dogs treated with Glu/CS. proteases that break peptide bonds inside Nevertheless, the usage of Glu/CS over protein molecules into polymers. time, (until day 98) produced better Researchers used (6 diethyl)-6-deoxy-4- results than while using carprofen. dedimethylamino tetracycline COL-3 for According to McCarthy et. al, the use of arthritis therapy because it minimizes Glu/CS has been shown to protect production of MMPs and also inhibits against chemically induced synovitis MMP activity, as Hanemaaijer et al., in (inflammation of the synovial Muir P 2007 noted. The cranial cruciate membrane, the lining of the joints) in ligament (CCL), an important ligament dogs by stimulating cartilage metabolism in the knee, can rapture causing joint and by inhibiting its degradation. A instability, pain, and lameness. To similar consequence was obtained in explore a way of ameliorating joint reducing symptoms of OA in humans. degradation, researchers tested the Investigations demonstrated that effects of COL-3 on collagen the use of Glu/CS in dogs with fragmentations of CCL. The CCL where osteoarthritis has a satisfying clinical obtained from 33 client dogs during effect. (McCarthy et al. 2006) With these surgical treatment. The dogs were from results further research could be realized 5.3 to 2.6 years old and weighted about observing the reaction of Glu/CS for a 10 to 36 kg (20 to 74 lbs.). Also, CCLs period longer than 70 days. A more were retracted from 13 other dogs with complex test, such as a force plate gait normal stifles. These were cultured in 12 analysis, should be created to determine well plates with 1nL of culture medium
  • 3. (Serum-free Dulbecco’s modified are cyclooxygenase inhibiting anti- Eagle’s medium with inflammatory drugs. Cyclooxygenase is 20mMHEPES).Three explant culture an enzyme that forms prostaglandins (taking living material and placing it in a which causes inflammation. There are substance to preserve it) experiments two isoforms of COX, COX-1 and were realized. The first experiment was COX-2. Both are found in canine’s duplicating the CCL, one for baseline kidneys. The recommended dose is 1 to control and the other one for COL-3. In 2 mg/kg/day. DERAMAXX is only used the second experiment, the two CCL for dogs not humans. Like the majority explants were set up respectively. In the of the NSAIDS, DERMAXX can third experiment, triplicate from each produce some side effects specially ruptured CCL specimen were set. They when used with other NSAIDS. consisted of a positive inhibitor, a base According to The National Institute of line control, and a protease inhibitor Health (NIH), DERAMAXX may cocktail. With their results, the produce gastrointestinal ulcerations and investigators concluded that using . inhibit prostaglandins which maintain 0010M of COL-3 the degradation could normal homeostatic function. be inhibited. Researchers conducted an investigation using cloned canines cyclooxygenase with a dose of 2 to 4 mg/kg/day but 4. NSAIDs DERAMAXX tablets did not inhibited Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory COX-1.Its clinical relevance has not drugs (NSAID) are the most common been shown. In clinical trials of treatment of osteoarthritis. They control DERAMAXX, healthy dogs were given clinical signs of inflammation. daily doses, respective of body weight Carprofen is one of the newest NSAIDs 30 minutes after a meal. The process was accepted for use in dogs. A reasonable repeated for 60 days. No abnormal improve in comfort is found using the findings were obtained, and physical recommended dosage of carprofen. tests were normal as well as urinary test. Some NSAIDs include Etodolac, The consumption of food and water Aspirine, and Firocoxib which has been remained normal and weight too. recently approved. Side effects include vomiting and diarrhea. 5. Physical rehabilitation Tepoxalin is a dual inhibitor of Physical rehabilitation involves cyclooxygenase (COX) and the use of physical agents consisting of lipoxygenase (LOX). As a result, the heat, cold, electricity, exercise, and generation of leukotrienes (fatty water. Positive improvements in terms of molecules of the immune system that blood flow are significant and reduce the increase inflammation and asthma) are risk of muscle damage. Moist heat is decreased, increasing recovery from used to increase blood flow in the inflammation. The patient will as a region. This helps in preventing consequence feel less pain as COX and degradation of ligaments. LOX are inhibited. While using these pads the DERAMAXX is used in the temperature needs to be around 104 F veterinary market to control pain and and 109 F, and the dog’s skin needs to be inflammation due to osteoarthritis. They constantly monitored to avoid burns.
  • 4. Usually, heat therapy is combined with numbness and some particles could be other types of physiotherapy such as released (Health central 2006). massages and passive exercise. Osteoplasty is another surgical treatment Passive range of motion exercise consisting of scarping deteriorating bone (PROM), promotes sensory awareness from the joint. It is considered a surgical and improved circulation. In addition to repair. (Springhouse 2005). PROM, stretching exercises increase tissue extensibility. Likewise, warm 7. Conclusion baths, electric stimulation, and therapy A variety of new treatments are with a physioball, are used to treat currently being studied. It is of great joy osteoarthritis resulting in benefits for the to know that there are people who care patients-canines. In contrast, about this disease affecting cats, dogs, Cryotherapy (hypothermia) is applied horses and humans. using ice packs and cold compression This paper has demonstrated wraps to support vasoconstriction and some of the drugs used as treatments for skeletal muscle relaxation. These reduce osteoarthritis. Glucosamine/ Chondroitin blood flow and analgesia (inability to Sulfate have shown some positive feel pain while conscious). (Johnston et effects based on the previous research al.) Weight control and weight loss made. Likewise, the use of PROM will decreases the severity of hind and limb benefit dogs in feeling less pain and weakness. gaining back their joint mobility. Since weight is an important factor in 6. Surgery preventing arthritis, dogs should be feed The last method used for treating a regular balanced diet and include and relieving osteoarthritis pain is exercise in their daily activities. There is surgical procedures. There are different no doubt that this practice will benefit surgeries, and the most commonly done humans promoting blood circulation and is knee surgery. Arthroscopy is joint movement. By investigating and performed as a method to clean the bone discovering new treatments, animals and segment where inflammation is humans will surely benefit from those occurring. It is a minor surgery. Another experiments. The dogs used as models procedure is Arthroplasty in which MD while studying the effect of replaces the joint (DailyMed 2009). Glucosamine/ Chondroitin Sulfate were These are prosthetic joint implants. It is pets whose owners’ permitted testing. commonly used when osteoarthritis is Researchers obtained convincing results. sever making mobility almost impossible Deramaxx is another pain reliever for the patient. Hip and knee especially for dogs, and it has also replacement are the most common and shown some positive results. Adequan is the most successful. Less common a drug that treats arthritis especially for replacement of joints are those of the dogs too. Both are available in the shoulders, elbows, fingers, and wrists. veterinary market. In most of these Complications are not common, and investigations, researchers found comprise 1 % of deaths within 3 months. different aspects that have to be realized Complications include blood clots, for a better finding of a medication that infection, and hip dislocation. Some will treat at best osteoarthritis. Positive other complications may be uneven legs, results may be obtained following the
  • 5. instructions of an MD regarding the McAllister H, Seed M, Mooney recommended dosage. After all of the C. 2006. findings, osteoarthritis remains a branch Randomised double-blind, for further investigations to maximize positive-controlled trial to efficacy. assess the efficacy of glucosamine/chondrotin sulfate Cited Literature for the treatment of dogs with DailyMed.[Internet]. [updated 12/2009]. osteoarthritis. The Veterinary Deramaxx Chewable Tablets. Journal.174, 54-61. Available from: Muir P, Manley P, Hao Z. 2007. COL-3 med/drugInfo.cfm?id=13932 inhibition of collagen fragmentation in ruptured Health Center (HC)[Internet]. [Reviewed cranial cruciate ligament 2006 April19]. My Osteoarthritis explants from dogs with stifle Central. Available from: arthritis. The Veterinary Journal 174, 403-406. eoarthritis/index-000035_11- 145_3.html Springhouse. Professional Guide to Disease, (eight edition). Johnston S, McLaughlin R, Budsberg S. [Internet]. [Cited 2005]. 2008. Nonsurgical Management Available from: of Osteoarthritis in Dogs. Elsevier Inc. /o/osteoarthritis/book-diseases- 7c.htm McCarthy G, O’Donovan J, Jones B,