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Undergo revascularization procedures
Improved survival
Increased number of patients
with residual LV dysfunction
undergoing progressive LV
remodeling and congestive heart
 In these patients, coronary revascularization may lead to
symptomatic and prognostic improvement
 These clinical benefits are accompanied by evidence of
reverse LV remodeling
In the early 1980s, Rahimtoola et al reviewed the results of
coronary bypass surgery trials and identified patients with CAD
and chronic LV dysfunction that improved by revascularization
CASS (coronary artery surgery study ) REGISTRY
Data from the coronary artery surgery study (CASS) registry
for patients with LVEF < 35% involved 651 patients.
• The five year survival was significantly better in surgical
patients (68%) than in the medical group (54%).
• The contrast was even more in patients with LVEF < 26% whose
five year survival was 63% with surgery, but 43% with medical
Thus came the concept of myocardial viability and
with it came the new terms such as hibernation and
 Viable myocardium must have the following characteristics
1. The ability to generate ATP
2. have an intact sarcolemma, to maintain
ionic/electrochemical gradients, and
3. Have sufficient perfusion
4. The term “viable” implies nothing with regard to
contractile state
 There are two tissue states that exhibit sustained
contractile dysfunction despite meeting the three
 Stunned myocardium
 Hibernating myocardium.
 First documented by Heyndrickx et al. in the mid- 1970s
 They concluded that brief periods of coronary occlusion
resulted in prolonged depression of myocardial function in
the ischemic zone.
 While regional electrograms return to normal within
seconds and the coronary flow restored rapidly, functional
derangement lasts for several hours.
Published October, 1975
 Brief period of ischemia
followed by restoration of
 Subsequent LV
dysfunction of limited
 Perfusion-contraction
 Normal resting perfusion
 Decreased MBF reserve
Bolli R. Mechanism of myocardial stunning. Circulation 1990;82: 723–8.
Hearse DJ, Bolli R. Reperfusion induced injury: manifestations, mechanisms and clinical relevance. Cardiovasc
There are 2 major hypotheses for myocardial stunning:
(1) a oxygen-free radical hypothesis and
(2) a calcium overload hypothesis
 Dysfunction may persist as long as 6 weeks post-insult
 Duration and severity of ischemia determine the duration of
post-ischemia/reperfusion dysfunction
 Normal cardiac contraction depends on the
maintenance of calcium cycling and homeostasis
across the mitochondrial membrane and sarcoplasmic
reticulum during each cardiac cycle.
 Brief ischemia followed by reperfusion-
accumulation of calcium and a partial failure of normal
beat to beat calcium cycling - damages Ca2+ pump
and ion channels of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
 This results in the electromechanical uncoupling of
energy generation from contraction that characterizes
myocardial stunning
 Is a state of persistently impaired myocardial function at
rest due to reduced coronary blood flow
 The physiology of hibernation involves reduced myocardial
blood flow, particularly to the subendocardium
 Resting blood flow may be reduced at rest but coronary
flow reserve is always reduced
Rahimtoola SH The hibernating myocardium Am Heart 1989;117:211-221
Ultra structural changes
 Alteration of structural
proteins & metabolism to a
more fetal form - Smart heart
 Apoptosis and fibrosis
 Disorganization of the
 Loss of myofilaments
 Occurrence of large areas
filled with glycogen
 Ionic instability
Stenosis and flow relationship
 Coronary stenosis between
40 – 50% percent does not
alter resting MBF and
coronary flow reserve
 Between 40 and 80 percent
stenosis, resting MBF is
normal, but MBF reserve
flow is diminished
 A stenosis greater than 80
percent is associated with a
reduction in resting blood
Gould KL, Lipscomb K, Hamilton GW. Physiologic basis for assessing critical coronary stenosis.
Instantaneous flow response and regional distribution during coronary hyperemia as measures of coronary
flow reserve. Am J Cardiol 1974;33:87–94.
 Recent data suggest that myocardial blood flow in hibernation
may not be decreased at rest to an extent that would account for
the degree of cardiac dysfunction
 It is now believed that hibernating myocardium is a
manifestation of repeated myocardial stunning as a result of
impaired coronary flow reserve
 In severe coronary disease, the limited flow reserve causes
repeated myocardial ischemia  repeated stunning 
 Gerber BLJL, Vanoverschelde JL, Bol A, et al. Myocardial blood flow, glucose uptake and recruitment of inotropic
reserve in chronic left ventricular ischaemic dysfunction
 Unstable and stable angina
 Acute myocardial infarction
 Left-ventricular dysfunction +_congestive heart
 Anomalous left coronary artery from the
pulmonary artery
Myocardial viability
 Nearly 50-60% of pts with Ischemic HF have substantial
viable myocardium
 Substantial viable myocardium means presence of viability
in at least 25% of LV myocardium ( ≥4 segments)
 Revascularization in such patients is likely to lead to a
significant ↑ in LVEF (by ≥5%)
Schinkel et al. Am J Cardiol 2001;88:561-4
Bax et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 1999;34:163-9
Why should viable myocardium be
 Improvement of regional and global LV systolic function
 Remodeling is reversed
 Survival is increased
 Decrease of the composite of myocardial infarction, heart
failure, and unstable angina
Ferrari R. Myocardial hibernation. An adaptive phenomenon? In: Yellon DM, Rahimtoola SH, Opic LH, New Ischemic
Syndromes. New York, NY: Authors Publishing House, 1997:204–14
Rahimtoola SH, La Canna G, Ferrari R. Hibernating myocardium: another piece of the puzzle falls into place. J Am Coll Cardiol
The role of viability testing
 Observational series suggest that viability testing is useful to identify
patients likely to benefit from revascularization
 In a meta-analysis of 24 studies of viability testing in 3088 patients
with CAD and systolic dysfunction (Tl-201 SPECT (n- 6) FDG-PET (n-11), or DbE (n
- 8) to assess HM)
 In Patients with viability 1-year mortality was 16% in the OMT patient
and 3.2% in patients who had revascularization
 There was no difference in mortality among the patients who did not
had viability
Allman KC, Shaw LJ, Hachamovitch R, Udelson JE: Myocardial viability testing and impact of revascularization on
prognosis in patients with coronary artery disease and left ventricular dysfunction: A meta-analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol
39:1151, 2002.)
Allman KC, Shaw LJ, Hachamovitch R, Udelson JE: Myocardial viability testing and impact of
revascularization on prognosis in patients with coronary artery disease and left ventricular
dysfunction: A meta-analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 39:1151, 2002.)
 Excess death in the population with hibernating
myocardium is to a large extent sudden, presumably
arrhythmic death
 Scar formation and a reduction and inhomogeneity of
connexin 43 expression in HM may contribute to
alterations in electrical impulse propagation and reentry
 Isolated myocytes from HM are hypertrophied and have
striking prolongation of the action potential and EAD
 Bito V, Heinzel FR et al. Cellular mechanisms of contractile dysfunction in hibernating
myocardium. Cellular remodeling in hibernation.Circ Res 94:
How much of LV should be viable?
 Target is to improve LV function by at least 5%
 25% of the LV should be viable using DSE
 38% using conventional nuclear medicine and PET
Bax JJ, Maddahi J, Poldermans D, Elhendy A, Schinkel A, Boersma E, Valkema R, Krenning EP, Roelandt JR, van der Wall
EE. Preoperative comparison of different noninvasive strategies for predicting improvement in left ventricular function after
coronary artery bypass grafting. Am J Cardiol. 2003;92:1– 4
Techniques to assess myocardial
ECG and viability
 60% of regions with Q waves have viable myocardium as
detected by imaging techniques
 ST-segment elevation at rest in leads with Q waves is
associated with non viable scarred myocardium
 Exercise-induced Q wave prolongation is demonstrated in
patients with recent MI who shows viability
Assessment of residual myocardial viability in regions with chronic electrocardiographic Q-wave infarction. Am Heart J 2002;144:865–869
Bodi V, Sanchis J, Llacer A et al. ST-segment elevation in Q leads at rest and during exercise: relation with myocardial viability and left
ventricular remodelling within the first 6 months after infarction. Am Heart J 1999;137:1107–15.
 ST elevation developing during exercise or dobutamine
stress is a marker of maintained viability
 The combination of ST elevation and reciprocal ST
depression increases the accuracy for detection of viable
 Inducible perfusion abnormalities assessed by SPECT have
been seen
 In 94% of patients with exercise- induced ST elevation
 In 50% with pseudonormalisation of the T wave but
without ST elevation
2D Echo
Do improve
 LV end-diastolic wall
thickness ≥ 0.5 to 0.6
 Hypokinetic rather than
akinetic or dyskinetic
Don t improve
 LV (end-diastolic volume
greater than twice the
upper limit of normal)
 The involvement of 4
ventricular wall segments
by scarring
Rahimtoola et al. J Am col cardio : c a r d i o v a s c u l a r i m a g i n g , 1 (4), 2 0 0 8 : 5 3 6 – 5 5
 The augmentation of contractility (contractile reserve) in
response to dobutamine stress is the basis for the use of
stress echocardiography
 Dysfunctional myocardium that is able to show a transient
improvement in systolic function in response to dobutamine
(contractile reserve) is considered viable
Predictive value of DSE
 E/o myocardial viability on low dose DSE is a strong predictor
of both long term survival and functional recovery in Ischemic
HF patients
 Biphasic response has highest predictive value
 Segments with a biphasic response has a specificity
and sensitivity of 80% to 90% for prediction ofglobal
functional recovery
Curr Probl Cardiol 2001;26:141–86
Myocardial Contrast echo
 Myocardial perfusion by CE is evaluated qualitatively, and
segments visually classified as :
 Viable (normal or patchy perfusion )
 Nonviable ( absent perfusion)
 Micro vascular density and the capillary area correlates
inversely with the extent of fibrosis
 MCE has a primary role in assessing the quality of
reperfusion following STEMI (No reflow)
Heart 2003;89:139–144
Circulation 2002;106:950–6
MCE for prediction of viability
 Sensitivity and specificity of 89% and 51% to predict
functional recovery
 High NPV for recovery of function and residual viability
 ≥ 3 viable segments on MCE: high likelihood of
improvement in global LV function post-revascularization
J Am Coll Cardiol 1997;29:985–93
201Thallium SPECT
 The most widely used method for assessing myocardial
 Initial uptakedependent on myocardial blood flow
 Retention 3 to 4 hours after injection is an active, energy-
requiring process that is a function of cell membrane
integrity and tissue viability
Markers of viability on Thallium
 Reversible defects on rest-redistribution imaging
 Rest-redistribution, an uncommon observation, is highly
predictive of hibernation when seen
 The recommended SPECT imaging is stress-redistribution-
reinjection It provides information about viability and
Lomboy CT, Schulman DS, Grill HP et al. Rest-redistribution thallium-201 scintigraphy to determine myocardial
viability early after myocardial infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol 1995;25:210–7.
Marin Neto JA, Dilsizian V, Arrighi JA et al. Thallium reinjection demonstrates viable myocardium in regions with
reverse redistribution. Circulation 1993;88:1736–45.
Technetium-99m sestamibi
 Emits higher energy
 Has better tissue
 Shorter T1/2
 Uptake depends on both
perfusion and viability
 No redistribution
 The most widely reported
technetium agent is Tc-
Markers of viability
 Viability is considered to be present when in dysfunctional
 tracer uptake is normal or
 shows reversible defect or
 mild-to-moderate fixed defects (>50-60% of normal region)
 Pretreatment with nitrates may enhance the accuracy for
detection of viability
Sciagra R, Bisi G et al J Nucl Cardiol 1996;3: 221–30.
Prediction of outcome
 Overall sensitivity - 81%, specificity - 66%, PPV-71%,
and a NPV- 77% in predicting post-revascularization
improvement of regional ventricular function
Curr Probl Cardiol 2001;26:141–86
Nuclear imaging Vs DSE
Bax et al. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2001;26:141-188
Limitations of nuclear scans
 The relatively poor spatial resolution
 Detection of subendocardial scar is difficult
 False negative in TVD with uniform ↓ in perfusion ( global
ischemia effect)
 Radiation burden
Positron Emission Tomography
 Allows simultaneous assessment of perfusion and metabolic
status of myocardial tissue
 Imaging with high spatial and temporal resolution
 Estimations of myocardial perfusion have been performed with
13NH3 and H215O
 Metabolism by FDG
 Can quantify MBF
 In the fasting state, the heart predominantly uses free
fatty acids as a source of fuel
 During conditions of ischemia, the myocyte switches
to glucose as its predominant source of energy
 ↑ glycogenolysis
 ↑ glycolysis
 ↓ mitochondrial metabolism
 ↓ FFA uptake
 As there should be no uptake of glucose by infarcted
myocardium—which is metabolically inert—nonviable
myocardium will appear as a region of low-FDG
 In areas of reversibly injured myocardium, glucose
utilization is normal and even above normal
 Thus, stunned or hibernating myocardium may be
indistinguishable from normal tissue in an FDG PET image
PET Classification of Dysfunctional
Tissue type Perfusion Metabolism Recovery with
Stunned Normal Normal Yes
Hibenating Reduced Increased relative
to perfusion
Reduced Reduced No
Non transmural
Partially reduced Partially reduced Varies
Curr Opin Cardiol 21:464–468 2001
PET in Viability assessment
 Less radiation burden
 Significantly higher sensitivity than Tl-201 rest-
redistribution imaging
 Spatial resolution superior to SPECT but inferior to MRI
 Meta-analyses suggest sensitivity around 90% and
specificity of 60% to 70%
 Most promising modality
 Provides information on anatomy, function and perfusion,
with high spatial resolution
 The minimum amount of myocardium that can be imaged is
1 g with a spatial resolution of 2 mm
 Reliable and accurate assessment of myocardial scar burden
and contractile reserve by CMR Overall sensitivity and
specificity of 81% and 80%
DEMRI-Bright means dead
 Most promising MR
parameter for viability
 Demonstrates nonviable
tissue as
bright signal-
 DE-MRI assesses
viability as a continuum
based on transmural
thickness of
% of
>75% Scar
Jonathan W. Weinsaft et al Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 15 (2007) 505–525
• A major advantage of DE-MRI is that it can visualize
the transmural extent of both alive (viable) and dead
(nonviable) myocardium
Low dose Dobutamine stress MRI
 DS MRI is less sensitive but more specific with respect to
recovery of contractile function after revascularization
 sensitivity and specificity of dobutamine MRI for the
diagnosis of myocardial viability is 81 and 95%.
MEAN (95% CI)
MEAN (95% CI)
76 (72-80) 81 (77-84)
Delayed enhancement by
97 (91-100) 68 (51-85)
FDG PET 89 (85-93) 57 (51-63)
SPECT 89 (84-93) 68 (61-75)
Circulation 117:103, 2008.
 Revascularization in ICM refers to revascularization of not
only of dysfunctional but viable myocardium but also of
remote, normally contracting myocardium (at rest) but
subtended by flow limiting stenosis
 Functional recovery after revascularization is more
prolonged and dependent on new protein synthesis and
myocyte repair
 In the absence of revascularization, repetitive ischemia may
progress to myocyte necrosis or apoptosis and fibrosis
indicating that hibernating myocardium is not fully adapted
to chronic hypo perfusion
 Consequently, if revascularization is to succeed, it must be
applied early
 When the dyskinetic region occupies more than 10% of the
total myocardial mass , the left ventricle progressively
 This causes subendocardial ischemia in the remote
myocardium and progressive ventricular remodeling occur
 After severe ventricular dilitation revascularization is less
likely to be successful even in the presence of HM
 Revascularization should be done early before irreversible
LV remodeling and myocardial fibrosis occur
 LVEDD more then 70 mm predicts poor prognosis after
 It indicates the presence of multiple segments of scarred
 If such degree of LV remodeling and these ventricular
dimensions are present , even if viability is documented,
revascularization is not improve clinical outcomes
Rahimtoola SH et al. Chronic ischemic left ventricular dysfunction: from pathophysiology to imaging and
its integration into clinical practice. JACC Imaging. 2008
 Revascularization is associated with increased risk in
patients with low LVEF, And not all patients with ischemic
cardiomyopathy show improvement in contractile function
 So a careful selection of patients who may benefit from
revascularization procedures appears to be warranted
 The evidence supporting the clinical benefit of surgical
coronary revascularization is based on observational data
Duke Cardiovascular Disease
 They reported 25-year experience of 1391 patients with
systolic dysfunction and ischemic heart disease
 1052 patients were treated medically
 339 underwent CABG
 CABG-treated patients had a significantly lower mortality
 The survival advantage was present regardless EF, age or
NYHA class
Results for 1, 2 or TVD
Subgroup analysis
Surgical Treatment for Ischemic
Heart Failure Trial (STICH)
 In patients with HF, LVD and CAD amenable to surgical
revascularization, CABG added to intensive MED will
decrease all-cause mortality compared to MED alone
• LVEF ≤ 35%, CAD suitable for CABG
• MED eligible
 Absence of left main CAD as defined by an
intraluminal stenosis of ≥ 50%
 Absence of CCS III angina or greater
(angina markedly limiting ordinary activity)
 1212 Patients were randomized
 CABG 610
 Medical Therapy 602
• In patients randomized to STICH, there was no statistically
significant difference in all-cause mortality between
medical therapy alone and medical therapy with CABG
• Although CABG reduces cardiovascular mortality and
morbidity compared to medical therapy alone
N Engl J Med 2011; 364:1607-1616
 The mean age was just 60 years
 60% predominantly suffered angina pectoris and, 60% were
in NYHA class I or II HF means ,patients were less sick
 The clinical HF was not necessary for trial enrolment
 Trial excluded patients with significant left main stem
 Intention-to-treat analysis did not demonstrate a beneficial
impact of revascularization, the as-treated analysis did
show significant benefit for CABG over OMT
 A 19% reduction in cardiovascular mortality was observed
 Inclusion criteria was LVEF <35%, CAD
amenable to CABG and no left main stenosis
 763 patients were included for propensity score
analysis including 624 who received OMT and
139 CABG
 Risk-adjusted mortality rates at 5 years of 46% for
OMT versus 29% for CABG, and the survival
benefit of CABG over MED continued through 10
years follow-up
Unadjusted Kaplan Meier Rate
Estimates of Time to Death
 The lack of randomized controlled trials (RCT) of viability
testing was addressed by the PARR-2 trial
 PARR-2 stratified patients with severe LV systolic
dysfunction randomized to
 PET-guided management (n = 218) vs.
 Without PET (where an alternative test could be considered
[n = 212])
 At 1 yr demonstrated no significant difference in the
composite primary outcome of cardiac death, MI or
recurrent hospitalization between the 2 arms.
 PARR-2 had lower adherence to PET-guided
recommendations, which may have reduced the ability to
detect a difference in the primary outcome
 When only patients adhering to PET-guided
recommendations were included, the PET adherence group
had significantly better outcome than the standard care
 Trial assess the interaction between myocardial viability
and survival in randomized patients who were eligible for
medical management alone and eligible for CABG
Patients with viability tests
Patients with
243 244
60 54
 A total of 17 of 487 patients with viability (37%) and 58 of
114 patients without viability (51%) died but after
adjustment for other baseline variables, this association
with mortality was not significant
 Trial concluded that in patients with CAD and LV
dysfunction, assessment of myocardial viability does not
identify patients who will have the greatest survival benefit
from adding CABG to aggressive medical therapy
1. Analysis limited to SPECT and DE, not PET or c-MRI
2. It was not a true randomized assessment as optional
viability testing was done upon clinical decision
3. It is highly likely that patients without HM were not
enrolled (only 19% of STICH trial patients had no
demonstrable HM)
 Patients who underwent viability testing had significantly
greater LV dysfunction, LV dilatation, and incidence of
previous AMI
 It is known that patients with very severely remodelled
ventricles are less likely to benefit from revascularization
 This is therefore a crucial difference between the groups
and made it more likely that viability testing would appear
 It is possible that the advances in medical and device
therapy have markedly reduced the added benefit o
revascularization, such that it is difficult to demonstrate
further improvement in clinical outcomes
 Benefit of CABG may not be related to revascularization of
viable segments but rather to revascularization of
potentially ischemic segments
 Trial Prospectively evaluated survival of 144 consecutive
patients (130 males, age 65 11 years) with CAD and LV
dysfunction (EF 24 7%) undergoing DE-CMR
 86 patients underwent complete revascularization (79
 58 patients remained under medical treatment
 Significant viability is present if 4 dysfunctional segments
have <50% transmural hyperenhancement
 In patients with viability, medical therapy was associated
with a 4.6-fold increased risk of death compared with those
who were completely Revascularized
 There was no significant difference in survival with
medical therapy versus revascularization in patients without
 In this study also the survival was better in patients with
non viable myocardium then with viable when both was
treated by OMT
 Structural changes occur, most prominently in
dysfunctional regions but also in remote, normally
contracting segments .
1. Reductions in microvessel density and cross-sectional
2. Depletion of myocyte contractile elements
3. Collagen replacement within the extracellular matrix
which may be of varying severity and reversibility
The extent of these changes likely affect the success of
Rahimtoola SH, Dilsizian V, Kramer CM, Marwick TH, Vanoverschelde JL. Chronic
ischemic left ventricular dysfunction: from pathophysiology to imaging and its integration
into clinical practice. J AmColl Cardiol Img 2008
 Trans mural extent of DE assesses only 1 aspect of this complex
process, that of scar/collagen replacement
 So its accuracy in predicting functional recovery when there is
intermediate extents of transmurality is reduced
 The ability of CMR to assess resting perfusion and CFR
Myocardial energetics, and quantitative regional wall motion
using tissue tagging should be capitalized
 Because there may be better predictive value in assessing
multiple aspects of viability in a tiered approach rather than 1
 The other viability imaging also suffer from lack of
accuracy in predicting recovery even after
showing presence of viable myocardium probably
because of these reasons
 Several studies have shown that LVEF improved
significantly ( =5%) after revascularization in 60% of
patients (range, 38% to 88%)
 Hence, resting LVEF does not always improve after
revascularisation despite the presence of substantial
myocardial viability
 Patients with severly dilated ventricles and extensive
fibrosis are less likely to improve LVEF after
 Pagano D, Fath-Ordoubadi F, Beatt KJ, Townend JN, Bonser RS, Camici PG. Effects of coronary revascularisation on
myocardial blood flow and coronary vasodilator reserve in hibernating myocardium. Heart. 2001
1. Incomplete revascularization
2. Viable myocardium may be juxtaposed to
regions with extensive scarring and unable to
respond to revascularization because of
3. There might be new perioperative myocardial
necrosis in regions that were viable prior to
4. Too early assesment
 The time interval between revascularization and
assessment of LV function at follow-up ranged from 2 to 6
 Stunned segments :
 2/3rd - early contractile recovery (≤3 mths)
 1/10th show late improvement (≥1 yr)
 Hibernating segments
 1/3rd - early improvement
 2/3rd show late recovery
Bax et al. Circulation 2001;104 Suppl 1:I314–8
 104 consecutive patients who underwent LVEF assessment
 68 had improvement in LVEF (>5% increase) 
 36 had no significant change.
 The two groups had similar postoperative improvement in
angina and heart failure scores, and there was no difference
in cardiovascular mortality with a mean follow-up of
Potential Mechanisms
 Subendocardial scar can prevent systolic thickening at rest,
but revascularization of the mid-myocardial and epicardial
layers—which maintains their viability—helps prevent scar
 So even if LVEF is not increased the absence of further
cavity dilatation and improved LV geometry is in fact a
benefit of revascularization
 Senior R, Lahiri A, Kaul S. Effect of revascularization on left ventricular remodeling in patients
with heart failure from severe chronic ischemic left ventricular dysfunction. Am J Cardiol 2001
Potential Mechanisms
 Revascularized myocardium may limit infarct expansion
and ventricular dilation by providing a scaffolding which
supports the surrounding necrotic myocardium and reduces
myocardial compliance
 These mechanisms may also improve diastolic function and
even reduce dynamic mitral regurgitation
 Revascularization of ischemic myocardium bordering
endocardial scar may reduce the incidence of ventricular
 Data is limited for PCI
 A meta-analysis of studies utilizing PCI in patients
with ejection fraction ≤ 40%) was done to determine
in-hospital and long-term (≥ 1 year) mortality
 4766 patients from 19 studies were included in this
 The mean LVEF was 30%
 The in-hospital mortality using random-effects model
was 1.8%
 The long-term mortality was 15.6%
 The relative risk using the random-effects model (PCI vs.
CABG) was 0.98
 So the PCI among patients with left ventricular
dysfunction is feasible with acceptable in-hospital and
long-term mortality and yields similar outcomes to CABG
 Kunadian, Vijayalakshmi et al .Percutaneous coronary intervention among patients with left
ventricular systolic dysfunction: a review and meta-analysis of 19 clinical studies Coronary
Artery Disease November 2012 - Volume 23 - Issue 7 - p 469–479
 Patients with reduced LVEF <50%, who had undergone
PCI with DESs (n = 402) or CABG (n = 551) were enrolled
in a retrospective, observational registry
 The primary outcome was all-cause death
 The median follow-up duration was 32 months
Jeong Hoon Yang et al.Long-Term Outcomes of Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation Versus Coronary Artery
Bypass Grafting for Patients With Coronary Artery Disease and Chronic Left Ventricular Systolic
DysfunctionAmerican Journal of Cardiology
Volume 112, Issue 5 2013
 All-cause death occurred in 81 patients (20.1%) in the DES group and
98 patient (17.8%) in CABG
 Long-term cumulative rate of death was not significantly different
between the 2 groups (DES vs CABG 21.3% vs 19.1%)
 Rate of major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events (35.5% vs
24.1%, was higher in the DES group than the CABG group
 This was driven by the higher incidence of repeat revascularization in
the DES group (11.3% vs 4.3%)
 In conclusion, DES implantation provides comparable long-term
clinical outcomes, except for repeat revascularization, to CABG in
patients with CAD and LV dysfunction
ACC 2013
 Rahimtoola SH, Dilsizian V, Kramer CM, Marwick TH, Vanoverschelde JL. Chronic ischemic left ventricular dysfunction: from
pathophysiology to imaging and its integration into clinical practice. J AmColl Cardiol Img 2008
1. The presence and magnitude of stress induced
2. The stage of cellular degeneration within viable
3. The degree of LV remodeling
4. Timing and success of revascularization
5. Adequacy of the target coronary vessels, can
affect the functional outcome after
 Revascularization should be done early before irreversible
myocardial injury occur
 In patients with ICMP with predominant heart failure
symptoms viability assessment is essential before
 More detailed viability studies are needed for accurate
prediction of benefits of revascularization in ICMP
 Benefits of revascularization are not always associated with
improved LVEF
 Survival of patients with HM treated by MM is worse then
similar pts. With non viable treated by MM

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Revascularization in heart faliure seminar

  • 2. CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME Undergo revascularization procedures Improved survival Increased number of patients with residual LV dysfunction undergoing progressive LV remodeling and congestive heart failure
  • 3.  In these patients, coronary revascularization may lead to symptomatic and prognostic improvement  These clinical benefits are accompanied by evidence of reverse LV remodeling
  • 4. In the early 1980s, Rahimtoola et al reviewed the results of coronary bypass surgery trials and identified patients with CAD and chronic LV dysfunction that improved by revascularization CASS (coronary artery surgery study ) REGISTRY
  • 5. Data from the coronary artery surgery study (CASS) registry for patients with LVEF < 35% involved 651 patients. • The five year survival was significantly better in surgical patients (68%) than in the medical group (54%). • The contrast was even more in patients with LVEF < 26% whose five year survival was 63% with surgery, but 43% with medical treatment
  • 6. Thus came the concept of myocardial viability and with it came the new terms such as hibernation and stunning
  • 7. VIABILITY  Viable myocardium must have the following characteristics 1. The ability to generate ATP 2. have an intact sarcolemma, to maintain ionic/electrochemical gradients, and 3. Have sufficient perfusion 4. The term “viable” implies nothing with regard to contractile state
  • 8.  There are two tissue states that exhibit sustained contractile dysfunction despite meeting the three criteria  Stunned myocardium &  Hibernating myocardium.
  • 9. MYOCARDIAL STUNNING  First documented by Heyndrickx et al. in the mid- 1970s  They concluded that brief periods of coronary occlusion resulted in prolonged depression of myocardial function in the ischemic zone.  While regional electrograms return to normal within seconds and the coronary flow restored rapidly, functional derangement lasts for several hours.
  • 11. Definition  Brief period of ischemia followed by restoration of perfusion  Subsequent LV dysfunction of limited duration  Perfusion-contraction mismatch  Normal resting perfusion  Decreased MBF reserve Bolli R. Mechanism of myocardial stunning. Circulation 1990;82: 723–8. Hearse DJ, Bolli R. Reperfusion induced injury: manifestations, mechanisms and clinical relevance. Cardiovasc Res1992;26:101–8
  • 12. PATHOGENESIS There are 2 major hypotheses for myocardial stunning: (1) a oxygen-free radical hypothesis and (2) a calcium overload hypothesis  Dysfunction may persist as long as 6 weeks post-insult  Duration and severity of ischemia determine the duration of post-ischemia/reperfusion dysfunction
  • 13.  Normal cardiac contraction depends on the maintenance of calcium cycling and homeostasis across the mitochondrial membrane and sarcoplasmic reticulum during each cardiac cycle.  Brief ischemia followed by reperfusion- accumulation of calcium and a partial failure of normal beat to beat calcium cycling - damages Ca2+ pump and ion channels of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.  This results in the electromechanical uncoupling of energy generation from contraction that characterizes myocardial stunning
  • 14. HIBERNATING MYOCARDIUM  Is a state of persistently impaired myocardial function at rest due to reduced coronary blood flow  The physiology of hibernation involves reduced myocardial blood flow, particularly to the subendocardium  Resting blood flow may be reduced at rest but coronary flow reserve is always reduced Rahimtoola SH The hibernating myocardium Am Heart 1989;117:211-221
  • 15. Ultra structural changes Circulation1998;98:1151-1156  Alteration of structural proteins & metabolism to a more fetal form - Smart heart hypothesis  Apoptosis and fibrosis  Disorganization of the cytoskeleton  Loss of myofilaments  Occurrence of large areas filled with glycogen  Ionic instability
  • 16. Stenosis and flow relationship  Coronary stenosis between 40 – 50% percent does not alter resting MBF and coronary flow reserve  Between 40 and 80 percent stenosis, resting MBF is normal, but MBF reserve flow is diminished  A stenosis greater than 80 percent is associated with a reduction in resting blood flow Gould KL, Lipscomb K, Hamilton GW. Physiologic basis for assessing critical coronary stenosis. Instantaneous flow response and regional distribution during coronary hyperemia as measures of coronary flow reserve. Am J Cardiol 1974;33:87–94.
  • 17.  Recent data suggest that myocardial blood flow in hibernation may not be decreased at rest to an extent that would account for the degree of cardiac dysfunction  It is now believed that hibernating myocardium is a manifestation of repeated myocardial stunning as a result of impaired coronary flow reserve  In severe coronary disease, the limited flow reserve causes repeated myocardial ischemia  repeated stunning  Hibernation  Gerber BLJL, Vanoverschelde JL, Bol A, et al. Myocardial blood flow, glucose uptake and recruitment of inotropic reserve in chronic left ventricular ischaemic dysfunction
  • 18.
  • 19. SUSPECT HM  Unstable and stable angina  Acute myocardial infarction  Left-ventricular dysfunction +_congestive heart failure  Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery
  • 20. Myocardial viability  Nearly 50-60% of pts with Ischemic HF have substantial viable myocardium  Substantial viable myocardium means presence of viability in at least 25% of LV myocardium ( ≥4 segments)  Revascularization in such patients is likely to lead to a significant ↑ in LVEF (by ≥5%) Schinkel et al. Am J Cardiol 2001;88:561-4 Bax et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 1999;34:163-9
  • 21. Why should viable myocardium be Revascularized?  Improvement of regional and global LV systolic function  Remodeling is reversed  Survival is increased  Decrease of the composite of myocardial infarction, heart failure, and unstable angina Ferrari R. Myocardial hibernation. An adaptive phenomenon? In: Yellon DM, Rahimtoola SH, Opic LH, New Ischemic Syndromes. New York, NY: Authors Publishing House, 1997:204–14 Rahimtoola SH, La Canna G, Ferrari R. Hibernating myocardium: another piece of the puzzle falls into place. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006;47:978–80.
  • 22. The role of viability testing  Observational series suggest that viability testing is useful to identify patients likely to benefit from revascularization  In a meta-analysis of 24 studies of viability testing in 3088 patients with CAD and systolic dysfunction (Tl-201 SPECT (n- 6) FDG-PET (n-11), or DbE (n - 8) to assess HM)  In Patients with viability 1-year mortality was 16% in the OMT patient and 3.2% in patients who had revascularization  There was no difference in mortality among the patients who did not had viability Allman KC, Shaw LJ, Hachamovitch R, Udelson JE: Myocardial viability testing and impact of revascularization on prognosis in patients with coronary artery disease and left ventricular dysfunction: A meta-analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 39:1151, 2002.)
  • 23. Allman KC, Shaw LJ, Hachamovitch R, Udelson JE: Myocardial viability testing and impact of revascularization on prognosis in patients with coronary artery disease and left ventricular dysfunction: A meta-analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 39:1151, 2002.)
  • 24. RESULTS  Excess death in the population with hibernating myocardium is to a large extent sudden, presumably arrhythmic death  Scar formation and a reduction and inhomogeneity of connexin 43 expression in HM may contribute to alterations in electrical impulse propagation and reentry  Isolated myocytes from HM are hypertrophied and have striking prolongation of the action potential and EAD  Bito V, Heinzel FR et al. Cellular mechanisms of contractile dysfunction in hibernating myocardium. Cellular remodeling in hibernation.Circ Res 94:
  • 25.
  • 26. How much of LV should be viable?  Target is to improve LV function by at least 5%  25% of the LV should be viable using DSE  38% using conventional nuclear medicine and PET Bax JJ, Maddahi J, Poldermans D, Elhendy A, Schinkel A, Boersma E, Valkema R, Krenning EP, Roelandt JR, van der Wall EE. Preoperative comparison of different noninvasive strategies for predicting improvement in left ventricular function after coronary artery bypass grafting. Am J Cardiol. 2003;92:1– 4
  • 27. Techniques to assess myocardial viability
  • 28. ECG and viability  60% of regions with Q waves have viable myocardium as detected by imaging techniques  ST-segment elevation at rest in leads with Q waves is associated with non viable scarred myocardium  Exercise-induced Q wave prolongation is demonstrated in patients with recent MI who shows viability Assessment of residual myocardial viability in regions with chronic electrocardiographic Q-wave infarction. Am Heart J 2002;144:865–869 Bodi V, Sanchis J, Llacer A et al. ST-segment elevation in Q leads at rest and during exercise: relation with myocardial viability and left ventricular remodelling within the first 6 months after infarction. Am Heart J 1999;137:1107–15.
  • 29. CONTD..  ST elevation developing during exercise or dobutamine stress is a marker of maintained viability  The combination of ST elevation and reciprocal ST depression increases the accuracy for detection of viable myocardium  Inducible perfusion abnormalities assessed by SPECT have been seen  In 94% of patients with exercise- induced ST elevation  In 50% with pseudonormalisation of the T wave but without ST elevation
  • 30. 2D Echo Do improve  LV end-diastolic wall thickness ≥ 0.5 to 0.6 cm  Hypokinetic rather than akinetic or dyskinetic Don t improve  LV (end-diastolic volume greater than twice the upper limit of normal)  The involvement of 4 ventricular wall segments by scarring Rahimtoola et al. J Am col cardio : c a r d i o v a s c u l a r i m a g i n g , 1 (4), 2 0 0 8 : 5 3 6 – 5 5
  • 31. DSE  The augmentation of contractility (contractile reserve) in response to dobutamine stress is the basis for the use of stress echocardiography  Dysfunctional myocardium that is able to show a transient improvement in systolic function in response to dobutamine (contractile reserve) is considered viable
  • 32. Predictive value of DSE  E/o myocardial viability on low dose DSE is a strong predictor of both long term survival and functional recovery in Ischemic HF patients  Biphasic response has highest predictive value  Segments with a biphasic response has a specificity and sensitivity of 80% to 90% for prediction ofglobal functional recovery Curr Probl Cardiol 2001;26:141–86
  • 33. Myocardial Contrast echo  Myocardial perfusion by CE is evaluated qualitatively, and segments visually classified as :  Viable (normal or patchy perfusion ) Or  Nonviable ( absent perfusion)  Micro vascular density and the capillary area correlates inversely with the extent of fibrosis  MCE has a primary role in assessing the quality of reperfusion following STEMI (No reflow) Heart 2003;89:139–144 Circulation 2002;106:950–6
  • 34. MCE for prediction of viability  Sensitivity and specificity of 89% and 51% to predict functional recovery  High NPV for recovery of function and residual viability  ≥ 3 viable segments on MCE: high likelihood of improvement in global LV function post-revascularization J Am Coll Cardiol 1997;29:985–93
  • 35. 201Thallium SPECT  The most widely used method for assessing myocardial viability  Initial uptakedependent on myocardial blood flow  Retention 3 to 4 hours after injection is an active, energy- requiring process that is a function of cell membrane integrity and tissue viability
  • 36. Markers of viability on Thallium  Reversible defects on rest-redistribution imaging  Rest-redistribution, an uncommon observation, is highly predictive of hibernation when seen  The recommended SPECT imaging is stress-redistribution- reinjection It provides information about viability and ischemia Lomboy CT, Schulman DS, Grill HP et al. Rest-redistribution thallium-201 scintigraphy to determine myocardial viability early after myocardial infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol 1995;25:210–7. Marin Neto JA, Dilsizian V, Arrighi JA et al. Thallium reinjection demonstrates viable myocardium in regions with reverse redistribution. Circulation 1993;88:1736–45.
  • 37. Technetium-99m sestamibi  Emits higher energy photons  Has better tissue penetration  Shorter T1/2  Uptake depends on both perfusion and viability  No redistribution  The most widely reported technetium agent is Tc- 99m-sestamibi
  • 38. Markers of viability  Viability is considered to be present when in dysfunctional segments:  tracer uptake is normal or  shows reversible defect or  mild-to-moderate fixed defects (>50-60% of normal region)  Pretreatment with nitrates may enhance the accuracy for detection of viability Sciagra R, Bisi G et al J Nucl Cardiol 1996;3: 221–30.
  • 39. Prediction of outcome  Overall sensitivity - 81%, specificity - 66%, PPV-71%, and a NPV- 77% in predicting post-revascularization improvement of regional ventricular function Curr Probl Cardiol 2001;26:141–86
  • 40. Nuclear imaging Vs DSE Bax et al. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2001;26:141-188
  • 41. Limitations of nuclear scans  The relatively poor spatial resolution  Detection of subendocardial scar is difficult  False negative in TVD with uniform ↓ in perfusion ( global ischemia effect)  Radiation burden
  • 42. Positron Emission Tomography  Allows simultaneous assessment of perfusion and metabolic status of myocardial tissue  Imaging with high spatial and temporal resolution  Estimations of myocardial perfusion have been performed with 13NH3 and H215O  Metabolism by FDG  Can quantify MBF
  • 43. FDG- PET  In the fasting state, the heart predominantly uses free fatty acids as a source of fuel  During conditions of ischemia, the myocyte switches to glucose as its predominant source of energy  ↑ glycogenolysis  ↑ glycolysis  ↓ mitochondrial metabolism  ↓ FFA uptake
  • 44. FDG- PET  As there should be no uptake of glucose by infarcted myocardium—which is metabolically inert—nonviable myocardium will appear as a region of low-FDG concentration  In areas of reversibly injured myocardium, glucose utilization is normal and even above normal  Thus, stunned or hibernating myocardium may be indistinguishable from normal tissue in an FDG PET image
  • 45. PET Classification of Dysfunctional Myocardium Tissue type Perfusion Metabolism Recovery with revascularization Stunned Normal Normal Yes Hibenating Reduced Increased relative to perfusion Yes Transmural infarction Reduced Reduced No Non transmural infarction Partially reduced Partially reduced Varies Curr Opin Cardiol 21:464–468 2001
  • 46. PET in Viability assessment  Less radiation burden  Significantly higher sensitivity than Tl-201 rest- redistribution imaging  Spatial resolution superior to SPECT but inferior to MRI  Meta-analyses suggest sensitivity around 90% and specificity of 60% to 70%
  • 47. CMR  Most promising modality  Provides information on anatomy, function and perfusion, with high spatial resolution  The minimum amount of myocardium that can be imaged is 1 g with a spatial resolution of 2 mm  Reliable and accurate assessment of myocardial scar burden and contractile reserve by CMR Overall sensitivity and specificity of 81% and 80%
  • 48. LGE
  • 49. DEMRI-Bright means dead  Most promising MR parameter for viability  Demonstrates nonviable tissue as "hyperenhanced"or bright signal-  DE-MRI assesses viability as a continuum based on transmural thickness of hyperenhancement % of enhancement <75% <25%- viable+++ 25-75%-- continuum >75% Scar Jonathan W. Weinsaft et al Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 15 (2007) 505–525
  • 50. ADVANTAGE OF CMR • A major advantage of DE-MRI is that it can visualize the transmural extent of both alive (viable) and dead (nonviable) myocardium
  • 51. Low dose Dobutamine stress MRI  DS MRI is less sensitive but more specific with respect to recovery of contractile function after revascularization  sensitivity and specificity of dobutamine MRI for the diagnosis of myocardial viability is 81 and 95%.
  • 52. MODALITY SENSITIVITY (%) MEAN (95% CI) SPECIFICITY (%) MEAN (95% CI) Dobutamine echocardiography 76 (72-80) 81 (77-84) Delayed enhancement by MRI 97 (91-100) 68 (51-85) FDG PET 89 (85-93) 57 (51-63) SPECT 89 (84-93) 68 (61-75) COMPARISION OFDIFFERENT TECHNIQUES Circulation 117:103, 2008.
  • 53. REVASCULARIZATION IN ICM  Revascularization in ICM refers to revascularization of not only of dysfunctional but viable myocardium but also of remote, normally contracting myocardium (at rest) but subtended by flow limiting stenosis
  • 54. REVASCULARIZATION IN HM  Functional recovery after revascularization is more prolonged and dependent on new protein synthesis and myocyte repair  In the absence of revascularization, repetitive ischemia may progress to myocyte necrosis or apoptosis and fibrosis indicating that hibernating myocardium is not fully adapted to chronic hypo perfusion  Consequently, if revascularization is to succeed, it must be applied early
  • 55. EARLY REVASCULARIZATION  When the dyskinetic region occupies more than 10% of the total myocardial mass , the left ventricle progressively enlarges  This causes subendocardial ischemia in the remote myocardium and progressive ventricular remodeling occur  After severe ventricular dilitation revascularization is less likely to be successful even in the presence of HM  Revascularization should be done early before irreversible LV remodeling and myocardial fibrosis occur
  • 56. CONTD..  LVEDD more then 70 mm predicts poor prognosis after revascularization  It indicates the presence of multiple segments of scarred myocardium  If such degree of LV remodeling and these ventricular dimensions are present , even if viability is documented, revascularization is not improve clinical outcomes Rahimtoola SH et al. Chronic ischemic left ventricular dysfunction: from pathophysiology to imaging and its integration into clinical practice. JACC Imaging. 2008
  • 57.
  • 58. REVASCULARIZATION  Revascularization is associated with increased risk in patients with low LVEF, And not all patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy show improvement in contractile function  So a careful selection of patients who may benefit from revascularization procedures appears to be warranted  The evidence supporting the clinical benefit of surgical coronary revascularization is based on observational data
  • 59. Duke Cardiovascular Disease Databank  They reported 25-year experience of 1391 patients with systolic dysfunction and ischemic heart disease  1052 patients were treated medically  339 underwent CABG  CABG-treated patients had a significantly lower mortality  The survival advantage was present regardless EF, age or NYHA class
  • 61. Results for 1, 2 or TVD
  • 63. Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart Failure Trial (STICH)  In patients with HF, LVD and CAD amenable to surgical revascularization, CABG added to intensive MED will decrease all-cause mortality compared to MED alone INCLUSION CRITERIAS • LVEF ≤ 35%, CAD suitable for CABG • MED eligible  Absence of left main CAD as defined by an intraluminal stenosis of ≥ 50%  Absence of CCS III angina or greater (angina markedly limiting ordinary activity)
  • 64. RESULTS  1212 Patients were randomized  CABG 610  Medical Therapy 602 • In patients randomized to STICH, there was no statistically significant difference in all-cause mortality between medical therapy alone and medical therapy with CABG • Although CABG reduces cardiovascular mortality and morbidity compared to medical therapy alone
  • 65. N Engl J Med 2011; 364:1607-1616
  • 66. LIMITATIONS  The mean age was just 60 years  60% predominantly suffered angina pectoris and, 60% were in NYHA class I or II HF means ,patients were less sick  The clinical HF was not necessary for trial enrolment  Trial excluded patients with significant left main stem disease  Intention-to-treat analysis did not demonstrate a beneficial impact of revascularization, the as-treated analysis did show significant benefit for CABG over OMT  A 19% reduction in cardiovascular mortality was observed
  • 67.
  • 68. RESULTS  Inclusion criteria was LVEF <35%, CAD amenable to CABG and no left main stenosis ≥50%  763 patients were included for propensity score analysis including 624 who received OMT and 139 CABG  Risk-adjusted mortality rates at 5 years of 46% for OMT versus 29% for CABG, and the survival benefit of CABG over MED continued through 10 years follow-up
  • 69. Unadjusted Kaplan Meier Rate Estimates of Time to Death
  • 70. PARR2  The lack of randomized controlled trials (RCT) of viability testing was addressed by the PARR-2 trial  PARR-2 stratified patients with severe LV systolic dysfunction randomized to  PET-guided management (n = 218) vs.  Without PET (where an alternative test could be considered [n = 212])  At 1 yr demonstrated no significant difference in the composite primary outcome of cardiac death, MI or recurrent hospitalization between the 2 arms.
  • 71.
  • 72. LIMITATIONS  PARR-2 had lower adherence to PET-guided recommendations, which may have reduced the ability to detect a difference in the primary outcome  When only patients adhering to PET-guided recommendations were included, the PET adherence group had significantly better outcome than the standard care group
  • 73.
  • 74. OBJECT  Trial assess the interaction between myocardial viability and survival in randomized patients who were eligible for medical management alone and eligible for CABG
  • 75. Patients with viability tests Patients without myocardial viability Patients with myocardial viability CABG 50.1% CABG 47.4% MED 49.9% MED 52.6% 601 487 243 244 114 60 54
  • 76. RESULTS  A total of 17 of 487 patients with viability (37%) and 58 of 114 patients without viability (51%) died but after adjustment for other baseline variables, this association with mortality was not significant  Trial concluded that in patients with CAD and LV dysfunction, assessment of myocardial viability does not identify patients who will have the greatest survival benefit from adding CABG to aggressive medical therapy
  • 77. LIMITATIONS 1. Analysis limited to SPECT and DE, not PET or c-MRI 2. It was not a true randomized assessment as optional viability testing was done upon clinical decision 3. It is highly likely that patients without HM were not enrolled (only 19% of STICH trial patients had no demonstrable HM)
  • 78. CONTD..  Patients who underwent viability testing had significantly greater LV dysfunction, LV dilatation, and incidence of previous AMI  It is known that patients with very severely remodelled ventricles are less likely to benefit from revascularization  This is therefore a crucial difference between the groups and made it more likely that viability testing would appear ineffective
  • 79. CONTD..  It is possible that the advances in medical and device therapy have markedly reduced the added benefit o revascularization, such that it is difficult to demonstrate further improvement in clinical outcomes  Benefit of CABG may not be related to revascularization of viable segments but rather to revascularization of potentially ischemic segments
  • 80.
  • 81. RESULTS  Trial Prospectively evaluated survival of 144 consecutive patients (130 males, age 65 11 years) with CAD and LV dysfunction (EF 24 7%) undergoing DE-CMR  86 patients underwent complete revascularization (79 CABG/ 7 PCI)  58 patients remained under medical treatment  Significant viability is present if 4 dysfunctional segments have <50% transmural hyperenhancement
  • 82. RESULTS  In patients with viability, medical therapy was associated with a 4.6-fold increased risk of death compared with those who were completely Revascularized  There was no significant difference in survival with medical therapy versus revascularization in patients without viability  In this study also the survival was better in patients with non viable myocardium then with viable when both was treated by OMT
  • 83.
  • 84. WHY SO MUCH DISCREPANCY  Structural changes occur, most prominently in dysfunctional regions but also in remote, normally contracting segments . 1. Reductions in microvessel density and cross-sectional area 2. Depletion of myocyte contractile elements 3. Collagen replacement within the extracellular matrix which may be of varying severity and reversibility The extent of these changes likely affect the success of revascularization Rahimtoola SH, Dilsizian V, Kramer CM, Marwick TH, Vanoverschelde JL. Chronic ischemic left ventricular dysfunction: from pathophysiology to imaging and its integration into clinical practice. J AmColl Cardiol Img 2008
  • 85. CONTD..  Trans mural extent of DE assesses only 1 aspect of this complex process, that of scar/collagen replacement  So its accuracy in predicting functional recovery when there is intermediate extents of transmurality is reduced  The ability of CMR to assess resting perfusion and CFR Myocardial energetics, and quantitative regional wall motion using tissue tagging should be capitalized  Because there may be better predictive value in assessing multiple aspects of viability in a tiered approach rather than 1 component
  • 86. CONTD..  The other viability imaging also suffer from lack of accuracy in predicting recovery even after showing presence of viable myocardium probably because of these reasons
  • 87. LVEF NOT INCREASED POST SURGERY  Several studies have shown that LVEF improved significantly ( =5%) after revascularization in 60% of patients (range, 38% to 88%)  Hence, resting LVEF does not always improve after revascularisation despite the presence of substantial myocardial viability  Patients with severly dilated ventricles and extensive fibrosis are less likely to improve LVEF after revascularization  Pagano D, Fath-Ordoubadi F, Beatt KJ, Townend JN, Bonser RS, Camici PG. Effects of coronary revascularisation on myocardial blood flow and coronary vasodilator reserve in hibernating myocardium. Heart. 2001
  • 88. OTHER 1. Incomplete revascularization 2. Viable myocardium may be juxtaposed to regions with extensive scarring and unable to respond to revascularization because of tethering 3. There might be new perioperative myocardial necrosis in regions that were viable prior to revascularization 4. Too early assesment
  • 90. TIME COURSE OF RECOVERY  The time interval between revascularization and assessment of LV function at follow-up ranged from 2 to 6 months  Stunned segments :  2/3rd - early contractile recovery (≤3 mths)  1/10th show late improvement (≥1 yr)  Hibernating segments  1/3rd - early improvement  2/3rd show late recovery Bax et al. Circulation 2001;104 Suppl 1:I314–8
  • 91.
  • 92. RESULTS  104 consecutive patients who underwent LVEF assessment CABG,  68 had improvement in LVEF (>5% increase)  36 had no significant change.  The two groups had similar postoperative improvement in angina and heart failure scores, and there was no difference in cardiovascular mortality with a mean follow-up of 32months
  • 93. Potential Mechanisms  Subendocardial scar can prevent systolic thickening at rest, but revascularization of the mid-myocardial and epicardial layers—which maintains their viability—helps prevent scar expansion  So even if LVEF is not increased the absence of further cavity dilatation and improved LV geometry is in fact a benefit of revascularization  Senior R, Lahiri A, Kaul S. Effect of revascularization on left ventricular remodeling in patients with heart failure from severe chronic ischemic left ventricular dysfunction. Am J Cardiol 2001
  • 94. Potential Mechanisms  Revascularized myocardium may limit infarct expansion and ventricular dilation by providing a scaffolding which supports the surrounding necrotic myocardium and reduces myocardial compliance  These mechanisms may also improve diastolic function and even reduce dynamic mitral regurgitation  Revascularization of ischemic myocardium bordering endocardial scar may reduce the incidence of ventricular arrhythmias
  • 95. PCI IN LV DYSFUNCTION  Data is limited for PCI  A meta-analysis of studies utilizing PCI in patients with ejection fraction ≤ 40%) was done to determine in-hospital and long-term (≥ 1 year) mortality  4766 patients from 19 studies were included in this meta-analysis  The mean LVEF was 30%  The in-hospital mortality using random-effects model was 1.8%  The long-term mortality was 15.6%
  • 96. CONTD..  The relative risk using the random-effects model (PCI vs. CABG) was 0.98  So the PCI among patients with left ventricular dysfunction is feasible with acceptable in-hospital and long-term mortality and yields similar outcomes to CABG  Kunadian, Vijayalakshmi et al .Percutaneous coronary intervention among patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction: a review and meta-analysis of 19 clinical studies Coronary Artery Disease November 2012 - Volume 23 - Issue 7 - p 469–479
  • 97. PCI VS CABG  Patients with reduced LVEF <50%, who had undergone PCI with DESs (n = 402) or CABG (n = 551) were enrolled in a retrospective, observational registry  The primary outcome was all-cause death  The median follow-up duration was 32 months Jeong Hoon Yang et al.Long-Term Outcomes of Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation Versus Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting for Patients With Coronary Artery Disease and Chronic Left Ventricular Systolic DysfunctionAmerican Journal of Cardiology Volume 112, Issue 5 2013
  • 98. RESULTS  All-cause death occurred in 81 patients (20.1%) in the DES group and 98 patient (17.8%) in CABG  Long-term cumulative rate of death was not significantly different between the 2 groups (DES vs CABG 21.3% vs 19.1%)  Rate of major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events (35.5% vs 24.1%, was higher in the DES group than the CABG group  This was driven by the higher incidence of repeat revascularization in the DES group (11.3% vs 4.3%)   In conclusion, DES implantation provides comparable long-term clinical outcomes, except for repeat revascularization, to CABG in patients with CAD and LV dysfunction
  • 102.
  • 103.  Rahimtoola SH, Dilsizian V, Kramer CM, Marwick TH, Vanoverschelde JL. Chronic ischemic left ventricular dysfunction: from pathophysiology to imaging and its integration into clinical practice. J AmColl Cardiol Img 2008
  • 104. CONCLUSION BENEFITS OF REVASCULARIZATION DEPENDS ON 1. The presence and magnitude of stress induced ischemia 2. The stage of cellular degeneration within viable myocardium 3. The degree of LV remodeling 4. Timing and success of revascularization procedure 5. Adequacy of the target coronary vessels, can affect the functional outcome after revascularization
  • 105. CONCLUSION  Revascularization should be done early before irreversible myocardial injury occur  In patients with ICMP with predominant heart failure symptoms viability assessment is essential before Revascularization  More detailed viability studies are needed for accurate prediction of benefits of revascularization in ICMP  Benefits of revascularization are not always associated with improved LVEF  Survival of patients with HM treated by MM is worse then similar pts. With non viable treated by MM