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Weekly SCIENTIFIC Seminar

                   ORGANIZED BY
                  DEPARTMENT OF
Anaesthesia for Noncardiac
 surgery in patient with IHD

               DR. MIZANUR RAHMAN
             Department of Anaesthesia
                 Sher-E-Bangla Medical
               College Hospital, Barisal
 Leading cause of death & health care expenditure
5% of patients over 35 years of age have asymptomatic
 ischaemic heart disease
Major cause of morbidity & loss of productivity
 May be present in up to 30% of older pts undergoing
Cardiac dysrhythmias[VF] are the major cause of
 sudden death.
Risk Factors for Development of
         Ischemic Heart Disease
    Male gender
    Increasing age
    Hypercholesterolemia
    Hypertension
    Cigarette smoking
    Diabetes mellitus
    Obesity
    Sedentary lifestyle
    Genetic factors
    Family history of premature
    ischemic heart disease (male
    <55 yrs of age, female <65 yrs)
Risk Factors for Development of
         Ischemic Heart Disease
    Male gender
    Increasing age
    Hypercholesterolemia
    Hypertension
    Cigarette smoking
    Diabetes mellitus
    Obesity
    Sedentary lifestyle
    Genetic factors
    Family history of premature
    ischemic heart disease (male
    <55 yrs of age, female <65 yrs)
Risk Factors for Development of
         Ischemic Heart Disease
    Male gender
    Increasing age
    Hypercholesterolemia
    Hypertension
    Cigarette smoking
    Diabetes mellitus
    Obesity
    Sedentary lifestyle
    Genetic factors
    Family history of premature
    ischemic heart disease (male
    <55 yrs of age, female <65 yrs)
Risk Factors for Development of
         Ischemic Heart Disease
    Male gender
    Increasing age
    Hypercholesterolemia
    Hypertension
    Cigarette smoking
    Diabetes mellitus
    Obesity
    Sedentary lifestyle
    Genetic factors
    Family history of premature
    ischemic heart disease (male
    <55 yrs of age, female <65 yrs)
Risk Factors for Development of
         Ischemic Heart Disease
    Male gender
    Increasing age
    Hypercholesterolemia
    Hypertension
    Cigarette smoking
    Diabetes mellitus
    Obesity
    Sedentary lifestyle
    Genetic factors
    Family history of premature
    ischemic heart disease (male
    <55 yrs of age, female <65 yrs)
 Patients with ischemic
  heart disease can present
  with chronic stable angina
  or with acute coronary
 The latter includes ST
  elevation myocardial
  infarction (STEMI) on
  presentation and unstable
  angina/non–ST elevation
  myocardial infarction
Screening & Evaluation
 History:
 Symptoms such as angina and dyspnoea may be
  absent at rest
 Emphasizing the importance of evaluating the
  patient's response to various physical activities such
  as walking or climbing stairs
 Limited exercise tolerance in the absence of
  significant lung disease is very good evidence of
  decreased cardiac reserve.
 If a patient can climb two to three flights of stairs
  without symptoms, it is likely that cardiac reserve is
 Silent Myocardial Ischemia
 Previous Myocardial Infarction
 Co-Existing Noncardiac Diseases
 Current Medications
Physical examination
 Signs of right and left ventricular
    dysfunction must be sought.
    A carotid bruit may indicate
    cerebrovascular disease.
    Orthostatic hypotension may
    reflect attenuated autonomic nervous
    system activity due to treatment with
    antihypertensive drugs.
   Jugular venous distention and
    peripheral edema are signs of right
    ventricular failure.
   Auscultation of the chest may reveal
    evidence of left ventricular
    dysfunction such as an S3 gallop or

 Family history ➣
Clinical Predictors of Increased
Perioperative Cardiovascular Risk
An algorithm for preoperative assessment
 of patients with ischemic heart disease
Special cardiac Investigation
12-lead ECG:
➣ May not show any abnormalities at rest or
 w/ no symptoms, or may show evidence of
 old MI (Q waves in 2 or more leads & >1/3 of
 the QRS complex length)
➣ May reveal ST segment depression >1 mm
 from baseline w/ angina pectoris or ST-
 segment elevation w/ AMI or variant angina
➣ Other changes with symptoms of angina
 pectoris: reversible T-wave inversion
➣ Other findings with AMI: increased T-wave
 amplitude, followed by ST elevation,
 followed by Q-wave development &
 resolution of ST elevation
 Can be used to assess
  global cardiac function.
 It can also be used to assess
  regional wall motion
  abnormalities & detect the
  presence of previous
  myocardial injury.
 LV function assessment is a
  major determinant of long-
  term prognosis.
 It is also used to diagnose
  LV thrombus in case of
  apical & anterior wall MI
Exercise electrocardiography
 It is less accurate than
  imaging studies to
  establish diagnosis of IHD
  but can give an idea about
  LV function & prognosis.
 It may not be feasible in
  patients with severe PVD,
  limited exercise tolerance,
  paced rhythm, abnormal
  ST segment or aortic
Stress echocardiography
 This is used with pharmacologic induction of cardiac
  stress (dobutamine) or exercise to look at LV
  segmental wall function at rest & with stress.
 This can be also used to differentiate between viable
  (hibernating, stunned) & nonviable (infarcted)
  myocardial segments.
 Echocardiography at rest can be used to assess LV
  function, which is an important prognostic variable.
Nuclear stress imaging:
 is used to assess coronary perfusion at rest & after
 Nuclear tracers (technetium, thallium) are used to
  measure coronary blood flow.
 Positron emission tomography:
 May be used to demonstrate regional myocardial
    blood flow & metabolism, & hence viability.
Coronary angiogram
Coronary angiography :
 Provides information about the
  coronary anatomy & the extent &
  location of the lesions.
 It is indicated in pts w/ unstable
  angina despite maximal therapy.
 It can provide a road map to
  coronary revascularization & the
  feasibility of percutaneous
  angioplasty or surgical treatment
  depending on the characteristics &
  location of the lesions.
   Cardiac enzyme elevation:
 Troponin is more specific than CK-MB
    ; increases within 4 hours after AMI &
    remains elevated up to 1 wk.
Preoperative preparation
 AHA Guideline Update
  on Perioperative
 Evaluation for
 Noncardiac Surgery
 can be used for risk
 stratification of
 patients with IHD
Risk stratification
➣ Variables related to 4 major categories:
 Nature of surgery (high, moderate or low risk),
 Presence of IHD,
 Presence of CHF
 Presence of cerebrovascular disease
➣ Presence of comorbid conditions(diabetes mellitus,
  aortic stenosis, PVD)
➣ Exercise tolerance
➣ Studies may be ordered if disease severity has not
  been assessed previously.
Goldman's index of cardiac risk
  in noncardiac procedures
 History & physical exam to assess extent of disease,
  exercise tolerance & symptom pattern, in addition to
  history of comorbid diseases.
 Elective surgery in pts with a history of AMI should be
  delayed up to 6months after the episode of AMI if
 Intraoperative tachycardia can increase the risk of
  intraoperative ischemia & perioperative MI.
 Silent myocardial ischemia may be seen as only ECG
  changes with no history of symptoms.
 Almost 70–75% of ischemic episodes in IHD pts are silent,
  as well as 10–15% of AMIs.
■ Continue beta blockers; they were found to increase
  long-term survival in patients with IHD.
■ Calcium channel blockers do not increase the negative
  inotropic & vasodilatory effects of inhalational agents
  but may potentiate the effects of depolarizing &
  nondepolarizing muscle relaxants.
■ Stop ACE inhibitors the night before surgery to avoid
  severe hypotension intraoperatively.
■ Stop aspirin 1 wk before surgery if possible;
  anticoagulation must be held to decrease risk of
■ Patients with coronary stents should have their surgery
  delayed at least 4 wks after stenting when possible.
■ Lifestyle modification may affect exercise tolerance
  (smoking cessation, diet).
■ Cholesterol & triglyceride levels should be kept within
  acceptable range.
■ Preop studies (ECG, chest x-ray, echocardiogram, etc.)
  may be indicated depending on risk stratification, IHD
  severity & disease progression
Preoperative Medication
Goal-Minimizing the sympathetic system effects on the
  myocardium helps decrease the possibility of ischemic
  events perioperatively. This can be achieved by:
  ➣ Anxiolysis with sedatives/narcotics
  (benzodiazepines, opioids, scopolamine 0.4–0.6 mg
  IM or 0.2–0.4 mg IV)
  ➣ Continuation or administration of beta blockers
 Administration of nitroglycerine
 Maintain heart rate & blood pressure within 20% of
  normal values.
Aim –Replacement of air in   Holding anaesthesia mask on
FRC[20-30ml/kg] with                   the face
enriched O2

O2 -15 L/min for 3 min
■ Induction :
 ➣ The main goal during
 induction is to avoid
 hypertension &
 tachycardia, thereby
 decreasing drastic
 cardiac events.
  ➣ Minimize extreme
 variation in heart rate &
 blood pressure.
 Control cardiovascular
 response to tracheal
 intubation by keeping low
 duration of
 laryngoscopy(<15sec) or by
 pharmacologic means.
 Pharmacologic interventions
 include lidocaine IV 1.5 to 2
 min before intubation (1.5–2
 mg/kg), intratracheal
 lidocaine (2 mg/kg) at the
 time of laryngoscopy, IV
 fentanyl 13 micrograms/kg, IV
 esmolol or IV nitroprusside
➣ Continuous nitroglycerine
 infusion was not found to
 decrease the incidence of
 intraoperative myocardial
➣ Avoid induction agents
 capable of stimulating
 sympathetic nervous system
 (ketamine, pancuronium)
Regional Anesthesia
 Regional anesthesia may be preferred to general
  anesthesia if possible, as it tends to better block
  the stress response to surgery.
 Hypotension associated with some regional
  techniques should be corrected by fluids &
  sympathomimetic agents
 Potential benefits of a regional anesthetic
  include excellent pain control, a decreased
  incidence of deep vein thrombosis in some
  patients, and the opportunity to continue the
  block into the postoperative period.
 However, the incidence of postoperative cardiac
  morbidity and mortality does not appear to be
  significantly different between general and
  regional anesthesia.
Maintenance of Anaesthesia
➣ Volatile anesthetics
 (isoflurane, desflurane &
 sevoflurane) are safe to
 use with IHD, provided
 severe CHF is not
➣ Alternative technique
 may be high-dose
 narcotic agent with
 oxygen & nitrous oxide.
Maintenance of Anaesthesia
 Vecuronium, rocuronium, cisatracurium
  are attractive choices for patients with
  ischemic heart disease
 Avoid pancuronium to reduce
  sympathomimetic activity.
 Increased sensitivity to muscle relaxants
  may be seen in pts on calcium channel
 Keep BP & heart rate within 20% of awake
 Intraoperative ischemia may be treated
  with beta blockers (esmolol) in case of
  tachycardia, IV nitrates in the case of
  hypertension, or IV sympathomimetics
  & fluids with hypotension.
 Maintain intraoperative heart rate at less
  than 80 bpm.
Maintenance of Anaesthesia
➣ Minimizing body heat loss is vital
  .                                    Body warming blanket
 to avoid postop shivering &
 precipitation of ischemic
 myocardial events. This can be
 achieved with warm IV fluids, warm
 operating room atmosphere, forced
 warm air covers & irrigation of the
 surgical site with warm fluids.
➣ To maintain adequate myocardial
 oxygen delivery, do not allow
 hemoglobin to drop below 10
 An important goal when
  selecting monitors for
  patients with ischemic heart
  disease is to select those that
  allow early detection of
  myocardial ischemia
 Most myocardial ischemia
  occurs in the absence of
  hemodynamic alterations
 So one should be cautious
  when endorsing routine use
  of expensive or complex
  monitors to detect
  myocardial ischemia.
Monitors used depend on disease severity & operative
                procedure complexity
➣ ECG: simplest & most commonly used. ST-segment
 changes are principally used to diagnose myocardial
➣ Pulmonary artery catheter: ischemia manifests as a
 sudden increase in PCWP, in addition to new V waves in
 case of new onset of ischemic mitral valve regurgitation.
➣ Central venous pressure may correlate with PCWP if EF
 = 0.5 & there is no evidence of LV dysfunction.
➣ Transesophageal echocardiography: most sensitive to
 detect intraoperative myocardial ischemia by detecting
 new onset of regional wall motion abnormality
Wake up and Emergence
■ Proper pain control is key to avoid
    myocardial ischemic events.
■   Muscle relaxants can be reversed with
    neostigmine in combination with
    glycopyrrolate, as the latter produces
    less tachycardia. Nevertheless, atropine
    can be used with no adverse effects as
    long as the pt is adequately beta
■   Continuous ECG monitoring w/ ST-
    segment analysis is important to detect
    any myocardial ischemic events.
■   Supplemental oxygen to maintain
    adequate oxygen saturation is
■   Adequate heart rate & BP control as
■   Treat tachycardia or hemodynamic
■   Avoid & treat shivering.
Wake up and Emergence
 Early extubation is possible and
  desirable in many patients as
  long as they fulfill the criteria for
 However, patients with ischemic
  heart disease can become
  ischemic during emergence
  from anesthesia and/or weaning
  with an increased heart rate and
  blood pressure.
 These hemodynamic alterations
  must be managed diligently.
  Pharmacologic therapy with a β-
  blocker or combined α- and β-
  blockers such as labetalol can be
  very helpful.
Intraoperative Events That Influence the Balance Between
             Myocardial Oxygen Delivery and Requirements

Decreased Oxygen Delivery

   Decreased coronary blood flow
   Tachycardia
   Diastolic hypotension
   Hypocapnia (coronary artery                      [Pulse oxymeter]
    vasoconstriction)                Increased Oxygen Requirements
   Coronary artery spasm                Sympathetic nervous
   Decreased oxygen content              system stimulation
   Anemia                               Tachycardia
   Arterial hypoxemia                   Hypertension
   Shift of the oxyhaemoglobin          Increased myocardial
    dissociation curve to the left        contractility
                                         Increased afterload
                                         Increased preload
 500,000 to 900,000 perioperative MIs occur annually worldwide.
 The incidence of perioperative cardiac injury is a cumulative result of
    preoperative medical condition, the specific surgical procedure,
    expertise of the surgeon, the diagnostic criteria used to define MI, and
    the overall medical care at a particular institution.
   The risk of perioperative death due to cardiac causes is less than 1% for
    patients who do not have ischemic heart disease as evidenced by a
    history of angina pectoris, electrocardiographic signs of MI, or
    angiographically documented coronary artery disease.
    The incidence of perioperative MI in patients who undergo elective
    high-risk vascular surgery is between 5% and 15%.
   The risk is even higher for emergency surgery.
    Patients who undergo urgent hip surgery have an incidence of
    perioperative MI of 5% to 7%, whereas less than 3% of patients who
    undergo elective total knee or hip arthroplasty have a perioperative MI.
Predictors of postoperative
      myocardial ischaemia
Left ventricular hypertrophy
History of hypertension
Diabetes mellitus
Known ischaemic heart disease
Use of digoxin
Factors that can contribute to
perioperative myocardial infarction
Diagnosis of Perioperative
         Myocardial Infarction
 The diagnosis of acute MI traditionally requires the
  presence of at least two of the following three elements:
 (1) ischemic chest pain
 (2) evolutionary changes on the ECG
 (3) increase and decrease in cardiac biomarker levels.
 In the perioperative period, ischemic episodes are often
  silent, that is, not associated with chest pain.
 Many postoperative ECGs are nondiagnostic.
 Nonspecific ECG changes, new-onset dysrhythmias, and
  noncardiac-related hemodynamic instability can further
  obscure the clinical picture of acute coronary syndrome in
  the perioperative period
The goals of
management are
prevent ischemia,
monitor for
myocardial injury, and
treat myocardial
■ Supplemental oxygen is crucial.
■ Pain control to avoid excessive sympathetic
  nervous system stimulation
■ Maintain adequate beta blockade.
■ 12-lead ECG as a baseline
■ Prevention of shivering & maintenance of
  normothermia is crucial to avoid oxygen
  desaturation & sympathetic nervous system
■ Maintaining adequate oxygenation & tight
  pain control for 48 to 72 hr postop is very
  important, since this is the period when the
  likelihood of developing AMI is highest.
 It is of interest that
 postoperative myocardial
 reinfarction often occurs
 48-72 hours postoperatively,
 a period that could
 correspond to
 discontinuation of
 supplemental oxygen and
 less aggressive treatment of
 Reasonable control of
 blood glucose: keep blood
 glucose levels 100–180

Thank you all for watching the presentation

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Anaesthesia and ihd

  • 2. Anaesthesia for Noncardiac surgery in patient with IHD DR. MIZANUR RAHMAN Anaesthesiologist Department of Anaesthesia Sher-E-Bangla Medical College Hospital, Barisal
  • 3. Overview  Leading cause of death & health care expenditure 5% of patients over 35 years of age have asymptomatic ischaemic heart disease Major cause of morbidity & loss of productivity  May be present in up to 30% of older pts undergoing surgery Cardiac dysrhythmias[VF] are the major cause of sudden death.
  • 4. Risk Factors for Development of Ischemic Heart Disease  Male gender  Increasing age  Hypercholesterolemia  Hypertension  Cigarette smoking  Diabetes mellitus  Obesity  Sedentary lifestyle  Genetic factors  Family history of premature ischemic heart disease (male <55 yrs of age, female <65 yrs)
  • 5. Risk Factors for Development of Ischemic Heart Disease  Male gender  Increasing age  Hypercholesterolemia  Hypertension  Cigarette smoking  Diabetes mellitus  Obesity  Sedentary lifestyle  Genetic factors  Family history of premature ischemic heart disease (male <55 yrs of age, female <65 yrs)
  • 6. Risk Factors for Development of Ischemic Heart Disease  Male gender  Increasing age  Hypercholesterolemia  Hypertension  Cigarette smoking  Diabetes mellitus  Obesity  Sedentary lifestyle  Genetic factors  Family history of premature ischemic heart disease (male <55 yrs of age, female <65 yrs)
  • 7. Risk Factors for Development of Ischemic Heart Disease  Male gender  Increasing age  Hypercholesterolemia  Hypertension  Cigarette smoking  Diabetes mellitus  Obesity  Sedentary lifestyle  Genetic factors  Family history of premature ischemic heart disease (male <55 yrs of age, female <65 yrs)
  • 8. Risk Factors for Development of Ischemic Heart Disease  Male gender  Increasing age  Hypercholesterolemia  Hypertension  Cigarette smoking  Diabetes mellitus  Obesity  Sedentary lifestyle  Genetic factors  Family history of premature ischemic heart disease (male <55 yrs of age, female <65 yrs)
  • 9. .  Patients with ischemic heart disease can present with chronic stable angina or with acute coronary syndrome.  The latter includes ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) on presentation and unstable angina/non–ST elevation myocardial infarction (UA/NSTEMI)
  • 10. Screening & Evaluation  History:  Symptoms such as angina and dyspnoea may be absent at rest  Emphasizing the importance of evaluating the patient's response to various physical activities such as walking or climbing stairs  Limited exercise tolerance in the absence of significant lung disease is very good evidence of decreased cardiac reserve.  If a patient can climb two to three flights of stairs without symptoms, it is likely that cardiac reserve is adequate.  Silent Myocardial Ischemia  Previous Myocardial Infarction  Co-Existing Noncardiac Diseases  Current Medications
  • 11. Physical examination  Signs of right and left ventricular dysfunction must be sought.  A carotid bruit may indicate cerebrovascular disease.  Orthostatic hypotension may reflect attenuated autonomic nervous system activity due to treatment with antihypertensive drugs.  Jugular venous distention and peripheral edema are signs of right ventricular failure.  Auscultation of the chest may reveal evidence of left ventricular dysfunction such as an S3 gallop or rales.  Family history ➣
  • 12. Clinical Predictors of Increased Perioperative Cardiovascular Risk
  • 13. An algorithm for preoperative assessment of patients with ischemic heart disease
  • 14. Special cardiac Investigation 12-lead ECG: ➣ May not show any abnormalities at rest or w/ no symptoms, or may show evidence of old MI (Q waves in 2 or more leads & >1/3 of the QRS complex length) ➣ May reveal ST segment depression >1 mm from baseline w/ angina pectoris or ST- segment elevation w/ AMI or variant angina ➣ Other changes with symptoms of angina pectoris: reversible T-wave inversion ➣ Other findings with AMI: increased T-wave amplitude, followed by ST elevation, followed by Q-wave development & resolution of ST elevation
  • 15. Echocardiography  Can be used to assess global cardiac function.  It can also be used to assess regional wall motion abnormalities & detect the presence of previous myocardial injury.  LV function assessment is a major determinant of long- term prognosis.  It is also used to diagnose LV thrombus in case of apical & anterior wall MI
  • 16. Exercise electrocardiography  It is less accurate than imaging studies to establish diagnosis of IHD but can give an idea about LV function & prognosis.  It may not be feasible in patients with severe PVD, limited exercise tolerance, paced rhythm, abnormal ST segment or aortic stenosis.
  • 17. Stress echocardiography  This is used with pharmacologic induction of cardiac stress (dobutamine) or exercise to look at LV segmental wall function at rest & with stress.  This can be also used to differentiate between viable (hibernating, stunned) & nonviable (infarcted) myocardial segments.  Echocardiography at rest can be used to assess LV function, which is an important prognostic variable.
  • 18. . Nuclear stress imaging:  is used to assess coronary perfusion at rest & after stress.  Nuclear tracers (technetium, thallium) are used to measure coronary blood flow.  Positron emission tomography:  May be used to demonstrate regional myocardial blood flow & metabolism, & hence viability.
  • 19. Coronary angiogram Coronary angiography :  Provides information about the coronary anatomy & the extent & location of the lesions.  It is indicated in pts w/ unstable angina despite maximal therapy.  It can provide a road map to coronary revascularization & the feasibility of percutaneous angioplasty or surgical treatment depending on the characteristics & location of the lesions.  Cardiac enzyme elevation:  Troponin is more specific than CK-MB ; increases within 4 hours after AMI & remains elevated up to 1 wk.
  • 20. Preoperative preparation  AHA Guideline Update on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation for Noncardiac Surgery can be used for risk stratification of patients with IHD
  • 21. Risk stratification ➣ Variables related to 4 major categories:  Nature of surgery (high, moderate or low risk),  Presence of IHD,  Presence of CHF  Presence of cerebrovascular disease ➣ Presence of comorbid conditions(diabetes mellitus, aortic stenosis, PVD) ➣ Exercise tolerance ➣ Studies may be ordered if disease severity has not been assessed previously.
  • 22. Goldman's index of cardiac risk in noncardiac procedures
  • 23. .  History & physical exam to assess extent of disease, exercise tolerance & symptom pattern, in addition to history of comorbid diseases.  Elective surgery in pts with a history of AMI should be delayed up to 6months after the episode of AMI if possible.  Intraoperative tachycardia can increase the risk of intraoperative ischemia & perioperative MI.  Silent myocardial ischemia may be seen as only ECG changes with no history of symptoms.  Almost 70–75% of ischemic episodes in IHD pts are silent, as well as 10–15% of AMIs.
  • 24. . ■ Continue beta blockers; they were found to increase long-term survival in patients with IHD. ■ Calcium channel blockers do not increase the negative inotropic & vasodilatory effects of inhalational agents but may potentiate the effects of depolarizing & nondepolarizing muscle relaxants. ■ Stop ACE inhibitors the night before surgery to avoid severe hypotension intraoperatively. ■ Stop aspirin 1 wk before surgery if possible; anticoagulation must be held to decrease risk of bleeding.
  • 25. . ■ Patients with coronary stents should have their surgery delayed at least 4 wks after stenting when possible. ■ Lifestyle modification may affect exercise tolerance (smoking cessation, diet). ■ Cholesterol & triglyceride levels should be kept within acceptable range. ■ Preop studies (ECG, chest x-ray, echocardiogram, etc.) may be indicated depending on risk stratification, IHD severity & disease progression
  • 26. Preoperative Medication Goal-Minimizing the sympathetic system effects on the myocardium helps decrease the possibility of ischemic events perioperatively. This can be achieved by: ➣ Anxiolysis with sedatives/narcotics (benzodiazepines, opioids, scopolamine 0.4–0.6 mg IM or 0.2–0.4 mg IV) ➣ Continuation or administration of beta blockers  Administration of nitroglycerine  Maintain heart rate & blood pressure within 20% of normal values.
  • 27. Preoxygenation Aim –Replacement of air in Holding anaesthesia mask on FRC[20-30ml/kg] with the face enriched O2 O2 -15 L/min for 3 min
  • 28. Anesthesia ■ Induction : ➣ The main goal during induction is to avoid hypertension & tachycardia, thereby decreasing drastic cardiac events. ➣ Minimize extreme variation in heart rate & blood pressure.
  • 29. .  Control cardiovascular response to tracheal intubation by keeping low duration of laryngoscopy(<15sec) or by pharmacologic means.  Pharmacologic interventions include lidocaine IV 1.5 to 2 min before intubation (1.5–2 mg/kg), intratracheal lidocaine (2 mg/kg) at the time of laryngoscopy, IV fentanyl 13 micrograms/kg, IV esmolol or IV nitroprusside
  • 30. Nitroglycerin ➣ Continuous nitroglycerine infusion was not found to decrease the incidence of intraoperative myocardial ischemia. ➣ Avoid induction agents capable of stimulating sympathetic nervous system (ketamine, pancuronium)
  • 31. Regional Anesthesia  Regional anesthesia may be preferred to general anesthesia if possible, as it tends to better block the stress response to surgery.  Hypotension associated with some regional techniques should be corrected by fluids & sympathomimetic agents  Potential benefits of a regional anesthetic include excellent pain control, a decreased incidence of deep vein thrombosis in some patients, and the opportunity to continue the block into the postoperative period.  However, the incidence of postoperative cardiac morbidity and mortality does not appear to be significantly different between general and regional anesthesia.
  • 32. Maintenance of Anaesthesia ➣ Volatile anesthetics (isoflurane, desflurane & sevoflurane) are safe to use with IHD, provided severe CHF is not present. ➣ Alternative technique may be high-dose narcotic agent with oxygen & nitrous oxide.
  • 33. Maintenance of Anaesthesia  Vecuronium, rocuronium, cisatracurium are attractive choices for patients with ischemic heart disease  Avoid pancuronium to reduce sympathomimetic activity.  Increased sensitivity to muscle relaxants may be seen in pts on calcium channel blockers.  Keep BP & heart rate within 20% of awake values.  Intraoperative ischemia may be treated with beta blockers (esmolol) in case of tachycardia, IV nitrates in the case of hypertension, or IV sympathomimetics & fluids with hypotension.  Maintain intraoperative heart rate at less than 80 bpm.
  • 34. Maintenance of Anaesthesia ➣ Minimizing body heat loss is vital . Body warming blanket to avoid postop shivering & precipitation of ischemic myocardial events. This can be achieved with warm IV fluids, warm operating room atmosphere, forced warm air covers & irrigation of the surgical site with warm fluids. ➣ To maintain adequate myocardial oxygen delivery, do not allow hemoglobin to drop below 10 g/dL
  • 35. Monitoring  An important goal when selecting monitors for patients with ischemic heart disease is to select those that allow early detection of myocardial ischemia  Most myocardial ischemia occurs in the absence of hemodynamic alterations  So one should be cautious when endorsing routine use of expensive or complex monitors to detect myocardial ischemia.
  • 36. Monitors used depend on disease severity & operative procedure complexity ➣ ECG: simplest & most commonly used. ST-segment changes are principally used to diagnose myocardial ischaemia. ➣ Pulmonary artery catheter: ischemia manifests as a sudden increase in PCWP, in addition to new V waves in case of new onset of ischemic mitral valve regurgitation. ➣ Central venous pressure may correlate with PCWP if EF = 0.5 & there is no evidence of LV dysfunction. ➣ Transesophageal echocardiography: most sensitive to detect intraoperative myocardial ischemia by detecting new onset of regional wall motion abnormality
  • 37. Wake up and Emergence ■ Proper pain control is key to avoid myocardial ischemic events. ■ Muscle relaxants can be reversed with neostigmine in combination with glycopyrrolate, as the latter produces less tachycardia. Nevertheless, atropine can be used with no adverse effects as long as the pt is adequately beta blocked. ■ Continuous ECG monitoring w/ ST- segment analysis is important to detect any myocardial ischemic events. ■ Supplemental oxygen to maintain adequate oxygen saturation is important. ■ Adequate heart rate & BP control as intraoperatively ■ Treat tachycardia or hemodynamic instability. ■ Avoid & treat shivering.
  • 38. Wake up and Emergence  Early extubation is possible and desirable in many patients as long as they fulfill the criteria for extubation.  However, patients with ischemic heart disease can become ischemic during emergence from anesthesia and/or weaning with an increased heart rate and blood pressure.  These hemodynamic alterations must be managed diligently. Pharmacologic therapy with a β- blocker or combined α- and β- blockers such as labetalol can be very helpful.
  • 39. Intraoperative Events That Influence the Balance Between Myocardial Oxygen Delivery and Requirements Decreased Oxygen Delivery  Decreased coronary blood flow  Tachycardia  Diastolic hypotension  Hypocapnia (coronary artery [Pulse oxymeter] vasoconstriction) Increased Oxygen Requirements  Coronary artery spasm  Sympathetic nervous  Decreased oxygen content system stimulation  Anemia  Tachycardia  Arterial hypoxemia  Hypertension  Shift of the oxyhaemoglobin  Increased myocardial dissociation curve to the left contractility  Increased afterload  Increased preload
  • 40. PERIOPERATIVE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION  500,000 to 900,000 perioperative MIs occur annually worldwide.  The incidence of perioperative cardiac injury is a cumulative result of preoperative medical condition, the specific surgical procedure, expertise of the surgeon, the diagnostic criteria used to define MI, and the overall medical care at a particular institution.  The risk of perioperative death due to cardiac causes is less than 1% for patients who do not have ischemic heart disease as evidenced by a history of angina pectoris, electrocardiographic signs of MI, or angiographically documented coronary artery disease.  The incidence of perioperative MI in patients who undergo elective high-risk vascular surgery is between 5% and 15%.  The risk is even higher for emergency surgery.  Patients who undergo urgent hip surgery have an incidence of perioperative MI of 5% to 7%, whereas less than 3% of patients who undergo elective total knee or hip arthroplasty have a perioperative MI.
  • 41. Predictors of postoperative myocardial ischaemia Left ventricular hypertrophy History of hypertension Diabetes mellitus Known ischaemic heart disease Use of digoxin
  • 42. Factors that can contribute to perioperative myocardial infarction
  • 43. Diagnosis of Perioperative Myocardial Infarction  The diagnosis of acute MI traditionally requires the presence of at least two of the following three elements:  (1) ischemic chest pain  (2) evolutionary changes on the ECG  (3) increase and decrease in cardiac biomarker levels.  In the perioperative period, ischemic episodes are often silent, that is, not associated with chest pain.  Many postoperative ECGs are nondiagnostic.  Nonspecific ECG changes, new-onset dysrhythmias, and noncardiac-related hemodynamic instability can further obscure the clinical picture of acute coronary syndrome in the perioperative period
  • 44. PACU or ICU The goals of postoperative management are prevent ischemia, monitor for myocardial injury, and treat myocardial ischemia/infarction
  • 45. Contd ■ Supplemental oxygen is crucial. ■ Pain control to avoid excessive sympathetic nervous system stimulation ■ Maintain adequate beta blockade. ■ 12-lead ECG as a baseline ■ Prevention of shivering & maintenance of normothermia is crucial to avoid oxygen desaturation & sympathetic nervous system activation. ■ Maintaining adequate oxygenation & tight pain control for 48 to 72 hr postop is very important, since this is the period when the likelihood of developing AMI is highest.
  • 46. Contd  It is of interest that postoperative myocardial reinfarction often occurs 48-72 hours postoperatively, a period that could correspond to discontinuation of supplemental oxygen and less aggressive treatment of pain  Reasonable control of blood glucose: keep blood glucose levels 100–180 mg/dL
  • 47. . Thank you all for watching the presentation