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“The Study on The Level of Discipline Problem in One of Sarawak
School ”
Dabney Luang Anak Pengehan
Master of Education in Educational
(Management and Leadership)
“The Study on The Level of Discipline Problem in One of Sarawak School ”
By Dabney Luang Anak Pengehan
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study.................................................................................................................7
1.2 Research Problem ...........................................................................................................................8
1.3 Research Objectives………………………………………………………………………………8
1.4 Research Questions……………………………………………………………………………………9
1.5 Research Hypothesis.............................................................................................................................9
1.6 Significance of the study.....................................................................................................................10
1.7 Limitation of the Study…………………………………………………………………………..11-12
1.8 Operational Definitions
1.9 Conclusions.............................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.0 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………..14
2.1 Review of related
2.2 Review of factors students
2.3 Conceptual
3.1 Research
3.2 Population and
3.3 Research Instrument
3.4 Procedure for Data Collection
3.5 Procedure for Data
3.6 Summary
List of References……………………………………………………………………………………..38-40
Chapter One
1.0 Introduction
Over the years of discipline problems among students in school never ends. Such problem
is a fundamental problem in every school. According to Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri
Mohamed Khaled Nordin said, we should all be born a human quality. National education
dialogue could be one of the best platform to produce quality graduates, thus fulfilling the human
resource requirements . Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said the
implementation of the dialogue that takes into account the views of the entire group and groups
including teachers, students, youth, industry and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are
timely. Until now research on top disciplinary problems among students in school truancy.
Disciplinary problems such as truancy, tardiness, unmanaged hair, smoking, extortion problem,
addiction problems and serious social problems cause problems in school.
Ministry of Education revealed that about 76.300 or 1.09 per than seven million students in
this country is involved in a variety of disciplines (Banyan Banyan Alwi Ahmad Zaki, 2005).
We get to see every school in this region and in the world is 80 percent of the problems - the
problems faced by each school are discipline problems that symptoms of serious student
misconduct. Discipline students, especially high school students should be taken seriously by all
parties that it will not continue. Even casual attitude of some schools that expose their student
misconduct, should be praised and emulated. If hidden until anytime problem can not be
(Sharifah Rinah Sh.Ismail, 2005) will probably result in a bigger problem when they encounter
difficulties in life after running away from home as involved in prostitution, the service at a
nightclub or disco and so on.
In recent years, many cases involving high school students in the school. For example, the
case of students attack teachers. Inside Utusan Online on Jan 4, 2014, a student was charged
mencaderakan a male teacher from SMK Kuala Perlis with kerambit on the first day of school.
Incident happened on Jan 3 2014 Kangar, Perlis. During the incident at 7 am yesterday, the girls
were said to be angry after the teacher examining a school entrance rebuked him for styling hair
styled 'punk' and color rambut.Selepas reprimanded, the student went home and came back to
school with her mother to meet with the teacher to occur pertengkaran.Student the alleged act of
attacking teacher uses kerambit resulting injury under his right eye and had been treated at the
clinic Kuala Perlis. However , the student has been remanded for a week and the case is being
investigated under Section 324 of the Penal Code for voluntarily causing hurt to use weapons or
dangerous objects. Shortly after that, another case involving teachers and students as well as the
student form two teachers at teacher breaking up lips. The event occurred in Kulai Johor.
Incident occurred on May 23, 2014.
Free sex and sex crimes among students is becoming more widespread and worrying us,
especially students in urban areas and cities. What is unfortunate is that their involvement was
detected as early as age 13 when they are in form one and two.
A female teacher at a secondary school discipline reveals that he found a condom that is
stored in a bag by female students at a school in Taman Melawati, Kuala Lumpur. Condoms
were found during surprise checks conducted at the school. Increased involvement of young girls
in immoral activity is another indication that the youth moral decadence in Malaysia more
A fellow teacher from SMK Anderson Ipoh, Mr Ashri revealed he had surveyed in Ipoh at night
and felt very surprised to see that the male students drank booze unashamedly in public. He also exposes
the students involved in the distribution of ecstasy pills. Students involved frequently absent from school,
and on investigation found the school's students are the chief distributor of Ecstasy pills at school.
Teens are also involved in the 'K-Pop' which was popularized by Korean teenagers. Changes in
adolescents as well as hair dangle fairly strict dress is style 'K-Pop' teen korea. Influence of mass
media and the nature of teenagers who want to try something new by imitation Korean teen
could cause moral decline of young Malaysians. Malaysia is rich in culture, distinctive skills and
polite manners. However, due to the influence of mass media outside cause some teenagers
complacent and forget their origins.
Today's world has suffered a great social changes which influence the values and traditions of the
people increasingly thin as driven by technology and the explosion of information that can deflecting soul
of youth. Nowadays, many people are beginning to express their worries about moral decay and weakness
discipline teenagers or young people, especially among students.
Nevertheless, my study will identify the factors and measures to improve the issue of school
discipline in one of Sarawak School and the important thing is the effect of school management of school
discipline .
1.1 Background of the study
This paper focuses on the factors on the students discipline in school , the ways to improve school
discipline and the effect of school management of school discipline . At present, the problem of
disciplines prevalent in the media and in the newspapers. But this should not be allowed because the child
is a valuable asset for the country. They will lead the country. This statement is further strengthened by
Biglan, T., Wang, M., & Walberg, H. (2003) where they support that discipline problems can preventing
youth problem .
Factors that cause disciplinary problems in school may have become a habit. But the high school as
a community should be viewed in terms of contextual influences and consequences for Students and
Teachers. This statement was supported by Bryk, A., & Driscoll, M. (1988). We want to produce students
with a range of products of a school is a good moral value and quality. Management schools should also
be viewed from a holistic and multifaceted. This can create a school that is organized, efficient and
balanced. Thus , this paper tends to provide an overview on the factors , the ways to improve and the
effects of school discipline to school management . This is the extent of the effectiveness of school
management to overcome the problem of discipline in schools.
1.2 Research Problem
This study is to examine the most efficient measures to address the problem of discipline in SMK
Rosli Dhoby , Sibu Sarawak . Since the end - this end , the problem of discipline in schools is rampant
even nearly all schools have the same thing . Truancy is a problem that often hit students at various levels
ranging from elementary school to the highest level of higher education institutions (HEIs).
Through the experience of the researcher in addressing the problem of truancy among school
students of course there are factors that cause a student commits an act of misconduct either skipping
school truancy, truancy or skipping attend activities outside the classroom. By observation there are many
factors that cause students to engage in truancy, among them is due to the attitude of the students
attitudes, peers, parents and teachers.
The factors - environmental factors schools, school management and school infrastructure may also
cause the students involved in the truancy problem. In this study, the researcher will only identify the
extent of the factors attitude of students, peers, parents, students and teachers involved in the truancy
problem. In addition, researchers will try to identify the factors which motivate students more involved in
the truancy problem .Such things cannot be overstated because it involves teenagers.
Youth is a national asset and will lead the country in the future . Failure to address the problems of
moral discipline will impair adolescents and their future . All schools have rules and students can not be
against the rules. However , students who violate the rules will invite disciplinary problems at school .
With the advent of efficient regulation and more efficient management will foster a harmonious and
happy. School leaders need to be concerned with this problem and work with academic staff , non-
academic and parents to reduce school discipline . Thus, the focus of the investigation is to find the
factors of an issue with discipline and a way to overcome the problem of discipline to discipline problems
can be overcome and establish a harmonious and peaceful school .
1.3 Research Objectives
The objectives of this study are :
a) To determine the factors that causes discipline problems of school discipline .
b) To determine the ways to improve of school discipline .
c) To determine the effect of school management of school discipline .
1.4 Research Questions
The questions of this study are :
a) What are the factors that cause discipline problems among students?
b) What are the ways to improve of school discipline ?
c) What are the effect of school management of school discipline ?
1.5 Research Hypothesis
A research hypothesis is a prediction of the outcome of a study. The prediction may be based on an
educated guess .The research hypothesis for this study are ;
1. There is no significant differences factors that causes discipline problems among students .
2. There is no significant differences the ways to overcome the problem of school discipline .
3. There is no significant differences the effect of school management of school discipline .
1.6 Significance of the study
The question of discipline problems were much has been said by many parents the same apply
own students, community members, academics and others at school meetings and seminar . The results
of this study can reveal the cause of the school's discipline problems among students.
In addition, an important finding of this study as a guide or reference to the school, parents,
school counselors, teachers to understand and determine the factors that cause discipline problems among
students. The parties involved can also search for other alternatives in addition to thinking about the steps
to resolve this discipline.
Success in finding a solution to the symptoms of school discipline, then the desire of teachers,
schools, parents and the state to make the dream of home generation and would be implemented in
accordance with the recommendations of the government who want to establish moral and ethical society
whose citizens are strong in religious and spiritual and backed by the highest ethical standards.
1.7 Limitation of the Study
This research was carried out in SMK Rosli Dhoby , Sibu , Sarawak area with a sample of 30
teachers . Name of the school in conjunction with a figure of a warrior named Rosli Dhoby a Malay
Sarawakian nationalist from Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia during your the British crown colony era in that's
state. In that event, he had killed Sir Duncan George Stewart, the second governor of colonial Sarawak in
1949. SMK Rosli Dhoby was established in 1973 and a name taken Rosli Dhoby In conjunction
commemorate his full name is meritorious. Up to now the name of SMK Rosli Dhoby still fresh in the
eyes of the world.
This research is involve teachers ,who from varies background and experience in teaching .
Then , some of them are family life . This is important because only those who have married more aware
of the real factor and the most drastic measures to deal with discipline problems in schools. Therefore, I
also provide space for teachers how they manage the school administration effectively when problems
occur on school discipline. This is important because the school of excellence, glory and distinction is a
school that has a good disciplinary record. This refers to the schools, how school management can be
implemented properly and holistically. However , the main limitations of this research are time . I don't
have enough time to carry out this research . The time allocated to this research only given 3 months in a
semester. I know if my studies only 3 semesters only and my studies are a mixture of Coursework and
research. This makes it difficult for me to complete the research properly and require at least two years to
complete my studies.
Next limitation is that teachers at the school work hard to provide. Sometimes they give a reason
for not able to make the questionnaires well and finally marking their whim. This complicates when I
want to findings in chapter four soon. Therefore, I have provided an opinion as one of the questions the
validity of their answers. But this can be overcome if we are to persuade them to help me study. This is
because the study is not only to me only but also to help their school. This can produce some ideas to
solve the problem of discipline and proper management of the school is to be a premier school.
1.8 Operational Definitions
The definitions used in this study are as follows :
1.8.1 Implementation
The term implementation is invented by L.L (1454) , the meaning of implementation is “ a filling up”
(as with provisions) , from L. implore “to fill , “ from in – “ in” + plere “to fill” .Sense of “tool” is 1538 ,
from notion of things provided to do work , that which “fills up” a house . The act of implementing , or
putting into effect . The implementation of policies to conserve energy will involve personal sacrifice
.For the purpose of this study , the implementation refers to carry out students attitude use as to improve
school discipline in school .
1.8.2 Improve
According to the Free dictionary by Farlex , the term of improve is defined as to raise to more excellent
quality or make better . The verbs mean to advance to a more desirable , valuable or excellent state . For
the purpose of this study , the term improve refers to make better for school discipline nowadays .
1.8.3 Disciplinary Problem
According to dictionary reverso , the term of disciplinary is defined as actions are concerned with making
sure that people obey rules . For the purpose of this study , the term disciplinary refers school discipline
growing concern .
1.8.4 Effect
According to dictionary .com , the term of effect is defined as something that is produced by an cause .
For the purpose of this study , the term effect refers between the effect of school mangement and school
discipline .
1.9 Conclusion
In conclusion, this study describes the background of the study, the problem statement of the
study, the research objectives, the research questions, the significance of the study, limitations, and also a
bit about the operational definition. This review will explain more fully the factors of discipline problems
and also the most drastic and efficient measures to tackle indiscipline among students. Chapter 2 , will tell
the literature review. In this literature review will tell the scientific outlook on discipline problems among
adolescents in the present age.
Chapter Two
Research Review
2.0 Introduction
This chapter describes a research study by the scientific views to see the extent of the problem among the
young discipline. This research is important in order to support concerns about the causes of indiscipline
among students. This chapter were discuss about the review of related literature , the review by the effect
of school discipline and theoretical framework .
2.1 Review of related literature
Since lately, school disciplinary problems rampant in schools. Every day percentage discipline
problems getting increase recorded show with a variety of factors. If it is not controlled, discipline
problems will contribute social problems in our country. Among rob, kidnap, rob, rape, murder and so on.
Various factors that cause discipline problems in schools. For example, the students' own problems,
financial problems, family sessions and lessons at school are boring, a lot of school work and peer
influence. Pupils are national assets . If it is not formed from scratch then ruined the future generation.
Statistical information on school discipline has been showed the problems by following each a state. The
statistical information students discipline 2012 referred by Ministry of Education .
Types of Criminal
Primary School Secondary School
No of
1 The Criminal 5971 20.70 8350 10.66 14321 13.36 0.27
2 The Obscene 1064 3.69 2714 3.46 3778 3.52 0.07
3 Finishing Up 3082 10.69 10844 13.84 13926 12.99 0.26
No Importance on
2225 7.71 8178 10.44 10403 9.71 0.20
5 Curt 3794 13.15 11613 14.82 15407 14.37 0.29
6 Vandalism 1717 5.95 1913 2.44 3630 3.39 0.07
7 Truancy 5935 20.58 11408 14.56 17343 16.18 0.33
8 Naughtiness 2114 7.33 7812 9.97 9926 9.26 0.19
9 Bullying 2005 6.95 2154 2.75 4159 3.88 0.08
10 Cigarette 936 3.25 13362 17.05 14298 13.34 0.27
Total 28843 100 78348 100 107191 100 2.03
26.91 % 73.09 %
Table 1 .1 : The recorded statistics of students discipline Lower Secondary and High Secondary
school 2012 by Minister of Education Malaysia
2011 2012
No District No.of Students
No.of Students
1 PERLIS 759 1.48 747 1.55
2 KEDAH 7179 1.66 10054 2.47
6189 2.25 3777 1.44
4 PERAK 12863 2.74 11752 2.14
5 SELANGOR 11854 1.27 18188 1.98
9193 3.70 6058 2.51
5109 2.44 4339 2.09
8 MELAKA 4093 2.49 5356 3.39
9 JOHOR 11689 1.80 12219 1.97
10 PAHANG 8687 3.06 4133 1.52
11 TERENGGANU 7630 3.21 3859 1.59
12 KELANTAN 5369 1.40 2669 0.75
13 SABAH 11234 2.25 12088 2.52
14 SARAWAK 7479 1.50 11412 2.37
15 WP LABUAN 683 4.53 475 3.28
16 WP
208 1.26 65 0.41
Table 1.2 : The recorded statistics of students discipline by each State from 2011 from 2012 by
Minister of Education Malaysia
No Year Total % Mean
1 2007 1834 0.08%
2 2008 1848 0.08%
3 2009 1534 0.06%
4 2010 1348 0.05%
5 2011 1131 0.05%
6 2012 1811 0.07%
Table 1.3 : The recorded statistics of students discipline in Disposable School from 2007 until 2012
by Minister of Education Malaysia
No Year Total % Mean
2007 9587 0.40%
2008 8515 0.36%
2009 9080 0.38%
2010 8246 0.35%
2011 5007 0.26%
2012 6746 0.28%
Table 1.4 : The recorded statistics of students discipline in Suspension from School from 2007
until 2012 by Minister of Education Malaysia
No Year Total % Mean
2007 31252 1.33%
2008 31645 1.34%
2009 32964 1.40%
2010 27646 1.17%
5 2011 20452 0.87%
6 2012 16189 0.67%
Table 1.5 : The recorded statistics of students discipline in Caned from 2007 until 2012 by
Minister of Education Malaysia
According to Chambers (1983) , external control based to order and fear while discipline is
internal . However the Internal discipline comes from the individual because they understand the need for
it .The review has been supported by Johnson (1994) that the four orientations of school discipline were
reached . There are traditional , liberal progressive , socially critical and laissez faire .
Apart from that , Cantana (1991) believed that classroom management , planning and organizing
academic work effectiveness may controlling student’s behavior . Based on a ‘traditional orientation to
school discipline , the oriented more like communication and learning as unidirectional . The teacher’s
responsible to teach and control students to respect teachers .This theory has been supported by Johnson
(1994) .
According to Charles (2002) discipline has been described as maintain without teacher
intervention by students become self-disciplined and the behavioral students . Teachers should be
understand that students discipline happened by different historical backgrounds , religious beliefs and
living patterns (Gollnick & Chinn , 2002 , p.5 ) .
Apart from that , the students comes to school have different ethnic , and identities based of
valued socioeconomic status , ethnic , gender , language and others . In the other research , in African
tribal classrooms , that students’ misbehavior be attributable to confusion where conflicting in often the
situation . The sentences mentioned by Al Hassan (1992) .
According to Irwin & Nucei , 2004 , as a teacher , there should be understanding students culture
. However , teachers may determine ethnically sensitive and intervention strategies in the classroom .The
other overview that Ayensua-Mensah (1984) said in large family be able happened among students . This
is because their parents do not provide a book , school uniforms , and school fees . Apart from that ,
Mutalib (1986) said that a big family out of found suffering financial hardship and sociological aspects of
irregular .
2.2 Review of related by factors students discipline
Factor Statement by review
1. Peer Group Some students has been influenced by a friend .
They do not come to school by a friend who did not
attend classes . The opinion was supported by
Manja Mohd Ludin (1991) and Jaafar Abdul Rahim
2. Parents According to Mutalib (1986) , family size have
relationship with student attendance at school . A
big family out of found suffering financial hardship
and sociological aspects of irregular
3. Teacher The interesting of Teaching and Learning make a
students interest to learn / study well . This is
because student will not bored to learn . This
research has been supported by Atan (1980) . The
characteristic of Teaching and Learning make a
student affected .
2.3 Conceptual Framework
Figure 1 : The Conceptual Framework
In this study, the factors , the ways to improve and the effect on school managment have related
to school discipline among students SMK Rosli Dhoby , Sibu , Sarawak . There are many factor
affected school discipline . In this frame were find the ways to improve school discipline more
better . The ways to improve school discipline can decrease total number of discipline . If
measures to reduce school discipline is not taken care of, then it will also have an impact on the
management of the school . In this study , the school will identify ways to address the problem of
school discipline in order to avoid a negative impact on school management .A good in school
management may help a student especially problem students at least may change the attitude of
students . By three variable above were to determine either the factor , the ways and the
motivation were be effected to reduce the discipline student or not .
The factors
School Discipline
The ways to improve
The effect of school
3.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the Research Method which divided into Research Design, Population and Sample,
Instrumentation , validity and reliability , Data Collection and Data Analysis . This research used
experimental design to investigate the factor and the ways to improve school discipline among students in
SMK Rosli Dhoby Sibu Sarawak . Apart from that , this study will identify the impact of a common
issue in the management of school discipline.
3.1 Research Design
The design of this research is quantitative approach . This study to investigate the effects of three
independent variables; namely, the factors of school discipline , the ways to improve school discipline
and the effect of school management ; on the dependent variable of school discipline . The design was
meant among SMK Rosli Dhoby Teachers perception the factors and the ways to improve and how
classroom management effective helps in improving their school management . Among 50 teachers from
SMK Rosli Dhoby Sibu Sarawak have been chosen as the samples to gather the data needed . The
questionnaire is important because it is a establish tool within social science research to gain information
and participants the characteristics ,the behavior and their reason to topic investigate . This statement has
been supported by Bulmer ,2004 . This section will explain the factorial design with each of the
independent variable having two levels. The two levels of factors were low and high; the two levels of the
ways to improve were low and high ; and two levels of motivation were low and high. The factorial
design is shown in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1: Factorial Design on School Discipline
THE FACTORS Low factor will affect school
High factor doesn’t affect school
THE WAYS TO IMPROVE Low to overcome to improve will
not affect school discipline
High the ways to overcome
doesn’t affect school discipline
Low effect of classroom
management will affect school
High effect of classroom
management will affect school
3.2 Population and Sample
The population for this study will be among teachers SMK Rosli Dhoby , Sibu , Sarawak . The subject
selected as defined the criteria and standards used for the determination of the inclusion of subjects for
research protocol . The sentences has been supported by Neuman (2003) . However , this study used non-
probability sampling procedures to choose respondents . Non – probability sampling is not a random
selected method (Castillo , 2009 ) . Moreover , in non-probability , the samples are selected based on the
purposive own decision of the researcher . This statement has been supported by Castillo (2009) . This
study used purposive sampling . Purposive sampling mean only target a particular group of people ;
whereby for this research is teachers who are respondents among teachers SMK Rosli Dhoby , Sibu
Sarawak .All the respondents consist of teachers were randomly selected . The sample sizes for this study
are 50 respondents .
3.3 Research Instruments
The instrument used for data collection in this research study is questionnaire . The questionnaire is
adapted from Perception of School Discipline Survey by Barbara N.Young , Donald Snead and Toto
Sutarso .Some of the items are designer by the researcher in order to analyze school discipline and school
management to overcome the student discipline . For the purpose of this study , the questionnaire
included both close –ended as well as open-ended questions that would serve to bring quantitative and
qualitative data respectively . The open-ended questions are referred as structured interview as the
researcher has limited time to conduct actual interview with all respondents . The close –ended questions
,its has provide the Likert-Scale , which was the five –item scale from strong disagree to strongly agree .
The questionnaire were distributed to each of the respondents to assist answering the research questions
of this study . The total number of questions in this questionnaire was 42 items that have been divided
into five sections which were A,B,C, and D . The questions were divided into different section in order to
improve the face design of the questionnaire . The descriptions of each section are as follows :
Section A : Demographic
This section carries the general
questions on demographic data of
the respondents such as gender ,
age ,and race . Moreover , there
are also additional questions on
respondents’ jobs background
such as working experience and
7 items :
1 – 7
basic salary and academic
qualification .
Section B :
The Factors of The School
Disciplinary Problem
This section consists of several
question that are related the
factors school discipline causes .
This section might be help and
strenghten point that the factors
of school discipline may effect of
school management or not . Item
15 is an opened-ended question .
8 items :
8 – 15
Section C :
The ways to Improve of School
This section consists of several
question that are related the the
ways to improve of school
discipline . This section might be
help and has a strenghten point
that the ways to improve of
school discipline may effect of
school management or not .
However , the item 30 is an
opened –ended question .
15 items :
16 – 30
Section D :
The Effect of School
Management of School
While Section B and C focused
on the the factors and the ways to
improve , this final section
emphasized on how the
discipline problem may effect
8 items :
31 – 38
school management .There is
also open-ended question in this
last section .
These elements were chose in order to get the result and make conclusion on either the level of discipline
problem increase or decrease . However , the result were make a conclusion either discipline problem
may effect of school management or not .
Table 3.2 : Description of the Questionnaire
3.4 Data Collection
The respondents of this questionnaire are teachers from SMK Rosli Dhoby , Sibu , Sarawak . Among 50
teachers as respondents were called to answer this research questionnaire at the staff room . Before the
respondents answer the questionnaire , there will be a short briefing and explanation on the procedure .
The briefing is about the explaination on the research objective and what actually the questionnaire is .
The briefing took about five minutes . The questionnaire is distributed on weekdays during school time
,class sessions and before last period . The time needed to complete all the questions is around five to ten
minutes . The survey process was monitored by the researcher himself . This was to ensure that the data
given by the respondents are valid and any inquiries or problems faced by the respondents during the
survey could be attended . The questionnaire is collected after the respondentscompleted answering the
questionnaire .
The data collection was as follows :
Table 3.3 : Summary of the Data Collection Procedures
Design of Questionnaire
The questionnaire has four sections which are Section
A : Demographic Information , Section B : The factor
of discipline problem , Section C : The ways to
improve discipline problem and Section D : The
Effects of school management of discipline problem.
Sample Selection
The respondents of this questionnaire
are 50 teachers from SMK Rosli
Dhoby , Sibu , Sarawak
Questionnaire Distribution
The questionnaire is distributed on
weekdays during school time , class
sessions or before last period .
Time Taken
The time needed to comple the all
questions is around five to ten
minutes .
Questionnaire Collections
The questionnaire is collected after
the respondentscompleted answering
the questionnaire .
Data Collection
Survey Process :
The survey process was monitored by
the researcher himself . This was to
ensure that the data given by the
respondents are valid and any inquiries
or problems faced by the respondents
during the survey could be attended.
3.5 Data Analyses
All the data obtained from the questionnaire were collected and analyzed to provide answer to three
research questions for the study .For my interpret and analyze the data , the study use the Statistical
Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20.0 software . SPSS Software is more compatible for a
survey research . In this system software , the data was keyed –in and descriptive statistics is used in order
to analyze and interpret data and information gathered .
Research Objectives Section Analysis
i) To determine the factors that
causes discipline problems of
school discipline .
(Question 1 – 14)
Data were analyzed to the
frequency , mean and standard of
each item .
(Question 15)
This open-ended question was
analyze and data was analyze to
find the frequency and
percentage of the responses .
b) To determine the ways to
improve of school discipline . C
(Question 16 – 29)
Data were analyzed to the
frequency , mean and standard of
each item .
(Question 30)
This open-ended question was
analyze and data was analyze to
find the frequency and
percentage of the responses .
c) To determine the effect of
school management of school D
Data were analyzed to the
frequency , mean and standard of
discipline . (Question 31 – 37) each item .
(Question 38)
This open-ended question was
analyze and data was analyze to
find the frequency and
percentage of the responses .
Table 3.4 : Summary of Data Analysis
Thus , by using SPSS version 20.0 software , all items were analyzed from descriptive statistics . The
quantitative data from Section A , B, C and D of the questionnaire were analyzed and presented in the
form of charts and tables . However , the open-ended , the researcher will read the respondents’ answers .
After the researcher has determined the data whether they were positively or negatively inclined , then
only the data were keyed-in and analyzed . Simple charts representations for these open-ended questions
were also constructed for ease of reference by this study .
This is example of questionnaire ;
SECTION A – Demographic Information (Maklumat Demografi)
Direction : Please read each statement carefully and tick your answer .
Arahan : Sila baca setiap kenyataan dengan teliti dan tandakan jawapan anda.
1. Gender (Jantina) 4. Academic qualification(Kelayakan Akademik)
Female(Perempuan) Diploma
Male(Lelaki) Bachelor
2. Race(Bangsa) PhD
Chinese 5. Teaching Experience(Pengelaman Mengajar)
Indian <3 years
Others (please specific) : _______________ 3 – 5 years
6 – 10 years
3. Age(Umur) 11 -15 years
< 30 > 15 years
31- 40 6. Marital status(Status Perkahwinan)
41 – 50 Single
>50 Married
7. Basic monthly salary(Gaji Asas Bulanan)
<RM 2,500 RM3, 501 –RM 4, 500 >RM5,500
RM2, 500 – RM 3,500 RM4,501- RM5,500
SECTION B : The Factors of The School Disciplinary Problem
Bahagian B : Faktor masalah disiplin
Instruction: Please indicate how strong you are agree or disagree with the below statements.
Arahan: Sila nyatakan anda sangat bersetuju atau tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan di bawah .
Score: 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Satisfactory 4 Agree 5 Strongly Agree.
No. The Factor of The School Disciplinary Problem 1 2 3 4 5
1 Discipline problems in school due to health problem(masalah
2 Discipline problem in school due to family problem(masalah
3 Discipline problem in school due to financial problem(masalah
4 Discipline problem at school because of the peer
surrounding(rakan sebaya)
5 Discipline problem at school due to the lacks of attention from
the parents(kurangnya perhatian daripada ibu bapa)
6 Discipline problem in school due to the lacks of religious
upbringing(kurangnya didikan agama)
7 Discipline problem in school due to the mass media(pengaruh
media massa)
8 Disciplinary problems in school due to a lack of motivation by
the people around (kurangnya semangat motivasi oleh orang
9 Disciplinary problems at school because the kids have to try out
new properties (anak-anak ingin mencuba sesuatu yang baru)
10 Without parental supervision(tanpa pengawasan ibu bapa)
11 Teaching method are boring(teknik pengajaran yang
12 Teachers do not care about the students(guru tidak mengambil
berat tentang murid-murid)
13 Teachers do not cooperate each other in disciplining the
students(guru tidak memberi kerjasama anatara satu sama lain
dalam mendisiplinkan murid)
14 School rules are less strict(peraturan sekolah kurang tegas)
15 . Social problems among school children are becoming more common. In your opinion, in addition to
the above factors, what are the other factors that cause disciplinary problems in school? Masalah sosial
dalam kalangan kanak-kanak sekolah semakin menjadi-jadi . Pada pendapat anda, di samping faktor-
faktor di atas, apakah faktor-faktor lain yang menyebabkan masalah disiplin di sekolah?
SECTION C: the ways to improve of school discipline
Bahagian C : Langkah untuk mengatasi masalah disiplin sekolah
Instruction: Please indicate how strong you are agree or disagree with the below statements.
Arahan: Sila nyatakan anda sangat bersetuju atau tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan di bawah .
Score: 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Satisfactory 4 Agree 5 Strongly Agree.
No. The ways to improve of school discipline 1 2 3 4 5
16 Establish a merit-demerit system(mewujudkan sistem merit-
17 Parents need to spend more time for kids (ibu bapa perlu
meluangkan masa lebih bersama anak-anak)
18 Parents should advise their children to be a good children(ibu
bapa perlu menasihati anak-anak agar menjadi anak yang baik)
19 Parents should monitor their child’s action(ibu bapa perlu
memantau setiap pergerakan anak mereka)
20 Empowerment of school’s prefects(memperkasakan pengawasan
21 School’s rules able to control problematic students(peraturan
sekolah dapat mengawal masalah murid)
22 Teachers applied the disciplinary conducts in the class
management (Guru menggunakan tatacara disiplin dalam
pengurusan kelas )
23 Students are aware of the punishment regarding to the school
rule’s disobedience(murid sedar tentang hukuman mengenai
ketidaktaatan perturan sekolah)
24 Counseling teachers should provide motivation for troubled
students(Guru kaunseling perlu adakan motivasi kepada pelajar
yang bermasalah)
25 Teachers should not give a lot of homework(Guru tidak harus
memberi kerja sekolah yang banyak)
26 Teaching in the classroom should attract the attention of
students(pengajaran di dalam kelas perlu menarik perhatian
27 Counseling teachers can organize activities such as anti-discipline
in schools(guru kaunseling boleh mengadakan aktiviti seperti
anti-disiplin di sekolah)
28 Engagement to the surrounded community to overcome outside
school disciplinary misconducts (Melibatkan kepada masyarakat
sekeliling untuk mengatasi salah laku disiplin di sekolah )
29 Multiply the number of activities that involve the community in
school(memperbanyakkan aktiviti kemasyarakatan di sekolah)
30. Despite various measures taken by the school in dealing with discipline problems among students, but
the problem is getting worse. In your opinion, what are the most effective measures to deal with this
discipline?Walaupun pelbagai langkah dilaksanakan oleh pihak sekolah dalam menangani masalah
disiplin dalam kalangan pelajar , namun masalah ini semakin parah . Pada pendapat anda , apakah
langkah yang paling efektif bagi menangani masalah disiplin ini ?
SECTION D: the effect of school management of school discipline
Bahagian D: Kesan pengurusan sekolah terhadap disiplin sekolah
Instruction: Please indicate how strong you are agree or disagree with the below statements.
Arahan: Sila nyatakan anda sangat bersetuju atau tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan di bawah .
Score: 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Satisfactory 4 Agree 5 Strongly Agree.
No. The effect of school management of school discipline 1 2 3 4 5
31 Discipline problems in schools affect student
performance(masalah disiplin di sekolah menjejaskan prestasi
32 Discipline problems in schools affect the good name of the
school(masalah disiplin di sekolah menjejaskan nama baik
33 Affect the quality of teaching and learning in the
classroom(menjejaskan kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran)
34 Affect the quality of the school culture(menjejaskan qualiti
budaya sekolah)
35 Affect the strategic management of the school in developing the
school's vision and mission towards quality(menjejaskan
pengurusan strategik sekolah dalam visi dan misi membangunkan
sekolah ke arah yang berkualiti)
36 Discipline problems can affect government policy in education
development(masalah disiplin dapat menjejaskan polisi kerajaan
dalam pembangunan pendidikan)
37 Disciplinary problems at school can affect job satisfaction among
teachers(masalah disiplin di sekolah menjejaskan kepuasan kerja
dalam kalangan guru)
38. In your opinion, what are the other effects on the management of the school in the face of disciplinary
problems? Pada pendapat anda ,apakah kesan lain terhadap pengurusan sekolah dalam menghadapi
masalah disiplin ?
3.6 Summary
This chapter presented the Research Method that was focused on the Research Design, Population and
Sample, Research Instruments, Data Collection, Procedure for Data Analyses and Summary. The
research was carried out on 50 respondents among teachers from SMK Rosli Dhoby, Sibu Sarawak . By
this part ,the study is useful because the researcher were explained detail and analyze detail to know the
perception the factors of discipline problem, the ways to improve discipline problem and the effect of
school management by facing discipline problem among students .
Abdul Mutalib Osman (1986) , " Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Pelajar Sekolah Menengah
Melakukan Ponteng
Arthur Sheldon.(1998).Discipline In Inner-City Elementary School .Research Papers - Fall Quarter .
Atan Long (1982) , "Psikologi Pendidikan." Kuala Lumpur :Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka .
Bear, G G. (with A. Cavalier & M.Manning). (2005). Developing self discipline and preventing and
correcting misbehavior.Boston :Allyn & Bacon .
Bear , G G . (2009) . The positive in positive models of discipline.In R.Gilman,E.S. Huebner,&
M.J.Furlong (Eds.), Handbook of positive psychology in schools (pp 305 - 321). New York : Routledge .
Bear, G.G.(in press)From school discipline to self -discipline .New York : Guilford .
Biglan , T., Wang , M. , &Walberg , H.(2003) . Preventing youth problems . New York : Kluwer
Academic /Plenum .
Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Johor Darul Takzim . Retrived from
Ministry of Education . Retrieved from
Ministry of Education . Retrived from
Steward, R. (2012). The use of visualarts in teaching arts . Jornal of visual Arts , 213 - 234 .
Slide share . Retrieved from
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The free Dictionary . Retrieved from
The free Dictionary . Retrieved from
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Utusan Online . Retrieved from
serang-guru-ditahan # ixzz33lA3BtLQ
Portal Rasmi Politeknik Merlimau . Retrieved from
“The Study on The Level of Discipline Problem in One of Sarawak School ”
Dear respondent ,
I am Dabney Luang Anak Pengehan (UiTM Student ID No. 2013327501) from Faculty of Education , UiTM Shah
Alam . Curretly , I am pursuing a master program in Master of Education in Educational Management and Leadership . As a
reqruitment for my EDU 755(Dissertation) paper , I am conducting a survey on “ The Study on The Level of Discipline Problem
One of Sarawak School ” .
Therefore , I need your sincere coorperation to complete this questionnaire . Thank you for participating in my
research. I would appreciate if you could spend a few minutes of your time to comple my research . The data collected from this
survey will be used for academic and research purposes only . Your participation is completely voluntary and information will
kept strictly confidential .
Your time and cooperation is much appreciated . Thank you very much .
Researcher ,
(Dabney Luang Anak Pengehan)
SECTION A – Demographic Information (Maklumat Demografi)
Direction : Please read each statement carefully and tick your answer .
Arahan : Sila baca setiap kenyataan dengan teliti dan tandakan jawapan anda.
1. Gender (Jantina) 4. Academic qualification(Kelayakan Akademik)
Female(Perempuan) Diploma
Male(Lelaki) Bachelor
2. Race(Bangsa) PhD
Chinese 5. Teaching Experience(Pengelaman Mengajar)
Indian <3 years
Others (please specific) : _______________ 3 – 5 years
6 – 10 years
3. Age(Umur) 11 -15 years
< 30 > 15 years
31- 40 6. Marital status(Status Perkahwinan)
41 – 50 Single
>50 Married
7. Basic monthly salary(Gaji Asas Bulanan)
<RM 2,500 RM3, 501 –RM 4, 500 >RM5,500
RM2, 500 – RM 3,500 RM4,501- RM5,500
SECTION B : The Factors of The School Disciplinary Problem
Bahagian B : Faktor masalah disiplin
Instruction: Please indicate how strong you are agree or disagree with the below statements.
Arahan: Sila nyatakan anda sangat bersetuju atau tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan di bawah .
Score: 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Satisfactory 4 Agree 5 Strongly Agree.
No. The Factor of The School Disciplinary Problem 1 2 3 4 5
1 Discipline problems in school due to health problem(masalah
2 Discipline problem in school due to family problem(masalah
3 Discipline problem in school due to financial problem(masalah
4 Discipline problem at school because of the peer
surrounding(rakan sebaya)
5 Discipline problem at school due to the lacks of attention from
the parents(kurangnya perhatian daripada ibu bapa)
6 Discipline problem in school due to the lacks of religious
upbringing(kurangnya didikan agama)
7 Discipline problem in school due to the mass media(pengaruh
media massa)
8 Disciplinary problems in school due to a lack of motivation by
the people around (kurangnya semangat motivasi oleh orang
9 Disciplinary problems at school because the kids have to try out
new properties (anak-anak ingin mencuba sesuatu yang baru)
10 Without parental supervision(tanpa pengawasan ibu bapa)
11 Teaching method are boring(teknik pengajaran yang
12 Teachers do not care about the students(guru tidak mengambil
berat tentang murid-murid)
13 Teachers do not cooperate each other in disciplining the
students(guru tidak memberi kerjasama anatara satu sama lain
dalam mendisiplinkan murid)
14 School rules are less strict(peraturan sekolah kurang tegas)
15 . Social problems among school children are becoming more common. In your opinion, in addition to
the above factors, what are the other factors that cause disciplinary problems in school? Masalah sosial
dalam kalangan kanak-kanak sekolah semakin menjadi-jadi . Pada pendapat anda, di samping faktor-
faktor di atas, apakah faktor-faktor lain yang menyebabkan masalah disiplin di sekolah?
SECTION C: the ways to improve of school discipline
Bahagian C : Langkah untuk mengatasi masalah disiplin sekolah
Instruction: Please indicate how strong you are agree or disagree with the below statements.
Arahan: Sila nyatakan anda sangat bersetuju atau tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan di bawah .
Score: 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Satisfactory 4 Agree 5 Strongly Agree.
No. The ways to improve of school discipline 1 2 3 4 5
16 Establish a merit-demerit system(mewujudkan sistem merit-
17 Parents need to spend more time for kids (ibu bapa perlu
meluangkan masa lebih bersama anak-anak)
18 Parents should advise their children to be a good children(ibu
bapa perlu menasihati anak-anak agar menjadi anak yang baik)
19 Parents should monitor their child’s action(ibu bapa perlu
memantau setiap pergerakan anak mereka)
20 Empowerment of school’s prefects(memperkasakan pengawasan
21 School’s rules able to control problematic students(peraturan
sekolah dapat mengawal masalah murid)
22 Teachers applied the disciplinary conducts in the class
management (Guru menggunakan tatacara disiplin dalam
pengurusan kelas )
23 Students are aware of the punishment regarding to the school
rule’s disobedience(murid sedar tentang hukuman mengenai
ketidaktaatan perturan sekolah)
24 Counseling teachers should provide motivation for troubled
students(Guru kaunseling perlu adakan motivasi kepada pelajar
yang bermasalah)
25 Teachers should not give a lot of homework(Guru tidak harus
memberi kerja sekolah yang banyak)
26 Teaching in the classroom should attract the attention of
students(pengajaran di dalam kelas perlu menarik perhatian
27 Counseling teachers can organize activities such as anti-discipline
in schools(guru kaunseling boleh mengadakan aktiviti seperti
anti-disiplin di sekolah)
28 Engagement to the surrounded community to overcome outside
school disciplinary misconducts (Melibatkan kepada masyarakat
sekeliling untuk mengatasi salah laku disiplin di sekolah )
29 Multiply the number of activities that involve the community in
school(memperbanyakkan aktiviti kemasyarakatan di sekolah)
30. Despite various measures taken by the school in dealing with discipline problems among students, but
the problem is getting worse. In your opinion, what are the most effective measures to deal with this
discipline?Walaupun pelbagai langkah dilaksanakan oleh pihak sekolah dalam menangani masalah
disiplin dalam kalangan pelajar , namun masalah ini semakin parah . Pada pendapat anda , apakah
langkah yang paling efektif bagi menangani masalah disiplin ini ?
SECTION D: the effect of school management of school discipline
Bahagian D: Kesan pengurusan sekolah terhadap disiplin sekolah
Instruction: Please indicate how strong you are agree or disagree with the below statements.
Arahan: Sila nyatakan anda sangat bersetuju atau tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan di bawah .
Score: 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Satisfactory 4 Agree 5 Strongly Agree.
No. The effect of school management of school discipline 1 2 3 4 5
31 Discipline problems in schools affect student
performance(masalah disiplin di sekolah menjejaskan prestasi
32 Discipline problems in schools affect the good name of the
school(masalah disiplin di sekolah menjejaskan nama baik
33 Affect the quality of teaching and learning in the
classroom(menjejaskan kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran)
34 Affect the quality of the school culture(menjejaskan qualiti
budaya sekolah)
35 Affect the strategic management of the school in developing the
school's vision and mission towards quality(menjejaskan
pengurusan strategik sekolah dalam visi dan misi membangunkan
sekolah ke arah yang berkualiti)
36 Discipline problems can affect government policy in education
development(masalah disiplin dapat menjejaskan polisi kerajaan
dalam pembangunan pendidikan)
37 Disciplinary problems at school can affect job satisfaction among
teachers(masalah disiplin di sekolah menjejaskan kepuasan kerja
dalam kalangan guru)
38. In your opinion, what are the other effects on the management of the school in the face of disciplinary
problems? Pada pendapat anda ,apakah kesan lain terhadap pengurusan sekolah dalam menghadapi
masalah disiplin ?

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Research proposal research

  • 1. 1 “The Study on The Level of Discipline Problem in One of Sarawak School ” RESEARCH PROPOSAL Dabney Luang Anak Pengehan 2013327501 FACULTY OF EDUCATION UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA 2014 Master of Education in Educational (Management and Leadership)
  • 2. 2 “The Study on The Level of Discipline Problem in One of Sarawak School ” By Dabney Luang Anak Pengehan 2013327501 Contents CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………4-7 1.1 Background of the study.................................................................................................................7 1.2 Research Problem ...........................................................................................................................8 1.3 Research Objectives………………………………………………………………………………8 1.4 Research Questions……………………………………………………………………………………9 1.5 Research Hypothesis.............................................................................................................................9 1.6 Significance of the study.....................................................................................................................10 1.7 Limitation of the Study…………………………………………………………………………..11-12 1.8 Operational Definitions 1.8.1Implementation……………………………………………………………………………...12 1.8.2Improve……………………………………………………………………………………..12 1.8.3Disciplinary problem……………………………………………………………………………………………………13 1.8.4Effect………………………………………………………………………………………..13 1.9 Conclusions.............................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER TWO 2.0 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………..14 2.1 Review of related literature………………………………………………………………………………………………14-21
  • 3. 3 2.2 Review of factors students discipline………………………………………………………………………………………………….21 2.3 Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………………………………………………….22 CHAPTER THREE 3.0 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………23 3.1 Research Design…………………………………………………………………………………………………23-24 3.2 Population and Sample…………………………………………………………………………………………………….24 3.3 Research Instrument …………………………………………………………………………………………………………25-27 3.4 Procedure for Data Collection …………………………………………………………………………………………………………27-28 3.5 Procedure for Data Analysis………………………………………………………………………………………………..29-37 3.6 Summary ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..37 List of References……………………………………………………………………………………..38-40 Appendix………………………………………………………………………………………………41-48
  • 4. 4 Chapter One 1.0 Introduction Over the years of discipline problems among students in school never ends. Such problem is a fundamental problem in every school. According to Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said, we should all be born a human quality. National education dialogue could be one of the best platform to produce quality graduates, thus fulfilling the human resource requirements . Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said the implementation of the dialogue that takes into account the views of the entire group and groups including teachers, students, youth, industry and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are timely. Until now research on top disciplinary problems among students in school truancy. Disciplinary problems such as truancy, tardiness, unmanaged hair, smoking, extortion problem, addiction problems and serious social problems cause problems in school. Ministry of Education revealed that about 76.300 or 1.09 per than seven million students in this country is involved in a variety of disciplines (Banyan Banyan Alwi Ahmad Zaki, 2005). We get to see every school in this region and in the world is 80 percent of the problems - the problems faced by each school are discipline problems that symptoms of serious student misconduct. Discipline students, especially high school students should be taken seriously by all parties that it will not continue. Even casual attitude of some schools that expose their student misconduct, should be praised and emulated. If hidden until anytime problem can not be resolved.
  • 5. 5 (Sharifah Rinah Sh.Ismail, 2005) will probably result in a bigger problem when they encounter difficulties in life after running away from home as involved in prostitution, the service at a nightclub or disco and so on. In recent years, many cases involving high school students in the school. For example, the case of students attack teachers. Inside Utusan Online on Jan 4, 2014, a student was charged mencaderakan a male teacher from SMK Kuala Perlis with kerambit on the first day of school. Incident happened on Jan 3 2014 Kangar, Perlis. During the incident at 7 am yesterday, the girls were said to be angry after the teacher examining a school entrance rebuked him for styling hair styled 'punk' and color rambut.Selepas reprimanded, the student went home and came back to school with her mother to meet with the teacher to occur pertengkaran.Student the alleged act of attacking teacher uses kerambit resulting injury under his right eye and had been treated at the clinic Kuala Perlis. However , the student has been remanded for a week and the case is being investigated under Section 324 of the Penal Code for voluntarily causing hurt to use weapons or dangerous objects. Shortly after that, another case involving teachers and students as well as the student form two teachers at teacher breaking up lips. The event occurred in Kulai Johor. Incident occurred on May 23, 2014. Free sex and sex crimes among students is becoming more widespread and worrying us, especially students in urban areas and cities. What is unfortunate is that their involvement was detected as early as age 13 when they are in form one and two.
  • 6. 6 A female teacher at a secondary school discipline reveals that he found a condom that is stored in a bag by female students at a school in Taman Melawati, Kuala Lumpur. Condoms were found during surprise checks conducted at the school. Increased involvement of young girls in immoral activity is another indication that the youth moral decadence in Malaysia more serious. A fellow teacher from SMK Anderson Ipoh, Mr Ashri revealed he had surveyed in Ipoh at night and felt very surprised to see that the male students drank booze unashamedly in public. He also exposes the students involved in the distribution of ecstasy pills. Students involved frequently absent from school, and on investigation found the school's students are the chief distributor of Ecstasy pills at school. Teens are also involved in the 'K-Pop' which was popularized by Korean teenagers. Changes in adolescents as well as hair dangle fairly strict dress is style 'K-Pop' teen korea. Influence of mass media and the nature of teenagers who want to try something new by imitation Korean teen could cause moral decline of young Malaysians. Malaysia is rich in culture, distinctive skills and polite manners. However, due to the influence of mass media outside cause some teenagers complacent and forget their origins. Today's world has suffered a great social changes which influence the values and traditions of the people increasingly thin as driven by technology and the explosion of information that can deflecting soul of youth. Nowadays, many people are beginning to express their worries about moral decay and weakness discipline teenagers or young people, especially among students.
  • 7. 7 Nevertheless, my study will identify the factors and measures to improve the issue of school discipline in one of Sarawak School and the important thing is the effect of school management of school discipline . 1.1 Background of the study This paper focuses on the factors on the students discipline in school , the ways to improve school discipline and the effect of school management of school discipline . At present, the problem of disciplines prevalent in the media and in the newspapers. But this should not be allowed because the child is a valuable asset for the country. They will lead the country. This statement is further strengthened by Biglan, T., Wang, M., & Walberg, H. (2003) where they support that discipline problems can preventing youth problem . Factors that cause disciplinary problems in school may have become a habit. But the high school as a community should be viewed in terms of contextual influences and consequences for Students and Teachers. This statement was supported by Bryk, A., & Driscoll, M. (1988). We want to produce students with a range of products of a school is a good moral value and quality. Management schools should also be viewed from a holistic and multifaceted. This can create a school that is organized, efficient and balanced. Thus , this paper tends to provide an overview on the factors , the ways to improve and the effects of school discipline to school management . This is the extent of the effectiveness of school management to overcome the problem of discipline in schools.
  • 8. 8 1.2 Research Problem This study is to examine the most efficient measures to address the problem of discipline in SMK Rosli Dhoby , Sibu Sarawak . Since the end - this end , the problem of discipline in schools is rampant even nearly all schools have the same thing . Truancy is a problem that often hit students at various levels ranging from elementary school to the highest level of higher education institutions (HEIs). Through the experience of the researcher in addressing the problem of truancy among school students of course there are factors that cause a student commits an act of misconduct either skipping school truancy, truancy or skipping attend activities outside the classroom. By observation there are many factors that cause students to engage in truancy, among them is due to the attitude of the students attitudes, peers, parents and teachers. The factors - environmental factors schools, school management and school infrastructure may also cause the students involved in the truancy problem. In this study, the researcher will only identify the extent of the factors attitude of students, peers, parents, students and teachers involved in the truancy problem. In addition, researchers will try to identify the factors which motivate students more involved in the truancy problem .Such things cannot be overstated because it involves teenagers. Youth is a national asset and will lead the country in the future . Failure to address the problems of moral discipline will impair adolescents and their future . All schools have rules and students can not be against the rules. However , students who violate the rules will invite disciplinary problems at school . With the advent of efficient regulation and more efficient management will foster a harmonious and happy. School leaders need to be concerned with this problem and work with academic staff , non- academic and parents to reduce school discipline . Thus, the focus of the investigation is to find the factors of an issue with discipline and a way to overcome the problem of discipline to discipline problems can be overcome and establish a harmonious and peaceful school .
  • 9. 9 1.3 Research Objectives The objectives of this study are : a) To determine the factors that causes discipline problems of school discipline . b) To determine the ways to improve of school discipline . c) To determine the effect of school management of school discipline . 1.4 Research Questions The questions of this study are : a) What are the factors that cause discipline problems among students? b) What are the ways to improve of school discipline ? c) What are the effect of school management of school discipline ? 1.5 Research Hypothesis A research hypothesis is a prediction of the outcome of a study. The prediction may be based on an educated guess .The research hypothesis for this study are ; 1. There is no significant differences factors that causes discipline problems among students . 2. There is no significant differences the ways to overcome the problem of school discipline . 3. There is no significant differences the effect of school management of school discipline .
  • 10. 10 1.6 Significance of the study The question of discipline problems were much has been said by many parents the same apply own students, community members, academics and others at school meetings and seminar . The results of this study can reveal the cause of the school's discipline problems among students. In addition, an important finding of this study as a guide or reference to the school, parents, school counselors, teachers to understand and determine the factors that cause discipline problems among students. The parties involved can also search for other alternatives in addition to thinking about the steps to resolve this discipline. Success in finding a solution to the symptoms of school discipline, then the desire of teachers, schools, parents and the state to make the dream of home generation and would be implemented in accordance with the recommendations of the government who want to establish moral and ethical society whose citizens are strong in religious and spiritual and backed by the highest ethical standards.
  • 11. 11 1.7 Limitation of the Study This research was carried out in SMK Rosli Dhoby , Sibu , Sarawak area with a sample of 30 teachers . Name of the school in conjunction with a figure of a warrior named Rosli Dhoby a Malay Sarawakian nationalist from Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia during your the British crown colony era in that's state. In that event, he had killed Sir Duncan George Stewart, the second governor of colonial Sarawak in 1949. SMK Rosli Dhoby was established in 1973 and a name taken Rosli Dhoby In conjunction commemorate his full name is meritorious. Up to now the name of SMK Rosli Dhoby still fresh in the eyes of the world. This research is involve teachers ,who from varies background and experience in teaching . Then , some of them are family life . This is important because only those who have married more aware of the real factor and the most drastic measures to deal with discipline problems in schools. Therefore, I also provide space for teachers how they manage the school administration effectively when problems occur on school discipline. This is important because the school of excellence, glory and distinction is a school that has a good disciplinary record. This refers to the schools, how school management can be implemented properly and holistically. However , the main limitations of this research are time . I don't have enough time to carry out this research . The time allocated to this research only given 3 months in a semester. I know if my studies only 3 semesters only and my studies are a mixture of Coursework and research. This makes it difficult for me to complete the research properly and require at least two years to complete my studies.
  • 12. 12 Next limitation is that teachers at the school work hard to provide. Sometimes they give a reason for not able to make the questionnaires well and finally marking their whim. This complicates when I want to findings in chapter four soon. Therefore, I have provided an opinion as one of the questions the validity of their answers. But this can be overcome if we are to persuade them to help me study. This is because the study is not only to me only but also to help their school. This can produce some ideas to solve the problem of discipline and proper management of the school is to be a premier school. 1.8 Operational Definitions The definitions used in this study are as follows : 1.8.1 Implementation The term implementation is invented by L.L (1454) , the meaning of implementation is “ a filling up” (as with provisions) , from L. implore “to fill , “ from in – “ in” + plere “to fill” .Sense of “tool” is 1538 , from notion of things provided to do work , that which “fills up” a house . The act of implementing , or putting into effect . The implementation of policies to conserve energy will involve personal sacrifice .For the purpose of this study , the implementation refers to carry out students attitude use as to improve school discipline in school . 1.8.2 Improve According to the Free dictionary by Farlex , the term of improve is defined as to raise to more excellent quality or make better . The verbs mean to advance to a more desirable , valuable or excellent state . For the purpose of this study , the term improve refers to make better for school discipline nowadays .
  • 13. 13 1.8.3 Disciplinary Problem According to dictionary reverso , the term of disciplinary is defined as actions are concerned with making sure that people obey rules . For the purpose of this study , the term disciplinary refers school discipline growing concern . 1.8.4 Effect According to dictionary .com , the term of effect is defined as something that is produced by an cause . For the purpose of this study , the term effect refers between the effect of school mangement and school discipline . 1.9 Conclusion In conclusion, this study describes the background of the study, the problem statement of the study, the research objectives, the research questions, the significance of the study, limitations, and also a bit about the operational definition. This review will explain more fully the factors of discipline problems and also the most drastic and efficient measures to tackle indiscipline among students. Chapter 2 , will tell the literature review. In this literature review will tell the scientific outlook on discipline problems among adolescents in the present age.
  • 14. 14 Chapter Two Research Review 2.0 Introduction This chapter describes a research study by the scientific views to see the extent of the problem among the young discipline. This research is important in order to support concerns about the causes of indiscipline among students. This chapter were discuss about the review of related literature , the review by the effect of school discipline and theoretical framework . 2.1 Review of related literature Since lately, school disciplinary problems rampant in schools. Every day percentage discipline problems getting increase recorded show with a variety of factors. If it is not controlled, discipline problems will contribute social problems in our country. Among rob, kidnap, rob, rape, murder and so on. Various factors that cause discipline problems in schools. For example, the students' own problems, financial problems, family sessions and lessons at school are boring, a lot of school work and peer influence. Pupils are national assets . If it is not formed from scratch then ruined the future generation. Statistical information on school discipline has been showed the problems by following each a state. The statistical information students discipline 2012 referred by Ministry of Education .
  • 15. 15 No Types of Criminal Behaviour Primary School Secondary School No of Student Involved % % Enrolment . No.Student Involved % No.Student Involved % 1 The Criminal 5971 20.70 8350 10.66 14321 13.36 0.27 2 The Obscene 1064 3.69 2714 3.46 3778 3.52 0.07 3 Finishing Up 3082 10.69 10844 13.84 13926 12.99 0.26 4 No Importance on time 2225 7.71 8178 10.44 10403 9.71 0.20 5 Curt 3794 13.15 11613 14.82 15407 14.37 0.29 6 Vandalism 1717 5.95 1913 2.44 3630 3.39 0.07 7 Truancy 5935 20.58 11408 14.56 17343 16.18 0.33 8 Naughtiness 2114 7.33 7812 9.97 9926 9.26 0.19 9 Bullying 2005 6.95 2154 2.75 4159 3.88 0.08 10 Cigarette 936 3.25 13362 17.05 14298 13.34 0.27 Total 28843 100 78348 100 107191 100 2.03 26.91 % 73.09 % Table 1 .1 : The recorded statistics of students discipline Lower Secondary and High Secondary school 2012 by Minister of Education Malaysia
  • 16. 16 2011 2012 No District No.of Students Involved % (District Enrolment) No.of Students Involved % (District Enrolment) 1 PERLIS 759 1.48 747 1.55 2 KEDAH 7179 1.66 10054 2.47 3 PULAU PINANG 6189 2.25 3777 1.44 4 PERAK 12863 2.74 11752 2.14 5 SELANGOR 11854 1.27 18188 1.98 6 WP. KUALA LUMPUR 9193 3.70 6058 2.51 7 NEGERI SEMBILAN 5109 2.44 4339 2.09 8 MELAKA 4093 2.49 5356 3.39 9 JOHOR 11689 1.80 12219 1.97 10 PAHANG 8687 3.06 4133 1.52 11 TERENGGANU 7630 3.21 3859 1.59 12 KELANTAN 5369 1.40 2669 0.75 13 SABAH 11234 2.25 12088 2.52 14 SARAWAK 7479 1.50 11412 2.37 15 WP LABUAN 683 4.53 475 3.28 16 WP PUTRAJAYA 208 1.26 65 0.41
  • 17. 17 Table 1.2 : The recorded statistics of students discipline by each State from 2011 from 2012 by Minister of Education Malaysia No Year Total % Mean 1 2007 1834 0.08% 1584 (0.06%) 2 2008 1848 0.08% 3 2009 1534 0.06% 4 2010 1348 0.05% 5 2011 1131 0.05% 6 2012 1811 0.07% Table 1.3 : The recorded statistics of students discipline in Disposable School from 2007 until 2012 by Minister of Education Malaysia
  • 18. 18 No Year Total % Mean 1 2007 9587 0.40% 7863 (0.33%) 2 2008 8515 0.36% 3 2009 9080 0.38% 4 2010 8246 0.35% 5 2011 5007 0.26% 6 2012 6746 0.28% Table 1.4 : The recorded statistics of students discipline in Suspension from School from 2007 until 2012 by Minister of Education Malaysia
  • 19. 19 No Year Total % Mean 1 2007 31252 1.33% 26,691 (1.11%) 2 2008 31645 1.34% 3 2009 32964 1.40% 4 2010 27646 1.17% 5 2011 20452 0.87% 6 2012 16189 0.67% Table 1.5 : The recorded statistics of students discipline in Caned from 2007 until 2012 by Minister of Education Malaysia
  • 20. 20 According to Chambers (1983) , external control based to order and fear while discipline is internal . However the Internal discipline comes from the individual because they understand the need for it .The review has been supported by Johnson (1994) that the four orientations of school discipline were reached . There are traditional , liberal progressive , socially critical and laissez faire . Apart from that , Cantana (1991) believed that classroom management , planning and organizing academic work effectiveness may controlling student’s behavior . Based on a ‘traditional orientation to school discipline , the oriented more like communication and learning as unidirectional . The teacher’s responsible to teach and control students to respect teachers .This theory has been supported by Johnson (1994) . According to Charles (2002) discipline has been described as maintain without teacher intervention by students become self-disciplined and the behavioral students . Teachers should be understand that students discipline happened by different historical backgrounds , religious beliefs and living patterns (Gollnick & Chinn , 2002 , p.5 ) . Apart from that , the students comes to school have different ethnic , and identities based of valued socioeconomic status , ethnic , gender , language and others . In the other research , in African tribal classrooms , that students’ misbehavior be attributable to confusion where conflicting in often the situation . The sentences mentioned by Al Hassan (1992) .
  • 21. 21 According to Irwin & Nucei , 2004 , as a teacher , there should be understanding students culture . However , teachers may determine ethnically sensitive and intervention strategies in the classroom .The other overview that Ayensua-Mensah (1984) said in large family be able happened among students . This is because their parents do not provide a book , school uniforms , and school fees . Apart from that , Mutalib (1986) said that a big family out of found suffering financial hardship and sociological aspects of irregular . 2.2 Review of related by factors students discipline Factor Statement by review 1. Peer Group Some students has been influenced by a friend . They do not come to school by a friend who did not attend classes . The opinion was supported by Manja Mohd Ludin (1991) and Jaafar Abdul Rahim (1977) 2. Parents According to Mutalib (1986) , family size have relationship with student attendance at school . A big family out of found suffering financial hardship and sociological aspects of irregular 3. Teacher The interesting of Teaching and Learning make a students interest to learn / study well . This is because student will not bored to learn . This research has been supported by Atan (1980) . The characteristic of Teaching and Learning make a student affected .
  • 22. 22 2.3 Conceptual Framework Figure 1 : The Conceptual Framework In this study, the factors , the ways to improve and the effect on school managment have related to school discipline among students SMK Rosli Dhoby , Sibu , Sarawak . There are many factor affected school discipline . In this frame were find the ways to improve school discipline more better . The ways to improve school discipline can decrease total number of discipline . If measures to reduce school discipline is not taken care of, then it will also have an impact on the management of the school . In this study , the school will identify ways to address the problem of school discipline in order to avoid a negative impact on school management .A good in school management may help a student especially problem students at least may change the attitude of students . By three variable above were to determine either the factor , the ways and the motivation were be effected to reduce the discipline student or not . The factors School Discipline The ways to improve The effect of school managment
  • 23. 23 CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.0 Introduction This chapter presents the Research Method which divided into Research Design, Population and Sample, Instrumentation , validity and reliability , Data Collection and Data Analysis . This research used experimental design to investigate the factor and the ways to improve school discipline among students in SMK Rosli Dhoby Sibu Sarawak . Apart from that , this study will identify the impact of a common issue in the management of school discipline. 3.1 Research Design The design of this research is quantitative approach . This study to investigate the effects of three independent variables; namely, the factors of school discipline , the ways to improve school discipline and the effect of school management ; on the dependent variable of school discipline . The design was meant among SMK Rosli Dhoby Teachers perception the factors and the ways to improve and how classroom management effective helps in improving their school management . Among 50 teachers from SMK Rosli Dhoby Sibu Sarawak have been chosen as the samples to gather the data needed . The questionnaire is important because it is a establish tool within social science research to gain information and participants the characteristics ,the behavior and their reason to topic investigate . This statement has been supported by Bulmer ,2004 . This section will explain the factorial design with each of the independent variable having two levels. The two levels of factors were low and high; the two levels of the ways to improve were low and high ; and two levels of motivation were low and high. The factorial design is shown in Table 3.1.
  • 24. 24 Table 3.1: Factorial Design on School Discipline INDEPENDENT VARIABLE DEPENDENT VARIABLE LOW HIGH THE FACTORS Low factor will affect school discipline High factor doesn’t affect school discipline THE WAYS TO IMPROVE Low to overcome to improve will not affect school discipline High the ways to overcome doesn’t affect school discipline THE EFFECT OF CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Low effect of classroom management will affect school discipline High effect of classroom management will affect school discipline 3.2 Population and Sample The population for this study will be among teachers SMK Rosli Dhoby , Sibu , Sarawak . The subject selected as defined the criteria and standards used for the determination of the inclusion of subjects for research protocol . The sentences has been supported by Neuman (2003) . However , this study used non- probability sampling procedures to choose respondents . Non – probability sampling is not a random selected method (Castillo , 2009 ) . Moreover , in non-probability , the samples are selected based on the purposive own decision of the researcher . This statement has been supported by Castillo (2009) . This study used purposive sampling . Purposive sampling mean only target a particular group of people ; whereby for this research is teachers who are respondents among teachers SMK Rosli Dhoby , Sibu Sarawak .All the respondents consist of teachers were randomly selected . The sample sizes for this study are 50 respondents .
  • 25. 25 3.3 Research Instruments The instrument used for data collection in this research study is questionnaire . The questionnaire is adapted from Perception of School Discipline Survey by Barbara N.Young , Donald Snead and Toto Sutarso .Some of the items are designer by the researcher in order to analyze school discipline and school management to overcome the student discipline . For the purpose of this study , the questionnaire included both close –ended as well as open-ended questions that would serve to bring quantitative and qualitative data respectively . The open-ended questions are referred as structured interview as the researcher has limited time to conduct actual interview with all respondents . The close –ended questions ,its has provide the Likert-Scale , which was the five –item scale from strong disagree to strongly agree . The questionnaire were distributed to each of the respondents to assist answering the research questions of this study . The total number of questions in this questionnaire was 42 items that have been divided into five sections which were A,B,C, and D . The questions were divided into different section in order to improve the face design of the questionnaire . The descriptions of each section are as follows : SECTIONS DESCRIPTIONS NUMBER OF ITEMS Section A : Demographic Information This section carries the general questions on demographic data of the respondents such as gender , age ,and race . Moreover , there are also additional questions on respondents’ jobs background such as working experience and 7 items : Question 1 – 7
  • 26. 26 basic salary and academic qualification . Section B : The Factors of The School Disciplinary Problem This section consists of several question that are related the factors school discipline causes . This section might be help and strenghten point that the factors of school discipline may effect of school management or not . Item 15 is an opened-ended question . 8 items : Question 8 – 15 Section C : The ways to Improve of School discipline This section consists of several question that are related the the ways to improve of school discipline . This section might be help and has a strenghten point that the ways to improve of school discipline may effect of school management or not . However , the item 30 is an opened –ended question . 15 items : Question 16 – 30 Section D : The Effect of School Management of School Discipline While Section B and C focused on the the factors and the ways to improve , this final section emphasized on how the discipline problem may effect 8 items : 31 – 38
  • 27. 27 school management .There is also open-ended question in this last section . These elements were chose in order to get the result and make conclusion on either the level of discipline problem increase or decrease . However , the result were make a conclusion either discipline problem may effect of school management or not . Table 3.2 : Description of the Questionnaire 3.4 Data Collection The respondents of this questionnaire are teachers from SMK Rosli Dhoby , Sibu , Sarawak . Among 50 teachers as respondents were called to answer this research questionnaire at the staff room . Before the respondents answer the questionnaire , there will be a short briefing and explanation on the procedure . The briefing is about the explaination on the research objective and what actually the questionnaire is . The briefing took about five minutes . The questionnaire is distributed on weekdays during school time ,class sessions and before last period . The time needed to complete all the questions is around five to ten minutes . The survey process was monitored by the researcher himself . This was to ensure that the data given by the respondents are valid and any inquiries or problems faced by the respondents during the survey could be attended . The questionnaire is collected after the respondentscompleted answering the questionnaire .
  • 28. 28 The data collection was as follows : Table 3.3 : Summary of the Data Collection Procedures Design of Questionnaire The questionnaire has four sections which are Section A : Demographic Information , Section B : The factor of discipline problem , Section C : The ways to improve discipline problem and Section D : The Effects of school management of discipline problem. Sample Selection The respondents of this questionnaire are 50 teachers from SMK Rosli Dhoby , Sibu , Sarawak Questionnaire Distribution The questionnaire is distributed on weekdays during school time , class sessions or before last period . Time Taken The time needed to comple the all questions is around five to ten minutes . Questionnaire Collections The questionnaire is collected after the respondentscompleted answering the questionnaire . Data Collection Survey Process : The survey process was monitored by the researcher himself . This was to ensure that the data given by the respondents are valid and any inquiries or problems faced by the respondents during the survey could be attended.
  • 29. 29 3.5 Data Analyses All the data obtained from the questionnaire were collected and analyzed to provide answer to three research questions for the study .For my interpret and analyze the data , the study use the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20.0 software . SPSS Software is more compatible for a survey research . In this system software , the data was keyed –in and descriptive statistics is used in order to analyze and interpret data and information gathered . Research Objectives Section Analysis i) To determine the factors that causes discipline problems of school discipline . B (Question 1 – 14) Data were analyzed to the frequency , mean and standard of each item . B (Question 15) This open-ended question was analyze and data was analyze to find the frequency and percentage of the responses . b) To determine the ways to improve of school discipline . C (Question 16 – 29) Data were analyzed to the frequency , mean and standard of each item . C (Question 30) This open-ended question was analyze and data was analyze to find the frequency and percentage of the responses . c) To determine the effect of school management of school D Data were analyzed to the frequency , mean and standard of
  • 30. 30 discipline . (Question 31 – 37) each item . D (Question 38) This open-ended question was analyze and data was analyze to find the frequency and percentage of the responses . Table 3.4 : Summary of Data Analysis Thus , by using SPSS version 20.0 software , all items were analyzed from descriptive statistics . The quantitative data from Section A , B, C and D of the questionnaire were analyzed and presented in the form of charts and tables . However , the open-ended , the researcher will read the respondents’ answers . After the researcher has determined the data whether they were positively or negatively inclined , then only the data were keyed-in and analyzed . Simple charts representations for these open-ended questions were also constructed for ease of reference by this study .
  • 31. 31 This is example of questionnaire ; APPENDIX A SECTION A – Demographic Information (Maklumat Demografi) Direction : Please read each statement carefully and tick your answer . Arahan : Sila baca setiap kenyataan dengan teliti dan tandakan jawapan anda. 1. Gender (Jantina) 4. Academic qualification(Kelayakan Akademik) Female(Perempuan) Diploma Male(Lelaki) Bachelor Master 2. Race(Bangsa) PhD Malay Chinese 5. Teaching Experience(Pengelaman Mengajar) Indian <3 years Others (please specific) : _______________ 3 – 5 years 6 – 10 years 3. Age(Umur) 11 -15 years < 30 > 15 years 31- 40 6. Marital status(Status Perkahwinan) 41 – 50 Single >50 Married Others 7. Basic monthly salary(Gaji Asas Bulanan) <RM 2,500 RM3, 501 –RM 4, 500 >RM5,500 RM2, 500 – RM 3,500 RM4,501- RM5,500
  • 32. 32 APPENDIX A SECTION B : The Factors of The School Disciplinary Problem Bahagian B : Faktor masalah disiplin Instruction: Please indicate how strong you are agree or disagree with the below statements. Arahan: Sila nyatakan anda sangat bersetuju atau tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan di bawah . Score: 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Satisfactory 4 Agree 5 Strongly Agree. No. The Factor of The School Disciplinary Problem 1 2 3 4 5 1 Discipline problems in school due to health problem(masalah kesihatan) 2 Discipline problem in school due to family problem(masalah keluarga) 3 Discipline problem in school due to financial problem(masalah kewangan) 4 Discipline problem at school because of the peer surrounding(rakan sebaya) 5 Discipline problem at school due to the lacks of attention from the parents(kurangnya perhatian daripada ibu bapa) 6 Discipline problem in school due to the lacks of religious upbringing(kurangnya didikan agama) 7 Discipline problem in school due to the mass media(pengaruh media massa) 8 Disciplinary problems in school due to a lack of motivation by the people around (kurangnya semangat motivasi oleh orang sekeliling) 9 Disciplinary problems at school because the kids have to try out
  • 33. 33 new properties (anak-anak ingin mencuba sesuatu yang baru) 10 Without parental supervision(tanpa pengawasan ibu bapa) 11 Teaching method are boring(teknik pengajaran yang membosankan) 12 Teachers do not care about the students(guru tidak mengambil berat tentang murid-murid) 13 Teachers do not cooperate each other in disciplining the students(guru tidak memberi kerjasama anatara satu sama lain dalam mendisiplinkan murid) 14 School rules are less strict(peraturan sekolah kurang tegas) 15 . Social problems among school children are becoming more common. In your opinion, in addition to the above factors, what are the other factors that cause disciplinary problems in school? Masalah sosial dalam kalangan kanak-kanak sekolah semakin menjadi-jadi . Pada pendapat anda, di samping faktor- faktor di atas, apakah faktor-faktor lain yang menyebabkan masalah disiplin di sekolah? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
  • 34. 34 APPENDIX A SECTION C: the ways to improve of school discipline Bahagian C : Langkah untuk mengatasi masalah disiplin sekolah Instruction: Please indicate how strong you are agree or disagree with the below statements. Arahan: Sila nyatakan anda sangat bersetuju atau tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan di bawah . Score: 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Satisfactory 4 Agree 5 Strongly Agree. No. The ways to improve of school discipline 1 2 3 4 5 16 Establish a merit-demerit system(mewujudkan sistem merit- demerit) 17 Parents need to spend more time for kids (ibu bapa perlu meluangkan masa lebih bersama anak-anak) 18 Parents should advise their children to be a good children(ibu bapa perlu menasihati anak-anak agar menjadi anak yang baik) 19 Parents should monitor their child’s action(ibu bapa perlu memantau setiap pergerakan anak mereka) 20 Empowerment of school’s prefects(memperkasakan pengawasan sekolah) 21 School’s rules able to control problematic students(peraturan sekolah dapat mengawal masalah murid) 22 Teachers applied the disciplinary conducts in the class management (Guru menggunakan tatacara disiplin dalam pengurusan kelas ) 23 Students are aware of the punishment regarding to the school rule’s disobedience(murid sedar tentang hukuman mengenai ketidaktaatan perturan sekolah) 24 Counseling teachers should provide motivation for troubled students(Guru kaunseling perlu adakan motivasi kepada pelajar
  • 35. 35 yang bermasalah) 25 Teachers should not give a lot of homework(Guru tidak harus memberi kerja sekolah yang banyak) 26 Teaching in the classroom should attract the attention of students(pengajaran di dalam kelas perlu menarik perhatian pelajar) 27 Counseling teachers can organize activities such as anti-discipline in schools(guru kaunseling boleh mengadakan aktiviti seperti anti-disiplin di sekolah) 28 Engagement to the surrounded community to overcome outside school disciplinary misconducts (Melibatkan kepada masyarakat sekeliling untuk mengatasi salah laku disiplin di sekolah ) 29 Multiply the number of activities that involve the community in school(memperbanyakkan aktiviti kemasyarakatan di sekolah) 30. Despite various measures taken by the school in dealing with discipline problems among students, but the problem is getting worse. In your opinion, what are the most effective measures to deal with this discipline?Walaupun pelbagai langkah dilaksanakan oleh pihak sekolah dalam menangani masalah disiplin dalam kalangan pelajar , namun masalah ini semakin parah . Pada pendapat anda , apakah langkah yang paling efektif bagi menangani masalah disiplin ini ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
  • 36. 36 APPENDIX A SECTION D: the effect of school management of school discipline Bahagian D: Kesan pengurusan sekolah terhadap disiplin sekolah Instruction: Please indicate how strong you are agree or disagree with the below statements. Arahan: Sila nyatakan anda sangat bersetuju atau tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan di bawah . Score: 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Satisfactory 4 Agree 5 Strongly Agree. No. The effect of school management of school discipline 1 2 3 4 5 31 Discipline problems in schools affect student performance(masalah disiplin di sekolah menjejaskan prestasi pelajar) 32 Discipline problems in schools affect the good name of the school(masalah disiplin di sekolah menjejaskan nama baik sekolah) 33 Affect the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom(menjejaskan kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran) 34 Affect the quality of the school culture(menjejaskan qualiti budaya sekolah) 35 Affect the strategic management of the school in developing the school's vision and mission towards quality(menjejaskan pengurusan strategik sekolah dalam visi dan misi membangunkan sekolah ke arah yang berkualiti) 36 Discipline problems can affect government policy in education development(masalah disiplin dapat menjejaskan polisi kerajaan dalam pembangunan pendidikan) 37 Disciplinary problems at school can affect job satisfaction among teachers(masalah disiplin di sekolah menjejaskan kepuasan kerja dalam kalangan guru)
  • 37. 37 38. In your opinion, what are the other effects on the management of the school in the face of disciplinary problems? Pada pendapat anda ,apakah kesan lain terhadap pengurusan sekolah dalam menghadapi masalah disiplin ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3.6 Summary This chapter presented the Research Method that was focused on the Research Design, Population and Sample, Research Instruments, Data Collection, Procedure for Data Analyses and Summary. The research was carried out on 50 respondents among teachers from SMK Rosli Dhoby, Sibu Sarawak . By this part ,the study is useful because the researcher were explained detail and analyze detail to know the perception the factors of discipline problem, the ways to improve discipline problem and the effect of school management by facing discipline problem among students .
  • 38. 38 References Abdul Mutalib Osman (1986) , " Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Pelajar Sekolah Menengah Melakukan Ponteng Arthur Sheldon.(1998).Discipline In Inner-City Elementary School .Research Papers - Fall Quarter . Atan Long (1982) , "Psikologi Pendidikan." Kuala Lumpur :Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka . Bear, G G. (with A. Cavalier & M.Manning). (2005). Developing self discipline and preventing and correcting misbehavior.Boston :Allyn & Bacon . Bear , G G . (2009) . The positive in positive models of discipline.In R.Gilman,E.S. Huebner,& M.J.Furlong (Eds.), Handbook of positive psychology in schools (pp 305 - 321). New York : Routledge . Bear, G.G.(in press)From school discipline to self -discipline .New York : Guilford . Biglan , T., Wang , M. , &Walberg , H.(2003) . Preventing youth problems . New York : Kluwer Academic /Plenum . Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Johor Darul Takzim . Retrived from
  • 39. 39 Ministry of Education . Retrieved from berkualiti&lang=en Ministry of Education . Retrived from Steward, R. (2012). The use of visualarts in teaching arts . Jornal of visual Arts , 213 - 234 . Slide share . Retrieved from The free Dictionary . Retrieved from The free Dictionary . Retrieved from The free Dictionary . Retrieved from The Reverso Dictionary . Retrieved from cobuild/disciplinary%20problem
  • 40. 40 Utusan Online . Retrieved from serang-guru-ditahan # ixzz33lA3BtLQ Portal Rasmi Politeknik Merlimau . Retrieved from
  • 41. 41 APPENDIX A UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FACULTY OF EDUCATION MASTER OF EDUCATION IN EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP SARJANA PENDIDIKAN DALAM PENGURUSAN DAN KEPIMPINAN “The Study on The Level of Discipline Problem in One of Sarawak School ” Dear respondent , I am Dabney Luang Anak Pengehan (UiTM Student ID No. 2013327501) from Faculty of Education , UiTM Shah Alam . Curretly , I am pursuing a master program in Master of Education in Educational Management and Leadership . As a reqruitment for my EDU 755(Dissertation) paper , I am conducting a survey on “ The Study on The Level of Discipline Problem One of Sarawak School ” . Therefore , I need your sincere coorperation to complete this questionnaire . Thank you for participating in my research. I would appreciate if you could spend a few minutes of your time to comple my research . The data collected from this survey will be used for academic and research purposes only . Your participation is completely voluntary and information will kept strictly confidential . Your time and cooperation is much appreciated . Thank you very much . Researcher , ----------------------------------------- (Dabney Luang Anak Pengehan)
  • 42. 42 APPENDIX A SECTION A – Demographic Information (Maklumat Demografi) Direction : Please read each statement carefully and tick your answer . Arahan : Sila baca setiap kenyataan dengan teliti dan tandakan jawapan anda. 1. Gender (Jantina) 4. Academic qualification(Kelayakan Akademik) Female(Perempuan) Diploma Male(Lelaki) Bachelor Master 2. Race(Bangsa) PhD Malay Chinese 5. Teaching Experience(Pengelaman Mengajar) Indian <3 years Others (please specific) : _______________ 3 – 5 years 6 – 10 years 3. Age(Umur) 11 -15 years < 30 > 15 years 31- 40 6. Marital status(Status Perkahwinan) 41 – 50 Single >50 Married Others 7. Basic monthly salary(Gaji Asas Bulanan) <RM 2,500 RM3, 501 –RM 4, 500 >RM5,500 RM2, 500 – RM 3,500 RM4,501- RM5,500
  • 43. 43 APPENDIX A SECTION B : The Factors of The School Disciplinary Problem Bahagian B : Faktor masalah disiplin Instruction: Please indicate how strong you are agree or disagree with the below statements. Arahan: Sila nyatakan anda sangat bersetuju atau tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan di bawah . Score: 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Satisfactory 4 Agree 5 Strongly Agree. No. The Factor of The School Disciplinary Problem 1 2 3 4 5 1 Discipline problems in school due to health problem(masalah kesihatan) 2 Discipline problem in school due to family problem(masalah keluarga) 3 Discipline problem in school due to financial problem(masalah kewangan) 4 Discipline problem at school because of the peer surrounding(rakan sebaya) 5 Discipline problem at school due to the lacks of attention from the parents(kurangnya perhatian daripada ibu bapa) 6 Discipline problem in school due to the lacks of religious upbringing(kurangnya didikan agama) 7 Discipline problem in school due to the mass media(pengaruh media massa) 8 Disciplinary problems in school due to a lack of motivation by the people around (kurangnya semangat motivasi oleh orang sekeliling) 9 Disciplinary problems at school because the kids have to try out
  • 44. 44 new properties (anak-anak ingin mencuba sesuatu yang baru) 10 Without parental supervision(tanpa pengawasan ibu bapa) 11 Teaching method are boring(teknik pengajaran yang membosankan) 12 Teachers do not care about the students(guru tidak mengambil berat tentang murid-murid) 13 Teachers do not cooperate each other in disciplining the students(guru tidak memberi kerjasama anatara satu sama lain dalam mendisiplinkan murid) 14 School rules are less strict(peraturan sekolah kurang tegas) 15 . Social problems among school children are becoming more common. In your opinion, in addition to the above factors, what are the other factors that cause disciplinary problems in school? Masalah sosial dalam kalangan kanak-kanak sekolah semakin menjadi-jadi . Pada pendapat anda, di samping faktor- faktor di atas, apakah faktor-faktor lain yang menyebabkan masalah disiplin di sekolah? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
  • 45. 45 APPENDIX A SECTION C: the ways to improve of school discipline Bahagian C : Langkah untuk mengatasi masalah disiplin sekolah Instruction: Please indicate how strong you are agree or disagree with the below statements. Arahan: Sila nyatakan anda sangat bersetuju atau tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan di bawah . Score: 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Satisfactory 4 Agree 5 Strongly Agree. No. The ways to improve of school discipline 1 2 3 4 5 16 Establish a merit-demerit system(mewujudkan sistem merit- demerit) 17 Parents need to spend more time for kids (ibu bapa perlu meluangkan masa lebih bersama anak-anak) 18 Parents should advise their children to be a good children(ibu bapa perlu menasihati anak-anak agar menjadi anak yang baik) 19 Parents should monitor their child’s action(ibu bapa perlu memantau setiap pergerakan anak mereka) 20 Empowerment of school’s prefects(memperkasakan pengawasan sekolah) 21 School’s rules able to control problematic students(peraturan sekolah dapat mengawal masalah murid) 22 Teachers applied the disciplinary conducts in the class management (Guru menggunakan tatacara disiplin dalam pengurusan kelas ) 23 Students are aware of the punishment regarding to the school rule’s disobedience(murid sedar tentang hukuman mengenai ketidaktaatan perturan sekolah) 24 Counseling teachers should provide motivation for troubled students(Guru kaunseling perlu adakan motivasi kepada pelajar
  • 46. 46 yang bermasalah) 25 Teachers should not give a lot of homework(Guru tidak harus memberi kerja sekolah yang banyak) 26 Teaching in the classroom should attract the attention of students(pengajaran di dalam kelas perlu menarik perhatian pelajar) 27 Counseling teachers can organize activities such as anti-discipline in schools(guru kaunseling boleh mengadakan aktiviti seperti anti-disiplin di sekolah) 28 Engagement to the surrounded community to overcome outside school disciplinary misconducts (Melibatkan kepada masyarakat sekeliling untuk mengatasi salah laku disiplin di sekolah ) 29 Multiply the number of activities that involve the community in school(memperbanyakkan aktiviti kemasyarakatan di sekolah) 30. Despite various measures taken by the school in dealing with discipline problems among students, but the problem is getting worse. In your opinion, what are the most effective measures to deal with this discipline?Walaupun pelbagai langkah dilaksanakan oleh pihak sekolah dalam menangani masalah disiplin dalam kalangan pelajar , namun masalah ini semakin parah . Pada pendapat anda , apakah langkah yang paling efektif bagi menangani masalah disiplin ini ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
  • 47. 47 APPENDIX A SECTION D: the effect of school management of school discipline Bahagian D: Kesan pengurusan sekolah terhadap disiplin sekolah Instruction: Please indicate how strong you are agree or disagree with the below statements. Arahan: Sila nyatakan anda sangat bersetuju atau tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan di bawah . Score: 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Satisfactory 4 Agree 5 Strongly Agree. No. The effect of school management of school discipline 1 2 3 4 5 31 Discipline problems in schools affect student performance(masalah disiplin di sekolah menjejaskan prestasi pelajar) 32 Discipline problems in schools affect the good name of the school(masalah disiplin di sekolah menjejaskan nama baik sekolah) 33 Affect the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom(menjejaskan kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran) 34 Affect the quality of the school culture(menjejaskan qualiti budaya sekolah) 35 Affect the strategic management of the school in developing the school's vision and mission towards quality(menjejaskan pengurusan strategik sekolah dalam visi dan misi membangunkan sekolah ke arah yang berkualiti) 36 Discipline problems can affect government policy in education development(masalah disiplin dapat menjejaskan polisi kerajaan dalam pembangunan pendidikan) 37 Disciplinary problems at school can affect job satisfaction among teachers(masalah disiplin di sekolah menjejaskan kepuasan kerja dalam kalangan guru)
  • 48. 48 38. In your opinion, what are the other effects on the management of the school in the face of disciplinary problems? Pada pendapat anda ,apakah kesan lain terhadap pengurusan sekolah dalam menghadapi masalah disiplin ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________