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Stage 2
research + experiments
Your name here
Primary Target audience research
• You MUST conduct a questionnaire/survey/interview or a combination of all three.
Summarise this and add in any other primary research you feel is appropriate
3 people said they liked action/adventure
film the most, 1 person likes comedy, 1
person likes drama, 1 likes science fiction
and the other response was a horror-
comedy. This highlights to me that people
prefer dramas to thrillers.
3 people said they liked drama films, 2 said
they didn’t and 2 people said they would
watch it if there was nothing else. More
people like dramas than dislike them. When
creating my short film I need to make it
interesting so the target audience change
their mind about drama films.
Primary Target Audience Research
3 people said they didn't’t like drama films.
3 people liked that drama films are realistic
and relatable. This means that when I
create my film I need to include these
elements. 1 person said they like that they
raise awareness to different topics which is
good because it links to what my idea is
1 person said that drama films are too sad and
upsetting. 1 person said they were not interesting
and another said they are boring. 2 people said
they go on for too long however this will not effect
my short film as it is only 60 seconds. Several said
they prefer watching TV series than a drama film.
To avoid this, I will include different types of shots
and camera angles to make it appealing and
interesting to watch.
Primary Target Audience Research
2 people said they liked psychological
thrillers and 2 people said they loved
them. 1 person said they didn’t like
them and 4 people said they were ok.
This highlights that people of our target
audience are more interested in other
genres such as comedies and horrors
than thrillers and dramas, therefore I
need to make sure it grabs the viewers
attention and is interesting.
5 people said they would rather watch a
psychological thriller than a drama. 1 person
said they liked both and 2 people said they
would watch neither. These genres are not very
popular with 16-24 year olds however if they
had to choose it would be a psychological
thriller. Therefore, I may have to create the
psychological thriller as it will appeal to the
target audience more than a drama film.
Primary Target Audience Research
The majority of people said they liked the
twists and turns in a psychological which
could also be featured in my drama short
film. 1 person said they liked jump scares
and 2 people said they liked gore. If I do
create a psychological thriller it would be
difficult to include any gore. This
highlights to me that if I create a
psychological thriller short film, it needs
to have a twisted plot to make it exciting.
2 people said they would watch a drama film more if it
was relatable. Therefore, when creating my short film I
would include an element of family and loss so it was
more relatable to the viewer. 1 person said they would
never watch a drama whilst 1 person said if there was a
happy ending they would watch it. This is good because
my short film has a happy ending where the old man
has company this Christmas. Finally, 4 people said that
they would watch a drama if it wasn’t so boring and
long. My film is only 60 seconds maximum anyway so
the duration should not be a problem.
Primary Target Audience Research
The thing that appeals most to people in a
film is the story line. My storyline also
needs to not be predictable as people
from the previous question said they liked
twists and turns in the story. The second
best thing is the cinematography. This
result is helpful because I can then
incorporate different types of shots and
angles in my short film. 1 person said they
like the acting the most and another said
they enjoyed the editing. Therefore, my
story needs to be exciting and interesting
as well as fun to watch with different
types of shots and angles. Finally, the film
has to be edited well with lots of effects
and transitions.
Secondary Target audience research
• Research viewing figures, sales figures, demographic and psychographic info. Look up article,
features or stories related to your potential audience
• The audience of drama films tend to be older and female who are left wing. My research from
YouGov from suggests that the audience also enjoys music, movies and books. One of the highest
rated drama films is Pulp Fiction: the rating on IMDB is 8.9/10. Most of the reviews are from young
people ,(male and females), saying how much they love the film. The best drama film released in
2016 was Moonlight which has won several awards. Moonlight has very good reviews on Rotten
Tomatoes of 98%. The majority of the reviews talk about how powerful the storyline is as it is
extremely realistic as it brings awareness to different subjects such as drug use, sexuality etc.
Titanic is another one of the highest rating drama films: it is the second highest grossing film with a
gross of $2.2 billion. Reading the reviews on YouTube, most people say that it is a classic due to the
production, emotion and acting. The viewers of Titanic are young and female. From my research,
the audience changes in each film as some have a majority of young people and others have the
older majority. Perks Of Being A Wallflower is a drama film that many teenagers enjoy. From
YouGov, the viewer is a young adult/teen. The film has earned a success of $33.4 million. The film
addresses topics such as mental health and growing up which relates to the viewer. It has a rating of
8/10 on IMDB and a rating of 86% on Rotten Tomatoes. The comments on YouTube say that the
viewers love the emotion and acting in the film as it makes it more realistic. It has 47 thousand
thumbs up on YouTube. The story is about a boy suffering with mental health that feels very lonely.
The films also brings up topics of sexual abuse and drug use. On YouGov, the audience enjoy
photography, music and celebrities.
Secondary Target Audience Research
• The Fault In Our Stars was released in 2014. It is about teenagers who fall in love at a cancer
support group. It has grossed over $42 million in total domestic video sales. On Rotten
Tomatoes, 85% of the audience liked it. On IMDB, The Fault In Our Stars has a 7.8/10. On
YouTube, lots of people say they enjoy the songs and actors. They enjoy the plot twist as then
the story is not so predictable. It has 389 thousand thumbs up on YouTube and only 5
thousand dislikes. The audience of this film and young females who are left wing. They enjoy
movies, dancing and decorating.
Secondary Target Audience Research
• Juno is a film about a teenage girl who becomes pregnant. Even though, the film also comes
under the genre romance and comedy, however drama is the main element. Worldwide the
film earned $231 million. On IMDB the film is rated 7.5/10. Reading reviews, lots of people
say that they like how film addresses teenage pregnancy as this is relatable to a lot of
teenagers today. Not many films address this situation so the films stands out. On YouTube
the official trailer has 20 thousand thumbs up and only 1000 dislikes. One comment talks
about how the filming is entertaining due to the comedy elements but it also plays with your
emotions as the viewer becomes attached to the character and wants the best possible
outcome. From Rotten Tomatoes, 88% of the audience liked the film. One critic explains how
this indie film is just as successful as a Hollywood film without all the stereotypes. On
YouGov, the audience of the film are young females who are left wing. Their general interests
are music, books and cooking.
• Wikipedia
• YouGov
• Rotten Tomatoes
• YouTube
Identify target audience
• For this you should summarise your primary and secondary research, through this you
should then be able to produce an audience outline that you intend to target. For this you
could also produce an audience profile.
From my primary research, the target audience of 16-24 year olds enjoy a short film with great editing and
cinematography to make the film more interesting. The target audience looks for a film that has twists and
turns so that it is not predictable. When researching the best drama films, the audience tend to be young
adults ,( mostly female). This fits perfectly with my target audience for my short film as I was worried that
my drama film would not appeal to young adults. When looking at film reviews, people like that the films
address different subjects that need awareness such as mental health, teenage pregnancy, drug use,
abuse etc.…
The audience outline I intend to target young adults between the age of 16 and 24. I personally think the
film will appeal more to females than males because it is emotional and upsetting, however males may
also enjoy the film. My short film addresses loss and loneliness of an old man. Even though the film is
about an old man, I believe that teenagers will also be able to relate and connect as they sometimes feel
alone in society. The target audience may not be the same age as the characters, however this does not
mean that the story is unrealistic and unrelatable.
I feel like the people that will enjoy my film will have a hobby of music and reading and enjoy family time.
Audience Appropriate Content
• Given your idea generation and your audience research, what sort of content would you define as the appropriate.
Consider issues of taste, certification [BBFC might be a good starting point for this], etc. Look at what you’d like to include
and what you are allowed to include.
• Discrimination
• Discriminatory language or behaviour is unlikely to be acceptable unless clearly disapproved of.
• Drugs
• References to illegal drugs or drug misuse must
be infrequent and innocuous, or have a clear educational purpose or anti-drug message suitable for young
• Imitable behaviour
• Potentially dangerous or anti-social behaviour which young children may copy must be clearly disapproved
of. No emphasis on realistic or easily accessible weapons.
• Language
• Infrequent use only of very mild bad language.
• Nudity
• Occasional nudity, with no sexual context.
• Sex
• Only very mild sexual behaviour (for example, kissing) and references to such behaviour.
• Threat
• Scary or potentially unsettling sequences should be mild, brief and unlikely to cause undue anxiety to
young children. The outcome should be reassuring.
• Violence
• Violence will generally be very mild. Mild violence may be acceptable if it is justified by context (for
example, comedic, animated, wholly unrealistic).
Audience Appropriate Content
• Discrimination
• Discriminatory language or behaviour is unlikely to be acceptable unless clearly disapproved of, or in an
educational or historical context, or in a particularly dated work with no likely appeal to children.
Discrimination by a character with whom children can readily identify is unlikely to be acceptable.
• Drugs
• References to illegal drugs or drug misuse must be innocuous or carry a suitable anti-drug message.
• Imitable behaviour
• No detail of potentially dangerous behaviour which young children are likely to copy, if that behaviour is
presented as safe or fun. No glamorisation of realistic or easily accessible weapons such as knives. No
focus on anti-social behaviour which young children are likely to copy.
• Language
• Mild bad language only. Aggressive or very frequent use of mild bad language may result in a work being
passed at a higher category.
• Nudity
• There may be nudity with no sexual context.
• Sex
• Sexual activity may be implied, but should be discreet and infrequent. Mild sex references and innuendo
• Threat
• Frightening sequences or situations where characters are in danger should not be prolonged or intense.
Fantasy settings may be a mitigating factor.
• Violence
• Violence will usually be mild. However there may be moderate violence, without detail, if justified by its
context (for example, history, comedy or fantasy).
Audience Appropriate Content
• Drugs
• Misuse of drugs must be infrequent and should not be glamorised or give instructional detail.
• Imitable behaviour
• No promotion of potentially dangerous behaviour which children are likely to copy. No glamorisation of
realistic or easily accessible weapons such as knives. No endorsement of anti-social behaviour.
• Language
• There may be moderate language. Strong language may be permitted, depending on the manner in which
it is used, who is using the language, its frequency within the work as a whole and any special contextual
• Nudity
• There may be nudity, but in a sexual context it must be brief and discreet.
• Sex
• Sexual activity may be briefly and discreetly portrayed. Moderate sex references are permitted, but
frequent crude references are unlikely to be acceptable.
• Threat
• There may be moderate physical and psychological threat and horror sequences. Although some scenes
may be disturbing, the overall tone should not be. Horror sequences should not be frequent or sustained.
• Violence
• There may be moderate violence but it should not dwell on detail. There should be no emphasis on
injuries or blood, but occasional gory moments may be permitted if justified by the context.
• Sexual violence may only be implied or briefly and discreetly indicated, and its depiction must be justified
by context.
Audience Appropriate Content
• Discrimination
• The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour, although there may be racist, homophobic or
other discriminatory themes and language.
• Drugs
• Drug taking may be shown but the work as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse
(for example, through instructional detail). The misuse of easily accessible and highly dangerous substances (for example,
aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable.
• Imitable behaviour
• Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied.
Whether the depiction of easily accessible weapons is acceptable will depend on factors such as realism, context and
• Language
• There may be strong language. Very strong language may be permitted, depending on the manner in which it is used, who is
using the language, its frequency within the work as a whole and any special contextual justification.
• Nudity
• There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context. There may be nudity in a sexual context but
usually without strong detail.
• Sex
• Sexual activity may be portrayed, but usually without strong detail. There may be strong verbal references to sexual
behaviour, but the strongest references are unlikely to be acceptable unless justified by context. Works whose primary
purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation are unlikely to be acceptable.
• Threat
• There may be strong threat and horror. A sustained focus on sadistic or sexual threat is unlikely to
be acceptable.
• Violence
• Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be
acceptable. Strong sadistic violence is also unlikely to be acceptable.
• There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but the depiction of sexual violence must be discreet and
justified by context.
Audience Appropriate Content
• where the material is in breach of the criminal law, or has been created through the commission of a
criminal offence
• where material or treatment appears to us to risk harm to individuals or, through their behaviour, to
society. For example, the detailed portrayal of violent or dangerous acts, or of illegal drug use, which may
cause harm to public health or morals. This may include portrayals of sadistic or sexual violence which
make this violence look appealing; reinforce the suggestion that victims enjoy sexual violence; or which
invite viewer complicity in sexual violence or other harmful violent activities where there are more explicit
images of sexual activity in the context of a sex work (see below) or where the primary purpose of the
images in question is sexual arousal
• In the case of video works, which may be more accessible to younger viewers, intervention may be more
frequent than for cinema films.
• Sex education at 18
• Where sex material genuinely seeks to inform and educate in matters such as human sexuality or safer sex
and health, explicit images of sexual activity may be permitted.
• Sex works at 18
• Sex works are works whose primary purpose is
sexual arousal or stimulation. Sex works containing only material which may be simulated are generally
passed 18. Sex works containing clear images of real sex, strong fetish material, sexually explicit animated
images, or other very strong sexual images will
be confined to the R18 category. Material which is unacceptable in a sex work at R18 is also unacceptable
in a sex work at 18.
Audience Appropriate Content
• R18 - To be shown only in specially licensed cinemas, or supplied only in licensed sex
shops, and to adults only
• The R18 category is a special and legally-restricted classification primarily for explicit
works of consenting sex or strong fetish material involving adults. Films may only be
shown to adults in specially licensed cinemas, and video works may be supplied to
adults only in licensed sex shops. R18 video works may not be supplied by mail order.
Audience Appropriate Content
My Short Film
• I think the certificate for my short film will be a PG or a 12 depending on the genre I choose.
My drama short film is about loss and sadness which may be upsetting to some viewers. It
will not feature any violence, drug use, language or sexual content. If I decide to create a
psychological thriller short film, I think the certificate would be a 12 because it will feature
violence and topics such as mental health which is not suitable for a younger audience.
Another reason why the certificate would be a 12 is because the story will include twists and
turns which ma be hard to understand for a younger viewer as it is about schizophrenia.
Production techniques research
• Research potential production techniques you might want
to use or feel would be most appropriate – these can be
related to camera, editing, story, sound, etc
• You should look at a minimum of 3 related products in your
• You should collect clips/still images/how to guides/etc that
might help you. When watching scenes from films, etc you
could also ask potential target audience what they think.
• You will need to add extra slides!
• With each technique you should assess whether you can
use it or how you might employ or why you may want to
disregard it completely
Product 1 – UP!
• Up is an animated comedy film about an old man who has just lost his wife. They have been
best friends all their life until they get married. They dreamt of going on holiday together but
life got in the way. This product is similar to my idea because it has a similar storyline to my
idea. Up has a PG certificate which I also think will be the same certificate for my film. The
beginning of the movie is very similar to my idea. The tone and mood is sad and depressing
because there is barely any noise in the house ,( due to him living alone). There is little colour
inside the house or on screen and Carl , the main character, looks very sad. This tone is what I
want to incorporate in my short film so as he becomes happier with his family at Christmas
time, the colours look brighter and stand out more. It is a comedy fantasy film designed to
become an escape from life when it becomes too difficult.
The budget for Up was $175 million and the box office was
$735.1 million. The audience of Up are young and female which
is the target audience I would like to be interested in my short
drama film. I will disregard the fantasy element of this film to
make it more realistic and relatable to the viewer. I like the
sound in the scene of Carl alone in his house as it is very quiet.
You can only hear his footsteps and his plate etc which is what I
would like to feature in my short film. I will employ this into my
film by recording sound effects of footsteps, plates and glasses
clanking and him sighing.
Product 2- Man On The Moon
• The Man On The Moon is a Christmas advert created by John Lewis. It was released in 2015 and has
an estimated cost of £7 million. The advert is about a little girl who has a telescope and is looking at
the moon. She discovers that an old man is living there all by himself. She tries to contact him in
several ways but fails all attempts. Finally, she sends a telescope to him via balloon for Christmas.
On Christmas, the old man eventually gets to see Earth and the little girl. The storyline has similar
elements to my idea because it is about an old man who is all alone at Christmas and he feels like
he is another planet because he feels so lonely. The tone and mood of the scenes where he is on
the moon is very upsetting due to the lack of colour and anything living except him. The viewer
feels extremely sympathetic towards the character. This heart warming advert has a happy ending
of where he is no longer alone. This ending has lots of bright colours of the Christmas lights and the
background music becomes more happy and light hearted. I would like to copy this by using no
dialogue with little noise at the beginning to enhance the silence: the film will end with happy
music to make the viewer feel happy for the character. In the advert, there is a little girl that tries to
cheer up the old man which is similar to what I would like to introduce in my film because the
grand daughter is trying to make her upset granddad feel better.
I will disregard the fantasy element to make it
more realistic and relatable for the viewer
However, I would like to employ a similar structure
of editing where it begins with the old man lonely
and the girl watching him. I like the use of fade ins
and outs in the ad therefore I would like to copy
this technique.
Product 2- Man On The Moon
• I would also like to disregard the background music as I would not like to feature a song.
Instead, I would like soft music with sound effects. Once the character transforms I will make
the background music louder and happier.
Product 3- Edeka Christmas Ad
• This German Christmas advert is about a lonely old man who tries to gets his children and grandchildren to
visit him at Christmas. With several attempts to contact his children he fails. Instead, he pretends he has
died so that the children will come home for the funeral. They go to his house and see there is a Christmas
dinner prepared. The old man then walks into the room and says “ How else could I have brought you all
together?” It ends with the entire family enjoying their Christmas dinner. I would like to use a similar style
of cinematography to this advert because the shots and angles make the advert very interesting and
appealing. In the advert, there are several insert shots of photographs. I would like to incorporate this type
of shot into my short film because it enhances the emotion and makes it more upsetting. I will employ this
technique by adding shots of my granddad looking at pictures of his wife. The house at the beginning is
very dark with little colour which is a similar tone and mood I would like in my film. Therefore, the house
has a transformation as it comes to life with laughter, happiness and family at Christmas time. In my short
film, I will not be using dialogue, however both have similar storylines. I would like to employ the type of
cinematography in this ad to make it similar to my film where I will film close ups and long shots to
highlight the empty house and how upset he is about it. I like the use of shots of the setting and
environment around therefore I would like to incorporate this is my film to make the character feel like
they are alone on this planet.
The colours in the advert are dark which has
connotations to loneliness and depression.
Therefore, I would like to employ this technique to
enhance the viewers emotion. This later makes the
colours stand out and appear brighter.
Camera/Editing/Audio Experiments
Be prepared to add extra slides
Filming - Process
• To begin the filming process, we started with an establishing long shot of the college exterior.
This shot set the scene and highlighted to the viewer where the short film was filmed. We
then included a long shot of two characters walking down the corridor in conversation. Once
student 1 asked a question, we cut to a medium shot. After this, there is a long shot of
student 3 running down the corridor. We also filmed this several times with close ups of
student three’s face and legs. Following this we then incorporated a medium shot of students
, 2 and 3 colliding and falling to the floor, ( when editing this we put this clip in slow motion).
After this, the camera is in the same place and we filmed a clip of the students getting up and
running away down the corridor. We then switched the camera position so it was no longer
behind the students but in front as we ran down the corridor to the stairs. Then there is a
close up of our feet running down the stairs. Finally, we have a long shot of the students
running to the body at the bottom of the steps. The camera pans up from student 4 on the
floor to student 3 stood on the steps which changes the shot to a long shot.
• What elements of your experiments will you
include in your final product?
– In my final product, I would like to include an insert shot to show a clearer image of the
object. One element from my experiment I would like to include in my final product
would be a 180 degree shot that then develops into over the shoulder shots as two
characters have a conversation. I would like to feature long shots and medium shots to
establish the setting as well as get closer to the character and their facial expressions.
Finally, I would like to include a canted angle shot as this is an unusual shot type that
suggests the character is dizzy or unconscious. This makes the film more interesting to
watch as the same basic shots are not featured.
editing - Process
• We edited our short film in Adobe Premiere. This program is familiar to us because we have edited
several short clips using Premiere. I started the short film with a fade in ,( with the audio as well),
so that the short film does not suddenly start: it is also more appealing and clean to watch. To
transition from the establishing shot to the shot of the students in the corridor, I used an iris round.
After this, I copied and pasted the long shot of student 3 running down the corridor. I did this three
times and in between each repeat there is a black screen to build up tension. On each copied clip, I
increased the speed so that he ran faster and faster. I then slowed down the medium shot of the 3
students colliding to make it appear more dramatic. To end the short film, I included a fade to black
so that it was a smooth transition rather than the film suddenly ending. I wanted to edit the
brightness and colour of some clips to make them darker, however I ran out of time. Once I was
happy with all my editing of the footage, I downloaded sound effects and background music from
YouTube. The sound effects I included were booms and dark, suspense music. To make sure the
viewer could hear the dialogue, I turned up the volume so that it was louder than the background
• We also used Adobe Premiere to edit a clip from Shaun Of The Dead. We went in groups around
college and recorded different sound effects. Using Premiere, we imported the sounds and over
layed them to help practice for our short film that will have no dialogue. To make the noise sound
realistic I included fade ins and fade outs so the music flowed together.
• What elements of your experiments will you
include in your final product?
– In my final product, I would like to include a fade in and out at the beginning and end of
my short film so that it is smooth and the story flows better. I would also like to my short
film to be in black and white, after several scenes, the short film will turn colourful and
bright to grab the viewers attention and make them feel happy. The black and white
beginning highlights to the viewer the old times that the couple shared and how
depressed he is now living without her.
audio - Process
• Whilst we were working on the Shaun Of The Dead, we had to to work in groups and go
around college to try record different sound effects. Me and Sumiah went to the shop and
recorded the fridge door opening and closing as well as cans and the freezer. We recorded
each sound effect several times so that we had the perfect noise to use. We also recorded
outside for general street noise as well as close up footsteps and distant footsteps. After this,
we recorded my footsteps of me running. However, we had to download a car alarm sound
effect from YouTube because we could not record one.
• Whilst working on creating a practice short film, we downloaded sound effects and
background music from YouTube. However, we did speak in our film therefore we had to turn
up the volume so you could hear what we were saying over the background music clearly. I
copied and pasted some sound effects so that they could be repeated with repeated shots to
build up tension and suspense. The sound effects I downloaded were booms as well as dark
suspense background music. I also included quite upbeat music at the beginning so that the
viewer doesn’t know that something bad is about to happen.
• What elements of your experiments will you
include in your final product?
• In my final product, I would like to include emotional background music to influence the
viewer to feel upset just like the character. Overtime the music will adapt to more happy and
upbeat as does the viewer. I would like to incorporate sound effects of glass clanking, foot
steps, sighs and laughter to highlight that it is filmed at Christmas time where everyone is
happy. In the short film we are not allowed to include dialogue, however we must include the
phrase: “ that wasn’t supposed to happen”.
Constraints on production
• List all the potential constraints that might affect or limit your production, you should
consider issues from each of these categories:
• Time/Personnel/Cost/Technical/Location/Organisational
• During production, it may be difficult to find a time when the whole family can come
together to act. It may be also hard if people from my family do not want to be in the film,
therefore I would have to change my idea last minute. Because there might be some
difficulties with actors and timing, this may lead so organisational problems as some people
will be bringing presents and food to share. I may experience some technical problems as
someone else will have to film some scenes therefore, it may take longer to get the perfect
shot, angle or have the clip in focus. I may be limited on location there are only 2 possible
locations and if both do not work out I will have to change my idea to something easier and
more attainable. I think a big difficulty will be having an old person act in my short film. This
may be hard because I may not find anyone willing to be in the film or have the correct skills
to make the acting look realistic. It could be difficult for the character to convey their
emotion and make it look real,therefore, the filming process may be long.

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Research for films

  • 1.
  • 2. Stage 2 research + experiments Your name here
  • 3. Primary Target audience research • You MUST conduct a questionnaire/survey/interview or a combination of all three. Summarise this and add in any other primary research you feel is appropriate 3 people said they liked action/adventure film the most, 1 person likes comedy, 1 person likes drama, 1 likes science fiction and the other response was a horror- comedy. This highlights to me that people prefer dramas to thrillers. 3 people said they liked drama films, 2 said they didn’t and 2 people said they would watch it if there was nothing else. More people like dramas than dislike them. When creating my short film I need to make it interesting so the target audience change their mind about drama films.
  • 4. Primary Target Audience Research 3 people said they didn't’t like drama films. 3 people liked that drama films are realistic and relatable. This means that when I create my film I need to include these elements. 1 person said they like that they raise awareness to different topics which is good because it links to what my idea is about. 1 person said that drama films are too sad and upsetting. 1 person said they were not interesting and another said they are boring. 2 people said they go on for too long however this will not effect my short film as it is only 60 seconds. Several said they prefer watching TV series than a drama film. To avoid this, I will include different types of shots and camera angles to make it appealing and interesting to watch.
  • 5. Primary Target Audience Research 2 people said they liked psychological thrillers and 2 people said they loved them. 1 person said they didn’t like them and 4 people said they were ok. This highlights that people of our target audience are more interested in other genres such as comedies and horrors than thrillers and dramas, therefore I need to make sure it grabs the viewers attention and is interesting. 5 people said they would rather watch a psychological thriller than a drama. 1 person said they liked both and 2 people said they would watch neither. These genres are not very popular with 16-24 year olds however if they had to choose it would be a psychological thriller. Therefore, I may have to create the psychological thriller as it will appeal to the target audience more than a drama film.
  • 6. Primary Target Audience Research The majority of people said they liked the twists and turns in a psychological which could also be featured in my drama short film. 1 person said they liked jump scares and 2 people said they liked gore. If I do create a psychological thriller it would be difficult to include any gore. This highlights to me that if I create a psychological thriller short film, it needs to have a twisted plot to make it exciting. 2 people said they would watch a drama film more if it was relatable. Therefore, when creating my short film I would include an element of family and loss so it was more relatable to the viewer. 1 person said they would never watch a drama whilst 1 person said if there was a happy ending they would watch it. This is good because my short film has a happy ending where the old man has company this Christmas. Finally, 4 people said that they would watch a drama if it wasn’t so boring and long. My film is only 60 seconds maximum anyway so the duration should not be a problem.
  • 7. Primary Target Audience Research The thing that appeals most to people in a film is the story line. My storyline also needs to not be predictable as people from the previous question said they liked twists and turns in the story. The second best thing is the cinematography. This result is helpful because I can then incorporate different types of shots and angles in my short film. 1 person said they like the acting the most and another said they enjoyed the editing. Therefore, my story needs to be exciting and interesting as well as fun to watch with different types of shots and angles. Finally, the film has to be edited well with lots of effects and transitions.
  • 8. Secondary Target audience research • Research viewing figures, sales figures, demographic and psychographic info. Look up article, features or stories related to your potential audience • The audience of drama films tend to be older and female who are left wing. My research from YouGov from suggests that the audience also enjoys music, movies and books. One of the highest rated drama films is Pulp Fiction: the rating on IMDB is 8.9/10. Most of the reviews are from young people ,(male and females), saying how much they love the film. The best drama film released in 2016 was Moonlight which has won several awards. Moonlight has very good reviews on Rotten Tomatoes of 98%. The majority of the reviews talk about how powerful the storyline is as it is extremely realistic as it brings awareness to different subjects such as drug use, sexuality etc. Titanic is another one of the highest rating drama films: it is the second highest grossing film with a gross of $2.2 billion. Reading the reviews on YouTube, most people say that it is a classic due to the production, emotion and acting. The viewers of Titanic are young and female. From my research, the audience changes in each film as some have a majority of young people and others have the older majority. Perks Of Being A Wallflower is a drama film that many teenagers enjoy. From YouGov, the viewer is a young adult/teen. The film has earned a success of $33.4 million. The film addresses topics such as mental health and growing up which relates to the viewer. It has a rating of 8/10 on IMDB and a rating of 86% on Rotten Tomatoes. The comments on YouTube say that the viewers love the emotion and acting in the film as it makes it more realistic. It has 47 thousand thumbs up on YouTube. The story is about a boy suffering with mental health that feels very lonely. The films also brings up topics of sexual abuse and drug use. On YouGov, the audience enjoy photography, music and celebrities.
  • 9. Secondary Target Audience Research • The Fault In Our Stars was released in 2014. It is about teenagers who fall in love at a cancer support group. It has grossed over $42 million in total domestic video sales. On Rotten Tomatoes, 85% of the audience liked it. On IMDB, The Fault In Our Stars has a 7.8/10. On YouTube, lots of people say they enjoy the songs and actors. They enjoy the plot twist as then the story is not so predictable. It has 389 thousand thumbs up on YouTube and only 5 thousand dislikes. The audience of this film and young females who are left wing. They enjoy movies, dancing and decorating.
  • 10. Secondary Target Audience Research • Juno is a film about a teenage girl who becomes pregnant. Even though, the film also comes under the genre romance and comedy, however drama is the main element. Worldwide the film earned $231 million. On IMDB the film is rated 7.5/10. Reading reviews, lots of people say that they like how film addresses teenage pregnancy as this is relatable to a lot of teenagers today. Not many films address this situation so the films stands out. On YouTube the official trailer has 20 thousand thumbs up and only 1000 dislikes. One comment talks about how the filming is entertaining due to the comedy elements but it also plays with your emotions as the viewer becomes attached to the character and wants the best possible outcome. From Rotten Tomatoes, 88% of the audience liked the film. One critic explains how this indie film is just as successful as a Hollywood film without all the stereotypes. On YouGov, the audience of the film are young females who are left wing. Their general interests are music, books and cooking.
  • 11. Bibiography • Wikipedia • • • • • YouGov • • • • • Rotten Tomatoes • • • • • IMDB • • • • • YouTube • • • •
  • 12. Identify target audience • For this you should summarise your primary and secondary research, through this you should then be able to produce an audience outline that you intend to target. For this you could also produce an audience profile. From my primary research, the target audience of 16-24 year olds enjoy a short film with great editing and cinematography to make the film more interesting. The target audience looks for a film that has twists and turns so that it is not predictable. When researching the best drama films, the audience tend to be young adults ,( mostly female). This fits perfectly with my target audience for my short film as I was worried that my drama film would not appeal to young adults. When looking at film reviews, people like that the films address different subjects that need awareness such as mental health, teenage pregnancy, drug use, abuse etc.… The audience outline I intend to target young adults between the age of 16 and 24. I personally think the film will appeal more to females than males because it is emotional and upsetting, however males may also enjoy the film. My short film addresses loss and loneliness of an old man. Even though the film is about an old man, I believe that teenagers will also be able to relate and connect as they sometimes feel alone in society. The target audience may not be the same age as the characters, however this does not mean that the story is unrealistic and unrelatable. I feel like the people that will enjoy my film will have a hobby of music and reading and enjoy family time.
  • 13. Audience Appropriate Content U • Given your idea generation and your audience research, what sort of content would you define as the appropriate. Consider issues of taste, certification [BBFC might be a good starting point for this], etc. Look at what you’d like to include and what you are allowed to include. • Discrimination • Discriminatory language or behaviour is unlikely to be acceptable unless clearly disapproved of. • Drugs • References to illegal drugs or drug misuse must be infrequent and innocuous, or have a clear educational purpose or anti-drug message suitable for young children. • Imitable behaviour • Potentially dangerous or anti-social behaviour which young children may copy must be clearly disapproved of. No emphasis on realistic or easily accessible weapons. • Language • Infrequent use only of very mild bad language. • Nudity • Occasional nudity, with no sexual context. • Sex • Only very mild sexual behaviour (for example, kissing) and references to such behaviour. • Threat • Scary or potentially unsettling sequences should be mild, brief and unlikely to cause undue anxiety to young children. The outcome should be reassuring. • Violence • Violence will generally be very mild. Mild violence may be acceptable if it is justified by context (for example, comedic, animated, wholly unrealistic).
  • 14. Audience Appropriate Content PG • Discrimination • Discriminatory language or behaviour is unlikely to be acceptable unless clearly disapproved of, or in an educational or historical context, or in a particularly dated work with no likely appeal to children. Discrimination by a character with whom children can readily identify is unlikely to be acceptable. • Drugs • References to illegal drugs or drug misuse must be innocuous or carry a suitable anti-drug message. • Imitable behaviour • No detail of potentially dangerous behaviour which young children are likely to copy, if that behaviour is presented as safe or fun. No glamorisation of realistic or easily accessible weapons such as knives. No focus on anti-social behaviour which young children are likely to copy. • Language • Mild bad language only. Aggressive or very frequent use of mild bad language may result in a work being passed at a higher category. • Nudity • There may be nudity with no sexual context. • Sex • Sexual activity may be implied, but should be discreet and infrequent. Mild sex references and innuendo only. • Threat • Frightening sequences or situations where characters are in danger should not be prolonged or intense. Fantasy settings may be a mitigating factor. • Violence • Violence will usually be mild. However there may be moderate violence, without detail, if justified by its context (for example, history, comedy or fantasy).
  • 15. Audience Appropriate Content 12/12A • Drugs • Misuse of drugs must be infrequent and should not be glamorised or give instructional detail. • Imitable behaviour • No promotion of potentially dangerous behaviour which children are likely to copy. No glamorisation of realistic or easily accessible weapons such as knives. No endorsement of anti-social behaviour. • Language • There may be moderate language. Strong language may be permitted, depending on the manner in which it is used, who is using the language, its frequency within the work as a whole and any special contextual justification. • Nudity • There may be nudity, but in a sexual context it must be brief and discreet. • Sex • Sexual activity may be briefly and discreetly portrayed. Moderate sex references are permitted, but frequent crude references are unlikely to be acceptable. • Threat • There may be moderate physical and psychological threat and horror sequences. Although some scenes may be disturbing, the overall tone should not be. Horror sequences should not be frequent or sustained. • Violence • There may be moderate violence but it should not dwell on detail. There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood, but occasional gory moments may be permitted if justified by the context. • Sexual violence may only be implied or briefly and discreetly indicated, and its depiction must be justified by context.
  • 16. Audience Appropriate Content 15 • Discrimination • The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour, although there may be racist, homophobic or other discriminatory themes and language. • Drugs • Drug taking may be shown but the work as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse (for example, through instructional detail). The misuse of easily accessible and highly dangerous substances (for example, aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable. • Imitable behaviour • Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied. Whether the depiction of easily accessible weapons is acceptable will depend on factors such as realism, context and setting. • Language • There may be strong language. Very strong language may be permitted, depending on the manner in which it is used, who is using the language, its frequency within the work as a whole and any special contextual justification. • Nudity • There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context. There may be nudity in a sexual context but usually without strong detail. • Sex • Sexual activity may be portrayed, but usually without strong detail. There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour, but the strongest references are unlikely to be acceptable unless justified by context. Works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation are unlikely to be acceptable. • Threat • There may be strong threat and horror. A sustained focus on sadistic or sexual threat is unlikely to be acceptable. • Violence • Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic violence is also unlikely to be acceptable. • There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but the depiction of sexual violence must be discreet and justified by context.
  • 17. Audience Appropriate Content 18 • where the material is in breach of the criminal law, or has been created through the commission of a criminal offence • where material or treatment appears to us to risk harm to individuals or, through their behaviour, to society. For example, the detailed portrayal of violent or dangerous acts, or of illegal drug use, which may cause harm to public health or morals. This may include portrayals of sadistic or sexual violence which make this violence look appealing; reinforce the suggestion that victims enjoy sexual violence; or which invite viewer complicity in sexual violence or other harmful violent activities where there are more explicit images of sexual activity in the context of a sex work (see below) or where the primary purpose of the images in question is sexual arousal • In the case of video works, which may be more accessible to younger viewers, intervention may be more frequent than for cinema films. • Sex education at 18 • Where sex material genuinely seeks to inform and educate in matters such as human sexuality or safer sex and health, explicit images of sexual activity may be permitted. • Sex works at 18 • Sex works are works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation. Sex works containing only material which may be simulated are generally passed 18. Sex works containing clear images of real sex, strong fetish material, sexually explicit animated images, or other very strong sexual images will be confined to the R18 category. Material which is unacceptable in a sex work at R18 is also unacceptable in a sex work at 18.
  • 18. Audience Appropriate Content R18 • R18 - To be shown only in specially licensed cinemas, or supplied only in licensed sex shops, and to adults only • The R18 category is a special and legally-restricted classification primarily for explicit works of consenting sex or strong fetish material involving adults. Films may only be shown to adults in specially licensed cinemas, and video works may be supplied to adults only in licensed sex shops. R18 video works may not be supplied by mail order.
  • 19. Audience Appropriate Content My Short Film • I think the certificate for my short film will be a PG or a 12 depending on the genre I choose. My drama short film is about loss and sadness which may be upsetting to some viewers. It will not feature any violence, drug use, language or sexual content. If I decide to create a psychological thriller short film, I think the certificate would be a 12 because it will feature violence and topics such as mental health which is not suitable for a younger audience. Another reason why the certificate would be a 12 is because the story will include twists and turns which ma be hard to understand for a younger viewer as it is about schizophrenia.
  • 20. Production techniques research • Research potential production techniques you might want to use or feel would be most appropriate – these can be related to camera, editing, story, sound, etc • You should look at a minimum of 3 related products in your research. • You should collect clips/still images/how to guides/etc that might help you. When watching scenes from films, etc you could also ask potential target audience what they think. • You will need to add extra slides! • With each technique you should assess whether you can use it or how you might employ or why you may want to disregard it completely
  • 21. Product 1 – UP! • Up is an animated comedy film about an old man who has just lost his wife. They have been best friends all their life until they get married. They dreamt of going on holiday together but life got in the way. This product is similar to my idea because it has a similar storyline to my idea. Up has a PG certificate which I also think will be the same certificate for my film. The beginning of the movie is very similar to my idea. The tone and mood is sad and depressing because there is barely any noise in the house ,( due to him living alone). There is little colour inside the house or on screen and Carl , the main character, looks very sad. This tone is what I want to incorporate in my short film so as he becomes happier with his family at Christmas time, the colours look brighter and stand out more. It is a comedy fantasy film designed to become an escape from life when it becomes too difficult. The budget for Up was $175 million and the box office was $735.1 million. The audience of Up are young and female which is the target audience I would like to be interested in my short drama film. I will disregard the fantasy element of this film to make it more realistic and relatable to the viewer. I like the sound in the scene of Carl alone in his house as it is very quiet. You can only hear his footsteps and his plate etc which is what I would like to feature in my short film. I will employ this into my film by recording sound effects of footsteps, plates and glasses clanking and him sighing.
  • 22. Product 2- Man On The Moon • The Man On The Moon is a Christmas advert created by John Lewis. It was released in 2015 and has an estimated cost of £7 million. The advert is about a little girl who has a telescope and is looking at the moon. She discovers that an old man is living there all by himself. She tries to contact him in several ways but fails all attempts. Finally, she sends a telescope to him via balloon for Christmas. On Christmas, the old man eventually gets to see Earth and the little girl. The storyline has similar elements to my idea because it is about an old man who is all alone at Christmas and he feels like he is another planet because he feels so lonely. The tone and mood of the scenes where he is on the moon is very upsetting due to the lack of colour and anything living except him. The viewer feels extremely sympathetic towards the character. This heart warming advert has a happy ending of where he is no longer alone. This ending has lots of bright colours of the Christmas lights and the background music becomes more happy and light hearted. I would like to copy this by using no dialogue with little noise at the beginning to enhance the silence: the film will end with happy music to make the viewer feel happy for the character. In the advert, there is a little girl that tries to cheer up the old man which is similar to what I would like to introduce in my film because the grand daughter is trying to make her upset granddad feel better. t=17s I will disregard the fantasy element to make it more realistic and relatable for the viewer However, I would like to employ a similar structure of editing where it begins with the old man lonely and the girl watching him. I like the use of fade ins and outs in the ad therefore I would like to copy this technique.
  • 23. Product 2- Man On The Moon • I would also like to disregard the background music as I would not like to feature a song. Instead, I would like soft music with sound effects. Once the character transforms I will make the background music louder and happier.
  • 24. Product 3- Edeka Christmas Ad • This German Christmas advert is about a lonely old man who tries to gets his children and grandchildren to visit him at Christmas. With several attempts to contact his children he fails. Instead, he pretends he has died so that the children will come home for the funeral. They go to his house and see there is a Christmas dinner prepared. The old man then walks into the room and says “ How else could I have brought you all together?” It ends with the entire family enjoying their Christmas dinner. I would like to use a similar style of cinematography to this advert because the shots and angles make the advert very interesting and appealing. In the advert, there are several insert shots of photographs. I would like to incorporate this type of shot into my short film because it enhances the emotion and makes it more upsetting. I will employ this technique by adding shots of my granddad looking at pictures of his wife. The house at the beginning is very dark with little colour which is a similar tone and mood I would like in my film. Therefore, the house has a transformation as it comes to life with laughter, happiness and family at Christmas time. In my short film, I will not be using dialogue, however both have similar storylines. I would like to employ the type of cinematography in this ad to make it similar to my film where I will film close ups and long shots to highlight the empty house and how upset he is about it. I like the use of shots of the setting and environment around therefore I would like to incorporate this is my film to make the character feel like they are alone on this planet. 0kYhqoRo The colours in the advert are dark which has connotations to loneliness and depression. Therefore, I would like to employ this technique to enhance the viewers emotion. This later makes the colours stand out and appear brighter.
  • 26. Filming - Process • To begin the filming process, we started with an establishing long shot of the college exterior. This shot set the scene and highlighted to the viewer where the short film was filmed. We then included a long shot of two characters walking down the corridor in conversation. Once student 1 asked a question, we cut to a medium shot. After this, there is a long shot of student 3 running down the corridor. We also filmed this several times with close ups of student three’s face and legs. Following this we then incorporated a medium shot of students , 2 and 3 colliding and falling to the floor, ( when editing this we put this clip in slow motion). After this, the camera is in the same place and we filmed a clip of the students getting up and running away down the corridor. We then switched the camera position so it was no longer behind the students but in front as we ran down the corridor to the stairs. Then there is a close up of our feet running down the stairs. Finally, we have a long shot of the students running to the body at the bottom of the steps. The camera pans up from student 4 on the floor to student 3 stood on the steps which changes the shot to a long shot.
  • 27. Reflection • What elements of your experiments will you include in your final product? – In my final product, I would like to include an insert shot to show a clearer image of the object. One element from my experiment I would like to include in my final product would be a 180 degree shot that then develops into over the shoulder shots as two characters have a conversation. I would like to feature long shots and medium shots to establish the setting as well as get closer to the character and their facial expressions. Finally, I would like to include a canted angle shot as this is an unusual shot type that suggests the character is dizzy or unconscious. This makes the film more interesting to watch as the same basic shots are not featured.
  • 28. editing - Process • We edited our short film in Adobe Premiere. This program is familiar to us because we have edited several short clips using Premiere. I started the short film with a fade in ,( with the audio as well), so that the short film does not suddenly start: it is also more appealing and clean to watch. To transition from the establishing shot to the shot of the students in the corridor, I used an iris round. After this, I copied and pasted the long shot of student 3 running down the corridor. I did this three times and in between each repeat there is a black screen to build up tension. On each copied clip, I increased the speed so that he ran faster and faster. I then slowed down the medium shot of the 3 students colliding to make it appear more dramatic. To end the short film, I included a fade to black so that it was a smooth transition rather than the film suddenly ending. I wanted to edit the brightness and colour of some clips to make them darker, however I ran out of time. Once I was happy with all my editing of the footage, I downloaded sound effects and background music from YouTube. The sound effects I included were booms and dark, suspense music. To make sure the viewer could hear the dialogue, I turned up the volume so that it was louder than the background music. • We also used Adobe Premiere to edit a clip from Shaun Of The Dead. We went in groups around college and recorded different sound effects. Using Premiere, we imported the sounds and over layed them to help practice for our short film that will have no dialogue. To make the noise sound realistic I included fade ins and fade outs so the music flowed together.
  • 29. Reflection • What elements of your experiments will you include in your final product? – In my final product, I would like to include a fade in and out at the beginning and end of my short film so that it is smooth and the story flows better. I would also like to my short film to be in black and white, after several scenes, the short film will turn colourful and bright to grab the viewers attention and make them feel happy. The black and white beginning highlights to the viewer the old times that the couple shared and how depressed he is now living without her.
  • 30. audio - Process • Whilst we were working on the Shaun Of The Dead, we had to to work in groups and go around college to try record different sound effects. Me and Sumiah went to the shop and recorded the fridge door opening and closing as well as cans and the freezer. We recorded each sound effect several times so that we had the perfect noise to use. We also recorded outside for general street noise as well as close up footsteps and distant footsteps. After this, we recorded my footsteps of me running. However, we had to download a car alarm sound effect from YouTube because we could not record one. • Whilst working on creating a practice short film, we downloaded sound effects and background music from YouTube. However, we did speak in our film therefore we had to turn up the volume so you could hear what we were saying over the background music clearly. I copied and pasted some sound effects so that they could be repeated with repeated shots to build up tension and suspense. The sound effects I downloaded were booms as well as dark suspense background music. I also included quite upbeat music at the beginning so that the viewer doesn’t know that something bad is about to happen.
  • 31. Reflection • What elements of your experiments will you include in your final product? • In my final product, I would like to include emotional background music to influence the viewer to feel upset just like the character. Overtime the music will adapt to more happy and upbeat as does the viewer. I would like to incorporate sound effects of glass clanking, foot steps, sighs and laughter to highlight that it is filmed at Christmas time where everyone is happy. In the short film we are not allowed to include dialogue, however we must include the phrase: “ that wasn’t supposed to happen”.
  • 32. Constraints on production • List all the potential constraints that might affect or limit your production, you should consider issues from each of these categories: • Time/Personnel/Cost/Technical/Location/Organisational • During production, it may be difficult to find a time when the whole family can come together to act. It may be also hard if people from my family do not want to be in the film, therefore I would have to change my idea last minute. Because there might be some difficulties with actors and timing, this may lead so organisational problems as some people will be bringing presents and food to share. I may experience some technical problems as someone else will have to film some scenes therefore, it may take longer to get the perfect shot, angle or have the clip in focus. I may be limited on location there are only 2 possible locations and if both do not work out I will have to change my idea to something easier and more attainable. I think a big difficulty will be having an old person act in my short film. This may be hard because I may not find anyone willing to be in the film or have the correct skills to make the acting look realistic. It could be difficult for the character to convey their emotion and make it look real,therefore, the filming process may be long.

Editor's Notes

  1. Discuss the tools and processes used in your experiments – use screenshots to illustrate your process
  2. Discuss the tools and processes used in your experiments – use screenshots to illustrate your process
  3. Discuss the tools and processes used in your experiments – use screenshots to illustrate your process