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Factual Research
PAUSE is an independent digital publication focused on young male fashion. We cover street style,
the latest trends, style advice and reveal the latest products available for the fashion conscious guy.
For my final major project I am going to create a street fashion magazine, pause is just that, however since they are
mainly digital there isn’t many covers I can go through. I have chosen this one as I really like the clean neat professional
look it has going on, the central image is great quality and the eye contact from the model makes it feel way more
personal. Since this is a fashion magazine the fashion is a very big selling point, the model in the centre image is wearing
what I would assume is a spiked leather jacket,4 rings and a beanie with upside down crucifix's, as far as street fashion
goes this is basically al you need. I want to have a similar front cover to this in the way the model is portrayed. I like the
plain white background but the heavy black colour pallet on the model, the strong eye contact, everything down to the
way his hair falls is perfect in this image and the symmetry in the writing behind makes this a very intriguing and
interesting cover. A few other things I like about this cover are in the text around it, for example the large title of the
magazine with the slogan about it “redefining male fashion” something about the letters being spaced out and at the top
just makes it look very aesthetically pleasing, almost like a border around the text, and the way that it starts and ends at
the same time pause does with nothing out of line. Another thing I like is the use of pull words, in this case the word is
SUPREME, which is an American streetwear brand very well known, supreme is a company that anyone into street
fashion will know about but the unusual thing about supreme is how little they say, as a company they are very quiete
and just release clothing twice a year. By putting the text “ supreme confidence, supreme style” and using a very similar
font to the one used by supreme the company people will look at the magazine as a whole and without even reading it
will see all this highlighted words “David Beckham” “supreme” and without even having to read inside, maybe not even
having to read the full front cover will decide to purchase it as it appears to have a lot of good content inside. I really like
how this has been implemented and I want to try and make my front cover stories pop and even if they aren’t my
favourite piece from inside the magazine use them if they have those key words or just words that are attractive and
would make me want to read the magazine.
These images are from inside the magazine, the interview with the front
cover model Vince Kidd, the written content is just an interview which I
plan on doing anyway so I will avoid talking about that, what I want to talk
about is the pictures used here. Fashion and photography go hand it hand,
an outfit can be amazing but if the picture is bad then the whole image is
worthless. The images used is this interview are far from that, they capture
everything the interview actually says, the key parts are talking about how
he developed and got his style and what it consists of, these things are
very clear through these images, we can see that he isn’t wearing anything
designer and what he wears and presents is inspired by punk/grunge
clothing, we can see that through the imagery in his clothing and the style,
however that juxtaposes the looks of Vince himself with a very styled and
clean facial and hair look.
I particularly like the poses he is doing in the images and the locations, the top of a
building is a great place for pictures anyway as it is the perfect mix of industrial and
nature in the background. These mixed with the poses and what he is stood on just
all mix well and even little things like the colour pallet of these images is perfect, I
want to improve on my photography as I know how important it can be and in my
fmp I wont be able to hide the bad quality of my pictures behind a lot of filters like I
have done before. I am aiming for a similar text to image ratio as used in this
interview, I want to include at least 1 image per page and I want those images to be
pretty full size, I think this is important as too many small images can become a
chore to look at, 1 big image that is quality and aesthetically pleasing is all you
Primary research
Age and Gender
I started by asking what gender the people answering my questionnaire where, this is
not helpful in a sense of what I will put into my magazine as it is a fashion magazine
aimed at both genders. But will help me know that I have a 50/50 split of my results.
If my magazine is supposed to be aimed and men and women and anyone else then
having 100% men taking my questionnaire would be incredibly unhelpful as I would
only know what half of my audience wants to see
My next question was asking what age the person doing the survey is. This again
doesn’t help my overall product directly as I am targeting my magazine at 18 to 24
year olds. This is based on facts I have found about the age of people that consume
the most designer clothes. If I was basing this on the age of people that consume
fashion magazine I would have got a way higher age. This is because older people
tend to read fashion magazines, they are all targeted at older people and younger
people tend to consume media in very different ways. However from my survey I
managed to find out that all of the people reading my magazine that where ages 24
and under where interested in designer clothes. The people I sent this survey to
where random and also friends, these friends all never wore designer clothes so this
was a surprise to me, I suppose this is because not everyone can afford designer
clothes but that cant stop you liking them. Either way this proved my though that
younger people would want to read a fashion magazine if it was done right
Do people like street fashion
This question was to find out if the people doing my survey where actually
fans of the content of my magazine. This would help me as people may like or
dislike it but they will still offer opinions. By that I mean that people who like
street fashion will probably have similar opinions later on. For example where
I ask which brands to avoid, fashion fans would probably choose brands they
just don’t like or that are cheap. However non street fashion fans are more
likely to say brands that they don't like for more specific reasons. This proved
true as all of the replies saying brands that where unethical where from non
street fashion fans. On top of this no one requested any of the brands that
people requested to not see. For example. Someone who was not a street
fashion fan said they don’t want to hear about Nike as they are unethical. No
one wanted to hear about Nike either from the question where I asked what
people wanted to hear about. From the data I got from this question I found
that most people are interested in street fashion, as I said in the other slide I
sent this to random college students and also some friends but I didn’t know
their stance on fashion. So no I know that the answers I get from the rest of
the questions will be from street fashion fans which is what's going to be in
my magazine so whatever they want is what I should have. If the question
was instead “do you like fashion magazines?” that wouldn’t have helped at all
because my plan is to make a magazine for street fashion fans not a magazine
that’s just like every other fashion magazine.
What people think is important in making an
From this I found out what types of outfit people wanted. If I never asked this
question then a big issue would be what kind of clothes am I looking at. Its fine
making a magazine telling you what clothes to wear to make you look as skinny as
possible but not everyone wants to wear a corset all day. By asking this I would find
out what people wanted to wear. If people said clothes that are worth a lot of
money then I would have made a magazine where every piece of clothing is not
just designer but the most expensive clothes from those designers. The results I got
where primarily it is cheap and comfortable, and it represents how you feel. This
tells me that the clothes I should look at and put in my magazine are comfortable
and expressive. Looking at clothes that are just plain with a big logo might be for
some people but the people I interviewed which are my target audience want
clothes that are comfy but express who they are and you cant find that on plain
clothes. This means I'm going to be looking at some brands I have chosen based off
this as well as the brands that people suggested later on in the survey. This also
means I will need a lot of variety in my magazine I cant just look at 1 brand. If I have
multiple brands then I will have more selection for people to find something that
represents them. I will look at charity shops and vintage shops and also smaller
brands too, this lets me show clothes that aren’t expensive that are very personal
as there is not usually 2 of the same item in charity shops ever.
What do people value the most
this question was to decide what I should focus on in my magazine.
More writing, more pictures or more information. If it was more
writing I would have filled my magazine with 70% articles about all
sorts of things related to fashion. If it was pictures I was going to focus
on good photography, this would entail doing more intricate shoots,
more interesting editing and just using a lot of visual imagery rather
than explaining with words. I would also add a lot of images of clothes
from websites that I am talking about. If I got most votes on
information I would have stuck to minimal personal talk and chatting to
the reader and instead focus on delivering clear information on brands,
clothes, my own fashion knowledge and outfit ideas. Finally if I got
layout then it wouldn’t have changed anything I actually put in my
magazine but I would have tried harder to create and interesting easier
to follow layout. Finding out that no one cared about the layout gives
me a lot more freedom as now I can get as creative and crazy with it as
I want and I don’t have to worry, obviously I want it to be easy to read
and follow but it doesn’t have to be overly plain. Because I got
primarily pictures and some information I will incorporate a mix of
good useful information and pictures, I will try keep it 50/50 or 60%
images and 40% information as there will be less need to write a lot of
it is concise and to the point unlike if I was writing articles about all
sorts of stuff.
What brands do people want to hear about
Palm angels
louis Vuitton
Crossovers with other brands
New and upcoming brands
Affordable brands
High end brands
With this list of brands I will be looking at the ones of which I own and can
afford to buy to include real pictures in my magazine. I will look at the
brands I cant show in real life or take pictures of but have interesting
things happening I can talk about and I will also see what brands I have
that fit the more blanket terms. For affordable brands I will do a page on
palace as well as supreme and ripndip. For high end brands I will talk
about palm angels Gucci or louis Vuitton and.
I asked this question because I wanted to find brands I didn’t know about
to see if they would fit my magazine. I have a a good amount of
knowledge on brands but any that I hadn’t heard of could be very useful.
Sadly most of the brands people said where brands I already knew. The
good things was that I own a good amount of these brands so I will be
able to include them all.
Some brands on this list I wont be able to show with pictures I have taken.
These are more commonly the very expensive brands like louis Vuitton,
but also crossover brands. I own some crossover brand items but usually
they are quite rare. This means that even if they weren't expensive it
would be a struggle just trying to find them.
Outfit breakdowns
This question was to back up my decision to add little notes saying
where the clothes where from what they are called and how much
they cost. I decided to do this as its something that I personally
would want to see and would be very useful. I asked this question to
make sure I was right in doing this basically. If everyone where to
answer saying they didn’t want this I would have changed my plan
and not included the breakdown. I included 3 answers for the
question, positive negative and neutral. I did this because including a
small wont be noticeable unless your looking for it meaning you
could very easily have no opinion on it unlike a lot of my other
questions. Most people said they want it and a big number of people
just didn’t mind. This is good for me because not a single person was
against me doing this so I can fully go ahead with it without any
Brands to avoid
• Nike
• Adidas
• Primark
• Dolls kill
• Canada goose
• topshop
• Newlook
• River island
• Brandy Melville
• Fashion nova
• Shein.
All of these brands are what people didn’t want to see. They all follow a
pattern, they are either very plain, very unethical or very bad quality.
None of these brands where in my list of brands people want to read
about as I mentioned before which is good for me because I can just
ignore these brands. I will also try avoid brands that follow these themes
of bad quality and unethical. For this I will try find some brands that are
very small or new and upcoming, this will make it easier for me to talk
about brands that people wont have issues with as a lot of new brands
haven’t had to time to do anything controversial.
This question was to give me a little insight into what kind of photography
people would prefer. Now that I have the information that people want
lots of pictures and I know what clothes they want to see. I need to know
what type of pictures they want. Rural or urban. Primarily people wanted
to see urban which was to be expected as this is a street fashion magazine.
But a pretty big chunk of people chose both or rural. This was surprising to
me and as a result I have planned some shoots that will incorporate both.
For instance abandoned buildings are good as they can be found in the
middle of nowhere but the building itself is still urban. On top of this a
while ago a friend mentioned they knew of an abandoned train in the
middle of a field. Something like this would incorporate both so I will try
and do some shoots like that.
What do people look at
This was to find out what people are drawn to
when looking at a magazine, I assumed that
people would primarily be attracted to the main
cover image and I was correct. It’s the biggest part
and most interesting. I knew I would get a
majority on picture but I was mainly asking this
question to see if I would get any other answers. .
I only got 1 answer that was the main cover
surprisingly and it was the material. This is also to
be expected as there's no point looking at a
fishing magazine if you absolutely hate fishing so
looking ant what the magazine actually is first is a
good ide. What I was hoping to find out was if
people like the title or inside stories because that
would help me determine if I should put some
smaller stories on the front or if I should have it
more plain. I ended up deciding that if I just have
a a large picture and nothing else like text then
people wouldn’t be bothered and it would
probably make my cover look more tidy.
Secondary research
For this I will mainly be looking at facts to do with fashion rather than
fashion magazines as that would be primary research. I want to find out
what type of people I should be aiming at without targeting them
directly. By this I mean I want to make a magazine that even people
that don’t read magazines would pick up. I can do this by finding out
what the average age gender and social class is of street fashion fans.
And incorporating this into my planning. If all street fashion fans end up
being 35 plus then my original target audience might need to be slightly
increased as that would be a large gap and my secondary audience will
be quite big so I don’t want to lose them.
Street fashion research
These 2 graphs are the results from a group of male and female participants from all ages. In this first graph I have narrowed it down to male and female
both over 35. The question being asked was simply, “why do you like streetwear?” the options you can see below also included an option for people that
do not like streetwear. Astoundingly almost no one over 35 picked this option so even though overall I think less over 35s are as interested I shall
definitely be looking at them as a secondary audience. From my own knowledge and common knowledge, older people are less likely to be keeping up
with trends, using social media and wanting to stay “cool” this is why I assumed that people over 35 would have no interest in street fashion but what I
found out is that both male and female enjoyed street fashion for 2 main reasons. 1 being it is comfortable clothing which is completely true. Street
fashion is some of the most comfortable fashion available so why wouldn’t people of all ages enjoy it, and secondly because it is cool. I didn’t expect this
as I assume people over 35 would not care that something is cool, and would be looking towards the social status or community. Although both of these
where higher for over 35s they still where no where near as big as the 2 I have talked about. What interested me the most was how similar both the male
and female answers where to these questions. When I was thinking about this project and what I would make one of the reasons I picked a street fashion
magazine was because it can be targeted at both genders but I didn’t know to what extent both genders agreed on the same ideas. The slight differences
between gender are primarily that men would prefer something cool and women would prefer something comfortable. Again these are still very close
but these are the main differences. As well as this men had quite a higher score in the exclusivity bar. I suppose this would be the biggest different
overall. Im not too sure why this would be but it could be directly down to brands themselves. One of the biggest street fashion brands is supreme, a
skateboarding company that turned to fashion, all of their products appear to be unisex but there are no items targeted at women, for example they
don’t sell dresses, skirts, makeup, bras or female underwear. Supreme is known for releasing very small amounts of each item they sell making all of their
stock incredibly low population and exclusive. Because this is such a big brand and they also only target men it would mean that the biggest exclusivity
brand would have a very small female following making women go to other brands for clothes targeted at them for example off white or Balenciaga.
These brands are not exclusive and always hold stock. For this reason I would assume that men are more attracted to exclusive items, not because
women don’t want them but because there aren’t many options for women to find them.
After everything I have looked at here the differences are far too small between male and female to look at them separately and target one as a primary
audience and one as a secondary. My magazine will include clothes aimed at men, aimed at women and unisex clothes. What I have learned from these is
that both genders over 35 have an interest in street fashion making them my secondary audience

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Research fmp 2021 felix stanton

  • 2. Pause PAUSE is an independent digital publication focused on young male fashion. We cover street style, the latest trends, style advice and reveal the latest products available for the fashion conscious guy. For my final major project I am going to create a street fashion magazine, pause is just that, however since they are mainly digital there isn’t many covers I can go through. I have chosen this one as I really like the clean neat professional look it has going on, the central image is great quality and the eye contact from the model makes it feel way more personal. Since this is a fashion magazine the fashion is a very big selling point, the model in the centre image is wearing what I would assume is a spiked leather jacket,4 rings and a beanie with upside down crucifix's, as far as street fashion goes this is basically al you need. I want to have a similar front cover to this in the way the model is portrayed. I like the plain white background but the heavy black colour pallet on the model, the strong eye contact, everything down to the way his hair falls is perfect in this image and the symmetry in the writing behind makes this a very intriguing and interesting cover. A few other things I like about this cover are in the text around it, for example the large title of the magazine with the slogan about it “redefining male fashion” something about the letters being spaced out and at the top just makes it look very aesthetically pleasing, almost like a border around the text, and the way that it starts and ends at the same time pause does with nothing out of line. Another thing I like is the use of pull words, in this case the word is SUPREME, which is an American streetwear brand very well known, supreme is a company that anyone into street fashion will know about but the unusual thing about supreme is how little they say, as a company they are very quiete and just release clothing twice a year. By putting the text “ supreme confidence, supreme style” and using a very similar font to the one used by supreme the company people will look at the magazine as a whole and without even reading it will see all this highlighted words “David Beckham” “supreme” and without even having to read inside, maybe not even having to read the full front cover will decide to purchase it as it appears to have a lot of good content inside. I really like how this has been implemented and I want to try and make my front cover stories pop and even if they aren’t my favourite piece from inside the magazine use them if they have those key words or just words that are attractive and would make me want to read the magazine. 1)
  • 3. These images are from inside the magazine, the interview with the front cover model Vince Kidd, the written content is just an interview which I plan on doing anyway so I will avoid talking about that, what I want to talk about is the pictures used here. Fashion and photography go hand it hand, an outfit can be amazing but if the picture is bad then the whole image is worthless. The images used is this interview are far from that, they capture everything the interview actually says, the key parts are talking about how he developed and got his style and what it consists of, these things are very clear through these images, we can see that he isn’t wearing anything designer and what he wears and presents is inspired by punk/grunge clothing, we can see that through the imagery in his clothing and the style, however that juxtaposes the looks of Vince himself with a very styled and clean facial and hair look. I particularly like the poses he is doing in the images and the locations, the top of a building is a great place for pictures anyway as it is the perfect mix of industrial and nature in the background. These mixed with the poses and what he is stood on just all mix well and even little things like the colour pallet of these images is perfect, I want to improve on my photography as I know how important it can be and in my fmp I wont be able to hide the bad quality of my pictures behind a lot of filters like I have done before. I am aiming for a similar text to image ratio as used in this interview, I want to include at least 1 image per page and I want those images to be pretty full size, I think this is important as too many small images can become a chore to look at, 1 big image that is quality and aesthetically pleasing is all you need.
  • 5. Age and Gender I started by asking what gender the people answering my questionnaire where, this is not helpful in a sense of what I will put into my magazine as it is a fashion magazine aimed at both genders. But will help me know that I have a 50/50 split of my results. If my magazine is supposed to be aimed and men and women and anyone else then having 100% men taking my questionnaire would be incredibly unhelpful as I would only know what half of my audience wants to see My next question was asking what age the person doing the survey is. This again doesn’t help my overall product directly as I am targeting my magazine at 18 to 24 year olds. This is based on facts I have found about the age of people that consume the most designer clothes. If I was basing this on the age of people that consume fashion magazine I would have got a way higher age. This is because older people tend to read fashion magazines, they are all targeted at older people and younger people tend to consume media in very different ways. However from my survey I managed to find out that all of the people reading my magazine that where ages 24 and under where interested in designer clothes. The people I sent this survey to where random and also friends, these friends all never wore designer clothes so this was a surprise to me, I suppose this is because not everyone can afford designer clothes but that cant stop you liking them. Either way this proved my though that younger people would want to read a fashion magazine if it was done right
  • 6. Do people like street fashion This question was to find out if the people doing my survey where actually fans of the content of my magazine. This would help me as people may like or dislike it but they will still offer opinions. By that I mean that people who like street fashion will probably have similar opinions later on. For example where I ask which brands to avoid, fashion fans would probably choose brands they just don’t like or that are cheap. However non street fashion fans are more likely to say brands that they don't like for more specific reasons. This proved true as all of the replies saying brands that where unethical where from non street fashion fans. On top of this no one requested any of the brands that people requested to not see. For example. Someone who was not a street fashion fan said they don’t want to hear about Nike as they are unethical. No one wanted to hear about Nike either from the question where I asked what people wanted to hear about. From the data I got from this question I found that most people are interested in street fashion, as I said in the other slide I sent this to random college students and also some friends but I didn’t know their stance on fashion. So no I know that the answers I get from the rest of the questions will be from street fashion fans which is what's going to be in my magazine so whatever they want is what I should have. If the question was instead “do you like fashion magazines?” that wouldn’t have helped at all because my plan is to make a magazine for street fashion fans not a magazine that’s just like every other fashion magazine.
  • 7. What people think is important in making an outfit. From this I found out what types of outfit people wanted. If I never asked this question then a big issue would be what kind of clothes am I looking at. Its fine making a magazine telling you what clothes to wear to make you look as skinny as possible but not everyone wants to wear a corset all day. By asking this I would find out what people wanted to wear. If people said clothes that are worth a lot of money then I would have made a magazine where every piece of clothing is not just designer but the most expensive clothes from those designers. The results I got where primarily it is cheap and comfortable, and it represents how you feel. This tells me that the clothes I should look at and put in my magazine are comfortable and expressive. Looking at clothes that are just plain with a big logo might be for some people but the people I interviewed which are my target audience want clothes that are comfy but express who they are and you cant find that on plain clothes. This means I'm going to be looking at some brands I have chosen based off this as well as the brands that people suggested later on in the survey. This also means I will need a lot of variety in my magazine I cant just look at 1 brand. If I have multiple brands then I will have more selection for people to find something that represents them. I will look at charity shops and vintage shops and also smaller brands too, this lets me show clothes that aren’t expensive that are very personal as there is not usually 2 of the same item in charity shops ever.
  • 8. What do people value the most this question was to decide what I should focus on in my magazine. More writing, more pictures or more information. If it was more writing I would have filled my magazine with 70% articles about all sorts of things related to fashion. If it was pictures I was going to focus on good photography, this would entail doing more intricate shoots, more interesting editing and just using a lot of visual imagery rather than explaining with words. I would also add a lot of images of clothes from websites that I am talking about. If I got most votes on information I would have stuck to minimal personal talk and chatting to the reader and instead focus on delivering clear information on brands, clothes, my own fashion knowledge and outfit ideas. Finally if I got layout then it wouldn’t have changed anything I actually put in my magazine but I would have tried harder to create and interesting easier to follow layout. Finding out that no one cared about the layout gives me a lot more freedom as now I can get as creative and crazy with it as I want and I don’t have to worry, obviously I want it to be easy to read and follow but it doesn’t have to be overly plain. Because I got primarily pictures and some information I will incorporate a mix of good useful information and pictures, I will try keep it 50/50 or 60% images and 40% information as there will be less need to write a lot of it is concise and to the point unlike if I was writing articles about all sorts of stuff.
  • 9.
  • 10. What brands do people want to hear about Palm angels Ripndip Versace louis Vuitton Supreme Crossovers with other brands New and upcoming brands Affordable brands High end brands With this list of brands I will be looking at the ones of which I own and can afford to buy to include real pictures in my magazine. I will look at the brands I cant show in real life or take pictures of but have interesting things happening I can talk about and I will also see what brands I have that fit the more blanket terms. For affordable brands I will do a page on palace as well as supreme and ripndip. For high end brands I will talk about palm angels Gucci or louis Vuitton and. I asked this question because I wanted to find brands I didn’t know about to see if they would fit my magazine. I have a a good amount of knowledge on brands but any that I hadn’t heard of could be very useful. Sadly most of the brands people said where brands I already knew. The good things was that I own a good amount of these brands so I will be able to include them all. Some brands on this list I wont be able to show with pictures I have taken. These are more commonly the very expensive brands like louis Vuitton, but also crossover brands. I own some crossover brand items but usually they are quite rare. This means that even if they weren't expensive it would be a struggle just trying to find them.
  • 11. Outfit breakdowns This question was to back up my decision to add little notes saying where the clothes where from what they are called and how much they cost. I decided to do this as its something that I personally would want to see and would be very useful. I asked this question to make sure I was right in doing this basically. If everyone where to answer saying they didn’t want this I would have changed my plan and not included the breakdown. I included 3 answers for the question, positive negative and neutral. I did this because including a small wont be noticeable unless your looking for it meaning you could very easily have no opinion on it unlike a lot of my other questions. Most people said they want it and a big number of people just didn’t mind. This is good for me because not a single person was against me doing this so I can fully go ahead with it without any issues.
  • 12.
  • 13. Brands to avoid • Nike • Adidas • Primark • Dolls kill • Canada goose • topshop • Newlook • River island • Brandy Melville • Fashion nova • Shein. All of these brands are what people didn’t want to see. They all follow a pattern, they are either very plain, very unethical or very bad quality. None of these brands where in my list of brands people want to read about as I mentioned before which is good for me because I can just ignore these brands. I will also try avoid brands that follow these themes of bad quality and unethical. For this I will try find some brands that are very small or new and upcoming, this will make it easier for me to talk about brands that people wont have issues with as a lot of new brands haven’t had to time to do anything controversial.
  • 14. Backgrounds This question was to give me a little insight into what kind of photography people would prefer. Now that I have the information that people want lots of pictures and I know what clothes they want to see. I need to know what type of pictures they want. Rural or urban. Primarily people wanted to see urban which was to be expected as this is a street fashion magazine. But a pretty big chunk of people chose both or rural. This was surprising to me and as a result I have planned some shoots that will incorporate both. For instance abandoned buildings are good as they can be found in the middle of nowhere but the building itself is still urban. On top of this a while ago a friend mentioned they knew of an abandoned train in the middle of a field. Something like this would incorporate both so I will try and do some shoots like that.
  • 15. What do people look at This was to find out what people are drawn to when looking at a magazine, I assumed that people would primarily be attracted to the main cover image and I was correct. It’s the biggest part and most interesting. I knew I would get a majority on picture but I was mainly asking this question to see if I would get any other answers. . I only got 1 answer that was the main cover surprisingly and it was the material. This is also to be expected as there's no point looking at a fishing magazine if you absolutely hate fishing so looking ant what the magazine actually is first is a good ide. What I was hoping to find out was if people like the title or inside stories because that would help me determine if I should put some smaller stories on the front or if I should have it more plain. I ended up deciding that if I just have a a large picture and nothing else like text then people wouldn’t be bothered and it would probably make my cover look more tidy.
  • 16. Secondary research For this I will mainly be looking at facts to do with fashion rather than fashion magazines as that would be primary research. I want to find out what type of people I should be aiming at without targeting them directly. By this I mean I want to make a magazine that even people that don’t read magazines would pick up. I can do this by finding out what the average age gender and social class is of street fashion fans. And incorporating this into my planning. If all street fashion fans end up being 35 plus then my original target audience might need to be slightly increased as that would be a large gap and my secondary audience will be quite big so I don’t want to lose them.
  • 18. These 2 graphs are the results from a group of male and female participants from all ages. In this first graph I have narrowed it down to male and female both over 35. The question being asked was simply, “why do you like streetwear?” the options you can see below also included an option for people that do not like streetwear. Astoundingly almost no one over 35 picked this option so even though overall I think less over 35s are as interested I shall definitely be looking at them as a secondary audience. From my own knowledge and common knowledge, older people are less likely to be keeping up with trends, using social media and wanting to stay “cool” this is why I assumed that people over 35 would have no interest in street fashion but what I found out is that both male and female enjoyed street fashion for 2 main reasons. 1 being it is comfortable clothing which is completely true. Street fashion is some of the most comfortable fashion available so why wouldn’t people of all ages enjoy it, and secondly because it is cool. I didn’t expect this as I assume people over 35 would not care that something is cool, and would be looking towards the social status or community. Although both of these where higher for over 35s they still where no where near as big as the 2 I have talked about. What interested me the most was how similar both the male and female answers where to these questions. When I was thinking about this project and what I would make one of the reasons I picked a street fashion magazine was because it can be targeted at both genders but I didn’t know to what extent both genders agreed on the same ideas. The slight differences between gender are primarily that men would prefer something cool and women would prefer something comfortable. Again these are still very close but these are the main differences. As well as this men had quite a higher score in the exclusivity bar. I suppose this would be the biggest different overall. Im not too sure why this would be but it could be directly down to brands themselves. One of the biggest street fashion brands is supreme, a skateboarding company that turned to fashion, all of their products appear to be unisex but there are no items targeted at women, for example they don’t sell dresses, skirts, makeup, bras or female underwear. Supreme is known for releasing very small amounts of each item they sell making all of their stock incredibly low population and exclusive. Because this is such a big brand and they also only target men it would mean that the biggest exclusivity brand would have a very small female following making women go to other brands for clothes targeted at them for example off white or Balenciaga. These brands are not exclusive and always hold stock. For this reason I would assume that men are more attracted to exclusive items, not because women don’t want them but because there aren’t many options for women to find them. After everything I have looked at here the differences are far too small between male and female to look at them separately and target one as a primary audience and one as a secondary. My magazine will include clothes aimed at men, aimed at women and unisex clothes. What I have learned from these is that both genders over 35 have an interest in street fashion making them my secondary audience