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The Power of PowerPoint |
Pakistan's Relation with
China Iran India Russia
Instructor: Mr. Ali Haider Saeed
Collaborators: Wajid, Maryam, Bakhtawar
The Power of PowerPoint |
Pakistan relations with India
Pakistan relations with China
Pakistan relations with Iran
Pakistan relations with Russia
The Power of PowerPoint | 3
Pakistan & India
India and Pakistan share linguistic, cultural,
geographic, and economic links, yet their
relation has been mired in complexity due to a
number of historical and political events.
The Power of PowerPoint |
The first war between India and Pakistan was fought over
Jammu & Kashmir. Armed Pakistani tribesmen aided by the
newly created Pakistani Army invade Jammu & Kashmir in
October 1947. The legal ruler of the State of Jammu &
Kashmir, Maharaja Hari Singh, faced with internal revolt as
well an external invasion, requested the assistance of the
Indian armed forces and agreed to accede to India. He handed
over control of his defence, communications and foreign
affairs to the Indian government.
Fighting continued through the second half of 1948. The war
officially ended on 1 January 1949, when the United Nations
(UN) arranged a ceasefire, with an established ceasefire line, a
UN peacekeeping force and the recommendation that a
referendum on the accession of Jammu & Kashmir to India be
Pakistan controlled roughly one-third of the State of Jammu &
Kashmir, referring to it as Azad (Free) Jammu & Kashmir and
claiming that it was semi-autonomous. A larger area, including
the former kingdoms of Hunza and Nagar, was controlled
directly by the central Pakistani government.
In 1965, India and Pakistan fought their second war, that was preceded by skirmishes that took place
between the two nations between April and September. There were thousands of casualties on both
sides in the war, and it witnessed the largest engagement of armored vehicles and the largest tank
battle since World War II. It ended after a UN mandated ceasefire was declared following diplomatic
intervention by the Soviet Union and the United States (US), and the subsequent signing of the Tashkent
East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) became the reason for the third war between India and Pakistan. The
conflict between East and West Pakistan begins when the central Pakistani government that was
seated in West Pakistan, led by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, refused to allow Awami League leader Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman, an East Pakistan-based Bengali whose party won the majority of seats in the 1970
parliamentary elections, to assume the premiership of the country.
Armed insurgency in the Kashmir Valley began. Muslim political parties, after accusing the state government
of rigging the 1987 state legislative elections, formed militant wings. Pakistan declares that
it was providing "moral and diplomatic" support to the militants. However it is widely believed internationally
that Pakistan is actually complicit in stoking the insurgency by providing funding, directions, shelter,
weapons and training to fighters. India is convinced that the armed attacks against its forces in Jammu &
Kashmir are a clear manifestation of "cross-border terrorism" by Pakistan in pursuit of its policy of 'bleeding
India through a thousand cuts'. Pakistan denies this
India detonated five nuclear devices at Pokhran. Pakistan responded by
detonating six nuclear devices of its own in the Chaghai Hills. The tests
resulted in international sanctions being placed on both countries. Both
countries became the newest Nuclear-armed nations.
Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee travelled by bus to Lahore (newly opened Delhi–Lahore Bus
service) to meet Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. The two signed the Lahore Declaration, the first major
agreement between the two countries since the 1972 Simla Agreement. Both countries reiterated that they
remained committed to the Simla Agreement, and agreed to undertake a number of Confidence Building
Measures (CBMs) aimed at improving bilateral relations
On 13 December, an armed attack on the Indian parliament in New Delhi left 14 people
dead. LeT and JeM were held responsible for the attacks .The attacks led to massing of
India's and Pakistan's militaries along the LoC. The standoff ended only in October 2002,
after international mediation
Prime Minister Vajpayee and President Musharraf held direct talks at the 12th South Asian
Association for Regional cooperation (SAARC) summit in Islamabad in January, and the two
countries' Foreign Secretaries met later in the year. The year marked the beginning of the
Composite Dialogue Process, in which bilateral meetings were held between officials at various
levels of government (including Foreign Ministers, Foreign Secretaries, military officers, border
security officials, anti-narcotics officials and nuclear experts).
On 26 November, in one of the most gruesome terrorist attacks the world has witnessed,
armed gunmen opened fire on civilians at several sites in Mumbai, India. The attacked
places were the Taj Mahal Palace & Tower, the Oberoi Trident Hotel, the Chhatrapati Shivaji
Train Terminus, Leopold Cafe, Cama Hospital, Nariman House Jewish Community Centre,
Metro Cinema, St Xavier's College and a lane near the Times of India office. More than 160
people were killed in the attacks. An almost three-day siege of the Taj, where gunmen
remained holed up until all but one of them were killed in an Indian security forces
operation, accounted for the bulk of the casualties
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The Pakistani government admitted that the Mumbai attacks were planned on Pakistani soil, but denied
that the plotters were sanctioned or aided by Pakistan's intelligence agencies. The Indian government
continued to take a stern line with Pakistan, however, with its coalition government saying that it was
up to Pakistan to take the first step towards resumption of substantive talks by cracking down on
militant groups on its soil.
In September, the Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan met in New York on the sidelines of the
UN General Assembly. They agreed to end tension between the armies of both sides in the
disputed region of Jammu & Kashmir.
On 1 May, Pakistan's Army Chief General Raheel Sharif called Kashmir the "jugular vein" of
Pakistan, adding that for lasting peace in the region the dispute should be resolved in accordance
with the wishes and aspirations of Kashmiris and in line with the United Nations Security Council
resolutions. On 27 May, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi held talks with Pakistan's Prime
Minister Nawaz Sharif in New Delhi. Both sides expressed willingness to begin a new era of bilateral
India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) party forms the government in Indian
Administered Jammu & Kashmir in coalition with the local People’s Democratic Party
(PDP) in March. Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, head of the PDP, is sworn in as Chief Minister.In
December, on his way back from Afghanistan, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi makes
a surprise visit to Lahore on Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's birthday and the wedding of his
The Power of PowerPoint | 8
August 1965
First Kashmir War:
The second Indo-Pakistani war was sparked by a series of clashes across the India-
Pakistani border. The war ended in January 1966
was a military confrontation between India and Pakistan that occurred during the
liberation war in East Pakistan
The Kargil War, also known as the Kargil conflict, was an armed conflict between
India and Pakistan that took place between May and July 1999 in the Kargil
district of Kashmir and elsewhere along the Line of Control.
War between Pakistan and India
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Foreign policy
Foreign policy to the sum total of principles interests and
objectives which a country promotes while interacting
with other countries.
Foreign policy of Pakistan
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ail Jinnah, outlined the goals of Pakistan's foreign
The foreign policy of Pakistan seeks to promote the internationally recognized norms
of interstate, i.e.
1. Respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states.
2. Non-interference in the internal affairs of other state:
3. Non-aggression and peaceful settlement of disputes.
The Power of PowerPoint | 11
Foreign policy of
Pt. jawahar lai nehru outlined foreign
policy of india
Peaceful co-existence with its neighbour
the rest of the world.
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Foreign policy of India
with Pakistan
Complete border dominance should be achieved.
Rebooting former prime minister offer of diplomatic overtures for
dialogue with Pakistan.
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Foreign policy of
Pakistan with
1 Periods of normal relations
2 Generally conflict changes of tough statements
3 Three major wars
4 conflicts at LOC (LINE OF CONTROL)
5 Despite Pakistan's effort to improve relations India was not
6 Hope of bilateral dialogue on issues.
Pakistan and China
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Pakistan and
China relationship
Pakistan and China have enjoyed close and
friendly relations since the establishment of
diplomatic relations on May 21, 1951. Over the years,
the relationship has blossomed into an "All-Weather Strategic
Cooperative Partnership with the CPEC at its core
Pakistan considers China as one of its closest friends and
partners and China considers Pakistan as its "Iron Brother"
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The Power of PowerPoint | 17
Pakistan become the third non-communist
country and first Muslim one to recognize
people republic of china.
Bejing and karachi establish diplomatic
Pakistan cedes the Trans-Karakorum Tract
to china, ending border disputes.
Pakistan help the U.S arrange the 1972
Nixon visit to china.
The Karakorum highway liking the mountainous
Northern Pakistan with Western china officially
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China and the U.S provide support through
Pakistan to the Afghan guerrillas fighting soviet
occupational force
China and Pakistan president reach a
comprehensive nuclear co-operation agreement.
Chinese president Jiang Zemin pays a state visit
to Pakistan.
A 300 megawatt nuclear power plant built with
Chinese help in Punjab province is completed
A joint Ventured Chinese- Pakistan tank the MBT-
2000 (AL-KHALID) MBT Completed
The building of the Gwardar deep sae port
begins with china as the primary investor.
Pakistan and china signed a $110 million
construction of a housing project on Multan
Road in Lahore
The Sino Pakistan joint-ventured multirole
fighter aircraft the JF-17 Thunder (FC-1 Fierce
Dragon) is formally rolled out.
I. Pakistan and china to build a railway
thought the Karakorum highway, in order to
link china’s rail network to Gwadar Port.
II. The F-22P frigate comes into service with
the Pakistan Navy.
III. China and Pakistan sign and free agreement
The ISI arrest several suspected Uyghur terrorists seeking
refuge in Pakistan
2010; Pakistan and china conduct a joint anti- terrorism drill.
The Power of PowerPoint | 21
China is one of the most reliable partners of Pakistan throughout the
establishment of their diplomatic relations since 1951. It has been a
trustworthy companion in providing Pakistan with the military
assistance, economic advancement, financially viable means (the
recent CPEC is a clear example) and supporting Pakistan in volatile
and unpredictable regional security circumstance. One of the
examples of this unparalleled friendship is China’s incomparable
support to Pakistan in the Indo-Pakistan war of 1965.
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Major project
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Iran was first country who recognizes Pakistan
Pakistan and Iran are two neighboring countries that not only share a common border but also
have many other commonalities such as; linguistic, socio-economic, and strong historical, ethnic,
cultural, and religious ties.
Sharing 909 km border in the western side.
Pakistani Prime minister visits Iran in 1949.
As a return shah of Iran visited Pakistan with some cabinet member.
Pakistan and Iran Relations
01 02 03 04
The Power of PowerPoint | 25
After the joining in
*R.C.D(Regional Co-
operation for development)
in 1964, there was a period
of wars for Pakistan.
In 1965 INDO-PAK war,
Iran played an important role
and its qualified nurses,
medical supplies, and a gift
of 5,000 tons of petroleum
for the duration of the
fighting. Iran was also
reported to have purchased
90 Sabre Jet Fighters from
West Germany and to have
sent to Pakistan
By September 13, America and Britain increased diplomatic pressure on Iran and Turkey to end their
support for Pakistan. This didn’t stop Tehran from supporting Pakistan as the Shah announced
solidarity with Islamabad and cancelled celebrations of his 25th year of rule.
Pakistan and Iran Relations
In May 1950, a treaty of
friendship was signed by
the Prime minister Liaquat
Ali Khan and Shah of Iran.
A Baghdad pact known as
CENTO was signed
between Turkey, Pakistan,
Iran , Iraq.
01 02 03 04
The Power of PowerPoint | 26
In February 1979,
Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini’s Islamic
revolution overthrew the
Shah’s and the Shia cleric
became the Rehbar-e-Aala.
The Soviet Union invaded
Afghanistan. Pakistan and
Iran both supported the
Afghan mujahideen in their
fight against the communist
In 1980, Pakistan’s Shias
marched on Islamabad to
register their protest over
the enforcement of the new
Zakat laws by then military
dictator Ziaul Haqq.
In September 1980, Iraq led by Saddam Hussain invaded Iran. Saddam was worried that the 1979
Iranian Revolution could push his country’s Shia majority to rebel against his government.
Pakistan and Iran Relations 1979 Iranian revolution
The sectarian factor
became another source
of discord between
Pakistan and Iran after
the Iranian Islamic
The Power of PowerPoint |
Iran And Iraq WAR
In September 1980, Iraq led by Saddam Hussain invaded Iran. Saddam was worried that the 1979
Iranian Revolution could push his country’s Shia majority to rebel against his government. Pakistan
stayed neutral during the eight-year long war.
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After the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Taliban formed their government in 1996.
Pakistan’s support for the Taliban, a Pashtun Sunni group, however, put Islamabad and Tehran in
two camps.
The relationship between the two countries remained mostly stable during Iranian president
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s tenure
In 2008, the Iranian president visited Pakistan to discuss plans to build a gas pipeline
The project was to be completed by December 2014 and would deliver 21.5 million cubic meters
of gas per day to Pakistan. The pipeline has not been completed to date.
Pakistan and Iran Relations
ECONOMIC ties with IRAN Extension of Economic Co- operation for Development(E.C.O) in
1985 led to growth of Iran-Pakistan strategic partnership. Pakistan joint economic commission
was establish in 1986
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In March 2016, the Pakistani intelligence agency arrested
an Indian spy in Baluchistan. His arrest was disclosed just
a day before Iranian president Hassan Rouhani’s visit to
Jaish al-Adl, another name of the banned outfit Jundullah,
became a cause for stress between Pakistan and Iran.
The group kidnapped dozens of Iranian border security
guards over the years. It operates from its bases in Iran’s
Sistan-Balochistan and Pakistan’s Baluchistan province
Pakistan and Iran Relations
The Power of PowerPoint | 30
Pakistan and Iran Relations
The Prime Minister Imran Khan made his first official visit to Iran at the
invitation of Iranian President Dr. Hassan Rouhani on 21-22 April 2019.
The timely and fruitful visit contributed to enhancing mutual
understanding on a range of issues in political, economic and security
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Pakistan and Russia
The Soviet Union and Pakistan first established the diplomatic and
bilateral relations on 1 May 1948.
On May 1, 2018, Pakistan celebrated the 70th Anniversary of Diplomatic
Relations with Russia.
The Soviet Union's relations with Pakistan have seen ups and downs
during the different periods in the history of Pakistan
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Pakistan and Russia Relations
The first Prime Minister of Pakistan was invited to
visit USSR, in 1949, he instead, reached USA on an
official visit.
In 1947 to the 1950s, the Soviet
Union enjoyed relatively
healthy and strong relations
with Pakistan when it was
under civilian control, but they
went ultimately cold soon after
the US-backed 1958 military
coup d'état
Russia, in 1965war maintained its
traditional stand that Kashmir was part of
India. Pradhan writes Moscow accepted
the disturbances in Kashmir had been
created by infiltrators from Pakistan.
Russia also backed India at the United
Nations. This weakened the relation
between both countries.
In the mid 1970s, relations were quickly
improved and warmed.
1949 to 1965
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Pakistan and Russia
The Soviet Union played a decisive role in
the 1971 Winter war, first signing the Indo-
Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation.
The Soviets also had a nuclear submarine to
help ward off the threat posed to India by USS
Enterprise task force in the Indian Ocean.
The Power of PowerPoint |
Soviet Union support for Afghanistan on
the Pashtunistan issue and the U-2 episode
shattered mutual trust. Relations
experienced a nose dive and touched the
lowest ebb during the 1980s Soviet
occupation of Afghanistan, in which
Pakistan sided with United States ..
The democratic socialist alliance led by
then-Prime minister Zulfikar Ali
Bhutto made an effort to improve relations
with the Soviet Union, and for the first
time in Pakistani history the Soviet Union's
ties with Pakistan began to warm and
relations were quickly improved
In 1974, Bhutto paid a tiring and lengthy
state visit to Soviet Union, becoming the
first prime minister since the independence
of Pakistan in 1947.
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Pakistan and Russia Relations
During the 1973 till 1979, Soviet
Union and Pakistan enjoyed a
strong relationship with each
other which also benefited the
Soviet Union.
The Soviet relations with
Pakistan deteriorated on April 4,
1979, when Bhutto
was executed by the Supreme
Court of Pakistan
Breznev maintained the issue of
Bhutto was Pakistan's internal
matter but did not wish to see
him executed. When Bhutto was
Bhutto Era
Bhutto succeeded to convince
the Soviet Union to establish
the integrated steel mils which
prompted the Soviet Union to
provide funds for the billion
dollar project
01 02 03 04
The Power of PowerPoint | 36
Pakistan and Russia Relations
In 1980, the relationship took a
dangerous turn, when Soviet
press, notable "Pravda" and other
Soviet commentators, began to
issue threatening statements
towards Pakistan
The change of administration in
1980 and immediate verbal
threat of Soviet Union to
Pakistan, brought the United
States and Pakistan on a six-year
trade, economic and military
agreement, valuing
approximately ~32.5 billions US
After the Soviet Union troop
withdrawal withdrawing the
combatant troops
from Communist Afghanistan,
relations began to normalize with
In 1989, Soviet ambassador to Pakistan offered Pakistan to install a commercial nuclear power plant in the country,
however after U.S. intervention, the plans were sent into cold storage.
As for Pakistan, the Soviet war
with Islamist mujaheddin was a
complete revenge in retaliation
for the Soviet Union's long
support of regional rival, India,
notably during the 1971 war
which led the lot of East
The Power of PowerPoint | 37
On 19 April 2001, the Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Losyukov paid a state visit to Pakistan,
and both countries agreed to co-operate in economic development and to work towards peace and prosperity in the
In the wake of September 11, 2001 attacks the relations were warmed rapidly when Pakistan denounced the Taliban
and joined the NATO coalition to hunt down jihadist organizations and al-Qaeda
The decision of Pakistan to join the international struggle against terrorism has led to Russia-Pakistan relations being
greatly improved. Russia also played an integral role to ease off the nuclear 2001 Indo-Pakistan tensions
Russia vowed its support for Pakistan in its struggle against the Taliban militants. In 2007, the relations between
Pakistan and the Russian Federation were reactivated after the 3-day official visit of Russian Prime Minister Mikhail
In 2011, Russia strongly condemned the NATO strike in Pakistan and the Russian foreign minister stated it is
unacceptable to violate the sovereignty of a state, even when planning and carrying out counter-insurgent operations.[
Pakistan and Russia Relations
The Power of PowerPoint | 38
Pakistan and Russia Relations
The bilateral trade between each country reached to 630 million in 2008 and ~400
million in 2009. During this following year, both countries established the "Russian–
Pakistan Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic, Scientific and
Technical Cooperation to cooperation in science In 2019, Russia had announced plans
to invest $14 billion in Pakistan's energy sector. Also, what
keeps Russia and Pakistan together is Afghanistan. Islamabad has been playing
broker between the Taliban and world powers. Russia, which is party to the
Afghanistan conflict, actively engages with Islamabad and technology and education.

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Relation with neighbors : Media & Current Affairs : Student Collaboration

  • 1. 1 2 3 4 The Power of PowerPoint | Pakistan's Relation with China Iran India Russia 1 Instructor: Mr. Ali Haider Saeed Collaborators: Wajid, Maryam, Bakhtawar
  • 2. The Power of PowerPoint | Outline Pakistan relations with India Pakistan relations with China Pakistan relations with Iran Pakistan relations with Russia 2
  • 3. The Power of PowerPoint | 3 Pakistan & India India and Pakistan share linguistic, cultural, geographic, and economic links, yet their relation has been mired in complexity due to a number of historical and political events.
  • 4. 1947-1948 The Power of PowerPoint | The first war between India and Pakistan was fought over Jammu & Kashmir. Armed Pakistani tribesmen aided by the newly created Pakistani Army invade Jammu & Kashmir in October 1947. The legal ruler of the State of Jammu & Kashmir, Maharaja Hari Singh, faced with internal revolt as well an external invasion, requested the assistance of the Indian armed forces and agreed to accede to India. He handed over control of his defence, communications and foreign affairs to the Indian government. Fighting continued through the second half of 1948. The war officially ended on 1 January 1949, when the United Nations (UN) arranged a ceasefire, with an established ceasefire line, a UN peacekeeping force and the recommendation that a referendum on the accession of Jammu & Kashmir to India be held. Pakistan controlled roughly one-third of the State of Jammu & Kashmir, referring to it as Azad (Free) Jammu & Kashmir and claiming that it was semi-autonomous. A larger area, including the former kingdoms of Hunza and Nagar, was controlled directly by the central Pakistani government. 4
  • 5. 5 In 1965, India and Pakistan fought their second war, that was preceded by skirmishes that took place between the two nations between April and September. There were thousands of casualties on both sides in the war, and it witnessed the largest engagement of armored vehicles and the largest tank battle since World War II. It ended after a UN mandated ceasefire was declared following diplomatic intervention by the Soviet Union and the United States (US), and the subsequent signing of the Tashkent Declaration East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) became the reason for the third war between India and Pakistan. The conflict between East and West Pakistan begins when the central Pakistani government that was seated in West Pakistan, led by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, refused to allow Awami League leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, an East Pakistan-based Bengali whose party won the majority of seats in the 1970 parliamentary elections, to assume the premiership of the country. Armed insurgency in the Kashmir Valley began. Muslim political parties, after accusing the state government of rigging the 1987 state legislative elections, formed militant wings. Pakistan declares that it was providing "moral and diplomatic" support to the militants. However it is widely believed internationally that Pakistan is actually complicit in stoking the insurgency by providing funding, directions, shelter, weapons and training to fighters. India is convinced that the armed attacks against its forces in Jammu & Kashmir are a clear manifestation of "cross-border terrorism" by Pakistan in pursuit of its policy of 'bleeding India through a thousand cuts'. Pakistan denies this India detonated five nuclear devices at Pokhran. Pakistan responded by detonating six nuclear devices of its own in the Chaghai Hills. The tests resulted in international sanctions being placed on both countries. Both countries became the newest Nuclear-armed nations. History
  • 6. 6 Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee travelled by bus to Lahore (newly opened Delhi–Lahore Bus service) to meet Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. The two signed the Lahore Declaration, the first major agreement between the two countries since the 1972 Simla Agreement. Both countries reiterated that they remained committed to the Simla Agreement, and agreed to undertake a number of Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) aimed at improving bilateral relations On 13 December, an armed attack on the Indian parliament in New Delhi left 14 people dead. LeT and JeM were held responsible for the attacks .The attacks led to massing of India's and Pakistan's militaries along the LoC. The standoff ended only in October 2002, after international mediation Prime Minister Vajpayee and President Musharraf held direct talks at the 12th South Asian Association for Regional cooperation (SAARC) summit in Islamabad in January, and the two countries' Foreign Secretaries met later in the year. The year marked the beginning of the Composite Dialogue Process, in which bilateral meetings were held between officials at various levels of government (including Foreign Ministers, Foreign Secretaries, military officers, border security officials, anti-narcotics officials and nuclear experts). On 26 November, in one of the most gruesome terrorist attacks the world has witnessed, armed gunmen opened fire on civilians at several sites in Mumbai, India. The attacked places were the Taj Mahal Palace & Tower, the Oberoi Trident Hotel, the Chhatrapati Shivaji Train Terminus, Leopold Cafe, Cama Hospital, Nariman House Jewish Community Centre, Metro Cinema, St Xavier's College and a lane near the Times of India office. More than 160 people were killed in the attacks. An almost three-day siege of the Taj, where gunmen remained holed up until all but one of them were killed in an Indian security forces operation, accounted for the bulk of the casualties History
  • 7. The Power of PowerPoint | 7 The Pakistani government admitted that the Mumbai attacks were planned on Pakistani soil, but denied that the plotters were sanctioned or aided by Pakistan's intelligence agencies. The Indian government continued to take a stern line with Pakistan, however, with its coalition government saying that it was up to Pakistan to take the first step towards resumption of substantive talks by cracking down on militant groups on its soil. In September, the Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan met in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. They agreed to end tension between the armies of both sides in the disputed region of Jammu & Kashmir. On 1 May, Pakistan's Army Chief General Raheel Sharif called Kashmir the "jugular vein" of Pakistan, adding that for lasting peace in the region the dispute should be resolved in accordance with the wishes and aspirations of Kashmiris and in line with the United Nations Security Council resolutions. On 27 May, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi held talks with Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in New Delhi. Both sides expressed willingness to begin a new era of bilateral relations. India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) party forms the government in Indian Administered Jammu & Kashmir in coalition with the local People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in March. Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, head of the PDP, is sworn in as Chief Minister.In December, on his way back from Afghanistan, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi makes a surprise visit to Lahore on Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's birthday and the wedding of his granddaughter. History
  • 8. 1 2 3 4 5 The Power of PowerPoint | 8 1947–1948 August 1965 First Kashmir War: The second Indo-Pakistani war was sparked by a series of clashes across the India- Pakistani border. The war ended in January 1966 1971 was a military confrontation between India and Pakistan that occurred during the liberation war in East Pakistan 1999 The Kargil War, also known as the Kargil conflict, was an armed conflict between India and Pakistan that took place between May and July 1999 in the Kargil district of Kashmir and elsewhere along the Line of Control. War between Pakistan and India
  • 9. The Power of PowerPoint | 9 Foreign policy Foreign policy to the sum total of principles interests and objectives which a country promotes while interacting with other countries.
  • 10. Foreign policy of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ail Jinnah, outlined the goals of Pakistan's foreign policy. The foreign policy of Pakistan seeks to promote the internationally recognized norms of interstate, i.e. 1. Respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states. 2. Non-interference in the internal affairs of other state: 3. Non-aggression and peaceful settlement of disputes. 10
  • 11. The Power of PowerPoint | 11 Foreign policy of India Pt. jawahar lai nehru outlined foreign policy of india Peaceful co-existence with its neighbour the rest of the world.
  • 12. The Power of PowerPoint | 12 Foreign policy of India with Pakistan Complete border dominance should be achieved. Rebooting former prime minister offer of diplomatic overtures for dialogue with Pakistan.
  • 13. The Power of PowerPoint | 13 Foreign policy of Pakistan with India 1 Periods of normal relations 2 Generally conflict changes of tough statements 3 Three major wars 4 conflicts at LOC (LINE OF CONTROL) 5 Despite Pakistan's effort to improve relations India was not forthcoming. 6 Hope of bilateral dialogue on issues.
  • 15. The Power of PowerPoint | 15 Pakistan and China relationship Pakistan and China have enjoyed close and friendly relations since the establishment of diplomatic relations on May 21, 1951. Over the years, the relationship has blossomed into an "All-Weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership with the CPEC at its core Pakistan considers China as one of its closest friends and partners and China considers Pakistan as its "Iron Brother"
  • 16. The Power of PowerPoint | 16
  • 17. 1 2 3 4 5 The Power of PowerPoint | 17 1950 1951 Pakistan become the third non-communist country and first Muslim one to recognize people republic of china. Bejing and karachi establish diplomatic relation. 1963 Pakistan cedes the Trans-Karakorum Tract to china, ending border disputes. 1970 Pakistan help the U.S arrange the 1972 Nixon visit to china. 1978 The Karakorum highway liking the mountainous Northern Pakistan with Western china officially opens
  • 18. 1 2 3 4 5 The Power of PowerPoint | 18 1980 1986 China and the U.S provide support through Pakistan to the Afghan guerrillas fighting soviet occupational force China and Pakistan president reach a comprehensive nuclear co-operation agreement. 1996 Chinese president Jiang Zemin pays a state visit to Pakistan. 1999 A 300 megawatt nuclear power plant built with Chinese help in Punjab province is completed 2001 A joint Ventured Chinese- Pakistan tank the MBT- 2000 (AL-KHALID) MBT Completed
  • 19. 1 2 3 4 5 19 2002 2003 The building of the Gwardar deep sae port begins with china as the primary investor. Pakistan and china signed a $110 million construction of a housing project on Multan Road in Lahore 2007 The Sino Pakistan joint-ventured multirole fighter aircraft the JF-17 Thunder (FC-1 Fierce Dragon) is formally rolled out. 2008 I. Pakistan and china to build a railway thought the Karakorum highway, in order to link china’s rail network to Gwadar Port. II. The F-22P frigate comes into service with the Pakistan Navy. III. China and Pakistan sign and free agreement 2009 The ISI arrest several suspected Uyghur terrorists seeking refuge in Pakistan 2010; Pakistan and china conduct a joint anti- terrorism drill.
  • 20. 20
  • 21. The Power of PowerPoint | 21 wars China is one of the most reliable partners of Pakistan throughout the establishment of their diplomatic relations since 1951. It has been a trustworthy companion in providing Pakistan with the military assistance, economic advancement, financially viable means (the recent CPEC is a clear example) and supporting Pakistan in volatile and unpredictable regional security circumstance. One of the examples of this unparalleled friendship is China’s incomparable support to Pakistan in the Indo-Pakistan war of 1965.
  • 22. The Power of PowerPoint | 22 Major project
  • 23. Bakhtawar Shahid The Power of PowerPoint | 23
  • 24. 1 2 3 4 5 The Power of PowerPoint | 24 Iran was first country who recognizes Pakistan Pakistan and Iran are two neighboring countries that not only share a common border but also have many other commonalities such as; linguistic, socio-economic, and strong historical, ethnic, cultural, and religious ties. Sharing 909 km border in the western side. Pakistani Prime minister visits Iran in 1949. As a return shah of Iran visited Pakistan with some cabinet member. Pakistan and Iran Relations
  • 25. 01 02 03 04 The Power of PowerPoint | 25 After the joining in *R.C.D(Regional Co- operation for development) in 1964, there was a period of wars for Pakistan. In 1965 INDO-PAK war, Iran played an important role and its qualified nurses, medical supplies, and a gift of 5,000 tons of petroleum for the duration of the fighting. Iran was also reported to have purchased 90 Sabre Jet Fighters from West Germany and to have sent to Pakistan By September 13, America and Britain increased diplomatic pressure on Iran and Turkey to end their support for Pakistan. This didn’t stop Tehran from supporting Pakistan as the Shah announced solidarity with Islamabad and cancelled celebrations of his 25th year of rule. Pakistan and Iran Relations In May 1950, a treaty of friendship was signed by the Prime minister Liaquat Ali Khan and Shah of Iran. A Baghdad pact known as CENTO was signed between Turkey, Pakistan, Iran , Iraq.
  • 26. 01 02 03 04 The Power of PowerPoint | 26 P In February 1979, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s Islamic revolution overthrew the Shah’s and the Shia cleric became the Rehbar-e-Aala. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. Pakistan and Iran both supported the Afghan mujahideen in their fight against the communist power. In 1980, Pakistan’s Shias marched on Islamabad to register their protest over the enforcement of the new Zakat laws by then military dictator Ziaul Haqq. In September 1980, Iraq led by Saddam Hussain invaded Iran. Saddam was worried that the 1979 Iranian Revolution could push his country’s Shia majority to rebel against his government. Pakistan and Iran Relations 1979 Iranian revolution The sectarian factor became another source of discord between Pakistan and Iran after the Iranian Islamic Revolution
  • 27. The Power of PowerPoint | Iran And Iraq WAR 1980 In September 1980, Iraq led by Saddam Hussain invaded Iran. Saddam was worried that the 1979 Iranian Revolution could push his country’s Shia majority to rebel against his government. Pakistan stayed neutral during the eight-year long war. 27
  • 28. 1 2 3 4 5 The Power of PowerPoint | 28 After the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Taliban formed their government in 1996. Pakistan’s support for the Taliban, a Pashtun Sunni group, however, put Islamabad and Tehran in two camps. The relationship between the two countries remained mostly stable during Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s tenure In 2008, the Iranian president visited Pakistan to discuss plans to build a gas pipeline The project was to be completed by December 2014 and would deliver 21.5 million cubic meters of gas per day to Pakistan. The pipeline has not been completed to date. Pakistan and Iran Relations ECONOMIC ties with IRAN Extension of Economic Co- operation for Development(E.C.O) in 1985 led to growth of Iran-Pakistan strategic partnership. Pakistan joint economic commission was establish in 1986
  • 29. The Power of PowerPoint | 29 In March 2016, the Pakistani intelligence agency arrested an Indian spy in Baluchistan. His arrest was disclosed just a day before Iranian president Hassan Rouhani’s visit to Islamabad Jaish al-Adl, another name of the banned outfit Jundullah, became a cause for stress between Pakistan and Iran. The group kidnapped dozens of Iranian border security guards over the years. It operates from its bases in Iran’s Sistan-Balochistan and Pakistan’s Baluchistan province Pakistan and Iran Relations Issues
  • 30. The Power of PowerPoint | 30 Pakistan and Iran Relations The Prime Minister Imran Khan made his first official visit to Iran at the invitation of Iranian President Dr. Hassan Rouhani on 21-22 April 2019. The timely and fruitful visit contributed to enhancing mutual understanding on a range of issues in political, economic and security areas.
  • 31. The Power of PowerPoint | 31 Pakistan and Russia Relations The Soviet Union and Pakistan first established the diplomatic and bilateral relations on 1 May 1948. On May 1, 2018, Pakistan celebrated the 70th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with Russia. The Soviet Union's relations with Pakistan have seen ups and downs during the different periods in the history of Pakistan
  • 32. The Power of PowerPoint | 32 Pakistan and Russia Relations The first Prime Minister of Pakistan was invited to visit USSR, in 1949, he instead, reached USA on an official visit. In 1947 to the 1950s, the Soviet Union enjoyed relatively healthy and strong relations with Pakistan when it was under civilian control, but they went ultimately cold soon after the US-backed 1958 military coup d'état Russia, in 1965war maintained its traditional stand that Kashmir was part of India. Pradhan writes Moscow accepted the disturbances in Kashmir had been created by infiltrators from Pakistan. Russia also backed India at the United Nations. This weakened the relation between both countries. In the mid 1970s, relations were quickly improved and warmed. 1949 to 1965
  • 33. The Power of PowerPoint | 33 Pakistan and Russia Relations The Soviet Union played a decisive role in the 1971 Winter war, first signing the Indo- Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation. The Soviets also had a nuclear submarine to help ward off the threat posed to India by USS Enterprise task force in the Indian Ocean.
  • 34. The Power of PowerPoint | Soviet Union support for Afghanistan on the Pashtunistan issue and the U-2 episode shattered mutual trust. Relations experienced a nose dive and touched the lowest ebb during the 1980s Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, in which Pakistan sided with United States .. The democratic socialist alliance led by then-Prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto made an effort to improve relations with the Soviet Union, and for the first time in Pakistani history the Soviet Union's ties with Pakistan began to warm and relations were quickly improved In 1974, Bhutto paid a tiring and lengthy state visit to Soviet Union, becoming the first prime minister since the independence of Pakistan in 1947. 34
  • 35. 01 02 03 04 The Power of PowerPoint | 35 Pakistan and Russia Relations During the 1973 till 1979, Soviet Union and Pakistan enjoyed a strong relationship with each other which also benefited the Soviet Union. The Soviet relations with Pakistan deteriorated on April 4, 1979, when Bhutto was executed by the Supreme Court of Pakistan Breznev maintained the issue of Bhutto was Pakistan's internal matter but did not wish to see him executed. When Bhutto was hanged. Bhutto Era Bhutto succeeded to convince the Soviet Union to establish the integrated steel mils which prompted the Soviet Union to provide funds for the billion dollar project
  • 36. 01 02 03 04 The Power of PowerPoint | 36 Pakistan and Russia Relations In 1980, the relationship took a dangerous turn, when Soviet press, notable "Pravda" and other Soviet commentators, began to issue threatening statements towards Pakistan The change of administration in 1980 and immediate verbal threat of Soviet Union to Pakistan, brought the United States and Pakistan on a six-year trade, economic and military agreement, valuing approximately ~32.5 billions US dollars. After the Soviet Union troop withdrawal withdrawing the combatant troops from Communist Afghanistan, relations began to normalize with Pakistan In 1989, Soviet ambassador to Pakistan offered Pakistan to install a commercial nuclear power plant in the country, however after U.S. intervention, the plans were sent into cold storage. As for Pakistan, the Soviet war with Islamist mujaheddin was a complete revenge in retaliation for the Soviet Union's long support of regional rival, India, notably during the 1971 war which led the lot of East Pakistan.
  • 37. 1 2 3 4 5 The Power of PowerPoint | 37 On 19 April 2001, the Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Losyukov paid a state visit to Pakistan, and both countries agreed to co-operate in economic development and to work towards peace and prosperity in the region. In the wake of September 11, 2001 attacks the relations were warmed rapidly when Pakistan denounced the Taliban and joined the NATO coalition to hunt down jihadist organizations and al-Qaeda The decision of Pakistan to join the international struggle against terrorism has led to Russia-Pakistan relations being greatly improved. Russia also played an integral role to ease off the nuclear 2001 Indo-Pakistan tensions Russia vowed its support for Pakistan in its struggle against the Taliban militants. In 2007, the relations between Pakistan and the Russian Federation were reactivated after the 3-day official visit of Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov In 2011, Russia strongly condemned the NATO strike in Pakistan and the Russian foreign minister stated it is unacceptable to violate the sovereignty of a state, even when planning and carrying out counter-insurgent operations.[ Pakistan and Russia Relations
  • 38. The Power of PowerPoint | 38 Pakistan and Russia Relations The bilateral trade between each country reached to 630 million in 2008 and ~400 million in 2009. During this following year, both countries established the "Russian– Pakistan Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation to cooperation in science In 2019, Russia had announced plans to invest $14 billion in Pakistan's energy sector. Also, what keeps Russia and Pakistan together is Afghanistan. Islamabad has been playing broker between the Taliban and world powers. Russia, which is party to the Afghanistan conflict, actively engages with Islamabad and technology and education.