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Recommender Systems

Lior Rokach
Department of Information Systems Engineering
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
About Me

           Prof. Lior Rokach
           Department of Information Systems Engineering
           Faculty of Engineering Sciences
           Head of the Machine Learning Lab
           Ben-Gurion University of the Negev


           PhD (2004) from Tel Aviv University
Are You Being Served?

   What are you looking for?
   Demographic – Age, Gender, etc.
   Context-
      Casual/Event
      Season
      Gift
   Purchase History
      Loyal Customer
      What is the customer currently wearing?
         Style
         Color
   Social
      Friends and Family
      Companion
Recommender Systems

   A recommender system (RS) helps people that
    have not sufficient personal experience or
    competence to evaluate the, potentially
    overwhelming, number of alternatives offered by
    a Web site.
       In their simplest form RSs recommend to their users
        personalized and ranked lists of items
       Provide consumers with information to help them
        decide which items to purchase
Example applications
What book should I buy?
What movie should I watch?

                       •   The Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
                           provides information about
                           actors, films, television shows, television
                           stars, video games and production crew
                       •   Owned by since 1998
                       •   796,328 titles and 2,127,371 people
                       •   More than 50M users per month.
                     The Nextflix prize story

 In October 2006, Netflix announced it would give a $1 million to
  whoever created a movie-recommending algorithm 10% better than its
 Within two weeks, the DVD rental company had received 169
  submissions, including three that were slightly superior to
  Cinematch, Netflix's recommendation software
 After a month, more than a thousand programs had been entered, and
  the top scorers were almost halfway to the goal
 But what started out looking simple suddenly got hard. The rate of
  improvement began to slow. The same three or four teams clogged
  the top of the leader-board.
 Progress was almost imperceptible, and people began to say a 10
  percent improvement might not be possible.
 Three years later, on 21st of September 2009, Netflix announced the

What news should I read?
Where should I spend my vacation?

                 I would like to escape from this ugly an tedious work life and
                    relax for two weeks in a sunny place. I am fed up with
                    these crowded and noisy places … just the sand and the
                    sea … and some “adventure”.
                      I would like to bring my wife and my children on a
                        holiday … it should not be to expensive. I prefer
                        mountainous places… not too far from home.
                        Children parks, easy paths and good cuisine are a
                 I want to experience the contact with a completely different
                 culture. I would like to be fascinated by the people and
                 learn to look at my life in a totally different way.
Usage in the market/products Recommendation                                                                                                                     Procedure                      SWOT

State-of-the-art solutions
                                                                                                                                                                                Methods                  Summary
                                                                                                                                                                  Model                       Analysis

                                                                                                                        Examined Solutions
                    Method                 Commonness
                                                        Jinni   Taste Kid Nanocrowd   Clerkdogs Criticker IMDb Flixster Movielens    Netflix   Shazam Pandora LastFM YooChoose    Think Analytics Itunes Amazon
Collaborative Filtering                                  v                                         v       v      v        v           v         v              v           v             v          v    v
Content-Based Techniques                                 v         v          v          v                 v               v                             v      v           v             v               v
Knowledge-Based Techniques                               v         v          v          v                 v                                             v                                v
Stereotype-Based Recommender Systems                     v         v          v          v                 v                                                                v             v
Ontologies and Semantic Web Technologies
                                                         v                    v                                                                          v
for Recommender Systems
Hybrid Techniques                                        v                    v                    v                       v           v                                    v             v
Ensemble Techniques for Improving
                                                                                                                                    v future
Context Dependent Recommender Systems                    v                    v          v         v                                                                        v             v
Conversational/Critiquing Recommender
                                                         v                                                                                                                                v
Community Based Recommender Systems
                                                         v                                                        v                    v         v              v
and Recommender Systems 2.0

Selected Methods
Recom Next Steps.                                Procedure              SWOT

Presenting the Three selected methods
                                                             Methods              Summary
                                                   Model               Analysis

                      “Customers who bought
 1   Collaborative     this Item also bought…”

 2   Ensemble         “The wisdom of crowds”

                      “Tell me the music that
 3   Context Based
                       I want to listen NOW"

Recom Next Steps.                                           Procedure              SWOT

Presenting the Three selected methods
                                                                        Methods              Summary
                                                              Model               Analysis

 4   Cross Domain    “Can movies and books collaborate?”

                     "Tell me who your friends are,
 5   Community
                      and I will tell you who you are.”

                     “Can you recommend a movie for
 6   Group
                      me and my friends?”

Method 1

Collaborative Filtering
Method 1                                                                                      Procedure              SWOT

Collaborative Filtering
                                                                                                          Methods                Summary
                                                                                                Model               Analysis
                                                                                                    CF        Ensemble         Context

               The method of making automatic
                predictions (filtering) about the
                interests of a user by collecting

                taste information from many
                users (collaborating). The                                  1   Collaborative Filtering
                underlying assumption of CF
                approach is that those who
                agreed in the past tend to agree
                again in the future.

                                                    Selected Techniques
                                                                           kNN - Nearest Neighbor
                                                                           SVD – Matrix Factorization
                                                                           Similarity Weights Optimization

Collaborative Filtering                                   Procedure              SWOT

                                                                      Methods                Summary
                                                            Model               Analysis
                                                                CF        Ensemble         Context

                                       The Idea

     Trying to predict the opinion the user will have on the
      different items and be able to recommend the “best” items to
      each user based on: the user’s previous likings and the opinions
      of other like minded users


Collaborative Filtering                                      Procedure              SWOT

How does it work?
                                                                         Methods                Summary
                                                               Model               Analysis
                                                                   CF        Ensemble         Context

    “People who liked this also
         abcd                                 abcd
             liked…”                           User-to-User
                                    Recommendations are made by finding
                                     users with similar tastes. Jane and Tim
                                     both liked Item 2 and disliked Item 3; it
                                     seems they might have similar
                                     taste, which suggests that in general Jane
                                     agrees with Tim. This makes Item 1 a good
                                     recommendation for Tim.
                            Item     This approach does not scale well for
                              to     millions of users.

                            Item                Item-to-Item
                                    Recommendations are made by finding
                                     items that have similar appeal to many
                                     Tom and Sandra are two users who liked
                                     both Item 1 and Item 4. That suggests that,
      User to                        in general, people who liked Item 4 will
       User                          also like item 1, so Item 1 will be
                                     recommended to Tim. This approach is
                                     scalable to millions of users and
                                     millions of items.

Collaborative Filtering                                     Procedure               SWOT

Rating Matrix
                                                                         Methods                Summary
                                                              Model                Analysis
                                                                  CF         Ensemble         Context

                            Sample of a matrix
     The ratings of users and items are represented in a matrix
     All CF methods are based on such rating matrix


            Users                                                 TheItems in
                                                                  the system
       TheUsers in
       the system


                                                    Eachitem
                                                    may have a

Collaborative Filtering                                   Procedure              SWOT

What is new?
                                                                      Methods                Summary
                                                            Model               Analysis
                                                                CF        Ensemble         Context

                    Few words about the techniques

     Collaborative filtering is one of the most common
      recommendation methods in the market today.

     Up until two years ago, the kNN (“k” Nearest Neighbor)
      technique was the norm. SVD (Singular Value Decomposition),
      which has shown to be successful in the Netflix
      recommendation competition, became common in the last
      year. SWO is also a newer technique asking to enhance the
      veteran kNN.

     In the following slides the three techniques will be
      presented. It is important to get acquainted with the
      techniques as they will be employed by the Ensemble.

Method 1

Collaborative Filtering

Selected Techniques Explained
Method 1

Collaborative Filtering

Technique 1

kNN - Nearest Neighbor
kNN - Nearest Neighbor                          Procedure                    SWOT

High level explanation
                                                            Methods                      Summary
                                                  Model                     Analysis
                                                      CF        Ensemble               Context
                                                     kNN              SVD               SWO

                k-nearest neighbors algorithm
  A method for classifying objects based on closest
   training examples in the feature space.
  It is assumed that similar samples are grouped together
  “k” means the number of neighbors – a proximity
                   Recommendation example
  Finding the most relevant song by comparing to a set of
   already heard ones.

kNN - Nearest Neighbor                                                             Procedure                    SWOT

Schematic example
                                                                                               Methods                      Summary
                                                                                     Model                     Analysis
                                                                                         CF         Ensemble              Context
                                                                                        kNN              SVD               SWO

                  Current User                                      Users
                            1       1st item rate
 0 Dislike
 1 Like
                                   Unknown Rating
                                                              Other Users
                            1    This   user did
                                 The prediction
                                   not rate the              There are

 ? Unknown                  1     was made
                                   item. We will              other users
                                  based on the
                                   try to predict             who rated the
                            0     nearest
                                   a rating                   same item. We
                                                              are interested
                            1     neighbor. toabcd
                                                Hamming Distance
                                                              in the Nearest
                                   his The Hamming distance is named
                            1        
                                       after Richard Hamming.

                            0         In information theory, the

 User Model = 1
                                       Hamming distance between
                                       two strings of equal length is
 interactionlooking 1
          Nearest Neighbors
         We are
                                       the number of positions at
                                       which the corresponding                                            abcd
          for the
                                       symbols are different.
          Nearest           1                                                                       Nearest
          Neighbor. The
          one with the      1                                                                       Neighbor
                            0       14th item rate
                                Hamming                       5      6         6   5           4     8

Method 1

Collaborative Filtering

Technique 2

SVD - Singular Value Decomposition
SVD - Singular Value Decomposition              Procedure                    SWOT

Matrix factorization technique
                                                            Methods                      Summary
                                                  Model                     Analysis
                                                      CF        Ensemble               Context
                                                     kNN              SVD               SWO

        abcd                        abcd
      SVD sample matrix
                            SVD is extraordinarily useful and
                             has many applications such as data
                             analysis, signal processing, pattern
                             recognition, image compression,
                             weather prediction, and Latent
                             Semantic Analysis or LSA

                            Probably most popular model
                             among Netflix contestants.
                            Has become the Collaborative
                             Filtering standard

                            The Singular Value Decomposition
                             (SVD) is a widely used technique to
                             decompose a matrix into several
                             component matrices, exposing
                             many of the useful and interesting
                             properties of the original matrix.

SVD - Singular Value Decomposition             Procedure                    SWOT

Matrix factorization technique
                                                           Methods                      Summary
                                                 Model                     Analysis
                                                     CF        Ensemble               Context
                                                    kNN              SVD               SWO

        abcd                        abcd
      SVD sample matrix
                            In the Recommendation Systems
                             field, SVD models users and items
                             as vectors of latent features
                             which when cross product produce
                             the rating for the user of the item

                            With SVD a matrix is factored into
                             a series of linear approximations
                             that expose the underlying
                             structure of the matrix.

                            The goal is to uncover latent
                             features that explain observed

Latent Factor Models                                        Procedure                    SWOT

Schematic example
                                                                        Methods                      Summary
                                                              Model                     Analysis
                                                                  CF        Ensemble               Context
                                                                 kNN              SVD               SWO

 Users & Ratings                         Latent Concepts or Factors
                                                   Hidden Concept
                                                  SVDreveals
                                                  and its


                        SVD   Process
                                                 Revealed Concept
                                                 Malethat like
      User   Rating                             serious Movies

Latent Factor Models                               Procedure                    SWOT

Schematic example
                                                               Methods                      Summary
                                                     Model                     Analysis
                                                         CF        Ensemble               Context
                                                        kNN              SVD               SWO

 Users & Ratings                    Latent Concepts or Factors

                    SVD
                    revealed a
                    movie this
                    user might

Latent Factor Models   Procedure                    SWOT

Concept space
                                   Methods                      Summary
                         Model                     Analysis
                             CF        Ensemble               Context
                            kNN              SVD               SWO

Method 1

Collaborative Filtering

Technique 3

SWO - Similarity Weights Optimization
Similarity Weights Optimization                     Procedure                    SWOT

SWO vs. Nearest Neighbor
                                                                Methods                      Summary
                                                      Model                     Analysis
                                                          CF        Ensemble               Context
                                                         kNN              SVD               SWO

         abcd                          abcd
                SWO                           kNN
   The similarity function      the similarity function
    (Pearson, Cosine) is used     (Pearson, Cosine) is used
    to determine the              for both:
    neighbors.                   Determining the nearest
   The weights for the           neighbors.
    weighted average are         Determining the weights in
    found via an optimization     the weighted average of
    process which minimizes       the prediction.
    the total prediction

Similarity Weights Optimization                          Procedure                    SWOT

Data Normalization
                                                                     Methods                      Summary
                                                           Model                     Analysis
                                                               CF        Ensemble               Context
                                                              kNN              SVD               SWO

                         Data Normalization

   Need to identify relations and mix ratings across items/users
   However, User and item-specific variability masks fundamental

   Examples:
       Some items are systematically rated higher
       Some items were rated by users that tend to rate
       Ratings change along time
       Normalization is critical to the success of a kNN

Similarity Weights Optimization
Data Normalization
                                                Procedure                    SWOT
                                                            Methods                      Summary
                                                  Model                     Analysis
                                                      CF        Ensemble               Context
                                                     kNN              SVD               SWO

                     Data Normalization

   Remove data characteristics that are unlikely to be
    explained by kNN
   Common practice is to use centering: Remove user- and
   A more comprehensive approach eliminates additional
    interfering variability such as time effects
   Here, we normalize by removing the baseline estimates

Similarity Weights Optimization                     Procedure                    SWOT

Neighborhood modeling through global optimization     Model


                                                         kNN              SVD               SWO

                           A basic model

Method 2

Method 2                                                                                  Procedure              SWOT

                                                                                                      Methods                Summary
                                                                                            Model               Analysis
                                                                                                CF        Ensemble         Context

               Ensemble methodology imitates

                the human nature to seek advice
                before making any crucial                                  2        Ensemble
               “Two heads are better than one”.

                                                                          Bagging (Breiman, 1996)

                                                   Selected Techniques
                                                                          AdaBoost (Freund and
                                                                           Schapire, 1996)
                                                                          Random Parameter Manipulation

                                                                          The innovation is adopting the
                                                                           Ensemble concept from the
                                                                           general machine learning field to
                                                                           the Recommender System domain.

Ensemble at 30,000 feet                               Procedure              SWOT

                                                                  Methods                Summary
                                                        Model               Analysis
                                                            CF        Ensemble         Context


  When important decisions have to be made, society often
   places its trust in groups of people. We have parliaments,
   juries, committees, and boards of directors, whom we are
   happy to have make decisions for us.

  Ensemble imitates the human nature to seek advice before
   making any crucial decision. It is achieved by weighing the
   individual opinions, and combining them before reaching a final
   decision, hence the names “The Wisdom of Crowds” and
   “Committee of Experts”.

  We can ensure that the ensemble will produce
   results that are in the worst case as bad as the
   worst classifier in the ensemble.

Ensemble                                                Procedure              SWOT

                                                                    Methods                Summary
                                                          Model               Analysis
                                                              CF        Ensemble         Context

                              What is it?
  If you think about it, Ensemble is not a question to be
  So what is it than?

  Ensemble is the answer.

  So what is the question?

                 How to improve results!

Improving result…
                                     Procedure              SWOT
                                                 Methods                Summary
                                       Model               Analysis
                                           CF        Ensemble         Context

         abcd                    abcd
          Why do we care?         Because...

                             Having improved
                              results will prevent
                              cases like this.

Ensemble                                              Procedure              SWOT

A short story
                                                                  Methods                Summary
                                                        Model               Analysis
                                                            CF        Ensemble         Context

                            Francis Galton

   Galton promoted statistics and invented the concept of
   In 1906 Galton visited a livestock fair and stumbled upon an
    intriguing contest.
   An ox was on display, and the villagers were invited to guess
    the animal's weight.
   Nearly 800 gave it a go and, not surprisingly, not one hit the
    exact mark: 1,198 pounds.
   Astonishingly, however, the average of those 800 guesses came
    close - very close indeed. It was 1,197 pounds.

Ensemble                                     Procedure              SWOT

Does it always work?
                                                         Methods                Summary
                                               Model               Analysis
                                                   CF        Ensemble         Context

          abcd                        abcd
    Does Ensemble always work?               No

                                  Not all crowds
                                   (groups) are wise.
                                  For example, crazed
                                   investors in a stock
                                   market bubble.

Ensemble                                                 Procedure               SWOT

Schematic Example
                                                                      Methods                Summary
                                                           Model                Analysis
                                                               CF         Ensemble         Context

            Recommender 1      abcd
                             Recommender 2     abcd
                                             Recommender 3

                                                                       Weak Learners

                                                                      And
                                                                    they all
                                                    abcd        may be just
                                                  Problem Example
                                              Linear
                                               cannot solve non-
      Combined Recommender

       however,
      combination can

Why using Ensembles?
                                                                      Procedure              SWOT
                                                                                  Methods                Summary
                                                                        Model               Analysis
                                                                            CF        Ensemble         Context

 Statistical Reasons, Risk reduction        Computational Reasons
    Out of many recommender models            Every time we run a
     with similar training / test errors,       recommendation algorithm, we may
     which one shall we pick? If we just        find different local optima.
     pick one at random, we risk the
     possibility of choosing a really          Combining their outputs may allow
     poor one                                   us to find a solution that is closer
    Combining / averaging them may             to the global minimum.
     prevent us from making one such
 Too little data / too much data            Representational Reasons

    Generating multiple recommenders          The recommender space may not
     with the re-sampling of the                contain the solution to a given
     available data / mutually exclusive        particular problem. However, an
     subsets of the available data.             ensemble of such recommenders

Ensemble                                                  Procedure              SWOT

The Diversity Paradox
                                                                      Methods                Summary
                                                            Model               Analysis
                                                                CF        Ensemble         Context

           abcd                                     abcd
        Diversity vs. Accuracy                       Description
                                              On one hand we expect the
                                               ensemble members to be
                                               as good as possible so
                                               they all target the same

                                              On the other hand they
                                               have to be independent,
                                               which means different,
                                               hence, lowering the

                      There’s no real Paradox…
  Ideally, all committee members would be right about everything!
  If not, they should be wrong about different things.

Ensemble                                                                              Procedure              SWOT

Single–model Ensemble RS
                                                                                                  Methods                Summary
                                                                                        Model               Analysis
                                                                                            CF        Ensemble         Context

                                 Example configuration
                                                     abcd 4
              abcd 2
                                                Produce
                                                                          abcd 5
           Generate                            recommendatio
           different                            ns                    Combinethe
           variations of                                              different
           the same input                                             recommendations
                                                              RS 1
                            Matrix 1

                Rating                          Inducer                  Ensemble          ratings
                Matrix                                                      RS

   abcd 1
    Step                                                      RS M
                            Matrix M                                                abcdtep 6
                                               abcd 3
 Users&
 Items                                  Theactual CF                       Generates more
 ratings                                Method &                            accurate predictions
 input                                  Technique                           than each individual RS

Netflix Prize                                               Procedure              SWOT

The Competition
                                                                        Methods                Summary
                                                              Model               Analysis
                                                                  CF        Ensemble         Context

                       The Nextflix prize story

  In October 2006, Netflix announced it would give a $1 million to
   whoever created a movie-recommending algorithm 10% better than its
  Within two weeks, the DVD rental company had received 169
   submissions, including three that were slightly superior to Cinematch,
   Netflix's recommendation software
  After a month, more than a thousand programs had been entered, and
   the top scorers were almost halfway to the goal
  But what started out looking simple suddenly got hard. The rate of
   improvement began to slow. The same three or four teams clogged
   the top of the leader-board.
  Progress was almost imperceptible, and people began to say a 10
   percent improvement might not be possible.
  Three years later, on 21st of September 2009, Netflix announced the

Netflix Prize                      Procedure              SWOT

The winner team used an Ensemble
                                               Methods                Summary
                                     Model               Analysis
                                         CF        Ensemble         Context


      Actually, the top
       100 solutions
       were Ensemble

Netflix Prize
And the winner is…
                                           Procedure              SWOT
                                                       Methods                Summary
                                             Model               Analysis
                                                 CF        Ensemble         Context

        abcd                        abcd
        We have a winner!          So why bother?
                               You may ask yourself,
                                why do we need to
                                further research &
                                develop the Ensemble?
                               Because it was solved in a
                                manual tailored way,
                                combining a set of
                                predefined methods.
                               There is plenty of room
                                for improvements.

Netflix Prize                                                  Procedure

The real winner
                                                                 Model               Analysis
                                                                     CF        Ensemble         Context

                       The real winner is the method!
     One could say that the Ensemble techniques and methods helped tip the

     While the algorithms and good knowledge of statistics goes a long
      way, it was ultimately the cross-team collaboration that ended the

     It is easy to overlook the fact that many teams were actually
      committees of experts by themselves.

     "The Ensemble" team, appropriately named for the technique they used
      to merge their results consists of over 30 people.

     Likewise, the winning team is a collaborative effort of several distinct
      groups that merged their results.

Method 2


Selected Techniques Explained
Method 2


Technique 1

Bagging (Breiman, 1996)
Bagging                                                Procedure               SWOT

                                                                    Methods                Summary
                                                         Model                Analysis
                                                             CF         Ensemble         Context
                                                          Bagging       AdaBoost          RPM


  Introduced by Breiman (1996)
  “Bagging” stands for “bootstrap aggregating”.
  It is an ensemble method
       a method of combining multiple predictors.

  The intuition is that by using only part of the data and making
   some data (randomly) have more impact, you get a better
   variety of models that will reduce over fitting

Bagging-based sampling of rating matrix Procedure               SWOT

Schematic example
                                                     Methods                Summary
                                          Model                Analysis
                                              CF         Ensemble         Context
                                           Bagging       AdaBoost          RPM

                    Bagging in action

                           Step 1
                    subset of the
                    training set is

Bagging-based sampling of rating matrix Procedure               SWOT

Schematic example
                                                     Methods                Summary
                                          Model                Analysis
                                              CF         Ensemble         Context
                                           Bagging       AdaBoost          RPM

                    Bagging in action

Bagging-based sampling of rating matrix Procedure               SWOT

Schematic example
                                                     Methods                Summary
                                          Model                Analysis
                                              CF         Ensemble         Context
                                           Bagging       AdaBoost          RPM

                    Bagging in action

                      abcd 2

                Some of the
                data in this
                subset is
                several times.

Bagging-based sampling of rating matrix                  Procedure               SWOT

Schematic example
                                                                      Methods                Summary
                                                           Model                Analysis
                                                               CF         Ensemble         Context
                                                            Bagging       AdaBoost          RPM

                    Bagging in action

                              From here to a recommendation

                                 The input set is given to one
                                  of the recommendation

                                 It is repeated until every
                                  method has an input set.

                                 The average result (or most
                                  common one) is picked.

Method 2


Technique 2

AdaBoost (Freund and Schapire, 1996)
AdaBoost                                             Procedure               SWOT

                                                                  Methods                Summary
                                                       Model                Analysis
                                                           CF         Ensemble         Context
                                                        Bagging       AdaBoost          RPM


  Introduced by Freund and Schapire, 1996
  “AadBoost” stands for “Adaptive Boosting”.

  Boosting - To boost a “weak” learning algorithm into a
   “strong” learning algorithm

  It is an ensemble method
       Training samples are weighted differently across the
      ensemble members

AdaBoost                           Procedure               SWOT

                                                Methods                Summary
                                     Model                Analysis
                                         CF         Ensemble         Context
                                      Bagging       AdaBoost          RPM

           abcd                  abcd
                  Overview      The Process

                              We start with
                               building an initial
                              Next that model is
                               improved, by
                               modifying the input
                               (training) set to
                               emphasize (for
                               example by
                               duplicating) the
                               part of the input
                               where the model
                               was less accurate.
                              The model is
                               rebuilt and checked
                               for its accuracy.
                              The process repeats
                               until the error of
                               the model is lower
                               than some bound.

AdaBoost                                                            Procedure               SWOT

Schematic example
                                                                                 Methods                Summary
                                                                      Model                Analysis
                                                                          CF         Ensemble         Context
                                                                       Bagging       AdaBoost          RPM

                                                  Step 1

                      Step 2
                                               We start with
             Next that model is                 building an
              improved, by             abcd Step initial model.
              modifying the input set
     abcd 3
       Step   to emphasize the part process
                                   repeats until
              of the input where the
 The model ismodel was less       the error of
  rebuilt and accurate.
  checked for its
                                   the model is                  Combined
                                   lower than
  accuracy.                        some bound.                 recommender

Method 2


Technique 3

Random Parameter Manipulation
Random Parameter Manipulation                            Procedure               SWOT

                                                                      Methods                Summary
                                                           Model                Analysis
                                                               CF         Ensemble         Context
                                                            Bagging       AdaBoost          RPM


  The idea is to have multiple variations of the same
   recommendation technique

  The variations are formed by changing the input parameters

  The Ensemble is achieved by combining the modified
   recommenders in order to produce a unified prediction

Random Parameter Manipulation                                Procedure               SWOT

Schematic example
                                                                          Methods                Summary
                                                               Model                Analysis
                                                                   CF         Ensemble         Context
                                                                Bagging       AdaBoost          RPM

  Example: Averaging multiple SVD matrix based on different values of F

             Variations of SVD

            Different F
            values, 3 to 5

                                                    Combined

Method 2


Testing coverage
Ensemble                               Procedure              SWOT

Testing coverage
                                                   Methods                Summary
                                         Model               Analysis
                                             CF        Ensemble         Context

       abcd                  abcd
          Coverage              Details

                      Each of the three CF
                       techniques will be tested
                       with an ensemble technique

                      There are 9 possible
                       combinations of techniques.

                      The diagram is color coded
                       for convenience.

Method 3

Context-Based recommendation
Method 3                                                                                    Procedure              SWOT

                                                                                                        Methods                Summary
                                                                                              Model               Analysis
                                                                                                  CF        Ensemble         Context

               Adapting the recommendations to

                the specific user context.
               “Tell me the music that I want to
                                                                            3     Context-Based
                listen NOW“.

                                                    Selected Techniques
                                                                           Item Split
                                                                           Linear Models

Context-Based Recommender Systems                       Procedure              SWOT

                                                                    Methods                Summary
                                                          Model               Analysis
                                                              CF        Ensemble         Context


    The recommender system uses additional data about the
     context of an item consumption.

    For example, in the case of a restaurant the time or the
     location may be used to improve the recommendation
     compared to what could be performed without this
     additional source of information.

    A restaurant recommendation for a Saturday evening when
     you go with your spouse should be different than a restaurant
     recommendation on a workday afternoon when you go with

Context-Based Recommender Systems                       Procedure              SWOT

                                                                    Methods                Summary
                                                          Model               Analysis
                                                              CF        Ensemble         Context

                         Motivating Examples

    Recommend a vacation
        Winter vs. summer

    Recommend a purchase (e-retailer)
        Gift vs. for yourself

    Recommend a movie
        To a student who wants to see it on Saturday
       night with his girlfriend in a movie theater.

Context-Based Recommender Systems                       Procedure              SWOT

                                                                    Methods                Summary
                                                          Model               Analysis
                                                              CF        Ensemble         Context

                         Motivating Examples

    Recommend music
        The music that we like to hear is greatly affected by a
         context, such that can be thought of a mixture of our
         feelings (mood) and the situation or location (the theme)
         we associate it with.
        Listen to Bruce Springteen "Born in USA" while driving
         along the 101.
        Listening to Mozart's Magic Flute while walking in

Information Discovery: Example
“Tell me the music that I want to listen NOW"
                                                Procedure              SWOT
                                                            Methods                Summary
                                                  Model               Analysis
                                                      CF        Ensemble         Context

            abcd                             abcd

                                         An Interactive
                                          personalized WebRadio
                                         A mood matrix propose
                                          a relationship between
                                          music and mood.
                                         20 genres and time
                                          periods, a popularity
                                          scale (hits, less known
                                         covers all musical
                                          genres, rap to funk via
                                          electro, rock, disco…
                                          or classical.
                                         Ethnographic studies
                                          have shown that people
                                          choose music peaces
                                          according to their
                                          mood or mood change
                                         Musicovery relied on
                                          this principle to build
                                          an effective
                                          relationship between
                                          music and emotion.

Context-Based Recommender Systems                       Procedure              SWOT

Context vs. others
                                                                    Methods                Summary
                                                          Model               Analysis
                                                              CF        Ensemble         Context

           What simple recommendation techniques ignore?

    What is the user       when asking for a recommendation?
    Where (and when) the user is           ?
    What does the user               (e.g., improve his knowledge
     or really buy a product)?
    Is the user       or with other           ?
    Are there        products to choose or only       ?
    Is the word economy            or          ?

Context-Based Recommender Systems
Context vs. others
                                                        Procedure              SWOT
                                                                    Methods                Summary
                                                          Model               Analysis
                                                              CF        Ensemble         Context

           What simple recommendation techniques ignore?

    What is the user       when asking for a recommendation?
    Where (and when) the user is           ?
    What does the user               (e.g., improve his knowledge
     or really buy a product)?
    Is the user       or with other           ?
    Are there        products to choose or only       ?
    Is the word economy            or          ?

         Plain recommendation technologies forget to
                 into account the user context.

Context-Based Recommender Systems                       Procedure              SWOT

                                                                    Methods                Summary
                                                          Model               Analysis
                                                              CF        Ensemble         Context

                        Contextual Computing
    Contextual computing refers to the enhancement of a user’s
     interactions by understanding the user, the context, and the
     applications and information being used, typically across a
     wide set of user goals

    Actively adapting the computational environment - for each
     and every user - at each point of computation

    Contextual computing approach focuses on understanding the
     information consumption patterns of each user

    Contextual computing focuses on the process not only on the
     output of the search process.                     [Pitkow
                                                       et al., 2002]

Context-Based Recommender Systems                         Procedure              SWOT

Major obstacles
                                                                      Methods                Summary
                                                            Model               Analysis
                                                                CF        Ensemble         Context

               Major obstacle for contextual computing
    Obtain sufficient and reliable data describing the user context

    Selecting the right information, i.e., relevant in a particular
     personalization task

    Understand the impact of contextual dimensions on the
     personalization process

    Computational model the contextual dimension in a more
     classical recommendation technology
        For instance: how to extend Collaborative Filtering to
         include contextual dimensions?

Method 3

Context-Based recommendation

Selected Techniques Explained

Item Split
Context-Based Recommender Systems                                Procedure                   SWOT

Item Split approach
                                                                                Methods                  Summary
                                                                   Model                    Analysis
                                                                       CF           Ensemble           Context
                                                                   Item Split      Linear Models

                    Item Split - Intuition and Approach
    The same item in different contextual conditions may produce
     a different user experience
    We consider the same item in different contexts as distinct

    Research goal: Provide better music recommendations. Improve
     Collaborative Filtering accuracy when the user context is known.

Context-Based Recommender Systems                       Procedure                   SWOT

Collaborative Filtering
                                                                       Methods                  Summary
                                                          Model                    Analysis
                                                              CF           Ensemble           Context
                                                          Item Split      Linear Models

                  Context in Collaborative Filtering
    “Context is any information that can be used to characterize
     the situation of an entity” [A.K.Dey, 2001]

    In Item Splitting approach - similarly to [Adomavicius et. al,
     2005] - we model the context with a set of dynamic features
     of the rating – representing conditions that can rapidly change
     their state

    When a user evaluates an item, the rating is recoded together
     with the current state of the contextual variables

    CF does not provide a direct method to integrate additional
     information into the recommendation process

Context-Based Recommender Systems                           Procedure                   SWOT

Reduction-Based Approach
                                                                           Methods                  Summary
                                                              Model                    Analysis
                                                                  CF           Ensemble           Context
                                                              Item Split      Linear Models

                      Reduction-Based Approach
  Reduce the problem of multi-dimensional recommendation to the
   traditional two-dimensional User x Item
  For each “value” of the contextual dimension(s) estimate the missing
   ratings with a traditional method

  R: U x I x T  [0,1] U {?} ; User, Item, Time
       RD(u, i, t) = RD[T=t](u, i)
  The context-dependent estimation for (u, i, t) is computed using a
   traditional approach, in a two-dimensional setting, but using only the
   ratings that have T=t.

Context-Based Recommender Systems                                Procedure                   SWOT

Reduction-Based Approach
                                                                                Methods                  Summary
                                                                   Model                    Analysis
                                                                       CF           Ensemble           Context
                                                                   Item Split      Linear Models

Multidimensional Model                 Bi-dimensional Model


                     We use only the
                      slice for T=t

                                                       ratings                            features

                   From here

                  Theidea is                      Product
                  to reduce                        features

                                                            Into

Context-Based Recommender Systems                        Procedure                   SWOT

Reduction-Based vs. Item splitting
                                                                        Methods                  Summary
                                                           Model                    Analysis
                                                               CF           Ensemble           Context
                                                           Item Split      Linear Models

 Reduction Based                      Item splitting

  Uses cross-validation as           Uses external impurity
   goodness of segmentation –          measures
   Expensive                           (i.e. IG) - Heuristic based

  Segments are the same for          Each item is tested for a split
   all the items                       separately

  Prediction is made using only      Prediction is made using all
   the relevant segment                the information, including
                                       split items
                               Bottom Line

  The best known method (Reduction Based) is difficult to apply
   (need to search in a huge space of contextual sectors).
  We are proposing a more adaptive, and computationally
   efficient approach.

Context-Based Recommender Systems                                 Procedure                   SWOT

Item Split technique
                                                                                 Methods                  Summary
                                                                    Model                    Analysis
                                                                        CF           Ensemble           Context
                                                                    Item Split      Linear Models

                     Item Split - Intuition and Approach
    Each item in the data base (         ) is a candidate for splitting
    Context defines (       ) all possible splits of an item ratings vector
        We test all the possible splits – we do not have many contextual
    We choose one split (using a single contextual feature) that maximizes
     an impurity measure and whose impurity is higher than a threshold

Method 3

Context-Based recommendation

Selected Techniques Explained

Linear Models
Context-Based Recommender Systems                          Procedure                   SWOT

Contextual Modelling approach
                                                                          Methods                  Summary
                                                             Model                    Analysis
                                                                 CF           Ensemble           Context
                                                             Item Split      Linear Models


    In these approaches the context data are explicitly used in the
     prediction model.

    There are several possibilities for using the contextual data.

    For instance the context can be used to extend the definition
     of the distance function in nearest neighbours approaches

    The distance function must now also include a "context
     aspect in it in addition to the user distance (CF) or item
     distance (CB).

Context-Based Recommender Systems                      Procedure                   SWOT

Linear Models approach
                                                                      Methods                  Summary
                                                         Model                    Analysis
                                                             CF           Ensemble           Context
                                                         Item Split      Linear Models


    Presents an extension of the Matrix Factorization (MF) rating
     prediction technique that incorporates contextual
     information to adapt the recommendation to the user target

    In this approach one model parameter was introduced for
     each contextual factor and music track genre pair.

    This allowed learning how the context affects the ratings and
     how they deviate from the classical personalized prediction.

Context-Based Recommender Systems                        Procedure                   SWOT

Linear Models approach
                                                                        Methods                  Summary
                                                           Model                    Analysis
                                                               CF           Ensemble           Context
                                                           Item Split      Linear Models


    standard rating prediction for a user u and item i that can be
     computed by a standard matrix factorization method for
     collaborative filtering, this is the simple predicted rating for
     this user and item pair, namely 4.24.

Context-Based Recommender Systems                        Procedure                   SWOT

Linear Models approach
                                                                        Methods                  Summary
                                                           Model                    Analysis
                                                               CF           Ensemble           Context
                                                           Item Split      Linear Models


    The model that we have used in addition to that estimates
     context-aware predictions, i.e., predictions were a context is
         in the figure we have two contexts c1 and c2 (sun and

Context-Based Recommender Systems                      Procedure                   SWOT

Linear Models approach
                                                                      Methods                  Summary
                                                         Model                    Analysis
                                                             CF           Ensemble           Context
                                                         Item Split      Linear Models

    The model makes these two context aware rating predictions
     (4.94 and 3.84) by estimating on the available data two
     additional parameters that models the influence of the
     context on the item, bic1 and bic2

    These two parameters describe the modifications to be made
     to the non context-aware prediction to take into account the
     context.In the first case the predicted rating must be
     increased by 0.7 and in the second case decreased by 0.4.

Context-Based Recommender Systems            Procedure                   SWOT

Linear Models approach
                                                            Methods                  Summary
                                               Model                    Analysis
                                                   CF           Ensemble           Context
                                               Item Split      Linear Models

                          Predictive Model

    Context Aware Collaborative Filtering

Context-Based Recommender Systems                                    Procedure                   SWOT

Linear Models approach
                                                                                    Methods                  Summary
                                                                       Model                    Analysis
                                                                           CF           Ensemble           Context
                                                                       Item Split      Linear Models

            Comparison performance of Mean Absolute Error

    The largest improvement with respect to the non-personalized model based on
     the item average is achieved as expected, by personalizing the recommendations
     (“MF CF"), This gives an improvement of 5%.
    The personalized model can be further improved by contextualization (“MF CF +
     Context") producing an improvement of 7% with respect to the item average
     prediction, and a 3% improvement over the personalized model.
    The modeling approach and the rating acquisition process can substantially
     improve the rating prediction accuracy when taking into account the contextual

Method 4

Cross Domain
Method 4                                                                                             Procedure                   SWOT

Cross Domain
                                                                                                                     Methods                Summary
                                                                                                       Model                    Analysis
                                                                                                      Cross Domain       Community         Group

               Cross-domain recommenders can
                recommend products and services of
                several domains that share resources

                (e.g., users, items, ratings, features, late
                nt patterns s, features, latent
                                                                                       4     Cross Domain

               Knowledge from one or several
                domains might be utilized in another
                domain to improve recommendations.

                                                               Selected Techniques
                                                                                      User-model mediation and

Cross-Domain                                          Procedure                   SWOT

                                                                      Methods                Summary
                                                        Model                    Analysis
                                                       Cross Domain       Community         Group


    The majority of recommender systems (RS) work in a single
     domain, such as movies, books, tourism etc.

    However, human preferences may span across multiple

    Knowledge of a user’s behavior in different domains might
     improve prediction in a specific domain.

    A company might have knowledge of a user in one or more
     different domains than the target recommendation and would
     like to use it

Cross-Domain                                                 Procedure                   SWOT

                                                                             Methods                Summary
                                                               Model                    Analysis
                                                              Cross Domain       Community         Group

    Sparsity and cold-start problems: cross-domain algorithms may
     enrich the training data with data from other domains to prevent

    User friendly systems: by making use of data that was collected for
     one domain in other domains, systems can prevent user’s interfering
     for providing feedback.

    Availability of cross domain data: many e-commerce systems and
     social networks contain information of users' preferences in several
     domains. Thus, cross-domain information is available, and it is
     motivating to look for effective algorithm that can make use of this
     data to improve recommender systems performance (e.g., x-loads

    Marketing – cross-selling of new products: Marketing studies found
     out that it is effective to promote products from different domains
     to a user if they fit her buying patterns across domains.

Cross-Domain                                                  Procedure                   SWOT

                                                                              Methods                Summary
                                                                Model                    Analysis
                                                               Cross Domain       Community         Group

                        State of the art techniques
    User-model mediation and aggregation
        This technique was suggested by (Berkovsy et al, 2006,2007,2008).
        Aims at the sparsity challenge of recommender systems by
         enriching the UM with data from a remote system.
        Requires overlap of users between domains
        Evaluation was performed for sub-domains of the same domain

    Content-based unified user-model
        (Gahni and Fano 2002) proposed generating a content-based user
         model that can be used across domains.
        Extracting semantic features that might be relevant for many
         domains and are pre- defined by domain experts (e.g., trendiness
         vs. individualism)
        Not implemented or evaluated

Cross-Domain                                                    Procedure                   SWOT

                                                                                Methods                Summary
                                                                  Model                    Analysis
                                                                 Cross Domain       Community         Group

                          State of the art techniques
    Transfer learning (TL)
        A relatively young research area (since 1995) in Machine learning
        Aims at extracting knowledge that was learned for one task in a
         domain and use it for a target task in a different domain.

          TL technique is recently gaining attention for application where
           datasets are available only for specific domains

Method 4

Cross Domain recommendation

Selected Techniques Explained

User-model mediation and aggregation
Cross-Domain                                            Procedure                     SWOT
                                                                        Methods                  Summary
                                                          Model                      Analysis

User-model Mediation and Aggregation                     Cross Domain

                         Intuition and Approach

     This technique was suggested by Berkovsy et al., (2006, 2007,
      2008) and aims at the sparsity challenge of recommender
      systems by enriching the UM with data from a remote (source)

     The suggested technique was demonstrated for the
      collaborative filtering approach and is based on mediating
      user model data form other domains to enrich the user's

     A similar approach was presented by (Gonzales et al., 2006)
      that generate a unified UM approach that aggregates features
      from different domains, and maps the features that are
      aggregated to relevant domains

Cross-Domain                                                     Procedure                     SWOT
                                                                                 Methods                  Summary
                                                                   Model                      Analysis

User-model Mediation and Aggregation                              Cross Domain

                             Intuition and Approach
     Application of the mediation suggested above by Berkovsky at
      al., requires:

           Overlapping users – mediation enriches the data about a specific
            user with data about the same user from another domain (for
            other items, and may be also in another context)

           Same prediction task – mediation of data from other users
            models were applied from system that implemented the same
            prediction function (collaborative filtering), thus employing the
            same UM (user's ratings on items).

           Similarity between domains. A method to identify such similarity
            is needed. Similarity should be integrated in the recommender

Cross-Domain                                                                             Procedure                     SWOT
                                                                                                         Methods                  Summary
                                                                                           Model                      Analysis

User-model Mediation and Aggregation                                                      Cross Domain

                                   UM Aggregation approches

                                   Domain 1                Domain 2
                                       Source               Target

         abcd                              abcd                                  abcd
             Type 1                             Type 2                Combine recommendation
     K nearest neighbors are          K nearest neighbors are          Consider the two domains as one
      computed in the source            computed in the source            integrated domain:
      domain                            domain to Ks.                           As in Type1, set of K from the
                                                                                 domain 1 presents the
                                                                                 nearest neighbors.
     These neighbors are              K nearest neighbors are
      utilized to generate              also computed in the                    But in this case it aggregates
                                        target domain to Kt.                     with the set of K nearest-
      recommendation in the
                                                                                 neighbors within domain 2.
      target domain.
                                                                                From the aggregation
                                       The most similar K                       results K users with a
     This method is usable             neighbors are selected                   maximum cosine similarity
      for a user that is new in         from U(Ks,Kt).                           value were selected and the
      the target domain, and                                                     prediction was done with an
      has history in the                                                         attitude to those K nearest
      source domain.                                                             neighbors.

Method 4

Cross Domain recommendation

Selected Techniques Explained

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Recommender Systems

  • 1. Recommender Systems Lior Rokach Department of Information Systems Engineering Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
  • 2. About Me Prof. Lior Rokach Department of Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Engineering Sciences Head of the Machine Learning Lab Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Email: PhD (2004) from Tel Aviv University
  • 3. Are You Being Served?  What are you looking for?  Demographic – Age, Gender, etc.  Context-  Casual/Event  Season  Gift  Purchase History  Loyal Customer  What is the customer currently wearing?  Style  Color  Social  Friends and Family  Companion
  • 4. Recommender Systems  A recommender system (RS) helps people that have not sufficient personal experience or competence to evaluate the, potentially overwhelming, number of alternatives offered by a Web site.  In their simplest form RSs recommend to their users personalized and ranked lists of items  Provide consumers with information to help them decide which items to purchase
  • 7. What movie should I watch? • The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) provides information about actors, films, television shows, television stars, video games and production crew personnel. • Owned by since 1998 • 796,328 titles and 2,127,371 people • More than 50M users per month.
  • 8. abcd The Nextflix prize story  In October 2006, Netflix announced it would give a $1 million to whoever created a movie-recommending algorithm 10% better than its own.  Within two weeks, the DVD rental company had received 169 submissions, including three that were slightly superior to Cinematch, Netflix's recommendation software  After a month, more than a thousand programs had been entered, and the top scorers were almost halfway to the goal  But what started out looking simple suddenly got hard. The rate of improvement began to slow. The same three or four teams clogged the top of the leader-board.  Progress was almost imperceptible, and people began to say a 10 percent improvement might not be possible.  Three years later, on 21st of September 2009, Netflix announced the winner. 30.07.2012
  • 10. Where should I spend my vacation? I would like to escape from this ugly an tedious work life and relax for two weeks in a sunny place. I am fed up with these crowded and noisy places … just the sand and the sea … and some “adventure”. I would like to bring my wife and my children on a holiday … it should not be to expensive. I prefer mountainous places… not too far from home. Children parks, easy paths and good cuisine are a must. I want to experience the contact with a completely different culture. I would like to be fascinated by the people and learn to look at my life in a totally different way.
  • 11.
  • 12. Usage in the market/products Recommendation Procedure SWOT State-of-the-art solutions Methods Summary Model Analysis Examined Solutions Method Commonness Jinni Taste Kid Nanocrowd Clerkdogs Criticker IMDb Flixster Movielens Netflix Shazam Pandora LastFM YooChoose Think Analytics Itunes Amazon Collaborative Filtering v v v v v v v v v v v v Content-Based Techniques v v v v v v v v v v v Knowledge-Based Techniques v v v v v v v Stereotype-Based Recommender Systems v v v v v v v Ontologies and Semantic Web Technologies v v v for Recommender Systems Hybrid Techniques v v v v v v v Ensemble Techniques for Improving v future Recommendation Context Dependent Recommender Systems v v v v v v Conversational/Critiquing Recommender v v Systems Community Based Recommender Systems v v v v v and Recommender Systems 2.0 30.07.2012
  • 14. Recom Next Steps. Procedure SWOT Presenting the Three selected methods Methods Summary Model Analysis  “Customers who bought 1 Collaborative this Item also bought…” Filtering 2 Ensemble  “The wisdom of crowds”  “Tell me the music that 3 Context Based I want to listen NOW" 30.07.2012
  • 15. Recom Next Steps. Procedure SWOT Presenting the Three selected methods Methods Summary Model Analysis 4 Cross Domain  “Can movies and books collaborate?”  "Tell me who your friends are, 5 Community and I will tell you who you are.”  “Can you recommend a movie for 6 Group me and my friends?” 30.07.2012
  • 17. Method 1 Procedure SWOT Collaborative Filtering Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context  The method of making automatic predictions (filtering) about the interests of a user by collecting Description taste information from many users (collaborating). The 1 Collaborative Filtering underlying assumption of CF approach is that those who agreed in the past tend to agree again in the future. Selected Techniques  kNN - Nearest Neighbor  SVD – Matrix Factorization  Similarity Weights Optimization (SWO) 30.07.2012
  • 18. Collaborative Filtering Procedure SWOT Overview Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context abcd The Idea  Trying to predict the opinion the user will have on the different items and be able to recommend the “best” items to each user based on: the user’s previous likings and the opinions of other like minded users Negative Rating ? Positive Rating 30.07.2012
  • 19. Collaborative Filtering Procedure SWOT How does it work? Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context “People who liked this also abcd abcd liked…” User-to-User  Recommendations are made by finding users with similar tastes. Jane and Tim both liked Item 2 and disliked Item 3; it seems they might have similar taste, which suggests that in general Jane agrees with Tim. This makes Item 1 a good recommendation for Tim. Item This approach does not scale well for to millions of users. Item Item-to-Item  Recommendations are made by finding items that have similar appeal to many users. Tom and Sandra are two users who liked both Item 1 and Item 4. That suggests that, User to in general, people who liked Item 4 will User also like item 1, so Item 1 will be recommended to Tim. This approach is scalable to millions of users and millions of items. 30.07.2012
  • 20. Collaborative Filtering Procedure SWOT Rating Matrix Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context abcd Sample of a matrix  The ratings of users and items are represented in a matrix  All CF methods are based on such rating matrix abcd Items abcd Users  TheItems in the system  TheUsers in the system abcd Ratings  Eachitem may have a rating 30.07.2012
  • 21. Collaborative Filtering Procedure SWOT What is new? Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context abcd Few words about the techniques  Collaborative filtering is one of the most common recommendation methods in the market today.  Up until two years ago, the kNN (“k” Nearest Neighbor) technique was the norm. SVD (Singular Value Decomposition), which has shown to be successful in the Netflix recommendation competition, became common in the last year. SWO is also a newer technique asking to enhance the veteran kNN.  In the following slides the three techniques will be presented. It is important to get acquainted with the techniques as they will be employed by the Ensemble. 30.07.2012
  • 23. Method 1 Collaborative Filtering Technique 1 kNN - Nearest Neighbor
  • 24. kNN - Nearest Neighbor Procedure SWOT High level explanation Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context kNN SVD SWO abcd k-nearest neighbors algorithm  A method for classifying objects based on closest training examples in the feature space.  It is assumed that similar samples are grouped together  “k” means the number of neighbors – a proximity measure abcd Recommendation example  Finding the most relevant song by comparing to a set of already heard ones. 30.07.2012
  • 25. kNN - Nearest Neighbor Procedure SWOT Schematic example Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context kNN SVD SWO Current User Users 1 1st item rate 0 Dislike ? 1 0 1 Like abcd abcd Unknown Rating Prediction abcd Other Users 1  This user did  The prediction not rate the  There are Items ? Unknown 1 was made item. We will other users based on the try to predict who rated the 0 nearest a rating same item. We are interested 1 neighbor. toabcd according Hamming Distance in the Nearest his The Hamming distance is named neighbors. 1  after Richard Hamming. Neighbors. 0  In information theory, the User Model = 1 abcd Hamming distance between two strings of equal length is interactionlooking 1 Nearest Neighbors  We are the number of positions at which the corresponding abcd for the history symbols are different. Nearest 1  Nearest Neighbor. The one with the 1 Neighbor lowest Hamming 0 14th item rate distance. Hamming 5 6 6 5 4 8 distance 30.07.2012
  • 26. Method 1 Collaborative Filtering Technique 2 SVD - Singular Value Decomposition
  • 27. SVD - Singular Value Decomposition Procedure SWOT Matrix factorization technique Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context kNN SVD SWO abcd abcd SVD sample matrix  SVD is extraordinarily useful and has many applications such as data analysis, signal processing, pattern recognition, image compression, weather prediction, and Latent Semantic Analysis or LSA  Probably most popular model among Netflix contestants.  Has become the Collaborative Filtering standard  The Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a widely used technique to decompose a matrix into several component matrices, exposing many of the useful and interesting properties of the original matrix. 30.07.2012
  • 28. SVD - Singular Value Decomposition Procedure SWOT Matrix factorization technique Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context kNN SVD SWO abcd abcd SVD sample matrix  In the Recommendation Systems field, SVD models users and items as vectors of latent features which when cross product produce the rating for the user of the item  With SVD a matrix is factored into a series of linear approximations that expose the underlying structure of the matrix.  The goal is to uncover latent features that explain observed ratings 30.07.2012
  • 29. Latent Factor Models Procedure SWOT Schematic example Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context kNN SVD SWO Users & Ratings Latent Concepts or Factors abcd Hidden Concept  SVDreveals hidden connections and its strength abcdVD S  SVD Process abcd Revealed Concept abcd SVD  Malethat like watching  User Rating serious Movies 30.07.2012
  • 30. Latent Factor Models Procedure SWOT Schematic example Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context kNN SVD SWO Users & Ratings Latent Concepts or Factors abcd Recommendation  SVD revealed a movie this user might like! 30.07.2012
  • 31. Latent Factor Models Procedure SWOT Concept space Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context kNN SVD SWO 30.07.2012
  • 32. Method 1 Collaborative Filtering Technique 3 SWO - Similarity Weights Optimization
  • 33. Similarity Weights Optimization Procedure SWOT SWO vs. Nearest Neighbor Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context kNN SVD SWO abcd abcd SWO kNN  The similarity function  the similarity function (Pearson, Cosine) is used (Pearson, Cosine) is used to determine the for both: neighbors.  Determining the nearest  The weights for the neighbors. weighted average are  Determining the weights in found via an optimization the weighted average of process which minimizes the prediction. the total prediction error. 30.07.2012
  • 34. Similarity Weights Optimization Procedure SWOT Data Normalization Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context kNN SVD SWO abcd Data Normalization  Need to identify relations and mix ratings across items/users  However, User and item-specific variability masks fundamental relationships  Examples:  Some items are systematically rated higher  Some items were rated by users that tend to rate low  Ratings change along time  Normalization is critical to the success of a kNN approach 30.07.2012
  • 35. Similarity Weights Optimization Data Normalization Procedure SWOT Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context kNN SVD SWO abcd Data Normalization  Remove data characteristics that are unlikely to be explained by kNN  Common practice is to use centering: Remove user- and item-means  A more comprehensive approach eliminates additional interfering variability such as time effects  Here, we normalize by removing the baseline estimates 30.07.2012
  • 36. Similarity Weights Optimization Procedure SWOT Neighborhood modeling through global optimization Model CF Methods Ensemble Analysis Summary Context kNN SVD SWO abcd A basic model 30.07.2012
  • 38. Method 2 Procedure SWOT Ensemble Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context  Ensemble methodology imitates Description the human nature to seek advice before making any crucial 2 Ensemble decision.  “Two heads are better than one”.  Bagging (Breiman, 1996) Selected Techniques  AdaBoost (Freund and Schapire, 1996)  Random Parameter Manipulation  The innovation is adopting the Ensemble concept from the general machine learning field to the Recommender System domain. 30.07.2012
  • 39. Ensemble at 30,000 feet Procedure SWOT Overview Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context abcd Overview  When important decisions have to be made, society often places its trust in groups of people. We have parliaments, juries, committees, and boards of directors, whom we are happy to have make decisions for us.  Ensemble imitates the human nature to seek advice before making any crucial decision. It is achieved by weighing the individual opinions, and combining them before reaching a final decision, hence the names “The Wisdom of Crowds” and “Committee of Experts”.  We can ensure that the ensemble will produce results that are in the worst case as bad as the worst classifier in the ensemble. 30.07.2012
  • 40. Ensemble Procedure SWOT Overview Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context abcd What is it?  If you think about it, Ensemble is not a question to be answered.  So what is it than?  Ensemble is the answer.  So what is the question?  How to improve results! 30.07.2012
  • 41. Ensemble Improving result… Procedure SWOT Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context abcd abcd Why do we care? Because...  Having improved results will prevent cases like this. 30.07.2012
  • 42. Ensemble Procedure SWOT A short story Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context abcd Francis Galton  Galton promoted statistics and invented the concept of correlation.  In 1906 Galton visited a livestock fair and stumbled upon an intriguing contest.  An ox was on display, and the villagers were invited to guess the animal's weight.  Nearly 800 gave it a go and, not surprisingly, not one hit the exact mark: 1,198 pounds.  Astonishingly, however, the average of those 800 guesses came close - very close indeed. It was 1,197 pounds. 30.07.2012
  • 43. Ensemble Procedure SWOT Does it always work? Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context abcd abcd Does Ensemble always work? No  Not all crowds (groups) are wise.  For example, crazed investors in a stock market bubble. 30.07.2012
  • 44. Ensemble Procedure SWOT Schematic Example Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context abcd Recommender 1 abcd Recommender 2 abcd Recommender 3 abcd Weak Learners  And they all abcd may be just Problem Example weak  Linear learners. recommenders cannot solve non- linearly separable abcd Combined Recommender problems  however, their combination can 30.07.2012
  • 45. Ensemble Why using Ensembles? Procedure SWOT Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Statistical Reasons, Risk reduction Computational Reasons  Out of many recommender models  Every time we run a with similar training / test errors, recommendation algorithm, we may which one shall we pick? If we just find different local optima. pick one at random, we risk the possibility of choosing a really  Combining their outputs may allow poor one us to find a solution that is closer  Combining / averaging them may to the global minimum. prevent us from making one such unfortunate decision Too little data / too much data Representational Reasons  Generating multiple recommenders  The recommender space may not with the re-sampling of the contain the solution to a given available data / mutually exclusive particular problem. However, an subsets of the available data. ensemble of such recommenders may. 30.07.2012
  • 46. Ensemble Procedure SWOT The Diversity Paradox Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context abcd abcd Diversity vs. Accuracy Description  On one hand we expect the ensemble members to be as good as possible so they all target the same goal.  On the other hand they have to be independent, which means different, hence, lowering the accuracy. abcd There’s no real Paradox…  Ideally, all committee members would be right about everything!  If not, they should be wrong about different things. 30.07.2012
  • 47. Ensemble Procedure SWOT Single–model Ensemble RS Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context abcd Example configuration abcd 4 Step abcd 2 Step  Produce several abcd 5 Step  Generate recommendatio different ns  Combinethe variations of different the same input recommendations Rating RS 1 Matrix 1 Training Rating Inducer Ensemble ratings Matrix RS Rating abcd 1 Step RS M Matrix M abcdtep 6 S abcd 3 Step  Users& Items  Theactual CF  Generates more ratings Method & accurate predictions input Technique than each individual RS 30.07.2012
  • 48. Netflix Prize Procedure SWOT The Competition Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context abcd The Nextflix prize story  In October 2006, Netflix announced it would give a $1 million to whoever created a movie-recommending algorithm 10% better than its own.  Within two weeks, the DVD rental company had received 169 submissions, including three that were slightly superior to Cinematch, Netflix's recommendation software  After a month, more than a thousand programs had been entered, and the top scorers were almost halfway to the goal  But what started out looking simple suddenly got hard. The rate of improvement began to slow. The same three or four teams clogged the top of the leader-board.  Progress was almost imperceptible, and people began to say a 10 percent improvement might not be possible.  Three years later, on 21st of September 2009, Netflix announced the winner. 30.07.2012
  • 49. Netflix Prize Procedure SWOT The winner team used an Ensemble Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context abcdFACT Actually, the top 100 solutions were Ensemble based 30.07.2012
  • 50. Netflix Prize And the winner is… Procedure SWOT Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context abcd abcd We have a winner! So why bother?  You may ask yourself, why do we need to further research & develop the Ensemble?  Because it was solved in a manual tailored way, combining a set of predefined methods.  There is plenty of room for improvements. 30.07.2012
  • 51. Netflix Prize Procedure Methods SWOT Summary The real winner Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context abcd The real winner is the method!  One could say that the Ensemble techniques and methods helped tip the scales.  While the algorithms and good knowledge of statistics goes a long way, it was ultimately the cross-team collaboration that ended the contest.  It is easy to overlook the fact that many teams were actually committees of experts by themselves.  "The Ensemble" team, appropriately named for the technique they used to merge their results consists of over 30 people.  Likewise, the winning team is a collaborative effort of several distinct groups that merged their results. 30.07.2012
  • 54. Bagging Procedure SWOT Overview Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Bagging AdaBoost RPM abcd Overview  Introduced by Breiman (1996)  “Bagging” stands for “bootstrap aggregating”.  It is an ensemble method  a method of combining multiple predictors.  The intuition is that by using only part of the data and making some data (randomly) have more impact, you get a better variety of models that will reduce over fitting 30.07.2012
  • 55. Bagging-based sampling of rating matrix Procedure SWOT Schematic example Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Bagging AdaBoost RPM abcd Bagging in action abcd Step 1 Arandom subset of the training set is taken. 30.07.2012
  • 56. Bagging-based sampling of rating matrix Procedure SWOT Schematic example Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Bagging AdaBoost RPM abcd Bagging in action 30.07.2012
  • 57. Bagging-based sampling of rating matrix Procedure SWOT Schematic example Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Bagging AdaBoost RPM abcd Bagging in action abcd 2 Step  Some of the data in this subset is duplicated several times. 30.07.2012
  • 58. Bagging-based sampling of rating matrix Procedure SWOT Schematic example Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Bagging AdaBoost RPM abcd Bagging in action abcd From here to a recommendation  The input set is given to one of the recommendation methods.  It is repeated until every method has an input set.  The average result (or most common one) is picked. 30.07.2012
  • 59. Method 2 Ensemble Technique 2 AdaBoost (Freund and Schapire, 1996)
  • 60. AdaBoost Procedure SWOT Overview Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Bagging AdaBoost RPM abcd Overview  Introduced by Freund and Schapire, 1996  “AadBoost” stands for “Adaptive Boosting”.  Boosting - To boost a “weak” learning algorithm into a “strong” learning algorithm  It is an ensemble method  Training samples are weighted differently across the ensemble members 30.07.2012
  • 61. AdaBoost Procedure SWOT Overview Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Bagging AdaBoost RPM abcd abcd Overview The Process  We start with building an initial model.  Next that model is improved, by modifying the input (training) set to emphasize (for example by duplicating) the part of the input where the model was less accurate.  The model is rebuilt and checked for its accuracy.  The process repeats until the error of the model is lower than some bound. 30.07.2012
  • 62. AdaBoost Procedure SWOT Schematic example Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Bagging AdaBoost RPM abcd Step 1 abcd Step 2 We start with Next that model is building an improved, by abcd Step initial model. Final modifying the input set abcd 3 Step to emphasize the part process The repeats until of the input where the The model ismodel was less the error of rebuilt and accurate. Training checked for its the model is Combined lower than accuracy. some bound. recommender 30.07.2012
  • 63. Method 2 Ensemble Technique 3 Random Parameter Manipulation
  • 64. Random Parameter Manipulation Procedure SWOT Overview Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Bagging AdaBoost RPM abcd Overview  The idea is to have multiple variations of the same recommendation technique  The variations are formed by changing the input parameters systematically  The Ensemble is achieved by combining the modified recommenders in order to produce a unified prediction 30.07.2012
  • 65. Random Parameter Manipulation Procedure SWOT Schematic example Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Bagging AdaBoost RPM abcd Example: Averaging multiple SVD matrix based on different values of F abcd Variations of SVD  Different F values, 3 to 5 abcd Ensemble  Combined Recommenders 30.07.2012
  • 67. Ensemble Procedure SWOT Testing coverage Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context abcd abcd Coverage Details  Each of the three CF techniques will be tested with an ensemble technique  There are 9 possible combinations of techniques.  The diagram is color coded for convenience. 30.07.2012
  • 69. Method 3 Procedure SWOT Context-Based Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context  Adapting the recommendations to Description the specific user context.  “Tell me the music that I want to 3 Context-Based listen NOW“. Selected Techniques  Item Split  Linear Models 30.07.2012
  • 70. Context-Based Recommender Systems Procedure SWOT Overview Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context abcd Overview  The recommender system uses additional data about the context of an item consumption.  For example, in the case of a restaurant the time or the location may be used to improve the recommendation compared to what could be performed without this additional source of information.  A restaurant recommendation for a Saturday evening when you go with your spouse should be different than a restaurant recommendation on a workday afternoon when you go with co-workers 30.07.2012
  • 71. Context-Based Recommender Systems Procedure SWOT Motivation Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Motivating Examples  Recommend a vacation  Winter vs. summer  Recommend a purchase (e-retailer)  Gift vs. for yourself  Recommend a movie  To a student who wants to see it on Saturday night with his girlfriend in a movie theater. 30.07.2012
  • 72. Context-Based Recommender Systems Procedure SWOT Motivation Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Motivating Examples  Recommend music  The music that we like to hear is greatly affected by a context, such that can be thought of a mixture of our feelings (mood) and the situation or location (the theme) we associate it with.  Listen to Bruce Springteen "Born in USA" while driving along the 101.  Listening to Mozart's Magic Flute while walking in Salzburg. 30.07.2012
  • 73. Information Discovery: Example “Tell me the music that I want to listen NOW" Procedure SWOT Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context abcd abcd Details  An Interactive personalized WebRadio  A mood matrix propose a relationship between music and mood.  20 genres and time periods, a popularity scale (hits, less known songs/discovery).  covers all musical genres, rap to funk via electro, rock, disco… or classical.  Ethnographic studies have shown that people choose music peaces according to their mood or mood change expectation.  Musicovery relied on this principle to build an effective relationship between music and emotion. 30.07.2012
  • 74. Context-Based Recommender Systems Procedure SWOT Context vs. others Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context What simple recommendation techniques ignore?  What is the user when asking for a recommendation?  Where (and when) the user is ?  What does the user (e.g., improve his knowledge or really buy a product)?  Is the user or with other ?  Are there products to choose or only ?  Is the word economy or ? 30.07.2012
  • 75. Context-Based Recommender Systems Context vs. others Procedure SWOT Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context What simple recommendation techniques ignore?  What is the user when asking for a recommendation?  Where (and when) the user is ?  What does the user (e.g., improve his knowledge or really buy a product)?  Is the user or with other ?  Are there products to choose or only ?  Is the word economy or ? Plain recommendation technologies forget to take into account the user context. 30.07.2012
  • 76. Context-Based Recommender Systems Procedure SWOT Foundations Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context abcd Contextual Computing  Contextual computing refers to the enhancement of a user’s interactions by understanding the user, the context, and the applications and information being used, typically across a wide set of user goals  Actively adapting the computational environment - for each and every user - at each point of computation  Contextual computing approach focuses on understanding the information consumption patterns of each user  Contextual computing focuses on the process not only on the output of the search process. [Pitkow et al., 2002] 30.07.2012
  • 77. Context-Based Recommender Systems Procedure SWOT Major obstacles Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context abcd Major obstacle for contextual computing  Obtain sufficient and reliable data describing the user context  Selecting the right information, i.e., relevant in a particular personalization task  Understand the impact of contextual dimensions on the personalization process  Computational model the contextual dimension in a more classical recommendation technology  For instance: how to extend Collaborative Filtering to include contextual dimensions? 30.07.2012
  • 78. Method 3 Context-Based recommendation Selected Techniques Explained Item Split
  • 79. Context-Based Recommender Systems Procedure SWOT Item Split approach Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Item Split Linear Models abcd Item Split - Intuition and Approach  The same item in different contextual conditions may produce a different user experience  We consider the same item in different contexts as distinct items  Research goal: Provide better music recommendations. Improve Collaborative Filtering accuracy when the user context is known. 30.07.2012
  • 80. Context-Based Recommender Systems Procedure SWOT Collaborative Filtering Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Item Split Linear Models abcd Context in Collaborative Filtering  “Context is any information that can be used to characterize the situation of an entity” [A.K.Dey, 2001]  In Item Splitting approach - similarly to [Adomavicius et. al, 2005] - we model the context with a set of dynamic features of the rating – representing conditions that can rapidly change their state  When a user evaluates an item, the rating is recoded together with the current state of the contextual variables  CF does not provide a direct method to integrate additional information into the recommendation process 30.07.2012
  • 81. Context-Based Recommender Systems Procedure SWOT Reduction-Based Approach Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Item Split Linear Models abcd Reduction-Based Approach  Reduce the problem of multi-dimensional recommendation to the traditional two-dimensional User x Item  For each “value” of the contextual dimension(s) estimate the missing ratings with a traditional method abcd Example  R: U x I x T  [0,1] U {?} ; User, Item, Time  RD(u, i, t) = RD[T=t](u, i)  The context-dependent estimation for (u, i, t) is computed using a traditional approach, in a two-dimensional setting, but using only the ratings that have T=t. 30.07.2012
  • 82. Context-Based Recommender Systems Procedure SWOT Reduction-Based Approach Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Item Split Linear Models Multidimensional Model Bi-dimensional Model item We use only the slice for T=t user User ratings features abcd From here  Theidea is Product to reduce features the problem abcdhere To  Into a manageable model 30.07.2012
  • 83. Context-Based Recommender Systems Procedure SWOT Reduction-Based vs. Item splitting Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Item Split Linear Models Reduction Based Item splitting  Uses cross-validation as  Uses external impurity goodness of segmentation – measures Expensive (i.e. IG) - Heuristic based  Segments are the same for  Each item is tested for a split all the items separately  Prediction is made using only  Prediction is made using all the relevant segment the information, including split items Bottom Line  The best known method (Reduction Based) is difficult to apply (need to search in a huge space of contextual sectors).  We are proposing a more adaptive, and computationally efficient approach. 30.07.2012
  • 84. Context-Based Recommender Systems Procedure SWOT Item Split technique Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Item Split Linear Models abcd Item Split - Intuition and Approach  Each item in the data base ( ) is a candidate for splitting  Context defines ( ) all possible splits of an item ratings vector  We test all the possible splits – we do not have many contextual features  We choose one split (using a single contextual feature) that maximizes an impurity measure and whose impurity is higher than a threshold 30.07.2012
  • 85. Method 3 Context-Based recommendation Selected Techniques Explained Linear Models
  • 86. Context-Based Recommender Systems Procedure SWOT Contextual Modelling approach Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Item Split Linear Models abcd Overview  In these approaches the context data are explicitly used in the prediction model.  There are several possibilities for using the contextual data.  For instance the context can be used to extend the definition of the distance function in nearest neighbours approaches  The distance function must now also include a "context distance" aspect in it in addition to the user distance (CF) or item distance (CB). 30.07.2012
  • 87. Context-Based Recommender Systems Procedure SWOT Linear Models approach Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Item Split Linear Models abcd Overview  Presents an extension of the Matrix Factorization (MF) rating prediction technique that incorporates contextual information to adapt the recommendation to the user target context.  In this approach one model parameter was introduced for each contextual factor and music track genre pair.  This allowed learning how the context affects the ratings and how they deviate from the classical personalized prediction. 30.07.2012
  • 88. Context-Based Recommender Systems Procedure SWOT Linear Models approach Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Item Split Linear Models abcd Example  standard rating prediction for a user u and item i that can be computed by a standard matrix factorization method for collaborative filtering, this is the simple predicted rating for this user and item pair, namely 4.24. 30.07.2012
  • 89. Context-Based Recommender Systems Procedure SWOT Linear Models approach Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Item Split Linear Models abcd Example  The model that we have used in addition to that estimates context-aware predictions, i.e., predictions were a context is specified:  in the figure we have two contexts c1 and c2 (sun and rain). 30.07.2012
  • 90. Context-Based Recommender Systems Procedure SWOT Linear Models approach Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Item Split Linear Models abcd Example  The model makes these two context aware rating predictions (4.94 and 3.84) by estimating on the available data two additional parameters that models the influence of the context on the item, bic1 and bic2  These two parameters describe the modifications to be made to the non context-aware prediction to take into account the context.In the first case the predicted rating must be increased by 0.7 and in the second case decreased by 0.4. 30.07.2012
  • 91. Context-Based Recommender Systems Procedure SWOT Linear Models approach Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Item Split Linear Models abcd Predictive Model  Context Aware Collaborative Filtering 30.07.2012
  • 92. Context-Based Recommender Systems Procedure SWOT Linear Models approach Methods Summary Model Analysis CF Ensemble Context Item Split Linear Models abcd Comparison performance of Mean Absolute Error  The largest improvement with respect to the non-personalized model based on the item average is achieved as expected, by personalizing the recommendations (“MF CF"), This gives an improvement of 5%.  The personalized model can be further improved by contextualization (“MF CF + Context") producing an improvement of 7% with respect to the item average prediction, and a 3% improvement over the personalized model.  The modeling approach and the rating acquisition process can substantially improve the rating prediction accuracy when taking into account the contextual information. 30.07.2012
  • 94. Method 4 Procedure SWOT Cross Domain Methods Summary Model Analysis Cross Domain Community Group  Cross-domain recommenders can recommend products and services of several domains that share resources Description (e.g., users, items, ratings, features, late nt patterns s, features, latent patterns). 4 Cross Domain  Knowledge from one or several domains might be utilized in another domain to improve recommendations. Selected Techniques  User-model mediation and aggregation 30.07.2012
  • 95. Cross-Domain Procedure SWOT Overview Methods Summary Model Analysis Cross Domain Community Group abcd Overview  The majority of recommender systems (RS) work in a single domain, such as movies, books, tourism etc.  However, human preferences may span across multiple domains.  Knowledge of a user’s behavior in different domains might improve prediction in a specific domain.  A company might have knowledge of a user in one or more different domains than the target recommendation and would like to use it 30.07.2012
  • 96. Cross-Domain Procedure SWOT Overview Methods Summary Model Analysis Cross Domain Community Group abcd Motivation  Sparsity and cold-start problems: cross-domain algorithms may enrich the training data with data from other domains to prevent sparsity.  User friendly systems: by making use of data that was collected for one domain in other domains, systems can prevent user’s interfering for providing feedback.  Availability of cross domain data: many e-commerce systems and social networks contain information of users' preferences in several domains. Thus, cross-domain information is available, and it is motivating to look for effective algorithm that can make use of this data to improve recommender systems performance (e.g., x-loads domains).  Marketing – cross-selling of new products: Marketing studies found out that it is effective to promote products from different domains to a user if they fit her buying patterns across domains. 30.07.2012
  • 97. Cross-Domain Procedure SWOT Overview Methods Summary Model Analysis Cross Domain Community Group abcd State of the art techniques  User-model mediation and aggregation  This technique was suggested by (Berkovsy et al, 2006,2007,2008).  Aims at the sparsity challenge of recommender systems by enriching the UM with data from a remote system.  Requires overlap of users between domains  Evaluation was performed for sub-domains of the same domain  Content-based unified user-model  (Gahni and Fano 2002) proposed generating a content-based user model that can be used across domains.  Extracting semantic features that might be relevant for many domains and are pre- defined by domain experts (e.g., trendiness vs. individualism)  Not implemented or evaluated 30.07.2012
  • 98. Cross-Domain Procedure SWOT Overview Methods Summary Model Analysis Cross Domain Community Group abcd State of the art techniques  Transfer learning (TL)  A relatively young research area (since 1995) in Machine learning  Aims at extracting knowledge that was learned for one task in a domain and use it for a target task in a different domain.  TL technique is recently gaining attention for application where datasets are available only for specific domains 30.07.2012
  • 99. Method 4 Cross Domain recommendation Selected Techniques Explained User-model mediation and aggregation
  • 100. Cross-Domain Procedure SWOT Methods Summary Model Analysis User-model Mediation and Aggregation Cross Domain Aggregation Community CBT` Group abcd Intuition and Approach  This technique was suggested by Berkovsy et al., (2006, 2007, 2008) and aims at the sparsity challenge of recommender systems by enriching the UM with data from a remote (source) system.  The suggested technique was demonstrated for the collaborative filtering approach and is based on mediating user model data form other domains to enrich the user's model.  A similar approach was presented by (Gonzales et al., 2006) that generate a unified UM approach that aggregates features from different domains, and maps the features that are aggregated to relevant domains 30.07.2012
  • 101. Cross-Domain Procedure SWOT Methods Summary Model Analysis User-model Mediation and Aggregation Cross Domain Aggregation Community CBT` Group abcd Intuition and Approach  Application of the mediation suggested above by Berkovsky at al., requires:  Overlapping users – mediation enriches the data about a specific user with data about the same user from another domain (for other items, and may be also in another context)  Same prediction task – mediation of data from other users models were applied from system that implemented the same prediction function (collaborative filtering), thus employing the same UM (user's ratings on items).  Similarity between domains. A method to identify such similarity is needed. Similarity should be integrated in the recommender algorithm. 30.07.2012
  • 102. Cross-Domain Procedure SWOT Methods Summary Model Analysis User-model Mediation and Aggregation Cross Domain Aggregation Community CBT` Group abcd UM Aggregation approches Domain 1 Domain 2 Source Target abcd abcd abcd Type 1 Type 2 Combine recommendation  K nearest neighbors are  K nearest neighbors are  Consider the two domains as one computed in the source computed in the source integrated domain: domain domain to Ks.  As in Type1, set of K from the domain 1 presents the nearest neighbors.  These neighbors are  K nearest neighbors are utilized to generate also computed in the  But in this case it aggregates target domain to Kt. with the set of K nearest- recommendation in the neighbors within domain 2. target domain.  From the aggregation  The most similar K results K users with a  This method is usable neighbors are selected maximum cosine similarity for a user that is new in from U(Ks,Kt). value were selected and the the target domain, and prediction was done with an has history in the attitude to those K nearest source domain. neighbors. 30.07.2012
  • 103. Method 4 Cross Domain recommendation Selected Techniques Explained CBT – Codebook Transfer

Editor's Notes

  1. Similarity Weights Optimization: also known by the name "Neighborhood modeling through global optimization". In SWO the similarity function (Pearson, Cosine) is only used to determine the neighbours. The weights for the weighted average are found via an optimization process which minimizes the total prediction error – the weights are the optimized parameter in the error function. The difference between NN CF and SWO (similarity weight optimization) is that in NN CF the similarity function (Pearson, Cosine) is used to both determine the nearest neighbours and determine the weights in the weighted average of the prediction. This technique requires data normalization.
  2. In some situations the system can be asked for a recommendation tailored for a group of people. For example if a family is sitting together watching TV, the system needs to recommend something that suits the family as a whole. A sports show might be more interesting for the father, but would leave some other members of the family unsatisfied. In some systems the group is dynamic, and the members of the group change over time, which requires constant adjustments on the system's part. The satisfaction of individuals may be a complex matter since for example if the TV shows makes the children happy, then the mother may also be (indirectly) happy just because her children are happy. In some cases multiple items are recommended to the group, for example in a trip recommender there is time to visit 4 different places within a day's trip, and different members prefer to visit different locations.[1,2,3].