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Francesco Casalegno
Recommender Systems
→ Content-Based Filtering
→ Collaborative Filtering
→ Explicit and Implicit Feedback
→ Machine & Deep Learning Models
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems 2
● Users cannot evaluate overwhelming numbers of alternatives
○ YouTube: 5 B videos (watched every day)
2 B users
○ Amazon: 3 B products (across 11 marketplaces)
200 M users (per month)
Problem Statement
Francesco Casalegno
● Recommender Systems to the rescue!
○ Predict rating or preference a user would give to an item
○ Provide users with suggestions for items to be of use to them
● Many challenges are involved
○ Accuracy of recommendations
○ Scalability (> 2 B users on YouTube)
○ Serendipity (surprising + fortunate discoveries)
○ Explainability
○ Cold start
○ Interests evolves over time
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
Explicit Feedback: Ratings
● In many cases, users give explicit feedback to some items they viewed/purchased
● We can then define the rating matrix by rui
= rating given by user u to item i
○ The matrix rui
is usually large and sparse, as users view only few items and rate even fewer
○ We denote by K the set of pairs (u, i) s.t. rui
is known, i.e. user u gave a rating to item i
➝ Problem Statement: Predict rui
for unobserved items
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
Implicit Feedback: Confidence
● Explicit feedback (rate 1 to 5, like/dislike, …) is not always available, at least not in large quantities
○ But we can use implicit feedback, indirectly reflecting opinions through behavior
○ Examples: purchase history, browsing history, search patterns, mouse movements, …
● Implicit feedback is much more abundant, but also more difficult to use.
○ No negative feedback. User did not watch a movie: she dislikes it / does not even know it exists?
○ Noise. User searches a product: he may be buying a gift; he may be disappointed; …
○ Appreciation vs Confidence. Unlike the explicit case, rui
here measures confidence
→if you watch/search something many times/for long durations, probably you liked it
■ For how much time did the user watch the show?
■ How many times did the user search an item?
○ Evaluation metric: choice is not straightforward
● Example. TV shows, rui
= how many times u fully watched show i
○ rui
= 0.5 → user (got bored?) stopped watching at half show
○ rui
= 2 → user (loved it? fell asleep and played in loop?) watched the show twice
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
Francesco Casalegno
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
Francesco Casalegno
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
Francesco Casalegno
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
Francesco Casalegno
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
Francesco CasalegnoJean Dupont
Classes of Recommender Systems
Recommender Systems
Content-Based Filtering Collaborative Filtering
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
Classes of Recommender Systems
Recommender Systems
Content-Based Filtering Collaborative Filtering
Item-Based k-NN,
Slope One
User-Based k-NN
Neural Networks
Information Retrieval Methods
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
Classes of Recommender Systems
Recommender Systems
Content-Based Filtering Collaborative Filtering
Item-Based k-NN,
Slope One
User-Based k-NN
Neural Networks
Information Retrieval Methods
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
● Recommend items by assuming that users who
agreed in the past will agree in future
● Tracks and compare user activity
○ explicit: like/dislike, star ratings
○ implicit: viewing times, purchased items
● Examples:
➕ Works without needing any knowledge of items
➕ More variety in recommendations
➖ Cold start: need much data to get accurate
➖ Shilling attacks
● Recommend items having features similar to
those of the items liked by the user in the past
→ extract features + use information retrieval
● Similarity of items is based on discrete features
○ text: word counts / tf-idf (see
○ movies: “comedy”, “horror”, … tags
○ songs: Music Genome Project attributes
(e.g. “aggressive drummings”)
● Examples:
➕ Needs little info on user to start
➕ Leverages items info (e.g. genre) if available
➖ Proposes items too similar to those liked by user
➖ Requires to describe features for each item
Content-Based VS Collaborative Filtering
Content-Based Filtering Collaborative Filtering
… obviously the two approaches can be combined (hybrid methods)
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
Content-Based VS Collaborative Filtering
Content-Based Filtering Collaborative Filtering
similar features
(taste, ingredients, …)
by user 1
to user 1
user 1
user 1 user 2
by user 1
by user 2
by user 2
to user 1
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
Classes of Recommender Systems
Recommender Systems
Content-Based Filtering Collaborative Filtering
Item-Based k-NN,
Slope One
User-Based k-NN
Information Retrieval Methods
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
● Use given ratings as training set to fit a model
that predicts users' rating of unrated items
● Typically uses
○ Embedding / dim. reduction / matrix factoriz.
○ Machine Learning models to train & predict
● Examples
○ Co-Clustering
➕ Scales well with sparse data
➕ ML models can capture more complex relations
➕ Fast prediction
➕ Usually better predictions than memory-based
➖ Learning/Training phase required
● Uses users’ ratings to compute the similarity
between users or items
● Typically uses
○ Similarity (cosine dist., Pearson correlation)
○ Predict a weighted average of ratings
● Examples
○ k-Nearest Neighbors
○ Slope One
➕ Easy to implement
➕ Explainable results
➖ Scalability issues for sparse data
➖ Slow predictions (has to find similar items/users)
Memory-Based VS Model-Based
Memory-Based Model-Based
Recommender Systems
Content-Based Filtering Collaborative Filtering
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
Classes of Recommender Systems
Recommender Systems
Content-Based Filtering Collaborative Filtering
Item-Based k-NN,
Slope One
User-Based k-NN
Information Retrieval Methods
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
User-Based VS Item-Based
● Memory-Based models predict the rating rui
given user u to item i in different ways.
○ User-Based models looks at users v∊V that are similar to u.
■ rui
prediction is based on ratings rvi
given by similar users to same item
○ Item-Based models look at items j∊J that are similar to i.
■ rui
prediction is a based on ratings ruj
given by same user to similar item
= 6.0
user u
= 8.0 ruj
= 3.0
item i rui
= 6.5
similar items
similar users
= 5.0
user u
= 9.5 rvi
= 8.5
item i rui
= 8.0
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
● Simplest class of methods, based on looking at ratings of most similar (neighbors) users/items.
● First, we represent users and items by simply considering rows and cols of rating matrix:
○ user u is represented by the vector [ru1
, ru2
, ru3
, ...]
○ item i is represented by the vector [r1i
, r2i
, r3i
, ...]
● Then, we compute similarity between vectors
○ sim(u, v) / sim(i, j) can be: cosine similarity, Pearson’s correlation, …
○ But our vectors have unknown entries! → considering only indexes where ratings are known:
● Finally, we pick a number of nearest neighbors k and we predict the rating rui
→ The first formula corresponds to the user-based k-NN, the second to the item-based k-NN.
k-Nearest Neighbors Method
sim([?, ?, 4, 5, ?, 2], [?, ?, ?, 3, 4, 1]) ⟶ sim([5, 2], [3, 1])
or(1) (2)
(u) = k items most similar to i that are rated by user u
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
● Simple, yet powerful item-based method with good scalability and less prone to overfit.
● Idea: we could fit a linear model y = ax + b for any x = ruj
and y = rui
■ For 1,000 items, that means 2 M coefficients to learn!
■ Prone to overfit
● So, instead we use simplified (slope-one) linear regression of the form y = x + b
■ More robust to overfit
■ Coefficients can be computed very easily, and we get:
= avg rating of user u
(u)= items j rated by u also having at least one common user with i
dev(i,j) = average items deviation =
= users having rated both i and j
Slope One Method
Recommender Systems
Content-Based Filtering Collaborative Filtering
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
● Cluster = subset of rows (columns) with similar behavior across the set of all columns (rows)
● Co-cluster = subset of rows + subset of cols, where rows have similar behavior across cols, and vice-versa
● We can then base our model on these clusters and predict ratings as
Co-clustering Method
rating matrix rui
item clustering user clustering
rating matrix rui
rating matrix rui
= avg rating of cluster user u belongs to
= avg rating of cluster item i belongs to
= avg rating of cluster user u and item i belong to
= avg rating of user u
= avg rating of item i
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
● A popular set of methods is based on matrix factorization of the rating matrix X = {rui
} ∊ Rn x m
○ Remark: A ∊ Rn x m
has rank k ↔ Y = QT
P for some Q ∊ Rk x n
and P ∊ Rk x m
○ Remark: A ∊ Rn x m
has SVD decomposition A = UΣVT
and truncated SVD Ak
= ∑i=1..k
● In particular, recommender systems focus on these two different low-rank approximations:
○ SVD coincides with the solution to the problem (ǁxǁF
= Frobenius norm)
This result is known as Eckart-Young-Mirsky Theorem.
○ NMF (non-negative matrix factorization) is defined as the solution to the problem
s.t. Q, P have all coefficients ≥ 0
● Idea: factorize matrix {rui
} (with SVD or NMF) , then predict rui
as qi
… but {rui
} has unknown entries!
○ We could fill {rui
} with 0 when unknown entries → old approach, not really meaningful…
○ … or instead solve minimization problem only on known entries → much better!
Matrix Factorization Methods
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
SVD Method
● One of the most popular methods, equivalent to Probabilistic Matrix Factorization..
● Idea: if we had a representation xu
∊ Rf
for user u, then we solve a linear regression problem:
○ we try to learn representations qi
for items and pu
for users:
○ notice that if λ = 0 and if all ratings rui
are in K (i.e. are known) this is exactly SVD decomposition!
● How to minimize this loss function?
○ GD (gradient descent) → scalability issues + loss is non convex!
○ ALS (alternating least squares) → 2-step iterative method, solves 2 convex problems:
1. fix pu
, solve optimization problem for qi
2. fix qi
, solve optimization problem for pu
● Much of the variation in ratings is due to effects, called biases, associated with users or items.
So, most SVD-based methods modify the model to include item biases bi
and user biases bu
where m is the overall average rating.
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
SVD Method for Implicit Feedback
● For implicit feedback rui
(e.g. how many times u watched show i) is a measure of a confidence value
○ Define binary preferences bui
= 1 if rui
>0, and 0 otherwise
○ Define confidence variables as cui
= 1 + α rui
(typically α = 40)
● The problem is then formulated in terms of trying to predict preferences as
○ The minimization of the loss function can be efficiently done using ALS
● SVD methods presented here (both explicit and implicit) are very scalable
○ Spark ML uses these two methods to implement recommender systems
Deep Learning Approaches
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
Neural Net for Explicit Feedback
● Idea: start writing SVD Method as a Neural Net
● How can we improve this network?
Learn a generic learnable function (with fully-connected layers) instead of simple dot-product
○ Include users metadata (age, sex, ...) and items metadata (cost, class, ...) as inputs to the network
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
Triplet Loss and Siamese Networks
● Idea: have a Neural Net learning how close a sample is to an anchor
○ Output of NN is a learned distance between anchor and sample: dNN
(a, x)
○ Train using triplet loss and siamese network:
■ we want dNN
(a, x+
) > dNN
(a, x–
) for a positive and a negative sample
■ equivalent to dNN
(a, x+
) - dNN
(a, x–
) + α ≥ 0
● Applications
○ Face Recognition:
○ Learn to Rate: say x is preferred by a over y if dNN
(a, x) > dNN
(a, y)
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
Neural Net for Implicit Feedback
● Idea: use siamese network to learn user’s preferences
○ Train with triplet loss: users prefer shows they watched over shows they have not watched (yet)
■ i+ (positive samples) = shows watched by u
■ i- (negative samples) = shows watched by u
○ Then, sort all unseen shows using the predicted distance user-item dNN
(u, i)
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
Neural Net with Hybrid Approach
● Finally, here is a more complex hybrid approach for YouTube recommendations.
Take-Home Messages
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
1. Understand which kind of data you have
○ explicit feedback (users ratings) = easy to use, available in limited amount
○ implicit feedback (users activities) = difficult to use, available in greater quantity
2. Decide which approach works best in your case
○ content-based = good if you can extract features (e.g. tf-idf), ignores the other users
○ collaborative filtering = leverages from all users ratings, but cold start and shilling attacks
3. Choose the method considering several factors
○ scalability = working with 1,000 items or with 1 B items is not the same
○ easy to update = add users and items to the system does not require rebuild from scratch
○ cold start = new user or item, no interaction relative to them are available yet
○ accuracy = make relevant recommendations
○ interpretability = “why I am seeing this ad?”
Take-Home Messages
Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems
● Covington, Paul, Jay Adams, and Emre Sargin. "Deep neural networks for youtube recommendations." Proceedings of the
10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. ACM, 2016. [link]
● George, Thomas, and Srujana Merugu. "A scalable collaborative filtering framework based on co-clustering." Data Mining,
Fifth IEEE international conference on. IEEE, 2005. [link]
● Grisel, Olivier, presentation at dotAI Conference, Paris, 2017 [link]
● Hu, Yifan, Yehuda Koren, and Chris Volinsky. "Collaborative filtering for implicit feedback datasets." Data Mining, 2008.
ICDM'08. Eighth IEEE International Conference on. Ieee, 2008. [link]
● Hug, Nicolas. "Surprise, a Python library for recommender systems." (2017). [link]
● Ricci, F. Rokah, L. Sharpira, and B. Kantor. "Recommender Systems Handbook." (2010).
● Zhou, Yunhong, et al. "Large-scale parallel collaborative filtering for the netflix prize." International Conference on
Algorithmic Applications in Management. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008. [link]

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Recommender Systems

  • 1. Francesco Casalegno Recommender Systems → Content-Based Filtering → Collaborative Filtering → Explicit and Implicit Feedback → Machine & Deep Learning Models
  • 2. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems 2 ● Users cannot evaluate overwhelming numbers of alternatives ○ YouTube: 5 B videos (watched every day) 2 B users ○ Amazon: 3 B products (across 11 marketplaces) 200 M users (per month) Problem Statement Francesco Casalegno ● Recommender Systems to the rescue! ○ Predict rating or preference a user would give to an item ○ Provide users with suggestions for items to be of use to them ● Many challenges are involved ○ Accuracy of recommendations ○ Scalability (> 2 B users on YouTube) ○ Serendipity (surprising + fortunate discoveries) ○ Explainability ○ Cold start ○ Interests evolves over time
  • 3. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems Explicit Feedback: Ratings 3 ● In many cases, users give explicit feedback to some items they viewed/purchased ● We can then define the rating matrix by rui = rating given by user u to item i ○ The matrix rui is usually large and sparse, as users view only few items and rate even fewer ○ We denote by K the set of pairs (u, i) s.t. rui is known, i.e. user u gave a rating to item i ➝ Problem Statement: Predict rui for unobserved items
  • 4. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems Implicit Feedback: Confidence ● Explicit feedback (rate 1 to 5, like/dislike, …) is not always available, at least not in large quantities ○ But we can use implicit feedback, indirectly reflecting opinions through behavior ○ Examples: purchase history, browsing history, search patterns, mouse movements, … ● Implicit feedback is much more abundant, but also more difficult to use. ○ No negative feedback. User did not watch a movie: she dislikes it / does not even know it exists? ○ Noise. User searches a product: he may be buying a gift; he may be disappointed; … ○ Appreciation vs Confidence. Unlike the explicit case, rui here measures confidence →if you watch/search something many times/for long durations, probably you liked it ■ For how much time did the user watch the show? ■ How many times did the user search an item? ○ Evaluation metric: choice is not straightforward ● Example. TV shows, rui = how many times u fully watched show i ○ rui = 0.5 → user (got bored?) stopped watching at half show ○ rui = 2 → user (loved it? fell asleep and played in loop?) watched the show twice 4
  • 6. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems Motivation 6 Francesco Casalegno
  • 7. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems Motivation 7 Francesco Casalegno
  • 8. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems Motivation 8 Francesco Casalegno
  • 9. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems Motivation 9 Francesco Casalegno
  • 10. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems Motivation 10 Francesco CasalegnoJean Dupont
  • 11. Classes of Recommender Systems 11 Recommender Systems Content-Based Filtering Collaborative Filtering User-Based Model-BasedMemory-Based Item-Based
  • 12. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems Classes of Recommender Systems 12 Recommender Systems Content-Based Filtering Collaborative Filtering User-Based Model-BasedMemory-Based Item-Based Item-Based k-NN, Slope One User-Based k-NN Co-Clustering, SVD, Neural Networks Information Retrieval Methods
  • 13. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems Classes of Recommender Systems 13 Recommender Systems Content-Based Filtering Collaborative Filtering User-Based Model-BasedMemory-Based Item-Based Item-Based k-NN, Slope One User-Based k-NN Co-Clustering, SVD, Neural Networks Information Retrieval Methods
  • 14. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems ● Recommend items by assuming that users who agreed in the past will agree in future ● Tracks and compare user activity ○ explicit: like/dislike, star ratings ○ implicit: viewing times, purchased items ● Examples: ➕ Works without needing any knowledge of items ➕ More variety in recommendations ➖ Cold start: need much data to get accurate ➖ Shilling attacks ● Recommend items having features similar to those of the items liked by the user in the past → extract features + use information retrieval ● Similarity of items is based on discrete features ○ text: word counts / tf-idf (see ○ movies: “comedy”, “horror”, … tags ○ songs: Music Genome Project attributes (e.g. “aggressive drummings”) ● Examples: ➕ Needs little info on user to start ➕ Leverages items info (e.g. genre) if available ➖ Proposes items too similar to those liked by user ➖ Requires to describe features for each item Content-Based VS Collaborative Filtering 1414 Content-Based Filtering Collaborative Filtering … obviously the two approaches can be combined (hybrid methods)
  • 15. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems Content-Based VS Collaborative Filtering Content-Based Filtering Collaborative Filtering 1515 similar features (taste, ingredients, …) liked by user 1 recommended to user 1 user 1 user 1 user 2 liked by user 1 liked by user 2 liked by user 2 recommended to user 1
  • 16. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems Classes of Recommender Systems 16 Recommender Systems Content-Based Filtering Collaborative Filtering User-Based Model-BasedMemory-Based Item-Based Item-Based k-NN, Slope One User-Based k-NN Co-Clustering, SVD Information Retrieval Methods
  • 17. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems ● Use given ratings as training set to fit a model that predicts users' rating of unrated items ● Typically uses ○ Embedding / dim. reduction / matrix factoriz. ○ Machine Learning models to train & predict ● Examples ○ Co-Clustering ○ SVD ➕ Scales well with sparse data ➕ ML models can capture more complex relations ➕ Fast prediction ➕ Usually better predictions than memory-based ➖ Learning/Training phase required ● Uses users’ ratings to compute the similarity between users or items ● Typically uses ○ Similarity (cosine dist., Pearson correlation) ○ Predict a weighted average of ratings ● Examples ○ k-Nearest Neighbors ○ Slope One ➕ Easy to implement ➕ Explainable results ➖ Scalability issues for sparse data ➖ Slow predictions (has to find similar items/users) Memory-Based VS Model-Based 1717 Memory-Based Model-Based
  • 18. Memory-Based 18 Recommender Systems Content-Based Filtering Collaborative Filtering User-Based Model-BasedMemory-Based Item-Based
  • 19. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems Classes of Recommender Systems 19 Recommender Systems Content-Based Filtering Collaborative Filtering User-Based Model-BasedMemory-Based Item-Based Item-Based k-NN, Slope One User-Based k-NN Co-Clustering, SVD Information Retrieval Methods
  • 20. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems User-Based VS Item-Based ● Memory-Based models predict the rating rui given user u to item i in different ways. ○ User-Based models looks at users v∊V that are similar to u. ■ rui prediction is based on ratings rvi given by similar users to same item ○ Item-Based models look at items j∊J that are similar to i. ■ rui prediction is a based on ratings ruj given by same user to similar item 20 ruj = 6.0 user u ruj = 8.0 ruj = 3.0 predict item i rui = 6.5 similar items similar users rvi = 5.0 user u rvi = 9.5 rvi = 8.5 predict item i rui = 8.0
  • 21. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems ● Simplest class of methods, based on looking at ratings of most similar (neighbors) users/items. ● First, we represent users and items by simply considering rows and cols of rating matrix: ○ user u is represented by the vector [ru1 , ru2 , ru3 , ...] ○ item i is represented by the vector [r1i , r2i , r3i , ...] ● Then, we compute similarity between vectors ○ sim(u, v) / sim(i, j) can be: cosine similarity, Pearson’s correlation, … ○ But our vectors have unknown entries! → considering only indexes where ratings are known: ● Finally, we pick a number of nearest neighbors k and we predict the rating rui as → The first formula corresponds to the user-based k-NN, the second to the item-based k-NN. k-Nearest Neighbors Method 21 sim([?, ?, 4, 5, ?, 2], [?, ?, ?, 3, 4, 1]) ⟶ sim([5, 2], [3, 1]) or(1) (2) Nk i (u) = k items most similar to i that are rated by user u
  • 22. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems ● Simple, yet powerful item-based method with good scalability and less prone to overfit. ● Idea: we could fit a linear model y = ax + b for any x = ruj and y = rui ■ For 1,000 items, that means 2 M coefficients to learn! ■ Prone to overfit ● So, instead we use simplified (slope-one) linear regression of the form y = x + b ■ More robust to overfit ■ Coefficients can be computed very easily, and we get: mu = avg rating of user u Ri (u)= items j rated by u also having at least one common user with i dev(i,j) = average items deviation = Uij = users having rated both i and j Slope One Method 22
  • 23. Model-Based 23 Recommender Systems Content-Based Filtering Collaborative Filtering User-Based Model-BasedMemory-Based Item-Based
  • 24. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems ● Cluster = subset of rows (columns) with similar behavior across the set of all columns (rows) ● Co-cluster = subset of rows + subset of cols, where rows have similar behavior across cols, and vice-versa ● We can then base our model on these clusters and predict ratings as Co-clustering Method 24 rating matrix rui item clustering user clustering rating matrix rui co-clustering rating matrix rui Cu = avg rating of cluster user u belongs to Ci = avg rating of cluster item i belongs to Cui = avg rating of cluster user u and item i belong to mu = avg rating of user u mi = avg rating of item i
  • 25. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems ● A popular set of methods is based on matrix factorization of the rating matrix X = {rui } ∊ Rn x m ○ Remark: A ∊ Rn x m has rank k ↔ Y = QT P for some Q ∊ Rk x n and P ∊ Rk x m ○ Remark: A ∊ Rn x m has SVD decomposition A = UΣVT and truncated SVD Ak = ∑i=1..k σi ui vi T ● In particular, recommender systems focus on these two different low-rank approximations: ○ SVD coincides with the solution to the problem (ǁxǁF = Frobenius norm) This result is known as Eckart-Young-Mirsky Theorem. ○ NMF (non-negative matrix factorization) is defined as the solution to the problem s.t. Q, P have all coefficients ≥ 0 ● Idea: factorize matrix {rui } (with SVD or NMF) , then predict rui as qi T pu … but {rui } has unknown entries! ○ We could fill {rui } with 0 when unknown entries → old approach, not really meaningful… ○ … or instead solve minimization problem only on known entries → much better! Matrix Factorization Methods 25
  • 26. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems SVD Method ● One of the most popular methods, equivalent to Probabilistic Matrix Factorization.. ● Idea: if we had a representation xu ∊ Rf for user u, then we solve a linear regression problem: ○ we try to learn representations qi for items and pu for users: ○ notice that if λ = 0 and if all ratings rui are in K (i.e. are known) this is exactly SVD decomposition! ● How to minimize this loss function? ○ GD (gradient descent) → scalability issues + loss is non convex! ○ ALS (alternating least squares) → 2-step iterative method, solves 2 convex problems: 1. fix pu , solve optimization problem for qi 2. fix qi , solve optimization problem for pu ● Much of the variation in ratings is due to effects, called biases, associated with users or items. So, most SVD-based methods modify the model to include item biases bi and user biases bu : 26 where m is the overall average rating.
  • 27. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems SVD Method for Implicit Feedback ● For implicit feedback rui (e.g. how many times u watched show i) is a measure of a confidence value ○ Define binary preferences bui = 1 if rui >0, and 0 otherwise ○ Define confidence variables as cui = 1 + α rui (typically α = 40) ● The problem is then formulated in terms of trying to predict preferences as ○ The minimization of the loss function can be efficiently done using ALS ● SVD methods presented here (both explicit and implicit) are very scalable ○ Spark ML uses these two methods to implement recommender systems 27
  • 29. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems Neural Net for Explicit Feedback ● Idea: start writing SVD Method as a Neural Net ● How can we improve this network? Learn a generic learnable function (with fully-connected layers) instead of simple dot-product ○ Include users metadata (age, sex, ...) and items metadata (cost, class, ...) as inputs to the network 29
  • 30. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems Triplet Loss and Siamese Networks 30 ● Idea: have a Neural Net learning how close a sample is to an anchor ○ Output of NN is a learned distance between anchor and sample: dNN (a, x) ○ Train using triplet loss and siamese network: ■ we want dNN (a, x+ ) > dNN (a, x– ) for a positive and a negative sample ■ equivalent to dNN (a, x+ ) - dNN (a, x– ) + α ≥ 0 ● Applications ○ Face Recognition: ○ Learn to Rate: say x is preferred by a over y if dNN (a, x) > dNN (a, y)
  • 31. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems Neural Net for Implicit Feedback 31 ● Idea: use siamese network to learn user’s preferences ○ Train with triplet loss: users prefer shows they watched over shows they have not watched (yet) ■ i+ (positive samples) = shows watched by u ■ i- (negative samples) = shows watched by u ○ Then, sort all unseen shows using the predicted distance user-item dNN (u, i)
  • 32. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems Neural Net with Hybrid Approach ● Finally, here is a more complex hybrid approach for YouTube recommendations. 32
  • 34. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems 1. Understand which kind of data you have ○ explicit feedback (users ratings) = easy to use, available in limited amount ○ implicit feedback (users activities) = difficult to use, available in greater quantity 2. Decide which approach works best in your case ○ content-based = good if you can extract features (e.g. tf-idf), ignores the other users ○ collaborative filtering = leverages from all users ratings, but cold start and shilling attacks 3. Choose the method considering several factors ○ scalability = working with 1,000 items or with 1 B items is not the same ○ easy to update = add users and items to the system does not require rebuild from scratch ○ cold start = new user or item, no interaction relative to them are available yet ○ accuracy = make relevant recommendations ○ interpretability = “why I am seeing this ad?” Take-Home Messages 34
  • 35. Francesco Casalegno – Recommender Systems ● Covington, Paul, Jay Adams, and Emre Sargin. "Deep neural networks for youtube recommendations." Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. ACM, 2016. [link] ● George, Thomas, and Srujana Merugu. "A scalable collaborative filtering framework based on co-clustering." Data Mining, Fifth IEEE international conference on. IEEE, 2005. [link] ● Grisel, Olivier, presentation at dotAI Conference, Paris, 2017 [link] ● Hu, Yifan, Yehuda Koren, and Chris Volinsky. "Collaborative filtering for implicit feedback datasets." Data Mining, 2008. ICDM'08. Eighth IEEE International Conference on. Ieee, 2008. [link] ● Hug, Nicolas. "Surprise, a Python library for recommender systems." (2017). [link] ● Ricci, F. Rokah, L. Sharpira, and B. Kantor. "Recommender Systems Handbook." (2010). ● Zhou, Yunhong, et al. "Large-scale parallel collaborative filtering for the netflix prize." International Conference on Algorithmic Applications in Management. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008. [link] References 35