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Thyroid Ophthalmopathy
Bipin Koirala
Master’s of Optometry & Vision Science
Himalaya Eye Institute
Sign and symptoms
Case report
Thyroid eye disease (TED) is an autoimmune disease
caused by the activation of orbital fibroblasts by
autoantibodies directed against thyroid receptors.
TED is a rare disease, which had an incidence rate of
approximately 19 in 100,000 people per year .
These changes have also been called as :
Endocrine Exophthalmos
Malignant Exophthalmos
Dysthyroid Ophthalmopathy
Ocular Graves’ Disease (OGD)
Thyroid Eye Disease (TED)
Incidence of Thyroid Eye Disease depending on thyroid
Primary hypothyroidism-1%
Hashimoto thyroiditis-3%
Euthyroid -6%
Thyroid gland
Location: Anterior neck beneath the larynx
Endocrine gland and highly vascular and supplied by
autonomic nervous system.
Has over a million follicles that secrete thyroglobulin, a
precursor of the thyroid hormones, On activation the
thyroglobulin is re-absorbed, converted into the
thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine
Negative feed back
The production of thyroid
hormones is regulated by
both the hypothalamus and
the pituitary gland.
Hyper Thyroid
Hyperthyroidism is a condition that results from an over-
secretion of thyroid hormones.
It is usually caused by an autoimmune disease known as
Graves’ disease,
Common causes :
Toxic adenomas,
Toxic nodular/ multinodular goiters
Thyroxine overdoses
Excess iodine dietary intake.
Hypo Thyroid
Hypothyroidism is due to an underactive thyroid gland and
results in a deficiency of thyroid hormones.
Thyroid hormones are essential for normal development
between birth and puberty and a deficiency causes
irreversible mental retardation.
Hypothyroidism can be caused by Hashimoto’s thyroidism,
Thyroid test chart
Hyperthyroidism vs Hypothyroidsm
TED being an autoimmune disease with orbital fibroblast as the
primary target inflammatory attack and the EOM are secondarily
Also the target antigen is shared b/w thyroid follicular cells and
orbital fibroblast
The activated T cells acts on fibroblast – adipocyte lineage with in
orbit and will stimulate adipogenesis, fibroblast proliferation and
GAG synthesis as a result of which EOM are enlarged due to
infiltration and odema
There is an increase in the volume of the orbital contents,
particularly the muscles, which can swell to eight times their
normal size.
There may be a secondary elevation of intraorbital pressure, and
the optic nerve may be compressed.
Later muscle fibres eventually leads to fibrosis, which exerts a
tethering effect on the involved muscle, resulting in restrictive
myopathy and diplopia
Common Risk Factors
Female (4-6 times) and middle aged
Smoking (no of cigarettes per day)
H/O auto immune thyroid disorder
HLA-DR3 and HLA-B8 positive
Genetic predispsition
Life style
Symptoms : Ocular
Dry eyes
Ocular redness and irritation
Reduced vision
Bulged eye
Eyelid odema
Pain and pressure around eye
Field loss
Clinical features (lid signs)
1. Upper lid retraction (Dalrymple’s Sign)
Seen in 90% cases
Gives frightened and staring looks
Clinical features (lid signs)
2. Lid lag ( Von Graefe’s sign)
Seen in 50 % cases
Upper lid lags behind during down gaze.
Clinical features (lid signs)
3. Fullness of lid (Enroth’s Sign)
Puffy odematous swelling
Clinical features (lid signs)
4. Difficulty in Lid Eversion (Gifford’s Sign)
 Due to odematous lid swelling
Clinical features (lid signs)
4. Infrequent / Incomplete blinking
(Stellwag’s Sign)
5. Presence of Glabellar furrow’s
Clinical Features (Lid Signs)
1. Rosenbach's Sign: Fine tremors of the eyelids when closed.
2. Boston’s Sign: Jerky irregular movement of upper lid on
downward gaze.
3. Kocher’s Sign: Increased lid retraction with visual fixation
4. Abadie Sign: Spasm of the levator palpebrae superioris
muscle with retraction of the upper lid.
5. Riesman's sign: Bruit heard over the closed eye with a
Clinical features (Conjunctiva)
Chemosis and Deep Injection of Conjunctiva
(Goldzeiher’s Sign)
Clinical features (Pupil)
In equality of dilation of pupil
Other Pupillary Signs:
1. Cowen’s Sign: Jerky pupillary constriction to
2. Lowy’s Sign: Mydriasis with instillation of lower
concentration of adrenaline.
3. Knies’s sign: Unequal dilatation of pupil in dim
Clinical features (EOM)
1. Möbius Sign: Inability to converge.
2. Ballet Sign: Restriction of one or more
extraocular muscles. (40 %)
3. Jendrassik's Sign: Limitation of abduction and
rotation of eyeballs.
4. Suker’s Sign: Poor fixation on abduction.
Clinical features (EOM)
Question 1:
What is the most commonly and initially
affected EOM??
Inferior Rectus (Elevation defect is seen)
Medial Rectus ( Defective abduction)
Clinical features (Facial)
1. Joffroy Sign: Absent creases in the forehead on
superior gaze.
2. Jellinek's Sign: Hyperpigmentation of the superior
eye folds.
3. Hertoge’s Sign: Loss of the lateral third of eyebrows
4. Sainton’s sign: Delayed forehead wrinkling on up
Which sign is shown in clinical photo?
Answer: Joffroy Sign
Common Sign
Seen in 60 % cases
Bilateral (can be unequal)
Self limiting
Decreased orbital
Common Sign
Seen in 60 % cases
Bilateral (can be unequal)
Self limiting
Decreased orbital
Exposure Keratopathy and Discomfort
Gritty sensation/ lacrimation
Corneal exposure a/w Lagopthamos, Proptosis, Reduced blink
Optic Neuropathy
Seen in 60 % cases
Mainly caused due to compression of Optic nerve by enlarged
EOM orbital contents esp at Orbital apex
A/w vision loss, RAPD, Defective color vision, slow progressing
optic atrophy
Rare Associations
Strabismus due to muscle fibrosis
Raised IOP in up gaze
Increased Episcleral Venous pressure
Increased Mucopolysaccharide deposit with in Aq. Outflow
Differential Diagnosis
Orbital or Preseptal cellulitis
Carotid-cavernous fistula
Idiopathic orbital inflammation (Pseudotumour)
TED must be ruled out in all cases of B/L proptosis
Disease Course and Phases
The pattern of the disease follow the Rundle’s curve which
describe the plot of orbital disease severity against time
1.Initial phase- inflammatory phase duration may last from 6 –
18 months with orbital and periorbital signs i.e. proptosis and
2.Static phase- decrease in the inflammatory phase and
minimal improvement.
3.Quiescent phase- gradual improvement with improved
motility and retraction of the muscles
Disease Course (Rundle’s Curve)
Classification (NOSPECS) by ATA
ATA has classified Graves’ ophthalmopathy, irrespective of the
hormonal status into following classes
Classification (CAS) score
Classification (EUGOGO)
Laboratory test
Thyroid hormone levels (T3, T4, TSH)
Anti thyroid antibodies.
Investigations (IMAGING)
To visualize the orbital structures and determining recti muscle
low cost, lack of ionizing radiation and relatively short
examination time
Detects proptosis, muscle thickness, thickening of optic nerve
and anterior prolapse of the orbital septum (due to excessive
orbital fat and/or muscle swelling), erosion of wall of orbit,
Investigations (IMAGING)
What is Coca Cola bottle sign??
Investigations (positional Tonometry)
Tonometry in primary gaze and upgaze is performed
An increase in intra-ocular pressure in upgaze helps in
diagnosis of subclinical cases.
Basic Investigations
1. Corrected visual acuity and Refraction
2. Color vision testing
3. Examination for an afferent pupillary defect
4. Extraocular muscle motility examination
5. Measurement of the lid fissure height in primary
Basic Investigations
1. Measurement of upper and lower scleral show,
2. Exophthalmometry to detect proptosis
3. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy to assess the tear film and
fluorescein pattern
4. Fundus examination to detect optic disc swelling or
Treatment can be classified into that of
1. Mild disease (most patients),
2. Moderate to severe active disease,
3. Post inflammatory complications.
4. The first measure taken in all cases should be the
cessation of smoking.
5. Thyroid dysfunction should also be managed
Treatment (Mild disease)
1. Topical artificial tear drops in the day time and
ointment at bed time are useful for relief of ocular
surface drying
2. Head elevation with three pillows during sleep to
reduce periorbital oedema.
3. Eyelid taping during sleep may alleviate mild
exposure keratopathy.
4. Oral NSAIDs may be used for periocular pain.
Treatment (Optometry point of view)
1. For diplopia, Fresnel prisms or occlusion therapy
may be considered.
2. Prism for restricted ocular motility
3. Base in prism for reduced convergence
4. Others are lifestyle modifications e.g. sodium
restriction to reduce water retention and tissue
Treatment (Moderate to Severe disease)
1. Guanethidine 5% eyedrops may decrease the lid
retraction caused by overaction of Muller’s muscle.
2. Systemic steroids may be indicated in acutely
inflamed orbit with rapidly progressive chemosis
and proptosis with or without optic neuropathy
3. Radiotherapy (2000 rads given over 10 days period).
It may help in reducing orbital oedema in patients
where steroids are contraindicated
Treatment (Moderate to Severe disease)
5. Lateral tarsorrhaphy
Performed in patients with exposure keratopathy (with
mild to moderate proptosis) not responding to topical
artificial tears
6. Extraocular muscle surgery.
It should be carried out for left-out diplopia in primary
gaze, after the congestive phase of disease is over and
the angle of deviation is constant for the last 6
Treatment (Post complications)
7. Orbital wall decompression
It involves the orbital floor, medial wall, and lateral
wall. In rare cases the roof of the orbit may also be
decompressed surgically.
• Age: 33 years Sex: Female
• Occupation: House wife
• Mode Of Presentation :
Regular eye checkup
• Grittiness, watering and burning Sensation
• Symoptomatic during windy days
• No h/o of eyeball pain
• No h/o of photophobia
• No h/o of diplopia or polyopia and shadowing of
objects (ghost image)
• No h/o of itching of eye(s)
• H/O using glasses since 1 year with
OD: -0.50 Dsph with 6/6̊
OS: - 0.50 Dsph with 6/6̊
• No other h/o of past ocular diseases and surgery
• Using tear substitute for past 1 yr
• No h/o of Diabetes Mellitus / Hypertension
• H/0 hypothyroidism +
• No h/o of surgical intervention for any disease
• No h/o of any other systemic illness in past
• h/o of use of systemic medication for hypothyroidism for 6 months
• Tab. Thyronorm 25 mcg - OD
• Non vegetarian by diet
• Does not consume alcohol and smoke
• House wife by proffesion
• No any systemic and ocular diseases in other family
• No family members being syndromic or with inherited
60 65
33 25
General Physical Examination
• Average built, well nourished
• Weight – 54kg Height – 1.5m BMI - (21.10kg/m2)
• Blood Pressure = 120/80 mmHg (Left arm, sitting position)
• Pulse = 82 beats per min, regular.
• Respiration rate= 18/min, regular
• Temperature: 98.6⁰F
General Examination
• No pallor, icterus, clubbing, cyanosis, lymphadenopathy or
edema. 63
On the day of presentation:
6/9 p UNAIDED 6/9 p
6/6 AIDED 6/6
6/6 PH 6/6
Normal Head Posture Normal
Normal Forehead &
+ +
+ +
Puffy L. lids/Normal
Clear/Poor tear film
Eyelids / Lashes
Cornea/Tear flim
Puffy L. lids/ Normal
Clear/ Poor tear film
(No congestion,
chemosis, papillary
reaction or follicles)
Conjunctiva Normal
(No congestion, chemosis,
papillary reaction or
Normal Episclera
Normal in color and
(Direct & consensual)
Normal in color and
(Direct & consensual)
Normal Depth
Normal Depth
Clear Lens Clear
Clear Vitreous Clear
Round, Pink with
sharp margin
Optic Disc Round, Pink with
sharp margin
0.2:1 Cup: Disc Ratio 0.2:1
Healthy with GFR Macula Healthy
A:V=2:3 Vessels A:V=2:3
10mm wet in 5
Schirmer tear
test I
10mm wet in 5
5 sec spot noted Invasive TBUT 5 sec spot noted
Normal (> 2/3 rd
cornea hidden)
Bells phenomenon Normal (> 2/3 rd
cornea hidden)
18 Hertels (97) 18
No lid lag/ no
Lid lag/
No lid lag/ no
4.6 pmol/L T3 4.8 pmol/L
17.4 pmol/L T4 17 pmol/L
8 mU/L TSH 4.0 mU/L
Provisional Diagnosis
• No thyroid ophthalmopathy at present
• Dry eyes
Treatment/ Suggestions
• Gtt. Optive – OU- 1dp – 4hrly- 4 weeks
• FOLLOW UP 6 months with TFT monitor
• Kanski’s clinical ophthalmology
• AK khurana ophthalmology
• Eye wiki AAO article
• Any queries???

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  • 1. Thyroid Ophthalmopathy Bipin Koirala Master’s of Optometry & Vision Science Himalaya Eye Institute
  • 3. Definition Thyroid eye disease (TED) is an autoimmune disease caused by the activation of orbital fibroblasts by autoantibodies directed against thyroid receptors. TED is a rare disease, which had an incidence rate of approximately 19 in 100,000 people per year .
  • 4. Introduction These changes have also been called as : Endocrine Exophthalmos Malignant Exophthalmos Dysthyroid Ophthalmopathy Ocular Graves’ Disease (OGD) Thyroid Eye Disease (TED)
  • 5. Introduction Incidence of Thyroid Eye Disease depending on thyroid disorder Hyperthyroidism-90% Primary hypothyroidism-1% Hashimoto thyroiditis-3% Euthyroid -6%
  • 6. Thyroid gland Location: Anterior neck beneath the larynx Endocrine gland and highly vascular and supplied by autonomic nervous system. Has over a million follicles that secrete thyroglobulin, a precursor of the thyroid hormones, On activation the thyroglobulin is re-absorbed, converted into the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4),
  • 7. Thyroid Negative feed back mechanism The production of thyroid hormones is regulated by both the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland.
  • 8. Hyper Thyroid Hyperthyroidism is a condition that results from an over- secretion of thyroid hormones. It is usually caused by an autoimmune disease known as Graves’ disease, Common causes : Thyroiditis Toxic adenomas, Toxic nodular/ multinodular goiters Thyroxine overdoses Excess iodine dietary intake.
  • 9. Hypo Thyroid Hypothyroidism is due to an underactive thyroid gland and results in a deficiency of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones are essential for normal development between birth and puberty and a deficiency causes irreversible mental retardation. Hypothyroidism can be caused by Hashimoto’s thyroidism,
  • 12. Pathophysiology TED being an autoimmune disease with orbital fibroblast as the primary target inflammatory attack and the EOM are secondarily involved Also the target antigen is shared b/w thyroid follicular cells and orbital fibroblast The activated T cells acts on fibroblast – adipocyte lineage with in orbit and will stimulate adipogenesis, fibroblast proliferation and GAG synthesis as a result of which EOM are enlarged due to infiltration and odema
  • 13. Pathophysiology There is an increase in the volume of the orbital contents, particularly the muscles, which can swell to eight times their normal size. There may be a secondary elevation of intraorbital pressure, and the optic nerve may be compressed. Later muscle fibres eventually leads to fibrosis, which exerts a tethering effect on the involved muscle, resulting in restrictive myopathy and diplopia
  • 15. Common Risk Factors Female (4-6 times) and middle aged Smoking (no of cigarettes per day) H/O auto immune thyroid disorder HLA-DR3 and HLA-B8 positive Genetic predispsition Life style
  • 16. Symptoms : Ocular Dry eyes Ocular redness and irritation Reduced vision Bulged eye Diplopia Eyelid odema Pain and pressure around eye Field loss Dyschromatopsia
  • 17. Clinical features (lid signs) 1. Upper lid retraction (Dalrymple’s Sign) Seen in 90% cases Gives frightened and staring looks
  • 18. Clinical features (lid signs) G 2. Lid lag ( Von Graefe’s sign) Seen in 50 % cases Upper lid lags behind during down gaze.
  • 19. Clinical features (lid signs) 3. Fullness of lid (Enroth’s Sign) Puffy odematous swelling
  • 20. Clinical features (lid signs) 4. Difficulty in Lid Eversion (Gifford’s Sign)  Due to odematous lid swelling
  • 21. Clinical features (lid signs) 4. Infrequent / Incomplete blinking (Stellwag’s Sign) 5. Presence of Glabellar furrow’s
  • 22. Clinical Features (Lid Signs) 1. Rosenbach's Sign: Fine tremors of the eyelids when closed. 2. Boston’s Sign: Jerky irregular movement of upper lid on downward gaze. 3. Kocher’s Sign: Increased lid retraction with visual fixation 4. Abadie Sign: Spasm of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle with retraction of the upper lid. 5. Riesman's sign: Bruit heard over the closed eye with a stethoscope.
  • 23. Clinical features (Conjunctiva) Chemosis and Deep Injection of Conjunctiva (Goldzeiher’s Sign)
  • 24. Clinical features (Pupil) In equality of dilation of pupil Other Pupillary Signs: 1. Cowen’s Sign: Jerky pupillary constriction to light. 2. Lowy’s Sign: Mydriasis with instillation of lower concentration of adrenaline. 3. Knies’s sign: Unequal dilatation of pupil in dim light.
  • 25. Clinical features (EOM) 1. Möbius Sign: Inability to converge. 2. Ballet Sign: Restriction of one or more extraocular muscles. (40 %) 3. Jendrassik's Sign: Limitation of abduction and rotation of eyeballs. 4. Suker’s Sign: Poor fixation on abduction.
  • 26. Clinical features (EOM) Question 1: What is the most commonly and initially affected EOM?? Answer: Inferior Rectus (Elevation defect is seen) Medial Rectus ( Defective abduction) @ IMSL
  • 27. Clinical features (Facial) 1. Joffroy Sign: Absent creases in the forehead on superior gaze. 2. Jellinek's Sign: Hyperpigmentation of the superior eye folds. 3. Hertoge’s Sign: Loss of the lateral third of eyebrows 4. Sainton’s sign: Delayed forehead wrinkling on up gaze.
  • 28. Which sign is shown in clinical photo? Answer: Joffroy Sign
  • 29. Exophthalmos Common Sign Seen in 60 % cases Bilateral (can be unequal) Self limiting Decreased orbital retropulsion
  • 30. Exophthalmos Common Sign Seen in 60 % cases Bilateral (can be unequal) Self limiting Decreased orbital retropulsion
  • 31. Exposure Keratopathy and Discomfort Gritty sensation/ lacrimation Photophobia Corneal exposure a/w Lagopthamos, Proptosis, Reduced blink
  • 32. Optic Neuropathy Seen in 60 % cases Mainly caused due to compression of Optic nerve by enlarged EOM orbital contents esp at Orbital apex A/w vision loss, RAPD, Defective color vision, slow progressing optic atrophy
  • 33. Rare Associations Strabismus due to muscle fibrosis Glaucoma Raised IOP in up gaze Increased Episcleral Venous pressure Increased Mucopolysaccharide deposit with in Aq. Outflow system
  • 34. Differential Diagnosis Orbital or Preseptal cellulitis Carotid-cavernous fistula Idiopathic orbital inflammation (Pseudotumour) TED must be ruled out in all cases of B/L proptosis
  • 35. Disease Course and Phases The pattern of the disease follow the Rundle’s curve which describe the plot of orbital disease severity against time 1.Initial phase- inflammatory phase duration may last from 6 – 18 months with orbital and periorbital signs i.e. proptosis and retraction. 2.Static phase- decrease in the inflammatory phase and minimal improvement. 3.Quiescent phase- gradual improvement with improved motility and retraction of the muscles
  • 37. Classification (NOSPECS) by ATA ATA has classified Graves’ ophthalmopathy, irrespective of the hormonal status into following classes
  • 40. Investigations Laboratory test Thyroid hormone levels (T3, T4, TSH) Anti thyroid antibodies.
  • 41. Investigations (IMAGING) USG (B SCAN) To visualize the orbital structures and determining recti muscle enlargement. low cost, lack of ionizing radiation and relatively short examination time CT/MRI Detects proptosis, muscle thickness, thickening of optic nerve and anterior prolapse of the orbital septum (due to excessive orbital fat and/or muscle swelling), erosion of wall of orbit,
  • 43. What is Coca Cola bottle sign??
  • 44. Investigations (positional Tonometry) Tonometry in primary gaze and upgaze is performed An increase in intra-ocular pressure in upgaze helps in diagnosis of subclinical cases.
  • 45. Basic Investigations 1. Corrected visual acuity and Refraction 2. Color vision testing 3. Examination for an afferent pupillary defect 4. Extraocular muscle motility examination 5. Measurement of the lid fissure height in primary gaze
  • 46. Basic Investigations 1. Measurement of upper and lower scleral show, 2. Exophthalmometry to detect proptosis 3. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy to assess the tear film and fluorescein pattern 4. Fundus examination to detect optic disc swelling or pallor.
  • 47. Treatment Treatment can be classified into that of 1. Mild disease (most patients), 2. Moderate to severe active disease, 3. Post inflammatory complications. 4. The first measure taken in all cases should be the cessation of smoking. 5. Thyroid dysfunction should also be managed adequately
  • 48. Treatment (Mild disease) 1. Topical artificial tear drops in the day time and ointment at bed time are useful for relief of ocular surface drying 2. Head elevation with three pillows during sleep to reduce periorbital oedema. 3. Eyelid taping during sleep may alleviate mild exposure keratopathy. 4. Oral NSAIDs may be used for periocular pain.
  • 49. Treatment (Optometry point of view) 1. For diplopia, Fresnel prisms or occlusion therapy may be considered. 2. Prism for restricted ocular motility 3. Base in prism for reduced convergence 4. Others are lifestyle modifications e.g. sodium restriction to reduce water retention and tissue edema
  • 50. Treatment (Moderate to Severe disease) 1. Guanethidine 5% eyedrops may decrease the lid retraction caused by overaction of Muller’s muscle. 2. Systemic steroids may be indicated in acutely inflamed orbit with rapidly progressive chemosis and proptosis with or without optic neuropathy 3. Radiotherapy (2000 rads given over 10 days period). It may help in reducing orbital oedema in patients where steroids are contraindicated
  • 51. Treatment (Moderate to Severe disease) 5. Lateral tarsorrhaphy Performed in patients with exposure keratopathy (with mild to moderate proptosis) not responding to topical artificial tears 6. Extraocular muscle surgery. It should be carried out for left-out diplopia in primary gaze, after the congestive phase of disease is over and the angle of deviation is constant for the last 6 months.
  • 52. Treatment (Post complications) 7. Orbital wall decompression It involves the orbital floor, medial wall, and lateral wall. In rare cases the roof of the orbit may also be decompressed surgically.
  • 53. PATIENT’S DETAIL • Name: SHANTI SHARMA • Age: 33 years Sex: Female • Occupation: House wife • Mode Of Presentation : Regular eye checkup 56
  • 54. HISTORY CHIEF COMPLAINT(S): • Grittiness, watering and burning Sensation • Symoptomatic during windy days 57
  • 55. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS • No h/o of eyeball pain • No h/o of photophobia • No h/o of diplopia or polyopia and shadowing of objects (ghost image) • No h/o of itching of eye(s) 58
  • 56. PAST- OCULAR HISTORY • H/O using glasses since 1 year with Rx OD: -0.50 Dsph with 6/6̊ OS: - 0.50 Dsph with 6/6̊ • No other h/o of past ocular diseases and surgery • Using tear substitute for past 1 yr 59
  • 57. PAST- SYSTEMIC HISTORY • No h/o of Diabetes Mellitus / Hypertension • H/0 hypothyroidism + • No h/o of surgical intervention for any disease • No h/o of any other systemic illness in past • h/o of use of systemic medication for hypothyroidism for 6 months • Tab. Thyronorm 25 mcg - OD 60
  • 58. PERSONAL HISTORY • Non vegetarian by diet • Does not consume alcohol and smoke • House wife by proffesion 61
  • 59. FAMILY HISTORY • No any systemic and ocular diseases in other family members • No family members being syndromic or with inherited abnormalities 60 65 33 25 62
  • 60. General Physical Examination • Average built, well nourished • Weight – 54kg Height – 1.5m BMI - (21.10kg/m2) Vitals • Blood Pressure = 120/80 mmHg (Left arm, sitting position) • Pulse = 82 beats per min, regular. • Respiration rate= 18/min, regular • Temperature: 98.6⁰F General Examination • No pallor, icterus, clubbing, cyanosis, lymphadenopathy or edema. 63
  • 61. OCULAR EXAMINATION On the day of presentation: RE VISUAL ACUITY LE 6/9 p UNAIDED 6/9 p 6/6 AIDED 6/6 6/6 PH 6/6 64
  • 62. OCULAR EXAMINATION Normal Head Posture Normal Normal Forehead & Eyebrows Normal EOM + + + + + + + + + + + + 65
  • 63. OCULAR EXAMINATION Puffy L. lids/Normal Clear/Poor tear film Eyelids / Lashes Cornea/Tear flim Puffy L. lids/ Normal Clear/ Poor tear film RIGHT EYE LEFT EYE 66
  • 65. Normal (No congestion, chemosis, papillary reaction or follicles) Conjunctiva Normal (No congestion, chemosis, papillary reaction or follicles) Normal Episclera & Sclera Normal RIGHT EYE LEFT EYE 68
  • 66. Normal in color and pattern Round/Regular/Reactive (~3.0mm) (Direct & consensual) Iris Pupil Normal in color and pattern Round/Regular/Reactive (~3.0mm) (Direct & consensual) RIGHT EYE LEFT EYE 69
  • 67. Normal Depth Quiet ANTERIOR CHAMBER Normal Depth Quiet Clear Lens Clear Clear Vitreous Clear RIGHT EYE LEFT EYE 70
  • 68. Round, Pink with sharp margin Optic Disc Round, Pink with sharp margin 0.2:1 Cup: Disc Ratio 0.2:1 Healthy with GFR Macula Healthy A:V=2:3 Vessels A:V=2:3 RIGHT EYE LEFT EYE 71
  • 69. EXAMINATIONS 10mm wet in 5 minutes Schirmer tear test I 10mm wet in 5 minutes 5 sec spot noted Invasive TBUT 5 sec spot noted Normal (> 2/3 rd cornea hidden) Bells phenomenon Normal (> 2/3 rd cornea hidden) 18 Hertels (97) 18 No lid lag/ no lagophthalmos Lid lag/ lagopthalmos No lid lag/ no lagophthalmos RIGHT EYE LEFT EYE
  • 70.
  • 71. TFT EXAMINATIONS 4.6 pmol/L T3 4.8 pmol/L 17.4 pmol/L T4 17 pmol/L 8 mU/L TSH 4.0 mU/L BEFORE (6 MONTHS AGO) AFTER (PRESENT)
  • 72. Provisional Diagnosis • No thyroid ophthalmopathy at present • Dry eyes Treatment/ Suggestions • Gtt. Optive – OU- 1dp – 4hrly- 4 weeks • FOLLOW UP 6 months with TFT monitor
  • 73. References • Kanski’s clinical ophthalmology • AK khurana ophthalmology • Eye wiki AAO article • Any queries???

Editor's Notes

  1. The most common cause of unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid retraction is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, or thyroid eye disease. Early in Graves’ disease, eyelid malposition may result from increased sympathetic activity. With time, the levator palpebrae superioris and Müller’s muscle become hypertrophic, fibrotic, and adherent to orbital tissues. Patients with thyroid eye disease often have associated globe proptosis and lid lag along with eyelid retraction. Lower lid retraction is usually not seen in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy without concomitant retraction of the upper lids. Upper eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease often has temporal flare, when retraction is more pronounced at the lateral aspect of the eyelid.
  2. The most common cause of unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid retraction is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, or thyroid eye disease. Early in Graves’ disease, eyelid malposition may result from increased sympathetic activity. With time, the levator palpebrae superioris and Müller’s muscle become hypertrophic, fibrotic, and adherent to orbital tissues. Patients with thyroid eye disease often have associated globe proptosis and lid lag along with eyelid retraction. Lower lid retraction is usually not seen in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy without concomitant retraction of the upper lids. Upper eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease often has temporal flare, when retraction is more pronounced at the lateral aspect of the eyelid.
  3. The most common cause of unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid retraction is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, or thyroid eye disease. Early in Graves’ disease, eyelid malposition may result from increased sympathetic activity. With time, the levator palpebrae superioris and Müller’s muscle become hypertrophic, fibrotic, and adherent to orbital tissues. Patients with thyroid eye disease often have associated globe proptosis and lid lag along with eyelid retraction. Lower lid retraction is usually not seen in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy without concomitant retraction of the upper lids. Upper eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease often has temporal flare, when retraction is more pronounced at the lateral aspect of the eyelid.
  4. The most common cause of unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid retraction is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, or thyroid eye disease. Early in Graves’ disease, eyelid malposition may result from increased sympathetic activity. With time, the levator palpebrae superioris and Müller’s muscle become hypertrophic, fibrotic, and adherent to orbital tissues. Patients with thyroid eye disease often have associated globe proptosis and lid lag along with eyelid retraction. Lower lid retraction is usually not seen in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy without concomitant retraction of the upper lids. Upper eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease often has temporal flare, when retraction is more pronounced at the lateral aspect of the eyelid.
  5. The most common cause of unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid retraction is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, or thyroid eye disease. Early in Graves’ disease, eyelid malposition may result from increased sympathetic activity. With time, the levator palpebrae superioris and Müller’s muscle become hypertrophic, fibrotic, and adherent to orbital tissues. Patients with thyroid eye disease often have associated globe proptosis and lid lag along with eyelid retraction. Lower lid retraction is usually not seen in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy without concomitant retraction of the upper lids. Upper eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease often has temporal flare, when retraction is more pronounced at the lateral aspect of the eyelid.
  6. The most common cause of unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid retraction is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, or thyroid eye disease. Early in Graves’ disease, eyelid malposition may result from increased sympathetic activity. With time, the levator palpebrae superioris and Müller’s muscle become hypertrophic, fibrotic, and adherent to orbital tissues. Patients with thyroid eye disease often have associated globe proptosis and lid lag along with eyelid retraction. Lower lid retraction is usually not seen in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy without concomitant retraction of the upper lids. Upper eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease often has temporal flare, when retraction is more pronounced at the lateral aspect of the eyelid.
  7. The most common cause of unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid retraction is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, or thyroid eye disease. Early in Graves’ disease, eyelid malposition may result from increased sympathetic activity. With time, the levator palpebrae superioris and Müller’s muscle become hypertrophic, fibrotic, and adherent to orbital tissues. Patients with thyroid eye disease often have associated globe proptosis and lid lag along with eyelid retraction. Lower lid retraction is usually not seen in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy without concomitant retraction of the upper lids. Upper eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease often has temporal flare, when retraction is more pronounced at the lateral aspect of the eyelid.
  8. The most common cause of unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid retraction is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, or thyroid eye disease. Early in Graves’ disease, eyelid malposition may result from increased sympathetic activity. With time, the levator palpebrae superioris and Müller’s muscle become hypertrophic, fibrotic, and adherent to orbital tissues. Patients with thyroid eye disease often have associated globe proptosis and lid lag along with eyelid retraction. Lower lid retraction is usually not seen in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy without concomitant retraction of the upper lids. Upper eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease often has temporal flare, when retraction is more pronounced at the lateral aspect of the eyelid.
  9. The most common cause of unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid retraction is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, or thyroid eye disease. Early in Graves’ disease, eyelid malposition may result from increased sympathetic activity. With time, the levator palpebrae superioris and Müller’s muscle become hypertrophic, fibrotic, and adherent to orbital tissues. Patients with thyroid eye disease often have associated globe proptosis and lid lag along with eyelid retraction. Lower lid retraction is usually not seen in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy without concomitant retraction of the upper lids. Upper eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease often has temporal flare, when retraction is more pronounced at the lateral aspect of the eyelid.
  10. The most common cause of unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid retraction is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, or thyroid eye disease. Early in Graves’ disease, eyelid malposition may result from increased sympathetic activity. With time, the levator palpebrae superioris and Müller’s muscle become hypertrophic, fibrotic, and adherent to orbital tissues. Patients with thyroid eye disease often have associated globe proptosis and lid lag along with eyelid retraction. Lower lid retraction is usually not seen in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy without concomitant retraction of the upper lids. Upper eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease often has temporal flare, when retraction is more pronounced at the lateral aspect of the eyelid.
  11. The most common cause of unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid retraction is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, or thyroid eye disease. Early in Graves’ disease, eyelid malposition may result from increased sympathetic activity. With time, the levator palpebrae superioris and Müller’s muscle become hypertrophic, fibrotic, and adherent to orbital tissues. Patients with thyroid eye disease often have associated globe proptosis and lid lag along with eyelid retraction. Lower lid retraction is usually not seen in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy without concomitant retraction of the upper lids. Upper eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease often has temporal flare, when retraction is more pronounced at the lateral aspect of the eyelid.
  12. The most common cause of unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid retraction is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, or thyroid eye disease. Early in Graves’ disease, eyelid malposition may result from increased sympathetic activity. With time, the levator palpebrae superioris and Müller’s muscle become hypertrophic, fibrotic, and adherent to orbital tissues. Patients with thyroid eye disease often have associated globe proptosis and lid lag along with eyelid retraction. Lower lid retraction is usually not seen in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy without concomitant retraction of the upper lids. Upper eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease often has temporal flare, when retraction is more pronounced at the lateral aspect of the eyelid.
  13. The most common cause of unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid retraction is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, or thyroid eye disease. Early in Graves’ disease, eyelid malposition may result from increased sympathetic activity. With time, the levator palpebrae superioris and Müller’s muscle become hypertrophic, fibrotic, and adherent to orbital tissues. Patients with thyroid eye disease often have associated globe proptosis and lid lag along with eyelid retraction. Lower lid retraction is usually not seen in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy without concomitant retraction of the upper lids. Upper eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease often has temporal flare, when retraction is more pronounced at the lateral aspect of the eyelid.
  14. The most common cause of unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid retraction is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, or thyroid eye disease. Early in Graves’ disease, eyelid malposition may result from increased sympathetic activity. With time, the levator palpebrae superioris and Müller’s muscle become hypertrophic, fibrotic, and adherent to orbital tissues. Patients with thyroid eye disease often have associated globe proptosis and lid lag along with eyelid retraction. Lower lid retraction is usually not seen in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy without concomitant retraction of the upper lids. Upper eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease often has temporal flare, when retraction is more pronounced at the lateral aspect of the eyelid.
  15. The most common cause of unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid retraction is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, or thyroid eye disease. Early in Graves’ disease, eyelid malposition may result from increased sympathetic activity. With time, the levator palpebrae superioris and Müller’s muscle become hypertrophic, fibrotic, and adherent to orbital tissues. Patients with thyroid eye disease often have associated globe proptosis and lid lag along with eyelid retraction. Lower lid retraction is usually not seen in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy without concomitant retraction of the upper lids. Upper eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease often has temporal flare, when retraction is more pronounced at the lateral aspect of the eyelid.
  16. The most common cause of unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid retraction is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, or thyroid eye disease. Early in Graves’ disease, eyelid malposition may result from increased sympathetic activity. With time, the levator palpebrae superioris and Müller’s muscle become hypertrophic, fibrotic, and adherent to orbital tissues. Patients with thyroid eye disease often have associated globe proptosis and lid lag along with eyelid retraction. Lower lid retraction is usually not seen in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy without concomitant retraction of the upper lids. Upper eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease often has temporal flare, when retraction is more pronounced at the lateral aspect of the eyelid.
  17. The most common cause of unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid retraction is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, or thyroid eye disease. Early in Graves’ disease, eyelid malposition may result from increased sympathetic activity. With time, the levator palpebrae superioris and Müller’s muscle become hypertrophic, fibrotic, and adherent to orbital tissues. Patients with thyroid eye disease often have associated globe proptosis and lid lag along with eyelid retraction. Lower lid retraction is usually not seen in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy without concomitant retraction of the upper lids. Upper eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease often has temporal flare, when retraction is more pronounced at the lateral aspect of the eyelid.
  18. The most common cause of unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid retraction is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, or thyroid eye disease. Early in Graves’ disease, eyelid malposition may result from increased sympathetic activity. With time, the levator palpebrae superioris and Müller’s muscle become hypertrophic, fibrotic, and adherent to orbital tissues. Patients with thyroid eye disease often have associated globe proptosis and lid lag along with eyelid retraction. Lower lid retraction is usually not seen in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy without concomitant retraction of the upper lids. Upper eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease often has temporal flare, when retraction is more pronounced at the lateral aspect of the eyelid.
  19. The most common cause of unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid retraction is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, or thyroid eye disease. Early in Graves’ disease, eyelid malposition may result from increased sympathetic activity. With time, the levator palpebrae superioris and Müller’s muscle become hypertrophic, fibrotic, and adherent to orbital tissues. Patients with thyroid eye disease often have associated globe proptosis and lid lag along with eyelid retraction. Lower lid retraction is usually not seen in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy without concomitant retraction of the upper lids. Upper eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease often has temporal flare, when retraction is more pronounced at the lateral aspect of the eyelid.
  20. The most common cause of unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid retraction is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, or thyroid eye disease. Early in Graves’ disease, eyelid malposition may result from increased sympathetic activity. With time, the levator palpebrae superioris and Müller’s muscle become hypertrophic, fibrotic, and adherent to orbital tissues. Patients with thyroid eye disease often have associated globe proptosis and lid lag along with eyelid retraction. Lower lid retraction is usually not seen in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy without concomitant retraction of the upper lids. Upper eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease often has temporal flare, when retraction is more pronounced at the lateral aspect of the eyelid.