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Islam Ghanem
MSC Cardiology
Clinical Features
Pulmonary embolism in pregnancy
Home Message
Pulmonary Embolus is a fragment of the
thrombus that breaks off and travels in
the blood until it lodges at the pulmonary vasculature.
Exogenous or endogenous material (usually a venous
thrombus) travelling to lungs (via the venous
 Acute PE is a relatively common cardiovascular
 High mortality rate if left untreated
 Clinical presentation is highly variable and non-
 Diagnosis requires appropriate and accurate
 Prompt diagnosis and treatment can reduce
mortality from 30% to 2-8%
 Highest incidence in hospitalized patients
 Autopsy reports suggest it is commonly “missed”
 A Common disorder and potentially deadly
 The incidence of PE in USA is 500,000 per year
 50,000 individuals die from PE each year in USA
 90-95% of pulmonary emboli originate in the
deep venous system of the lower extremities
 Other rare locations include
 Uterine and prostatic veins
 Upper extremities
 Renal veins
 Right side of the heart
Rudolph Virchow, 1858
 Triad:
 Hypercoagulability
 Stasis to flow
 Vessel injury
Rudolf Virchow postulated more than a
century ago that a triad of factors
predisposed to venous thrombosis
Know something about a great scientist who gave
us a lot in VTE-------Rudolph Virchow
 Born in Pomerania 1821
 graduated in medicine 1843
 presented work on thrombosis 1845 but could
not get it published
 founded own journal
This is the first page of the
original manuscript, which
consists of this narrative
introduction entitled
“Wichtigste Arbeiten”
followed by the
chronological outline.
Ackerknecht in his
biography of Virchow called
the manuscript a curriculum
vitae. The form of the
manuscript however is more
akin to a simple
autobiographical piece of
work. Virchow used one
single sheet of 81/2” by 11”
paper that was folded in half
with the “Most Important
 Appointed Professor of Pathology in
 Described leukaemia, pulmonary embolism
and much more
 1856 appointed Professor of Pathology in
Berlin despite government opposition
 1858 published ‘Cellular Pathology’ one of the most
influential medical books ever written
 Died aged 81 after fracturing his hip jumping from a
moving tram
Nonmalignant thrombophilia
Postpartum status (<4wk)
Estrogen/ OCP’s
Genetic mutations (Factor V Leiden, Protein C & S
deficiency, Prothrombin mutations, anti-thrombin III
deficiency, antiphospholipid syndrome)
Mutation of Factor V Leiden rendering factor V resistant to
inactivation by activated protein C is the most common
congenital coagulopathy
Venous Statis
Bedrest > 24 hr
Recent cast or external fixator
Long-distance travel or prolong automobile travel
Venous Injury
Recent surgery requiring endotracheal intubation
Recent trauma (especially the lower extremities and
 Modifiable :
Metabolic syndrome
Cigarette smoking
Abnormal lipid profile
High consumption of red meat and low consumption
of fish, fruits, and vegetables
 Non Modifiable :
Advancing age
Arterial disease, including carotid and coronary
Personal or family history of venous thromboembolism
Recent surgery, trauma, or immobility, including stroke
Congestive heart failure (So in AHF , prophylaxis is
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Acute infection
Air pollution
Long-haul air travel
Pregnancy, oral contraceptive pills, or postmenopausal
hormone replacement therapy
Pacemaker, implantable cardiac defibrillator leads, or
indwelling central venous catheter
 The risk of fatal PE in this setting is less than 1 in 1
 Activation of the coagulation system during air travel.
 For each 2-hour increase in travel duration, there
appears to be an 18% higher risk of VTE.
 Increased pulmonary vascular resistance
 Impaired gas exchange
 Alveolar hyperventilation
 Increased airway resistance
 Decreased pulmonary compliance
 More than 50% of the vascular bed has to be
occluded before PAP becomes substantially
 When obstruction approaches 75%, the RV must
generate systolic pressure in excess of 50mmHg to
preserve pulmonary circulation
 The normal RV is unable to accomplish this
acutely and eventually fails
Symptoms in Patients with Angio Proven PTE
Chest Pain, pleuritic74
Chest Pain, nonpleuritic14
Symptoms in Patients with Angio Proven PTE
Chest Pain, pleuritic74
Chest Pain, nonpleuritic14
Signs with Angiographically Proven PE
Tachypnea > 20/min92
Accentuated S253
Tachycardia >100/min44
Fever > 37.843
S3 or S4 gallop34
Lower extremity edema24
Signs with Angiographically Proven PE
Tachypnea > 20/min92
Accentuated S253
Tachycardia >100/min44
Fever > 37.843
S3 or S4 gallop34
Lower extremity edema24
 Hypotension + elevated JVP + distant H.S or clear back
 In
RV infarction
 Imaging Studies
 V/Q Scans
 Spiral Chest CT
 Pulmonary Angiography
 Echocardiograpy
 Laboratory Analysis
 CBC, ESR, Hgb/Hct,
 D-Dimer
 ABG’s
 Ancillary Testing
 Pulse Oximetry
Chest X-Ray Myth:
“We have to do a chest x-ray so we can find
Hampton’s hump or a Westermark sign.”
Most chest x-rays in patients with PE are
nonspecific and insensitive
Normal CXR in setting of severe respiratory
distress Think of
Pulmonary embolism
Hampton’s Hump –
consists of a pleura based
shallow wedge-shaped
consolidation in the lung
periphery with the base
against the pleural
Hampton ’s Hump
causing elevated
hemi- diaphragm
Westermark sign –
Dilatation of pulmonary
vessels proximal to
embolism along with
collapse of distal
vessels, often with a
sharp cut off.
Hampton’s Hump
- Palla’s sign: dilated descending right The vessel
often tapers rapidly after the enlarged portion
pulmonary artery.
o A common modality to image the lung and its use
still stems.
o Relatively noninvasive and sadly most often non
o In many centers remains the initial test of choice
o Preferred test in pregnant patients
o 50 mrem vs 800mrem (with spiral CT)
o Less radiation exposure to the mother, but more to the foetus
Only three indications to obtain a lung scan exist:
(1) renal insufficiency,
(2) anaphylaxis to intravenous contrast agent that
cannot be suppressed with high-dose corticosteroids
(3) pregnancy (lower radiation exposure to the
High probability scan: If 2 or more segmental
perfusion defects with normal ventilation
 Major advantage of Spiral CT is speed:
 Often the patient can hold their breath for the entire
study, reducing motion artifacts.
 Allows for more optimal use of intravenous contrast
 Spiral CT is quicker than the equivalent conventional
CT permitting the use of higher resolution acquisitions
in the same study time.
 Contraindicated in cases of renal disease.
 Sensitive for PE in the proximal pulmonary arteries, but
less so in the distal segments.
 Quickly becoming the test of choice for initial
evaluation of a suspected PE.
 CT unlikely to miss any lesion.
 CT has better sensitivity, specificity and can be used
directly to screen for PE.
 CT can be used to follow up “non diagnostic V/Q
Chest computed tomography scanning
demonstrating extensive embolization of the
pulmonary arteries.
 Size, location, and extent of thrombus
Other diagnoses that may coexist with PE or explain PE symptoms:
 Pneumonia
Pericardial effusion
Left ventricular enlargement
Pulmonary artery enlargement, suggestive of pulmonary hypertension
Age of thrombus: acute, subacute, chronic
Location of thrombus: pulmonary arteries, pelvic veins, deep leg veins, upper
extremity veins
Right ventricular enlargement
Contour of the interventricular septum: whether it bulges toward the left
ventricle, thus indicating right ventricular pressure overload
Incidental masses or nodules in lung
Spiral CT
 Gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography
(MRA) is far less sensitive than CT for the detection of PE.
 However, unlike chest CT or catheter-based pulmonary
angiography, MRA does not require ionizing radiation or
injection of iodinated contrast agent.
 In addition, magnetic resonance pulmonary angiography
can assess right ventricular size and function.
 Three-dimensional MRA can be carried out during a single
breath-hold and may provide high resolution from the main
pulmonary artery through the segmental pulmonary artery
MRA with contrast
MRA Real Time
 Gold Standard.
 Positive angiogram provides 100% certainty that an
obstruction exists in the pulmonary artery.
 Negative angiogram provides > 90% certainty in the
exclusion of PE.
 However, pulmonary angiography is required when
interventions are planned, such as suction catheter
embolectomy, mechanical clot fragmentation, or
catheter-directed thrombolysis.
 “Court of Last Resort”
Left-sided pulmonary angiogram showing
extensive filling defects within the left
pulmonary artery and its branches.
 This modality generally has limited accuracy in the
 The overall sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis of
central and peripheral pulmonary embolism by ECHO
is 59% and 77%.
 It may allow diagnosis of other conditions that may be
confused with pulmonary embolism.
 Used after diagnosis of PE to stratify the risk of the
patient which may aid in treatment.
 Used for follow up of residual pulmonary hypertension
2 weeks after the acute event (CTEPH).
 RV enlargement or hypokinesis especially free wall
hypokinesis,with sparing of the apex (the McConnell
sign) The most specific sign
 Interventricular septal flattening and paradoxical
motion toward the LV, resulting in a “D-shaped” LV in
cross section.
 Tricuspid regurgitation, reduced RV systolic
function(TAPSE 16mm)
 Direct visualization of the thrombus in the pulmonary
arteries or RV or RA (In transit PE)
 Dilated IVC , lost normal respiratory collapse
Present the 2 videos in the folder
 No validated clinical decision rules
 No consensus in evidence for diagnostic imaging
 Balance risk of radiation vs. risk of missed fatal
diagnosis or unnecessary anticoagulation
 MDCT delivers higher radiation dose to mother
but lower dose to fetus than V/Q scanning
 Consider low-dose CT-PA or reduced-dose lung
 Plain chest radiograph – Usually normal and non-
specific signs.
 Radionuclide ventilation-perfusion lung scan –
Excellent negative predictive value.
 CT Angiography of the pulmonary arteries – Quickly
becoming method of choice.
 Pulmonary angiography – Gold standard but invasive.
 Poor sensitivity and nonspecific
 Can be as high as 20,000 in some patients
 PTE does not alter count but if extreme, consider
polycythemia, a known risk factor
 Don’t get one, terrible test in regard to any predictive
 Fibrin split product ( reflect plasmin’s breakdown
Of fibrin Endogenous but ineffective
 Quantitative test have 80-85% sensitivity, and 93-100% negative
predictive value
 High negative predictive value in non hospitalized patients
 False Positives:
Pregnant Patients Post-partum < 1 week
Malignancy Surgery within 1 week
Advanced age > 80 years Sepsis
Hemmorrhage CVA
AMI Collagen Vascular Diseases
Hepatic Impairment
 Bed side RBC agglutination test
 “SimpliRED D-dimer”
 Quantitative
 Enzyme linked immunosorbent asssay “Dimertest”
 Positive assay is > 500ng/ml
 VIDAS D-dimer, 2nd generation ELISA test
 ABG has a limited role.
 It usually reveal hypoxemia, hypocapnia and
respiratory alkalosis.
 The electrocardiogram (ECG) helps exclude acute
myocardial infarction.
 T wave inversion in leads V1 to V4 has the greatest
accuracy for identification of right ventricular
dysfunction in patients with acute PE.
 Electrocardiographic manifestations of right-sided
heart strain ,which is an ominous prognostic finding.
 Sinus tachycardia:8-73%
 P Pulmonale : 6-33%
 Rightward axis shift : 3-66%
 Inverted T-waves in >/= right chest leads: 50%
 S1Q3T3 pattern: 11-50% (S1-60%, Q3-53% ,T3-20%)
 Clockwise rotation:10-56%
 RBBB (complete/incomplete): 6-67%
 AF or A flutter: 0-35%
 No ECG changes: 20-24%
S1 Q3 T3 Pattern
Rt. Bundle Branch Block
Rt. Ventricular Strain
 BNP & NT- Pro BNP
 cTroponin T & I
 H-FABP (Heart type)
 Growth differentiation factor -15
 Conclusion: Elevated troponin levels were associated
with a high risk of (early) death resulting from
pulmonary embolism (OR, 9.44; 95% CI, 4.14 to 21.49)
 These findings identify troponin as a promising tool
for rapid risk stratification of patients with pulmonary
 Typically greater in patients with PE.
 Sensitivity of 60% and specificity of 62%.
 At a threshold of 500 pg/mL, the sensitivity of pro-
BNP for predicting adverse events was 95%, and the
specificity was 57%.
Principle - Veins are normally
compressible; Presence of DVT renders
veins non-compressible
50% of patients with PE have positive
(95% of PE are due to leg DVT)
Oxygen saturation Nonspecific, but suspect PE if there is a sudden, otherwise
unexplained decrement
D-dimer An excellent “rule-out” test if normal, especially if accompanied by
non–high clinical probability
May suggest an alternative diagnosis, such as myocardial infarction
or pericarditis
Lung scanning Usually provides ambiguous result; used in lieu of chest CT for
patients with anaphylaxis to contrast agent, renal insufficiency, or
Chest CT The most accurate diagnostic imaging test for PE ; beware if CT
result and clinical likelihood probability are discordant
Pulmonary angiography Invasive, costly, uncomfortable; used primarily when local catheter
intervention is planned
Echocardiography Best used as a prognostic test in patients with established PE rather
than as a diagnostic test ; many patients with large PE will have
normal echocardiograms
Venous ultrasonography Excellent for diagnosis of acute symptomatic proximal DVT; a
normal study does not rule out PE because a recent leg DVT may
have embolized completely; calf vein imaging is operator
Magnetic resonance Reliable only for imaging of proximal segmental pulmonary
arteries; requires gadolinium but does not require iodinated
contrast agent
 No consensus on who to test
 Increased likelihood if:
 Age <50 years without immediate identifiable
risk factors (idiopathic or unprovoked)
 Family history
 Recurrent clots
 If clot is in an unusual site
(portal, hepatic, mesenteric, cerebral)
 Unprovoked upper extremity clot (no
catheter, no surgeries)
 Patients with warfarin-induced skin necrosis
(they may have protein C deficiency)
 Protein C or S deficiency
 Factor V leiden deficiency
 Anti-thrombin III deficiency
 Prothrombin gene mutation
 Antiphospholipid antibody
 High Homocysteine
The most common cause of congenital hyper-
coagulability is protein C resistance due to factor V
Leiden mutation
 Pneumothorax
 Myocardial ischemia
 Pericarditis
 Asthma
 Pneumonia
 MI with cardiogenic shock
 Cardiac tamponade
 Aortic dissection
 Pre test probability
 Risk stratification
 Pre test probability
 Risk stratification
 Definition: “The probability of the target disorder (PE)
before a diagnostic test result is known”.
 Used to decide how to proceed with diagnostic testing
and final disposition
DVT symptoms or signs 3
An alternative diagnosis is
less likely than PE
Heart rate >100/min 1.5
Immobilization or surgery
within 4 weeks
Prior DVT or PE 1.5
Hemoptysis 1
(on treatment, treated in the
past 6 months, palliative)
>4 score points = high probability
≤4 score points = non–high probability
DVT symptoms or signs 1
An alternative diagnosis is
less likely than PE
Heart rate >100/min 1
Immobilization or surgery
within 4 weeks
Prior DVT or PE 1
Hemoptysis 1
Cancer treated within 6
months or metastatic
>1 score point = high probability
≤1 score point = non–high
 Pre test probability
 Risk stratification
 Massive
 Submassive
 Low-Risk PE
 Pulmonary infarction syndrome
 Acute PE with sustained hypotension (systolic
blood pressure 90 mm Hg for at least 15 minutes or
requiring inotropic support, not due to a cause
other than PE, such as
 Arrhythmia
 Hypovolemia
 Sepsis
 Left ventricular (LV) dysfunction
 Pulselessness
 Persistent profound bradycardia (heart rate 40
bpm with signs or symptoms of shock)
 Acute PE without systemic hypotension (systolic blood pressure 90mm
Hg) but with either RV dysfunction or myocardial necrosis
 RV dysfunction means the presence of at least 1 of the following
 RV dilation (apical 4-chamber RV diameter divided by LV diameter 0.9)
or RV systolic dysfunction on echocardiography
 RV dilation (4-chamber RV diameter divided by LV diameter 0.9) on
 Electrocardiographic changes (new complete or incomplete right
bundle-branch block, anteroseptal ST elevation or depression, or
anteroseptal T-wave inversion)
 Elevation of BNP (90 pg/mL)
 Elevation of N-terminal pro-BNP (500 pg/mL)
 myocardial necrosis means the presence of at least 1 of the following
 Elevation of troponin or H-FABP
 Acute PE and the absence of the clinical markers of
adverse prognosis that define massive or submassive
 Caused by a tiny peripheral pulmonary embolism
 Pleuritic chest pain, often not responsive to
 Low-grade fever
 Leukocytosis
 Pleural rub
 Occasional scant hemoptysis
 Prevent death from a current embolic event
 Reduce the likelihood of recurrent embolic
 Minimize the long-term morbidity of the
 Oxygen inhalation up to ventillatory support
 Anticoagulation
 Inferior vena cava filter
 Additional options for massive PE
 Thrombolytic agent
 Catheter embolectomy
 Surgical embolectomy
 Haemodynamic support - inotropes
 Begin treatment with either unfractionated heparin
or LMWH, then switch to warfarin (Prevents
additional thrombus formation and permits
endogenous fibrinolytic mechanisms to lyse clot
that has already been formed, Does NOT directly
dissolve thrombus that already exists)
 It is important that a patient should be
anticoagulated with heparin before initiating
warfarin therapy
 Target INR is 2 – 3
 80 units/kg bolus (minimum, 5000 units;
maximum, 10,000 units) followed by a continuous
infusion of 18 units/kg/h maximum 1000 units/h)
 aPTT monitoring is required
 Subcutaneous UFH: aPTT monitoring
 15,000 units or 17,500 units every 12 h (initial dose for
patients weighing 50–70 kg and >70 kg, respectively)
 Subcutaneous UFH: no aPTT monitoring
 330 units/kg bolus then 250 units/kg every 12 h
 Anticoagulant pentasaccharide that specifically inhibits
activated factor X
 By selectively binding to antithrombin, fondaparinux
potentiates (about 300 times) the neutralization of
factor Xa by antithrombin
 Fondaparinux does not cross-react with heparin-
induced antibodies
 FDA has approved fondaparinux for initial treatment of
acute PE and acute DVT as a bridge to oral
anticoagulation with warfarin
Important drug interactions with warfarin
Drugs that decrease warfarin
Drugs that increase warfarin
Phenylbutazone Barbiturates
Metronidazole Carbamazepine
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole Rifampin
Amiodarone Penicillin
Second- and third-generation
Clofibrate Cholestyramine
Anabolic steroids
Dosage and monitoring of anticoagulant therapy
After initiating heparin therapy, repeat APTT every 6 h for first 24 h and then
every 24 h when therapeutic APTT is achieved
Warfarin 5 mg/d can be started on day 1 of therapy; there is no benefit from
higher starting doses
Platelet count should be monitored at least every 3 d during initial heparin
Therapeutic APTT should correspond to plasma heparin level of 0.2–0.4
Heparin is usually continued for 5–7 d
Heparin can be stopped after 4–5 d of warfarin therapy when INR is in 2.0–
3.0 range
 Promise immediate onset of action and
administration in fixed doses without routine
laboratory coagulation monitoring
 These drugs have few drug-drug or drug-food
interactions, making them more “user friendly”
 Dabigatran is a direct thrombin inhibitor
 Rivaroxaban is a factor Xa inhibitor
 Both are approved in Canada and Europe for
VTE prevention after knee or hip arthroplasty
 Thrombolysis
 1. Hemodynamically compromised by PE – definitie
 2. Right ventricular dysfunction (strain) detected by
echocardiography (better), positive troponin.
 Massive or major PE: Thrombolytic therapy is
 Submassive (non-massive) PE: Thrombolytic therapy
may be indicated in the presence of RV dysfunction
 At present, the alteplase regimen in which 100 mg is
administered intravenously over two hours is the most
rapidly administered protocol that is currently
approved for use in the United States
These should be particularly scrutinized
if lytic therapy is considered
 Intravenous route
-- primary method of delivery
 Rapid infusion
-- Shorter regimens may not only prove efficacious but
also reduce the risk of hemorrhagic complications
 Catheter-directed therapy
-- for massive PE, may induce major bleeding
 Potential benefits include
 More rapid resolution of symptoms (eg, dyspnea, chest
pain, and psychological distress)
 Stabilization of respiratory and cardiovascular function
without need for mechanical ventilation or vasopressor
 Reduction of RV damage
 Improved exercise tolerance
 Prevention of PE recurrence
 Increased probability of survival
 Potential harm includes
 Disabling or fatal hemorrhage including intracerebral
 Increased risk of minor hemorrhage, resulting in
prolongation of hospitalization and need for blood
product replacement
 Performed as an alternative to thrombolysis
 When there are contraindications
 When emergency surgical thrombectomy is unavailable or
 Hybrid therapy that includes both catheter-based clot
fragmentation and local thrombolysis is an emerging
 Goals of catheter-based therapy include
 Rapidly reducing pulmonary artery pressure, RV strain, and
pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)
 Increasing systemic perfusion
 Facilitating RV recovery
 3 general categories of percutaneous intervention
 Aspiration thrombectomy
 Thrombus fragmentation
 Rheolytic thrombectomy
 The Greenfield embolectomy catheter
 Balloon angioplasty and stents
 Pigtail rotational catheter
 Amplatz thrombectomy device (ATD)
 Hydrodynamic thrombectomy catheter devices
 Aspirex pulmonary embolism thrombectomy
 When contraindications preclude thrombolysis
 Surgical excision of a right atrial thrombus
 Rescue patients whose condition is refractory to
 Older case series suggest a mortality rate between
20% and 30%
 In a more recent study, 47 patients underwent
surgical embolectomy in a 4-year period, with a
96% survival rate
 PREPIC Trial randomized 400 patients with
proximal DVT at high risk for PE
 IVC filters significantly reduced the incidence of
recurrent PE at 12 days (1.1% versus 4.8%, P0.03)
and at 8 years (6.2% versus 15.1%, P0.008)
 IVC filters were associated with an increased
incidence of recurrent DVT at 2 years (20.8% versus
11.6%, P0.02) (act as a nidus)
Adapted from Becker et al.)
Early complications
Device malposition
Hematoma (0.6%)
Air embolism (0.2%)
Inadvertent carotid
artery puncture (0.04%)
Arteriovenous fistula
Recurrent DVT (21%)
IVC thrombosis (2% to
IVC penetration (0.3%)
Filter migration (0.3%)
Late complications
 Leg elevation
 Graded compression stocking
 Early ambulation
 Pneumatic compression boot
 Un-fractionated heparin (UFH): given every 8
hours SC
 Low-molecular weight heparin: Enoxaparin 30-
40mg SC every 24 hours
 Fondaparinux: 2.5mg SC every 24 hours
 Desirudin: A recombinant direct thrombin
inhibitor. Dose: 15mg SC every 12 hours
 Rivaroxaban: A novel oral anti-Xa agent. Dose:
10mg every 24 hours
Inferior vena cava (IVC) filter:
 Considered as secondary prophylaxis or
secondary prevention against PE but not DVT.
 IVC filter is indicated in patients with high risk of
recurrence when other methods are contra-
indicated (Class IIb, LOE B).
 The routine use of IVC filters is not recommended
(Class III, LOE B).
 Unfractionated heparin 5000 units SC bid or tid or
 Enoxaparin 40 mg SC qd or
 Dalteparin 2500 or 5000 units SC qd
 Unfractionated heparin 5000 units SC bid or
 Enoxaparin 40 mg SC qd and
 Graduated compression stockings or intermittent
pneumatic compression
 Consider surveillance lower extremity ultrasonography
 Oncologic surgery Enoxaparin 40 mg SC qd
 Thoracic surgery Unfractionated heparin 5000
units SC tid and
Graduated compression stockings or
intermittent pneumatic compression
 Septic embolism- drug addicts, catheters &
pacemaker wires, septic thrombophlebitis
 Intravascular foreign bodies- broken
catheters, guidewires,vena cava filters
 Fat embolism- trauma
 Venous air embolism
 Amniotic fluid embolism- occur in 1/8000 –
1/80,000, high maternal & fetal mortality
 Talc embolism
 No validated clinical decision rules
 No consensus in evidence for diagnostic imaging
 Balance risk of radiation vs. risk of missed fatal
diagnosis or unnecessary anticoagulation
 MDCT delivers higher radiation dose to mother
but lower dose to fetus than V/Q scanning
 Consider low-dose CT-PA or reduced-dose lung
 V/Q scan should be the first imaging modality
 Thrombolysis carries high bleeding risk, but should be
used in critical cases
 Anticoagulation: Heparin should be used in the 1st-12th w.,
after 36th w., but warfarin should be used in 13th-36th w.
 Anicoagulation should extend to 3 months after delivery
 Hemodynamic instability
Right ventricular hypokinesis on echocardiogram
Right ventricular enlargement on echocardiogram or chest
CT scan
Right ventricular strain on electrocardiogram
Elevated cardiac biomarkers
 Pulmonary Emboli remain a potentially deadly and common event which may
present in various ways
 Don't’ be fooled if your patient lacks the “classic” signs and symptoms!
 Consider PE in any patient with an unexplainable cause of dyspnea, pleuritic
chest pain, or findings of tachycardia, tachpnea, or hypoxemia
 2nd Generation Qualitative D-Dimers have NPV of 93-99%
 Heparin remains the mainstay of therapy with the initiation of Warfarin to
 Simplified Algorithm: ( Pretest probability, D-Dimer, +/- CT angio), then
risk stratification and treatment)

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Pulmonary embolism@ghanem@.2013

  • 2.
  • 3. 3
  • 5.
  • 6. Pulmonary Embolus is a fragment of the thrombus that breaks off and travels in the blood until it lodges at the pulmonary vasculature. Exogenous or endogenous material (usually a venous thrombus) travelling to lungs (via the venous circulation)
  • 7.
  • 8.  Acute PE is a relatively common cardiovascular emergency.  High mortality rate if left untreated  Clinical presentation is highly variable and non- specific  Diagnosis requires appropriate and accurate imaging  Prompt diagnosis and treatment can reduce mortality from 30% to 2-8%
  • 9.  Highest incidence in hospitalized patients  Autopsy reports suggest it is commonly “missed” diagnosed  A Common disorder and potentially deadly  The incidence of PE in USA is 500,000 per year  50,000 individuals die from PE each year in USA
  • 10.  90-95% of pulmonary emboli originate in the deep venous system of the lower extremities  Other rare locations include  Uterine and prostatic veins  Upper extremities  Renal veins  Right side of the heart
  • 11.
  • 12. Rudolph Virchow, 1858  Triad:  Hypercoagulability  Stasis to flow  Vessel injury Rudolf Virchow postulated more than a century ago that a triad of factors predisposed to venous thrombosis
  • 13. Know something about a great scientist who gave us a lot in VTE-------Rudolph Virchow
  • 14.  Born in Pomerania 1821  graduated in medicine 1843  presented work on thrombosis 1845 but could not get it published  founded own journal
  • 15. This is the first page of the original manuscript, which consists of this narrative introduction entitled “Wichtigste Arbeiten” followed by the chronological outline. Ackerknecht in his biography of Virchow called the manuscript a curriculum vitae. The form of the manuscript however is more akin to a simple autobiographical piece of work. Virchow used one single sheet of 81/2” by 11” paper that was folded in half with the “Most Important
  • 16.  Appointed Professor of Pathology in Wurzburg  Described leukaemia, pulmonary embolism and much more  1856 appointed Professor of Pathology in Berlin despite government opposition
  • 17.  1858 published ‘Cellular Pathology’ one of the most influential medical books ever written  Died aged 81 after fracturing his hip jumping from a moving tram
  • 18. Hypercoagulability Malignancy Nonmalignant thrombophilia Pregnancy Postpartum status (<4wk) Estrogen/ OCP’s Genetic mutations (Factor V Leiden, Protein C & S deficiency, Prothrombin mutations, anti-thrombin III deficiency, antiphospholipid syndrome) Mutation of Factor V Leiden rendering factor V resistant to inactivation by activated protein C is the most common congenital coagulopathy
  • 19. Venous Statis Bedrest > 24 hr Recent cast or external fixator Long-distance travel or prolong automobile travel Venous Injury Recent surgery requiring endotracheal intubation Recent trauma (especially the lower extremities and pelvis)
  • 20.  Modifiable : Obesity Metabolic syndrome Cigarette smoking Hypertension Abnormal lipid profile High consumption of red meat and low consumption of fish, fruits, and vegetables
  • 21.  Non Modifiable : Advancing age Arterial disease, including carotid and coronary disease Personal or family history of venous thromboembolism Recent surgery, trauma, or immobility, including stroke Congestive heart failure (So in AHF , prophylaxis is indicated) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Acute infection Air pollution Long-haul air travel Pregnancy, oral contraceptive pills, or postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy Pacemaker, implantable cardiac defibrillator leads, or indwelling central venous catheter
  • 22.  The risk of fatal PE in this setting is less than 1 in 1 million.  Activation of the coagulation system during air travel.  For each 2-hour increase in travel duration, there appears to be an 18% higher risk of VTE.
  • 23.  Increased pulmonary vascular resistance  Impaired gas exchange  Alveolar hyperventilation  Increased airway resistance  Decreased pulmonary compliance
  • 24.  More than 50% of the vascular bed has to be occluded before PAP becomes substantially elevated  When obstruction approaches 75%, the RV must generate systolic pressure in excess of 50mmHg to preserve pulmonary circulation  The normal RV is unable to accomplish this acutely and eventually fails
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27. Symptoms in Patients with Angio Proven PTE SymptomPercent Dyspnea84 Chest Pain, pleuritic74 Anxiety59 Cough53 Hemoptysis30 Sweating27 Chest Pain, nonpleuritic14 Syncope13
  • 28. Symptoms in Patients with Angio Proven PTE SymptomPercent Dyspnea84 Chest Pain, pleuritic74 Anxiety59 Cough53 Hemoptysis30 Sweating27 Chest Pain, nonpleuritic14 Syncope13
  • 29. Signs with Angiographically Proven PE SignPercent Tachypnea > 20/min92 Rales58 Accentuated S253 Tachycardia >100/min44 Fever > 37.843 Diaphoresis36 S3 or S4 gallop34 Thrombophebitis32 Lower extremity edema24
  • 30. Signs with Angiographically Proven PE SignPercent Tachypnea > 20/min92 Rales58 Accentuated S253 Tachycardia >100/min44 Fever > 37.843 Diaphoresis36 S3 or S4 gallop34 Thrombophebitis32 Lower extremity edema24
  • 31.  Hypotension + elevated JVP + distant H.S or clear back  In Pulmonary embolism RV infarction Pericardial tamponade Tension pneumothorax
  • 32.
  • 33.  Imaging Studies  CXR  V/Q Scans  Spiral Chest CT  Pulmonary Angiography  Echocardiograpy  Laboratory Analysis  CBC, ESR, Hgb/Hct,  D-Dimer  ABG’s  Ancillary Testing  EKG  Pulse Oximetry
  • 34. Chest X-Ray Myth: “We have to do a chest x-ray so we can find Hampton’s hump or a Westermark sign.” Reality: Most chest x-rays in patients with PE are nonspecific and insensitive Normal CXR in setting of severe respiratory distress Think of Pulmonary embolism
  • 35. Hampton’s Hump – consists of a pleura based shallow wedge-shaped consolidation in the lung periphery with the base against the pleural surface.
  • 36. 36
  • 38. Westermark sign – Dilatation of pulmonary vessels proximal to embolism along with collapse of distal vessels, often with a sharp cut off. Pruning)
  • 40. - Palla’s sign: dilated descending right The vessel often tapers rapidly after the enlarged portion pulmonary artery.
  • 41. o A common modality to image the lung and its use still stems. o Relatively noninvasive and sadly most often non diagnostic o In many centers remains the initial test of choice o Preferred test in pregnant patients o 50 mrem vs 800mrem (with spiral CT) o Less radiation exposure to the mother, but more to the foetus
  • 42. Only three indications to obtain a lung scan exist: (1) renal insufficiency, (2) anaphylaxis to intravenous contrast agent that cannot be suppressed with high-dose corticosteroids (3) pregnancy (lower radiation exposure to the mother). High probability scan: If 2 or more segmental perfusion defects with normal ventilation
  • 44.
  • 45.
  • 46.  Major advantage of Spiral CT is speed:  Often the patient can hold their breath for the entire study, reducing motion artifacts.  Allows for more optimal use of intravenous contrast enhancement.  Spiral CT is quicker than the equivalent conventional CT permitting the use of higher resolution acquisitions in the same study time.  Contraindicated in cases of renal disease.  Sensitive for PE in the proximal pulmonary arteries, but less so in the distal segments.
  • 47.  Quickly becoming the test of choice for initial evaluation of a suspected PE.  CT unlikely to miss any lesion.  CT has better sensitivity, specificity and can be used directly to screen for PE.  CT can be used to follow up “non diagnostic V/Q scans.
  • 48. Chest computed tomography scanning demonstrating extensive embolization of the pulmonary arteries.
  • 49.  Size, location, and extent of thrombus Other diagnoses that may coexist with PE or explain PE symptoms:  Pneumonia Atelectasis Pericardial effusion Pneumothorax Left ventricular enlargement Pulmonary artery enlargement, suggestive of pulmonary hypertension  Age of thrombus: acute, subacute, chronic  Location of thrombus: pulmonary arteries, pelvic veins, deep leg veins, upper extremity veins  Right ventricular enlargement  Contour of the interventricular septum: whether it bulges toward the left ventricle, thus indicating right ventricular pressure overload  Incidental masses or nodules in lung
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 58.
  • 59.  Gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is far less sensitive than CT for the detection of PE.  However, unlike chest CT or catheter-based pulmonary angiography, MRA does not require ionizing radiation or injection of iodinated contrast agent.  In addition, magnetic resonance pulmonary angiography can assess right ventricular size and function.  Three-dimensional MRA can be carried out during a single breath-hold and may provide high resolution from the main pulmonary artery through the segmental pulmonary artery branches.
  • 60.
  • 63.  Gold Standard.  Positive angiogram provides 100% certainty that an obstruction exists in the pulmonary artery.  Negative angiogram provides > 90% certainty in the exclusion of PE.  However, pulmonary angiography is required when interventions are planned, such as suction catheter embolectomy, mechanical clot fragmentation, or catheter-directed thrombolysis.  “Court of Last Resort”
  • 64. Left-sided pulmonary angiogram showing extensive filling defects within the left pulmonary artery and its branches.
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  • 66.  This modality generally has limited accuracy in the diagnosis.  The overall sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis of central and peripheral pulmonary embolism by ECHO is 59% and 77%.  It may allow diagnosis of other conditions that may be confused with pulmonary embolism.  Used after diagnosis of PE to stratify the risk of the patient which may aid in treatment.  Used for follow up of residual pulmonary hypertension 2 weeks after the acute event (CTEPH).
  • 67.  RV enlargement or hypokinesis especially free wall hypokinesis,with sparing of the apex (the McConnell sign) The most specific sign  Interventricular septal flattening and paradoxical motion toward the LV, resulting in a “D-shaped” LV in cross section.  Tricuspid regurgitation, reduced RV systolic function(TAPSE 16mm)  Direct visualization of the thrombus in the pulmonary arteries or RV or RA (In transit PE)  Dilated IVC , lost normal respiratory collapse
  • 69. Present the 2 videos in the folder
  • 70.  No validated clinical decision rules  No consensus in evidence for diagnostic imaging algorithm  Balance risk of radiation vs. risk of missed fatal diagnosis or unnecessary anticoagulation  MDCT delivers higher radiation dose to mother but lower dose to fetus than V/Q scanning  Consider low-dose CT-PA or reduced-dose lung scintigraphy
  • 71.  Plain chest radiograph – Usually normal and non- specific signs.  Radionuclide ventilation-perfusion lung scan – Excellent negative predictive value.  CT Angiography of the pulmonary arteries – Quickly becoming method of choice.  Pulmonary angiography – Gold standard but invasive.
  • 72. WBC  Poor sensitivity and nonspecific  Can be as high as 20,000 in some patients Hgb/Hct  PTE does not alter count but if extreme, consider polycythemia, a known risk factor ESR  Don’t get one, terrible test in regard to any predictive value
  • 73.  Fibrin split product ( reflect plasmin’s breakdown Of fibrin Endogenous but ineffective Fibrinolysis)  Quantitative test have 80-85% sensitivity, and 93-100% negative predictive value  High negative predictive value in non hospitalized patients  False Positives: Pregnant Patients Post-partum < 1 week Malignancy Surgery within 1 week Advanced age > 80 years Sepsis Hemmorrhage CVA AMI Collagen Vascular Diseases Hepatic Impairment
  • 74. D-dimer Qualitative  Bed side RBC agglutination test  “SimpliRED D-dimer”  Quantitative  Enzyme linked immunosorbent asssay “Dimertest”  Positive assay is > 500ng/ml  VIDAS D-dimer, 2nd generation ELISA test
  • 75.  ABG has a limited role.  It usually reveal hypoxemia, hypocapnia and respiratory alkalosis.
  • 76.  The electrocardiogram (ECG) helps exclude acute myocardial infarction.  T wave inversion in leads V1 to V4 has the greatest accuracy for identification of right ventricular dysfunction in patients with acute PE.  Electrocardiographic manifestations of right-sided heart strain ,which is an ominous prognostic finding.
  • 77.  Sinus tachycardia:8-73%  P Pulmonale : 6-33%  Rightward axis shift : 3-66%  Inverted T-waves in >/= right chest leads: 50%  S1Q3T3 pattern: 11-50% (S1-60%, Q3-53% ,T3-20%)  Clockwise rotation:10-56%  RBBB (complete/incomplete): 6-67%  AF or A flutter: 0-35%  No ECG changes: 20-24%
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  • 81. S1 Q3 T3 Pattern
  • 84.  BNP & NT- Pro BNP  cTroponin T & I  H-FABP (Heart type)  Growth differentiation factor -15
  • 85.
  • 86.  Conclusion: Elevated troponin levels were associated with a high risk of (early) death resulting from pulmonary embolism (OR, 9.44; 95% CI, 4.14 to 21.49)  These findings identify troponin as a promising tool for rapid risk stratification of patients with pulmonary embolism.
  • 87.  Typically greater in patients with PE.  Sensitivity of 60% and specificity of 62%.  At a threshold of 500 pg/mL, the sensitivity of pro- BNP for predicting adverse events was 95%, and the specificity was 57%.
  • 88. Principle - Veins are normally compressible; Presence of DVT renders veins non-compressible 50% of patients with PE have positive ultrasound (95% of PE are due to leg DVT)
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  • 90. Oxygen saturation Nonspecific, but suspect PE if there is a sudden, otherwise unexplained decrement D-dimer An excellent “rule-out” test if normal, especially if accompanied by non–high clinical probability Electrocardiography May suggest an alternative diagnosis, such as myocardial infarction or pericarditis Lung scanning Usually provides ambiguous result; used in lieu of chest CT for patients with anaphylaxis to contrast agent, renal insufficiency, or pregnancy Chest CT The most accurate diagnostic imaging test for PE ; beware if CT result and clinical likelihood probability are discordant Pulmonary angiography Invasive, costly, uncomfortable; used primarily when local catheter intervention is planned Echocardiography Best used as a prognostic test in patients with established PE rather than as a diagnostic test ; many patients with large PE will have normal echocardiograms Venous ultrasonography Excellent for diagnosis of acute symptomatic proximal DVT; a normal study does not rule out PE because a recent leg DVT may have embolized completely; calf vein imaging is operator dependent Magnetic resonance Reliable only for imaging of proximal segmental pulmonary arteries; requires gadolinium but does not require iodinated contrast agent
  • 91.  No consensus on who to test  Increased likelihood if:  Age <50 years without immediate identifiable risk factors (idiopathic or unprovoked)  Family history  Recurrent clots  If clot is in an unusual site (portal, hepatic, mesenteric, cerebral)  Unprovoked upper extremity clot (no catheter, no surgeries)  Patients with warfarin-induced skin necrosis (they may have protein C deficiency)
  • 92.  Protein C or S deficiency  Factor V leiden deficiency  Anti-thrombin III deficiency  Prothrombin gene mutation  Antiphospholipid antibody  High Homocysteine The most common cause of congenital hyper- coagulability is protein C resistance due to factor V Leiden mutation
  • 93.
  • 94.  Pneumothorax  Myocardial ischemia  Pericarditis  Asthma  Pneumonia  MI with cardiogenic shock  Cardiac tamponade  Aortic dissection
  • 95.
  • 96.  Pre test probability  Risk stratification
  • 97.  Pre test probability  Risk stratification
  • 98.  Definition: “The probability of the target disorder (PE) before a diagnostic test result is known”.  Used to decide how to proceed with diagnostic testing and final disposition
  • 99. SCORE POINTS DVT symptoms or signs 3 An alternative diagnosis is less likely than PE 3 Heart rate >100/min 1.5 Immobilization or surgery within 4 weeks 1.5 Prior DVT or PE 1.5 Hemoptysis 1 Malignancy (on treatment, treated in the past 6 months, palliative) 1 >4 score points = high probability ≤4 score points = non–high probability
  • 100. DVT symptoms or signs 1 An alternative diagnosis is less likely than PE 1 Heart rate >100/min 1 Immobilization or surgery within 4 weeks 1 Prior DVT or PE 1 Hemoptysis 1 Cancer treated within 6 months or metastatic 1 >1 score point = high probability ≤1 score point = non–high probability
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  • 103.  Pre test probability  Risk stratification
  • 104.  Massive  Submassive  Low-Risk PE  Pulmonary infarction syndrome
  • 105.  Acute PE with sustained hypotension (systolic blood pressure 90 mm Hg for at least 15 minutes or requiring inotropic support, not due to a cause other than PE, such as  Arrhythmia  Hypovolemia  Sepsis  Left ventricular (LV) dysfunction  Pulselessness  Persistent profound bradycardia (heart rate 40 bpm with signs or symptoms of shock)
  • 106.  Acute PE without systemic hypotension (systolic blood pressure 90mm Hg) but with either RV dysfunction or myocardial necrosis  RV dysfunction means the presence of at least 1 of the following  RV dilation (apical 4-chamber RV diameter divided by LV diameter 0.9) or RV systolic dysfunction on echocardiography  RV dilation (4-chamber RV diameter divided by LV diameter 0.9) on CT  Electrocardiographic changes (new complete or incomplete right bundle-branch block, anteroseptal ST elevation or depression, or anteroseptal T-wave inversion)  Elevation of BNP (90 pg/mL)  Elevation of N-terminal pro-BNP (500 pg/mL)  myocardial necrosis means the presence of at least 1 of the following  Elevation of troponin or H-FABP
  • 107.  Acute PE and the absence of the clinical markers of adverse prognosis that define massive or submassive PE
  • 108.  Caused by a tiny peripheral pulmonary embolism  Pleuritic chest pain, often not responsive to narcotics  Low-grade fever  Leukocytosis  Pleural rub  Occasional scant hemoptysis
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  • 112. Goals:  Prevent death from a current embolic event  Reduce the likelihood of recurrent embolic events  Minimize the long-term morbidity of the event
  • 113.  Oxygen inhalation up to ventillatory support  Anticoagulation  Inferior vena cava filter  Additional options for massive PE  Thrombolytic agent  Catheter embolectomy  Surgical embolectomy  Haemodynamic support - inotropes
  • 114.  Begin treatment with either unfractionated heparin or LMWH, then switch to warfarin (Prevents additional thrombus formation and permits endogenous fibrinolytic mechanisms to lyse clot that has already been formed, Does NOT directly dissolve thrombus that already exists)  It is important that a patient should be anticoagulated with heparin before initiating warfarin therapy  Target INR is 2 – 3
  • 115.  80 units/kg bolus (minimum, 5000 units; maximum, 10,000 units) followed by a continuous infusion of 18 units/kg/h maximum 1000 units/h)  aPTT monitoring is required
  • 116.
  • 117.  Subcutaneous UFH: aPTT monitoring  15,000 units or 17,500 units every 12 h (initial dose for patients weighing 50–70 kg and >70 kg, respectively)  Subcutaneous UFH: no aPTT monitoring  330 units/kg bolus then 250 units/kg every 12 h
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  • 121.  Anticoagulant pentasaccharide that specifically inhibits activated factor X  By selectively binding to antithrombin, fondaparinux potentiates (about 300 times) the neutralization of factor Xa by antithrombin  Fondaparinux does not cross-react with heparin- induced antibodies  FDA has approved fondaparinux for initial treatment of acute PE and acute DVT as a bridge to oral anticoagulation with warfarin
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  • 127. 127 Important drug interactions with warfarin Drugs that decrease warfarin requirement Drugs that increase warfarin requirement Phenylbutazone Barbiturates Metronidazole Carbamazepine Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole Rifampin Amiodarone Penicillin Second- and third-generation cephalosporins Griseofulvin Clofibrate Cholestyramine Erythromycin Anabolic steroids Thyroxine
  • 128. 128 Dosage and monitoring of anticoagulant therapy After initiating heparin therapy, repeat APTT every 6 h for first 24 h and then every 24 h when therapeutic APTT is achieved Warfarin 5 mg/d can be started on day 1 of therapy; there is no benefit from higher starting doses Platelet count should be monitored at least every 3 d during initial heparin therapy Therapeutic APTT should correspond to plasma heparin level of 0.2–0.4 IU/mL Heparin is usually continued for 5–7 d Heparin can be stopped after 4–5 d of warfarin therapy when INR is in 2.0– 3.0 range
  • 129.
  • 130.  Promise immediate onset of action and administration in fixed doses without routine laboratory coagulation monitoring  These drugs have few drug-drug or drug-food interactions, making them more “user friendly”  Dabigatran is a direct thrombin inhibitor  Rivaroxaban is a factor Xa inhibitor  Both are approved in Canada and Europe for VTE prevention after knee or hip arthroplasty
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  • 138.  Thrombolysis  1. Hemodynamically compromised by PE – definitie indication  2. Right ventricular dysfunction (strain) detected by echocardiography (better), positive troponin.
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  • 140.  Massive or major PE: Thrombolytic therapy is indicated  Submassive (non-massive) PE: Thrombolytic therapy may be indicated in the presence of RV dysfunction
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  • 144.  At present, the alteplase regimen in which 100 mg is administered intravenously over two hours is the most rapidly administered protocol that is currently approved for use in the United States
  • 145. These should be particularly scrutinized if lytic therapy is considered
  • 146.  Intravenous route -- primary method of delivery  Rapid infusion -- Shorter regimens may not only prove efficacious but also reduce the risk of hemorrhagic complications  Catheter-directed therapy -- for massive PE, may induce major bleeding
  • 147.  Potential benefits include  More rapid resolution of symptoms (eg, dyspnea, chest pain, and psychological distress)  Stabilization of respiratory and cardiovascular function without need for mechanical ventilation or vasopressor support  Reduction of RV damage  Improved exercise tolerance  Prevention of PE recurrence  Increased probability of survival
  • 148.  Potential harm includes  Disabling or fatal hemorrhage including intracerebral hemorrhage  Increased risk of minor hemorrhage, resulting in prolongation of hospitalization and need for blood product replacement
  • 149.  Performed as an alternative to thrombolysis  When there are contraindications  When emergency surgical thrombectomy is unavailable or contraindicated  Hybrid therapy that includes both catheter-based clot fragmentation and local thrombolysis is an emerging strategy  Goals of catheter-based therapy include  Rapidly reducing pulmonary artery pressure, RV strain, and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)  Increasing systemic perfusion  Facilitating RV recovery
  • 150.  3 general categories of percutaneous intervention  Aspiration thrombectomy  Thrombus fragmentation  Rheolytic thrombectomy
  • 151.  The Greenfield embolectomy catheter  Balloon angioplasty and stents  Pigtail rotational catheter  Amplatz thrombectomy device (ATD)  Hydrodynamic thrombectomy catheter devices  Aspirex pulmonary embolism thrombectomy catheter
  • 152.  When contraindications preclude thrombolysis  Surgical excision of a right atrial thrombus  Rescue patients whose condition is refractory to thrombolysis  Older case series suggest a mortality rate between 20% and 30%  In a more recent study, 47 patients underwent surgical embolectomy in a 4-year period, with a 96% survival rate
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  • 155.  PREPIC Trial randomized 400 patients with proximal DVT at high risk for PE  IVC filters significantly reduced the incidence of recurrent PE at 12 days (1.1% versus 4.8%, P0.03) and at 8 years (6.2% versus 15.1%, P0.008)  IVC filters were associated with an increased incidence of recurrent DVT at 2 years (20.8% versus 11.6%, P0.02) (act as a nidus)
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  • 159. Early complications Device malposition (1.3%) Pneumothorax(0.02%), Hematoma (0.6%) Air embolism (0.2%) Inadvertent carotid artery puncture (0.04%) Arteriovenous fistula (0.02%) Recurrent DVT (21%) IVC thrombosis (2% to 10%), IVC penetration (0.3%) Filter migration (0.3%) Late complications
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  • 164. Mechanical:  Leg elevation  Graded compression stocking  Early ambulation  Pneumatic compression boot
  • 165. Pharmacological:  Un-fractionated heparin (UFH): given every 8 hours SC  Low-molecular weight heparin: Enoxaparin 30- 40mg SC every 24 hours  Fondaparinux: 2.5mg SC every 24 hours  Desirudin: A recombinant direct thrombin inhibitor. Dose: 15mg SC every 12 hours  Rivaroxaban: A novel oral anti-Xa agent. Dose: 10mg every 24 hours
  • 166. Inferior vena cava (IVC) filter:  Considered as secondary prophylaxis or secondary prevention against PE but not DVT.  IVC filter is indicated in patients with high risk of recurrence when other methods are contra- indicated (Class IIb, LOE B).  The routine use of IVC filters is not recommended (Class III, LOE B).
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  • 168.  Unfractionated heparin 5000 units SC bid or tid or  Enoxaparin 40 mg SC qd or  Dalteparin 2500 or 5000 units SC qd
  • 169.  Unfractionated heparin 5000 units SC bid or  Enoxaparin 40 mg SC qd and  Graduated compression stockings or intermittent pneumatic compression  Consider surveillance lower extremity ultrasonography
  • 170.  Oncologic surgery Enoxaparin 40 mg SC qd  Thoracic surgery Unfractionated heparin 5000 units SC tid and Graduated compression stockings or intermittent pneumatic compression
  • 171.  Septic embolism- drug addicts, catheters & pacemaker wires, septic thrombophlebitis  Intravascular foreign bodies- broken catheters, guidewires,vena cava filters  Fat embolism- trauma  Venous air embolism  Amniotic fluid embolism- occur in 1/8000 – 1/80,000, high maternal & fetal mortality  Talc embolism
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  • 174.  No validated clinical decision rules  No consensus in evidence for diagnostic imaging algorithm  Balance risk of radiation vs. risk of missed fatal diagnosis or unnecessary anticoagulation  MDCT delivers higher radiation dose to mother but lower dose to fetus than V/Q scanning  Consider low-dose CT-PA or reduced-dose lung scintigraphy
  • 175.  V/Q scan should be the first imaging modality  Thrombolysis carries high bleeding risk, but should be used in critical cases  Anticoagulation: Heparin should be used in the 1st-12th w., after 36th w., but warfarin should be used in 13th-36th w.  Anicoagulation should extend to 3 months after delivery
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  • 179.  Hemodynamic instability  Right ventricular hypokinesis on echocardiogram  Right ventricular enlargement on echocardiogram or chest CT scan  Right ventricular strain on electrocardiogram  Elevated cardiac biomarkers
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  • 181.  Pulmonary Emboli remain a potentially deadly and common event which may present in various ways  Don't’ be fooled if your patient lacks the “classic” signs and symptoms!  Consider PE in any patient with an unexplainable cause of dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, or findings of tachycardia, tachpnea, or hypoxemia  2nd Generation Qualitative D-Dimers have NPV of 93-99%  Heparin remains the mainstay of therapy with the initiation of Warfarin to follow  Simplified Algorithm: ( Pretest probability, D-Dimer, +/- CT angio), then risk stratification and treatment)