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A review paper
about Lung Abscess
Vedica Sethi
Lung Abscess 2020
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Table of Contents:
1. Abstract
2. What is Lung Abscess?
3. Signs and symptoms
 Complications
4. Diagnosis
 Imaging studies
 Laboratory studies
5. Management
6. References
Lung Abscess 2020
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1. Abstract
Lung Abscess is a liquefactive necrosis of the lung tissue and arrangement of cavitation
(in excess of 2 cm) containing necrotic debris and liquid brought about by parenchymal
infection. It very well may be brought about by yearning, which may happen during
changed cognizance and it for the most part causes a discharge filled depression. In
addition, liquor addiction is the most widely recognized condition inclining to lung
abscesses. Lung abscess is viewed as essential (60%) when it comes about because of
existing lung parenchymal process and is named auxiliary when it entangles another
procedure, e.g., vascular emboli or follows rupture of extrapulmonary abscess into lung.
There are a few imaging strategies which can distinguish the material inside the thorax,
for example, electronic tomography (CT) output of the thorax and ultrasound of the
thorax. Broad Spectrum anti-biotics to cover blended vegetation is the pillar of
treatment. Pneumonic physiotherapy and postural drainage are additionally significant.
Surgeries are required in specific patients for pneumonic resection
Keywords: Lung abscess, anti-bodies, video-assissted thoracoscopic medical procedure
(VATS), thoracoscopy
Lung Abscess 2020
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2. What is Lung Abscess?
Lung Abscess is s characterized as a delineated zone of discharge or necrotic debris and
fluid in lung parenchyma, which prompts a cavity, and after arrangement of broncho-
pulmonary fistula, an air-liquid level inside the cavity. (1) It is in the gathering of lung
contaminations, for example, lung gangrene and necrotizing pneumonia which is
portrayed with numerous abscesses.(2)
The clinical signs and treatment of lung abscess was portrayed by Hippocrates. In pre-
anti-biotic time, 33% of patients with lung abscess would die, the other third of patients
would recuperate completely, and the remainder of them would make due with
continuations, for example, constant lung abscess, pleural empyema or bronchiectasis.(3)
In that time, medical procedure was considered as the main successful treatment, and
today the greater part of the patients will be completely recouped distinctly with anti-
biotic treatment.
Hundred years prior, mortality from lung abscess was about 75% of patients.(4) Open
seepage of lung abscess diminished mortality on 20-35% and with anti-biotic treatment
mortality drop on about 8.7%.(5) In pre anti-biotic period, lung ulcer was brought about
by one kind of microscopic organisms, and today nearly in all cases is brought about by
poly-microbial flora.(6)
Division of lung abscesses:
 ❖ According to the duration:
 Acute (< than 6 weeks);
 Chronic (> than 6 weeks);
 ❖ By etiology:
 Primary: oropharyngeal secretions, necrotizing pneumonia, immunodeficiency;
 Secondary: bronchial obstructions, haematogenic dissemination, direct spreading
from mediastinal infection, from subphrenium, coexisting lung diseases;
 ❖ Way of spreading:
 Brochogenic: aspiration of oropharyngeal secretions, bronchial obstruction by
tumor, foreign body, enlarged lymph nodes, congenital malformation;
Lung Abscess 2020
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 Haematogenic: abdominal sepsis, infective endocarditis, septic
Aspiration of oropharyngeal secretions:
 Dental/peridental infection;
 Para nasal sinusitis;
 Disturbance states of consciousness;
 Swelling disorders;
 Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease;
 Frequent vomiting;
 Intubated patients;
 Patients with tracheostomy;
 Nervous recurrent paralysis;
 Alcoholism.
Haematogenic dissemination:
 Abdominal sepsis;
 Infective endocarditis;
 Intravenous drug abuse;
 Infected cannula or central venous catheter;
 Septic thromboembolisms.
Coexisting lung diseases:
 Bronchiectasis;
 Cystic fibrosis;
 Bullous emphysema;
 Bronchial obstruction by tumor, foreign body or enlarged lymph nodes;
 Congenital malformations (pulmonary sequestration, vasculitis, cystitis);
 Infected pulmonary infarcts;
Lung Abscess 2020
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 Pulmonary contusion;
 Broncho-oesophageal fistula.
Acute lung abscess is usually circumscribed with not so well-defined surrounding to lung
parenchyma, fulfilled with thick necrotic detritus.
 ❖Contributing factors for lung abscess are: elderly, dental/peridental infections
(gingivitis-with bacterial concentration >1011
/mL), alcoholism, drug abuse, diabetes
mellitus, coma, artificial ventilation, convulsions, neuromuscular disorders with bulbar
dysfunctions, malnutrition, therapy with corticosteroids, cytostatics or
immunosuppressants, mental retardation, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, bronchial
obstruction, inability to cough, sepsis.(7-9)
In older studies anaerobes were found in up to 90% cases but they are much less frequent now.
 Anaerobic bacteria: Actinomyces, Peptostreptococcus, Bacteroides, Fusobacterium species,
 Microaerophilic streptococcus : Streptococcus milleri
 Aerobic
bacteria: Staphylococcus, Klebsiella, Haemophilus, Pseudomonas, Nocardia, Escherichia
coli, Streptococcus, Mycobacteria
 Fungi: Candida, Aspergillus
 Parasites: Entamoeba histolytica(11-13)
3. Signs And Symptoms
Early signs and manifestations of lung ulcer can't be separate from pneumonia and
incorporate fever with shivering, cough, night sweats, dyspnea, weight reduction and
tiredness, chest torment and some of the time anemia. (16-19) Toward the starting cough is
non-communicable, yet when correspondence with bronchus shows up, the communicable
(vomique) is an important sign.(20-21)Cough stays beneficial, now and then followed by
hemoptysis. In patients with interminable cough clubbing fingers can show up.(22)
Differential diagnosis(23-26):
 excavating tuberculosis and mycosis
 intrapulmonary located bronchial cysts
 infarct or sequestration
 secondary infected emphysematous bullae
 Localized pleural empyema
 Excavating bronchial carcinomas: squamocellular or microcellular carcinoma are)
Lung Abscess 2020
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 hydatid cyst of lung
 Cavitary pneumoconiosis
 Hiatus hernia
 Cavitary infarcts of lung;
 Wegener’s granulomatosis.
 Infection in neighbouring segments and lobes on lungs
 bronchiectasis
 empyema
 bacteremia with metastatic infection
4. Diagnosis
 Imaging Studies: Lung abscesses are frequently on one side and single including
posterior fragments of the upper lobes and the apical sections of the lower lobes as
these territories are gravity subordinate when resting. Nearness of air-liquid levels
suggests break into the bronchial tree or once in a while development of gas.(27)
 Laboratory Studies: Raised markers (high ESR, CRP) are basic however vague. Assessment
of the coughed up mucus is significant in any lung disease and frequently uncovers
blended bacterial vegetation. Transtracheal or transbronchial (through bronchoscopy)
aspirates can likewise be cultured. Fiber optic bronchoscopy is regularly performed to
prohibit obstructive injury; it likewise helps in removal of bronchial discharge.(28)
5. Management
Medical therapy:
It is prescribed to treat lung abscess with wide range anti-microbials, because of poly-
microbial flora (28-34)-
 Clindamycin (600 mg IV on 8 h) and afterward 300 mg PO on 8 h or mix
ampicilin/sulbactam (1.5-3 gr IV on 6 h) (32) OR
 Piperacilin/tazobactam 3.375 gr IV on 6 h or Meropenem 1 gr IV on 8 h (33)
 For MRSA it is prescribed to utilize linezolid 600 mg IV on 12 h or vancomycin 15
mg/kg BM on 12 h. (34)
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General reponse to treatment can be seen following 3-4 days, condition will improve
following 4-7 days, however totally recuperating, with radiographic standardization can
be seen following two months.
In the event that there is no improvement of general condition or radiographic
discovering, it is important to perform bronchoscopy because of some other etiological
factor and change the anti-biotic agents.
The span of anti-biotic treatment relies upon the clinical and radiographic outcome of
the patient. Anti-biotic agents treatment should last at any rate until fever, mucosal
sputum and abscess fluid have settled, as a rule between 5-21 days for intravenous
utilization of anti-biotic and afterward per oral application, altogether from 28 to 48
days(14), with periodically radiographic and laboratory controls.
General supporting measures incorporates;
 hyper caloric diet routine
 liquids and electrolytes
 respiratory rehabilitaion with postural drainage.
Abscess more prominent than 6 cm in distance across or if indications keeps going over
12 weeks with proper treatment, have little possibilities for just preservationist mending,
and careful treatment ought to be thought of, if general condition permits. Choices for
medical procedure are:
 chest tube drainage
 careful resection of lung abscess with encompassing tissue.
For the patients with poor general condition, coagulopathies and for the abscesses with focal
areas in lungs usage of Endoscopic drainage of lung abscesses is depicted as an option in
contrast to chest tube drainage and is performed during the bronchoscopy with utilization of
laser. One of the conceivable entanglement of these strategy is a spillage of necrotic debris in
different lobes of the lungs. (35-36)
It is prescribed to perform a ultrasound or computer tomography (CT) filter control, which was
first was depicted in 1938 for treatment of tuberculosis lung cavities. (37-38) It was later utilized
routinely in the administration of lung abscesses, before the anti-biotic period and turned into
Lung Abscess 2020
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the treatment of decision. (39) Per cutaneous chest tube dariange of lung abscess is shown in
around 11-21% patients after disappointment of anti-biotics agents treatment. (40)
Chest tube drainage, as a complete treatment for lung abscess is available in about 84% of
patients, with complications about 16% and mortality about 4%. (39) Complexities of tube
drainage are spillage of the necrotic debri and contamination in pleura followed by
pyopneumothorax, empyema or bronchopleural fistula or death.
Per cutaneous trans thoracic tube drainage of lung abscess, under local anaesthesia is
performed with or without ultrasound. (41-42) Chest tube drainage with trocar is exceptionally
compelling surgery, however Seldinger method is prescribed because of lesser difficulties. (43)
The utilization of intra-cavitary fibrinolytic medications (streptokinase, urokinaze) isn't
suggested, because of plausibility of bronchopulmonary or bronchopleural fistula can happen.
(44) Normal term for tube drainage of lung abscess is around 10-16 days, and if there should be
an occurrence of delay air spill, tube can be connected to Heimlich valve.
In the event of pleural space devastation, with fringe localisation of lung abscess, it is
conceivable to perform pneumostomy or cavernostomy-open drainage of abscess (Monaldi
methodology) yet because of its intrusiveness only occasionally is performed. (35)
Careful resection of lung abscess is the treatment for about 10% of patients. Signs for careful
resection of lung canker can be separated on acute and chronic.
Acute signs are:
 hemoptysis
 delayed sepsis
 febricity
 bronchopleural fistula
 abscess dissemination in pleural space with pyopneumothorax/empyema.
Chronic signs are:
 ineffectively treated lung abscess over about a month and a half
 doubt on malignant growth
 cavitation bigger than 6 cm
 leukocytosis regardless of anti-biotics.
Lobectomy is the resection of decision for enormous or focal situation of abscess. Atypical
resection or segmentectomy are acceptable methods, in the event that it is conceivable to
Lung Abscess 2020
evacuate total abscess and if essential encompassing lung tissue with necrotizing pneumonia.
Aftereffects of careful treatment depend for the most part of general condition and
invulnerability of patient. Old patients, lack of healthy sustenance and liquor abuse are poor
prognostic components. Death rate after careful resections is around 11-28%. (35)
An insignificant intrusive surgery, for example, video- assisted thoracoscopy is a technique used
for fringe limitation of lung abscess and without pleural attachments and fibrothorax. After-
effects of this surgery are palatable, yet this intercession requires general anaesthesia, two- fold
lumen endotracheal tube or single-lumen endotracheal tube with insufflation of carbon dioxide.
One of the potential complication is spillage of necrotic debris in pleural depression. (46)
Lung Abscess 2020
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Lung Abscess, Pulmonolgy

  • 1. Lung Abscess A review paper about Lung Abscess Vedica Sethi
  • 2. Lung Abscess 2020 Page 2 Table of Contents: 1. Abstract 2. What is Lung Abscess? 3. Signs and symptoms  Complications 4. Diagnosis  Imaging studies  Laboratory studies 5. Management 6. References
  • 3. Lung Abscess 2020 Page 3 1. Abstract Lung Abscess is a liquefactive necrosis of the lung tissue and arrangement of cavitation (in excess of 2 cm) containing necrotic debris and liquid brought about by parenchymal infection. It very well may be brought about by yearning, which may happen during changed cognizance and it for the most part causes a discharge filled depression. In addition, liquor addiction is the most widely recognized condition inclining to lung abscesses. Lung abscess is viewed as essential (60%) when it comes about because of existing lung parenchymal process and is named auxiliary when it entangles another procedure, e.g., vascular emboli or follows rupture of extrapulmonary abscess into lung. There are a few imaging strategies which can distinguish the material inside the thorax, for example, electronic tomography (CT) output of the thorax and ultrasound of the thorax. Broad Spectrum anti-biotics to cover blended vegetation is the pillar of treatment. Pneumonic physiotherapy and postural drainage are additionally significant. Surgeries are required in specific patients for pneumonic resection Keywords: Lung abscess, anti-bodies, video-assissted thoracoscopic medical procedure (VATS), thoracoscopy
  • 4. Lung Abscess 2020 Page 4 2. What is Lung Abscess? Lung Abscess is s characterized as a delineated zone of discharge or necrotic debris and fluid in lung parenchyma, which prompts a cavity, and after arrangement of broncho- pulmonary fistula, an air-liquid level inside the cavity. (1) It is in the gathering of lung contaminations, for example, lung gangrene and necrotizing pneumonia which is portrayed with numerous abscesses.(2) The clinical signs and treatment of lung abscess was portrayed by Hippocrates. In pre- anti-biotic time, 33% of patients with lung abscess would die, the other third of patients would recuperate completely, and the remainder of them would make due with continuations, for example, constant lung abscess, pleural empyema or bronchiectasis.(3) In that time, medical procedure was considered as the main successful treatment, and today the greater part of the patients will be completely recouped distinctly with anti- biotic treatment. Hundred years prior, mortality from lung abscess was about 75% of patients.(4) Open seepage of lung abscess diminished mortality on 20-35% and with anti-biotic treatment mortality drop on about 8.7%.(5) In pre anti-biotic period, lung ulcer was brought about by one kind of microscopic organisms, and today nearly in all cases is brought about by poly-microbial flora.(6) Division of lung abscesses:  ❖ According to the duration:  Acute (< than 6 weeks);  Chronic (> than 6 weeks);  ❖ By etiology:  Primary: oropharyngeal secretions, necrotizing pneumonia, immunodeficiency;  Secondary: bronchial obstructions, haematogenic dissemination, direct spreading from mediastinal infection, from subphrenium, coexisting lung diseases;  ❖ Way of spreading:  Brochogenic: aspiration of oropharyngeal secretions, bronchial obstruction by tumor, foreign body, enlarged lymph nodes, congenital malformation;
  • 5. Lung Abscess 2020 Page 5  Haematogenic: abdominal sepsis, infective endocarditis, septic thromboembolisms. Aspiration of oropharyngeal secretions:  Dental/peridental infection;  Para nasal sinusitis;  Disturbance states of consciousness;  Swelling disorders;  Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease;  Frequent vomiting;  Intubated patients;  Patients with tracheostomy;  Nervous recurrent paralysis;  Alcoholism. Haematogenic dissemination:  Abdominal sepsis;  Infective endocarditis;  Intravenous drug abuse;  Infected cannula or central venous catheter;  Septic thromboembolisms. Coexisting lung diseases:  Bronchiectasis;  Cystic fibrosis;  Bullous emphysema;  Bronchial obstruction by tumor, foreign body or enlarged lymph nodes;  Congenital malformations (pulmonary sequestration, vasculitis, cystitis);  Infected pulmonary infarcts;
  • 6. Lung Abscess 2020 Page 6  Pulmonary contusion;  Broncho-oesophageal fistula. Acute lung abscess is usually circumscribed with not so well-defined surrounding to lung parenchyma, fulfilled with thick necrotic detritus.  ❖Contributing factors for lung abscess are: elderly, dental/peridental infections (gingivitis-with bacterial concentration >1011 /mL), alcoholism, drug abuse, diabetes mellitus, coma, artificial ventilation, convulsions, neuromuscular disorders with bulbar dysfunctions, malnutrition, therapy with corticosteroids, cytostatics or immunosuppressants, mental retardation, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, bronchial obstruction, inability to cough, sepsis.(7-9) In older studies anaerobes were found in up to 90% cases but they are much less frequent now. (10)  Anaerobic bacteria: Actinomyces, Peptostreptococcus, Bacteroides, Fusobacterium species,  Microaerophilic streptococcus : Streptococcus milleri  Aerobic bacteria: Staphylococcus, Klebsiella, Haemophilus, Pseudomonas, Nocardia, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus, Mycobacteria  Fungi: Candida, Aspergillus  Parasites: Entamoeba histolytica(11-13) 3. Signs And Symptoms Early signs and manifestations of lung ulcer can't be separate from pneumonia and incorporate fever with shivering, cough, night sweats, dyspnea, weight reduction and tiredness, chest torment and some of the time anemia. (16-19) Toward the starting cough is non-communicable, yet when correspondence with bronchus shows up, the communicable (vomique) is an important sign.(20-21)Cough stays beneficial, now and then followed by hemoptysis. In patients with interminable cough clubbing fingers can show up.(22) Differential diagnosis(23-26):  excavating tuberculosis and mycosis  intrapulmonary located bronchial cysts  infarct or sequestration  secondary infected emphysematous bullae  Localized pleural empyema  Excavating bronchial carcinomas: squamocellular or microcellular carcinoma are)
  • 7. Lung Abscess 2020 Page 7  hydatid cyst of lung  Cavitary pneumoconiosis  Hiatus hernia  Cavitary infarcts of lung;  Wegener’s granulomatosis. Complications:  Infection in neighbouring segments and lobes on lungs  bronchiectasis  empyema  bacteremia with metastatic infection 4. Diagnosis  Imaging Studies: Lung abscesses are frequently on one side and single including posterior fragments of the upper lobes and the apical sections of the lower lobes as these territories are gravity subordinate when resting. Nearness of air-liquid levels suggests break into the bronchial tree or once in a while development of gas.(27)  Laboratory Studies: Raised markers (high ESR, CRP) are basic however vague. Assessment of the coughed up mucus is significant in any lung disease and frequently uncovers blended bacterial vegetation. Transtracheal or transbronchial (through bronchoscopy) aspirates can likewise be cultured. Fiber optic bronchoscopy is regularly performed to prohibit obstructive injury; it likewise helps in removal of bronchial discharge.(28) 5. Management Medical therapy: It is prescribed to treat lung abscess with wide range anti-microbials, because of poly- microbial flora (28-34)-  Clindamycin (600 mg IV on 8 h) and afterward 300 mg PO on 8 h or mix ampicilin/sulbactam (1.5-3 gr IV on 6 h) (32) OR  Piperacilin/tazobactam 3.375 gr IV on 6 h or Meropenem 1 gr IV on 8 h (33)  For MRSA it is prescribed to utilize linezolid 600 mg IV on 12 h or vancomycin 15 mg/kg BM on 12 h. (34)
  • 8. Lung Abscess 2020 Page 8 General reponse to treatment can be seen following 3-4 days, condition will improve following 4-7 days, however totally recuperating, with radiographic standardization can be seen following two months. In the event that there is no improvement of general condition or radiographic discovering, it is important to perform bronchoscopy because of some other etiological factor and change the anti-biotic agents. The span of anti-biotic treatment relies upon the clinical and radiographic outcome of the patient. Anti-biotic agents treatment should last at any rate until fever, mucosal sputum and abscess fluid have settled, as a rule between 5-21 days for intravenous utilization of anti-biotic and afterward per oral application, altogether from 28 to 48 days(14), with periodically radiographic and laboratory controls. General supporting measures incorporates;  hyper caloric diet routine  liquids and electrolytes  respiratory rehabilitaion with postural drainage. Abscess more prominent than 6 cm in distance across or if indications keeps going over 12 weeks with proper treatment, have little possibilities for just preservationist mending, and careful treatment ought to be thought of, if general condition permits. Choices for medical procedure are:  chest tube drainage  careful resection of lung abscess with encompassing tissue. For the patients with poor general condition, coagulopathies and for the abscesses with focal areas in lungs usage of Endoscopic drainage of lung abscesses is depicted as an option in contrast to chest tube drainage and is performed during the bronchoscopy with utilization of laser. One of the conceivable entanglement of these strategy is a spillage of necrotic debris in different lobes of the lungs. (35-36) It is prescribed to perform a ultrasound or computer tomography (CT) filter control, which was first was depicted in 1938 for treatment of tuberculosis lung cavities. (37-38) It was later utilized routinely in the administration of lung abscesses, before the anti-biotic period and turned into
  • 9. Lung Abscess 2020 Page 9 the treatment of decision. (39) Per cutaneous chest tube dariange of lung abscess is shown in around 11-21% patients after disappointment of anti-biotics agents treatment. (40) Chest tube drainage, as a complete treatment for lung abscess is available in about 84% of patients, with complications about 16% and mortality about 4%. (39) Complexities of tube drainage are spillage of the necrotic debri and contamination in pleura followed by pyopneumothorax, empyema or bronchopleural fistula or death. Per cutaneous trans thoracic tube drainage of lung abscess, under local anaesthesia is performed with or without ultrasound. (41-42) Chest tube drainage with trocar is exceptionally compelling surgery, however Seldinger method is prescribed because of lesser difficulties. (43) The utilization of intra-cavitary fibrinolytic medications (streptokinase, urokinaze) isn't suggested, because of plausibility of bronchopulmonary or bronchopleural fistula can happen. (44) Normal term for tube drainage of lung abscess is around 10-16 days, and if there should be an occurrence of delay air spill, tube can be connected to Heimlich valve. In the event of pleural space devastation, with fringe localisation of lung abscess, it is conceivable to perform pneumostomy or cavernostomy-open drainage of abscess (Monaldi methodology) yet because of its intrusiveness only occasionally is performed. (35) Careful resection of lung abscess is the treatment for about 10% of patients. Signs for careful resection of lung canker can be separated on acute and chronic. Acute signs are:  hemoptysis  delayed sepsis  febricity  bronchopleural fistula  abscess dissemination in pleural space with pyopneumothorax/empyema. Chronic signs are:  ineffectively treated lung abscess over about a month and a half  doubt on malignant growth  cavitation bigger than 6 cm  leukocytosis regardless of anti-biotics. Lobectomy is the resection of decision for enormous or focal situation of abscess. Atypical resection or segmentectomy are acceptable methods, in the event that it is conceivable to
  • 10. Lung Abscess 2020 Page 10 evacuate total abscess and if essential encompassing lung tissue with necrotizing pneumonia. (45) Aftereffects of careful treatment depend for the most part of general condition and invulnerability of patient. Old patients, lack of healthy sustenance and liquor abuse are poor prognostic components. Death rate after careful resections is around 11-28%. (35) An insignificant intrusive surgery, for example, video- assisted thoracoscopy is a technique used for fringe limitation of lung abscess and without pleural attachments and fibrothorax. After- effects of this surgery are palatable, yet this intercession requires general anaesthesia, two- fold lumen endotracheal tube or single-lumen endotracheal tube with insufflation of carbon dioxide. One of the potential complication is spillage of necrotic debris in pleural depression. (46)
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