SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Make beauty work in your time
Make beauty work in your time.
Price: $100
TIme: 2.5hrs
Price: $24.99
TIme: 45min
At home
Price: $10
TIme: 1hr
At home
1 colour
Kleur Tonacity is positioned as the product for
quality home hair care which saves time
-­‐  Repeat	
-­‐  MulQ	
-­‐  Digital	
-­‐  In	
-­‐  programmaQc	
-­‐  Persona	
-­‐  Generic	
-­‐  social	
-­‐  In	
-­‐  In	
-­‐  RedempQon	
-­‐  Upsell	
-­‐  Brand	
-­‐  Earned	
-­‐  Discussions	
Capture people's
real experiences
and transfer to
video for
Programmatic TV/
online buy
Download the app
Get your tone
Sign up for free sample
Real trial in store
How to guide
Content video 1
Content video 2
Tonacity App
Key research triggers through
generic hair care terms
Actions drive traffic to website to
capture data for remarketing
-­‐  InteracQve	
-­‐  Video	
-­‐  DemonstraQon	
-­‐  Take	
-­‐  1st	
In store trials &
Make beauty work in your time
Measures of success
➔  Avg. daily impressions, views, pins, visitor traffic
➔  No of views, subscribers, fan growth, brand page recognition.
➔  Repins, monthly engagements, likes, shares, comment, traffic site growth, channel engagement.
➔  Measuring brand advocacy and loyalty; looking at referrals, tracking emails, subscription rates and
promotion tracking.
➔  Experience shared through owned media
Brand Advocates + YouTube Reviewers (Vloggers)
Brand Advocates + Incentivized web
Subscription & loyalty scheme –
incentivized with $ and product
Customer & Business value
determined by Revenue ROI and
propensity to repeat purchase
Growth in engagement with the
“Magical thing happens in digital when you have the right time, the right place, and the right content.’’
Kleur Tonacity succeeds in getting more and more people using the multi-tonal hair colouring solution by:
➔  Connecting with the customer through offline and online media advertising using inspiring and eye-catching visuals targeting
personas through programmatic buying.
➔  Progressing brand awareness through search by using branded and industry keywords, creating relevant owned and paid online
➔  Engaging through, Mobile app and YouTube videos driving action to sign up and purchase.
➔  Building brand engagement by emailing hair styling tips, “Before and After” stories, “How to” YouTube videos, Celebrities’ DIY,
Vlogger finds and Reviews – Building digital rapport;
➔  Rewarding for loyalty and advocacy, utilizing earned positive content.
Kleur Tonacity Pitch Notes to accompany slides Group 10
Slide 1 - Tonacity
The brief was to create a highly creative, overall marketing strategy for Kleur Tonacity that
took into account all the key considerations.Throughout this presentation we will identify ways
to combine offline and online channels in order to reach consumers with consistent
messaging at every stage of their brand consumption and product experience to ultimately
drive loyal brand advocates and revenue growth. Research developed through search activity
and marketing data collected will influence messaging throughout the campaign period. The
campaign will be constantly optimised in order to ensure the maximum ROI from media
We believe that the proposed integrated strategy will firmly position the brand within the
marketplace as a premium product, accessible to all. To achieve a much desired celebrity
hair look, that the target audience are would die for, all from the comfort from their home.
Slide 2 - Brand Summary
The launch campaign for Kleur Tonacity aims to create strong brand/product awareness
through a multi-channel media approach. The objective of the campaign is to establish who
the core customer is, how and where they consume information and brand consideration so
that we can develop the optimal marketing strategy.
Comprehensive research into the search behaviour of the target market will allow us the
opportunity to optimise the marketing budget and will influence messaging throughout the
campaign. Looking at busy women and men who can afford the luxury of a hair salon colour
but are time poor. This strategy looks at growing the reach of awareness of Tonacity primarily
through digital engagement.
Slide 3 - The customer profiles
In addition to the working mother who juggles everything, other audiences identified are:
• Affluent, time poor, single women, with little time for regular salon visits
• Middle income earners, cannot afford salons
• Young men who take pride in their appearance*
Neela - HR director. Frequently travels to European offices. Prefers online
research/shopping, using her mobile phone on the go. But travelling leaves her hair lack-
lustre. Wants quick/easy alternatives that fit in with work schedule. Has tried several home
hair colouring kits but not impressed with results. Reluctant to try a new products, needs to be
convinced through digital channels.
Touchpoints - Programmatic mobile ads, Youtube, upmarket magazines, outdoor ads, Kleur
website, interactive app
Joanna - SME owner. Enjoys socialising with friends, watching TV, content sharer and
Pinterest fan. Frequent internet browser but prefers to shop in store. Loves offers. Dislikes
her strawberry blonde hair but unwilling to pay high salon prices. Looking for affordable,
effective options. Inexperienced in home colouring kits so wants to seek advice.
Touchpoints - TV ads, instore POS/advisers, Facebook/Pinterest ads, Kleur’s website,
interactive app
Ben - City stockbroker. Mobile central to work/social life and self-expression. Avid fan of
Instagram and Snapchat. Uses Twitter to keep in touch with clients. Perceives Facebook as
uncool. Keen to freshen his image to boost his confidence when meeting clients. Reluctant to
be extravagant without knowing impact on his appearance. Prefers online shopping.
Touchpoints - Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, mobile ads
Slide 4 - Brand Positioning ( competitor)
The multi-toner hair solution core USP is that it gives salon perfect hair without the
inconvenience or the expense of having to visit a salon. The fact that the product contains no
harmful ingredients and has 100% recyclable packaging positions it at the higher end of the
market to store-bought comparative products.
The product will be exclusive to particular retailers such as John Lewis. An in-store
representative giving product demonstrations and digital POS will aid in positioning the
product alongside some of the popular beauty brands such as Clinique and Nars.
Slide 5 - The strategy
As a result of identifying specific media consumption behaviour from the personas this
strategy will need to make use of a multi media both off and online approach.
The strategy will follow Google’s customer journey framework - Stimulus - ZMOT - FMOT -
SMOT - UMOT. This framework will enable Kleur to see how each proposed platform and
touchpoint will nurture prospects through a targeted content led customer journey. The
presentation will aim to demonstrate how a change in media split will benefit Kleur in it’s long
term objective of raising awareness and sales volumes. Both above and below the line
advertising will complement each other in delivering a cohesive message- 50/50 split.
The launch campaign for Kleur Tonacity is to create brand/product awareness through a
multi-channel media campaign execution. The target customer is refined at each stage of the
customer journey.
The business of the target personas means they are constantly consuming information from
multiple media and platforms. The strategy aims to capture people in retail focused areas with
outdoor advertising that captures their attention and their data, this then takes them through a
staged consumption of the brand from a programmatic media mix triggered by the ZMOT
stages of research.
Slide 6 - The campaign
Kleur will come to market in a multi channel launch campaign, with emphasis on OOH/Retail
Digital interactive display panels. Each panel is fitted with a camera which takes a picture of
the visitor which then displays on the board with a new hair colour courtesy of Kleur Tonacity.
• Take a photo of your new look and share in on #daretotone on any social platform
• The best shots will be featured in a TV/video ad.
• The call to action to download the app to see some more great colour combinations
and sign up for a free sample.
• Measures of success are number of app downloads, video views, social engagement
and hashtag mentions.
Key touch point to progress visitors into the ZMOT - use the app to serve ideas to visitor on
how to colour their hair at home, find locations on where they can try the product and provide
incentives to sign up for a free sample.
Slide 7 - Programmatic BUY
Consumer interactions during the campaign will be used to create two types of digital content:
Content 1:
Footage captured at the interactive outdoor displays will be used to compile short video
adverts showing people's response to their hair changing colour.
Content 2:
Before and after experiences of consumers dying their hair at home will be used to create a
series of educational and inspirational videos on how to use the product
These photos and video content will be served to the target market through programmatic
multi media buying. The content will be light hearted, humorous and entertaining. It will
appeal to a wide audience, but certain variations will be shown to targeted media based on
persona profiles and search behaviour.
The targeting for the programmatic buy will use the personas as targets for placements and
will have a call to action to download the app and try the colour selections on the app.
Slide 8 – ZMOT
In order to ensure this new brand creates further curiosity and interest from the target
audience we will focus our advertising efforts on educational content.
Research will be undertaken in partnership with Google to ensure that the brand launches an
effective search campaign. Search terms will remain broad at first then become more specific
as we learn more about the target audience.
We have made consideration within the Zero moment of truth research stage for prospects to
educate themselves with product research in the form of editorial content published in
popular women’s and men’s magazines as well as a digital programmatic media buy.
The website will be optimised for SEO and relevant content informed by the search campaign
in order to ensure website receives as much organic traffic as possible. Website content will
be concise and useful - answers FAQ and includes popular search terms. This will have
significant benefits to the way in which consumers perceive the brand.
A display ad awareness campaign using the Google Display network will be launched that
contextually targets people looking at content to do with hair and beauty. Cookie data will be
utilised to re-market to those who have engaged with ad’s.
YouTube videos are rich content and will provide the consumer with real insight into the
quality of the brands products and aim to build an emotional connection with consumers i.e.
How To videos. These videos will be included in the Google ad network buy. The Facebook
page will demonstrate the competency of the brand - expert products developed by experts
for home use. YouTube videos can be re-purposed for Facebook in the aim to get the
community engaged with the brand.
All of the above will aid in driving customers to the FMOT stage of the customer journey
triggered by the call to action to buy now online or in-store on landing pages and in app
Slide 9 - FMOT
At the FMOT stage we will create and present compelling, informative and educational
content and an experience to convince the prospective customer that this is the Tonacity
product is for them and to take the plunge into trying the product.
We will look to give the target audience a reason to believe that the product is value for
money and reduce the initial hurdle of affordability. After being made aware of the brand
through the content on Facebook, watching our campaign videos, etc we will be directing
them to our website and / or app where they will be presented with digital money off coupons
to buy the product online and vouchers for a free in-store trial.
For those that need a little more support and don’t want to buy online, they can use the offer
of a free in store trial or consultation to see for themselves just how easy the product is to use
and what great quality results it produces. The instore experience is interactive and
professional giving them confidence in the act of dying their own hair.
For those that don’t have the time to visit a store they can experiment with potential hair
colours and see educational content on how to use the product through the website and
interactive mobile app. Each of these tools offers an easy ‘purchase’ call to action, allowing
users to easily purchase the products they have experimented with digitally.
For the target prospects such as Joanna the value of celebrity endorsement resonates with
her brand choices and so a series of celebrities will be selected to trial the product and write
about their experience. This content will be published in high profile magazines as well as
tweeted and shared by the celebrities themselves.
Success at this stage will be measured by website bounce rates, voucher download and use
rates, in-store consultation / free trial volumes, product purchases rates.
Slide 10 - The campaign - SMOT
• engage consumers with product they have bought
• deliver a positive customer experience with first purchase in store and online, to
encourage repeat purchase, brand loyalty and brand advocacy
• create empathy with potential customers and show the brand’s caring nature
• produce further content to continue to build the brand organically
This will be achieved by:
• offering targeted information to help customers use product - user guides, dos and
don’ts, helpful tips, YouTube user videos
• encouraging consumers to sign up to an email subscription service
• providing dedicated customer support - email, phone, live chat from Kleur’s website,
user forums and through social media
• create short, compelling, shareable videos for YouTube, based on satisfied
customers talking about their fears/dislikes of using other home hair colouring kits,
their experience with Kleur, what they think their hair says about them and how their
looks determine their confidence. Ask viewers to take a quiz to see what their hair
colour says about them.
• Ask celebrities to tweet what their hair colour says about them
Success will be measured by the number of:
• Purchases/projected sales figure
• customers signed up to subscription service
• customer service contacts, including hits to FAQ pages of website
• YouTube interactions
• Tweets/retweets
Key touch point to progress customers into UMOT is the email subscription service which will
allow them to keep up to date with new products, buy related products and receive generic
advice on achieving healthy looking hair.
Slide 11- UMOT
In order to ensure brand advocacy we aim to have an ongoing relationship with customers
who have purchased the product through various channels. We will encourage reviews as
part of the customer journey and utlise this information to market the product to new
customers at the ZMOT stage.
Our aim for the UMOT stage is to create engaging and shareable content, that is based on
the customer’s own experience/journey. Our goal is to encourage self-expression and a
desire to inform others of the product (sharing), optimising the shared experiences of Kleur
We will drive brand loyalty and advocacy that goes beyond the typical ‘more than just a hair
• Discounted subscription service.
• Introduce loyalty programs - competitions and gift packs for customers
• A dedicated support network - where to find out more about the usage of Tonacity etc
• Encourage sharing on Facebook amongst family and friends – reach
This will be executed through use of the following platforms
• Word of Mouth
• Social Media
• Email marketing
• Direct Mail
Through the collection of shared experiences gathered through the customer journey, the
UMOT can then become the next person's ZMOT. We will measure success by subscriptions,
social engagement, sign up’s email open rates.
Slide 12 Conclusions
By understanding our audience we identified that Kleur Tonacity prospect customers are
lacking time for hair treatments, but the appearance and personal presentation is essential in
their daily life.
Our marketing campaign and proposed media split 50/50 offers the consumer of today a new
experience of the product and takes them through a journey that will create a compelling case
to buy the product and engage with the brand after purchase.
Retail locations with interactive eye-catching stands calling to download the mobile app and
start experiencing the hair colour change, programmatic advertising and website brings
awareness about the product. That leads to the tactic search initiatives helping to connect
with the customer and provide as informative and educative content as possible.
Engaging with identified target personas at the very early stage of the journey through
entertaining content
on video channels and the mobile app, our audience will start generating the content that will
start building trust for the brand.
A number of incentives as well as exceptional customer service and assistance will help to
build customer loyalty and encourage advocacy. Positive feedback shared online and word of
mouth builds trust for the brand.

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Programatic Buying - Media pitch Tonacity Kleur Hair Dye

  • 1. Proposal  by  March    Group  10  –  July  2015   Make beauty work in your time
  • 2. Brand  Summary     Make beauty work in your time.     The  first  home  hair  colouring  range  to  give  a  truly  mul?-­‐tonal  result,  so  there’s  no  need  for  a  trip  to  the  salon.  
  • 3. The  customer  profiles           Neela         Joanna         Ben   Profile:  37  years,  single,  no   children,  high  flyer,  career-­‐ minded,  frequent  traveller     Behaviours/  Choices:  feel   empowered,  professional   credibility,  confident  online   shopper,  heavy  mobile   usage     Media  Consump<on:   online,  mobile,  YouTube,   upmarket  women’s   magazines   Profile:  28  years,  married,   planning  a  family,  SME   owner,  key  decision  maker,   new  home  buyer     Behaviours/  Choices:     socialising,  sharing  content,   Pinterest  fan,  watching  TV,   browses  online  but  prefers   to  shop  in  store       Media  Consump<on:  online,   Facebook,  Pinterest,  TV   Profile:  23  years,  single,   recent  graduate,  new     stockbroker,  works  hard,   plays  hard     Behaviours/  Choices:  image   conscious,  selfie  addict,   mobile  always  on,  social   media  fan,  online  shopper       Media  Consump<on:   online,  mobile,  Instagram,   Snapchat,  TwiOer  
  • 4. Brand  posi<oning       Price: $100 TIme: 2.5hrs Price: $24.99 TIme: 45min At home Price: $10 TIme: 1hr At home 1 colour Kleur Tonacity is positioned as the product for quality home hair care which saves time
  • 5.                     SMOT     -­‐  Repeat   Purchase   -­‐  MulQ  product   purchase   The  Strategy   STIMULUS     -­‐  Digital  interacQve  OOH     -­‐  In  store  samples   -­‐  programmaQc  TV  ads  with   user  generated  content     Zero  Moment  of  Truth     -­‐  Persona  targeted  Digital   ads   -­‐  Generic  &  category   search  terms   -­‐  social  media  educaQonal   content.   -­‐  In  store  consultaQons         First  Moment    of  Truth     -­‐   EducaQonal  content   -­‐  In  app  offers   -­‐  RedempQon  offers  on  email   -­‐  Upsell  promoQons         Ul<mate  Moment  of   Truth     -­‐  Brand  subscripQon   and  loyalty  scheme   -­‐  Earned  Content/ Experience  shares,     -­‐  Discussions  on  blogs   and  forums.            
  • 6. The  campaign     #daretotone Capture people's real experiences and transfer to video for Programmatic TV/ online buy Download the app Get your tone Sign up for free sample Real trial in store How to guide
  • 7. Programma<c    campaign     Content video 1 Content video 2
  • 8. The  Research     Tonacity App Key research triggers through generic hair care terms Actions drive traffic to website to capture data for remarketing ZMOT
  • 9. OWNED The  Product    Experience   Measures  of  success:   -­‐  InteracQve  app   users   -­‐  Video  views   -­‐  DemonstraQon  /   consultaQon   volumes   -­‐  Take  up  of  free   trial  /  Offer   -­‐  1st  Purchase   volumes     EARNEDPAID In store trials & demonstrations Celebrity recommendations FMOT
  • 10. KLEUR TONACITY Make beauty work in your time   Thank  you  for  buying  your  first  Kleur  Tonacity  product.  We  hope   you  are  happy  with  your  purchase.    Don't  forget  to  download  our   App  to  help  you  decide  what  tones  to  choose  next.  With  a  wide   range  of  high  performance  hair  colouring  products,  there's   something  for  everyone.     Check  out  our  YouTube  videos,  packed  full  of  advice   on  how  to  use  your  new  hair  colouring  product  and   much  more     View  our  full  range  of  products.  What  tones  will  you   choose  next?       Browse  our  range  of  stylish  hair  accessories  to  help   you  achieve  that  salon-­‐perfect  look     Join  our  loyalty  programme  and  refer  a  friend  to     receive  discounts  off  your  next  purchase     Have  quesQons  about  your  hair?  Our  experts  offer   advice    to  help  you  maintain  healthy  looking  hair           Repeat  Purchase   SMOT
  • 11. Loyalty   Measures of success ➔  Avg. daily impressions, views, pins, visitor traffic ➔  No of views, subscribers, fan growth, brand page recognition. ➔  Repins, monthly engagements, likes, shares, comment, traffic site growth, channel engagement. ➔  Measuring brand advocacy and loyalty; looking at referrals, tracking emails, subscription rates and promotion tracking. ➔  Experience shared through owned media   Brand Advocates + YouTube Reviewers (Vloggers) UMOT Brand Advocates + Incentivized web reviews Subscription & loyalty scheme – incentivized with $ and product Customer & Business value determined by Revenue ROI and propensity to repeat purchase Growth in engagement with the brand
  • 12. Conclusions       “Magical thing happens in digital when you have the right time, the right place, and the right content.’’ Kleur Tonacity succeeds in getting more and more people using the multi-tonal hair colouring solution by: ➔  Connecting with the customer through offline and online media advertising using inspiring and eye-catching visuals targeting personas through programmatic buying. ➔  Progressing brand awareness through search by using branded and industry keywords, creating relevant owned and paid online content; ➔  Engaging through, Mobile app and YouTube videos driving action to sign up and purchase. ➔  Building brand engagement by emailing hair styling tips, “Before and After” stories, “How to” YouTube videos, Celebrities’ DIY, Vlogger finds and Reviews – Building digital rapport; ➔  Rewarding for loyalty and advocacy, utilizing earned positive content.
  • 13.   1   Kleur Tonacity Pitch Notes to accompany slides Group 10 Slide 1 - Tonacity   The brief was to create a highly creative, overall marketing strategy for Kleur Tonacity that took into account all the key considerations.Throughout this presentation we will identify ways to combine offline and online channels in order to reach consumers with consistent messaging at every stage of their brand consumption and product experience to ultimately drive loyal brand advocates and revenue growth. Research developed through search activity and marketing data collected will influence messaging throughout the campaign period. The campaign will be constantly optimised in order to ensure the maximum ROI from media spend.   We believe that the proposed integrated strategy will firmly position the brand within the marketplace as a premium product, accessible to all. To achieve a much desired celebrity hair look, that the target audience are would die for, all from the comfort from their home.   Slide 2 - Brand Summary   The launch campaign for Kleur Tonacity aims to create strong brand/product awareness through a multi-channel media approach. The objective of the campaign is to establish who the core customer is, how and where they consume information and brand consideration so that we can develop the optimal marketing strategy.   Comprehensive research into the search behaviour of the target market will allow us the opportunity to optimise the marketing budget and will influence messaging throughout the campaign. Looking at busy women and men who can afford the luxury of a hair salon colour but are time poor. This strategy looks at growing the reach of awareness of Tonacity primarily through digital engagement.   Slide 3 - The customer profiles In addition to the working mother who juggles everything, other audiences identified are: • Affluent, time poor, single women, with little time for regular salon visits • Middle income earners, cannot afford salons • Young men who take pride in their appearance* Neela - HR director. Frequently travels to European offices. Prefers online research/shopping, using her mobile phone on the go. But travelling leaves her hair lack- lustre. Wants quick/easy alternatives that fit in with work schedule. Has tried several home hair colouring kits but not impressed with results. Reluctant to try a new products, needs to be convinced through digital channels.   Touchpoints - Programmatic mobile ads, Youtube, upmarket magazines, outdoor ads, Kleur website, interactive app Joanna - SME owner. Enjoys socialising with friends, watching TV, content sharer and Pinterest fan. Frequent internet browser but prefers to shop in store. Loves offers. Dislikes her strawberry blonde hair but unwilling to pay high salon prices. Looking for affordable, effective options. Inexperienced in home colouring kits so wants to seek advice.   Touchpoints - TV ads, instore POS/advisers, Facebook/Pinterest ads, Kleur’s website, interactive app Ben - City stockbroker. Mobile central to work/social life and self-expression. Avid fan of Instagram and Snapchat. Uses Twitter to keep in touch with clients. Perceives Facebook as uncool. Keen to freshen his image to boost his confidence when meeting clients. Reluctant to be extravagant without knowing impact on his appearance. Prefers online shopping.
  • 14.   2   Touchpoints - Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, mobile ads   Slide 4 - Brand Positioning ( competitor)   The multi-toner hair solution core USP is that it gives salon perfect hair without the inconvenience or the expense of having to visit a salon. The fact that the product contains no harmful ingredients and has 100% recyclable packaging positions it at the higher end of the market to store-bought comparative products.   The product will be exclusive to particular retailers such as John Lewis. An in-store representative giving product demonstrations and digital POS will aid in positioning the product alongside some of the popular beauty brands such as Clinique and Nars.   Slide 5 - The strategy   As a result of identifying specific media consumption behaviour from the personas this strategy will need to make use of a multi media both off and online approach. The strategy will follow Google’s customer journey framework - Stimulus - ZMOT - FMOT - SMOT - UMOT. This framework will enable Kleur to see how each proposed platform and touchpoint will nurture prospects through a targeted content led customer journey. The presentation will aim to demonstrate how a change in media split will benefit Kleur in it’s long term objective of raising awareness and sales volumes. Both above and below the line advertising will complement each other in delivering a cohesive message- 50/50 split.   The launch campaign for Kleur Tonacity is to create brand/product awareness through a multi-channel media campaign execution. The target customer is refined at each stage of the customer journey.   The business of the target personas means they are constantly consuming information from multiple media and platforms. The strategy aims to capture people in retail focused areas with outdoor advertising that captures their attention and their data, this then takes them through a staged consumption of the brand from a programmatic media mix triggered by the ZMOT stages of research.   Slide 6 - The campaign Kleur will come to market in a multi channel launch campaign, with emphasis on OOH/Retail Digital interactive display panels. Each panel is fitted with a camera which takes a picture of the visitor which then displays on the board with a new hair colour courtesy of Kleur Tonacity. • Take a photo of your new look and share in on #daretotone on any social platform • The best shots will be featured in a TV/video ad. • The call to action to download the app to see some more great colour combinations and sign up for a free sample. • Measures of success are number of app downloads, video views, social engagement and hashtag mentions. Key touch point to progress visitors into the ZMOT - use the app to serve ideas to visitor on how to colour their hair at home, find locations on where they can try the product and provide incentives to sign up for a free sample. Slide 7 - Programmatic BUY Consumer interactions during the campaign will be used to create two types of digital content:   Content 1: Footage captured at the interactive outdoor displays will be used to compile short video adverts showing people's response to their hair changing colour.  
  • 15.   3   Content 2: Before and after experiences of consumers dying their hair at home will be used to create a series of educational and inspirational videos on how to use the product These photos and video content will be served to the target market through programmatic multi media buying. The content will be light hearted, humorous and entertaining. It will appeal to a wide audience, but certain variations will be shown to targeted media based on persona profiles and search behaviour.   The targeting for the programmatic buy will use the personas as targets for placements and will have a call to action to download the app and try the colour selections on the app. Slide 8 – ZMOT In order to ensure this new brand creates further curiosity and interest from the target audience we will focus our advertising efforts on educational content. Research will be undertaken in partnership with Google to ensure that the brand launches an effective search campaign. Search terms will remain broad at first then become more specific as we learn more about the target audience. We have made consideration within the Zero moment of truth research stage for prospects to educate themselves with product research in the form of editorial content published in popular women’s and men’s magazines as well as a digital programmatic media buy. The website will be optimised for SEO and relevant content informed by the search campaign in order to ensure website receives as much organic traffic as possible. Website content will be concise and useful - answers FAQ and includes popular search terms. This will have significant benefits to the way in which consumers perceive the brand. A display ad awareness campaign using the Google Display network will be launched that contextually targets people looking at content to do with hair and beauty. Cookie data will be utilised to re-market to those who have engaged with ad’s. YouTube videos are rich content and will provide the consumer with real insight into the quality of the brands products and aim to build an emotional connection with consumers i.e. How To videos. These videos will be included in the Google ad network buy. The Facebook page will demonstrate the competency of the brand - expert products developed by experts for home use. YouTube videos can be re-purposed for Facebook in the aim to get the community engaged with the brand.   All of the above will aid in driving customers to the FMOT stage of the customer journey triggered by the call to action to buy now online or in-store on landing pages and in app experiences.   Slide 9 - FMOT   At the FMOT stage we will create and present compelling, informative and educational content and an experience to convince the prospective customer that this is the Tonacity product is for them and to take the plunge into trying the product. We will look to give the target audience a reason to believe that the product is value for money and reduce the initial hurdle of affordability. After being made aware of the brand through the content on Facebook, watching our campaign videos, etc we will be directing them to our website and / or app where they will be presented with digital money off coupons to buy the product online and vouchers for a free in-store trial.   For those that need a little more support and don’t want to buy online, they can use the offer of a free in store trial or consultation to see for themselves just how easy the product is to use and what great quality results it produces. The instore experience is interactive and professional giving them confidence in the act of dying their own hair.  
  • 16.   4   For those that don’t have the time to visit a store they can experiment with potential hair colours and see educational content on how to use the product through the website and interactive mobile app. Each of these tools offers an easy ‘purchase’ call to action, allowing users to easily purchase the products they have experimented with digitally. For the target prospects such as Joanna the value of celebrity endorsement resonates with her brand choices and so a series of celebrities will be selected to trial the product and write about their experience. This content will be published in high profile magazines as well as tweeted and shared by the celebrities themselves.   Success at this stage will be measured by website bounce rates, voucher download and use rates, in-store consultation / free trial volumes, product purchases rates.   Slide 10 - The campaign - SMOT Aims: • engage consumers with product they have bought • deliver a positive customer experience with first purchase in store and online, to encourage repeat purchase, brand loyalty and brand advocacy • create empathy with potential customers and show the brand’s caring nature • produce further content to continue to build the brand organically This will be achieved by: • offering targeted information to help customers use product - user guides, dos and don’ts, helpful tips, YouTube user videos • encouraging consumers to sign up to an email subscription service • providing dedicated customer support - email, phone, live chat from Kleur’s website, user forums and through social media • create short, compelling, shareable videos for YouTube, based on satisfied customers talking about their fears/dislikes of using other home hair colouring kits, their experience with Kleur, what they think their hair says about them and how their looks determine their confidence. Ask viewers to take a quiz to see what their hair colour says about them. • Ask celebrities to tweet what their hair colour says about them Success will be measured by the number of: • Purchases/projected sales figure • customers signed up to subscription service • customer service contacts, including hits to FAQ pages of website • YouTube interactions • Tweets/retweets Key touch point to progress customers into UMOT is the email subscription service which will allow them to keep up to date with new products, buy related products and receive generic advice on achieving healthy looking hair.     Slide 11- UMOT   In order to ensure brand advocacy we aim to have an ongoing relationship with customers who have purchased the product through various channels. We will encourage reviews as part of the customer journey and utlise this information to market the product to new customers at the ZMOT stage. Our aim for the UMOT stage is to create engaging and shareable content, that is based on the customer’s own experience/journey. Our goal is to encourage self-expression and a desire to inform others of the product (sharing), optimising the shared experiences of Kleur Tonacity  
  • 17.   5   We will drive brand loyalty and advocacy that goes beyond the typical ‘more than just a hair product’. • Discounted subscription service. • Introduce loyalty programs - competitions and gift packs for customers • A dedicated support network - where to find out more about the usage of Tonacity etc • Encourage sharing on Facebook amongst family and friends – reach This will be executed through use of the following platforms • Word of Mouth • Social Media • Email marketing • Direct Mail Through the collection of shared experiences gathered through the customer journey, the UMOT can then become the next person's ZMOT. We will measure success by subscriptions, social engagement, sign up’s email open rates.   Slide 12 Conclusions   By understanding our audience we identified that Kleur Tonacity prospect customers are lacking time for hair treatments, but the appearance and personal presentation is essential in their daily life. Our marketing campaign and proposed media split 50/50 offers the consumer of today a new experience of the product and takes them through a journey that will create a compelling case to buy the product and engage with the brand after purchase. Retail locations with interactive eye-catching stands calling to download the mobile app and start experiencing the hair colour change, programmatic advertising and website brings awareness about the product. That leads to the tactic search initiatives helping to connect with the customer and provide as informative and educative content as possible. Engaging with identified target personas at the very early stage of the journey through entertaining content on video channels and the mobile app, our audience will start generating the content that will start building trust for the brand. A number of incentives as well as exceptional customer service and assistance will help to build customer loyalty and encourage advocacy. Positive feedback shared online and word of mouth builds trust for the brand.   References:     ** uk-sales-of-temporary-hair-colour-triples