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By Luke Ross
Research – magazine front cover
Written style – In the written style it seems although it is trying to appeal to a teenage audience and this is by the way it it says “OMG!
SICK SITH POWERS!” this implies the game that its talking about which is “the force unleashed” is very happy. so much that the person
writing this magazine article on the front cover wants to scram about how “sick” the powers of your character are. In the way it says
“world exclusive!”. It also includes a list of other articles that are in the magazine front cover this includes the “the new guitar hero!”, I
use this as an example because I feel that the exclamation mark makes it out to be a big thing like huge news and this is represented in
the list as this is also included on “call of duty 4: new maps!” this provides a writing style that says certain things on the list are big news
and important where as others are not. Also on the list is where it says “Grid: The next great racer?” the use of a question mark shows
that the writer is asking us to look at the article on the grid and see if it is the next great racer the idea is to get the people that like
racing games or games in general to look at this page with interest.
Symbolic style – The symbolic style of this shows me that they was going for star wars as there main selling point and eye catcher to this
poster back when it was designed, the game force unleashed had come out and the main part of this magazine is that and I believe that
it fits together nicely. The other bits of set up and headlines around the magazine are also about the game trying to fit as much as they
can to keep it interested. From the style of the magazine it is clear that this is a dark version of a game magazine, from the front cover its
focus is a dark tone with Darth Vader on the front even if you don’t know who Darth Vader is it is clear that he is a villain from his dark
clothing atmosphere around him and how he has someone bowing to him in a dark and sinister way and I believe that this symbolizes
the tone of darkness backed up by the “darkest. star wars. Ever!” this shows that it is supposed to be dark and symbolizes it well.
Set up – The set up of this magazine front cover is to provide the title at the top which is “GamePro” and this is in red matching to Darth
Vader's lightsaber this main title fits with the overall look of the poster and stands out from the rest of the page. Darth Vader is in the
middle in big covering half the screen in order to catch peoples attention on the character. The headlines around the page fit to a
magazine formula going around the side of the page but keeping the middle open and visible to people so they are able to see it and it
stands out.
Fonts – The top font that stands out is very bold and I think this is good because it stands out on the page and is big and bulky and easy
to read, the main headlines fit together by using the color yellow and I think that this is good because it makes the headlines match and
stand out so they are easy to read on the dark page and stand out. The information under the headline is white which matches to the
rest of the writing on the magazine.
Imagery – the imagery of this magazine shows Darth Vader stood tall above his apprentice and this is imagery of the dark tone of the
magazine and how this story of star wars in the magazine its self stands tall as the main focus of the magazine and this works well to the
overall tone of the magazine and this works well.
Essentials – This includes a headline, sub headings and a
main image that the magazine is focused around on the
front making it a generic magazine cover.
Research – magazine front cover
Written style – the written style of this poster is that it is big bold and smart font and I believe that this matches to the overall look of the
work really well as it all suits the magazine with the main imagery. The writing is set out really smart and I think that it works really well
and suits the overall look really well and I think that this is what a magazine front cover for something smart should look and I think its
overall visual effect works with the style really well. It uses “there is a exclusive you’ve been looking for!” this language and use of the
exclamation mark provides the sense of needing to see something which is given by the way its worded. It has “Amazing fold out
collectors cover.” this shows that its important to have this magazine as it has a collectors cover its written in bold and in all caps this is
to stand out and catch the persons viewings attention and almost bribe them into buying it.
Symbolic style – the red on this symbolizes the dark side on star wars as they have red lightsabers. The main tone is very dark and this
makes the red stand out. They have put there company magazine name at the top in red to match with the lightsaber it goes from red at
the top to red in the middle and then they add in a last line of red at the bottom so that the entire page has red on it I think that this is
good because it stands out well on the page. It uses a dark tone to create a dark atmosphere around the film and the magazine and I
think that the magazine is put together well from this aspect because it doesn't follow other generic magazine covers and is actually
good quality over it.
Set up – the set up of this like the last one is to put the main sales point in the middle and the main sales point for this is Kylo Ren and I
think that it suits it well as it fits him in the middle of the page between 2 people that serve him and the rest of the writing such as title
headline and sub headings are below or above including additional information but making sure the front image stands out from the
Fonts – the font that is used for the main title is a really bold font that stands out due to its red color that it just plain red with no
boarder I feel that this is a nice simple touch that works really well with the final outcome of the magazine. The bottom font is a really
nice fit it is yet again a simple white with nothing to much to it and I think that it suits it really with the overall loom and I think that it has
a nice subtle look to it, the font varies throughout the image changing the overall look of it and I think that this works well with the
overall look of the work.
Imagery – the imagery and tone for this image focuses on the Darkside and this is shown with the background colors how they look and
the bottom of the page has writing in a faint font just like the top of the page which matches well with the bottom of the page and I
think that this is a nice touch the Patten that everything on this page matches to something else, it’s a nice touch to have.
Essentials – bar code on the front, main title of the magazine, main image of character on the from standing tall above everything else
and the way that it smartly fits together.
Research – magazine front cover
Written style – the written style in this is to show the simple standard words such as the name “empire” and the film title ”the last Jedi”
and “there is another” it also offers an “exclusive star wars figure inside” this shows me that there is things inside convincing the person
viewing it to open it up and take a look because there is a exclusive offer inside the magazine for the figure, I think that this is a nice
touch to the magazine and gets people interested the magazine cover itself doesn't include much wording but is a visual treat.
Symbolic style – the lightsaber matches to the blue chrome style page with the empire in chrome as the title and the last Jedi in chrome
creating a visual affect that just overall looks great. There is a cloudy background with a outer and inner glow of the chrome blue like
color of the lightsaber and this adds to the overall look of the magazines front cover. the rest of the writing in dark blue which is like the
outer rim and glow of the lightsaber and this is also on the outer rim of the chrome titles this adds to the affect and creates a ice looking
visual affect on the overall look of the image and works really well.
Set up – the set up places Luke Skywalker and Rey in the middle of the image this provides clear demonstration of the main characters in
this film the way they fit above the empire logo but under the last Jedi title is a good look for the magazine and I feel is a good visual look
overall as it adds in a good top look at the characters.
Fonts –
Imagery –
Essentials –
Research – magazine double page spread
Written style – the most visible thing on this double page spread is the “2013: THE HOT LIST” this is visible because it’s the
main start of the section for the magazine on the opening pager and is over a game called Crysis 3 this provides automatically
that crysis is the start of the list and suggests that its at the back of the list but makes it large and gives it 2 pages meaning it’s
a game worth talking about simple from visuals alone. The main writing is simple and detailed that to me I would say appeals
to a teen audience some kids may find entertainment and then there is also adults that play games as its in detail I would say
it mainly focuses at adults and teens as it has large paragraphs about the topic with in depth explanations about why the
game belong on the list. The subheadings are in a higher headlines and this matches the overall look of the double page
Symbolic style – the style of this double page spread is light toned showing that its more of a bright magazine then a dark one
the information has a lot of words and I think that it all fits into the set up of the pages well. One page is a bit lazy and just has
an image of the character from crysis and that’s it and then it is expected to fit as the page to take up more room possibly to
make it look like its more full of information then it is or maybe the company wanted 2 pages on it and since they wrote
everything on the second page they just decided to fill up the last one finally.
Set up – The set up of this has the main focus of keeping the the images big on the first page to take up as much room as
possible on the page so it looks like hit has more quantity that it does. Lots of magazines like this use the same idea and
technique at this point it is expected to be seen when looking at magazines.
Fonts – the fonts are dark and bold and this means that the outlook of the magazine and the way that the magazine looks and
this suits the big image that fills up the page I feel that it adds more to the page making it more interesting and I believe that
it matches up to the way it suits the page.
Imagery – the imagery for this magazine is very light and bright using a white background and having light as the main focus
of color however I feel that the overall look of this magazine isn't as good as the look of the past ones iv done such as empire I
feel that the imagery used on that actually has imagery unlike the imagery on this I do not feel that it works very well as a
double page spread I feel its more forced.
Essentials – A headline, subtitles other images that fit the double page spread of a poster such as the images on the far right
of the image they fit in to show different parts of the game and I feel that this works well in overall look. The color scheme is
there if not great.
Research – magazine double page spread
Written style – the writing style tries to intise people into reading it using ”look closer” as a way of getting people
to look closer at what the magazine wants you to push focus towards and this is done by giving you as a reader
instructions to follow while reading in order to keep the reader interested. The main part of writing on the far right
of the screen is focused at reviewing and rating the film, it gives a good in depth review into the film and looks at
different aspects of the movie this writing style is to inform, keeping it small to fit lots on the small part of the page
that they have its worded smart and keeps people interested in the way that its been done.
Symbolic style – the symbolism in style of this uses the color blue which matches with spok who is in the
background is to draw attention to captain kirk the main character who is the only different color on the page
much like in the film as he is the captain of the starship enterprise I believe that this color move is to symbolize this
part of the film and to make him stand out. This is what I consider to be a good move by the publisher as he keeps
the design to film and also if the review is to focus around him and keep attention on him then the magazine
makes sure that he stands out to. The blue color theme is ice and overall works well with the general look of the
double page spread and keeps it neat and tidy.
Set up – the set up of this double page spread is to take up most of the room with a image so that it looks like
there's more in the magazine, this sticks to the idea of using an image that’s interesting and looks nice visually to
catch peoples attention to the pages and in doing this they are able to include lots of information to a page and
make it look like there's not a lot, it tricks people that want to read little into reading a lot and this set up makes
sure it does that compared to the actual page size and image size the writing is small. On the main image it ha
direction and instructions to follow almost a route to take in reading it which I think is a nice feature.
Fonts – the font size for “in cinemas” is very bright colorful almost like opening night somewhere but has a slightly
retro feel to it this is just visually nice to look at and I think that that is the main part of this feature the font is bold
and tall making it easy to read and advertise that its in cinemas. The font name of the film is black bold which to
change the tone to serious in the writing part of the magazine.
Imagery – the imagery mainly used in this is blue as it sticks focus to that in order to make the yellow stand out
which can link to the film and the review on the right of which the blue arrow points to. There is a big focus on
light colors which I believe links to the review being light toned like the film is.
Essentials – this double page spread has a title and subheadings around it with instructions on where to look for
different parts of the work and visual effects to make it look appealing to the audience.
Research – websites
Written style – the written style for this article by the empire is to use quotes and reviews and puns off the show in
order to keep you interested in the review as if you liked the show and then are checking the review this ticks the
boxes for how it should be reviewed keeping it simple and long, going into to each episode individually with a main
starting point as an introduction and then having the different reviews and then moving into the summary of the
series and at the top of a full summary rating in starts which represent how the review is going to look at it.
Symbolic style – it uses red as its boarder matching to the logo of stranger things which is red they play on this with
the layout of the website focusing on these points it has these bits of red as it moves down the page providing
matches and link backs to the top keeping it color coded as it moves along.
Set up – the set up puts quotations on the left side of the page next to the review to draw attention to a line in the
review without reading it this gives a clear indication of how it is being reviewed and weather it’s a good series or
the reviewer at least thinks it is. This quotation also provides a pun that is linking to the series this shows that the
reviewer knows the type of series he is reviewing.
Fonts – there are a main two types of fonts used in this and that is to keep things smart and simple without
overcomplicating the webpage and these two is another “Calibri” as the main text using the review and a big bold
font for subheading and quotes to ensure that certain parts stand out.
Imagery – the imagery used in this is mainly images of the film and how they are searching for something in the
image and this represents how people have come to this page searching for information about the series whether if
its to watch it or just to look at its still there.
Essentials – color match that is regular on a empire design, advertisements to gain the company money from people
that see the ad, ratings to show it’s a review and images to keep people interested.
Research – websites
Written style – This is the empire website from the magazines that I had been looking at and this has the same type of
title that the magazines have it is in red like the other magazines that I have looked at and I think that this works well
as an overall look of the website I think that it suits the end product. The website uses the same type of wording, the
idea behind the simplistickness at the bottom of the page there is headlines for different articles worded in a way that
catches the readers attention under that is the start of the article and this shows what type of content it is that’s being
used. Above the headline is an image and this image shows the main part of the articles I think that this is a nice
Symbolic style – the style of the website is not like the main part of the magazines including covers as it doesn't have a
big enough focus on color scheme or how the website looks when its set out and I think this is because its focused
more on set up and how the overall website fits together than making it it look clever, this website simply keeps it
simple and I think this adds a nice touch to a website as it looks appealing and overall it fits together well. Symbolism
they did manage to include is dead pool as red and the main logo of the company in red as well as the boarder around
the article page split off point being red this is to match the color and with a white background this is hard to do
anyway. The main article features all have images and are equally spaced apart and each writing is in black boarder on
the top half with white writing covering it unlike the bottom half where its white background and black words.
Set up – the set up provides clear indication of where everything is showing me the different parts and different places
to find stuff. There is lots of space between each article making it easy to scroll down and skim read them to pick out
the article that the viewer may want, I think that this is a ice touch, they set it up so that the title is clearly visible at
the top left with different option on the top bar going through to the right, each article selection point is easy to read
and this makes the websites different options stand out.
Fonts – the fonts that are used in this stay bold and are easy to read they make it so that it is clearly visible to people
keeping each letter big and words things simplistically so its easy to understand by anyone reading it. I think that this is
a nice touch and keeps it together. The rest of the fonts used are normal writing fonts that are clear and easy to read
such as “Calibri” on word or PowerPoint.
Imagery – there isn't much imagery in this website other then the white background which represents a simplistic
plain way of looking at things, the use different colors to symbolize there different parts of the articles on different
occasion and for this they had parts red for there dead pool article.
Essentials – the essentials that are used I this are headlines sub headings it includes boarders and a main options
screen with a search bar.
Idea Generation
Idea 1: Games
Magazine cover:
• Different games
• Adding reviews
• Writing reviews
• Including an image from a game
• Having the title at the top
• A main heading beneath the image
• Sub headings
• Colors that match to the image in text
• A background that fits the different parts of the cover
• Advertisements to other part of the magazine
• Exclusives – promising something from inside
• Page instructions
• Image of gameplay
• Symbolism of what the magazine is about from the cover
• Use clever writing style
• Use different screenshots
• Different consoles
• For all consoles
• Just games
Double page spread:
• Include a image from the game on a page as a
background image
• Include information about the chosen subject including
positives and negatives about the subject.
• Add in a big image as the background of the magazine
that is related to the topic that’s been talked about.
• Add in guide lines for the game so that people reading
know how the controls would almost as a key and quick
• I would add in a walkthrough guide just in case people
reading the magazine are struggling with the game.
• Make it about 1 specific game at a time to make sure
that it doesn't’t get convoluted with loads of different
• Have a huge article explaining in detail everything about
the game to back up any point that I make and go in
depth with article.
• Include an overall rating for my review of what I am
talking about.
• Create sections for different parts of the subject that I
am talking about.
• Have a main home page that catches the viewers attention
by making it stand out look great and eye catching
• Have multiple different pages coming off the home screen
leading to different parts.
• Have a contact us page where I will give the option of
people to recommend or suggest a topic to talk about.
• Info page which will contain information about the website
and the magazine which will be the about s page I feel that
this will be a nice touch.
• I will have a page with screenshots of the game I am
playing to visually indicate parts of what I ma talking about.
• I will have a coming soon page which gives the option to
see what topics are next to be talked about.
Experiments (Production Research)
InDesign work
This was a simple mock up of an experiment for InDesign
just to practice with the program and see how
everything works on it and I think this would be a nice
touch when its finished an that I would fit together well
with the overall design.
I found random things about stranger things for example
the casting and synopsis and I feel like these was a good
add for practice as it gave me practice on making the
work to the right standard and how to add in images and
writing such as text I think that this worked well.
Experiments – Website
For my website I created different pages as an experiment in
order to get the feel of how the website works. On this I was
able to remove different parts of the originals design such as
title to add in new images. The images that I added where a bit
of fun and I think overall fit a nice overall look to the page I put
the images in grids.
Experiments – Website
Experiments – Website
Experiments – Website
Experiments – Website
This page of the website was giving
people the ability to to interact with
the website and actually get
something out of it other then
information this was a feature
already built in the website template
but I adjusted it in order to meet the
needs of the audience.
Experiments – Front cover of Magazine
For this magazine experiment I decided to fit in some vogue takes this
way it kept to magazine that’s already out and then made it into
something completely different I took the name and I took the style and I
made it into a magazine cover for a film character. I think that this was a
good idea I thought that I could improve it by making it a lighter tone and
then adding in different features. I would tidy it up a bit then move and
measure each part to make sure its perfectly in line, I would move the
underline more to the center as its bit off I feel that I should take
measurements of how far each side is to make sure its perfect and
Photoshop would have tools that I need in order to do that.
Mood Board
Style Sheet
Style Sheet
Mock up – website
Mock up – magazine front cover
Mock up - double page spread
• Star Wars Battlefront 2
• Campaign – Disappointment, the character’s change personality and character within a blink of an eye; somehow. I don’t understand how this happens: iden virsio (spoiler) becomes a rebel from being a commander of her elite squad
named inferno siding with the Empire, she does this because she is tasked with a decision, she would obviously pick the hero choice, you know, because the villain always has to become the hero. She does this within about 20 minutes
of a game with a 5-hour story, if that! When she does this the world is being attacked and it’s her home world being destroyed, she walks past all the innocent civilians dying and doesn’t bat an eye, she just watches them die. As soon as
she gets through some door which clearly has magical powers, given she decides to change character and save a few people that are going to be killed, no real reason for this other than EA needed a story mode for more money. The
story doesn't create something new, instead it relies on its films as for the majority you play as different characters apart from the “main character” in the story. You will play as: Lando Calrisian, Han solo, princess leia, Luke Skywalker
and Kylo Ren. Although this is fun and a nice touch it fails, mainly due to how short the story of iden virsio is. She is not in the story enough time to pull this off. No. sorry she is in the story enough; her story is that bad and doesn’t
contain anything with meaning to her backstory. What is there in her story, you don’t really care about, mainly as there is not enough character development to make her an interesting character. A man on her squad called Hask turns
against her and chooses the Empire after praising Iden Virsio repeatedly moments before, there is only a simplistic, one word, explanation for How I feel about this; disappointment. It follows the generic narrative, making the villain turn
good at the end and although this can work as narrative, the fact that it happens so quickly and is poorly executed it’s Just sad to watch at this point. At the end of the story near the last mission you meet Hask again after he betrayed
you, it’s been a while but you don’t know as you played as other characters for the majority of what you would call EAs gaming experience. You shoot down Hasks ship with no effort providing the idea that he is a irrelevant character,
however he manages to come back to life at the end of the game managing to survive the crash. I’m now going to change topic, a bit like they all change characters its out of the blue. They don’t build on the empires story after return of
the Jedi, one minute they still have the power to destroy worlds and the next lose everything they have when they randomly decide to go to jakuu with no explanation to have a final battle simply because the rushed story needs a
rushed ending. At this point the rebellion is treating the entire thing like it doesn't matter. At the end of the game she makes her way to the bridge of her father’s ship (oh yeah her dad is in charge of the empire now, forgot to mention
that, a bit like the game.) as she gets to the bridge with him he (after disowning her as a daughter trying to kill her on multiple occasions and wanting her dead) miraculously changes his mind, he tells her to save herself while she (after
wanting to kill him for what he did to her) went up there to save him and pull him off the ship, Instead of killing him he tells her to run and save herself while he goes down with his ship, because he now for some reason thinks what he
did was wrong, with no real explanation as to why. The character who did get more development then the main character was called del, he was another member of inferno squad who decided to do the right thing however when he
does the right thing it, makes sense as the best told story in the game was near the start when you play as Luke skywalker. By far the most relevant and interesting part as well as fun, you fight your way as Luke with del to Palpatines
vault. Here del learns that the Jedi are not evil and he has been lied to his whole life he knows this as Luke skywalker saves his life and when asked why Luke says “because you asked” this develops lukes character really well and shows
why del would make the right call to save the innocent, because he figured out about how the emperor was a force user and a sith as Luke told him. Luke shows him compassion so when he decides to turn on the empire it makes sense,
later on in the Game he quotes Luke and what he said to him for different things showing that Luke influenced his life greatly, somehow in 10 minutes they made a story for a side character better than the story for the main and you
hardly see del again for the rest of the Game. As you work your way through the game you will get the feeling that these things don’t add up or make sense, this is true, it feels like something is missing from the game almost as if it’s like
a film that’s rushed and has had major points cut out. well then you would be right. From the trailer, it shows multiple scenes that are not in the game for some reason although this is expected from a film trailer, given that a film is
normally about 2 hours long they have to be a certain length of duration. A game its meant to be long and contain a lot which makes them cutting out things no sense. On the Han Solo play through mission they make lots of links to the
sequel the force awakens but offer you the chance to go to kashyyyk a prequel map. In this chance Han Solo asks you to fight with him to help free the Wookie home world and you expect this to be your next mission however it skips to
playing as Lando and you don’t get to play this. I could not help but feel that I missed the mission somehow as kashyyyk is a multiplayer map and it would make an interesting link that I would understand however this never happens
and I find it upsetting that this is the case.
• Multiplayer – The game includes maps from all eras on the multiplayer, this is a good idea but it dosen’t include the many maps overall it has 5 original trilogy maps. There is Endor, Death Star II, Hoth, Mos Eisley and Yavin IV these are
for the original trilogy which is 5 maps one of these maps is a remake of a map that’s already been made which is Hoth, which means they made 3 maps like on the prequels which is Kashyyyk, Naboo and Kamino. Then there’s Jakuu,
Takodana and Starkiller Base these are the final maps from the force awakens, my problem with this is that to one film it gives 3 maps and for trilogy's they get 3 maps each it’s bad that there is only 11 maps in a game that took 2 years
to make and they wasn’t spending time on story obviously. They have different game modes that you can play on multiplayer each with different amounts of players and different objectives. Galactic assault – this is the big one and the
one that everyone plays, in this it is 20 people in each team making it a session of 40 people. The maps are huge and have 3 stages to lead up to each part of the map. essentially its 3 maps at once, when the first objective is complete
you move on to step 2, you leave behind the first part and move up the map un able to go back although, this is a nice idea you are unable to move to the next 2 steps if you fail the first as it ends the game meaning that if you don’t have
a good team, you can miss out on the opportunity to play the rest of the maps and because it’s such a big map with certain objectives and so many people in it, it relies on you to take places as a team and make sure that we complete it.
The second game mode is the one everyone wanted which is Starfighter assault yes that’s right they added space missions! that should have been in the first game at launch. This is by far the best game mode on the game for what it can
do. You are given objectives that will lead your team to victory if you are able to complete them the difference between these objectives and the galactic assault is that you could complete these objectives on solo if you were good
enough. The controls are easy and taking out other Starfighters isn't a challenge. The next game mode is blast which is kill based. essentially it’s a call of duty team Deathmatch but on a smaller scale of the big maps. The second to last
game mode is called strike which is basically domination. The final game mode is heroes v villains, this game mode has 8 people, 4 on each team it gives the option to put against your hero and villains against each other it is a race at the
start to pick your favorite character to play as only 1 person can have a specific hero which makes sense and isn't a problem, the connection dosen’t help loading up the choice menu through making it difficult to choose who you want
first, the objectives, kill a certain hero that’s marked or villain to win a point, once the first person kills the target 10 times. The target changes to different players, once you have eliminated the targets (all 10) the game is won. A
problem with the game is villains and heroes are locked by credits, creating a progression system and although this isn't the problem, it’s that you each earn the same amount of credits each match which means someone doing really
good every game dosen’t earn it first when they should as they can clearly lead a team without the boost they should get it. Another issue, star cards are the ranking up system, the only way to get star card or make them is with crates,
yep that’s right, pay to win loot crates, so it doesn’t go off how long you have played the game or how well you have done in games when ranking, it goes off how much god damn money you spend. Infact it’s the dumbest thing I have
ever seen, the person that thought this was a good idea was clearly under the influence of something, probably EAs Bank balance after little kids take their parents credit card. let me explain, in order to rank up you need to unlock star
cards, yes, not play the game well to earn XP, nope you have to open supply drops with your credit card in order to level up because, well, I really don’t know? They want more and more money maybe. I don’t know they are EA. At this
point it really dosen’t matter how much of a good job they did with their amazing graphics which are great. Game modes are irrelevant when the game is pay to win, I mean come on we already payed 50 pound for the game, let alone
this. They made a comment which states “this is to give the player a sense of achievement” it’s not an achievement when you pay extra to win is it? And it’s the worst kind as well. Most games that have a pay to win option is a short cut,
this means you can earn it legitly by playing properly or you can cheat it all and pay money, now I hate games like these but at least there’s a legit option, don’t get me wrong this is a disgrace to have this but still a legit option. This game
dosen’t give such option you either wait 30 hours on bad credits no matter what to unlock a hero or you simply pay and get it all early. Sad.
• Arcade mode – the arcade mode, not much to say, you are able to add in as many AI troops as you would like on any difficulty and fight them as a troop in normal match or be a hero the entire game and rip them apart or villains your
choice. Although this is a good idea the problem with the arcade mode is that it only has a few of the maps that are actually available on multiplayer for some reason, this means that the arcade mode is actually incomplete and
unfinished which isn't what you want when paying 50 pound for the game only to find that it’s not even finished. Oh, well I suppose we shouldn't be surprised at this point we are dealing with EA and their obsession with selling
incomplete pay to win games, it seems to be all they know when making a game at this point.
• Conclusion – Although the game is fun it is missing about 70% of things it should have come with, an example of this is the original Star Wars battlefront 2 (2005) it managed to come out with 10x the maps of the game 12 years later and
was 10x more entertaining, it came with the ability to play online with more people. the space missions were far more immersive then the new ones. if anything, naming it after a masterpiece and it not being a remaster is a crime, and is
shameful to what it was, it would have been fine if it contained all the content that battlefront 2 (2005) did but improved, larger scale and better looking. plus, more but they apparently, they couldn't do that because they would prefer
to bring out multiple games in different years. It has abit of everything, as a Star Wars game and is an improvement from the first one in 2015 however the 2015 game had a customization option and an ACTUAL progression system that
this game dosen’t have simply because it wants to rob your pockets, for all you have. Just to do a basic level up by 1. it would be nice to talk to the people in charge of making the game and ask them why the hell, they thought this would
be a good idea. Maybe they thought it was like a film audience where people don’t actually pay attention to what's said or what's happening just watch flashing images and call it entertainment, well… guess what EA! it’s different with
games, people actually have to pay attention to the game in order to play it and when people pay attention to what they have bought and see they have been ripped off. Just because its Star Wars, dosen’t mean they can do whatever
they want and hide behind the name and when they complain. They claim it’s to make people feel like they accomplished something, when the only thing they accomplish is getting up for their wallet to add in some card details. I pray
that EA come to the realization that what they are doing is wrong and change it completely in an update if they don’t then they have screwed us all over and don’t care. The overall rating of the game from this article, if I was EA I would
lock it behind a paywall and when asked why I would say “it’s to make you feel like you accomplished something when you access it” but because am not EA I will share it with you, I give it a its fun and enjoyable but it loses 5
because of pay walls and it being incomplete also a broken progression system that’s just plain stupid and bad story mode that takes up 57% of the game. 5/10
Production schedule
Day Plan of Action Resources Required
Day 1  Take the pictures that I need/ screenshots ready for
my magazine double page spread.
 A camera and a memory
stick plus the game that the
article is about
Day 2  store all of the photos onto a memory card then transfer
them to the computer documents.
 A computer and the cameras
memory card from the one
that I used the day before
Day 3  Open Photoshop and create a basic set up for the
magazine front cover.
 A computer with Photoshop.
Day 4  Make and complete the front cover for the magazine
making sure that it looks suitable as a magazine
 A computer with Photoshop.
Day 5  Open InDesign in order to make the double page
spread and start shaping it out with background
images and set up to make it look like a suitable
double page spread for a magazine.
• A computer that has InDesign
Day 6  Finish the double page spread and its set up  A computer that has
Photoshop on it.
Day 7  Make the website using wix in order to build it.  A computer that has access
to internet so I can use the
website builder
Day 8  Check through work and improve it.  All the above.
Process - Magazines
In this poster I tried to make the poster fit
very nicely with the subject that the most
part of the magazine is about and I think that
it overall matches the color scheme although
I do feel that the titles could be better put
together and this would be an improvement.
What I did :
• I made the main title of the
magazine separately in
Photoshop so that I would be
able to add it into all of the
magazine covers that I would be
able to make multiple to fit into
the work that I have produced.
• I got the last of us cover for the
magazine off google and I feel
that this was great as I was able
to make a good looking like and
actual magazine cover as I
Process - Website
Process – Double page spread
What I did :
• I took screenshots of my game play when playing it for myself in
order to add them into my magazine double page spread.
• I wrote an article for campaign mode and discussed what was
wrong with it and pondered about what was good as well but
explained how you cant ignore so many bad things and then I
had t cut it up and from what I had originally done on word and
then add it in on this magazine page.
• I created a out of 10 rating on Photoshop and then used that
and added it into InDesign in the top right corner of the first
page on the left so that when people turn to sweet the review
of campaign mode its in big and then they can read the
explanations if they want to know why.
• I added the images that I took to the bottom of the page to be
visible under the article and I feel that I had done a goods job of
this overall.
• I added in rectangles and turned the colour to light blue which I
feel makes the articles stand out and perfectly readable but also
fit well with the overall look of the magazine double page
• I gave the sub heading of campaign mode so that it was ways to
see that this page was about the campaign mode then they
could move to over pages to see the different parts of the
• I got the background from google as I was writing abut a game it
was difficult to get other backgrounds that was to fit in as well
as these fit in. a problem that I had with the background was no
matter which I found in good quality had when I added it into
InDesign from making it better and shaping it out in Photoshop
it automatically turned it to poor quality.
• When I was done I took a screenshots and then added it into
this PowerPoint I also too screenshots of how I got here
however I feel.
Process What I did :
• I cut my multiplayer review down from the word document
and made it so it was just the multiplayer and then I cut it
in half so that I could go on both pages of the magazine
and I feel like this worked although I understand people
like a fit shape to an article for example it to curve round
but I feel like this worked better because it was just simple
and easy to read so to people I can audience agree that
this would look better like it does and also it can fit to the
website as its just in bulk a flat out review on the page.
• I added in more of my own screenshots of the game as it
adds a visual elements to the magazine which I think fits
well overall.
• I then added in subtitles into it as I feel that it was a nice
addition for reasons that I have already explain on the
previous slide.
• The title of the game was the title and this was great
because I made it so that it is always in the same place for
the starting weapon and I think that tis is a nice addition to
my work and I believe that it looks nice overall.
• I added in a background into the magazine double page
spread from google because I feel like this matched well to
the type of game that I was going for when I was making it.
• I have the backgrounds in place for the writing sticking to
the blue that light I went for this on every page as I feel it
connects to my work well and I a good touch.
Process What I did:
• For my last 2 reviews I didn't have much to say, so what I had
was the arcade mode review and finally the the conclusion and
I tried to add these into my magazine double page spread on 2
different pages and I feel that this was a nice touch.
• I got a image from google for the background again except this
time the image I got was the same as the front of my magazine
cover so its connects and also it was HD and good quality when
added into InDesign which hasn’t happened before when I have
been using it so I was very pleased with that.
• I kept in the blue rectangle background as I do think that it’s a
nice touch to have added into my work I think that it fits well on
all of the different magazines double page spreads.
• I used titles and sub headings for reasons that I have already
explained previously.
Double page spread – Finished products
Double page spread – Strengths and
• Strengths – in the magazine double page spread and this means that I was able to make 3 different double page spread my article that I had
written was very large and I had to split it between 4 different parts, the parts go to campaign mode then to multiplayer then to arcade
mode and then a conclusion of the game and all the parts put together. This was a strength because I was able to go into more detail with
my work coming up with different ways to explain each part of the game but because I made it longer it meant that I was able to go into
great detail and explain it fully. I was unable to take my own photos with a camera as this was a magazine based off a game but I was able to
take screenshots of my gameplay which meant that I was able to show that I know what I am talking about based of where I am in the table
to show that its not a “its bad because your not good, argument”, when actually that's not the case in reality its just bad because of how I
explain it bit by bit, the content and progression system is broken, but a strength is that there is that much wrong with the game that I was
able to explain it in detail and I think that it works well.
• Weaknesses – because of how much I wrote it took time to go through it all and make sure that I was making correct points and that they
where correct points I do acknowledge the fact that the game is going to change with updates and eventually when the game is fully out in
a year or so with a year of updates and dlc added In for free the game will be different I do understand that but at the time that this article
is written with what I explain is what it is, what I have included are correct at this moment and it is a weakness I do agree with that. Another
weakness is the lengths I went to in order to give a detailed response took lots of time to do and the time it took to do and this was time
that could have been better spent else where such as designing the pages.
Website – Finished products
Website – Strengths and Weaknesses
• Strengths – The strengths of making a website was experimenting with the design of each page and what type of content it would include, I
had decided that it was rather silly to have a website that was about strictly one topic and I had to make the website as if there are lots of
magazines that are already created, making it seem like a well established website which gives me so much more room for creativity and I
am happy with that and I think that it was a good idea to do it this way as it looks more simple like that and more well done. The website
that I was suing is a pro because I feel that it was quick and easy to use with simple controls for anyone to use in a short amount of time and
I appreciate that. The fact that it was free to use is also helpful I feel because it means that I am able to access it anytime and I didn't have
to pay for it, on some of the websites that I looked for it was only available for a week then I would have to pay for it which would not of
being helpful so I'm glad that I was able to find a free website that had all that I needed. I made 6 pages for my website and on the first
page I had images of the front covers that I made for the magazine company this was in order to make it look professional. On the second
page I had services which described the basic services that the website had and did not follow on from there as they was presentation only.
On the third page I an about us page where the website explained what the different parts of it where about and what are company is
about for example entertaining people. On the fourth page I had a message us place where they could contact our head office any
messages that where put on here and sent go to my email which is a strength as it allowed me to add the ability to give me feedback on
where I could improve. My fifth page is the start of the website or the home page, I think that this works well as it suits the overall look of
the website it simply gives the option to go to the other pages, and it has the title on the front. The sixth page was where I had the article
that I had written included to give an idea of what type of things the magazine talks about and also link up the different productions that I
have made.
• Weaknesses – a weakness of this was the time that I had to complete it as 2 weeks seems like a lot of time it actually took 2 weeks to
complete all 3 products and this was time time consuming I did it last as I felt that it would be easier so I could combine all of the products
together on the website, I feel that this worked well as a overall look and I would say that it fit together well but with more time I would be
able to add in more information to the website and improve the overall design of it.
Magazine cover – Finished products
Magazine cover – Strengths and Weaknesses
• Strengths – the strengths of using Photoshop is that I have had practice on the program which meant that I was able to use it well and use
the different tools and settings it provided. On my first magazine cover I had issues trying to get the right colour but thanks to blending I
was able to blend the colors together which helped me shape out a patch to fit in the title of the magazine and then I was able to add in the
star wars battlefront at the bottom sticking out to explain what the game is about. The main strength of making these magazine covers was
the software that I completed it on as I think that Photoshop is very good and helped me put together my work. I was able to use google to
find the images of the front cover which is a plus it was said that I should use more of my own work but it is difficult to get my own image
when I am talking about games and not places this meant that I would have been unable to get my own image of these front covers and if I
attempted to get my own it would be time consuming when I could just get my own from google very easily. So I would say that it was a
good program and made it easy for me to complete my work quickly and to the time limit which was very helpful.
• Weaknesses – the time was a weakness not having the ability to take photos and the time to edit them for the game is difficult as it would
take time for me to get the right specific image that would be needed for the magazine covers an d then cleaning it up and editing it so that
it is good enough quality to fit on a cover and then the possibility of having t scrap it after all the time and effort on it is sad because I feel
like I definitely needed.
Similarities and differences Magazines
A similarity is the colour scheme that we have used we
both use red this is so that they actually end up
matching in good quality based on what colours they
use, however it is not very good that the similar existing
product looks like it contains the needed additional
information, the additional information it included/
contained. I would definitely add in more information
around the bottom and top however one of the catches
with this work is that I need to make sure that the
background picture is not covered up and looks like a
good standard of work. A difference is also that the
main magazine cover has a bar code of which I did add
and did more to this but since I'm working on apple
computers it for some reason did not save my work
properly. Another different is slogans as this magazine
cover that is the correct one contains short and
impactful sentences to catch the readers attention and
an example of this would be “J.J. Abrams on the most
anticipated film… Ever!” this and others is something
that add more to the magazine cover and makes it more
eyecatching where as mine is more plain and bland mine
did have more on it to compete with this but apparently
all that i had spent about 5 hours doing had been lost
because what i had saved couldnt be re opened again
and i saved it in 3 seperate places all of which where for
some reason corrupt. Smartness a difference that this
magazine has to mine is it looks much more
proffessionally done and this fdoesnt compare to mine
as my work doesnt have that same affect. This magazine
also advertises other magazines in it such as “the
martian, Everest, crimson peak, pan, the hateful eight
and more...” this is to draw other people i who are
interested in them films but also its abig difference as
my magazien cover does not contain that.
Similarities and differences Website
On there website they have the same type of home page as
I do because they have made it so that the main image of
dead pool which appears to be the thing that they are
advertising and talking about at the minute due to it being
the number one topic they have placed it on the front, this
is similar to my work as I have put star wars battlefront on
the front of my website and this is because I feel that it is
the main focus of my magazine it seemed best to have it at
the front on the home page to connect to my work and also
be similar to the other magazine websites professional
standard. Under there main page of there website they
have included articles and on there website they not have a
contact page to write to although they do include there
email so you can privately send them an email. At the top of
both of our home screens there are option to go to
different pages for different content if they want to, this is
similar to my work and I followed the basic structure of a
website in order to get this. The other website has included
advertisements for there other articles that they have
written that you can loom at by a click this would have been
difficult for me as I only had one article I could not advertise
anymore then that one but I did add that article to my
website so that it would be visible. The main background of
both websites have a white background as its more plain
and it is much easier for the other pieces of work to stand
out on top and I think that this is a nice touch to the work.
The main setup of the official website uses 3 colours which
are red (the colour of the company logo) black (easy to read
on a white background) and white (so black is visible and
easy to read), this is similar to mine in the white and black
as I stuck to these colours as it was just easier to read if it
was this way however a difference is that my company logo
is not the same colour on this as I went for a black on white
again to make it more visible.
The official website included more pages but it was essentially the
same thing just repeated over and over again just sharing more of
there articles I feel like this would be a great idea if I had lots of
articles to share however I do not have this and I had to go for a
different approach in order to make my website look proper which s
a difference so I changed and altered the different things that I had
already included. Another difference is that on each of the article
pages that where included in this where filled with advertisements
everywhere this is to make the company money when people are
looking and reading through the article, they will put it in ridicules
places like in the middle of the page or to the sides about 10 ads all
over the page, I understand fully why that is there but from another
point of view all those on it when your that big of a company is
ridiculously excessive and not necessary.
Similarities and differences double page
A similarity that bot of our pieces have is that they both
have an image of the thing that we are talking about in
the background, a difference is that the official ones
writing is hard to read as it blends in with the
background and not in a good way as its white writing
and white writing is hard to read anyway they added it
into a light background with bits of dark but I do not
believe that it contrasts very well and this leads to the
writing being difficult to read where as on my work I
added boxes in to change the color and fit to the
background and then add the writing on the boxes so
that my article will be easier to read after all its not just
about visuals people are there for the article not for
pictures at least I think, and this meant that I had to
make sure that you was definably able to read it which
s why the boxes are there. I also added these boxes
onto each page and the reason for this is because I felt
that it would be a good idea if I had lots of connecting
quality's to my work so it was contrasting throughout
each a page of the article. We both included images in
this as I felt like it was important to have visuals around
the work that represented the game and I feel that I did
a good job of that and I feel like I included enough to fit
the target audience as people like to see the visuals but
people also want to read through it after all this is
advice about the game and a good review of whether
or not you should buy the game. They seem to have no
boarders on the page which just looks neat overall I did
include boarders on my page so that it had neat look to
it and so that it was not confusing but easy to follow
and read and looked smart overall.
I included the title to every page which was the game name and this is similar to
the existing product as they have also added in the title on to there page and
then the article underneath, a difference however is that I have added in sub
heading and I felt that it was important to add in these sub headings as it showed
clear indication to where everything was for instance if some one needed to see
a specific thing and needed to know about something in particular then the sub
headings allow the to skip to the part of the article that they want also its fits a
neat basic structure of which this does not infact follow. The review is not very
good because I feel that on there work they have made it short not in detail and
they barley review it more just praising normal things without pondering about
the negatives about the work.
Like me they have 3 basic colour schemes that they use and these fit into the
look of the work as it keeps it basic and also looks nice but I do not feel that
the official one did this well as there page is void and bland lacking in lots of
things and an example of this is the page on the right has barley anything
included and is just overall bland. Ii do not feel that the other peace of work
overall it has many differences to mine but not in a good way I feel like this
should not be professional but apparently it is I understand mine isn't but
then its exactly meant to be but this one is and it dosen’t meet the standard
which is just sad.

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  • 3. Research – magazine front cover Written style – In the written style it seems although it is trying to appeal to a teenage audience and this is by the way it it says “OMG! SICK SITH POWERS!” this implies the game that its talking about which is “the force unleashed” is very happy. so much that the person writing this magazine article on the front cover wants to scram about how “sick” the powers of your character are. In the way it says “world exclusive!”. It also includes a list of other articles that are in the magazine front cover this includes the “the new guitar hero!”, I use this as an example because I feel that the exclamation mark makes it out to be a big thing like huge news and this is represented in the list as this is also included on “call of duty 4: new maps!” this provides a writing style that says certain things on the list are big news and important where as others are not. Also on the list is where it says “Grid: The next great racer?” the use of a question mark shows that the writer is asking us to look at the article on the grid and see if it is the next great racer the idea is to get the people that like racing games or games in general to look at this page with interest. Symbolic style – The symbolic style of this shows me that they was going for star wars as there main selling point and eye catcher to this poster back when it was designed, the game force unleashed had come out and the main part of this magazine is that and I believe that it fits together nicely. The other bits of set up and headlines around the magazine are also about the game trying to fit as much as they can to keep it interested. From the style of the magazine it is clear that this is a dark version of a game magazine, from the front cover its focus is a dark tone with Darth Vader on the front even if you don’t know who Darth Vader is it is clear that he is a villain from his dark clothing atmosphere around him and how he has someone bowing to him in a dark and sinister way and I believe that this symbolizes the tone of darkness backed up by the “darkest. star wars. Ever!” this shows that it is supposed to be dark and symbolizes it well. Set up – The set up of this magazine front cover is to provide the title at the top which is “GamePro” and this is in red matching to Darth Vader's lightsaber this main title fits with the overall look of the poster and stands out from the rest of the page. Darth Vader is in the middle in big covering half the screen in order to catch peoples attention on the character. The headlines around the page fit to a magazine formula going around the side of the page but keeping the middle open and visible to people so they are able to see it and it stands out. Fonts – The top font that stands out is very bold and I think this is good because it stands out on the page and is big and bulky and easy to read, the main headlines fit together by using the color yellow and I think that this is good because it makes the headlines match and stand out so they are easy to read on the dark page and stand out. The information under the headline is white which matches to the rest of the writing on the magazine. Imagery – the imagery of this magazine shows Darth Vader stood tall above his apprentice and this is imagery of the dark tone of the magazine and how this story of star wars in the magazine its self stands tall as the main focus of the magazine and this works well to the overall tone of the magazine and this works well. Essentials – This includes a headline, sub headings and a main image that the magazine is focused around on the front making it a generic magazine cover.
  • 4. Research – magazine front cover Written style – the written style of this poster is that it is big bold and smart font and I believe that this matches to the overall look of the work really well as it all suits the magazine with the main imagery. The writing is set out really smart and I think that it works really well and suits the overall look really well and I think that this is what a magazine front cover for something smart should look and I think its overall visual effect works with the style really well. It uses “there is a exclusive you’ve been looking for!” this language and use of the exclamation mark provides the sense of needing to see something which is given by the way its worded. It has “Amazing fold out collectors cover.” this shows that its important to have this magazine as it has a collectors cover its written in bold and in all caps this is to stand out and catch the persons viewings attention and almost bribe them into buying it. Symbolic style – the red on this symbolizes the dark side on star wars as they have red lightsabers. The main tone is very dark and this makes the red stand out. They have put there company magazine name at the top in red to match with the lightsaber it goes from red at the top to red in the middle and then they add in a last line of red at the bottom so that the entire page has red on it I think that this is good because it stands out well on the page. It uses a dark tone to create a dark atmosphere around the film and the magazine and I think that the magazine is put together well from this aspect because it doesn't follow other generic magazine covers and is actually good quality over it. Set up – the set up of this like the last one is to put the main sales point in the middle and the main sales point for this is Kylo Ren and I think that it suits it well as it fits him in the middle of the page between 2 people that serve him and the rest of the writing such as title headline and sub headings are below or above including additional information but making sure the front image stands out from the rest. Fonts – the font that is used for the main title is a really bold font that stands out due to its red color that it just plain red with no boarder I feel that this is a nice simple touch that works really well with the final outcome of the magazine. The bottom font is a really nice fit it is yet again a simple white with nothing to much to it and I think that it suits it really with the overall loom and I think that it has a nice subtle look to it, the font varies throughout the image changing the overall look of it and I think that this works well with the overall look of the work. Imagery – the imagery and tone for this image focuses on the Darkside and this is shown with the background colors how they look and the bottom of the page has writing in a faint font just like the top of the page which matches well with the bottom of the page and I think that this is a nice touch the Patten that everything on this page matches to something else, it’s a nice touch to have. Essentials – bar code on the front, main title of the magazine, main image of character on the from standing tall above everything else and the way that it smartly fits together.
  • 5. Research – magazine front cover Written style – the written style in this is to show the simple standard words such as the name “empire” and the film title ”the last Jedi” and “there is another” it also offers an “exclusive star wars figure inside” this shows me that there is things inside convincing the person viewing it to open it up and take a look because there is a exclusive offer inside the magazine for the figure, I think that this is a nice touch to the magazine and gets people interested the magazine cover itself doesn't include much wording but is a visual treat. Symbolic style – the lightsaber matches to the blue chrome style page with the empire in chrome as the title and the last Jedi in chrome creating a visual affect that just overall looks great. There is a cloudy background with a outer and inner glow of the chrome blue like color of the lightsaber and this adds to the overall look of the magazines front cover. the rest of the writing in dark blue which is like the outer rim and glow of the lightsaber and this is also on the outer rim of the chrome titles this adds to the affect and creates a ice looking visual affect on the overall look of the image and works really well. Set up – the set up places Luke Skywalker and Rey in the middle of the image this provides clear demonstration of the main characters in this film the way they fit above the empire logo but under the last Jedi title is a good look for the magazine and I feel is a good visual look overall as it adds in a good top look at the characters. Fonts – Imagery – Essentials –
  • 6. Research – magazine double page spread Written style – the most visible thing on this double page spread is the “2013: THE HOT LIST” this is visible because it’s the main start of the section for the magazine on the opening pager and is over a game called Crysis 3 this provides automatically that crysis is the start of the list and suggests that its at the back of the list but makes it large and gives it 2 pages meaning it’s a game worth talking about simple from visuals alone. The main writing is simple and detailed that to me I would say appeals to a teen audience some kids may find entertainment and then there is also adults that play games as its in detail I would say it mainly focuses at adults and teens as it has large paragraphs about the topic with in depth explanations about why the game belong on the list. The subheadings are in a higher headlines and this matches the overall look of the double page spread. Symbolic style – the style of this double page spread is light toned showing that its more of a bright magazine then a dark one the information has a lot of words and I think that it all fits into the set up of the pages well. One page is a bit lazy and just has an image of the character from crysis and that’s it and then it is expected to fit as the page to take up more room possibly to make it look like its more full of information then it is or maybe the company wanted 2 pages on it and since they wrote everything on the second page they just decided to fill up the last one finally. Set up – The set up of this has the main focus of keeping the the images big on the first page to take up as much room as possible on the page so it looks like hit has more quantity that it does. Lots of magazines like this use the same idea and technique at this point it is expected to be seen when looking at magazines. Fonts – the fonts are dark and bold and this means that the outlook of the magazine and the way that the magazine looks and this suits the big image that fills up the page I feel that it adds more to the page making it more interesting and I believe that it matches up to the way it suits the page. Imagery – the imagery for this magazine is very light and bright using a white background and having light as the main focus of color however I feel that the overall look of this magazine isn't as good as the look of the past ones iv done such as empire I feel that the imagery used on that actually has imagery unlike the imagery on this I do not feel that it works very well as a double page spread I feel its more forced. Essentials – A headline, subtitles other images that fit the double page spread of a poster such as the images on the far right of the image they fit in to show different parts of the game and I feel that this works well in overall look. The color scheme is there if not great.
  • 7. Research – magazine double page spread Written style – the writing style tries to intise people into reading it using ”look closer” as a way of getting people to look closer at what the magazine wants you to push focus towards and this is done by giving you as a reader instructions to follow while reading in order to keep the reader interested. The main part of writing on the far right of the screen is focused at reviewing and rating the film, it gives a good in depth review into the film and looks at different aspects of the movie this writing style is to inform, keeping it small to fit lots on the small part of the page that they have its worded smart and keeps people interested in the way that its been done. Symbolic style – the symbolism in style of this uses the color blue which matches with spok who is in the background is to draw attention to captain kirk the main character who is the only different color on the page much like in the film as he is the captain of the starship enterprise I believe that this color move is to symbolize this part of the film and to make him stand out. This is what I consider to be a good move by the publisher as he keeps the design to film and also if the review is to focus around him and keep attention on him then the magazine makes sure that he stands out to. The blue color theme is ice and overall works well with the general look of the double page spread and keeps it neat and tidy. Set up – the set up of this double page spread is to take up most of the room with a image so that it looks like there's more in the magazine, this sticks to the idea of using an image that’s interesting and looks nice visually to catch peoples attention to the pages and in doing this they are able to include lots of information to a page and make it look like there's not a lot, it tricks people that want to read little into reading a lot and this set up makes sure it does that compared to the actual page size and image size the writing is small. On the main image it ha direction and instructions to follow almost a route to take in reading it which I think is a nice feature. Fonts – the font size for “in cinemas” is very bright colorful almost like opening night somewhere but has a slightly retro feel to it this is just visually nice to look at and I think that that is the main part of this feature the font is bold and tall making it easy to read and advertise that its in cinemas. The font name of the film is black bold which to change the tone to serious in the writing part of the magazine. Imagery – the imagery mainly used in this is blue as it sticks focus to that in order to make the yellow stand out which can link to the film and the review on the right of which the blue arrow points to. There is a big focus on light colors which I believe links to the review being light toned like the film is. Essentials – this double page spread has a title and subheadings around it with instructions on where to look for different parts of the work and visual effects to make it look appealing to the audience.
  • 8. Research – websites Written style – the written style for this article by the empire is to use quotes and reviews and puns off the show in order to keep you interested in the review as if you liked the show and then are checking the review this ticks the boxes for how it should be reviewed keeping it simple and long, going into to each episode individually with a main starting point as an introduction and then having the different reviews and then moving into the summary of the series and at the top of a full summary rating in starts which represent how the review is going to look at it. Symbolic style – it uses red as its boarder matching to the logo of stranger things which is red they play on this with the layout of the website focusing on these points it has these bits of red as it moves down the page providing matches and link backs to the top keeping it color coded as it moves along. Set up – the set up puts quotations on the left side of the page next to the review to draw attention to a line in the review without reading it this gives a clear indication of how it is being reviewed and weather it’s a good series or the reviewer at least thinks it is. This quotation also provides a pun that is linking to the series this shows that the reviewer knows the type of series he is reviewing. Fonts – there are a main two types of fonts used in this and that is to keep things smart and simple without overcomplicating the webpage and these two is another “Calibri” as the main text using the review and a big bold font for subheading and quotes to ensure that certain parts stand out. Imagery – the imagery used in this is mainly images of the film and how they are searching for something in the image and this represents how people have come to this page searching for information about the series whether if its to watch it or just to look at its still there. Essentials – color match that is regular on a empire design, advertisements to gain the company money from people that see the ad, ratings to show it’s a review and images to keep people interested.
  • 9. Research – websites Written style – This is the empire website from the magazines that I had been looking at and this has the same type of title that the magazines have it is in red like the other magazines that I have looked at and I think that this works well as an overall look of the website I think that it suits the end product. The website uses the same type of wording, the idea behind the simplistickness at the bottom of the page there is headlines for different articles worded in a way that catches the readers attention under that is the start of the article and this shows what type of content it is that’s being used. Above the headline is an image and this image shows the main part of the articles I think that this is a nice feature. Symbolic style – the style of the website is not like the main part of the magazines including covers as it doesn't have a big enough focus on color scheme or how the website looks when its set out and I think this is because its focused more on set up and how the overall website fits together than making it it look clever, this website simply keeps it simple and I think this adds a nice touch to a website as it looks appealing and overall it fits together well. Symbolism they did manage to include is dead pool as red and the main logo of the company in red as well as the boarder around the article page split off point being red this is to match the color and with a white background this is hard to do anyway. The main article features all have images and are equally spaced apart and each writing is in black boarder on the top half with white writing covering it unlike the bottom half where its white background and black words. Set up – the set up provides clear indication of where everything is showing me the different parts and different places to find stuff. There is lots of space between each article making it easy to scroll down and skim read them to pick out the article that the viewer may want, I think that this is a ice touch, they set it up so that the title is clearly visible at the top left with different option on the top bar going through to the right, each article selection point is easy to read and this makes the websites different options stand out. Fonts – the fonts that are used in this stay bold and are easy to read they make it so that it is clearly visible to people keeping each letter big and words things simplistically so its easy to understand by anyone reading it. I think that this is a nice touch and keeps it together. The rest of the fonts used are normal writing fonts that are clear and easy to read such as “Calibri” on word or PowerPoint. Imagery – there isn't much imagery in this website other then the white background which represents a simplistic plain way of looking at things, the use different colors to symbolize there different parts of the articles on different occasion and for this they had parts red for there dead pool article. Essentials – the essentials that are used I this are headlines sub headings it includes boarders and a main options screen with a search bar.
  • 11. Idea Generation Idea 1: Games Magazine cover: • Different games • Adding reviews • Writing reviews • Including an image from a game • Having the title at the top • A main heading beneath the image • Sub headings • Colors that match to the image in text • A background that fits the different parts of the cover • Advertisements to other part of the magazine • Exclusives – promising something from inside • Page instructions • Image of gameplay • Symbolism of what the magazine is about from the cover • Use clever writing style • Use different screenshots • Different consoles • For all consoles • Just games Double page spread: • Include a image from the game on a page as a background image • Include information about the chosen subject including positives and negatives about the subject. • Add in a big image as the background of the magazine that is related to the topic that’s been talked about. • Add in guide lines for the game so that people reading know how the controls would almost as a key and quick guideline. • I would add in a walkthrough guide just in case people reading the magazine are struggling with the game. • Make it about 1 specific game at a time to make sure that it doesn't’t get convoluted with loads of different things. • Have a huge article explaining in detail everything about the game to back up any point that I make and go in depth with article. • Include an overall rating for my review of what I am talking about. • Create sections for different parts of the subject that I am talking about. Website • Have a main home page that catches the viewers attention by making it stand out look great and eye catching • Have multiple different pages coming off the home screen leading to different parts. • Have a contact us page where I will give the option of people to recommend or suggest a topic to talk about. • Info page which will contain information about the website and the magazine which will be the about s page I feel that this will be a nice touch. • I will have a page with screenshots of the game I am playing to visually indicate parts of what I ma talking about. • I will have a coming soon page which gives the option to see what topics are next to be talked about.
  • 15. InDesign work This was a simple mock up of an experiment for InDesign just to practice with the program and see how everything works on it and I think this would be a nice touch when its finished an that I would fit together well with the overall design. I found random things about stranger things for example the casting and synopsis and I feel like these was a good add for practice as it gave me practice on making the work to the right standard and how to add in images and writing such as text I think that this worked well.
  • 16. Experiments – Website For my website I created different pages as an experiment in order to get the feel of how the website works. On this I was able to remove different parts of the originals design such as title to add in new images. The images that I added where a bit of fun and I think overall fit a nice overall look to the page I put the images in grids.
  • 20. Experiments – Website This page of the website was giving people the ability to to interact with the website and actually get something out of it other then information this was a feature already built in the website template but I adjusted it in order to meet the needs of the audience.
  • 21. Experiments – Front cover of Magazine For this magazine experiment I decided to fit in some vogue takes this way it kept to magazine that’s already out and then made it into something completely different I took the name and I took the style and I made it into a magazine cover for a film character. I think that this was a good idea I thought that I could improve it by making it a lighter tone and then adding in different features. I would tidy it up a bit then move and measure each part to make sure its perfectly in line, I would move the underline more to the center as its bit off I feel that I should take measurements of how far each side is to make sure its perfect and Photoshop would have tools that I need in order to do that.
  • 25. Mock up – website
  • 26. Mock up – magazine front cover
  • 27. Mock up - double page spread
  • 28. Article • Star Wars Battlefront 2 • Campaign – Disappointment, the character’s change personality and character within a blink of an eye; somehow. I don’t understand how this happens: iden virsio (spoiler) becomes a rebel from being a commander of her elite squad named inferno siding with the Empire, she does this because she is tasked with a decision, she would obviously pick the hero choice, you know, because the villain always has to become the hero. She does this within about 20 minutes of a game with a 5-hour story, if that! When she does this the world is being attacked and it’s her home world being destroyed, she walks past all the innocent civilians dying and doesn’t bat an eye, she just watches them die. As soon as she gets through some door which clearly has magical powers, given she decides to change character and save a few people that are going to be killed, no real reason for this other than EA needed a story mode for more money. The story doesn't create something new, instead it relies on its films as for the majority you play as different characters apart from the “main character” in the story. You will play as: Lando Calrisian, Han solo, princess leia, Luke Skywalker and Kylo Ren. Although this is fun and a nice touch it fails, mainly due to how short the story of iden virsio is. She is not in the story enough time to pull this off. No. sorry she is in the story enough; her story is that bad and doesn’t contain anything with meaning to her backstory. What is there in her story, you don’t really care about, mainly as there is not enough character development to make her an interesting character. A man on her squad called Hask turns against her and chooses the Empire after praising Iden Virsio repeatedly moments before, there is only a simplistic, one word, explanation for How I feel about this; disappointment. It follows the generic narrative, making the villain turn good at the end and although this can work as narrative, the fact that it happens so quickly and is poorly executed it’s Just sad to watch at this point. At the end of the story near the last mission you meet Hask again after he betrayed you, it’s been a while but you don’t know as you played as other characters for the majority of what you would call EAs gaming experience. You shoot down Hasks ship with no effort providing the idea that he is a irrelevant character, however he manages to come back to life at the end of the game managing to survive the crash. I’m now going to change topic, a bit like they all change characters its out of the blue. They don’t build on the empires story after return of the Jedi, one minute they still have the power to destroy worlds and the next lose everything they have when they randomly decide to go to jakuu with no explanation to have a final battle simply because the rushed story needs a rushed ending. At this point the rebellion is treating the entire thing like it doesn't matter. At the end of the game she makes her way to the bridge of her father’s ship (oh yeah her dad is in charge of the empire now, forgot to mention that, a bit like the game.) as she gets to the bridge with him he (after disowning her as a daughter trying to kill her on multiple occasions and wanting her dead) miraculously changes his mind, he tells her to save herself while she (after wanting to kill him for what he did to her) went up there to save him and pull him off the ship, Instead of killing him he tells her to run and save herself while he goes down with his ship, because he now for some reason thinks what he did was wrong, with no real explanation as to why. The character who did get more development then the main character was called del, he was another member of inferno squad who decided to do the right thing however when he does the right thing it, makes sense as the best told story in the game was near the start when you play as Luke skywalker. By far the most relevant and interesting part as well as fun, you fight your way as Luke with del to Palpatines vault. Here del learns that the Jedi are not evil and he has been lied to his whole life he knows this as Luke skywalker saves his life and when asked why Luke says “because you asked” this develops lukes character really well and shows why del would make the right call to save the innocent, because he figured out about how the emperor was a force user and a sith as Luke told him. Luke shows him compassion so when he decides to turn on the empire it makes sense, later on in the Game he quotes Luke and what he said to him for different things showing that Luke influenced his life greatly, somehow in 10 minutes they made a story for a side character better than the story for the main and you hardly see del again for the rest of the Game. As you work your way through the game you will get the feeling that these things don’t add up or make sense, this is true, it feels like something is missing from the game almost as if it’s like a film that’s rushed and has had major points cut out. well then you would be right. From the trailer, it shows multiple scenes that are not in the game for some reason although this is expected from a film trailer, given that a film is normally about 2 hours long they have to be a certain length of duration. A game its meant to be long and contain a lot which makes them cutting out things no sense. On the Han Solo play through mission they make lots of links to the sequel the force awakens but offer you the chance to go to kashyyyk a prequel map. In this chance Han Solo asks you to fight with him to help free the Wookie home world and you expect this to be your next mission however it skips to playing as Lando and you don’t get to play this. I could not help but feel that I missed the mission somehow as kashyyyk is a multiplayer map and it would make an interesting link that I would understand however this never happens and I find it upsetting that this is the case. • Multiplayer – The game includes maps from all eras on the multiplayer, this is a good idea but it dosen’t include the many maps overall it has 5 original trilogy maps. There is Endor, Death Star II, Hoth, Mos Eisley and Yavin IV these are for the original trilogy which is 5 maps one of these maps is a remake of a map that’s already been made which is Hoth, which means they made 3 maps like on the prequels which is Kashyyyk, Naboo and Kamino. Then there’s Jakuu, Takodana and Starkiller Base these are the final maps from the force awakens, my problem with this is that to one film it gives 3 maps and for trilogy's they get 3 maps each it’s bad that there is only 11 maps in a game that took 2 years to make and they wasn’t spending time on story obviously. They have different game modes that you can play on multiplayer each with different amounts of players and different objectives. Galactic assault – this is the big one and the one that everyone plays, in this it is 20 people in each team making it a session of 40 people. The maps are huge and have 3 stages to lead up to each part of the map. essentially its 3 maps at once, when the first objective is complete you move on to step 2, you leave behind the first part and move up the map un able to go back although, this is a nice idea you are unable to move to the next 2 steps if you fail the first as it ends the game meaning that if you don’t have a good team, you can miss out on the opportunity to play the rest of the maps and because it’s such a big map with certain objectives and so many people in it, it relies on you to take places as a team and make sure that we complete it. The second game mode is the one everyone wanted which is Starfighter assault yes that’s right they added space missions! that should have been in the first game at launch. This is by far the best game mode on the game for what it can do. You are given objectives that will lead your team to victory if you are able to complete them the difference between these objectives and the galactic assault is that you could complete these objectives on solo if you were good enough. The controls are easy and taking out other Starfighters isn't a challenge. The next game mode is blast which is kill based. essentially it’s a call of duty team Deathmatch but on a smaller scale of the big maps. The second to last game mode is called strike which is basically domination. The final game mode is heroes v villains, this game mode has 8 people, 4 on each team it gives the option to put against your hero and villains against each other it is a race at the start to pick your favorite character to play as only 1 person can have a specific hero which makes sense and isn't a problem, the connection dosen’t help loading up the choice menu through making it difficult to choose who you want first, the objectives, kill a certain hero that’s marked or villain to win a point, once the first person kills the target 10 times. The target changes to different players, once you have eliminated the targets (all 10) the game is won. A problem with the game is villains and heroes are locked by credits, creating a progression system and although this isn't the problem, it’s that you each earn the same amount of credits each match which means someone doing really good every game dosen’t earn it first when they should as they can clearly lead a team without the boost they should get it. Another issue, star cards are the ranking up system, the only way to get star card or make them is with crates, yep that’s right, pay to win loot crates, so it doesn’t go off how long you have played the game or how well you have done in games when ranking, it goes off how much god damn money you spend. Infact it’s the dumbest thing I have ever seen, the person that thought this was a good idea was clearly under the influence of something, probably EAs Bank balance after little kids take their parents credit card. let me explain, in order to rank up you need to unlock star cards, yes, not play the game well to earn XP, nope you have to open supply drops with your credit card in order to level up because, well, I really don’t know? They want more and more money maybe. I don’t know they are EA. At this point it really dosen’t matter how much of a good job they did with their amazing graphics which are great. Game modes are irrelevant when the game is pay to win, I mean come on we already payed 50 pound for the game, let alone this. They made a comment which states “this is to give the player a sense of achievement” it’s not an achievement when you pay extra to win is it? And it’s the worst kind as well. Most games that have a pay to win option is a short cut, this means you can earn it legitly by playing properly or you can cheat it all and pay money, now I hate games like these but at least there’s a legit option, don’t get me wrong this is a disgrace to have this but still a legit option. This game dosen’t give such option you either wait 30 hours on bad credits no matter what to unlock a hero or you simply pay and get it all early. Sad. • Arcade mode – the arcade mode, not much to say, you are able to add in as many AI troops as you would like on any difficulty and fight them as a troop in normal match or be a hero the entire game and rip them apart or villains your choice. Although this is a good idea the problem with the arcade mode is that it only has a few of the maps that are actually available on multiplayer for some reason, this means that the arcade mode is actually incomplete and unfinished which isn't what you want when paying 50 pound for the game only to find that it’s not even finished. Oh, well I suppose we shouldn't be surprised at this point we are dealing with EA and their obsession with selling incomplete pay to win games, it seems to be all they know when making a game at this point. • Conclusion – Although the game is fun it is missing about 70% of things it should have come with, an example of this is the original Star Wars battlefront 2 (2005) it managed to come out with 10x the maps of the game 12 years later and was 10x more entertaining, it came with the ability to play online with more people. the space missions were far more immersive then the new ones. if anything, naming it after a masterpiece and it not being a remaster is a crime, and is shameful to what it was, it would have been fine if it contained all the content that battlefront 2 (2005) did but improved, larger scale and better looking. plus, more but they apparently, they couldn't do that because they would prefer to bring out multiple games in different years. It has abit of everything, as a Star Wars game and is an improvement from the first one in 2015 however the 2015 game had a customization option and an ACTUAL progression system that this game dosen’t have simply because it wants to rob your pockets, for all you have. Just to do a basic level up by 1. it would be nice to talk to the people in charge of making the game and ask them why the hell, they thought this would be a good idea. Maybe they thought it was like a film audience where people don’t actually pay attention to what's said or what's happening just watch flashing images and call it entertainment, well… guess what EA! it’s different with games, people actually have to pay attention to the game in order to play it and when people pay attention to what they have bought and see they have been ripped off. Just because its Star Wars, dosen’t mean they can do whatever they want and hide behind the name and when they complain. They claim it’s to make people feel like they accomplished something, when the only thing they accomplish is getting up for their wallet to add in some card details. I pray that EA come to the realization that what they are doing is wrong and change it completely in an update if they don’t then they have screwed us all over and don’t care. The overall rating of the game from this article, if I was EA I would lock it behind a paywall and when asked why I would say “it’s to make you feel like you accomplished something when you access it” but because am not EA I will share it with you, I give it a its fun and enjoyable but it loses 5 because of pay walls and it being incomplete also a broken progression system that’s just plain stupid and bad story mode that takes up 57% of the game. 5/10
  • 29. Production schedule Day Plan of Action Resources Required Day 1  Take the pictures that I need/ screenshots ready for my magazine double page spread.  A camera and a memory stick plus the game that the article is about Day 2  store all of the photos onto a memory card then transfer them to the computer documents.  A computer and the cameras memory card from the one that I used the day before Day 3  Open Photoshop and create a basic set up for the magazine front cover.  A computer with Photoshop. Day 4  Make and complete the front cover for the magazine making sure that it looks suitable as a magazine cover.  A computer with Photoshop. Day 5  Open InDesign in order to make the double page spread and start shaping it out with background images and set up to make it look like a suitable double page spread for a magazine. • A computer that has InDesign Day 6  Finish the double page spread and its set up  A computer that has Photoshop on it. Day 7  Make the website using wix in order to build it.  A computer that has access to internet so I can use the website builder Day 8  Check through work and improve it.  All the above.
  • 32. Process In this poster I tried to make the poster fit very nicely with the subject that the most part of the magazine is about and I think that it overall matches the color scheme although I do feel that the titles could be better put together and this would be an improvement.
  • 33. Process What I did : • I made the main title of the magazine separately in Photoshop so that I would be able to add it into all of the magazine covers that I would be able to make multiple to fit into the work that I have produced. • I got the last of us cover for the magazine off google and I feel that this was great as I was able to make a good looking like and actual magazine cover as I included
  • 42. Process – Double page spread
  • 43. Process What I did : • I took screenshots of my game play when playing it for myself in order to add them into my magazine double page spread. • I wrote an article for campaign mode and discussed what was wrong with it and pondered about what was good as well but explained how you cant ignore so many bad things and then I had t cut it up and from what I had originally done on word and then add it in on this magazine page. • I created a out of 10 rating on Photoshop and then used that and added it into InDesign in the top right corner of the first page on the left so that when people turn to sweet the review of campaign mode its in big and then they can read the explanations if they want to know why. • I added the images that I took to the bottom of the page to be visible under the article and I feel that I had done a goods job of this overall. • I added in rectangles and turned the colour to light blue which I feel makes the articles stand out and perfectly readable but also fit well with the overall look of the magazine double page spread. • I gave the sub heading of campaign mode so that it was ways to see that this page was about the campaign mode then they could move to over pages to see the different parts of the review. • I got the background from google as I was writing abut a game it was difficult to get other backgrounds that was to fit in as well as these fit in. a problem that I had with the background was no matter which I found in good quality had when I added it into InDesign from making it better and shaping it out in Photoshop it automatically turned it to poor quality. • When I was done I took a screenshots and then added it into this PowerPoint I also too screenshots of how I got here however I feel.
  • 44. Process What I did : • I cut my multiplayer review down from the word document and made it so it was just the multiplayer and then I cut it in half so that I could go on both pages of the magazine and I feel like this worked although I understand people like a fit shape to an article for example it to curve round but I feel like this worked better because it was just simple and easy to read so to people I can audience agree that this would look better like it does and also it can fit to the website as its just in bulk a flat out review on the page. • I added in more of my own screenshots of the game as it adds a visual elements to the magazine which I think fits well overall. • I then added in subtitles into it as I feel that it was a nice addition for reasons that I have already explain on the previous slide. • The title of the game was the title and this was great because I made it so that it is always in the same place for the starting weapon and I think that tis is a nice addition to my work and I believe that it looks nice overall. • I added in a background into the magazine double page spread from google because I feel like this matched well to the type of game that I was going for when I was making it. • I have the backgrounds in place for the writing sticking to the blue that light I went for this on every page as I feel it connects to my work well and I a good touch.
  • 45. Process What I did: • For my last 2 reviews I didn't have much to say, so what I had was the arcade mode review and finally the the conclusion and I tried to add these into my magazine double page spread on 2 different pages and I feel that this was a nice touch. • I got a image from google for the background again except this time the image I got was the same as the front of my magazine cover so its connects and also it was HD and good quality when added into InDesign which hasn’t happened before when I have been using it so I was very pleased with that. • I kept in the blue rectangle background as I do think that it’s a nice touch to have added into my work I think that it fits well on all of the different magazines double page spreads. • I used titles and sub headings for reasons that I have already explained previously.
  • 47. Double page spread – Finished products
  • 48. Double page spread – Strengths and Weaknesses • Strengths – in the magazine double page spread and this means that I was able to make 3 different double page spread my article that I had written was very large and I had to split it between 4 different parts, the parts go to campaign mode then to multiplayer then to arcade mode and then a conclusion of the game and all the parts put together. This was a strength because I was able to go into more detail with my work coming up with different ways to explain each part of the game but because I made it longer it meant that I was able to go into great detail and explain it fully. I was unable to take my own photos with a camera as this was a magazine based off a game but I was able to take screenshots of my gameplay which meant that I was able to show that I know what I am talking about based of where I am in the table to show that its not a “its bad because your not good, argument”, when actually that's not the case in reality its just bad because of how I explain it bit by bit, the content and progression system is broken, but a strength is that there is that much wrong with the game that I was able to explain it in detail and I think that it works well. • Weaknesses – because of how much I wrote it took time to go through it all and make sure that I was making correct points and that they where correct points I do acknowledge the fact that the game is going to change with updates and eventually when the game is fully out in a year or so with a year of updates and dlc added In for free the game will be different I do understand that but at the time that this article is written with what I explain is what it is, what I have included are correct at this moment and it is a weakness I do agree with that. Another weakness is the lengths I went to in order to give a detailed response took lots of time to do and the time it took to do and this was time that could have been better spent else where such as designing the pages.
  • 50. Website – Strengths and Weaknesses • Strengths – The strengths of making a website was experimenting with the design of each page and what type of content it would include, I had decided that it was rather silly to have a website that was about strictly one topic and I had to make the website as if there are lots of magazines that are already created, making it seem like a well established website which gives me so much more room for creativity and I am happy with that and I think that it was a good idea to do it this way as it looks more simple like that and more well done. The website that I was suing is a pro because I feel that it was quick and easy to use with simple controls for anyone to use in a short amount of time and I appreciate that. The fact that it was free to use is also helpful I feel because it means that I am able to access it anytime and I didn't have to pay for it, on some of the websites that I looked for it was only available for a week then I would have to pay for it which would not of being helpful so I'm glad that I was able to find a free website that had all that I needed. I made 6 pages for my website and on the first page I had images of the front covers that I made for the magazine company this was in order to make it look professional. On the second page I had services which described the basic services that the website had and did not follow on from there as they was presentation only. On the third page I an about us page where the website explained what the different parts of it where about and what are company is about for example entertaining people. On the fourth page I had a message us place where they could contact our head office any messages that where put on here and sent go to my email which is a strength as it allowed me to add the ability to give me feedback on where I could improve. My fifth page is the start of the website or the home page, I think that this works well as it suits the overall look of the website it simply gives the option to go to the other pages, and it has the title on the front. The sixth page was where I had the article that I had written included to give an idea of what type of things the magazine talks about and also link up the different productions that I have made. • Weaknesses – a weakness of this was the time that I had to complete it as 2 weeks seems like a lot of time it actually took 2 weeks to complete all 3 products and this was time time consuming I did it last as I felt that it would be easier so I could combine all of the products together on the website, I feel that this worked well as a overall look and I would say that it fit together well but with more time I would be able to add in more information to the website and improve the overall design of it.
  • 51. Magazine cover – Finished products
  • 52. Magazine cover – Strengths and Weaknesses • Strengths – the strengths of using Photoshop is that I have had practice on the program which meant that I was able to use it well and use the different tools and settings it provided. On my first magazine cover I had issues trying to get the right colour but thanks to blending I was able to blend the colors together which helped me shape out a patch to fit in the title of the magazine and then I was able to add in the star wars battlefront at the bottom sticking out to explain what the game is about. The main strength of making these magazine covers was the software that I completed it on as I think that Photoshop is very good and helped me put together my work. I was able to use google to find the images of the front cover which is a plus it was said that I should use more of my own work but it is difficult to get my own image when I am talking about games and not places this meant that I would have been unable to get my own image of these front covers and if I attempted to get my own it would be time consuming when I could just get my own from google very easily. So I would say that it was a good program and made it easy for me to complete my work quickly and to the time limit which was very helpful. • Weaknesses – the time was a weakness not having the ability to take photos and the time to edit them for the game is difficult as it would take time for me to get the right specific image that would be needed for the magazine covers an d then cleaning it up and editing it so that it is good enough quality to fit on a cover and then the possibility of having t scrap it after all the time and effort on it is sad because I feel like I definitely needed.
  • 53. Similarities and differences Magazines A similarity is the colour scheme that we have used we both use red this is so that they actually end up matching in good quality based on what colours they use, however it is not very good that the similar existing product looks like it contains the needed additional information, the additional information it included/ contained. I would definitely add in more information around the bottom and top however one of the catches with this work is that I need to make sure that the background picture is not covered up and looks like a good standard of work. A difference is also that the main magazine cover has a bar code of which I did add and did more to this but since I'm working on apple computers it for some reason did not save my work properly. Another different is slogans as this magazine cover that is the correct one contains short and impactful sentences to catch the readers attention and an example of this would be “J.J. Abrams on the most anticipated film… Ever!” this and others is something that add more to the magazine cover and makes it more eyecatching where as mine is more plain and bland mine did have more on it to compete with this but apparently all that i had spent about 5 hours doing had been lost because what i had saved couldnt be re opened again and i saved it in 3 seperate places all of which where for some reason corrupt. Smartness a difference that this magazine has to mine is it looks much more proffessionally done and this fdoesnt compare to mine as my work doesnt have that same affect. This magazine also advertises other magazines in it such as “the martian, Everest, crimson peak, pan, the hateful eight and more...” this is to draw other people i who are interested in them films but also its abig difference as my magazien cover does not contain that.
  • 54. Similarities and differences Website On there website they have the same type of home page as I do because they have made it so that the main image of dead pool which appears to be the thing that they are advertising and talking about at the minute due to it being the number one topic they have placed it on the front, this is similar to my work as I have put star wars battlefront on the front of my website and this is because I feel that it is the main focus of my magazine it seemed best to have it at the front on the home page to connect to my work and also be similar to the other magazine websites professional standard. Under there main page of there website they have included articles and on there website they not have a contact page to write to although they do include there email so you can privately send them an email. At the top of both of our home screens there are option to go to different pages for different content if they want to, this is similar to my work and I followed the basic structure of a website in order to get this. The other website has included advertisements for there other articles that they have written that you can loom at by a click this would have been difficult for me as I only had one article I could not advertise anymore then that one but I did add that article to my website so that it would be visible. The main background of both websites have a white background as its more plain and it is much easier for the other pieces of work to stand out on top and I think that this is a nice touch to the work. The main setup of the official website uses 3 colours which are red (the colour of the company logo) black (easy to read on a white background) and white (so black is visible and easy to read), this is similar to mine in the white and black as I stuck to these colours as it was just easier to read if it was this way however a difference is that my company logo is not the same colour on this as I went for a black on white again to make it more visible. The official website included more pages but it was essentially the same thing just repeated over and over again just sharing more of there articles I feel like this would be a great idea if I had lots of articles to share however I do not have this and I had to go for a different approach in order to make my website look proper which s a difference so I changed and altered the different things that I had already included. Another difference is that on each of the article pages that where included in this where filled with advertisements everywhere this is to make the company money when people are looking and reading through the article, they will put it in ridicules places like in the middle of the page or to the sides about 10 ads all over the page, I understand fully why that is there but from another point of view all those on it when your that big of a company is ridiculously excessive and not necessary.
  • 55. Similarities and differences double page spreads A similarity that bot of our pieces have is that they both have an image of the thing that we are talking about in the background, a difference is that the official ones writing is hard to read as it blends in with the background and not in a good way as its white writing and white writing is hard to read anyway they added it into a light background with bits of dark but I do not believe that it contrasts very well and this leads to the writing being difficult to read where as on my work I added boxes in to change the color and fit to the background and then add the writing on the boxes so that my article will be easier to read after all its not just about visuals people are there for the article not for pictures at least I think, and this meant that I had to make sure that you was definably able to read it which s why the boxes are there. I also added these boxes onto each page and the reason for this is because I felt that it would be a good idea if I had lots of connecting quality's to my work so it was contrasting throughout each a page of the article. We both included images in this as I felt like it was important to have visuals around the work that represented the game and I feel that I did a good job of that and I feel like I included enough to fit the target audience as people like to see the visuals but people also want to read through it after all this is advice about the game and a good review of whether or not you should buy the game. They seem to have no boarders on the page which just looks neat overall I did include boarders on my page so that it had neat look to it and so that it was not confusing but easy to follow and read and looked smart overall. I included the title to every page which was the game name and this is similar to the existing product as they have also added in the title on to there page and then the article underneath, a difference however is that I have added in sub heading and I felt that it was important to add in these sub headings as it showed clear indication to where everything was for instance if some one needed to see a specific thing and needed to know about something in particular then the sub headings allow the to skip to the part of the article that they want also its fits a neat basic structure of which this does not infact follow. The review is not very good because I feel that on there work they have made it short not in detail and they barley review it more just praising normal things without pondering about the negatives about the work. Like me they have 3 basic colour schemes that they use and these fit into the look of the work as it keeps it basic and also looks nice but I do not feel that the official one did this well as there page is void and bland lacking in lots of things and an example of this is the page on the right has barley anything included and is just overall bland. Ii do not feel that the other peace of work overall it has many differences to mine but not in a good way I feel like this should not be professional but apparently it is I understand mine isn't but then its exactly meant to be but this one is and it dosen’t meet the standard which is just sad.