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While all of the American presidents served our nation in their own
way, some had the gift of pulling our nation together, keeping law and
order, leading by example and facilitating growth and prosperity. How
would you classify the presidents? Are they strong or weak?
Titusville Area School District
Mr. Fredrick Smith
American Government
302 East Walnut Street
Titusville, PA 16354
I. Washington (precedents)
Term of Office: 1789-1797
George Washington established the presidency as a
combination of dignity and professionalism without being
royalty. Selecting a wide variety of cabinet members,
Washington realized that he had limited knowledge of the law
and politics, so he wanted advisors that were experts in these
fields. Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and Secretary of
Treasury Alexander Hamilton were of opposing opinions
about the extent of the government. Jefferson felt that the
government should restrain itself to what the Constitution said
and use a strict interpretation. Alexander Hamilton on the
other hand believed that the Constitution was a loose framework and that Washington
and Congress should use its elastic clauses to make legislation and agencies according
to the situation at hand. Washington would listen to both sides, but would usually side
with Hamilton. One important case involved the First Bank of America. The
Constitution laid out framework for taxes and a budget, but never specified where the
money should be kept. Hamilton wanted to create a government bank that would
collect, hold, and distribute government money. Jefferson opposed this because a bank
is never mentioned in the Constitution. Washington recommended the bank, and it was
established. This created a rift that would later cause Jefferson to leave the Cabinet.
Washington also used military might to crush the Whiskey Rebellion (although violence
was not needed). When the French Revolution broke out, many, including Jefferson,
wanted to aid the revolutionaries to “further liberty.” Washington declared the nation’s
neutrality in this event and the following war between Britain and France. Jay’s Treaty
was signed with Britain to tie up loose ends left after the Revolution. Americans in
general found the treaty appalling and Washington’s popularity suffered. Still popular
enough to be reelected, he left after two terms by giving his Farewell Address which
warned against entangling alliances with other nations and political divisions, which he
saw between his former Cabinet members.
Farwell Address: “In contemplating the causes which may disturb our Union, it
occurs as a matter of serious concern, that any ground should have been
furnished for characterizing parties by geographical discriminations, Northern
and Southern, Atlantic and Western; whence designing men may endeavor to
excite a belief that there is a real difference of local interests and views. One of
the expedients of party to acquire influence, within particular districts, is to
misrepresent the opinions and aims of other districts. You cannot shield
yourselves too much against the jealousies and heart burnings which spring from
these misrepresentations; they tend to render alien to each other those who ought
to be bound together by fraternal affection….”
Preceded By: None
State of Residence: VA
Spouse: Martha Washington
Political Party: None
VP(s): John Adams
II. John Adams (partisanship)
Term of Office: 1797-1801
The election of 1796 was a tepid endorsement of a stronger
government when the electors chose Adams over Jefferson.
Due to the nature of the original Constitution, Jefferson
became the vice-president. Since having the loser in direct
line of succession was a bad idea, the 12th
amendment changed
it to the current electoral setup that allows a presidential and
vice-presidential candidate to run as a team. Adams would be
the first president with admitted political affiliations. He allied
himself with Federalists that believed in loose construction of
the Constitution like Alexander Hamilton. Despite extreme intelligence and knowledge
of the law among other things, Adams was unable to draw broad alliances like
Washington or large audiences due to his unsociable nature. Looking incompetent after
a scandal involving bribery and French diplomats known as the XYZ Affair evolved,
Adams signed the Alien and Sedition Acts to punish critics in the media. This made his
popularity drop even further and gave Jefferson a clear victory in the election of 1800.
Before leaving office he attempted to pack the Federal Court system with Federalists
judges (they were known as the Midnight Judges).
Sedition Acts, Section 2: “SEC. 2. That if any person shall write, print, utter. Or
publish, or shall cause or procure to be written, printed, uttered or published, or shall
knowingly and willingly assist or aid in writing, printing, uttering or publishing any
false, scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United
States, or either house of the Congress of the United States, or the President of the
United States, with intent to defame the said government, or either house of the said
Congress, or the said President, or to bring them. or either of them, into contempt or
disrepute; or to excite against them, or either or any of them, the hatred of the good
people of the United States, or to excite any unlawful combinations therein, for
opposing or resisting any law of the United States, or any act of the President of the
United States, done in pursuance of any such law, or of the powers in him vested by the
constitution of the United States, or to resist, oppose, or defeat any such law or act, or to
aid, encourage or abet any hostile designs of any foreign nation against the United
States, their people or government, then such person, being thereof convicted before any
court of the United States having jurisdiction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not
exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years.”
Preceded By: Washington
State of Residence: MA
Spouse: Abigail Adams
Political Party: Dem-Rep
VP(s): Thomas Jefferson
III. Thomas Jefferson (strict constructionist, ironies of power)
Term of Office: 1801-09
Coming to office on a sweep of popularity, Jefferson decided
to reel back the government. Leading the opposition of the
Federalists, he laid off government workers, soldiers, and
sailors (even the Attorney General’s secretary was fired).
Cutting back on the budget, he eliminated the deficit and cut
back on the national debt. Believing that government was a
necessary evil, Jefferson believed that individual rights and
protecting even the most unpopular opinions was important for
the young nation. Passing the Judiciary Act of 1801, the
Congress wished to define a size and structure of the court
system, and correct for Adams’s court packing. Reelected
with high popularity, the president had to decide on two major issues that conflicted
with his principles. The Barbary Pirates of the Northern African Coast had been
harassing American shipping since it was no longer under the protection of the British.
A small squadron of frigates (small and navigable battleships) sailed to the coast and
defeated the pirates. This required building up the military for use other than defending
the borders without officially declaring war. Diplomats were also sent to France to
discuss the occupation of New Orleans. Jefferson wanted the city signed over by treaty
so American merchants could use the Mississippi River. Napoleon was low on funds
(due to his warlike nature) and offered to sell all of the Louisiana Purchase for fifteen
million dollars. The diplomats agreed and went back to DC to get the approval of the
president. Jefferson was unsure what to do. Land purchases were not in the
Constitution and it would increase the debt again. The pros of buying the land were
numerous. Increased natural resources, property for a growing population, and keeping
the land out of foreign hands were all benefits. He decided to go ahead with the deal.
French and British navies had been harassing American shipping and impressing
(forcing people to serve) sailors. Jefferson retaliated by creating the Embargo Act of
1807 that forbade trade with France and Britain in particular. This hurt American
merchants and Jefferson’s popularity declined. Reflecting his disliking for strong
central power, Jefferson’s acknowledgements of his life accomplishments on his
gravestone did not include his presidency.
"It is proper you should understand what I deem the essential principles of our
Government... Equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever persuasion, religious or
political..." - First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1801
Preceded By: Adams
State of Residence: VA
Spouse: Martha Jefferson
Political Party: Dem-Rep
VP(s): Aaron Burr, George
VII. Andrew Jackson (populist, veto use, conflict w/ Congress, states’ rights)
Term of Office: 1829-37
Being the first president from west of the Appalachians, and
not connected to the elite circle of Revolutionaries, Jackson
brought many friends to advise him (called the Kitchen
Cabinet). Even his Inaugural Party was filled with farmers,
hunters, trappers, and other frontiersman. Modeling himself
after the conservative Jefferson, Jackson attempted to roll back
the government. The First Bank had expired and had been
reestablished as the Second Bank of America. Jackson
charged that the bank was a friend of the rich and foreign
investors so he vetoed its renewal. Nationalist projects like
building roads and bridges were seen as benefiting
businessmen, not the average person. He vetoed more
legislation than all previous presidents combined. While
attempting to cut back on the bureaucracy, the positions the president kept were filled
with personal friends and supporters of his campaign. The phrase “to the victor belong
the spoils” marked this spoils system of hiring. Tariffs were raised to help increase
revenues for the national government (which helped eliminate almost all debt). South
Carolina objected to the revenues because Southerners had to import many goods since
there were few factories there. The state declared that the nation was still a
confederation and they had a right to nullify or void any national law like the tariff.
Despite supporting states’ rights and expanding more voting rights to the people,
Jackson surprisingly asked Congress for a Force Bill that would have allowed him to
use the military to enforce the Tariffs in South Carolina, and invade the entire state if
they seceded from the Union over this issue. This put him at odds with the first term
vice president, John Calhoun (who supported the nullification). Jackson also authorized
the Indian Removal Act which forced the Native Americans of the South, especially
Georgia, to leave for reservations in modern Oklahoma. Ironically the Cherokee (the
largest tribe removed) had adopted European culture and had helped Jackson win the
Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812 (which boosted him to national fame).
Congress, now under control of the Whigs (the opposition party) attempted to censure
(official statement saying someone is doing wrong) and weaken him due to their anger
over his many vetoes. Jackson remained very popular with the people by pressuring
states to lax age and land owning requirements for voting and by proving that a self-
educated frontiersman could become president. He also secured the Democratic Party
by using political organizations in cities and rural regions to press people to vote for the
party candidates.
Bank Veto Message, 1832 – “It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often
bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes. Distinctions in society will always
exist under every just government. Equality of talents, of education, or of wealth can not
be produced by human institutions. In the full enjoyment of the gifts of Heaven and the
fruits of superior industry, economy, and virtue, every man is equally entitled to
protection by law; but when the laws undertake to add to these natural and just
advantages artificial distinctions, to grant titles, gratuities, and exclusive privileges, to
make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society–the
farmers, mechanics, and laborers–who have neither the time nor the means of securing
like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their Government.”
Preceded By: Adams
State of Residence: TN
Spouse: Rachel Jackson
Political Party: Dem
VP(s): John Calhoun,
Martin Van Buren
X. John Tyler
Term of Office: 1841-45 Put on the ticket to provide youth and political experience,
Tyler expected, like most vice-presidents, to do nothing.
William Henry Harrison had been president for only one month.
He had caught a cold at his inauguration and lay sick and dying
for weeks. No one was sure as to what would happen upon his
death. Vice President John Tyler had been selected to run with
Harrison to pick up Southern votes. He was such a secondary
figure that he didn’t even stay in Washington for the
inauguration, retiring to his home in Williamsburg, Virginia,
twenty – one hours away. Daniel Webster, the secretary of state,
decided that Tyler should become president, largely to serve as a
figurehead, whom the cabinet would control. John Quincy
Adams didn’t think that Tyler was suited for the highest office, seeing it as testing the
constitution by “a man never thought of for it (being president) by anyone.” Most people
thought that Tyler would be the “vice president acting president.” When Harrison died, the
cabinet issued the news and sent a letter to “John Tyler, Vice President of the United
States.” He arrived in the capital and met with them at Brown’s Indian Queen Hotel. The
cabinet said that all matters of state would be brought before the entire cabinet and would
be decided by a majority vote; Tyler would have but one vote. They would become the
chief executive by fiat. Tyler said that he believed that the power had “devolved” to him
and he would be the president. Tyler was determined to show that he was a power and had
Judge William Cranch, chief of the Circuit Court for the District of Columbia, swear him
in. Knowing that possession is nine – tenths of the law, Tyler took over the White House
and the presidency. It was a done deal. Even after being kicked out of his own party, and
treated as if he was diseased by the Democrats, Tyler existed as a weaned executive. Tyler
vetoed almost all of the Whig agenda once taking on the presidential role. His Whig
cabinet eventually quit except for Daniel Webster, his Secretary of State (who wanted to
finish the Webster – Ashburton Treaty with England). Tyler tried to connect with the
Democrats by appointing John Calhoun his next Secretary of State, but it failed. Tyler
spent most of his presidency being called “His Accidency.” Tyler’s support of states’
rights gave him moderate support in the South, but virtually none in the North. He actively
advocated for the annexation of Texas at the end of his term.
Preceded By: William
Henry Harrison
State of Residence: VA
Spouse: Letitia Tyler
Political Party: Whig
VP(s): Vacancy
XI. Polk (Extreme control)
Term of Office: 1845-49 After serving in a variety of positions including the Speaker of
the House, Polk had appeared to be finished in politics. At the
Democratic National Convention in 1844, many other popular
candidates failed to require the supermajority (2/3) of the votes
that were necessary for the party’s nomination. Polk was
thrown into the mix and eventually won the nomination. Many
Whigs replied to his candidacy with “Polk Who!?” The Whig
nominee, Henry Clay did not cheer on the annexation of Texas
as well as Polk, so Clay lost the election. Polk entered office
with extreme vigor and enthusiasm. One other issue besides
annexation approached the nation. Boundary determination for
the Northwestern corner of the nation troubled the mountain
men and missionaries of the region. Washington DC wanted the border to be set at 54°40'
N. London wanted it considerably further to the south. The cry “Fifty – Four Forty or
Fight” was a common cry among frontiersman. Polk got the Senate and Britain to agree on
the boundary for the Northwest (where it is today). Texas was annexed a month before
Polk took office, and was admitted as a state that December. Polk also re-established an
independent treasury (a watered down central bank) and changed the tariff system to
benefit the South. Mexico was furious that Texas had been annexed and claimed that the
Nueces River (North of the Rio Grande) was the real border. Despite the negotiations of
Ambassador John Slidell, Mexico did not budge. Polk sent General Zachary Taylor down
to the Rio Grande (some believed to provoke the Mexicans). Fighting ensued which gave
Polk the excuse to send more troops and ask for a declaration of war. Generals Taylor and
Winfield Scott swept through Mexico while General Stephen Kearney took California.
Scott and Taylor were both popular throughout the USA and were also Whigs, which made
Polk politically jealous. Polk took close watch over the war, wanted constant updates, and
gave constant orders. Ambassador Nicholas Trist negotiated a settlement with Mexico and
got all territory in the modern day Southwest, Texas, and the West Coast, even after Polk
had ordered him back to DC for taking so long. Endlessly striving, Polk achieved all of his
campaign promises, a feat often not met. Tired from constant work, Polk did not stay for a
second term and died shortly after leaving office from extremely poor health for his young
Polk’s Declaration of War Request, 1846: “In my message at the commencement of the
present session I informed you that upon the earnest appeal both of the Congress and
convention of Texas I had ordered an efficient military force to take a position "between
the Nueces and the Del Norte." This had become necessary to meet a threatened invasion
of Texas by the Mexican forces, for which extensive military preparations had been made.
The invasion was threatened solely because Texas had determined, in accordance with a
solemn resolution of the Congress of the United States, to annex herself to our Union, and
under these circumstances it was plainly our duty to extend our protection over her citizens
and soil.”
Preceded By: John Tyler
State of Residence: TN
Spouse: Sarah Polk
Political Party: Dem
VP(s): Vacancy
XVI. Lincoln (overuse of power?)
Term of Office: 1861-65 Following the call of many Whigs, Lincoln joined the new
Republican Party to oppose spreading slavery to the new
territories of the West. Lincoln beat his former Senate campaign
rival, Stephen Douglas and two other major candidates without
winning a single Southern state. This proved to the South that
their voice wasn’t heard. President James Buchanan sat idly by
while the Lower South seceded. When Lincoln took office he
ordered all forts to stay occupied by Union troops no matter
what. Fort Sumter ran out of supplies and was attacked by the
South, triggering the Upper South to leave the Union as well.
Many believed that the slave states that stayed with the Union
(Border States) did so out of loyalty. Actually, it was because Kentucky was placed
under martial law, the secessionist members of the Maryland Legislature were placed
under arrest, and an uprising was supported by Lincoln in Missouri. Lincoln also started
to accumulate resources and the size of the military without Congress’s approval.
Lincoln also knew that in order for the Union to win, he must restrict the rights of those
that opposed the war. He suspended habeas corpus and held many suspected anti-war
protestors in prison without being charged including government officials, publishers,
journalists and others. President Lincoln also threatened war with Europe if it interfered
in the affairs of the USA. Leadership of the war was preferably left up to the generals,
but he desperately needed a good leader for the army. Constantly firing generals,
Lincoln continued believing that they were too slow and not aggressive enough. When
he first read of General Ulysses S. Grant’s ability to attack and never suggest surrender,
Lincoln knew he had found his commander. Grant from then on controlled the army
and most of the war effort. Lincoln also issued the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing
all slaves in the territories still controlled by the Confederacy. He did not free slaves in
the border states or in Confederate territory that had been conquered by the Union. This
was considered a military decision to weaken the labor market in the South, to
encourage a slave revolt, and to prove to the rest of the world that this was a war to end
slavery so other nations should keep out. Running for re-election, Lincoln did not
curtail the small Northern Democratic Party from preaching a peace campaign. Despite
years of what seemed like infinite bloodshed, Lincoln won his second term.
Notwithstanding the actions that are negatively portrayed, Lincoln achieved what
appeared to achieve an impossible task. He forged a broken nation back together and
finally answered a lingering question: Should the states or federal government be in
control? Lincoln did this by strengthening the Federal government and executive
branch to a level it had never seen before. Understanding that the nation must eat, he
also added onto the executive branch domestically by creating the Department of
Agriculture. Abraham Lincoln may still be viewed as an honest and decent man, so
therefore he could have been trusted with such expansive powers. Others questioned the
extent at which he wished to win the war and if that type of power grab would happen
again. Stress led to quick aging and an assassin’s bullet saved Lincoln from a fight with
Congress over what he believed should be a peaceful Reconstruction process.
Second Inaugural Address, 1864 – “On the occasion corresponding to this four years
ago all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impending civil war. All dreaded it, all
sought to avert it. While the inaugural address was being delivered from this place,
devoted altogether to saving the Union without war, insurgent agents were in the city
seeking to destroy it without war—seeking to dissolve the Union and divide effects by
negotiation. Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than
let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the
war came.”
Preceded By: James
State of Residence: IL
Spouse: Mary Lincoln
Political Party: Rep
VP(s): Hannibal Hamlin,
Andrew Johnson
XVII. Johnson (Congressional domination, impeachment):
Term of Office: 1865-69 Johnson from the beginning had to tackle the task of becoming
a replacement president. A conservative Democrat, Johnson
hated the rich plantation owners who controlled the South and
viewed secession as traitorous. He loved the rest of the
Southerners though and was himself a racist. After the
assassination of Lincoln, Johnson decided to readmit the
Southern states and excuse all Southerners except the wealthy
elite. Conservative state legislatures and representatives to DC
were elected and refused to officially rescind their secessionist
past or abolish slavery. Radical Republicans, a group that was
a minority, but had a loud voice, protested and refused to
recognize the Southern representatives when Congress
convened. Johnson then vetoed the Freedmen’s Bureau and Civil Rights legislation, and
spoke out against the 14th
amendment. Johnson attempted to campaign around the West
for his ideals, but he was such an offensive speaker that he actually cost conservative
and moderate Congressmen their seats in the next election. Radicals increased their
seats and passed the Tenure of Office Act which forced the president to keep the current
Cabinet unless he had the Senate’s approval to fire them. Radicals called an
emergency session to implement a military-ruled reconstruction and to oversee Johnson.
Secretary Edwin Stanton, who always spoke his mind in an ineloquent way, soon irked
Johnson into firing him. The House then impeached Johnson on violating the Tenure of
Office Act. Agreeing to support the Radical’s plan for reconstruction and keep his
mouth shut, he escaped removal in the Senate. The consequences were a diluted
presidency and the frivolous use of impeachment that would not be used again for over
a century.
Rep. Thaddeus Stevens, prosecuting Johnson, 1868 - “The President justifies himself
by asserting that all previous Presidents had exercised the same right of removing
officers, for cause to be judged of by the President alone. Had there been no law to
prohibit it when Mr. Stanton was removed the cases would have been parallel, and the
one might be adduced as an argument in favor of the other. But, since the action of any
of the Presidents to which he refers, a law had been passed by Congress, after a stubborn
controversy with the Executive, denying that right and prohibiting it in the future, and
imposing a severe penalty upon any executive officer who should exercise it; and that,
too, after the President had himself made issue on its constitutionality and been
defeated. No pretext, therefore, any longer existed that such right was vested in the
President by virtue of his office. Hence the attempt to shield himself under such
practice is a most lame evasion of the question at issue. "Did he "take care that this law
should be faithfully" executed?”
Preceded By: Abraham
State of Residence: TN
Spouse: Eliza Johnson
Political Party: Rep
VP(s): Vacancy
XVIII. Ulysses S. Grant (corruption and a weakened presidency)
Term of Office: 1865-69 Enjoying a Republican dominated nation and a war record
(called the “bloody shirt or flag”), Grant continued his public
service in the White House, easily winning election. Grant
might have excelled as a general and graduated from West
Point, but he had limited political, diplomatic, administrative,
or financial skills. Failed as a businessmen several times,
Grant was no better with his own finances. Grant trusted his
shifty friends who became his closest advisors. Keeping
troops in the South during Reconstruction, Grant failed to use
them effectively to protect African-Americans and stop
organizations like the KKK from terrorizing them. Numerous
scandals broke out that included everyone from his own
personal secretary to the Cabinet. Bribes were taken for the sale of Native American
land, millions of dollars in taxes were stolen, and Grant (while not involved in the
scandals) refused to believe that his friends would do such things and pardoned some of
them. Grant would often escape to a nearby hotel where politicians would chase him
down to ask favors in the lobby. He would refer to them as “those damn lobbyists
(maybe where we get the term from today).” Reconstruction of the South did continue
though, Colorado would be admitted as a state, the Fifteenth Amendment would be
passed, some prosecutions of Klan leaders would take place, and Grant signed a voters’
rights bill into law. Grant left the presidency relieved, overworked, and poor. Due to
his reliance on friends for advisors instead of traditional party leaders, the Republicans
(particularly the liberal Radicals) were weakened. The presidency also enjoyed a steady
decline in dominance as the twentieth century approached.
Preceded By: Andrew
State of Residence: TN
Spouse: Julia Boggs Grant
Political Party: Rep
VP(s): Henry Wilson,
Schuyler Colfax
XXVI. T. Roosevelt (modern liberal, re-escalation of power)
Term of Office: 1901-09 Like many VP’s of the past, TR or Teddy as he was sometimes
called, was supposed to be silenced by being made the second
chair of the nation. Progressive, idealistic, young, and brash were
all words to describe this popular force from New York. Upon
McKinley’s assassination, Roosevelt put his own brand on the
presidency and rebuilt the presidency to the power that Lincoln
had left it three and a half decades earlier. Intelligent and lusting
to learn, Roosevelt read constantly and kept many advisors to
discuss different subjects. Knowing that big business sometimes
was beneficial to the people, Roosevelt did allow some trusts or
monopolies to continue to exist. Those that proved more harmful than helpful were
busted to pieces. Favoring organized labor, Roosevelt became the first White House
friend of the unions, although he was willing to limit them if their strikes crippled the
nation's economy. Popular throughout the USA, he easily won election on his own.
Continuing to embolden the executive branch, he helped negotiate a peace in the
Russo-Japanese War, earning himself a Nobel Peace Prize and a place in international
politics for the USA. Roosevelt built on the Monroe Doctrine by adding his own
phrase; “speak softly and carry a big stick.” Trumping American influence in the
Western Hemisphere, Roosevelt encouraged Panamanians to revolt from Columbia,
after the latter country refused to let the USA build the Panama Canal. The new nation
of Panama became a partner in the American owned and built canal. Encouraging
domestic building, the president established the Newland Reclamation Act to build
dams to provide rural areas with water. Regulating bad products for the first time
became an acceptable political issue. Signing the Pure Food and Drug Act and the
Meat Inspection Act (after reading The Jungle), Roosevelt cleaned up American foods
and medicines. Roosevelt had served with Native and African-Americans in the
Spanish-American War. Opposed to racism, he had ended school segregation in New
York while governor, invited black community leader Booker T. Washington to the
White House for dinner (a first for blacks), and spoke openly against racism. He toned
this down though after rioting occurred throughout the South. Environmental
conservation was also on the mind of the avid hunter. After all, if all animals were
killed off, what would we hunt? The president (sometimes with executive orders and
not Congress) started five National Parks and many wildlife refuges. Deciding to
follow the two term tradition, Roosevelt did not run a second time. Cabinet member
William Taft ran as his successor and won. Disappointed with Taft’s conservativeness
(more likely that Taft did not do what Roosevelt wanted), TR attempted to take the
Republican nomination; instead he just split the Republican vote, giving Wilson the
Preceded By: William
State of Residence: New
Spouse: Edith Roosevelt
Political Party: Rep
VP(s): Henry Wilson,
Schuyler Colfax
XXVIII Wilson (foreign policy, succession)
Term of Office: 1913-21 Son of a minister, academic President of Princeton, and
former Governor of New Jersey, were all titles that laid out
the life of Wilson. Progressives liked him because he refused
to be influenced by the political machines of NJ and the big
trusts of the nation. Wilson continued TR’s trust busting
throughout the 1910’s. The Federal Trade Commission was
created to supervise businesses and the Federal Reserve Act
established a central banking system. He transferred the
nation’s tax revenue from tariffs to income tax allowed under
the sixteenth amendment. Believing that Latin American
instability threatened America’s economic interests there, he
used the military and state department to intervene in Haiti, the Dominican Republic,
and Nicaragua. When the elderly Mexican dictator Porfirio Diaz was ousted and chaos
ensued, the president had the port of Veracruz invaded to guarantee economic interest.
After withdrawing those troops, Rebel General Francisco “Pancho” Villa raided an
American town that killed seventeen Americans and 100 Mexicans. General “Black
Jack” John Pershing was sent with a detachment of soldiers to chase after Villa in vain.
Germany, already on an imperialistic binge, had threatened all vessels sending supplies
to its Allied Power enemies. The sinking of the ocean liner “Lusitanian” (which was
probably carrying supplies) and the Zimmerman telegraph (which promised territory
lost during the Mexican War back to Mexico if they helped Germany) finally gave
Wilson the excuse to ask for the declaration of war. His goals were obvious when he
declared his ‘Fourteen Points.” Wilson helped build the military to finish the First Great
War. Afterwards, the Versailles Treaty was signed by Wilson, but an increasingly
isolationist Republican Senate under the leadership of the Chair of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, Henry Cabot Lodge, would only help resolve disputes
internationally if Congress gave its permission first in each case. Wilson balked and
headed out on a 10,000 mile rail tour of the nation to propose his case (and regain
Democratic control of the Senate). On September 16, 1919, he began to feel the effects
of a stroke and would soon be paralyzed over half of his body. His wife and doctor
would be the only ones to see him. His wife carried out smaller duties, but because he
refused to resign or compromise, the Treaty of Versailles remained defunct.
Preceded By: William
Howard Taft
State of Residence: New
Spouse: Ellen Wilson
Political Party: Dem
VP(s): Thomas R. Marshall
XXXII. FDR (economic interference, WWII, term limitation)
Term of Office: 1933-45 Possibly the best American president or world leader of the
twentieth century, FDR led the nation through the Great
Depression and WWII. A generation of Americans grew up,
knowing no other president. Elected after the Great Depression
started, Roosevelt brought something that alluded Hoover;
optimism! His First One Hundred Days were ripe with legislation
and programs of the New Deal. Public Works, Community
programs, and many more ambitious solutions were created to get
the nation out of the Depression. Some progress was made, but it
was reversed again in the last half of the thirties. Despite that,
Americans reelected him repeatedly. He brought together the
New Deal coalition. Never before had the saying “politics make
strange bedfellows” been more true. Southern conservatives, intellectuals (Brain Trust),
African-Americans, Catholics, Jews, Unions, and Liberal Farmers all came together to support
him. One mistake he made was after the Supreme Court kept declaring his economic
interventions unconstitutional. He wanted to add more seats to the court so he could nominate
more men with his ideals. Congress rejected the idea. The Supreme Court though soon
changed its tone and stopped voiding his programs. He then started the Lend-Lease Act that
helped supply Britain and the USSR at the start of WWII. Roosevelt galvanized the nation on
12/7/41. Quickly the nation’s military was pushed into war mode and so was the economy.
Roosevelt left much battle planning to his generals and admirals, but helped plot diplomatic
efforts with the USSR and made major war decisions like concentrating on one theatre at a time
(Europe first), winning the war then solving the social problems of Europe like the Holocaust,
and developing the atom bomb. Roosevelt did check on his favorite generals, and although
appearing meddling, usually gave them what they wanted. Roosevelt’s death shocked the
nation and the world. A stroke took the life of this polio stricken man. Few knew the fragile
health of the man. Mistakes included Japanese internment of a people that never committed any
acts of treason, the Yalta Conference which gave too much trust to the USSR, and ignoring the
discrimination of many in Germany before the war, just to name a few. Despite these
miscalculations historians place Roosevelt close to Lincoln and Washington at the top of the list
of our great leaders.
First Inaugural Address, FDR, 1933 – ” This is a day of national consecration. And I am certain that
my fellow Americans expect that on my induction into the Presidency I will address them with a
candor and a decision which the present situation of our Nation impels. This is preeminently the
time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing
conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will
prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself
—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into
advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that
understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. I am convinced
that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days. In such a spirit on my part
and on yours we face our common difficulties. They concern, thank God, only material things.
Values have shrunken to fantastic levels; taxes have risen; our ability to pay has fallen; government
of all kinds is faced by serious curtailment of income; the means of exchange are frozen in the
currents of trade; the withered leaves of industrial enterprise lie on every side; farmers find no
markets for their produce; the savings of many years in thousands of families are gone.
More important, a host of unemployed citizens face the grim problem of existence, and an equally
great number toil with little return. Only a foolish optimist can deny the dark realities of the
moment. Yet our distress comes from no failure of substance. We are stricken by no plague of
locusts. Compared with the perils which our forefathers conquered because they believed and were
not afraid, we have still much to be thankful for. Nature still offers her bounty and human efforts
have multiplied it. Plenty is at our doorstep, but a generous use of it languishes in the very sight of
the supply.”
Preceded By: Herbert
State of Residence: New
Spouse: Eleanor
Political Party: Dem
VP(s): Harry S. Truman,
Henry A. Wallace, John
Nance Garner
XXXIII. Truman (keeping modern presidency, intra (1948), inter-party, Korea)
Term of Office: 1945-53 After ending WWII with the decision to drop the atom
bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, Truman was
under pressure from conservatives to end all New Deal
programs and return the reigns of the government over to
Congress. Truman refused, partially because a majority
of Americans were Democrats and wanted the programs
to continue. Truman was also under assault from the
more liberal wings of the party for not expanding social
programs. China collapsed to communism, which
Truman and the blame fell to Turman. He had not
intended to let Korea go the same way. Unions began
striking again since WWII was over, but it came in a flood. Too many strikes
led to anti-union feeling among the rest of the populous, especially due to some
clever advertising by corporations like GM. With the bogdown in cooperation in
1946, Republicans took control of Congress for the first time since 1930. Eager
to reel the nation back, Senator Taft of Ohio led the charge to conservative
pastures. Unfortunately for Taft, he misunderstood the nation’s mood. They
were tired of the bickering, not social programs, which is why they elected
Republicans. The Taft-Hartley Act was passed to roll back union cooperation
with Democrats, making political contributions from dues illegal and permission
to start “right to work” states where individuals had the right to drop out of the
union among other things. Truman tried to veto, but it was overridden when
Republicans combined with Southern Democrats. With a sagging approval
rating, Truman’s bid for election looked grim. When he talked about Civil-
rights, the South jumped the DNC in 1948 and formed the Dixiecrats or States’
Rights Party. Liberals were tired of a lack of expanding federal power and
programs, so they formed the Progressive Party. Republicans, realizing they had
miscalculated the need for a conservative voice in the government, nominated
moderate Governor of New York Thomas Dewey. Pollsters and politicians alike
predicted a Dewey landslide. Dewey was so confident he decided not to
campaign that much. When he did, he used vague slogans like “move forward,
come with me to the future.” Truman stumped the country making hundreds of
speeches. One man so surprised by the president’s enthusiasm yelled out “Give
em’ hell Harry!” which stuck with the campaign. Many, including newspapers
that already printed the next day’s headlines, thought Dewey had won election-
night. Truman not only defeated a popular Republican, but a three way party
split, and took back both houses of Congress. This was mostly due to when he
campaigned it was against the “do nothing Congress,” not against Dewey.
Truman then pushed forward with winning the Korean War, sending the first
advisors to Vietnam, desegregated the military, pushed forward Civil Rights
(limited), established NATO, helped mold the UN, and the Truman Doctrine and
Marshall Plans helped rebuild the world to stop communism. The Fair Deal at
home sought to raise the minimum wage, push for full employment, and
eliminate slums which outraged conservatives. As Korea dragged, so did his
approval rating. Truman decided not to run for reelection.
Preceded By: Franklin D.
State of Residence: New
Spouse: Elizabeth “Bess”
Political Party: Dem
VP(s): Alben W. Barkley
XXXIV. Eisenhower (strict constructionist, ironies of power, hands off party)
Term of Office: 1953-61 Running on war record, socially liberal, and fiscally
conservative; he pushed the moderate agenda of the party,
but refused to use the RNC to spread party popularity.
Eisenhower took the nomination after constant badgering
from both parties. Bringing troops home from Korea and
decreasing the size of the military by relying on nuclear
missiles reflected a Jeffersonian conservatism. Warning
of the military-congressional-industrial complex that built
the military for greedy needs, Eisenhower distrusted inner
Washington DC. Not cutting back on New Deal programs
earned him the ire of the conservative wing of the
Republican Party. Wanting to stay neutral in South, Ike
limited his involvement in Civil Rights, but ended up
sending troops to Little Rock to enforce desegregation. Staying non-partisan, it was hard to
tell he was a Republican. Passing through a series of heart problems and politically naive at
times, made him rely on aides and government to be self-reliable. Refusing to recognize
post-war recession, Ike remained popular, and then helped take credit for ending the
economic hiccup. Like presidents of the nineteenth century this former general remained
popular by staying away from politics. Due to this neutral nature, his presidency faded into
history with his move to a farm in Gettysburg, PA, to escape the public eye.
Military-Industrial Speech, Eisenhower, 1961 – “We now stand ten years past the midpoint of a
century that has witnessed four major wars among great nations. Three of these involved our own
country. Despite these holocausts America is today the strongest, the most influential and most
productive nation in the world. Understandably proud of this pre-eminence, we yet realize that
America's leadership and prestige depend, not merely upon our unmatched material progress,
riches and military strength, but on how we use our power in the interests of world peace and
human betterment…A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms
must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his
own destruction…Our military organization today bears little relation to that known by any of
my predecessors in peacetime, or indeed by the fighting men of World War II or Korea…Until
the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers
of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer
risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent
armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women
are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more
than the net income of all United States corporations…This conjunction of an immense military
establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence --
economic, political, even spiritual -- is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the
Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not
fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so
is the very structure of our society…In the councils of government, we must guard against the
acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial
complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist…We
must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We
should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the
proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful
methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together…Akin to, and largely
responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the
technological revolution during recent decades…Down the long lane of the history yet to be
written America knows that this world of ours, ever growing smaller, must avoid becoming a
community of dreadful fear and hate, and be instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and
respect. Such a confederation must be one of equals. The weakest must come to the conference
Preceded By: Harry S.
State of Residence: Kansas
Spouse: Mamie Eisenhower
Political Party: Rep
VP(s): Richard Nixon
table with the same confidence as do we, protected as we are by our moral, economic, and
military strength. That table, though scarred by many past frustrations, cannot be abandoned for
the certain agony of the battlefield.
XXXV. Kennedy (Cold War, diplomatic, de-centralized administration)
Term of Office: 1961-63 Bringing optimism and youth to the presidency, liberal
Kennedy barely inched by Nixon in 1960. Public
admiration grew for the president and his Camelot
White House. The first Catholic elected cast light on
minorities as he openly talked about supporting Civil
Rights and extending anti-poverty programs of the New
Deal. JFK was secretly worried about making Southern
Democrats mad and it was unknown if these ideas were
all just talk on behalf of the more liberal Attorney
General Robert Kennedy. The Bay of Pigs (that was
planned under Eisenhower) was a disaster, and Kennedy took the blame. Air
support was never ordered for the returning Cubans that were trying to take over
their homeland with American help. Trying to make peace in the Cold War,
Kennedy was afraid of looking soft on communism and he began sending aides
to Vietnam to help build a southern democratic resistance. Supplying the Soviet
blocked Berlin, and blockading missiles from being placed in Cuba, were strong
points against the Reds. Constantly surrounded by various aides Kennedy relied
on others to help make decisions, although his own vigor in learning proved him
an intelligent and deserving president. Most Americans remember him as a great
president, but many historians are reluctant to judge him, since he had so little
time in office.
Inaugural Address, JFK, 1961: “The world is very different now. For man holds in his
mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human
life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at
issue around the globe — the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity
of the state, but from the hand of God…We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of
that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe
alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans — born in this
century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient
heritage — and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights
to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today
at home and around the world…Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill,
that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend,
oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty... And so, my
fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for
your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you,
but what together we can do for the freedom of man…Finally, whether you are citizens
of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and
sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with
history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking his
blessing and his help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our
Preceded By: Dwight D.
State of Residence:
Spouse: Jacquelyn Kennedy
Political Party: Dem
VP(s): Lyndon B. Johnson
XXXVI. Johnson (Cold War continued, legislative control, Vietnam)
Term of Office: 1961-63 Wanting desperately to end poverty in the USA,
Johnson hated the rich/spoiled Kennedy and did
not work well with him. Beaten in the primaries,
Johnson agreed to balance the ticket and become
VP. After Kennedy’s assassination he began
using his Senate savvy to push enormous amount
of legislation through Congress. Foremost, the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 helped desegregate the
South, helped blacks, and led the way to
equality. Johnson, not Kennedy pushed for
equality (ironic since he was from a Southern
state that supported segregation). He also
pushed to extend welfare, unemployment benefits, Social Security, Medicare
and Medicaid, public education, the space program, urban renewal,
environmental protection, the first appointment of a black cabinet secretary,
black justice and many other minority groups and women to administration
positions, and the establishment of Ameri-Core. He won election to his own
term by the largest landside in history in 1964. Conservatives, like the losing
Berry Goldwater, learned to tamp down their right-wing beliefs in public.
Full-blown war against the communists and the dumping of most federal
programs were Republican ideas that frightened America. Johnson’s
powerful leadership intimidated opponents, but he asked for opinions of
aides before making final decisions. Unfortunately, the Vietnam War
bogged down the Johnson juggernaut. Afraid of looking friendly to
communists, Johnson escalated the war without making a national appeal for
fear of taking focus off his Great Society/War on Poverty programs.
Emotionally distraught and stressed beyond good health, he did not run a
second time. Slightly more good than bad, this president’s legacies will be
remembered through his legislation and his “his war.”
Preceded By: Richard M.
State of Residence: Texas
Spouse: Lady Bird Johnson
Political Party: Dem
VP(s): Hubert Humphrey
XXXVII. Nixon (Change politics, centralized power, Watergate)
Term of Office: 1969-74 Nixon began the switch of the South from the
Democratic to Republican column. He promised not to
push Civil Rights. Breaking the Democratic machine,
Nixon won the presidency, and would begin his term at
the end of the “American Century” (Economic
prosperity after WWII). Despite building his career on
anti-Communism and accusing opponents as being Red
sympathizers, he formed alliances with China and the
USSR, and chose to ignore Cuba. Pulling troops out of
Vietnam, Nixon claimed that there was “peace with
honor.” This came only after massive bombing campaigns of North Vietnam.
Withdrawing brought criticism from the Democrats that it was too little, too late,
and that the bombing just stalled the peace talks. Republicans charged that we
were leaving communists to run rampant. Most Americans were relieved that
the war was over though. Controlling every major decision and materials that
flowed through the White House, he did not trust anyone, not even the
Republican National Committee. Forming the Committee to RE-Elect the
President or CREEP, Nixon intended to have full control over everything. Staff
members of CREEP spied on Democratic opponents and broke into DNC
headquarters at the Watergate Hotel to look at papers and plant bugs (even
though Nixon was extremely popular and re-electable). Washington Post
reporters discovered the Watergate break in, combined with a presidential cover-
up. Resigning before impeachment due to public/party pressure and revelation
of tapes of Oval Office discussions of the Watergate cover-up, Nixon refused to
admit wrongdoing and claimed a lack of knowledge about the break in.
Economic collapse toward the end of his term due to instability would lead his
approval rating and reputation to atrocious levels. Historians rate him as one of
our worst presidents because of the corrupt nature of his administration. After
his funeral, decades later, historians chose to reconsider. Many remembered a
prosperous economy during most of his tenure and that peaceful tasks were
achieved and followed by despicable “high crimes and misdemeanors.”
Preceded By: Lyndon B.
State of Residence:
Spouse: Thelma (Pat) Nixon
Political Party: Rep
VP(s): Gerald Ford, Spiro
XXXVIII. Ford/Carter (Positively Active, yet Interpreted as Weak)
Term of Office: 1974-77 Inflation was occurring due to spending on Vietnam
and OPEC increasing oil prices. Once Vietnam was
over, companies that were once working for the
Department of Defense now had to cut back, and we
saw high unemployment. Federal Reserve Chairman
Volker was unable to create an immediate remedy to the
situation. Ford was unable to work with the Democratic
majority due to his fiscal conservativeness. Thinking
that he was healing the nation, Ford pardoned Nixon for
all possible crimes. There were rumors that a deal had
been made between himself and the former president.
Meanwhile it appeared that he was socially liberal and that displeased most
Republicans. Ford appeared to bumble everything from economy to foreign
policy. He did not want to appear overbearing or power hungry (opposite from
Nixon) which left a power vacuum. Barely re-nominated by his own party, he
lost to Georgian Governor Jimmy Carter in 1976
Preceded By: Richard Nixon
State of Residence:
Spouse: Elizabeth Ann
"Betty" Ford
Political Party: Rep
VP(s): Nelson Rockefeller
XXXIX. Ford/Carter (Positively Active, yet Interpreted as Weak)
Term of Office: 1977-81 Carter ran as an outsider and refused to get inside the
“corrupt DC scene” to help straighten the country out.
Using optimism and alternative solutions to problems,
Carter’s folksiness and lifestyle changes (like wearing a
sweater instead of using energy to stay warm) did not appeal
to voters in 1980. He toned down celebrations and
ceremonies because they seemed snobbish, not because he
disliked them. Americans at first liked his down-home
nature, but then realized they wanted a leader, not a neighbor
to run the country. Three events helped shape the image of
President Carter. Carter gave and aging and expensive Panama Canal back to its
home country which made it seem like he was appeasing foreigners. A nuclear
crisis at the Three Mile Island Plant in Pennsylvania was one of his highpoints. He
visited the site immediately afterward and used his experience as a nuclear naval
officer to help calm the public. Lastly, the religious government of Iran looked the
other way while students stormed the American Embassy in Tehran and took
hostages. Both a military rescue and early negotiations failed. The Iranians
eventually freed the hostages, but waited until the day Carter left office to give them
back just to spite him. An extremely moral man that was ironically not brutal
enough like Nixon to end America’s problems, appeared to be one of our best, but
was our worst.
Crisis of Confidence, Jimmy Carter, 1979 – “The erosion of our confidence in the future is
threatening to destroy the social and the political fabric of America. The confidence that we have
always had as a people is not simply some romantic dream or a proverb in a dusty book that we read
just on the Fourth of July. It is the idea which founded our nation and has guided our development as
a people. Confidence in the future has supported everything else -- public institutions and private
enterprise, our own families, and the very Constitution of the United States. Confidence has defined
our course and has served as a link between generations. We've always believed in something called
progress. We've always had a faith that the days of our children would be better than our own. Our
people are losing that faith, not only in government itself but in the ability as citizens to serve as the
ultimate rulers and shapers of our democracy. As a people we know our past and we are proud of it.
Our progress has been part of the living history of America, even the world. We always believed that
we were part of a great movement of humanity itself called democracy, involved in the search for
freedom, and that belief has always strengthened us in our purpose. But just as we are losing our
confidence in the future, we are also beginning to close the door on our past. In a nation that was
proud of hard work, strong families, close-knit communities, and our faith in God, too many of us
now tend to worship self-indulgence and consumption. Human identity is no longer defined by what
one does, but by what one owns. But we've discovered that owning things and consuming things does
not satisfy our longing for meaning. We've learned that piling up material goods cannot fill the
emptiness of lives which have no confidence or purpose. The symptoms of this crisis of the
American spirit are all around us. For the first time in the history of our country a majority of our
people believe that the next five years will be worse than the past five years. Two-thirds of our people
do not even vote. The productivity of American workers is actually dropping, and the willingness of
Americans to save for the future has fallen below that of all other people in the Western world. As
you know, there is a growing disrespect for government and for churches and for schools, the news
media, and other institutions. This is not a message of happiness or reassurance, but it is the truth and
Preceded By: Gerald
State of Residence:
Spouse: Eleanor
Rosalynn Carter
Political Party: Dem
VP(s): Walter Mondale
it is a warning. These changes did not happen overnight. They've come upon us gradually over the
last generation, years that were filled with shocks and tragedy.”
XL. Reagan (Change politics, populist)
Term of Office: 1981-89 Finally, someone brought out the silent majority of
Americans to a roar. Openly opposed to big government,
social programs, taxes, overzealous civil rights, and
environmentalism, this Republican king would seize the
American heart. Increased conservatism swept (especially
religious) into the party and Congress. Using an increased
military budget to scare off Communism in 3rd
countries, Reagan also used spending to bankrupt the USSR
out of existence, and eventually caused the Cold War to come
to an end. Ending political weakness, Reagan restored some
strength to the presidency and retained the fancy ceremonies
that his two predecessors thought were snobbish. Reagan
invoked them again so that every American admired and wanted to be president.
Speaking of back breaking government agencies and regulations, Reagan focused blame
of the economic recession in the early eighties on the federal government (ironically
that’s what he was in charge of as president). Populism and great speaking skills
allowed him to remain popular even through it was a hands-off presidency. Reagan
once scolded an aide for waking him in the middle of the night over a national security
issue involving a dogfight between an American and an enemy’s jet and said to only
bother him if it was “important.” Some unskilled advisors from Reagan’s circle of
friend were also brought to second level cabinet positions. Failing to balance the budget
or really even cut the government, Reagan’s utmost task of reeling in the “monster,”
was unsuccessful. Debt increased more than ever. Toward the end of his second term,
he did become more moderate, but seemingly less sharp in the mind. Vague illegal
activity in the Iran-Contra Scandal became sticky when Reagan “forgot” about specific
plans of selling weapons for hostage trading and the blame fell to messengers lower in
the food chain. These factors led to a declining approval rating, but still high enough for
a “third term” through his successor and vice-president; George HW Bush. History
would remember most of all, the optimism and humor that brought us out of the dismal
Various Quotes, Ronald Reagan 1981-1989 –
• "Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours.
And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his."
• "I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national emergency -- even if
I'm in a Cabinet meeting."
• "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government
and I'm here to help.'"
• “…you know there is a ten year delay in the Soviet Union for the delivery of an
automobile. And only one out of seven families in the Soviet Union own automobiles.
There is a 10 year wait, and you go through quite a process when you are ready to by,
and then you put up the money in advance… This man laid down the money, and the
fellow in charge said to him: Come back in 10 years and get your car… The man
answered: Morning or afternoon? And the fellow behind the counter said: Ten years
from now, what difference does it make? And he said: Well, the plumber is coming in
the morning.”
• “…the story about the two fellows in the Soviet Union who were walking down the
street and one of them says: Have we really achieved full communism? Is this it? Is this
Preceded By: Jimmy Carter
State of Residence:
Spouse: Nancy Reagan
Political Party: Rep
VP(s): George H. W. Bush
now full communism? The other one said: Oh no, things are gonna get a lot worse.”
XLII. Clinton (Populist, middle ground, Congress, impeachment)
Term of Office: 1993-01
Wishing to deflate the “liberal is evil” label and bringing the
party closer to the middle, were two of Clinton’s goals. This
saxophone player took on favored conservative measures that
were popular with the public. Welfare reform, school
uniforms, not allowing gays to serve in military openly,
keeping marriage traditions, bombing Iraq occasionally,
reforming affirmative action, balancing the budget, and cutting
government were all unusual for a Democrat. To please the
left of his party he stood firm for pro-choice voters, refused to
destroy welfare or affirmative action, sought to allow gays to
serve secretly in military, appointed two very liberal justices to
the Supreme Court, helped protect the Muslim minority in Kosovo, and increased funding to
Department of Education. Some say the party had lost its liberal roar; others say it was
necessary to win elections. Clinton made most of these changes after the Democrats lost
control of Congress and was threatened with being a lame duck president after only two
years in office. His presidential power was once again threatened after a long investigation
by Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr, who released a long and documented probe of the
Clintons. The only crime listed was when President Clinton testified on tape in a sexual
harassment suit. He testified that he had not had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, a
White House intern. Later evidence proved otherwise and it was obvious that Clinton had
committed perjury. The House impeached him, but the Senate fell far short of the votes
needed to remove him from office. The multi-media bashing of Clinton, the multi-million
dollar investigation that only turned up perjury, the hypocritical charges by Republicans
(some that had committed similar crimes and sins), and other factors caused Americans to
become frustrated with Congress and the Republicans’ majority in Congress slipped.
Clinton, even after he admitted he lied to the people, retained a 60% + approval rating, one
of the few presidents to leave with a higher rating than what he entered with.
Preceded By: George H. W.
State of Residence: Al Gore
Spouse: Hillary Clinton
Political Party: Dem
VP(s): Arkansas

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President reading 2015

  • 1. 2015 TheStrongandtheWeak Presidents While all of the American presidents served our nation in their own way, some had the gift of pulling our nation together, keeping law and order, leading by example and facilitating growth and prosperity. How would you classify the presidents? Are they strong or weak? Titusville Area School District Mr. Fredrick Smith American Government 302 East Walnut Street Titusville, PA 16354
  • 2. I. Washington (precedents) Term of Office: 1789-1797 George Washington established the presidency as a combination of dignity and professionalism without being royalty. Selecting a wide variety of cabinet members, Washington realized that he had limited knowledge of the law and politics, so he wanted advisors that were experts in these fields. Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton were of opposing opinions about the extent of the government. Jefferson felt that the government should restrain itself to what the Constitution said and use a strict interpretation. Alexander Hamilton on the other hand believed that the Constitution was a loose framework and that Washington and Congress should use its elastic clauses to make legislation and agencies according to the situation at hand. Washington would listen to both sides, but would usually side with Hamilton. One important case involved the First Bank of America. The Constitution laid out framework for taxes and a budget, but never specified where the money should be kept. Hamilton wanted to create a government bank that would collect, hold, and distribute government money. Jefferson opposed this because a bank is never mentioned in the Constitution. Washington recommended the bank, and it was established. This created a rift that would later cause Jefferson to leave the Cabinet. Washington also used military might to crush the Whiskey Rebellion (although violence was not needed). When the French Revolution broke out, many, including Jefferson, wanted to aid the revolutionaries to “further liberty.” Washington declared the nation’s neutrality in this event and the following war between Britain and France. Jay’s Treaty was signed with Britain to tie up loose ends left after the Revolution. Americans in general found the treaty appalling and Washington’s popularity suffered. Still popular enough to be reelected, he left after two terms by giving his Farewell Address which warned against entangling alliances with other nations and political divisions, which he saw between his former Cabinet members. Farwell Address: “In contemplating the causes which may disturb our Union, it occurs as a matter of serious concern, that any ground should have been furnished for characterizing parties by geographical discriminations, Northern and Southern, Atlantic and Western; whence designing men may endeavor to excite a belief that there is a real difference of local interests and views. One of the expedients of party to acquire influence, within particular districts, is to misrepresent the opinions and aims of other districts. You cannot shield yourselves too much against the jealousies and heart burnings which spring from these misrepresentations; they tend to render alien to each other those who ought to be bound together by fraternal affection….” Preceded By: None State of Residence: VA Spouse: Martha Washington Political Party: None VP(s): John Adams Analysis: 2
  • 3. II. John Adams (partisanship) Term of Office: 1797-1801 The election of 1796 was a tepid endorsement of a stronger government when the electors chose Adams over Jefferson. Due to the nature of the original Constitution, Jefferson became the vice-president. Since having the loser in direct line of succession was a bad idea, the 12th amendment changed it to the current electoral setup that allows a presidential and vice-presidential candidate to run as a team. Adams would be the first president with admitted political affiliations. He allied himself with Federalists that believed in loose construction of the Constitution like Alexander Hamilton. Despite extreme intelligence and knowledge of the law among other things, Adams was unable to draw broad alliances like Washington or large audiences due to his unsociable nature. Looking incompetent after a scandal involving bribery and French diplomats known as the XYZ Affair evolved, Adams signed the Alien and Sedition Acts to punish critics in the media. This made his popularity drop even further and gave Jefferson a clear victory in the election of 1800. Before leaving office he attempted to pack the Federal Court system with Federalists judges (they were known as the Midnight Judges). Sedition Acts, Section 2: “SEC. 2. That if any person shall write, print, utter. Or publish, or shall cause or procure to be written, printed, uttered or published, or shall knowingly and willingly assist or aid in writing, printing, uttering or publishing any false, scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United States, or either house of the Congress of the United States, or the President of the United States, with intent to defame the said government, or either house of the said Congress, or the said President, or to bring them. or either of them, into contempt or disrepute; or to excite against them, or either or any of them, the hatred of the good people of the United States, or to excite any unlawful combinations therein, for opposing or resisting any law of the United States, or any act of the President of the United States, done in pursuance of any such law, or of the powers in him vested by the constitution of the United States, or to resist, oppose, or defeat any such law or act, or to aid, encourage or abet any hostile designs of any foreign nation against the United States, their people or government, then such person, being thereof convicted before any court of the United States having jurisdiction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years.” Preceded By: Washington State of Residence: MA Spouse: Abigail Adams Political Party: Dem-Rep VP(s): Thomas Jefferson Analysis: 3
  • 4. III. Thomas Jefferson (strict constructionist, ironies of power) Term of Office: 1801-09 Coming to office on a sweep of popularity, Jefferson decided to reel back the government. Leading the opposition of the Federalists, he laid off government workers, soldiers, and sailors (even the Attorney General’s secretary was fired). Cutting back on the budget, he eliminated the deficit and cut back on the national debt. Believing that government was a necessary evil, Jefferson believed that individual rights and protecting even the most unpopular opinions was important for the young nation. Passing the Judiciary Act of 1801, the Congress wished to define a size and structure of the court system, and correct for Adams’s court packing. Reelected with high popularity, the president had to decide on two major issues that conflicted with his principles. The Barbary Pirates of the Northern African Coast had been harassing American shipping since it was no longer under the protection of the British. A small squadron of frigates (small and navigable battleships) sailed to the coast and defeated the pirates. This required building up the military for use other than defending the borders without officially declaring war. Diplomats were also sent to France to discuss the occupation of New Orleans. Jefferson wanted the city signed over by treaty so American merchants could use the Mississippi River. Napoleon was low on funds (due to his warlike nature) and offered to sell all of the Louisiana Purchase for fifteen million dollars. The diplomats agreed and went back to DC to get the approval of the president. Jefferson was unsure what to do. Land purchases were not in the Constitution and it would increase the debt again. The pros of buying the land were numerous. Increased natural resources, property for a growing population, and keeping the land out of foreign hands were all benefits. He decided to go ahead with the deal. French and British navies had been harassing American shipping and impressing (forcing people to serve) sailors. Jefferson retaliated by creating the Embargo Act of 1807 that forbade trade with France and Britain in particular. This hurt American merchants and Jefferson’s popularity declined. Reflecting his disliking for strong central power, Jefferson’s acknowledgements of his life accomplishments on his gravestone did not include his presidency. "It is proper you should understand what I deem the essential principles of our Government... Equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever persuasion, religious or political..." - First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1801 Preceded By: Adams State of Residence: VA Spouse: Martha Jefferson Political Party: Dem-Rep VP(s): Aaron Burr, George Clinton Analysis: 4
  • 5. VII. Andrew Jackson (populist, veto use, conflict w/ Congress, states’ rights) Term of Office: 1829-37 Being the first president from west of the Appalachians, and not connected to the elite circle of Revolutionaries, Jackson brought many friends to advise him (called the Kitchen Cabinet). Even his Inaugural Party was filled with farmers, hunters, trappers, and other frontiersman. Modeling himself after the conservative Jefferson, Jackson attempted to roll back the government. The First Bank had expired and had been reestablished as the Second Bank of America. Jackson charged that the bank was a friend of the rich and foreign investors so he vetoed its renewal. Nationalist projects like building roads and bridges were seen as benefiting businessmen, not the average person. He vetoed more legislation than all previous presidents combined. While attempting to cut back on the bureaucracy, the positions the president kept were filled with personal friends and supporters of his campaign. The phrase “to the victor belong the spoils” marked this spoils system of hiring. Tariffs were raised to help increase revenues for the national government (which helped eliminate almost all debt). South Carolina objected to the revenues because Southerners had to import many goods since there were few factories there. The state declared that the nation was still a confederation and they had a right to nullify or void any national law like the tariff. Despite supporting states’ rights and expanding more voting rights to the people, Jackson surprisingly asked Congress for a Force Bill that would have allowed him to use the military to enforce the Tariffs in South Carolina, and invade the entire state if they seceded from the Union over this issue. This put him at odds with the first term vice president, John Calhoun (who supported the nullification). Jackson also authorized the Indian Removal Act which forced the Native Americans of the South, especially Georgia, to leave for reservations in modern Oklahoma. Ironically the Cherokee (the largest tribe removed) had adopted European culture and had helped Jackson win the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812 (which boosted him to national fame). Congress, now under control of the Whigs (the opposition party) attempted to censure (official statement saying someone is doing wrong) and weaken him due to their anger over his many vetoes. Jackson remained very popular with the people by pressuring states to lax age and land owning requirements for voting and by proving that a self- educated frontiersman could become president. He also secured the Democratic Party by using political organizations in cities and rural regions to press people to vote for the party candidates. Bank Veto Message, 1832 – “It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes. Distinctions in society will always exist under every just government. Equality of talents, of education, or of wealth can not be produced by human institutions. In the full enjoyment of the gifts of Heaven and the fruits of superior industry, economy, and virtue, every man is equally entitled to protection by law; but when the laws undertake to add to these natural and just advantages artificial distinctions, to grant titles, gratuities, and exclusive privileges, to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society–the farmers, mechanics, and laborers–who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their Government.” Preceded By: Adams State of Residence: TN Spouse: Rachel Jackson Political Party: Dem VP(s): John Calhoun, Martin Van Buren Analysis: 5
  • 6. X. John Tyler Term of Office: 1841-45 Put on the ticket to provide youth and political experience, Tyler expected, like most vice-presidents, to do nothing. William Henry Harrison had been president for only one month. He had caught a cold at his inauguration and lay sick and dying for weeks. No one was sure as to what would happen upon his death. Vice President John Tyler had been selected to run with Harrison to pick up Southern votes. He was such a secondary figure that he didn’t even stay in Washington for the inauguration, retiring to his home in Williamsburg, Virginia, twenty – one hours away. Daniel Webster, the secretary of state, decided that Tyler should become president, largely to serve as a figurehead, whom the cabinet would control. John Quincy Adams didn’t think that Tyler was suited for the highest office, seeing it as testing the constitution by “a man never thought of for it (being president) by anyone.” Most people thought that Tyler would be the “vice president acting president.” When Harrison died, the cabinet issued the news and sent a letter to “John Tyler, Vice President of the United States.” He arrived in the capital and met with them at Brown’s Indian Queen Hotel. The cabinet said that all matters of state would be brought before the entire cabinet and would be decided by a majority vote; Tyler would have but one vote. They would become the chief executive by fiat. Tyler said that he believed that the power had “devolved” to him and he would be the president. Tyler was determined to show that he was a power and had Judge William Cranch, chief of the Circuit Court for the District of Columbia, swear him in. Knowing that possession is nine – tenths of the law, Tyler took over the White House and the presidency. It was a done deal. Even after being kicked out of his own party, and treated as if he was diseased by the Democrats, Tyler existed as a weaned executive. Tyler vetoed almost all of the Whig agenda once taking on the presidential role. His Whig cabinet eventually quit except for Daniel Webster, his Secretary of State (who wanted to finish the Webster – Ashburton Treaty with England). Tyler tried to connect with the Democrats by appointing John Calhoun his next Secretary of State, but it failed. Tyler spent most of his presidency being called “His Accidency.” Tyler’s support of states’ rights gave him moderate support in the South, but virtually none in the North. He actively advocated for the annexation of Texas at the end of his term. Preceded By: William Henry Harrison State of Residence: VA Spouse: Letitia Tyler Political Party: Whig VP(s): Vacancy Analysis: 6
  • 7. XI. Polk (Extreme control) Term of Office: 1845-49 After serving in a variety of positions including the Speaker of the House, Polk had appeared to be finished in politics. At the Democratic National Convention in 1844, many other popular candidates failed to require the supermajority (2/3) of the votes that were necessary for the party’s nomination. Polk was thrown into the mix and eventually won the nomination. Many Whigs replied to his candidacy with “Polk Who!?” The Whig nominee, Henry Clay did not cheer on the annexation of Texas as well as Polk, so Clay lost the election. Polk entered office with extreme vigor and enthusiasm. One other issue besides annexation approached the nation. Boundary determination for the Northwestern corner of the nation troubled the mountain men and missionaries of the region. Washington DC wanted the border to be set at 54°40' N. London wanted it considerably further to the south. The cry “Fifty – Four Forty or Fight” was a common cry among frontiersman. Polk got the Senate and Britain to agree on the boundary for the Northwest (where it is today). Texas was annexed a month before Polk took office, and was admitted as a state that December. Polk also re-established an independent treasury (a watered down central bank) and changed the tariff system to benefit the South. Mexico was furious that Texas had been annexed and claimed that the Nueces River (North of the Rio Grande) was the real border. Despite the negotiations of Ambassador John Slidell, Mexico did not budge. Polk sent General Zachary Taylor down to the Rio Grande (some believed to provoke the Mexicans). Fighting ensued which gave Polk the excuse to send more troops and ask for a declaration of war. Generals Taylor and Winfield Scott swept through Mexico while General Stephen Kearney took California. Scott and Taylor were both popular throughout the USA and were also Whigs, which made Polk politically jealous. Polk took close watch over the war, wanted constant updates, and gave constant orders. Ambassador Nicholas Trist negotiated a settlement with Mexico and got all territory in the modern day Southwest, Texas, and the West Coast, even after Polk had ordered him back to DC for taking so long. Endlessly striving, Polk achieved all of his campaign promises, a feat often not met. Tired from constant work, Polk did not stay for a second term and died shortly after leaving office from extremely poor health for his young age. Polk’s Declaration of War Request, 1846: “In my message at the commencement of the present session I informed you that upon the earnest appeal both of the Congress and convention of Texas I had ordered an efficient military force to take a position "between the Nueces and the Del Norte." This had become necessary to meet a threatened invasion of Texas by the Mexican forces, for which extensive military preparations had been made. The invasion was threatened solely because Texas had determined, in accordance with a solemn resolution of the Congress of the United States, to annex herself to our Union, and under these circumstances it was plainly our duty to extend our protection over her citizens and soil.” Preceded By: John Tyler State of Residence: TN Spouse: Sarah Polk Political Party: Dem VP(s): Vacancy Analysis: 7
  • 8. XVI. Lincoln (overuse of power?) Term of Office: 1861-65 Following the call of many Whigs, Lincoln joined the new Republican Party to oppose spreading slavery to the new territories of the West. Lincoln beat his former Senate campaign rival, Stephen Douglas and two other major candidates without winning a single Southern state. This proved to the South that their voice wasn’t heard. President James Buchanan sat idly by while the Lower South seceded. When Lincoln took office he ordered all forts to stay occupied by Union troops no matter what. Fort Sumter ran out of supplies and was attacked by the South, triggering the Upper South to leave the Union as well. Many believed that the slave states that stayed with the Union (Border States) did so out of loyalty. Actually, it was because Kentucky was placed under martial law, the secessionist members of the Maryland Legislature were placed under arrest, and an uprising was supported by Lincoln in Missouri. Lincoln also started to accumulate resources and the size of the military without Congress’s approval. Lincoln also knew that in order for the Union to win, he must restrict the rights of those that opposed the war. He suspended habeas corpus and held many suspected anti-war protestors in prison without being charged including government officials, publishers, journalists and others. President Lincoln also threatened war with Europe if it interfered in the affairs of the USA. Leadership of the war was preferably left up to the generals, but he desperately needed a good leader for the army. Constantly firing generals, Lincoln continued believing that they were too slow and not aggressive enough. When he first read of General Ulysses S. Grant’s ability to attack and never suggest surrender, Lincoln knew he had found his commander. Grant from then on controlled the army and most of the war effort. Lincoln also issued the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing all slaves in the territories still controlled by the Confederacy. He did not free slaves in the border states or in Confederate territory that had been conquered by the Union. This was considered a military decision to weaken the labor market in the South, to encourage a slave revolt, and to prove to the rest of the world that this was a war to end slavery so other nations should keep out. Running for re-election, Lincoln did not curtail the small Northern Democratic Party from preaching a peace campaign. Despite years of what seemed like infinite bloodshed, Lincoln won his second term. Notwithstanding the actions that are negatively portrayed, Lincoln achieved what appeared to achieve an impossible task. He forged a broken nation back together and finally answered a lingering question: Should the states or federal government be in control? Lincoln did this by strengthening the Federal government and executive branch to a level it had never seen before. Understanding that the nation must eat, he also added onto the executive branch domestically by creating the Department of Agriculture. Abraham Lincoln may still be viewed as an honest and decent man, so therefore he could have been trusted with such expansive powers. Others questioned the extent at which he wished to win the war and if that type of power grab would happen again. Stress led to quick aging and an assassin’s bullet saved Lincoln from a fight with Congress over what he believed should be a peaceful Reconstruction process. Second Inaugural Address, 1864 – “On the occasion corresponding to this four years ago all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impending civil war. All dreaded it, all sought to avert it. While the inaugural address was being delivered from this place, devoted altogether to saving the Union without war, insurgent agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without war—seeking to dissolve the Union and divide effects by negotiation. Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the war came.” Preceded By: James Buchanan State of Residence: IL Spouse: Mary Lincoln Political Party: Rep VP(s): Hannibal Hamlin, Andrew Johnson 8
  • 9. Analysis: XVII. Johnson (Congressional domination, impeachment): Term of Office: 1865-69 Johnson from the beginning had to tackle the task of becoming a replacement president. A conservative Democrat, Johnson hated the rich plantation owners who controlled the South and viewed secession as traitorous. He loved the rest of the Southerners though and was himself a racist. After the assassination of Lincoln, Johnson decided to readmit the Southern states and excuse all Southerners except the wealthy elite. Conservative state legislatures and representatives to DC were elected and refused to officially rescind their secessionist past or abolish slavery. Radical Republicans, a group that was a minority, but had a loud voice, protested and refused to recognize the Southern representatives when Congress convened. Johnson then vetoed the Freedmen’s Bureau and Civil Rights legislation, and spoke out against the 14th amendment. Johnson attempted to campaign around the West for his ideals, but he was such an offensive speaker that he actually cost conservative and moderate Congressmen their seats in the next election. Radicals increased their seats and passed the Tenure of Office Act which forced the president to keep the current Cabinet unless he had the Senate’s approval to fire them. Radicals called an emergency session to implement a military-ruled reconstruction and to oversee Johnson. Secretary Edwin Stanton, who always spoke his mind in an ineloquent way, soon irked Johnson into firing him. The House then impeached Johnson on violating the Tenure of Office Act. Agreeing to support the Radical’s plan for reconstruction and keep his mouth shut, he escaped removal in the Senate. The consequences were a diluted presidency and the frivolous use of impeachment that would not be used again for over a century. Rep. Thaddeus Stevens, prosecuting Johnson, 1868 - “The President justifies himself by asserting that all previous Presidents had exercised the same right of removing officers, for cause to be judged of by the President alone. Had there been no law to prohibit it when Mr. Stanton was removed the cases would have been parallel, and the one might be adduced as an argument in favor of the other. But, since the action of any of the Presidents to which he refers, a law had been passed by Congress, after a stubborn controversy with the Executive, denying that right and prohibiting it in the future, and imposing a severe penalty upon any executive officer who should exercise it; and that, too, after the President had himself made issue on its constitutionality and been defeated. No pretext, therefore, any longer existed that such right was vested in the President by virtue of his office. Hence the attempt to shield himself under such practice is a most lame evasion of the question at issue. "Did he "take care that this law should be faithfully" executed?” Preceded By: Abraham Lincoln State of Residence: TN Spouse: Eliza Johnson Political Party: Rep VP(s): Vacancy Analysis: 9
  • 10. XVIII. Ulysses S. Grant (corruption and a weakened presidency) Term of Office: 1865-69 Enjoying a Republican dominated nation and a war record (called the “bloody shirt or flag”), Grant continued his public service in the White House, easily winning election. Grant might have excelled as a general and graduated from West Point, but he had limited political, diplomatic, administrative, or financial skills. Failed as a businessmen several times, Grant was no better with his own finances. Grant trusted his shifty friends who became his closest advisors. Keeping troops in the South during Reconstruction, Grant failed to use them effectively to protect African-Americans and stop organizations like the KKK from terrorizing them. Numerous scandals broke out that included everyone from his own personal secretary to the Cabinet. Bribes were taken for the sale of Native American land, millions of dollars in taxes were stolen, and Grant (while not involved in the scandals) refused to believe that his friends would do such things and pardoned some of them. Grant would often escape to a nearby hotel where politicians would chase him down to ask favors in the lobby. He would refer to them as “those damn lobbyists (maybe where we get the term from today).” Reconstruction of the South did continue though, Colorado would be admitted as a state, the Fifteenth Amendment would be passed, some prosecutions of Klan leaders would take place, and Grant signed a voters’ rights bill into law. Grant left the presidency relieved, overworked, and poor. Due to his reliance on friends for advisors instead of traditional party leaders, the Republicans (particularly the liberal Radicals) were weakened. The presidency also enjoyed a steady decline in dominance as the twentieth century approached. Preceded By: Andrew Johnson State of Residence: TN Spouse: Julia Boggs Grant Political Party: Rep VP(s): Henry Wilson, Schuyler Colfax 10
  • 11. Analysis: XXVI. T. Roosevelt (modern liberal, re-escalation of power) Term of Office: 1901-09 Like many VP’s of the past, TR or Teddy as he was sometimes called, was supposed to be silenced by being made the second chair of the nation. Progressive, idealistic, young, and brash were all words to describe this popular force from New York. Upon McKinley’s assassination, Roosevelt put his own brand on the presidency and rebuilt the presidency to the power that Lincoln had left it three and a half decades earlier. Intelligent and lusting to learn, Roosevelt read constantly and kept many advisors to discuss different subjects. Knowing that big business sometimes was beneficial to the people, Roosevelt did allow some trusts or monopolies to continue to exist. Those that proved more harmful than helpful were busted to pieces. Favoring organized labor, Roosevelt became the first White House friend of the unions, although he was willing to limit them if their strikes crippled the nation's economy. Popular throughout the USA, he easily won election on his own. Continuing to embolden the executive branch, he helped negotiate a peace in the Russo-Japanese War, earning himself a Nobel Peace Prize and a place in international politics for the USA. Roosevelt built on the Monroe Doctrine by adding his own phrase; “speak softly and carry a big stick.” Trumping American influence in the Western Hemisphere, Roosevelt encouraged Panamanians to revolt from Columbia, after the latter country refused to let the USA build the Panama Canal. The new nation of Panama became a partner in the American owned and built canal. Encouraging domestic building, the president established the Newland Reclamation Act to build dams to provide rural areas with water. Regulating bad products for the first time became an acceptable political issue. Signing the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act (after reading The Jungle), Roosevelt cleaned up American foods and medicines. Roosevelt had served with Native and African-Americans in the Spanish-American War. Opposed to racism, he had ended school segregation in New York while governor, invited black community leader Booker T. Washington to the White House for dinner (a first for blacks), and spoke openly against racism. He toned this down though after rioting occurred throughout the South. Environmental conservation was also on the mind of the avid hunter. After all, if all animals were killed off, what would we hunt? The president (sometimes with executive orders and not Congress) started five National Parks and many wildlife refuges. Deciding to follow the two term tradition, Roosevelt did not run a second time. Cabinet member William Taft ran as his successor and won. Disappointed with Taft’s conservativeness (more likely that Taft did not do what Roosevelt wanted), TR attempted to take the Republican nomination; instead he just split the Republican vote, giving Wilson the win. Preceded By: William McKinley State of Residence: New York Spouse: Edith Roosevelt Political Party: Rep VP(s): Henry Wilson, Schuyler Colfax 11
  • 12. Analysis: XXVIII Wilson (foreign policy, succession) Term of Office: 1913-21 Son of a minister, academic President of Princeton, and former Governor of New Jersey, were all titles that laid out the life of Wilson. Progressives liked him because he refused to be influenced by the political machines of NJ and the big trusts of the nation. Wilson continued TR’s trust busting throughout the 1910’s. The Federal Trade Commission was created to supervise businesses and the Federal Reserve Act established a central banking system. He transferred the nation’s tax revenue from tariffs to income tax allowed under the sixteenth amendment. Believing that Latin American instability threatened America’s economic interests there, he used the military and state department to intervene in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua. When the elderly Mexican dictator Porfirio Diaz was ousted and chaos ensued, the president had the port of Veracruz invaded to guarantee economic interest. After withdrawing those troops, Rebel General Francisco “Pancho” Villa raided an American town that killed seventeen Americans and 100 Mexicans. General “Black Jack” John Pershing was sent with a detachment of soldiers to chase after Villa in vain. Germany, already on an imperialistic binge, had threatened all vessels sending supplies to its Allied Power enemies. The sinking of the ocean liner “Lusitanian” (which was probably carrying supplies) and the Zimmerman telegraph (which promised territory lost during the Mexican War back to Mexico if they helped Germany) finally gave Wilson the excuse to ask for the declaration of war. His goals were obvious when he declared his ‘Fourteen Points.” Wilson helped build the military to finish the First Great War. Afterwards, the Versailles Treaty was signed by Wilson, but an increasingly isolationist Republican Senate under the leadership of the Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Henry Cabot Lodge, would only help resolve disputes internationally if Congress gave its permission first in each case. Wilson balked and headed out on a 10,000 mile rail tour of the nation to propose his case (and regain Democratic control of the Senate). On September 16, 1919, he began to feel the effects of a stroke and would soon be paralyzed over half of his body. His wife and doctor would be the only ones to see him. His wife carried out smaller duties, but because he refused to resign or compromise, the Treaty of Versailles remained defunct. Preceded By: William Howard Taft State of Residence: New Jersey Spouse: Ellen Wilson Political Party: Dem VP(s): Thomas R. Marshall 12
  • 13. Analysis: XXXII. FDR (economic interference, WWII, term limitation) Term of Office: 1933-45 Possibly the best American president or world leader of the twentieth century, FDR led the nation through the Great Depression and WWII. A generation of Americans grew up, knowing no other president. Elected after the Great Depression started, Roosevelt brought something that alluded Hoover; optimism! His First One Hundred Days were ripe with legislation and programs of the New Deal. Public Works, Community programs, and many more ambitious solutions were created to get the nation out of the Depression. Some progress was made, but it was reversed again in the last half of the thirties. Despite that, Americans reelected him repeatedly. He brought together the New Deal coalition. Never before had the saying “politics make strange bedfellows” been more true. Southern conservatives, intellectuals (Brain Trust), African-Americans, Catholics, Jews, Unions, and Liberal Farmers all came together to support him. One mistake he made was after the Supreme Court kept declaring his economic interventions unconstitutional. He wanted to add more seats to the court so he could nominate more men with his ideals. Congress rejected the idea. The Supreme Court though soon changed its tone and stopped voiding his programs. He then started the Lend-Lease Act that helped supply Britain and the USSR at the start of WWII. Roosevelt galvanized the nation on 12/7/41. Quickly the nation’s military was pushed into war mode and so was the economy. Roosevelt left much battle planning to his generals and admirals, but helped plot diplomatic efforts with the USSR and made major war decisions like concentrating on one theatre at a time (Europe first), winning the war then solving the social problems of Europe like the Holocaust, and developing the atom bomb. Roosevelt did check on his favorite generals, and although appearing meddling, usually gave them what they wanted. Roosevelt’s death shocked the nation and the world. A stroke took the life of this polio stricken man. Few knew the fragile health of the man. Mistakes included Japanese internment of a people that never committed any acts of treason, the Yalta Conference which gave too much trust to the USSR, and ignoring the discrimination of many in Germany before the war, just to name a few. Despite these miscalculations historians place Roosevelt close to Lincoln and Washington at the top of the list of our great leaders. First Inaugural Address, FDR, 1933 – ” This is a day of national consecration. And I am certain that my fellow Americans expect that on my induction into the Presidency I will address them with a candor and a decision which the present situation of our Nation impels. This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself —nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days. In such a spirit on my part and on yours we face our common difficulties. They concern, thank God, only material things. Values have shrunken to fantastic levels; taxes have risen; our ability to pay has fallen; government of all kinds is faced by serious curtailment of income; the means of exchange are frozen in the currents of trade; the withered leaves of industrial enterprise lie on every side; farmers find no markets for their produce; the savings of many years in thousands of families are gone. More important, a host of unemployed citizens face the grim problem of existence, and an equally great number toil with little return. Only a foolish optimist can deny the dark realities of the moment. Yet our distress comes from no failure of substance. We are stricken by no plague of locusts. Compared with the perils which our forefathers conquered because they believed and were not afraid, we have still much to be thankful for. Nature still offers her bounty and human efforts have multiplied it. Plenty is at our doorstep, but a generous use of it languishes in the very sight of the supply.” Preceded By: Herbert Hoover State of Residence: New York Spouse: Eleanor Roosevelt Political Party: Dem VP(s): Harry S. Truman, Henry A. Wallace, John Nance Garner 13
  • 14. Analysis: XXXIII. Truman (keeping modern presidency, intra (1948), inter-party, Korea) Term of Office: 1945-53 After ending WWII with the decision to drop the atom bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, Truman was under pressure from conservatives to end all New Deal programs and return the reigns of the government over to Congress. Truman refused, partially because a majority of Americans were Democrats and wanted the programs to continue. Truman was also under assault from the more liberal wings of the party for not expanding social programs. China collapsed to communism, which Truman and the blame fell to Turman. He had not intended to let Korea go the same way. Unions began striking again since WWII was over, but it came in a flood. Too many strikes led to anti-union feeling among the rest of the populous, especially due to some clever advertising by corporations like GM. With the bogdown in cooperation in 1946, Republicans took control of Congress for the first time since 1930. Eager to reel the nation back, Senator Taft of Ohio led the charge to conservative pastures. Unfortunately for Taft, he misunderstood the nation’s mood. They were tired of the bickering, not social programs, which is why they elected Republicans. The Taft-Hartley Act was passed to roll back union cooperation with Democrats, making political contributions from dues illegal and permission to start “right to work” states where individuals had the right to drop out of the union among other things. Truman tried to veto, but it was overridden when Republicans combined with Southern Democrats. With a sagging approval rating, Truman’s bid for election looked grim. When he talked about Civil- rights, the South jumped the DNC in 1948 and formed the Dixiecrats or States’ Rights Party. Liberals were tired of a lack of expanding federal power and programs, so they formed the Progressive Party. Republicans, realizing they had miscalculated the need for a conservative voice in the government, nominated moderate Governor of New York Thomas Dewey. Pollsters and politicians alike predicted a Dewey landslide. Dewey was so confident he decided not to campaign that much. When he did, he used vague slogans like “move forward, come with me to the future.” Truman stumped the country making hundreds of speeches. One man so surprised by the president’s enthusiasm yelled out “Give em’ hell Harry!” which stuck with the campaign. Many, including newspapers that already printed the next day’s headlines, thought Dewey had won election- night. Truman not only defeated a popular Republican, but a three way party split, and took back both houses of Congress. This was mostly due to when he campaigned it was against the “do nothing Congress,” not against Dewey. Truman then pushed forward with winning the Korean War, sending the first advisors to Vietnam, desegregated the military, pushed forward Civil Rights (limited), established NATO, helped mold the UN, and the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plans helped rebuild the world to stop communism. The Fair Deal at home sought to raise the minimum wage, push for full employment, and eliminate slums which outraged conservatives. As Korea dragged, so did his approval rating. Truman decided not to run for reelection. Preceded By: Franklin D. Roosevelt State of Residence: New York Spouse: Elizabeth “Bess” Truman Political Party: Dem VP(s): Alben W. Barkley 14
  • 15. Analysis: XXXIV. Eisenhower (strict constructionist, ironies of power, hands off party) Term of Office: 1953-61 Running on war record, socially liberal, and fiscally conservative; he pushed the moderate agenda of the party, but refused to use the RNC to spread party popularity. Eisenhower took the nomination after constant badgering from both parties. Bringing troops home from Korea and decreasing the size of the military by relying on nuclear missiles reflected a Jeffersonian conservatism. Warning of the military-congressional-industrial complex that built the military for greedy needs, Eisenhower distrusted inner Washington DC. Not cutting back on New Deal programs earned him the ire of the conservative wing of the Republican Party. Wanting to stay neutral in South, Ike limited his involvement in Civil Rights, but ended up sending troops to Little Rock to enforce desegregation. Staying non-partisan, it was hard to tell he was a Republican. Passing through a series of heart problems and politically naive at times, made him rely on aides and government to be self-reliable. Refusing to recognize post-war recession, Ike remained popular, and then helped take credit for ending the economic hiccup. Like presidents of the nineteenth century this former general remained popular by staying away from politics. Due to this neutral nature, his presidency faded into history with his move to a farm in Gettysburg, PA, to escape the public eye. Military-Industrial Speech, Eisenhower, 1961 – “We now stand ten years past the midpoint of a century that has witnessed four major wars among great nations. Three of these involved our own country. Despite these holocausts America is today the strongest, the most influential and most productive nation in the world. Understandably proud of this pre-eminence, we yet realize that America's leadership and prestige depend, not merely upon our unmatched material progress, riches and military strength, but on how we use our power in the interests of world peace and human betterment…A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction…Our military organization today bears little relation to that known by any of my predecessors in peacetime, or indeed by the fighting men of World War II or Korea…Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations…This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence -- economic, political, even spiritual -- is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society…In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist…We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together…Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades…Down the long lane of the history yet to be written America knows that this world of ours, ever growing smaller, must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate, and be instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect. Such a confederation must be one of equals. The weakest must come to the conference Preceded By: Harry S. Truman State of Residence: Kansas Spouse: Mamie Eisenhower Political Party: Rep VP(s): Richard Nixon 15
  • 16. table with the same confidence as do we, protected as we are by our moral, economic, and military strength. That table, though scarred by many past frustrations, cannot be abandoned for the certain agony of the battlefield. Analysis: XXXV. Kennedy (Cold War, diplomatic, de-centralized administration) Term of Office: 1961-63 Bringing optimism and youth to the presidency, liberal Kennedy barely inched by Nixon in 1960. Public admiration grew for the president and his Camelot White House. The first Catholic elected cast light on minorities as he openly talked about supporting Civil Rights and extending anti-poverty programs of the New Deal. JFK was secretly worried about making Southern Democrats mad and it was unknown if these ideas were all just talk on behalf of the more liberal Attorney General Robert Kennedy. The Bay of Pigs (that was planned under Eisenhower) was a disaster, and Kennedy took the blame. Air support was never ordered for the returning Cubans that were trying to take over their homeland with American help. Trying to make peace in the Cold War, Kennedy was afraid of looking soft on communism and he began sending aides to Vietnam to help build a southern democratic resistance. Supplying the Soviet blocked Berlin, and blockading missiles from being placed in Cuba, were strong points against the Reds. Constantly surrounded by various aides Kennedy relied on others to help make decisions, although his own vigor in learning proved him an intelligent and deserving president. Most Americans remember him as a great president, but many historians are reluctant to judge him, since he had so little time in office. Inaugural Address, JFK, 1961: “The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe — the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God…We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans — born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage — and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world…Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty... And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man…Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking his blessing and his help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our Preceded By: Dwight D. Eisenhower State of Residence: Massachusetts Spouse: Jacquelyn Kennedy Political Party: Dem VP(s): Lyndon B. Johnson 16
  • 17. own.” Analysis: XXXVI. Johnson (Cold War continued, legislative control, Vietnam) Term of Office: 1961-63 Wanting desperately to end poverty in the USA, Johnson hated the rich/spoiled Kennedy and did not work well with him. Beaten in the primaries, Johnson agreed to balance the ticket and become VP. After Kennedy’s assassination he began using his Senate savvy to push enormous amount of legislation through Congress. Foremost, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 helped desegregate the South, helped blacks, and led the way to equality. Johnson, not Kennedy pushed for equality (ironic since he was from a Southern state that supported segregation). He also pushed to extend welfare, unemployment benefits, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, public education, the space program, urban renewal, environmental protection, the first appointment of a black cabinet secretary, black justice and many other minority groups and women to administration positions, and the establishment of Ameri-Core. He won election to his own term by the largest landside in history in 1964. Conservatives, like the losing Berry Goldwater, learned to tamp down their right-wing beliefs in public. Full-blown war against the communists and the dumping of most federal programs were Republican ideas that frightened America. Johnson’s powerful leadership intimidated opponents, but he asked for opinions of aides before making final decisions. Unfortunately, the Vietnam War bogged down the Johnson juggernaut. Afraid of looking friendly to communists, Johnson escalated the war without making a national appeal for fear of taking focus off his Great Society/War on Poverty programs. Emotionally distraught and stressed beyond good health, he did not run a second time. Slightly more good than bad, this president’s legacies will be remembered through his legislation and his “his war.” Preceded By: Richard M. Nixon State of Residence: Texas Spouse: Lady Bird Johnson Political Party: Dem VP(s): Hubert Humphrey Analysis: 17
  • 18. XXXVII. Nixon (Change politics, centralized power, Watergate) Term of Office: 1969-74 Nixon began the switch of the South from the Democratic to Republican column. He promised not to push Civil Rights. Breaking the Democratic machine, Nixon won the presidency, and would begin his term at the end of the “American Century” (Economic prosperity after WWII). Despite building his career on anti-Communism and accusing opponents as being Red sympathizers, he formed alliances with China and the USSR, and chose to ignore Cuba. Pulling troops out of Vietnam, Nixon claimed that there was “peace with honor.” This came only after massive bombing campaigns of North Vietnam. Withdrawing brought criticism from the Democrats that it was too little, too late, and that the bombing just stalled the peace talks. Republicans charged that we were leaving communists to run rampant. Most Americans were relieved that the war was over though. Controlling every major decision and materials that flowed through the White House, he did not trust anyone, not even the Republican National Committee. Forming the Committee to RE-Elect the President or CREEP, Nixon intended to have full control over everything. Staff members of CREEP spied on Democratic opponents and broke into DNC headquarters at the Watergate Hotel to look at papers and plant bugs (even though Nixon was extremely popular and re-electable). Washington Post reporters discovered the Watergate break in, combined with a presidential cover- up. Resigning before impeachment due to public/party pressure and revelation of tapes of Oval Office discussions of the Watergate cover-up, Nixon refused to admit wrongdoing and claimed a lack of knowledge about the break in. Economic collapse toward the end of his term due to instability would lead his approval rating and reputation to atrocious levels. Historians rate him as one of our worst presidents because of the corrupt nature of his administration. After his funeral, decades later, historians chose to reconsider. Many remembered a prosperous economy during most of his tenure and that peaceful tasks were achieved and followed by despicable “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Preceded By: Lyndon B. Johnson State of Residence: California Spouse: Thelma (Pat) Nixon Political Party: Rep VP(s): Gerald Ford, Spiro Agnew Analysis: 18
  • 19. XXXVIII. Ford/Carter (Positively Active, yet Interpreted as Weak) Term of Office: 1974-77 Inflation was occurring due to spending on Vietnam and OPEC increasing oil prices. Once Vietnam was over, companies that were once working for the Department of Defense now had to cut back, and we saw high unemployment. Federal Reserve Chairman Volker was unable to create an immediate remedy to the situation. Ford was unable to work with the Democratic majority due to his fiscal conservativeness. Thinking that he was healing the nation, Ford pardoned Nixon for all possible crimes. There were rumors that a deal had been made between himself and the former president. Meanwhile it appeared that he was socially liberal and that displeased most Republicans. Ford appeared to bumble everything from economy to foreign policy. He did not want to appear overbearing or power hungry (opposite from Nixon) which left a power vacuum. Barely re-nominated by his own party, he lost to Georgian Governor Jimmy Carter in 1976 Preceded By: Richard Nixon State of Residence: Michigan Spouse: Elizabeth Ann "Betty" Ford Political Party: Rep VP(s): Nelson Rockefeller Analysis: 19
  • 20. XXXIX. Ford/Carter (Positively Active, yet Interpreted as Weak) Term of Office: 1977-81 Carter ran as an outsider and refused to get inside the “corrupt DC scene” to help straighten the country out. Using optimism and alternative solutions to problems, Carter’s folksiness and lifestyle changes (like wearing a sweater instead of using energy to stay warm) did not appeal to voters in 1980. He toned down celebrations and ceremonies because they seemed snobbish, not because he disliked them. Americans at first liked his down-home nature, but then realized they wanted a leader, not a neighbor to run the country. Three events helped shape the image of President Carter. Carter gave and aging and expensive Panama Canal back to its home country which made it seem like he was appeasing foreigners. A nuclear crisis at the Three Mile Island Plant in Pennsylvania was one of his highpoints. He visited the site immediately afterward and used his experience as a nuclear naval officer to help calm the public. Lastly, the religious government of Iran looked the other way while students stormed the American Embassy in Tehran and took hostages. Both a military rescue and early negotiations failed. The Iranians eventually freed the hostages, but waited until the day Carter left office to give them back just to spite him. An extremely moral man that was ironically not brutal enough like Nixon to end America’s problems, appeared to be one of our best, but was our worst. Crisis of Confidence, Jimmy Carter, 1979 – “The erosion of our confidence in the future is threatening to destroy the social and the political fabric of America. The confidence that we have always had as a people is not simply some romantic dream or a proverb in a dusty book that we read just on the Fourth of July. It is the idea which founded our nation and has guided our development as a people. Confidence in the future has supported everything else -- public institutions and private enterprise, our own families, and the very Constitution of the United States. Confidence has defined our course and has served as a link between generations. We've always believed in something called progress. We've always had a faith that the days of our children would be better than our own. Our people are losing that faith, not only in government itself but in the ability as citizens to serve as the ultimate rulers and shapers of our democracy. As a people we know our past and we are proud of it. Our progress has been part of the living history of America, even the world. We always believed that we were part of a great movement of humanity itself called democracy, involved in the search for freedom, and that belief has always strengthened us in our purpose. But just as we are losing our confidence in the future, we are also beginning to close the door on our past. In a nation that was proud of hard work, strong families, close-knit communities, and our faith in God, too many of us now tend to worship self-indulgence and consumption. Human identity is no longer defined by what one does, but by what one owns. But we've discovered that owning things and consuming things does not satisfy our longing for meaning. We've learned that piling up material goods cannot fill the emptiness of lives which have no confidence or purpose. The symptoms of this crisis of the American spirit are all around us. For the first time in the history of our country a majority of our people believe that the next five years will be worse than the past five years. Two-thirds of our people do not even vote. The productivity of American workers is actually dropping, and the willingness of Americans to save for the future has fallen below that of all other people in the Western world. As you know, there is a growing disrespect for government and for churches and for schools, the news media, and other institutions. This is not a message of happiness or reassurance, but it is the truth and Preceded By: Gerald Ford State of Residence: Georgia Spouse: Eleanor Rosalynn Carter Political Party: Dem VP(s): Walter Mondale 20
  • 21. it is a warning. These changes did not happen overnight. They've come upon us gradually over the last generation, years that were filled with shocks and tragedy.” Analysis: XL. Reagan (Change politics, populist) Term of Office: 1981-89 Finally, someone brought out the silent majority of Americans to a roar. Openly opposed to big government, social programs, taxes, overzealous civil rights, and environmentalism, this Republican king would seize the American heart. Increased conservatism swept (especially religious) into the party and Congress. Using an increased military budget to scare off Communism in 3rd world countries, Reagan also used spending to bankrupt the USSR out of existence, and eventually caused the Cold War to come to an end. Ending political weakness, Reagan restored some strength to the presidency and retained the fancy ceremonies that his two predecessors thought were snobbish. Reagan invoked them again so that every American admired and wanted to be president. Speaking of back breaking government agencies and regulations, Reagan focused blame of the economic recession in the early eighties on the federal government (ironically that’s what he was in charge of as president). Populism and great speaking skills allowed him to remain popular even through it was a hands-off presidency. Reagan once scolded an aide for waking him in the middle of the night over a national security issue involving a dogfight between an American and an enemy’s jet and said to only bother him if it was “important.” Some unskilled advisors from Reagan’s circle of friend were also brought to second level cabinet positions. Failing to balance the budget or really even cut the government, Reagan’s utmost task of reeling in the “monster,” was unsuccessful. Debt increased more than ever. Toward the end of his second term, he did become more moderate, but seemingly less sharp in the mind. Vague illegal activity in the Iran-Contra Scandal became sticky when Reagan “forgot” about specific plans of selling weapons for hostage trading and the blame fell to messengers lower in the food chain. These factors led to a declining approval rating, but still high enough for a “third term” through his successor and vice-president; George HW Bush. History would remember most of all, the optimism and humor that brought us out of the dismal seventies. Various Quotes, Ronald Reagan 1981-1989 – • "Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his." • "I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national emergency -- even if I'm in a Cabinet meeting." • "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'" • “…you know there is a ten year delay in the Soviet Union for the delivery of an automobile. And only one out of seven families in the Soviet Union own automobiles. There is a 10 year wait, and you go through quite a process when you are ready to by, and then you put up the money in advance… This man laid down the money, and the fellow in charge said to him: Come back in 10 years and get your car… The man answered: Morning or afternoon? And the fellow behind the counter said: Ten years from now, what difference does it make? And he said: Well, the plumber is coming in the morning.” • “…the story about the two fellows in the Soviet Union who were walking down the street and one of them says: Have we really achieved full communism? Is this it? Is this Preceded By: Jimmy Carter State of Residence: California Spouse: Nancy Reagan Political Party: Rep VP(s): George H. W. Bush 21
  • 22. now full communism? The other one said: Oh no, things are gonna get a lot worse.” Analysis: XLII. Clinton (Populist, middle ground, Congress, impeachment) Term of Office: 1993-01 Wishing to deflate the “liberal is evil” label and bringing the party closer to the middle, were two of Clinton’s goals. This saxophone player took on favored conservative measures that were popular with the public. Welfare reform, school uniforms, not allowing gays to serve in military openly, keeping marriage traditions, bombing Iraq occasionally, reforming affirmative action, balancing the budget, and cutting government were all unusual for a Democrat. To please the left of his party he stood firm for pro-choice voters, refused to destroy welfare or affirmative action, sought to allow gays to serve secretly in military, appointed two very liberal justices to the Supreme Court, helped protect the Muslim minority in Kosovo, and increased funding to Department of Education. Some say the party had lost its liberal roar; others say it was necessary to win elections. Clinton made most of these changes after the Democrats lost control of Congress and was threatened with being a lame duck president after only two years in office. His presidential power was once again threatened after a long investigation by Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr, who released a long and documented probe of the Clintons. The only crime listed was when President Clinton testified on tape in a sexual harassment suit. He testified that he had not had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern. Later evidence proved otherwise and it was obvious that Clinton had committed perjury. The House impeached him, but the Senate fell far short of the votes needed to remove him from office. The multi-media bashing of Clinton, the multi-million dollar investigation that only turned up perjury, the hypocritical charges by Republicans (some that had committed similar crimes and sins), and other factors caused Americans to become frustrated with Congress and the Republicans’ majority in Congress slipped. Clinton, even after he admitted he lied to the people, retained a 60% + approval rating, one of the few presidents to leave with a higher rating than what he entered with. Preceded By: George H. W. Bush State of Residence: Al Gore Spouse: Hillary Clinton Political Party: Dem VP(s): Arkansas Analysis: 22