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Anatomy Review – Muscles
Presented by: Jon Chan
Muscles of the Neck
Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
› O: sternal head – top of manubrium; clavicular
head – clavicle (medial 1/3)
› I: mastoid process & occipital bone
› A: unilaterally – lateral flexion of the head to
the same side, rotation of the head to the
opposite side; bilaterally – flexion of the head
Muscles of the Scapula

Serratus Anterior
Trapezius (Upper, Middle, Lower)
Levator Scapulae
Rhomboid (Major / Minor)
Muscles of the Scapula
• Serratus Anterior
› O: Anterolateral Superior Borders of ribs 1-8
› I: Medial border of scapula (Anterior Surface)
› A: protraction and upward rotation of scapula
Muscles of the Scapula
Trapezius (upper fibers)
› O: occipital protuberance, spinous process of C1 to C7, ligamentum nuchae
› I: Lateral 1/3 of the clavicle
› A: Scapula elevation and upward rotation

Trapezius (middle fibers)
› O: spinous process of T1 to T5
› I: spine of scapula, acromion process (medial border)
› A: scapula retraction

Trapezius (lower fibers)
› O: spinous process of T6 to T12
› I: medial portion of spine of scapula
› A: Scapula depression, retraction and upward rotation
Muscles of the Scapula
Levator Scapulae
› O: transverse process of C1 to C4
› I: medial superior angle of scapula
› A: scapulae elevation and downward rotation

Rhomboid Minor
› O: spinous process of C7 and T1
› I: medial border of scapula, superior to spine of scapula
› A: retraction and elevation of the scapula,
aids in downward rotation of the scapula

Rhomboid Major
› O: spinous process of T2 to T5
› I: medial border of scapula, inferior to spine of scapula
› A: scapula retraction, elevation, downward rotation
Muscles of the Shoulder

Deltoid (anterior/middle/posterior)
Latissmus Dorsi
Teres Major
Pectoralis Major (Sternal / Clavicular heads)
Pectoralis Minor
Muscles of the Shoulder
Deltoid – Anterior
› O: Anterolateral 1/3 of clavicle
› I: deltoid tuberosity
› A: shoulder flexion, internal
rotation, and
horizontal adduction
Deltoid – Middle
› O: acromion process
› I: deltoid tuberosity
› A: Shoulder abduction
Deltoid – Posterior
› O: spine of scapula
› I: deltoid tuberosity
› A: Shoulder abduction,
extension, horizontal abduction and external rotation
Muscles of the Shoulder
Latissmus Dorsi
› O: Thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, 9-12 ribs, inferior
angle of scapula
› I: floor of biciptial groove of humerus
› A: shoulder extension, adduction and internal rotation
Teres Major
› O: inferior angle, inferior 1/3 lateral border of scapula
› I: medial lip of the bicipital groove of humerus
› A: shoulder extension, adduction and internal rotation
Teres Major
Muscles of the Shoulder
Pectoralis Major – Sternal portion
› O: sternum (anterior surface) and rib 1 - 7
› I: lateral lip of the bicipital groove of the humerus
› A: Shoulder adduction & internal rotation (both heads)
Sternocostal portion: shoulder Extension (from a flexed position)
Pectoralis Major – Clavicular portion
› O: medial ½ of clavicle (anterior surface)
› I: anterior, medial aspect of humerus, crest of greater tuberosity
› A: Shoulder adduction, internal rotation
Clavicular portion: shoulder flexion & horizontal adduction
Pectoralis Minor
› O: outer surface of ribs 3 -5 or 2-4 near costal cartilages
› I: coracoid process of scapula
› A: Scapula depression, downward rotation and anterior tilt
Muscles of the Rotator Cuff
Muscles of the Rotator Cuff
› O: supraspinous fossa
› I: greater tuberosity of humerus
› A: Shoulder abduction (esp 1st 30degree), stabilization of
the humeral head in the glenoid fossa
› O: infraspinous fossa
› I: greater tuberosity of humerus
› A: Shoulder External rotation, stabilization of the
humeral head in the glenoid fossa
Muscles of the Rotator Cuff
Teres Minor
› O: superior 2/3 of lateral border of scapula
› I: greater tuberosity of humerus
› A: Shoulder external rotation, stabilization of the humeral head in the
glenoid fossa
› O: subscapular fossa
› I: lesser tuberosity of humerus
› A: medial rotation of the shoulder, stabilization of the humeral head
in the glenoid fossa
Note: the preceding four muscles are referred to as the rotator cuff
Muscles of the Arm
• Anterior Compartment
– Bicep Brachii
– Coracobrachialis
– Brachialis
– Brachioradialis
Biceps Brachii

Muscles of the Arm – Anterior
Biceps Brachii
› Origin: Short head – coracoid process of scapula
› Long head – supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
› Insertion: both heads - radial tuberosity
› Action: Elbow flexion, Forearm supination, weak flexor
of shoulder
› O: coracoid process
› I: medial aspect of middle humerus
› A: Shoulder flexion & adduction
Muscles of the Arm – Anterior
› Origin: anterior surface of lower 1/2 humerus
› Insertion: coronoid process of ulna
› Action: Elbow flexion
› Origin: lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
› Insertion: styloid process of radius
› Action: Elbow flexion, Forearm pronation and
Muscles of the Arm
• Posterior Compartment
– Triceps

Long (visible)
Lateral (visible)
Muscles of the Arm – Posterior
Triceps Brachii
› O: Long head – infraglenoid tubercle of scapula
Lateral head – posterior humerus above
radial groove
Medial Head – posterior humerus, below
radial groove
› I: olecranon process of ulna
› A: Elbow Extension
Muscles of the Thigh
• Anterior thigh
1. Sartorius
2. Quadriceps

Rectus Femoris, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Lateralis,
Vastus Intermedius
Muscles of the Thigh (anterior)
› I: superior aspect of medial tibia
› A: Hip flexion, external rotation,
abduction; knee flexion
Muscles of the Thigh (anterior)
Rectus Femoris
› O: AIIS, ilium above acetabulum
› I: tibial tuberosity via quadricep tendon to patella via
patellar ligament
› A: extension of the knee, hip flexion
Vastus Lateralis
› O: greater trochanter, linea aspera (lateral lip)
› I: tibial tuberosity via quadricep tendon to patella via
patellar ligament
› A: knee extension
Muscles of the Thigh (Anterior)
Vastus Intermedius
› O: anterior, lateral, surface of femur (superior aspect)
› I: tibial tuberosity via quadricep tendon to patella via patellar
› A: extension of the knee
Vastus Medialis
› O: intertrochanteric line, linea aspera (medial lip)
› I: tibial tuberosity via quadricep tendon to patella via patellar
› A: extension of the knee
Note: the preceding four muscles are referred to as the quadriceps
Muscles of the Thigh
• Medial Thigh

Adductor longus
Adductor Brevis
Adductor Magnus
Muscles of the Thigh (medial)
Adductor Longus
› O: body of pubis (anterior)
› I: middle to inferior 1/3 of linea aspera (medial lip)
› A: Hip adduction
Adductor Brevis
› O: body of pubis & inferior ramus of pubis
› I: pectineal line & superior aspect of linea aspera (medial lip)
› A: hip adduction
Adductor Magnus
› O: Adductor part: inferior ramus of pubis; Hamstring part: ischial tuberosity
› I: Adductor part: medial portion of femur, Hamstring part: adductor tubercle
› A: adduction and lateral rotation of the femur, extension of the hip
Muscles of the thigh (medial)
› O: body & inferior ramus of pubis
› I: superior part of the medial tibia (pes anserinus)
› A: Hip adduction and knee flexion and knee
internal rotation
Muscles of the Thigh
• Posterior Thigh
1. Biceps Femoris
2. Semi-tendinosus
3. Semi-membranosus
Muscles of thigh (posterior)
Biceps Femoris
› Origin: long head - ischial tuberosity, short head – lateral lip of linea aspera
› Insertion: lateral side of the head of fibula
› Action: knee flexion and external rotation of knee(if knee flexed), hip extension

› O: ischial tuberosity
› I: superior surface of medial tibia
› A: knee flexion, internal rotation of the knee (if knee is flexed); hip extension

› O: ischial tuberosity
› I: posterior aspect of the medial condyle of the tibia
› A: flexion and medial rotation of the knee; extension, adduction and medial rotation
of the hip

Note: the preceding three muscles are referred to as the hamstrings
Muscles of the Hip
• Superfiscal Layer

Gluteus maximus
Gluteus medius
Gluteus minimus
Tensor fascia lata
Illiopsoas (psoas major / iliacus)
Muscles of the Hip
Gluteus Maximus
› O: ilium behind posterior gluteal line, sacrum, coccyx
› I: gluteal tuberosity and ITB
› A: hip extension and external rotation
Gluteus Medius
› O: ilium between posterior and anterior gluteal lines
› I: greater trochanter (lateral surface)
› A: Hip abduction & internal rotation, keep pelvis level
when LL on the same side bears weight
Muscles of the Hip
Gluteus Minimus
› O: ilium between anterior and inferior gluteal lines
› I: greater trochanter (anterior surface)
› A: hip flexion, abduction and internal rotation, keep
pelvis level when LL on the same side bears weight.
Tensor Fasciae Latae
› I: ITB
› A: Hip abduction and internal rotation
Muscles of the Hip
Psoas Major
› O: transverse process of all lumbar spine, sides of T12-L5 vertebrae
and discs.
› I: lesser trochanter of femur
› A: Hip flexion, maintains lordosis (posterior fibres)
› O: iliac fossa
› I: lesser trochanter of femur
› A: Hip flexion
the combination of psoas major and iliacus
Muscles of the Hip
• Deep Layer
– Piriformis
– Gemelli Superior
– Obturator Internus
– Gemelli Inferior
– Obturator Externus
– Quadratus femoris
Muscles of the Hip - deep
› O: sacrum (anterior surface)
› I: greater trochanter (medial surface)
› A: hip external rotation (with thigh extended), abduction and internal
rotation (with thigh flexed)

Obturator Externus
› O: outer surface of obturator foramen
› I: greater trochanter (medial surface)
› A: hip external rotation

Obturator Internus
› O: inner surface of obturator foramen
› I: greater trochanter (medial surface)
› A: hip external rotation
Muscles of the hip - deep
Gemellus Superior
› O: Ischial Spine
› I: greater trochanter (medial surface)
› A: Hip external rotation

Gemellus Inferior
› O: ischial tuberosity
› I: greater trochanter (medial surface)
› A: Hip external rotation

Quadratus Femoris
› O: lateral border of ischial tuberosity
› I: quadrate tubercle on intertrochanteric crest
› A: Hip external rotation
• Note: the preceding six muscles are referred to as the deep six lateral rotators of the
Muscles of the Leg
• Anterior Compartment
1. Tibialis Anterior
2. Extensor Hallucis Longus
3. Extensor Digitorum
Muscles of the Leg (Anterior)
Tibialis anterior (TA)
› O: lateral condyle and superior lateral surface of tibia
› I: medial and inferior surfaces of medial cuneiform & base of 1 st metatarsal
› A: Ankle dorsiflexion and ankle inversion
Extensor digitorum longus (EDL)
› O: lateral condyle of tibia, superior medial surface of fibula
› I: dorsal surfaces of bases of the middle and distal phalanges 2nd – 5th toes
› A: extension of the lateral 4 toes, dorsiflexion of ankle and eversion of foot
Extensor hallucis longus (EHL)
› O: anterior surface of fibula (middle part)
› I: dorsal base of distal phalanx of the 1st toe
› A: extension of 1st toe; ankle dorsiflexion
Muscles of the Leg
• Lateral Compartment
1. Peroneous Longus
2. Peroneous Brevis
Muscles of the Leg (lateral)
Peroneus longus

› O: head of fibula and superior portion of lateral surface
of fibula
› I: base of 1st metatarsal & medial cuneiform
› A: Ankle eversion, weak ankle plantar flexor

Peroneus brevis

› O: distal portion of lateral surface of fibula
› I: tuberosity of 5th metatarsal
› A: Ankle eversion, weak ankle plantar flexor
Muscles of the Leg
• Posterior Compartment
– Superficial
– Deep
1.Tibialis Posterior (TP)
2.Flexor Digitorum Longus (FDL)
3.Flexor Hallucis Longus (FHL)
Muscles of the Leg (posterior)
› O: lateral head - lateral condyle of femur; medial head - medial condyle of
› I: calcaneus via Achilles tendon (common calcaneal tendon)
› A: ankle plantar flexion, Knee flexion
› O: posterior surface of head and superior 1/3 of fibula; soleal line and
medial border of tibia
› I: calcaneus via Achilles tendon (common calcaneal tendon)
› A: ankle plantar flexion
› O: lateral condyle of femur (lateral surface)
› I: posterior surface of tibia, superior to soleal line
› A: Assist knee flexion, unlock knee joint (medially rotate tibia on unplanted
limb, laterally rotating femur on fixed tibia)
Muscles of the leg (Posterior)
Tibialis posterior

› O: posterior surface of tibia inferior to soleal line, posterior surface of fibula
› I: navicular, 3 cuneiforms and cuboid and 2nd, 3rd, 4th metatarsals
› A: ankle plantar flexion and inversion, supports medial arch of foot

Flexor digitorum longus (FDL)

› O: medial, posterior surface of tibia inferior to soleal line
› I: Bases of distal phalanges of the 2nd to 5th toes
› A: 2nd-5th toe flexion; ankle plantar flexion and inversion, supports medial arch of

Flexor hallucis longus (FHL)

› O: distal posterior surface of fibula
› I: plantar surface of the base of distal phalanx of the hallux
› A: great toe flexion; assist ankle plantar flexion and inversion, supports medial arch
of foot
Muscles of the trunk
• Superfical (Core Strength)
1. Rectus Abdominal
2. External Oblique
3. Internal Oblique

• Deep (Core Stability)
1. Transverse Abdominis
2. Diaphragm
3. Pelvic Floor (Levator Ani)
Muscles of the trunk
Rectus Abdominis
› O: pubic crest and symphysis
› I: costal cartilages of rib 5 to 7
› A: bilaterally – forward flexion of the trunk; unilaterally –› lateral flexion of the trunk
to the same side
External Oblique
› O: rib 5 to 12
› I: broad abdominal aponeurosis to the linea alba, anterior iliac crest
› A: bilaterally – forward flexion of the trunk; unilaterally – lateral flexion of the trunk
to the same side and rotation of the trunk to the opposite side
Internal Oblique
› O: medial iliac crest and thoracolumbar fascia
› I: rib 10 to 12
› A: bilaterally – forward flexion of the trunk; unilaterally – lateral flexion and rotation
of the trunk to the same side
Muscles of the trunk

Transversus Abdominis

› O: iliac crest; thoracolumbar fascia, rib 6 to 12
› I: broad abdominal aponeurosis to the linea alba
› A: compression of abdominal viscera; stabilization of the lumbo-pelvic region

› O: inner surface of the body wall: sternal portion – back of the xiphoid process;
costal portion – inner surfaces of lower six ribs; lumbar portion – anterior bodies
of lumbar vertebrae
› I: central tendon
› A: draws the central tendon downward increasing thoracic cavity volume during

Pelvic Floor
› refers to a group of muscles of the inferior pelvis
› made up of the puborectalis, pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus (collectively the levator
ani) and ischiococcygeus
› extends from the body of the pubis to the coccyx and between the ischial spines
› functions to stabilize the joints of the pelvis including the sacroiliac joint
Muslces of the Spine
• Superficial
Erectus Spinae group


Quadratus Lumborum

• Deep
Erectus Spinae Group - Superfical
Semispinalis thoracis
› O: transverse process of T6 to T12
› I: spinous process of C6 to T4
› A: unilaterally – rotation of the spine to the opposite side; bilaterally – extension of
the spine
Semispinalis cervicis
› O: transverse process of T1 to T6
› I: spinous process of C2 to C5
› A: unilaterally – lateral flexion of the spine to the same side, rotation of the spine to
the opposite side; bilaterally – extension of the spine
Semispinalis capitis
› Origin: transverse process of C5 to T6
› Insertion: occipital bone
› Action: unilaterally – lateral flexion of the neck to the same side, rotation of the head
and neck to the opposite side; bilaterally – extension of the head and neck
Erectus Spinae Group - Superfical
Iliocostalis lumborum
› O: thoracolumbar fascia from the sacrum to spinous process of T11 to L5
› I: rib 6 to 12
› A: unilaterally – lateral flexion of the spine to the same side; bilaterally –
extension of the spine
Iliocostalis thoracis
› O: rib 6 to 12
› I: rib 1 to 6
› A: unilaterally – lateral flexion of the spine to the same side; bilaterally –
extension of the spine
Iliocostalis cervicis
› O: rib 3 to 6
› I: transverse process of C4 to C6
› A: unilaterally – lateral flexion of the spine to the same side; bilaterally –
extension of the spine
Erectus Spinae Group - Superfical
Longissimus thoracis
› O: thoracolumbar fascia on the lumbar spine
› I: transverse process of T1 to T12 and rib 6 to 12
› A: unilaterally – lateral flexion of the spine to the same side; bilaterally – extension
of the spine
Longissimus cervicis
› O: transverse process of T1 to T5
› I: transverse process of C2 to C6
› A: unilaterally – lateral flexion of the spine to the same side; bilaterally – extension
of the spine
Longissimus capitis
› O: transverse process of C4 to T5
› I: mastoid process
› A: unilaterally – lateral flexion and rotation of the head to the same side; bilaterally –
extension of the head and neck
Muscles of the Spine – Superficial
Quadratus lumborum (QL)
› O: posterior iliac crest
› I: 12th rib and transverse process of L1 to L4
› A: unilaterally - Spine
lateral flexion,
bilaterally – aids
Spine extension
Muscles of the Spine - Deep
› O: sacrum, transverse process of L1 to T12 and
the articular process of C4 to C7
› I: spinous process of all vertebrae except C1
spanning 2 to 3 intervertebral spaces
› A: stabilization of the spine; unilaterally –
rotation of the spine to the opposite side.
lateral flexion of the spine to the same side;
bilaterally – extension of the spine
Ppt slides anatomy

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Ppt slides anatomy

  • 1. Anatomy Review – Muscles Presented by: Jon Chan
  • 2. Muscles of the Neck Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) › O: sternal head – top of manubrium; clavicular head – clavicle (medial 1/3) › I: mastoid process & occipital bone › A: unilaterally – lateral flexion of the head to the same side, rotation of the head to the opposite side; bilaterally – flexion of the head
  • 3.
  • 4. Muscles of the Scapula 1. 2. 3. 4. Serratus Anterior Trapezius (Upper, Middle, Lower) Levator Scapulae Rhomboid (Major / Minor)
  • 5. Muscles of the Scapula • Serratus Anterior › O: Anterolateral Superior Borders of ribs 1-8 › I: Medial border of scapula (Anterior Surface) › A: protraction and upward rotation of scapula
  • 6.
  • 7. Muscles of the Scapula Trapezius (upper fibers) › O: occipital protuberance, spinous process of C1 to C7, ligamentum nuchae › I: Lateral 1/3 of the clavicle › A: Scapula elevation and upward rotation Trapezius (middle fibers) › O: spinous process of T1 to T5 › I: spine of scapula, acromion process (medial border) › A: scapula retraction Trapezius (lower fibers) › O: spinous process of T6 to T12 › I: medial portion of spine of scapula › A: Scapula depression, retraction and upward rotation
  • 8. Muscles of the Scapula Levator Scapulae › O: transverse process of C1 to C4 › I: medial superior angle of scapula › A: scapulae elevation and downward rotation Rhomboid Minor › O: spinous process of C7 and T1 › I: medial border of scapula, superior to spine of scapula › A: retraction and elevation of the scapula, aids in downward rotation of the scapula Rhomboid Major › O: spinous process of T2 to T5 › I: medial border of scapula, inferior to spine of scapula › A: scapula retraction, elevation, downward rotation
  • 9. Muscles of the Shoulder 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Deltoid (anterior/middle/posterior) Latissmus Dorsi Teres Major Pectoralis Major (Sternal / Clavicular heads) Pectoralis Minor
  • 10. Muscles of the Shoulder Deltoid – Anterior › O: Anterolateral 1/3 of clavicle › I: deltoid tuberosity › A: shoulder flexion, internal rotation, and horizontal adduction Deltoid – Middle › O: acromion process › I: deltoid tuberosity › A: Shoulder abduction Deltoid – Posterior › O: spine of scapula › I: deltoid tuberosity › A: Shoulder abduction, extension, horizontal abduction and external rotation
  • 11. Muscles of the Shoulder Latissmus Dorsi › O: Thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, 9-12 ribs, inferior angle of scapula › I: floor of biciptial groove of humerus › A: shoulder extension, adduction and internal rotation Teres Major › O: inferior angle, inferior 1/3 lateral border of scapula › I: medial lip of the bicipital groove of humerus › A: shoulder extension, adduction and internal rotation
  • 13. Muscles of the Shoulder Pectoralis Major – Sternal portion › O: sternum (anterior surface) and rib 1 - 7 › I: lateral lip of the bicipital groove of the humerus › A: Shoulder adduction & internal rotation (both heads) Sternocostal portion: shoulder Extension (from a flexed position) Pectoralis Major – Clavicular portion › O: medial ½ of clavicle (anterior surface) › I: anterior, medial aspect of humerus, crest of greater tuberosity › A: Shoulder adduction, internal rotation Clavicular portion: shoulder flexion & horizontal adduction Pectoralis Minor › O: outer surface of ribs 3 -5 or 2-4 near costal cartilages › I: coracoid process of scapula › A: Scapula depression, downward rotation and anterior tilt
  • 14.
  • 15. Muscles of the Rotator Cuff
  • 16. Muscles of the Rotator Cuff Supraspinatus › O: supraspinous fossa › I: greater tuberosity of humerus › A: Shoulder abduction (esp 1st 30degree), stabilization of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa Infraspinatus › O: infraspinous fossa › I: greater tuberosity of humerus › A: Shoulder External rotation, stabilization of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa
  • 17. Muscles of the Rotator Cuff Teres Minor › O: superior 2/3 of lateral border of scapula › I: greater tuberosity of humerus › A: Shoulder external rotation, stabilization of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa Subscapularis › O: subscapular fossa › I: lesser tuberosity of humerus › A: medial rotation of the shoulder, stabilization of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa Note: the preceding four muscles are referred to as the rotator cuff
  • 18. Muscles of the Arm • Anterior Compartment – Bicep Brachii – Coracobrachialis – Brachialis – Brachioradialis
  • 20. Muscles of the Arm – Anterior Compartment Biceps Brachii › Origin: Short head – coracoid process of scapula › Long head – supraglenoid tubercle of scapula › Insertion: both heads - radial tuberosity › Action: Elbow flexion, Forearm supination, weak flexor of shoulder Coracobrachialis › O: coracoid process › I: medial aspect of middle humerus › A: Shoulder flexion & adduction
  • 21. Muscles of the Arm – Anterior Compartment Brachialis › Origin: anterior surface of lower 1/2 humerus › Insertion: coronoid process of ulna › Action: Elbow flexion Brachioradialis › Origin: lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus › Insertion: styloid process of radius › Action: Elbow flexion, Forearm pronation and supination
  • 22. Muscles of the Arm • Posterior Compartment – Triceps • • • Long (visible) Medial Lateral (visible)
  • 23. Muscles of the Arm – Posterior Compartment Triceps Brachii › O: Long head – infraglenoid tubercle of scapula Lateral head – posterior humerus above radial groove Medial Head – posterior humerus, below radial groove › I: olecranon process of ulna › A: Elbow Extension
  • 24.
  • 25. Muscles of the Thigh • Anterior thigh 1. Sartorius 2. Quadriceps • Rectus Femoris, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Intermedius
  • 26. Muscles of the Thigh (anterior) Sartorius › O: ASIS › I: superior aspect of medial tibia › A: Hip flexion, external rotation, abduction; knee flexion
  • 27. Muscles of the Thigh (anterior) Rectus Femoris › O: AIIS, ilium above acetabulum › I: tibial tuberosity via quadricep tendon to patella via patellar ligament › A: extension of the knee, hip flexion Vastus Lateralis › O: greater trochanter, linea aspera (lateral lip) › I: tibial tuberosity via quadricep tendon to patella via patellar ligament › A: knee extension
  • 28. Muscles of the Thigh (Anterior) Vastus Intermedius › O: anterior, lateral, surface of femur (superior aspect) › I: tibial tuberosity via quadricep tendon to patella via patellar ligament › A: extension of the knee Vastus Medialis › O: intertrochanteric line, linea aspera (medial lip) › I: tibial tuberosity via quadricep tendon to patella via patellar ligament › A: extension of the knee Note: the preceding four muscles are referred to as the quadriceps
  • 29.
  • 30. Muscles of the Thigh • Medial Thigh 1. 2. 3. 4. Adductor longus Adductor Brevis Adductor Magnus Gracilis
  • 31. Muscles of the Thigh (medial) Adductor Longus › O: body of pubis (anterior) › I: middle to inferior 1/3 of linea aspera (medial lip) › A: Hip adduction Adductor Brevis › O: body of pubis & inferior ramus of pubis › I: pectineal line & superior aspect of linea aspera (medial lip) › A: hip adduction Adductor Magnus › O: Adductor part: inferior ramus of pubis; Hamstring part: ischial tuberosity › I: Adductor part: medial portion of femur, Hamstring part: adductor tubercle › A: adduction and lateral rotation of the femur, extension of the hip
  • 32. Muscles of the thigh (medial) Gracilis › O: body & inferior ramus of pubis › I: superior part of the medial tibia (pes anserinus) › A: Hip adduction and knee flexion and knee internal rotation
  • 33.
  • 34. Muscles of the Thigh • Posterior Thigh 1. Biceps Femoris 2. Semi-tendinosus 3. Semi-membranosus
  • 35. Muscles of thigh (posterior) Biceps Femoris › Origin: long head - ischial tuberosity, short head – lateral lip of linea aspera › Insertion: lateral side of the head of fibula › Action: knee flexion and external rotation of knee(if knee flexed), hip extension Semitendinosus › O: ischial tuberosity › I: superior surface of medial tibia › A: knee flexion, internal rotation of the knee (if knee is flexed); hip extension Semimembranosus › O: ischial tuberosity › I: posterior aspect of the medial condyle of the tibia › A: flexion and medial rotation of the knee; extension, adduction and medial rotation of the hip • Note: the preceding three muscles are referred to as the hamstrings
  • 36.
  • 37. Muscles of the Hip • Superfiscal Layer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Gluteus maximus Gluteus medius Gluteus minimus Tensor fascia lata Illiopsoas (psoas major / iliacus)
  • 38. Muscles of the Hip Gluteus Maximus › O: ilium behind posterior gluteal line, sacrum, coccyx › I: gluteal tuberosity and ITB › A: hip extension and external rotation Gluteus Medius › O: ilium between posterior and anterior gluteal lines › I: greater trochanter (lateral surface) › A: Hip abduction & internal rotation, keep pelvis level when LL on the same side bears weight
  • 39. Muscles of the Hip Gluteus Minimus › O: ilium between anterior and inferior gluteal lines › I: greater trochanter (anterior surface) › A: hip flexion, abduction and internal rotation, keep pelvis level when LL on the same side bears weight. Tensor Fasciae Latae › O: ASIS › I: ITB › A: Hip abduction and internal rotation
  • 40.
  • 41. Muscles of the Hip Psoas Major › O: transverse process of all lumbar spine, sides of T12-L5 vertebrae and discs. › I: lesser trochanter of femur › A: Hip flexion, maintains lordosis (posterior fibres) Iliacus › O: iliac fossa › I: lesser trochanter of femur › A: Hip flexion Iliopsoas the combination of psoas major and iliacus
  • 42.
  • 43. Muscles of the Hip • Deep Layer – Piriformis – Gemelli Superior – Obturator Internus – Gemelli Inferior – Obturator Externus – Quadratus femoris
  • 44. Muscles of the Hip - deep Piriformis › O: sacrum (anterior surface) › I: greater trochanter (medial surface) › A: hip external rotation (with thigh extended), abduction and internal rotation (with thigh flexed) Obturator Externus › O: outer surface of obturator foramen › I: greater trochanter (medial surface) › A: hip external rotation Obturator Internus › O: inner surface of obturator foramen › I: greater trochanter (medial surface) › A: hip external rotation
  • 45. Muscles of the hip - deep Gemellus Superior › O: Ischial Spine › I: greater trochanter (medial surface) › A: Hip external rotation Gemellus Inferior › O: ischial tuberosity › I: greater trochanter (medial surface) › A: Hip external rotation Quadratus Femoris › O: lateral border of ischial tuberosity › I: quadrate tubercle on intertrochanteric crest › A: Hip external rotation • Note: the preceding six muscles are referred to as the deep six lateral rotators of the hip
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  • 47. Muscles of the Leg • Anterior Compartment 1. Tibialis Anterior 2. Extensor Hallucis Longus 3. Extensor Digitorum
  • 48. Muscles of the Leg (Anterior) Tibialis anterior (TA) › O: lateral condyle and superior lateral surface of tibia › I: medial and inferior surfaces of medial cuneiform & base of 1 st metatarsal › A: Ankle dorsiflexion and ankle inversion Extensor digitorum longus (EDL) › O: lateral condyle of tibia, superior medial surface of fibula › I: dorsal surfaces of bases of the middle and distal phalanges 2nd – 5th toes › A: extension of the lateral 4 toes, dorsiflexion of ankle and eversion of foot Extensor hallucis longus (EHL) › O: anterior surface of fibula (middle part) › I: dorsal base of distal phalanx of the 1st toe › A: extension of 1st toe; ankle dorsiflexion
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  • 50. Muscles of the Leg • Lateral Compartment 1. Peroneous Longus 2. Peroneous Brevis
  • 51. Muscles of the Leg (lateral) Peroneus longus › O: head of fibula and superior portion of lateral surface of fibula › I: base of 1st metatarsal & medial cuneiform › A: Ankle eversion, weak ankle plantar flexor Peroneus brevis › O: distal portion of lateral surface of fibula › I: tuberosity of 5th metatarsal › A: Ankle eversion, weak ankle plantar flexor
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  • 53. Muscles of the Leg • Posterior Compartment – Superficial 1.Gastrocnemius 2.Soleus – Deep 1.Tibialis Posterior (TP) 2.Flexor Digitorum Longus (FDL) 3.Flexor Hallucis Longus (FHL)
  • 54. Muscles of the Leg (posterior) Gastrocnemius › O: lateral head - lateral condyle of femur; medial head - medial condyle of femur › I: calcaneus via Achilles tendon (common calcaneal tendon) › A: ankle plantar flexion, Knee flexion Soleus › O: posterior surface of head and superior 1/3 of fibula; soleal line and medial border of tibia › I: calcaneus via Achilles tendon (common calcaneal tendon) › A: ankle plantar flexion Popliteus › O: lateral condyle of femur (lateral surface) › I: posterior surface of tibia, superior to soleal line › A: Assist knee flexion, unlock knee joint (medially rotate tibia on unplanted limb, laterally rotating femur on fixed tibia)
  • 56. Muscles of the leg (Posterior) Tibialis posterior › O: posterior surface of tibia inferior to soleal line, posterior surface of fibula › I: navicular, 3 cuneiforms and cuboid and 2nd, 3rd, 4th metatarsals › A: ankle plantar flexion and inversion, supports medial arch of foot Flexor digitorum longus (FDL) › O: medial, posterior surface of tibia inferior to soleal line › I: Bases of distal phalanges of the 2nd to 5th toes › A: 2nd-5th toe flexion; ankle plantar flexion and inversion, supports medial arch of foot Flexor hallucis longus (FHL) › O: distal posterior surface of fibula › I: plantar surface of the base of distal phalanx of the hallux › A: great toe flexion; assist ankle plantar flexion and inversion, supports medial arch of foot
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  • 58. Muscles of the trunk • Superfical (Core Strength) 1. Rectus Abdominal 2. External Oblique 3. Internal Oblique • Deep (Core Stability) 1. Transverse Abdominis 2. Diaphragm 3. Pelvic Floor (Levator Ani)
  • 59. Muscles of the trunk Rectus Abdominis › O: pubic crest and symphysis › I: costal cartilages of rib 5 to 7 › A: bilaterally – forward flexion of the trunk; unilaterally –› lateral flexion of the trunk to the same side External Oblique › O: rib 5 to 12 › I: broad abdominal aponeurosis to the linea alba, anterior iliac crest › A: bilaterally – forward flexion of the trunk; unilaterally – lateral flexion of the trunk to the same side and rotation of the trunk to the opposite side Internal Oblique › O: medial iliac crest and thoracolumbar fascia › I: rib 10 to 12 › A: bilaterally – forward flexion of the trunk; unilaterally – lateral flexion and rotation of the trunk to the same side
  • 60. Muscles of the trunk Transversus Abdominis › O: iliac crest; thoracolumbar fascia, rib 6 to 12 › I: broad abdominal aponeurosis to the linea alba › A: compression of abdominal viscera; stabilization of the lumbo-pelvic region Diaphragm › O: inner surface of the body wall: sternal portion – back of the xiphoid process; costal portion – inner surfaces of lower six ribs; lumbar portion – anterior bodies of lumbar vertebrae › I: central tendon › A: draws the central tendon downward increasing thoracic cavity volume during inhalation Pelvic Floor › refers to a group of muscles of the inferior pelvis › made up of the puborectalis, pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus (collectively the levator ani) and ischiococcygeus › extends from the body of the pubis to the coccyx and between the ischial spines › functions to stabilize the joints of the pelvis including the sacroiliac joint
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  • 64. Muslces of the Spine • Superficial Erectus Spinae group • • • Semispinalis Iliocoastalis Lumborum Quadratus Lumborum • Deep Multifidus
  • 65. Erectus Spinae Group - Superfical Semispinalis thoracis › O: transverse process of T6 to T12 › I: spinous process of C6 to T4 › A: unilaterally – rotation of the spine to the opposite side; bilaterally – extension of the spine Semispinalis cervicis › O: transverse process of T1 to T6 › I: spinous process of C2 to C5 › A: unilaterally – lateral flexion of the spine to the same side, rotation of the spine to the opposite side; bilaterally – extension of the spine Semispinalis capitis › Origin: transverse process of C5 to T6 › Insertion: occipital bone › Action: unilaterally – lateral flexion of the neck to the same side, rotation of the head and neck to the opposite side; bilaterally – extension of the head and neck
  • 66. Erectus Spinae Group - Superfical Iliocostalis lumborum › O: thoracolumbar fascia from the sacrum to spinous process of T11 to L5 › I: rib 6 to 12 › A: unilaterally – lateral flexion of the spine to the same side; bilaterally – extension of the spine Iliocostalis thoracis › O: rib 6 to 12 › I: rib 1 to 6 › A: unilaterally – lateral flexion of the spine to the same side; bilaterally – extension of the spine Iliocostalis cervicis › O: rib 3 to 6 › I: transverse process of C4 to C6 › A: unilaterally – lateral flexion of the spine to the same side; bilaterally – extension of the spine
  • 67. Erectus Spinae Group - Superfical Longissimus thoracis › O: thoracolumbar fascia on the lumbar spine › I: transverse process of T1 to T12 and rib 6 to 12 › A: unilaterally – lateral flexion of the spine to the same side; bilaterally – extension of the spine Longissimus cervicis › O: transverse process of T1 to T5 › I: transverse process of C2 to C6 › A: unilaterally – lateral flexion of the spine to the same side; bilaterally – extension of the spine Longissimus capitis › O: transverse process of C4 to T5 › I: mastoid process › A: unilaterally – lateral flexion and rotation of the head to the same side; bilaterally – extension of the head and neck
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  • 69. Muscles of the Spine – Superficial Quadratus lumborum (QL) › O: posterior iliac crest › I: 12th rib and transverse process of L1 to L4 › A: unilaterally - Spine lateral flexion, bilaterally – aids Spine extension
  • 70. Muscles of the Spine - Deep Multifidus › O: sacrum, transverse process of L1 to T12 and the articular process of C4 to C7 › I: spinous process of all vertebrae except C1 spanning 2 to 3 intervertebral spaces › A: stabilization of the spine; unilaterally – rotation of the spine to the opposite side. lateral flexion of the spine to the same side; bilaterally – extension of the spine